Sowing calendar gardener gardener May. May dacha calendar

Decor elements 29.08.2019
Decor elements

May is the best month for planting and transplanting all kinds of plants.

First of all, carefully inspect the seedlings. If the leaves began to curl down, and the leaf blades are bent or become convex, then a spider mite has settled on them.

Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. It is urgent to process the seedlings, and at the same time the indoor plants with Fitoverm or Healthy Garden.

In May, tomato and pepper seedlings are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. Gather the first crop of greens and radishes.

Lunar calendar of the summer resident for May 2016

We plant celery, radishes, bulbs, transfer seedlings to the ground, cut and plant trees and berry bushes. Picking and pinching is undesirable.

25 lunar day: Waning moon

You can plant strawberries and engage in a flower garden. Don't use chemicals.

26 lunar day: Waning moon

We prepare the soil for sowing, we destroy pests. Postpone sowing and planting.

27 lunar day: Waning moon

Take care of watering, weeding, top dressing. Set aside pinching and diving roots.

28 lunar day: Waning moon

We trim trees and shrubs. Reduce watering.

29 lunar day: Waning moon

Take care of the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden. Not the best day to work with plant roots.

30 lunar day: New moon

Refrain from active activities in the garden. You can do weeding. Sowing and planting are not recommended

1 lunar day: Growing moon

Water, work with the soil, plant fruit trees.

It is recommended to plant legumes and climbing plants(climbing rose, strawberries, grapes). Removing excess shoots, weeding, mulching, preparing a good place for lawns and beds, fighting pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)

2 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant root crops, radishes, legumes, cabbage.

3 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant peas, beans, sweet peas, and ornamental creepers.

4 lunar day: Growing moon

Engage in strawberries, thin out crops, replant roses.

5 lunar day: Growing moon

Engage in seedlings of eggplant, peppers, gourds.

6 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow cucumbers, plant early potatoes, carrots, beets.

Sowing and transplanting is not recommended horticultural crops. The planting of shrubs and trees will go well. It is worth mowing in order to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for preparing beds and lawns for planting, mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees.

7 lunar day: Growing moon

Feed with mineral fertilizers, sow leafy crops.

8 lunar day: First quarter

Sow dried flowers, transplant dahlias and peonies.

9 lunar day: Growing moon

Spend the crops lawn grass.

10 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant flowers, sow dill and cereals. Apply mineral fertilizers.

It is recommended planting flowers, laying tubers and seeds for storage. Planting stone fruits is also recommended. fruit trees. Irrigation and haymaking are efficient. A great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants.

11 lunar day: Growing moon

Dive plants, divide and replant perennials.

12 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow cabbage, legumes, plant stone fruit trees.

13 lunar day: Growing moon

good time for planting all kinds of flowers and medicinal herbs.

14 lunar day: Growing moon

Water with sprinkling, make mineral dressings

15 lunar day: Full moon

Sow spicy greens. Do not pinch or remove leaves.

16 lunar day: Waning moon

The day is not favorable for planting and sowing.

17 lunar day: Waning moon

You can plant beans, peas, medicinal and spicy herbs.

18 lunar day: Waning moon

Cultivate the land, plant potatoes and other root crops.

19 lunar day: Waning moon

Continue planting root crops, water, fertilize with organic matter.

20 lunar day: Waning moon

Spray your garden for diseases and pests. Postpone landings.

21 lunar day: Waning moon

Weed, pinch, remove excess shoots.

22 lunar day: Waning moon

Work the land. Do not plant or transplant anything.

23 lunar day: Third quarter

Vaccinate, water, feed with organic matter.

24 lunar day: Waning moon

Sow and plant seedlings of vegetables and annual flowers.

Happy harvest!

Before lunch Water and feed the plants.

Water and feed the plants. Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Clematis shoots are normalized.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetables and fruit crops. Carry out pruning fruit trees and berry bushes.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetables and fruit crops.

Apply fertilizer. Weeds are weeded. Install supports for peonies, delphiniums, digitalis. Lay compost heaps.

Planted in the ground grown atsidantera, galtonia, crocosmia. Feed tuberous and bulbous crops. Lilies propagate by scales.

