When is the best time to sunbathe? How to take sunbathing, how are they useful? How to choose the right sunscreen

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

Summer, probably, everyone associates with the sea, warmth and, of course, the sun. From childhood we are taught that sunbathing harm the body. Of course, it is impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet radiation can really do much harm. But in moderation, the sun not only does not harm, but can also provide the body with invaluable benefits!

Actually useful properties at sun rays enough:

  1. Under the action of the sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a well-conducted course of solar procedures, a person develops.
  2. Useful and even moderate tan. Under a layer of pigment in the body accumulates internal energy which helps to resist various diseases.
  3. Sunbathing is the main source of extremely beneficial vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The sun contributes to the production of serotonin - the so-called.
  5. Even after a short exposure to the sun, a kind of enlightenment occurs in a person - the brain begins to work more actively, efficiency increases noticeably, memory improves.
  6. Experts also point out that the sunbathing promotes weight loss. Under the influence of sunlight gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, respectively, while fats are broken down faster than usual and proteins are absorbed.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

Scientists have conducted many experiments, studying how the sun affects the body, and how to get the most out of contact with it. So, one of the experiments showed that people sunbathing in the morning hours (from 8.00 to 12.00), the body mass index is significantly lower than that of those who did not deny themselves the pleasure of soaking up the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for the summer. In autumn and spring, the sun is less active and aggressive, so you can safely sunbathe even at lunchtime.

The very first sunbathing procedure should last no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which you should spend several minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of the procedures gradually - by five minutes a day. Sunbathe alternately on the stomach, then on the back. It is advisable to cover your head during procedures.

This question seems to be strange. But in fact, knowing what time is best to sunbathe, you can get a much more even, lasting and attractive tan. Otherwise, the chocolate shade will come off very soon, or even worse - painful burns will appear on the body, and the burnt skin will subsequently peel off in a layer.

What is the best time of the year to sunbathe?

It's another one interest Ask. But if you figure out how to sunbathe properly, it becomes clear that in reality there is nothing strange about it. The point is that in ideal prepare for the beach season should be in advance. That is, in order to start thinking about what time it is better to sunbathe in June, it is advisable to take sunbaths in May or even at the end of April. It will be good for the skin, and on the beach you won’t have to feel like a black sheep (in every sense of the word).

In the spring, the rays are very soft and it is rather difficult for them to harm the skin. But they will be able to perfectly prepare the epidermis for an intense tan. Before the start of summer, it is recommended to walk as much as possible in the open sun or spend several sessions in. At first, let only the hands and face burn. A little later, if the weather allows, you can afford to undress to a swimsuit. It is not necessary to lie under the sun. On the contrary, it is much better to sunbathe during active sports - playing tennis or volleyball, running.

At what time of day it is better to sunbathe in the spring, it is difficult to say. Many people prefer sunbathing with morning exercises. And it’s not scary if it can’t be done on the street. Open the window on the balcony and work out here. Of course, this is less efficient, but still.

When is the best time to sunbathe at sea?

At local resorts, you need to sunbathe in the morning and in the evening, and the most “dangerous” sun is from 11 am to 5 pm. This period of time is better to sit out somewhere in the shade. And do not rely on beach outfits to protect you from. Lightweight fabric allows enough UV light to pass through.

What time of the day is best to sunbathe on the beaches of hot countries? About the same. But you can't spend too much time in the sun at once. On the first day, solar procedures should generally last no more than five minutes. Every day the time spent in the open sun increases.

Do not forget that while swimming, the tan is also taken. Moreover, it happens much faster. Water refracts the sun's rays, so many of the vacationers burn out while swimming.

How to get an even and lasting tan?

To get an attractive tan, you need not only to know what time is best to sunbathe. You should also follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before going out into the open sun, it is undesirable to use body cosmetics, splash with toilet water or perfume.
  2. Be sure to use protective body creams.
  3. When sunbathing, the position should be changed every ten minutes.
  4. Immediately after returning from the beach, you should rinse in the shower and apply some kind of moisturizer to the epidermis.
  5. When you get out of the water, do not dry yourself with a towel. Droplets of water contribute to a faster tan. But be careful: this makes it much easier to get burned.

