Kombucha for intestinal diseases. Treatment and prevention of kombucha

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The body mass index for men is the most important indicator that clearly demonstrates the correspondence between a person’s height and weight. Deviations are indicated by going beyond the lower and upper limits of the indicator. Exceeding the norm signals the danger of obesity, lowering - about the problems of the digestive tract, about an insufficiently balanced diet. Therefore, absolutely all people need to calculate their body mass index. It is very important that the indicator corresponds to the norm.

Quetelet formula

For the first time, the formula for calculating body mass index (BMI) was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian scientist Adolf Quetelet. More than a decade has passed, and the formula is still actively used. The formula for calculating body mass index shows the ratio of body weight (M), measured in kilograms, to the square of height (P), measured in meters:



The Quetelet formula is often used by doctors in order to identify pathologies associated with excess or lack of body weight, in order to further select the optimal procedures. In some cases, deviations are critical and require more serious treatment.

The thickness is still inferior to the growth ...

What the numbers say

Table of deviations according to the Quetelet formula:

Deviation from the norm does not always indicate a violation of the state of health. The diagnostic method will be absolutely useless if the indicator is calculated for a teenager or an athlete. For a growing organism, the standard will be lower, and for an athlete - higher. Also, the method does not work for pregnant women.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of physique. Allocate:

  • asthenic (ectomorphic) type;
  • normosthenic (mesomorphic) type;
  • hypersthenic (endomorphic) type.

Asthenics, as a rule, are above average height, narrow shoulders and wrists. Ectomorphs have few fat deposits, muscle tissue is rather poorly developed. A man of an asthenic body type is slender, which is expressed in elongated proportions. It is very difficult for such people to build muscle, but it is easy to maintain a normal weight.

Men with a normosthenic (mesomorphic) body type, as a rule, have a strong skeleton and developed muscles. Excellent proportions give good inclinations for having an athletic male physique. Usually normosthenics are broad-shouldered, have a protruding chest, a dense torso and a narrow waist. Limbs in mesomorphs are of medium length, adipose tissue is poorly expressed. Regular training allows such people to achieve good results without exhausting work, to easily gain or lose weight.

Representatives of the hypersthenic (endomorphic) body type often have an obese figure, short limbs and neck. Hypersthenics constantly need to monitor a balanced diet, because excess weight is easily gained, but it is very difficult to lose it.

An easy way to find out your body type is to measure your wrist. To do this, you need to grab it with your thumb and forefinger in the narrowest place. With an asthenic body type, the fingers overlap each other, with a normal body type they barely touch, with a hypersthenic type, it is impossible to connect the fingers around the wrist.

Table of BMI parameters for different body types:

Thus, the boundaries of normal indicators for asthenics are shifted to a smaller side, and for hypersthenics - to a larger one.

When evaluating the results of the body mass index, the age of the man must be taken into account.

Table of BMI parameters for different age categories:

Brocca's formula - an alternative method for calculating BMI

Paul Brokk, a famous French anthropologist and surgeon, developed in the 19th century. alternative method for calculating BMI. As a basis, the scientist took information about the age of the subject, body length and body type. Calculating your ideal weight is not difficult, you don’t even need a calculator. You need to find the indicator in the table according to your height and age, and then subtract it from the height (P).

Table of ideal weight parameters for different age categories according to Brokk:

Table of parameters of the ideal weight, taking into account the height of a person:

On the way to fix

Excess weight increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, contributes to the oppression of the respiratory system, immune suppression, the development of erectile dysfunction, and infertility. A sharp decrease in body weight also has a very negative effect on the health of the stronger sex, manifesting itself in such unpleasant consequences as a weakening of the body's defenses, susceptibility to viral diseases.

In pursuit of the ideal...

First of all, you need to remember that even people with a normal body mass index require regular exercise, a balanced diet, as well as adherence to sleep and rest. If the BMI is close to normal, you need to focus on simple rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

If you are underweight:

  • increase the number of meals;
  • eat more protein foods;
  • include strength exercises in the plan of sports activities.
  • gradually reduce the calorie content of foods;
  • gradually reduce portions of food and the frequency of meals;
  • eat more healthy foods, such as cereals, fruits, vegetables;
  • exercise regularly.

If the indicator is significantly higher or lower than normal, you should consult a doctor to reduce the risk of complications.

For good health and maintaining excellent physical shape, you need to monitor your weight. Knowledge of the formulas for calculating the body mass index, the features of the interpretation of the results allows you to control your own weight and keep it within the normal range.

Who doesn't want to look good and feel slim? But it is not always clear how to calculate the ideal weight, what figure to strive for and whether it is necessary at all.

There are girls who are sincerely sure that they need to lose weight, but in fact, the opposite is true for them - they need to get better. There are women who believe that everything is in order and a few extra pounds have no effect. Although medical statistics say otherwise.

