Stem cutting of the money tree. The money tree needs to be fed! Lighting and temperature

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

The money tree is considered a great choice for every home. It is presented indoor flower popular in different countries. In another way, it is called a fat woman. It is believed that if the house has this plant, then this brings happiness to the owners of the building, as well as family and material well-being.

Important! There is a sign that its positive properties Money Tree has only if it is not bought, but will be grown independently.

The money tree is deciduous ornamental plant... Even grown in the right conditions, this element almost never blooms at home. It belongs to the genus succulent. Africa is his homeland.

There are several varieties of bastard that grow in hot countries. The most popular are:

  • tree-like fat woman;
  • silvery.

In appearance, the money tree does not look like a small tree. The young plant has a green trunk, but over time, bark appears on it, but it is quite thin and has a gray color.

The leaves are distinguished by significant fleshiness and density. This is due to the fact that it is in them that moisture accumulates as a reserve. They have a dark green tint. They can be round or oval, and they look like standard coins. It is because of this that the plant is called the money tree. Small shoots with small roots sometimes grow along the edges of the leaves. It is these processes that allow seating a large number of plants. Planting money trees using these elements is not difficult, since they are easily and quickly removed, and then planted in the ground.

Important!If you do not remove the processes yourself, then they themselves will fall into the pot, after which they take root next towithan adult plant.

Planting with a scion

Every person who wants to have such a plant in the house has the question of how to plant a money tree. For this are used different ways, since it is allowed not only to use the shoot, but even the leaves or seeds. The most difficult is considered last way, since due to the rarity of the flowering of the money tree, it is almost impossible to collect seeds.

Most simple solution growing a plant from a scion is considered. How to plant a fat woman? The whole process is divided into successive stages:

  • initially it is necessary to remove a ready-made process from an adult money tree, on which there will already be small roots;
  • for the plant to take root well, it is recommended to lower the resulting shoot into clean water, where it should be for several days, so that the roots grow well;
  • a high-quality and suitable soil is acquired in which it is planned to plant a shoot, and it is advisable to choose a soil intended for growing cacti, and a universal soil is also considered a good choice;
  • the soil is poured into a pot, at the bottom of which there is drainage, and it is advisable to choose a pot made of clay or ceramics;
  • the container should have a fairly large size, as well as significant depth, since an adult fat woman has significant dimensions, therefore a large root system;
  • a suitable hole is created in the soil;
  • the shoot descends into it in such a way that the roots are completely in the soil;
  • the roots are covered with soil, and it is desirable that the shoot is located strictly in the middle of the selected pot;
  • if it is planned to plant several shoots in one container, then they are located at the same distance from each other;
  • the planted shoot is watered with water, and it should not be too warm or cold.

Thus, if you carefully figure out how to plant a money tree correctly, then this process will not cause any difficulties. It is important to correctly select a container for this process, as well as select the optimal soil.

Rules for caring for a fat woman

It is important not only to know how to plant a shoot, but also how to grow a money tree, for which it is important to provide it with competent care. It consists in regularly performing several simple actions:

