How and when it is necessary to pinch a petunia. Pipping of petunia ampelnaya - a pledge of long and lush flowering

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements
Poster Petunition: Why do it and when ...

Volumetric multicolored bushes of terry, ampel, double and monotonous petunitions won the heart of experienced gardeners and beginners. From the middle of spring and until the first frosts amazing in their diversity and decorative flowers are decorated not only country sitesbut also balconies multi-storey houses, Cottage verandas, city flower beds, cafes and restaurants. Flowers are unpretentious, do not require professional content and special conditions, but thanks are spoken for the concern of flower flowers.

Required Conditions for Petunia Court
How to pinch a petunia
Useful advice

Required Conditions for Petunia Court

Proper cultivation and formation is important condition For a beautiful and healthy chest. In addition to timely sowing and diving, it is necessary to produce proper pieces of petunia. This means that at a certain stage of growth, she needs to remove the upper shoots. Such a procedure will ensure the branching of the stems and the formation of a set of buds on bushy crowns.

To carry out this manipulation, the following will be needed:

comfortable scissors or a secateur;
fasting seedlings with 4 - 5 large leaves on the top;
capacity for collecting remote cuttings.

How to pinch a petunia

Before quenching petunia, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for this procedure.

Watching the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to choose the period when it slightly strengthened and began to grow soon. It can be up to 5 - 6 leaves, but not more. If you skip this moment, seedlings will stretch. The actual Poshka Petunition will not take much time. It is necessary to cut the stem over 5 to 6 with your fingers or a secateur.
So the new growth point is formed, from which different sides Several shoots will begin to grow at the same time. During this period, seedlings can slow down the development, but at the same time it will grow slightly. When side shoots go, Kostik will acquire a more rounded look.
If you plan to plant seedlings in open sad, the september is better to spend after rooting. Sprout will be required for several days to adapt. During this period you need to try to create favorable the conditions so that the plants take root:

spring seedlings need to be loosely, observing the conditions of agrotechnology;
Capture the frequency of watering and spraying;
Make a root specialized strengthening fertilizer.

If the development occurs in a greenhouse, quenching petunia after dive.

If the cropped shoots are not very small sizeThey can be used as cuttings. To cutlets rooted, it is placed in water tank. Previously, it is necessary to remove extra leaves, leaving several at the top. When the roots appear - transplanted into the soil. So you can get additional young seedlings.

Useful advice

during the segments, try to easily injure sprouts, use clean tools;
a month after the event and the appearance of strong side sprigs, the pinching of the tops of the petunition can be repeated;
to bookmark major buds on new steps, use the appropriate
fertilizers, they will make flowers brighter and larger.

So that the decorative bush has pleased with its beautiful view as long as possible, he will need a constant care. From the moment of sowing, no transplantation, the seafront, spraying sprouts will be required. Do not forget to watered well and feed, remove dried flowers and pigs. On the site of the circumcised old colors, new twigs with buds will appear. Well-groomed colorful petunias will undoubtedly be in gratitude to please you with abundant and long flowering.

How to pinch a petunia (video)

Volumetric multicolored bushes of terry, ampel, double and monotonous petunitions won the heart of experienced gardeners and beginners. From the middle of spring and until the first frosts are amazing in their diversity and decorative, flowers are decorated not only by country areas, but also balconies of multi-storey houses, verandas of cottages, city flower beds, cafes and restaurants. Flowers are unpretentious, do not require professional content and special conditions, but thanks are spoken for the concern of flower flowers.

Required Conditions for Petunia Court

Proper cultivation and formation is an important condition for obtaining a beautiful and healthy chest. In addition to timely sowing and diving, it is necessary to produce proper pieces of petunia. This means that at a certain stage of growth, she needs to remove the upper shoots. Such a procedure will ensure the branching of the stems and the formation of a set of buds on bushy crowns.

To carry out this manipulation, the following will be needed:

  • comfortable scissors or a secateur;
  • fasting seedlings with 4 - 5 large leaves on the top;
  • capacity for collecting remote cuttings.

How to pinch a petunia?

