§6 mixing colors. The combination of colors in the interior design when the surface covered is the surface begins to be treated at a certain distance, then all these color points are mixed in the eyes in a single color feeling.

The buildings 23.06.2020
The buildings

Optical mixing of flowers


86. J. SERE. The circus

but. Purple paint print

b. Writish yellow paint

in. Writish blue paint

g. Printing black paint

d. four-color writing

Mechanical mixing of flowers


§6 mixing colors

Visible in natural conditions of color, as a rule, are the result of mixing spectral colors.

There are three basic methods of mixing colors: optical, spatial and mechanical.

Optical mixing of flowers

Optical mixing of colors is based on the wave nature of light. It can be obtained with a very rapid rotation of the circle, the sectors of which are painted in the necessary colors.

Recall how you rotate the top in childhood and was surprised for the magic conversions of the color. Easy to make a special top for experiments on optical color mixing and conduct a series of experiments (see Ex. 11). You can make sure that the prism decomposes the white beam of light on the components - the color of the spectrum, and the top mixes these colors again into white.

In science "Color science" (color) color is considered as a physical phenomenon. Optical and spatial mixing of colors differ from mechanical mixing of their mix.

The main colors in optical mix - red, green and blue.

Basic colors with mechanical blunders - red, blue and yellow.

Additional colors (two chromatic colors) with optical mixing give a achromatic color (gray).

Remember how you were in the theater or circus and rejoiced by the festive mood that creates color lighting. If you carefully follow the three beams of the spotlights: red, blue and green, then it can be noted that as a result of the optical mixing of these rays, the white color will be obtained (Il. 84).

84. Optical Color Mix

You can also conduct such an experiment to receive a multi-color image by optical mixing colors: take three projectors, put color filters (red, blue, green) and, at the same time crossing these rays, get almost all colors on the white screen, just as well as In the circus.

The sections of the screen illuminated at the same time blue and green colors will be blue. When the blue and red emission is addition, it turns out a purple color on the screen, and the addition of green and red is completely unexpectedly formed.

3* Optics (from Greek. Optike is a science of visual perceptions), a section of physics in which the processes of radiation of light, its propagation in various media and the interaction of light with a substance.

85. Mechanical mixing of colors

Compare: if we mix paint, we get completely different colors (Il. 85).

Folding all three colored beams, we get white. If you set black and white slides in the projectors, you can try to make them colored using color rays. By doing this experience, it is difficult to believe that the variety of color shades can be achieved by mixing three rays: blue, green and red.

Of course, there are more complex devices for optical mixing colors, such as TV. Every day, including a color TV, you get an image on the screen with many shades of color, and it is based on the mixture of red, green and blue emissions.

Spatial mixing of flowers

86. J. SERE. The circus

The spatial mixing of colors is obtained, if you look at some distance to small, concerning each other color spots. These stains are alive in one solid spot that will have a color derived from mixing color small sections.

The merging of colors is explained by the light scattering, the characteristics of the structure of the human eye and occurs according to the rules of optical mixing.

The patterns of spatial mixing of flowers are important to take into account the artist when creating any picture, since it will be considered necessarily from a certain distance. It is especially necessary to remember the possible effects of mixing colors in space when performing significant picturesque works designed for perception from a long distance.

This color property was perfectly used in their work artists-Impressionists, especially those that used the technique of a separate smear and wrote small colored spots, which even gave the name to a whole direction in painting - Pointelism (from the French word "Pointe" - point).

When viewed by the picture from a certain distance, small multicolored strokes are visually merged and cause a feeling of one color.

87. Paul Signac. Papal Palace in Avignon

88. J. Point. Girl closed on the balcony

An interesting experiment on the decomposition of color to the components was carried out by an artist Giacomo Ball. Not only color, but also movement, he decomposed into the components of its phases, using the principle of consistent fixation of the movement, as when performing the instant photo. As a result, the amazing picture of the "Girl closing to the balcony" (Il. 88) was born, which only during consideration was published on the basis of the spatially optical mixing of colors reveals the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

On spatial mixing of colors is based on obtaining images of various color shades in printing when printing with raster forms. When viewed from a certain distance, areas formed by small differentiferous dots, you do not distinguish their colors, and see the color of spatially mixed.

All color reproductions in this book and in many others are printed using flowering on three main colors (purple, yellow and blue); During printing, these colors are mixed through consistent overlapping them (mechanical mixing). The black color is added as a contour or as needed, and unatainted white paper gives the effect of white. If you look at an enlarged fragment of four-color prints from a close and long distance, you can clearly observe the effects of mechanical and spatial mixing of colors.

89. Stages of print illustration in printing

but. Purple paint print

b. Writish yellow paint

in. Writish blue paint

g. Printing black paint

d. four-color writing

90. Increased fragment of four-color prints

Mechanical mixing of flowers

The mechanical mixing of colors occurs when we mix paint, for example, on the palette, paper, canvas. Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish that the color and paint is not the same thing. Color has an optical (physical) nature, and the paint is chemical.

Flowers in nature are much larger than the paints in your set.

The color of the paints is much less saturated than the color of many objects. The brightest paint (bleel) is the lighter of the darkest (black) paint only 25-30 times. It seems that it would seem, an unresolved problem - to transfer all wealth and a variety of color ratios of nature with such scanty means in painting.

But the artists successfully solve this problem, using knowledge of the flower digital, choosing certain tonal and colorful relations.

In painting with various colors, depending on their combinations, one and the same color can be transferred and, on the contrary, one paint is different colors.

Interesting effects can be achieved if you add some black paint to each color (Il. 91).

Sometimes mechanical mixing of colors can be achieved by the results, similar to the optical mixing of colors, but, as a rule, they do not match.

A vivid example - mixing of all colors on the palette is not white, both in optical mix, and dirty gray, brown, brown or black.

91. An example of a mechanical mixing of colors with black paint

Consider the drawing with the dancing children and watch the color changes in fact if one transparent cloth is imposed on another.

92. Dancing children. Mix colors overlay

Some features of mixing and imposing photoluminescent and fluorescent paints.

Colors are divided by chromatic, i.e. color, and achromatic(white, blackand all gray).

Qualitative characteristics chromatic color - Color tone, lightlock, saturation.

Color tone Determines the name of the color: green, red, yellow, blue, etc.

Svetlota It characterizes how one or another chromatic color is lighter or darker than the other color or how much the color is close to white.

