Pelargonium roll. Reproduction of pelargonium by cuttings: the main principles of successful rooting

Engineering systems 24.05.2019
Engineering systems

55 years have passed, and I finally learned the name of the plant that we ate on the banks of the Sukhona River in childhood.

Our childhood was spent fresh air, in the yard, on the banks of the river ...
Parents were at work all day, and we were left to our own devices.

Hungry, we ran to the steep bank of the Sukhona River, where the "gypsy turnip" grew - that's what we called this plant. But only now, from a program on the ESTATE channel, I learned that this is a wild mallow - mallow. Its fruits are really like a ball and very tasty. We liked it. And now I found out that this is a medicinal plant. Maybe that's why we didn't suffer any intestinal diseases.))))

Here is what I found on the internet :
Mallow is a one- or two-year-old herbaceous plant from the Malvaceae family. It has branched stems 30–120 cm high. The leaves of the grass are round-heart-shaped, five- or seven-lobed, with serrated edges. The flowers are whitish-pink, small, appear in July and bloom until August. Mallow fruits are rolls. The plant has many species; it grows wild along roads, in parks, in wastelands, in vegetable gardens. Cultivars adorn the front gardens of amateur gardeners, the flowers of such species are larger.
Useful properties of mallow

The herbaceous plant is rich in vitamins and proteins, ascorbic acid, carotene. The leaves contain water, nitrogenous substances, sugars. Green fruit rolls contain a large number of ascorbic acid; and anthocyanin compounds, including malvin chloride. The plant has a softening, enveloping, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of mallow

AT folk medicine use the entire aerial part of the plant. An infusion of flowers and leaves is taken for lung diseases, sore throat, trachitis, dry cough, restore hoarseness and loss of voice. Rinsing eliminates inflammation of the tonsils and mucous oral cavity. Lotions are effective for burns, inflammation of the eyelids, tumors and rashes of various etiologies.

A decoction of mallow: 1 tablespoon of grass must be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours and taken orally 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. For lotions and rinses, the concentration of the decoction should be increased. The beneficial properties of the herb due to the abundance of mucus have a laxative effect in chronic constipation, help get rid of intestinal atony.

Mallow low (Malva pusilla), northern mallow, squat mallow, kalachiki, small mallow.

Distributed everywhere. Weeds fields, gardens, orchards. It grows in garbage places, near housing, along fences, along ditches, along rivers and reservoirs, etc. It drowns out crops, depletes and dries up the soil.
Is medicinal plant, grass is harvested during flowering.

Mallow flower tea is useful for drinking with pain in the stomach, liver, intestines, flatulence and diarrhea.

Types of mallow

In nature, there are several types of mallow. All of them have the same properties and practically do not differ in appearance.

Mallow low - an annual plant, blooms with white flowers from June to August, during the same period, raw materials are harvested. In folk medicine, an infusion of flowers or leaves is used for colds, to reduce irritation and inflammation. Mucus plays the role of an adsorbent, removes toxins and toxins. With a dry, exhausting cough, it is useful to take drugs internally and externally for catarrh of the throat, hoarseness. From a tumor of the spleen, hot baths with the addition of a decoction of grass help.

Common mallow - a biennial herbaceous plant, grows in the south and in middle lane European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia. This type chooses wastelands, roadsides, orchards, kitchen gardens and sparse gardens. AT medicinal purposes flowers are used, sometimes the leaves of the plant. The enveloping properties, due to the presence of a large amount of mucus, have an excellent effect on the healing process with inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Mallow infusion : two cups of boiling water should brew 4 tablespoons of flowers and leaves, leave for 2 hours, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Apply infusion for rinses and compresses.

Mallow musky has a pleasant aroma, as a culture has been grown in Europe since 1596 (late 16th century). it perennial grows up to a meter high. The leaves, flowers and root of the plant can also be used to treat respiratory organs and digestive system.

curly mallow - a fairly powerful, fast-growing plant with a thick erect stem yellow color. It grows quickly, the bush reaches two meters in three months, you can hide behind its dense greenery. Beautiful wavy leaves remain green for a long time, they are very tasty and nutritious, reminiscent of chicken meat. They are added to salads, first courses. The dried leaves can be ground into a powder and used for healing or as a hearty condiment.

