Diseases in geese and their signs. Goose pimples

Reservoirs 11.10.2019

Gusey's diseases may arise for a number of reasons. These include poor-quality feeds, drafts, low temperature, increased humidity indoors, dirty litter, improper conditions of content.

Growing geese needs to be followed by some mandatory requirements, which, at the same time, are measures of prevention. Healthy livestock can only be grown when maintaining the optimal microclimate in the room, feeding with high-quality and full feed, compliance with the purity in the poultry house, the presence in the required volumes of clean and fresh water.

Despite the fact that geese are unpretentious birds and they have a rather high resistance to various diseases, to face problems in their health and development can be at any time. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the diseases of geese and their symptoms, you will learn how little geusing is sick and how to treat diseases, which antibiotics to use and what prevention measures to take.

Diseases of small gesyat: symptoms and treatment

In the first days of life, the gesyat must carefully monitor their content and diet. The organism in chicks is still weak and most susceptible to diseases. Some attack can lead to the death of a large number of livestock.

Diseases of young people Gusey quite a lot and they are subject to chicks. Modern poultry farming implies, among other things, the development of veterinary medicine - medicine does not stand still and with some diseases can be successfully fighting.

Diseases from Gosyat: Signs and Treatment

Viral enteritis

Such diseases are mainly susceptible to chicks aged 5-12 days. However, the virus can hit the bird and up to 3 weeks. Most often the heart and intestines are suffering, but more - liver. Mortality for such a disease can be up to 95% of the livestock. Viral enteritis can be transmitted by air-droplet or through an incubation egg.

The bird behaves sluggish, often frowns, freezes in one place with closed eyes. In later stages, liquid litter with blood discharge may appear. If the goosha manage to cure from the virus, they still will continue to lag in development from healthy livestock.

Prevention and treatment
To protect the chicks from this mischief, the little gesyat is instilled with special drugs when they are 20-38 days. In addition, it is recommended to make vaccinations and an adult bird 1.5 months before the start of the egg laying.


The disease that is also called the paratiff is very hard. Housings between the ages of 5 and 30 days are particularly susceptible to this disease. The main sources of virus - rodents, poor-quality feed, sore bird.

Housings drone, sediments, drink a lot, donate, they often closed eyes. The disease after 2-4 days leads to a fatal outcome.

Prevention and treatment
Sick bird isolate from the main livestock. The room where the contaminated turkey was kept, as well as feeders, the drinkers are completely disinfected. Gosyat is sick salmonell - how to treat? The main and most effective drug is Furazolidon. Give it within 7-10 days at 5 mg once a day, adding to the stern.


The virus causes a large case among young people. The main cause of this disease of the geese is a litter (or feed) in which mold was formed.

Gosses fall on their feet, become sleepy and sluggish, they begin to sneeze, in order to breathe air strongly pull the neck.

Prevention and treatment
First of all, it should be removed the bedroom litter and treat the floors and walls with fire using a soldering lamp. Another measure of prevention is the processing of chicks of chicks with iodullulminia aerosol. It is possible to cure the disease to the drug nystatin, which must be given together with the feed of 20-30 mg per kilogram of weight.


In the list of diseases of small gesyat, this virus is most common. Most often passed through an infected bird. Geese for a long time are sources of disease, even after complete recovery.

Main - diarrhea, drowsiness, lethargy, constant drinking. Chicks become so weak that they are moving with difficulty.

Prevention and treatment
First of all, it is necessary to isolate infected chicks from the main herd. For prophylaxis, Baitil is usually given (added to water).

Pastelez (cholera)

The disease that causes Pastell bacterium. Basically affects the rapid organisms geussy. The carriers are rodents, the virus can be transmitted through the air through food or water. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are most often created in cold and crude weather.

The symptoms include oppression, lack of appetite, breathing with wheezing, constant thirst. The gesyt with such a mistake of the beak flows the mucus, the feathers stick out, and the litter comes out with blood discharge. In the later stages of the disease, chicks begin to fall from lack of forces. For treatment, sulfonamides and antibiotics are used. Best Prevention is regular cleaning, cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

Important! The above-mentioned diseases of geese are treated, but the infection may not leave the body for a very long time. Therefore, such a bird can not be allowed to the tribe. The optimal option is to fade into meat.

Video: Why do the goose

We present to your attention a useful video from Igor Lunina, in which he tells about why the gooshad do and what to do, as well as to treat it so that it does not happen.

What hurt geese: symptoms and treatment of major diseases

Infectness diseases of geese of their symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment


This females are most often susceptible to the males. Geese can be infected with a dirty bedding, causative agents of the disease - mainly staphylococci and streptococci. During the development of infection (30-45 days), the bird decreases significantly in weight, then the following symptoms are manifested: the dedication of the affected areas, ulcers, redness in the rear pass zone. Sick individuals are usually cleaned, and the room and inventory are carefully disinfected.


Increased temperature, litter with foam discharge, no appetite and constant thirst - explicit signs of the occurrence of this disease.

Causes: Non-free food and drink, room without ventilation, invalid content conditions. The disease is not treated and the infected bird will have to be removed. The poultry house and the entire inventory must be treated with formaldehyde or chlorine.

For prophylaxis, a solution of furacin is given by a solution. The main antibiotics are neomycin (50 g per 1 kg of vibrant mass). The drug is given together with feed for 7-10 days.

Independent domestic geese diseases


Paw diseases in geese can arise precisely because of the lack of vitamins and due to the unbalanced diet. For example, if the bird's body lacks vitamin B2, then the quality of the incubation egg and egg production in general will decrease with a large share of the likelihood. The lack of vitamin E can lead to problems with the nervous system, which manifest themselves in the unnatural thread of the head back and the convulsive contraction of the muscles.

Yellowing peritonit

With this ailment suffer from females during the egg laying. The main reason is the injection of the yolk mass into the intestine, as a result of which inflammation begins. In this case, the stomach is significantly increased in size, the temperature rises.

The disease can also be caused by a disadvantage of vitamins, excessive protein content, fright, physical damage. Treatment methods that could not help yet exist. For the prevention, you can not allow the crowded females, constantly monitor the purity in the poultry house, to ensure a geese with high-quality feed.

Eggs fell

The inflammation of the egg pathways, the rear pass, frequent constipation and diarrhea, as well as laying too large eggs can lead to the fallout of this organ.

Fallen eggs need to be placed back. To do this, it is washed with water with the addition of manganese and join back to the rear pass. Goose with such a poor carry eggs is very difficult, so they need to assist - to take eggs with clean hands or if it is impossible in parts.


The deficiency of choline and manganese in the body can cause the emergence of a pen. With this disease, the development of young people slows down, the bird becomes difficult to move - the paws are boosted, and walking can lead to the dislocation of the paw.