Saturation Colors characterizes the degree of distinction of chromatic color from equal in the lightness of the achromatic. The qualitative characteristic of the achromatic color will be only its lightlot.

Types of mixing paints

Colorists-artists engaged in airbrushing and professional painting in colorpaints They divide on "spectral", which make up solar color, and "simple" (hereinafter manage without quotes).

Simple Call such paints that cannot be made up of other colors, but from a mixture of simple paints, you can make all the rest.

Simple colors Three:

yellow - lemon yellow shade;

red - pink-red shade;

blue - Glaze blue shade.

In nature, there are two types of color mixing:slitual (additive) mix I. subtractive (subtractive) mixing.

First ( slitual ) Mixing is to summarize in one way or another method of light rays.

Four species described below additive mixing :

  • spatial mixing - characterized by simultaneous combination in the space of multi-colored light streams;

  • optical combination - perception by a person of some total color despite the fact that in reality, the components are divided into reality;

  • temporary mixing - observed with a rapid movement of different colors ( "Turntushka" Maxwell );

  • binocular mixing - This effect is created in the event that glasses with lenses of various colors are posted.

The main colors of additive mixing are blue, green and red.

Color mixing rules are quite simple:

  • when mixing two colors, which are located on the chord of the color circle (10-speed, including red, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, green-blue, blue, blue, purple and purple) color of intermediate color tone (as an example - when mixing red and green leaves yellow);

  • when mixing the opposite colors from this circle, the result is a sharm.

Essence of subtractive mixing It is that any colors are subtracted from the light flux (it takes place in cases of imposing translucent layers of various colors to each other, mixing them)

Naturally, in this case, there are its own rules for mixing colors, the main one says that any achromatic body (meaning the filter or paint) skips or reflects the rays of its color and absorbs the color that is optional to its own color.

Basic colorssubstractive mix - Yellow, red, blue.

In the color of the same, from the above, only three types of color mixing, give the opportunity to obtain the necessary color tone or shade:

1) getting the right colors and shades can be achieved mechanical , when mixing paints on the palette,

2) optically , when applying a thin layer of translucent paint over the dried, previously applied paint,

3) and the so-called spatial mixing which is one of the types of optical mixing.

Mechanical mixing alkyd, oil, automotive and nitra-paints of paints are always produced on a regular palette.

Mechanical mixing waterimulsional paints are produced on a white enamelled palette, on a faience plate, on a white plastic palette, on a glass with a glued white paper or just on white paper. Such a mixing makes it possible to get true colors of paints, broken with white palette background.
For the mechanical mixing of colors, the patterns of optical mixing of colors are unacceptable, as the result obtained during mechanical mixing of colors is often completely different than with the optical mixing of the same colors.


1) With optical mixing three spectral rays - red, blue and yellow - it turns out a white color, and for mechanical mixing The paints of the same colors are gray;

2) With optical mixing red, and blue light rays turns yellow, and for mechanical mixing two colors of the same colors dull-brown.

To achieve - the desired effect with optical mixture of paints Translucent paints are used, so-called fastener.

In the palette of luminescent paints These include transparent day: salad (yellow-green), Blue (or turquoise - blue-green), purple, Yellow, Snow Whole, Red(With daylight it has a slightly pinkish color).
In the palette Fluorescent paints, The overwhelming majority belongs to the lesing, having the ability when applied to paper or for the previously applied paint - to shine, breaking on paper or changing the tone.

The most typical species spatial mixing Polats is a "laid" painting, where dots or minor strokes located close to each other create the effect of an optical mixture of paints. It should be noted that in this principle of mixing colors built a mosaic technique, the set of which consists of pieces of colored glass - smalts.

For optical mixing flowers The following patterns are characteristic:

To anyone optically mixed chromatic color You can pick up another so-called supplemental chromatic color which is optically mixed with the first (in a certain proportion) gives achromatic color - Gray or white.

Mutually complementary colors in the spectrum are red and green and blue, orange and blue, yellow and blue, yellow and purple, green and purple.

In the colors circle, mutually complementary colors are on the opposite ends of its diameter.
Optical mixing of two uncompliant chromatic colors gives a new color tone, which in the color circle is always between the mixed , mischievable chromatic colors.

As a rule, the saturation of the color obtained as a result of the optical mixing of two uncomment colors will always be less than that of mixed colors. The farther from each other are in the color circle mixed flaws, or the closer the mixed colors are suitable for mutually complementary, the less saturated color of the mixture.

Practical lessons for mixing colors.

The principle of pigment mixing.

In order to penetrate the wealth of the color world, it would be nice to do several systematic packages for mixing colors among themselves. Based on the sensitivity to the color and from technical capabilities, for individual exercises, you can take a greater or less color to be mixed. Each color can be mixed with black, white or gray or with any other chromatic color. A huge number of new color formations arising when mixing forms the unwarked richness of the color world.

Stripes. At the two ends of the narrow band, we put any two colors and gradually begin to mix them. Differently from two source colors, we obtain the corresponding mixed tones, which in turn can be lighted or darkened.

Triangles. Each side of the equilateral triangle we are de-Lim on three equal parts and connect the points obtained by lines parallel to the sides of the triangle.

Thus, it turns out nine little triangles, in corner of which we put yellow, red and blue color, and consistently mix the Krasnaya with yellow, yellow with blue and red With blue, in a mixture of these mixes in triangles located between the corner. In each of the remaining triangles, we place a mixture of three Cea-Tov in contact with it. Such exercises can be carried out with other colors.

Squares. In four corners of the scheme consisting of 25 squares, in place white The black and bulk pair of additional colors is red and green, then proceed to mix colors. First, let's go from the initial bikes, then proceed to mix the tones on the diagonal, and finally, we will get the missing other chromatic tones here. Instead of black white Red and green can use two other pairs of up-to-full (complimentary) colors.

The color tones of the triangle and the square of us approach the closed single system of tones, which are related to each other.

Everyone who wants to study the possibility of mixing colors in more detail should try to mix each color with any other. To do this, a large square of 13 x 13 small squares should be sized.

At the same time, the first square in the upper row to the left is necessary to leave white.

In the squares of the top horizontal series Twelve colors of the color circle should be placed, starting with yellow, through Zhilto-Oran-Chew Before yellow-green.