Before quenching petunia, it is advisable to get acquainted with the basic requirements for this procedure:

  1. Watching the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to choose the period when it slightly strengthened and began to grow soon. It can be up to 5 - 6 leaves, but not more. If you skip this moment, seedlings will stretch. The actual Poshka Petunition will not take much time. It is necessary to cut the stem over 5 to 6 with your fingers or a secateur.
    So a new growth point is formed, from which several shoots will begin to grow at the same time. During this period, seedlings can slow down the development, but at the same time it will grow slightly. When side shoots go, Kostik will acquire a more rounded look.
  2. If you plan to plant seedlings into open soil, the september is better to spend after rooting. Sprout will be required for several days to adapt. At this interval you need to try to create favorable conditions In order for the plants to take root:
    • spring seedlings need to be loosely, observing the conditions of agrotechnology;
    • monitor the frequency of watering and spraying;
    • make a root specialized strengthening fertilizer.

If the development occurs in a greenhouse, quenching petunia after dive.

  1. If the cropped shoots are not very small, they can be used as a cutlets. So that the cuttings are rooted, it is placed in water tank. Previously, it is necessary to remove extra leaves, leaving several at the top. When the roots appear - transplanted into the soil. So you can get additional young seedlings.
  • during the segments, try to easily injure sprouts, use clean tools;
  • a month after the event and the appearance of strong side sprigs, the pinching of the tops of the petunition can be repeated;
  • to bookmark large buds on new steps, use suitable fertilizers, they will make flowers brighter and larger.

So that the decorative bush has pleased with its beautiful view as long as possible, he will need a constant care. From the moment of sowing, no transplantation, the seafront, spraying sprouts will be required. Do not forget to watered well and feed, remove dried flowers and pigs. On the site of the circumcised old colors, new twigs with buds will appear. Well-groomed colorful petunias will undoubtedly be in gratitude to please you with abundant and long flowering.

So that your plant grew well, did not hurt and always pleased with blossom, it is necessary to care for it: at the right time to remove dried shoots, fertilize and quinet.

What should I do this? First of all, to rejuvenate the bush and reproduction, as well as for the formation of the desired form.

Petunia is often planted in suspended pots And Kashpo, B, grow. Quite often occurs this plant and in.

Petunia lovers constantly find new ways of decor using unusual varieties, and it looks just amazing.

Instructions for pinching

Removing the thrown downside shoots (pinch) needed on a faster bush with high upper processes with the presence of 4-5 large leaves. Follow the rules below:

  1. The first piece in the creation should be done in the seedlings stage, when the plant will grow up to five centimeters in height and there will be fastened leaves (5-6 pieces). It is done very simple and not even experienced gardener Will be able to make a piece of plant at home. If you do not remove the process in time, the plant will bloom before the last time before the landing in the open ground.

    If it already happened, you need to pinpup the flower. Do not regret cut off the booton, because it simply does not need a plant at such an early stage of development. To begin with, the roots must be strengthened and only then give the opportunity to the flower fully developed. If this is not done, Petunia will be sick, and in the future it is less likely to bloom.
  2. Good to know: Seeds are sown in December and January, but only under the condition of round-the-clock lighting, otherwise the plant can lose its decorative form or perhaps.

  3. Capture petunia for the second time you need after a week from the moment of planting plants in open ground. This procedure can be combined not only with the benefit for the flower, but also with the benefit for the hostess and its garden. If you cut up the upper shoots with several pairs of leaves, you can roam them and get even more colors.
  4. Note: At the parent stem must remain four or three sheets at least.

  5. Rooting cut-off shoots can be carried out in a cup with water, in peat tablet or in a light peat mixture. So that the cuttings have taken root to put them in the mixture, seal it after planting with your fingers and pour warm water. Over the plant you need to make a small greenhouse using a bag or a special film.
  6. To correct the form of the plant, it is necessary to quench the petunia regularly, skipping a month between this procedure.