Plugging of the esophagus

Too frequent feeding with dry feeds, lack of water can lead to the blockage of the esophagus. The bird becomes very restless, she appears shortness of breath, weakness, stepling when walking, constantly opened the beak.

The most common is fluffy. With their distribution, geese begin to develop badly, the egg production is reduced by geese. For prevention, special ointments use for treatment - disinsection.


Non-fake and dirty water - the main causes of worms. Bird begins to lose weight in front of her eyes, she decreases immunity. Optimally - not allowing the appearance of worms, as it is very difficult to treat geese from them. Preventive measures - regular cleaning in the poultry house and disinfection.

Poisoning geese

The bird can get poisoning due to the moldless, spoiled feed, the use of poisonous plants, fertilizers and poisons. Poisoning can take a chronic form. Symptoms include: Restless behavior, constant thirst, cramps, liquid litter.

Poisoned bird can die very quickly. To cure geese into water, they add a light solution to vinegar, the eyes are washed with water. If the cause of poisoning has become food, it is used for treatment with vegetable beams, vodka, vegetable oil.

For prevention, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the room, feeders and cream. During treatment, do not give geese potatoes and beets.


Each poultryman who grows up a poultry should know that it is possible to avoid large losses among the livestock, taking measures at the initial stage of the disease. Clean poultry with ventilation and lighting, regular cleaning, well-balanced nutrition - the key to healthy penetrate growth.

Gusey diseases are a very complex problem for farmers.

Various diseases are very poorly affected by the number of geese in the herd, and also apply both material and aesthetic harm. All knowledgeable farmers know that it is better to prevent the disease than to count the losses.

Geese in comparison with other poultry are most susceptible to various diseases.

Almost all poultry rates take preventive actions to protect against disease.

In this topic, we will touch on many diseases of geese, we will describe them, tell about the treatment and measures of prevention. The main thing is to love your poultry, know everything about your pets.

Viral diseases are very dangerous for geese. On birds are very poorly influenced by a low temperature in the poultry house and draft. That ultimately, geese detects colds and inflammation.

Also on poultry badly affects poor and late feeding, dirty water, dampness in the poultry house, where they are contained, the presence of birds of all ages in one poultry house and many other factors.

In order to avoid diseases, it is necessary to feed the geese with a full nutrition, in which the vitamins and the trace elements needed by their body are contained.

It cannot be allowed that harmful impurities or ridiculous food are formed in the bird troughs, as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may arise.

The ventilation system should always work in the poultry house to avoid or overheating, or cooling the room.

Eranny food and poor feed quality affects the productivity of the bird.

Every day it is necessary to produce geese to the street. The sun's rays are very well affected on their body.

Weightful value has a separate content of different ages of birds. This factor is one of their prevention measures for geese.

Indirect diseases

Avitaminosis. The disease is manifested with a lack of vitamins.

Symptoms of the disease are the fertility of geese, low growth, the death of young birds is possible, the absence of appetite, decrease in egg production.

Treatment and preventive measures of the disease are as follows: it is necessary to buy good and rich in vitamin food, add fresh greens, fish fat, herbal flour and more.

Rickets. The disease occurs with the small consumption of vitamin D, as well as with a small ingress on the birds of sunlight.

Symptoms of the disease: bad growth, weakness, softening of bones, thin shell in eggs, softening the beak.

As the treatment and prevention of the disease in the nutrition of birds, it is necessary to add fish oil, yeast, the drug with a content of vitamin D, to produce geese to the street in sunny weather.

Diarrhea. The reason for the occurrence of the disease is the lack of vitamin V.

The symptoms of the disease are: seasulum of neck, paralysis, suspension of growth, dried feathers.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to add vitamin B, glowed grain, fresh greens, wheat bran and other nutrient elements to the diet of geese.

Cloacitis or other name Inflammation of the cloaca mucosa. The cause of the disease is the lack of vitamins A, D, E and mineral substances.

Symptoms of the disease are: to protrude the clock mucosa, on which cracks and ulcers may appear.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to increase the daily consumption of vitamins, add carrots, fresh greens, bone flour to the diet. Release geese on the street, as well as provide water bathing.

For treatment, it is necessary to clean the mucous membrane of the cloaca from the pus, the films with a solution of iodine, and then lubricate with zinc ointment. It is possible to even use the ointment of antibiotics: streptomycinic and penicillin.

Cannibalism. The cause of such a disease is bright lighting, a large density among geese, lack of protein in the body of birds, minerals and vitamins, high or low humidity indoors, insufficient ventilation.

The symptoms of the disease are: Anathered feathers that the bird begins to clean, lubricate the fat, subsequently, the feathers break, and the back is broken and blood appears.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to provide the birds with a sufficient dose of protein, vitamins and minerals, to give birds fresh greens.

Plugging of the esophagus. The most observed this disease in young geese. The reason is the feeding of the bird with dry foods, the complete absence in the diet of wet feed, small water consumption, and sometimes fasting.

The symptoms of the disease are: birds behave restlessly, the sword appears, constantly open mouth, weakness and skewing in the gait. Sometimes geese die from choking.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to add wet food into the daily diet, to provide a bird with water.

It is impossible to feed dry food with geese all the time. In order not to let the birds, they are injected into the esophagus about 50 grams of vegetable oil, after which the contents of the esophagus gently squeeze through the mouth.

Stomatitis or "Failed Language". Most of all are prone to geese, which have a subcutaneous fold. Disease is not mass.

Diseases manifests the most in the birds contained in the household sections, where in the nutrition of the vitamins and microelements. The peak of the disease is either for spring or on autumn.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the mucous membrane, loss of the language in place between the jaws, the formation of the diverticulus. The disease is developing very long and is chronic.

First, a small redness appears in the oral cavity, a little swelling and soreness, the appearance of more saliva and mucus. Poor eating feed and losing weight of birds, decreased egg production.

For the prevention and treatment of the disease, it is necessary to follow the right and timely nutrition of geese. It is necessary to provide geese vitamins and minerals.

In case of the disease, it is necessary to process the oral cavity geese with a solution of potassium permanganiza. But it happens so that the poultry is cut down the livestock.

Qatar Zoba. The disease is most often found in geese aged. Arises due to feeding geese spoiled feed.

The symptoms of the disease are: the bloody goiter, geese sit behind.

Treatment and prevention of the disease is in massage the goiter, it is necessary to drink a five percent solution of hydrochloric acid to birds. Do not feed geese spoiled feed.

Enteritis. Most often, the disease is manifested in young geese. Appears with poor stern and dirty water.

Symptoms of the disease: inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the treatment, it is necessary to give green water with hydrochloric biomycin, as well as a solution of potassium mangartage.

In prophylaxis, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of birds.

Diseases of genital organs

Yellowing peritonit. The disease occurs only in females. The causes of the disease can be coarse, fright, content in the food of a large amount of protein.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the peritoneum and intestinal loops. The disease is treated very hard, and sometimes not cured at all due to poor illness of the disease. Treatment methods are not developed.

