Growing greenery in winter as a business. Greenery business plan

Decor elements 30.09.2019
Decor elements

Demand for greens is consistently high. This makes the cultivation of spices a promising direction. However, to get a good profit, significant investments will be required.

Profitability is estimated based on the scale of the business. For large and successful entrepreneurs with an established sales market, it reaches 65%; on the initial stage is 20-30%; on average - a little more than 40%. Among the advantages are:

  • inexpensive planting material;
  • ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness of crops;
  • year-round demand, increasing in winter and spring;
  • compactness: not required large areas, expensive equipment;
  • quick payback;
  • the ability to harvest 4-5 crops per year.

However, building a business on greenery is risky because:

  • high cost of production;
  • products are not stored for long;
  • the crop may die from diseases and pests;
  • significant costs for heating greenhouses.

An interesting direction for business?


What you need to start a business

To grow greens you will need:

  1. Insulation: film, polystyrene, foil (for apartment cultivation).
  2. Soil, fertilizers and planting material.
  3. Container: pots, boxes, pallets, water bottles.
  4. Thermometer for air temperature control.

There are several places where you can grow herbs for sale:

  • in the apartment;
  • in open ground;
  • in the basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in a greenhouse.

Growing greens at home allows you to get not a large number of crop round
year. Plants will need a place away from batteries and artificial lighting. The same goes for basement growing. You can't earn much in this way.

One option: sow plants in summer open ground or a greenhouse, and in winter move it indoors. But the most effective method cultivation - greenhouse.

A favorable microclimate is always maintained in the greenhouse. Its design allows you to conveniently fertilize the beds and harvest. In addition, in heated greenhouses, plants are comfortable even in winter.

Types of greenhouses

The business plan will be built and adjusted based on the characteristics of the greenhouse.

The type of heating is selected depending on the available fuel resources and the thermal conductivity of the greenhouse material (the higher the thermal conductivity, the more productive the heating system should be).

Reference! Some entrepreneurs set wood stoves for heating and solar panels to provide electricity.

You also need a lighting system and a well-functioning irrigation system. For lighting, lamps are preferable daylight.

An irrigation system is required to minimize manual labor. The most affordable is the mass irrigation system. A more expensive and effective option is a drip irrigation system. For advanced farmers, hydrogel is suitable - productive and budget technology moisture retention.

By type of coating greenhouses are:

  1. Glass. Strong, durable, well pass color. The main disadvantage is that plants receive sunburn. Also, such greenhouses do not retain heat well, which makes them unprofitable in winter.
  2. Polyethylene. In polyethylene greenhouses, plants are not afraid of burns, but they receive much less light. In addition, film shelters are short-lived. Of the advantages, only low cost and ease of handling and installation.
  3. Acrylic/polycarbonate. Quite expensive, but effective.
  4. — thermoses. The design of such greenhouses provides for a double coating, which allows you to minimize heating costs. In mid-February, the greenhouse is cleared of snow and lined with a black film. The soil will warm up enough by the beginning of March.

What plants are best to grow

The basis of the business is the cultivation of dill and onion. These are the most sought after and profitable
plants. It is also advisable to plant:

  • parsley (leaf, because root is not in demand);
  • lettuce (green and leafy, watercress);
  • spinach;
  • cilantro;
  • sorrel;
  • celery (leaf, root and petiole).

Before sowing, the seeds are briefly soaked in water. Planted in rows (in conditions of limited space - in checkerboard pattern) to a depth of no more than three centimeters. The inoculation density indicated on the packaging must be observed.

Advice! Give preference to ultra-early and early ripening varieties.

Before buying seeds, you need to read the reviews of a relative one or another variety. Well proven: Uzbek dill, parsley Prima and Curly, Volcano onion, curly celery, Lolla Rossa and New Year's salad.

There are several varieties of onions: spicy, sweet and semi-sharp. Acute - the most precocious, but not suitable for a pen. Sweet ripens for a long time. Semi-sharp onion - golden mean, allowing you to grow both greens and bulbs.

After receiving the first harvest, the seeds can be grown by yourself, changing the variety every two to three years to avoid degeneration.

Greens require less attention than vegetables or fruits. Many varieties are cold tolerant. But minimal care is needed: watering, loosening, weeding and top dressing. You should also follow the order of landing. With a rational crop rotation, after harvesting one plant, another is planted in its place.