  • Lighting. The money tree refers to light-loving plants so it is important that it receives as much light as possible. However, in summer time it must be hidden from the direct rays of the sun, since otherwise burns will certainly appear on the leaves. To keep the plant strong and beautiful, it is recommended that you rotate the pot regularly so that the leaves receive an even amount of light.
  • Temperature. In summer, the plant copes well with high temperatures, but overheating is not allowed in winter. Therefore, it is desirable that the temperature in winter time did not rise above 15 degrees. It is not recommended to install the pot next to radiators or other heating elements. Its location on the north side of the house is also considered the best choice. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in deterioration appearance plants, and it also becomes more vulnerable to various diseases.
  • Watering. The money tree loves watering plentifully and regularly. During the growing season, it should be especially abundant. In winter, it is important to act carefully, so the plant is watered only after the soil has dried. Stagnation of water is considered dangerous, since it causes the horses to rot, so the plant quickly dies. It tolerates drought quite easily, so it is recommended to water it in moderation. Spraying is not considered necessary, so it is best to wipe the leaves with water so that a large amount of dust does not accumulate on them. An excellent solution for the growth of a strong plant is considered air baths, for which it is taken out into the street in the warm season. It is advisable to choose for watering quality water, but tap water is not suitable for this, since it contains a large amount of chlorine. It is advisable to purchase high-quality and soft water, which people themselves use for drinking. Improper watering may cause various problems in a tree, and also often excessive moisture completely leads to its death as a result of decay of the root system.
  • Top dressing. During the growing season, fertilization is considered a mandatory process. Typically, growth occurs from April to late summer. Fertilizers are applied once a month. If this is not done, then the leaves of the bastard become too small and ugly. It also leads to a poor crown, so the plant loses its attractive and unique appearance. It is best to initially choose liquid fertilizers, and this is due not only to the ease of their application, but also to the excellent digestibility of the flower. Mineral dressings are certainly chosen, and they are introduced into a pre-moistened soil.
  • Transfer. The money tree is only transplanted if the pot becomes small for large plant... Most often, this procedure is required every three years. A small pot will not be able to support a large tree, so it will fall regularly, which can cause significant damage. Therefore, a sine qua non condition correct transplant becomes a competent choice of a large and deep new pot. Is selected nutrient soil which contains some sand or clay. You can not only purchase ready-made soil, but also make it yourself. After transplanting, the money tree is watered abundantly, and fertilizers are also allowed.

Thus, if you figure out how to plant a shoot, as well as how to care for the resulting money tree, then a beautiful, strong and strong plant will certainly be grown.

Inherent diseases

The fat woman is often exposed to various serious illnesses. Every plant owner should know about them in order to take timely measures aimed at surgical treatment.

If in the summer the money tree begins to shed its leaves, then this speaks of insufficient watering or using cold water... The lack of moisture is additionally expressed in the appearance of wrinkled or dark leaves on the plant.

Excess moisture leads to withering leaves, and cinnamon spots appear on them. Leaves become overly soft. In this case, watering is sharply reduced, the plant is taken out into the street for thorough ventilation, and it is also advisable to use special antifungal agents.

Root rot is common in the fat woman. It is easy to identify as brown spots appear at the base of the stem. It is almost impossible to destroy the disease, therefore all rotten parts are removed, after which the plant is transplanted into new pot with clean ground. If most of the roots are damaged, then a new shoot is taken and the cultivation of a new plant begins, and the old one can be thrown away, since it is no longer possible to save it.

Important!If the stem becomes excessively long and ugly, then the money tree does not have enough light, so it is importantto exposeits under the sun's rays.

Thus, if you figure out how to plant money trees, then this process will be performed even by a novice florist simply and quickly. An important point competent care is considered, because if you treat it carelessly, then this can cause a deterioration in the appearance of the plant or even lead to its death. Proper care guarantees a beautiful and strong money tree.

Unlike reproduction using a money tree cutting, which is, in fact, a ready-made plant, in order to grow a plant from a leaf, you need to spend a little more time, but subject to simple rules, success is guaranteed.

In order to propagate a plant, almost any will do. healthy leaf, it can be cut or gently broken off from an adult tree, or even just pick up a freshly fallen leaf. It often happens that fallen leaves root themselves in a pot next to an adult plant and give new shoots.

There are 2 main methods of propagating a money tree using a leaf:

  • in water;
  • in the ground.

The first option is preferable, since the preliminary development of new roots in water guarantees a better chance that the seedling will take root.

Attention! Regardless of the reproduction method, it is better to carry out it in spring or summer - it is during this period that the plant grows actively.

How to propagate with leaves in water at home?