The prevention of the disease consists in processing and cleaning the room, in proper nutrition of geese, respect for the density of geese on a certain territory.

Egg fence. The disease arises as a result of carrying large eggs, or eggs in which two yolks are formed.

Symptoms of the disease are inflammation of the egg, diarrhea or constipation.

Treatment of the disease is to flush with cold water, then in a solution of alum or mangartee potassium, and then with particular accuracy to the clock.

Then you need to put a small piece of ice there. Sometimes the female can not demolish the egg for several days, for this it is necessary to get the egg with a lubricated petroleum.

Or first to enter the oil into the ovage, then carefully destroy the shell of the eggs and remove everything completely from the egg.

Infectious diseases

Aspergillez. The cause of the disease is to enter the respiratory paths of the mold mushroom. This mushroom is in the soil, manure, dirty input, in the litter.

Symptoms of the disease: mushroom, hitting the respiratory tract, he begins to grow. With growth, it begins to distinguish toxic substances that poison the body. Sometimes the disease develops chronically, and sometimes manifests itself very quickly.

Gus lose weight with a bad appetite, become sluggish, bad breath, the appearance of thirst. Sometimes young geese moves and become carriers of the mushroom. It happens that the geese is very rapidly dying.

Treatment of geese is very difficult, and sometimes not possible.

The prevention of the disease is to use feed without the content of mold, using rotten bedding. To ventilate the room, not allow an excessive moisture, to remove the room, prevent the cum of geese.

Disinfection against the formation of mold can be carried out solutions of formalin and copper sulfate. Sometimes in the drinking water of birds you can add a solution of chlorine for ten days.

Salmonellosis or paratif. The disease is very infectious, it is caused by salmonella. This disease appears in very little gesyat.

Infection occurs through the air and the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of the disease are avitaminosis, overheating, poor bird content, a large density between birds.

Symptoms of the disease are: lethargy, low-luxity, felling of wings, bad appetite, thirst, conjunctivitis, flow of tears. Sometimes the exhaustion of the body and low growth occurs.

In adult birds, the disease flows chronically, and small birds very quickly and sharply. If the bird moves the disease in her body still remains to live Salmonella.

Treatment of the disease is to use furazalidone preparations, as well as biomycin antibiotics, tetracycline, oxycyclin.

In the prevention of the disease, the following measures are in the isolated bird's sick, also need to monitor the purity and hygiene room, bird gravity.

Colibacteriosis. The disease is infectious with manifestations of toxicosis. Most often young birds. The causes of the disease are dampness in the poultry house, poor ventilation, poor nutrition, overheating, low water consumption.

Symptoms of the disease are: an increase in body temperature, thirst, the disappearance of appetite, foamy fencers of greenish color.

Treatment and preventive measures of the disease include the use of a furacin solution. All sick bird must be killed. Indoors need to carry out very thorough disinfection.

Pastellosis or cholera. The disease is infectious, caused by bacteria by Pastells. The causes and causative agents of the disease are sick birds, small rodents, bad conditions of detention, adverse weather. Most young geese are sick.

The disease is transmitted with air-droplet, through food and drinking water. Basically, the disease is manifested in the autumn or spring season.

The symptoms of the disease are: the bird holds a head under the wing, sits the bird fucking, the oppressed state, weakening, bad appetite, thirst, leakage of the foam mucus from the beak, with breaths are heard wheezing, diarrhea with blood, temperature rise, convulsions, often the bird dies.

It is necessary to treat the disease with antibiotics and sulfanimide drugs.

In the prevention of the disease you need to vaccinate birds. Remove and disinfect the room.

Echositatidomy. The cause of the disease is the occurrence in the stomach of the bird trematode and echositatomatomat. They arise in the stomach in the consumption of tadpoles, mollusks and frogs.

Symptoms of the disease include: poor condition of geese, diarrhea, weakness, decline in appetite.

Treatment is carried out with phenosal and bitionol.

The prevention of the disease is to use for birds of pure water bodies. After treatment, quarantine is arranged for about three days.

Symptoms of the disease are: decreased egg production and poor bird development.

Treatment is to disinsection.

Prevention lies in lubricating the skin of birds with ointments.

Cleers. The causes of the disease are unclean water and feed.

Symptoms of the disease: Reducing the immunity of the bird, as well as a sharp weight loss.

Treatment of the disease is carried out very difficult, it is better to prevent it

The prevention of the disease includes such events as cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

Bird poisoning

The reason for the poisoning of the bird is to eat poisonous plants, coated with mold, random use of poisons and fertilizers.

It can leak very quickly or chronically. It happens that the bird from poisoning very quickly dies.

The symptoms are diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, thirst and anxiety of birds.

Poisoning happens, arises from not careful disinfection. For treatment in water, vinegar is added and poultry shed. And the eyes are washed with water.

There are feed poisoning. With this poisoning, the flow of saliva, frequent breathing, suffocation and convulsions occur.

You can treat the bird with the help of vegetable decoctions, vegetable oil, vodka, and sometimes enough just to pour with cold water geese.

In prophylaxis, you need to be looking at the bird, without drinking beets, potatoes.

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- It is always a big problem even for experienced poultry farms. Diseases are always strongly reduced by the number of livestock and cause very serious economic and ethical harm. All the birds know that much easier to prevent the disease than to engage in its treatment.

The prevention of diseases of geese should be regularly carried out in the poultry houses. The most important thing is to inspect the entire population of geese every day and in the manifestation of the slightest symptoms of the disease, immediately limit the sick bird from the total herd! It is timely isolation that will make a safe treatment of a bird sick and in time to carry out veterinary and sanitary events in the total herd.

Symptoms of Gusey's disease

The main symptoms that indicate the disease of your bird can be: rejection of feed, chromate, frequent swallowing movements, cramps. All these signs should alert the poultry far. As mentioned earlier, with these symptoms, you need to immediately insulate the goose from the herd. This is due to the fact that if the disease is infectious, then it will immediately be transmitted to other winged relatives. After wasolation, you should put a sample diagnosis (common diseases of Gusey are below). At the same time, it is necessary to closely pay attention to the neck, head, limb, plumage (maybe the bird was simply hurt, and not sick with infectious disease). After they found out the diagnosis you need to apply treatment measures yourself or turn to the veterinarian.

Main diseases of geese and their treatment

  • Nesseliosis. This disease is most susceptible to hussaki. Symptoms: Penis inflammation. After this disease, geese becomes completely fruitless. The cause of the disease most likely lies in poor content condition: dirty litter, poor feed. When this disease is detected, the patients are allowed to be allowed, and the antibiotics are introduced. In the room it will be necessary to disinfect everything.
  • Amidostomatomy. This unpleasant disease is infected after swallowing geese larvae-causative agents with feed or grass. The sick bird loses greatly in weight. It is necessary to treat this disease with a carbon tetrachloride, a dose for an adult goose 5-8 ml.
  • Hymenolepidosis. The geese disease is ill after swallowing from the reservoir of mollusks or other aquatic bugs. Masso, birds fall ill after a reservoir. Symptoms: paralysis of some limbs, cramps, very shaky gait, bird always tired.