Here are some charts to help guide you when landing.

Table 1. Terms of planting dill

Table 2. Onion planting dates

Table 3. Planting sequence when growing several plant species.

PlantSowing time:
Basilfrom May 10 to June 10
Mustard leaffrom April 10 to August 10
cilantrofrom April 20 to August 10
Watercressfrom April 10 to September 10
onion setsfrom March 30 to May 10
Leekfrom March 10 to May 30
Bow-batunApril 15 to May 10
Melissafrom April 20 to May 20
MintMarch, April, September
March, April, October
Radishfrom April 10 to May 25
Saladfrom April 10 to August 20
leaf celeryfrom May 1 to June 10
Asparagusfrom May 1 to July 10
Dillfrom April 1 to July 31
SorrelApril to June
Spinachfrom April 10 to July 20

Advice! If " standard set» sells well, you can plant other herbs for testing: basil, cardamom, coriander. Or plant a bed of radishes. You do not need to grow a lot: volumes can always be increased if there is demand.

On average, 3 kilograms of greenery are obtained from one square meter. Based on these figures, a business plan will be calculated.

greenery business plan

The plan is attractive in that at the initial stage it requires minimum investment. seed
is very cheap. If you have your own land, there is no need to buy or rent land. The main expenses will fall on greenhouses and equipment, as well as “little things”: fertilizers, pesticides, racks, containers for plants.

Cost calculation

  1. Purchase of two greenhouses from cellular polycarbonate 18 sq. meters - 60,000 rubles.
  2. Seeds - about 2000 p.
  3. Fertilizers and remedies for diseases - about 7,000 rubles.
  4. Transportation costs (not included here, as they directly depend on the region and sales outlets).

In total, you need to invest about 70,000 rubles. In the future, with the expansion of the business, the salary of the assistant will be added to the expense item - 120,000 rubles a year, as well as the registration of the business and the payment of duties - 15,000 rubles.

Income calculation

  1. The useful area of ​​greenhouses is approximately 30 sq. meters (you can increase the area due to additional tiers and racks). On one square meter, you can grow an average of 3 kg of greenery. This is 90 kg from two greenhouses.
  2. There are 4-5 harvests per year. Let's say we managed to grow 450 kg.
  3. The price per kilogram of dill varies from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the season and sales volumes. Onions cost more. The average price per kilogram of greens will be about 150 rubles / kg.

In total, you can earn 67,500 rubles for the sale. This means that in the second year the greenhouses will reach self-sufficiency. Every year, the profit will grow by reducing the cost of greenhouses (only fixed costs for fertilizers and seeds) and an increase in the consumer audience.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that greenhouses can pay off already in the first five months due to an increase in usable area. Average profit developed business is 200-250% per season.

In winter, growing greens is more expensive, but at the same time, demand increases, so it is worth considering growing greens in a greenhouse year-round.

Greenery business all year round

From mid-autumn to mid-spring, plants in greenhouses require lighting and heating, which is expensive. However, it is profitable to grow greens for sale in winter, since it is during this period that demand and price increase.

Additional costs will be:

  1. Heating system (50 meters polypropylene pipes) - 12,000 rubles.
  2. KAMAZ hard coal for a year - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity (fluorescent lamps) - 15,000 rubles.

Advice! To save heat, place greenhouses nearby and make a common entrance.

If the business plan is justified, then gradually it is possible to attach new greenhouses and reach the industrial level.

Collection and sale of the crop

Pre-sale preparation of goods includes several stages:

  1. A few hours before harvest, the crops need to be well watered.
  2. Carefully remove from the ground, wash the roots, dry.
  3. Sort plants by size (long/short feather). Subsequently on different types set different prices.
  4. Plants are placed in a special container with the leaves up.
  5. To keep the greens longer, they are placed in water with the addition of an aspirin tablet (per liter).

Advice! You can grow and sell greens in special mini-pots. Greens in a pot are stored longer and attract the consumer with a beautiful view.

Those who have encountered growing greens on personal experience, argue: the main problem is not production, but profitable marketing.

The markets are constantly highly competitive, and the need for greenery can be fully met by local farmers. A retail outlet on the market will fit only the first time, when production volumes increase, you will have to look for additional distribution channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • the shops;
  • vegetable warehouses;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • firms engaged in the preparation of ready-made food;
  • schools, hospitals and others public institutions(by tender).

