Qualitative and quantitative composition of the personnel of the enterprise. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel of Dairy Products LLC

Engineering systems 26.09.2019

An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel is also of great practical importance for diagnosing the human resource management system operating at a particular enterprise. The results of such an analysis will make it possible to develop a competent personnel policy at the enterprise, to identify weak sides and, as a result, to decide which direction needs to be addressed in the first place in order to improve the efficiency of the use of personnel.

The number of employees is increasing since the third service station was opened in 2011. Workers make up the bulk of the staff. Let's analyze the changes in the composition of workers by age, length of service, education:

table 2

Structure of employees of NGO "VAL", pers.

The company's personnel policy is aimed at retaining and retaining experienced employees, especially those who have worked for more than 10 years. Therefore, part of the staff (6.7%) are employees with more than 10 years of work experience.

There are many workers with short work experience up to 5 years (47.5%). This group also includes those who have just graduated from educational institutions and universities, which is quite appreciated, because they are young, active and enterprising personnel. The rest are those who have been working for 5 to 10 years. It is they who, working together with experienced employees, will ensure the successful operation of the enterprise in the future. Behind last years there were no significant changes in the structure of employees by length of service. As a result of the fact that the average number is increasing, there is a general increase in the number in each column.

In 2012, compared to 2011, the number of employees with higher education remained the same (39%). The number of employees with secondary specialized education in 2012 increased slightly - 27.1%. A large group is also made up of workers with secondary education (33.9% in 2012).

All management staff have higher education. Also, several workers have higher education.

The personnel policy is aimed at retaining its employees, therefore, employees aged 40 to 50 and over 50 years in total account for 52.5% of the total, 47.5% are young workers.

Despite the fact that the activity is related to cargo transportation, women make up 17%. Most of the women work in the administrative building, but there are also those who are directly involved in production.

Changes in the number and composition of employees occur as a result of the movement of the labor force:

Table 3

The movement of the workforce of the service station "Suspension Service", pers.

We see that in 2012 the number of those accepted exceeds the number of those who left. Workers cannot cope with the volume of production that needs to be done and that can be realized. As a result, the administration sees the need to recruit new workers for vacancies. The main reason for dismissal (about 75%) is the employee's own desire.

Methodology, criteria and system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the use of personnel in the enterprise. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel on the example of Dombarovsk LPU LLC "Uraltransgaz". Development of a personnel strategy for the enterprise under study.

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Faculty: correspondence financial - economic

Specialty: "Labor Economics"

Department of Economics

Eligible for defense

Head department

Sitkova M.P. ___________

"___" ____________2010


on the topic: "Directions for improving the qualityand the quantitative composition of employees at the enterprise(on the example of the Dombarovsk Linear Production Department of OOO Uraltransgaz)»


A.A. Chernetskaya

scientific adviser

T.V. Kaisina

Orenburg, 2010


personnel efficiency use staffing

In the system of measures for the implementation of economic reform great importance is given to raising the level of work with personnel, setting this work on a solid scientific foundation, using the achievements of domestic and foreign science accumulated over many years and the best production experience.

Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary personnel, its rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and increasing production efficiency. In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the security of personnel management and the efficiency of its use.

The main objectives of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel of the enterprise are:

Study of the number of employees and their composition by sex, age, specialty, position and skill level;

Establishing the degree of security of personnel management;

Verification of data on the use of working time;

Studying the forms, dynamics and causes of personnel movement, the state of labor discipline;

Determination of the number and dynamics of those employed in manual, low-skilled and heavy physical labor;

study of social aspects of labor activity: labor motivation, professional and qualification growth, etc.;

Development of measures aimed at improving the staffing of the enterprise, improving their structure and use.

The essence of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the enterprise's personnel, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

The development of personnel, its highly efficient activity is one of the main factors in the efficiency of the enterprise and its competitiveness at the present stage.

The level of socio-economic status of workers, the level of social tension, the degree of satisfaction with the state of affairs - these are indicators that to a large extent are indicators of the quality of an enterprise and at the same time criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the entire social policy being pursued and its strategic and tactical implementation.

The purpose of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the personnel of the enterprise is to identify sufficient security for managing the necessary personnel and directions for its rational use.

The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel is also designed to solve the problems of professional and official growth of employees, the creation of the necessary prerequisites and conditions for this.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of personnel and outline the main directions for its increase in the Dombarovsk linear production department (hereinafter referred to as the Dombarovsk LPU) of Uraltransgaz LLC.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

To study the theoretical foundations of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of management personnel;

Give organizational and economic characteristics of management;

Analyze the effectiveness of the use of personnel;

Develop the main directions for improving the efficiency of personnel use.

Dombarovskoye LPU LLC "Uraltransgaz" was taken as the object of study.

The subject of the study is the reasons for the change in the efficiency of the use of personnel in this department: staffing, personnel movement, intensity of its use.

The sources of information when writing the thesis were the works of economists on the problem under study, the materials of the accounting department of the personnel department, materials sociological research and production meetings, special surveys of the use of working time, special surveys of the use of working time, data from the annual and current financial statements of the Dombarovsk LPU of OOO Uraltransgaz for 2003-2005. When performing the thesis, the following research methods were used: monographic, tabular, graphic, comparisons and other research methods.

1. Theoretical basis personnel efficiency analysisat the enterprise
1.1 Concept, categories of personnel

The term "staff" combines the components of the workforce of the enterprise. Personnel includes all employees (labor collective) performing production or management operations and engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor. The concepts of "cadres", "employees", "personnel" are identical, if we take this definition as a basis.

In management theory, there are various approaches to the classification of personnel depending on the profession or position of the employee, the level of management, and the category of employees. The base is the classification by categories of workers, proposed in the 80s. State Committee for Labor of the USSR. Figure 1 shows a classification that provides for the allocation of two main parts of the personnel for participation in the production process: workers and employees.

Figure 1- Personnel classification

Workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, its exchange, marketing and service. The production staff can be divided into two parts:

The main personnel are workers, mainly employed in the assembly shops of the management;

Auxiliary personnel - workers, mainly employed in the procurement and maintenance departments of management.

The result of the work of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, televisions, furniture, food, clothing, etc.).

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical means management. The main result of their labor activity is the study of the problems of the enterprise, the creation of new information, the change in its content or form, the preparation of managerial decisions, and after the manager has chosen the most effective option, the implementation and control of the execution of decisions. Management personnel is divided into two main groups: managers and specialists.

The fundamental difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees in subordination. Depending on the scale of the enterprise, there are line managers who are responsible for making decisions on all functions of the enterprise, and functional managers who implement individual management functions. In addition, there are top-level managers of enterprise management (director and his deputies), middle-level (heads of workshops and divisions) and lower level (heads of sections, foremen). The specialists of the enterprise can be divided into three main groups depending on the results of their work:

Functional management specialists, the result of which is management information (referents, economists, accountants, financiers, marketers, etc.);

Specialists - engineers, the result of which is design and technological or design information in the field of engineering and production technology (technologists, engineers, designers, builders, designers, etc.);

Employees - technical specialists (typists, operators, couriers, elevator operators, storekeepers, waiters, etc.) who perform auxiliary work in management process. .

From a practical point of view, personnel is the most important resource of an enterprise, the effective realization of the potential of which requires special solutions depending on the characteristics of specific production tasks solved by each group of employees.

E.K. Samrailov and R.I. Erokhin in Figure 2 offer another of the possible options for classifying personnel in the following areas:

Figure 2 - Classification of the personnel of the enterprise

Such a classification is necessary to identify the areas in which the analysis of the provision of the enterprise with personnel is carried out.

In Russia, all employees are divided according to the following classification criteria:

According to the functions performed in the production process, the personnel is divided into workers (main and auxiliary), employees, junior service personnel (MOP), students, security;

By the nature of the actual activity (occupation): the personnel is subdivided according to their positions;

According to the principle of participation in the technological process of production, workers are divided into main and auxiliary, employees - into managers, specialists and technical performers (other employees);

According to the term of work, the staff is divided into permanent, seasonal and temporary workers.

Material production workers are divided into two groups:

1) personnel employed in the main activity (in industry, these employees constitute industrial and production personnel - PPP);

2) personnel engaged in non-core activities or other personnel. This category includes the personnel of non-industrial organizations that are part of the structure of the enterprise.

Group 1 includes employees of the main and auxiliary workshops, research and design departments, computer centers, security, plant management, technical libraries and others.

Group 2 includes employees of transport and public utilities, trade and Catering, auxiliary agricultural enterprises, editorial offices of newspapers and radio broadcasting, medical units, health centers, health facilities, educational institutions and courses, institutions of preschool education and culture, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

It is advisable to analyze the efficiency of personnel use in several areas, the most important of which are: analysis of the composition of employees, analysis of the dynamics of the number of employees, analysis of the use of working time, analysis of the level of education of employees, analysis of labor productivity, analysis of labor intensity, analysis of wages

1.2 Methodology and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the use ofRsonalaat the enterprise

IN economic theory efficiency is determined based on the goals set as a function of the results achieved and the resources spent on it. K. Marx noted: “The constant goal of capitalist production is to produce a maximum of capital with a minimum of advanced capital. surplus value. That is, the economic tendency of capital, which teaches humanity to economize its forces and achieve production goals with the least expenditure of funds.

V. I. Lenin connected the concept of efficiency with labor productivity: "It is clear that the goal of any economic activity is to achieve the greatest results with the least effort, i.e. maximum productivity."

Academician T. S. Khachaturov, who developed a modern methodology for calculating the efficiency of social production, notes: "Efficiency, both social and economic, is the ratio of the economic or social effect to the costs necessary to achieve it."

The American economist P. Heine believes that "efficiency is inevitably an evaluation category. Efficiency is always associated with the ratio of the value of the result to the value of the costs" .

