The corporate culture survey is dictated. There are significant differences in the labor motivation of performers and managers, affecting their preferences in relation to the organizational culture of the enterprise.

Landscaping 21.09.2019

Research methods of corporate culture are very diverse. The choice of one method or another is determined by the tasks of researching this culture and the resources available for this research, since some methods require significant time and financial costs.

In the process of diagnosing corporate culture, it is necessary to carefully analyze everything that makes up the culture of the company today - the language of artifacts visible to the “naked eye”. Change of organizational culture // Problems of general and applied psychology: Materials of the scientific-practical conference "Commonwealth". -Yaroslavl, 2001

What does the architecture of buildings, layout of premises, workplaces tell us?

What does the clothes of employees say, because appearance is not only a manifestation of individuality, but also an opportunity to express your attitude towards others, a kind of mental message.

How do employees refer to each other - by name, patronymic and only to you or democratically and is there any special slang? How do you meet customers who come by by chance, how are they greeted on the phone and are they greeted? What do they say about the chef, what stories and tales are passed from "old to new" and how are they told - furtively with sarcasm or openly with good humor? Do they love the "old-timers", what kind of authorities they are - do they turn to them for help, do they respect their opinions or try to avoid them, fearing to be "interrogated with partiality" or to be judged downrightly: "Well, what have you done here, my dear?" " Does the organization share information, ideas, or are they afraid that they will "overshoot, use" they keep everything under the "seven seals"? Do they believe in the development, competitiveness of the company or say with skepticism to the newcomer “at first we all believed, tried, so if you work with ours, you will understand what's what”. So, with the answers to the questions, the characteristics of culture gradually emerge: flexibility or stability, dynamism or order and control, unity or rivalry, integration and unification or differentiation and division. Further, we supplement the image of the company's culture with the results of a diagnostic study. Among the variety of types of corporate cultures, there are several main ones (according to Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn):

· Hierarchical type - culture focused on consistency, order;

• clan type - a culture that focuses on the quality of relationships;

· Adhocratic type - culture focused on entrepreneurship and creativity;

· Market type - culture, first of all, focused on the result and the implementation of the task at any cost. As in the character of a person, where the basis is a combination of several types of temperament, so in the corporate culture of the company several basic types of culture are manifested.

All company executives, as well as reputable employees, experienced employees and newcomers must participate in the study. fresh eyes»To the company. If the company has already declared itself on the market, we ask the opinion of the clients - “from the outside”: How do they see the company? How would they like to see her?

The next important addition to the definition of corporate culture is to identify the core values ​​of the company, that is, what lies in the area of ​​basic ideas and attitudes: the attitude of employees to the company, motivation to work, customer focus, management style and relationships.

The most practical is the process of implementing strategic changes, which, according to Kurt Lewin, consists of three stages: defrosting, moving, freezing. Gritsay A. The importance of organizational culture for the management and development of a modern company // Collection of articles of the international congress social Psychology XXI century, Yaroslavl 2002

The defrosting consists in the fact that as a result of a three-hour diagnostic meeting, everyone, both the head of the company - the Leader, and the management team - the Leadership group, and the personnel - the Team must realize their own considerations and assumptions of the organization, identify the coincidences and differences in the vision of the internal reality. In other words, the purpose of such diagnostics is to reveal the daily practice of the organization, to identify the valid norms and unwritten laws, to reveal what ideas, beliefs, determine the daily work, the way of action, the way of making decisions in the management team. At this stage, certain questions need to be raised and resolved.

Movement is the practical implementation of changes, the introduction of a new culture through a change in the way of action and behavior, which, in fact, means working with the Leader, Leadership group and the Team, changing the way of action in practice during real work on specific problems of the company during seminars - meetings.

Freezing is the assessment and protection of the process of change, so that there is no “sliding” to previous positions. This requires the fixation of the adopted and agreed decisions in administrative documents, regulations, standards and the consolidation of new behavior, new management methods.

In an environment of continuous change, when rapid and inexpensive tracking of the dynamics of corporate culture change is required, the OCAI method can be recommended in combination with the selective interviewing method. The peculiarities of this method are a simple questionnaire and great clarity of the results. This is very convenient for discussing the results with the management and the team of the studied enterprise. In addition, the method makes it possible to quite simply carry out repeated measurements of the organizational culture, which makes it possible to track the dynamics of changes and promptly adjust the plans for their implementation.

The method has been validated across a large number of organizations and has found high intrinsic reliability and evidence-based convergent and discriminant validity. To increase the reliability of the method, it is recommended to supplement the questionnaire with individual interviews. This makes it possible to obtain a set of subjective content that the subjects put into the parameters of the questionnaires offered by them, and to make sure that this content corresponds to the models underlying the method.

The method is based on a 4-factor model of a systematic description of corporate culture. This model combines four types of organizational cultures: the culture of hierarchy, the culture of competition (market), the culture of adhocracy (creativity), and the culture of the family.

It is assumed that the corporate culture of each real organization is a combination of the above four cultures. This combination is expressed graphically in the form of a so-called organizational profile. The sum of points along all four axes of this profile is always 100.