Sometimes documents may be required for sale - a certificate of the presence of a personal plot and special certificates about the product.

Large-scale production must be registered as an individual entrepreneur in the field of agricultural production (OKVED code - A.01.12.2). In this case, the form of taxation - ESHN - 6% of net profit. To officially hire workers, you will have to register with the FIU and the FSS.

To increase sales, set the price slightly below the market price. Effective seasonal discounts, several types of payment, the possibility of deferred payment.

To read: 9 min Viewed:.

Agricultural business - promising direction investments of funds and efforts, since there is always a demand for agricultural products, as well as for any other food products. You can grow anything you want, there would be a desire and opportunities. And you can start small. Consider a fairly simple and profitable business- growing greens.

Why greenery? This is one of the most sought-after products on the market, people need greens all year round. Everyone can cope with the cultivation of greenery, it does not require any special qualifications or special education. We all grow greens in our summer cottages. Of course, when using special means or installations you will need to get some knowledge, but this is not difficult.

Investments to start this business need small, you can start small, literally from a few thousand rubles. True, in order to receive a good income, you need to grow a large amount of greenery, and this will require an increase in start-up capital. In any case, you have a choice: invest several tens of thousands at once and receive a solid reward, or start small and gradually accumulate capital to expand your business.

The highest income from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season, although greens are also in demand in summer.

Ways to grow greens

Growing greenery as a business can have different scales and be carried out in different ways.

Method 1: in the apartment

This is a method that does not require high costs but requiring space. If you have the opportunity to allocate one room for growing greens in the off-season, then you can make good money. Greens at home are grown in boxes, in pots, in plastic bottles and in other ways.

Method 2: in the garden

This option is good in summer. V summer time there is no point in growing greenery in an apartment. For this period, you can "move" to the summer cottage. In summer, greens are cheaper than in the off-season, so that your profit does not decrease, you need to grow it in more. And on suburban area there is, of course, more space than in one room of your apartment, even if the boxes in it are arranged in four tiers.

Method 3: in a greenhouse

Having a good greenhouse, you will not depend on the season and the vagaries of changeable weather. And yet, keep in mind: growing greens in greenhouses all year round is profitable only in the southern regions of our country. If you decide to do this in the north, then the cost of electricity and gas will not allow you to get a decent profit.

Selling greenery

Greens contains great amount nutrients: vitamins, trace elements, minerals. And it is very good that not only you understand this, but also most of your potential buyers and clients.

Where can you supply greens?

  • To the markets.
  • On vegetable bases.
  • To shops. To cafes and restaurants.
  • To grocery stores.

To supply greens to any food outlets, you need to conclude contracts with them.

Expenses and income

The profitability of this business is very high, in the most favorable scenario, it can reach up to 500%.

An approximate business plan for growing greenery in an apartment:

Let's take green onions as an example. If you arrange boxes with onions in two or three tiers, you can get about 30 square meters. m. useful seating area in the room is about 20 sq.m. Based on this, calculations will be carried out.

So first the costs:

  • seed material. The cost of one kilogram of sowing onions is about 10 rubles (at a wholesale warehouse). With a dense planting of onions per square meter, you need about 10 kilograms. So, for 30 sq. m. area, we need 300 kg of onions for 3,000 rubles.
  • Crates and boxes can be obtained for free at any supermarket, sawdust is also mined for free at the sawmill.
  • You can put about 2,000 per month on fertilizers.
  • Lighting - installation of fluorescent lamps - 10,000 rubles.
  • Payment for electricity and water - about 2,000 per month. It is worth noting that the bow does not need round-the-clock lighting, it is enough to slightly extend the daylight hours. Although, on the other hand, the more light, the better the harvest.
  • Transportation costs - about 5,000 per month.

Total - 22,000. This is how much money you need to start your own business of growing greens in an apartment.

If desired or urgently needed, you can reduce the initial costs: at first, get by with an ordinary light bulb.

Now a more pleasant aspect - income.

We will assume that each square meter of usable area gives about 10 kg of greenery. In fact, you can get more, 15 kg - a very real figure with good planting material, comfortable conditions and proper care.

So, let it be 10 kg. We get two harvests per month, that is 600 kg.

With a wholesale price of 70 rubles per kilogram, our income will be 42,000 rubles.

Net profit - 20,000.