Consider how to sprout a fatty woman from a leaf in water. Rooting of the leaf occurs rather quickly, as a rule, the first roots begin to appear in just a week. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Prepare a small container of water.
  2. Cut off the leaf.
  3. Carefully place the sheet in a container so that only the lower third is in the water.
  4. If desired, root or other stimulants can be added to the water; root formation, but this is not a prerequisite.
  5. After the roots appear, the sprout is transplanted into a pot.

How to root a fat woman in the ground?

Let's figure out how to plant a leaf in a pot of soil. A leaf prepared for propagation can be immediately planted in a pot, bypassing the stage of germination in water. This method may take a little longer, but it is a little less laborious. For planting, both a ceramic pot and a plastic one are suitable. The sequence of actions for rooting a fat woman is as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare a container for landing;
  • cut off the sheet;
  • fill the container with soil (it is best to use special soil for cacti and succulents) and make a small depression in it;
  • the sheet is placed in the recess by about a third and sprinkled with earth;
  • if necessary, you can organize a support;
  • moisturizing is best done by spraying, being careful not to get on the sprout itself.

If instead of a special soil for cacti and succulents, a universal soil was used, it makes sense to dilute it with sand in a ratio of 3: 1.

Also you can prepare the soil for planting the money tree yourself, for this it is necessary to mix thoroughly:

  • 3 parts of sod land;
  • 1 piece of leafy land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part sand.

Rules for caring for a young plant after planting

In the first year, a young money tree should not be disturbed by a transplant, so you must immediately choose correct soil and a pot. Regardless of what material it is made of, the pot for planting a money tree should be shallow and wide, this will provide correct development plants and the formation of a strong trunk.

In no case should we forget about drainage, since its absence contributes to the accumulation of moisture in the substrate, which in turn leads to rotting of the plant roots and its death. This is especially important for young, not yet matured plants.

Crassula care rules are quite simple:

Many signs and superstitions are associated with the money tree, whether to attach importance to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. But one fact remains true regardless of point of view: care and proper care enable the plant to grow strong and healthy, namely, this is necessary in order for a warm atmosphere to reign in the house and positive energy.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about growing a money tree from a leaf:

A bizarre money tree with a thick stem and large leaves can be found at home in most. Some just like the unusual look of the plant, while others specifically acquire a money tree so that money can be found in the house. If you want to become the owner of such a plant, which is also called a fat woman, then read this article to know how to plant a money tree correctly.

How to plant a money tree - choosing a cutting

The fat woman reproduces using cuttings. Choose a stem that is not too thick and cut off the stalk. Put it in water, wait for the roots. Treat the main plant with charcoal. You can plant a cutting only after good roots appear on it.

How to plant a money tree - planting a cutting

Choose a medium pot, about fifteen centimeters long and about twelve centimeters in diameter. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to plant a plant in a black or green pot. Plant the stalk by filling the bottom with soil and drainage. In terms of planting depth, be guided by 4-6 cm, it all depends on the size of the cutting. It is recommended to plant a fat woman on the growing moon.

How to plant a money tree - proper plant care

The fat woman should be placed on sunny side protecting from direct sun rays... Do not water very well. Focus on the ground. It should stay slightly damp. Water the money tree less often in winter than in summer. Watering once a month will be sufficient. It is better to put the plant on the south side windowsill. There are many sunlight... In Feng Shui on the south side, energy is accumulated for financial well-being.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui

It is advisable to purchase a plant for money or to steal a stalk. Before planting, place a few coins on the bottom of the pot, from 6 to 8 pieces. Be sure to lay them down, numbers down. In the process of landing, utter a conspiracy to attract financial well-being. After planting the money tree, tie a red ribbon or thread around the trunk. Put the plant in southern part, positive financial energy is accumulating there.

A dense plant that makes money, it is still worth settling in your home. At correct fit and with proper care, it will saturate the house with an atmosphere of comfort and prosperity.

