Telephone negotiations Technique and psychology. Telephone communication rules

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

In hotels there are certain rules for conducting telephone conversations with the client. They play an important role in the activities of hotel workers. Consider in more detail the concept of "telephone etiquette".

Many people respond to phone calls unsystematic. Some call themselves named, some by last name, others - and by name, and by last name immediately. Some are not submitted.

The hotel staff should remember that words that are pronounced at the beginning of the conversation determine the tonality of further conversation.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the speech to be competent, avoid jargon.

There are certain rules how to respond to calls entering the hotel, as the impression of customers about the hotel is formed exactly from what the staff says.

Telephone conversation should be started by: "Good morning," "Good afternoon". Then it is desirable to say the name of the hotel, the name of the answer answered.

It should be answered in a thoroughly, but briefly, avoid multi-torque enumeration.

The staff should know that when answering internal and external calls, it is necessary to name their name and surname. If answering calls, the employee calls only his name, he risks to be perceived as a person who has duties, but not authorized. Such is one of the little tricks of telephone negotiations.

It should be noted that the phone etiquette requires you to be called and if you call yourself. This will liberate the secretary or a person who is responsible for calls, to ask the burdensome responsibility: "Who asks?" When you answer, you should not join the immediate conversation.

The staff should show courtesy and ask if the subscriber has time to conversate. The caller will appreciate what you are considered with its time.

If you accidentally scored the number wrong, then do not hang the tube without an apology.

The staff should remember that if there is no working on the spot and he, naturally cannot answer the phone call, then he should immediately call him a calling to him. Operational answers to calls can lead large dividends.

When you call a person who cannot answer your call, explain when and where you can catch. The faster you explain everything, the bigger professional you will look in the eyes of your colleagues.

Talking with a person with whom you will need to continue the conversation, negotiate the exact time of the next call. Be polite with administrative staff. Ask when it will be better to call back.

When your phone calls do not give any results, look for an alternative connection. Send a note or contact him by fax.

Some tips when talking on the phone when they call you:

Get ready for a conversation in advance. Before answering a phone call, set aside another job. Smile when answering the phone! The calling will feel sincere location of your call. Do not interrupt the interlocutor during a conversation, learn to pass the pause.

Do not make a person wait, and if necessary, make sure that it or it will wait (usually no longer than 30-60 seconds). When you again take the phone, renew the conversation from words: "Thank you for waiting." Your courtesy will allow you to understand that you remember that the interlocutor spent his time waiting.

If you are drawn into a conversation, which seems to not end, then take a pause and try to finish the conversation with words like: "Well, I don't want to take your time more" or "Thank you for finding time to talk to me. I know that you are very busy, so ... ".

Five good techniques with which you can cope with an adverse person:

  • 1. Do not interrupt the interlocutor.
  • 2. Repeat what they said - it means that you understood it.
  • 3. Several times for a conversation call a person by last name.
  • 4. Explain that you intend to do and fulfill your promise.
  • 5. If it is possible to write down the essence of the conversation.

Some tips when talking on the phone when you call yourself:

Before typing a phone number, specify the cause of the call in several sentences. Then, if you are connected by the voice communication system, you can leave a few challenge.

Speak slowly. Remember that the statement of the message on paper requires more time than uttering out loud.

Leave your phone number. It will save the time of the person you are calling, and will not make it look for your phone number. This courtesy is especially valuable when the person you call, calls you not from your office and does not have your phone number at your hand. Do not abuse the key that switches the person's calling to your standby mode is a technical innovation can be a source of disappointment and resentment in the business environment.

The staff is an integral part of the hotel company. He plays a huge role in the hotel. A priority for employees should be customers with their various needs, tastes and wishes. Consequently, in the center of the hotel business, the principle should lie: "Client - King". In other words, it is necessary to know the needs and wishes of the client, eliminate his concerns, help experience the benefits of this service, make it a regular customer. The activities of all hotel service units must have one goal - care for the client. The hotel must exist in order to satisfy the needs of the client. After all, guests are those people for which all the staff work and tries. The service worker largely depends on the client to leave with a high-quality service and with a good, raised mood. Competently serve the client - the task is not from the lungs. There is also a high skill of the employee, and the ownership of all the intricacies of interaction with customers. To do this, it should be well professionally prepared and possess a high personal culture.

As you know, customers are guided by various motives upon receipt of the service. The maintenance culture is largely to create such a psychological climate in the hall, which would contribute to the formation of the relevant motives for receiving services.

