Pelargonium from seeds at home when. Preplant seed treatment

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

At home, you can grow absolutely any, even the most exotic types of flowers from seeds that cannot grow on their own in our latitudes. However, this will require a lot of effort, especially at the first stage, which includes getting the first sprouts. But geraniums are quite easy to grow from seeds and do not require any special care for the plant in the future.

The flower, firmly established on tables and window sills, belongs to the geranium family and its species differ depending on the zonal affiliation. In addition, there is a special ampelous and ivy-leaved form of pelargonium, but the principles of growing and caring for them are almost the same.

Features of growing pelargonium from seeds

To grow geraniums without problems and quickly, you need to careful selection planting material. The seeds must have Brown color with a slight matte sheen and a moderate tint.

The shape of the seeds should be oblong, with small depressions on the sides, the shell should be leathery and dense, size is big enough.

If you come across flattened, small, deformed, and also different from the desired tonality and covered with spots different colors seeds - set them aside. Planting such material will not be able to provide the desired result.

Seeds of some types of geranium, especially ivy, do not germinate for 2-3 months, which causes panic and frustration among novice gardeners. As a result, plant care is completely stopped.

To minimize the germination time, it is necessary carry out the procedure of scarification, that is, remove part of the shell in order to ensure unhindered access of nutrients directly to the seed.

This can be done independently using a finely or medium-grained sandpaper, which will remove upper layer without forming breaks that are detrimental to the plant.

If you need to achieve the fastest germination of pelargonium - wipe the seed 2-3 times on sandpaper with slow rotational movements.

Soil preparation for growing geraniums from seeds

The substrate can be purchased in a special flower shop, but at the same time there is a high probability that the soil will be oversaturated with minerals.

Such conditions for pelargonium are not very favorable - seedlings appear several times (2-3) slower, and the bushes have thick stems and low growth, flowering is poor.

soil for geraniums better to make your own. This will require:

  • high quality peat (1 part);
  • river sand (1 part);
  • sod land (2 parts).

To avoid infection of the flower with various diseases (which is especially important for ampelous varieties), the substrate should be roast in the oven 2-3 minutes.

At the same time, one should not be afraid that organic compounds and nutrients that are in the soil will be destroyed - pelargonium feels great even in unenriched soil and does not require the use of dressings.

You can also use a high quality fungicide for soil treatment. Only in this case, before planting the seeds, you should wait 3-6 hours.

How can you grow pelargonium from seeds? Ideal for growing geraniums small compact pots or trays, 3 cm deep. You can buy containers in special stores or make your own.

How to grow a plant from seeds

After filling the pots with soil, lightly sprinkle the surface of the soil with warm water and leave for one day to warm the earth to the required temperature (21-22 ° C).

Then with a finger or a suitable tool make small holes at a distance of two cm from each other. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil 1 cm thick.

The soil needs to be slightly moistened again and cover containers with foil, in which small holes were previously made to provide air access.

At home, geraniums must be provided with optimal temperature regime and lighting, but never place pots of planted seeds on a windowsill.

When the first pale green sprouts appear, remove the shelter so as not to create conditions for the plant high humidity. Now it's time to put the pallets of pelargonium on the windowsill to provide the plant with sunlight, otherwise the flower will take two to three times longer to grow.

In order to obtain a healthy bush with strong stems, as well as to strengthen the root system, the soil must be periodically loosened. After the appearance of two true leaves, pelargonium should dive and transplant the bush into a narrow and high container.

After waiting for the fifth leaf to appear in the pelargonium, the seedlings should be pinched. This will ensure the growth of the most branched bush, otherwise you will get a plant with a long thin stem.

Pelargonium seed care at home

Pelargonium does not need to create any special conditions for further growth and development, but still requires some care.

Compliance with the basic rules of plant care guarantees its protection from pests and various diseases. In case of excessive moisture of the substrate, the likelihood of geranium damage by fungal diseases is high.

In addition, too hot and dry air can provoke the appearance of whiteflies. In these cases, to fix the problem special preparations are used.

Oh, how I love pelargoniums! Always bright and festive, they have so much positive! They remind me of my childhood in my home in Millerovo - cozy, warm, under the "wings" of mom and dad. We always had pelargoniums in the house, but then it could not have occurred to me that they could not only be cut, planted for the summer in open ground, a container, and receive luxurious compositions until autumn, but also propagated by seeds.

Yes, and before there were no current spectacular hybrids that are grown through seedlings as the most ordinary flower crops: , other.