In the economic literature, efficiency is calculated as the ratio of savings (profit) from the implementation of a specific result to the costs of its creation.

Currently, there is no single approach to the problem of measuring the effectiveness of the work of personnel. The difficulty lies in the fact that the process of labor activity of personnel is closely related to the production process and its final results, the social activity of society, the economic development of enterprises, etc.

Analysis of scientific concepts allows us to identify three methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the use of enterprise personnel. Proponents of the first approach believe that the organization's staff is a total public worker that directly affects production, so the final results of production should serve as criterion indicators of staff effectiveness. As such indicators, the numerical values ​​of the final results of the organization's work for a specific period (year, quarter, month) are accepted: profit of the organization (balance sheet, gross, net); costs for 1 rub. products (cost); the level of profitability (the ratio of profit to cost); the volume of marketable products; the volume of products sold (revenue); income of the organization (gross, net); production culture; product quality (percentage of products handed over from the first presentation); dividends per share (ordinary and preferred); coefficient of economic efficiency; payback period for capital expenditures.

These indicators, of course, reflect the final results of production and can serve as the basis for calculating the effectiveness of the work of personnel. However, they are also influenced by other factors of production:

Means of labor (the structure of fixed production assets, the level of mechanization and automation of production, the shift ratio of equipment, the return on assets of fixed production assets, the depreciation rate of equipment, etc.);

Objects of labor (cost of purchased materials, quality of component parts, stocks of materials in warehouses, turnover of working capital, specific gravity material costs in the cost of production, etc.);

Production technology (level of specialization and cooperation, duration of the production cycle, production rhythm, shift ratio, production reliability, etc.).

Therefore, it is necessary to assess the impact of the labor activity of the personnel on the final results of production.

Proponents of the second approach to assessing the effectiveness of personnel work believe that criteria indicators should reflect the effectiveness, quality and complexity of human labor or work activity.

As such indicators for assessing production and management personnel, the following are distinguished: labor productivity (production per 1 employee); growth rates of labor productivity and wages; the share of wages in the cost of production; general wage fund; percentage of performance standards; loss of working time (all-day and intra-shift); quality of work of workers (percentage of defects); mechanization of labor; capital-labor ratio; labor intensity of products; coefficients of complexity of work and labor; the level of industrial injuries; total number of staff .

These indicators quite comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of the labor activity of the personnel and can serve as the basis for selecting criteria. At the same time, they do not characterize the level of organization of the work of personnel and social efficiency, which also affect the final results of production and are directly related to the personnel of the organization.

Proponents of the third approach believe that the effectiveness of the work of personnel is largely determined by the organization of their work, motivation, socio-psychological climate in the team, i.e. depends more on the forms and methods of working with personnel. The following indicators are proposed as criteria for performance indicators of personnel: staff turnover; staff qualification level; the level of labor and performance discipline; professional qualification structure; the ratio of workers and employees; use of the working time fund; social structure of personnel; proportion of violators labor discipline; uniform workload of personnel; reliability of personnel; costs per 1 employee; management costs; overhead level; implementation of a plan social development; socio-psychological climate in the team; the quality of the work of the staff.

An analysis of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of personnel performance indicates a variety of criterion indicators. Obviously, a comprehensive approach is needed to evaluate the effectiveness from the standpoint of the significance of the final results of production, productivity and quality of labor and the organization of personnel work as a social system.

Depending on the subject of the methodology for assessing personnel, enterprises can be divided into two main groups: methods for assessing the quality of personnel work; methods for assessing the quantitative composition of personnel.

Methods for assessing the quality of labor orient the staff towards the fulfillment of planned targets, the rational use of working time, the improvement of labor and performance discipline, and are mainly aimed at improving the internal organization of the workforce. On the territory of the former USSR, the following methods became known:

Saratov system of defect-free labor (SBT);

Lviv method "Pulsar" of the former software "Electron";

Tula scoring system (TS BOT);

Tomsk system of operational assessment of labor quality (TSOKT);

Universal automated system for monitoring the performance and assessing the quality of work of employees (UASKI) of the Research Institute of Labor, etc.

Let us dwell on the noticeable differences between the listed assessment methods, the most typical representative of which is the Saratov system of defect-free labor (hereinafter SBT). It was developed in the early 60s. and was originally intended to improve the quality of work of workers, however, due to its versatility and simplicity, it has become widespread for evaluating the work of engineering and management personnel. SBT provides that high quality work, without failures and violations, is evaluated by a coefficient equal to 1. For each omission in the work, a certain value is deducted in fractions of one. The list of omissions is provided for by the standard of the enterprise, approved by a joint decision of the administration and the trade union committee.

With all the advantages of SBT (simplicity, visibility, versatility, flexibility), it has two significant drawbacks. First, the assessment is not related to the final results of the enterprise. Secondly, the SBT methodology is in the form of penalties, since it registers omissions in the work, and does not fully use the methods of moral encouragement.

The second disadvantage of PBT was subsequently eliminated by other methods (TSOKT, TS BOT) by introducing increasing coefficients for achievements in work, for example, overfulfillment of the plan, high labor discipline, by increasing work efficiency by a fixed amount of encouragement. In this case, the value of the final indicator of labor quality is in the range from 0 to 2. However, the lack of a direct impact of the final indicator on the economic and social results of the enterprise reduces the value of the methodology.

Methods for evaluating the results of labor orient managerial personnel to achieve the final results of production (growth in profits and income, reducing costs and resource consumption), since the latter act as the main evaluation indicators of their activities. The plan or standard is taken as the basic value of the estimated indicators, and their comparison with the actual values ​​is carried out using weight coefficients. This group includes developed and implemented in the 80s. in Nizhny Novgorod, methods: a system for managing the quality of work and efficiency (SUKRE), a comprehensive assessment of managerial work (KOUT), as well as an automated integrated system for evaluating the results of the activities of the former USSR Ministry of Instruments (AKKORD), etc. .

The advantage of this group of methods is the assessment of the effectiveness of the work of personnel on the basis of the final results of production, with a focus on improving actual performance. However, they are also not without shortcomings, primarily in the formation of a set of indicators of final results and their comparison with each other. Thus, the SUKRE method uses dispersion analysis of the average values ​​of the plan for a group of enterprises, even when they are below the planned values, instead of achieving better results and overfulfilling the plan.

The listed methods have differences in the composition of private indicators, methods of their calculation and integral indicator formulas. From the point of view of the labor process, the concepts of labor quality and work quality are identical. The concepts of labor results and work efficiency are different, because the first indicates the achievement of the set goals, and the second indicates the achievement of these goals in accordance with production costs.

There is also a scoring of the effectiveness of the use of personnel. The effectiveness of personnel use is calculated as the ratio of actually achieved criteria indicators to the baseline values ​​of the final results of activities, weighted with the help of weight coefficients and incentive functions relative to the standard value of efficiency equal to 100 points.

The methodology is based on the methods of economic analysis, expert assessments, the scoring method and the theory of classification. The provisions for evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's personnel are as follows.

1. The assessment is carried out using a certain list of economic, social and organizational indicators selected by the methods of expert assessments and correlation analysis and characterizing the final results of the activities of organizations, labor and social activities of personnel.

2. Economic incentives are introduced to achieve the final results with the least expenditure of resources and high quality products, labor and management. It is implemented by introducing mathematical incentive functions that reflect the patterns of economic activity of the organization.

3. Comparison of various economic and social indicators, taking into account their importance, is carried out in a complex indicator of the effectiveness of the work of personnel using weight coefficients determined by the method of expert assessments and rank correlation.

4. A comprehensive performance indicator is calculated as a sum of points, adjusted to a percentage measurement scale (100 points). This ensures the comparability of the quantity and quality of labor in production and management, as well as the various departments of the organization.

The complex indicator is calculated by summing up private performance indicators that reflect the final results of production, the use of resources, social activities and staff performance. Particular indicators are determined by the results of the implementation of economic and social indicators by multiplying the percentage of their implementation by weight coefficients. The weighting factor shows the relative importance of an economic or social indicator in the overall set of performance indicators. The obtained value in points reflects the "contribution" of a specific private indicator to the effectiveness of the work of the organization's personnel.

The development of a method for assessing the effectiveness of work consists of the following steps:

Determination of the nomenclature of economic and social indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the work of personnel;

Choice of mathematical functions of economic stimulation of private performance indicators;

Determination of weight coefficients of private performance indicators (importance);

Substantiation of the method for calculating the complex indicator of personnel performance;

Carrying out control calculations and introducing the methodology into the practice of enterprises and organizations.

The nomenclature of economic and social indicators is established on the basis of studying the normative and legislative acts of a market economy, forms and instructions for compiling statistical and operational reporting, and regulations on organizing a competition. In the process of research, the nomenclature of indicators is specified and adjusted by the method of expert assessments in determining the weight coefficients of particular performance indicators.

The numerical values ​​of economic and social indicators are determined from planning documents, forms of statistical and operational reporting and are calculated as a percentage of the actual value to the basic final result.

The numerical value (Xi) obtained as a result of the calculation indicates the degree of achievement of the final result (fulfillment, overfulfillment, underfulfillment) and should have a different economic assessment. Stimulation is implemented by introducing adjusted values ​​of indicators into the performance assessment according to the formula:


where Yi is the numerical value of the adjusted i-th indicator of the final result,%,

f(Xi) - mathematical function of stimulating the i-th indicator.

With 100% fulfillment of the basic indicator, the adjusted indicator should also be equal to 100%, and in case of deviations, it is calculated for a specific incentive function, depending on the importance and economic value of the indicator.

In principle, a considerable variety of incentive functions is possible:

linear, parabolic, hyperbolic, trigonometric, etc.

