Mastodynia treatment. Mastodynia - pain and hypersensitivity of the mammary glands

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

What is mastodynia and how to treat it? In women, the manifestation of this painful condition can be both pathological and physiological in origin. In any case, mastalgia syndrome gives the fairer sex a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Let us consider whether it can be prevented, what causes it is provoked, how dangerous this condition is and the features of the use of therapeutic therapy.

What is mastodynia? In accordance with ICD-10, this pathological condition has been assigned the code 64.4. It is characterized by unpleasant discomfort of a subjective nature in the mammary gland, such as coarsening, pain, and to the mammary glands.

Mastalgia (mastodynia) syndrome is most often diagnosed in women of childbearing age, but it is also observed in elderly patients. Usually soreness occurs before the onset of menstruation, but can act as a sign of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Neurosis.
  • Puberty in adolescent girls.
  • Various deviations of the body.

Almost every woman encounters mastodynia for one reason or another. According to medical statistics, 50% of the fair sex show signs of it every month, which negatively affects their well-being.

Women complain of decreased performance, physical and psychological discomfort, tension in personal relationships with a man, and so on.

Development mechanism

The pathogenesis of this abnormal phenomenon is as follows:

  1. The pain appears due to the ongoing modifications in the tissues of the mammary gland due to the vigorous effect of hormones on them, in the first turn of progesterone.
  2. At the luteal stage of the ovarian cycle, there is an active multiplication of breast epithelial cells and prolonged fluid retention in the breast structure.
  3. The above processes provoke breast enlargement. As a result of this, compression of the nerve endings is observed, as indicated by the occurrence of pain.
  4. If there are still some abnormalities in the structure of the female breast, then the soreness is a consequence of irritation of the nociceptive endings with metabolic substances that are characteristic of, or due to pressure on the tissue caused by an increase in the tumor present.

With regard to what is the difference between mastopathy and mastodynia, the latter can act as a symptom of the initial stage of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, which in turn is the precancerous phase of the oncological process.

Classification of forms

Medicine emphasizes that mastodynia in women has two types of its manifestation:

In addition, mastodynia has characteristic differences in its occurrence, depending on the provoking cause.

Mastodynia of the mammary gland is provoked by many factors, both pathological and physiological. Experts name a number of the most common reasons:

  1. Sharp fluctuations in hormonal indicators in the following periods of a woman's life: adolescence, pregnancy, menopause.
  2. Purulent and non-infectious mastitis of the mammary glands.
  3. Breast damage of various origins.
  4. Termination of pregnancy (abortion) and artificial childbirth.
  5. Breast cancer, adenomas and some benign and malignant neoplasms in the breast.
  6. Taking diuretic medications, ovulation stimulants and oral contraceptive medications.
  7. Premenstrual syndrome.
  8. Any kind of surgical therapy on the gland.
  9. Large size of a woman's breasts with an incorrectly chosen bra.
  10. Violation of metabolic processes, especially lipid metabolism.
  11. Chronic neurotic disorders.
  12. As reflected painful discomfort from osteochondrosis, heart pain, myalgia, renal or hepatic ailments, neuralgia.

Clinical signs of pathological manifestations depend on what form of mastalgia is present, since each of them is characterized by symptomatic individuality.

Mastodynia type Symptoms
Cyclic Pain occurs most often in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
Soreness is triggered by increased estrogen synthesis and a lack of progesterone.
The nature of the pain syndrome is squeezing, aching or pulling. There is an increase in volume and swelling of the breast tissue, excessive tactile sensitivity of the nipples and breast tissue.
Unpleasant discomfort when trying to touch the bust.
Soreness appears in both breasts at the same time.
The cyclical type of mastalgia occurs in nulliparous women aged 20-40 years, or they have had one childbirth.
Acyclic Not related to menstrual cycles.
Features - pains of clear localization. Periodic soreness, either always mild or burning, usually manifests itself in one breast.
The breast does not swell, and there is no hypersensitivity.
There is a discharge from the nipple and its redness.
It is mainly diagnosed in patients over 40 years old.
False Increased muscle tone in the back.
The pain is felt in the intercostal region.
Blood pressure surges.
Violation of the heart rhythm in the background of heart failure.
The patient has a history of pathologies of other organs.

Possible complications and consequences for the body

The main danger of mastodynia syndrome is that pathology is one of the symptoms of breast inflammation, serious diseases, or the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. Therefore, the degree of danger is determined by the type of mastalgia manifested:

  • Physiological - does not pose a clear threat to a woman, but often worsens the quality of her life due to excessive fatigue, increased nervousness, unstable mood and other psycho-emotional abnormalities.
  • False - if the disease that is the cause of mastodynia is not detected in time, the risk of developing various complications is quite high, which complicates the treatment process.

With a strongly manifested mastodynia syndrome, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and mammologist, as well as a thorough examination of the body. This is due to the fact that this pathological phenomenon is not a final diagnosis, but acts as a sign of other diseases or conditions of the breast.

To determine the exact diagnosis, the patient is assigned to undergo laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

With a more complex course of the disease, the doctor may recommend additional diagnostic procedures:

  • Radiothermometry. The temperature regime inside the breast is determined, the violation of which indicates inflammation, incorrect blood circulation and other abnormal processes in the structure of the glands.
  • MRI, CT and,. The indicators of hormonal substances are being clarified.
  • Differential procedure of physiological mastodynia with fibrocystic mastopathy and other neoplasms of benign and malignant etiology.

In addition to passing tests and passing a hardware examination, a woman needs advice from such specialists:

  • Gynecologist.
  • Cardiologist.
  • Psychiatrist.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Therapist.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Oncologist-mammologist.

How and how to treat mastodynia? Specific therapeutic actions begin after establishing its form, that is, after excluding the presence of other pathologies that can cause its manifestation.

  1. With mild pain discomfort of true mastodynia and the absence of any ailments, regular observation by a mammologist and regular mammography or ultrasound are shown.
  2. Severe soreness with emotional disturbances - therapy is prescribed to reduce or eliminate pain provoked by hormonal abnormalities.
  3. With mastalgia, as a symptom of mastitis, it is recommended to undergo a special treatment course using drugs of different drug groups, which the doctor selects individually.

According to experts, the most effective therapy is the combination of several therapeutic techniques:

  • Pathogenetic.
  • Hormonal.
  • Non-drug.
  • Medication, non-hormonal.

