Chlorophytum home care transplant and reproduction. Chlorophytum: home care, growing problems You can divide the bush and plant it in different pots

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Chlorophytum is perfect for growing at home for novice growers, because by its nature it is not at all picky about the conditions of detention, it is content with the simplest care. In addition, an extremely pleasant property, chlorophytum has the ability to purify the air around it.

Handsome room attendant

Chlorophytum as a houseplant became known more than two hundred years ago. During this time, he firmly established the reputation of an air orderly, which he earned thanks to his ability to purify the air from harmful impurities, passing them through himself.

Chlorophytum purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene. Listed by NASA as one of the three plant species most effective at removing formaldehyde from the air. It also neutralizes carbon monoxide and other toxins.

Origin of chlorophytum, description of botanical features

Chlorophytum is native to the tropics and subtropics of South Africa and America. There, the plant lives in the zone of reservoirs, rivers and streams. And some of its species grow even on the bark of trees and are epiphytes, receiving nutrients from the air through photosynthesis, and moisture from precipitation.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant in the form of a bush with spreading narrow leaves of juicy green or green with white stripes. The foliage is long, up to 50 cm long.

It is common for a flower to produce long, sometimes meter-sized, side shoots, very similar to strawberry mustaches. In spring and during the summer, small white flowers are formed on these arrows, collected in inflorescences, and after flowering, the side shoots are overgrown with daughter rosettes with aerial roots. Rosettes are easily separated and rooted in the soil.

For the first time in European countries, they got acquainted with chlorophytum in the second half of the 19th century. Since then, the flower has spread throughout the world. He especially took root in Holland, where he became a favorite in almost every home, having received another name - the “flying Dutchman”.

What is a plant called chlorophytum

Of the many varieties of chlorophytum, several of the most famous forms can be distinguished. The rest of the species included in this list are less popular, and many are completely unknown to anyone except botanists.

Species and varieties

  • Chlorophytum crested is a perennial with a voluminous leaf rosette, from which xiphoid leaves with white longitudinal stripes in the middle of the leaf sprout. Flowers white, small. Actively overgrows with mustaches with rosettes at the end and thus forms the shape of a cascade. There are three forms of crested chlorophytum: vittatum - the standard form, maculatum - with a yellow color of the longitudinal stripes, and "Curty Locks", the striped leaves of which are spirally twisted.
  • Chlorophytum curly (Chlorophytum Bonnie) - similar to crested, but differing in that its leaves do not hang down in an arcuate manner, but twist, curl. The sockets of this species are more compressed, compact.
  • Cape chlorophytum does not have stripes on the leaves, which are simply green, narrow-lanceolate, up to 60 cm long, growing directly from the center of the rosette. Cape chlorophytum gives rise to unattractive, short flower stalks, and does not form rosettes at all and reproduces only by division.
  • Chlorophytum orange (winged or orchid) is a low type with dark green foliage standing on bright orange petioles. Peduncles are short, and the seed box makes the orange chlorophytum look like an ear of corn. Green Orange and Fire Flesh are even more impressive with more contrasting colors.
  • Chlorophytum Laksum, a rare guest of urban apartments, has thin leaves, white stripes on which do not go in the middle, like a crested one, but along both edges, framing each leaf, as if making it glow. Laksum does not form child rosettes on lateral shoots.

Photo gallery: crested, cape, curly and other varieties

Chlorophytum crested is a tropical plant, its roots grow strongly, so wide flowerpots are preferable for it. Unlike crested chlorophytum, Cape chlorophytum does not form daughter rosettes on peduncles. In addition to the names Winged and Orange, this type of chlorophytum has one more - Orchidostar. To prevent the flower from fading, florists offer to cut the arrows when they appear. The most decorative of chlorophytums is the elegant chlorophytum Curly (Bonnie) Chlorophytum Laxum is not yet common in flower growers' collections. It is characterized by a dense rosette formed by thin, white-edged leaves. Feature - no children

Video: how to plant - in what land, pot, how much to water and fertilize Bonnie's chlorophytum

Can decorate both home and yard

One of the important advantages of chlorophytum is its versatility in interior design. Chlorophytum can be hung on a wall in a flowerpot or placed on a high stand, species growing in a cascade will look especially impressive.

Chlorophytum loves diffused light, which means that it will feel great on a flower stand or shelf, which is located in the back of a room with a large and wide window.

In a kitchen of any size and design, chlorophytum is not just a great decoration, but also an excellent air purifier.

And if the size of your kitchen allows, place the plant directly on the counter, the work area decorated in this way will cheer you up and distract from the monotony of cooking.

The ability of chlorophytum to normally tolerate light shading allows you to decorate a window by hanging hanging planters directly on a curtained window, reviving a usually boring window square.

Placed between other indoor plants, chlorophytum always harmoniously fits into the green composition.

Even in the bathroom, where there is natural light, chlorophytum is easily mastered and pleases the eye with fresh greenery.

Taken out in the warm season to fresh air, chlorophytum allows you to revive a balcony, courtyard or terrace.

Flower growers who are fond of landscape design will be very pleased with the fact that here, too, chlorophytum, due to its lily appearance, is in great demand and successfully decorates plant compositions near ponds.

This is how, without great expense, but with great imagination, you can decorate any interior with the help of a simple, no frills, but beautiful chlorophytum plant.

Seasonal conditions of detention

Chlorophytum is one of the most unpretentious plants. It is well suited for beginner gardeners and too busy people. Even if the rules for its maintenance are somewhat violated, this, as a rule, will not greatly damage the plant. Chlorophytum will thank the caring owner with a wonderful view and a healthy atmosphere in the house.

Table: temperature, lighting, feeding and other conditions in the warm and cold seasons

Content Options spring-summer season Autumn-winter season
TemperatureIn the warm season, the best temperature is 23 ° C. In the heat, put on the balcony, where there are no drafts, wind and direct sunlightIn winter, the most suitable temperature is from 18 to 20 ° C. The minimum temperature that chlorophytum can endure is 8 ° C
LightingBright diffused light, but also puts up with shading. Grows well near east or west windows. It can also be located on the north window, but in a too dark place it loses its decorative effect. Shading is needed on the south window.
HumidityChlorophytum is quite satisfied with the usual humidity in the room. In the spring, you can spray once a week from a spray bottle. During the summer heat, the frequency of humidification can be increased. Bathing in the shower will clean the dust from the leaves and help to survive the increased air temperature. Gently blot water that has fallen into the middle of the outlet, where the growth point is located, with a napkinIn winter, if you maintain the required temperature, you can do without spraying, replacing it with rubbing the leaves. When growing near the included heating system, you can occasionally humidify the air around the plant
WateringIt is watered abundantly from spring to autumn; during the growing season, chlorophytum needs a lot of moisture.In winter, watering is reduced, making sure that the substrate does not dry out between waterings.
FertilizerFertilizer watering is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks from March to August with complex fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants

Transfer is a must

The roots of chlorophytum are very dense, wide, elastic with oblong tubers. Even for one year they grow strongly, so regular transplanting into a larger pot is a must. If this is neglected, then the plant can stop growing and stop forming flower stalks.

It is simply impossible to grow a large and beautiful bush of chlorophytum without ever replanting it. The main reasons for the necessary transplant: either the pot that has become cramped, or the need to upgrade the depleted soil to a more nutritious one.

Video: transplanting after purchase, replacing the soil mixture, moving to a flowerpot of the right size

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting homemade chlorophytum

Video: how to transplant chlorophytum into the right soil

Chlorophytum is ready to grow in any soil, but if you intend to grow a healthy and lush bush that can thank you with beautiful foliage and active flowering, it is important to plant it in a nutrient substrate. The most suitable soil mixture consists of equal parts of leaf and sod land, humus and river sand.

If the soil mixture is purchased from a store, it is recommended to take a light substrate with a pH level of 6 to 7.5, as the culture prefers slightly acidic soil. If you are not in the mood to bother with preparing the soil for a flower, then take any, because under other favorable conditions, chlorophytum will forgive you this negligence.

Video: to grow a beautiful bush, take care of the right soil composition

Landing in a hydrogel

In addition to soil, hydrogel is excellent for growing. But when using it, you need to follow some rules. For planting in a hydrogel, it is better to take a young plant - the adaptation process will be much faster than in an adult. If the plant was previously in the ground, the roots must be washed well before immersion in the hydrogel. Water should be added to the swollen hydrogel rarely and carefully. Do not place a plant planted in a hydrogel in a place that is too bright. Do not forget to fertilize occasionally, the solution with top dressing should be weakly concentrated. Periodically, the hydrogel should be washed in running water to avoid possible unpleasant odors.

Can be planted in a florarium, temporarily - in an aquarium

In the conditions of small apartments, the florarium is a worthy replacement for bulky greenhouses. Due to the closed space, it maintains a special microclimate, favorable for the growth and development of many plants.

Chlorophytum can also be grown in florariums, but not in fashionable mini ones, where, due to its rapid growth, it will have to be constantly replaced with new specimens. and in larger ones, such as large aquariums or showcases, both open and closed.

Some use chlorophytum for planting aquariums. But we must remember that the plant will not be able to be submerged under water for a long time - in a few months it will have to be taken out and planted in the ground. But you can root cuttings in an aquarium.

Video: an attempt to settle chlorophytum in an aquarium

Essential care at home

Chlorophytum cannot be called a capricious plant, on the contrary, in an apartment it behaves loyally and only due to strong fluctuations in the usual environmental parameters can change its usual behavior. For example, curly chlorophytum can straighten the leaves. This charming mutation will disappear if the air is too dry, watering is irregular, and food is scarce.

light-loving flower

Best of all, chlorophytum feels under bright, but diffused lighting. Direct rays can burn it, and variegated forms can deprive it of a bright color, which, however, can happen in a too shaded place. The owners should find an area optimally removed from the sun, where the flower will feel comfortable. It is worth noting that chlorophytum tolerates several hours of direct sunlight, so the southeast window is an ideal zone for it.