An analysis of functions in terms of labor costs and accuracy of results, the use of various functions in economic practice proves the feasibility of using four main incentive functions:

Incentives on a "linear ascending" (Y=X), when each percentage of the achievement of the final result is encouraged, and the actual value is accepted in case of underperformance. The simplest case of "interest for interest" incentives reflects the main provisions of the economic reform in relation to estimated indicators (profit, labor productivity, volume of marketable output). The incentive function is shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2 - Stimulation according to the "linear ascending" function

Stimulation according to the "linear descending" (Y=200-X), when the achievement of the result with the least expenditure of resources is encouraged, and a smaller number of points is awarded for overspending of resources. A constant α-factor equal to 200 allows, at X=100, to have an equivalent value of the adjusted indicator Y=100. This function is applicable for such resource indicators as the cost of 1 rub. products, payroll, employee turnover, loss of working time. The function is shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3 - Stimulation on a "linear descending" function

Incentives according to the "pyramid" are carried out when only 100% achievement of the final result is encouraged and under-fulfillment or over-fulfillment is not encouraged. In this case, up to 100%, the numerical value of the adjusted indicator is determined by the formula Y=X, and at X>100% - by the formula Y=200-X. Stimulation according to the "pyramid" is typical for mass and serial production. The "pyramid" function is shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4 - Stimulation according to the "pyramid" function

The function of reverse stimulation ("penalties") provides for the accrual of negative interest according to the formula Y = -X, when the numerical value of the specified indicator leads to negative phenomena in production and management. For example, marriage, theft of material assets, industrial injuries, violations of labor discipline. These indicators are not planned, but they are taken into account in the form of "penalties" (Figure 5) .

Figure 5 - Reverse stimulation function

Weight coefficients are introduced to rank the importance of particular performance indicators and eliminate the divergent interests of society, management and labor collectives. Weight coefficients (Bi) characterize the relative importance of indicators in their totality and directly proportionally affect the value of private performance indicators. Weight coefficients are determined by the method of expert assessments by ranking indicators with the assignment of specific weights to them in fractions of a unit. They are determined by a group of experts, consisting of academic economists, heads of planning departments of enterprises, line managers of senior and middle management, using a questionnaire survey.

Particular performance indicators characterize the contribution of a particular indicator to the overall performance. The calculation of private indicators is carried out on the basis of the adjusted values ​​​​of the indicators and weight coefficients according to the formula:

Pi = Yi Bi;

where Pi is the value of the i-th private indicator of personnel performance, points,

YI - numerical value of the adjusted i-th indicator of the final result,%,

Bi - weight coefficient of the i-th partial indicator, share [7.С.29-30].

A comprehensive indicator of personnel performance is a numerical measure of the achieved final results of production and management. The complex indicator of personnel performance (P in points) is the arithmetic average of the sum of partial indicators to the sum of weight coefficients:

where n is the number of particular performance indicators,

Pi - the value of the i-th private indicator of personnel performance, points,

Bi - numerical value of the adjusted i-th indicator of the final result,%,

The assessment of the final value of the complex indicator of personnel performance depends on its numerical value:

If it is less than 95 points, then the staff worked unsatisfactorily;

If it is in the range from 95 to 100 points, then the staff worked satisfactorily, but has reserves in terms of productivity and quality of work;

If it is in the range from 100 to 105 points and all partial indicators are met, then the overall assessment of the work of the staff is good;

If it is more than 105 points, then the overall assessment of the work of the staff is excellent.

The practical value of this indicator lies in the possibility of assessing the dynamics of the functioning of the personnel of the enterprise for various periods of time; objective distribution of the wage fund between the divisions of the enterprise; systematic impact on the divisions of the enterprise to ensure its optimal functioning

Summing up, it should be noted that the assessment of the efficiency of an enterprise can be made only on the basis of the cumulative results of economic and social development, and one of the possible ways to compare these results can be a point method.

The calculation of the effectiveness of the work of the personnel allows you to reasonably sum up the results of the competition between various enterprises and their divisions. Summing up the results of the competition using the scoring method is based on the following provisions.

Firstly, the ranking of enterprises and their divisions is carried out according to the numerical value of the complex indicator of work efficiency. The winner is the enterprise (division), which has the maximum numerical value of this indicator. If the values ​​of performance indicators are equal for two or more enterprises, preference is given to the one that has higher values ​​of indicators in the reporting quarter.

Secondly, prizes are awarded to those enterprises that have a numerical efficiency value of more than 100 points and have fulfilled partial indicators of final results. If this condition is not met, no prizes will be awarded to any enterprise.

Thirdly, summing up is carried out for a quarter, six months, nine months and a year for groups of related enterprises or divisions (industrial, construction, transport, scientific, commercial, service, servicing), where the same nomenclature of private indicators and weight coefficients.

However, the numerical value of the complex performance indicator in points can also be used to sum up the results between different groups of enterprises. The summary results of calculating the effectiveness of the work of the personnel of enterprises (divisions) for the reporting period are submitted for consideration by the working commission for summing up the results of the competition to the district administration, which checks the calculations and has the right, in exceptional cases, to correct the summary results by 3 points when performing special social events or violating the conditions of the competition .

In the mid 80s. Three modifications of the scoring method have been developed:

Organization performance score (BOERO) (all staff);

Comprehensive assessment of managerial work (KOUT) for organizational units (management personnel);

Evaluation of labor efficiency of workers and employees according to the coefficient of labor contribution (KTV).

Thus, the assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the enterprise's personnel can be made only on the basis of the cumulative results of economic and social development, and one of the possible ways to compare these results can be a point method.

1.3 The system of indicators for analyzing the effectiveness of the use ofRsonalaenterprises

It is advisable to analyze the effectiveness of the use of personnel in several areas, the most important of which are: analysis of the composition of employees, analysis of the dynamics of the number of employees, analysis of the use of working time, analysis of the level of education of employees, analysis of labor productivity, analysis of labor intensity, analysis of wages.

When analyzing the composition of employees, the following indicators are used: the number of employees; the structure of the numerical strength: by length of service, by sex, by age, by professional characteristics and by professional training.

The analysis of the dynamics is carried out according to the following indicators: the index of personnel stability, the coefficient of the dynamics of the number of employees, the coefficients for admission and departure, the coefficient of staff turnover, the coefficient of constancy of the enterprise's personnel.

When analyzing the use of working time, the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time is determined. Next, calculate and analyze the net productive time of work, the loss of working time and the length of the working day.

The analysis of the level of education provides for the study of the dynamics of change vocational training. To do this, use indicators of the proportion of employees with higher, secondary specialized and general secondary education in the total number of employees at the enterprise.

The most important indicator of the efficiency of labor use is labor productivity. When analyzing labor productivity, a system of generalizing, partial and auxiliary indicators is used. Generalizing indicators include: average annual, average daily and average hourly production of products by one worker, as well as average annual output products per 1 worker in value terms.

Partial indicators - time spent in 1 man-hours or 1 man-days. for the production of a certain type of product in kind.

Auxiliary indicators characterize the time spent on performing a unit of a certain type of work or the amount of work per unit

time .

When analyzing wages, the structure of the wage fund is considered, highlighting the wage fund and social benefits. When analyzing the wage fund, the rate of its growth is determined, the ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity and wages is found out.

To ensure high efficiency in the use of personnel, a systematic analysis of work with them is necessary.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of management personnel is carried out in four stages:

1) analysis of the provision of the enterprise with personnel;

2) analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel;

3) analysis of the effectiveness of the use of working time;

4) analysis of the intensity of the use of personnel.

An analysis of the staffing of an enterprise begins with a study of the structure of employees by category. The grouping of personnel into categories exposes the definition of the need for workers of the corresponding profession and qualifications.

The staff of the enterprise is divided into two categories:

1) personnel engaged in the main activities;

2) personnel engaged in non-core (auxiliary) activities.

The task of analysis - determining the quantitative need for personnel is reduced to calculating the number of employees for a certain period of time. To calculate the number of employees for a certain period, the indicator of the average number of employees is used. It is necessary for the analysis of indicators such as average output, average salary, average income, personnel movement, intensity of their use. The average number of employees per month is determined by dividing the number of employees on the payroll for each day of the month, including holidays and weekends, by the number of working days in the month. The security of the enterprise with personnel is established by comparing the actual number of personnel with the calculated, planned or base.

The analysis begins with the calculation of the absolute deviation of the actual headcount from the planned headcount in general and by categories of personnel. When analyzing the number of workers, directly affecting the output, one cannot be limited only to the calculation of absolute deviations. The relative deviation of the number of workers from the planned data is defined as the difference between the actual number and the planned number, adjusted for the level of implementation of the production plan. Then analyze the structure of the staff. Special attention in the analysis, one should pay attention to the reduction in the number of auxiliary workers.

The next stage in the analysis of the enterprise's staffing is the analysis of its qualitative composition. Qualitative need, that is, the need for categories, professions, specialties, level qualification requirements to personnel, is analyzed based on the profile and qualification division of work, requirements for positions and jobs, staffing and documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes with the allocation of requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers. The analysis of the qualitative need by profession, specialty, and so on is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of the qualitative need. An analysis of the qualitative composition is necessary to predict the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel and to develop a program for the training and advanced training of personnel. Calculate the average category of workers and the average category of work. If the average category of personnel exceeds the average category of work, then this indicates that the personnel of the enterprise are not used in full accordance with their qualifications and funds are overspent on wages due to payments of the inter-rank difference.

Exceeding the average category of work can lead to a decrease in the quality of products and work performed. The number of workers who should improve their skills is determined by the formula:

KR \u003d (Rworks - Rworkers) KR

where? KR - the number of workers who should improve their skills,

Рwork - average coefficient of work,

Rworkers - average coefficient of workers,

KR - the total number of workers.

This analysis is carried out for each category in order to bring the qualifications into line with the volume and complexity of the work performed, and, if necessary, to justify the qualification growth.