In the squares of the first vertical row it is necessary to consistently give purple color and through blue-purple and blue come to kras-no-violet color.

Squares of the second horizontal row obtained thanks to the mixing of each color of the first horizontal row with purple color.

Squares of the Third Horizontal Row filled with a mixture of colors of the first horizontal row with sine-purple.

When each color of the first vertical series is mixed with the colors of the first horizontal series, then in the general scheme, the diagonal of gray tones will be clear from left to the right, for it is where additional tones are connected here.

After you perform a known number of exercises for mixing colors, you can go to a more accurate reproduction of the tones given to you. Samples of tonal solutions can be taken from nature, works of art or from any other artistically meaningful things.

The value of such exercises is that here you can check your color perception.It is clear that both in the finest technical processes of measurement and calculations often in the end turn out to be insufficient and the necessary result can be semi-chen only due to the thin flames of a particularly granted working, and in an artistic attitude of the color mixture and colorcomposition may be flawlessly fulfilled due to the high sensitivityartist to color.

Generally speaking, the perception of color corresponds to the subject-tivy taste. People who are particularly sensitive to blue color will distinguish many of his shades, in the time as shades of red, may be Major-Soothes. For this reason, it is very important to gain experience with the colors of the entire chromatic series, in connection with which "other people" for someone groups of colors will be able to be assessed in accordance with their advantages.

Some colors mix recipes

Required color

Instructions for mixing


White +. a little red


Red + black or brown

Royal Red

Red + Blue


Red + Yellow


Yellow + red


Yellow + Drop red


Yellow +. white for clarification, red or brown to get a dark shade

Pale green

Yellow + blue


Yellow + blue and green


Z. elena + yellow


Green + Yellow


Green + blue


Yellow + blue


Green + yellow and black


Blue + some green


White + blue

Maddlewood blue

White + blue and black drop

Royal blue

Blue + black and a drop of green

Dark blue

Blue + black and a drop of green


White + a little black


White + black, little blue

FROM rough brown

Yellow + red and blue, white for clarification, black for dark.


Red & Yellow + Blue and white for clarification

Golden brown

Yellow + Red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast


Yellow + red, black and a little green


Take brownand gradually add white before receiving beige color. Add yellow for brightness.

Not quite white

White + brown or black


White + drop of red or black


White + light gray plus a drop of blue


White + light gray plus a drop of green

Gray coal

White + black

Lemon Yellow

Yellow + white, some green

Light brown

Yellow + White, Black, Brown

Color of green fern

White + Green, Black and white

Forest greens

Green + black

Emerald green

Yellow + Green and White


Yellow + White and Green


White + Green and Black


Yellow + brown and black

Royal Purple

Red + blue and yellow

Dark purple

Red + blue and black


Red + Yellow and Brown

Mandarin, Orange

Yellow + red and brown


Red + brown and black


White + orange and brown

Color of red burgundy

Red + Brown, Black and Yellow


Blue + red


Red + White, Blue and Black


Yellow + red, black and white

Money color

White yellow and dark brown

Dark brown

Yellow + red, black and white


Black + white and red

Team of eggshell

White + yellow a little brown


Some features of the use of optical mixing in optoelectronics, printing and textile industry.

Main international systems of classification of colors and shades.

Besides outlined above principles of pigment mixing , there is also optical color mixing method . It is based on the fact that mixed clean colors with small strokes or dots are located next to each other.

When the surface is covered, the surface begins to be treated at a certain distance, then all these color points are mixed in the eyes into a single color feeling.

The advantage of this kind of mixing concludes that the color acting on our eyes is cleaner more clean and stronger.

The separation of the color surface on the elementary points-rasters is used in printing and, in private, in full-color offset printing, where all these points are combined in the eyes of those perceiving into solid color surfaces.


Why immediately "deception"? As you already know, the light is electromagnetic radiation, perceived by the retina receptors. In turn, the receptors are able to send nerve impulses into the brain and form a feeling there.

As it turned out, the receptors are three species, and each of them responds only to "their", defined d ... Lina waves corresponding to red, green or blue color.The addition of impulse intensities from each of their species in different proportions gives some intermediate color. White, For example, it is formed at the same time the same level of irritation of all three types.

The color is separated on the emitted and reflected.

With emitted, I think everything is clear - it enters the eye directly from the active source (lamps, fire).

But reflected is formed by absorbing the surface of the light waves dropped on it and the other reflection. So, in daylight, the object has white color,if it reflects the entire light falling on it, black - if all the light, on the contrary, absorbs, and the red - if absorbs the entire light stream, except for the component corresponding to the red color (it is reflected and falls on the retina of the eye).

The perception of color in all people is somewhat different. In order for at least somehow mathematically describe the color, in 1931 by the International Commission on Illumination (Cie - Commission International De L'EclaiRage) XYZ system has been developed, covering all colors and shades, which can only see a person. In the future, after improving XYZ, a color space model creates Cielab. :

on the axis up - an increase in the brightness of the color; From the axis A to the axis b along the perimeter of the circle - the change in color tone, and by radius - a change in color saturation and on its basis the color systems of R G B and C m y k. As a result Cielab. Allows you to separately operate with such characteristics as color, color tone, brightness, saturation.

It should be understood that the color system describes only some colors from the total color space. For example, change the brightness in R G B is impossible!

You probably obje: Like, in Photoshop. Easily increase image brightness. Yes, but not by building the components of R G B, since the initial colors of pixels are changed, and not evenly, but by the mathematical recalculation of the color R G B to the space Lab. It is in it that the brightness of the color changes, and then it is converted back to R g b.

So why systems were created R g b and C m y k?

As you know, the feeling of color in humans is formed using three color components: red, green and blue. In radiating sources, in particular in kinescopes, get them quite simple - it is only necessary to make the luminofor points of different colors glow.

If luminous points red, green and blue place close from each other, the human eye will perceive them as one whole element - pixel.

By changing the intensity of their glow in different proportions, almost all other colors and shades can be obtained. It means that the color of the monitor displays the color of non-separate element of the image, but the colors of the color components, at the expense of which our eyesight shapens in the brain the feeling of the very element itself. This method is called additive (from English Add - summing, fold), and the color system based on it is R g b.