Even a novice florist can achieve success in this matter. Crassula is easily rooted both by the stem and by the leaf.... This plant can be propagated at any time of the year, excluding the period when it blooms, since with flowering plants no manipulations are performed, with the exception of urgently needed medical ones. It is also believed that summer is not the most suitable period for the reproduction of this plant, and the children obtained from Crassula in the summer take root worse and rarely bloom.
How to cut a plant and how to germinate a bastard from a sprout so that the flower will definitely start?

You can start reproduction when this indoor tree becomes quite spreading and the removal of cuttings will not affect its development in any way. The age of the flower by this time should be at least 3 years old, and there should be at least 10 large lignified shoots on it, moreover, each should already have shoots with 3-4 leaves.

The best choice for grafting is a twig that has air roots in each elbow.

Attention should be paid to the quality of the future sprout: there should be no spots or damage on it. A weak sprout will not take root well, grow slowly, and the cut will have to be repeated, which is not very desirable for the mother plant.

The trunk of the future small seedling should be green, not lignified... This condition is important for shortening the timing of the appearance of roots on the handle. The number of leaves is at least 5. In general, a sprout ready for independent life should have a height of approximately 10 cm.

The fat woman tolerates the withdrawal of the shoot quite easily, but it still does not hurt to sprinkle the cut site with turmeric or crushed activated carbon in order to avoid the development of diseases. The donor tree should not stand in bright light in order to avoid burns, and it is all the more undesirable for the rays to fall on the cut site.

How to plant and grow a fat man from a twig or any cuttings without roots?

Further, the opinions of flower growers differ: whether to put the sprout in water to form roots, or can it be planted in the ground. In fact, both methods are good, since Crassula takes root well in almost any conditions.

Cuttings in water

A couple of lower leaves are removed from the handle, put the appendage in a small container with separated water at room temperature and placed in a well-lit and warm place, ideally, these are east windows.

It is best to cover it with a piece of cardboard with a cut hole into which the handle is inserted - so its parts will come into less contact with water and the edges of the container. The roots will appear in about a week and the sprout is now ready to be planted in the ground. If the owner wants to see the plant lush, healthy, and ideally blooming, then he should purchase a special ready-made soil for succulents.

Important: it is undesirable to use peat mixtures, since the bastard grows poorly in acidic soil. Dolomite flour should be added to the peat.

What should be the pot for Crassula and how to properly plant a sprout there?
It is best to take a ceramic pot for a fat woman, with a diameter across the width of the crown, so it will better keep its balance, but as long as it is small, you can use any. It is imperative to pour drainage at the bottom - the fat woman does not like it when the water in the pot stagnates. Then the soil is poured, a depression of 4-5 cm is made in it, a young plant is planted, gently crush and water the soil around it.

How to propagate in soil?

A place for planting a flower is prepared in a similar way:

  1. Drainage is laid out on the bottom of the pot (expanded clay or finely broken shards).
  2. Then the earth is poured and moistened well.
  3. A recess is made for the sprout, and the crassula sapling is carefully placed in it, and the earth around it is carefully squeezed.

Rooting of a fat woman with a leaf is done in the same way: in water or soil, and the planting method will be the same, but with one difference. The leaf will need fixation at the time of rooting..


Care after planting sprouts

Little Crassula is no different in leaving the mature and sprawling... She also loves dim sun and moderate watering, Fresh air and wiping the leaves from dust. Feeding a young money tree is carried out after 8 months from the day of planting from spring to autumn once a month with special fertilizers, the dose of which should be halved. It is not required to spray the plant.

The fat woman does not need frequent transplantation, however, during the active growth of a young seedling, it will have to be changed once a year. flower pot to a wider one, since the flower is actively growing the root system. Deep containers are not suitable for this plant.

Pinch the crown of the money tree for more active branching and creation beautiful shapes it is possible when the young plant begins to throw out additional branches.