An analysis of the qualitative composition and use of the labor of specialists and managers makes it possible to identify the reasons for the deviation of the actual number from the calculated one, the change in the share of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education in the total number, the change in the share of the number of specialists by category, and to assess the implementation of the plan for advanced training of managers and specialists.

When analyzing the qualitative composition of personnel, they also study the composition of personnel by gender, length of service, level of education, and age.

The structure of the personnel at the enterprise is in motion. Movement occurs outside and inside the enterprise. The main condition for the movement is the degree of need for production in personnel, the availability of opportunities for the enterprise, the satisfaction of the needs of workers and the readiness of workers for such a movement.

The intensity of personnel movement is characterized by the following coefficients:

1) coefficient for admission (the ratio of the number of employees accepted to the average number of personnel);

2) retirement rate (the ratio of the number of dismissed to the average number of personnel);

3) the coefficient of total turnover (the ratio of the sum of the number of hired and the number of those who left to the average number of personnel);

4) the coefficient of constancy of the personnel of the enterprise (the ratio of the number of those who have worked for a year or more to the average number of personnel).

When analyzing, it is important to determine the exact causes of turnover. The absolute scale of turnover is measured by the number of laid-off workers by own will, as well as at the initiative of the administration for the study period. The level of turnover is determined by the ratio of the number of employees who left for reasons attributable directly to turnover, to the average number of employees. To analyze staff turnover over a number of years, it is important to know that long-term employees remain at the enterprise. For this, the stability coefficient is calculated by the ratio of the number of employees with more than a year of experience to the number of employees hired during the year.

In the analysis, it is necessary to find out the motives of turnover. The reasons for the dismissal of individual employees can be summarized as follows:

1. dissatisfaction with production and economic conditions;

2. dissatisfaction with living conditions;

3. motives of a personal nature;

4. other motives.

When analyzing the effectiveness of the use of working time, the actually worked days, hours are considered and the losses of working time are analyzed.

The degree of intensity of personnel use can be analyzed using the following indicators: shift ratio, shift mode utilization ratio, continuity ratio, ratio of those employed in hard physical labor, employment ratio in non-prestigious jobs, coefficient of distraction from the main job.

The shift ratio is determined by the ratio of the total number of man-days worked by all workers to the number of them in the largest shift.

The shift utilization rate is calculated as the ratio of the actual shift rate to the number of shifts.

The continuity coefficient is the ratio of the number of jobs to the number of workers in the largest shift.

The coefficient of employment in heavy and non-prestigious work is determined by dividing the number of workers employed in heavy or non-prestigious work by the average number of workers, respectively.

The coefficient of distraction of performers from the main work is the ratio of the number of distracted workers to their average number.

The change in these coefficients over a certain period indicates the use of workers and equipment in shifts.

A general assessment of the level of mechanization of labor can be given by the coefficient of mechanization of labor, which is determined by the ratio of the number of workers employed in mechanization work to the total number of workers.

The intensity of the use of personnel is analyzed depending on the change in the production capacity of the enterprise. In the case of an increase in production capacity, a certain increase in the number of both auxiliary workers and administrative and economic personnel is inevitable. Therefore, the increase in these categories of workers should be considered depending on the change in production capacity.

The overall value of the relative labor savings of these categories of personnel should be analyzed first as a result of the influence of two groups of factors:

1) change in the number of relative changes in the value of production capacity;

2) change in the degree of use of production capacity.

2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel in DombarovskoyeLINE PRODUCTION MANAGEMENTLLC "Uraltransgaz"
2. 1 Organizational and economic characteristics of management

Dombarovskoye linear production department (LPU) is located in the Orenburg region on the border with Kazakhstan. This department is a separate subdivision of OOO Uraltransgaz, located outside the location of the Company and performing part of its functions.

Dombarovskoye LPU is not a legal entity, it operates on the basis of the Regulations approved by the General Director. LLC "Uraltransgaz" endows the Dombarovskoye LPU with the main and working capital and other property for the implementation of economic, commercial and other types of activities, which is accounted for on a separate balance sheet. Dombarovskoye LPU operates on behalf of OOO Uraltransgaz. Responsibility for all obligations assumed by the Dombarovskoe LPU is the responsibility of the company.

The property of the Dombarovsk LPU is formed from the funds assigned to it by Uraltransgaz LLC or transferred to the Dombarovsk LPU for other reasons, as well as monetary and material resources acquired in the course of its business activities. The property listed on the balance sheet of the Dombarovsk LPU is the property of OOO Uraltransgaz.

Dombarovskoye LPU carries out financial and economic activities in accordance with the production and financial plan approved by the General Director of Uraltransgaz LLC.

The main tasks of the Dombarovsk hospital are:

Fulfillment of the plans for acceptance and transportation of gas and gas condensate from suppliers established by the production association (management);

Ensuring uninterrupted gas supply to consumers in the gas pipeline section serviced by medical facilities.

The functions of the LPU are:

o ensuring uninterrupted and reliable operation of gas compressor units, main gas pipelines, communication lines and means, automation systems and other engineering structures.

o organization and production of scheduled preventive and current repairs of structures on the route of the gas pipeline, mechanical, energy and technological equipment, means of communication, etc.

The organizational structure of management of the Dombarovsk LPU of Uraltransgaz LLC is linear-functional (Appendix 3).

The advantages of this control structure are due to the ease of use. All duties and powers are clearly distributed, and therefore conditions are created for the operational decision-making process, to maintain the necessary discipline in the team. Also an advantage is the reduction of duplication of effort and the consumption of material resources in functional areas, and a high production response, since the structure is built on a narrow specialization of production and a narrow qualification of workers.

The head of the Dombarovsky LPU carries out general management of the department. Two deputies report to him, one deputy for the production part is Chief Engineer. He is subordinate to production facilities, such as a gas compressor station (GCS), a linear maintenance service (LES), electric water supply (EVS), a service for instrumentation and apparatus (KIP and A), an automatic gas filling station. And the second deputy is the deputy for general issues, he has the entire non-production sphere in his department, which includes a kindergarten, subsidiary farming, housing and communal services, and a material and technical supply service (MTS).

The head of the Dombarovsk LPU also exercises control over the activities of the management apparatus, the communications service, the capital construction department (OCS), the motor transport service, the security service and the dispatch service.

In Fig.6. the structure of the administrative and managerial apparatus of the Dombarovsky LPU is displayed. The structure of the management apparatus includes the following divisions: accounting, labor economist, technical supervision, reception, personnel department.

Figure 6 - The structure of the administrative and managerial apparatus of the Dombarovsk LPU

The disadvantages of the organizational structure of management of Dombarovsky LPU are: violation of the criterion of unity of command; lengthy decision-making process; growing mismatch; human passivity; impossibility to cope with the requirements.

The main technical and economic indicators of the activity of the Dombarovsky LPU for 2003 - 2005. are given in Table 1. The data show that the volume of transported gas in 2004 compared to 2003 decreased by 11,971,816 thousand m3. This happened as a result of the fact that the use of gas by users was reduced due to the reduction in production. In 2005, the volume of transported gas decreased by another 752,735 thousand m3 due to the fact that gas transportation to Kazakhstan was stopped.

Gas transportation costs in 2004 amounted to 21,183.8 thousand rubles. more than in 2003, and in 2005, compared to 2004, gas transportation costs decreased by 485.2 thousand rubles.

Accounts receivable in 2004 increased by 1806 thousand rubles. compared to 2003, in 2005 there was a decrease accounts receivable for 1327 thousand rubles. comparing with the previous year.

Accounts payable throughout the analyzed period were repaid and there was a decrease. In 2004 there was a decrease in accounts payable by 8384 thousand rubles. compared to 2003, in 2005, accounts payable decreased by 2180 thousand rubles, compared to 2004. The decrease in the amount of accounts payable means that the management has additional funds to pay off its debts, this is a very good sign.

The average number of employees in 2003 was 487 people, in 2004 the number decreased by 1 person, and in 2005 it increased by 17 people.

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The system of material incentives for personnel

2.2 Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel of Shtolle LLC

The effective work of the enterprise is impossible without adequate information. The personnel department, the planning and economic department regularly collect data characterizing various aspects of the state of the enterprise's personnel and conduct a detailed analysis of them.

We will analyze the quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff of Shtolle LLC.

Table 2.1 shows the structure of the number of employees of Stolle LLC for 2012-2014.

Table 2.1 - The structure of the number of employees of Shtolle LLC for 2012-2014

In the analyzed period, the actual number of employees decreased by 4 people. The structure of employees changed slightly - the share of management personnel increased by 3.5%, at the same time the number of sales and operational personnel increased (0.8%), and the share of support personnel decreased (4.3%).

Characteristics of employees by level of education is given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Characteristics of the management apparatus of Shtolle LLC by level of education

Analyzing the data on the level of education in table 2.2, we can conclude that 18.5% of managers and 81.5% of sales and operational personnel have higher education at the enterprise.

The largest share of employees with secondary specialized education falls on sales and operational personnel (96.6%), which is due to the specifics of the organization's work. Secondary education at LLC "Shtolle" have 3 people from the support staff.

Making a general conclusion on the qualitative composition of employees, we can say that most of them have been working for the enterprise for a long time, which is a positive factor, at the same time, the enterprise is provided with young personnel, which can positively affect the work of the enterprise.

In the process of studying the activities of the enterprise, it was found that the need for qualified personnel is increasing, and therefore, the requirements for the level of education when hiring are increasing.

Table 2.3 shows the main personnel indicators of Stolle LLC in dynamics for three years.

Table 2.3 - Main personnel indicators of Shtolle LLC


Number of staff

Share of operational and sales personnel

Share of administrative and managerial personnel

Share of support staff

Average age staff, including men

Average age of staff, including women

Frame movement

Accepted, man.

Total dropped out, people, incl.

At your own request, pers.

For violation of labor discipline, pers.