Direct sunlight is not very useful for a flower. They can burn the leaves or discolor them. If the plant is in a south window, shade it during the midday hours.

A pale appearance indicates violations of the temperature regime

The temperature range that chlorophytum tolerates is very impressive. It easily tolerates summer heat and also feels good on a winter window at a temperature of 8-10 ° C. Moreover, when the temperature drops below 8 ° C, chlorophytum will not die, it will simply affect its appearance of the flower, it will turn pale and begin to wither.

During the summer heat, it is necessary to ventilate the room with chlorophytum or sometimes take the plant to fresh air. In winter, it is recommended to compensate for the high air temperature with periodic spraying or a warm shower. The main thing is that during bathing the soil in which chlorophytum grows does not erode.

We water correctly

In the period from spring to late autumn, when chlorophytum is in the stage of active growth and intensively increases its green mass, it is watered abundantly. With a lack of moisture in the soil, the roots begin to form many tubers to accumulate moisture for the future, and the stems may turn yellow. While the plant absorbs a lot of water, it is recommended to ventilate the room, but avoid cool drafts. In winter, watering is reduced, making sure that the earthen lump does not dry out. It is worth noting that the bay of the flower will destroy the rosette of the bush faster than a long drought.

Wick watering

One of the ways to moisten the soil is wick watering. It consists in the fact that when planting a plant, a thickly twisted rope is placed in the center of the pot, which should then be passed through the drainage hole and placed in a vessel with water. The thickness of the rope depends on the diameter of the pot, and the length depends on the depth.

In accordance with all the rules, a plant is planted in a pot with a rope, the container is installed on the same vessel with water. They are now inextricably linked with each other by this cord, through which moisture will rise directly to the roots. This method saves time, and it has been noticed that plant growth accelerates, nutrients are not washed out of the soil as quickly as during traditional irrigation.

But when breeding flowers in a cool room, this method is not recommended, and for chlorophytum it is generally considered ineffective, but a possible option, especially for flower growers who are often absent from home.

In order not to turn yellow, the leaves require frequent spraying.

Chlorophytum endures dry air, but only with periodic spraying of foliage, the bush will not dry, the tips of the foliage will turn yellow, especially if chlorophytum is located near heating radiators in winter.

The structural features of the chlorophytum leaf allow dust and dirt to accumulate in the central hollow. By wiping the leaves from accumulated dirt with a damp swab, we not only improve his well-being, but also allow us to purify the air in the room even more actively.

Chlorophytum needs constant spraying

Not a single plant will refuse additional nutrition during the active growing season. By regularly feeding chlorophytum, you can get a voluminous flower of juicy color with numerous processes. The ideal option would be a complex fertilizer for indoor flowers, on the packaging of which the time of feeding and dosage is conveniently indicated. But for inquisitive flower growers, there are more difficult ways: self-selection of the composition of fertilizers.

Any root dressing should be done only after watering and it is better in the evening or in cloudy weather. Do not forget to take into account the concentration of any top dressing depending on the volume of the pot and the age of the crop.

Flowering depends on the transplant

Timely transplantation of the bush determines both the abundance and constancy of flowering. If the chlorophytum is spacious in a pot and there is enough light, it actively releases lateral processes, blooms and forms rosettes, turning into a chic cascade plant.

Chlorophytum blooms with small white flowers and the longer and denser the arrow, the more intense and longer the plant will bloom - at least a month. If you do not plan to propagate your chlorophytum, do not let the child rosettes develop, thereby prolonging the flowering process.

In autumn and winter we take care differently than in summer

Chlorophytum does not have a pronounced dormancy, but the intensity of its vital activity decreases, therefore, in winter, the plant must be looked after a little differently than in summer. Requirements of chlorophytum during this period: keep in a cool room and rarely water. Under such conditions, he saves strength and lays the kidneys for the next season. In spring, the flower should be awakened gradually, accustoming to brighter light and a large volume of water.

Bush formation: how to pinch, cut correctly

Pruning for chlorophytum is an optional procedure and is carried out only if it is necessary to rid the plant of broken or diseased leaves. But if you do not cut the culture completely, then the flower grows too quickly - the mustache of such a plant can reach 5 meters.

In order not to damage the plant, cut only the outer leaves, leaving the inner parts of the rosettes intact.

Pruning is done with secateurs. Excess or diseased leaves that have begun to break are cut off right at the base. Too long mustaches are shortened, and superfluous ones are removed at the base, like leaves. Chlorophytum can be cut several times a year at any time. Pinching a bush is done in order to improve it. To do this, pinch the central top of the plant. As a result, the flower will begin to form side bushes and after a while it will become much more magnificent.

Table: content errors, elimination of causes, methods of treatment

plant malaise Causes rescue measures
Brown leaf tipsLack of nutrients, dry air, high temperature, direct sunlight or mechanical damageEliminate all possible causes
brown spotsBay plants in the hot heating seasonStop watering and irrigation of foliage
The leaves begin to turn pale, become lifelessHeat, lack of light, or lack of minerals in the soilLower the temperature if necessary, add light. Feed the plant 2 times a month, especially during flowering and reproduction
Sockets begin to blacken and rotWaterlogging of the soil when the temperature drops or heavy clay substrateLet the substrate dry to the full depth or transplant the plant into a new pot with the outlet treated with a solution of potassium permanganate
The variegation of the variety is lostPoor lightMove the flower closer to the window, but not under direct rays. In winter, illuminate with fluorescent lamps
The absence of pedunclesClose pot or young age of the plantProper plant care and your patience
Loss of leaf elasticity, depletion of plant tissuesThe plant freezes or grows fatRaise the air temperature above 8–10 ° C, stop feeding
During the dormant period, yellowing and falling leaves begin.Heat and lack of lightingLowering the temperature (not lower than 8 °C) and additional illumination
Brown edges on wrinkled leavesRoot desiccation - lack of moisture during the period of active growthAbundant watering

Table: the plant began to die from the disease - rescue measures

Disease Symptoms Treatment Methods Prevention
Root rotThe fungal disease begins with yellowing of the leaves, which then become watery, in the final they turn black and wither. The process usually starts with the socket part. If the disease is running, chlorophytum diesAt the first signs of decay, we take out the chlorophytum from the pot, free the root system from the soil and carefully evaluate its condition. If all the roots are black and soft, the flower, unfortunately, will have to be thrown away. If not everyone has had time to rot yet, there are white and elastic, we remove the affected parts with a knife or scissors. We process the sections with crushed coal and wait for the wounds to dry. We plant the plant in a new pot with a fresh substrate. We put in a scattered shade, we start watering only when the first new leaf appears Don't water the plant! In winter, especially carefully control the level of soil moisture. When planting and transplanting, be sure to use drainage. Ventilate the room to avoid high humidity. Do not use heavy soils containing a large amount of clay for planting.
Gray rotGray fungal plaque, stained leaves, appears after the defeat of chlorophytum by aphidsCut and destroy the affected leaves, treat the plant with Horus VDG (Ceprodinil). Before using the drug, read the instructionsAs a prophylaxis in hot weather with high humidity, chlorophytum can be treated with a 1% solution of Fundazol. Avoid excessive waterlogging of the soil

What to do when pests start

Despite the natural unpretentiousness, in room conditions, chlorophytum can be attacked by pests, and you should be prepared for this. And if you have knowledge of precautionary measures, you can prevent any attacks on the flower or, without waiting for significant damage, start treatment in a timely manner.

Table: possible pests and ways to deal with them

Someone will say that the easiest way is to buy a plant in a store and not bother with reproduction worries. But it will not take much effort, propagating chlorophytum is quite simple. And this process can turn out to be very exciting: what can be more pleasant for a true florist than watching how plants planted with their own hands grow, bloom and develop.

Growing from seeds

Chlorophytum seeds germinate very reluctantly. The percentage of germination is below 40%, it depends on the variety that you want to propagate. Therefore, you will have to try hard and apply some tricks so that the seed is accepted.

  1. The collected seeds of chlorophytum are wrapped in gauze and soaked in water for a day. Water must be changed every 4-5 hours.
  2. In early spring, seeds are sown on the surface of a wet peat-sand mixture, slightly pressed into the soil and covered with a transparent material: film or glass.
  3. A container with crops is placed in a shaded and warm place where the air temperature is kept in the range of 23-25 ​​° C. Crops are aired and moistened daily.
  4. Seeds usually germinate only in the second month of such scrupulous care. From this point on, it is recommended to increase the ventilation time for the prevention of fungal diseases and hardening of future plants.
  5. When the shoots form three true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate containers with soil for chlorophytum.

You can divide the bush and plant it in different pots

When your chlorophytum has grown and matured, you can divide a large bush into several small ones. This method is also called vegetative.

  1. Before separation, you need to shed the flower well.
  2. After a few hours, take it out of the pot. You need to take out the plant along with an earthy clod.
  3. With a sharp knife, the roots of chlorophytum are divided into the required number of divisions, while the roots are sanitized: dry, soft, rotten roots are removed.
  4. Delenki are seated in different pots.

We plant mustache shoots

With proper care, chlorophytum actively lets out a mustache, at the ends of which child rosettes are formed.

These sockets are carefully separated from the plant and immediately planted in a separate container in a permanent place. You can, for sure, place the outlet in a vessel with water for several days to stimulate root growth, and only then place it in the soil.

Separation of sockets and their subsequent planting in the ground can be done at any time of the year.

Video: how chlorophytum breeds - we give the baby independence

Pest Attack symptoms Means of struggle Precautionary measures
spider miteFoliage damage, cobwebWarm shower with protection against soil erosion. A plastic bag is pulled over the plant, which is tied at the base and left for several days.Spraying chlorophytum during the heating season
AphidDrying of foliage, loss of decorative bushWashing the foliage of the plant with soapy water, then with clean water. Next, the plant is sprayed with infusion of yarrow or orange peels.Temperature control, ventilation
ShchitovkaFoliage yellowing and sticky spotsTreatment of the bush with vodka or soapy water.
In the spring, a stick of Axoris Quick-Sticks is inserted into the pot, which, slowly dissolving, impregnates the plant with a substance protective against scale insects.