Mallow squat - herbaceous annual plant with a weak lying stem and light, almost white flowers. His chemical composition the same as other species, it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Fresh leaves in crushed form are applied to wounds, ulcers. They are able to dissolve boils and accelerate the healing process.

Contraindications to the use of mallow
Serious contraindications to the use of mallow as medicinal product not found.

I AM GRATEFUL TO THIS PLANT for helping us to survive!

Geranium, kalachik, crail, pelargonium - the most popular indoor plant. This unpretentious flower will become a real decoration of your window sill or balcony, in addition, it has many healing properties. About 400 varieties of pelargonium are distributed around the world.

Types of home geraniums

Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of varieties and hybrids of geraniums have been bred, differing in the shape and color of inflorescences and leaves. Let's get acquainted with the most common types.

  1. Geranium zonal- the most common window sill decoration. Has a huge number of varieties. The plant tolerates changing conditions well, is characterized by unpretentiousness and frequent flowering. The flowers are bright, collected in inflorescences. The foliage is round, slightly wavy, the edge of the foliage is dark red or brown. The leaves have a characteristic odor. Flowers are simple five-petal, semi-double (have 6-8 petals) and double (have 8 petals or more). Flowering can continue year-round, if you create optimal conditions for the growth and development of pelargonium. The smaller the pot in which the ball grows, the more abundant flowering. Geranium captivates with a variety of shades and colors of petals - bright, plain or multi-color, with a border or multi-colored spots.
  2. Geranium royal- unusual and very beautiful view With large flowers the most varied colors. The flowers are up to 15 centimeters in diameter. There are a lot of hybrids of this species; this is a favorite plant of many flower growers and breeders. Distinctive feature subspecies is the presence of a dark spot or stripe on the petal. Petals are both simple and terry, having a wavy or corrugated shape. The pair of upper petals are more velvety and slightly larger than the others. This type of pelargonium reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters, the foliage is terry, reminiscent of maple leaves. flowering period royal geranium lasts no more than 4 months, flowering occurs only in plants that have reached the age of two. This species is the most demanding for care and development conditions.
  3. Pelargonium fragrant. This subspecies got its name for a wide variety of flavors - rose, ginger, strawberry, lemon; just touch the leaf. Bred hybrids exude a wide variety of odors. Inflorescences are small, mostly pink or purple. Geranium oil obtained from this plant has a wide range of applications: in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and everyday life.
  4. Pelargonium ampelous (thyroid). It has thin and fragile shoots, reaching a length of 1 meter. The foliage is star-shaped, dark green, with a glossy surface. The inflorescences look like brushes. Flowers simple or double, of the most diverse colors, reach 5 centimeters in diameter. Flowering lasts about 4 months, mainly in summer period. Well suited for planting in hanging flowerpots.
  5. Angel. The plant is characterized by flowers similar in shape to pansies, unpretentious to conditions and care, has a spectacular and bushy shape, reaches a height of 40–50 cm (with systematic pruning). If the trunk is not cut, the ball will take on a falling shape. Flowers have a wide variety of shapes and colors. The flowering period usually occurs during the summer months. The plant blooms so profusely that sometimes the leaves are not visible behind the inflorescences.
  6. Unique. This subspecies was bred in the process of crossing brilliant and royal geraniums. The leaves have a dissected shape, dark green in color, exude a light aroma of spices. Generally, given plant considered highly decorative by flower growers. The inflorescences are predominantly red, with a white center, reminiscent of royal pelargonium in shape. Very rarely come across flowers of white and Pink colour, even less often - flowers with spots and stripes.
  7. Pelargonium succulent. The subspecies is characterized by branched and curved stems, lignified below, stems with thorns are less common. Plants of this species can acquire the most unusual shapes stem. Often succulent geraniums are used in a wide variety of interior designs.
  8. Pelargonium lemon (pink). This plant blooms very rarely, so flower growers refer to it as a non-flowering species. The bright green leaves of a complex dissected shape look very unusual, which was the reason for the wide distribution of the kalachik among indoor plant lovers. When touched lightly on the foliage, the flower exudes a subtle scent of lemon. Geranium reaches a height of up to one and a half meters.