Often, geese are ill because of another disease, called avitaminosis. Avitaminosis symptoms: the coordination of movements is broken, the birds are sluggish all the time. In the prevention of avitaminosis in geese, it is necessary to include regular walks in the fresh air, the diet should include bone flour, fishery, chalk.

Knowing these geese diseases you now know how to treat a bird, as well as to prevent these diseases.


Gus - the bird is unpretentious, hardy, capable of using the pasture at a minimum of concentrates. However, so that it happened so, the gooshad must be growing up. Like other chicks, well-being and life itself, gesyt depends on the formation of immune protection of the body, which can weaken due to supercooling and overheating, damp or dryness, drafts, poor-quality food and other factors. The poultry is obliged to understand that all diseases of geese are divided into contagious and noncommunicable.

This article will introduce novice poultry farms with the dangers that are waiting for the cultivation of geese. What problems they will be able to cope with themselves, in what situations need to quickly cause a veterinary doctor, as well as how to prevent future troubles.

Infectious diseases

The following contagious diseases of geese distinguish:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • pastellosis;
  • aspergillosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • infectious clocuit;
  • gloves.

Parvovirus enteritis

Perceived geusing of 1-3 weeks of age. Personal geese becomes lifelong viruses. An unfavorable zoogigenic conditions contribute to the development of illness and its distribution. Home geese The disease amazes early in spring. The disease is transmitted mainly from an infected mother, characterized by conjunctivitis, nasal expiration. There is a diarrhea from a gesyt with films or blood. Every third sick dies. Having recovered the stomach, they slow down. Gosyat pumped together to his friend, they have dermatitis, feathers fall on his back.

It is important timely, in symptoms, to recognize the cause of geese disease and prescribe treatment. Apply a specific serum administered subcutaneously, nitrofurans and antibiotics are used to suppress secondar microflora, for example, furazolidone, bajtil, tetracyclines. With the prophylactic goal, the geussy is immunized in the first days of life. Revaccination is carried out in 3-4 weeks.

They are sick, mainly, the guisy of the first month of life. This period is dangerous for chicks of other types of threat of white diarrhea, which is caused by salmonella. Disease, in case of distribution, it is difficult to heal, it can destroy all the goose population. The following factors are distinguished, provoking the occurrence of salmonellosis:

  • overheating geussy;
  • crowned content;
  • avitaminosis during unsatisfactory nutrition.

The pathogen enters rodents, the people who themselves suffer from Salmonellize, and can get infected from geese. Adults are almost lifelong bacteria carriers. The microbe is extremely stable, and retains vitality in frozen goose carcasses for years. Different forms of diseases of diseases in geese are registered - from lightning to chronic. The following symptoms are observed:

  • oppression;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • thirst;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • paralysis;
  • housyn is developing a clocuit, a yellowing peritonitis.

Healing disease is possible by nitrofurans, or antibiotics, sulfonamides. The use of clomoxin is shown. Preventive methods of struggle include immunization of geese.


The pathogen is a bacterium that is permanently dwelling in the intestines. The disease arises as a result of the weakening of the body due to the violation of zoogigenic parameters. Two-month-old geusy are sick. They are oppressed, constantly sleep, move with difficulty, try to drink all the time. Therefore, the treatment consists in replacing the water with a solution of an antibiotic, preferably a drug containing enrofloxacin - bajtil, enromag, etc. The aggravation of the disease occurs at the geese during the egg-laying period. Fix peritonitis, loss of eggs, salpingitis.

  • lethargy, low-capacity;
  • anemia;
  • gosyat is frown;
  • the mucous diarrhea occurs, often with blood;
  • the litter acquires a sticky consistency.


The disease causes pathogenic fungus. They suffer mainly, geese in violation of content parameters. Microbes are actively multiplied in a long non-changing litter and infect the bird. Mainly observe the defeat of the respiratory bodies of geese. They suffer all types of birds. Guses and their chicks with clinical symptoms are destroyed, conditionally healthy are treated with anti-microtics either conduct aerosol treatment with iodine single-flurry. The room is sealed, poured the drug into ceramic or glassware with aluminum powder, or crushed wire and leave for 30-40 minutes. As a result of the reaction, the gas of purple color is released. Microbes have no mechanism getting used to iodine, so they are dying. The disadvantage of the method is the high corrosion activity of halogen.

Infectious clocuit

Another name is neusseriosis. Cause diplococci. The disease is aggravated by the addition of secondar microflora. Arises in adult geese during the pairing period. Characterized by the following features:

  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • erosion arise, fibrinous screens;
  • eggs are not fertilized;
  • hussakov is twisted and penis;
  • sick bird loses weight, mortality can reach 12%.

Pathology should be distinguished from an unsuccessful clocuit arising for other reasons. Gusey disease can be treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Pierce Bicyllin-5 intramuscularly, one-time.
  2. Five days in a row with concentrates give leftomycetin or tetracycline at twofold feeding.

If there is a need, after a week interval, antibiotic therapy is repeated, changing the drug. With a preventive goal during the recruitment period, a geese is inspected. Patients and suspicious are remembered, the rest are spent the course of antibiotic therapy. Conduct disinfection of walking, inventory, premises.


Re-de-degelmintion of the goosal is carried out within four weeks, the next one is six months later. Features of the reproductive flock of worms are expelled twice - in spring and autumn. Using levamizosis, albendazole or tetrazol with morning distribution of feed. In order for helminths, immunity does not develop, drugs are recommended to change annually.

To prevent the proliferation of infections, it is necessary to practice separate content of the multi-time geese.

Indirect diseases

The following noncommunicable diseases of geese distinguish:

  • avitaminosis D;
  • diarrhea;
  • cannibalism;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • inconspicuous enteritis;
  • noncommunicable clocuit.

Avitaminosis D.

Pathology develops as a result of vitamin deficit and deficiency of ultraviolet. The disease is called Rakhit. It is characterized by a violation of the growth of bones, their curvature, retardation in growth. Avitaminosis D is a disease not only gesyat, but also non-bumps. In this case, the lack of calciferols is combined with increasing the need of non-success in calcium. The ailment is manifested by the softening of the beak, bones, the thinning of the shell and the appearance of eggs without it.

If the poultryman applies feed, BVMK or premixes, you do not arise avitaminosis and other problems. Partially correct the situation is able to enter vitamin preparations, first of all, fat-soluble - trivitamin, braverant, etc.

For the treatment of avitaminosis D Gosyan, except for vitamins you need to add a source of calcium. The most acceptable sources consider the shell or triculic phosphate.


