Hardening of children up to a year with air (air baths). How to start hardening a child with air baths Types of air baths

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

From the moment of birth, the baby is not an absolutely helpless and defenseless creature. Nature has endowed the child's body with all sorts of protective mechanisms, for example, thermoregulation, thanks to which he is able to avoid both overheating and hypothermia. All this is provided for in the physiology of the crumbs so that, having got into a new environment with living conditions that differ from those in which he grew up while he was in his mother's stomach, he could exist and develop normally.

An important ability of a newborn baby is thermoregulation.

If, however, you constantly create conditions for the child that resemble greenhouse ones, then over time, the innate protective functions will simply cease to function as unnecessary. Such excessive and irrational care can lead to the fact that any, even the most insignificant, draft will become dangerous for the little one.

It is at an early age that the body's endurance and resistance to regularly changing environmental conditions are laid down. For these purposes, it is necessary to harden the crumbs with the help of water procedures, air and sunbathing. This method will not only prevent the defense mechanisms from atrophying, but will also strengthen them.

Basic principles of hardening

Before you start hardening your baby, you need to find out the basic principles of this process. This is important so that the hardening procedures give a stable positive result, and not, on the contrary, negatively affect the health of the crumbs. Hardening will be effective if the following rules are observed:

  1. Systematic and regular. The child should be hardened constantly, regardless of seasonal conditions, without taking long breaks in the process. It is desirable that they become an integral part of the crumbs' life routine along with sleeping, washing, walking and playing. When the baby gets used to them, and this does not take much time, they will take on the character of ordinary everyday activities.
  2. Consistency and continuity. It is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the procedures and consistently, not abruptly, lower the air temperature during the hardening process. This rule is paramount for young children and those who have a weakened body.
  3. Age and individual characteristics. When carrying out hardening, it is always worth considering physical state and the age of the child. Special care should be taken when hardening weaker children, but you need to deal with them in such procedures in without fail. In case of illness, it is necessary to find out from the doctor which of the procedures can be continued with at least a lower impact force. However, if it is necessary to stop hardening until the moment of complete recovery, at the end of the disease, the procedure will have to be started from the very beginning.
  4. Good mood of the little one and freedom of movement. Hardening procedures will not bring the desired effect and will rather be useless if carried out with a crying and restless child. The baby should not be afraid of the hardening process.
  5. Monitoring the condition of the arms, legs and nose of the baby before and at the time of hardening. They must be and remain warm. Severe hypothermia due to cool air can adversely affect the children's body.

Air baths should be done regularly, while you need to monitor the condition of the crumbs

air hardening

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Air hardening procedures are very simple and do not require special knowledge, skills and devices. The only thing that is required from parents is their time and desire to lay good foundation in the health of your child. It is also useful to know how to harden correctly and how much in duration and frequency to carry out specific procedures. There are three main methods of air hardening. It:

  • ventilation;
  • walks in the open air;
  • air and sunbathing.

Room ventilation

The simplest way of air hardening, which does not require the participation of a newborn, is airing. Best effect gives a through method. To do this, open windows and doors in a ventilated room. Thus, the room will circulate the air that has entered it from the street. Naturally, during this period the child should not be there. Only after the room is filled with freshness, and the air temperature in it drops by 1-2 degrees, you can bring the baby back in after closing the windows. There is no need to change into warmer clothes after airing.

Ventilation is a mandatory daily condition for keeping a child in the house. This event will not only reduce the temperature in the room, but also saturate the air with moisture, which is so necessary for the child to breathe.

When it is cold outside, the ventilation procedure should be carried out every day 4-5 times for 10-15 minutes. During the summer season, the windows in the house must be open all the time.

Pediatricians recommend maintaining the temperature in the room where the newborn is most time, within 18-22 degrees Celsius. According to research, higher room temperatures affect the rate of growth and development of crumbs.

