How to get seeds from terry petunias. How to Harvest Petunia Seeds and Save Them Before Planting

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

The perennial petunia plant is one of the flowers that is especially loved by gardeners. This is due to its spectacular appearance, bright bloom and unpretentiousness in care. Petunia can become unusually beautiful decoration any garden. Therefore, for many, the following question is of particular interest: how to collect petunia seeds at home?

How to collect petunia seeds?

Novice flower growers often wonder: is it possible to collect seeds from petunias? This is quite possible if you follow certain recommendations, which are as follows:

  1. The choice of flowers, which consists in the fact that plants are selected in advance from which it is planned to collect seeds. They must be constantly monitored, unsuitable withered inflorescences removed. This will ensure that the petunias continue to bloom. It is recommended to pay attention to those flowers that bloomed earlier than others. They should be given preference, since the seed ripening process occurs within 2-3 months from the moment when the buds began to form.
  2. Determining the moment of seed ripening. This is evidenced by the wilting of the flower, while the box acquires Brown color and dries up.
  3. Collecting seeds. This process is carried out in August-September. Dried boxes are cut off and laid out on paper so that they are completely dry. Then the boxes begin to open, and seeds can be extracted from them. They should be protected from direct sunlight and left to dry at room temperature. The ripening process can last up to 2-3 months.
  4. Disintegration of seeds by individual varieties.

How to collect terry petunia seeds?

Seed collection has its own special nuances, since the variety is considered unstable in offspring. This affects appearance plants after planting: they may have a different color or size. The most unfavorable outcome will be if nothing grows from the seeds.

Petunia is a very fragrant and beautiful flower. it perennial summer residents in middle lane Russia is often grown as an annual. Seeds have to be bought annually. However, there is a more interesting option - to collect seeds from plants grown by oneself.

What do petunia seeds look like?

Petunias have small seeds. Their average diameter is from 0.5 to 0.6 mm. Depending on the specific plant variety, they can be colored dark brown or yellow. Seeds ripen in a box - the fruit of the plant. Its length is about 10 mm, and its width is 8 mm.

Each box can contain up to 100 seeds. Compare - in stores they are sold almost by the piece for a lot of money. One standard bag usually contains no more than 5-7 pieces, and it costs about 70-80 rubles.

How to get petunia seeds

Petunia seeds are harvested from faded wilted flowers. From the very beginning of flowering, you should determine for yourself a few lower buds that will be grown to produce seeds. The fact is that from the moment the flowering begins to harvest, about 2.5 - 3 months pass. That is how much time it takes to form full-fledged boxes with seeds. The remaining wilted flowers should be removed in a timely manner so that the flowering of the plant remains saturated and bright.

Spread the collected seeds on a dry paper or light-colored cloth and let them dry. Store them in paper bags. Do not forget to immediately sign them so that next season you do not get confused when planting.

How to collect terry petunia seeds

One of the most the most beautiful varieties this flowering plant, of course, are terry petunias. But there is one problem here - petunias become terry when the ovary turns into petals. The stamens do not suffer and develop quite normally. It is almost impossible to pollinate such plants with each other.

But summer residents found a solution here too. If you pollinate ordinary varieties of petunia with terry (using their stamens), then terry will be transmitted to children in no more than 45% of cases. That is, you will not be able to unequivocally breed only terry varieties, but just such varieties can be obtained from a significant part of the seeds.

Be prepared for the fact that the result will be the most incredible. That is, at the exit you may get flowers of a different size and color than the parents whose signs you wanted to fix.

Growing petunias from seeds

For seedlings, petunia seeds are planted after March 15. In the 20th of April, they can be planted in greenhouses, and after the first decade of May - in open ground.

These plants love open sunny areas. The soil under them should be well-drained, preferably with a neutral pH (or close to it). You can mix peat in equal proportions with each other, garden soil and coarse sand.

It is very convenient to plant petunias in pots or containers. They can be advantageously placed and moved if necessary. Putting on the bottom good layer drainage, and on top of it we put the prepared loose substrate. petunias love fertile soil, so do not be afraid to put more compost or humus under them.

You can plant petunias close to each other. On an area of ​​1 m2, you can easily place up to 50-70 plants. For petunias to bloom brightly, they need to be watered frequently. Moreover, in addition to traditional watering, spraying from a spray bottle is important. Also, do not forget to remove faded flowers in time (except for those left on the seeds). Top dressing can be made no more than 1 time in 7 days. Alternate root and foliar applications for best results.

When slowing down the growth of petunias, use any popular commercially available growth stimulant (Kornevin, Zircon, Epin, etc.).

When decorating and landscaping a site with flowers, we often use petunias. It can grow anywhere - in flower beds, flower beds, in large flowerpots and flower pots of any size, in a hollowed-out snag, cut plastic bottle, a leaky bucket, even in an old shoe.

If you need only a few flowers, we do not hesitate to buy seedlings, since it costs within reason. But to decorate a large area, or if you want to turn the yard into a blooming and fragrant miracle, it is better to grow flowers on your own. Those who purchase seeds from year to year know how often low-quality planting material. And it does not always grow what is stated on the label. We will talk about how to collect petunia seeds at home.

Seed propagation of petunias

Propagation of flowers by seeds is one of the simplest and most available ways. But only if you know when and how to collect them, how to dry them, and also what to expect from the shoots that have appeared. And it often happens - the hostess collected dry flowers, sowed them, but they either did not sprout at all, or during flowering they turned out to be completely different from the mother plant.

