Plant flowering plants in April. What flowers and when to sow in April

The buildings 11.06.2019
The buildings

Sowing in April no longer causes as much trouble as February and May plantings. Plants sown in April grow more independent and strong. They have enough sunny color, they are more hardened and adapted to the natural environment. In April, more and more often, seeds are planted for seedlings not at home, but in greenhouses, greenhouses, in sheltered and heated beds. Cold-resistant roots and green crops sown directly into the ground.

What to plant in April 2018 according to the lunar calendar

The simplest rule that many gardeners adhere to is to plant on the growing Moon and not plant on the New Moon. However, you can also plant seedlings and flowers in April on the waning moon. It is important to take into account the influence of other factors: the phase of the moon, the lunar day, the sign of the zodiac and the day of the week.


What to plant for seedlings in April

The seedling season in April is still ongoing. Seeds of cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes are sown without picking.

In the first decade of April, they sow in a greenhouse onion onion, onion shallot, onion- leek, Red onion. The mode of growing onion seedlings is the same as that of cabbage, so they are also sown in greenhouses.

Also for seedlings in April you can sow: peanut, melons, fennel.

Try to grow microgreens at home. It's delicious, healthy and very easy. when real harvests are still far away, microgreens will become an excellent supplier of vitamins and save them from their lack in the spring.



Cucumbers are sown for seedlings in many regions in April.

  • In the first half of the month - if it is possible to transplant cucumbers to a permanent place in 30-35 days (in a greenhouse, under temporary film shelters).
  • And cucumbers are sown for seedlings from April 15, if they plan to plant them no earlier than the second half of May.
  • Cucumbers are sown in spacious containers - tetrapacks or homemade paper cups. Seeds must be tested for germination, reliable.
  • They don't dive. Transshipment is planted in the ground.




Tomatoes for seedlings in the first decade of April can be sown

  1. mid-season and late varieties,
  2. varieties that are planned to be planted in open ground,
  3. varieties for growing at home on a balcony or windowsill.

There is an option to sow tomato seeds in April and grow seedlings without picking.


In April, seeds of white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage, Savoy, broccoli can be sown for seedlings.

  • The terms stretch from the first decade of April to the end of the month, depending on the variety, climatic features and the planned timing of planting in the ground.
  • Cabbage is transplanted into the ground at 40-50 days of age, depending on the variety and type of cabbage.
  • Conditions for keeping seedlings of cabbage - approx. 12 ºC, so it is often sown in spring greenhouses, greenhouses. There are more comfortable indicators of temperature, humidity, more light.

Cabbage is often sown from 1 to 10 April. All types and varieties of cabbage are sown in these terms in a greenhouse, because cabbage seedlings need cool conditions. When sowing at home, you will have to move the seedlings from the balcony to the refrigerator, and vice versa.

1. Kohlrabi and Beijing cabbage (Chinese, leaf) are sown by direct sowing in the ground. Otherwise, after transplantation, they will bloom and will not form cabbages.

2. When planting seedlings in the ground color cabbage and broccoli, they need a place where there will be sun before lunch, and shade in the afternoon. Otherwise, premature ejection of the peduncle and the collapse of the cabbage head will occur.

3. White cabbage, savoy and redhead cabbage - all these species love the bright sun throughout the daylight hours. Therefore, open sunny areas are selected for them.

What to plant outdoors in April

In April, cold-resistant green crops are sown in open ground, root crops - carrots, beets, radishes. Having previously covered the beds with arcs for quick heating, you can get the first harvest of fresh herbs already for the May holidays.

Arugula good in salads and as a condiment. A little bush of arugula looks like a radish and has a sharp peppery flavor. leafy mustard sown in early April.

  • cilantro

Cilantro, sown in the earliest April dates, gives a very dense crop of fragrant greens already by the May holidays. Especially with additional cover with arcs.

  • Parsley

You can sow both leaf and root parsley in April. Parsley root is very convenient to sow. Even if you do not grow parsley on the root, in the summer it gives greens. Then the root remains to winter, and the next season gives a fresh and early vitamin harvest. The first fragrant twigs can be tasted during the May holidays. Leafy parsley makes abundant greens for cutting in season.

  • Dill

Dill varieties are very different both in taste and in the type of plant development. There are bush varieties, they do not bloom for a very long time, they give abundant greenery. Other varieties, on the contrary, give umbrellas very early in the middle of summer in order to use dill seeds for seasoning in preparations for the winter.

  • Garlic

At the end of April, you can plant in the ground rocambole and sprouted teeth spring garlic.

  • Legumes

Beans, peas, beans are cold-resistant crops that can withstand short-term frosts. They can be sown in the ground in April (toward the end of the month), provided that the soil has warmed up to +10 ºC.

  • Radish

Radishes can be sown in very early dates. Radish sown under temporary film shelters or in a polycarbonate greenhouse gives a harvest in early May.

  • Potato

In April, potatoes are planted if they plan to grow them under a film for an early harvest.

  • Carrot

In early April, it is very convenient to sow granular carrot seeds. The soil during this period is saturated with life-giving moisture, the granules (which are usually sown before winter) dissolve well and quickly in moist soil.


  • Beet

Beets are sown at the end of the month. When sowing seeds in April, it is recommended to apply deoxidizers (dolomite flour, bone meal).

What flowers to plant in April

In April, flowers can already be sown in open ground and hanging planters. April flower seedlings are stronger than February and March. Plants in April receive more sun and grow in conditions close to natural. At the same time, flowering begins later, but it continues until October-November. This is true for regions with a long warm autumn.

From flowers in April you can sow:

  1. Alyssum,
  2. Malopu,
  3. lobelia,
  4. matiolu,
  5. asters,
  6. Dahlias annuals,
  7. Marigold,
  8. Dimorphotheque,
  9. Mirabilis,
  10. morning glory,
  11. Sweet pea,
  12. Amaranth,
  13. Decorative varieties of sunflower and cabbage.

Tall little papa blooms with huge buds in white, cream, pink and fuchsia.

Lobelia, a universal favorite, is sown in the first decade of April so that flowering begins in June.

matiolu It is advised to sow by direct sowing in open ground.

Aster and dahlias- quite cold-resistant plants. They can be sown for seedlings in April both at home on the windowsill and in a greenhouse in the country.

  • Dimorfoteka, or cape daisy

Lush bushes with graceful daisy flowers will bloom all summer from the end of June to the end of October. Withstand the first autumn frosts. The height of different varieties varies from 25 to 45 cm, and outwardly they will be very different from each other.

  • Mirabilis

It rises easily and quickly. Sow each grain in a separate container. Seeds can be germinated beforehand to improve germination.

  • Ipomoea

Seeds are best pre-soaked and grown before sowing. Not all seeds germinate, and pre-germination will save you from picking and culling unsprouted seeds. Ipomoea is sown in separate containers and supports are immediately placed, this helps the development of the plant. After germination, morning glory grows very quickly. Therefore, you should not hurry with sowing in early April, you can plant it in the middle of the month. The grown seedlings transferred to the garden in May will bloom in June in the conditions of the Middle Strip.

  • Sweet pea

Great for vertical gardening. You can plant it next to morning glory. Together they create a fantasy openwork pattern of delicate flowers. Ipomoea blooms early in the morning, while sweet peas continue to bloom during the day. Sweet peas deftly cling to the support with their antennae, so you can create amazing things with it. vertical compositions in the garden - on a pergola, on a pyramid support, etc. At the same time, peas spread a pleasant delicate floral aroma.

  • Amaranth tailed

Especially good in autumn garden arrangements. Plants are powerful and showy, bloom late and for a long time, even in cold regions. Amaranth can be sown directly in the greenhouse in mid or late April. Seedlings are actively growing and are ready for transplanting to a permanent place in May (after the threat of return frosts).

  • decorative sunflower

It grows in compact bushes, gives abundant flowers in the form of lush velvety caps. Which, like the sun in the garden, delight the grower all season. Seeds are best germinated. Decorative sunflower can be sown at home, laying out each seed in a separate cup. Or sow, like marigolds, immediately into the greenhouse.

  • decorative cabbage

Good because it blooms until late autumn. Often you can find a picture of how it flaunts in hoarfrost and even powdered with the first snowball. When choosing varieties, pay attention to undersized forms of ornamental cabbage 30-35 cm high. They look more spectacular. Tall varieties reach 60 cm. Do not rush to sow, you can wait until the end of April. 30-35-day-old seedlings are planted in the ground after the threat of spring frosts has passed.

Flowers for seedlings in April - 28 flower crops to be sown for seedlings in April.

Flowers for seedlings in April - 28 most popular with flower growers

Most recently, we discussed which flowers should be sown for seedlings in March, and today let's remember which flower crops should be sown for seedlings in April.

  1. Astra is an annual. Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing them for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April; sown in containers with fertile light soil.
  2. Marigold. Seeds of marigolds can be sown in a greenhouse, a hotbed, or simply under a film - in a garden bed. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.
  3. Ageratum. The seeds of the ageratum are very small - about 5000 of them are contained in 1 gram. That is why this heat-loving plant is propagated by sowing seedlings in the first half of April. Seeds are sown in boxes or a greenhouse filled with a previously prepared moistened soil mixture, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. Subject to the optimum temperature and ensuring soil moisture, the seeds of ageratum germinate as early as 10 days after sowing. And as soon as the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, they dive.
  4. Kochia (summer cypress). Cochia seeds are sown for seedlings until the end of April in a container with a universal soil mixture, slightly pressing them into the ground (they need light to germinate). Seedlings appear in about 10 days.
  5. Aquilegia (catchment). Aquilegia seeds are sown in the first half of April in pre-prepared greenhouses, pots, cups, or in the second half of April directly into the ground. Before sowing, scarification is recommended (mechanical violation of the integrity of the seed coat), which improves germination. To do this, just before sowing, the seeds should be lightly rubbed with fine sandpaper. Shoots of aquilegia appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of one or two true leaves, already strengthened and slightly grown seedlings dive into containers of a larger diameter (about 5x5 cm).
  6. Amaranth. Amaranth seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of April, without embedding them in the soil, but only slightly dusting with peat or fine sand. Seedlings appear 8-18 days after sowing. Before planting in the ground, amaranth seedlings must be hardened and planted in a slightly inclined position, deepening the plant down to the first leaf.
  7. Limonium Suvorov. Sowing limonium Suvorov for seedlings is carried out in pots with a universal soil substrate in early April. The seeds themselves are only lightly sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear approximately 12-14 days after sowing. The grown seedlings dive into large containers, and are planted in open ground in the middle of May.
  8. Venidium. Sow seedlings throughout April. Sow to a depth of about 0.5 cm, and seedlings appear about 20-25 days after sowing.
  9. Dahlias are annuals. Seeds of annual dahlias for seedlings are sown in the first half of April in a universal soil substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand. At a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° C, the seeds germinate for 5-10 days, and after another 2 weeks, slightly strengthened seedlings can already dive into small separate containers.
  10. Delphinium (perennial). We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds - about 3 mm - with a layer of soil mixture and wait for the shoots that will appear after about 8-12 days.
  11. Daisy. It is possible to sow daisies for seedlings throughout April, only superficially. Seeds sprout at the optimum temperature of +21…+24°С for 7-14 days. 2 weeks after germination, seedlings dive.
  12. Scabious. For seedlings, scabiosa seeds are sown until mid-April in a universal soil mixture. Seedlings at a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 ° C appear unfriendly: on the 12-15th day - in the stellate scabiosa, on the 18-25th day in the Caucasian and on the 7-14th day in the dark purple scabiosa. Three weeks after the seedlings have risen, they dive, and with the onset of June they are planted in open ground.
  13. Tritoma berry (knifofiya). To obtain seedlings, the seeds of the berry tritoma are sown until mid-April. Shoots appear after 15-20 days, and after another 3 weeks, the seedlings dive in a container bigger size. Plants are planted in a permanent place closer to July, and knifofiya blooms only in the second, and sometimes the third year.
  14. Celosia. Celosia seeds are sown through the second week of April, inclusive, without planting them in the ground during sowing, but simply scattering them over the surface of a moist soil substrate. Before the emergence of seedlings - and this is about 7 days - the container with seedlings is covered with a film or glass.
  15. Zinnia is elegant. It is necessary to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings from mid-April. The seeds are sown in a universal soil substrate, and they germinate approximately 6-7 days after sowing. They are planted in open ground only in early June, as they are afraid of return frosts.
  16. basil
  17. Vatochnik
  18. Helipterum (Acroclinum)
  19. Gazania (gazania or African chamomile)
  20. sweet peas
  21. Dichondra silver (emerald)
  22. Ipomoea
  23. xerantenum
  24. Aubrieta (Obrietia)
  25. Nimesia
  26. Osteospermum
  27. Godetia
  28. Decorative cabbage.

Annual asters are herbaceous plants with a powerful fibrous root system and stiff stems of a green or slightly reddish color. Flowering begins from the end of June and lasts until October. Small seeds (and 1 g contains about 500) ripen 35-40 days after the start of flowering. Remain viable for 2-3 years.

The flowering of the annual aster begins from the end of June and lasts until October.

The soil mixture for growing seedlings of annual asters can be prepared independently by mixing sand, peat and soddy soil (1: 1: 2). Seedlings will sprout about a week after sowing. As soon as the first true leaf appears, it is time to dive into separate pots or into a greenhouse (greenhouse).


I always grow seedlings of marigolds - the plants are strong, they bloom earlier.

Seeds of marigolds can be sown in a greenhouse, a hotbed, or simply under a film - in a garden bed. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.