In order to more objectively assess your weight, there are formulas for calculating excess weight. They are also not perfect, they have a number of drawbacks. But they allow you to reconsider your view on the issue of excess weight. You will find the most famous formulas for calculating ideal weight in this article.

Determination of ideal body weight

The ways we talk about are different from each other. And to some extent reflect the evolution of methods for calculating the ideal body weight. From the authoritarian method of Lorenz, which is suitable only for young girls. Before Broca's formula, taking into account body type and calculation formulas for age and height.
If you are curious, read the article with a pencil and paper in hand. But do not be strict about the resulting numbers. Not a single formula can describe the individuality, way of life, state of health and feelings in one or another weight of a particular woman.

First way. Lorentz method

The advantage of the Lorentz method: calculates the weight rate for those girls who are always 18. But seriously, this is one of the toughest methods that you should not be guided by.

The disadvantage of this method it is believed that it only works for girls, but not for guys. Also, you can not use it if a woman is taller than 175 cm.

According to this method, the ideal body weight for girls should be calculated as follows:

  1. Measure your height in centimeters.
  2. Subtract 100 from it.
  3. The second action will be subtracting from the height of 150 centimeters.
  4. Determine the difference between the first and second results.
  5. The resulting units are divided in two.

This is how the formula for estimating body weight in a female looks like: (P - 100) - (P - 150) / 2.

For example: the girl has a height of 170 cm, we calculate: (170 - 100) - (170 - 150) / 2 \u003d 70 - 20/2 \u003d 60 kg.

The second way. Quetelet index

The advantage of the Quetelet index is versatility - it is suitable for both women and men.

The disadvantage of the formula is the inability to apply it to adolescents and the elderly. Also, you should not count on the objectivity of the method with very low or very high male and female growth. The method is valid for representatives of the stronger sex 1.68-1.88 meters, and the weak - 1.54-1.74 meters. He “lies” to pregnant, lactating mothers, athletes.

Important! The calculation of the correct weight norm begins with the calculation of BMI (body mass index).

Often, BMI is used by doctors to determine if there is obesity or dystrophy.

How to determine how many kilograms of overweight a girl has? Using the Quetelet formula, BMI is calculated:

  1. Find out the mass of a person's body in kilograms using scales.
  2. Measure height in meters.
  3. The first indicator is divided by the square of the second.
  4. They calculate and find their BMI in the table.
  5. Know the result.

The method is accompanied by a table in which BMI is calculated by age:

Body mass index Human weight parameters
18 to 25 years old 26 to 46 years old
> 17,5 > 18,0 State of anorexia
Up to 19.5 up to 20 Small deficit
up to 23 up to 26 Norm
up to 27 up to 28 Pre-obesity state
up to 30 up to 31 1 degree of obesity
Up to 35 Up to 36 2 degree of obesity
Up to 40 up to 41 3 degree of obesity
40 and more 41 and more 4 degree of obesity

For example: A 24-year-old girl has a height parameter of 1.59 m and weighs 61 kg. When calculating the weight norm for a woman, it turns out: 61 kg / (1.59) 2 = 24.1 (BMI). It turns out that there is a slight excess weight. If the girl were 2 years older, then her parameters corresponded to her age.

The third way. Brock's formula

Advantage: the technique of how to correctly determine the excess weight of a person according to Brock is suitable for people whose height is in the range of 155-200 cm.

Flaw: age is not taken into account.

Important! To find out the constitution of the body, you need to find the thinnest place on the wrist, and determine its circumference.

The measurement results are found in the table:

  1. The number 110 is subtracted from the height in centimeters if the person is under 40 years old.
  2. The older the man or woman, the more he (she) will weigh. After the age of forty a person, his parameter is calculated as follows: the number 100 is subtracted from height.
  3. Also, a correction in the calculations is made for asthenic and hypersthenic types. In the first case, 10% is subtracted from the result, and in the second, the same percentages are added.

Example: you can determine the weight norm for a woman of thirty years as follows - 110 units are subtracted from her height of 167 cm. It turns out that her weight should be 57 kg. If she has an asthenic body type, the final result is: 57 - 5.7 = 51.3 kilograms, and if hypersthenic - then 57 + 5.7 = 62.7 kilograms.

Fourth way. Nagler's method

The advantage of the Nagler method The fact is that if you have data on growth, you can calculate the ideal number of kilograms for a girl.

Flaw: this formula is only valid for females. It does not take into account age and body type.

  1. For 152.4 cm of female height, take 45 kg.
  2. Then, for each new inch (5.54 cm), another 0.9 kg is taken away.
  3. At the end of the calculation, an additional 10% of the found weight indicator is added.