Seedlings of climbing varieties of vegetable beans, Turkish beans, marjoram, cumin, fennel are sown and planted under temporary shelter with lutrasil.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, watermelon, melon in protected ground. Sow green crops in open ground, cucumbers, zucchini, squash - under temporary shelters. Watered. Clematis are propagated by cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Sow corn, sunflower in open ground. Basil, rosemary, marjoram - under temporary shelter.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Heat-loving annuals are sown in the ground. As well as tuberous begonia, dahlias, acidantera, galtonia, crocosmia. Carry out sowing, planting and transplanting any plants, including indoor and greenhouse. Protect heat-loving crops from possible return frosts.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Seedlings of sunflower, leaf parsley, endive, artichoke and annual flowers are planted in open ground. Thin out seedlings of annuals sown in April.

Water, feed, graft plants. Green crops are sown on beds under temporary shelter with lutrasil. Biennials are sown (mallow, foxglove, etc.). Seedlings of heat-loving annuals, as well as sweet pepper, tomato, melon, watermelon are planted in greenhouses and in open ground under temporary shelters.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig and loosen the soil, prepare a site for planting perennials.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Weeds are weeded. Lay compost heap. Lay paths in the garden.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Until lunch, continue the work of the previous day.

They dig and loosen the soil, spud and mulch plants. Feed flowering plants. Weed weeds, thin out shoots of carrots, beets, etc.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Water and feed the plants. Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. They fight terrestrial pests and pathogens of plant diseases (aphids, downy mildew, leaf spot). Plants propagate green cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetable and fruit plants. Carry out the formation of cucumber and tomato in greenhouses and open ground, sanitary pruning of fruit trees.

Favorable planting days in May 2016. May 1 - Orthodox Easter. It is better not to do anything in the garden. Atheists can spray fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests. May 2 - Vegetables sown on this day will be unsuitable for storage. Possible, but not the most favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, spinach, dill. A good time for watering, root and foliar dressing of vegetable crops. May 3 - Process strawberries (removal of old and yellowed leaves, loosening, fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer). The planted mustache is excellent for rooting. May 4 - Barren day of Aries from 09.12. It is possible to carry out sanitary pruning of frozen ornamental crops. Removal of shoots from fruit trees. Removal of unnecessary and yield-reducing strawberry whiskers. May 5 - A good day for weeding. Collection of early greenery and its processing. May 6 - New Moon at 23.31. Barren day - rest. May 7 - Plant seedlings of mid-season and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white and cauliflower in open and protected ground. It is possible to plant seedlings of flowers. Landed in the sign of Taurus, they have increased endurance. Favorable time for planting the next batches of non-shooting radish varieties and hybrids. Sowing beet seeds. Best time for fertilizing root crops, garlic and onions. Engage in planting and transplanting ornamental shrubs. May 8 - The sign of Gemini is very favorable for transplanting roses. Transplantation and division of faded small-bulb flowers. May 9 - Division of rhizomes of perennial flowering plants, their propagation by cuttings and layering. Favorable period for planting, dividing and transplanting flowers. It is useful to feed the flowers. May 10 - Growing Moon in Cancer. Any seedlings will transfer the transplant to a permanent place well. May 11 - Great day for: sowing, planting, transplanting, grafting, fertilizing trees, shrubs, vegetables (except root crops). Favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, dill, spinach in open ground. May 12 - A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all plants stretching upwards: ornamental beans, hops, girlish grapes, climbing rose etc. May 13 - Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that stimulate cardiac activity. Carrying out loosening, hilling, mulching, composting. May 14 - After 09.50 sowing of annual fast-growing flowers is possible, if you did not have time to do this earlier. Transplant Potted Flowers May 15 - Ideal Time to Plant ornamental plants and facilities alpine slides, flower beds, sowing lawn grass, etc.; planted green cuttings will take root well. May 16 - Planting and transplanting roses and clematis. May 17 - Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting pepper, tomato, eggplant seedlings in greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting cauliflower, leek, sorrel, broccoli in open ground. May 18 - Planting days in May 2016 for planting in open ground: white cabbage, onions, dill, parsley, sorrel, zucchini, pumpkin, squash and potatoes not for storage May 19 - Pinching vegetables, pruning trees and shrubs is strictly prohibited. Successful grafting of fruit trees. May 20 - Anything planted in Scorpio will grow well. May 21 - Complete the open ground plantings started the day before. Transplanting indoor flowers. May 22 - Full Moon at 01.16. If you are not going to store your crop for a long time, then you can harvest early vegetables (radishes, spinach, etc.). May 23 - Place supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around shrubs. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, pest control. May 24 - We are engaged in weeding, spud potatoes, cultivate the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes. May 25 - A favorable day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses. May 26 - Root top dressing of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25. May 27 - When the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius, nothing should be planted or sown. May 28 - Well weed and thin out the beds, lay compost. May 29 - A good time to root strawberry whiskers or transplant rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day, you need to water the plants and weed. May 30 - From vegetables, it is best to sow what will immediately go to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry whiskers are good to take root. May 31 - Aries sign. Barren day. It is effective to carry out spraying of all fruit trees and berry bushes from pests and diseases.