Ageratum, popularly nicknamed long-flowered for its long flowering, is loved by many precisely for this feature. With the help of ageratum, gardeners create bright, beautiful borders and borders that bloom long time. It is also successfully used for growing in pots and hanging containers.

Ageratum "Artist Blue Viol".

Ageratum in the flowerbed.

Kochia (summer cypress)

The incredibly spectacular appearance of kochia (summer cypress) has made her a favorite of many gardeners. It looks spectacular on any flower bed, thanks to it the composition acquires a new sound.

Kochia looks spectacular in any flower bed.

You can also use cochia for topiary - unusual living figures will decorate the garden, delighting the owners and surprising guests.

You can also use kochia for topiary.

Cochia seedlings can be sown until the end of April. Sowing is carried out in a container with a universal soil mixture, the seeds are lightly (they need light to germinate) pressed into the soil. Seedlings appear in about 10 days. We have already discussed the details of growing and caring for kochia in this article - if the plant interests you, be sure to read it.

Aquilegia (catchment)

Translated from the Latin aquilegia - "a plant that collects water." Probably, therefore, among the people, it received a second name - a catchment area. Gardeners fell in love with aquilegia for bright flowers delicate openwork leaves of bizarre shape and extraordinary beauty. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, semi-double and double.

Besides unusual shape, they are attractive and a variety of colors: white, blue-white, blue, pink and so on. In total, the genus unites about 100 species of aquilegia, different in height (from 15 to 60 cm), color and flowering period, but only about 30 of them live in the middle lane.

The unusual shape of the flower and the variety of colors of aquilegia are amazing.

Aquilegia seeds are sown:

  • - in the first half of April - in pre-prepared greenhouses, pots, cups;
  • - in the second half of April - directly into the ground.

Aquilegia in the garden.

Shoots will appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into a larger diameter container (approximately 5x5 cm).


The favorite of many flower growers conquers with its solemn appearance. It's hardy and absolutely unpretentious plant retains a fresh appearance of inflorescences throughout the summer-autumn period. And in winter they can be used to make dry bouquets.

About 900 species of amaranth are known, but only 15 grow in Russia. The most common are crimson (paniculate), tailed, tricolor and dark.

Amaranth - very showy annual or perennial herbaceous plant: stems are powerful, depending on the species reaching a height of 150 cm; beautiful large leaves surprise with a variety of colors: they can be just green, purple-green and even tricolor. Very small flowers collected in large complex spike-shaped inflorescences, drooping or straight.

Amaranth leaves can be tricolor.

Seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of April, without embedding them in the soil, but only slightly dusting with peat or fine sand. Seedlings appear 8-18 days after sowing. Before planting in the ground, amaranth seedlings must be hardened off. Planted in a slightly inclined position, deepening the plant to the first leaf.


The bright flowers of limonium (it is also known to flower growers as statice) rise above flower beds and flower beds (peduncles reach 80 cm high), giving them a modest charm. Dried inflorescences retain their shape and natural color for several years without any treatment. That is why it is rightly believed that for winter bouquets there is no plant better than limonium!

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in early April - in pots with a universal soil substrate. Seeds are only lightly sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear approximately 12-14 days after sowing. The grown seedlings dive into large containers, planted in open ground in mid-May.


The spectacular handsome Venidium from the Asteraceae family is not very popular among gardeners. And in vain: having seen his unusual flowers even once, it is already impossible to forget them.

Venidium captivates at first sight.

Among several dozen known species venidium is both annual and perennial, but in the middle lane it is grown exclusively as an annual. On the high (up to 80 cm) stems of the Venidium, lobed or pinnatipartite leaves are alternately located, covered with silvery felt pubescence, and they are crowned with spectacular inflorescences-baskets, very similar to chamomile, consisting of reed and tubular flowers.

Venidium marigold.

Venidium is propagated exclusively by seeds, sowing them throughout April. Sow to a depth of about 0.5 cm, seedlings appear approximately 20-25 days after sowing. The grown seedlings of Venidium are planted in the flower garden after the end of spring frosts.

Dahlias annuals

Incredibly popular with gardeners. Valued for ease of cultivation and undemanding care (their tubers do not need to be dug up for winter storage). And also - for a long (from the beginning of July until frost) flowering, striking the imagination with all sorts of shades of inflorescences: red and pink, white and yellow, orange and purple.

Annual dahlias.

An annual dahlia is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of 30 to 150 cm. Large inflorescences-baskets are simple or double, they can reach 10 cm in diameter. Most often, gardeners cultivate annual dahlias of the Lark and Mary varieties, but deservedly the most demanded the variety "Merry Guys" is considered.

Annual dahlias are easy to grow from seeds - they are undemanding.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first half of April - in a universal soil substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand. At a temperature of +25 °С ... +27 °С, they germinate in 5-10 days, and after another 2 weeks, slightly strengthened seedlings can already dive into small separate containers.

Delphinium (perennial)

Especially appreciated by gardeners for its bright, clean shades. blue-blue color because it is quite difficult to find them in nature. And if you don’t like blue and sky-blue shades, they can easily be replaced by white, pink, purple colors of various varieties of this amazing plant.

Delphinium perennial belongs to the buttercup family. In height (depending on the type) it can reach 2 m. To create a spectacular flower bed, it is enough to successfully place a single delphinium bush on it - a bright blue spot will always be in the spotlight, constantly attracting admiring glances.

Sky blue delphiniums in a group planting.

For perennial delphinium seedlings, many recommend sowing at the end of February or March, since its seeds require stratification. And I have been sowing since the first days of April, and I am always satisfied with the result. We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds with a thin (about 3 mm) layer of soil mixture. Shoots will appear after about 8-12 days.


  • “The daisies are blooming in the garden.
  • Very low, close to the ground.
  • It was as if they had thrown a rug at their feet.
  • But I could not step on it ... "

Daisies bloom from early spring to late autumn.


Scabiosa stellata.

Scabiosa looks equally impressive in flowerbeds and flower beds, in borders and mixborders. It is universal: there are dwarf varieties (reaching a height of only 25 cm), medium (whose height does not exceed 60 cm), tall (reaching 1 m). The latter are especially good in the background of a flower garden or in a solitary planting.

Scabiosa dwarf.

  • - in stellate scabiosa - for 12-15 days;
  • - in Caucasian scabiosa - on the 18-25th day;
  • - in scabiosa dark purple - for 7-14 days.

Seedlings dive 3 weeks after germination. With the onset of heat, they can be planted in open ground.

Tritoma berry (knifofiya)


Curly bright inflorescences of celosia look great in any flower garden, adequately complementing the composition.

Let me just remind you that the seeds of celosia are sown through the second week of April, inclusive, without planting them in the ground during sowing, but simply scattering them over the surface of a wet substrate. Before germination (about 7 days), the container with crops is covered with a film or glass.

Zinnia graceful

Zinnia graceful - a native of Mexico. It is valued by gardeners for its bright color: it can be pink, orange, yellow, white, cream, lilac, burgundy. In general, anything, but not blue. The shape of the inflorescences is different: depending on the variety, they can be dahlia-colored, scabiose-colored, cactus. Flowers are single, semi-double and double.

Graceful zinnia is one of the few flower crops that is very heat tolerant and great for cutting. Using only zinnia, you can completely form a flower bed: tall varieties (about 60-90 cm) are suitable for the background, the flowers of which are more reminiscent of dahlias, medium-sized varieties (about 35-50 cm tall) can be planted in the middle, and they will look great in the foreground undersized (up to 20 cm). As a result, you will have a gorgeous flower bed that blooms from early June until the first frost.

It is necessary to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings from mid-April. Moreover, unlike most crops, the seedlings of which we grow on the windowsill, it grows well in a greenhouse and a cold greenhouse. But in warm rooms, fast-growing zinnia seedlings are strongly stretched and lie down.

The seeds are sown in a universal soil substrate, they germinate approximately 6-7 days after sowing. They are planted in open ground only in early June, as zinnia is afraid of returning frosts.

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to tell in detail about all the flowers that can and should be sown for seedlings in April, so I will list the most popular ones:

  • - basil;
  • - vatochnik;
  • - helipterum (akroklinum);


  • - gazania (gazania or African chamomile);
  • - sweet peas;
  • - silver dichondra (emerald);
  • - Ipomoea;
  • - xeranthemum;


  • - obrieta (obrietia);
  • - nemesia;
  • - osteospermum;
  • - Godetia;
  • - decorative cabbage.

What flowers are you planning to plant in April?

In April, in areas with a warm climate, it is already possible to sow annual flowers in open ground, but where the spring is late and the summer is short and cool, it is better to use the seedling method of growing flowers. There are no strict deadlines for sowing seeds of one species or another, because the duration of the growing season of a crop depends on many conditions: the climate of the area, weather, the quality of seeds and soil. Based on this, you yourself will have to decide when exactly to sow flower seeds for seedlings and at what time to then plant seedlings in the ground, but there is a certain list of plants that are most often sown for seedlings in April.

What flowers are sown for seedlings in April

At the very beginning of the month, hurry up to sow what you have not yet had time or forgot to sow in March - seedlings in April of annual alissum, viola, godetia, sweet peas, as well as seedlings of petunia, fragrant tobacco, iberis and salvia from those gardeners who sowed the seeds of these plants in late February or March, has already sprouted and developed well. In early April, it is not too late to sow the seeds of seedlings of these flowers in order to plant seedlings in open ground in late May or early June.

In addition to these crops, it is possible to plant seeds in April of such flowers as scabiosa, fragrant mignonette, osteosperum, obrieta, xerantenum, daisy, Suvorov's limonium, morning glory, calendula, ornamental cabbage, delphinium, pompom dahlia, helipterum, venidium, cornflower, vatnik, aster annual, amaranth, ageratum and marigolds. We will tell you more about sowing some of these flowers.

Astra is an annual.

She is charming, and her real name is Chinese callistefus. There are about 4,000 varieties of callistefus, which are divided into 40 groups: peony, pompon, needle, with small and large inflorescences, purple, red, pink, white - they are very beautiful and stand for a long time in the cut. Asters bloom from late June to October. Growing seedlings of annual asters begin in late March or early April. Land for seedlings should be light and fertile: mix two parts of soddy soil and one part of peat, put the soil in a box and spill it with a fungicide solution from the "black leg". Powder the aster seeds with a fungicide too, sow them on the surface of the soil, press it against it with a spoon and pour the crops with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate through a spray bottle, then cover with a film, glass or paper. Seedlings should appear on the third or fifth day, and then the cover is removed, and the crops are moved as close to the light as possible so that the seedlings do not stretch, but the temperature must be lowered - if you have a veranda or a place on a glazed balcony, it would be better to move the boxes there. Watering should be careful: just water each seedling with a teaspoon.

When one or two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other into boxes or cassettes for larger seedlings. Asters, unlike other flowers, love picking. Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in the second half of May. Seedlings of an annual aster are not afraid of light frosts.


These flowers - marigolds, or tagetes - reproduce well by sowing in the ground, but if you give yourself the trouble to first grow seedlings from seeds, they will bloom two to three weeks earlier, and their flowering will be more lush and prolonged. In addition, you can not plant some of the seedlings in open ground, but leave them in pots and decorate an apartment, balcony, loggia or terrace with them. Marigold seeds are sown in a moist substrate of this composition: one part of turf, humus and peat and half of sand. In order to avoid disease of seedlings with a “black leg” under the ground in seedling boxes, it is necessary to place a drainage layer of expanded clay, and shed the substrate with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide - Maxim, Fitosporin or Vitaros. Another way to disinfect the soil for sowing is to steam it in a double boiler for an hour. Spread the seeds along the grooves with tweezers, then sprinkle with a layer of soil 1 cm thick, carefully water the crops and cover with glass or transparent film to make a greenhouse for seedlings, which must be kept in a bright place at a temperature of 15-20 ºC.

Marigold seeds germinate under such conditions in a week or even earlier. If the room temperature is below 15 ºC, the seeds germinate poorly and for a long time, and if it is above 25 ºC, they may not sprout at all. As soon as the first shoots appear, the crops are aired daily, and the condensate is removed from the film or glass. When seed germination becomes widespread, the coating is removed. Water the substrate only after it is completely dry. Do not leave spilled water in the tray. Once every two weeks, feed the seedlings with a solution of a complex fertilizer such as Fertiki Lux, Mortar or Agricola in a low concentration.

Tagetes dive in the development phase of 2-3 true leaves, shortening too long roots in the process and deepening the seedlings almost to the cotyledon leaves, into seedling cassettes with the same soil composition as during the initial sowing, but with the addition of every five liters of substrate spoons of complete mineral fertilizer and half a glass of wood ash. After picking, the seedlings are watered and, if the earth settles heavily, soil is added to the cassettes.


This plant conquers with the majesty of its inflorescences, endurance and unpretentiousness. Many people are happy to keep dry amaranth bouquets in the house in winter. In our climate, out of more than 900 plant species, only 15 are cultivated, of which the most common are panicled, tailed, dark and tricolor amaranths. Amaranth seeds are sown on a moist, loose substrate, they are sprinkled with a centimeter-thick layer of peat and sand on top, moistened with a spray gun, covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 22 ºC - under such conditions, seedlings appear within a week, or even earlier. As soon as they appear, immediately move the crops as close to the light as possible.

In the phase of development of the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving only the strongest of them, and at the stage of development of three leaves, the seedlings dive into separate containers with a diameter of 12 cm.

Delphinium perennial.

To create a beautiful flower bed, sometimes you just need to successfully place one delphinium bush on it - blue, pink, white or purple inflorescences up to 2 m high will surely evoke admiring and even envious glances from your neighbors, especially since the delphinium blooms twice a season.