Example: the fair sex has a height of 170 cm. To calculate, we subtract 152.4 from 170 cm. This is equal to 17.6. We divide this value by the size of an inch - 2.54 cm. We get 6.93, and multiply by 0.9 kg. As a result, we have 6.24 additional kilograms. 45 kg + 6.24 = 51.24 kg. Add 10% of the resulting weight 51.24 + 5.124. The result - it should weigh approximately 56.364 kilograms.

Fifth way. Women's formula based on age and height

Advantage: this method takes into account the age-related changes of the fair sex.

disadvantage is that the method is only suitable for women. It does not reflect their body type in any way.

The norm of weight in most women gradually increases with age. This is due to the slowdown of metabolic processes in their body, and is a natural phenomenon.

This formula answers the question of how to determine the correct kilogram rate in a woman, taking into account age:
50 + 0.75 (Height - 150) + (Age - 20) / 4

Example: a woman is 42 years old, and her height is 168 cm. Find the ideal body weight:
50 + 0.75 (168 - 150) + (42 - 20) / 4 = 69 kilograms.

But we must not forget that we are all individual, and the ideal number of kilograms may differ from the calculated one - the main thing is that the person is comfortable.

In addition, the numbers on the scales often do not describe the state of the body and well-being, the ratio of fat and muscle tissue. Namely, they give beautiful curves and smartness.

What is your favorite way to calculate your ideal weight?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

General information

Body mass index (BMI)- This is an indicator that makes it possible to determine the ratio of body weight and height of a person, that is, to determine how normal body weight is for a certain height. This indicator is used in the treatment of diseases associated with overweight or underweight, when prescribing drugs in the treatment of obesity.
The index was developed by a scientist from Belgium A. Quetelet back in the nineteenth century.
The World Health Organization has finalized the interpretation of this indicator and, based on the data obtained, a table has been compiled (see below).

How to calculate?

This indicator can be calculated using the following formula:
I = m h x h

Where m is the weight of the body in kilograms,
h is the person's height in meters.

Body mass index is measured in kilograms per square meter.

Table 1. Body mass index. Average rates for persons aged 18 years and over

BMI Relationship between weight and height health hazard
16 or belowA clear lack of body weightYou should consult your doctor
16 to 18.5Lack of body weight
18.5 to 25Physiological normTry to keep the weight within these limits
25 to 30Overweight, in the stage of preobesityThere is a possibility of developing some diseases, you need to review the diet and exercise
30 to 35Obesity I degreeThe likelihood of complications is very high, it is better to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor
35 to 40Obesity II degree
40 and aboveObesity III degree called morbidObesity has already caused the development of some complications. Doctor's help urgently needed

The interpretation of the measurement results should be made taking into account the age, physiological state and scope of human activity. So, for athletes, the index cannot be used (see below). To obtain more objective data, other indices should be used, such as the central obesity index. This indicator determines exactly the amount of adipose tissue in the body. In addition, for more accurate calculations, the body volume index was introduced.

For women and men

The data given in table 1 are averaged. In order to more accurately determine your health status and body mass index, you can use another table created taking into account gender.

Table 2. Body mass index for persons of different sexes aged 18 years and over

Women Men body weight status
Under 19up to 20Lack of weight
19 to 2420 to 25Physiological norm
24 to 30t 25 to 30Slightly increased weight
30 to 4030 to 40Obesity
Over 40Over 40significant obesity

According to research by Israeli scientists, men with an index of 25 to 27 live the longest.

And American scientists have found that for patients with heart failure, increased body weight is just a salvation. The University of California Medical Center has been conducting research for 28 years, involving more than 3,000 patients. It turned out that both men and women who have a body mass index above the norm have a greater chance of survival without the use of a pacemaker or surgery. And for lean and slender, the probability of death is higher by 34% among the stronger sex and by 38% among women.

Scientists explain these stunning data by the fact that in the body of overweight patients there is more muscle mass, as well as reserves for metabolic processes, "stacked" in fat cells. They have a higher amount of lipoproteins in the blood, which relieve inflammation, suppress the activity of toxins and substances released during inflammation.

For kids

The child's body is constantly growing and developing, it changes the ratio of fat, muscle and bone mass. Therefore, the decoding of the body mass index used for adults is completely unsuitable for children. Moreover, unequal norms even for children of different sexes. Further in the tables, data will be given separately for girls and boys.

The assessment is carried out on a five-point scale:
+4 - slightly increased body weight,
+3 - increased body weight,
+2 - significantly increased body weight,
-4 - some lack of weight
-3 - lack of weight
-2 - a significant lack of weight.
5 is the ideal body weight for this age.