It is interesting that the tradition of giving colored eggs to each other for Easter dates back to the time of the emperor Tiberius, to whom, after the resurrection of the Lord, Mary Magdalene came to preach about Him, to which the emperor told her: “If the egg in your hand turns red, I will believe.” Mary took the egg in her hands with the words: "Christ is Risen!" - and it turned red. Today we paint eggs in memory of a miracle that happened many centuries ago. Onion peel The oldest and most popular way of painting eggs for Easter. When I was a child, my grandmother had cast iron stuffed tightly with husks that made beautiful deep orange eggs. The color intensity directly depends on the amount of onion peel in the solution. You can diversify this painting by wrapping the eggs with cloth or putting a leaf (parsley, dill, basil) in gauze, then an unusual pattern will appear on the egg. Tips for dyeing eggs An hour before dyeing, take the eggs out of the refrigerator so that they reach room temperature. In this case, they will not burst during cooking. brilliant appearance colored eggs will be acquired if, after painting, wipe them dry and rub with vegetable oil. Pour water into a saucepan and add onion peel. Red-brown color will turn out if you take the husk of eight onions and pour two glasses of water. Based on this, you can calculate the amount of water and husk for a particular case. Water with husks should be brought to a boil and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Let the decoction stand. The broth should be filtered, freed from the husk, and boil the prepared eggs in it for 7-10 minutes. To obtain a more intense color, the eggs can be returned to the broth and left until they have acquired the desired shade.

Now May has come - just have time, but do not yawn sow beds, fix greenhouses, transplant seedlings.

And between gardening affairs, admire the flowers, which are becoming more and more every day.

A faithful assistant - the lunar calendar for May 2016 for a gardener and a gardener, a florist will come in handy more than ever.

After all, he suggests not only successful planting days, but also the best time for pruning in the garden, harvesting.

The moon is waning and is in unfertile Aquarius. On the Holiday of Spring and Labor, it's time to forget about garden chores and with a light conscience, it's wonderful to relax with family and friends in the bosom of nature.

The moon in the same phase moves into the fertile sign of Pisces. We continue to rest in good company, sometimes being distracted by working moments - pruning trees, but not strong (at the same time firewood for a fire), watering plants, weeding, but do not touch their roots.

The Moon is waning in Aries, in an unfertile sign. Unfortunate time for landing work. Despite the fact that the seeds will please with friendly and fast shoots, the crop will turn out to be small and unsuitable for storage. Take care of loosening and digging the earth, the destruction of harmful insects and weeds.

The new moon moves into a productive sign - Taurus. Unfortunately, three days of the lunar calendar are unsuccessful for plants today. This period is ideal for dealing with weed grass and numerous pests.

The moon began to grow in Taurus, which means that the “hot” time is coming for gardeners. This is the first day when you need to start planting plants in open ground, transplanting seedlings into greenhouses or greenhouses. The day is fully consistent with the proverb "What you sow, you will reap." Gardeners should refrain from pruning and removing shoots. With the growing moon, the sap of plants moves upward from the root system, the ground part develops rapidly, so there is no need to interfere with it.

The moon continues to grow in the infertile sign of Gemini, which is benevolent to climbing and "whiskered" crops - legumes, strawberries, pumpkins. Flower growers, pay attention to ampelous and creeping, creeping flowers. If your lawn is sown, then mow it, the effect will be long-lasting, since the grass will grow slowly. Do not forget about watering, plants absorb it in large quantities.

The moon moves into the constellation Cancer. In the gardener's lunar calendar for May 2016, these are successful planting days. Take advantage of the moment and plant the prepared seedlings in a permanent place. Care for "green pets" will be successful - they will be happy with mineral fertilizers, watering and loosening the soil.

The moon is growing in Leo. The sign is not fertile, but Leo loves the garden. Therefore, gardeners are included in the work. A great time to plant or transplant seedlings, improve the garden. And vegetable growers and flower growers can take a break.