But how to be with printed images and reflected light? After all, it is impossible to form the color of triads and additive synthesis - here it is necessary to obtain color light reflected from the surface. And since mainly the sunlight falls on the surface (i.e. white), it is required to somehow select the necessary color from it, reflect it, and all other components are absorbed. Pursuing this issue, the scientific community once again "strained" the commission Cie and obtained a solution in the form of a system C M Y (Cyan - Blue, Magenta - Purple, Yellow - yellow).

It was found that blue absorbs only red, purple - green, and yellow - blue (Diametrically opposite colors absorb each other - like this!).

Thanks to this feature, printing paints operating as light filters were created.

From light passing through them, everything is deducted, and the desired color component passed and reflected from the surface of the paper.

Any other colors were obtained when applying basic paints C M Y to each other in different proportions. However, problems arose with "Radically black", like Kresz Vorobyaninov from the "Twelve Chairs". He had a shade, though not green, and brown. So it was decided to add a separate black component to the system, and so that the confusion does not occur (B - Black could be interpreted and as Blue - blue), took the letter K (the last in the word Black).

We called this method by the subtractive (from the English subtract to deduct), and the system based on it is C m y K.

But since C m y k color range is smaller than R G b, then when converting an image from R G B to C M y k, some shades are lost.

One of the fastest and qualitative methods of printing until recently was considered offset. It is used to this day, and printing technology on personal laser and jet printers at one time was created based on it.

In general, the essence of this method is that the coloring of the printed image is first made, i.e. it is folded into four images, each of which corresponds to the intensities of the basic colors. Then these images are consistently applied to each other.

In ordinary four-color printing, various opens are obtained by combinations or mixtures of four standard-sized colors -yellow, blue-green, blueand black.

It is quite clear that these four com-pool and their mixtures will not always give the maximum point of reproduction.

In cases where extremely high quality reproductions are needed, seven and even more colors are used.

Colored problems

If you take a magnifying glass and carefully look at printouts made on any inexpensive inkjet printer, you will see there "Color garbage".

If you consider book reproductions, printed on the offset, even in a weak microscope, then these points are clearly visible.

Such an effect is particularly noticeable in uniform gray areas when printing from R G B-search. The fact is that the gray should be printed at the expense of the necessary percentage of alone black paint. However, the same black color in the RGB system is not equivalent to black in CMYK, which is due to the characteristics of the color formation in general: in RGB is the absence of a glow of the screen points (all components are equal to 0), and in CMYK black color is obtained either with a mixture in certain proportions of CMY base colors Or, which is more correct, subject to the absence of CMY - paints, but with a 100% overlapping of the fourth special (really black) paint Black. Therefore, when converting an image fromR G B in C M Y.K. will get a composite (Fig. below). When printing, it will lead to the fact that for the formation of black or gray on paper, paints of all four colors will be overlapped with each other about the percentage as indicated on(Fig. below).

Another visual example of spatial mixing of colors can be found in weaving. Different painted bases and ducks are combined according to the fabric pattern in a more or less color whole.

A well-known sample here are Scottish fabrics. In those places where color threads are crossed with a duck threads of the same color, squares of pure bright color arise. In the same place, where the threads painted in different colors are intersecting and mixed, the fabric is formed, as it were, from the highlighted points and its color is perceived quite a strong-specific one at a certain distance. Origa-normal solutions of these cellular tissues made of thin Sher-si were the heraldic affiliation of individual Scottish clans and up to date, in their colors and color relationships, serve as images for textile drawings.

If we take a couple of missing colors and get the optical mixture of them, they will not give ahromatic colors - gray, and new colors are chromatic. This task on the spatial mixing is based on a purely visual effect as a result of an optical mixture of two colors located close to each other, if you look at them at a fairly large distance. We will not see the painted plane from two different colors, and only one solid color - the total, as the result of their mixture. It is such a mixing of colors (addition), obtained at an appropriate distance, is called spatial and is one of the types of optical.

This method is widely used in the textile industry in particular in weaving production (cotton, silk, woolen) in the tissues of multi-colored yarn when weave the basics and duck, when twisting two thin multi-colored threads in one (Muline) or mixing of individual painted elementary fibers ( Mealing).

A characteristic example of where you can see clearly efficient use and the use of such a method of mixing colors is a widespread cellular walled tissue "Scotland", as well as wool blankets, headscarves, scarves and other products.
In this principle, a mosaic monumental painting is based, that is, a wall or puffy painting, in which the colored planes are posted from separate smallest colored particles (tiles) merging at a distance of one color.

Combination of colors from the standpoint of decorativeness

Harmony is always higher and wider by the concept of "decorativeness". Decorativeness can be described as a certain maximum of aesthetic quality. From the position of the decorativeness, the traditionally harmonious three-colored colors are red, white, black.

Combination of flowers







Full name
















The black





Color mixing rules in decorative trim

Under the functional properties of finishing materials are usually implied picture , texture and color "It is thanks to them that we perceive the room in a certain way: the same room in various decorative designs may seem like a large or small, warm or cold, cozy or absolutely uncomfortable.

If you carefully look at the examples of the finishes of the rooms, it is easy to see that decorative materials with a vague contour and a small pattern visually increase the room, make it spacious.

On the contrary, the inner decorative wall decoration with the material on which a rather large and clear drawing is applied, always makes a room less than it really is.

As for the invoice, it also visually compresses the space, the smooth walls (especially glossy) literally fill the room with air.

Modern finishing of rooms in the house is a harmonious combination of color, drawing and invoices, however, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to learn about the properties of decorative materials as much as possible. As a rule, in this case, the most attention is paid color .

In a simplified interpretation, the color of the interior can be described as a feeling that arises in our vision bodies when exposed to light on them.

Any color can be characterized by certain parameters (we are talking about spectral composition, brightness and other physical quantities).

So, for example, the shades of the same saturation of the same color can have varying degrees of brightness, and a strong decrease in brightness leads to the fact that any color becomes black.

Here, however, it is necessary to mention that brightness details The interior to some extent is subjective: let's say, the decoration of the walls of decorative paint yellow color will make the blue sofa located next to the next.

Shades of one tone may differ from each other also degree of saturation. Turning to the example already to the above-mentioned blue blue color, it is worth noting that the reduction of saturation turns it into gray. This should be considered, selecting the building material, for if it is too bluer, it may turn out a very unsuccessful decorative decoration of the walls . A photo of such spoiled interiors probably met anyone who breaks sites with stories about independent repairs: near the material seems very beautiful and calm, but ultimately the surface of the walls, if you look at it from afar, it looks inexpressively.