Apr 23 2017

Care for chlorophytum at home

Where did he come from, this unusual indoor flower? Twenty years ago it was impossible to imagine a room where chlorophytum was not grown. In apartments, he grew up in almost every room and in the kitchen, in schools, pots with him stood or hung on the walls of classrooms and corridors, in clinics, sanatoriums and hospitals - the tropical guest decorated the halls and occupied all the free corners. Green cheerful bushes cleansed the premises of germs, cheered people up, relieved them of depression and negative energy. To our regret, other exotic plants have now become fashionable. But in vain. It is hard to find another such green friend, unpretentious and patient, caring and outwardly very attractive. You should read our article if you are interested in caring for chlorophytum at home.

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) is a decorative and deciduous herbaceous plant - a perennial epiphyte. Some time ago, it was still attributed to the family of Lily perennials. The opinions of modern researchers are divided. Some scientists attribute chlorophytum to the Asparagus family, while others belong to the Agave family. One way or another, these plants were brought to Europe more than 200 years ago from the humid tropical and subtropical forests of South America, Asia and Africa. A well-known fact: the German writer and philosopher Johann Goethe himself grew chlorophytums indoors in hanging containers and was always fascinated by their spectacular appearance and small children hanging around the mother bushes.

Chlorophytum literally translates as a green plant. Because of its unusual appearance, it has many other popular names: Green Lily, Flying Dutchman, Spider Flower, Viviparous Corolla, Merry Family, and even Champagne Spray. In the wild, where there is the same wild humidity and heat, it is not easy for chlorophytum to survive. Having settled in the home, this exotic gets high from comfortable room conditions and thanks the owner not only for its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance, but also for its useful and healing properties.

Beneficial features

Research scientists have shown that chlorophytum has a unique ability to remove formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, all kinds of impurities and toxins from the surrounding space. Phytoncides secreted by its leaves purify the air of the room from pathogenic microbes and saturate it with oxygen. It is known that during the day the flower kills up to 80% of bacteria in the air in the immediate vicinity of the bush. Three to four adult chlorophytum bushes will easily clean a room of 10 square meters. m.

If you put a flower pot on the kitchen refrigerator, it will absorb harmful emissions from gas and electrical appliances. Interestingly, the thermal radiation of electrical appliances will not harm him at all.

In tandem with, chlorophytum absorbs germs and dust in the home. For this ability, chlorophytum was nicknamed the vacuum cleaner flower.

In addition, the plant regulates air humidity and improves the microclimate of the room in which it is located. After all, chlorophytum leaves have the ability to accumulate moisture, and then gradually release it into the surrounding atmosphere - such a kind of air humidifier.

By growing a flower in your apartment, you automatically improve the quality of your life. This is especially important for people suffering from allergies, bronchial asthma or with reduced immunity.

In addition to medicinal properties, chlorophytum is valued for its aesthetic pleasure when grown. Arrows with miniature daughter rosettes, which the plant releases when it matures a little, give the chlorophytum an ampelous look. It looks very beautiful and unusual. They can decorate any corner of your home: a wall, a bookshelf, a coffee table, and a window sill, on which chlorophytum will complement other, better flowering, indoor plants.

Description and structure

This plant is a herbaceous perennial. Its roots are thickened, tuberous, yellow or brown. They are able to accumulate so much moisture that the plant can withstand a long, up to a month, break without watering and spraying. If this happens, then your pet will lose its decorative appearance. The long beautiful leaves will fade, fade and droop around the edges of the pot, but the flower will not die, and will wait until you take care of it again. As soon as life-giving moisture appears, the Green Lily will come to life again and quickly restore its former attractiveness.

The flower has a short stem. The length of the leaves of different types of chlorophytum is different. The longest, up to 60 cm and longer, they are in ampelous varieties. Narrow leaves with pointed ends are often linear-lanceolate, less often oval. They are collected in bunches or lush rosettes. The bush grows in width and in height approximately the same - by half a meter. Although it happens that a healthy, adult plant can grow to almost a meter in height and diameter, and its sinewy leaves hang in a cascade up to one and a half meters in length. This perennial lives on average 10 years. Long mustaches grow from the middle of the bush - shoots with small leaves and aerial roots. They cascade down around the bush. In spring and summer, chlorophytum produces long curved peduncles, at the ends of which small silver-white star-like flowers appear, similar to miniature lilies. How magnificent they look against the background of graceful green or variegated long leaves! After the flowers wither, fruit boxes and small daughter rosettes with leaves and aerial roots are formed - chlorophytum babies. In order to enjoy plenty of these rosettes flying around the mother bush, chlorophytum is grown in hanging planters. Then the composition resembles a children's carousel, under the dome of which horses are jumping.

Species and varieties

Currently, there are more than two hundred species and varieties of this interesting plant, but only a few of them agree to survive indoors.


South Africa is considered the birthplace of Chlorophytum Crested. This variety has long, up to half a meter, saber-shaped leaves with longitudinal white stripes along the edge. The leaves are collected in bunches, from the center of which shoots or arrows periodically grow. They are hanging or prostrate, less often curly. At their ends, daughter sockets are formed. Peduncles also grow from the axils of the leaves, at the ends of which graceful small flowers of a light green color bloom. In the place of flowering, new rosettes are formed, providing ampelous cascades around the plant, so attractive and very decorative.

Initially, the color of the leaves of the Crested Chlorophytum was green. Later varieties were bred with light green leaves and with leaves decorated with longitudinal central stripes of white or yellow-cream color. This type of houseplant has several varieties.


Chlorophytum Curly looks like a bush of thick grass with long, but wider, leaves, which are painted alternately in dark and light green stripes. The leaves hang down and twist at the ends. The flower looks compact and neat. It forms simple inflorescences, in the form of a panicle. Blooms all spring and summer.

Orange (winged)

This species differs from others in the color of the petioles on which the leaves of chlorophytum are held. They are orange-brick or orange-pink in color. The leaves themselves are common for chlorophytums - long and bright, dark green in color. The leaves taper towards the edges. This species propagates most often by seeds, less often by basal rosettes. Therefore, it has a higher cost. Orange Chlorophytum blooms with small orange flowers, but so that the petioles do not lose their bright color, we recommend that you remove the emerging flower stalks in a timely manner.


His homeland is in the Cape Province in South Africa. This flower belongs to rosette perennial herbs with tuberous roots. Its leaf petioles are long and dark orange in color, while the light green leaves are hairy. On the upper side of the sheet plate there is a groove, and on the lower side there is a keel. It differs from Crested, mainly in the size of the leaves. The leaves of the Cape Chlorophytum are thicker and wider - they reach a length of 60 - 80 cm, and a width of almost 4 cm. A wide white stripe looks like in the center. The flower stalks of the plant are long. Racemose inflorescences are formed from leaf sinuses located on the peduncle. After flowering, this type of chlorophytum does not form daughter outlets. Flowers small, white. After flowering, a box is formed. This type of chlorophytum withstands lower temperatures than its relatives. Can grow at 7 - 12 °C.


This group of varieties is bred artificially. Different varieties of Variegated Chlorophytums differ in leaves: in some they are with white stripes, in others they are with yellow or cream, even with a combination of them.

For example:

  1. 'Mandaianum' has a yellow stripe down the center of each leaf;
  2. Variegatum has white stripes from the edge of the leaves to the center; grown in ampelous form.
  3. Vittatum has curved leaves with white stripes down the center. This is also an ampelous plant.
  4. Variety Bonnie has wide variegated leaves that form large curls.


This plant is rarely seen in the collection of flower growers. Although caring for him at home is required in almost the same way as for others. Perhaps because it does not form daughter outlets and propagates exclusively by seeds. But the plant is interesting. Its leaves are very thin, not wider than 1.5 cm. They form a dense rosette. The color of the leaves is rich green with a white stripe along the edges. There are many peduncles, but it blooms with spike-shaped inflorescences and rosettes - it does not form children on the stems.

Home Care

Chlorophytum is perhaps the most unpretentious and resilient indoor flower of all known to us. We recommend buying it first of all for beginner growers - you will definitely not be disappointed. Chlorophytum will withstand any conditions of detention, whether it is a bright window or a dark corner, watering daily or once a month. By its appearance, you will immediately understand that you have done something wrong - and it will give you time to correct the mistakes and again thank you with a spectacular decorative look. And, nevertheless, we will introduce you to the most pleasant living conditions for chlorophytum in your home.


Any room temperature will do. Even in summer, even in winter - the plant needs warmth. Permissible temperature ranges from 15 to 30 gr. Celsius. Too low a temperature, below 10 degrees, chlorophytum will not last long. At a long-term temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius, the flower will not die only if it is in dry ground. Watering at this time means exposing the chlorophytum root system to the risk of decay. He does not like this exotic and cold drafts - after all, this is a tropical plant, do not freeze it.

Lighting. flower location

Any place where you would like to place or hang a flower pot to decorate the interior of your room will do. Chlorophytum is a photophilous plant, but diffused sunlight is enough for it to be lush and brightly colored. It will be good for him near the eastern or western windows. On a bright southern windowsill, he will also cope, except that at noon his leaves should be slightly shaded from the sun's rays. Even in a dark corner, chlorophytum will grow and bloom, especially varieties with green leaves. Only its flowers will be smaller, the leaves will not be as saturated, and the child rosettes will begin to develop less actively, up to drying. But we do not recommend growing variegated varieties of chlorophytum in heavily shaded places - the leaves will lose their bright stripes and become monochromatic green. In summer, the flower can be placed on a balcony or veranda under a roof to protect from rain and direct sunlight.

In other words, the brighter and more colorful the colors of your pet - chlorophytum, the more illuminated place you will need to choose for his permanent residence in the apartment.