Therefore, the employee should be not only a subtle psychologist, but also the connoisseur needs of each client. This favored personal qualities of the employee as goodwill, calm, sociability, accuracy. On the contrary, aggressiveness, irritability, ambitiousness, chatty, stubbornness, forgetfulness have negative impact.

An important role is played by the appearance of the service personnel and the rules for his behavior in extreme situations, since the guest will be more pleasant to make a conversation with a neat, tactful and thoroughly knowledgeable employee. Properly trained personnel should greatly focus on force majeure situations immaculately fulfilling the rules of conduct in extreme situations.

Considerable telephone negotiations remain important. After all, the phone, along with fax and email - the great inventions. But, like all that concerns the human dormitory, the use of the phone requires compliance with a number of rules.

"Psychological peculiarities of telephone negotiations"

Business conversations, business meetings and telephone conversations can be viewed as independent views of business communication. They are different Friend from each other targetsfor which they are held, form of contact and number of participantsthat predetermines the socio-psychological features of their organization and conduct.

And in comparison with other types of speech communication, telephone communications has the following advantages:

Information transfer rate (time gain); immediate establishment of a communication with the subscriber at any distance;

Direct exchange of information in the form of dialogue and the ability to achieve agreement without waiting for the meeting;

Confidentiality of contact; reduction of paper;

Saving funds for the organization of contacts of other species.

The rapid response to the statements of interlocutors who contribute to the achievement of goals;

Improving the competence of the head due to the accounting, critical inspection and evaluation of opinions, proposals, ideas, objections and critical comments made in conversation;

The possibility of a more flexible, differentiated approach to the subject of discussion and understanding the context of the conversation, as well as the goals of each party.

Telephone negotiations are not a monologue, but a dialogue, so it is necessary to formulate questions, definitions, assessments so that they directly or indirectly invited the interlocutor to express their attitude to the outlined opinion. Thanks to the feedback effect, the telephone conversation allows the head to respond to partner statements in accordance with the specific situation, that is, taking into account the purpose, subject and interests of partners.

But you need to carefully prepare for business telephone conversation. Poor preparation, the inability to allocate in it the main thing, concisely, and competently and competently express their thoughts leads to a significant loss of working time.

The duration of telephone conversations depends on their emotional color. Excessive emotionality creates prerequisites for speech fuzziness, incompleteness of phrases, which increases the telephone conversation time.

Negotiations make up a significant part of the professional activities of civil servants and are defined as exchange of opinions on business purpose. The value of business telephone conversations cannot be overestimated. It is effective negotiations that suggest a discussion of a particular subject with a specific purpose. Achieving the goal of negotiations is always associated with the development of a joint program of action for any direction of activity.

§ 1. Planning telephone conversations.

As mentioned, telephone conversations have many advantages over other types of negotiations, but they are also good to prepare well for effective interaction between partners.

Before starting a conversation, think good:

1) a convenient time to call and its duration; (Morning to 12)

2) Clearly determine the purpose of your call;

3) Make a conversation plan.

Think out the answers to the following questions:

1) What are you going to tell about yourself and the essence of the appeal?

2) What questions are you going to ask the interlocutor to create the necessary motivation for a further meeting?

3) What could be the objections and your possible answers?

4) How are you going to complete the conversation and agree on a meeting?

Start a telephone conversation with a smile. Remember when you smile, your voice becomes more pleasant. So smile more often. Some phone profile places the mirror on the contrary to see the expression of their face while they say. All this allows you to control the presence of a smile on the face.

For effective communication by phone, in the absence of visual contact when the main means of exposure to the interlocutor is vote A particularly important role acquires the ability to manage this natural and unique tool. By voting, you can say a lot about a person. For example? You can determine the emotional state of the interlocutor, its nationality, social status and status, state of health, educational and cultural level, approximate age. By the content of the first words and the voice of the voice, the client determines your professionalism, chooses the style of communication with you. Your voice is clothes, hair color, temperament and face expression. With a telephone conversation, you will not be able to accompany the words by the Mimico and gestures. It is important to sound your voice, the ability to competently express your thoughts and, of course - an indispensable condition - respect for the interlocutor.

An important meaning is:

Presentation of speech.To understand you well, it is important to produce a good diction. Since childhood, we are taught not to swallow words and disappear sounds. If there are more or less with sounds in a mature age, then with the definition of speech, the situation is worse. The reasons for insecificate speech may be excitement, fear, confused thoughts. How to deal with it - let's talk later.