Svetlota - Also important parameter characterizing color. And the lighter color, the closer it is to white.

Each chromatic color corresponds to a certain spectral tone.

As we have already written above, distinguish warm tones(red, orange, yellow and their shades) and cold (blue, blue and purple shades).

As we have spoken above, the modern decoration of the rooms is a harmonious finish in all respects and color in this case plays one of the primary roles here. In order for the interior to be well perceived by a person, it is necessary to take into account how different shades are consistent with each other. Therefore, the selection of the color of the ceiling, floor, decoration of walls with decorative paint and other materials - all this should be carefully thought out.

Selecting the finishing material for the future interior, it should be good to assimilate the rules for mixing colors and constantly guided by them.

The internal decorative decoration of walls and other parts of the interior is carried out taking into account the fact that chromatic colors can significantly increase each other if additional colors are located next to them.

So, yellow color can be enhanced with purple, the blue will become brighter if it is to shade orange and so on.If colors in the interior will be taken from one part of the color circle, they will make each other softer.

Carrying out the selection of the ceiling color, it should be remembered that if it is planned to finish the walls of decorative paint of dark color, the surface above the head will seem lighter, and if the walls are closer to white color, the ceiling will be darker.

In order to accurately determine color Building material, enjoy special devices - tricolor colorimeters or spectrocolorimeters If they are not available, the color is estimated visually and compared with the standards in special directories.

Shinefinishing material is also measured - for this there is a device called photoelectric brilliant.

The color perception is quite influenced and texture Decorative material.

There are several types of textures:

  • smooth (fine-grained (height difference 0.5-2 mm), medium-hearted (height difference 2-35 mm), coarse-grained (height difference is 3.5-5 mm));

  • buggy (irregularities 5-12mm);

  • relief (surface has a certain section).

The texture may be less noticeable when the surface is painted in cold tones and becomes more expressive if warm shades are used.

Some features of mixing and applying paints in painting

Paints on the palette should be strict. It is recommended clean paints to have a spectrum. You can put the kneel in the middle of the paints. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the location of the paints: one group should consist of green-blue paints, and the other of orange-red, brown and blue-purple.
Taking paints for mixing, it is necessary to keep in mind not only their color and saturation, but also the texture of the smear. No need to mix more than three colors to avoid pollution of a colorful mixture.

When mixing, paints should consider the processes leading to a change in color associated with chemical interaction of pigments when mixing some colors: darkening, fading, cracking of the colorful layer.

In the palette of the produced paints for oil painting, attention should be paid to those paints that are already consisting of a mixture of paints. These paints include: Neapolitan yellow, consisting of lead Belil, the cadmium of yellow and eloch red; Umbra Natural is made by a plant of paints in the form of a mixture of three lands: Volkonskoyt, Mars of brown and theodosian brown.

A specific feature is distinguished by the protection of light, inclined in contact with the steel green, which is happening in oil painting when working with masticic or breeding watercolor paint in the iron cup.

In the sets of watercolor paints there are also paints possessing their own characteristics. These paints are prone with large water dilution toagglomeration When pigment particles are associated (sticking) among themselves, forming flakes, and the paints lose the ability to evenly distribute on paper. Such paints include: Cadmium red, ultramarine and to a lesser extent cobalt blue.

For decreasing agglomeration It is recommended for breeding paints to apply rain (filtered) water or distilled.

With optical-lesing paint applying, translucent paints should be applied only after complete drying of previously laid paints. With a large color saturation of watercolor paints, their transparency disappears, as the paper translucent disappears. If it is necessary to eliminate the transparency of watercolor paints, the paints are stirred by soapy water or a gouache is added to them.

When working with gouashe paints, it should be remembered about the tendency of ethics of paints to the diploma during drying. As indicated, the gouache paints are two species - poster and artistic. The gouache poster has a more viscous infusion and sometimes requires water dilution. When applying a poster gouache on the material in it it is necessary to add a 2-3 percent solution of joinery glue.

When working a gouache, you should not take paint from the jar with a brush, since the moistened brush every time will take the paint of various density and during drying it can be detected by stripes or stains. Therefore, paints should be breed in separate cups before work.

With the "launcher" applying paints, the smaller the smears, stains or point of paint will be, the more significant the effect of spatial-ootical mixing of colors will be; From this we can conclude that in the process of painting it should take into account the relationship of flowers "Since the range of colors are affected by a circle on a friend. Therefore, starting to work on painting, it is necessary to apply all the major tones to see the relationship between them.

What light does not distort the color reproduction?

Unfortunately, only the sunny, whom we almost always lack. All artificial light sources color change. So, the warm light of incandescent lamps makes warm paints glow, and the cold looks like it are grayish and muted. Cold luminescent light, on the contrary, weaken warm paints, but will make more intense cold.

Be careful to be with orange-red shades, especially with intense, blue-violet and indigo blue. In the same space, you can use different types of lamps, and each of them will "work" on this or that color in different ways. With competent lighting, even inevitable distortion can become winning.

Metamorphosis of color reproduction when changing illumination

Consider the curves of the main radiation (Authors of the theory of Jung, Lomonosov, Golz) In Fig.1.

Please note that the area of \u200b\u200bblue, green and red curves are equal.

It can be seen from the drawing that the blue color has the highest excitability. This means that with a decrease in illumination, the blue color disappears the most latter.

Read more: With normal daylight lighting, all colors of the spectrum are well perceived.

It is customary to allocate 3 main colors: yellow, blue and red.

By mixing from these three colors, you can theoretically create all the others (although the artists will notice that it is not so simple).

Mixed in equal parts Two main colors give 3 secondary colors: green, orange and purple

These colors are called binary.

Continuing to mix, from the mixing of the main sovereign with binary, we get tertiary color.

Committed colors

I have already written about complimentary colors in the post.
When mixing two complimentary colors, located opposite each other in a color circle, it turns out a neutral dark gray.

New color circle

By changing saturation and intensity, you can get a greater variety of color circle:

In fact, there are no clear boundaries between the colors in the spectrum - each color is gradually moving into the neighboring.