It is important to find out what caused diarrhea from a gesyat - infection or improper hygienic conditions, as well as feeding errors. In both cases, treatment must be started with the correction of zoogigenic parameters. The main enemy of the body of the goer becomes dehydration, so it is necessary to take urgent measures and cause a veterinary doctor.

From folk recipes, you can seriously treat the addition of gessy into the feed of wheat bran, because they absorb moisture well and thicken litter. This is if the goosses have retained appetite. The recipe, with the falling out of a weak solution of mangalls, however, there are problems with the acquisition of the drug. Therefore, it is better to apply furacilin, bajtil, clomoxin or other antimicrobial agent.


The bird begins to smear each other because of excessive illumination, bored, as well as lack of vitamins, trace elements, protein. Gusey, with the traces of the Otlovka sit down, the violations corrected.

Plugging of the esophagus

Watch with a lack of drink when feeding dry mixes. The gesyt arises shortness of breath, the beak is constantly open, walking shade. The folk remedy is treated - pouring vegetable oil 40-60 ml and try to squeeze the contents of beak.

Noncommunicable clocuit

It should be distinguished from neaseryosis. The reason for the unsuccessful clocacter in geese is fights or gross feeding disorders - the imbalance of minerals and vitamins. Symptoms resemble the flow of infectious clocuit. In the development of pathology, non-bumps may fall out or yeller peritonitis. The treatment consists in washing the cloaca goose by antiseptics. The ovage is eventually, the error in feeding is eliminated.


The responsible poultry truck, who decided to engage in breeding geese, is obliged to understand that this is a technological process, which is a list of techniques that are performed in a certain sequence. The success of the enterprise depends on the scrupulous execution of all paragraphs, adopting suspended timely decisions in the event of unexpected situations.

Geese sick ✿ infections, symptoms and treatment of geese

Diseases of geese and small gesyat: symptoms and treatment

Gusey's diseases may arise for a number of reasons. These include poor-quality feeds, drafts, low temperature, increased humidity indoors, dirty litter, improper conditions of content.

Growing geese needs to be followed by some mandatory requirements, which, at the same time, are measures of prevention. Healthy livestock can only be grown when maintaining the optimal microclimate in the room, feeding with high-quality and full feed, compliance with the purity in the poultry house, the presence in the required volumes of clean and fresh water.

Despite the fact that geese are unpretentious birds and they have a rather high resistance to various diseases, to face problems in their health and development can be at any time.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about the diseases of geese and their symptoms, you will learn how little geusing is sick and how to treat diseases, which antibiotics to use and what prevention measures to take.

Diseases of small gesyat: symptoms and treatment

In the first days of life, the gesyat must carefully monitor their content and diet. The organism in chicks is still weak and most susceptible to diseases. Some attack can lead to the death of a large number of livestock.

Diseases of young people Gusey quite a lot and they are subject to chicks. Modern poultry farming implies, among other things, the development of veterinary medicine - medicine does not stand still and with some diseases can be successfully fighting.

Diseases from Gosyat: Signs and Treatment

Viral enteritis

Such diseases are mainly susceptible to chicks aged 5-12 days. However, the virus can hit the bird and up to 3 weeks. Most often the heart and intestines are suffering, but more - liver. Mortality for such a disease can be up to 95% of the livestock. Viral enteritis can be transmitted by air-droplet or through an incubation egg.

The bird behaves sluggish, often frowns, freezes in one place with closed eyes. In later stages, liquid litter with blood discharge may appear. If the goosha manage to cure from the virus, they still will continue to lag in development from healthy livestock.

Prevention and treatment
To protect the chicks from this mischief, the little gesyat is instilled with special drugs when they are 20-38 days. In addition, it is recommended to make vaccinations and an adult bird 1.5 months before the start of the egg laying.


The disease that is also called the paratiff is very hard. Housings between the ages of 5 and 30 days are particularly susceptible to this disease. The main sources of virus - rodents, poor-quality feed, sore bird.

Housings drone, sediments, drink a lot, donate, they often closed eyes. The disease after 2-4 days leads to a fatal outcome.

Prevention and treatment
Sick bird isolate from the main livestock. The room where the contaminated turkey was kept, as well as feeders, the drinkers are completely disinfected. Gosyat is sick salmonell - how to treat? The main and most effective drug is Furazolidon. Give it within 7-10 days at 5 mg once a day, adding to the stern.


The virus causes a large case among young people. The main cause of this disease of the geese is a litter (or feed) in which mold was formed.

Gosses fall on their feet, become sleepy and sluggish, they begin to sneeze, in order to breathe air strongly pull the neck.

Prevention and treatment
First of all, it should be removed the bedroom litter and treat the floors and walls with fire using a soldering lamp. Another measure of prevention is the processing of chicks of chicks with iodullulminia aerosol. It is possible to cure the disease to the drug nystatin, which must be given together with the feed of 20-30 mg per kilogram of weight.


In the list of diseases of small gesyat, this virus is most common. Most often passed through an infected bird. Geese for a long time are sources of disease, even after complete recovery.

Main - diarrhea, drowsiness, lethargy, constant drinking. Chicks become so weak that they are moving with difficulty.

Prevention and treatment
First of all, it is necessary to isolate infected chicks from the main herd. For prophylaxis, Baitil is usually given (added to water).

Pastelez (cholera)

The disease that causes Pastell bacterium. Basically affects the rapid organisms geussy. The carriers are rodents, the virus can be transmitted through the air through food or water. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are most often created in cold and crude weather.

The symptoms include oppression, lack of appetite, breathing with wheezing, constant thirst. The gesyt with such a mistake of the beak flows the mucus, the feathers stick out, and the litter comes out with blood discharge.

In the later stages of the disease, chicks begin to fall from lack of forces. For treatment, sulfonamides and antibiotics are used. Best Prevention is regular cleaning, cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

Important! The above-mentioned diseases of geese are treated, but the infection may not leave the body for a very long time. Therefore, such a bird can not be allowed to the tribe. The optimal option is to fade into meat.

: why you get a goosal

We present to your attention a useful video from Igor Lunina, in which he tells about why the gooshad do and what to do, as well as to treat it so that it does not happen.

What hurt geese: symptoms and treatment of major diseases

Infectness diseases of geese of their symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment


This females are most often susceptible to the males. Geese can be infected with a dirty bedding, causative agents of the disease - mainly staphylococci and streptococci.

During the development of infection (30-45 days), the bird decreases significantly in weight, then the following symptoms are manifested: the dedication of the affected areas, ulcers, redness in the rear pass zone.

Sick individuals are usually cleaned, and the room and inventory are carefully disinfected.


Increased temperature, litter with foam discharge, no appetite and constant thirst - explicit signs of the occurrence of this disease.