And this is only at the initial stage. Keep in mind that you spend money on lamps once, which means that the net profit from the second month will be 30,000 rubles.

About other ways of growing greens and their costs

If your climatic conditions allow you to grow greens in a greenhouse, then you, accordingly, will have to build this same greenhouse or purchase a finished one. The finished greenhouse is a structure, most often of an arched type, made of cellular polycarbonate and guide supports. Width standard finished greenhouses from 3 to 8 meters, length - from 3 to 20 m. The cost of a greenhouse depends on the area and ranges from 30,000 to 130,000.

Another option for growing greens both in a greenhouse and in regular room- hydroponic installation. In this case, the greens are grown in a special balanced nutrient solution. This is a very convenient and popular method of growing the most various plants. A hydroponic setup is a frame with a growing surface, growing trays, a solution pipe system and a lighting system that automatically adjusts as the plants grow. Hydroponic installation for a room of 25 sq. m. will cost from 30,000.

An attractive option is to grow greens in small pots and sell them along with the pots. Greens in a pot look beautiful and cost more than greens in a bunch, with the same weight and volume. You can simply buy inexpensive pots and grow greens in them, or you can purchase a special automated installation on growing greens in pots, which will do almost everything on its own. The cost of such an installation is from 70,000 rubles.

Registration and taxes

While you're growing greens on your personal plot or in an apartment you can not formalize your business in any way. But you will not be able to fully sell your products. You will have one way - to sell it to resellers, and this is not always profitable.

Therefore, when you turn around and start producing a large amount of products, you should be with the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. In this case, you will become an entrepreneur engaged in agricultural production and will be able to choose for yourself a special form of taxation - UAT.

Which replaces all other forms of taxation and has a low rate - 6% of net profit.

For profitable business growing plants in a greenhouse, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules. It is necessary to properly equip the greenhouse and know exactly how much greenery grows and what are the requirements for the microclimate and care. Profitable production requires attention and certain knowledge of agricultural technology of each crop.

Winter cultivation and sale of greenery brings a good income. Most often, parsley and dill are bred. But apart from obvious merits There are also disadvantages to this business.

Pros of growing herbs for sale:

  • Greens are unpretentious in care and do not require much attention;
  • Does not require a large initial investment, as the seeds are cheap, and special equipment care is not required;
  • You can quickly earn income, since the ripening period of greens is short;
  • Greens have a regular demand in the market.

But numerous reviews of farmers also highlight negative aspects. Such a business requires a constant clientele, as the greens quickly lose their presentable appearance. It will also require finances and time costs for the equipment of the greenhouse and the creation optimal conditions for growing crops. But these expenses will quickly pay for themselves with the timely sale of products.

When growing greenery in winter, it is necessary to properly design a greenhouse. For coating, you can use a film, glass or polycarbonate. The best option is cellular polycarbonate.

Glass does not scatter light, so plants can get burned. In the summer, it is advised to shade the greenhouse to avoid this.

A winter greenhouse should be equipped with heating, automatic irrigation and a system for maintaining microclimate parameters. Thanks to modern developments, greens can be grown in northern regions. You can equip a new generation greenhouse and significantly save on electricity and heating.

Experts advise growing herbs hydroponically. So the vegetative period of crop growth is reduced. In addition, plant care is much simpler. Hydroponics does not require fertile soil, you just need to purchase plastic glasses.

This production technology also provides for the purchase nutrient solution who need to feed the greens. It is also convenient that with such cultivation, plants can be placed vertically. This will help to maximize the economical use of the area of ​​the greenhouse.

Rules for the storage and collection of greens:

  1. Plants must be watered before harvesting. So the greens will be easier to collect from the beds.
  2. Harvested cultures should be stored in a waterproof container. There you need to add water with aspirin. So the greens will stay fresh longer.

It is important to follow these rules when growing crops, otherwise the plants will quickly lose their fresh look. Greens can also be planted indoors using liquid fertilizers. It will cost more, but the plants will have an expressive taste. Hydroponically grown greens are tasteless.

Agrotechnics for growing parsley in a greenhouse for sale

There is a demand for parsley all year round. At the same time, the business can also be equipped year-round. To do this, you will need to equip a winter greenhouse and follow a number of business plan requirements.

The nuances of growing parsley:

  1. It is necessary to first establish trade relations;
  2. The winter greenhouse should have lighting and heating;
  3. Seeds can be obtained independently or bought;
  4. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the plant for the microclimate and care.