How to care for geraniums

Watering. In the spring and summer, pelargonium consumes a lot of moisture, so watering must be frequent. In winter, water a little less often to prevent stagnation of water and excessive dampness. Spraying leaves kalachik does not tolerate.

Soil loosening is a necessary step in proper care behind the plant, because it provides good access of oxygen to the root system and prevents stagnant water and rotting of the roots.

Fertilizer must be carried out in spring and summer, but not often, so as not to harm. Phosphate fertilizers promote flowering.

Pinching produced at the end of winter or spring in order to form beautiful shape pelargonium and an increase in the number of inflorescences. It is necessary to pinch the shoots on the 6-8 sheet.

Lighting should be good enough, but it is better to hide the plant from direct sunlight in order to prevent leaf burns. In the winter months, it is better to remove the roll from the windowsill altogether and put it in a dark place.

Reproduction methods

  1. Reproduction by cuttings. Cut off small cuttings (3-5 leaves) from the top of the shoot, it is recommended to cut the cut obliquely. Then, for several hours, leave the cut cuttings in the air, then sprinkle the cut site with a biological root growth enhancer and plant them in the ground. When planting cuttings, it is better to place them closer to the edge. flower pot. The most suitable months for propagation by cuttings are February, March, July and August. Rooting occurs within a month, at which time it is better to water by spraying. Rooted plants are planted one at a time in small pots.
  2. Reproduction by cuttings more commonly used by breeders. Pots with a diameter of 5 cm are used for sowing, and when the seedlings grow up, they can be transplanted into a larger pot. Flowering seedlings from seeds occurs in about a year.

To form a magnificent form of pelargonium, the upper kidney must be pinched.

flower Geranium - Pelargonium. Growing at home different varieties of plants

plant name: Pelargonium
Other name: Geranium
Latin name: Pelargonium L "Her
Family: geraniums (Gerniaceae)
Home varieties and species differ in appearance, these are: fragrant pelargonium (P. graveolens Ait), large-flowered or royal pelargonium (Pelargonium grandiflorum Hort. non Willd), Zonal or rolls(P. zonale Ait), ivy-like(also called ivy or ampelous ) geranium ( P. peltatum Ait) and garden geranium

Varieties and external signs of Pelargonium:

From the history of the origin of the name of this flower, it is known that it comes from the Greek. the words pelargos- stork or crane, because after flowering, a pod 4-7 centimeters long appears in place of the flower with the seeds of this plant. Because of this feature, the popular name for the Pelargonium flower is Geranium or crane nose.

In the wild, Pelargonium grows in the Cape Province of South Africa and its genus includes 280-300 species.

In room conditions, such geraniums are widely used: fragrant, zonal, ivy and large-flowered. All of them differ in morphological features, so we will briefly describe each of the species of this plant.

Fragrant geranium photo and a brief description of the flower

Large photo of fragrant pelargonium flower ( Link)

The most unpretentious type of indoor pelargonium: it can grow even on the north window. Geranium fragrant is a shrub that, with good fertilizers, grows over 1m in height.
This flower got its name because of the fragrant strong smell of lemon, which appears when you lightly touch the leaves of the plant - essential oil is contained in the villi on the surface of the leaf. The color of the leaves is bright green. The leaf shape is lobed five-seven and one-parted. Over time, the main stem and lower branches become woody.
A very beautiful flower that has antiseptic properties, cleans the air of dust and germs. In summer, P. Fragrant blooms with umbrellas of small flowers of white, light pink and purple-pink.