If in winter your pet will not have enough natural light, and you will understand this by its appearance, you will have to resort to artificial lighting - a phyto lamp or a fluorescent lamp. By the way, with the help of artificial lighting up to 12 hours a day, you can grow chlorophytum in the most unexpected places in your apartment, for example, in the corridor.

Watering the plant

Chlorophytum loves moist soil very much. It is desirable to water it often and plentifully from spring to autumn. In winter, moderate watering is sufficient. Although, during the operation of heating systems, the earthen clod dries out quickly enough in winter. It is advisable to keep it constantly moist, but not wet, condition. The plant is almost indifferent to the softness of water. Chlorophytum without whims drinks tap water, settled during the day.

If the plant lacks moisture, the leaves begin to dry, and extra tuberous thickenings form on the roots.

When overflowing, when there is constantly water in the pan, the tips of the leaves begin to turn black, the appearance of the flower will be spoiled.

Ambient humidity and spraying

Chlorophytum does not impose special requirements on the humidity of the air surrounding it. It grows well in any humidity. Even spraying the leaves in the summer is not a mandatory activity. But, if you regularly wash its leaves from dust under a warm shower or spray it with water at room temperature in the morning, the flower will thank you with its happy and fresh look. Just try to wash the bushes carefully, as the leaves of chlorophytum are rather brittle and fragile.

Note that the long leaves of the green friend sometimes break in the inflection area. Then it is better to remove them completely in order to prevent the growth of bacteria at the fracture site. This will protect the flower from a possible infection, but do not worry about the chlorophytum bush - it grows very quickly, and new leaves will appear soon enough.

pot and soil

Chlorophytum can be grown in any container convenient for you - in a pot, in a flowerpot, and ampelous varieties - in wicker planters and in beautiful hanging baskets. Even in hydroponics, chlorophytum grows well. Its root system will master a pot of any type and size. The only recommendation concerns adult plants - it is better to transplant them into a ceramic pot or flowerpot with thick walls. Thin plastic pots often do not withstand the pressure of the powerful root system of chlorophytum and burst.

There are also no special soil requirements. Chlorophytum thrives in any general potting mix for ornamental houseplants. The substrate must be loose, absorbent and well aerated. In heavy soil, the flower slows down growth, the root system is oppressed and the ground part of the plant is not as lush and elegant as we would like. If you decide to prepare the ground for chlorophytum yourself, prepare in equal shares the ground of soddy, leafy, humus, peat and sand. It would be nice to add horn shavings or bone meal here, a little.

top dressing

Chlorophytum, planted in a special nutrient soil (for decorative - deciduous plants), usually does not need additional feeding. But we recommend that in the spring and summer, you still feed your pet once every two weeks with any liquid fertilizer to stimulate the plant to be more active in the formation of daughter outlets. If the soil in the pot is poor in composition, you will notice that the leaves will begin to fade and dry out. Only a weekly liquid top dressing when watering the plant will save the day. Use any complex fertilizer at the recommended dose. It is also not necessary to overfeed the flower, so that its own immunity is not weakened, and the plant does not lose its viability to diseases and pests.

flower transplant

Chlorophytum is an actively growing perennial with a powerful root system, which quickly fills the entire planting capacity and displaces the soil. You can not do without his annual transplant. Usually, this operation is carried out in early spring. Therefore, prepare a pot in advance, slightly larger than the previous one, so that the root system that has grown over the year fits into it. Buy any universal soil or prepare it yourself (only, be sure to disinfect it).

Transplant chlorophytum in this order. Take the flower out of the pot. Gently shake off the soil and disassemble the roots with your hands as far as possible. In the old pot, they took the form of a container - spread them to the maximum. If you have loose soil, it will not be difficult for you to shake off most of it, gently loosening and straightening the roots. Then place the chlorophytum bush in a new planting container with fresh soil. To fill all the voids inside the pot, gently shake it while filling with the substrate. Do not forget to first put a good (2 - 4 cm) layer of drainage material (for example, expanded clay) on the bottom. A pallet is also needed. Water the transplanted plant generously so that all the soil in the pot is well saturated. Drain excess water after a while. Place the pot in a place shaded from the sun. After a few days, you can put the flower in its original place.

If you see that the flower has clearly become cramped in its pot, and it’s not spring at all outside the window, transplant it at any time of the year. In a pot that is too cramped, as well as in a pot that is too spacious, chlorophytum may refuse to bloom.


If you want your pet to please you with a long and colorful flowering, it must be kept on a bright, warm windowsill in a spacious pot filled with a nutrient substrate for decorative foliage plants. Well, of course, water it abundantly. Then the grateful flower will release a thick powerful arrow and bloom for at least a month. But we must keep in mind that it is not worth waiting for flowering in a plant that is too young. It begins to bloom in a year and a half from planting.


Reproduction of chlorophytum is quite easy to carry out. Let's take a look at some of the ways.

By dividing the bush when transplanting an adult specimen

If you see that your pet has grown excessively, divide it into several parts when transplanting with a sharp, clean knife. Treat each part of the flower on the cut with crushed coal and plant in a separate pot.

Rooting basal leaf rosettes

Reproduction of chlorophytum with rosettes is used for varieties that do not form mustaches and children on them. For propagation, separate the outlet from the mother bush along with the roots and plant it in a suitable pot with a loose, moist substrate. The socket takes root extremely quickly. Some time later, she has her own side shoots - arrows with small flowers.

Rooting air babies

Many are interested in how to propagate chlorophytum by children. Most varieties of chlorophytum produce long arrows, or whiskers, at the ends of which a flower first appears and, after, a small rosette - the so-called baby with young leaves and aerial roots. They are very decorative for the plant. But it is still necessary to get rid of the excess number of these children - numerous offspring can weaken the plant. So, some of these babies can be used to breed your pet.

You can root children all year round in three ways:

  1. Choose a strong daughter outlet, separate it from the mother bush (cut off the mustache with a clean knife or scissors) and put it in a glass of warm settled water for rooting. You can drop Epin into the water. Roots will soon appear and grow. When they are more than 2 cm long, transplant the young bush into a prepared pot with soil. We warn that regrown roots are very fragile and brittle. They are easily damaged during transplantation. Therefore, we recommend the second method of rooting for reproduction.
  2. Do not separate the selected strong process at the end of the shoot from the bush, but dig it into the ground in a separate bowl. Water. Wait until the baby is well rooted. Only then the arrow can and should be cut.
  3. If, for some reason, you don’t like this method either, you can cut off the baby from the arrow and immediately dig it into a pot of earth. Pour over and cover with a bag. The socket will still take root, as it has small air roots at the base, which after a while form their root system.

Growing from seeds

Some varieties of chlorophytums do not produce mustaches at all - babies do not form on them. Such specimens are propagated, if possible, by dividing an overgrown bush or grown from seeds. We wrote about the division of the bush above, but now we will introduce the seed method of reproduction.

Soak the seeds of the desired variety of chlorophthium purchased in special stores in settled water at room temperature with the addition of Epin for a day. The next day, in a prepared container filled with a quality soil mixture of peat and sand, spread your seeds, pressing them into the substrate a little. Using a fine spray bottle, moisten the soil well and close the lid of the container. Place this mini greenhouse in a well-lit, warm area. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 22-26°C. Make sure that the substrate does not dry out - high humidity of plantings is important for seed germination. Air the container daily and, if necessary, spray the plantings with warm water. Dip young seedlings with three to four leaves into separate cups, and after a while transplant them to a permanent place.

Diseases and other growing problems

Even such a resilient flower as chlorophytum sometimes experiences difficulties when the owner treats him dishonestly. However, if you correct your behavior in time and provide the flower with timely assistance, the plant will cope with any diseases and will live next to you for a long time. Consider the emerging problems of growing a flower.

The leaves of chlorophytum began to turn yellow. There can be many reasons for this:

  • You planted the plant in heavy or poor soil composition. The plant lacks nutrition. Feed it with any liquid foliar fertilizer at the dosage indicated on the package.
  • Excessive dryness of the ambient air in your room. Try to ventilate the room more often, while avoiding cold drafts. Make regular watering and spraying of the green mass of chlorophytum. These measures will increase the humidity of the air and protect the tips of the leaves from yellowing.
  • You have too high a temperature for keeping indoor flowers - airing and spraying plantings will also save the day. In the summer, take the plants to the balcony or veranda, to the shade under the roof, where it is not so hot. Make sure that the soil does not dry out for a long time.
  • The leaves turned yellow from mechanical damage to the flower. Cut off damaged leaves. New ones will come up very soon.
  • The leaves turn yellow because the root system of the flower has become cramped in the planting container - it's time to transplant the plant into a new pot.
  • Perhaps you just forgot about the flower and do not water it for a long time. Although Chlorophytum is a patient plant, and can stay without watering for a long time, but do not let its leaves turn yellow and dry out without watering. You planted it to decorate your home, do not forget about it.

The leaves of chlorophytum were covered with brown spots and began to turn black. You may be watering the plant. If the leaves have darkened in winter, this is the reason. Watering should be reduced before the onset of spring - chlorophytum should rest in winter. The plant temporarily ceases to grow actively, the roots do not absorb top dressing and excess moisture, they simply rot. Bring watering and temperature back to normal, stop fertilizing the plant, cut off the affected leaves. We hope that chlorophytum will not disappoint you and will recover by spring.

Leaves lose turgor and color. Perhaps your room is too hot and the flower is placed away from the light source. Ventilate the room more often and place the plant closer to the light. If you have not fed your pet for a long time, there is a reason to do it. Perhaps the turgor will be restored and the chlorophytum will come to life again.

You have found a rotting leaf outlet. This happens if your pet grows in heavy, poorly aerated soil. Rotting provoked abundant watering and stagnation of water in the pan. Remove the rotten socket along with the roots. Transplant the plant into a fresh - loose, moisture-absorbing and well-aerated soil mixture and do not let the water stagnate in the pan.