Actually, petunia is a perennial plant, it's just that we grow it as an annual. Owners of winter gardens or greenhouses may well transfer the flower they like to the house for the winter. Even just on a wide, well-lit windowsill, after a short rest and a short pruning, the petunia will delight caring owners with abundant winter flowering.

But most of us are content with communicating with the beautiful fragrant flower from May to September-October. And they are forced to independently collect seeds from plants they especially like in order to sow them for seedlings in the summer to get a new extravaganza of colors and smells.

General information

Petunia fruits are a bivalve box that cracks when ripe, with very small seeds of a dark brown, rarely yellowish color. Usually the ovary reaches a centimeter length and contains 100 or more seeds with a diameter of half a millimeter. You can collect them only until the box is fully opened.

The pistils in petunias ripen before the stamens, therefore, with rare exceptions, it is a cross-pollinated flower. What to expect after sowing? Will grown flowers look like their "parents"?

Watch a video that clearly shows which petunias you can collect seeds from and what happens as a result:

Solid plain flowers

From the seeds of solid petunias, most likely, you will grow plants similar to the mother. The simpler the color and shape of the flower, the more likely it is that the gramophones will resemble last year's ones. Best of all, white, pink, purple, lilac (all shades) colors are transmitted to the next generation. Red, black, yellow can split into other colors or change shade.

hybrid plants

Perhaps the most beautiful flowers in a hybrid petunia. They can be multi-colored:

  • striped;
  • stellate;
  • mottled;
  • bordered;
  • mesh.

Or different flowers:

  • fringed;
  • corrugated;
  • with a wavy edge;
  • terry.

From all hybrid petunias, except for terry varieties, it is possible to collect seeds. True, when the seedlings bloom, they can be very different from the mother plants both in flower shape and color. But in any case, they will be beautiful. Some housewives sow the seeds they have collected with their own hands and wait with bated breath to see how the stripes or spots will be located on the flower.

Terry varieties

How to collect terry petunia seeds? The answer is very simple - no way. Terry hybrids do not set seeds, since it is their pistils that turn into additional petals. The stamens not only reproduce normally, there are even more of them than in ordinary varieties.

Plant a terry petunia next to the usual one, collect the seeds from the latter. The result of cross-pollination, if you're lucky, will be from 30 to 45% of plants with many petals.

So is it possible to propagate terry petunias? Yes, but vegetative propagation is used to guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics.

Getting seeds

Seed collection

It is best to collect petunia seeds on a dry sunny day. With sharp scissors, cut off the darkened, already cracked, but not yet opened boxes and put them in a clean box or paper bag.

It is believed that the most best seeds obtained from the first flowers. Mark selected seed pods by tying them with colored string and wait for maturation.

Very often we do not sow even half of the seeds that we collect. It makes no sense not to clean the petunia from wilted buds and prematurely stop its flowering. Remember that each ovary contains about 100 seeds, which are stored for 3-4 years.

Drying and storage

It is not enough to simply collect the seeds, they need to be dried, following simple rules. Lay out the boxes in a thin layer. clean slate paper and leave in a dark, well-ventilated place at room temperature until completely dry.

Free the seeds from the boxes, put them in paper bags, label them with the variety. They will need another 3-4 months for ripening. This simply means that the planting material should be stored at room temperature in a dry place.


Now you know how to properly collect, dry, store petunia seeds. It does not require any special efforts or special knowledge.

Grow your own flowers. Let them delight you not only throughout the warm season, but also in the cold, dull winter.

What is this flower?

Petunia is an annual or perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant. Translated from Portuguese, it means "tobacco" for its resemblance to tobacco leaves. The Frenchman Jean Baptiste Lamarck first discovered and described this flower in 1793 during an expedition to South America.

Petunia roots lie shallow, have a tap type and adventitious roots. The stems are round and green color. As a rule, the stems are densely twisted. The plant can be both short, about 20-30 cm, and high, from 60 to 70 cm. The stems and leaves are strewn with short hairs.

Petunia flowers have a wide color palette, from soft white to light pink and purple, from lavender to almost black. Petunia flowers are shaped like a cone, can be both large and small, simple and terry. Most often, flower growers use this plant as an annual., and it is never grown as an indoor plant.

A photo

In the photo below you can see beautiful petunias.

Reproduction methods

  1. One way to propagate most varieties of petunias is seeds.
  2. The second method of reproduction is vegetative, namely cuttings. As a rule, varieties with double flowers and ampelous petunias. And this is the most popular way. It is economical, simple and accessible even to the most inexperienced grower.
  3. The third way to grow petunias - seedling. This is the most easy way cultivation, but at the same time it is the most expensive. Since the cost of one bush in our country is quite high, and not every gardener can afford to purchase it in sufficient quantities, this method has not gained popularity with us.

What does the plant seed look like?

After flowering is completed, a fruit appears on the plant - a box with two wings and a size of 10 * 8 mm, filled with seeds. Petunia seeds are very small. Their size does not exceed 0.6 mm. Usually they are brown, less often sandy. With proper storage, seed germination lasts 2-3 years.

When growing seeds yourself, you need to remember that the lion's share of the seeds presented in stores are hybrids, and guessing what flowers will be in the next generation is almost impossible. Secondly, petunia is a cross-pollinated plant, that is, it is pollinated with the pollen of other plants. And, thirdly, not all flowers (mainly terry ones) set seeds.

And those seeds that appear practically do not carry the terry gene. And, therefore, the probability of keeping the kind of plant that you love is extremely low and tends to zero.

petunia though unpretentious plant but requires certain conditions to be met.. Namely:

Petunia seeds fully ripen 60-90 days after the start of flowering. A box appears in place of a flower. The number of seeds in a box can reach 10,000 pieces (extremely rare), as a rule, it ranges from 100 to 300, but most often the number does not exceed 100 pieces. Since full ripening prevents further flowering of the plant, after the pre-planned bud has faded, it must be plucked.