Table 3. Assessment of body mass index for girls

Age in years Index in points
-2 -3 -4 5 +4 +3 +2
1 14,7 15,0 15,8 16,6 17,6 18,6 19,3
2 14,3 14,7 15,3 16,0 17,1 18,0 18,7
3 13,9 14,4 14,9 15,6 16,7 17,6 18,3
4 13,6 14,1 14,7 15,4 16,5 17,5 18,2
5 13,5 14,0 14,6 15,3 16,3 17,5 18,3
6 13,3 13,9 14,6 15,3 16,4 17,7 18,8
7 13,4 14,0 14,7 15,5 16,7 18,5 19,7
8 13,6 14,2 15,0 16,0 17,2 19,4 21,0
9 14,0 14,5 15,5 16,6 17,2 20,8 22,7
10 14,3 15,0 15,9 17,1 18,0 21,8 24,2
11 14,6 15,3 16,2 17,8 19,0 23,0 25,7
12 15,0 15,6 16,7 18,3 19,8 23,7 26,8

Table 4. Assessment of body mass index for boys

Age in years Index in points
-2 -3 -4 5 +4 +3 +2
1 14,6 15,4 16,1 17,2 18,5 19,4 19,9
2 14,4 15,0 15,7 16,5 17,6 18,4 19,0
3 14,0 14,6 15,2 16,0 17,0 17,8 18,4
4 13,8 14,4 15,0 15,8 16,6 17,5 18,1
5 13,7 14,2 14,9 15,5 16,3 17,3 18,0
6 13,6 14,0 14,7 15,4 16,3 17,4 18,1
7 13,6 14,0 14,7 15,5 16,5 17,7 18,9
8 13,7 14,1 14,9 15,7 17,0 18,4 19,7
9 14,0 14,3 15,1 16,0 17,6 19,3 20,9
10 14,3 14,6 15,5 16,6 18,4 20,3 22,2
11 14,6 15,0 16,0 17,2 19,2 21,3 23,5
12 15,1 15,5 16,5 17,8 20,0 22,3 24,8

For different ages

The following table shows the indices corresponding to the norm for people of different ages. The need to calculate the index for different ages is explained by the fact that in people of mature and advanced age, muscle fibers are gradually replaced by adipose tissue, and bone mass decreases.

Table 5. Body mass index for different ages

Number of years Index norm
19 to 2419 to 24
25 to 3420 to 25
35 to 4421 to 26
44 to 5822 to 27
58 to 6123 to 28
61 to 6324 to 29

For an athlete

The classical calculation of the body mass index does not take into account what tissue in the body is abundant: muscle or fat. Therefore, for athletes, whose muscle mass is always greater than that of ordinary people, such a calculation is not suitable. They will always have a higher index.

For calculations for this population, it is imperative to take into account the proportion of fat and muscle tissue. For this purpose, special scales have been created, which are available in many health and sports facilities.

So, for female athletes, the fat level should not exceed 25% of the total body weight. It is also important where exactly the fat is deposited. To take into account this indicator, the proportion of hips and waist is used. To do this, the waist is divided by the hips. For men, this figure should be 1, and for the fair sex, 0.85.

Another indicator that is taken into account in the calculations of the athlete's constitution is the volume of the wrist. This is an addition to the Brock-Brukst formula.

The formula itself looks like this:
For the fair sex
M \u003d P - 100 - (P - 100): 10

For the stronger sex
M \u003d P - 100 - (P - 100): 20

Where M is the ideal body weight,
P - height in centimeters.

In order to take into account the constitution when calculating the ideal body weight, you should:

  • if the wrist circumference is less than 15 cm, subtract 10% from M,
  • if the volume of the wrist is 15 - 18 cm, M does not change,
  • if the wrist circumference is greater than 18 cm, M should be increased by 10%.

Departure from the army

In the military registration and enlistment office during a medical examination, the height and weight of the conscript is certainly determined. This procedure should be taken with full responsibility, since the lack of weight gives the right to postpone the call for a while.

But here it must be borne in mind that often in military registration and enlistment offices the scales are set up in such a way as to increase body weight. After all, recruits are always in short supply. Therefore, you should weigh yourself and measure your height in advance.
To know for sure if you are entitled to a delay, you should determine the body mass index using the classic formula.

The deferral is for those recruits whose BMI is less than 18.5. That is why doctors should definitely be reminded that accurate height and weight indicators must be entered in a personal file.
If there are serious concerns about the correctness of weighing, you can ask for a certificate for measuring instruments, as well as information about their verification. You can also get a separate certificate of your weight and height from the military registration and enlistment office. Based on the data obtained, a control weighing can be carried out.

The normal index for men aged 18-25 is 19.5-22.9.
An index of 18.5 to 19.4 indicates a poor intake of nutrients from food.
An index from 19 to 19.4 indicates a not entirely satisfactory intake of nutrients from food.
With an index less than 19, there is a possibility of obtaining a deferment.

In order to get a delay using this indicator, you can resort to some tricks. For example, some conscripts drastically lose weight by taking diuretics. And for others, it’s enough just to straighten your shoulders or slightly rise on tiptoe and thus “increase” your height.