Your variegated bush has lost its bright color, the leaves have become solid green. This happens if you choose a place in the back of the room away from sunlight for the variegated variety of chlorophytum. The plant does not have enough light, especially in cloudy weather in summer or on short winter days. Try to move the exotic pot closer to the sun, at least for a few hours a day, and in winter, use additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp or a phyto lamp. It has been noticed that under artificial lighting, chlorophytum can grow beautifully all year round, retaining the color of the leaves. And even bloom.

Young chlorophytum does not bloom. There are several reasons for this.

  • Your bush is too young. Wait a little, it may not have reached the ripening period yet, when the flower stalks begin to appear. This happens after 1.5 years from germination.
  • The reason may lie in a pot too large for the root system of the plant. Until the roots of the plant master 70 - 80% of the earthy coma, the plant will not bloom. Waiting for the flower to grow to the right size is dangerous. Too large a pot is fraught with the danger of overflow and rotting of the roots. And this is much worse than the lack of flowering. Transplant the chlorophytum into a suitable size pot, and it will bloom.
  • In a too cramped pot, when the root system no longer fits there and even displaces the soil, the flower may also refuse to bloom. Transplant it into a larger container. After a short time, chlorophytum will master the planting capacity and, most likely, will bloom.

The lower leaves of chlorophytum periodically dry out. Don't worry, this process is natural. The plant is growing new leaves, the bush is being updated. Old foliage gradually dies off. Remove dried leaves in time so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flower.

The leaves of chlorophytum went limp, began to fade sharply. This happens if the room has a low temperature for a long time, below 10 gr. The flower simply freezes. Transfer it to a warm, well-lit place, pour it with warm settled water, you can add some liquid fertilizer. Chlorophytum endures conditions that are completely inappropriate for it for a long time. Perhaps this time he will regain his strength and decorative appearance.

Why dry and blacken the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum, what to do?

  • This happens if you arrange too long breaks between waterings. If, in addition, you water the flower with hard water, or fertilize with urea, then an excess amount of salts, in particular sodium, has formed in the dry soil. To save the decorativeness of the plant, it is necessary to transplant it into fresh, suitable soil for it. Water the plant regularly. Feed with a sodium-free fertilizer. Use water for irrigation better settled, at least during the day.
  • The tips of the leaves can also dry out due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. The plant must be fed with fertilizer for decorative and deciduous indoor flowers, and damaged leaves should be cut off with a completely clean knife at the base.


If you have a cat, then she will probably gnaw on the long juicy leaves of chlorophytum. This cannot be allowed - after all, the juice of the plant is conditionally poisonous for cats. These creatures usually gnaw on the leaves of all saber plants to induce a gag reflex when it becomes necessary to clear the stomach of accumulated hair there. But, it is better to place the flower in places that are not accessible to the animal, or, in general, to abandon it in favor of others that are no less attractive, but safe for your pet.

By the way, chlorophytums are also set aside from small children farther and higher, so that they do not injure their palms, grabbing a sharp saber-shaped leaf of a plant and dragging it into their mouths.

We advise you to pay attention to this unpretentious but charming guest from the tropics. We are sure that you will make friends and find a common language. Chlorophytum will be happy to decorate the interior of your home, and for many years, day after day, will delight your household and guests with its unusual and attractive appearance.

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Chlorophytum refers to herbaceous plant species that come from the Asparagus family. It is a perennial plant with a dense or tuber-like root system and short shoots, which is successfully grown in home care.

General information

From the center of the root rosette grows oblong linear or oval-like foliage up to 60 cm long. The inflorescences are small, of a light shade presented in brushes. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a box. Some species form buds after flowering, and additional plants appear from the buds.

In the people, chlorophytum was called "spider" or "earth lily". The plant first appeared in the description in 1794, and spread throughout Europe began in the 19th century. At the moment, the plant is so widespread around the globe that it is difficult to even name the exact number of species. But according to some reports, there are from 200 to 250 species.

Chlorophytum is an unpretentious plant, gets along in almost any conditions. The only requirement is that the plant loves abundant soil moisture. The plant develops rapidly, and with the beginning of the growing season, it begins to throw out flowers, and over time, small rosettes from the leaves. This plant is considered a good air purifier from dust and accumulated harmful microorganisms.

Types and varieties of chlorophytum

A type of herbaceous plant with a short shoot, from which bending narrow-linear leaves come out in a bunch. The surface of the leaf is smooth, light green in color. An elongated mustache with small leaves and miniature inflorescences similar to stars grows from the center of the plant.

And after flowering, daughter plants with small roots appear in the leaf knots. The root system of this species is dense, juicy, tuber-like.

Perennial with dense tubers. The foliage is linear, narrowed towards the end. The length of the leaves varies around 60 cm, and the width is about 4 cm. The leaves are smooth, green and collected in a rosette. Inflorescences are miniature, light shade. Daughter plants do not appear on the antennae of this species.

This species presents foliage in the form of grooves. The shape of the leaf is extended - the linear shade of the leaf is dark olive to sunny - crimson.

Chlorophytum orange (green orange) This is a variety of Chlorophytum winged. But the difference is in the bright poured, dark olive-colored leaves with an orange tint petioles. But in order to preserve the decorative shade, it is better to cut the flower stalks. You can leave if necessary to obtain seeds.

Chlorophytum curly (Bonnie) the difference between this species and the rest is the presence of a bright light strip in the center of the sheet. And this individuality does not change even in inappropriate conditions of detention. The name of the plant was due to curly leaves. The whiskers of this species have a length of no more than half a meter.

Rare variety. It has narrowed drooping leaves, along both edges of which are light stripes. The basal system is thickened, there are no daughter processes. Light colored flowers.

Compact plant with yellow-green leaves. The height of the bush is about 25 cm. Flowering occurs once every 6 months. The color of the flowers is white. This species is native to South America. The shape of the leaves is wide at the base and narrowed towards the top.

The plant is compact with linear leaves. The length of the leaves is about 60 cm and up to 3.5 cm wide. The leaves are smooth, saturated light green shade. Peduncle about 20 cm long.

Chlorophytum home care

The optimum temperature for keeping the plant is 16-20 degrees. But not below 8 degrees.

Lighting also plays an important role. Chlorophytum gets along well in any lighting conditions, but with sufficient lighting, its leaves look more decorative and rich.

Watering chlorophytum

Moisturizing the plant is preferred constant, but moderate. Watering should be done as the soil dries out. In summer, 4 times a week, and in winter, depending on the temperature of the plant.

If the temperature does not decrease, then at the same pace. But if the temperature is lower, then it should be watered several times a week, making sure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil.

The plant is unpretentious to the humidity of the air in the room, but it is necessary to spray and carry out a warm shower once every 30 days. Wipe the leaves from dust should not be, because the plants are quite fragile.

Fertilizers and soil for chlorophytum

It is necessary to feed the plant during the growing season, and this is from spring to autumn. It is necessary to fertilize with mineral dressings, about once every 30 days.

The plant in this regard does not require much. The soil can be purchased ready-made or mixed independently.

To do this, you need to take part of the sod land, part of the leafy soil and part of the sand in a ratio (2: 2: 1)

Chlorophytum transplant at home

Many are wondering how and when to transplant chlorophytum. It is necessary to transplant the plant as needed, that is, as soon as the fleshy root system has filled the container, a transplant is necessary.

Transplantation is easy, the plant is transferred along with the previous soil, and the missing places are filled with new earth with a mixture. Transplantation is preferably done in the spring.

A pot for chlorophytum should be chosen free, but better extended than deep. You should choose containers made of plastic or ceramics, moisture evaporates less in them, and this is an important aspect for the plant.

pruning chlorophytum

Is it possible to trim the whiskers of chlorophytum - this is done at will. If you want to have more foliage, then it is better to remove the whiskers. Other reasons, if you need seeds for further propagation, then the whiskers are best left.

In general, the plant does not need pruning. Only periodically it is necessary to remove dry leaves.

Chlorophytum reproduction by rosettes

To do this, you need to choose a strong poured socket and dig into a container with earth. The plant quickly takes root and begins to develop.

Propagation of chlorophytum by cuttings in water

It is necessary to pick up a strong stalk and place it in a container with water.

And after the appearance of the root system, it is necessary to land in the prepared soil.

Reproduction of chlorophytum by children or layering

Already a year-old plant will delight you with children that appear on the mustache. To root the children, it is necessary to dig in a container nearby, without cutting off from the main plant until rooting is complete.

Or there is another option, cut off the cub and place it in the water when the roots appear, then plant it in the ground.

Chlorophytum propagation by seeds

Seeds are sown in the spring, after soaking for a day in water or a growth stimulator. After that, they are scattered on the soil, and this is a mixture of peat and sand, slightly pressed into the ground. After that, the container is covered with a film or glass. Periodically opening for airing and spraying.

Shoots appear in one and a half or two months. After germination, the film must be removed more often so that the plants get used to the conditions of the room and fresh air. And after the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings must be dived into separate containers with soil already for adult plants.

Diseases and pests

  • The tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry the cause could be insufficient watering, direct sunlight or dry indoor air.
  • Chlorophytum blackens leaves or leaf tips due to excessive soil moisture. The plant needs moderate watering.
  • Chlorophytum turns yellow due to lack of light, the plant prefers good lighting. Another reason may be a tight container, so it is necessary to inspect the root system, a transplant may be necessary. There may also be a lack of fertilizer.
  • Chlorophytum grows poorly due to the large capacity for planting, the plant will not go into greenery until it is filled with roots. Heavy soil is also possible, and the plant prefers light soil. Or lack of fertilizer. By fertilizing on time, the plant will fully develop.
  • Chlorophytum does not give children most likely, the reason was a cramped container or an unlit place of detention.
  • Chlorophytum does not shoot arrows with proper care, the plant will grow a mustache. The reason is improper care. Lack of lighting, nutrition, watering.
  • Chlorophytum does not bloom the reason is too oily earth, until the earth becomes impoverished, the plant will not bloom.
  • Chlorophytum has become pale the reason is the lack of lighting, it is necessary to change the location of the flower to a more sunny place.
  • In chlorophytum, leaves break due to lack of light or overfeeding with fertilizers.
  • Chlorophytum rots due to stagnant moisture and low air temperature.
  • Chlorophytum curls leaves most likely, the plant has grown and it does not have enough minerals for its full development.