Walks in the open air

The more outdoors open sky- all the better. AT summer time year on the street you can sleep, feed, play, exercise and so on. However, you need to walk not only in summer, but also at any time of the year. It is important to dress your child appropriately for the weather, but try not to wrap them up too much.

After discharge from the hospital, all mothers are concerned about the issue related to walks, namely when you can go out for a walk with a newborn and how long the walks should last. If the air temperature outside does not drop below minus 5 degrees Celsius, then a baby at the age of 2-3 weeks can be safely taken out for a walk. The first walk should not last more than 10-15 minutes. Gradually, this time should be increased and brought up to 1.5-2 hours. It is advisable to walk at least 2 times a day. When it is warm, the number of walks can be more, and their duration varies from 2 to 2.5 hours. You can walk between feedings both during the period of wakefulness and go to sleep for the baby. In principle, up to 1.5 years, it is preferable to spend a child's daytime sleep in the fresh air.

As for the correct dressing of a newborn on the street, there are a number of signs by which it is easy to understand that the child is comfortable in the clothes that he is wearing. He:

  • fast asleep;
  • falls asleep easily and quickly;
  • breathes evenly;
  • does not sweat;
  • him pink color faces and warm limbs.

Walking with a child should be arranged as often as possible, while it is important to select the necessary clothes that are comfortable for the baby.

In case of severe hypothermia, restless sleep is observed, the nose and limbs become cold, and the face acquires a blue tint. Overheating is similarly characterized by restless sleep, plus the baby's forehead sweats and the skin becomes wet. It is also important that during walks the baby is more in the shade and well protected from the wind.

Air baths - this is the child being naked indoors or outdoors for some time. Procedures of this kind are useful for the body in that they:

  • increase the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases, especially infections that affect the respiratory organs;
  • contribute to the fact that the process of thermoregulation is normalized in babies;
  • prevent inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • improve the condition nervous systems s, the baby becomes more calm;
  • increase the absorption and saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • induce good appetite and sound sleep.

To arrange room air baths with a newborn should begin after 2-3 weeks after his birth. It is also important to follow certain rules, namely:

  1. In the first month of life, air baths consist in swaddling, that is, when changing diapers, you can leave a naked baby to lie for 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this 2-3 times daily.
  2. At 1.5 months, hardening can be combined with gymnastics and massage, while gradually lowering the temperature to 18-20 degrees.
  3. For 6 months, the time of procedures should be increased to 10 minutes, conducting them 2 times a day. You can start with 3 minutes and add a minute every day.
  4. It is important not to overcool the baby in the process. When the first signs of hypothermia appear in the form of goosebumps, you need to immediately put on the crumbs and reduce the duration of the procedures in the future (we recommend reading:). If sleep and appetite are disturbed, it is worth stopping for a period air baths.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning, before the sun bakes too much.

In summer time perfect option- this is a combination of air baths with solar. If the latter are carried out correctly, they will have a very beneficial effect on the body. The benefits of exposure to ultraviolet rays include:

  • death of pathogenic microbes;
  • improved metabolism and absorption of nutrients;
  • improvement quality composition blood;
  • increase resistance to various diseases, in particular rickets.

It is important to know the measure in the use of sunbathing, so as not to harm the baby. Ideal Age to start such procedures - 1 year, although you can start doing them as early as six months.

Hardening by the sun should be carried out in the morning from 9.00 to 11.00 or after 16.00. During these hours the child will receive maximum amount ultraviolet radiation with minimal heat exposure. You can spend sunbathing when the thermometer shows more than 13-20 degrees in the shade. The first procedures should last about 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to bring the duration to 5-10 minutes, increasing it by 1 minute every two days.

Hardening the baby in the sun, it is important to protect it. To protect his eyes, he should wear a hat with a large brim. Also, it is necessary to start the procedures only half an hour after eating, and after they are finished, you can pour water over the baby with a temperature of 28-32 ° C. It is also worth considering the fact that children with red and blond hair are more sensitive to the sun and they overheat faster.

Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists in a dosed effect of air on a naked body, protected from direct solar radiation.

At the same time, metabolism improves, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background calms down and normalizes, irritability decreases, appetite and sleep improve, mood rises and vigor is added. Arterial pressure normalizes, accelerates blood flow, improves heart function and activity respiratory system. Protective capabilities increase and hardening of the body occurs, the risk of diseases decreases. Skin tone, color and structure are improved. Among other things, breathing in clean fresh air is in itself an incomparable joy and pleasure.
"You need to start air baths in the warm season, in summer. In the cold season, start taking air baths at home in a pre-ventilated room. As you harden, this procedure can be transferred to the street. "The optimal time for taking air baths is in the morning before or after light breakfast or in the evening before dinner.If you want to take an air bath in the afternoon, then you need to do this an hour or two after dinner.
Leave on a minimum of clothes - a swimsuit, a topic with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will give a partial effect, it is better to stay naked at all. You should undress quickly so that the air bath affects the entire surface of the naked body at once and causes a quick energetic reaction of the body. Now sit down and just relax or read. If there is no time, then combine taking an air bath with doing household chores.
» An air bath should be a pleasure. The main thing here is well-being. Its duration depends on the air temperature and health status. "For healthy person optimum temperature air - 15-20. Weak people should start with three minutes. For hardening, it is enough to increase the duration of the bath by 5-10 minutes from time to time. The average duration of an air bath at a comfortable air temperature is half an hour.
Take air baths as often as possible during the day. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day. It is impossible to allow a feeling of chilliness, the appearance of "goosebumps". If you feel that you are freezing, get dressed immediately and take a few exercise. In order not to be afraid of freezing, it is good to combine air baths with walking, running, gymnastic exercises, sports games.
Of course, the best air baths are where there is none. industrial enterprises: near the forest, the sea or in the mountains. The ionized air of green areas is enriched with phytoncides - volatile ether compounds. In addition to a beneficial effect on the pulmonary system, phytoncides heal the heart, blood vessels, improve metabolism and tissue respiration, and have antimicrobial properties. Sea air enhances the absorption of ozone by the body, increases the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, stimulates mental and physical performance, improves sleep and appetite, and activates the immune system.
There are many tempering procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear overly warm clothes and expose your skin often. Sleep with the window open. Make it a rule, if the weather is good, to keep the windows open around the clock. In rainy or cold weather, ventilate the room at least three times a day.

You have probably noticed how fatigue disappears in the fresh air, vivacity and cheerfulness appear, therefore, as soon as a free minute is issued, hurry for a walk in the forest or in the park. This is your air baths. It turns out that such walks can be made even more useful! How, we will tell further ...

Turning ordinary walks into useful ones air baths

Do you have an earache from city noise and dizzy from polluted air? Go for a walk in the forest, despite the air temperature, and use the thermometer outside your window to good use!

Air baths so soft way hardening that I recommend them even to newborns.

It is best to start air baths in summer. To do this, it is enough to take a walk in light clothes on a cool morning so that the skin feels “chill”. But this does not mean that you should freeze and get sick. Undress gradually so that the body painlessly gets used to the temperature.

What you need to know about air baths

Air baths are general and partial. If you are completely naked in the fresh air, then this is a general air bath, if you expose only your legs and torso, then it is partial.

Also, baths are lukewarm, cool and cold - depending on the temperature. Warm - more than 22 degrees, cool - 17-20 degrees, cold - less than 16 degrees.

Bath Rules

  1. It is best to take a "bath" in motion and take off your clothes very quickly. As soon as you feel chills, get dressed immediately.
  2. After the procedure, put on clothes slightly warmer than what you usually wear in such weather, and lie down on a hard surface with a pillow under your head.
  3. Under no circumstances should you sweat.
  4. The best time for baths is right after sunrise or at least before 10 am.
  5. Take baths for a month every day, then give the body three days of rest. Follow this plan for up to three months.
  6. With a diseased liver and diseases of other internal organs, baths can be taken longer.
  7. Start baths at 15-20 degrees, being in the air for up to 30 minutes. Add 10 minutes every day until your time outside reaches two hours.
  8. Do not take "baths" in windy weather.