During pregnancy

It is very important to determine the body mass index before pregnancy. Since, according to American scientists from the Tufts University Medical Center, women with an increased index are more likely to have babies with a lack of iron in the body.
One and a half dozen pregnant women with an index above 30 took part in the experiment. They took a blood test twice in the second trimester of pregnancy. The analysis of the blood of the fetus was taken directly from the umbilical cord.

It turned out that with obesity, the amount of the hormone hepcidin increases, which causes a decrease in the amount of iron in the blood of the fetus. According to scientists, it is this hormone that interferes with the transport of iron from the mother's body to the fetus.

In a normal pregnancy, the amount of this hormone should be very low, which makes it possible to transfer iron to the fetus. However, when there is too much hormone in the tissues, the work of a special protein, ferroportin, which transfers iron molecules through the cell membrane into the blood, deteriorates.

Iron is essential for the formation of the brain. Babies who have been deficient in iron since fetal development usually develop with a delay, they have less developed motor skills and mental activity.

Very approximate

American researchers have carried out large-scale work to determine the objectivity of BMI. It turned out that the error for women is 50%, and for men 25%.

Scientists from the Weill Cornell Medical School were puzzled by this problem. More than 1500 volunteers took part in the experiment. First, the scientists measured and weighed all the volunteers and calculated their body mass indexes. After that, a scan was performed, which gives absolutely clear indicators of the ratio of bones, fat and muscle in the human body. After comparing the obtained data, it turned out that the calculated data are far from the truth.

So, according to the index, only 25% of the respondents suffer from obesity. Whereas according to the scans, those were 65%!
Scientists believe that the index gives the most unreliable data when calculated for women over the age of 55 years. At this age, the amount of adipose tissue increases significantly and the amount of muscle decreases. But this is not taken into account in the calculations. That's where the difference in readings comes from. To obtain more reliable results, researchers suggest taking a blood test for the level of the hormone leptin, the amount of which is directly related to the number of fat cells in the body, before calculating the index.

Other indices

There are many indices to help calculate the ideal body weight. Some of them are more accurate than BMI, since they take into account not only height, but also other anthropometric data.

According to Breitman
M \u003d H x 0.7 - 50 kg

Where M is normal body weight,
H - height in centimeters.

According to Borngart
M = H x O / 240

Where M is normal body weight,
H - height in centimeters,
O - chest circumference in centimeters.

By Davenport
M = M1 / ​​H x H

Where M1 is the current weight in grams,
H - height in centimeters.
If the score is greater than 3, obesity is diagnosed.

According to Noorden
M = H x 420 1000

Where M is normal body weight,
H - height in centimeters.

According to Taton
M \u003d H - (100 \u003d (N - 100) 20)

Where M is normal body weight,
H - growth.

For medical purposes, the most used is the Broca index.

Kombucha for healing and cleansing the body

General rules for cleansing the body

Comprehensive cleansing of the entire body from toxins accumulated in it is a very serious matter, and it should be carried out according to a clear plan. It is very important to follow a certain sequence, otherwise all your efforts to get rid of ballast and poisonous substances will be nullified.

The body cleansing program should be built taking into account the characteristics of all systems involved in the removal of toxins and toxins.

In a normally functioning organism, liberation from everything superfluous occurs in four ways:

- with feces (digestive system),

- with urine (genitourinary system),

- with exhalation and coughing (respiratory system),

- with sweat (skin).

Therefore, a thorough removal of "internal debris" must be carried out sequentially from each of these organ systems.

Starting with the digestive tract

All experts involved in cleansing the body say that the first step must be the removal of toxins from the digestive tract, followed by the normalization of the balance of microflora in the intestines.

This is very important, since at all the following stages of cleansing the body, the digestive system will have a huge burden to release from ballast substances.

Cleansing the entire digestive tract, starting from the oral cavity, and establishing its normal operation is also very important because through the mucous membranes of these organs, many substances (including those harmful to human health) are absorbed into the blood, bypassing the organs that can neutralize them.

Bowel cleansing is of great importance for women - the proximity of this organ and the organs of the reproductive system leads to the fact that the slagging of the rectum becomes the cause of the development of many genitourinary diseases.

Without the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, it is also impossible to fully assimilate nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements into the body from the food that enters it, and hence sufficient energy saturation of all organs and systems.

The next stage is the liver and gallbladder, kidneys

Having freed the digestive tract from the ballast and toxic substances accumulated in it, restoring the normal balance of microflora, one should proceed to cleansing the liver and gallbladder. The role of the liver in cleansing the body as an organ capable of neutralizing poisons that enter the body or are formed in the course of its vital activity cannot be overestimated. Therefore, having cleansed the intestines and prepared ways to remove toxins, proceed to restore the normal functioning of this organ.