The depth of the container for seedlings of the delphinium should be at least 10 cm, and the substrate for the soil-demanding plant should consist of peat, humus and sand in equal parts. Seeds are sown on the surface of the substrate, and sprinkled with a layer of sand 3-5 mm thick on top. Since delphinium seeds need stratification, a layer of snow is placed on top of the crops (possibly from the refrigerator) and kept at a temperature of 4-7 ºC until germination. This so-called accelerated stratification increases the percentage of seed germination and hardens future seedlings. You can, of course, not stratify the seeds, and then they will sprout a week later.

Thin, fragile seedlings are watered individually with a teaspoon so as not to accidentally damage or wash them out of the substrate. The soil should be kept slightly damp at all times. At the stage of development in seedlings of 2 leaves, seedlings dive at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other.


These cute flowers are incredibly popular with gardeners. They are sown in separate pots on moist, loose soil without embedding. The pots are moved to seedling greenhouses or covered with glass, placed as close to light as possible and kept at 20-24 ºC. Shoots will appear in two to three weeks, and then the glass can be removed, and the temperature of the content can be lowered to 15 ºC so that the growing seedlings do not stretch too much. For this, you will probably have to organize additional lighting for seedlings, the daylight hours for which should be at least 12 hours. Water the crops as the soil dries. Daisies don't dive.


This flower, reminiscent of a cornflower, is as modest as it is beautiful and versatile - it is in place both as a solo plant and as an accent in the background of a flower bed. Another advantage is its long flowering from June to October.

In mid-April, we sow scabiosa seedlings in a universal soil mixture, cover the container with glass and keep it at a temperature of at least 15 ºC, airing daily for an hour, moistening the soil and removing condensate from the glass. Shoots usually appear after 7-10 days, and then the coating is removed. In the development phase of 2 leaves, seedlings dive into boxes at a distance of 5 cm from each other or into separate cups.

Dahlias are annuals.

Dahlia flowers are easy to grow, easy to care for, they bloom for a long time - from July to frost. Hard to miss in the garden, these shrubs are up to one and a half meters high with flowers in red, yellow, orange, purple, red, white and pink hues, reaching a diameter of 10 cm.

Dahlia seeds are sown in seedling boxes in a wet mixture of sand, peat and perlite, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of the same soil, covered with glass and placed in the light, maintaining the temperature within 25-27 ºC. Seeds germinate within a week. After the emergence of shoots, the glass is removed, watering the seedlings is carried out by spraying. When the third true leaf appears, the seedlings dive into separate cups filled with disinfected soil of this composition: 50% of soddy land and 25% of peat and sand each. To sterilize the substrate, a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate is heated to 70 ºC and the soil is spilled on it. A week after picking, it is time to make the first top dressing.


In translation, the name of the flower means "a plant that collects water", therefore in Russian aquilegia is called a "catchment". Aquilegia have bright white-blue, blue, white or pink flowers bizarre shape and delicate lacy leaves. About 30 types of aquilegia are cultivated in the middle lane.

Before sowing, the seeds are subjected to scarification - they mechanically violate the integrity of their shell, for which they lightly rub between two sheets of fine sandpaper. Aquilegia seeds are sown in early April in peat tablets for seedlings or in separate cups filled with moist soil, consisting in equal parts of leaf humus, sand and soddy soil. From above, the seeds are sprinkled through a fine sieve with a layer of soil 3 mm thick, which is subsequently kept slightly moist all the time. Crops are covered with paper. For successful seed germination, it is necessary to maintain a room temperature of at least 18 ºC, then seedlings will appear in a week or two.

Emerging seedlings need moist soil, but excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases. At the stage of development of two or three true leaves, seedlings dive into a larger container or planted in open ground, weather permitting.


With the help of the Mexican ageratum, or long-flowered, gardeners create borders and borders that serve as a garden decoration until frost. Ageratum flowers are collected in fluffy baskets of white, pink, burgundy or purple. The seeds of the plant are sown in boxes on top of a moistened light nutrient substrate without deepening them, after which the boxes are covered to create greenhouse effect film or glass. Keep crops warm, preventing the soil from drying out. As soon as the first seedlings appear after a week or two, the glass is removed, the temperature in the room is slightly lowered, and after three weeks the seedlings dive into separate pots. It is possible that fast-growing seedlings will need another transplant into a larger container, since this is tropical plant can be planted only when the warm weather is finally established - in late May or early June.


This is still a rare and exotic guest in the gardens of the middle lane. It is grown not only to decorate flower beds: its catchy inflorescences are well cut, and dwarf hybrids of Venidium are grown in containers on balconies, in garden flowerpots and on window boxes.

It is better to sow large seeds in 2-3 pieces in pots or cups with drainage holes, filled with a light nutrient soil of a neutral reaction, planting the seeds in the soil to a depth of 5 mm. After planting, the pots are placed in a common tray, covered with glass or film, placed closer to the light and kept at a temperature of 20-24 ºC. As soon as after a week and a half the seeds germinate, the coating is removed and in the future they treat the soil with great care, since the Venidium seedlings get sick from excess moisture. Seedlings develop quickly, it is not difficult to dive them, and pinching the tops of seedlings stimulates the formation of dense bushes.

Flower seedling care in April

Watering seedlings.

Until the seeds germinate, it is not necessary to water the soil, and the seedlings that have appeared are equally harmful to both a lack and an excess of moisture. Long-term waterlogging is especially dangerous - from it the seedling leaves turn yellow, the stems become brittle, and the roots rot, so the seedlings are watered regularly, but moderately, be sure to drain the excess water from the pan. Water for irrigation should be filtered or settled during the day, the temperature of irrigation water cannot be lower than the temperature in the room where the seedlings are grown. To moisten the soil, a spray gun is most often used so that the jet does not erode the soil and not expose the roots of the seedlings.

Seedling temperature.

Seeds germinate in warmth, for this they need a temperature in the range of 18-22 ºC, but as soon as shoots appear, the temperature is lowered to 12-18 ºC so that the flower seedlings do not stretch too much. Seedlings at home are not always kept with optimal temperatures and lighting, since it is difficult to maintain the difference between day and night temperatures in an ordinary apartment. It is better to grow seedlings of flowers that are especially demanding for this condition not in an apartment, but in a greenhouse or on a glazed balcony.

Seedling picking.

Dive seedlings in the period of full development of one or two true leaves. Usually, seedlings are transplanted from a common box into separate pots in a soil mixture of the same composition as during the initial sowing. Try to remove seedlings for transplantation along with an earthen clod, and to make it easier to do this, water the soil well in the seedling box before the procedure. Seedlings are deepened when picking on cotyledon leaves, however, without covering them with earth. Long roots of seedlings are shortened when transplanted by a third of the length. After picking, cover the seedlings for several days from bright light. There are types of flowers that do not tolerate picking very well, so they are sown not in a common container, but in separate dishes - pots, cups or peat tablets for seedlings.

Seedling nutrition.

The first time seedlings are fed a week after picking, when they adapt to a new place. The second feeding can be carried out two weeks after the first. The third, if necessary, is carried out before planting seedlings in open ground. Weak seedlings of plants need, first of all, nitrogen, which is contained in urea and nitrate, however, when applying top dressing, observe moderation, do not overfeed seedlings with nitrates, because in conditions high humidity and temperature, seedlings that have received an excess of nitrogen will have problems with rooting in the open field. The second and third feeding can be complete, that is, in addition to nitrogen, contain phosphorus and potassium. Choose fertilizers at your discretion: these can be ready-made preparations, such as Uniflor micro, Mortar, Nitrofoska, Kristallin, or water-soluble Kemira, or maybe a weak solution of mullein. If, despite all your efforts, the seedlings are still not growing well, try feeding them on the leaves with growth stimulants, while being sure to observe moderation in dosages.

When to plant seedlings in open ground

Ten days before planting seedlings in open ground, they begin to harden. If you keep seedlings on the windowsill, open the window for a while so that the plants gradually get used to fresh air. Every day, the time of the ventilation session is increased, but at first drafts should be prevented - flower seedlings grown at home or in greenhouse conditions are very afraid of them. It is best, of course, to take the seedlings to an unheated veranda or glazed balcony and keep them there until planting in the flower bed, opening the window during the day and gradually accustoming the seedlings to the temperature outside, to the bright sun and breeze. Seedlings ready for planting in the ground should spend painlessly on a balcony with an open window for a whole day, provided that the temperature outside is not lower than 12 ºC.

When growing seedlings in a greenhouse, for the first time, in order for the seedlings to get hardened, the film is briefly opened, increasing the duration of the procedure daily, and then completely removed if weather conditions allow.

It seems that quite recently we talked about flowers that need to be sown, but it is time to remember which flower crops are sown for seedlings in April.

Aster annual

Beauty, variety of shapes and colors are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster, also known as Chinese callistefus. In total, there are about 4,000 varieties of these amazing plants belonging to more than 40 different groups. There are all sorts of annual asters: peony and chrysanthemum-shaped, needle-shaped and pompon-shaped, with small and large inflorescences, tall and undersized. The coloring is distinguished by the richest color gamut, and asters not only look great in bouquets, but also retain freshness for a long time.

Beauty, a variety of shapes and colors - these are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster.

Annual asters are herbaceous plants with a powerful fibrous root system and stiff stems of a green or slightly reddish color. Flowering begins from the end of June and lasts until October. Small seeds (and 1 g contains about 500) ripen 35-40 days after the start of flowering. Keep for 2-3 years.

Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April: they are sown in containers with fertile light soil.

Soil mixture for growing seedlings of annual asters, mixing sand, peat and soddy soil (1: 1: 2). Seedlings will sprout about a week after sowing. As soon as the first true leaf appears, it is time to put them in separate pots or in a greenhouse (greenhouse).

More details about the intricacies of sowing in open ground and growing an annual aster are described in the article:


Perhaps, once again it makes no sense to talk in detail about the cultivation of marigolds. we have already said that the beauty of marigolds was discussed in posts and, but about the types and varieties it is written in the article.

Marigolds reproduce perfectly by sowing seeds directly into the ground, but ... A few years ago I tried to grow seedlings and was very pleased with the result. The flowers bloomed 15-20 days earlier than usual, moreover: the flowering was very, very lush and long, and the plants grew strong and healthy. Therefore, now I advise everyone to grow marigold seedlings.

I always grow seedlings of marigolds - the plants are strong, they bloom earlier. Photo from the site

Marigold seeds can be sown in, or simply under the film - in the garden. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.


Ageratum, popularly nicknamed long-flowered for its long flowering, is loved by many precisely for this feature. With the help of ageratum, gardeners create bright, beautiful borders and borders that bloom for a long time. It is also successfully used for growing in and hanging.

The variety of colors is impressive: blue, pink, white, purple, burgundy ageratum flowers are unusually good in garden compositions.

In total, there are about 50 species of this plant, growing mainly in the tropics and subtropics. There are among them perennial and annual, dwarf (about 10 cm high) and high (reaching more than 50 cm in height). In the middle lane, only 1 species is most often cultivated - the Mexican ageratum or, as it is also commonly called, the Houston ageratum.

Ageratum "Artist Blue Viol". Photo from the site

The appearance of this plant is familiar to almost every grower: rough heart-shaped leaves with denticles at the ends and inflorescences-baskets, collected in dense or loose corymbs. The seeds are very small - 1 g contains about 5000 pcs.

Ageratum is thermophilic, so seedlings are sown in the first half of April. Seeds are sown in a box or a greenhouse filled with previously prepared moistened soil mixture, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus. Seeds are simply laid out on the surface of the soil, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. If the optimum temperature is observed and soil moisture is provided, they germinate on the 10th day after sowing. As soon as the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, it's time to dive.

Kochia looks spectacular in any flower bed. Photo from the site

Delphiniums are also valued for a long flowering period: the main falls on June-July, and with the approach of autumn, they seem to have a second wind - they bloom again.

For perennial delphinium seedlings, many recommend sowing at the end of February or March, since its seeds require stratification. And I have been sowing since the first days of April, and I am always satisfied with the result. We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds with a thin (about 3 mm) layer of soil mixture. Shoots will appear after about 8-12 days. You can read more about growing a delphinium in the article:


“The daisies are blooming in the garden.
Very low, close to the ground.
It was as if they had thrown a rug at their feet.
But I could not step on it ... "

The poet speaks so touchingly about daisies. No less affectionate are flower growers who have fallen in love with these lovely flowers for their lush long flowering and unpretentiousness.

The first flowers of daisies bloom in early spring, and flowering stops only with the onset of autumn. Gardeners prefer terry varieties With various colors: red, white, pink and bright carmine - daisies can be so different.

You can sow seedlings throughout April. Seeding is superficial. At the optimum temperature of +21 °С...+24 °С shoots appear on the 7-14th day. After another 2 weeks, the seedlings dive.

About what daisies are, how they can be used in garden compositions, the article will tell:


The modest and coquette of scabiosa captivates with the beauty of delicate flowers, somewhat reminiscent of cornflowers, and a long flowering period - from June to October.

In total, the genus includes about 90 species, among them there are both annual and perennial herbaceous plants with beautiful wide serrated leaves and not too large (up to 5 cm in diameter), but very cute and touching flowers. Coloring (depending on the variety) can be very diverse: lilac, purple, white, red, burgundy and crimson. And some varieties on the flower have very beautiful golden blotches.

Scabiosa looks equally impressive in flowerbeds and flower beds, in borders, etc. It is universal: there are dwarf varieties (reaching a height of only 25 cm), medium (whose height does not exceed 60 cm), tall (reaching 1 m). The latter are especially good in the background of a flower garden or in a solitary planting.