Retirement, army, pers.

arrival rate

Retirement rate

Flow rate

The number of personnel decreased in 2014 by 3.097% compared to 2012. Throughout the study period, the share of operational and sales personnel is growing, which is caused by the expansion of retail space.

The proportion of administrative and managerial personnel is increasing, which is due to the fact that the share of operational and sales personnel is increasing. The average age of staff remains virtually unchanged throughout the study period. The effective indicator that characterizes the social efficiency of management is the turnover rate. This indicator reflects the dynamics of the company's personnel and also acts as a factor that indirectly affects labor productivity. It is an indicator of well-being in the field of personnel management. If a firm performs well, but staff turnover is high, then the firm has low staff stability, and given that increased turnover can be costly for the company, you should be more careful in analyzing the reasons why people leave the organization.

In order to further reduce the turnover rate of the labor force upon dismissal, it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of labor, working conditions and remuneration of employees.

Of great importance for assessing the efficiency of the use of labor resources at an enterprise in a market economy is the indicator of personnel profitability (table 2.4).

financial incentive staff

Table 2.4 - Profitability of labor of the personnel of Shtolle LLC

Thus, the profitability ratio in 2014 compared to 2012 increased by 99.1%. This growth was due to an increase in net profit and a decrease in the number of employees.

An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative personnel at this enterprise showed that 18.5% of managers and 81.5% of sales and operating personnel have higher education at the enterprise. Most of them have been working at the enterprise for a long time, which is a positive factor, at the same time, the enterprise personnel, which can positively affect the work of the enterprise.

2.3 Measures to improve the system of material incentives for the work of employees of Shtolle LLC

Cafe employees are interested not only in getting a net salary, but also bonuses or bonuses. Therefore, there is a task to motivate the staff to active sales, the result of which is the profit of the cafe.

In order to improve the system of material incentives for the work of employees of Shtolle LLC, it is recommended to develop a new system of material incentives in order to increase the interest of employees in obtaining the greatest result of their activities:

Employee incentive system. Using encouragement, you can get a double result: lead the team to conflicts up to its collapse, and vice versa, unite and rally.

Collection system.

Development of a branched payment matrix of bonuses. Bonuses are a very common incentive. The main advantage of bonuses is that the payout amount is fixed. However, this advantage can turn into a disadvantage if the bonus system is not sufficiently developed: the employee understands that even if he increases sales by 3 times, 5 times, 10 times, his remuneration will not change. This leads to the fact that the employee gives all the best just enough to get a bonus, but no more. The way out of this situation can be the development of a branched payment matrix of bonuses.

Percentage of sales. The main advantage of a percentage of revenue as an incentive is that there is no limit to the waiter's earnings, and therefore the amount of sales that the waiter is able to make is limited mainly by his skill and imagination.

Professionalism Award. You can apply a bonus for professionalism, such a bonus can be assigned based on the results of certification of restaurant workers. As a rule, the employee's compliance with the formal requirements for his position is assessed, for example, the number of attracted and potential clients in the work at the same time, the level of education, filling out reports, the size of the average order.

Lifetime Achievement Award. A long service bonus is also a fairly common way to motivate employees. In the example, bonuses are built in such a way that in the first years the employee brings a maximum of new ideas, he actively develops in a new place. At the same time, a worker who has worked for less than 5 years in one place has not yet “overgrown” with informal ties with colleagues and quite easily changes his job in the event of a better offer. After 5 years of work in one place, an employee is less inclined to change jobs, his skills and abilities adapt more to a specific job, the longer he works at it. Such an employee devoted a lot of effort, energy and time to the development and prosperity of the company, therefore, after 5 years of work, the seniority bonus reduces the growth rate, but reaches an impressive size.

Thus, it can be noted that when forming a motivation system, it is important to calculate incentives in the following way: so that they are based on the goals of the enterprise and its strategy; that they generate in employees exactly the behavior that is expected of them; that they be understandable, objective and transparent; so that they would be achievable, but achievable not without difficulty.

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1. Theoretical approaches to the analysis of the personnel of the enterprise

2. Analysis of the personnel of JSC "Complex"

2.4 Conclusions on the analysis of the personnel of the enterprise JSC "Complex"


List of sources used


The time in which we live is the era of change, information technology and the fast pace of life. Such changes have taken place in society, the economy, in the whole life scenario, they are complicated in that they required a change in the people themselves. Similar situations in which people, accustomed to sudden turns of fate, to competition. According to them, each individual situation is fraught with both opportunities and threats for the individual, organization and the country as a whole. To cope with this, people (the staff of the company) began to improve their knowledge and ability to apply it in practice. An important part of this knowledge, as world experience shows, is the understanding of the science and art of management. With a light hand it English word management has become known today to almost every educated person.

In most cases, management deals with organizations (firms, enterprises) that are open systems and consist of many interdependent parts.

In a simplified understanding, an organization (firm) is a group of people whose activities are coordinated to achieve a common goal.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the composition of the personnel of the enterprise determines both the success of the enterprise and contributes to improving its image. The level of staff qualification plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of the enterprise development strategy, determines the level of productivity and allows you to perform work of high complexity.

Workplaces and workshops manufacturing enterprises a material base is being created to ensure the life of each person individually and society as a whole, to meet the material and spiritual needs of people.

For a more successful increase in the activity of the enterprise and the ability to work, it largely depends on the quality and ability to manage the company and people by the senior management of this enterprise.

More and more heads of enterprises and firms, as well as organizations, understand that the payment for labor must be regulated and streamlined.

The nature of labor presupposes the presence in it of a number of features that make it possible to speak about the method of combining personal and external factors of production, about the economic and social essence of relations and the place of the worker in labor process and production in general. The content of labor is a combination of factors that determine the role and development of the main element of the labor process - a person. The most important among them are: the composition and volume of labor functions, due to the diversity and characteristics of labor movements, actions and techniques; availability of special knowledge and skills and the degree of their influence on the quality and efficiency of labor; the ratio of mental and physical, performing and creative work, as well as the ratio of work and rest, wages, bonuses and all kinds of incentives.

The purpose of the course work is to study the personnel of the company (enterprise, organization), its composition, professional and qualification characteristics and determine ways to improve the use of personnel.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To study the theoretical aspects, study the features of the analysis of the personnel of the enterprise as an object of management.

Conduct an analysis of the personnel as an object of management of Complex LLC.

Develop ways to improve the use of personnel as an object of management of Complex LLC.

The object of the study is Complex LLC.

The subject of the study is the personnel of an enterprise (firm) as an object of management.

1 . Theoretical approaches to analysis personnel enterprises

staff business work managerial

1.1 Personnel of the enterprise: concept, composition, structure

The main productive force of society is labor resources - the carriers of relations that develop in the process of formation, distribution and use of these resources.

Labor resources are the able-bodied part of the country's population, which, due to its psycho-physiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. Labor resources include people both employed in the economy and not employed, but able to work.

The concept of "labor resources" is used to characterize the working-age population throughout the country, region, sector of the economy, professional group. Within the framework of a separate enterprise, the most used concept is personnel.

The personnel of the enterprise is a set of individuals who are with the enterprise, as a legal entity, in relations regulated by an employment contract. The main characteristics of the staff are: number and structure.

The structure of the personnel of the enterprise in terms of the totality of individual groups of workers, united by any sign. All employees according to the degree of participation in production activities are divided into industrial and non-industrial personnel.

Industrial and production personnel are directly involved in the creation of material values: in production and its maintenance (these are employees of the main workshops, auxiliary and service units, plant management apparatus, research and development departments and services of the enterprise).

Non-industrial (non-production) personnel - employed in the maintenance of the household, socio-cultural sphere (medical, sanitary, housing and communal services), schools, kindergartens, subsidiary farms.

By the nature of the functions performed, there are categories of industrial and production personnel (PPP):

1. Workers - are directly involved in the production process. The division of labor according to the nature of participation in the production process classifies workers into main and auxiliary.

2. Managers - perform the function of management:

senior level - general directors, deputy. director;

middle level - shift, section, shop supervisors;

grassroots level - foreman, foreman.

3. Specialists (working in plant management services, workshops) are engaged in engineering training, conduct research, develop technology, organization of production and labor:

senior level - chief specialist, head of department, department, sector, their deputies;

middle level - engineers, economists, lawyers and others;

lower level - junior specialists, technicians, timekeepers, work distributors.

4. Employees perform maintenance of production (copiers, draftsmen, bookkeepers, clerks).

Senior employee - accountant, statistician.

Junior employee - secretary, courier, etc.

The structure of personnel can be considered according to the following features:

1. The professional structure of the organization's personnel is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.) who have a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in a particular field. The professional division of labor is used for managers, specialists, employees, workers. Profession - a type of labor activity of a worker, associated with the performance of a set of works, characterized by a certain method of influencing the object of labor through the use of appropriate tools. Specialty - a type of labor activity that differs from the profession in a more clearly limited range of work (toolmaker).

There are two concepts: profession and position. The position is understood as a certain official place in the enterprise system, associated with the performance of relevant work, characterized by certain rights, duties, responsibilities, powers. Professions are distinguished by the nature of the work performed.

2. The qualification structure of personnel is the ratio of employees of different skill levels (ie the degree of professional training) necessary to perform certain labor functions. In our country, the skill level of workers is characterized by a category or class (for example, for drivers), and for specialists - by category, category or class. For example, according to the level of qualification, design engineers can hold the positions of “chief”, “leading”, “senior” designer of I, II and III categories.

3. The gender and age structure of the organization's personnel is the ratio of groups of personnel by sex (men, women) and age. The age structure is characterized by the proportion of persons of the corresponding ages in the total number of personnel. When studying the age composition, the following groupings are recommended: 64, 65 years and older.

4. The structure of personnel by length of service can be considered in two ways: by total length of service and length of service in a given organization.