Sincere benevolent intonationand positive attitudes create a favorable atmosphere for communication, the smile also serves as a good addition to it. However, the smile should always be sincere, because any artificiality is subtly perceived by the subconscious of the interlocutors, and a feeling of distrust arises.

Volume voicemust be average. Imagine a conversation by phone. You are discussing an important question, and suddenly hearing worsen. How do interlocutors come in this case? They say louder. This is erroneous behavior, because in business communication it can be perceived as aggression. It should be said approximately like this: "You are not audible. Let me call back? " or "Call back, please."

Speech speedmust be moderate. Too slow speech makes a person nervous, and quickly does not give track of opponent's thoughts.

If you worry, you can slightly reduce the tempo of speech. With excitement, it is necessary to especially follow the definition and shortness of words. For example, I write down. A minute, I will see in the database. " If your interlocutor is nervous, provokes a conflict, it is also necessary to reduce the tempo of speech. To prevent a new outbreak of irritation, follow the clarity and speech conciseness. Try to calm down, talk confidently. Sit smoothly, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. A smooth posture helps to breathe easier, relieves excitement and puts protection against the emotions of the interlocutor.

Ethics and compliments. Be the most polite. If you drew attention to the qualities of the interlocutor or his actions (events), then praise it, but do it sincerely, without irony. The insincere compliment will be felt by our subconscious immediately.

Also feel free to ask questions. Asking questions, you can achieve a wide range of goals: save your working time and your partner working hours By phone negotiations, competently finding out the goal of the call and quickly connecting it with the necessary employee or service. Another goalwhich is easily achieved by questions, is a demonstration of attention to the Subscriber and its information. It is nice to every interlocutor. Third goal - This is the interception and retention of the initiative in a conversation. The conversation is managed not the one who says, but the one who asks.

Let's try to sketch short telephone conversation plan :

1. Mutual representation - 20 ± 5 seconds;

2. Introduction of the interlocutor to the case - 40 ± 5 seconds;

3. Discussion of the situation, problems - 100 ± 5 seconds;

4. Final summary - 20 ± 5 seconds.

The skill of a laconic interview is acquired with time, as conversations are repeated in a tough regulation.

A telephone conversation is primarily etiquette that normaliates communication with a partner, a colleague. To comply with the etiquette, the client judges the corporate culture of the organization. Therefore....

    Raise the phone on the 3rd bell: at the first call - to postpone the case, on the second - tune in, on the third - smile and remove the tube. If you do not take the phone for too long, this indicates a low corporate culture of the organization. Do not fuss. Many instantly grab the phone. Anyone needs at least a couple of seconds to concentrate and tune in to the conversation. Welcome the interlocutor as good as possible and energetically. The conversation with the best start with the words "Good afternoon (morning, evening)", call your structural unit and your F. I. O. (how to contact you). Remember that at that end of the wire, someone also wants to be respected, understood.

§ 2. The main stages of telephone negotiations and their features.

Consider telephone negotiation structure. Telephone negotiations consist of five phases:

Start a conversation; transmission of information; argumentation; refutation of the aroused arousement; making decisions.

    Tasks of the phase of the beginning of the conversation:

Establishing contact with the interlocutor;

Creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation;

Drawing attention to the subject of the interview;

Awakening interest in conversation;

Interception of the initiative (if necessary).

    Transfer information to the interlocutor. The information transfer phase logically continues the beginning of the conversation and at the same time is a "springboard" to go to the argument phase.
    Next Phase Business Conversation - argumentation. IN This phase is formed a preliminary opinion, a certain position on this problem is engaged, both by the initiator of the conversation and the interlocutor.

You can use "Rule of three advantages",which is to praise the interlocutor three times during the conversation: at the beginning, in the middle and at the time of farewell. For example:

- Thanks for interest showing our question, Ivan Ivanovich!

- Ivan Ivanovich, I implies your responsibility and attentiveness!

- It was nice to communicate with you and resolve this situation, I hope for further cooperation.

Pay attention to the fact that during the conversation

to the interlocutor appeal by name .

    Decision-making. Before completing the conversation, it is necessary, or it follows, acting in circumstances, agree on the meeting (make sure that your interlocutor correctly understood you and recorded the day and hour of the meeting) pereprasing technique .

Please ask the interlocutor, is it convenient for him to call him back on the eve to make sure that the meeting will take place? (So \u200b\u200bthat your client can plan his time and adequately prepare for the meeting.)