Few people believe this, but the diet during the beach season also affects the quality of the tan. The skin is more likely to turn chocolate if eaten:

It is very useful to drink a complex of vitamins before going to the sea, which must necessarily contain ascorbic acid.

22-10-2012, 13:25


There are attempts in many circles to convince everyone that sunbath- this is a complex and extremely risky procedure that can only be used by a person technically trained in the laboratory or a doctor. When reading an ordinary book on sunbathing, one definitely gets the impression that sunbathing is difficult and also very dangerous. There are so many warnings and so many procedural details to follow, so many times and conditions for avoiding sunbathing, that it's very easy to give it all up in disgust and forget about sunbathing altogether. But there are many claims with commercial overtones. Anyone with enough common sense to be able to sleep, exercise and breathe fresh air can take a sunbath. This bath is as natural as the named treatments.. The ritual used by Dr. Rollier and the other doctors does not make sense. They start by exposing one leg for a few days, then the other, then both legs, then the thigh, then the abdomen, chest, and finally the back. All this ceremony is unnecessary. In my opinion, Rollier is too cautious at the beginning of sunbathing and delays the process after the patient has acquired a good tan.

A few simple precautions must be observed when sunbathing, and anyone of average intelligence can understand and apply them. For those who have never sunbathed, the following are especially needed: precautions.

Sunbathing is completely different from the common practice of enjoying fresh air. Taking a sunbath without clothes. Care must be taken not to burn the body. The rule should be "better too little than too much". Blondes and redheads should be more careful than brunettes and dark-skinned races.

It is necessary to start a sunbath with exposure of the whole body from six to ten minutes daily and gradually increase the time of exposure from half an hour to an hour or more, even up to three to four hours. But time increase slowly. Expose the front exposed part of the body to the sun for three to five minutes, then the exposed back side of the body for three to five minutes. Increase the time each side is in the sun by one minute daily and up to half an hour for each side of the body. Although I often find even this pace too fast and have to slow it down considerably, I don't think it should be scrupulously followed by healthy and active people.

A person lying in a solarium can more easily abuse a sunbath than someone who is messing around on the beach. I also believe that there is more benefit from exposing the back to the sun than the stomach, I cannot prove this now, this is my personal theory.

All you need is natural protection.

Usually strongly insist on sun protection of the head and eyes. But this is bad advice. A person does not need glasses and caps just like animals. Sunlight is very beneficial for hair and eyes. It has always amused me to hear sunbathers recommend covering their heads and then hear from them about the amazing results of hair growth from UV radiation. It is well known that sunlight enhances hair growth, and more head exposure can easily reduce the number of bald people through similar baldness prevention. I've been bareheaded for over fifty years in most of Texas under the tropical sun and it doesn't hurt me today. My patients do not cover their heads while sunbathing without being harmed by it. The eyes also benefit from light, and harm from too much darkness. It has been found that in poor eyesight, looking directly into the sun is of great benefit. Fish found in dark water caves are always blind. Mules working in underground mines have a great visual impairment, which mules working on the surface of the earth do not have. Men working underground and children living in dark cellars are always very sensitive to light. Both need sunlight, and prescription of dark glasses and goggles can only worsen their condition. But this is exactly what doctors and ophthalmologists constantly do, who are constant only in one constancy - to approach everything is wrong. Dr. R. A. Richardson wrote in Psychology (1929): “During my recent trip to Africa, I took the opportunity to find out whether cataracts and blindness, often observed there, are caused by intense sunlight and heat, as I've been told before. To my surprise, I found that the people blinded by cataracts were from among those who worked not in the open air, but in the small shops and bazaars of Tunisia. When questioned, I concluded that the cause of their eye disorder was an excessive infatuation with proteins, sugars, starches, nicotine and coffee.

The eyes themselves are not sensitive to light, eyelashes are sensitive to light, which causes them to close when strong sunlight falls on them. Of course, they close to protect the eyes, and we should fully appreciate the significance of this fact by opening our eyes to the light. This is the only cover required for eyes in the sun. Sunglasses for "eye protection" are absurd. In fact, they make the eyes more sensitive to light and damage vision. Squinting is not necessary and no goggles are needed to prevent it. You can look directly at the sun in the afternoon without squinting. The development of wrinkles around the eyes is an indicator of thoughtlessness. Any need for glasses and creams will disappear if you just stop squinting. Squinting doesn't do any good.