How to take the seeds, you also need to know. It is necessary to collect them only manually and from the boxes located below everything. There, the seeds are tied earlier, which means they are more mature. When breeding seeds, it is important to collect on time. It is necessary to make sure that the box itself is ripe. It should be slightly dried out and have a brown tint. Next, we open each collected box over a light surface so that black peas - seeds are clearly visible.

It is worth starting to plant seeds for seedlings already in the second half of March, in a greenhouse - in April, and in open ground it is worth planting in May. But To obtain early flowering plants should start planting seeds as early as February. Petunia - warm and photophilous plant. Therefore, pots should be placed in light warmth place.

Petunia is sensitive to fluctuations in soil moisture and prefers well-drained, non-acidic soil. An excellent soil will be a mixture of hardwood, granular sand and peat. Humus or compost will be a good top dressing for a flower during soil preparation.

The cache-pot, pot or box in which you decide to grow a plant is populated quite densely, about 65-70 plants per 1 square meter. For good growth and abundant flowering, petunia must not only be watered often, but also sprayed. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil no more than once a week, and alternate root and foliar feeding.

An example of a mixture for planting petunia seeds:

  • 2 parts well-rotted humus;
  • 2 parts of sod or leaf land;
  • 2 parts lowland, well decomposed peat;
  • 1 part sand.

Seeding process:

  1. If the pH of the mixture is below 5.5, then lime must be added to it.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed, sifted through a sieve (mesh size 3-5 cm) and disinfected by fumigation, steaming, etc.
  3. Then again sieved through smaller sieves (mesh size 0.5 cm).
  4. The largest fraction (screenings) is poured into the lower part of the box and slightly compacted, the fine fraction is filled with the upper third of the soil layer, it is carefully leveled and slightly compacted again.

A plant grown from seeds will flower in about 70 days.

Where and for how much can you buy?

When choosing seeds in a store, you should rely only on the honesty of the manufacturer, and proceed from what is indicated on the bag of seeds. Foreign manufacturers, American and Dutch, guarantee 100% seed germination. But only the price of such professional seeds will significantly hit your pocket. Domestic seeds are cheaper, but the result is unpredictable. And here the question is not only in germination, but also in color, plant variety. Expectations are not always justified.

You can buy petunia seeds at any specialized store for gardeners and gardeners.. Also a large assortment seeds are also offered by online stores (, and others). In online stores, the range of prices for a bag of seeds is very large, starting from 16 rubles. and end at 160 rubles. So the online store for the garden offers seeds not only from domestic producers, but also from foreign ones, such as the USA, the Czech Republic, and Japan. Prices for imported goods start from 50 rubles.

In Moscow, petunia seeds can be bought, for example, in the Russian Garden store. The minimum price of a bag of seeds is 16 rubles, the maximum is 100. But only domestic producers are represented here.

The most popular place to buy seeds in St. Petersburg is the House of Seeds store. This store offers a wide range of seeds from various manufacturers. Prices start from 6 rubles. for a sachet.


Petunia is a very beautiful, colorful plant, not particularly whimsical, but requiring attention. If the gardener chooses this flower to decorate his flower beds, shows a little attention and patience, he will be rewarded with delightful long-blooming buds that attract admiring glances from passers-by.

What do petunia seeds look like?

Petunias have small seeds. Their average diameter is from 0.5 to 0.6 mm. Depending on the specific variety of the plant, they can be colored dark brown or yellow. Seeds ripen in a box - the fruit of the plant. Its length is about 10 mm, and its width is 8 mm.

Each box can contain up to 100 seeds. Compare - in stores they are sold almost by the piece for a lot of money. One standard bag usually contains no more than 5-7 pieces, and it costs about 70-80 rubles.

How to get petunia seeds

Petunia seeds are harvested from faded wilted flowers. From the very beginning of flowering, you should determine for yourself a few lower buds that will be grown to produce seeds. The fact is that from the moment the flowering begins to harvest, about 2.5 - 3 months pass. That is how much time it takes to form full-fledged boxes with seeds. The remaining wilted flowers should be removed in a timely manner so that the flowering of the plant remains saturated and bright.

Spread the collected seeds on a dry paper or light-colored cloth and let them dry. Store them in paper bags. Do not forget to immediately sign them so that next season you do not get confused when planting.

How to collect terry petunia seeds

One of the most beautiful varieties of this flowering plant, of course, are terry petunias. But there is one problem here - petunias become terry when the ovary turns into petals. The stamens do not suffer and develop quite normally. It is almost impossible to pollinate such plants with each other.

But summer residents found a solution here too. If you pollinate ordinary varieties of petunia with terry (using their stamens), then terry will be transmitted to children in no more than 45% of cases. That is, you will not be able to unequivocally breed only terry varieties, but just such varieties can be obtained from a significant part of the seeds.

Be prepared for the fact that the result will be the most incredible. That is, at the exit you may get flowers of a different size and color than the parents whose signs you wanted to fix.

Growing petunias from seeds

For seedlings, petunia seeds are planted after March 15. In the 20th of April, they can be planted in greenhouses, and after the first decade of May - in open ground.

These plants love open sunny areas. The soil under them should be well-drained, preferably with a neutral pH (or close to it). Peat, garden soil and coarse sand can be mixed in equal proportions with each other.