Scabiosa seeds are sown for seedlings until mid-April, in a universal soil mixture. At a temperature of +15 °С...+18 °С shoots appear:

  • in stellate scabiosa - on the 12-15th day;
  • in Caucasian scabiosa - on the 18-25th day;
  • in scabiosa dark purple - for 7-14 days.
Seedlings dive 3 weeks after germination. With the onset of heat, they can be planted in open ground.

Tritoma berry (knifofiya)

Tritoma berry, better known as knifofiya, refers to perennial plants. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach 60-120 cm in height. Dense leathery sword-shaped leaves are no less decorative than chic spike-shaped or sultan-shaped inflorescences of various colors (red, yellow, green, orange, coral), majestically towering on a leafless peduncle.

In addition to the exotic species, knifofia is also valued for its long flowering - from July to October.

To obtain seedlings, the seeds of the berry tritoma are sown until mid-April. Seedlings appear after 15-20 days, and after another 3 weeks, the seedlings dive into a larger container. Plants are planted in a permanent place closer to July, and knifofiya blooms only in the second (sometimes third) year.


Expressive bright celosia is rightfully considered one of the most spectacular annuals, because not every representative of the flora can boast of such a chic outfit, agree :)

Curly bright inflorescences of celosia look great in any flower garden, adequately complementing the composition. I will not repeat myself, because not so long ago the secrets of growing celosia were revealed in the article

In April, in central Russia, you can sow such flower crops for seedlings as:

Brachycoma. Compact (20cm) plant of the Asteraceae family, little known in Russia. Blooms after 70 days from seed germination. You can sow seeds in May into the soil, but then flowering will be later.

dahlias. Sowing is organized in a loose nutrient soil. Seeds germinate after a week. Picking in separate pots is preferable and will give abundant flowering.

Hypoestes, Beautiful deciduous plant, used to decorate flower beds and compositions. Seeds are not demanding, germinate quickly, love moist soil. For the compactness of the bushes, it is necessary to pinch the tops in the seedling stage.

Gomphrena. Belongs to the amaranth family. Seeds germinate for about two weeks at a temperature of 18..20oC. Seedlings grow slowly.

sweet peas. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day, the “dummies” that have surfaced in the water are discarded. They germinate in about two weeks. It is better to immediately sow in separate pots. When the third leaf appears, pinch the top of the head.

Cleoma. Seeds germinate for a long time, about 2-3 weeks, so it is preferable to process them in stimulants. Seedlings are afraid of excess moisture in the soil. Plants have a tap root, so you need to carry out an early pick.

Kochia. Seeds germinate in the light, seedlings do not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil (they get sick with a black leg).

Matricaria(tanacetum). Terry varieties are difficult to germinate in the ground, so growing them through seedlings makes sense. Seeds at 18…20оС germinate within 1…2 weeks. Seedlings are afraid of excess moisture and can get sick. They have a good root system in the future and react positively to transplantation. The plant is unpretentious, abundant and long flowering.

Mesembryanthemum. Low growing carpet plant. The seeds are very small. Seeding is superficial. The appearance of seedlings is uneven, from a week to three to four weeks. Slow growing seedling. Fans of the northern regions need to grow only through seedlings.

Mirabis or " night beauty". Seeds are enclosed in a very dense shell, so before sowing they are either soaked or slightly damaged (sawed). Plants react negatively to increased acidity in the soil and excessive watering.

salpiglossis ( schizanthus). Growing seedlings is similar to growing petunias.

Fragrant tobacco. Very small seeds. Seeding on the surface of the soil. Seedlings are friendly at a moderate temperature of 18 ... 20 ° C for 10 ... 14 days. Plants grow well over time, so seedlings should dive when real leaves appear.

Marigold(tagetis). It takes 70-80 days from seed germination to flowering. If you want to have flowering marigolds, they are grown through seedlings at home, in a greenhouse. Seeds germinate in a week.

Chrysanthemum. Annual and perennial plants are grown through seedlings. One-year-olds can be sown in beds in May, but flowering will be late and short-lived, especially in the northern regions of Russia. Chrysanthemums suffer from fungal diseases, so it is important to organize proper watering and the ground before sowing, pre-treat with potassium permanganate. Shoots appear about two weeks.

Zinnia. The seeds are large and usually there are no problems with growing seedlings. Seedlings are strong, germinate within a week, when true leaves appear, they dive into pots. If the seedlings are stretched, then it can be deepened to the cotyledon leaves.

The best days for sowing, planting and transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar in April 2015:

Advice 2: What perennial flowers grow in the middle lane

For successful cultivation in central Russia, you can pick up more than one hundred perennial flowers and flowering shrubs. Whether to prefer simple and unpretentious species or the “queen of gardens” - a rose, everyone decides for himself.

When purchasing perennial flowers for a personal plot of the middle lane, you need to clarify how frost-resistant a particular species is. Of course, you can try to grow your favorite copy in spite of all prohibitions. But it is unlikely that a survivor in an unsuitable plant will be up to abundant flowering. It is wiser to choose species that, without special care and complex covering events, will delight the owners with both flowers and decorative foliage.

Choosing perennials by wintering method

The growth and development of perennial flowers in central Russia is limited only by the warm season, in contrast to the tropics and subtropics. Although heat-loving perennials, wintering in the form of bulbs and tubers, can be grown in a fairly cold climate. The main concern is to dig them up in time and put them underground. Of the cold-resistant species, two are distinguished: those that overwinter with the preservation of their ground part, and those in which it dies off by winter.

It is almost impossible to meet perennial flowers of the first group in middle latitudes. Despite the fact that there are a lot of such perennials, the choice for the middle lane is limited only to hellebore, periwinkle, yucca and bergenia. Unpretentious peonies are reborn every spring from a powerful tree-like rhizome, which does not require transplantation for up to 20 years. The life of the flowers themselves is not so durable, but they are good both in the flower bed and in the cut bouquet. All types of daylilies, phloxes, irises, lupins and delphiniums can be attributed to the same group.

How to winter comfortably

Roses can also please their owners for several years with their flowering, if they are provided with reliable protection in winter time. Enough to trim rose bush at the end of October, leaving stems 10-15 cm long, and spud it. For reliability, sprinkle with fallen leaves or sawdust. But just do not rush to cover the flowers at the first slight frost - this can destroy the plant. In the middle lane, roses winter much better than in Siberia and the Urals, but if there is no experience in growing them, then it is better to start with frost-resistant varieties: Parkovaya, Floribunda. Climbing roses will also take root, but they require skillful pruning. To make pink vines less of a hassle, you need to choose not own-rooted varieties, but grafted to the wild rose.

Under conditions of winter shelter, clematis grows well in the middle lane, some species require shelter oriental lilies, Korean chrysanthemum. For the middle band, clematis with small flowers is recommended. It is more cold hardy. You can do it much easier and pick up plants that do not make any claims to rainy weather and frost. "Palm" can be given to ornamental flowering shrubs: lilac, barberry, hydrangea, spirea and many others. Ground-covering species are unpretentious, which are also shade-loving: thyme, goryanka, tenacious, clear-headed. Such flowers are unlikely to be collected in a bouquet, but they will definitely decorate the garden.


In May, you can sow annual flowers in the ground, bypassing the seedling method of growing. The range of such plants is sufficient to complement your flower beds, to add variety to flower beds.

In the first half of May, in central Russia, you can sow flower seeds such as:

ammobium. A beautiful dried flower grown as an annual. Its seeds are small. Germination takes 7-14 days. Drought-resistant, photophilous and completely undemanding plant to soils.

Cornflower annual. A very easy flower to grow. Flying seeds are best sown immediately in the chosen place in the flower garden, because the plants have a taproot and react painfully to transplantation. Seeds germinate after a week. The distance between plants must be kept about 35-40 cm apart, as they bush well. Cornflowers give abundant self-seeding.

Iberis. Fragrant flowers. Abundant flowering. Small seeds germinate in about two weeks. If you cut the plants after flowering of the first wave, feed them, then by autumn the flowering will repeat. Dislikes wet soils and shading. When sown in early May, flowering will be in late July.

Calendula. Large seeds, easy to sow, germinate in 8-12 days. Gives self-seeding. A very useful plant for the garden, for the earth and for health.

Kosmeya (beauty). Her seeds are large. They germinate within a week. Blooms 90 days after germination. Cosmea also gives self-seeding, but the flowers grown from self-seeding become smaller.

Linen annual. Seeds are sown immediately in the flower garden, bypassing the transplant. An unpretentious profusely flowering plant. Gives self-seeding.

Mattiola (night violet). Easy to grow and very fragrant plant. It is sown in several terms with an interval of several weeks, as it quickly fades. Mattiola is a favorite of flower growers.

Nigella (maiden in green, nigella). Blooms quickly, unpretentious. Can be re-sown during the summer. Gives self-seeding. The seeds are used in cooking and medicine.

Chrysanthemums annuals. Flowering occurs only in the fall, after three months.

In the second half of May, they are sown in the ground:

Helichrysum. Beautiful dried flower for winter bouquets. The seeds are small and germinate in 7-12 days. Blooms 60-65 days after germination.

Godetia. The seeds are small. They come up in two weeks. When sown in early May, flowering will be in July. Likes a sunny place.

Clarkia. It is preferable to sow seeds immediately in a flower garden, as plants do not like transplanting. Shoots appear 10-14 days after sowing. A distance of at least 20-25 cm is left between plants. It blooms with "roses".

Lavater. The seeds are quite large. Shoots appear after 10-14 days. Plants bloom 65-75 days after germination. Looks great in mixborders. It is undemanding to soils, drought-resistant, photophilous.

Malopa. Tall annual, up to 1 m tall. Seedlings appear in 10-12 days. It is better to sow in a permanent place, excluding picks. Blooms in July.

Nasturtium. Blooms two months after germination. Seedlings are sensitive to spring frosts. Leaves, flowers and green seeds are used in cooking and medicine.

Nemesia. The seeds are very small. They don't even need to be covered with soil. Enough to roll. They rise quickly in the light. A very photophilous plant. When shaded, it begins to wither and stretch. Nemesia blooms 50-65 days after germination. It is better to transplant seedlings at the most "toddler" age. The root system is sensitive to transplants. Very showy plant.

Nemophila. In flowerbeds to meet this plant is a rarity. Although the seeds have long been sold in Russia. Quite unpretentious and very effective plant. The flowers resemble open bells. Grows in both sunny and semi-shady places. When sown in May, flowering will be in July. Sowing seeds is carried out superficial.

Sunflower decorative. The ease of cultivation and the fashion for unusualness have made these plants popular in flower beds. It is important to maintain the distance between shoots. Between undersized plants leave at least 30-35 cm, between high plants - at least 65-70 cm.

Reseda is fragrant. Valued for its unique aroma. Seeds germinate within a week, and seedlings bloom in an average of 70 days.

decorative pumpkin. Sowing seeds is similar to table pumpkin varieties.

Phlox Drummond. Seeds germinate for a long time, about two to three weeks. Therefore, before sowing, it is preferable to keep them in water for a day to swell. When the third leaf appears, the crowns are pinched for greater tillering of the plants. It blooms until late autumn, if the phlox has enough sunlight.

Eschsholzia (California poppy). Sowing is carried out immediately in the flower garden, because the plants have a taproot and do not like transplantation. Does not grow well in dense, moist soils. Light-loving, drought-resistant (watering only in dry weather).

The best days for sowing flower seeds according to the lunar calendar in May 2015: 1, 2, 21, 22, 25…29 May.

The best days for sowing flowers from bulbs according to the lunar calendar in May 2015: 8, 9 May.

It seems that quite recently we talked about flowers to be sown, but it is time to remember which flower crops are sown for seedlings in April.

Aster annual

Beauty, variety of shapes and colors are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster, also known as Chinese callistefus. In total, there are about 4,000 varieties of these amazing plants belonging to more than 40 different groups. There are all sorts of annual asters: peony and chrysanthemum-shaped, needle-shaped and pompon-shaped, with small and large inflorescences, tall and undersized. The coloring is distinguished by the richest color gamut, and asters not only look great in bouquets, but also retain freshness for a long time.

Beauty, variety of shapes and colors-here are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster

Annual asters are herbaceous plants with a powerful fibrous root system and stiff stems of a green or slightly reddish color. Flowering begins from the end of June and lasts until October. Small seeds (and 1 g contains about 500) ripen 35-40 days after the start of flowering. Remain viable for 2-3 years.

Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April: they are sown in containers with fertile light soil.

Soil mixture for growing seedlings of annual asters, mixing sand, peat and soddy soil (1: 1: 2). Seedlings will sprout about a week after sowing. As soon as the first true leaf appears, it is time to dive into separate pots or into a greenhouse (greenhouse).

Choose different varieties of annual aster in our catalog, which contains offers from large online stores of seeds and planting material. .


Perhaps, once again it makes no sense to talk in detail about the cultivation of marigolds. we have already said that we discussed the beauty of marigolds in posts and, but about the types and varieties it is written in the article.

A few years ago I tried to grow seedlings and was very pleased with the result. The flowers bloomed 15-20 days earlier than usual, moreover: the flowering was very, very lush and long, and the plants grew strong and healthy. Therefore, now I advise everyone to grow marigold seedlings.

Seeds of marigolds can be sown in a greenhouse, a hotbed, or simply under a film - in a garden bed. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.

You can find a large assortment of marigold seeds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .


“The daisies are blooming in the garden.
Very low, close to the ground.
It was as if they had thrown a rug at their feet.
But I could not step on it ... "

The poet speaks so touchingly about daisies. Summer residents, who have fallen in love with these lovely flowers for their unpretentiousness, treat them no less tenderly.