The identification of factors uses a standard list of parameters developed within the framework of this model. Respondents are asked to fill out a questionnaire for two situations. The first situation is the current state of the organization ("as is"). The second situation is the desired ("as desired") state of the organization.

The organizational profile allows you to:

Assess the share of each elementary type of culture in the general corporate culture (by the position of points on the coordinate axes);

Assess the organization's readiness to change and the desired direction of change (based on the difference in profiles in the "as is" and "as desired" states);

- compare the organizational cultures of different departments;

Describe not only the state of the organization as a whole, but also certain aspects of its activities, such as: management system, leadership style, forces that hold the organization together, goal-setting system, decision-making and conflict resolution system, employee motivation, success criteria;

- evaluate the congruence of various aspects of corporate culture;

- to assess the dynamics of changes in corporate culture.

UDC 316.77
BBK 60.55–3

The article discusses methods for diagnosing corporate culture of enterprises. The advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative sociological methods used to study corporate culture are described. The examples of the results of the study of corporate culture in the companies of Yekaterinburg are given.

Keywords: corporate culture, OCAI method, parameters of national culture G. Hofstede.

V last years scientific and practical interest in the study of corporate culture is growing. What is it caused by? Why have scientists, human resource managers, business consultants come to the conclusion that a well-built corporate culture has a direct impact on the company's performance? First, there have been changes in the structure and nature of organizations. Today's organizational world is significantly different from what it was in the early 1980s. The processes of destruction and decentralization, the emergence of self-governing teams at various organizational levels have reduced the importance and need for daily control by the company's management and increased the importance of corporate culture. People in the organization are united by common values ​​and norms of behavior. Second, there is empirical evidence of a link between a company's culture and its performance. Of course, culture is not the only ingredient in a company's success. But it is one of the key components on the way to achieving the goals, which until recently was not taken into account at all.

Study parameters

For scientific purposes, in 2005 the author conducted a study on the problem of corporate culture at two enterprises in Yekaterinburg. Organizations with different forms property and parameters - medium-sized and big business... One of the surveyed enterprises - trade Organization LLC "Stroy-komplekt", which has been successfully operating for more than 12 years in the market for the sale of loading, tractor, municipal equipment, buses and spare parts. The company conducted a survey of 59 employees. The study involved department heads (14.9%), middle managers (62.7%), engineering and technical personnel (7%), accounting and secretariat employees (13.6%), foremen and workers (1.8%). Half of the respondents (50.3%) have been working in the organization for 5 years. This makes it possible to assert that employees have a clear understanding of the activities of the enterprise, the peculiarities of its functioning.

The second facility under study is the Ceramics Factory. The company is engaged in the production of tiles and sanitary ceramics. The plant is one of the largest enterprises in the Urals. 130 employees were interviewed at the enterprise. The survey was conducted on a quota sample. In the course of the study, 50.8% of women and 49.2% of men were interviewed. 40.8% of the plant's employees have secondary specialized education and 40% higher (only 13.1% of respondents have a secondary general and 6.2% incomplete higher levels education); 30.8% of them work in shops, 30% are top and middle managers, 27.2% are engineers, 11.5% are representatives of the secretariat and accounting. The analysis of the age structure of the plant's employees showed the predominance of several age groups: 26-30 years old - 14.6%, 46-50 years old - 18.5%, 51-55 years old - 16.9%, over 55 years old - 14.6 %. The respondents aged 41-45 (11.5%), 31-35 (8.7%), 21-25 and 36-40 (7.7%) are represented to a lesser extent. Most of the respondents have been working at the surveyed enterprise for more than 10 years (41.5%). 30% of respondents have been working at the plant for 5 years, 23.8% are employees of the plant for 6-10 years. There are also young employees at the enterprise who have been chatting for less than one year (4.6%).

The subject of the research is the corporate culture of a trading company and a manufacturing enterprise. Research results can contribute to the creation of a view:

About the most common type of corporate culture at each of the studied enterprise;

On the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular enterprise, depending on the type of corporate culture;

On the degree of awareness by top managers of the importance of corporate culture and characteristics of the corporate culture of their enterprise;

On the general and different features of the corporate culture of the two organizations.

The study of the corporate culture of enterprises is carried out in the strategy of polymethodical research.

Quantitative methods involve conducting surveys to assess the state of corporate culture. Most of the research on corporate culture assessment is based on these methods. Quantitative methods have a number of advantages when studying this problem:

  • provide comparability of results when studying a number of firms;
  • give accurate and visual results;
  • provide an opportunity to identify not only the superficial, but also the deep layers of corporate culture, and allow to assess the internal motives or motives of the organization's employees, since employee surveys are used as a basis;
  • the results obtained are more objective, since the influence of subjective attitudes and the personality of the researcher is significantly lower.

But quantitative methods also have drawbacks. Their essence lies in the fact that this methodology makes it possible to identify only the characteristics of corporate culture perceived by the respondents, while deep cultural values ​​can be assessed and differentiated only with the help of long-term qualitative analysis such cultural manifestations as myths, stories, etc. However, it is obvious that for solving such problems as comparing the corporate cultures of different firms, forming an idea of ​​a typical culture, the use of quantitative methods is the only possible one.