Inviting your interlocutor to an organization, call the exact address and tell in detail how you can drive. Use the standard phrase: "Do you have a pencil at hand? Please write down how it will be more convenient for us to get to us."

    The main tasks decisled at the end of the conversation following:

1. Achieving the main, or in the most adverse case, spare (alternative), goals.

2. Ensuring a favorable atmosphere at the end of the conversation, regardless of the presence or absence of mutual understanding.

3. Stimulating the interlocutor to perform the outlined actions.

4. Maintain (if necessary) in further contacts with the interlocutors and their colleagues.

5. Drawing up a detailed summary of the conversation, understandable for its participants, with a clearly dedicated basic conclusion.

Your interlocutors are inclined to emotionally memorize what was at the beginning of the conversation, and take as a guide to the action of what was at the end. At the end of the conversation, as good as possible, say goodbye to the interlocutor. "If you have any questions, call, we will be happy to help you." "Drive up at any time convenient for you, we will be glad to help you," everything is good, "it was very helpful to get this information from you." Thank you for your attention, interest in your company, wish Nice to spend the rest of the day or the upcoming weekend. Do not forget that the conversation ending the call. Remember that the conversation you will lay the foundation of your personal meeting, so goodwill - above all.

A brief list of what should not and what should be done at the moment when the phone is calling in your office.

Do not do it


1. Do not lift the phone for a long time.
2. Talking "Hi", "Yes," when you start the conversation.
3. Ask: "Can I help you?".
4. Moving two conversations immediately.
5. Leave the phone unattended at least for a while.
6. Use for note paper notes and calendar sheets.
7. Transmit a pipe for many times.
8. Speak: "Everyone dine", "No one", "Please call back."

1. Raise the phone to the fourth phone call.
2. To say "Good morning (day)", "say", introduce yourself and name your department.
3. Ask: "How can I be able to you?"
4. Concentrate on a conversation and listen carefully.
5. Suggest call back if time is required to find out the details.
6. Use forms to record telephone conversations.
7. Record the caller's number and call him back.
8. Write information and promise to call back.

§ 3. Psychological features of the organization and knowledge of telephone conversations.

Very important in telephone conversations correctly introduce the effect of the first impressionwhich continues to act in spite of anything. The first impression is formed in the first 4 - 60 seconds of communication. Therefore, to show maximum politeness, speak with an average speed, to have a pleasant solid voice voice - it means adding glasses in favor of establishing good contact.

You need to start with greetings: "Good day" - the phrase capacious, cheerful, business. She is "less" than the familiar "Hello", "Alla" or "listening to you." She only configures on business communication and adds solidity to the speaker.

After the presentation you need to call your organization. There are at least two good arguments in favor of uttening the name of the company immediately after greeting.

1. The first one - the interlocutor must make sure that the number is not wrong.

2. The second argument - calling first the organization, and then its name and position you automatically in the consciousness of the client connects itself and the organization. This means that, calling back, the interlocutor will ask to connect it precisely with that man who he talked to the first time. And this facilitates the establishment of contact between specific specialists.

Throughout the telephone conversations, it is necessary to remember the courtesy, the dimension of speech, solid intonation, but in the last minutes of telephone communication they are especially important because the first and final phrases and intonation are best remembered. To the impression of negotiations from the client remains the best, farewell should be the same business and positive as the whole conversation.

§ 4. Conclusion.

Communication on the phone takes a significant part of the working time of many business people. This type of communication is convenient and moreover, modern technologies allow you to solve a lot with it. But at the same time, the conversation on the phone is somewhat different from the communication that happens at a personal meeting.

The main rule of business telephone communication is polite, sincerely want to help the interlocutor, to establish business contact with him. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate expressions, do not forget about intonations that sound in a voice, and the mood with which those or other phrases say. At the same time, it is not necessary to confuse tact with softness. A polite conversation does not mean at all that it is necessary to agree with the interlocutor in everything, to give way to him in all respects, wanting to make a good impression.


Discipline Secretaries

On the topic: Telephone negotiation rules

1. Telephone negotiations

Since the information is based on the adoption of any decision, the invention in 1876 by the American A. Bellom phone that made it possible not only to its immediate transfer, but also personal communication had a huge impact on the organization of management. Thanks to the phone, many questions began to be solved by oral negotiations, without sending letters and telegrams, disappeared the need for meetings. The efficiency of adoption has increased many times.

The organization of telephone negotiations of the head and telephone negotiations is included in the mandatory function of secretarial services. At the head of the head, organizing his meetings and telephone negotiations is often the main tasks and occupy most of its working time. Therefore, the secretary, as well as every employee of the management apparatus, should own the culture of telephone conversations.