5. The structure of personnel by level of education characterizes the allocation of persons with higher education, including the level of training - bachelor, specialist, master; incomplete higher education (more than half of the term of study); specialized secondary; average general; lower secondary; initial.

The state of personnel at the enterprise is determined using the following coefficients:

1) staff attrition rate:

where Chuv - the number of employees laid off during the period;

Chsr - the average number of employees for the period.

2) frame acceptance rate:

where Npr - the number of employees accepted for the period.

3) staff turnover ratio:

4) staff turnover rate:

where Chuv is the number of workers dismissed during the period for absenteeism, at their own request, for violation of labor discipline.

1.2 Professional and qualification characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise

The qualitative characteristics of the company's personnel is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the company's goals and work performance. It is much more difficult to assess the qualitative characteristics of the company's personnel and the quality of work. Currently, there is no common understanding of the quality of labor and the qualitative component of the labor potential of the workforce.

The main range of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of work: economic, personal, organizational, technical and socio-cultural.

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the correspondence of abilities, motivations and other qualitative characteristics of personnel to the requirements of a position or workplace. There are two main types of business assessment of personnel: personnel selection and personnel certification.

The Business Personnel Assessment System improves the efficiency of human resource management through:

Positive impact on employee motivation.

Planning for vocational training.

Career development planning.

Making decisions on hiring for a new position, remuneration, promotion, dismissal.

A profession is a special type of labor activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and a specialty is a type of activity within a profession that has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees. For example, economists (profession) are divided into planners, marketers, financiers, labor workers, etc. Qualification characterizes the degree of mastery of workers in a particular profession or specialty and is reflected in the qualification (tariff) categories and categories that they are assigned depending on the theoretical and practical training. Tariff categories and categories are at the same time indicators that characterize the degree of complexity of work.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system that is equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and understandability, therefore today there are many personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In order to build an effective personnel search and selection system, first of all, it is important to understand its place in the overall human resource management system of the organization. The selection of personnel is not an isolated function of independent value; it must be linked to all other functions of personnel management so as not to become a function that is carried out for its own sake to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel.

Mistakes in employee evaluation often come at a high cost. So, poorly organized recruitment can lead to high staff turnover, poor moral and psychological climate (conflicts, squabbles, negligent attitude to the task assigned, etc.), low labor and performance discipline (poor quality of work, absenteeism, being late for work and early departures from work, low efficiency in the use of working time, failure to comply with management orders, and even sabotage).

Evaluation of the work of personnel is designed to answer the question of how effective the work of employees in the organization is. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to define the concept of efficiency.

By efficiency, we will understand (1) the correspondence of what the employee does with the goals of the organization and the established goals; (2) performance of work by the most rational and economical methods; and (3) the fullest use of the capabilities (abilities, knowledge, skills) of the employee.

The modern approach to assessing the work of personnel proceeds from the fact that it is not enough to measure the final work results, it should also be determined to what extent the employee shows such qualities and demonstrates such working behavior, which are a condition for effective work. Since performance evaluation is aimed at subsequent corrective actions, when integrated approach the object of analysis are those factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the work of personnel.

Let's consider the factors influencing the professional efficiency of employees, influencing from the side of the organization and from the side of the employee. On the part of the employee, the following efficiency factors can be distinguished: Abilities, Personal business qualities; Motivation; understanding one's working role, relations with the immediate superior, relations in the team, work ethic, professional knowledge and skills, health status.

On the part of the organization: physical working conditions, leadership style, knowledge and qualifications of the manager, labor incentive system, features of organizational culture, availability of the necessary resources.

The development of new areas of activity of the organization, the increase in the level of requirements for the quality of work of various categories of personnel requires appropriate changes in the assessment system. To improve already existing system assessment or use in the organization of new approaches to assessing the work of personnel, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions. Among the most important are the following:

Interest and support from top management;

Timely informing the staff about the goals and content of the assessment system, which is supposed to be used in the near future;

Establishing a clear connection between the system for assessing performance indicators and the system of remuneration.

The meaning of personnel performance evaluation becomes clear only in the general context of the personnel policy implemented by the organization. It is very difficult to tear off some separate function or a separate area of ​​work with personnel from the whole complex of tasks solved in the process of personnel management. The fundamental condition for the effective operation of the assessment system is its comprehensive nature, taking into account the diversity of tasks solved by each specific organization in the overall system of personnel management.

The performance appraisal is designed to promote a better use of the organization's human resources by closely linking the tasks solved during the appraisal with other areas of work with personnel, primarily with the following areas:

Job analysis, definition of job requirements;

Staff training and development;

Search and selection of new employees;

Employee development and career planning;

Labor incentive system;

Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it.

The results of personnel performance assessment can also be used in the personnel planning chains, helping to find out how the qualifications, knowledge and experience of employees correspond to the present and future needs of the organization.

Development of an assessment system. Many organizations from time to time are faced with the fact that their current performance appraisal system needs major changes. However, there are a number of possibilities here:

Completely copy the assessment system adopted in another organization;

Develop an assessment system on your own;

Invite consultants to develop an assessment system in accordance with the developed requirements.

Although performance appraisal can help determine the employee's need for training and development, if this is only an integral or average quantitative assessment, expressed in points, then in this case, when using it, the manager faces certain limitations.

A differentiated assessment of the performance of subordinates allows you to identify what exactly in their work needs improvement. To this end, the employee's performance is compared with established standards and norms, and not with the results of other employees.

It is important that the formal assessment is complemented by the informal one. At the same time, the leader must provide the subordinate needed help in identifying the main difficulties associated with the work, and in identifying the main areas of professional development. To solve problems related to the development of their subordinates, the manager has to evaluate not only performance indicators, but also work behavior. An informal assessment of the work of subordinates can take the following forms: discussion of work plans and ways to achieve the goals; summing up the results of work for a certain period; consulting, designed to identify restrictions that prevent the performance of work in accordance with established requirements; face-to-face reprimand or remark to the employee aimed at preventing future undesirable patterns of work behavior; praise designed to reinforce desirable work behaviors that can lead to high work performance.

Evaluation of the work behavior of subordinates allows the manager to outline those directions individual work, which will help the employee to form the necessary attitudes and better understand the requirements of the professional role - those requirements that apply to the employee performing these job duties.

Collection, documenting and analysis of information on assessing the performance of personnel is of particular importance for identifying shortcomings, weaknesses and mistakes and timely adjustment of the programs in the organization in the field of personnel management.

1.3 Ways to improve the use of enterprise personnel

The demand for a specialist in the labor market is largely determined by the level of his qualifications. High qualification of personnel is the most important competitive advantage firms.

Almost every institution has some form of individual assessment of employees. Some are satisfied with the current system, some are not. Some systems work well, some don't. Practice shows that often the system of individual assessments (which is also called “performance assessment”, or “success assessment”, or “attestation”, etc.) basically has nothing to do with the case. Managers carry out the evaluation process, fill out some forms, but do not even inform the employee himself about the results, and send this evaluation to the development department of the personnel management service. This department enters the results into a data bank, which can sometimes be used as the basis for a salary increase or as a source of information when deciding whether to transfer or promote an employee.

This individual assessment, or appraisal, is an important part of banking work with personnel. Certification of personnel is a check, determination of the compliance with business qualifications, the level of knowledge and skills of an employee, and other socially significant qualities of the position held. It is aimed at improving the qualitative composition of personnel (personnel) and their effective use, the growth of official and labor activity, entrepreneurship, and promotion. Attestation is an indicator of the degree of compliance of the person being certified with the requirements for the service. With the help of the selected criteria and indicators, the procedure for assessing the compliance with the position held (labor functions) of a particular manager, specialist, employee takes place.

An organization needs a mechanism to identify the training and learning needs of each employee in order to plan and provide training of the required type and depth, or organize on-the-job training. Individual appraisal is necessary to identify and identify the best candidates for promotion, to determine who and to what position to appoint to create a personnel reserve, to inform the employee in which area he needs additional or specialized training and to provide an objective basis for identifying and increasing wages or bonuses to that worker because, by definition, they are paid based on performance.

The main task of any certification is to determine the individual and collective characteristics and abilities of the workforce, resources and training needs. This means that certification serves the common interest, and it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the correct certification. The management of the bank should be interested in having highly qualified employees in all positions in the bank. This is a fundamental requirement and condition for ensuring the good operation of the bank. Each line manager, each head of the personnel service should be interested in having highly qualified specialists in their departments. This facilitates their own work and provides the basis for the success of the bank as a whole. Each bank employee should be interested in improving their knowledge and skills. Ultimately, this should be reflected in his salary, raising his status in the institution, promotion, getting a more interesting job.

Responsibility for the implementation and operation of the certification system lies, as a rule, with specialists in the personnel service. They participate in the formation and work of certification commissions, prepare the necessary documentation (regulations, instructions) that regulates the operation of the system, draw up lists and certification schedules and control the certification process. They also ensure that the objectives of the assessment are clearly communicated to both the assessees and the assessors.

But there are many obstacles in the way of effective and correct certification. In some cases, appraisal is not seen as important, even when inadequate skills are the bank's main problem. Limited, non-targeted, fragmented training is carried out, in no way connected with the assessment of the objective needs that exist in the bank. Often, assessment tools and resources, including training managers for performance appraisal, are far from perfect. It also happens that the certification carried out has no consequences. Therefore, managers are not interested in wasting time on thinking through and properly organizing such certification. In some cases, managers have little knowledge of their subordinates, they have no idea what skills they would like to see in them, what they need to be successful in their work. In other cases, leaders simply lack the courage to do so. Some leaders are biased in their assessments. When conducting certification, they may be guided by other motives. Sometimes the existing attestation procedure requires an assessment of all character traits of an employee, and is not at all related to work. Sometimes the existing evaluation process has too many goals, and as a result, the process itself becomes the first victim of such exactingness.