    Care for seedy

    In order not to destroy the plant behind it, you need to properly care and follow every new shoots:

  • it is necessary to plant seedlings into the ground in the second half of May tightly to each other. Earth must consist of a mixture of humus and turf;
  • cuttings need frequent watering, and in the heat you need to add more and spraying from the pulverizer;
  • once a week you need to feed the cuttings for the root and spray (about feeding petunia at home you can read);
  • if your flower does not want to grow, you need to "help it" with the help of growth stimulants;
  • try to remove dried flowers on time. So the flower will grow faster and form new buds, and will have an attractive form as a whole.

Petunia is very beautiful flower With a set different species, varieties I. color palette. It will become one of the main accents. flower composition In your garden.

To achieve good and timely flowering, you need to care for the plant. If this is not done, then achieving chic beds will become an unattainable dream. So follow the condition of your petunitions, spend the september in time, fertilize them, and they will thank you with bright flowering.

From the following video You will learn how to pinch a petunia:

A person in all a century sought to create in his home favorable atmosphere, make a house not only reliable, safe and warm, but also cozy, beautiful, elegant. No luxury items are able to maintain a pleasant atmosphere of peace and mental satisfaction. It is only living organisms. But not everyone can afford to stay in the house of our smaller brothers, because the animal is essentially an equal member of our family, who needs to pay maximum love, care and attention. But the flowers with less costs for their content perfectly perform their functions.

Cheerful petunia

Popularity no longer question is no doubt - this plant has become a welcome guest of the gardens and parks, streets and squares, country estates and modest dacha DomikovAnd also confidently settled on balconies and loggias, windowsill and entrances of houses. Petunia bushes please the eyes with the splendor of flowers and shades, from white, lilac, blue, pink and red, to multicolor and striped. Hundreds of varieties are offered to choose from.

it perennial He complained to us from the distant Montevideo, including our climatic conditions It is grown with us as annual. Loves very much sunlight, well perceives heat provided regularly. Cooling slows down bloom, but with increasing temperature ambient Botonization is resumed.

Well-kept appearance of the plant

So that Petunia never ceased to delight their owners throughout the summer, it is necessary, in addition to performing the main conditions of the plant content, pay attention to its bushes, holding them in compact, lush and luxurious form. To do this, apply the pinch method.

Those who have never pinched anything, it will be useful to know what it is for what. Each plant seeks to grow, first of all up. Someone does not really work, and some kind of so rapidly grows in the height that the stem does not stand and falls. Picture depressing.

That this does not happen for some colors, especially homemade, use the seed - removal of the upper discrepancies. In particular, it is done with Petunia. It's a simple and useful. Someone comes to this after his conclusions, someone is not hesitating to ask professionals how to pinch a petunia correctly. But the result is always positive.

Why pour petunia?

As a result, Petunia's chipsets begins to actively produce side shoots. A bush from this looks more lush, strong and healthy. Large quantity New twigs guarantee a greater number of buds and colors. At the same time, the quality of flowering increases: it becomes long and abundant.

In addition, Petunia's pin is one of the ways of its reproduction. The resulting cuttings put in water or in a wet land under the jar. They pretty quickly give roots, then ready to land.

A beginner flower is simply necessary to know how to pinch a petunia. There is nothing complicated, but there are several important points.

  1. Do not tighten with the sepure, it is better to do it before, than to be late.
  2. Do not pinch too much, leave 5-6 sheets and remove the escape above them.
  3. Conduct a procedure a couple of times a month.

And do not forget about general rules: Delete everything that blew and started, plant, spray in the heat several times a day. High-quality care will provide you with long and bright flowering.

Conduct the first procedure of the september after the plant is strengthened and acclimatized, planted for permanent residence. At the top escape, there must be at least five leaves.

Do not be mistaken when, as a result of the next chipping, the flowering of petunia will slow down for a while, but the side shoots will be at the growth of the side, on which new, larger buds will appear.

Passing reproduction of stalks

Torn or neatly cut by manicure scissors, the tops of Petunia shoots are used as cuttings for further reproduction of the plant. The appeared roots on green cuttings, put in water, serve as a signal to the fact that they can already be planted in the ground, clearing the lower part of the stem from the leaves, leaving a couple of leaves on the top. Sugging young plants can be sufficiently tight, often watering them and spraying, feeding, and as need to use the growth stimulator.