Today we will talk about seed propagation pelargonium. Step by step, we will analyze all the stages, starting from the moment when you had a bag of her seeds in your hands.

Currently, domestic and foreign companies have established seed production of pelargoniums (including F1 hybrids), which have many advantages:

  • grow well;
  • compact;
  • aligned in height, bushiness, color and shape of flowers;
  • resistant to fungal diseases.
You can choose seeds of various varieties and hybrids of pelargonium in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

At a temperature of +21...+24°C, the seeds germinate for 7-30 days, sometimes the germination process can take up to three months. Most amicably rise fresh harvested seeds. They are sprinkled with a very thin (literally 0.2-0.6 cm) layer of soil. Seeds of unknown origin are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and dry powdered with approved for use in the country, for example, "Fundazol".

Seeds are sown in wet peat tablets or soil substrate (in boxes, pots), consisting of a mixture sod land, sand and high-moor peat in a ratio of 2:1:1, or peat with, or peat with sand in a ratio of 1:1.

Before sowing, the substrate is lightly compacted with a hand or a small spatula, a plank. Crops are moistened from a spray bottle with settled water at room temperature and covered with glass or plastic wrap(to create and maintain constant humidity - greenhouse effect). Glass or film is periodically removed, crops are ventilated so that they do not become moldy.

Seedling Care

After the emergence of seedlings, they begin to care for them. What is it? The list of works is small:

  • regularly sprayed, and then carefully watered from a small watering can with small holes, but do not allow waterlogging of seedlings;
  • maintain room temperature +21...+24°С;
  • in order to prevent fungal diseases, the soil substrate is watered once a week with fungicidal preparations.
It is possible to increase germination and stimulate the germination of large, with a dense leathery shell of pelargonium seeds by scarification ( scarified seeds germinate in 5 days):

  • mechanical: place the seeds between two layers of fine-grained sandpaper and rub gently;

  • chemical: place seeds for 30 sec. in 0.8% sulfuric acid solution, washed in running water, dry, sow;
  • thermal: Place seeds for 20 sec. into boiling water, then for 20 seconds. in the cold, we repeat; or fill the seeds with boiling water and leave for a day.
More details about these (and other) methods are described in the publication.

Step 2: picking seedlings

After 1-1.5 months (we count from the date of sowing the seeds), we carry out. Seedlings already have 3 or more true leaves.

Before picking, water the soil substrate with a fungicidal preparation; do not forget to water the pickled seedlings at least 1-2 times.

Step 3: hardening seedlings

Before planting pelargonium seedlings in open ground, it is necessary. If you have a cooler glazed balcony, loggia, veranda, you can move it there.

Then they begin to accustom it to street conditions, first taking it out for 2 hours in the afternoon (in partial shade), gradually increasing the time.

Step 4: planting seedlings in open ground

They are planted in open ground after warm weather sets in with a daytime temperature of +15 ... + 18 ° C and a night temperature not lower than + 5 ° C.

It is important to wait until the danger has passed: despite the fact that the hardened seedlings of pelargonium will endure up to -5 ° C, especially if you cover it, then it will recover for a long time to the detriment of flowering.

Choose open sunny places in the country with fertile loose soils; in the shade of other plants, the flowering of pelargonium weakens. For greater bushiness, do not forget to pinch the tops of the shoots several times during the growing season (pinching can be done already over the sixth true leaf).

When transplanting pelargonium seedlings into open ground, pour it with a solution of a drug that stimulates the development of the root system to facilitate the formation of new roots.

On the left is the pelargonium variety "Divas Raspberry Ripple", on the right is an unknown F1 hybrid in my lens

You can choose drugs to stimulate the development of the root system in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

We do the same with pelargonium, we do not stretch the process in time, but spend it in 2 days:

  • we select “mother” and “dad” from flowering seedlings;
  • we collect pollen from the "father" specimen on the first day of flowering;
  • with tweezers, we remove the stamens from the buds of the flowers of the “mother” specimen, which are scheduled for pollination;
  • on the second day of flowering, we carry out pollination, applying pollen with a soft brush to the stigmas of the pistils protruding from the perianth;
  • the next day, pollination of the same flowers is repeated.

Step 6: Seed Collection

In pelargonium, seeds in capsule fruits are formed within 25-39 days; they ripen well, especially in the south. One fruit contains 1 to 5 seeds.