It is very convenient to plant petunias in pots or containers. They can be advantageously placed and moved if necessary. We lay out a good layer of drainage at the bottom, and on top of it we put the prepared loose substrate. Petunias love fertile soil, so don't be afraid to put plenty of compost or humus under them.

You can plant petunias close to each other. On an area of ​​1 m2, you can easily place up to 50-70 plants. For petunias to bloom brightly, they need to be watered frequently. Moreover, in addition to traditional watering, spraying from a spray bottle is important. Also, do not forget to remove faded flowers in time (except for those left on the seeds). Top dressing can be made no more than 1 time in 7 days. Alternate root and foliar applications for best results.

When slowing down the growth of petunias, use any popular commercially available growth stimulant (Kornevin, Zircon, Epin, etc.).

How does maturation take place?

Before collecting petunia seeds at home, you should:

  • wait until the flowers are fully ripe and do not remove wilted ones. As a rule, suitable buds with planting material are located in the lower part of the stem - in these boxes ripening occurs somewhat earlier than in the upper ones;
  • it will take about 2.5 months to wait for final ripening - approximately one week is spent on the formation of the buds themselves, then the flowering period begins and the buds open - this process will take about 20-25 more days. After that, the plants are pollinated, and the laying of seedlings begins - this will take about another month;
  • after a specified period of time on the spot withered flower a box will be formed in which the planting material will be located. At the same time, it will be more than enough - the contents of one such small box contains about 100 seeds.

What do the seeds look like?

Petunia seeds, as seen in the photo below, are quite small. In diameter, one seed is about half a millimeter and is most often colored in rich brown, less often in yellow.

The box itself, in which the seedlings ripen, is small in size - only 1x0.8 cm.

On a note! In the store, petunia seeds are sold by the piece, so it is much more profitable to collect them yourself.

Types of seeds

Petunia seeds can be in the shell and without it.

  1. "Dressed" seedlings are valued much more, as the shell protects them from disease and damage. In addition, experienced flower growers say that planting such seeds is much easier.
  2. Seedlings without a shell are less in demand, as they are characterized by low germination, especially if planted incorrectly. They have only one plus - in stores they cost a little less compared to seeds in the shell.

Collection and storage

For the ripening of seeds, both ampelous, and cascading, and bush petunias will require a rather long period of time. And the fact that the planting material is ready for collection will be indicated by the color of the fruit-cell - it becomes yellowish.


The collection of petunia seeds is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • previously planned boxes are removed from the plant;

    Recommendation! If you were in a hurry and the collected buds turned out to be a little immature, then they must be dried artificially. To do this, the boxes are put in small bags, often in tea bags, and left on the windowsill. After a few days, the material for planting ripens and, when the buds open, it ends up in bags!

  • after opening the buds, we collect seedlings;
  • dry them in heat for two or three days.

After carrying out all the above procedures, the planting material is completely ready. It can be sent to storage until spring planting.

Storage rules

The key to good germination of seedlings is their proper storage. And for this you can use the following recommendations:

  • if you spend the collection in the winter, then it is necessary to store the material for planting, having previously taken out its boxes; when harvesting seedlings at any other time of the year, they can be sent for storage directly in the bud;
  • for storage, choose a warm, dry place into which moisture is guaranteed not to penetrate;
  • the contents of the fetus are folded into paper envelopes, which must indicate the variety of petunia and the date of collection;
  • if the storage place was chosen correctly, then the planting material can be in it for 3-4 years and not lose its germination qualities.

Petunia - Brazilian tobacco?

Yes, the name "petunia" comes from the word "tobacco", which is a relative of the Brazilian flower. Petunia flowers belong to the nightshade family, so among the "brothers" and "sisters" are tomatoes and potatoes. In addition to Brazil, vivo they grow in other countries South America: in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay.

Do not be surprised, but petunia is a perennial crop that is grown as an annual in our climate. By the end of summer, it grows strongly, especially planted in open ground. At this time, the flower has the form of a small but branched bush.

Single petunia flowers look like a funnel with noticeable veins. Coloring pleases with a rich palette of colors: from light beige to bright red and dark purple, even ink. It is believed that it blooms from July to the first frost in autumn. But, petunia, planted on seedlings, blooms in May. In order for her to be all strewn with flowers, she, like a real southerner, must be caressed by the sun. The larger the inflorescence of the flower, the more they love the sun. In rainy weather, flowers will not please abundant flowering. From the rain, the inflorescence is very spoiled, crushed and torn.

Varietal diversity

Petunia varieties are very diverse and breeders continue to work on breeding new ones. Conventionally, flower growers classify them depending on the size and shape of the flower. Petunia hybrid happens:

  1. Multi-flowered (multiflora). It is characterized by an abundance of medium-sized flowers, which are spread in a continuous carpet on a flower bed. It can be either a terry petunia or a simple one. We are all used to such a petunia, but with its commonness, it has important advantages: it is unpretentious and resistant to cold.
  2. Large-flowered (grandiflora). Varieties with large flowers, simple or terry, spectacular, but more capricious, do not tolerate cold weather, require careful care.
  3. floribunda. it golden mean between many and large-flowered plants: cold-resistant petunias with large flowers.
  4. Cascading. Petunia cascade differs from the previous ones in that its shoots are very long. It grows strongly, so it is not recommended to plant liana-like flowers close to each other.
  5. Ampelnaya. Ampelous petunia differs from other varieties in that it also has long shoots, but its stems fall down in flowerpots and hanging pots.

Petunia farming and growing plants from seeds

For an amateur gardener, growing petunias often raises questions. They all come down to one thing: I want a chic petunia to appear on the flower bed, planting and caring for which differ in 2 ways. By choosing the right one, you are guaranteed to see a flower abundantly covered with bright inflorescences.