The gallbladder is an active participant in the digestion process, it has the peculiarity of accumulating ballast substances in itself, which are formed in the form of greenish stones. This organ cannot be cleansed of them on its own, therefore, special attention should be paid to the process of removing stones from it.

Organs with the ability to filter out harmful substances and remove them from the body include the kidneys and the bladder associated with them. With slagging, the work of these organs noticeably worsens, which leads to a growing intoxication of the body and the development of various diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, the appearance of stones in the kidneys and bladder, diseases of the female and male reproductive organs).

Let's start cleansing individual organs

The bronchi and lungs - suppliers of oxygen to our body, in case of violation of the function of natural purification, are filled with the smallest particles of dust and soot contained in the inhaled air, as well as endocrine products - mucus and sputum. By freeing them from this toxic ballast, you not only improve the functioning of another excretory system, but also help your body get more of the oxygen it needs.

A special cleansing course is also necessary for two fluids that ensure the normal functioning of the body - lymph and blood.

Oxygen and all nutrients are transported throughout the body by blood flowing through the blood vessels - large veins and arteries and tiny capillaries. Returning from the organs to the lungs and heart, the blood cleanses them of harmful substances - toxins, toxins and decay products. However, this system is also subject to slagging - deposited on the inner walls of blood vessels, ballast substances interfere with normal blood flow, disrupt the functioning of blood vessels.

By cleansing the cardiovascular system, you will not only improve the blood supply to all organs and tissues, but also prevent the development of such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis.

Your joints also need cleaning - they also accumulate ballast substances, most often in the form of salts, which leads to gout, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Integuments, in addition to the protective function, also perform cleansing. In order for them to cope with it to the extent that it is necessary, clean them. By freeing the pores, improving the blood supply to this important organ, you will improve the processes of skin respiration and the removal of harmful substances from the body with sweat.

Often the skin suffers from slagging of the body, reacting with the appearance of rashes and irritations. In this case, she needs special care and treatment both from the inside and outside. An excellent remedy for this is an infusion of kombucha, made from a mixture of black or green tea and herbs.

A special course of cleansing the body is required for those people who suffer from excess weight. After all, body fat is the very ballast that interferes with the normal functioning of the body.

Taking a tea drink allows you to restore normal metabolism, disturbed due to intoxication of the body, and gently return to normal weight.

Benefits of Cleansing the Body with Kombucha

The composition of the infusion, prepared with the help of Kombucha, includes only natural ingredients that are perfectly balanced - such a ratio cannot be achieved with the artificial creation of medicines. That is why the tea drink is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

The acids formed during the vital activity of acetic acid bacteria and yeast fungi have a detoxifying effect on the body - that is, they have the ability to neutralize the harmful effects of poisons and toxins, neutralizing them.

A number of polysaccharides contained in the infusion are important tissue constituents. Their regular intake in the body helps to quickly restore the normal structure of tissues affected by the action of toxins and toxins.

Having a laxative effect, the tea drink not only activates the natural mechanical cleansing of the intestines, but at the same time helps prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. Unlike many laxatives and enemas that flush beneficial microorganisms from the body, kombucha actively fights pathogenic bacteria, creating favorable conditions for the growth of beneficial microflora.

Conducting a course of cleansing the body with Kombucha, follow the following regimen - take tea infusion for 6-8 weeks, then take a break for 1-2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of kombucha

If you suffer from any chronic diseases, before starting a course of complete cleansing of the body with the help of Kombucha infusion, be sure to consult your doctor!

Due to the fact that the composition of the nutrient medium for the growth of kombucha includes sugar, the drink obtained with its help is not recommended for people with diabetes. However, after consulting with your doctor, you can prepare the infusion with the type of sugar that is safe for you.

You should not drink freshly prepared infusion of kombucha for those who suffer from various fungal diseases. This ban is also due to the presence of sugar in the composition of the drink. At the same time, the use of an infusion that has fermented for 7–10 days is not contraindicated, since the substances formed during the fermentation process activate the natural defenses of the human body and help it get rid of fungal diseases.

A drink obtained with the help of kombucha is contraindicated for those who have increased acidity of gastric juice.

Do not take a large amount of drink - more than 1 liter per day.

Fermented infusion must be diluted with water. Undiluted, you can drink only a very weak infusion - 3-4 days.

In order to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, after 2.5 months of constant use of the drink, take a break for at least 5-7 days.

Do not drink a strong infusion of kombucha just before driving a car - the drink contains some ethyl alcohol.

Some doctors recommend taking a tea infusion no later than 5-10 minutes before a meal, and also do not advise taking it at the same time as food or immediately after, since the active substances contained in this drink immediately interact with the contents of the stomach, accelerating the digestion and assimilation of food. Therefore, having washed down a dinner with tea infusion, you will very quickly feel a feeling of hunger. To avoid this, drink the drink 1-2 hours after eating.