The first flowers of daisies bloom in early spring, and flowering stops only with the onset of autumn. Gardeners prefer terry varieties of various colors: red, white, pink and bright carmine - daisies can be so different.

You can sow seedlings throughout April. Seeding is superficial. At the optimum temperature of +21...+24°C shoots appear on the 7-14th day. After another 2 weeks, the seedlings dive.

Various varieties of daisies can be found in our catalog, which contains offers from many large online stores. .


The modest and coquette of scabiosa captivates with the beauty of delicate flowers, somewhat reminiscent of cornflowers, and a long flowering period - from June to October.

In total, the genus includes about 90 species, among them there are both annual and perennial herbaceous plants with beautiful wide serrated leaves and not too large (up to 5 cm in diameter), but very cute and touching flowers. Coloring (depending on the variety) can be very diverse: lilac, purple, white, red, burgundy and crimson. And some varieties on the flower have very beautiful golden blotches.

Scabiosa is universal: there are dwarf varieties (reaching a height of only 25 cm), medium (whose height does not exceed 60 cm), tall (reaching 1 m). The latter are especially good in the background of a flower garden or in a solitary planting.

Scabiosa seeds are sown for seedlings until mid-April, in a universal soil mixture. At a temperature of +15...+18°C shoots appear:

  • in stellate scabiosa - on the 12-15th day;
  • in Caucasian scabiosa - on the 18-25th day;
  • in scabiosa dark purple - for 7-14 days.
Seedlings dive 3 weeks after germination. With the onset of heat, they can be planted in open ground.

You can find a large assortment of scabiosa seeds and seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Flowers for seedlings in April - 28 flower crops to be sown for seedlings in April.

Flowers for seedlings in April - 28 most popular with flower growers

Most recently, we discussed which flowers should be sown for seedlings in March, and today let's remember which flower crops should be sown for seedlings in April.

  1. Astra is an annual. Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing them for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April; sown in containers with fertile light soil.
  2. Marigold. Seeds of marigolds can be sown in a greenhouse, a hotbed, or simply under a film - in a garden bed. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.
  3. Ageratum. The seeds of the ageratum are very small - about 5000 of them are contained in 1 gram. That is why this heat-loving plant is propagated by sowing seedlings in the first half of April. Seeds are sown in boxes or a greenhouse filled with a previously prepared moistened soil mixture, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. Subject to the optimum temperature and ensuring soil moisture, the seeds of ageratum germinate as early as 10 days after sowing. And as soon as the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, they dive.
  4. Kochia (summer cypress). Cochia seeds are sown for seedlings until the end of April in a container with a universal soil mixture, slightly pressing them into the ground (they need light to germinate). Seedlings appear in about 10 days.
  5. Aquilegia (catchment). Aquilegia seeds are sown in the first half of April in pre-prepared greenhouses, pots, cups, or in the second half of April directly into the ground. Before sowing, scarification is recommended (mechanical violation of the integrity of the seed coat), which improves germination. To do this, just before sowing, the seeds should be lightly rubbed with fine sandpaper. Shoots of aquilegia appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of one or two true leaves, already strengthened and slightly grown seedlings dive into containers of a larger diameter (about 5x5 cm).
  6. Amaranth. Amaranth seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of April, without embedding them in the soil, but only slightly dusting with peat or fine sand. Seedlings appear 8-18 days after sowing. Before planting in the ground, amaranth seedlings must be hardened and planted in a slightly inclined position, deepening the plant down to the first leaf.
  7. Limonium Suvorov. Sowing limonium Suvorov for seedlings is carried out in pots with a universal soil substrate in early April. The seeds themselves are only lightly sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear approximately 12-14 days after sowing. The grown seedlings dive into large containers, and are planted in open ground in the middle of May.
  8. Venidium. Sow seedlings throughout April. Sow to a depth of about 0.5 cm, and seedlings appear about 20-25 days after sowing.
  9. Dahlias are annuals. Seeds of annual dahlias for seedlings are sown in the first half of April in a universal soil substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand. At a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° C, the seeds germinate for 5-10 days, and after another 2 weeks, slightly strengthened seedlings can already dive into small separate containers.
  10. Delphinium (perennial). We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds - about 3 mm - with a layer of soil mixture and wait for the shoots that will appear after about 8-12 days.
  11. Daisy. It is possible to sow daisies for seedlings throughout April, only superficially. Seeds sprout at the optimum temperature of +21…+24°С for 7-14 days. 2 weeks after germination, seedlings dive.
  12. Scabious. For seedlings, scabiosa seeds are sown until mid-April in a universal soil mixture. Seedlings at a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 ° C appear unfriendly: on the 12-15th day - in the stellate scabiosa, on the 18-25th day in the Caucasian and on the 7-14th day in the dark purple scabiosa. Three weeks after the seedlings have risen, they dive, and with the onset of June they are planted in open ground.
  13. Tritoma berry (knifofiya). To obtain seedlings, the seeds of the berry tritoma are sown until mid-April. Seedlings appear after 15-20 days, and after another 3 weeks, the seedlings dive into a larger container. Plants are planted in a permanent place closer to July, and knifofiya blooms only in the second, and sometimes the third year.
  14. Celosia. Celosia seeds are sown through the second week of April, inclusive, without planting them in the ground during sowing, but simply scattering them over the surface of a moist soil substrate. Before the emergence of seedlings - and this is about 7 days - the container with seedlings is covered with a film or glass.
  15. Zinnia is elegant. It is necessary to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings from mid-April. The seeds are sown in a universal soil substrate, and they germinate approximately 6-7 days after sowing. They are planted in open ground only in early June, as they are afraid of return frosts.
  16. basil
  17. Vatochnik
  18. Helipterum (Acroclinum)
  19. Gazania (gazania or African chamomile)
  20. sweet peas
  21. Dichondra silver (emerald)
  22. Ipomoea
  23. xerantenum
  24. Aubrieta (Obrietia)
  25. Nimesia
  26. Osteospermum
  27. Godetia
  28. Decorative cabbage.

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What to plant in April?

If you are not sure about the weather, you can temporarily plant the bulbs in pots and keep warm, and when the heat is established, transplant them into open ground. But most bulbs are unpretentious in terms of temperatures, so there should be no problems.

Most flowers are sown for seedlings in this month. At the beginning of March - if they didn’t have time in February or if the departure to the dacha is planned for the summer - they sow seedlings for seedlings:

We grow cucumbers

For seedlings, cochia seeds are sown until the end of April in a container with a universal soil mixture, slightly pressing them into the ground (they need light to germinate). Seedlings appear in about 10 days ..

Cauliflower: sow for seedlings

Also in the middle or end of April, white cabbage and other cabbage plants - kohlrabi are sown for seedlings, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, daikon.​

Cabbage: direct sowing in the ground

The article Immortal Amaranths will help you learn more about this popular plant. But in this publication you will find interesting information about the benefits of amaranth.​

How to grow potatoes from seeds

I feed all my seedlings (with a weak solution of bird droppings, ash solution, Agricola for flowers) to form a strong root system and good development. Strong healthy plants delight me with wonderful flowering.

​Most auspicious days for sowing flowers and vegetables for seedlings, caring for indoor and garden plants, gardening and gardening in the garden in 2016 according to the Lunar sowing calendar florist.

Marigolds: growing seedlings

So that by the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings of flowers and vegetables have grown and grown stronger, do not forget about watering, fertilizing and observe the growing conditions for each crop. Good luck!​

As you prepare the seeds for seedlings - such will be the seedlings. Not everything that is sold to us in bags in stores can be immediately sown in a seedling box. In order not to waste time and get as many seedlings as you need, you should:

Physalis from seeds

Balsam, verbena, viola, gerbera, lobelia, petunia, primrose.

Sowing an aster annual

Scabioses look equally impressive in flowerbeds, borders, borders and mixborders, which is possible due to their "versatility": there are both dwarf varieties that reach a height of only 25 cm, and medium ones, whose height does not exceed 60 cm, and tall - reaching 1 meter high; they look especially impressive in the background or in a solitary landing.

Lobularia, Alyssum

Cucumbers are sown in April to be planted in a greenhouse in May. But if planting is supposed to be in open ground, then seedlings are sown later.

Incredibly exotic, figured inflorescences of celosia look great in any flower garden, decorating and effectively complementing its composition. I will not repeat myself, because not so long ago the secrets of growing celosia were revealed in the article Celosia - a flower with a haute couture outfit, which you always have the opportunity to re-read. I will only remind you that the seeds of celosia are sown through the second week of April, inclusive, without planting them in the ground during sowing, but simply scattering them over the surface of a moist soil substrate. Before the emergence of seedlings - and this is about 7 days - the container with seedlings is covered with a film or glass.

The lilac-pink flowers of Suvorov's limonium (it is also known to flower growers as statice), collected in long spikelets of a slightly curved shape, reach 80 centimeters in height, and their unusual shape gives them a special charm and elegance. The dried inflorescences of the plant retain their shape and natural color without any treatment for several years. That is why it is rightly believed that plants are better than limonium for decorating winter bouquets!

15 flower crops to be sown for seedlings in April

Eschscholzia: cultivation in peat tablets

What to plant in April?

How to grow watermelon seedlings

Calibrate the seeds, that is, separate the full from the empty ones, weed out those that are too small and damaged. Don't be afraid, you don't have to sort through each bag manually. It is necessary to prepare a water-salt solution and pour the seeds there. The pacifiers will float, they need to be removed, and the rest of the seeds should be dried.

During March, already without haste, they sow:

Seedlings on supersadovnik

In addition to their unusual shape, these flowers are attractive in a variety of colors: white, blue-white, blue, pink, and so on. In total, the genus unites about 100 species of aquilegia, different in height - from 15 to 60 cm, - in color and even in the flowering period, but only about 30 of them live in the Middle Lane.

Lunar calendar gardener and gardener for 2016

For seedlings, scabiosa seeds are sown until mid-April in a universal soil mixture. Shoots at a temperature of +15 ... + 18 ° C appear unfriendly: on the 12-15th day - in the stellate scabiosa, on the 18-25th day in the Caucasian and on the 7-14th day in the dark purple scabiosa. Three weeks after the seedlings have risen, they dive, and with the onset of June they are planted in open ground.

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Growing flower seedlings

Aquilegia shoots appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of one or two true leaves, already strengthened and slightly grown seedlings dive into containers of a larger diameter (about 5x5 cm).

Celery is often sown to grow early.

Distribution of seeds by sowing time in winter and spring

​Print record April 5, 2014, 16:28 Most recently, we discussed which flowers should be sown for seedlings in March, and today let's remember which flower crops should be sown for seedlings in April.​

I have been fond of floriculture for a long time, I have gained experience in sowing plants different types and seedling care. Many flower growers ask me for advice on a wide range of issues of growing seedlings of various plants.

In April, the sowing season reaches the finish line - by mid-May, most plants should be ready for planting in open ground.

Secrets of germinating flower seeds of some species

Pickle the seeds. This will prevent illness. Seeds are treated special preparations, a mixture of salts of trace elements, and at home you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, treat the seeds with it for about half an hour for disinfection, then rinse, dry - and you can sow.

Ageratum, various varieties of asters, brachicoma, gazania, lobularia, cleoma, purslane, snapdragon, fragrant tobacco, annual phlox. Aquilegia seeds are sown in the first half of April in pre-prepared greenhouses, pots, cups or in the second half of April right in priming. Before sowing, scarification is recommended (mechanical violation of the integrity of the seed coat), which improves germination. To do this, just before sowing, the seeds should be lightly rubbed with fine sandpaper. Tritoma berry, better known as knifofiya, refers to perennial plants. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach 60-120 centimeters in height. Dense leathery sword-shaped leaves are no less decorative than chic spike-shaped or sultan-shaped inflorescences of various colors: red, yellow, green, orange and even coral, towering majestically on a leafless peduncle.

April is the most successful month for seedlings, it is in April that flowers are sown, and that’s all, if seedlings are needed, then in April feel free to sow seedlings. If you are going to plant a battle in the ground, then in April it is already warm enough to plant in the ground, though it is better to plant in the ground in the second half of the month. Graceful zinnia is one of the few flower crops that is very resistant to heat and is great for cutting. Using only zinnia, you can completely form a flower bed: tall varieties are suitable for the background - about 60-90 cm, the flowers of which are more reminiscent of dahlias, medium-sized varieties can be planted in the middle - about 35-50 cm tall, and undersized ones will look great in the foreground - up to 20 cm. As a result, you will have a gorgeous flower bed that blooms from early June until the first frost. I certainly agree with the statement that zinnias will decorate any flower garden!​

window seedling care

We grow cucumbers

Soak the seeds. An obvious step that no gardener will forget. Before planting, the seeds need to be germinated on a damp cloth, while it is better to change the water daily.

Seedlings can also be achieved in ordinary flower soil, which you bought in a bag in a store, but if past experience tells you that some of the annuals feel bad in it, you need to give them Special attention at the planting stage, making the earth mixture yourself:

Growing flower seedlings in a greenhouse

Aquilegia shoots appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of one or two true leaves, already strengthened and slightly grown seedlings dive into containers of a larger diameter (about 5x5 cm).

April is also suitable for seedlings of vegetable crops, March and April are suitable for all vegetable seedlings, if you didn’t sow in March, then feel free to sow seeds for seedlings in the first days of April.

Flowers to sow for seedlings in April

Annual asters are herbaceous plants with a powerful, branched fibrous root system and stiff, hard stems of a green or slightly reddish color. The flowering of annual asters begins from the end of June and lasts right up to October. Small ones (and 1 gram contains about 500 of them) ripen 35-40 days after the start of flowering and retain their germination capacity for 2-3 years.