May 13 (8th lunar day). The Moon is in Leo, in 1/4 phase. The day is unfortunate for gardening chores. The maximum you can do is cleaning foliage, tops and watering.

The moon is growing in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, like a true woman, loves flowers, especially annuals. Flower growers have a large scope of work planned: sowing decorative deciduous and annual flower plants, reproduction, division and transplantation of perennials. Gardeners are not recommended to transplant seedlings and plant various vegetables. Gardeners should refrain from pruning trees, this can end badly for them.

The growing moon moves into the sign of Libra. Florists continue to work hard. The time has come to plant tuberous and climbing flowers, roses, and herbs. Gardeners are advised to pay attention to care - weeding, watering, feeding.

The Moon is growing in fertile Scorpio. On May 19, planting of any plants is favorable, except for bulbous and tuberous crops. On May 20 and 21, planting is stopped, despite the fact that the sign has a beneficial effect on plants. All due to the fact that very soon the full moon will come, and the plants will freeze in development. In the remaining two days, direct your energy towards care. Plants should have time to gain strength and take root, but be careful not to damage the roots. Ideal time to remove weeds.

Full Moon in Sagittarius. Negative factors converged today: the phase of the moon, an infertile sign. In this arrangement, all garden work stop. The greatest damage can only be done to weeds.

The Moon remains in Sagittarius, but in a waning phase. Fast-growing crops are planted: flowers, herbs, medicinal herbs. Gardeners can start planting seedlings and cuttings. Great time for harvest.

The moon wanes and moves into Capricorn, favoring gardeners. In the gardener's lunar calendar for May 2016, this is auspicious days for work with trees and shrubs. Their landing, transplantation will be successful. In addition, they will show such properties as frost and drought resistance. Vegetable growers and flower growers may attempt to grow capricious plants.

The moon is waning in Aquarius. Time to replenish theoretical knowledge, understanding mistakes. Don't want to go to the library? Go out into nature for relaxation and heart-to-heart conversations with like-minded people who will share their experience with you.

Extremely unfavorable time for planting. Infertile Aquarius with a waning moon do not give any chance of a positive result. But for the destruction of weeds and harmful insects, harvesting is an excellent period.

The moon changes phase by ¾ and moves into the sign of Pisces. Do what you have a soul for, only under such conditions there will be a positive effect in your work. However, you should not plant plants, the result will still not be.

The waning moon remains in the sign of Pisces. It's time to start pinching, pruning to curb plant growth. Gardeners will be lucky in grafting trees.

The Moon moves into Aries, in its waning phase. Spend the last day of May relaxing. Today, there is a high probability of injuring plants, which will have a bad effect on further development. If you are not used to sitting around and enjoying the aesthetic appearance of your site, then direct your energy to pest control, you can dig a couple of beds or change the soil in pots indoor plants.

Planting calendar for May 2016 gardener and gardener

In May, depending on the region, sowing works are in full swing. In the early days, cold-resistant plants are sown in the warmed soil - radishes, greens, carrots, peas ... In greenhouses, tomatoes and cucumbers receive permanent residence. At the end of the month, when the weather ceases to bring surprises in the form of frost, they sow Bell pepper, pumpkin, beans. And of course, potatoes are planted in May.

Auspicious days for sowing greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, herbs) - May 7, 10, 11, 17–19, May 23. Root crops (carrots, beets, root celery) are sown in the ground - on the 7th, 10th, 11th, 24–26th. The days are good for planting potatoes - 7, 10, 11, 24–26. Radish and radish are sown on May 7, 10, 11 and 19. Zucchini, squash and pumpkin - 7, 10, 11, 19–20 May. Peas and beans will please with a harvest if they are planted on the 7th–9th, 11th, 24th–26th.

May work for gardeners and gardeners- the foundation of the future harvest. Almost all plantings, with the exception of a few crops, are carried out at the end of spring, when all nature comes to life. The lunar calendar will help you choose the best day for sowing, planting seedlings and other work.

Works in May in the garden, in the garden and flower garden

In the garden. ending spring pruning all fruit trees - dry, damaged and growing inside crowns and branches vertically upwards are removed. Seedlings are planted, and this must be done before the first leaves appear, mature trees are grafted.

Before flowering, the garden is treated from pests, primarily from the codling moth, ants and aphids. At the end of May, hedges are also put in order - at the same time, about half of the new shoots are cut off.