When ripe, the box lengthens, then cracks, and the seeds are thrown out thanks to the “rocket booster” - a spiral thread that each seed is equipped with.

Fruit picking begins when the box is colored, and do not wait for it to dry and open; they are cut off for seeds during the summer and early autumn.

Step 7: from the garden to the house

The specimens that you like are cut off before the autumn frosts, transplanted into pots, brought into the room.

These are already mother plants, which are best kept in large containers, used for up to three years, planted or put out in open ground next summer. In addition, in winter, the collected pelargonium seeds are taken out and ... step by step, they begin the whole process of growing it again.

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Fans of geraniums can be found everywhere. The reason lies in the fact that this plant is suitable for growing in a variety of places and is not particularly whimsical to care for. Under the condition of full sunlight, the flowers will bloom constantly, one after another, in the country - from the spring to the first frost, and in the house - from early spring to deep winter. Despite the fact that each individual does not differ in durability, its inflorescences last long enough. This is due to the fact that flowers bloom not at the same time, but one after another. Due to this, the plant always has blooming view.

When planning to grow it should be borne in mind that its color will be much more abundant if this plant is grown in pots as small as possible. During the spring period, geraniums are best exposed to Fresh air. You can even plant it in open ground, preferably by transshipment of the bush - this way the risk of damage to the roots is minimized.

As a rule, the reproduction of this plant most often occurs by cuttings. How to grow geraniums from seeds, many flower growers do not even have an idea. If cuttings are used as a propagation method, the process is slightly simplified. In addition, this option gives a full guarantee of the preservation of all the maternal qualities of the plant. If it is planned to grow geraniums from seeds, most likely the varietal qualities of the plant will be changed. However, this property can also be described as positive, due to the fact that in this case it becomes possible to grow a plant with completely new decorative characteristics. And this is an interesting and unpredictable moment.

It should be borne in mind that growing geraniums from seeds involves an almost total change in the shoot of the plant, its flowers and leaves. In other words, there is a full-fledged selection that gives the new kind this plant.

When planning to grow geraniums from seeds, every gardener should take note that it is best to plant them in late January - early February. This is due to the fact that the period after which the plant will give the first color is 4 months. In addition, the place where the geranium pots will stand must be provided with good lighting. The soil where it is planned to plant flowers should be sufficiently loose, fertile and contain sand and humus.

Arranging everything for future flowers the necessary conditions, you can proceed to direct sowing. The important point is that, when planning to grow geraniums from seeds, you should remember that different varieties are supposed to be planted in different pots. The reason for this separation lies in the fact that the time when the sprouts begin to sprout comes for different varieties with unequal frequency. Therefore, if the seeds are placed in one container, not all of them will be able to sprout. Before sowing, it is best to treat the soil with a solution of manganese, this will help protect the plants from possible diseases. Seeds should be laid out in the soil gently and shallowly. To do this, you can use an ordinary match - press them with it into the prepared soil, then cover transparent film or glass.

Geranium seed pots should be small and shallow. In addition, they need drainage holes. This will allow moisture not to accumulate in the soil, which will prevent the death of the sprouts. Pots are best identified in a warm and well-lit area.

It is very important to protect only the sprouted sprouts from direct sunlight in order to prevent their death. After about five leaves appear on young shoots, they can be safely transplanted into larger pots and exposed to fresh air.

You will need

  • - geranium seeds;
  • - shallow bowl or pot;
  • - prepared soil;
  • - glass or plastic bag.


Prepare the ground. It should not be too oily, because a lot of mineral fertilizers are not needed for germination. Be sure to mix the peat substituent bought in the store with garden soil and coarse-grained river sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.

For planting, choose a shallow container with good drainage holes so that excess water leaves through them. Excessive amount of damp earth will allow the development of countless fungi and putrefactive bacteria. In addition, through the drainage holes, the sprouts will receive additional air. It is essential during seed germination.

Treat the pot and working tool with boiling water. Wash the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. To increase the quality of germination, soak them in epin solution for 3-6 hours.

Sow geraniums in February-March. In this case, the seedlings will receive more light, the plants will develop better and bloom earlier. Fill the pot with prepared soil, compress and water. For this purpose, it is better to use a spray gun. Distribute the seeds evenly over the entire surface and lightly press the glass onto the soil. It is not necessary to cover the earth.

Cover the container with glass or plastic wrap. Put in a bright warm place, but not bright sunlight.
Keep an eye on humidity. If there is a lot of moisture, turn the glass over or make holes in the bag. A greenhouse environment for seedlings is necessary: ​​when fast drying soil salt concentration increases. This brings death to young plants.