Mastalgia of the mammary gland is stopped by the following medications:

Groups of drugs Treatment features Name of drugs
Hormonal The selection of specific funds is carried out taking into account the indicators of the hormonal background. Combined oral contraceptive monophasic drugs.
Releasing medications.
Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists.
Herbal remedies To stabilize the level of hormones, herbal medicines with estrogen-like, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects are prescribed. Oregano.
In addition, herbal medicines are recommended: Mastodinon, Cyclodinone.
Homeopaths Homeopathic medicines support and activate the body's immunity to combat pathology. Mastopol.
Sedatives Recommended for psychoemotional disorders. Selective inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine.
Tinctures or decoctions of motherwort, peony and valerian.
Diuretic Diuretics eliminate the accumulation of water in the body, which provokes the development of pain in the breast. Potassium-sparing.
Herbal remedies with a diuretic effect.
Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
With a strong manifestation of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to help regulate the state of cell membranes and reduce the activity of producing prostaglandins, which reduce excessive susceptibility to pain. Nurofen.
Vitamin therapy Taking vitamins and minerals strengthens and supports the immune system. Vitamin A - exhibits anti-estrogenic effects.
Vitamins C, P and PP - contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, relieve pain and tension in breast tissue.
Vitamins E and B6 - inhibit prolactin synthesis.

Additional techniques

Drug treatment is enhanced by physiotherapy techniques. The patient is assigned to undergo the following procedures:

  1. Galvanization.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. Balneotherapy.
  4. Magnetotherapy.

When a woman develops acyclic mastalgia, first, medical or surgical elimination of the underlying pathology is performed, and then therapeutic measures are used to stop the mastalgia syndrome.

If mastodynia is manifested by complications:

  • Tumor.
  • Cysts.
  • Abscess.

Specialists make a decision about surgical intervention, and after it, drug therapy is prescribed.

Traditional methods of treating mastodynia are advisable to use only in cases where there is confidence that it is provoked only by hormonal imbalance and acts as a symptom of premenstrual syndrome.

In all other situations (tumors, severe stages of breast diseases, etc.), the use of folk recipes is ineffective and even dangerous for the patient's health.

It is allowed to use the following home recipes, provided that their reception must be previously agreed with the attending doctor.

Herbal tea

To prepare a medicinal drink, you must take the following herbs in equal proportions:

  • Clover.
  • Late toothpick.
  • Burdock (rhizome).
  • Nettle.
  • Peony (rhizome).
  • Meadowsweet.
  • Tatarnik.
  • Celandine.
  • Sabelnik.
  • The sequence.

Mix everything, measure out 1 tbsp. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water. The herbal collection normalizes the hormonal background, the course of therapy is 30 days, then a break is taken, and the treatment is repeated.

Herbal tea

A healing drink is prepared from the following phyto-collection:

  • St. John's wort.
  • Nettle.
  • Dandelion (root).
  • Cuff.

Mix, chop, 1 tbsp. raw materials need 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, strain, take 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 30-40 days, after a break, the treatment is repeated.

Curd wraps

This method of treatment is effective for hormone-dependent cyclical mastalgia caused by PMS. Put low-fat cottage cheese at room temperature in a thin layer (no more than 0.5 cm) on the chest, cover with a towel. If necessary, warm it with a woolen shawl, scarf.

Treatment outcome and further prognosis

The degree of a positive prognosis depends on the type of syndrome manifested:

  • Cyclic - confidently positive.
  • Acyclic and false - based on the characteristics of the underlying disease that led to mastalgia.

In order to avoid the development of a painful condition due to severe hormonal disturbances, doctors advise:

  1. Reduce any activity.
  2. Normalize rest and sleep patterns.
  3. Correct the diet.
  4. Reduce salt intake.
  5. Choose a bra that best suits the physiological characteristics of the bust.
  6. Avoid stressful situations.
  7. Refuse food that retains fluid in the body.
  8. Timely treat gynecological problems that cause abnormalities in the hormonal system.


Mastodynia is not a separate disease, but a clinical sign of some anomalies in the body, including pathological processes that are treated only by surgery.

Therefore, with recurrent chest pains, the patient should not ignore their presence - it is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo diagnostics, which will help to correctly determine the root cause of mastalgia and take effective therapeutic measures.

Since mastalgia (mastodynia), which is manifested by pain in the mammary gland, may be one of the symptoms of mastopathy, which is considered a precancerous condition of the female body.

The diagnosis and treatment of this condition is of particular importance, although in most cases the manifestations of mastalgia are harmless. However, the prevalence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland should be a sufficient basis for constant monitoring of the state of the entire female body, including the breast.

How is the diagnosis made?

When contacting a doctor about pain in the mammary glands, it should be remembered that mastalgia (mastodynia) is not a diagnosis, but one of the symptoms of various diseases and / or pathologies of the mammary glands.

With mastalgia, high-quality diagnosis is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of malignant neoplasms.

To diagnose and identify the real causes of pain in the mammary glands, that is, the causes of mastalgia (mastodynia), such examinations and tests are necessary:

  • During the first visit to the gynecologist and / or to the mammologist, the doctor will carry out the so-called palpation, that is, manual examination;
  • An ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands is mandatory;
  • If an ultrasound scan reveals any deviations from the norm and, especially, any neoplasms, mammography is necessarily prescribed, which allows you to examine the condition of the mammary gland in more detail;
  • If any tumor is found, a biopsy is prescribed to determine the presence of malignant cells.
  • In order for the diagnosis to be made accurately, the doctor will certainly take an interest in the presence of any concomitant diseases and conditions:
  • The physician must be informed of any discharge from;
  • Body temperature and its possible fluctuations, including upward ones, are very important;
  • Particular attention is paid to the general well-being and condition of the woman, including general weakness for no apparent reason.

Treatment of mastalgia (mastodynia)

Mastalgia, that is, pain in the mammary glands, is not a disease, but a symptom, therefore effective therapy is possible only after an accurate diagnosis has been established, which makes it possible to find out the cause of the pain.

Attention! In case of pain in the mammary glands, the diagnosis should be made by a mammologist.

  • If mastalgia is caused by hormonal surges, then the hormonal background of the female body can be corrected by taking hormonal drugs that are selected individually. However, other treatment regimens are also possible.
  • If mastalgia is provoked by any other disease or condition of the female body, then treatment of the identified and confirmed disease is necessary - only a specialist prescribes such treatment.
  • If mastalgia has become a manifestation (symptom) of mastitis, which is considered a precancerous disease, then the woman is prescribed a special course of treatment, including anti-inflammatory drugs, which the doctor selects individually. In addition, vitamins or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as sedatives, can be prescribed.