The purpose of appraisal is to determine each employee's need for appropriate skills, either for his current job, if this is a priority for this employee, or for his future job, if he is slated for promotion, so that he can take some action to ensure that he meets the level requirements

The procedure adopted in our country provides that, based on the existing legislation and regulations, the terms, schedule, as well as the list of positions subject to certification, composition of commissions, rules and criteria are approved by the head of the organization in agreement with the elected trade union body. Prior to the beginning of the calendar year and later than a month, they are brought to the attention of the certified.

When carrying out attestation in all types of organizations, one can be guided by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation “Basic provisions on the procedure for attestation of employees of organizations” dated 10/23/92.

Preparation for certification is organized by the administration of the institution, organization. It includes the following activities: preparation required documents for certified, the development of schedules for certification: determining the composition of certification commissions, organizing explanatory work on the goals and procedure for certification.

For each employee subject to certification, no later than two weeks before the start of its implementation, its immediate supervisor prepares a presentation containing a comprehensive assessment of: compliance with professional training, professional competence, attitude to work, performance of job duties, performance indicators for the past period. The employee must be familiar with these materials in advance.

The composition of the attestation commission includes the chairman (as a rule, the deputy head of the institution), the secretary and members of the commission. The attestation commission includes heads of departments, highly qualified specialists.

It should be noted that in recent years, the practice of a number of firms includes certification of divisions of the firm. This is not an ordinary report of the head of a department, service, on the Board, but a procedure that provides for the creation of rules for such attestation, an attestation commission, and a procedure for determining conclusions. Chizhov N.A. I had the good fortune to conduct such certification at one of the enterprises near Moscow, where, in the course of evaluating the work of specific services of this enterprise, conclusions were drawn on the material base, the level of qualification and development of personnel, the quality of management, and the introduction of information technologies. In the same place, the idea of ​​​​introducing external control for those services that did not respond at all was tested for the first time. modern requirements, and there was a question about their disbandment.

Motivation of work and stimulation of personnel. Evaluation of performance indicators, being organically linked to the system of remuneration and programs aimed at improving the level work motivation personnel, allows you to maintain the interest of employees in achieving high performance at the proper level. As already noted, the effectiveness of the labor incentive system is directly dependent on how much the amount of remuneration is linked to the contribution of employees to the achievement of the goals of the organization (department), how fair those whose work is being evaluated consider it fair.

Another important task facing the current assessment system in the organization is to inspire the employee to improve work, to interest him in mastering new approaches to work, to stimulate the achievement of new levels of professional efficiency. This task can be successfully solved by promoting the achievements of the best employees, bringing to the attention of employees the data showing how they cope with their work.

Evaluation of the work of subordinates allows the leader to solve a wide range of tasks. On the one hand, these are production tasks: fulfilling plans, achieving goals, ensuring the normal functioning of departments and the entire organization or servicing production processes, it is possible to diagnose the organization to identify shortcomings in personnel and disciplinary policies, and on the other hand, these are tasks related to more effective using the potential of employees due to the fact that the assessment system allows you to increase the level of their motivation, determining the direction of their development and stimulating the need for training and

In order to establish a performance appraisal system in an organization, a number of conditions must be met, among which the most important are the following:

Interest and support from top management;

The presence in the organization of trained, highly qualified specialists responsible for the operation of the assessment system;

Preparation of documents regulating the operation of the system (regulations, instructions, forms, etc.);

Timely informing the staff about the goals and content of the performance evaluation system;

Establishing a clear connection in the work of the system for assessing performance indicators with the system of remuneration.

Traditionally, the responsibility for assessing the work of personnel lies both with the immediate supervisors of the assessed employees and with specialists from the personnel departments (HR department or personnel department) and labor and payroll departments. Their responsibilities include the following tasks, the solution of which can solve the problem of creating an effective personnel assessment system:

1. The development of an assessment system involves identifying the organization's need to evaluate performance and setting goals and objectives that must be solved during the implementation of the assessment system.

2. Development of methods and procedures that will be used to evaluate performance.

3. Development of relevant documentation, regulations, instructions, forms, reporting forms.

4. Training of leaders. Managers must be aware of the goals and objectives of performance appraisal and have the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve these goals.

5. Control over the proper conduct of the procedure for assessing the performance of personnel.

6. Collection and storage of information obtained as a result of the assessment of employees.

7. Analysis of the information received and preparation of reports for management. These reports contain the results obtained with the help of the organization's evaluation system, and suggestions aimed at improving the efficiency of the staff.

2 Analysis personnel enterprises OJSC "Complex »

2.1 Quantitative composition and indicators of personnel movement

"After the company employs 785 people: AUP is 54 people, drivers, crane operators, excavators - 586 people and maintenance personnel - 145 people.

Table 2.1 The structure of the number is given

As we can see from the table, the number of drivers, crane operators and excavators has decreased by 101 people over the past three years. The number of service personnel also decreased by 5 people.

The number of administrative and managerial personnel increased by eleven people.

Consider the indicators of movement and staff turnover. Based on tabular data. The analysis showed that the company has a staff turnover. Especially among drivers, crane operators and excavators. The main reasons for employee turnover are:

1. Difficult working conditions. Due to the lack of quality service personnel, they have to solve certain issues and tasks on their own. For example, when passing scheduled or extraordinary maintenance. In this regard, a number of other problems arise, no less important, such as more downtime in the boxes (more time spent on maintenance due to the appearance of a queue), loss of profit for the organization. Which by itself leads to the main issue of reducing wages.

2. Ill-conceived social policy. The company's management is not concerned about the increase social benefits: providing convenient working hours, facilitating women's work, improving safety.

The management of the enterprise does not practice providing personnel with vouchers to rest homes, sanatoriums, children's camps. Not enough attention is paid to maintaining the health of women and all employees of the enterprise: lack of a hygienic room, a rest room. As a result, the staff is overstressed and stressed.

2.2 Professional and qualification level of employees

Consider the professional level of managers, specialists and employees.

The composition of employees by education is characterized by the following data: most of the managers of the enterprise have higher education - 51 people. 34 specialists have higher education. Among them: leading accountant, accountant, Ch. Mechanics, a leading marketing specialist, an HR inspector, The rest of the specialists have either a secondary technical education or a secondary one.

Among drivers, crane operators and excavators in 2011 - 9 people, in 2013 - 10 people. Mostly drivers, crane operators and excavators have a secondary education - in 2011 23 people, in 2013 - 21 people.

The negative point is that the majority of managers and specialists do not have an economic, managerial, or commodity education (see Table 2.2).

Thus, the professional and qualification level of managers and specialists of OAO "Complex" can be characterized as not corresponding to the profile of the enterprise, having no management experience.

We will analyze the performance of official duties by the administrative and managerial apparatus of JSC "Complex".

The main source of shortcomings in the enterprise management system is the top management of the enterprise, the director of OAO "Complex". The most significant reasons for the manifestation of shortcomings are errors in the organization of planned and economic activities, the definition of an enterprise development strategy, current planning and operational accounting, assessment of the validity and decision-making, as well as in the organization of their implementation.

First Deputy director - commercial director works with suppliers building materials responsible for signing contracts.

The chief accountant of the enterprise carries out accounting of funds and business transactions with material and monetary resources, establishes the results of financial and economic activities. The main disadvantage in the activities of the chief accountant is that there is no ongoing analysis financial condition enterprises.

A marketing specialist performs supply and sales functions: he is engaged in providing management, warehouses and stores with the necessary inventory items.

The economist of the enterprise performs the functions of a statistician: he conducts statistical reporting. The enterprise lacks both current analysis and forecasting of the financial activity of the enterprise. OJSC "Complex" does not form an estimate of the overhead costs of the enterprise; as a result, the trade margin of the enterprise has not been reviewed over the past five years.

The Human Resources Specialist only hires and fires employees. The company does not conduct training and advanced training of personnel. The system of adaptation of personnel is not involved.

The office manager acts as a secretary. There is a lack of trading experience among sales consultants. This is due to the fact that random people are hired due to the high turnover among this staff.

Let's analyze the age composition of employees of JSC "Complex", presented in table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Age structure of employees of JSC "Complex"

According to the table, it can be seen that the age of the employees of the enterprise ranges from 40 to 55 years. The average age of managers and specialists is 50 years. And this is before retirement age their professional qualities leave much to be desired. Therefore, conflict situations often arise in the enterprise. Inability and unwillingness of administrative and managerial personnel to work as a single team. Many work only because of the need to finish before retirement, and therefore there are no prospects for the development of the enterprise.

2.3 Use of the wage fund

The effectiveness of the use of personnel depends on the effective use of the wage fund.

Table 2.3 - Analysis of the formation and efficiency of the use of the payroll fund of JSC "Complex" for 20011-2013, pers.

Dynamics of change

Total staff

Incl. managers, specialists


crane operators


Service staff

Wage fund, thousand rubles


crane operators


Service staff

The average annual level of wages per employee, thousand rubles.

Incl. managers and specialists


crane operators


Service staff

Revenue from the sale of building materials

total labor productivity

including Managers and specialists


crane operators


Average annual salary index

Labor productivity index

According to the table, the following trend is revealed.

The average salary of administrative and managerial personnel is at a higher level compared to similar enterprises (LLC TSM). If in LLC TSM r the average annual salary of administrative and managerial personnel in 2011 was 95.6 thousand rubles, then in JSC "Complex" 102.8 thousand rubles.

Middle-level personnel: drivers, in comparison with the analogue enterprise (TSM LLC), have an average annual salary lower by 10%. So, the average annual salary of salespeople of TSM LLC is 74.2 thousand rubles, while in OJSC Complex it does not exceed 67.4 thousand rubles. Also, the wages of service personnel are not high enough. In 2012, it amounted to only 68.5 thousand rubles.

An analysis of the indices of average annual wages and labor productivity indicates that the growth rates of average annual wages outstrip the growth rates of labor productivity. The consequence of this was an increase in the cost of sold building materials, which accordingly reduced the profit of the enterprise.