Causes: Non-free food and drink, room without ventilation, invalid content conditions. The disease is not treated and the infected bird will have to be removed. The poultry house and the entire inventory must be treated with formaldehyde or chlorine.

For prophylaxis, a solution of furacin is given by a solution. The main antibiotics are neomycin (50 g per 1 kg of vibrant mass). The drug is given together with feed for 7-10 days.

Independent domestic geese diseases


Paw diseases in geese can arise precisely because of the lack of vitamins and due to the unbalanced diet.

For example, if the bird's body lacks vitamin B2, then the quality of the incubation egg and egg production in general will decrease with a large share of the likelihood.

The lack of vitamin E can lead to problems with the nervous system, which manifest themselves in the unnatural thread of the head back and the convulsive contraction of the muscles.

Yellowing peritonit

With this ailment suffer from females during the egg laying. The main reason is the injection of the yolk mass into the intestine, as a result of which inflammation begins. In this case, the stomach is significantly increased in size, the temperature rises.

The disease can also be caused by a disadvantage of vitamins, excessive protein content, fright, physical damage. Treatment methods that could not help yet exist. For the prevention, you can not allow the crowded females, constantly monitor the purity in the poultry house, to ensure a geese with high-quality feed.

Eggs fell

The inflammation of the egg pathways, the rear pass, frequent constipation and diarrhea, as well as laying too large eggs can lead to the fallout of this organ.

Fallen eggs need to be placed back. To do this, it is washed with water with the addition of manganese and join back to the rear pass. Goose with such a poor carry eggs is very difficult, so they need to assist - to take eggs with clean hands or if it is impossible in parts.


The deficiency of choline and manganese in the body can cause the emergence of a pen. With this disease, the development of young people slows down, the bird becomes difficult to move - the paws are boosted, and walking can lead to the dislocation of the paw.

Plugging of the esophagus

Too frequent feeding with dry feeds, lack of water can lead to the blockage of the esophagus. The bird becomes very restless, she appears shortness of breath, weakness, stepling when walking, constantly opened the beak.

The most common is fluffy. With their distribution, geese begin to develop badly, the egg production is reduced by geese. For prevention, special ointments use for treatment - disinsection.


Non-fake and dirty water - the main causes of worms. Bird begins to lose weight in front of her eyes, she decreases immunity. Optimally - not allowing the appearance of worms, as it is very difficult to treat geese from them. Preventive measures - regular cleaning in the poultry house and disinfection.

Poisoning geese

The bird can get poisoning due to the moldless, spoiled feed, the use of poisonous plants, fertilizers and poisons. Poisoning can take a chronic form. Symptoms include: Restless behavior, constant thirst, cramps, liquid litter.

Poisoned bird can die very quickly. To cure geese into water, they add a light solution to vinegar, the eyes are washed with water. If the cause of poisoning has become food, it is used for treatment with vegetable beams, vodka, vegetable oil.

For prevention, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the room, feeders and cream. During treatment, do not give geese potatoes and beets.


Each poultryman who grows up a poultry should know that it is possible to avoid large losses among the livestock, taking measures at the initial stage of the disease. Clean poultry with ventilation and lighting, regular cleaning, well-balanced nutrition - the key to healthy penetrate growth.

Source: https://pticevodu.ru/Bolezni-gusey.html

How can the geussy get sick?

Geese are considered one of the most endless and unpretentious birds grown at home. However, small geese, like all sorts of chicks, cannot withstand all assistants despite the strong immunity from birth.

Therefore, it is not worth it for endurance and good health, because it is said, it is aware - it means armed.

That is why we want to "arm" knowledge about what diseases are geussing - with symptoms and treatment - can wait for the younger generation of these nervous birds!


Cocidiosis pathogens affect the intestines and kidney of young geese than slowing down their development and can cause the death of kids. The most vulnerable to the coccidiosis of the geusat under the age of 3 months.

Cocidize is characterized by a decrease in their activity and appetite, the depletion of the chick and even anemia.

With coccidiosis, the bird is shiny even at high outdoor air temperature, movement coordination can be broken. With similar symptoms, you should pay attention to the feces gesyat if they are unnatural color, liquid, there is a diarrhea with impurities of mucus and blood - almost 100% of coccidiosis gesy.

The cause of coccidiosis can be the unsanitary conditions in Busseknik, other infected geusy or adult individuals, as well as feed, water, inventory.

The fact is that in the body of the bird infected with coccidiosis, oocysts are formed, which come from the intestine to the environment and continue to infect other birds.


Viral enteritis refers to the category of acute contagious (infectious) diseases. His goal is the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart, and even brain.

Mortality from this disease is very high if the outbreak of enteritis occurred in your farm for the first time, unfortunately, you will have to say goodbye from 90-100% of your livestock.

The manifestations of the disease can be observed at the geisy of the age of 6-12 days if they independently overcome the disease, they will remain in passive carriers for 3-4 years. In patients with enteritis, there is no gesyt appetite, weakness and low-liability is noted.

They may be released from the nose and tear, hyperemia of the skin, diarrhea, as well as the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area, which is then seen when opening.

The source of infection can become other infected individuals, infected feed or water. Another transmission method is a crossariant.

When the Gusanya-Virostene lays out infected eggs, already infected geusy are hatched, if they are hatched at all, because the mortality rate infected with viral entit of embryos is very high.


Many diarrhea may seem like a serious problem, however, this is not the case, it strongly depletes the body of a young traveler, and may also be a symptom of hazardous infectious diseases (for example, coccidiosis).

Very often, the liquid chair is a signal that with the diet of your birds is not all right. Dirty water or supercooling can also cause intestinal disorder and diarrhea at a small goer. Sometimes there is also a decrease in appetite, an increased temperature and a lattice of plumage with diarrhea.

Birds can either just sit in one place, or fall, tipped over the back.

Diarrhea appears and with such infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, viral enteritis, pastellosis and various invasive diseases that require immediate origin.

Why is baldness developing?

Some breeders can face the problem of baldness of their pets without visible causes. Of these, this is a kind of cannibalism among the feathers. Often the gooshads themselves opened each other in each other. They do it with a crowding and lack of walking.

Geese - Birds Herbivores, accustomed to spend most of their time and pinch the grass there, if they have no such opportunity, the gunpowers begin to pinch each other. If you noticed this, let the will of your birds, and especially the affected individuals, suck, until they turn to the new flush.

Why are chicks fall on his back?

Some breeders faced such a problem when their gooshads fell on his back and they did not understand why this is happening. However, this is not an independent disease and manifests itself, as a rule, together with other symptoms (for example, diarrhea). Chicks can fall on the back due to certain infectious and invasive diseases discussed below.

A small video about the content of the gesyat in the farm for the diversity of our article will find further, the video from the channel The main farm portal Farmer.ru.


Very dangerous disease. Guspenka has diarrhea, abundant discharge from the nasal and oral cavities, the respiration of the rapid, with wheezing.