Attention! In any case, mastalgia, whatever the cause, requires attention and therapeutic intervention, since this symptom always negatively affects women's well-being.

Drug treatment

Since there are many reasons for the development of mastalgia, there is no single approach to the treatment of this painful condition - uniform standards for the treatment of various functional states of the mammary glands and their benign diseases have not yet been developed.

  • The use of hormonal drugs for mastalgia, which has a non-hormone-dependent nature, can bring considerable and often irreparable harm to a woman, therefore, accurate diagnosis of the causes of pain in the mammary gland is very important.
  • The modern approach to the treatment of mastalgia involves the complex use of drugs, depending on the cause that caused the pain syndrome. As part of the complex use of pharmaceuticals for mastalgia, various drugs can be used, including (but not limited to):
  • Hormonal drugs, including oral hormonal contraceptives
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Vitamin preparations or vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Herbal medicines;
  • Preparations for general strengthening of the body;
  • Preparations for the normalization of the psychoemotional state.

For non-hormone-dependent mastalgia, which is not associated with the appearance of benign or malignant neoplasms, homeopathic remedies are considered effective, which have a high safety profile and practically do not have undesirable side effects.

Attention! Homeopathic medicines are made only from natural raw materials of organic (animal and / or vegetable) and / or inorganic (mineral) origin.

Attention!For mastalgia of any origin, you can use only those drugs that have been prescribed by the attending physician after a detailed study of the history, laboratory results and other diagnostic tests.

Attention! Treatment of mastalgia of any etiology on the basis of advice, including from Internet sources, can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Folk remedies

The use of folk remedies for the treatment of diagnosed mastalgia is possible only in cases where the doctor has come to the conclusion that the pain in the mammary glands is dyshormonal (hormonal balance is disturbed) and can be considered one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In any other cases, the use of folk remedies can be not only ineffective and useless, but also dangerous.

Attention! Self-medication is always a health hazard..

If it is reliably established that mastalgia is one of the symptoms of PMS, then folk remedies can be used, having previously agreed with the attending physician.

  1. With hormone-dependent cyclical pain in the chest, which the doctor considers a manifestation, you can take warm herbal teas from plant raw materials of late clover, meadow clover, burdock root, duck peony root, stinging nettle, meadowsweet, marsh cinquefoil, prickly tartar, string, celandine before meals.
  2. Herbal decoctions from this plant material can have a positive (normalizing) effect on the hormonal background of the female body, however, a positive effect is possible only if taken regularly for a long time (a month). The monthly course of taking herbal tea must be repeated.
  3. Tea made from such plant materials as St. John's wort, dandelion root, nettle, and cuff can be effective in eliminating periodic chest pain (cyclical mastalgia).
  4. Such tea should be drunk three times a day for 30-40 days, and after a month and a half the course is repeated.
  5. In folk medicine, for hormone-dependent chest pain (with cyclic mastalgia, which is caused by PMS), curd breast wraps are considered effective.
  6. For such a local wrap, you need to take low-fat cottage cheese, which is applied to the breast skin in a fairly thin layer (about 0.5 cm). Top the curd should be covered with a towel, napkin or any cotton cloth. If the air temperature is low and the wrapping seems cold, then you can put a woolen scarf, scarf or shawl on top of a cotton cloth or towel for insulation.

Prevention measures for mastalgia

Pain in the mammary glands, or mastalgia, can appear as a symptom of various diseases and pathological conditions of the body - from premenstrual syndrome to a malignant tumor. Prevention is very important for the prevention of mastalgia, that is, measures aimed at preventing hormonal disruptions and disorders, as well as preventing any infectious and inflammatory processes in the female body.

Thus, preventive measures to prevent mastalgia of any etiology should be considered:

  • A healthy lifestyle, which includes giving up bad habits, healthy eating, healthy rest, sufficient physical activity, proper sleep patterns, absence or minimization of stress;
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist (at least once every six months) and to the mammologist (at least once a year). After 40 years, it is necessary to visit a mammologist every six months;
  • Systematic and regular self-examination of the mammary glands, so that possible seals are identified in a timely manner;
  • Choosing the right underwear: the bra should always be appropriate for the size of the chest so that the chest is not injured. The linen needs to be changed frequently.
  • Special underwear for sports: for any physical activity, use special underwear of sports models, which slightly tighten the breasts and effectively support them.

It is very important that a woman knows possible hereditary pathologies and diseases. If close maternal or paternal relatives had any pathologies of the mammary glands (especially if they were malignant tumors), then the mammologist must be visited at least once every six months at any age, but especially after 40 years.

Proper nutrition should not be neglected, because proper nutrition greatly contributes to normal metabolism (metabolism), which guarantees the correct functioning of all systems and organs of the body, including the normal functioning of the endocrine (hormonal) system.

It is necessary to resolutely abandon bad habits, if any, since both alcohol and tobacco have an extremely negative effect on the health of the whole organism, including the endocrine system. In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse are considered risk factors for malignant neoplasms and cancer.

Conclusions: what every woman should remember about mastalgia

  1. Every woman should understand that chest pain (in the mammary glands), that is, mastalgia (mastodynia), is not a separate disease. Pain syndrome that occurs in the mammary glands can be a symptom of many diseases and pathological conditions of the body.
  2. It is important to remember that mastalgia can be cyclical, that is, regularly and in a certain period of time appear and disappear, and non-cyclical, that is, it appears from time to time or even once.
  3. Cyclic mastalgia most often has a hormone-dependent nature and depends on the production of various hormones in the female body, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Non-cyclic mastalgia is non-hormone-dependent and very often may not be associated with the mammary glands at all.

Attention! Mastalgia can be one of the symptoms of mastopathy, which is considered a precancerous condition of the female body.

Attention! If you experience any discomfort in the mammary glands, including the appearance of cyclic or non-cyclic pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to establish a diagnosis.

  1. All recommendations of the attending physician must be followed accurately and in a timely manner.
  2. Any folk remedies can be used only after agreement with the attending physician.
  3. Any self-prescription for any form of mastalgia can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.
  4. Any drugs and traditional medicine for any form of mastalgia can be used only as directed by the attending physician.
  5. With mastalgia of any etiology, it is very important to avoid stress and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Pain in the mammary glands is one of the symptoms that every woman has experienced at least once. Pain is associated with menstruation, but in general, all deviations are individual. Therefore, the survey scheme for detecting the disease must be individual.

Breast mastalgia is a generic term for a number of pathologies characterized by pain and discomfort in one or both breasts.