Royal large-flowered pelargonium, photo

Photo of royal geranium ( Link)

Large-flowered pelargonium is a semi-shrub, the erect stem of which reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Five to ten centimeter bright green leaves of a rounded shape with folds and shallow recesses will decorate any room. A distinctive feature of Royal Geranium are large (12-15 cm) inflorescences on tall peduncles, the flower size is about four to six cm in diameter. Many varieties of Pelargonium royal have been bred with a wide variety of monochromatic flower colors (white flowers, pink and rich red), which are simple or double.

In winter, Geranium Large-flowered is kept in a well-lit cold room at +7 ... + 10 ° C for two months - this is the main requirement for the successful laying of flower buds. Flowering period: March-July.

This type of P. does not like excess moisture, so there should be holes and a tray at the bottom of the dish, from which water is regularly poured out (if it is there, of course).

Pelargonium zonal photo with description

photo P. zonal ( Link)

Pelargonium zonal, popularly this flower is called kalachiki- a plant with upright pubescent stems up to 70-90 cm.

Leaves are also pubescent with a light green leaf blade, the edge of which can be colored with a yellowish, brown, or white stripe. Kalachiks are great for landscaping balconies, offices and rooms, because. they are unpretentious in care.

This species is visually similar to royal geranium, the distinguishing feature is that the plant blooms from April to September with a pleasant perceptible smell, and a large number of flowers (up to 60 pieces) in the inflorescence open from the center to the edge of the umbrella.

To achieve flowering Pelargonium zonal in winter, in summer, inflorescences are removed from her and pruned, forming a crown. In winter, flowering kalachiki are placed on a bright southern window and looked after, watering moderately and feeding once a month.

Pelargonium Ampelnaya is popularly called Ivy Geranium

Ivy geranium photo ( Link)

Ivy geranium - got its name because of the hanging long shoots (80 cm) and small pentagonal leaves shaped like ivy leaves. The leaf plate is green, smooth, rarely with a border. In summer, flowers from white to lilac-red tones appear on short peduncles of the Ampel Pelargonium.

Growing and caring for Geranium indoors:

It would be a mistake to call geranium an unpretentious plant, although there are no particular difficulties in growing this flower. The main rule when growing pelargonium is the observance of the golden mean when watering, lighting and fertilizing. Thanks to this, many problems when caring for geraniums can be simply prevented.

At its core Pelargonium-Geranium is an ornamental, fast-growing subshrub, therefore, he loves good diffused sunlight; in autumn and winter, geraniums feel great on the South window, where there is a lot of light. In summer, the North side is ideal for a flower, although you can simply move the plant pot away from the window to a safe distance so that direct sunlight does not hit the leaves. Otherwise, the geranium leaves will get burned, dry out and fall off, leaving a bare trunk as a result. In summer, you can take a pot of geraniums to the balcony. It is also worth avoiding shaded or weak light - the branches of the plant will stretch in length, become thin and acquire a pale green color, losing their beauty and decorative effect.

In summer, any temperature is suitable for the growth and development of different varieties of Geranium, in the autumn-winter period, a temperature regime of + 6-12 ° C is recommended for flowering varieties, the laying of flower buds of the Pelargonium plant takes place at low temperatures. Non-flowering varieties also go into dormant mode in winter and develop well at +15 degrees Celsius.

Moisture-loving geranium requires regular watering immediately after the soil dries. In summer, the flower is watered abundantly, in autumn watering is reduced (you can water it even every other day), but it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture in the pot. With insufficient watering, the lower leaves of home geraniums turn yellow and dry. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to make a couple of holes to eliminate excess water.

Pelargonium does not have to be fertilized: it grows well and develops in fresh fertilized soil, so this geraniums must be transplanted annually in the spring into a new pot with fresh earth(this can be universal earth from a store or self-collected soil of this composition: sand, leaf, sod part plus sand in equal proportions).