It is necessary to revise the available seeds before starting sowing. Therefore, I begin preparations for sowing flower seeds in January. I distribute the seeds according to the timing of sowing, depending on the characteristics of the development of plants of different species. It is important not to miss the best sowing dates for each type of flower. The developed sowing schedule allows me to plan the upcoming sowing work during the winter and spring months.​

Everyone's favorite cucumber has its own growing secrets. Knowing them, it is easy to get good seedlings, and hence a rich harvest.

Increase cold hardiness. Soaked for 12 hours, seeds that have not yet hatched should be put in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer!) Also for 12 hours. Repeat again until sprouts emerge. This will help flowers such as sweet peas, asters, levkoy and survive in the harsh conditions of a personal plot in the Middle lane.

3 parts of sod land;

A favorite of many flower growers, amaranth conquers with its solemn appearance. This hardy and absolutely unpretentious plant retains a fresh look of inflorescences throughout the summer-autumn period and even in winter - in dry bouquets.

To get flowering plants by the beginning of the school year, in mid-April, seeds of annual asters, dahlias, and zinnias can be sown for seedlings. Cucumbers and tomatoes for seedlings can be sown in early April. It all depends on where the seedlings are planted, in open ground or in greenhouses.

Seedlings of many plants (annual, biennial, perennial) slowly sprout and develop, so I start sowing seeds of some flowers in winter.

Cauliflower: sow seedlings

Kochia (summer cypress)

Sow seeds in grooves at the recommended depth. Each plant has its own, some do not need to be sprinkled at all, some need to be slightly covered with sand, some (most often large ones) are sown to a depth equal to the diameter of the seed. Very small seeds are mixed with sand and poured onto the ground.

1 part sand;

About 900 species of amaranth are known, but only 15 grow in Russia. The most common are crimson, or paniculate; caudate; tricolor and dark.​

Aquilegia (catchment)

Expressive and bright celosia has the right to be considered one of the most spectacular annuals, because not everyone can boast of such a chic outfit to imagine flora, you see. :)​

In April, seeds of early-ripening tomato varieties are sown. You can also sow seedlings of asters, marigolds, salvia, zinnia, dahlias. At the end of April, seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumbers are sown. You can also sow the seeds of white cabbage, Beijing cabbage.

In February, I sow seedlings of petunia, salvia, viola. I put primrose seeds in the refrigerator for freezing for a month.

Cauliflower for an early harvest can be sown in mid - late March.


Limonium Suvorov

1 part peat.

An annual, rarely perennial herbaceous plant, amaranth has erect, powerful, succulent stems, reaching a height of 150 cm, depending on the species, and beautiful large petiolate, elongated or ovate leaves. In addition to a rather unusual shape, amaranth leaves surprise with a variety of colors: they can be just green, purple-green, and even tricolor. Very small flowers are collected in large complex spike-shaped inflorescences, drooping or straight, very showy.

Incredibly exotic, figured inflorescences of celosia look great in any flower garden, decorating and effectively complementing its composition. Celosia seeds are sown through the second week of April, inclusive, without planting them in the ground during sowing, but simply scattering them over the surface of a moist soil substrate. Before the emergence of seedlings - and this is about 7 days - the container with seedlings is covered with a film or glass.

The lilac-pink flowers of Suvorov's limonium (it is also known to flower growers as statice), collected in long spikelets of a slightly curved shape, reach 80 centimeters in height, and their unusual shape gives them a special charm and elegance. The dried inflorescences of the plant retain their shape and natural color without any treatment for several years. That is why it is rightly believed that plants are better than limonium for decorating winter bouquets!


Dahlias annuals

What flowers do you plan to sow in April?

More details about growing an annual aster and the intricacies of sowing it directly into open ground can be found in this useful article.

Delphinium (perennial)

In April, I sow flowers for seedlings that quickly sprout and develop - zinnia, iberis, marigolds, ageratum.

Cabbage: direct seeding in the ground

If you bought seeds in granules, check how the shell comes off. Manufacturers make granules for the convenience of gardeners, but do not always have in mind the convenience of the plants themselves. Small seeds with weak sprouts may simply not break through the shell, or it will retard their growth. Some of the gardeners, having a sad experience, break the granules, carefully remove the shell from the seeds.

Plant seeds in the resulting mixture

Amaranth seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of April, without planting them in the soil, but only slightly dusting with peat or fine sand. Seedlings appear 8-18 days after sowing. Before planting in the ground, amaranth seedlings must be hardened and planted in a slightly inclined position, deepening the plant down to the first leaf.
A native of Mexico, elegant zinnia is primarily valued by gardeners for its bright color: it can be pink, orange, yellow, white, cream, lilac, burgundy, in general, anything but blue. Zinnias of different colors also differ in the shape of the inflorescences: depending on the variety, they can be pomponous, dahlia-shaped (dahlia-colored), chrysanthemum-shaped, scabiose-colored, gayardio-colored, cactus. Flowers are simple - with one row of reed petals; semi-double - with 2-5 rows of petals and terry.
Sowing limonium Suvorov for seedlings is carried out in pots with a universal soil substrate in early April. The seeds themselves are only lightly sprinkled with earth. Shoots appear approximately 12-14 days after sowing. The grown seedlings dive into large containers, and are planted in open ground in the middle of May.
I plant flowers such as zinnia marigolds and others for seedlings, and from vegetables I have already planted tomatoes, celery and peppers, but I haven’t planted cabbage yet, so I will plant cabbage seedlings in early April, and I will also plant in the very beginning of April cucumber seedlings.

Series of messages "FLOWERS":

Perhaps, once again it makes no sense to talk in detail about the cultivation of marigolds. We have already talked about the secrets of their planting and the nuances of care, we discussed the beauty of marigolds in the posts Velvet flowers of marigolds and the Fairy of marigolds, and about the types and varieties it is written in the article Marigolds - beauty and benefits until the frost.

Many flower growers most often have difficulty growing seedlings of those types of flowers that require surface sowing. And if the seeds are very small, then there are additional difficulties with their germination and seedling care, especially at first. In this case, it is necessary to support optimal humidity soil and air - then the seeds will successfully swell and germinate, the sprouts will take root. I water the seedlings only by spraying.

Cabbage seedlings do not work well indoors, and not everyone has the opportunity to grow in a greenhouse. You can sow cabbage directly into the ground. True, not all types and varieties are suitable for this. Direct sowing into the ground can be used for early varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and Beijing cabbage.​

How to care for seedlings

Tritoma berry (knifofiya)

Ageratum, aster, lobelia, lobularia, snapdragon, petunia and fragrant tobacco

The spectacular handsome Venidium from the Compositae family cannot be called wildly popular among gardeners, but having seen its unusual flowers just once, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with them.

My family and I usually plant crops there in April, such as cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, you can also plant flowers, such as marigolds and dahlias, for example. From herbs, you can plant celery. By the way, you can still corn.

Zinnia graceful



How to grow potatoes from seeds

​Growing seedlings seems complex process, to which you don’t know how to approach without experience, but in fact, in order for everything to work out, you just need to keep in mind the main points:​ . To plant other flowers on seedlings, add one part of compost soil or humus to the above mixture.
Among several dozen known species of Venidium, there are both annual and perennial forms, but in the Middle Lane the plant is grown exclusively as an annual. On fairly high (up to 80 cm) stems of the Venidium, lobed or pinnatipartite leaves are alternately located, completely covered with dense silvery felt pubescence, and they are crowned with spectacular inflorescences-baskets very similar to chamomile, consisting of reed and tubular flowers.
It is necessary to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings from mid-April. Moreover, unlike most crops, the seedlings of which we grow on the windowsill, it grows well in a greenhouse and a cold greenhouse. But in warm rooms, fast-growing zinnia seedlings are strongly stretched and lie down.
Among several dozen known species of Venidium, there are both annual and perennial forms, but in the Middle Lane the plant is grown exclusively as an annual. On fairly high (up to 80 cm) stems of the Venidium, lobed or pinnatipartite leaves are alternately located, completely covered with dense silvery felt pubescence, and they are crowned with spectacular inflorescences-baskets very similar to chamomile, consisting of reed and tubular flowers.
In April it is too late to sow tomatoes and peppers for seedlings (this is done in March), but in April we sow cabbage seeds for seedlings, early cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini. But we do all this in the second half of April.​

What can be sown for seedlings in April?


If you decide to grow potatoes from seeds, in mid-April you need to sow the seeds for seedlings. We will tell you how to properly grow potato seedlings.​

Watering. It is better to water the seedlings before picking carefully, from a spray bottle. If watered carelessly, water can drive the seeds deep, and it will be difficult for them, especially small ones, to germinate. Sometimes watering may not be needed at all if the seedlings are under glass or film and the earth does not dry out. After picking, watering, of course, will be necessary, but also not too plentiful and often (diseases develop from excessive moisture in flowers), as the top layer dries.



Venidium is propagated exclusively by seeds, sowing them for seedlings throughout April. Sow to a depth of about 0.5 cm, and seedlings appear about 20-25 days after sowing. The grown seedlings of Venidium are planted in the flower garden after the end of spring frosts.

Sow seeds in a universal soil substrate, and they germinate about 6-7 days after sowing. They are planted in open ground only at the beginning of June, as they are afraid of return frosts.

Venidium is propagated exclusively by seeds, sowing them for seedlings throughout April. Sow to a depth of about 0.5 cm, and seedlings appear about 20-25 days after sowing. The grown seedlings of Venidium are planted in the flower garden after the end of spring frosts.


Hello. In April, you can plant everything both on seedlings and in the ground. In April, seedlings can be planted from vegetables - physalis, watermelon, melon, cabbage, etc. Flowers - zinnia, ageratum, alyssum, marigolds, etc.


Marigolds: growing seedlings

Irochka Sergeeva

temperature regime. Everything is simple here: protect from drafts and frosts, especially if you grow seedlings on the balcony. For most plants, room temperature is suitable, some heat-loving ones require a little more.

An earthen mixture for seedlings must certainly be fresh, not used to grow anything before.


Incredibly popular with gardeners, annual dahlias are valued for their ease of cultivation and undemanding care - unlike perennials, their tubers do not need to be dug up in time and stored all winter. Annual dahlias are also valued for their long flowering, lasting from the beginning of July until the very frosts and striking the imagination with all sorts of shades: red and pink, white, yellow, orange and even purple.


It is impossible to tell in detail about all the flowers that can and should be sown for seedlings in April within the framework of one article, so I will list those that are the most popular: cornflower, vatochnik, helipterum (acroclinum), gazania (gatzania or African chamomile) , sweet peas, silver dichondra (emerald), morning glory, xerantenum, obrietta (obrietia), nimesia, osteospermum, godetia, ornamental cabbage.


Incredibly popular with gardeners, annual dahlias are valued for their ease of cultivation and undemanding care - unlike perennials, their tubers do not need to be dug up in time and stored all winter. Annual dahlias are also valued for their long flowering, lasting from the beginning of July until the very frosts and striking the imagination with all sorts of shades: red and pink, white, yellow, orange and even purple. Beauty, a variety of shapes and colors - these are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster , also known as Chinese callistefus. In total, there are about 4,000 varieties of these amazing plants belonging to more than 40 different groups. There are all sorts of annual asters: peony and chrysanthemum, needle and pompon, with small and large inflorescences, tall and short. The color of their inflorescences is distinguished by the richest color range, and in bouquets asters not only look great, but also last for a long time.


Part 19 - Caring for Violets

Tata all red

Seeds of a perennial delphinium are recommended by many to be sown for seedlings in March and even at the end of February, as they require stratification. And I sow them for seedlings from the first days of April and am always pleased with the result. We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds with a thin - about 3 mm - layer of soil mixture and wait for shoots that will appear after about 8-12 days. You can read more about growing a delphinium in the article Let's get to know the delphinium.​



I sow on the surface of the earth in plastic containers with lids, thanks to which a moist environment and enough light are maintained for crops. When the seeds hatch, I carefully press the ground next to each germinated seed with a toothpick: in this case, when spraying, it deepens. But you need to do this very carefully - the seedlings have very weak roots! I put the primrose so that the sun's rays do not fall on the crops. From petunia crops, I open the lid of the container only to remove condensate from it. And when the petunia seedlings are already growing up, you can gradually accustom it to the open air.

From germination to flowering, tagetes takes from 40 to 50 days, depending on the variety, so you need to sow marigolds for seedlings in the first decade of April.

Light. More light! With a short daylight hours or with an unsuccessful arrangement of windows, special lamps will be required to give the plants what they need. From a lack of light, the seedlings stretch out, become longer and weaker, this is ugly, not useful for the flowers themselves and inconvenient when transporting to the site.

Seeds are planted, as a rule, in a box, sprinkling the bottom with sand, preferably river. From above, the box is filled with an earthen mixture, leaving some space to the brim, and after planting, the landing is covered with glass or a transparent film. Make sure that the room is well ventilated, there is enough light (it is possible and even better to use special lamps for germinating seedlings) and the temperature does not fall below + 8 ° C, cold-resistant flowers will be able to endure this, but heat-loving ones will obviously not like it. So be careful if you planted seedlings on the balcony, and the nights are still cold. Most flowers like temperature + 16-20 ° C and give good shoots.

Annual dahlias are herbaceous plants reaching a height of 30 to 150 cm. Large inflorescences-baskets are simple or terry, and can reach 10 cm in diameter. Most often, gardeners cultivate annual dahlias of the Lark and Mary varieties, but the most popular variety is deservedly "Jolly Guys".


Annual dahlias are herbaceous plants reaching a height of 30 to 150 cm. Large inflorescences-baskets are simple or terry, and can reach 10 cm in diameter. Most often, gardeners cultivate annual dahlias of the Lark and Mary varieties, but the most popular variety is deservedly "Jolly Guys".