These pains are symptoms of organ dysfunction. In some cases, the pain is felt constantly, in others periodically, and sometimes sensations arise spontaneously. Pain is accompanied by engorgement of the nipples and breasts around them, swelling of the surrounding tissues.

Often, mastalgia has a negative impact on the daily state of a woman, her sex life and family relationships. More often this disease occurs in young women, or on the eve of menopause.

Discomfort is felt before or during menstruation, as well as with neuroses, stress, hormonal imbalances. This disease has another name - mastodynia. It is diagnosed as an independent disease only when there are no other reasons for its occurrence.

Types of mastodynia

When determining the type of mastalgia, the cyclical nature of the appearance of pain and the reasons that led to the development of pathology are taken into account. The choice of the diagnostic method and the course of treatment depends on the definition of the type of disorders.

The following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Cyclic pathology develops every time in the second part of the monthly cycle.
  2. Acyclic, which is not associated with cyclical changes. Does not depend on menstruation.
  3. False, not associated at all with glandular pathologies. It is more often caused by diseases of other organs.

Cyclic mastalgia

This type of pathology is also called functional or true.

They observe it on the days of ovulation, premenstrual syndrome, with dysplastic processes, after using oral contraceptives.

Soreness manifests itself in the second part of the cycle and is the cause of a physiological change in the level of estrogens and progesterones in the body.

An excess of hormones retains fluid in the cells of the gland, activates substances that irritate nerve cells and cause discomfort and pain.

Also, the reasons for this type of pathology are:

  • Benign dysplasias within glandular tissues.
  • Violation of the water and mineral balance.
  • Long-term use of combined contraceptives.

Acyclic pathology

This mastalgia is also called symptomatic. This type of mastalgia is associated with various abnormalities in the work of the mammary glands. Soreness occurs without apparent dependence on cyclical monthly changes.

She talks about disorders in the mammary gland after trauma or surgical treatment, inflammation, the presence of tumors and other anomalies that disrupt the work of the glands. With this form of the disease, there are changes in the color of the skin around the nipples, general lethargy and migraine attacks.

False mastalgia

This pathology is also called reflected, radiating. It is caused not by dysfunctional changes in the chest, but by dysfunctions of other organs. Often, the disease occurs when there are disorders in the spine and articular tissues, heart pathologies, myalgia, etc.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of cyclical mastalgia are soreness, discomfort in the mammary gland. As a rule, women describe their sensations as follows: pulling, pressing or aching pains.

Sometimes the pains become sharp or shingles. The chest swells, enlarging. For this reason, the laundry can become cramped. The sensitivity of the halo, nipples, breast skin increases. The patient feels discomfort when touching the nipples.

A characteristic feature of the pathology is the manifestation of unpleasant sensations in the tissues of both glands and armpits. If pains are clearly associated with menstruation, they disappear after the appearance of "blood".

For acyclic mastodynia, periodic or persistent pains of various strengths that appear in the chest and are not associated with ovulation are characteristic.

Symptoms of mastalgia of the mammary gland of a false type are the symptoms of the disease, which caused it. The pain is accompanied by other manifestations - an increase in formations, a violation of the shape of the gland, a change in the skin surface, lethargy. With the development of false mastalgia, damage to other organs is observed:

  • Strengthening the tension of the muscle tissues of the back and chest
  • Pain under the intercostal line
  • Nipple asymmetry
  • Increased temperature of the tissues around the nipples
  • High sensitivity of the nipples and the area around them
  • Rash of a burning herpes character on the chest
  • Feeling of fullness in the gland
  • Lack of appetite
  • Changes in pressure and heart rate, etc.

Causes of pathology

Mastodynia occurs during the period of changes in the body, as well as with various diseases of the reproductive organs, glands. In most women of reproductive age, pathology is not associated with pathological changes, refers to hormonal disorders. Mastalgia can be caused by:

  1. Ovulation, acting on the mammary gland through sex hormones and cyclical changes.
  2. Puberty, a condition after an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys.
  4. The presence of fibroadenomas, cysts, other neoplasms in the chest.
  5. Hormonal disorders, which are a sign of hormone secretion disorders in ovarian disease or endocrinopathy.
  6. Taking oral contraceptives. In this case, it is a temporary side effect.
  7. Lack of essential acids in the body.
  8. Abuse of certain foods, such as chocolate, drinks containing coffee or tea.
  9. Mammary cancer.

Soreness is possible with large glands, the use of uncomfortable underwear, bruises. Pain is a sign of inflammation and neoplastic pathology of the glands, for example, mastitis or other benign tumor growths, adenosis. Painful sensations are given to the chest, radiating with osteochondrosis, neuralgia, myalgia, and other diseases.

Diagnostic measures

The main purpose of diagnostic measures in case of suspicion of mastalgia is to exclude the causes of the organic nature of pain syndromes in the glands. In this case, a complete instrumental and laboratory study is prescribed, which allows you to identify abnormalities in the mammary glands. For examination, apply:

  1. Palpation of the breast by the doctor and interviewing the patient. They are carried out at the first visit to the doctor. The gynecologist must find out what other signs the patient feels that preceded the onset of mastalgia. The sizes of the nipples, the boundaries of the site of inflammation are measured, the skin and its structure are examined.
  2. Ultrasound allows you to assess the structure of the glands, see tumor formations, clarify their parameters, and determine the state of the lymph nodes.
  3. Mammography can detect even small tumor formations.
  4. Cytological examination of fluid secreted from the nipples, biopsy. The level of the CA-15-3 marker for oncology is determined by this study.
  5. Puncture biopsy when tumor growths are detected.
  6. If nipple discharge is present, swabs are taken.

If the appropriate equipment is available, microwave radiometry is used. Sometimes CT, MRI and other diagnostic methods are performed.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of mastodynia begins only at the end of the examination and diagnosis.

If the pain is insignificant and there are no other disorders, patients with mastodynia are recommended to be monitored by a mammologist with regular examinations by mammography and ultrasound.

With cyclic mastodynia, treatment is not necessary. It is only necessary to establish what caused such sensations. Therapy is needed only for severe pain. With periodically expressed pain, it is recommended to treat the disease with medication. The therapy is aimed at reducing unpleasant discomfort, soreness inside the breast, which occurs when hormonal imbalance occurs.