With regard to sunbathing, there is an objection to the so-called "drying damage" that is allegedly done to the skin. But this is a consequence of overheating in the sun. rather than sunbathing, if reasonably taken. This is where you can expect the manufacturers of lotions and "natural ointments" to emphasize the vices of "overdoing" by not distinguishing between the abuse of sunlight and its proper use to sell their wares.

But doctors should know better. Facial lubrication creams, lotions and ointments are completely unnecessary for those who have enough intelligence to behave correctly. There is no need to lubricate the skin to prevent dry skin. Dry skin indicates overexposure to the sun. Body lubrication olive oil before sunbathing prevents some of the ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and is therefore not recommended. This seems to be a very old practice, since in ancient times baths with ointments were taken. If sunbathing is taken correctly, then there is no need to lubricate the skin with ointment after it. Excessive sun exposure makes the skin dry and flaky. If you don't get carried away with sunbathing too much, it will leave the skin soft and properly lubricated with its own fatty secretion. If "protective" doses were really as effective as they say, they would interfere with the benefits of sunburn. There is no excuse for being in the sun for so long that the skin becomes dry and hard. Why abuse what we do? An intelligent person does not need any ointment to replace natural lubrication, for he has no guilt for the abuse of excessive exposure of his skin to the sun. The purpose of sunbathing is not to see how much you can burn yourself and even more so become black from a tan, but to supply your body with the right amount sunlight. They also object that sunburn destroys the fine structure of the skin. But what has this objection to do with intelligent sunbathing? It's stupid to get sunburned. There is no reason to let yourself get burned while sunbathing. Due care regarding the duration of the sunbath will always prevent burns. Man of sense will tan gradually and will always avoid burns by all means. Only stupid girls stay in the sun so long that they destroy their skin. Others will change the ointment offered for sunburn for reason. People who can't sunbathe without getting burned belong to the same category of people who can't eat without overeating. They are out of control and without self-discipline. They tend to abuse everything.

Sunbathing is the effect of sunlight on the skin during relaxation. Usually sunbathing is carried out on the beach, lying on a sunbed or sand. Sunbathing in another way can be called a gentle and soft tan. Sunbathing is good for the body, if you do not overdo it. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the composition of the blood improves (hemoglobin increases), the body's defenses strengthen, the work of the nervous and endocrine system as well as metabolism.

In reasonable doses, the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the skin, while blood vessels expand. Exposure to sunlight increases the amount of vitamin D in the body, which plays an important role in maintaining bone health.

Sunbathing activates the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Thus, sunbathing is useful for people with dry skin, which becomes more elastic.

Sunbathing, however, must be used in moderation or else will result in backfire(burns, sunstroke, headache).

Rules to follow

In order for sunbathing to benefit the body, some rules must be followed. You must remember that the most useful rays of the sun are useful to receive in the evening. It is advisable to avoid exposure to the sun between 12:00 and 16:00. In addition, it is important to observe the principle of gradualness. Always start small, i.e. from 10 - 15 minutes, then gradually extend the time to 1 - 2 hours. Longer exposure to the sun is not desirable.

Before sunbathing, it is necessary to apply sunscreen with an appropriate protective factor to the skin. If the sun is inactive, then the cream is not necessary.

During sunbathing, simultaneous reception occurs air baths(), which also bring no small health benefits. Air and sun baths effectively harden the body, have a beneficial effect on the skin. Air baths can be taken at home according to the Katsuzo Nishi method ().

Sunbathing benefits almost all people, they increase the absorption of calcium, iron, increase hemoglobin, immunity, promote the production of vitamin D3 in the skin. However, for fair-skinned people or people who live in temperate climate with little sunshine per year, active sunbathing can be detrimental. Such people are more vulnerable to the effects of sunlight. In addition, today more and more people talk about excessive amounts of solar radiation. Thus, while sunbathing, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to individual characteristics (skin color, pigmentation).

Experts recommend moving more while relaxing on the beach so that the rays of the sun envelop the body from all sides, and the tan lies more evenly. It is not recommended to lie under the scorching rays of the sun. People with sensitive skin should start sunbathing from 2 to 5 minutes, then extend the time to 1 hour.