In the warm season, the money tree can live on the balcony, he likes fresh air, but it is important to monitor the air temperature so that it does not fall below 15 o C. It is also not recommended to leave the flower in the rain: the fat woman is afraid of waterlogging the soil.

Useful video

We offer for viewing a visual and informative video about the reproduction of the money tree:

It is not difficult to grow a fat woman by cuttings, and if you follow the described procedure, then soon a strong and beautiful indoor tree will develop from a small sprout, which will decorate any interior.

An evergreen plant, which is popular due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, will decorate an apartment, Vacation home, office. It is believed that it cleans the surrounding space of negative energy, gives positive emotions, but most importantly, it can bring financial well-being and happiness to the one who raised it.

Whether this is really so, you can make sure by planting it at home, using the instructions and advice on how to plant the Money Tree correctly, as well as observing Feng Shui rituals.

Money tree: flower description

It belongs to the genus of succulents and has more than 350 species. Its botanical name is Crassula (Latin Crassula). In translation, "crassus" means "thick", therefore, in another way, the flower is called the Fat Woman.

  • The appearance corresponds to the name: a thick, short trunk holds a lush green mass, consisting of brittle branches and fleshy dense oval-shaped leaf plates located at right angles to each other. Glossy emerald green leaves measuring 3-7 cm resemble coins.
  • While the tree is young, it has a grassy green trunk. As it grows, bark appears on it gray, it becomes powerful, stable, capable of holding a large number of branches of the crown.
  • In nature, the money tree grows in South Africa, in Madagascar and elsewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. IN natural conditions reaches a height of 3 m; at home - its sizes range from a few cm to 1.5 m.
  • Blooms very rarely, but abundantly. This usually happens in the 5-7 year of life with careful care, compliance with a certain temperature and humidity regime and lighting. delicate, small, white, yellow or pink, collected in inflorescences, exude a sweetish sugary aroma. It is believed that if Crassula bloomed, then this will bring the owners enormous material abundance and fulfillment of cherished desires.

Money tree as a talisman to attract money

The fat woman is grown not only as a beautiful ornamental plant, many believe that it brings wealth. It's not for nothing that they call it the Money Tree.

In order for happy hopes to come true, you must follow the rules:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to get the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and minerals.

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to plant a money tree at home?

Although the Money Tree is unpretentious, takes root well, grows quickly, is easy to care for, it still needs help correct agricultural technology... By choosing the right soil, capacity, planting time, knowing the features of watering, they get healthy and beautiful.

The choice of planting material

For reproduction of the Money Tree, cuttings, leaves and seeds are used. Seed propagation is a very laborious process, therefore it is not used in amateur floriculture.

The most common way is:

A variety of leaf propagation is a way of germinating "babies". These are leaves with thin layering roots that form on an adult bush. They fall to the ground and take root on their own. You need to carefully take the rooted leaf along with a small clod of earth or pluck it from the mother plant and plant it in a separate container.

Soil selection

The money tree grows well in any soil. You can buy ready-made soil in the store. Any universal land will do. the best option- a mixture for cacti and succulents.

must have the following properties:

  • loose, lightweight, porous;
  • slightly sour, close to neutral (ph 6.3-6.8);
  • should not contain water-retaining components such as peat, moss.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made soil, then it is easy to do it yourself.

This will require:

  • sod land (1 part);
  • calcined coarse sand (1 part);
  • sheet land (3 parts);
  • a handful of humus, broken brick, ash.

Mix all components thoroughly.

In which pot to plant the Money Tree?

Housewives who begin to transplant a tree sprout ask themselves the question - in which pot to transplant it?

Young fat women on initial stage development is planted in small pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. They can be both ceramic and plastic. As it develops, the trunk thickens, and the green ground part grows.

The root system of the Money Tree is shallow, and the crown is massive, therefore, when choosing a pot, it is important to provide the plant with resistance. A plastic pot for a large bush is not the best option, it is too light and can tip over.