Color schemes

In our new color circle there are the same schemes about which I wrote in the first post

Similar colors (located nearby)
Communicative colors (located on the contrary)
Split complimentary (two adjacent complimentary colors) and triad. Such triangles:

A little harder than a quadrilateral, where the colors are pairwise compliments:


The red shade is considered the warmest color (color of hot metal or volcanic lava), and the blue is the coldest (water color, ice). Nevertheless, keep in mind that the color temperature is always relative: the blue-purple, for example, is a cold color, but it looks warmer, if it stands next to blue-green.

A little about color

Achromatic colors (Black, white, gray) differ only in lightness, the degree of approximation to white color.
Our eye is able to recognize more than 600 lightning transitions.

Chromatic colors Different with a number of signs:

Color tone
This is the main sign of chromatic color: green, red, blue, etc.

In addition to approaching white color, chromatic colors differ in lightness among themselves. Yellow lighter purple, blue blue, pink - red. It can be easily verified if you translate a color picture to a black and white format.

Only attractive color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple

The difference of chromatic color from achromatic. The stronger is different, the stronger. The most saturated may include purple and ultramarine.

The degree of brightness of the color stain. Depends on the intensity of light reflected from it. The most intense can be attributed to the lemon yellow, bright red, bright orange.

Color psychology

Scientists have long been studying the effect of colors on a man. In general, it was revealed that the colors of the yellow-red color scheme affect the person positively, the blue-purple - negatively, and the green refers to neutral.

However, different people perceive colors in different ways. , therefore, there is no interior, in which everything will be cozy without exception.

Interest and relationship

Very often when we are looking for color schemes, we see similar illustrations:

In fact, colors are not used in equal proportions.

I suggest to consider the illustrations below to figure out why this recommendation is true only in the general case (thanks for them by Dulux):

Pastel shades. They are not so intense to suppress each other.

In the case of bright colors, we can take a similar shade and then also the proportion will not be so important.

Two examples when a saturated color is a bit and when it is a lot:

Saturated colors are approximately equal proportions, but the white serves as auxiliary color.

For more information about the main, additional and auxiliary colors, I will tell in a week. And also together with the color combinations.

Create a comfortable and harmonious interior can not only pick up the design of space, but also correctly combining colors in the interior. They are able to influence the emotional and physical condition of the person. Thanks to the right selected color relationship, the house and its owner become a holistic organism.

The color wheel is one of the important tools for compiling the right color combinations in the interior. Issak Newton first systematized spectrum, laying up white light ray on red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. It was the first color gamut.

Today, color circles consist of one, two and three disks. They can see what the relationship between the colors located in a circle. On the axis of the circle are all the colors of the spectrum - primary, secondary and tertiary. For example, the color wheel of itten:

Primary colors

All color gamut, except for white, comes from the main colors. Blue, yellow and red (triangle in the center of the circle) are primary tones. Combinations of these three colors constitute secondary colors.

Secondary colors

The six next colors of the circle are obtained by mixing two main (primary) colors. For example, violet is obtained as a result of mixing red and blue, and green - blue and yellow, but orange is a red and yellow connection.

Tertiary colors

If you mix one primary color with the secondary, then you will get a tertiary tone. Total - 12 colors. Also get tertropic color, mixing the main tone with a large number of other main colors to create a tertiary color. For example, one piece of blue tone with two parts of the red will create a red-purple color.

Council :
It is important which colors are located next to the tone that interests you, as well as those that lie opposite your chosen. For example, yellow is perfectly combined with opposite the lying violet, and the salad is harmonious with a bright pink or fuchsia color. Next to yellow are two colors with which you can make harmonious chromatic combinations.

Shades and Haltone

Shades are obtained from the primary color. For example, blue has a light blue and dark blue shade.
. The tone is the result of adding white and black (gray) to the main color. The tone, unlike pure pigment, makes the color softer and pleasant to the eyes.

How to mix colors

The color perception depends on the distance of the color stain from the human eye. For example, with an increase in distance, green looks more bluish, yellow begins to orange, and orange - blush.
. The saturation of the color tone of the interior depends on the illumination of the interior. The level of lighting is within the light to the dark on the gray scale. The floor and walls are capable of reflecting the light, so the bright tones of surfaces in the room enhance the brightness, and the dark - the tones are quenched, making them dull.

Council :

. The quality of brightness or depth of color shade depends on the light and shadow in the interior. Therefore, the addition of gray tone in the room design may noticeably soften the effects of various color combinations.
. If you need various shades of blue, dilute the color combination of the interior with a black tint. And then the cold tones of blue will play with tone gradation.
. To change the shade of any paint in the interior, add white color. It will dilute and rehaps unnecessary brightness in combination of colors.

Color proportions

On this scale, you can determine the proportions of tones and halftone. A secure ratio for color combinations in the interior 70/20/10.
70% -Treet shades in the neutral base
20% - secondary colors
10% - primary color

Council :
Observe moderation in mixing colors! Try not to mix more than a few shades. Two or three colors in a neutral base are considered as safe as safe.

Various color schemes

Color schemes and triads are a set of combinations of colors in the interior that work together to create a visually attractive palette. Color combinations, data in color schemes can be considered classic. Of course, possible color combinations are endless. But experienced designers feel what kind of schemes to apply in practice.

Classic Triad.

A combination of three colors that are at an equal distance from each other. The use of such contrasting combinations will create a harmonious palette. You should choose one main color, and to use two others as accents.

Analog Triad.

Combines from 2 to 5 colors located nearby make up similar combinations or related. For example, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green color.

Complementary combinations

An additional color (also known as a contrast), which is located opposite the second on the color circle of YTENS. The combination of such colors creates a bright and exciting effect, especially at maximum saturation.

Rectangular scheme

The combination of four colors is a diagram consisting of one primary color and two additional. The company includes another additional tone to isolate accents. For example, blue-green, blue-purple, orange-red, orange-yellow.

Square scheme

The combination of four colors located at an equal distance from each other. Dynamic colors are different by tone and, at the same time, complement each other. For example: purple, orange-red, yellow, blue-green.

Color scheme use rules

Color combinations in the interior are conventionally divided into warm and cold. Thanks to them, you can visually increase or decrease the room. It all depends on the selected primary tone. Therefore, the selection of additional colors is so important. They are located opposite each other on a flower wheel. Each tone reveals the richness of another. When using additional colors, one color should be soft and weak by tone, and the other is more dominant. For example, intense dark purple should be connected to light yellow shades.