Do not allow redness of the skin, burns. Even a slight reddening indicates that the dose of sunlight has been exceeded. It is contraindicated to sunbathe between 12:00 and 14:00, because. there is a high chance of getting sunburn and a high dose of radiation.

While in the sun, it is important not to forget to drink (non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks) to avoid dehydration (). It is also useful to take breaks during sunbathing, i.e. some time to be in the shade, or water.

To reduce skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays (hot countries), use creams with a high SPF factor. In addition, it is always necessary to protect your head from the sun with a hat.

Sunbathing is contraindicated for athletes before competitions, people with cardiovascular diseases, malignant and benign neoplasms.

Know the measure of sun tanning

The gentle rays of the sun promote health as well as well-being. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause negative changes in the skin: accelerated aging processes, allergic reactions, etc.

The negative effects of sunlight are cumulative. Human skin's defense mechanisms and its ability to repair damage caused by UV rays decline over the course of several years. The sun causes irreversible changes in our skin, which leads to its photoaging. In addition, the structural proteins of the skin (collagen, elastin) are destroyed, the lipid barrier, which protects the skin from drying out, decreases.

As a result of such changes, the skin becomes dry, rough, wrinkled, pigmented (). Studies confirm that intensive tanning accelerates skin aging by 6 months.

How to choose the right sunscreen?

Sunbathing should be done gradually, in addition, you need to choose the right sunscreen for yourself. The first days of exposure to the sun, the body develops protective mechanisms that protect the skin. Therefore, you should always start sunbathing from 5 to 15 minutes (the first day).

Before going to the beach, you should put on a sunscreen that suits your skin type. There is a total of IV phototype from which you should choose yours.

Phototype I- very high risk of sunburn - red hair, fair skin, freckles, blue, green eyes. SPF 40 should be used in the first days, then 30.

Phototype II- high risk of sunburn - bright blond, dark blond with fair skin, blue or green eyes. The first days it is recommended to use SPF 25, then 16.

Phototype III- average risk of sunburn - hair from dark blond to brown shades, eyes gray, brown. In the first days while sunbathing, it is recommended to use SPF 16, then 6.

Phototype IV- low risk of burns - light brown, brown, olive skin, black hair, Brown eyes. In the first days, it is recommended to use sunscreen SPF 10, then 3.

Sunscreen is recommended to be applied 20 minutes before sunbathing. Its effect, as a rule, depends on the amount of cream applied to the skin. Approximately 30 ml of cream, spread over the entire surface of the skin, will provide adequate protection. Remember that after water procedures(swimming in the sea) the protective activity of the cream is reduced by 50%. After swimming, sunscreen should be reapplied.

If you still get sunburn, then you should use folk ways pain relief. For example, vinegar + water, kefir, skim milk - prevent pain, treat sunburn. You can also use preparations with aloe extract, which soothe pain and do not contain any toxic substances which may also cause an allergic reaction.

Procedures involving the use healing properties air and radiant energy of the Sun for the purpose of healing and hardening. V. and s. v. form the basis of climatotherapy. They are an essential element a dignity. - hens. treatment. They can be used in everyday conditions (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Air baths. Fresh air affects the whole or partially naked body; the form of air baths is the so-called. verandah treatment, which consists in a long stay on open verandas; while patients are dressed in accordance with the season (in cold weather they use warm blankets sleeping bags). Freely moving air during air baths, irritating the nerve endings of the skin, improves breathing and oxygen saturation of the blood. At the same time, the intensity of oxidative processes increases and the muscular and nervous systems are toned, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained; appetite increases, sleep improves. Especially useful air baths in areas where the air contains an increased amount of oxygen, it is saturated sea ​​salts, light air ions, etc.

Air baths are prescribed by a doctor. They are recommended to strengthen the body, especially for children, increase resistance to adverse effects. environment(see. Hardening of the body), as well as in a number of diseases, in particular in tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs, with anemia, with functional diseases nervous system, certain cardiovascular diseases, etc. Contraindications: acute febrile illnesses, exacerbations of rheumatism, chronic. inflammatory diseases of the joints, neuritis and myositis.