From the age of 3, low, wide pots made of clay or ceramics are most suitable. These containers are heavy enough to support a powerful plant. The roots breathe better in them, excess moisture does not stagnate, evaporates through the pores. The diameter of the pot should be approximately the same as the diameter of the crown.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they gave more harvest than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilization, and this feeding increases the amount of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result. "

When to plant Fatty Woman?

In autumn and winter, the growth of the money tree slows down, it "goes into hibernation."Therefore, January and February are not the most best months for planting.IN Natural processes of life begin to intensify, and from the end of April to August it can be planted in the soil.

Folk signs give great importance fit according to lunar calendar... This affects the survival rate, rooting and development of the plant. After the new moon, there are favorable days for planting. In the early morning on the "growing" moon, the Fatty Woman is planted in the ground.

How to Plant a Money Tree?

The money tree is usually planted in a separate pot, gradually forming the trunk and crown. For creating original compositions sometimes several trunks are placed in one wide container.

The main thing is to place them at such a distance so that the roots do not intertwine, and during the formation process, cut the branches so that they do not interfere with each other.

When landing, you must observe certain rules:

How to plant a money tree in feng shui?

In order for the Money Tree to endow its owner with wealth, Feng Shui rules prescribe a special planting ritual that attracts the energy of money.

For this you need:

How to take care of the Money Tree to attract money?

The Money Tree must be carefully looked after, it is necessary to talk to it, decorate it. Then this living talisman will thank its owner. If the flower looks healthy, it means that soon the material condition of the house will begin to improve.

Here are some guidelines for grooming:

  • The tree should grow in a calm, welcoming environment.
  • You need to take care of him with pleasure and love. Do not entrust care to anyone, the plant should know one owner to whom it owes its life and whom it should thank.
  • You need to talk to him, ask for help to increase well-being, turn in different parts to the light.
  • The room should be clean and quiet. There should be no rubbish, garbage, unnecessary things near the Fat Woman.
  • From the leaves you need to regularly wipe the dust with a damp cloth, this allows energy to circulate better.
  • Don't put the Money Tree next to the cactus... This thorny guard will not let any energies into its territory, even those that promise wealth.
  • When it grows up, decorate its branches with oriental coins with holes, in which a red ribbon is threaded, with beads, beads. You can also put paper money, but not twisted, but new and straightened ones.
  • Do not place near water, such as an aquarium... Water extinguishes the fiery energy of money.
  • When the money starts coming in near the tree you need to put a dragon that protects well-being.

Money tree transplant

Over time, the pot in which the Money Tree grows becomes cramped for roots, the soil becomes impoverished, loses nutrients and there is a need for replanting. The first three years of intense growth are needed every year. After three years - every 3 years.

If the Money Tree was bought in a store and is in a shipping container, then transplant it 2-3 weeks after purchase. During this time, it adapts to new conditions, microclimate, illumination and easily transfers the transplant to a stationary container.

The transplant pot should not be too large. In a disproportionate capacity, the root system will develop to the detriment of the ground part. It is advisable to transplant into a pot that is 2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. You need to do this in spring or summer, when the plant is in an active phase of development.

Instructions on how to transplant the Money Tree:

Particular attention should be paid to transplanting the Big Money Tree. This is done by the transshipment method, keeping the earthen lump as much as possible. Large branches are supported to avoid damage. The stems and leaves of the Tolstyanka are fragile, so you need to handle it very carefully.

What if the Money Tree is broken?

A sprout that is too large should not be torn off, because the tree itself can be damaged. If you are afraid to apply grass to the fat woman after a break, the place where the tree broke should be sprinkled with charcoal.

In addition, it is imperative to observe all the conditions for planting a plant so that the tree will necessarily take root and contribute to the improvement of the well-being of its owner.

Planting and growing a Money Tree is easy and everyone can do it. You just need to know certain rules, rituals and follow them. Then it will bring material stability to its owner, delight with its appearance and decorate the interior of any room.

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