Place the adjacent rooms in close by colors of the gamma. Plan your color scheme based on how much each room is viewed from another. Look for related colors. For example, relative tones are located next to each other on the color wheel. These colors produce less contrast effects than additional colors. For example, dark tones of a blue-green room in combination with a light blue gamut of the adjacent room can give a feeling of a walker in the blue lagoon.

Choose the main color that you like more and use so many shades of it as you can come up with. For example, the maximum effect is given when adding connected or complementary colors. Contrary to the common opinion of monochrome is not a black and white duet or one single color. Real monochrome combinations often consist of one main tone and several adjacent tones. For example, green may look quite independent and self-sufficient. It fills the entire space of the interior, but it is only at first glance. If you look closely, you see the tones of apple and grass, young greenery and swampy tina in the shades of khaki, juicy lime and pistachios, transparently candy in yellow-green slings and olives. All these shades are successfully underlined by white, gray, as well as splashes of tones in metal collections and wood. So, in general, you will get a monochrome!

Council :

Choose one favorite color that will be the main interior. And then add items and accessories in shades and halftons of the same color to it, and dilute this complex monochrome range of things in neutral shades. But only a little bit - in order to reject the main palette.

First decide where you are going to use colors in the room. The general rule during decorating is to use three different values \u200b\u200bin a combination of colors: light, medium and dark. Walls and floors are usually drawn up in bright colors, depending on the effect you are trying to create. The floors should be a bit darker than the walls so that the effect of the guy does not get. Windowoffs and large furniture items are often created in the middle value to connect light walls and floors. Gloomy colors should be used as a color accent in the interior.

Temperature color

Some color combinations in the interior are warm, others are cold. Psychologists claim that the color of the room can affect the mood and well-being of a person, call him an emotional response. Some combination of colors in the interior create a general sense of calm and physical satisfaction, while others cause internal tension and discomfort. Colors can be both an ideal partner and the enemy with whom you have to unknowly fight.

Warm and cozy colors
For the interior are located on the right side of the color circle. They emit positive energy and power capable of combining people.


eaves energy, strength and passion. Restaurants and bars often use this color of strong energies, because it increases appetite and promotes communication. And this is the usual choice for kitchens and dining rooms in the house. However, red in the bedroom should be avoided.


This color is considered exciting and powerful. It is known that its presence in the kitchen and in the dining room increases appetite and relaxes. Psychologists advise using orange in moderate quantities. Orange less aggressive than red. He creates heat and feeling of joy. However, it is advised to be used only as an emphasis.


Solar shades of yellow are associated with happiness and warmth, but saturated and bright tones can enhance disappointment and anger. As a rule, yellow raises the color mood. When you abuse yellow - it can become distracting and overwhelming. Do not allow this color in large quantities in the nursery, because children are known often crying. But the use of it in the kitchen in tandem with orange will cause positive emotions and even euphoria. Yellow has different effects depending on how it is used in what quantities.

Cool and soothing colors

Cool and soothing colors located on the left side of the color wheels provide a sense of calm and a sense of confidence:

. Green. It is soothing and refreshing color that resembles us about young greenery, grass, pistachios and juicy lime. It is easily carred in any room. Green transmits a feeling of update and growth. It is used in recreation rooms, such as bedrooms. Often, various shades of green can be seen in the kitchen. And, of course, in nurses, because children love all the natural, especially colors associated with nature.


If you are trying to create a calm, spa environment, consider blue. Like green, it is soothing color and also good for decoring the bedroom. Rainbow and bright shades of blue use in offices to increase productivity. Light blue can make the room seem bright and refreshing, while deep blue creates a self-esteem.


This color has long been associated with royalties and wealth. It contains the calm of the blue and the energy of red in combination with some active tones, it stimulates creativity and vital activity. However, in large quantities and in tandem with red, it becomes dangerous to health, causing Euphoria.

Council :

You should mention the brown color as the most common in the interiors. Brown consists of several colors, the basis of which make up warm and cool tones: red, yellow and blue. Dark brown or wenge is obtained by adding black in this triad. Brown personifies restraint, reliability and modesty. This is one of the most powerful tranquilizer colors, refers to the warm colors of the Earth, so it became the basis of a psychologically soothing palette.

Brown is perfect in combination of colors in the interior, for example, with gold, as well as close to him by shades, for example, with yellow. If you get distracted from the interior, brown and red colors are associated with warts. Follow some principles that they do not disturb you.

The appearance of purple in the brown range suggests reflections on subtle idealized relations and feelings. Such combinations are appropriate in the living rooms, canteens, where the situation is needed, delighting the body: delicious food, luxury items, beautiful accessories and furniture.

Combine colors in various rooms

Before selecting the color to the kitchen, in the living room, a bedroom or a nursery, it should be remembered that the white color plays a large role in the palette.
White - This is the basis of the spectrum. It really helps to refresh the space and creates a feeling of purity. Therefore, this color is always appropriate in pastel colors, combinations of various colors of the neutral palette in the interior. But even warm and burning shades from Mexican interiors allow for white, as complementary and focusing blue and blue combinations of colors.

Pastel color combinations

Pastel colors are the result of adding a large amount of white in various combinations of additional colors. They create a comfortable, sensation of space in any room.

Neutral color palette

Shades of white, beige, dark brown, gray and black make up the basis of neutral combinations of colors. Neutral palette is the easiest and most obvious reason: all these neutral shades are mixed with most colors of the circle. They can be stylish and dramatic. For example, black and white, like neutral tones, create an excellent palette of additional shades for various main tones.

Council :
If you choose neutral combinations of colors in the interior, use bright accessories to focus the walls and make an interesting room. When you are ready to change, simply change the color of the accessories.


The interior of the bedroom is usually created in calm colors. However, thanks to various color combinations using additional tones, designers opened a lot of opportunities. For example, combinations of gray and beige colors in the interior of the bedroom create the easiest and weightless intimate spaces in which it would be possible to relax from the bustle of the day.
For example, magnificent bedrooms in which pearl-pearl shades prevail, combined with a beige tone.

A bright bedroom is created in the case when you have chosen one intense and colorful main color, for example, pink in the shades of fuchsia. The selected color in color circle is combined with light yellow color. They complement each other, but inserting white, or related yellow khaki, you will get a more balanced interior.

The bedroom in gray paints is a "shelter" for a person who wants to retire and donate from the bustle of the outside world. The bedroom in the gray colors is indifferent to the bright and conflict exterior world.