Air baths can be warm (t° above 22°), cool (*° 17-20°) and cold (° below 17°). The course of air baths begins at an air temperature above 20 °; the duration of the procedures at first is 10-15 minutes, then they are increased daily by 10-15 minutes. and bring to 14 / g - 2 hours. Cool baths are first taken for 3-7 minutes, then their duration is increased daily by 3-5 minutes. and bring to 25-60 min. When taking air baths with an air temperature below 17 °, light physical exercises should be performed. exercises to avoid hypothermia. Cold air baths are recommended for trained people, their duration should not exceed 7-20 minutes. Air baths should not be taken until a feeling of chilliness or the appearance of " goose bumps". The time spent outdoors during veranda treatment is 2-3-6 hours, sometimes it is advisable to stay on the veranda around the clock.

Sunbathing. The composition of the sun's rays and their effect on the human body are heterogeneous. solar radiation consists of visible (light), as well as infrared and ultraviolet rays invisible to the eye. Light rays act Ch. arr. on the retina, causing color sensations necessary for the perception of the surrounding world. Infrared rays, penetrating into the tissues of the body and having a thermal effect, increase the temperature of the irradiated skin area. Ultraviolet rays have a complex biological action (see Sunburn).

Sunbathing is used as prescribed by a doctor for a number of diseases of the skin, joints, sciatica, neuritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, etc. respiratory tract etc. Sunbathing is contraindicated when acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic lung diseases, went. - kish. a path, etc. Solar baths can be general (irradiation of all body) and local (irradiation of a part of a body). When irradiated, it is used total radiation The sun, which is composed of direct exposure to sunlight, diffuse radiation (in the shade, without exposure to direct sunlight), reflected from the walls of the building, the surface of the earth, water, etc. Diffuse radiation (from the blue sky) contains less ultraviolet rays than straight, and is more forgiving. Exposure to the sun (direct radiation) of healthy adults begins with 5 minutes. and, gradually adding 5 minutes, bring to 40 minutes, taking into account general state, fitness and degree of hardening. With scattered radiation, baths are taken initially for 10 minutes, increasing the duration of the procedure to 1-2 hours. in warm weather. Sunbathing should be taken lying on a couch or sitting in a deck chair, exposing the sun different sides body. It is advisable to take an air bath before sunbathing. In case of direct radiation, it is necessary to cover your head with an umbrella or shield. To protect the eyes, dark glasses should be used (the mucous membrane of the eyes - the conjunctiva, which does not have a protective stratum corneum, is more sensitive to radiation than the skin, and its inflammation may occur). It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before and after meals. Finish the sunbath with a rest in the shade, after which you can swim or take a shower. Directly after swimming, sunbathing is not recommended. In people weakened after certain diseases, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays is increased. Often such hypersensitivity observed among northerners, people who are forced to spend most days in enclosed spaces, in adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and especially in young children.

Children should be especially careful when sunbathing. The head of the child must be protected by panama; when the heat sets in, children should not be immediately exposed: at first they should walk in shorts and light shirts, then in shorts and a T-shirt, and only then in shorts and panama. In order to prevent overheating and excessive ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to periodically alternate exposure with rest in the shade (see Toddler age, preschool age). Stronger action ultraviolet rays in the south, in the mountains. Northerners vacationing in the south should sunbathe in the morning, and it is better to start sunbathing in a sparse shade under a cellular canopy or on cloudy days when the ground reaches Ch. arr. scattered solar radiation. V middle lane and sowing areas the best time for sunbathing from 11 am to 1 pm. People aged 55-65 years are recommended exposure for no more than 20-30 minutes, people over 65 years of age should avoid exposure to direct sunlight. They are more useful air baths in the shade until 11 o'clock. in the morning or after 4-5 pm. Ultraviolet rays in a moderate dose cause an even skin tan.

Excessive exposure adversely affects the body, causing sunburn of the skin, sometimes with necrosis, heat stroke, irritability, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, fever, exacerbation of certain diseases. V. and s. v. take in summer time on the beaches, where special canopies are arranged over the trestle beds, in solariums, aerosolaria located in parks, on the banks of the river, reservoirs, on special verandas. V winter time in resorts for air baths, insulated climate pavilions are used, and for sunbathing - verandas covered with a special film that transmits ultraviolet rays. see also

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