There is a general weakness, exhaustion, due to which exhausted travelers and may fall on the back. Chronic course of the disease can cause swelling in the joints or on the head of the bird.

Upon acute flow to treat a bird, alas, it is useless, an inevitable death is waiting for it in 1-3 days.


That is why the gesyt released in the free walking on the pond, after 20-25 days the first signs of the hymenolepidosis may appear.

Namely: a strong fading diarrhea, growth in growth, significant weight loss, walking shade and unstable, can arise the convulsions of the limbs and because of this fall of the goose on the back.



For gesy, as for many other types of poultry, the antibiotics of a wide range of action are used. Such as biomycin, penicillin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, as well as furazolidone, sulfadimezin, norsulfazole. Separately, I want to mention the drug Baitril.

The active ingredient of this drug Enrofloxacin is fluoroquinolone, has an antibacterial and antimicoplasma effect, suppresses the growth and development of a number of pathogenic organisms.

In particular, those that cause colibacteriosis, mycoplasmosis, enteritis, salmonellosis and a number of similar infectious diseases, the causative agent of which is sensitive to Enrofloxacin.

Baitril is produced in the form of a solution and is used orally. It is well absorbed by the walls of the tract and refers to the category of moderately hazardous substances. The course of treatment by Baitril is from 3 to 5 days in the dosages specified in the instructions for the drug.

Baytriel with other antibiotic drugs, such as levomycetin, tetracycline or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, is not allowed.

Poultry snapping after the use of Baitrile is possible not earlier than 11 days after the use of the drug.

Bajtil has a number of analogs - preparations also containing enrofloxacin as a active substance. This is an enroxyl, enroflon, phloxacin, enroflox, enet. The difference can be in the dosage of the active substance, which is indicated in the instructions for the use of a particular drug. Consider this in the treatment of your geussing from enteritis and other diseases!

Prevention of disease

We consider it one way to repeat that high-quality meals from the first days of life, the right sanitary conditions, the content of the young one separately from the adult livestock, temperature control and humidity - will reduce possible risks associated with various diseases of the livestock. Best prevention is the right conditions of detention. In addition, there are currently many vaccines that are becoming increasingly perfect and able to protect your livestock from most infections.

It is also important is the presence of a sufficient number of vitamins, the need for a young organism is higher. Vitamins of Gosyat can receive from grass, grains and rooteploods. Here are the exemplary norms of vitamins for gesyat, at the rate of 1 ton of feed:

  • A - 10 g;
  • D3 - 2.5 g;
  • K - 2 g;
  • E - 10 g;
  • B1 - 1 g;
  • B2- 4 g;
  • B3 - 10 g;
  • B4 - 500 g;
  • B5 - 20 g

An additional influx of vitamins will provide a variety of in the diet. Do not forget about mineral additives - phosphorus and calcium are also necessary to board. Their source can become meat and fish flour, fish oil.

Photo Gallery

Photo 1: Patient Guskenok with lowered head photo 2: Adult goen sits on the road photo 3: chick in his hands from the owner

"Housing Holmogora"

Source: http://klyv.ru/gusi/chem-mogut-zabolet-ptenci-1654/

Diseases of geese - symptoms and treatment, when birds fall on their feet

Breeding geese is a profitable, but also troublesome, because this bird is most sensitive to a number of diseases.

Experience suggests that in any farming, preventive measures are most important, and it is also necessary to be able to identify the illness in the early stages.

Causes of diseases

In most cases, diseases in geese occur due to insufficient human care. Ailments are always where:

  • antisanitaria - indoor dirt and late substrain change, irregular cleaning and washing feeders, dolls;
  • unsatisfactory microclimate of the poultry house - the presence of drafts, damp, cold;
  • non-facial nutrition and stubborn water.

All this leads to the development and distribution of various diseases, which by nature are divided into:

It is necessary to fight against infectious diseases in the first place, because we are not talking about a separate individual, but about the danger will lose all the livestock. Most often on the houses are the following agers:


This disease is dangerous not only for geese, but also other animals and humans. It is caused by the disputes of mold fungus, which, falling into the airways, are strengthened there and begin to grow, highlighting toxins. The cunningness of the ailment is that it can not manifest itself immediately, turning into a chronic shape, and a bird, especially young, breaking, becomes a carrier.

With the rapid development of Aspergilleze for geese, it is characterized by lethargy, they decrease their appetite, and the thirst increases, problems are observed by the breathing apparatus (difficulty breathing, wheezing), it is possible a rapid step of herd.

Finding a problem, you need to make a micetological study of feed, since in most cases it becomes a source of illness.

When a diagnosis is confirmed, copper vitrios is added to drinking water so that 0.05 percent solution is obtained, the bird twice a day for 7-10 days with feed give nastatin at the rate of 25-30 mg / 1 kg of live weight. It is important to remember that antibiotics with aspergillosis are prohibited because they contribute to the growth of the fungus.

This disease is treated, therefore, the focus is on the prevention at which it is necessary:

  • get rid of the litter and feed affected by the arms of the mushroom;
  • maintain in the poultry room clean, ensure air circulation without drafts, take care of the dryness of the room;
  • to disinfect the room with 2.5% copper and formalin solution;
  • to process the room by iodine aerosol: 20 ml of a concentration solution of 0.5% per 1 cu. m of rooms, duration - 5-6 days;
  • walk along the surface of the poultry house and inventory by a soldering lamp;
  • process young as iodulluminum aerosol;
  • gose vitamin A geusing, which increases the body's stability to this fear.


The pathogen is an intestinal wand, which is constantly in the body of the bird, but with insufficient care, poor nutrition, weakening or overheating the body can affect the intestines, ovage, ovaries. There are also distributors of other individuals who have suffered and become carriers of the disease, and also infected food, water, etc.

Symptoms of colibacteriosis: decline in appetite, thirst, drowsiness, a foam chair of a greenish shade.

In the launched cases, the bird should be sent to slaughter and destroy, and the rest - to treat antibiotics, given that pathogenic bacteria quickly become resistant to drugs, so appointments should be changed periodically.

Among the most effective drugs:

  • neomycin, once a day with a food of 50 mg / 1 kg of live masses, 6-10 days;
  • tetracycline - 20 mg;
  • biomycin - 20 mg;
  • levomycetin - 30 mg.

The surfaces are treated with 3 percent lysol, 5-10 percent of chlorine lime, 5 percent phenol, xylophyte, formalin.

For prevention of geussing in the first three days of life, instead of water give Propiono-acidophilic bouillon culture - on 10 ml of water 1 ml means, and incubators are processed with formaldehyde pairs.

Pastells, or cholera

The disease caused by the Bastrela Bacteria, which is transmitted from other individuals or through contaminated food, inventory, water. It may leak superpressure, sharply or move into a chronic stage.

In the case of a superfluous flow of externally, a healthy bird suddenly dies and even during the autopsy, pathological changes are not visible.