Growing petunias from seeds is a common way to plant flowers. Usually they are sown from the second half of March. The germination of seeds, especially large-flowered ones, does not always please flower growers, so they should be planted with a margin. Since petunia seeds are tiny, we choose loose and light soil for planting. The best option- peat tablets.

On the eve of sowing, water the soil so that it is moist, and carefully scatter the seeds on its surface. If these are not professional seeds with a gelatin coating, then they should not be covered. Purchased seeds in granules are conveniently planted with a toothpick. We cover the container with sowing with glass or film and put it in a warm place for germination. Don't forget to spray regularly.

How long will it take before seedlings appear? Up to 10 days. As soon as sprouts appear, it is recommended to highlight them with a lamp, then they do not stretch.

Considering how we planted petunia flowers, thinning awaits when it germinates. We leave the strongest samples, cut off the rest.

Sprouts are planted after they have 3-4 leaves. Small plastic cups are suitable for picking. We transplant carefully and carefully, because the flowers are very fragile root system. Make sure that the soil after picking is not waterlogged, otherwise this is a direct path to the "black leg". It is recommended to transplant seedlings in the evening.

To make the petunia bushes lush and sprawling, pinch the seedlings. To do this, cut off the top at the level of the fifth leaflet.

It is better to plan a transplant to the flower beds at the end of May or the beginning of June. A little earlier, planting in hanging flower pots is possible. And as a result - the long-awaited petunia, growing from the seeds of which, as you can see, is a long process, costly in time and effort.

We propagate by cuttings

Petunia cuttings are not the most popular way to propagate them. Most do not even assume that such a flower easily takes root. Its plus is that some varieties are unlikely to collect seeds due to the structural features of the flower. This, for example, is an ampelous or terry petunia. If, nevertheless, a miracle happens, they will grow out of them completely different from the chic flowers that you loved so much.

Reproduction of petunias by cuttings allows:

  • save an expensive variety that you liked;
  • save on the purchase of seeds;
  • do not waste strength and energy on planting, as when growing from seeds.

Petunia cuttings can be done at the end of summer. We cut off a stalk 8-10 cm high with 2 internodes from the plant, cut off the flowers, leaves from the bottom and plant in flower pot. Petunia will quickly take root and grow. For greater confidence in the seedling, let the cutting stand in a jar of water or powder the cut with root.

Petunias can be cut from winter time. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the summer. But keep in mind: for this method of reproduction, it is better to take the strongest plants.

Is it possible to collect petunia seeds?

If the decision to grow petunias is final, then save on buying seeds. Collect them yourself. Do you know how petunia seeds are harvested?

Flowers have a fruit box in which the seeds ripen first, and then the seeds are stored. About 100 future seedlings "live" in 1 box.

Observe the following procedure when preparing seeds at home:

  1. Decide which flowers you want to seed, which colors you like best. More mature - the lower inflorescences. Please note that it takes about 2-3 months from budding to ripening. Seeds can be collected if the flower has withered, and boll darkened. Remember that immature specimens will not sprout.
  2. Collecting seeds. Favorable time for collection is August-September. At this time, the seed pods are usually ripe. We cut off the marked boxes and put them on a flat, dry surface. Then we wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Sort seeds by variety. Do not confuse, otherwise all the preliminary work will be in vain.
  4. We open the dried boxes and remove the seeds in dark place until completely dry. Warning: it will take another 2-3 months. The petunia seeds are very small and will have to be dealt with as they are difficult to separate from each other. They are only 0.5-0.6 mm in size, black or dark brown in color, if they are "ripe".
  5. We lay out the seed fund in bags, and preferably in fabric bags, sign the varieties and store until the next season.

Why is this method not suitable for terry petunia? Collection of seeds of the variety "petunia terry" - difficult process, which will most likely end in vain. Why? Because the doubleness of the flower is artificially born through the change of ovaries into petals. Petunia propagation by cuttings - more suitable way for this kind.

How to save seeds until spring?

The long process of collecting seed stock should not go to waste. How to save a petunia until spring? We create suitable conditions:

  1. The storage area for seeds must be dry. Due to moisture, they can rot, especially when not dried.
  2. The place for storing seeds should be dark. It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a petunia if the seeds are stored under open sunbeams. They spoil their quality.
  3. For storage, room temperature is suitable.
  4. The seed storage container must be clean so that diseases do not develop and pests do not appear.
  5. It is necessary to ensure air circulation, so it is not recommended to store seeds in plastic bags. Sew bags for seeds from inexpensive natural fabrics.

Wishes to lovers of an unforgettable flower

As a generalization, let's remind the fans of the flower some of the rules of cultivation. In order for the petunia flowers to become lush, we choose high-quality seeds, but it is better to collect and dry them ourselves. Planting in a sunny place and proper watering with potash fertilizers will accept the petunia with gratitude and reward with abundant flowering. Do not be lazy: remove faded inflorescences. They not only spoil the appearance of the flower, but also interfere with the formation of new buds. Pinch the flower, then the bush will branch more strongly. Watch for flower diseases, spray on time and get rid of pests.