Gradually accustom the seedlings to a drier room air starting from 15-20 minutes.
Use lighting if the room is dark: the length of daylight hours should be 14-16 hours. So that the seedlings do not bend the stems, turn the pot once every 2-3 days to the light with different sides.

Start picking when 1-2 pairs of true leaves appear. The further growth of seedlings depends on the quality of this work. Take out the seedlings very carefully. To do this, use a clean stick or the back of a teaspoon, previously subjected to heat or chemical treatment.
With a diving peg or index finger, make a recess in the soil, lower the root there and sprinkle with earth. Make sure that the spine is not bent. Long roots can be pinched to a third of the length. Seedlings hold the leaves, so as not to damage the fragile stem.


The pot with seedlings should not fall directly Sun rays.

Useful advice

At an early stage of plant development, no growth stimulants should be used.
It is best to dive geraniums immediately into separate pots, so that when transplanted to flower beds, it is less traumatic root system.

Related article


  • growing geranium from seed

Pelargonium - unpretentious plant, which has long settled on the windowsills of apartments. But if earlier its colors could be counted on the fingers, today breeders have bred new varieties and hybrids of almost all colors. Pelargonium is propagated not only by cuttings, but also by seeds, which is very easy to do at home.

You will need

  • - seeds;
  • - soil mixture;
  • - glass;
  • - seedling boxes.


Stock up on soil. To grow pelargonium, you need to mix 2 parts of sod land, one part of peat and one part of river sand. After that, disinfect. Or pour boiling water, or steam in a water bath, but just do not heat in microwave oven otherwise the soil will become "dead".

Start pelargoniums by disinfecting seeds. To do this, hold them in a dark solution of potassium permanganate. Then rub hard shell sanding with fine-grained paper, so the seeds will sprout faster.

Put broken bricks in pots or seedling boxes as drainage, then fill in the soil mixture and plant the seeds at a depth of 1 cm and 2 cm from each other. Pour over and cover with glass. Place the containers in a warm place, the temperature in the room should not be less than 20 ° C.

Pelargonium seeds are usually fast if all the rules are followed. When shoots appear, transfer the pots to the windowsill and remove the glass. Pelargonium seedlings grow quickly, make sure that it does not dry out from lack of light and does not dry out from lack of water. Loosen the ground, if weeds appear, remove them.

When 2 leaves appear, plant the plants in separate pots, take the soil mixture of the same composition. After 2 weeks, water with one of the liquid fertilizers. It could be Agricola Fantasia. And then water with fertilizer "Effecton for flowers" or similar according to the instructions. Pelargonium will bloom soon.

Pelargoniums, which are grown by sowing seeds, have confidently taken their place in flower beds. Such pelargoniums are planted in containers, they decorate balconies and windows. They are harmonious at the porch to the house, verandas. Pelargoniums are original in hanging baskets.


Pelargoniums are popular for their drought tolerance and hardiness. They bloom quickly and get sick less. They bloom profusely during the summer season and come in a wide variety of vibrant colors. Hybrids and varieties of seed pelargonium are usually divided into two groups:
- multiflora, represent a compact undersized group with very abundant flowering;
- grandiflera - taller geraniums with larger flowers, but their flowering is not so plentiful.

Multiflora group, series "Avanti F1", the earliest flowering, plant height from 30cm to 40cm. The flowers are pink in several shades, pure white, red, salmon and light purple.

Multiflora group, "Multibloom F1" series, with flowers about 3 cm in diameter, white, bright red, coral, salmon, red and white and several shades of pink. Pelargoniums have early flowering and about 25-30 cm high.

The multiflora group, "Early Universal F1", includes a multi-colored mixture 25-30 cm high.

Group "Maverick F1", flowers in inflorescences 4 cm in size, about 45 cm high. Flowers are white, coral, lavender, light and dark salmon, red, purple, bright and pale pink, and white with a pink eye.

Group "Maverick F1", series "Horizon F1", plants reach a height of 45cm. This group is distinguished by a wide variety of colors. Seven shades of pink, five colors with a bright edge on a white background, three unusual colors with different strokes and stripes ("Rip"). As well as colors such as pure white, red, salmon, cream, orange represent this series. Flowers in inflorescences are large.