Tea infusion can be prepared not only on the basis of black tea, but also by brewing green tea or medicinal herbs. In this case, some rules must be observed.

Mushroom drink prepared with green tea has a high level of caffeine, a substance that has a strong tonic effect and affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people suffering from a stomach ulcer or gastritis, as well as those who are prone to lowering blood pressure, should use this infusion with caution.

Cleansing the digestive system

In order to achieve the maximum effect when cleansing the body with the help of tea infusion, it is recommended to prepare a drink based on a mixture of tea and herbs.

The standard way to prepare such a drink is described below, in the chapter on making tea infusions at home. In some cases, the drink is prepared in a different way - an indication of this must be contained in the recipe.

Please note that you may be recommended to take several different types of tea infusion during one day. This is due to the fact that at different times of the day the human body absorbs various healing substances in different ways. In order to make their assimilation and effect on organs and systems the most complete, such a scheme for taking a healing and cleansing mushroom drink was developed.

Make sure that you have enough kombucha and containers to prepare these drinks in advance.

Oral cleansing

Slagging of the body often affects the state of the mucous membranes of all human organs, so the process of cleansing the digestive tract should begin with the normalization of the state of the oral mucosa.

Every day in the morning after brushing your teeth, after each meal and before going to bed, rinse your mouth with a drink prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs for 3-5 minutes every day.

In the first week, prepare a tea infusion using medicinal plants:

herb oregano - 1 part

sage leaves - 2 parts

birch leaves - 1 part

rose hips - 3 parts

Chop plants and mix. Take 10 tsp. collection and 2 tsp. green or black tea, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 30-40 minutes, strain. Add and dissolve sugar thoroughly. Dip kombucha in liquid. Insist for 3 days.

In the second week, prepare an infusion with plants:

oak bark - 2 parts

willow bark - 3 parts

linden flowers - 2 parts

chamomile flowers - 3 parts

During the third week, rinse your mouth with a plant-based infusion:

walnut leaves - 1 part

calendula flowers - 1 part

thyme herb - 1 part

sage leaves - 1 part

The course of cleansing the oral mucosa is carried out in parallel with the course of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing the stomach and intestines

Slagging of the body is always accompanied by a violation of the normal functioning of the intestines, so the first week of the course of complete cleansing will be devoted to the establishment of normal peristalsis.

Even if you do not observe a pronounced tendency to constipation, the process of removing ballast substances from your body is already disturbed.

Tea infusion prepared using medicinal plants will help you stimulate intestinal motility.

During the first week of the course, twice a day, 20 minutes before meals, take 250 ml of a drink based on a mixture of tea and herbs and infused for 5 days.

morning reception

wormwood grass - 2 parts

dandelion root - 1 part

Evening reception

wormwood grass - 1 part

cumin fruits - 1 part

watch leaves - 1 part

calamus roots - 1 part

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to constipation

If you have severe problems with bowel movements, during the first week of the cleansing course, take infusions that have a more intense effect on peristalsis.

morning reception

flax seeds - 2 parts

cassia (senna) leaves - 3 parts

anise fruits - 2 parts

licorice roots - 1 part

Evening reception

sweet clover grass - 1 part

nettle leaves - 1 part

coriander fruit - 1 part

buckthorn bark - 6 parts

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with hemorrhoids

Expansion of the veins in the anus is one of the most common consequences of constipation. If you suffer from this disease, during the first week, take in the middle of the day (20 minutes before meals) 250 ml of a tea infusion prepared using herbs:

chamomile flowers - 1 part

yarrow herb - 1 part

black poplar buds - part

calendula flowers - 1 part

elecampane root - 2 parts

sage herb - 1 part

shepherd's purse grass - 1 part

nettle herb - 1 part

mint herb - 1 part

After each act of defecation, wash the anus with tea infusion prepared according to this recipe.

Two or three times a day, make applications for 15-20 minutes from pieces of gauze or cotton wool soaked in the infusion. Continue local treatment throughout the course of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

In the future, if signs of the disease appear within 1-2 weeks, take a healing infusion of 150 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals and perform local procedures.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to diarrhea

Often, disruption of the intestines, caused by its congestion with ballast substances and constant intoxication, leads to the development of the opposite problem - diarrhea. To cope with this ailment, which prevents the complete cleansing of the body and the full absorption of food, the use of a healing herbal tea infusion prepared using Kombucha will help.

Take 250 ml of the drink in the morning and in the evening, until your bowel function returns to normal (but not less than a week). After that, continue cleansing the body according to the scheme of the second week.