Only knowing the agricultural technology of parsley can you properly organize a regular sale. You can only sell fresh-looking greens. Maximum term storage of the plant in a cool place - a week. For a good income you need to collect maximum amount harvest.

Together with parsley, you can grow onion, dill, lettuce. This will increase profits, and bunches of different greens are in greater demand.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the classification of the plant. Parsley is leaf and root. Both species are quite valuable in terms of vitamin parameters, but the root has a valuable root crop. Leaf parsley may differ in leaves: smooth or corrugated. The first option has a more intense smell.

Parsley seeds germinate slowly. Before sowing, it is necessary to bring them to the stage of hatching and only then sow. The first harvest can be harvested after a couple of months, then the products for sale will be ready every month.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 3-4 degrees. But greens should grow at a temperature of 15 degrees. Watering should be moderate. Top dressing should be performed 2 times during the growth period of parsley.

The nuances of growing dill in a greenhouse in winter for sale

To get fragrant bunches of dill, you must follow certain rules growing greens. First you need to prepare the greenhouse. This event starts in February. Then the area under the greenhouse must be cleared of winter precipitation. To quickly heat the earth, it is necessary to cover it with a film or roofing material. Already in early spring, the soil warms up quite well.

Seeds must be soaked before sowing. But do not germinate them, otherwise there will be problems with their planting in the ground.

It is important to remember that when growing dill for sale, you do not need to sow the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse. So the plants will not receive their share of light and will not grow into lush bushes. Therefore, it is better to land with grooves.

Nuances of growing dill:

  • Sprouted seeds must be planted in beds, sprinkled a little with earth;
  • It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle;
  • It is necessary to get rid of weeds in time;
  • Periodically, you need to loosen the soil so that there is no hard crust that will prevent the dill from germinating;
  • A dense planting needs to be thinned out;
  • Fertilize at least once during the growth period.

For a quick harvest, it is recommended to use early ripe varieties dill. And for regular cultivation of a plant it is necessary to sow it. In addition to growing dill in the ground, you can try growing it hydroponically. This a budget option, but the greens will lack a characteristic taste.

Greenhouse garlic business

For industrial enterprises such a business must be registered. But if sales volumes are small and exclusively familiar, then it makes no sense to formalize everything officially. Legal grounds for registering a business - if more than 1 hectare of land is involved in the cultivation of garlic.

Benefits of growing garlic for sale:

  • You can equip a business at home, in the country;
  • Garlic is in demand among buyers;
  • Minimum competition;
  • Requires small financial investments;
  • Garlic is not whimsical in care.

There are 2 types of garlic: winter and spring. Before starting a business, it is important to determine which type will be used. Winter garlic more suitable for breeding for sale. It is frost resistant high yield and beautiful taste qualities. Spring is more suitable for growing in warm regions.

Garlic is not sown by seeds. For planting, cloves and bulbs are used. They must be of high quality, not affected by diseases.

The microclimate for garlic depends on the variety chosen. But the culture is quite unpretentious in care. The cultivation technology must necessarily include regular watering, loosening, cleaning weeds and arrows, as well as fertilizer.

Growing greenery in greenhouses (video)

To grow high-quality greens in a greenhouse, certain rules must be observed. Each culture is unique, but for the best profit, it is advised to grow several types of greens at once and sell them in bunches. For year-round cultivation, you will need a winter greenhouse with heating and lighting.

Going through a lot of different ideas to start our own business, we often don’t even think about the options that literally “lie” under our feet. Indeed, who is interested in paying attention to the everyday and inconspicuous aspects of our lives, because we want something global and to have more money right away. Forgetting that, in fact, the amount of profit is not always directly proportional to the cost of the product or its beauty and fashion, and to be precise, it is often completely unrelated to such aspects.

In this, of course, do not want to believe, but still. As the simplest example from life, it is worth recalling the battles that unfolded in Moscow literally six months ago. In the center of this "action movie" with criminal showdowns, explosions and absolutely real murders, there were by no means oil rigs or gold mines, but a banal Moscow wholesale market of "greens". Control over this piece is not cheap, taking into account the fact that they try to "squeeze" it quite regularly. And the question immediately arises, is this worth it? green business» such efforts and sacrifices? If conflicts continue, then it is definitely worth it, but why?