​Part 20 - Herb Garden​

Kochia (summer cypress)


Physalis edible from seeds

Aquilegia (catchment)

Feeding. Seedlings, especially those sown in February and March, will need to be fed once or twice before planting in the ground. There is no shortage of special fertilizers now, you need to dilute them according to the instructions, and then be sure to water the seedlings to wash off the remains of the fertilizer from the leaves, otherwise there will be burns.

Read more:

Seeds of annual dahlias for seedlings are sown in the first half of April in a universal soil substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand. At a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° С, the seeds germinate for 5-10 days, and after another 2 weeks, slightly strengthened seedlings can already dive into small separate containers.

Beauty, variety of shapes and colors - these are the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster, also known as Chinese callistefus. In total, there are about 4,000 varieties of these amazing plants belonging to more than 40 different groups. There are all sorts of annual asters: peony and chrysanthemum, needle and pompon, with small and large inflorescences, tall and short. The color of their inflorescences is distinguished by the richest color range, and in bouquets asters not only look great, but also last for a long time.

Seeds of annual dahlias for seedlings are sown in the first half of April in a universal soil substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of fine sand. At a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° С, the seeds germinate for 5-10 days, and after another 2 weeks, slightly strengthened seedlings can already dive into small separate containers.

Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing them for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April; sown in containers with fertile light soil.

​Part 21 - 15 flower crops to plant for seedlings in April

Limonium Suvorov

I sow first also on the surface of the earth. Temperature contrast helps aster seeds germinate faster. I put the aster crops overnight in the refrigerator, and during the day I put them in a warm place - and I do this several times until the seeds hatch. Then I lay out the seeds in prepared pots, in a permanent place. I sprinkle the hatched asters with earth and water them. At first glance, with this method, there seem to be a lot of “troubles”, but then you don’t need to plant the seedlings (although the aster is not afraid of transplanting), and the percentage of survival from such a planting is higher. Sometimes I use a different method of sowing asters: I sprinkle the seeds spread over the surface of the earth with snow (1 cm layer). That's it - the snow melts and pulls the aster seeds into the ground. With this sowing, an imitation of sowing aster occurs in the fall before winter.

In the middle lane, edible physalis is grown through seedlings. It is planted in open ground with 40-50 day old seedlings after the end of frost, so it is necessary to start sowing seedlings in the second half of April.

Pick. In addition to the tips above, you also need to keep in mind correct selection containers. Ideal will be those that can be torn, cut and removed without disturbing the root system of the seedlings. Plastic cups and trays come to mind first, but getting seedlings out of them is not so convenient. You can roll up the pickling containers yourself by cutting a thick plastic bag into strips, rolling them around a glass and sealing them with tape. Soft cups are obtained, which are then easily removed from the roots and which can, in which case, be cut. Plus - you don’t need to collect and store containers all year round.​

How to plant vegetable seedlings

Dahlias annuals

Larkspur, or delphinium, is especially appreciated by gardeners for its bright shades of blue-blue color, because it is rather difficult to find other similar flowers in nature.

Annual asters are herbaceous plants with a powerful, branched fibrous root system and stiff, hard stems of a green or slightly reddish color. The flowering of annual asters begins from the end of June and lasts right up to October. Small seeds (and 1 gram contains about 500 of them) ripen 35-40 days after the start of flowering and remain viable for 2-3 years.

Larkspur, or delphinium, is especially appreciated by gardeners for its bright shades of blue-blue color, because it is rather difficult to find other similar flowers in nature.

Delphinium (perennial)

The soil for growing seedlings of annual asters can be prepared independently by mixing 1 part of sand and peat with 2 parts of sod land. Seedlings will sprout about a week after sowing, and as soon as they have their first true leaf, it's time to dive into separate pots or into a greenhouse (greenhouse).

What vegetable crops can be sown in April for seedlings?

As if they threw a rug at their feet.

The incredibly spectacular appearance of kochia (also called summer cypress) has made her a favorite of many gardeners. Kochia looks very impressive in any flower bed, and thanks to her, the composition acquires a new sound. See how great Kochia puts accents.​

  • Seeds
  • Growing an annual aster
  • Abundant shoots, strong seedlings and beautiful flowers!

The perennial delphinium belongs to the buttercup family. In height, the plant, depending on the species, can reach 2 meters. To create a spectacular flower bed, it is enough to successfully place a single delphinium bush - a bright blue spot will always be in the spotlight, constantly attracting admiring glances. And if you don’t like blue and sky-blue delphiniums, they can easily be replaced by white, pink, purple - these are the colors of various varieties of this amazing plant.

Reproduction of annual asters, unlike perennial ones, is possible exclusively by seeds. Sowing them for seedlings is carried out in the last days of March or in the first decade of April; sown in containers with fertile light soil.

The perennial delphinium belongs to the buttercup family. In height, the plant, depending on the species, can reach 2 meters. To create a spectacular flower bed, it is enough to successfully place a single delphinium bush - a bright blue spot will always be in the spotlight, constantly attracting admiring glances. And if you don’t like blue and sky-blue delphiniums, they can easily be replaced by white, pink, purple - these are the colors of various varieties of this amazing plant.

Marigolds reproduce perfectly by sowing seeds directly into the ground, but ... A few years ago I tried to grow seedlings and was very pleased with the result. The flowers bloomed 15-20 days earlier than usual, moreover, their flowering was very, very lush and long, and the plants themselves grew strong and healthy. That is why now I advise everyone to grow marigold seedlings.

What flowers can be sown in April for seedlings?

Tritoma berry (knifofiya)

castor beans

Aster seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so only fresh seeds should be used for sowing. The term for sowing asters for seedlings is the beginning of April.

In early March, I will sow petunias, balsam (a little earlier), mimulus, verbena, lobelia, snapdragons. The rest as soon as the soil allows in the greenhouse: marigolds, annual dahlias, drummond phlox, zinnia, ageratum, morning glory, colored peas. It seems that I have listed everything.

In April, someone is already starting work on personal plot, but for someone good time engage in seedlings of fast-rising and blooming flowers. For example:​

Zinnia graceful

In addition to the catchy and bright "outfit", delphiniums are valued for a long flowering period. The main flowering occurs in June-July, and with the approach of autumn, they seem to “open up a second wind” - they bloom again. Although ornamental plants remain throughout the summer-autumn period, in addition to unusual flowers, they are attractive with decorative foliage.

The soil for growing seedlings of annual asters can be prepared independently by mixing 1 part of sand and peat with 2 parts of sod land. Seedlings will sprout about a week after sowing, and as soon as they have their first true leaf, it's time to dive into separate pots or into a greenhouse (greenhouse).

In addition to the catchy and bright "outfit", delphiniums are valued for a long flowering period. The main flowering occurs in June-July, and with the approach of autumn, they seem to “open up a second wind” - they bloom again. Although ornamental plants remain throughout the summer-autumn period, in addition to unusual flowers, they are attractive with decorative foliage.

Marigold seeds can be sown in a greenhouse, greenhouse or just under a film - in a garden. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.

In April, you can sow seedlings of all flowers: both annuals and perennials. it’s just that often perennials are sown in the summer, because they won’t bloom this year.

An emblem of kindness and warmth, daisies bloom in early spring and stop blooming only with the onset of autumn. Gardeners prefer terry varieties, which are distinguished by more elegant species and different colors: red, white, pink and bright carmine - daisies can be so different.

Sowing flowers for seedlings in April

Flower crops to be sown for seedlings in April

For seedlings, cochia seeds are sown until the end of April in a container with a universal soil mixture, slightly pressing them into the ground (they need light to germinate). Seedlings appear in about 10 days. We have already discussed the details of growing and caring for kochia in this article - if the plant interests you, be sure to read it.

First, I soak it in a cloth moistened with a solution of aloe juice (this is a natural growth stimulant). When the castor bean seeds hatch, I first pour a little earth (1 cm) on the bottom of the pot, then I put the hatched castor bean seed and sprinkle it on top with the same layer of soil. Since castor bean seedlings are very elongated at the beginning of their development, so I plant its seeds very deeply. And then periodically pour the earth as the seedlings develop. After a month, the castor bean sprouts are unrecognizable. I plant castor beans in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed - it is very thermophilic. I call the castor bean the ugly duckling. Its transformation in just a few months - from an unimaginably frail sprout into a beautiful and tall "tree" is simply amazing! In my garden, castor beans grow up to 3 meters.

Lobularia: how to grow from seeds

I will plant everything in the ground, seedlings do not come out. even asters grow one feast for the eyes, and then the black leg eats

Marigolds Sow seeds in a universal soil substrate, and they germinate approximately 6-7 days after sowing. They are planted in open ground only in early June, as they are afraid of returning frosts.

Marigold, sweet pea, clarkia, calendula, zinnia.

Seeds of a perennial delphinium are recommended by many to be sown for seedlings in March and even at the end of February, as they require stratification. And I sow them for seedlings from the first days of April and am always pleased with the result. We sow in a soil mixture prepared from peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal parts. We only lightly sprinkle the seeds with a thin - about 3 mm - layer of soil mixture and wait for the seedlings to appear after about 8-12 days.

Ageratum, popularly nicknamed long-flowered for its ability to bloom for a long time, is loved by many precisely for this feature. With the help of ageratum, gardeners successfully create bright, beautiful borders and borders that bloom for a long time. It is also successfully used for planters and hanging boxes.​

From vegetables, feel free to sow cabbage, corn, cucumbers (if you grow seedlings), as well as medium-sized tomatoes

You can sow daisies for seedlings throughout April, only superficially. Seeds sprout at the optimum temperature of +21...+24°C for 7-14 days. 2 weeks after germination, seedlings dive. About what daisies are, and how they can be used in garden decor, the article "Eternal Beauty" - a daisy will tell.

Kochia (summer cypress)

Aquilegia in Latin means "a plant that collects water." Perhaps that is why among the people it received its second name - the catchment area. Gardeners fell in love with aquilegia for its bright flowers of ornate bizarre shape and delicate openwork leaves of extraordinary beauty. Catchment flowers, located on tall peduncles, rise above dense foliage and, depending on the variety, can be double, simple or semi-double.

Seedlings grown in winter should be protected from the cold. On the window sill where the seedlings are placed, I put a piece of foam plastic - it protects the seedling pots in February and March from contact with the cold surface of the window sills. Closer to the glass I put more cold-resistant plants - viola, aster, primrose, verbena.

Aquilegia (catchment)

Lobularia (alissum) seeds can be sown from mid-March to the end of April, depending on when you need to get flowering seedlings.

I sow all seedlings except tomatoes in a greenhouse in April

In addition to sowing, in April you will need to take care of picking flowers planted in March. When they sprout and give the first pair of leaves, they need to be carefully seated (dive). The thicker the seeds sprout, the earlier they need to swoop down so that they do not interfere with each other, do not stretch, and they have enough nutrients.

A native of Mexico, elegant zinnia is primarily valued by gardeners for its bright color: it can be pink, orange, yellow, white, cream, lilac, burgundy, in general, anything but blue. Zinnias of different colors also differ in the shape of the inflorescences: depending on the variety, they can be pomponous, dahlia-shaped (dahlia-colored), chrysanthemum-shaped, scabiose-colored, gayardio-colored, cactus. Flowers are simple - with one row of reed petals; semi-double - with 2-5 rows of petals and terry.

Marigolds reproduce perfectly by sowing seeds directly into the ground, but ... A few years ago I tried to grow seedlings and was very pleased with the result. The flowers bloomed 15-20 days earlier than usual, moreover, their flowering was very, very lush and long, and the plants themselves grew strong and healthy. That is why now I advise everyone to grow marigold seedlings.

“Daisies bloomed in the garden.

It impresses not only with a long flowering period, but also with a variety of colors: blue, pink, white, purple and even burgundy flowers of ageratum are unusually good in garden compositions.

April is the time when in central Russia, in the Moscow region and on the Middle Volga, tomato seeds are sown for seedlings (until April 10), flower seeds (marigolds, asters, zinnias), cabbage seeds for an early harvest. Late varieties of cabbage are sown for seedlings in early May. Since cabbage seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May. If cabbage takes 120 days from sowing to ripening, then it should be sown for seedlings in May.

In addition to their unusual shape, these flowers are attractive in a variety of colors: white, blue-white, blue, pink, and so on. In total, the genus unites about 100 species of aquilegia, different in height - from 15 to 60 cm, - in color and even in the flowering period, but only about 30 of them live in the Middle Lane.

Be sure to sprinkle the soil with the crops with washed river sand and ash on top to protect the seedlings from the black leg.

Dahlias annuals

Ageratum from seeds

In April I will sow in a greenhouse (I have been doing this for many years) - heliatrope, asters, annual dahlias, something else. And at home (to relieve the itching in the hands) - in January, pelargonium, in February, lobelia and strawberries.

An earthen mixture for picking can be taken the same as for sowing, adding one part of the humus. It is necessary to fill small containers with earth (paper cups, small boxes for juice or milk will do), pour, make holes. The seedlings should also be watered, then carefully, together with the ground, take out the seedling, cut off the root by about a third so that root system branched better, and in the same way, together with the earth, lower the hole, sprinkle it. To dig up seedlings, you can take an ice cream stick or, in the case of very small plants, a spatula from a manicure set. Be careful not to damage the delicate stem and roots.

Delphinium (perennial)

Graceful zinnia is one of the few flower crops that is very heat tolerant and great for cutting. Using only zinnia, you can completely form a flower bed: tall varieties are suitable for the background - about 60-90 cm, the flowers of which are more reminiscent of dahlias, medium-sized varieties can be planted in the middle - about 35-50 cm tall, and undersized ones will look great in the foreground - up to 20 cm. As a result, you will have a gorgeous flower bed that blooms from early June until the first frost.