2.4 Conclusions on the analysis of the personnel of the JSC "Complex" enterprise

Thus, the analysis of the personnel of the enterprise revealed a number of problems:

1. The deterioration of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise was significantly affected by the fact that the chief accountant of the enterprise does not pay due attention to this. The financial policy at the enterprise is not formed, the current analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise is not carried out. In this regard, the management of the enterprise does not have the ability to quickly influence the current financial activities. Since the average age is before retirement, as was previously indicated, what is simply being finalized until retirement. And the management administration of the enterprise does not adopt innovations and young specialists, as it is necessary to raise and improve the quality of work.

2. There is a staff turnover at the enterprise. Especially among middle management. This is due to difficult working conditions: due to the lack of auxiliary workers, drivers. Crane operators and excavators are forced to carry out their own maintenance. Insufficient illumination of workshops and warehouses impairs the vision and attention of workers.

3. The management of the enterprise is not concerned about increasing social benefits: providing convenient working hours, facilitating women's work, improving safety.

4. Available labor resources (drivers, crane operators and excavators) JSC "Complex" uses fully. There is an overload for both drivers and for crane operators and excavators. This is due to a shortage of workers due to high staff turnover.

5. The negative point is that the majority of managers and specialists do not have economic, managerial education, as well as commodity education. In this regard, functional duties are not performed at the proper level.

6. There is a lack of experience among drivers. This is due to the fact that random people are hired due to the high turnover among this staff.

7. The age of the company's employees ranges from 30 to 55 years. The average age of managers and specialists is 50 years. And this is before retirement age, their professional qualities leave much to be desired. Therefore, conflict situations often arise in the enterprise. Inability and unwillingness of administrative and managerial personnel to work as a single team.

8. The average salary of administrative and managerial personnel is at a higher level compared to peer enterprises.

Middle-level personnel: drivers, crane operators and excavators have an average annual wage lower by 10% compared to an analogue enterprise.

9. The growth rate of the average annual wage is outpacing the growth rate of labor productivity. The consequence of this was an increase in the cost of sold building materials, which accordingly reduced the profit of the enterprise.

Thus, the problem of the availability of qualified personnel is especially acute at the enterprise, since little attention is paid to it. The consequence of an ill-conceived policy in this area was: the lack of highly qualified specialists, as well as the understaffing of middle-level personnel.

Analysis of the existing performance appraisal and business qualities of administrative and managerial personnel showed that the company has never held: trainings, seminars, training, personnel rotation, certification of employees. The consequence of this was that the company has a certain layer of personnel who still need further professional development.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a number of measures to improve the use of the enterprise's personnel and increase the level of personnel qualification.

2.5 Development of measures to improve the use of enterprise personnel

1. It is recommended that the management of OJSC "Complex" set goals that must be achieved within 5 years - this is to improve the atmosphere and life at the enterprise, provide all kinds of benefits, improve the work schedule, provide innovative technologies, and periodically rotate personnel.

The planning of the production process begins with the development of goals formulated at the level of the top management of the company. These goals are expressed in terms of return on invested capital and annual dividend growth. At this level, the requirements for the production departments are defined in the form of the expected contribution from them to the achievement of the goals. Further detailing of plans is carried out in production departments, where the specified limits on such indicators as return on assets, growth in sales of the services they provide, set taking into account market factors for production departments within the country and region, must be observed.

The production planning process is based on the principle of long-term orientation. Long-term strategic plans are linked to short-term plans, as well as to the rules and regulations adopted in a particular firm.

When it comes to home improvement, there are several factors to consider:

a) If the team is of different sexes - it is necessary to create on the premises separate bathrooms, locker rooms, lounges for staff.

b) Provide jobs with everything necessary for quality work.

c) Improve lighting in boxes and in separate areas and workplaces as necessary.

d) Improve the thermal regime (in winter time year) in boxes and in separate areas and workplaces as needed.

When providing benefits to the working team, it is necessary to take into account the profitability of the enterprise from the services they provide. Since, we indicated above the age of the company's employees, it is necessary to make an addition to the pension from the enterprise - for the length of service, it is also necessary to improve the quality of medical services, both for working and retired people, to provide young professionals with free, low-budget or social housing (according to as needed). It is also possible, on a competitive basis, to provide vouchers to sanatoriums and health resorts for the best workers for the period of their holidays.

When considering the work schedule, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions, the complexity and labor intensity of workers, as well as the degree of cost per one working hour of an employee.

Personnel rotation is an important component of the mechanism for managing the team and career of employees. Its essence lies in horizontal job transfers in order to improve the skills of an employee, his professional rank or category. The rotation of employees of a certain level of professional training and education allows you to unlock human resources without significant material costs, prevents erroneous decisions related to the promotion of employees, prevents the development of conflicts in the team.

Therefore, rotation is aimed at improving the professional level of employees, and not at eradicating negative trends in the team.

Rotation in OAO "Complex" should be deeply thought out. It should be considered as an integral part of the personnel development system, in which the movements of workers are individual in nature, planned in advance and contribute to the resolution of production problems.

Being integral part staff development mechanism, rotation is effective during the first 8-10 years of the employee's work. By the age of 34-40, an employee, as a rule, reaches a high degree of professionalism and requires a larger field for activity. In this case, the company is obliged to provide such an employee with opportunities for career growth, deepening knowledge and improving skills and abilities.

Therefore, the director of OAO "Complex" and specialists in personnel management of the enterprise are required to know well the features of the activities of those departments in which rotation is supposed to be carried out, to navigate in the production, financial, personnel issues of this department: be it departments, stores, warehouses. Thoughtful rotation can help the company survive in extreme socio-economic and political conditions.

From the moment a person is hired and until his dismissal, it is necessary to carry out a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions.

A rotation can be especially fruitful if it meets the expectations of the employee and the company. Practice shows that unsuccessfully relocated workers often do not see prospects in the new team.

The manager can painlessly replace an unreliable employee, plan his future career, refresh the staff of the enterprise, competently distribute employees into micro groups, while remaining extremely open to the team. Acting in this way, the leader studies the potential of his subordinates, lays down the criteria for evaluating their work, from which the conditions for career growth follow, and forms personnel reserves. The employee, in turn, gets the opportunity to try his hand at a new team, assess his ability to adapt.

2. It is proposed to the management of OAO "Complex" to introduce their own internal corporate comprehensive system of personnel training, which uses knowledge management technology.

Create a personnel management service at the enterprise, consisting of a personnel department and a training department, including a personnel specialist and a personnel development specialist. The mission of the training department will be encapsulated in the idea: "Personnel must be ready to solve tomorrow's problems today!". Training in the company should affect all levels of employees.

Table 2.5 lists necessary programs for training the personnel of the enterprise.

Table 2.5 List of required programs for personnel training.


Teaching method

Specialized training programs (training, negotiations, creativity).

Behavioral Training Methods

Team education programs

Active group and intergroup activity with subsequent reflection of the group process. Business and role-playing games, organization problem analysis

Development of interpersonal and intracompany communication, formation of conflict resolution skills

Role playing, simulation business games, internships, corporate culture design

Management training

Lectures, seminars, practical classes, educational business games

Preparing for organizational innovation

Organizational and mental games, project development


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Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the personnel of ZAO KONTI-RUS

Effective work of the enterprise is impossible without adequate information. The personnel department, the planning and economic department regularly collect data characterizing various aspects of the state of the enterprise's personnel and conduct a detailed analysis of them.

We will analyze the quantitative and qualitative composition of the workforce at the enterprise and assess their compliance with the needs of the enterprise.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into industrial and production personnel (PPP) and personnel employed in the operating organizations on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The PPP includes the following main groups: workers, managers, specialists and employees. The division of workers of industrial and production personnel into categories depends on their role and place in the production process.

The identification of differentiated groups within industrial personnel is connected with the need to determine the needs of the number of employees, establish forms of remuneration and material incentives, organize training and retraining of personnel, and improve their use. The study of structural shifts in the composition industrial personnel allows you to identify the main trends in the qualitative change in personnel (see table 2).

Table 2. Personnel structure of ZAO KONTI-RUS for 2009-2011

Table 2 shows that the number of industrial and production personnel in 2011 compared to 2009 increased in all categories of industrial and production personnel. This indicates that the company is increasing production volumes and is consistently pursuing a personnel policy to increase jobs.

Qualified level of workers largely depends on their age and education. Therefore, in the process of quantitative analysis of the composition of the workforce, let us consider the change in the composition of the workforce by age and education. Let's represent the age structure of CJSC "KONTI-RUS" by grouping (Table 2).

Table 3. Age structure of the workforce of ZAO KONTI-RUS for 2009-2011 (in % of the total number)

From the data in Table 3 it can be seen that at the enterprise the largest percentage falls on the age of 25 to 45 years, but it continues to decrease due to the increase in the share of the group of 46-55 year-old workers. This suggests that the company has a problem of aging staff. In my opinion, in the future this may have a negative impact on the efficiency of the enterprise, since 25-45 year old workers are people with a fairly high degree of qualification and with a long length of service and work experience.

Next, we analyze the composition of the labor force by the level of education received. The high educational level of workers contributes to the speedy development of new types of work. There is a certain relationship between the level of education and the qualifications of an employee. Level and duration of general and vocational education and training, length of service practical work and accumulated production experience are the main points that determine the qualifications of an employee.

Workers with secondary education go through the "qualification ladder" in 8 years, with education up to 8 classes - 11 years. Consider the educational structure of the workforce of the enterprise under study.

Table 4 (in % of the total number)

According to the data presented in Table 4, the level of education of the plant personnel has changed during the three analyzed years. The increase in specialists with higher education indicates a change in the range of the plant's products in the direction of an increase in more technically complex and science-intensive products.

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