Every beginner grower dreams of acquiring a plant that has an attractive appearance and does not require complex care at home. There is such a flower. This is a well-known chlorophytum. Bright greenery uplifts the mood and creates a feeling of comfort. But before you get a pet, you need to learn as much as possible about caring for him.

Description of chlorophytum

The most recognizable plant that did not flinch and did not give up its position in front of the newfangled and expensive exotics is chlorophytum. Surely this name is well known even to those who are not fond of growing flowers. After all, it is chlorophytum that is most often found in the most visited places - hospitals, kindergartens, libraries, schools.

Chlorophytum - the most recognizable plant

For the first time, this representative of the genus of herbaceous plants was mentioned in 1794. Chlorophytum began its journey around the world from the humid subtropics of South Africa and the tropics of South America. Now, probably, there is no corner on our planet where this amazing plant is not grown.

Chlorophytum is native to southern Africa and America.

The name chlorophytum is translated from Greek as "green plant". Indeed, many of its species have leaves of a bright and cheerful green color.

Long, up to 80 cm, graceful leaves of a linear shape are slightly curved and collected in a basal rosette or bunch. The height of the plant during indoor cultivation and depending on the species ranges from 15 to 40 cm. Under natural conditions, its volumes reach meter sizes. Inflorescences, consisting of small flowers, resemble a loose panicle. After flowering, small leafy rosettes with roots form at the ends of arcuate long stems. It is for these small rosettes, reminiscent of spiders descending on a cobweb, that chlorophytum received another name - the spider plant.

Daughter rosettes hanging from the mother plant resemble spiders.

Chlorophytum roots have tuberous thickenings. Moisture accumulates in them, and this feature helps the plant survive periods of drought.

Chlorophytum is considered the most domestic plant, unpretentious and unpretentious. Suitable for both beginners and busy people. For all its unpretentiousness and undemanding, it has an attractive appearance. Yes, it grows very fast.

Chlorophytum is considered the most domestic plant

The benefits of chlorophytum

The plant is considered an ideal indoor air purifier. By absorbing formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, it releases oxygen. Chlorophytum is very suitable for smokers, as it is able to neutralize nicotine. Those suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases and allergies also cannot do without a green doctor. Chlorophytum is able to humidify the air and purify it from bacteria.

If we turn to folk beliefs and Feng Shui, then according to them, in a house where chlorophytum grows, peace and comfort will always reign. That is why the plant is also called Family Happiness.

Chlorophytum has only 2 drawbacks. Its succulent leaves are very fragile and cats love to eat them.

Cats just love to gnaw on chlorophytum

Species and varieties

The genus includes almost 200 species. Taking some of them as a basis, breeders have bred many varieties. Currently, there are many dissimilar representatives of this genus in the world.

Popular varieties - table

Species and varieties Description
This species is perhaps the most famous and cultivated.
From a shortened stem, narrow-lanceolate long ones grow in bunches.
leaves dyed bright green. From the middle of the leaf
rosettes appear long shoots with small white flowers. On the
in place of a faded flower, a young rosette with roots appears.
A variety of crested chlorophytum. The edges of its smooth leaves
decorated with stripes of white or light cream color.
Its slightly curved green leaves have wavy edges.
It has glossy broadly oval lanceolate leaves, collected
into the root socket. The color of the petioles can vary from pink to
Linear narrow-lanceolate leaves, collected in a rosette, grow
up to 60 cm long. Painted in light green. flowers
small, white. Peduncles collected in loose brushes grow
from leaf axils. Very similar to crested chlorophytum, but different
from it by the fact that it does not form daughter rosettes on the stems.
Chlorophytum Green Orange A variety of Chlorophytum Winged. But unlike the progenitor,
has leaves of saturated dark green color with petioles
orange. The central vein is colored bright orange.
Variety with unusual leaves. They don't hang, they curl.
into a wide spiral. The leaf plate is painted green,
against which a white central vein stands out. The plant has
small sizes.

A variety of chlorophytums in the photo

Conditions of detention depending on the season - table

Season Temperature Lighting Humidity
Spring Adapts very well to
natural indoor conditions.
During the warm season, the most
comfortable temperature 23°C. During the heat
need to put on the balcony, but the place
should be inaccessible to draft,
wind and direct sun.
To lighting chlorophytum
undemanding. Maybe
develop in the light
place, and in the shade. But still
grows best in scattered
light. Western and Eastern
window is the most suitable
place. Right here
chlorophytum can show
magnificent growth and bright
color. In the north too
settles in well. From
direct sunlight on
south window the plant should
shade. Varieties with bright
coloring more demanding
to the light. If chlorophytum
will lack
in lighting, its leaves
fade and lose
Chlorophytum is quite satisfied with the usual
humidity in the room. He is some
time can bear well
dry air. In the spring
can be sprayed once a week
sprayer. During the summer
heat (depending on indications)
thermometer) humidification frequency
can be increased. Swimming under
shower will clean the leaves from dust and
help to cope with increased
air temperature. The water that got
in the middle of the outlet, where it is located
growing point, you need to be careful
blot with a napkin. wet
cloth wipe the leaves very
be careful, they are very fragile and
break easily.
Autumn In winter, the most suitable temperature
from 18 to 20°C. Minimum
temperature that chlorophytum can
endure 8°C.
In winter, if you maintain the prescribed
temperature, you can do without
spraying, replacing it with wiping
leaves. When grown near
switched on heating system can be
occasionally humidify the air around

In order for the greens of the chlorophytum paint to remain bright, it needs a bright place.

Chlorophytum can be grown in florariums, but not in fashionable mini ones, but in larger ones, for example, in large aquariums or showcases, both open and closed. In unlimited space, there is no need to worry about growth rates.

Chlorophytum is used by some as a landscaping for aquariums. But the whole problem is that for a long time the plant will not be able to be submerged under water - for several months, and it will have to be taken out and planted in the ground. But you can root cuttings in an aquarium.

Chlorophytum is great as a companion plant for florarium

Landing and transplant

For young fast-growing plants, transplantation is carried out annually in the spring. Adult chlorophytums do not bother so often. The need arises after 2 or 3 years, with a strong growth of the flower. If you see that the roots have come out of the drainage holes or the growth has stopped, the flowers do not appear - it's time to look for a suitable container for planting.

Chlorophytum has powerful roots that grow in width. Therefore, we choose a pot not too deep, but 5 centimeters wider than the previous one. The preferred material is ceramic. If there are no drainage holes in the new container, you will have to do them yourself. A plant that can accumulate moisture in the roots does not need excessive moisture.

Chlorophytums grow well in low but wide pots.

For chlorophytum, the composition of the soil is of secondary importance; ordinary store soil is quite suitable. But you need to pay attention to acidity. It is best to purchase a soil mixture with neutral acidity. Acidic or alkaline earth will not work. For those who like to prepare earthen mixtures on their own, you need to take and mix the following ingredients well:

  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand or perlite.

Self-made soil mixture - proof of care for your plants

Step by step houseplant transplant

  1. In the selected container, be sure to lay at least 2 cm of drainage, on top of which pour the prepared substrate.
  2. Grasp the rosette of the plant with your hands, carefully remove it from the old pot. In order for the process to go faster, you need to pull not vertically, but swing left and right.
  3. In the extracted plant, you need to slightly shake off the old earth from the roots.
  4. Then install the chlorophytum in the center of the new pot and add fresh soil mixture, filling the remaining voids.
  5. After planting, water the plant abundantly and remove the accumulated water from the pan. You need to put it in partial shade so that the plant adapts faster.

You can determine whether you are watering chlorophytum correctly or not by its root system. If the roots are covered with tuberous thickenings, then the plant does not have enough moisture.

Growing chlorophytum in hydrogel

In addition to soil, hydrogel is excellent for growing chlorophytum. But when using it, you need to follow some rules.

  1. For planting in a hydrogel, it is best to take a young plant - the adaptation process will be much faster than in an adult.
  2. The roots should be washed well before immersion in the hydrogel if the plant was previously in the ground.
  3. Water should be added to the swollen hydrogel rarely and carefully. Do not expose a plant planted in hydrogel to a place that is too bright.
  4. Do not forget to fertilize, but rarely with a solution of low concentration.
  5. Periodically, the hydrogel should be washed in running water to get rid of a possible unpleasant odor.

You can grow chlorophytum even in hydrogels

Chlorophytum in the interior

Flowers have always been part of the interior and chlorophytum is no exception. A versatile plant will look equally great as a soloist in a beautiful planter, on a stand or in a hanging planter, and in a flower arrangement with other flowers. Recently, vertical gardening has become very popular. It significantly saves space, does not interfere with the penetration of light and is a stunningly beautiful decoration not only for large rooms, but also for ordinary apartments. And how good is chlorophytum with many young rosettes cascading around an adult plant!

Examples of the use of chlorophytum in phytodesign - photo gallery

Cascading rosettes of chlorophytum look very interesting
Chlorophytum is successfully used in vertical gardening Chlorophytum will look great in a wall florarium Chlorophytum and a hanging planter - the perfect combination for decorating an interior

Home Care

Despite all the unpretentiousness, there are still rules of care, following which the grower maintains an attractive appearance and healthy growth of chlorophytum.


Chlorophytum will not be offended if you forgot to water it on time. But do not neglect his gentle nature. The soil in the plant pot should ideally be slightly damp. But this does not mean that chlorophytum will put up with flooded land. Its root system can easily suffer from excess moisture. If you take into account the ambient temperature, you can derive the following watering schedule:

  • in summer - 1 time in 2 - 3 days;
  • in winter - once a week.

Before watering, it is imperative to wait for the top layer of soil to dry out, but at the same time, the earth inside the pot should remain slightly moist.