Morning intake (10 minutes before meals)

bird cherry fruits - 3 parts

blueberries - 1 part

sage leaves - 6 parts

immortelle flowers - 1 part

snake mountaineer root - 1 part

horse sorrel root - 1 part

cinquefoil root - 1 part

In the future, at any time for the treatment of acute diarrhea, you can use a drink made from a mixture of tea and herbal tea:

alder seedlings - 2 parts

burnet root - 1 part

cumin fruits - 1 part

During the second week of the course of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to taking a stimulating drink, drink 200 ml of infusion in the morning and evening in the middle of the day, which reduces gas formation in the intestines and improves the absorption of nutrients from food entering the body.

Morning intake (15 minutes before meals):

wormwood grass - 1 part

watch leaves - 1 part

centaury grass - 1 part

Daily intake (20 minutes before meals):

mint leaves - 2 parts

valerian roots - 2 parts

fennel fruit - 1 part

Evening reception (2 hours after eating)

herb oregano - 2 parts

calendula flowers - 1 part

blackberry leaves - 2 parts

Women should not use oregano infusion during menstruation - this can increase bleeding and pain.

During the third week, take a drink in the morning that improves digestion and assimilation of food, in the afternoon - regulating the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the evening - an infusion recommended for your existing disease of the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system, take a collection for general cleansing and improving the functioning of these organs.

General scheme

Morning intake (10-15 minutes before meals)

valerian root - 1 part

chamomile flowers - 2 parts

fennel fruit - 3 parts

mint leaves - 2 parts

cumin fruits - 2 parts

Daily intake (10 minutes before meals)

buckthorn bark - 3 parts

valerian roots - 1 part

nettle leaves - 3 parts

calamus roots - 1 part

mint leaves - 2 parts

Evening reception (1 hour after meals)

licorice root - 3 parts

buckthorn bark - 2 parts

yarrow herb - 1 part

anise fruits - 2 parts

mustard seeds - 2 parts

Herbal collection used for gastritis with high acidity (1-2 hours after eating)

St. John's wort - 2 parts

celandine grass - 1 part

chamomile flowers - 2 parts

yarrow herb - 2 parts

Add honey instead of sugar to the nutrient medium for preparing the infusion.

Gastritis is called inflammatory processes that develop in the gastric mucosa. Stomach pain, general weakness, irritability, nausea are just some of the symptoms of this disease.

When treating gastritis, you should exclude alcohol, hot spices from your menu, and, if possible, stop smoking.

Do not start cleansing the body with the help of tea infusion during exacerbation of chronic gastritis, wait for the period of remission of the disease.

Herbal collection used for gastritis with low acidity (1-2 hours before meals)

chamomile flowers - 1 part

mint leaves - 2 parts

marsh cudweed herb - 2 parts

hop cones - 1 part

knotweed grass - 1 part

yarrow flowers - 2 parts

dill fruits - 1 part

cumin fruits - 1 part

valerian root - 1 part

For gastritis with high acidity, take a drink only after a meal. Before eating, drinking tea infusion should be for those people whose gastric acidity is lowered.

Herbal collection used for gastric and duodenal ulcers (1.5–2 hours before meals)

lavender flowers - 1 part

lemon balm leaves - 1 part

dandelion root - 1 part

chamomile flowers - 1 part

shepherd's purse grass - 2 parts

buckthorn bark - 2 parts

centaury grass - 2 parts

Serious damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum leads to the appearance of ulcers. One of the first signs of the disease is pain in the stomach, which regularly appears 1-2 hours after eating, as well as frequent heartburn. If you suffer from this disease, then you need to carefully monitor your diet: foods that include coarse vegetable fiber (radishes, radishes, cucumbers, sour apples and plums, pears, black bread), strong broths, smoked foods are contraindicated for you , salty and spicy dishes. Also avoid coffee, cocoa and alcohol. Cottage cheese, milk, eggs, dried bread made from wheat flour, slimy soups and cereals will bring you great benefits. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of kombucha infusion, combined with the medicinal properties of plants, are indispensable in the treatment of this disease.

Herbal collection used for colitis (10 minutes before meals)

fruits and leaves of cassia (senna) - 1 part

immortelle flowers - 1 part

chamomile herb - 1 part

fennel fruit - 1 part

plantain leaf - 1 part

St. John's wort - 1 part

cumin fruits - 1 part

alder seedlings - 1 part

marshmallow root - 1 part

mint herb - 1 part

Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon. Acute colitis develops when a weakened body is unable to resist the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery bacilli, salmonella. Signs of colitis are vomiting, diarrhea, increased gas formation, fever. Violation of the diet, drinking large amounts of alcohol and inflammatory diseases of other organs of the digestive system (pancreas, gallbladder) lead to the development of chronic colitis. Reception of Kombucha infusion is recommended for colitis, in which there is no appearance of mucus and blood in the feces and there is no elevated body temperature. The biologically active substances contained in the drink help the body fight pathogens, and also activate the activity of the intestines, helping it get rid of undigested food residues that are subject to fermentation.

End of introductory segment.

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