It's all about the very profitability and profitability of the greenery business, the fact is that real calculations of the economic efficiency of growing different crops show that, under all equal conditions, growing vegetables is two to three times more profitable than cereals, of course, per hectare . But growing is several orders of magnitude more profitable than growing the same vegetables, well, how? At the same time using small areas lands can really get a crop all year round and the main thing is that the demand for these products is also year-round. I agree that there are nuances with the cost of grown greens in summer period and in winter, but even taking into account the price reduction, the profitability of cultivation is several hundred percent, there are no such margins in any other agricultural business.

The best option for organizing a business on the greenery, of course, is a greenhouse, although for the implementation of such an idea, it is also suitable closed room, most of the crops that we refer to as "greens" feel great both when grown in a greenhouse and grow well under the light of fluorescent lamps. It’s just that using the greenhouse method is more capital-intensive and is not always suitable for a novice businessman, but allocate a 20-square-square household room and place racks with necessary equipment will cost a lot less. Plus, in such cases, control over temperature, humidity and the amount of light is much easier and, most importantly, cheaper. Well, we will talk in more detail about growing greenery in greenhouses and technology in the following publications, do not forget to subscribe.

Most profitable destinations green business:

Option one - grow dill and parsley. It is worth noting that for the most part the complex cultivation of crops and greenery, including, always looks the best option business. Why did you choose these as the best option?

Pros of growing dill and parsley:

  • - Parsley and dill are not whimsical and require minimal conditions;
  • - Consumption of both the first and second, in our cuisine, is traditional, which is not unimportant because in such cases we have a stable demand;
  • Both are fast growing.

Cons of growing parsley and dill as a greenery business:

High competition;

Option two - salad. Lettuce is a rather specific culture and has a number of positives, firstly, it grows very well in hydroponics, secondly, hydroponics does not spoil its taste (it is actually neutral in itself), and thirdly, stable demand throughout the year. But there is also a significant disadvantage, the cultivation of lettuce requires the organization of a more “advanced” growing process, we are talking about the same hydroponics.

The third option for green business is radishes. Radishes in domestic markets are rather a seasonal product, massively appearing in the spring, however, the demand for it exists all year round, there are a lot of radish lovers. The main positive aspects of this direction are:

  • - unpretentiousness of the radish itself;
  • - high productivity;
  • - a fast growing season, new varieties allow you to get a crop 30 days after planting;
  • - not high competition;

True, there are significant disadvantages, alas, given plant requires large planting areas (compared to dill, parsley and lettuce). So when growing it as the main product in the greenery business, you will have to build a full-fledged greenhouse.

Option four - a bow on a feather. To be precise, then . For some reason, this direction is considered the most best ideas for business, although practice shows that this point of view is erroneous.

  • Firstly, growing green onions requires large areas, at least the same as for growing radishes, plus you need to provide good lighting and prevent excessive sun exposure, the onion simply turns yellow. For all intents and purposes, growing dill, radishes, parsley, and even lettuce is a lot easier to do business than growing feather onions.
  • Secondly, onions, unlike other types of plants used for cultivation, are the most capricious in the implementation. On the one hand, he is very sick, on the other hand, after reaching a marketable condition, he must be removed quickly, otherwise he will “burn out” or shoot “arrows”.

Of course, growing green onions is also profitable and possible, but I definitely do not advise you to use it as the main crop in your business.

Option five - basil, celery, spinach, sorrel. For those who are just starting their business, and even more so from scratch, I definitely do not recommend using these crops for growing. On the one hand, they require more personal care. On the other hand, the demand for these goods is not high enough.

It is worth noting one small feature, the entire green business can be divided into two areas:

The first direction is the sale of grown products on their own or in small wholesale (half a kilogram - kilogram) in their region. In such cases, it will be optimal to grow several crops, or even the entire list, in small areas.

The second direction is the sale of grown goods in bulk. In such cases, you should not be sprayed, but it is optimal to choose one specific culture, for beginners, I would advise you to try parsley, and deal only with it. In this case, you will be able to achieve maximum results in cultivation, and most importantly, you will be able to ensure the rhythmic supply of wholesale lots of one crop, which will ensure interaction with wholesalers.