For propagation, cuttings from green shoots are mainly used, the trunk of which is slightly woody. Cut cuttings are placed in a glass of clean water, when a young seedling takes root, it can be transplanted into the ground. Using seeds to breed geraniums is a very troublesome business, so at home this propagation method is very rare.

The main pests of pelargonium are aphids and spider mites. They are eliminated with soapy water or special means from these pests.

Secrets of caring for Pelargonium-Geranium:

! The best place for good growth and development of geraniums This is a south facing window. For fragrant pelargonium, the North side may also be suitable.

! Already dried inflorescences-sockets need to be cut off in order to prolong the flowering period.

! At the beginning of autumn pinch the tops of Geranium Large-flowered, thanks to this, many green young lateral shoots will appear and the plant will bloom more abundantly, delighting with beautiful flowers.

! It is not necessary to artificially increase the humidity of the air for geraniums.: In summer, she feels great without spraying. But wiping the leaves of pelargonium with a damp cloth is generally prohibited, because. this will break off many hairs on the surface of the plant. Instead, Geranium leaves can be rinsed under a warm shower.

! Geranium Zonal in the spring pruned, forming a crown of branches 10 cm long, if this procedure is not done, the branches will stretch, the flowers will be small and the plant will lose its beauty and decorativeness.

Pelargonium is one of the most popular potted plants for the home. Often in everyday life it is called geranium or kalachik, although in fact it is not the same thing. More common in home floriculture pelargonium zonal. It is able to bloom throughout the year and does not have a pronounced dormant period.

There are an unimaginable number of zonal geranium varieties. They differ in height, color, shape, etc. Depending on the shape of the flowers, terry, non-double and semi-double varieties are distinguished. Ampelous geranium is also quite widespread in indoor floriculture. It is used for landscaping balconies and loggias, as well as for growing in hanging planters.

Deserves special attention royal pelargonium. It is more demanding on the conditions of detention, however, it has a greater decorative appeal due to large flowers of heterogeneous color.

Geranium is easy care.

Watering. Pelargonium is watered as the soil dries. The plant loves abundant watering, but it is absolutely impossible to pour it - this leads to decay and the occurrence of diseases.

Light. The plant is photophilous. It can also tolerate light partial shade. On the northern window sills, additional lighting is needed for flowering.

The soil. Indoor geranium grows well on neutral and slightly alkaline soils. To reduce the acidity of the soil, a little ash can be added to the substrate, which is also a good fertilizer. In general, the plant is undemanding to nutrient soil. And even the presence of a ventilated and loose substrate is optional. The main thing is to ensure good drainage, which will avoid stagnation of water in the soil and rotting of the root system.

Fertilizer. Like most plants, geranium responds well to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. However, overuse of supplements can lead to chemical burn. Also, do not feed the plant organic fertilizers, it is better to purchase a special fertilizer for pelargonium or decorative flowering houseplants with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. You will be especially grateful for this royal pelargonium.

Temperature. If in the spring-summer period geranium feels good at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, then in winter it needs to create cool conditions - up to 15-16 ° C. This is especially true of the royal geranium, for which optimum temperature in winter - 10-13°С. Dry air is also harmful to the plant, but geraniums do not like spraying. It is enough to put a container of water next to the plant or use special humidifiers air to ensure normal care for the wintering period. Too dry air and high temperatures do not allow pelargonium to gain strength for the new season, and often in spring you can see, instead of a luxurious and lush bush, elongated pale green branches that are not able to bloom profusely.

Pruning. In the spring, the plant needs pruning.
Young pelargoniums are pinched from above, leaving 4 to 8 internodes for branching. Mature geraniums are pruned to improve appearance: remove elongated stems, yellowed leaves and diseased branches. Strong pruning is not required for the plant, it is enough to carry out cosmetic shaping.

Transfer. To get a profusely flowering plant, it must be transplanted into a pot of small diameter. In spacious pots, pelargonium develops and bushes better, but gives fewer flowers. Geraniums are transplanted as needed: if it has outgrown the pot or needs to update the substrate.