Nature itself invents medicines for your body. You just need to learn how to use them.

Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists in the dosed effect of air on a naked body, protected from direct solar radiation.
Life human body can be thought of as metabolism, and metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen. healing power fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances useful for the body. In addition, one of the main factors affecting a person is air temperature. The air layer between the body and clothing usually has a constant temperature of about 27-28 ° C, and as soon as the human body is freed from clothing, heat transfer immediately becomes more intense, and the skin begins to fully breathe.
Expose your body to air baths whenever possible. It's very simple and affordable way expose your skin useful influence oxygen.
At the same time, metabolism improves, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background calms down and normalizes, irritability decreases, appetite and sleep improve, mood rises and vigor is added. Blood pressure normalizes, blood flow accelerates, the work of the heart and the activity of the respiratory system improve. Protective capabilities increase and hardening of the body occurs, the risk of diseases decreases. Skin tone, color and structure are improved. Among other things, breathing in clean fresh air is in itself an incomparable joy and pleasure.
Unfortunately, the specificity of the modern lifestyle is such that most of us great amount time is spent in artificially created atmospheres, being influenced by both heating devices with their drying effect, and air conditioners. To top it off, the constant wearing of clothes does not allow the body to fully breathe, depriving the skin required amount outside oxygen. Therefore, whenever possible, try to get rid of clothes and take an air bath. After all, staying in the air has practically no contraindications.
It is best to take air baths in the open air and you need to start in the warm season, in summer. In the cold season, start taking air baths at home in a pre-ventilated area. As hardening, this procedure can be transferred to the street.
The optimal time for taking air baths is in the morning before or after a light breakfast or in the evening before dinner. If you want to take an air bath during the day, then you need to do this an hour or two after lunch.
Take off everything you can, leave only a minimum of clothes - a swimsuit, a top with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will give partial effect. It is much better, if the situation allows, to remain completely naked. You should undress quickly so that the air bath affects the entire surface of the naked body at once and causes a quick energetic reaction of the body.
Now sit down (better in a sun lounger in the shade of trees or under an awning) and just relax or read. If there is no time, then combine taking an air bath with doing the necessary household chores.
An air bath should be enjoyable. The main thing here is not time, but well-being. Its duration depends on the air temperature and the state of human health. For a healthy person, the optimal air temperature is 15-20 degrees. Weak people should start with three minutes. For hardening, it is enough to increase the duration of the bath by 5-10 minutes from time to time. The average duration of an air bath at a comfortable air temperature is half an hour. Take air baths as often as possible during the day. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day.
Regular air baths in the fresh air improve the tone, color and structure of the skin. At every opportunity, try to take off your clothes and let fresh air fan your body.
It is impossible to allow a feeling of chilliness, the appearance of "goosebumps". If you feel that you are freezing, get dressed immediately and get some exercise. In order not to be afraid of freezing, it is good to combine air baths with walking, running, gymnastic exercises, sports games. In this case, the air bath will be accompanied by muscular work and deep breathing.
Of course, the best air baths are where there are no industrial enterprises near the forests of the sea or in the mountains. The ionized air of green areas is enriched with phytoncides - volatile ethereal compounds produced by plants. In addition to a beneficial effect on the pulmonary system, phytoncides heal the heart, blood vessels, improve metabolism and tissue respiration, and have antimicrobial properties. Sea air, completely devoid of dust and saturated with negative ions, salts and ozone, enhances the absorption of ozone by the body, increases the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, stimulates mental and physical performance, improves sleep and appetite, and activates the immune system.
Of course, air procedures are not limited to being outdoors during the warm season. There are many tempering procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear overly warm clothes and expose your skin often. Sleep with the window open.
At home, try to wear clothes made from natural fibers. Fabrics made from natural fibers keep us warm in winter and, on the contrary, cool the body in hot summer, while synthetics are in disharmony with temperature. environment and has the opposite effect.
It is necessary if the weather is good to keep the windows open around the clock. In rainy or cold weather, ventilate the room at least three times a day. If it is possible to rest, sleep, eat outdoors - try to do so.