Redhead shades between warm relatives yellow, peach and orange tones, which are complemented by combinations of blue, turquoise and blue. The impression of the contrast is being blocked due to gray shades and white color, which is actively involved in the overall palette.

Bedroom with combinations of colors, among which turquoise occupies the dominant position, looks optimistic. In this interior it is important to create a complex color gamut consisting of several additional tones, such as khaki, blue, light blue. And also the tones that are located opposite the blue-green color circle, namely, beige, light yellow or even peach, but it is necessary to feel the measure. Because when introducing warm bright shades, the room will become similar to the guest room for communication.

Fashionable Scandinavian style has been reflected in the bedrooms. The main colors in color combinations are brown and purple, which require support for calm shades of gray, lilac and herbal. Natural gamma is connected in such a bedroom with air hints of frosty air.

The bedroom in the blue tones is toward peace and perfection. It seems nothing distracts from relaxation. With the minimum number of furniture it looks extravagant. If you add white and cream islands in blue, it will soften the pressure of blue. In the premises that serve as a place of rest are preferred by the spots of the optimistic pink. Bedroom in lilac tones

Raspberry color in the bedroom - for extravagant people. And to strengthen the extravagance of purple helps affiliate yellow and neutral black in the colors of shiny nickel.

Living room

The room in gray-blue combinations is very calm, withstand and requires the introduction of neutral tones - black and white, which dilute the harsh atmosphere of two related tones.

Blue is practically not capable of boring, it is fresh, serene and contributes to friendly relations between people. But the dark blue combinations cause nostalgia over the past. The situation will be corrected small intersions of pink and purple, turquoise and white. The introduction of yellow will create a joyful atmosphere in the living room.

Color combinations in neutral tones - the most fertile topic in the interior. After all, in such rooms it is possible to rest in a family circle, and collect friends. From combinations in neutral colors are not tired. Basic gamma - wenge and adjacent silent: beige and gray - all colors of the earth palette. And yet, two or three bright splashes do not hurt from the tones located opposite these combinations - orange and gentle green, two color partners.

The living room in the green palette causes pleasant sensations, recalling the spring young grass, first summer apples. Fresh, juicy and gentle green tone in the interior should be supported by related shades. And if you succeed, your living room will be your family's favorite place of staying your family and popular among guests. And believe me, no one will want to leave for a long time.

Two colors - pink and azure just created to be together! Additional beige, white and gray restrain the pressure of bright fuchsia. All together they enter the classic triad in the color circle, complementing each other.

A bright room requires a combination of self-sufficient brightness of the tones, the basis of which is red-pink and dark gray. No less juicy will be tertiary shades located on the opposite side of pink and red.

Singing tonality of living room Receive brick and orange, as well as additional tones of gray, khaki and light blue. Orange can be entered into registration in accessories.

Tiffany or sea breeze colors - a pleasant color scheme made up of related tones, primary from which is blue.

Pink is not peculiar to the wet room, but if you have a pink bath, then the whole room should be dressed in pastel shades of pink, diluted with gray tone.

Green combined with related tones and white gives a stunningly refreshing feeling.

A children's room in beige colors must be in combination with pink and lightweight colors in gentle shades. It does not hurt and white color to create complete harmony.

Room in lilac tones, as a rule, is done for girls. Lilac - tertiary color formed by two tones: secondary pink and primary blue. Lilac makes a notch of playfulness and carelessness.


Peach dining room only at first glance seems bright, if you look at, you can see a combination of several primary, secondary and tertiary colors in the interior. Primary yellow found partners among tertiary peach (yellow + orange), secondary light orange and beige.

Olive - complex secondary color formed by two primary: yellow and green. It enters the spectrum of green, carrying freshness, youth and vitality. Yellow, participating in combinations with green, softens this tandem. The resulting yellow-green with a large percentage of yellow symbolizes peace and contemplation.


The perception of the color is purely individually. Therefore, constituting the palette of its interior, do not contain yourself to the generally accepted framework, focus on your own worldview and the desire to make something special. Do not forget that only your favorite colors will bring joy. And make a combination of colors in the interior using primary color as the basis, the color circle will help you.

\u003e\u003e Mixing colors. Optical mixing of flowers

Mixing flowers

Visible in natural conditions of color, as a rule, are the result of mixing spectral colors.

There are three basic methods of mixing colors: optical, spatial and mechanical.

Optical mixing of colors is based on the wave nature of light. It can be obtained with a very rapid rotation of the circle, the sectors of which are painted in the necessary colors.

Recall how you rotate the top in childhood and was surprised for the magic conversions of the color. Easily making a special top for experiments on optical mixing of colors and conduct a series of experiments (see Ex. 11), you can make sure that the prism decomposes the white beam of light on the components - the color of the spectrum, and the top color mixes these colors again into white.

In science "Color science" (color) color is considered as a physical phenomenon. Optical and spatial mixing of colors differ from mechanical mixing of their mix.

The main colors in optical mix - red, green and blue.

Basic colors with mechanical blunders - red, blue and yellow.

Optical mixing


Additional colors (two chromatic colors) with optical mixing give a achromatic color (gray).

Remember how you were in the theater or circus and rejoiced by the festive mood that creates color lighting. If you carefully follow the three beams of the spotlights: red, blue and green, then it can be noted that as a result of the optical mixing of these rays, the white color will be obtained (Il. 84).

You can also conduct such an experiment to receive a multi-color image by optical mixing colors: take three projectors, put color filters (red, blue, green) and, at the same time crossing these rays, get almost all colors on the white screen, just as well as In the circus.

The sections of the screen illuminated at the same time blue and green colors will be blue. When the blue and red emission is addition, it turns out a purple color on the screen, and the addition of green and red is completely unexpectedly formed.

Compare: if we mix paint, we get completely different colors (Il. 85).

Mechanical mixing


Folding all three colored beams, we get white. If you set black and white slides in the projectors, you can try to make them colored using color rays. By doing this experience, it is difficult to believe that the variety of color shades can be achieved by mixing three rays: blue, green and red.

Of course, there are more complex devices for optical mixing colors, such as TV. Every day, including a color TV, you get an image on the screen with many shades of color, and it is based on the mixture of red, green and blue emissions.

Sokolnikova N.M., Fine art. Basics of painting: tutorial for uch. 6 cl. - Obninsk: Title, 2008. - 80 s: Col.el.

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