Finally, I want to say that the green business is perhaps one of the most promising in the world, the main problem is the arrangement of greenhouse facilities. In fact, much of the talk about the impossibility of competing greenhouses in mid-latitudes, with growing in warm zones, is nothing more than words. Proper organization of the heating system using new technologies allows such products to compete with their "southern" counterparts.

Interesting on this topic

We grow greenery in summer cottages only for ourselves, but what if we grow it for sale? What kind of income can you get? How much money should be spent initially on the implementation of this venture?

One-time investments and expenses

Before you start earning income, you need to invest equity. It is impossible to determine the exact amount that will be needed. It depends on features:

  • where the greens will be grown (greenhouse, at home, on open ground);
  • what area is allocated for planting with greenery (it depends required amount seed);
  • what greens are grown for sale (dill, parsley, onion, and so on);
  • what fertilizers will be used (protection against pests, for plant immunity, and so on);
  • regional features (for example, whether constant heating of the greenhouse is needed, shelter from heavy rains, and so on).

Let's take, for example, approximate calculations for growing onions.

Where will the cultivation be? Estimated costs Growing period and sowing cycle Expected income for 1 month Estimated payback period
Apartment or garage initial costs for the purchase of seed - 4000 rubles;

purchase of the necessary packaging - 5 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers and the soil itself - 4.5 thousand rubles;

monthly utility bills - 2.5 thousand rubles;

transportation for sale - 5 thousand monthly.

Cultivation year-round 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 50 - 180%

Land use purchase of seeds for sowing - 4 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers - 1,000 rubles;

payment for the irrigation system -1.4 thousand rubles;

payment for transport - 10 thousand rubles.

About 5 months 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 100 - 150%

Greenhouse growing option Acquisition of building materials for the construction of greenhouses -140 thousand rubles;

Installation of a hydroponic system - from 5 thousand rubles;

Containers - 7 thousand rubles;

Mineral fertilizers and soil - 3.5 thousand rubles;

Seeds - 4 thousand rubles;

Lighting - 11 thousand rubles;

Transport - 10 thousand rubles;

Utilities -2.5 thousand rubles.

Year-round cultivation 30 thousand rubles 3 months

Profitability 25 - 250%

The income is indicated everywhere the same, since it is not known what area will be used, and what yield is expected.


While the greens will be grown in a summer cottage or in an apartment, no legal documents need to be drawn up. In simple words there is no need for an IP. But at the same time, you need to remember one nuance: you cannot sell products yourself (after all, there are no documents for this), and therefore there is only one way to sell - hand over to resellers. This is not profitable, but in the early stages it is quite normal.

As income increases and will be regular customers, there will be a need to expand the business (for example, growing in a greenhouse will be required) - paperwork will be required.

The best option will be the registration of individual entrepreneurs according to the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. According to this encoding, the entrepreneur is marked in tax authority working in the agricultural sector.

It will be possible to choose the ESHN taxation system (the most optimal one).

The definition of ESHN means a single agricultural tax, which can replace other forms of taxation. The tax rate on it is very low - only 6% of net income.

Recurring (monthly) expenses

Monthly costs directly depend on the place where the greens are grown.

It is worth noting that today the cultivation of hydroponically- Substantial cost savings. Plants are grown without soil. Thanks to this, you can get a presentable appearance of the finished product for sale.

Returning to the monthly costs, we can say: in financial terms about 6 thousand rubles will come out with home cultivation, above, if you need to regularly travel to the site where the greenery grows.

It is impossible to predict the financial costs of regular trips (sales markets, a trip to the place of cultivation).

As for the cost of your time, it all depends on the method of cultivation. If the greens grow on hydroponics, then you just need to regulate the process (once a day when grown in remote areas from home, and if grown in a room or in a garage, then you must agree that the control will certainly be regular).

The greenery is unpretentious, and it’s enough just to follow it: do not overfill (if using a hydroponic method), do not overdry the soil (if without hydroponics), monitor sufficient level lighting (just install energy saving light bulbs and forget).

Stages of business development

Stages of development of the idea for growing greens:

  1. The choice of the type of greenery and the place of cultivation.
  2. A growing method is chosen (hydroponics or another option).
  3. The sales market (shops, supermarkets) is being worked out. Maybe one of my friends is engaged in growing greenery and talked about places.
  4. You need to start purchasing the necessary goods: equipment, seeds, and so on.
  5. Planting and growing greenery.
  6. Selling greenery, getting the first profit.