Reproduction. Geraniums are propagated in two ways: cuttings and seeds. The first method is the most popular: plants quickly take root and grow.

Reproduction by seeds is resorted to in order to obtain more hardy and plentiful flowering plants. Geranium seeds are small elongated shape. Germination is not too high, so many seeds are planted. Sowing surface in a moist, well-drained substrate. The first shoots appear within a month.

Diseases. Geraniums are prone to diseases such as blackleg and rust. These are fungal diseases that are the result of improper care. Overflow, water stagnation, occurrence greenhouse effect- all this leads to the development of diseases. Removing damaged areas and creating optimal conditions for the recovery of plants will stop the spread of the disease and get rid of it.

Everyone who is fond of growing flowers knows or has heard of pelargonium. And if you are not familiar with pelargonium, then for sure you were on “You” with geraniums or rolls. After all, this is what the people call this unpretentious indoor plant, simply and sincerely: a ball. And geranium is often called a grandmother's flower, old-fashioned, out of date ... It's a shame for her! So I decided to dedicate this article to her - let people know how “good-looking” this plant is, and how simple and easy it is to care for geraniums.

And the plant really has a lot of advantages: it is very decorative and unpretentious in every sense: it will endure the heat, the temperature difference, and “forgetfulness” regarding watering. Homemade geraniums will agree to grow on the window, and on the flower bed, and will settle in a hanging vase if the hostess decides so. In return for this, pelargonium will ask you for a little human attention and sun, sun, sun ...

About how much there is modern species and varieties of geraniums, one can talk endlessly, describing the advantages and benefits of each of them. Pelargonium zonal, fragrant pelargonium, royal, terry, ivy, ampelous, undersized, tall and so on. Plants differ among themselves in the size of the bush, the size of the flowers and, of course, color palette. Depending on the seeds of the selected variety, pelargonium at home will delight you with double or ordinary flowers of pink, red, salmon, burgundy, lilac and other colors.

Basic growing rules

Temperature. In summer - indoor, and in winter, pelargoniums are kept at a temperature of 8-12 ° C. winter period and the period until April are decisive for subsequent flowering, since the laying of flower buds occurs at a relatively low temperature (11-13 ° C) for 2.5-3 months. This period is characterized by a short day, which is also significant, since pelargoniums are short-day plants.

Lighting. Photophilous, well tolerated direct Sun rays. It is best to keep them on the south window near the glass. Plants tolerate both northern and eastern windows, however, with a lack of light, they stretch out in winter. In winter, pelargonium can be illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Humidity and watering. The room with pelargonium must be constantly ventilated. In summer, plants are recommended to be placed outdoors. When taking them out into the open air, they should not be knocked out of the pots to dig into the ground, but it is better to bury them in the ground along with the pot so that they do not grow too violently to the detriment of flowering. In September-October, when frost approaches, the plants are transferred indoors.

Watering moderate, do not like waterlogging. Watering should be done two to three days after upper layer substrate will dry. In winter, plants are watered very sparingly to restrain growth when winter lack light and prevent them from stretching. In addition, waterlogging of plants in winter with a cool content often leads to wilting of leaves and rotting of the root neck and roots.

Pelargonium does not require constant spraying, but on hot summer days periodic spraying of the plant will be useful.

Fertilizer. 2-3 months after transplantation, it is necessary to feed with superphosphate, which stimulates flowering. Plants do not tolerate fresh organic fertilizers well.

Transfer. Every year in March, young plants are transplanted into fresh land mixture. At the same time, they are pruned, leaving 2-5 buds on each shoot, in order to subsequently obtain low and lush, profusely flowering specimens. Overgrown pelargoniums are transplanted only if necessary (for example: when the pot becomes cramped).

The soil. The substrate is neutral, light, well permeable to air and water. May consist of equal parts of turf, leaf ground, peat, humus and sand with a small addition of charcoal. Good drainage is a must.

Geranium propagation: planting and pruning

Used for reproduction stem cuttings and seeds.