Growing petunias and lobelias. planting and care of seedlings 2016. Video

Chic petunia from tiny seeds: collecting seeds, growing seedlings and transplanting into the ground

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​if F1, then certain properties may be lost,​

Seeds begin to ripen 60-90 days after flowering. To collect mature seeds in open ground, petunias are grown in seedlings, starting to be sown on seedlings as early as February. The seed ripening period is quite long, the seeds are harvested by hand, starting from the lower-seated boxes - such seeds are tied earlier than others, dry out faster and ripen accordingly. Well-ripened seeds retain germination energy for up to several years. For planting petunias for the purpose long flowering seeds for seedlings are sown in March, if the goal is to get seeds, then it is better to sow part of the petunia in February for seedlings, so that after flowering the seeds have time to set up and ripen before the moment of collection. An important component of nutrition is iron: with its deficiency, petunias develop chlorosis, which manifests itself in yellowing of the leaves. Iron chelate or liquid Ferovit, with which plants are treated 3-4 times in a few days, will help correct this syndrome.

In place of dried and fallen flowers, seeds begin to ripen. But it should be borne in mind that the ripening of fruits (boxes with seeds) prevents flowering. Removing the ovary, on the contrary, stimulates the laying of new flower buds.

You can save your favorite petunia plant in the winter in a cool and bright room, and propagate by cuttings in the month of April. Terry and ampelous hybrid varieties petunias do not give seeds, so they are propagated vegetatively - by cuttings. Helpful Hints: In a plant such as petunia, cultivation from seeds begins in March. From April, it will be possible to transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse, and in May they will already be planted in the flower garden. It should be borne in mind that this flower loves light and heat very much: if possible, keep the seedlings on the southern windows and additionally illuminate the plants with fluorescent lamps.

Buds are usually formed within a week, then flowers open, and after pollination, seeds ripen in a month. Thus, it can take about two months from the beginning of the formation of buds to the moment the seed material is collected - that's why it is better to choose buds that form before the rest.

Lush flower beds with petunias of different colors can transform your country cottage area, the territory in front of the house or a balcony in the apartment in a beautiful flowering corner. However, if you plan to sow petunia seeds rather than buying ready-made seedlings, you will need to be patient.​

Sowing seeds, growing seedlings and transplanting petunias

Some petunias, as a rule, do not form terry seed hybrids, which is why you cannot find them. And ordinary ones are easy to assemble.

My surfinias and petunias are already blooming in the house, I planted seeds in February, I know that by the end of summer if there is sun and they are pollinated by insects in the garden, I will get seeds. It is easier to get seeds from simple petunias, but you can also get them from terry!

If the usual variety, then everything will be fine.

The shell of the seeds is very dense, and the size is quite small: there are about 2000 seeds in 1 gram.

A good result is given by humic and organic fertilizers, including mullein infusion. Adults are fed every 5 days, alternating root and foliar procedures. For the development and flowering of indoor crops grown in containers or pots, it is required a large number of nutrients presented in complex fertilizers.​ When, in place of the flower, you see a small box that contains seeds, they are removed from the inside. First you need to wait until it opens up a little on its own. Then you can be sure that the seeds are ripe. If you do not collect in time, then the seeds will fall out on the leaves and the base. former flower. Sweep the seeds into a box with a slight movement of the brush. After that, the seeds need to be decomposed and dried for 1-2 days. Then put it in a suitable box and store until spring for planting in the soil.

To do this, in the fall, even before the onset of frost (October), adult petunia plants are dug up, slightly pruning long stems, transplanted into a pot and kept at home in a cool place. In winter, they are kept at 10-15 degrees, intensive ventilation and moderate humidity; watered quite a bit so that the earthen ball does not dry out.

  • Transplant seedlings in the evening or on a cloudy day, after watering the boxes with plants with water.
  • Petunia from seeds germinate best in well-drained, loose soil consisting of sod land, peat and sand, or in peat tablets. Detailed instructions for growing seedlings of petunia you will find in the corresponding article on our website. The main thing is to carefully monitor watering, avoiding dryness and excessive moisture, from which the seedlings will begin to rot and the roots will suffocate.
  • Do you know

Petunias are propagated in two ways: using cuttings or seeds. Varieties with double flowers and hybrid varieties are propagated by cuttings, since double flowers often do not produce seeds, and ordinary petunias that do not look like parent plants grow from the seeds of chic hybrids.

I took a dry bud and collected it. what is difficult. If you want to get seeds from hybrids, take a match, wind a cotton wool, pollinate each other and collect seeds. colors are unpredictable.

Petunia and care for the winter.

Look at my page for photos in the petunias catalog!

I collected a lot of seeds last year, they are already growing ...

Last year I planted purchased seedlings of ampelous petunia (surfinia), hoping to collect seeds, The seeds did not start from a single flower. I don't even know how they get seeds. This year I bought amp seeds. petunias. There were only 10 seeds in the flask, half sprouted. Now I’m waiting for what will grow, whether it will turn out like in the picture 80 cm long shoots, and whether there will be seeds.

Growing petunias in pots, hanging baskets ...

Propagation of petunias by seeds and cuttings ... (how to propagate, see on a separate page)

In February, they move the petunia pot to a warm, light windowsill, resume regular watering and feed. Young shoots of petunia with 2-3 pairs of leaves are cut with a "heel", planted in a pot with fertile soil and a layer of sand on the surface, watered, built in a pot "mini-greenhouse", shaded. The cuttings are regularly ventilated, watered, sprayed until rooting (about 3 weeks), then seated.

How to collect petunia seeds?

Immediately after planting, water the seedlings again with a lack of moisture in the soil.

What do petunia seeds look like?

Feeding petunia seedlings and flowering plants

​From this article you will learn how to collect petunia seeds with your own hands and grow from them beautiful flowers. Let it take a lot of time to collect seeds and grow flowers, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive planting material, and you can arrange a real riot of colors on your site by planting bright petunias of various varieties and colors.​ Maybe the seeds were immature, and therefore do not germinate. usually no problem.​

There is the simplest ampelous petunia, she even sprouts by itself. Certainly not terry and not surfiniya. Ordinary old varieties.