For an acute form, it is characterized by the manifestation of thirst, weak appetite, an increase in temperature up to 43.5 degrees, weakness, mucous allocations from the nasal holes, a litter of greenish, gray or yellow, often with blood.

"Chronic" symptoms: a liquid chair, exhaustion, poor appetite, viscous allocations from the nasal holes.

When detecting pastellosis on the farm, a sick bird is killed and destroyed, affected recently treat antibiotics and sulfanilamide drugs.

The room is treated with 10-20 percent figures, 0.4 percent formaldehyde, 3 percent and 1 percent chlorine lime.

Salmonellosis, or paratif

Dangerous disease with a high percentage of poultry case. It is more susceptible to the 5-30-day geusing of the 5-30-day age. Eating the livestock can be from other birds, rodents, through food. Antisanitary, avitaminosis, general weakening of the body contributes to the development of illness.

With the defeat of salmonella geese, becomes larger, characterized by lethargy, the omission of the wings, the staggering gait, and also decreases the appetite and increases thirst.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively with preventive measures - birds are vaccinated. Among drugs are most effective:

  • nitrofuran tools: Furazolidon - 1 time per day with 5 mg feed per goenka, 8-10 days
  • antibiotics: oxytetracycline, biomycin, tetracycline - 20 mg / 1 kg of mass, 5-10 days twice with feed;
  • sulfamis: Sulfadimesin - 1 kg of alive mass 200 mg 2 times / day with food, 3-5 days.

The room is treated with a solution of chlorine lime (5%), haired lime (20%), a solution of formalin (1%).


The disease amazes the liver, intestines, stomach, and is transmitted from other individuals, through dirty water, feed, inventory.

Deals are especially dangerous for chicks, and the symptoms are expressed in apathy, drowsiness, selections from the nasal holes. Cal becomes liquid, it has a blood admixture, the bird refuses food, legs weaken.

Treatment for this disease is not developed, and in order to avoid infection, the bird is twice vaccinated.

Indirect diseases

Among the unsuccessful diseases are the most common are:


This is the absence or extreme deficit in the body of Guses Vitamins.

Symptoms of the disease: slowdown in growth and development, poor appetite, decreased egg production, in rare cases - death.

For treatment and prevention, special vitaminized winds are bought, produce fish oil, develop a diet with the content of all necessary vitamins, fresh greens should always be available.

Eggs fell

With inflammation of the eggs, clocks, if the goose carries too large eggs (often with two yolks), it can partially either completely fall out.

Related conditions: Increase temperature, constipation, diarrhea.

The dropped ovage is washed with cool water, then treated with a solution of quasans or manganese and try to manually correct it into place. If your attempts were not crowned with success, it is better to turn to the vet. After ordering, a piece of ice is placed there.

Be sure to be monitored, and if it does not be able to carry an egg after all, help her - pull the egg manually, pre-groaning the arms with a vaseline.


Symptoms: a sharp decline in mass, the weakening of the immunity of the bird.

For treatment it is necessary to determine the pathogen and to degelmintization. Regularly carry out preventive measures - cleaning and disinfection of the room.

Yellowing peritonit

This disease is typical only for goose. With it, the intestine penetrates the yolk mass, causing inflammation. The reason can be a female female, a blow, food containing too high proteins.

Symptoms: painful sensations in the field of peritoneum, temperature rise, increase in the size of the abdomen.

Only preventive methods are used: a balanced diet, a caring attitude to the population, regular cleaning.

Plugging of the esophagus

The disease is typical for young people, but may develop in individuals older. The disease is provoked by a disadvantage of water when driving dry food, starvation.

Symptoms: Flawing gait, weakness, anxiety, constantly open beak.

Help the bird can be a folk agent: pour 50 g of vegetable oil into the throat, and then carefully pressed into the esophagus to squeeze the contents.


A strict phenomenon that is aggravated by grinding in the poultry house, bright lighting, poor ventilation at high humidity, disadvantage of protein in the body.

Manifestations: The bird feels discomfort, constantly cleaner feathers and lubricates them with fat, pulls the feathers and down, shaking his back.

It should be not allowed to be crowded in the poultry house, to equip the room with maximum comfort, to provide gessa access to water.

Qatar Zoba

Age sicknesswhich might provoke spoiled food.

Symptoms: an increase in goiter, birds are sitting frowning.

Treatment and prevention: massage the goiter, fasten the bird with a solution of hydrochloric acid (5%).


Due to the deficit of a number of vitamins and minerals, clay inflammation may occur.

Symptoms: loss of the mucous membrane of the cloaca, microtrauma on it.

Treatment and prevention: Balanced food with fresh greens and carrots, access to water for swimming. If the mucous membrane fell out, then clean it from an outer solution from the nalya and treat with antibiotic ointment (for example, zinc).


It happens when the use of poor-quality or non-baking feeds, hazardous plants, poisons, chemicals.

Symptoms: problems from the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Treatment: Birds should be filled with aqueous solution of vinegar, rinse with water with water, use champs of cleansing plants. Sometimes it helps with cold water.

Prevention: Monitor feeds, hide chemicals, do not output geese where there may be hazardous plants and substances.


It often occurs due to lack of vitamin B or with improper nutrition.

Symptoms: Frequent liquid feces, laid plumage, convulsive movements, slowdown in growth, paralysis.

Treatment and prevention: balance the diet, adding bran, germinated grain and vitamin V.


The lack of vitamin D can provoke a growing lag, softening the beak, bones, the formation of a thin shell.

Vitamin is produced by the organism of birds under the influence of sunlight, so frequent walking is the main prevention of the disease. For treatment, drugs with vitamin D are used, fishery felt flashes.

Why do geuses fall to your feet?

This problem concerns many farmers, and explanations are usually several. If the infectious disease was not detected, then it was:

  • the lack of calcium, magnesium, useful and necessary trace elements. In this case, it is necessary to balance the diet, and in the feeder add chopped chalk;
  • glisters. It is necessary to carry out degelmintion, you can try the effective folk remedy - finely chopped garlic;
  • the absence of gravel, which contribute to the acceleration of food processing.

General methods of disease prevention

It is possible to guarantee the full bird development, only if the farmer took care of the appropriate conditions for the content of small gesyat, and maintains the taking level throughout the life of individuals. From the very beginning it is necessary to take care:

  • about the poultry house where young people will be placed. Before launching new geussing, it should be carefully removed, to disinfect all the surfaces, it is desirable to whitewash the ceiling and lime walls;
  • to strengthen the immunity of chicks, for which they are poured by a solution of manganese with glucose. Calculate the dose is better at a specialist;
  • about the nearby territory around the poultry house where the livestock is released for the day.

If your economy is organized correctly, you adhere to the tips and follow the purity of the poultry house, then the livestock will delight productivity and lack of problems.

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