Telephone negotiations can be divided into two types: you answer the call and you need to call (i.e. incoming and outgoing).

The main task of the secretary in working with the phone is to free the head of calls to it not addressed.

For the subscriber, the answer on the phone creates an impression of the establishment, so fuzzy, ignorable answers, an unfriendly tone, Zaga expressions are good, go, hello, Ladno, because it creates a very nice impression of the interlocutor and about the establishment as a whole. It should be remembered that the tone of the conversation and the words of the secretary affect the response of the subscriber. The acoustic peculiarity of the telephone conversation is the effect of the mirroring: if the secretary will speak quietly, then they will be able to answer him in a low voice, on the contrary, if we speak loudly, the answer will also be given in an increased tone. The wrong tone of the conversation by phone may affect the effectiveness of the conversation, mutual understanding and logical conversation structure. Any business conversation should be an interest for the interlocutor, which in turn creates attention, active thinking. Fully said refers to a conversation by phone.

If we talk about ethics of telephone communication, then the following points should be called:

Brevity (speak only essentially, about the most important, without unnecessary details);

Politeness (benevolent tone, consumption of polite forms of communication, clear utterance of words);

Restraint (the ability to talk patiently, without unnecessary emotions, calmly).

During telephone communication, it is not necessary to use difficult words, it should be said clearly, not in a hurry, carefully listen to the interlocutor, the speech tonality should be from average to low, it is especially clearly necessary to pronounce consonants. Words with the same vowels or endings, such as fifteen or sixteen, can sound the same on the phone. If the calls are found in the conversation, names, surnames that are badly perceived by rumor, you need to pronounce them in syllables or even transmit them by letters.

Telephone calls violate the normal mode of operation, break the working day of the head for short sections of the time of the average duration of up to 30 minutes. Such a situation prevents the head to focus, and if we consider that calls are usually unpredictable, then there is a need for a sharp switching attention to solving problems of arising tasks. Thus, the assistance of the secretary in the organization of official conversations by telephone contributes to the rational organization of the work of the head.

The secretary is very important to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhen, whom to connect with what matters with the leader. Taking a telephone call, the secretary must call the organization and himself, in the correct form to find out what the subscriber calls and who he calls to assess the relevance and urgency of the conversation. Knowing the organizational structure of the institution and the distribution of official duties, the secretary, if necessary, correctly redirects the challenge to the employee competent in solving the question.

Wearing a conversation, the secretary must remember the confidentiality of information and, if doubt, must consult with the head before giving the answer.

The conversation necessarily begins with greetings (hello, good morning, etc.) and ideas, regardless of whether you call or call you. If you called you, you take off the phone, greet and call yourself and the organization. For example: "Hello, the Secretary of the company" Ocean "listens." - or "Hello," Ocean ", Secretary Galina Ivanovna listens." If you call, you are pronounced the same words "Hello, the secretary of the company" Ocean "Galina Ivanovna is calling."

The interlocutor must pronounce a similar greeting and performance and thus the business contact will be installed from the first phrases. If the interlocutor did not introduce himself, you should politely ask who you are talking to. During the conversation, it is necessary to concentrate and listen carefully. At this moment should not be distracted by other affairs.

If when conversing the connection is broken, you should put the tube and call again if you called, or wait for the call of the subscriber. Communication resumes one who called.

The tube needs to be removed with your left hand so that the right to record the transmitted information can be right. Not far from the telephone set, you can always be a telephone notebook for recording messages and handle.

Most telephone conversations require preliminary preparations from the secretary. For work, the Secretary requires the relevant reference apparatus: telephone directories of the institution itself, subordinate and higher organizations, staff phones, both workers and home. Home Phones Employee Secretary are needed to solve official issues. For example, an employee fell ill and did not work. The secretary needs to clarify the possible time of absence of an employee in the first half of the day, in addition, the manager may have the need to receive information that an employee has, for any reason is home. However, it should be remembered that calling on official issues after 22 hours is considered impolite. In general, call the staff of the employee for service issues in the event of an acute necessity.

The main rules for conducting a telephone conversation, when calling the secretary, the following: telephone conversations Secretary Rule

1. To remove the phone as quickly as possible, since the phone call is a strong auditory stimulus, prevents the work of other employees, the impact is negatively affected by the nervous system.

2. After removing the tube, you should call the institution and introduce yourself. This will help avoid erroneous challenges and unnecessary conversations.