A combination of several methods is effective: the use of a hormonal course of therapy, drug non-hormonal, as well as non-drug treatment options. With this disease, the following are shown:

  1. Hormone therapy, in which the doctor chooses a remedy after determining the level of hormonal levels, the severity of symptoms. Correction of endocrine disorders is carried out. For treatment, the gynecologist prescribes different types of oral contraceptives.
  2. Herbal preparations are prescribed for the correction of non-hormonal disorders. For this, homeopathic medicines are used, tablets, for the manufacture of which plants are used, included in the composition of any folk drug with an estrogen-like effect (primrose with sage, oregano with cimifuga). They are recommended for use when the patient refuses hormone therapy.
  3. Sedatives if there are strong fluctuations in the patient's mood. In certain cases, herbal anti-anxiety medicines or medicines containing magnesium may help.
  4. Non-steroidal analgesics are prescribed in case of severe pain.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used. They stabilize cell membranes and lower the pain threshold.
  6. Universal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs of the NSAID class.
  7. Diuretics are prescribed if mastalgia is a consequence of excess fluid in the glands. Drugs can help relieve pain. Potassium-sparing diuretics are used.
  8. Among folk remedies, cabbage helps well, the leaves of which can be applied at night to a sore chest. The sheet must first be washed and dried. Oilcloth is applied on top of the sheet and fixed with a bandage. You can use herbal decoctions to relieve itching and irritation.

It is possible to add vitamins and minerals and physiotherapy to the complex of treatment. If pathologies are found in other organs with mastalgia, treatment must be carried out in conjunction with the specialist who treats this organ.

Forecast, prevention

When cyclic mastadonia is diagnosed, the prognosis is usually good.

With the pathology of acyclic, false types, treatment depends on what kind of pathology provoked the painful sensations.

For the prevention of a disease that is associated with hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to normalize sleep, reduce physical activity.

It is necessary to adjust the diet with a decrease in the daily intake of salt, meals from foods that retain fluid. These are smoked, salted, fried foods, alcohol.

No less important are the treatment and preventive measures for gynecological diseases that accompany hormonal disorders.

The problem of prevention and early detection, adequate treatment of such a disease of the glands is becoming more and more relevant every year, the prevalence of mastalgia is constantly increasing. According to statistics, more than 30% of women of all ages suffer from non-cancerous disorders of the mammary glands. And the most common reasons for going to the clinic are various forms of mastalgia.

What is Breast Mastalgia? This concept is collective and means it is a special condition of the mammary glands, characterized by pain and discomfort. Such sensations are experienced by 80% of women at least once during their life. It may indicate functional or organic disorders in the tissues of the mammary gland. Or exist as a symptom in other diseases that are not directly related to the breast. The problem with mastalgia is that it poisons a woman's life quite badly, causing her anxiety and problems in family and sexual relations.

Mastalgia and mastodynia - is there a difference?

These 2 terms are synonyms, but mastalgia is used in a purely colloquial way, and mastodynia is indicated in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10 code - 64.4.) There is no term "mastalgia" in the ICD. The specified pathology is in the "Other Breast Diseases" section.

Any of these 2 names can be used with varieties of mastalgia:

  • one- and two-sided;
  • locally focal and diffuse;
  • cyclic, acyclic, false;
  • episodic or constant.

The term "mastodynia" was introduced into medicine in 1880 by the German surgeon T. Billroth and meant cyclical pain and engorgement of the mammary glands. One more nuance can be noted: they speak of mastalgia in the absence of organic changes in the tissue of the glands, whether diffuse or focal. When violations occur in the gland itself, a more accurate term is used, indicating a real clinical picture. This term is mastodynia.

Causes of mastodynia

Symptoms and signs of mastalgia are common in young women, but can also occur before / after menopause. The first mention of mastalgia may occur already in puberty, when the maturation of the mammary glands occurs under the influence of estrogens.

Mastalgia of the mammary gland can manifest itself with physiological and pathological changes. Most often in the fertile age, mastodynia is associated with hormonal imbalance. This can be, for example, ovulation - it is the growth of estrogen that causes the proliferation of cells in the breast and the appearance of pain in them. Such manifestations are considered physiological, may also indicate PMS syndrome - premenstrual.

Pain occurs 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation or during them. Also, mastalgia can occur when a woman becomes pregnant, especially in the first trimester.

Hormonal disorders can also occur when:

  • ovarian pathologies: oophoritis, cysts, tumors;
  • pathologies of the uterus - adenomatosis, endometriosis, cancer;
  • pathologies of the hypothalamic-pituitary zone, diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • taking oral contraceptives.

This is due to the fact that many OCs often contain estrogens and progesterone. They cause the same cyclical changes that normally occur during ovulation.

No attention is paid to this, because usually within 2-3 months the body adapts to taking medications and the pain may disappear. The reasons may also lie in inflammatory or other diseases of the breast - mastitis, sclerosing adenosis, mastopathy, breast cancer. If this is not the case, mastalgia can occur against the background of psychogenic disorders - frequent and prolonged stress, neurosis, depression, hysteria, emotional stress, etc.

Purely mechanical reasons - squeezing with the wrong bra with a large breast size, blunt trauma, great physical stress.

There is also the concept of vertebrogenic mastalgia - irradiation of chest pain with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis of the spine, intercostal neuralgia, myalgia, Titze syndrome, chondropathy, in which 1 or 2-3 joints connecting the ribs with the sternum are aseptically inflamed.

Finally, mastalgia can be an echo of heart and liver disease. The provoking moments can be:

  • woman's age;
  • frequent childbirth or abortion;
  • gestation, especially in the first 3 months;
  • menopause;
  • general and gynecological pathologies.


The mechanism of the onset of pain with hormonal imbalance is associated with the fact that breast tissue has always been and remains hormone-dependent. In the luteal phase, proliferative processes increase in the epithelial cells of the mammary glands, and fluid is retained and accumulated in their stroma.

All this is a consequence of the growth of estrogen in the first phase of the MC. But in the second phase of the cycle, progesterone grows and it acts, for the most part, on Since it prepares the woman's body for pregnancy, then under its influence the breast increases and grows. Alveoli, receptors in the thickness of the glands grow, their sensitivity increases.

In addition, progesterone has the ability to directly affect electrolyte and water metabolism, provokes fluid retention in tissues, and, therefore, edema. The tissues become hydrophilic, loose, the nerve endings are compressed by edema, and chest pain appears. Therefore, the glands swell, the nerve endings are compressed, they are activated and pain occurs. With organic changes in the tissues of the gland, nociceptive receptors (these are special receptors that are designed to perceive a damaging agent) are irritated by decay products due to inflammation, necrosis or compression of tissues due to the growth of a neoplasm.