Petunia grown from at home, as well as purchased in retail searches of seedlings of inexpensive varieties, must be subjected to a regular segmentation of shoots discovering from a common bush. Elite varieties grown in special nurseries can develop well without quickens, but they are more capricious, sensitive to the sharp differences in humidity and temperature, suffer from exposure to rain and wind.

In general, Petunia is not capricious, it is not difficult to care for it, but it is still necessary to observe the main condition: you need to look with love and touch everything alive on the planet, then life will respond to us.

Petunia is perhaps the most popular flower that has been widespread in landscape design Parks, streets, squals and household plots. The variety of colors, shapes and paintings of this plant simply amazes. This decorative and unpretentious flower in care grows almost everywhere. For many, who do not know how to pinch a petunia, information in this article will be very useful.

Briefly about Petuniah

Petunia - amazing plant In the form of a shrub with numerous flowers, publishing a pleasant fragrance. Motherland of Petunia - Montevideo. In our regions, this flower is grown as an annual. Petunia grows well and blooms on solar plots, easily tolerates heat with frequent and abundant irrigation. Under reduced conditions temperature mode Petunia blossom is not so magnificent. But even the slightest warming contributes to the resumption of this process.

To date, it is ampel, terry, single and two-color varieties with a long period of flowering. Almost all varieties of this plant bloom, starting with the middle of the spring and ending in deep autumn.

To achieve a lush and long floweringPetunia needs to have proper care and attention.

Petunia patch rules

Get beautiful and healthy bushes are not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to properly plant a plant, as well as, its formation. Competent landing Seeds and picking seedlings, undoubtedly - important steps In the process of growing these colorful colors. But no less important is the quotation of Petunia. Its essence lies in a cut of the upper shoots at a certain stage of growth.

Popping Petunia is necessary for the growth of new stems, good close of the plant and the formation of a plurality of flower buds.

How to pinch a petunia, for sure, not many know. To carry out this manipulation, you need young plants that contain at least five leaves on the top, a sharp secateur or scissors and any container in which you can collect all remote cuttings.

In order for Poshunia's quailing to be successful, it is necessary to adhere to some rules in the process of its implementation:

The overgrown seedlings are not suitable for pinching. Therefore, seedlings need to closely follow. As soon as the plants are fixed and released five to six sheets, they can be quenched. The chipping process itself lasts only a few seconds - the tops are cut on the plants so that at least five leaves remain below the bottom. As a result, a new growth point is formed. From it begins the intensive branching of new young stems. Petunia's club is accompanied by the suspension of the growth of bushes. But there is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary, the plant becomes stronger. Together with the growth and branching of lateral shoots, bushes acquire a rounded form.

Pipping of Petunia, which is intended for landing in open ground, is made only after the transplantation of plants and its successful rooting. For adaptation, sponsors will need two to three days.

It is possible to ensure high survival rate of plants using the following conditions:

  • Avoiding the population of landings, adhering to the agrotechnical features of the plants.
  • Regular moistening of the soil and spraying - at least three times a day.
  • Facing the bushes as root and not root way - at least once a week.

Popping of petunia growing in greenhouse conditions is carried out after picking seedlings.

Some subtleties in how to quench a petunia:

  • For cutting shoots, you need to use sterile cutting tools.
  • Try to damage the sprout as little as possible.
  • A month after pinching, as soon as the plants are fixed and release new side shoots, it is possible to repeat the complace procedure.
  • To provide a bookmark of large flower buds, petunia feeds with special fertilizers.

Pulling petunition after trimming

Large upset shoots after cutting are excellent planting material For growing new plants.

For quick and successful rooting, they are lowered into a container with water. So that they do not start bottom leaveswhich come into contact with water are removed, leaving only a few leaves from above. After the appearance of the roots, young plants plant in the ground.

For the formation of decorative and abundant flowering bushes, plants require proper care and attention. From the moment of sowing seeds, Petunias require two-time picking, pinching and spraying of the above-day part. In addition, you should not forget about regular irrigation, fertilizers and removing dried flower buds and pores. New floral buds will appear in the sections of the old flowers.

Popping Petunia is the surest way with which you can improve the quality, duration and abundance of flowering.

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