In the garden. It is necessary to plan the placement of beds on the site. On the northern slopes and in the lowlands, beds are allocated for cabbage, root crops and onions. Elevated places and southern slopes are best left for tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the crop rotation rule: do not plant the same crop in the same place, remember the useful neighborhood different plants, suitable predecessors.

warmed up under sunbeams the soil must be manure and plow, form beds, tamp the paths, strengthen the sides and slopes. It is necessary to finish preparing the soil for planting in the first decade of May.

The land ready for planting is slightly moist, does not stick to the shovel, and the lump easily crumbles into small fractions. If the soil oozes water, sticks and smears, the lump is too dense - it is not ready yet, it is too early to plant.

When planting seedlings and sowing seeds, only furrows and holes are watered if necessary. It is impossible to water the beds from above - a dense heavy crust can form, which quickly dries up and makes it difficult for seedlings to emerge.

In accordance with the lunar calendar of the work of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers, seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers are planted. At the same time, one should not forget about the possibility of late frosts, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of protection from the cold, especially at night. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the seeding rates, the recommended distance between plants, sowing density, illumination of the beds, layering (this is especially true for the organization of a flower bed).

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for May 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

  • Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
  • Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
The 1 of May 2019, Wed, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Pisces until 13:21, then in Aries The allowed time for planting potatoes and other vegetable crops is only in the first half of the day until 13:21. Then watch the next day.
May 2 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter Fetal Days. Aries is not a fertile sign. You can sow radishes, beets, carrots, rutabaga, turnips and other root crops, but the resulting crop will not be stored for a long time and will not be suitable for seeds. Watering and fertilizing organic fertilizers, stepchildren. You can cut out unnecessary shoots in the garden. Fight against diseases and pests. Compost laying. Sowing green manure.
May 3 2019, Fri, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 23:18
May 4th 2019, Sat, New Moon days, Moon in Taurus Root Days. On the days of the New Moon, any work with plants in the garden is prohibited. We advise you to general cleaning in the house and on the site.
5 May 2019, sun, New Moon at 1:47, Moon in Taurus
the 6th of May 2019, mon, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Gemini from 6:38 Flower Days. Good days for planting curly, ampelous plants and vines, especially decorative ones. Plant strawberries, strawberries, beans, peas, melons, dill, parsley, as well as those plants that can cling to supports with their mustaches. Standard care for plantings, seedlings, houseplants. Just refrain from pruning.
May 7 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon in Gemini, I quarter
May 8 2019, wed, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Cancer from 12:05 Leaf Days. Better days sowing calendar for plants that are grown for their greenery and leaves. Plant green, spice, medicinal and leafy crops during the leaf days on the waxing moon, and your pets will delight you with the freshest, most appetizing, fragrant and abundant green mass.
One drawback - you should not plant tall plants, the stem will not be strong enough. The harvest will please you, but it will have to be eaten as soon as possible - juicy and tasty fruits will not be stored for long.
Plant and sow everything you see fit in the garden: root crops, including potatoes, melons, and other vegetable and berry undersized crops. Planting, transplanting perennial flowers, planting seedlings on beds. Almost all types of work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden are welcome. Carry out lawn seeding. The use of pesticides on the days of water signs is prohibited. Have time to complete all landings by 4 p.m. on the 9th.
9th May 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon in Cancer, I quarter
May 10 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Leo from 16:12
May 11 2019, Sat, Growing Moon in Leo, I quarter Fetal Days. Leo is one of the most infertile signs. You can sow only sunflower, basil, rosemary, marjoram. Give the plants a rest. Loosening, weeding, thinning, processing against pests and diseases - all types of simple garden and garden work without fanaticism). Mowing the lawn, followed by mulching the beds with mowed grass. Watering is not recommended.
12 May 2019, sun, Waxing Moon, in Virgo from 19:21, II quarter from 4:13
may 13 2019, Mon, Growing Moon in Virgo, II quarter Root Days. Virgo is an average fertility sign Lunar calendar. Ideal these days are sowing annual and biennial flowers, weeding, thinning, picking and transplanting. Flowers turn out beautiful, and fruit and vegetable crops give not a rich, but tasty harvest. You can transplant mustaches of strawberries and strawberries, plant dill and other leafy crops. Plant seedlings of fragrant town and carnation Shabo.
14 May 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Libra from 21:51