The correct definition of the variant of mastalgia is important for the choice of treatment and timely diagnosis in oncology. Mammologists distinguish the following causes and types of mastalgia:

  1. Cyclic.
  2. Acyclic.
  3. Extramammary.

Cyclic mastalgia - what is it? It is also called true or functional mastodynia. Most often this is a sign of PMS. Pain occurs 2-7 days before menstruation after ovulation, when the hormonal background changes. He also talks about possible FCM, long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Acyclic or symptomatic mastalgia is typical for people over 30 years of age. Pain syndrome then may be associated with damage to breast tissue, complications after plastic surgery, inflammatory and tumor processes, anomalies in the development of the mammary glands, sclerotic changes and mastopathy. It no longer depends on the cycle.

False (reflected, radiating) mastalgia - occurs as a symptom in other, not associated with the breast, pathologies of organs and systems. These are degenerative metabolic disorders in the spine, joints, hepatic and cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis), endocrinopathies, pathologies of the esophagus (diaphragmatic hernia), pleurisy, etc.

Common symptoms of mastodynia

Usually, patients characterize the manifestations of mastalgia as pulling, pressing, bursting, aching pains. Sometimes they can be sharp, stabbing.

When the breast swells due to hormonal imbalance, it is increased in size, the tactile sensitivity of the nipple and skin is increased. The pains are dull, bursting. Discomfort is usually bilateral, clearly associated with the menstrual cycle. Painful sensations do not require treatment and go away on their own.

For acyclic mastalgia of the mammary gland, symptoms are characteristic in the form of acute burning pains, do not depend on the cycle and are usually one-sided. Such mastalgias depend, for example, on stress. The pain can be episodic or constant, the intensity is different. It depends on the underlying pathology. Mastalgia is often combined with other manifestations of pathology - the presence of a mass, changes in the shape and size of the glands, discharge from the nipple and its external defects, changes in skin color, a local increase in temperature, enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

With false mastodynia (mastalgia), symptoms of damage to other organs can also always be identified. Most often, the etonus of the spinal muscles is increased, thoracic pain along the nerves, changes in blood pressure and heart rate, etc.

Depending on the description, the symptoms and signs of breast mastalgia are combined into 4 degrees of severity:

  1. Absence of pain syndrome.
  2. Mild - the pain quickly passes when taking 1 tab. analgesic.
  3. Moderate - pain appears a week before menstruation, intensifies the day before and can be partially eliminated by taking an analgesic.
  4. Severe degree - the pain is constant, cannot be treated at home. Violates a woman's quality of life.

Cyclic mastodynia symptoms

Symptoms of mammary gland mastalgia in this case are often distended and are almost always accompanied by edema. It is called so - dyshormonal mastalgia. The constantly occurring cyclical mastalgia of the mammary gland not only provokes severe pain, but also changes the background of a woman's mood - leading to depression, a decrease in the psycho-emotional background, neuroses. With the normalization of the hormonal background, the condition improves markedly.

The treatment includes not only hormones, but also physiotherapy, alternative remedies, mud therapy and spa treatment according to the profile. In this case, the treatment of gynecological problems and the sanitation of foci of infection are of great importance.

Symptoms of acyclic mastalgia

The degree of discomfort and pain is directly related to the existing pathologies. Additional symptoms and signs of non-cyclic breast mastalgia are, in addition to those listed above:

  • cephalalgia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • taste perversions;
  • general weakness;
  • the temperature may rise, there may be a deterioration in the general condition.

This requires an urgent consultation with a mammologist.


Laboratory research:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test with indicators of liver function;
  • determination of hormonal status.

When determining the hormonal status, the level of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, FSH, LH, thyroid hormones and TSH are assessed.

Instrumental research:

  1. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and axillary lymph nodes;
  2. Mammography is the most effective method that allows you to determine the pathology at the initial stages; performed in 2-3 projections and sighting.
  3. Puncture or fine-needle puncture under ultrasound control, followed by biopsy histology.
  4. Microwave radiothermometry (RTM) - captures the waves of the body with a special device. This method is designed to detect pathologies in the early stages, when there are no clinical manifestations yet. It is applied on other organs too. Its principle is that the diseased organ intensifies its radiation.

The level of the tumor marker CA 15-3 in the blood is also determined. This is especially true of those cases when mastalgia first appeared in a woman during menopause. In the presence of pathology of the spine, a consultation with a neurologist is required.


Physiological mastalgia of the mammary gland does not pose a threat to a woman's life, but it causes a decrease in the quality of life in the form of increased fatigue, irritability before menstruation, anxiety and tearfulness, bad mood, etc. In hypochondriacs, cancerophobia syndrome is possible.

Treatment of mastodynia

Special therapy for mastalgia of the mammary gland begins only after the exclusion of organic and malignant diseases of the mammary gland.

The symptoms and treatment of mastalgia are closely related. Medical tactics for emotional disorders is aimed at improving the emotional background through the use of sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, physiotherapy, psychotherapy. The most effective is the combination of pathogenetic hormonal and non-hormonal treatment of mastalgia.

Such patients are shown:

  1. Hormone therapy - the choice is very wide, it is done taking into account the level and type of hormone secretion and the severity of symptoms.
  2. For the treatment of mammary gland mastalgia, COCs of a monophasic type ("Yarina", "Jess") or gestagens, antiestrogens, agonists of gonadotropin-releasing factor are used.
  3. Targeted therapy - applying progesterone ointment ("Progestogel") to the chest, which is aimed at the breast tissue - relieves pain and swelling.
  4. Phyto- and homeopreparations - for the correction of dyshormonal disorders, plants containing phytoestrogens (evening primrose, sage, oregano, cimifuga oil) and homeopathic preparations are used, in which they are included.
  5. From homeopathic remedies one can mention "Mastodinon", "Mamoklam", "Cyclodinon" and others. They should be prescribed by a homeopathic physician for the best effect. Usually they are resorted to in case of refusal of patients from prescribing hormone therapy.
  6. Sedatives - SSRIs (Prozan, Paxil) are especially popular. In mild cases "Magne B6" is recommended, herbal medicine - herbs of valerian, motherwort, peony; sedative fees.
  7. Analgesics - this includes NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenka) and conventional analgesics.
  8. NSAIDs exhibit anti-inflammatory properties because they inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory mediators of prostaglandins, preventing them from sensitizing pain receptors in the tissues of the mammary glands.
  9. Diuretics ("Furosemide", "Mannitol") - reduce swelling, and with them pain. Diuretics can significantly reduce the severity of pain. Potassium-sparing diuretics are usually used (most often "Spironolactone"), which also have antiandrogenic properties.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, galvanization, balneotherapy) can be added to the complex of treatment. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes is also useful.