Ampelous petunia is a hybrid, that's why it is so beautiful and so hard to give. Last year I managed to grow seedlings from purchased seeds. This year, something is not going well. Ampelous seeds should be bought in stores, scattered over the surface of the earth, covered with a film on top and sprinkled with water until shoots appear. Then the film must be removed so that the condensate does not fall on the leaves, when they grow up a little, you can dive. And this is done somewhere in February.

If the variety is hybrid, F1, for example, then the variety will be lost, the colors that were already may not be.

Diseases and pests Feeding and periodic removal of dead flowers More stringent care requirements are imposed by those types of petunias that are planted in hanging baskets or planters. Ideal composition soil mixture for them it includes 1 part of sand and 2 parts of peat, humus and leafy (turf) soil. A useful additive will be a hydrogel, which will prevent the soil from drying out quickly. And in order to avoid waterlogging, good drainage from gravel, broken brick or expanded clay is required.

Around the petunia, mulch the soil with humus or peat to retain moisture and protect against possible frosts.

Is it possible to collect the seeds of ampelous pitunya myself? and how complete they will be

✿Elena m✿

Growing seedlings, you can spray it not only with top dressing, but also with growth stimulants if you notice that it is developing poorly for some reason. However, do not get carried away too much, it is enough to spray the petunia seedlings with a growth stimulator 2-3 times.
In the box, formed in place of a wilted flower, there are about a hundred dark brown or yellowish seeds. They are very small - only half a millimeter in diameter, working with such seed material not easy. You can remove the yellowed box with the seeds and store it in a dry place, but when harvesting seeds in winter, it is better to shake them out of the box.

svetlana faynleyb

Natalia Brovko

maybe the seeds are not ripe, or maybe the hybrid seeds may not sprout

Polina Shubina

Do not cut off the peduncle after wilting. After a while, the seed box will turn yellow - this is a signal that the seeds are ripe. You can separate it from the plant itself and put it on ripening until the box cracks itself, or open it.

Alexey Sinitskiy

I received seeds from both F1 petunias and surfinias!
Ampelous varieties (surfinia) propagate only by cuttings and seeds of F1 hybrids, so you won’t be able to collect the seeds.
Petunia garden almost does not attract harmful insects. But it suffers from fungal and bacterial diseases quite often. When plants are damaged by a black leg, gray or white rot, diseased cultures are destroyed, and healthy ones growing nearby are sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture.
- these are the main conditions for long and abundant flowering. You need to “feed” the petunia regularly: already in the second week after planting, and then at intervals of 7-10 days - until the end of flowering.

Anna Vodolazskaya

Bush varieties of petunias are recommended to be radically cut at a height of 10-12 cm 2-3 times per season. This procedure, accompanied by top dressing with a complex nitrogen-containing fertilizer, is tolerated by plants quite easily: after it they bush better and respond with abundant flowering. Terry and large-flowered petunias should not be cut too short. Ampelous species pinch in early spring, and subsequently only slightly cut the shoots, giving the desired shape.


A grown petunia from seed will flower in about 70 days. In the second half of May, it can be planted in open ground. Although this culture is thermophilic, it can withstand short-term frosts and cold snaps.
Pictured are petunia seeds
Gardeners know that to stimulate continuous flowering withered flowers must be constantly removed from the plant. But if you want to collect petunia seeds, you will need to wait for them to fully ripen. For this purpose, immediately at the beginning of flowering, mark the lower buds of the petunia, in which the seeds will appear and ripen earlier.
I struggled with purchases all the time. And now I collect on the lawns, which ones I like, they sprout without problems. The boxes are clearly visible. Terry only has no seeds.


Just keep in mind that petunias grown from seeds collected from hybrids (and petunias are hybrids) will, as a rule, be very different from the plant from which you collected the seeds.

How to collect seeds from petunias?

ღ M@rin@ ღ

Simple petunias have been self-sowing for the last 5 years, but this spring nothing is growing yet, there is no sun, it’s snowing for me today !! !​
If the variety is “terry”, then there will be no seeds at all,

How to collect petunia seeds? This question often torments plant lovers. Breeding a flower with seedlings costs a tidy sum. That is why the tendency to collect seeds on their own is growing. But here you need to know some nuances. Just about how to collect terry petunia seeds, and will be discussed in our article. We will consider the technology of all stages of growing a plant.

The seeds of this flower are very, very small. They reach a diameter of not more than 0.6 mm. Most often they have a brownish tint, a little less often - yellow. The flower seeds “sit” in a special box, which is also quite small (up to 1 cm). But in such a "warehouse" there are a lot of them. In stores, professional petunia seeds are sold individually, each of them is packaged in a separate special package.

Collection Technology

Let's start studying this process. To begin with, it should be noted that new seeds suitable for collection will appear in places with wilted flowers. Shrunken petals should be removed in time. So the plant will bloom all the time and bring new "fruits". It is also worth noting that the formation of boxes prevents flowering. This means that in order to figure out how to collect petunia seeds, you need to carefully monitor the plant. The box should open slightly. This will serve as a signal to collect. Seeds must not be allowed to scatter throughout the plant. Then the collection work will be much more difficult. You will have to perform the action with a brush, and the seeds themselves will need to be swept into some kind of container.

If you are afraid to "slam" the moment

If you have doubts about the fact that you will not have time or miss the moment when you need to collect, then you can use an interesting technique.