3. Welcome to the subscriber with the words "Hello", "Good day" is advisable already after the presentation, since if the call was erroneous, the greeting looks just inappropriate. Such an order of greetings and ideas is an invitation to a conversation and a proposal to the Subscriber also name themselves and the question of which he calls.

4. In order for the interlocutor to answer and call himself to withstand a pause. On time, the secretary makes the appropriate entries, assesses the degree of importance and urgency of the call, determines the possibility and need to forward a telephone call to another employee or determines that the question requires solving it by personal contact. In the latter case, the secretary must already consider the issue of recording a subscriber to receive.

5. If there is a need to help help, in order to answer the subscriber, to move away from the phone to search for the necessary information, then you need to prevent the duration of the search time. If the rapidly necessary information is not possible, it is better to call the subscriber to be exactly when it can call back. In some cases, the secretary offers a subscriber to call himself at a convenient time.

6. In the case when the secretary manages a telephone call to another employee, the Subscriber should be called last name, first name, patronymic of this employee and his position, telephone.

7. Not one telephone call should not pass to the head by passing the secretary (with the exception of particularly agreed cases, for example, when the manager wishes to accept calls himself). Before connecting the head with the Subscriber, the secretary should call the Subscriber, his position and organization, Fm.o. And the question of which he calls. If the secretary led the recording of the preliminary conversation, it is possible to put it before the head. Records should be done clearly and carefully so that they can read not only the secretary himself. Be sure to write:

Date and time of the call;

Surname, name, patronymic and the call of the caller;

The essence of the message;

What number to call back and when. The accumulation of such records will allow the secretary to identify permanent subscribers, systematize solved issues and possible options for solving them. This will help accumulate the secretary necessary experience, increase the degree of independence.

8. In the case when the need to transfer the conversation, the secretary should call the exact time and avoid expressions of the type "Call in the afternoon", "after lunch", "in that week", "tomorrow" and. T.P.

9. It is unacceptable to put the tube on the lever of the device, giving understanding the subscriber that you are busy to not call the subscriber (there is a meeting, reception of visitors, etc.). This technique does not give the desired result and testifies to the low culture of the secretary. The subscriber will also call yet, believing that the telephone was not in charge. The right answer will be: "Sorry, a meeting is going. Call, please, in 20 minutes. " If the subscriber insists in a conversation due to his emergency, it is necessary to apologize to those present and try to quickly resolve the issue.

Each businessman should know how to conduct telephone negotiations. Dynamic rhythm of modern life dictates its rules. The desire to increase sales, improve the quality of service or improve technological processes forces business people increasingly perform many tasks outside their office. The time settled on the solution of current office issues is often painted in minutes. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to pay attention to the interlocutor who had an unplanned visit. A full-fledged way of negotiating was communication on the phone. However, it is possible to achieve the necessary agreements only when understanding the key characteristics of this form of communication

Preparation for conversation

Before conducting telephone negotiations, you need to prepare. In this case, communication will be the most productive and oriented on a specific interlocutor. This approach is simply necessary in the case of a presentation of its services and goods to potential business partners or customers. Usually the preparation involves the following steps:

  1. Intelligence (searching for information about the company of interest and its leadership helps to identify needs; sources of information of this type can be various forums, printed publications, the site of the organization itself, reviews of other partners, etc.);
  2. Development of an exclusive offer (the presentation should take into account the industry, positions in the market, the results of work, etc., since the conditions for cooperation should be adapted to solving problems of a certain company);
  3. The setting of the goal (the orientation for the expected results allows you to choose the most effective means; negotiations may assume acquaintance, preliminary agreements, sale, etc.).

Intonational nuances

Understanding how to conduct telephone negotiations contributes to the choice of correct intonation. The main difference in communication of this format is the absolute concentration of the attention of the interlocutor on the audit and verbal features of the material supply.

To achieve the maximum effect, the intonational plan follows several rules:

  • try to communicate only in the most suitable for this mood (otherwise, the feeling of forced need to be transferred to the interlocutor);
  • the material is optimistic (an easy friendly smile will help make communication more pleasant);
  • emit confidence in the value of your proposal (often even provided to the partner the opportunity to refuse allows you to achieve the necessary results faster than numerous arguments);
  • avoid those who ask for intonations (from a psychological point of view, please can annoy and provoke failure);
  • apply an adjustment to the interlocutor (the ability to speak with the same volume and speed contributes to the most successful report of information).