Water for irrigation should be warm and always settled.

In summer, chlorophytum should be watered abundantly.

Wick watering

There are situations when you have to leave green pets alone at home for a certain period. And in order not to ask a neighbor, and then not to worry, she forgot to water or completely flooded her favorite plant, there is a very good and simple way. It is called wick watering. In order to make such a system yourself, you will need:

  1. Purchase a plastic food container.
  2. Make a hole in its lid and fill it with water with a small amount of fertilizer.
  3. Prepare a wick from a thick nylon thread that conducts moisture well. Ordinary nylon tights, cut into long strips, are also suitable.
  4. And now - the most important thing. It is necessary to stretch the wicks through the drainage holes with the help of a long wooden skewer almost to the very top of the soil.
  5. It is good to spill the soil from above so that the water flows into the pan and the wicks are saturated with moisture. It remains only to put the pot on the container and lower the wicks into the water. Everything, the process has begun.

An example of the wick method of watering plants

top dressing

Chlorophytum, especially an adult, does not require frequent dressings. During the period of active growth (from March to August), you can use liquid mineral fertilizers for deciduous plants 2 times a month. The flower responds very positively to organic top dressing, which can be alternated with mineral ones. Both those and other fertilizers are sold in flower shops. As a saturation of chlorophytum with nutrients, you can use water from the aquarium.

In order not to burn the roots of a young plant, the fertilizer is diluted with a little more water than indicated. Before using top dressing, the soil in the pot must be moistened.

Nutrient-receiving young chlorophytum grows very quickly

flowering period

The flowering of chlorophytum cannot be called a memorable sight. But still, there is something touching and sweet in small white flowers-stars. A well-groomed plant has no problems with flowering. If the chlorophytum refuses to bloom, it is most likely still young or growing in a very cramped pot.

Little star flowers look very cute

After a period of flowering in place of flowers, children are formed that take root easily. The only exception is winged chlorophytum, which practically does not form rosettes after flowering. Many flower growers advise removing flower stalks from orange varieties so that the plant does not lose its magnificent forms. But if you decide to get seeds, then the arrow of the peduncle will have to be left.

Winged chlorophyllum blooms a little differently than crested

Winter care and its features

Unlike many plants that require a cool wintering, chlorophytum can overwinter in normal apartment conditions. Although lowering the temperature during the dormant period to 12 - 14 ° C will benefit the plant. Top dressing is stopped, the frequency of watering is reduced. Particular attention should be paid to moisture if chlorophytum hibernates at low temperatures.

Chlorophytum can winter in normal apartment conditions


Chlorophytum does not need pruning, as its leaves grow directly from the center of the rosette. Only a cosmetic or sanitary procedure is permissible, consisting in the removal of broken or dried leaves. The daughter sockets are also cut off, but this process rather precedes the breeding procedure.

If the sockets are not removed, a beautiful cascade can be formed from them, which will surround an adult plant in a lush ring. This looks very elegant.

Chlorophytum surrounded by children looks very elegant

Why curls straighten at curly chlorophytum

Sometimes it happens that the curled curls of curly chlorophytum suddenly straighten out, making it look like the usual species of this plant. This happens, for the most part, due to improper lighting - chlorophytum grows either in strong shade or in direct sun. Sometimes the cause of straightening of the leaves can be too high humidity. If you carefully study the rules for keeping chlorophytum and adhere to them, there will be no problems.

Improper lighting can cause straightening of chlorophytum leaves twisted into curls

Well-groomed chlorophytum always looks great. But sometimes there are oversights that turn into dry leaves and other problems, because of which the plant loses its brightness and lush forms.

Errors arising from improper care and their elimination - table

Mistake Manifestation Fixing
Dry leaves appear
light brown spots
Burn marks from direct sunlight. You need to lightly shade the plant.
The leaves become light and
  • Lack of light.
  • Tight pot.
  • Not enough nutrients.
  • Put the plant in more

illuminated place.

  • Transplant chlorophytum into

the pot is bigger.

  • During the growing season, the plant

needs to be fertilized.

Brown spots on leaves Too high temperature in winter
period combined with excessive
During the dormant period, chlorophytum needs
keep at moderate temperature
range, reducing the number
Leaves with bright colors
become dark green
losing original color
The plant is not well lit. Varieties with bright colors
need more
light than the rest.
The tips of the leaves dry up Too hot in the room. If the room is hot, chlorophytum
needs to be sprayed occasionally.
Adult chlorophytum is not
blooms and does not give children
The flower grows in a very tight pot. Transplant the plant to more
spacious pot. But not
get carried away, in too much
the volume of chlorophytum will be long
take root and also not immediately
wilted leaves,
lost turgor
Insufficient watering. Water according to the rules, and the plant
will quickly restore the previous volume.
Have chlorophytum slowed down
  • Not enough food.
  • Too small pot.
  • Not enough lighting.
  • Start feeding the plant.
  • Transplant to a bigger pot.
  • Provide Chlorophytum
    enough light.
The leaves are curling
covered with brownish-yellow
This often happens in the summer
the period when it is too hot, and
watering is inadequate.
In summer, chlorophytum needs a good
The leaves are breaking Very juicy and fragile leaves can
break down when working with chlorophytum.
Rubbing the leaves or transplanting
plant, should be extremely
careful to avoid
mechanical damage to the sheet
plates. If this happened
the broken piece should be cut off.
Chlorophytum collapses
on one side
The plant is overgrown. how
usually overgrown chlorophytum
stretches towards the light and unable to withstand
sheet mass falls on one
If you see such a picture,
means the plant urgently requires
The leaves turn black Poor watering in the summer and low
air humidity.
When the temperature rises in summer
time chlorophytum need plentiful
water and spray periodically.

With improper care, chlorophytum will signal its appearance

Diseases and pests

Chlorophytum is so unpretentious and strong in health that it does not care about any diseases and pests. But the wrong regimen for caring for this beautiful plant can undermine its strong immunity and then problems will arise.

Diseases and pests: how to identify and deal with them - table

Diseases and pests Symptoms Fighting methods Preventive actions
Root rot fungal disease begins
with yellowing leaves, which
then become watery
blacken and fade. Process
usually starts with a rosette
parts. If the disease is started,
chlorophytum may die.
At the first sign of rot we get
chlorophytum from the pot, free
root system from the ground and
carefully evaluate her condition.
If all the roots are black and soft,
the flower, unfortunately, will have to
throw away. If there are still white
and elastic roots - the situation is not
  • With a sharp knife or scissors
    remove the affected parts of the plant.
  • Slices are processed with crushed coal

and wait for the wounds to dry.

  • The plant is planted in a new pot

and use fresh substrate.

  • For the transplanted plant, we find

place in diffused shade.

  • Water only when a new one appears.


  • Don't water the plant!
  • In winter, especially

closely monitor
soil moisture level.

  • When boarding and transplanting

Be sure to use drainage.

  • Ventilate the room to

avoid high humidity

  • Do not use heavy
Appears after defeat
aphid chlorophytum. Grey
fungal patches
covers the leaves of the plant.
Cut and destroy the affected
Treat the plant with Horus VDH
Please read before use
  • As a preventive measure in hot weather

high humidity weather
can be treated with chlorophytum
1% solution of Fundazol.

  • Don't allow too much

waterlogging of the soil.

Mealybug The first sign of infection
is white, similar to cotton wool,
raid. This is a mealy discharge
worm that leads to
weakening and growth retardation
Use one of the following against the pest
drugs - Aktara, Calypso or
Biotlin. Processing interval 7 - 14 days.
Instructions for use are attached.
  • control watering,

let the humidity rise

  • At the first symptoms,

take dipped in soapy
swab solution and wipe it
leaves. In hard-to-reach places
(leaf sinuses) use
ear cleaner.

  • You can use a solution

spray green soap
(soap is sold as a solution).
Processing is carried out with a weekly

Aphid Aphid colony settles
exclusively for young people
leaves. Due to loss
cell sap leafy
the plate is twisted and
dries up.
Good for fighting aphids
Actellik. With a severe injury
have to spend at least 3
processing. Interval week.
  • With a small amount of aphids

a shower will help.

  • Helps well

dilute treatment
laundry soap.

  • Dry air helps

the spread of aphids.

Nematode Stunting, twisting
leaves - signs of damage
nematode. At the same time, the roots
covered with round or
elongated growths.
Treatment with chemicals will only lead
to the death of the nematode itself, but the eggs
will remain. The best way
get rid of the pest - thermal
Release the roots of the plant from the ground,
rinse under running water and
bathe in water heated to the point Mealybug is easy to detect by secretions similar to cotton wool Gray rot appears at high humidity Root rot is difficult to detect at the first stage if the disease is advanced - the plant dies

How does chlorophytum reproduce?

Chlorophytum will not cause any problems when propagating by children or dividing an adult plant. Growing a plant from seeds will be more difficult.

Rooting leaf rosettes

This is the easiest way possible. Chlorophytum itself builds up leaf rosettes with roots, and you just have to separate and plant them.

Reproduction by division of an adult plant

It is advisable to combine this procedure with a spring transplant.

Reproduction of chlorophytum using seeds

This method of reproduction is most often used by breeders who delight us with new varieties. In home propagation using seeds, Chlorophytum Winged is most often used. It is immediately worth noting that growing from seeds is a long process. A suitable time for sowing is the end of February or the beginning of March.

In order for the growing chlorophytum to look more magnificent, several young plants can be planted in one container.

perennial herbaceous plant chlorophytum (lat. Chlorophytum) naturally grows in South Africa and Australia. Scientists are still arguing about which family Chlorophytum belongs to - Lileyny, Agave or Asparagus. The genus includes about 250 different species. Chlorophytum flowers differ in unpretentiousness, this is their main advantage over other indoor ampelous plants, and therefore novice flower growers willingly grow them. In addition to unpretentiousness, indoor chlorophytum also has other advantages, but we will describe the beneficial properties of chlorophytum to you in a separate chapter.