Since it is not as strong an irritant as solar radiation, then they can be assigned not only for incandescence, but also for various diseases as well as people of all ages.

Air baths are prescribed as a hardening agent for people who, due to the conditions of their work, are for a long time in insufficient light or in artificial light (working in dark rooms and "pr.); people long time who were in unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as anyone who needs to raise the overall tone of the body and enhance vital processes. They are prescribed for general weakness, exhaustion, after infectious diseases, for blood diseases, especially for anemia and chlorosis, chronic malaria, scurvy, mercury and lead poisoning; in some forms of skin disease, which depend on its reduced resistance to infection, etc.

Air baths precede sunbathing in patients with chronic, sluggish tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands, bones and joints; in people predisposed to tuberculosis, with symptoms of anemia, general weakness; in patients with subsiding stationary, sluggish pulmonary tuberculosis, in a state of stable compensation.

Air baths have a positive effect on patients with diseases associated with metabolism - rickets, gout, obesity, as well as ori nervous diseases, especially with functional neuroses.
Air baths permissible in a number of women's diseases, in diseases of the locomotor apparatus, heart and kidneys.

AT everyone case requires strict consideration of meteorological factors, strict individualization of patients and their selection in accordance with the clinical (manifestations of each disease.

Contraindications for the appointment of air baths are: pronounced general weakness and exhaustion; acute forms of lung disease, all acute infectious diseases, especially purulent and inflammatory processes; severe decompensated valvular heart disease, significant aortic aneurysms, some diseases of the brain and spinal cord etc.

Indications and contraindications for independent warm air baths for internal diseases, except for tuberculosis, the same as for sunbathing, and in cases where sunbathing is difficult to tolerate, they are often replaced by warm air baths.

Indications and contraindications both indications and contraindications for sea bathing and for water procedures generally.

Air baths during hardening must be controlled in accordance with certain rules. If a whole team is subjected to hardening, then the leader should check the pulse of everyone before starting to take baths. For those who take baths for the first time, it is necessary to measure the pulse during the air bath, as well as after it. An increase in heart rate by more than 30 beats serves as a signal to end the session.

The skin must also be controlled.. Even before the subjective sensation of chills, elevations may appear on it (“ goose pimples”), and then chills and trembling are felt. And in such cases, energetic movements are recommended: a quick step, jogging, rubbing the skin, etc. If the sensation of chills does not go away, the bath is stopped.

extremely important trace the influence of air baths not only during their reception, but also after the termination of the course. For this purpose, the following exemplary polling scheme can be used. The same scheme can be used for other procedures (when hardening with water, sunlight).

1. Cheerful, calm, even.
2. Changeable, unstable.
3. Depressed, irritable.

1. Feeling of cheerfulness, strength, health.
2. Temporary weakness, weakness.
3. Constant weakness, weakness.

1. Normal feeling of fatigue.
2. Increased fatigue.
3. Weakness, irritability, distraction.

1. Healthy, normal.
2. Changeable, capricious.
3. Constantly bad.

1. Healthy, refreshing.
2. Intermittent, little refreshing.
3. Anxious, after waking up in the morning - weakness.

pathological sensations.
1. Not tested.
2. At times headaches, dizziness, pain in the region of the heart, a feeling of tightness in the chest.
3. Constant significant pain, discomfort.
This scheme can serve self-control. Other measures of a control nature include accounting for respiratory excursion and blood pressure.

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