Marigold seeds can be sown in a greenhouse, greenhouse or just under a film - in a garden. Seedlings do not need any special care. It will be possible to remove the film and plant seedlings of marigolds in a permanent place closer to the middle of May.

Very low - near the ground.

In total, there are about 50 species of this plant, mainly growing in the tropics and subtropics, among which there are perennial and annual, dwarf - about 10 cm high - and high - reaching more than half a meter in height. True, only 1 species is predominantly cultivated in the Middle Lane - the Mexican ageratum or, as it is also customary to call it, the Houston ageratum.

Zinnia graceful

Sow in April and cucumber seeds for an early harvest in a greenhouse.

In total, the genus scabiosa has about 90 species, among them there are both annual and perennial herbaceous plants with beautiful wide basal serrated leaves and not too large - reaching 5 centimeters in diameter - but very cute and touching flowers. Scabiosa flowers come in a wide variety of colors: lilac, purple, white, red, burgundy and crimson. And some varieties have very beautiful golden blotches on the flower.

Aquilegia seeds are sown in the first half of April in pre-prepared greenhouses, pots, cups, or in the second half of April directly into the ground. Before sowing, scarification is recommended (mechanical violation of the integrity of the seed coat), which improves germination. To do this, just before sowing, the seeds should be lightly rubbed with fine sandpaper.
In February-March, I highlight seedlings in the evening and morning hours.

In our climate, ageratum is grown through seedlings. Usually seeds are sown in the second half of March - early April. You can do this earlier, but then the seedlings will have to be additionally illuminated.

I will immediately sow in og

In May, flowers are most often planted directly into the ground, but if the end of spring promises to be cold, then it is better to save the flowers from frost and plant them in June already in the form of seedlings. In early May, seedlings can be sown:

Flowers for seedlings in March

It is necessary to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings from mid-April. Moreover, unlike most crops, the seedlings of which we grow on the windowsill, it grows well in a greenhouse and a cold greenhouse. But in warm rooms, fast-growing zinnia seedlings are strongly stretched and lie down.

Ageratum, popularly nicknamed long-flowered for its ability to bloom for a long time, is loved by many precisely for this feature. With the help of ageratum, gardeners successfully create bright, beautiful borders and borders that bloom for a long time. It is also successfully used for planters and hanging boxes.​

As if they threw a rug at their feet.

The appearance of this plant is familiar to almost every grower: rough heart-shaped leaves with denticles at the ends and inflorescences-baskets, collected in dense or loose corymbs. The seeds of the ageratum are very small - about 5000 of them are contained in 1 gram. That is why this heat-loving plant is propagated by sowing seedlings in the first half of April. Seeds are sown in boxes or a greenhouse filled with a previously prepared moistened soil mixture, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. Subject to the optimum temperature and ensuring soil moisture, the seeds of ageratum germinate as early as 10 days after sowing. And as soon as the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, they swoop down.

I notice that people often equate the words "sow" and "plant". I think that it is already understood that they sow seeds, and plant the grown seedlings obtained from seeds in the ground. If you need to transplant the seedlings after sowing, then this operation is called a dive.

  • Scabioses look equally impressive in flowerbeds, borders, borders and mixborders, which is possible due to their "versatility": there are both dwarf varieties that reach a height of only 25 cm, and medium ones, whose height does not exceed 60 cm, and tall - reaching 1 meter high; they look especially impressive in the background or in a solitary landing.
  • Aquilegia shoots appear approximately 14-20 days after sowing. With the advent of one or two true leaves, already strengthened and slightly grown seedlings dive into containers of a larger diameter (about 5x5 cm). Well, in more detail, the secrets of growing, planting and caring for aquilegia are revealed in this article.​
  • The second stage of sowing flower seeds for seedlings begins in April. Along the greenhouse bed where the tomatoes will grow, I make a furrow along the entire length of the greenhouse. I sow the seeds of rapidly developing summers there - those that I did not have time to sow at home (or there was not enough space on the windowsills for their seedlings).

Eschsholzia: growing in peat tablets I want to sow cleoma, zinnia, levkoy. But it's still a long time before sowing - I can change my mind Aquilegia, amaranth, annual dahlias, scabiosu.

source - Club 7 dachas, author of the article Ecspert It impresses not only with a long flowering period, but also with a variety of colors: blue, pink, white, purple and even burgundy flowers of ageratum are unusually good in garden compositions.

But I couldn’t step on it ... ”- the poet speaks so touchingly about daisies. And flower growers treat them no less touchingly, who fell in love with these lovely flowers for their lush and very long flowering and unpretentiousness.

The incredibly spectacular appearance of kochia (also called summer cypress) has made her a favorite of many gardeners. Kochia looks very impressive on any flower bed, and thanks to it the composition takes on a new sound.Thus, the seeds are sown, then the seedlings dive and the finished seedlings are planted in the ground. And they plant onion sets or potatoes. Many also plant carrots. Although carrot-seeds are sown. If carrots are planted, this means that they plant a root crop in order to get carrot seeds at the end of summer to obtain a harvest of juicy root crops next summer. For seedlings, scabiosa seeds are sown until mid-April in a universal land soil mixture. Shoots at a temperature of +15 ... + 18 ° C appear unfriendly: on the 12-15th day - in the stellate scabiosa, on the 18-25th day in the Caucasian and on the 7-14th day in the dark purple scabiosa. Three weeks after the seedlings have risen, they dive, and with the onset of June they are planted in open ground.

Flowers for seedlings in April

A favorite of many flower growers, amaranth conquers with its solemn appearance. This hardy and absolutely unpretentious plant retains a fresh look of inflorescences throughout the summer-autumn period and even in winter - in dry bouquets.

When sowing in April in a greenhouse, you can grow wonderful seedlings of zinnia, marigolds, ageratum, iberis, phloxes, balsams, godetia and many other types of flyers. It often happens that when sowing at home, some seeds do not germinate. And when sown in a greenhouse, they will sprout amazingly!

Many new varieties and hybrids of escholcia are now on sale, often quite expensive. There are very few seeds in bags, sowing them directly into the ground is a pity, and escholcia absolutely cannot stand transplanting. This problem is easy to solve by growing seedlings in peat tablets.

See the sowing dates on the back of the bag of seeds.

Flowers for seedlings in May

The May holidays, and with them the opening of the summer season, are not far away - it's time to get ready. In particular, plan how and with what you are going to decorate the site. What flowers are planted for seedlings from March to April and how to care for them? Text: Agniya Kuznetsova 03/28/2016​

In total, there are about 50 species of this plant, mainly growing in the tropics and subtropics, among which there are perennial and annual, dwarf - about 10 cm high - and high - reaching more than half a meter in height. True, only 1 species is predominantly cultivated in the Middle Lane - the Mexican ageratum or, as it is also customary to call it, the Houston ageratum.

An emblem of kindness and warmth, daisies bloom in early spring and stop blooming only with the onset of autumn. Gardeners prefer terry varieties, which are distinguished by more elegant species and different colors: red, white, pink and bright carmine - daisies can be so different.

And we can also use kochia for topiary - even a beginner can do it. Unusual living figures will decorate the garden to the delight of the owners and the surprise of guests.​

In April, you can sow all annual flowers that grow fast enough - morning glory, statice, petunia, zinnia, clarcia, godetia, marigolds. This is a seedling for the first wave of plants - which should bloom earlier than others.

How to prepare and sow flower seeds for seedlings

Tritoma berry, better known as knifofiya, refers to perennial plants. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach 60-120 centimeters in height. Dense leathery sword-shaped leaves are no less decorative than chic spike-shaped or sultan-shaped inflorescences of various colors: red, yellow, green, orange and even coral, towering majestically on a leafless peduncle.

  1. About 900 species of amaranth are known, but only 15 grow in Russia. The most common are crimson, or paniculate; caudate; tricolor and dark.​
  2. Grow seedlings of flyers in early spring very comfortable in a greenhouse. While the tomato seedlings are small, no one interferes with anyone - there is a lot of light and moisture. Then, when the temperature is right outside, I transplant the grown seedlings from the greenhouse to garden beds.
  3. Growing watermelon in the middle lane
  4. In winter, I have already sown blue cornflower, monarda, primroses, bluebells, doronicum, asters and marigolds, and many others. In the spring, I’ll see what happens and plant it again, if anything

Begonias, gladioli, dahlias, lilies, ranunculus.

Where do the “set” dates come from when you should start seedlings? They are calculated based on the time that each plant passes from sowing to flowering. The problem is that during our short summer, flowers sown in the ground at the beginning of the summer season, in May-June, will only have time to bloom at the end of summer. Therefore, many of the annuals are grown in seedlings, so that they have already grown by the time of planting and bloom earlier. Plants with a long time from sowing to flowering, respectively, are best planted for seedlings earlier, even starting (if you go to the country house early) from February. The appearance of this plant is familiar to almost every grower: rough heart-shaped leaves with denticles at the ends and inflorescences-baskets, collected in dense or loose corymbs. The seeds of the ageratum are very small - about 5000 of them are contained in 1 gram. That is why this heat-loving plant is propagated by sowing seedlings in the first half of April. Seeds are sown in boxes or a greenhouse filled with a previously prepared moistened soil mixture, consisting of equal parts of peat, sand and humus, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil. Subject to the optimum temperature and ensuring soil moisture, the seeds of ageratum germinate as early as 10 days after sowing. And as soon as the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, they swoop down.

You can sow daisies for seedlings throughout April, only superficially. Seeds sprout at the optimum temperature of +21...+24°C for 7-14 days. 2 weeks after germination, seedlings dive.

For seedlings, cochia seeds are sown until the end of April in a container with a universal soil mixture, slightly pressing them into the ground (they need light to germinate). Shoots appear in about 10 days.

  • Sometimes perennial flowers are also sown, if there is a place for them on the windowsill (more often they are sown already in the ground).
  • In addition to an unusual and even somewhat exotic species, knifofia is also valued for its long flowering - from July to October.
  • An annual, rarely perennial herbaceous plant, amaranth has erect, powerful, succulent stems, reaching a height of 150 cm, depending on the species, and beautiful large petiolate, elongated or ovate leaves. In addition to a rather unusual shape, amaranth leaves surprise with a variety of colors: they can be just green, purple-green, and even tricolor. Very small flowers are collected in large complex spike-shaped inflorescences, drooping or straight, very showy.
  • As my practice has shown, greenhouse seedlings of April sowing are of very high quality. And it blooms only about ten days later than the one I grew at home. But you really want to see your favorite flowers blooming early and enjoy blooming garden! Therefore, I spend crops for seedlings both at home and in the greenhouse.
  • Now you will not surprise anyone with a watermelon grown in the middle lane. It's not that hard! To get a crop of watermelons in the middle lane, the main thing is to grow good, correct seedlings.

And I really want something in the spring to plant lavater and cosmea through seedlings, usually they sow seeds in the exhaust gas, but by the time you wait for flowering, autumn is coming.

What kind of flowers will you sow through your seedlings? When is the time for sowing their seedlings?


When planted in the spring, they will bloom the same year. Since flower bulbs are most often stored in the refrigerator so that they do not germinate ahead of time, before planting they must be taken out of the cold, held for a couple of days by the battery, wrapped in cloth, warmed up. Planting is advised in dry soil, but this will delay flowering. Before planting bulbs in the spring, you need to make sure that frosts have gone. Before planting, treat the bulbs in a liquid dressing agent in accordance with the instructions. In the hole where you are going to plant the bulb, you can pour a little complete slow-acting fertilizer.


In general, you need to focus on when you are going to plant flowers, whether in one step or several. You can calculate the time of planting and, accordingly, planting seedlings individually for your garden. Our recommendations are approximate, we assume that the flowers will move to the ground at the end of May - June and will have time to bloom before the end of summer.


The incredibly spectacular appearance of kochia (also called summer cypress) has made her a favorite of many gardeners. Kochia looks very impressive in any flower bed, and thanks to her, the composition acquires a new sound. .​


The modest and coquette of scabiosa captivates with the beauty of its delicate flowers, somewhat reminiscent of cornflowers, and a long flowering period - from June to October.


Aquilegia in Latin means "a plant that collects water." Perhaps that is why among the people it received its second name - the catchment area. Gardeners fell in love with aquilegia for its bright flowers of ornate bizarre shape and delicate openwork leaves of extraordinary beauty. Catchment flowers, located on tall peduncles, rise above dense foliage and, depending on the variety, can be double, simple or semi-double.


The beginning of April is the last opportunity to sow ground tomatoes for seedlings.

Tatiana Pavlova

To obtain seedlings, the seeds of the berry tritoma are sown until mid-April. Seedlings appear after 15-20 days, and after another 3 weeks, the seedlings dive into a larger container. Plants are planted in a permanent place closer to July, and knifofiya blooms only in the second, and sometimes the third year.


Amaranth seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of April, without planting them in the soil, but only slightly dusting with peat or fine sand. Seedlings appear 8-18 days after sowing. Before planting in the ground, amaranth seedlings must be hardened and planted in a slightly inclined position, deepening the plant down to the first leaf.

Natalia Rozhkova

Of the plants I grow, greenhouse conditions are not suitable only for primrose - its seedlings are very weak at first and develop slowly, primrose does not like bright sun and greenhouse heat. While the primrose seedlings are small, I put them under a canopy in the shade. And then I transplant the grown seedlings into a flower garden, covering them at first from rains until they are completely rooted.

How to grow tomato seedlings

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