With acyclic mastodynia, treatment is primarily performed on the underlying disease. If necessary, it is often necessary to use surgical treatment, such as opening and draining mastitis, enucleation of the tumor, sectoral resection of the mammary gland or complete removal - mastectomy.

With mastitis and abscesses, it will be mandatory to prescribe antibacterial treatment.

In some conditions, the removal of the ovaries or the suppression of their activity with chemotherapy or radiation therapy is very helpful. Endocrine mastodynia is completely cured.

Forecast and prevention

With cyclic mastalgia of the mammary gland, the prognosis is favorable, with acyclic and false, it depends on the underlying disease that provoked the onset of pain. But with all the favorable forecast, self-medication is completely ruled out. Also, remember to check your glands monthly for nodules and lumps.

For the prevention of mastalgia caused by hormonal imbalance, mammologists are advised to adhere to the correct regime of work and rest. Workaholism should not take place. The diet should be adjusted to limit salt, retain fluid in the body of foods (pickles, seasonings, sweets, fried foods, alcohol).

Salt slows down the metabolism and tends to edema. The diet should contain enough vitamins and minerals, enough fiber, more vegetables and fruits. If you get enough iodine, magnesium, selenium and zinc with food, then this has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

An important place is given to the timely and complete treatment of gynecological pathologies, especially if they are accompanied by hormonal disorders. A healthy lifestyle will also be a prophylaxis - moderate physical activity, exclusion of hypodynamia, stress, correct alternation of work and rest, full value of sleep. An indispensable factor is the normalization of weight when it goes off scale.

Mammologists warn that obesity is a predisposing factor for mastalgia, because estrogen is synthesized and accumulated in adipose tissue. Coffee, chocolate and tea are excluded.

You need to take care of the liver, its normal work is a reliable shield in case of hyperestrogenism. You should also choose the right underwear - so that it is not tight and does not squeeze the mammary glands. The ideal option is soft wide straps on the bra.

The problem of early diagnosis and adequate treatment of breast diseases is becoming more and more urgent. After all, the prevalence of this pathology is growing steadily. According to world medical statistics, 30-70% of women of all ages have breast diseases of a non-cancerous nature. In this case, the most common reason for going to the doctor is mastalgia.

The term "mastalgia" is used to refer to pain or apparent physical discomfort in the mammary glands. According to medical statistics, about 70% of women face it during their life. Some of them have pains quite regularly, while others have only isolated episodes of mastalgia.

According to ICD-10, mastalgia is encrypted as "Mastodynia" (N 64.4). It belongs to the "Other Breast Diseases" section and is in fact a syndromic diagnosis of exclusion. Do not confuse it with, which is an independent state and has its own ICD-10 code.

What is the difference between mastalgia and mastopathy?

The key feature for separating these concepts is the condition of the mammary gland tissues. Mastalgia is a syndrome that can be used as the main diagnosis only in the absence of any diffuse or focal changes. Identification of pathological formations is the basis for changing the diagnosis to a more accurate one, reflecting the real clinical picture.

In this case, mastodynia will be considered only one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. And the most likely cause of chest pain in this case is mastopathy - benign breast hyperplasia. The basis for its diagnosis is the detection of focal or diffuse.

It is important to understand that a history of mastalgia does not exclude the subsequent development of mastopathy and precancerous conditions, which may not give obvious symptoms at first. Therefore, patients with already diagnosed mastalgia need to regularly undergo preventive examinations by a mammologist or at least a local obstetrician-gynecologist. And women with primary dyshormonal disorders, moreover, should be attributed to the risk group for the development of oncopathology of the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries.

The main causes of chest pain

Mastalgia can be caused by:

  • changes in the glandular tissue of the mammary glands at the end of the natural menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone;
  • taking hormonal drugs for contraceptive, replacement or therapeutic purposes;
  • dyshormonal disorders during puberty, in the premenopausal period, after medical or spontaneous abortion;
  • pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
  • undergone operations on the mammary glands;
  • any diseases of the mammary glands of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature (mastopathy, and malignant neoplasms, sclerosing adenosis, reactive sclerosis, and others);
  • radicular syndrome with lesions of the thoracic spine;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • Tietze's syndrome (Teitz) - chondropathy, manifested by aseptic inflammation of one or more costal-sternal joints;
  • post-traumatic changes.

Hormone-active tumors of the pituitary gland, diseases of the thyroid gland, and other endocrine disorders predispose to the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

It is also possible that a woman has a pain syndrome in the absence of obvious causative factors. This mastalgia is called psychogenic.

Disease types

Currently, there are cyclic and non-cyclic mastalgia. Clarification of the nature of a woman's pain syndrome is the basis for differential diagnosis, selection of adequate therapy and assessment of the prognosis of the disease.

Cyclic mastalgia

It is caused by the endocrine activity of the ovaries, is associated with the ovarian-menstrual cycle and is part of the structure of the so-called (PMS). Therefore, it is characteristic only of patients of puberty and reproductive age. The natural extinction of sexual function is accompanied by the disappearance of cyclic mastalgia. Removal of the ovaries or suppression of their activity while taking chemotherapy drugs, radiation therapy also leads to the patient getting rid of endocrine mastodynia. If a woman first develops mastalgia during menopause, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to exclude a tumor process.

The fact is that the mammary glands are hormone-dependent organs. Moreover, they are "targets" primarily for sex hormones, the action of each of which has its own characteristics. Other endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands) have indirect effects, affecting the activity of the ovaries.

Estrogens (hormones of the first phase of the ovarian cycle) provoke proliferative processes. Hyperestogenism is a risk factor for pathological cystic proliferation of milk duct tissue and hypertrophy of the mammary stroma. But the progesterone produced in the second phase of the cycle acts mainly on the glandular tissue. It promotes an increase in the number and size of alveoli, an increase in the number of its own receptors in the thickness of the mammary glands and an increase in their sensitivity.

In addition, progesterone affects the general water and mineral metabolism, provoking fluid retention in the body. It is these effects that determine the development of PMS, one of the manifestations of which is chest pain.

The severity of cyclic mastalgia may differ in different cycles. It depends on the level and balance of sex hormones, prolactin, the presence of hypovitaminosis and a deficiency of fatty acids in food.

Non-cyclic mastalgia

It may be associated with local edema or mechanical separation of tissues by a tumor, pathological nerve impulses, excessive irritation of receptors, impaired microcirculation and other factors.

It does not depend on the level of sex hormones and does not change during the ovarian-menstrual cycle.