To begin with, you should select a few buds at the base of the stem, which will be our "suppliers". After that, they need to put on a small bag. Fix it. It can be a tea bag, coffee, a small piece of cloth, a handkerchief - anything, the main thing is that the seeds do not crumble. After the buds have dried, the bags can be collected. Seeds must be spread on any surface. For example, place them on a table, nightstand, window sill. It takes a few days to dry them out. After that, we offer to put all the seeds received in a cardboard box. Remove them until spring in a dark, dry place. We figured out the question of how to collect petunia seeds.

What's next?

Petunia seeds, by the way, come in several types - clean and with a shell. It is preferable to use the latter. It is easier to plant them, and they have protection due to their “clothes”, and they have fewer diseases. Nevertheless, pure seeds are still in demand. They attract the buyer with their price. That is, we can say that they are available to everyone and everyone.

A tip for all beginner gardeners: label your crops so you remember where and what variety you have planted. The most important thing is to feed and water the plant abundantly. If you want it to grow as a bush, pinch it over the 3rd leaf.

When is the best time to land

Seeding times may vary. If you want the plant to bloom by the beginning of summer, then planting is best done in February. At the same time, since autumn, you should worry about the supply of soil for sowing. To do this, take in equal parts humus, earth and two of the same portions of sand. All this is mixed and used for sowing. When to plant is your choice. Only the container should first be covered with a newspaper, covered with our mixture and allowed to freeze well - this is a kind of soil disinfection. With the onset of winter, the earth should be "unfrozen" - you can land.

Plant care during growth

The next step in deciding how to grow a petunia from seed is planting and caring for the plant during flowering. After the appearance of the first sprouts, you can “transfer” them to moist soil, to sunny places, warm and warm. Planting should be dense - about 70 plants per 1 meter.

After sowing, the ground is pressed down, sprinkled with a substrate on top and the seedlings are watered with a 0.1% solution of the Previkur preparation. Flowers should sometimes be sprayed with settled water. Once a week, or even less, will be enough. Feeding should be alternated.

You can dive seedlings as early as three weeks after planting, subject to these rules. Note: when using seeds in granules, parallel grooves should be made in the soil. They are landing. After the seeds are laid out, spray them with water and cover with glass or film. Place the container in a warm place until sprouts appear.

For picking, use small plastic cups. Buckwheat or millet husks can be added to the soil so that the earth can “breathe”. After that, it is necessary to make holes in the cups, place them on a stand and water them periodically. The plants are then transplanted into a large container. Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the container, earth is added on top. So keep the plant until the fall. Thus, we learned how to collect petunia seeds and how to grow this flower from them on our own.

Would you like to see a riot of colors on your site and not spend money on purchasing expensive seedlings? Then you just need to know how to collect petunia seeds. Of course, for this you need to be patient, but if you approach the work with skill, the process will not seem too complicated, and the result will certainly be positive.

When propagating petunias, the main thing is to collect material for planting in time

How does maturation take place?

Before collecting petunia seeds at home, you should:

  • wait until the flowers are fully ripe and do not remove wilted ones. As a rule, suitable buds with planting material are located in the lower part of the stem - in these boxes ripening occurs somewhat earlier than in the upper ones;
  • it will take about 2.5 months to wait for final ripening - approximately one week is spent on the formation of the buds themselves, then the flowering period begins and the buds open - this process will take about 20-25 more days. After that, the plants are pollinated, and the laying of seedlings begins - this will take about another month;
  • after a specified period of time, a box will be formed in place of the wilted flower, in which the planting material will be located. At the same time, it will be more than enough - the contents of one such small box contains about 100 seeds.

What do the seeds look like?

Petunia seeds are quite small. In diameter, one seed is about half a millimeter and is most often colored in rich brown, less often in yellow.

The box itself, in which the seedlings ripen, is small in size - only 1x0.8 cm.

On a note! In the store, petunia seeds are sold by the piece, so it is much more profitable to collect them yourself.

Types of seeds

Petunia seeds can be in the shell and without it.

  1. "Dressed" seedlings are valued much more, as the shell protects them from disease and damage. In addition, experienced flower growers say that planting such seeds is much easier.
  2. Seedlings without a shell are less in demand, as they are characterized by low germination, especially if planted incorrectly. They have only one plus - in stores they cost a little less compared to seeds in the shell.

Collection and storage

For the ripening of seeds, both ampelous, and cascading, and bush petunias will require a rather long period of time. And the fact that the planting material is ready for collection will be indicated by the color of the fruit-cell - it becomes yellowish.


The collection of petunia seeds is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • previously planned boxes are removed from the plant;

    Recommendation! If you were in a hurry and the collected buds turned out to be a little immature, then they must be dried artificially. To do this, the boxes are put in small bags, often in tea bags, and left on the windowsill. After a few days, the material for planting ripens and, when the buds open, it ends up in bags!

  • after opening the buds, we collect seedlings;
  • dry them in heat for two or three days.

After carrying out all the above procedures, the planting material is completely ready. It can be sent to storage until spring planting.

Storage rules

The key to good germination of seedlings is their proper storage. And for this you can use the following recommendations:

  • if you spend the collection in the winter, then it is necessary to store the material for planting, having previously taken out its boxes; when harvesting seedlings at any other time of the year, they can be sent for storage directly in the bud;
  • for storage, choose a warm, dry place into which moisture is guaranteed not to penetrate;
  • the contents of the fetus are folded into paper envelopes, which must indicate the variety of petunia and the date of collection;
  • if the storage place was chosen correctly, then the planting material can be in it for 3-4 years and not lose its germination qualities.

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