Cuttings can be harvested throughout the year, but it is better to do this in the spring, cutting off from the side or apical shoots so that the cut part is at least 5-7 cm and has 2-3 leaves. During few hours planting material dried, then, sprinkling the cut with crushed coal, planted in a permanent place in a small pot filled with suitable soil.

You can root cuttings in coarse sand, followed by transplanting to a permanent place. In this case, the sand should always be slightly damp, but not wet, watering should be done so that moisture does not get on the stems and leaves, otherwise, especially at low temperatures, young plants quickly rot. Cuttings take root better at 20-22 ° C, no additional shelter is required for them.

Propagation of geraniums by seeds also does not represent special difficulties. Although purchased seeds are quite expensive, they germinate well and allow for a short time receive a large number of seedlings. Plants grown from seeds form compact bushes and bloom 5-6 months after planting. The use of own seeds, which ripen in August-September, is possible only when growing varietal geraniums in favorable conditions with artificial or insect pollination. Hybrid geraniums with such reproduction lose the signs of the mother plant.

To accelerate the germination of the actually grown seeds, they are scarified, that is, they are ground with fine-grained sandpaper in order to violate the integrity of hard integumentary scales and shells. After that, after 2-3 weeks, friendly shoots appear. Without such treatment, plants sprout unevenly within 3 months. Purchased seeds do not need scarification.

Geraniums can be sown throughout the year, subject to additional illumination in autumn-winter period fluorescent lamps. When planting in February-March, the length of daylight hours by the time the shoots appear increases, and natural light is enough for them.

Seeds are planted in a moist, breathable, loose substrate, sprinkled with a 2-5 mm layer of soil or sand, and the surface is moistened with a spray gun. Can be used as a substrate sod land, peat and sand in the ratio 2:1:1. It is desirable to pre-disinfect it, for example, with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, since geranium seedlings are often affected by the "black leg". Landings are covered with glass, regularly moistened, aired daily to eliminate condensate. The most favorable temperature for seed germination is 18-22 °C. After the emergence of seedlings, they are placed in a bright place, the glass is removed, the temperature is reduced to 16-20 ° C. With proper care, seedlings develop rapidly, after 1-1.5 months they form 2-3 true leaves, after which the plants are planted in small pots, deepening to the level at which they grew before. Above 5-6 leaves, the shoots are pinched, which contributes to tillering and longer flowering of geraniums.

Diseases and pests

May fall due to lack of light lower leaves, the stem is stretched and exposed. The plant blooms poorly.

The lack of flowering can be caused by a warm winter, provided the plant is healthy.

When the lower leaves turn yellow and their edges dry out, the reason for this is a lack of moisture.

The lower leaves turn yellow, while they wither or rot - the reason is an excess of moisture in the soil. Remove rotting leaves and sprinkle them with crushed charcoal. Watering should be done after 2-3 days, after the top layer of the substrate has dried.

The blackening of the stem at the base indicates a black leg disease that destroys the plant. Cut off the healthy part and root it. In the future, observe the watering regime. If the plant is severely damaged by the disease, then it can no longer be saved by the plant and the earth is thrown away. The pot after the diseased plant should be well disinfected.

Due to waterlogging of the soil, small swellings on the leaves may occur - watery soft pads (edema). Follow the watering schedule.

Due to waterlogging of the soil on the plant, gray rot may occur.

Types of rolls

Pelargonium, better known among flower growers as indoor geranium remains one of the most popular potted plants for home. In home floriculture, zonal pelargonium is more common. It is able to bloom throughout the year and does not have a pronounced dormant period.

There are an unimaginable number of zonal geranium varieties. They differ in height, color, shape, etc. Depending on the shape of the flowers, terry, non-double and semi-double varieties are distinguished. ampelous geranium also fairly common in indoor floriculture. It is used for landscaping balconies and loggias, as well as for growing in hanging planters.

Royal pelargonium deserves special attention. It is more demanding on the conditions of detention, however, it has a greater decorative appeal due to large flowers of heterogeneous color.

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