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Useful advice

Sowing seeds for seedlings at home, without additional illumination, is carried out at the end of February. With additional lighting, pelargonium seeds can be sown at an earlier date.

Pelargonium does not "age". The flower is still loved and popular. Today, trade offers a huge selection of varieties of pelargonium seeds with a unique variety of colors.

Benefits of Growing Pelargonium Seeds

Plants for sale are not cheap. In addition, they are grown from cuttings taken from mother plants, sometimes of middle age, and can carry a bouquet of sores. And from the package proper agricultural practices you can grow several young pelargoniums at once, free from diseases, promising, with extraordinary colors.

Seedlings grown from seeds are able to start abundant flowering after 5-6 months from germination. Such seedlings, as a rule, are distinguished by their evenness, energy and endurance.

When is the best time to start sowing?

Pelargonium seeds can be sown throughout the calendar year. But experienced flower growers, in order to get strong plants by June, sow the seeds in November. Beginners should take into account important points, as a backlight, respect for humidity and temperature when sowing in the dark winter months (January and early February).

Sowing pelargonium seeds

Pelargonium seeds have the average size and they are easy to plant.
For better germination, the seeds are immersed in a solution of epin or zircon (2-3 drops per 50 ml of warm water) for several hours. Sowing is more convenient in a small food container with a lid. For ventilation, it is necessary to make several holes in the lid with a size of 2 ... 3 mm. Loose nutritious soil is poured in a small layer, moistened. It is convenient to sow seeds in peat tablets.

Another thing is important: the soil should be disinfected in advance from fungal infections, especially from the "black leg". Potassium permanganate, phytosporin, alirin or hamair tablets are suitable. You should not use several of these drugs at the same time.

Pelargonium seeds germinate in the light at room temperature. They are simply laid out on the surface of the earth and slightly pressed, without sprinkling on top. The soil must not be both waterlogged and dry. The seeds may die.

The first sprouts "jump out" for 3-7 days. Now they need good lighting. In order to avoid steaming the container and airing, if necessary, the greenhouse is slightly opened. When pulling the seedlings, pour the soil under the cotyledon leaves. As the seedlings grow, they are accustomed to room conditions, opening the container more and more.

When the third true leaf appears, the seedlings dive into separate small pots and begin to feed them with liquid fertilizers for seedlings in low doses.
For better compactness and bushiness, pelargonium seedlings are removed (pinched) at the top after 5-6 leaves.

Today, pelargonium (colloquially geranium) is experiencing new round popularity. The plant was undeservedly declared out of fashion. And with someone light hand was considered a sign of philistinism. But in modern world everything has changed. Pelargonium is again popular and loved.

Pelargonium - perennial. Flowers have an unusually wide range of colors.

In the wild, it mainly grows in South Africa. But pelargonium is cultivated in all corners the globe. This plant is photophilous, it will easily survive the lack of moisture. They also propagate by cuttings. V open field This plant cannot overwinter.

So how can pelargonium be propagated by seeds?

To do this, you need to purchase high-quality seed. Seeds can be collected from plants. Pelargonium has umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Seeds are boxes that open in a special way, from the bottom to the top.

Seeds can also be purchased at the store. To date, a lot of types of pelargonium are on sale. various forms, colors and varieties.

Seeds are laid out on moist soil at a distance of about 3-5 cm from each other. From above it is necessary to slightly powder the earth, no more than a few millimeters. Cover the box with crops with polyethylene or glass. Pelargonium germination is very good, it is 80-90%. Shoots appear in a week, but for some varieties this process can take up to 1 month.

When the first sprouts appear, the crops must be ventilated.

When 2-3 true leaves grow, the plants must be planted in separate pots, small in size.

After about six months, your plants will bloom.

The advantage of seed propagation, compared with cuttings, is the fact that you can become the owner of very rare varieties and colors.

Summer is the perfect time to plant flowers on windowsills, balconies and terraces. When the plants are not threatened by longer frosts, you can get busy preparing pots and purchasing seedlings. Among the most successful balcony flowers, geranium is very popular, blooming from May until late autumn.

Geranium is one of the most popular flowering plants in our latitudes. Often geraniums are planted on outdoor windowsills, because the abundance of red or pink flowers is an extremely charming home decoration. Mountain wooden huts, decorated with red geraniums, are a characteristic element of the alpine landscape.