Verbal decoration

Almost all types of communications suggest a certain tradition. Compliance with business etiquette will profitably reflect the cultural level of the initiator of the call and allow you to demonstrate the care of the interlocutor. Successful communication in the telephone mode is assisted:

  • a classic greeting (small self-testing usually includes the last name, name, position, company and purpose; it helps to understand the importance of the call);
  • determining the chronological framework of the conversation (information on the planned duration of communication will allow the interlocutor to estimate the possibility of communication at a particular time interval);
  • the wording of proposals in a positive key (the heard denial at the subconscious level is forced to refuse to offer).

Encourage the interlocutor to the desired actions can various techniques. Telephone sales makes it possible to effectively use in conversation many traditional ways to attract a client or partner. These include:

  • presentation in the format of "Properties - Benefits" (such submission of information will explain the specific advantages of certain proposals);
  • the principle of three-year "yes" (obtaining agreement on 2 minor issues with high probability will allow reaching agreements and in the third);
  • visuality in numbers and details (the use of statistics and detailed calculations inspires confidence);
  • a reference to respected partners (mention of famous people as real clients or business companions indicates the obvious value and profitability of cooperation);
  • rhetorical issues (this form helps to formulate hidden statements);
  • the choice is without an alternative (a proposal in such a format helps to achieve the desired result, regardless of the solution of the interlocutor), etc.

Perspective orientation

Often communication in the telephone mode is only one of the stages of the long negotiation process. An indicator of successful communication in this case is an agreement on a further meeting. For the initiator of the call, the ability to control the situation before the conversation is completed. It is he who must clarify the time it takes to make a decision, to find out the coordinates of the employee enshrined behind this direction, agree on the reference call date. Proper knowledge of telephone conversations will allow attracting promising customers and reliable partners. This will help dynamic business development and ensure good profits.


We offer to familiarize yourself with the video in which the business coach tells about the technique of telephone negotiations.

Communication on the phone is a conversation of two blind, which in their voice is built in your head the image of the interlocutor. Who is calling? Who calls? Is there an opportunity to talk to your interlocutor? What if you pulled out a man from under the soul? What do you think will be the director's response to such a call.

The main thing at the beginning of the conversation is to create a trust relationship, and then spend a conversation in accordance with the purpose of which you call. To do this, follow the following communication rules by phone.

Rule 1. Plan negotiations

Before starting a conversation, think good:

convenient time to call and its duration;

clearly define the purpose of your call;

make a conversation plan.

Think out the answers to the following questions:

What are you going to tell about yourself and the company in which you work?

What questions do you intend to ask the interlocutor to find out his needs and create the necessary motivation for a further meeting?

What are the objections, and your possible answers?

How are you going to complete the conversation and agree on the meeting?

Telephone business etiquette runts communication with the client. On compliance with the business etiquette, the client judges the company's corporate culture. Lay up the phone on the 3rd call: on the first call - to postpone the case, on the second - tune in, on the third - smile and remove the tube. If you do not take the phone for too long, it indicates the low corporate culture of the company.

Do not fuss. Many instantly grab the phone. Anyone needs at least a time for seconds to concentrate and tune in to the conversation.

Rule 3. Talking by phone, be sure to smile.

Remember when you smile, your voice becomes more pleasant. So, smile more often. Some phone profile places the mirror on the contrary to see the expression of their face while they say. All this allows you to control the presence of a smile on the face.

Rule 4. Welcome the interlocutor.

Welcome the interlocutor as good as possible and energetically. Come up with several ways to say hello. Let you have various options, for people of different sexes and age. The conversation with the client is better to start with the words "Good afternoon (morning, evening)." They are more lively and have than just "Hello." Remember that at that end of the wire, someone also wants to be respected, understood and, maybe at that moment he helped him ...

By the content of the first words and the voice of the voice, the client determines your professionalism, chooses the style of communication with you. Your voice is clothing, hair color, temperament and facial expression. Remember that when telephone conversation, you will not be able to accompany the words by facial expressions and gestures. Here, first of all, the sound of your voice is important, the ability to competently express your thoughts and, of course, as an indispensable condition, respect for the interlocutor.

Rule 6. Name yourself by name.

Clearly name your name and surname. Then name the company you imagine. ("My name is ... Company" Three Whale "). Here are options that can be called extremely harmful and unsuccessful: "Guess who calls you", "Don't you know me?". These issues create psychological discomfort in another person. Put yourself in the client's place, and you will feel irritation. Do not be surprised if the client resists your suggestions after such a greeting. To an unsuccessful idea, you can take a turn "bother you ...". After this phrase, the person at the other end of the wire begins to worry. Try not to think about the lame monkey. Is it possible? The particle "not" is erased, and the second part of the phrase is perceived. You also become the culprit of this "anxiety."