May 15 2019, wed, Waxing Moon in Libra, II quarter Flower Days. The plants planted these days will provide you with a tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time and will be suitable for collecting seeds. And ornamental crops will delight you with beautiful flowering.
Planting all tuberous vegetables and flowers, including potatoes, cucumbers, gourds, legumes, cabbage, pumpkin, lettuce. Particularly favorable for peppers and tomatoes. Strawberry mustache transplantation, transplantation and division of perennial flowers. Good days for harvesting flowering medicinal plants. Planting, shaping and sanitary pruning various kinds shrubs and trees, cuttings. Watering, vaccinations and spraying are contraindicated.
16th of May 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon in Libra, II quarter
May 17 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Scorpio from 0:26 Leaf Days. Scorpio is a very fertile sign. Perfect days Lunar calendar for sowing and planting all your planned crops. Plants will have a strong stem, developed root system, the fruits will turn out tasty and suitable for seeds. It is also a great time for all garden and garden work with soil and plants, except for pruning and dividing rhizomes. Do not forget to sow green manure.
May 18 2019, Sat, Full Moon days, Moon in Scorpio On the days of the Full Moon, crops, plantings and any other work in the garden and garden are not desirable. Don't disturb the plants or the soil.
There is time to finish repairs in the house and other country buildings, as the invasion of children and schoolchildren to villages and dachas is expected very soon.
May 19 2019, sun, Full moon at 0:13, Moon in Sagittarius from 4:24
May 20 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter Fetal Days. An infertile sign, although plants planted under Sagittarius give seed material of very high quality.
You can plant potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, beets, carrots, turnip onions, garlic, radishes, green and spicy crops. Planting spring garlic. Of the flowers, the planting of biennials is good: mallows, daisies, violas.
In the garden - complete care for seedlings and plantings. In the garden - spraying trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, especially plums, cherries and other stone fruits. Weeding and mulching of tree trunks.
May 21st 2019, Tue, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Capricorn from 11:01 Root Days. Ideal days of the lunar calendar for planting crops grown for the sake of the underground part. Waning Moon + Days of the Root - have time to carry out all the plantings of root crops you have planned. You can also plant legumes, cabbage, peppers, onions, tomatoes.
Although vegetables and fruits will not be large, plants planted under Capricorn will grow resistant to weather conditions, damage, diseases and pests, and will delight you with wonderful seed material.
Gardeners - planting seedlings. Pruning fruit trees. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Loosening, weeding and mulching, plant cuttings
Prohibited planting, dividing and transplanting indoor plants. It is not necessary to carry out any work with the roots of plants. Watering is not recommended. But start work on the 21st no earlier than 11 am.
22nd of May 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter
May, 23rd 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Aquarius from 20:51
May 24 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter Flower Days. Excellent time for digging the soil and loosening. The main task is to saturate the soil with air, which is especially favorable in air signs on the waning moon.
For crops and plantings, these are not the most better days. Carry out hilling, pinching tomatoes, activities aimed at combating pests and diseases, sanitary pruning. You can prepare medicinal plants. Great time for selection work.
May 25 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter
26 of May 2019, St, Waning Moon, IV quarter from 19:35, in Pisces from 9:08 Although Pisces is fertile, it is better not to disturb the plants when the Earth's satellite changes a quarter.
May 27 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter Leaf Days. Pisces is a fertile sign of the lunar calendar. Plants will have strong roots and stems, and will reward you with delicious fruits. You can plan any crops, plantings and transplants for this day. Plant seedlings of cabbage in open ground. The best time to plant drought-resistant ornamental crops is succulents and cacti. The introduction of various top dressings. Lawn mowing.
May 28 2019, Tue, Old Moon, IV quarter, in Aries from 21:31
May 29 2019, wed, waning moon in Aries, fourth quarter Fetal Days. Ideal days for picking vegetables, fruits and berries. The harvested crop, when the Moon is in Aries in phase 4, will be perfectly stored. (But I can hardly remember that in St. Petersburg, where I have a dacha, it ripens at the end of May) So this bonus of the Lunar calendar is only for the southern regions.)
Aries is not a fertile sign. At your discretion, you can only plant crops that are easy to grow in agricultural technology and grow well on your soil.
There is time to finish cleaning the house and on the site, prepare a lot of useful goodies and wait for the grandchildren to arrive at the dacha.
May 30 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter
May 31 2019, Fri, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 7:39 Root Days. Fertile day of the calendar. Planting seedlings in open ground, any planned crops and planting vegetables, flowers. Watering and organic top dressing, weeding, crumbling and mulching of beds and crop circles.

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