It must be remembered: at the first positive negotiations on the issue of sales, you should not stop, you need to constantly look for profitable offers for yourself.

Returns and future returns

It is necessary to approach the cultivation of greenery for the purpose of further sale with all responsibility. No need to think: the business option is simple. How the owner will treat him, such will be profits in the future.

Payback period

The payback period directly depends on the initial investment. For example, the initial cost is 30 thousand rubles.

For this amount, a novice entrepreneur was able to purchase necessary material, seeds and more. He ended up planting green onions about 10 square meters of his site.

On average, from one square meter per month you can get up to 10 kg of greenery.

Accordingly, we get: 10 kg x 20 square meters. m. = 200 kg finished products per month.

At a wholesale price of 70-80 rubles. for 1 kg it turns out to get in a month: 70 rubles x 200 = 14 thousand rubles.

But at the same time, we take away about 50% for utility bills and transport, it turns out 7 thousand.

According to these indicators, you can see that the payback period will be about 5 months.

But let's be honest, because of 10 square meters, growing greens is not even worth thinking about. The minimum area I should be about 40 square meters. m., and this is the minimum. Only in this case, you can achieve good profits and form your customer base.

Monthly income

As mentioned above, income depends on the sales market itself, which the novice entrepreneur has given his preference to.

For example, it will be possible to hand over products to supermarkets only if:

  • there will be an IP;
  • there is a sanitary conclusion about the absence of chemical additives and other things. In simple words, the product is allowed to be sold.

As a rule, they buy products at a price of 20% or more than resellers offer.

About resellers

Here, too, not everything is so simple. Most of of them uses greens as an additional commodity, so they will offer the lowest prices. The best option would be to submit an ad in a regional / city newspaper, on regional Internet sites, and so on, where the entrepreneur offers to purchase goods at their own set price. In this case, you can achieve the maximum level of income from your products. You need to be prepared: this is a rather laborious process, and the ability to lead business conversation will be very helpful.

Profitability calculation

After studying the information in various forums where entrepreneurs in this area share the secrets of growing greens, in particular onions, we can note: profitability can reach about 500% with minimal investment.

At the same time, regional peculiarities should also be taken into account. From the words of the entrepreneurs themselves (from the forums), we can conclude that the most profitable will be the cultivation only green onions. Speaking of dill, parsley and other vegetation, they all assure that you can “burn out” there. This is due to the fact that the bow is not capricious at all and is resistant to possible temperature fluctuations (of course, here we are not talking about a temperature jump from 20 degrees Celsius to 10 or less). Fluctuations of 3-5 degrees are not terrible for him.

Moreover, green onions are considered the most popular, so the demand for it will be at any time of the year.

Entrepreneurs themselves note: in order to increase profitability, it is necessary to try to plant greenery at the initial stage at least 30 sq. m., otherwise, the income will be minimal, which can lead to apathy, and as a result, loss of interest in this business.

Profitability examples

Today, the idea of ​​growing greens in greenhouses is popular, because in this case productivity will be guaranteed, and, frankly speaking, it is better to set up the entire system once than to do it all over again with an increase in capacity.

After analyzing the statements of users on agricultural forums, we can say that their profitability is very different.

For example, a user under the nickname Igor86 says that he grows greens all year round (moreover, onions). Engaged in a summer cottage of 20 acres. He initially spent 100 thousand starting capital. With this money, I bought several used refrigerators for storing goods, seeds, greenhouses, and so on.

The first profit amounted to 25 thousand rubles - there was no sales. After 1 year, earnings are 300 thousand rubles per month, issued an IP, and officially hands over its products (under contracts) to shops and small supermarkets. Its big plus is that it is already able to take back expired goods.

As you can see, with desire and perseverance, you can achieve good results.

How much can a business be sold for?

The price of a ready-made business directly depends on such factors:

  • the presence of regular customers;
  • yield (it is not recommended to purchase cheap varieties due to the low percentage of germination);
  • number of greenhouses;
  • green growing methods.

Minimum price for ready business300-400 thousand rubles.

Video consultation

Video number 1 points out the main mistakes when growing green onions. By Denis Ulyanov.

Video #2 talks about the possibility of using hydroponics.

I would like to note that there are no videos that reveal this issue. Agree, few people will tell the secrets of their success.

Feel free to create a business plan based on your capabilities, and proceed to action.

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