Rule 7. Find out the name of the interlocutor.

To do this, use the phrase "My name ... Sorry, and how can I contact you." But do not hurry with recognition of the customer name. It is better to do that after the buyer adapts to the setting. In the future, when communicating, periodically call the client by name. Pronounce the name - means to show respect for a person. It should not be pronounced by a patter, better with feeling and at the same pace, in which there is a conversation. If the client has an unusual or interesting name, comment on it with a bias in a good direction (tell me the person that he has an interesting name, most like it).

The following options can be called unsuccessful: "Who am I talking to?", "Who is?", "Who is the device?". And do not try to do guessing: "Is this Ira? Not? Tatyana Lvovna? Not? And who then? ". Or worse: "And where did I get?". What is the standard response, said irritable voice: "Where are you calling?".

You can come up with many different options, like "Can I talk to Alexander Sergeevich?". If you have forgotten the name with whom the last time they spoke, it is better to ask "Could you remind me of your name?"

Rule 8. Find out: Can you talk to you.

It is very important! It is possible that at this moment your client is engaged in responsible and important things for him. Or your conversation is currently inappropriate for some other reason. Use the phrase "to you (and better to call the interlocutor by name) is convenient now to talk?". Remember, violating this rule, you can lose the client forever. Your deal did not take place. Call at the right time to the right customers and with the necessary suggestions. Business calls to do at the beginning or at the end of the working day.

The first phrases say slowly, calmly and clearly, do not pour out a waterfall of information on the interlocutor - let him tune in to the conversation. Select the voice of particularly significant words, change intonation. Use short messages: i.e. One sentence is one thought. Your voice, if possible, should be deep and "velvet", but observe the measure, do not replay. You can also adapt to the volume, rhythm, and the pace of speech of the client. The interlocutor will be nice to the interlocutor. The sound of your voice is determined by the pose, facial expression, posture. Tune in to the conversation - literally and figuratively. Speech is not easy to move the lips and language. Light, diaphragms, ladies, voice ligaments, mouth, tongue and lips participate in the organs. Of course, the cigarette in the mouth, a chewing, lollipop, coffee during a conversation, noise in the room, music - destroy the rapport telephone conversations.

Rule 10. Follow the plan.

You have a goal of the conversation and the prepared plan. Do not attempt to solve all problems at once on the phone. Especially avoid talking about the price of its products, cash issues are best solved at the meeting. Prepare the necessary materials, handle, blank paper. Speak specifically, and about the main thing. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Specify the customer questions, directing the conversation to the direction you need. Remember, your main goal is to agree on a meeting when you can discuss the details and sign the contract. To do this, you must create a good motivation from the client.

Rule 11. Use the techniques of the active hearing

They demonstrate your interest and involvement. "So ...", "understandable ..." and others. Control time of the conversation. Do not let the client go away. Answer most questions questions and summarize the interlocutor to the meeting.

Rule 12. Make a meeting.

Contracting the meeting, make sure that your interlocutor correctly understood you, and recorded the day and hour of the meeting. Please ask the interlocutor, is it convenient for him to call him back on the eve to make sure that the meeting will take place? All these activities are useful for your customer to plan his time and adequately prepare for the meeting. Inviting your interlocutor to my office, call the exact address and tell you in detail how you can drive. Use the standard phrase: "You have a pencil at hand, please write down how it will be more convenient for us to get to us."

Rule 13. Thank the interlocutor for the call.

Customers are inclined to emotionally memorize what was at the beginning of the conversation, and take as a guide to the action of what was at the end. At the end of the conversation, as good as possible, say goodbye to the interlocutor. "If you have any questions, call, we will be happy to help you." "Drive up at any time convenient for you, we will be glad to help you", "all the best", "it was very helpful to get this information from you." Thank you for your attention, interest in your company, wish Nice to spend the rest of the day or the upcoming weekend. Do not forget that the conversation ending the call. Remember that the conversation you lay the foundation of your personal meeting, so goodwill above all.

Rule 14. Record the results.

Record the general attitude of the client to information that you reported to him, an agreement on the place, date and time of the meeting or call, who should call, and key points that sounded in a conversation.

Rule 15. Remove the lessons from each telephone conversation.

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