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Planting and caring for chlorophytum

  • Bloom: from March to the end of the growing season.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight in the morning, bright diffused light from noon.
  • Temperature: during the growing season - normal for residential premises, in winter - not lower than 10 ˚C.
  • Watering: in the heat, frequent (2-3 times a week) and plentiful, the rest of the time regular, but moderate.
  • Air humidity: from September to June - normal for residential premises, in summer - increased.
  • Pruning: shaping (optional).
  • Top dressing: during the growing season 2 times a month with liquid mineral fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.
  • rest period: from October to January.
  • Transfer: in late February or early March: young plants - annually, adults - a year later.
  • Reproduction: seed, dividing the bush, lateral processes.
  • Pests: thrips, aphids, nematodes, mealybugs, spider mites.
  • Diseases: spotting, root rot, bacterial infections.

Read more about growing chlorophytum below.

Home chlorophytum - description

We have just talked about the main advantage of chlorophytum - ease of cultivation and care. There are some other features that distinguish it from other plants:

  • chlorophytum blooms in March and blooms throughout the growing season;
  • the dormant period of the plant from October to January;
  • indoor chlorophytum grows well in hydroponics;
  • sometimes, as a result of insufficient watering or too dry air, the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry, and the plant loses its decorative effect to some extent;
  • chlorophytum is good not only in a hanging basket or on a stand, it can even decorate a flower bed in the garden with its variegated leaves;
  • Chlorophytum looks great both as a solo plant and in a group with other plants.

Care for chlorophytum at home

How to care for chlorophytum

Caring for Chlorophytum is simple, but there are rules that you should follow if you want a healthy plant in its best condition. Chlorophytum can also grow in the shade, but it is still better to place it in a place where bright diffused light will fall on it and where it can be in direct sunlight for several hours - in the morning or evening. Temperature chlorophytum will transfer any, but in winter it should not fall below 10ºС.

Watering in the hot season it should be frequent and plentiful - 2-3 times a week, in other seasons you only need to make sure that the substrate does not dry out. Air humidity from September to June, chlorophytum suits the usual one, but in the summer you need to increase it by regularly spraying the plant with non-cold settled water - the same one you should use to water it.

pruning chlorophytum needed only when it becomes necessary to remove damaged or diseased leaves or you want to give the plant a certain shape, top dressing carried out only during the growing season twice a month with liquid fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.

Soil for chlorophytum

Chlorophytum soil loves neutral (pH 6-6.5), nutritious and loose, the composition is something like this: one part of humus soil, two sod, two leafy soil and one part of sand.

Chlorophytum transplant

Chlorophytum is transplanted into a larger pot annually, in February or March, before active growth begins. Old or too large plants can be transplanted every two years. It is better to take a clay pot, with a porous inner side, 10% larger in diameter than the previous one, but keep in mind that chlorophytum blooms faster in a cramped pot than in a too spacious one, although a too cramped pot can crack under the pressure of large and thick roots of the plant.

Water the plant before transplanting, remove it from the pot along with a clod of earth and place it in a new pot, into which expanded clay is poured in advance. Add the required amount of soil, compress it lightly and water. The first time after transplantation, do not put chlorophytum in bright light, let it come to its senses.

Reproduction of chlorophytum

Propagation of chlorophytum by seeds

You can just buy chlorophytum from a flower shop and not make it difficult for yourself by growing it from seed, but if you have a breeder in you, then you will definitely want to try this particular method of reproduction. It should be remembered that the percentage of germination of chlorophytum seeds is low - 25-40%, depending on the variety, so for greater reliability, soak the seeds wrapped in gauze before planting for a day in water, which is changed every four hours.

So, the seeds are sown in early spring directly on the surface of a light moistened substrate of sand and peat, lightly pressed against it, covered with a film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect in the seed container, and placed in a warm place (22-25 ºC), in partial shade , regularly airing the container and moistening the soil by spraying. Seeds will germinate in a month and a half. When 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in personal pots with soil for an adult chlorophytum.

Before that, do not forget to accustom the seedlings to the environment - open a greenhouse for a short time during the week so that the sprouts get used to the temperature and humidity of the air in the room in which they are to grow.

Reproduction of chlorophytum by dividing the bush

During transplantation of a specimen older than 3-4 years, you can divide its bush and plant the delenki in different pots - this will be the vegetative method of propagating chlorophytum by dividing the bush. Water the substrate in a pot before transplanting, after a few hours, remove the plant along with an earthy clod and separate the roots with a sharp knife, trying not to destroy this clod. Carefully examine the roots of the divisions, remove the rotten and dried ones, and then plant the parts of the plant in new pots.

Reproduction of chlorophytum by lateral processes

There is another vegetative method of propagation of chlorophytum: lateral shoots with daughter rosettes are separated from the mother plant and immediately planted in a permanent place in the soil for an adult plant. If it seemed to you that the outlet might not take root in the soil, then put it in a vessel with water for several days so that the weak roots grow, and then plant it in the ground. Chlorophytum babies can be separated and seated at any time of the year.

Pests and diseases of chlorophytum

Insects and diseases

I repeat like a mantra: if, when caring for a plant, you fulfill all the requirements of agricultural technology and if you treat all your plants responsibly, then diseases and pests will bypass your home flower garden. But, as they say, no one is immune from mistakes, so it’s better to assume the worst and be prepared for it.

So, among pests for chlorophytum, thrips, nematodes, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs are dangerous. And if one of these insects appears on your plant, the first thing you should think about is: what did (or did) I do (or did) wrong? Think about this while you exterminate pests, and take all measures to avoid their second coming.

As for chlorophytum diseases (various spotting, root rot and bacterial diseases), they arise solely due to a violation of the rules for caring for the plant. Consider what problems from what violations arise.

Chlorophytum dries

If the chlorophytum leaf dries only from the tip, then it is likely that the problem is an excess of sodium in the soil. Stop feeding the plant with those fertilizers that contain sodium, and gradually the plant will recover. Sometimes chlorophytum turns black and dries from the end of the leaf, if the soil in the pot is dry for a long time in hot weather or the air humidity is not high enough - check your suspicions and eliminate the lack of care.

Chlorophytum turns yellow

There may be several reasons. Firstly, the lower leaves may turn yellow from chronic waterlogging of the soil, causing the roots to rot. It is necessary to transplant the plant into fresh soil, having previously removed all rotten and blackened roots. And pouring water into the ground will now have to take into account the experience gained.

Sometimes the leaves turn pale and turn yellow due to lack of lighting - move the chlorophytum closer to the window or organize artificial lighting. When the roots are crowded in the pot and the plant lacks nutrients, the leaves begin to signal this by gradually changing from green to yellow. Try to be attentive and quick-witted in order to have time to help the plant get rid of the problems that have appeared due to your fault.

Well, a few more tips on how to rid your plant of diseases and their symptoms:

  • brown spots on the leaves of chlorophytum - due to excessive watering at low room temperatures;
  • wrinkled edges of brown leaves are made due to chronic drought of the topsoil;
  • if in winter the leaves turn pale and fall off, then the chlorophytum is too hot and not light enough.

Properties of chlorophytum

The chlorophytum plant in your apartment is not only an interior decoration, but also a real air purifier - which is why most housewives keep it in the kitchen, where various harmful impurities from the heat treatment of food, smoking and chemical hygiene products hover in the air. And one adult chlorophytum is able to neutralize these miasms by 70-80%. On an area of ​​two meters, one chlorophytum is able to destroy all pathogenic microflora, while humidifying the air for your comfort, unless, of course, you forget to water it.

To enhance moisture exchange, put a couple of activated charcoal tablets in a pot with a plant, directly on the ground. In addition, sometimes you can wash Chlorophytum in the shower to remove dirt and dust from its leaves, and then it will again be ready to cope with its duties of cleaning and humidifying the air in your home. There is such a nice prejudice: if you bring chlorophytum to a new house or apartment, then very soon your home will become cozy and calm, because where chlorophytum is located, there is no place for irritation and bad memories.

And Feng Shui experts say that chlorophytum can cleanse the aura and bring harmony into the life of a busy person, even out distortions in the owner’s personal life. Do you believe? Don't know. But the fact that the air in your room becomes cleaner will definitely not make you worse, right?

Types of chlorophytum

Of the more than two hundred known species of chlorophytum, among those grown in culture, there are more popular and less in demand. Let's get acquainted with the species that attract both professional flower growers and indoor plant lovers.

This is a perennial plant with a lush rosette of leaves - long, xiphoid, green in color with light longitudinal stripes. The flowers are small, white, in the place where they fade, children of crested chlorophytum are formed, and it looks like a cascade of small rosettes around an adult chlorophytum. There is a variety of crested chlorophytum vittatum with a longitudinal light stripe in the middle of the leaf, maculatum with longitudinal yellow stripes, as well as the Curty Locks variety with striped leaves twisted into a wide spiral.

Chlorophytum curly (Chlorophytum Bonnie)

A species similar to chlorophytum is crested, but its leaves do not hang down, but twist. In addition, it is more compact than crested. It has a white stripe on the leaves along the central vein.

A type of chlorophytum without stripes on light green, linear, narrow-lanceolate leaves up to 60 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, which grow simply from a basal rosette. The peduncles of this species are short, the flowers are unattractive, and this chlorophytum does not form daughter rosettes, and it is most often propagated by dividing the bush.

Chlorophytum orange

He is winged , he is orchid star . This is a kind of low chlorophytum (30-40 cm in height) with dark green leaves on long pink-orange petioles - very beautiful. The peduncle of this chlorophytum is short, and when the seeds ripen, it looks like an ear of corn. In varieties such as Green Orange and Fire Flash, the contrast between dark green leaves and bright orange petioles is very impressive.

Chlorophytum Laxum

Rarely found on our windowsills. Its leaves are thin, and white stripes, unlike other types of chlorophytum, do not run along the central vein, but along the edges of the green leaf. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette. It blooms in small spike-shaped inflorescences. Does not form child sockets.

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