Step one: pots

Before flowers, you should prepare the appropriate pots or boxes for the window. Although the flowers will look beautiful in wooden boxes, but boxes of this type tend to be heavier than plastic ones. They are also more expensive. Wooden flowerpots are available in various shades and flowers. When choosing pots, carefully consider their size and assembly method. As a rule, pots are sold with boxes with special handles that make it easier to install them on window sills or on balcony railings.

Step two: ground

The soil in which you insert the geranium cuttings should be fertile and moist. To do this, you can buy general purpose topsoil, usually sold in plastic bags. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour expanded clay, the remains of broken ceramic pots or some kind of gravel. This ensures that the roots of the plants will have greater breathability and will not rot. A plant in a plastic pot can easily "suffocate" because it has very limited room to grow. For grounding, you should also pour in a hydrogel or powder that stores water and nutrients, if necessary, to keep the flowers hydrated. You can also pour in dry fertilizer in granules, which will gradually dissolve throughout the season.

Step three: seedlings

The most popular variety are pelargoniums. However, they have rather fragile and brittle stems, so they should not be placed, for example, on the windowsills of high-rise buildings, where strong winds. This variety of flowers is very delicate, but properly cared for and watered flowers grow beautifully, forming thick flower carpets. Pelargonium grandiflora is thicker, has serrated leaves and flowers collected in large umbrellas (approx. 5 cm in diameter). These varieties are ideal for growing in pots standing on a terrace or balcony.

Step Four: Fertilizing

Geraniums require regular fertilization. Only two weeks after planting, you can start watering with fertilizers rich in potassium, so the plant will bloom beautifully. You should also be aware that fertilizing with nitrogen will result in more leaf growth. You can buy special fertilizer. "Biogumus", "Planton", "Florovit", "BIOPON" or "Substral" are the most popular brands. The fertilizer may be in the form of a liquid or powder, which must be dissolved in water. Pelargoniums love the sun and light, so don't worry, you can plant them on the south side, but be aware of the need for regular watering. Properly fertilized flowers will decorate our windows, balconies and terraces throughout the season.

Advice 7: After how many days do pelargonium seeds germinate at home

Pelargonium is grown and how indoor plant, and as a garden. Today big choice seeds of this plant are offered by country stores. But the one who grows it for the first time may face some issues of agricultural technology, one of them is how long do you have to wait for seedlings?

From seeds, mainly two types of pelargonium are grown. These are zonal pelargonium and ivy-leaved pelargonium (ampel). Agrotechnics for sowing seeds of zonal and ivy-leaved pelargonium is not much different from each other. For warranty germination it is necessary:

  • Buy quality seeds.
  • Choose loose moisture-intensive soil, which should not contain fungal pathogenic microflora, because pelargonium seedlings are very susceptible to the "black leg".
  • The soil is watered moderately the day before and compacted a little.
  • For better germination, seeds can be treated in stimulants, for example, epine, zircon, humate, phytosporin or HB-101, using one of them. Seeds dyed, processed by the manufacturer are sown immediately.
  • Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing them, but do not fall asleep with soil.
  • The optimum temperature for germination of pelargonium seeds is + 20-25 ° C. The lower the temperature, the longer the seeds will germinate.
  • Seed germination occurs in the light.
  • For creating optimal conditions the containers are covered with a transparent material, making holes of 2-3 mm for air exchange.

Germination of seeds depends on the terms and conditions of their storage. Freshly harvested, full-weight seeds actively germinate. Seeds stored at high humidity or at high temperatures germinate unfriendly. Therefore, when choosing varieties of pelargonium in the store, pay attention to expiration dates, giving preference to fresh seeds. Pelargonium seeds retain good germination for several years, 2-3 years. With each year of storage, the seeds grow old and lose their strength to germinate.

Given the different energy of seed germination in zonal pelargonium, seedlings awaken unevenly. The most matured and full-weight seeds pop up in 3-4 days. The remaining seeds are pulled up after 7-10 days.

Ivy Pelargonium seeds are smaller and take longer to germinate. They need about two weeks. And if the seeds are old, then it takes longer. Seeds of ampelous varieties do not differ in excellent germination. Out of 5 seeds, only 2-3 usually germinate. Ivy pelargoniums should be sown on seedlings a little earlier than zonal ones. They need more time to sprout and grow to a flowering state.

To get flowering cultivars for the garden, sowing pelargonium seeds is carried out starting in December. Growing seedlings of pelargonium in winter time, it is necessary to apply additional illumination of seedlings with lamps. For better tillering, the tops of the seedlings are pinched, starting from the appearance of 4-5 leaves.

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