Clinical picture

Pain is a key manifestation of mastalgia. At the same time, unpleasant sensations are localized in the area of ​​the mammary glands, although in some conditions, a targeted survey allows you to identify other areas of pain.

For example, in vertebral pathology, there are usually signs of muscle-tonic syndrome with uncomfortable tension of certain muscle groups on the back. And with intercostal neuralgia, the pain is girdle in nature and spreads along the intercostal space, which may be accompanied by the appearance of burning herpetic eruptions in the affected area.

Symptoms of mastalgia and what may accompany chest pain

With hormone-dependent mastalgia, a woman is usually worried about a feeling of heaviness, bloating, a feeling of engorgement and breast enlargement. The appearance of hypersensitivity of the nipples and areolar region is possible. Even touching the skin of the mammary glands sometimes causes discomfort, which may require special care when choosing underwear. Some women also experience armpit pain during this period. Its appearance is explained by the presence of an additional lobule of the mammary gland, the tissue of which also undergoes cyclical hormone-dependent changes.

Such symptoms of mastalgia are bilateral, occur a few days before the onset of menstruation and stop within 24 hours after the onset of characteristic bleeding. They can be combined with psychoemotional and autonomic lability, pastiness of the body and limbs, changes in appetite and other signs of premenstrual syndrome.

In some women, increased chest pain during PMS becomes the first indirect sign of pregnancy, because after conception there is a progressive increase in progesterone production. In this case, the mammary glands can increase in size due to the growth of glandular tissue.

If mastalgia is not associated with hormonal changes, the pain experienced by the patient is usually one-sided or asymmetric. It can be felt as a feeling of local swelling, soreness, burning, tingling. In some cases, pain is accompanied by the appearance of a thickening in the thickness of the gland, pathological discharge from the nipple, and a change in skin color over the pathological focus. With inflammation (mastitis), the body temperature can rise.

Required examination

Mastalgia is a syndrome that requires a thorough examination of the patient even in the presence of pronounced PMS. After all, the physiological hormonal imbalance does not exclude the development of tumor-like formations, the symptoms of which can be masked by the cyclic mastodynia inherent in a woman.

The basic survey plan includes:

  1. Physical examination of the breast and regional lymph nodes. At the same time, the doctor assesses the symmetry of the mammary glands in the position of a woman with her hands down and behind her head, the condition and mobility of the skin, the presence of deformities of the nipples and areolas, and discharge from the nipples. Then sectoral palpation of tissues and armpits is performed in various positions of the patient's body. When seals are identified, their size, mobility, soreness and structure are determined.
  2. (X-ray mammography). As a modern alternative, electrical impedance mammography is used - a highly informative tomographic study that avoids radiation exposure.
  3. Determination of hormonal status. At the same time, the level of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, FSH, LH, thyroid hormones and TSH are assessed. The study is carried out on certain days of the cycle, which makes it possible to identify the dynamics of the existing violations.
  4. In the presence of nodules, targeted puncture biopsy followed by histological and cytological examination of the obtained tissue sample.
  5. Taking a smear-print (in the presence of pathological discharge from the nipple).
  6. Microwave radiothermometry.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of clinically significant vertebral pathology and neuralgia, a consultation with a neurologist is indicated.

Ultrasound is the main screening test for patients under 35-40 years of age. At a later age, they prefer to start the examination with mammography.

Mastalgia treatment

Herbal and homeopathic remedies for the treatment of mastalgia

Treatment of mastalgia should include pathogenetic and symptomatic measures. In this case, therapy should be started only after excluding the oncopathology of the mammary glands and clarifying the nature of the appearance of the pain syndrome. Usually, a long-term intake of drugs is required, with a correction of the therapy regimen depending on the patient's condition and the tolerance of drugs.

Most cases of mastalgia in clinical practice are associated with dyshormonal disorders and PMS. Therefore, the key pathogenetic way to get rid of the pain syndrome is often the correction of existing endocrine disorders or the suppression of cyclic changes in a woman of reproductive age. The choice of the drug depends on the patient's age, the nature of her mastodynia and the desire to preserve reproductive function for the period of therapy.

Hormonal drugs for the treatment of mastalgia allow a woman to get rid of pronounced changes in the level of estrogens and progestogens during the cycle, which in many cases minimizes cyclic changes in the target tissues.

For this, agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (AGn-RG), (COC) and intrauterine hormone-active coils can be used. They are prescribed for persistent mastalgias, significantly impairing the patient's quality of life, as well as for the treatment of hormone-dependent benign neoplasms.

But the use of such funds is associated with the risk of thrombophlebitic complications, persistent cervicalgia, impaired liver function and other undesirable consequences. In addition, COCs themselves can provoke the appearance of mastalgia, which negates the benefits of taking them. Therefore, it is desirable that the selection of the hormonal preparation is made by the gynecologist-endocrinologist on an individual basis.

The desire to preserve the ability to conceive, poor tolerance of COCs or the presence of contraindications to their use are the basis for the selection of basic non-hormonal therapy. The choice in favor of such remedies is also usually made by patients with a mild form of mastalgia. In addition, some non-hormonal drugs are symptomatic. They do not affect the cause of the pain, but they help the woman to endure it more easily.

What non-hormonal pills to take for mastalgia, the doctor will tell you. Most often assigned:

  1. Herbal and homeopathic remedies (Cyclodinon, Mastodinon, evening primrose oil and others).
  2. Vitamin therapy. Cyclic schemes for the intake of various vitamins and minerals have been developed. But often multivitamins are also prescribed to eliminate seasonal polyhypovitaminosis.
  3. Sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs, with preference usually given to drugs from the group of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs and SSRIs). At the same time, their dosage corresponds to the treatment regimen for neurotic and neurosis-like disorders. Herbal sedatives based on valerian, motherwort and other medicinal herbs are also often prescribed.
  4. Diuretics (diuretics) to cope with the tendency to swelling of tissues before menstruation.
  5. Magnesium preparations.
  6. NSAIDs as universal analgesic agents.

When inflammation is detected in the tissues of the mammary gland, a mastitis treatment regimen is used. And the identification of focal changes requires a solution to the issue of the expediency of surgical organ-preserving intervention or the use of modern alternative radical techniques.

Mastalgia does not pose a danger to a woman's life, does not lead to disability and is usually quite successfully treated. But this condition requires close attention for the timely detection of precancerous diseases.

Therefore, patients with pain in the mammary glands, even after improving their health and stabilizing the condition, should be under the supervision of a doctor and regularly undergo preventive examinations.

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