Along with quantitative methods, the study used qualitative methods, in particular, in-depth interviews with company leaders were conducted. First, they make it possible to identify the subjective assessment of the top management of the organization, since it is the head of the organization who is the key factor in the formation of the corporate culture of the organization. Secondly, the lack of consensus in the scientific literature on this issue prompts to identify key points the subject under study directly "in practice" and form the concept of corporate culture. Third, the ad hoc development of quantitative tools is considered meaningless for examining the views of senior management within the framework of this study.

Two methods were used as a basis for diagnosing the corporate culture of enterprises: the parameters of the national culture of G. Hofstede and the OCAI method (Organizational Culture's Analyze Instrument), developed by K. Cameron and R. Quinn. These methods have been tested for Russian conditions, which is confirmed by a number of studies.

The OCAI method is based on the classification of corporate culture according to the values ​​of the scales "stability - flexibility" and "internal orientation - external orientation". The authors distinguish four types of cultures: hierarchical, market, adhocratic and clan. The toolkit used in the OCAI method involves identifying the characteristics of the firm's corporate culture in six key areas:

  • the most important characteristics of the organization (traits that reflect the characteristics of the organization)
  • general style leadership in the organization (traits inherent in the leader of the organization)
  • strategic goals (the nature of the organization's development orientation)
  • success criterion (elements labor activity perceived as success in the organization)
  • connecting entity (the content of the elements that unite the team)
  • employee management style (features that distinguish the organization in personnel management).

The methodological substantiation of G. Hofstede's methodology is the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe role of national culture in the construction of a certain kind of organizational interactions, clearly and covertly manifested preferences, attitudes and values. The author believes that the properties of cultures are revealed in particular ways of solving common problems. G. Hofstede singles out the following parameters corporate culture: social inequality, including relations with the authorities; the relationship between the individual and the group; masculinity and femininity; overcoming uncertainty, control over aggression and expression of emotions.

Comparative analysis corporate culture of two companies

An analysis of the comparison of corporate culture for the two studied organizations, based on the methodology of Cameron and Quinn, is considered possible to represent by comparing the graphical profiles of the cultures of organizations.

Diagram 1. Comparative profile of corporate cultures of two organizations
according to the method of Cameron and Quinn

Table 1. Comparative analysis of the corporate culture of two organizations by Hofstede parameters.

Comparison of graphic profiles makes it possible to assert that the corporate culture of two organizations of different sizes and spheres of activity is almost identical. This profile reflects the following trends:

  • § Dominance in both organizations of the market type of culture;
  • § Small influence of clan culture;
  • § Preferential orientation of organizations to the external environment;
  • § The presence of a sufficiently high influence of the hierarchical culture.

The quantitative indicators of the parameters under study are also confirmed by the opinion of company leaders. According to the president of a trading company, “The essence of the corporate culture of the organization is in our logo, which depicts two arrows. An arrow indicates entry and exit. There is a different context, what is the meaning of this. The first is, of course, a high turnover of goods. Second, it is a high culture of customer service. This means an arrow along which a client comes to us, leaves and comes back again. The arrow also means a fairly active position in the market. The first arrow - we go to customers, offer goods, and the second - they go to us "... Thus, the prevalence of the market type of culture is quite natural and reasonable: for the company, the interests of the client come first. An organization with a market culture is primarily results-oriented. Leaders are tough competitors, unwavering and demanding. The organization is bound together by the desire to win, to maintain a leading position in the market.

As for identifying the traits of clan culture, the interviewees explain the findings as follows. “The corporate culture is that social package that keeps the team together ... these are the events that bring the team together. One of the brightest events that we hold is the annual Spartakiad. Now the city team of workers is being actively formed. Thanks to their participation in such events, they become known not only within the plant, but also outside it. They have the opportunity to play better and not be ashamed at work.", - notes general manager manufacturing enterprise. According to the president of the trading company, “ today an employee working in our organization must clearly understand that this is a serious company. And for the powers delegated to him by the company, he bears full responsibility. If he does not stand them, he is asked according to the strictest rules.". The fact of delegation of authority is one of the reasons for the prevalence of clan characteristics in the company under study.

Comparison of the corporate culture of Yekaterinburg companies based on the parameters of G. Hofstede is presented in Table 1.

Comparative analysis showed the prevalence of general characteristics of corporate culture in two different organizations. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • § In both organizations, the “feminine principle” prevails; focus on creating a friendly atmosphere, maintaining warm relations among employees.
  • § In organizations, a democratic type of culture is widespread, but the features of collectivism are also expressed in the production enterprise. The democratic type indicates the successful alignment of values ​​at various levels. With regard to the situation at the production enterprise, according to the data obtained, we can say that in this process there is a certain imbalance, which is caused by the predominance of collectivism.
  • § In both organizations, a mixture of individualist and collectivist principles prevails. But in a trading company, individualism is more represented, while in a manufacturing enterprise, the two types of corporate culture are represented equally.
  • § In terms of uncertainty avoidance, different types of culture were identified in the two organizations. This indicates a different degree of discipline in the organization, about the different role of the leader and his image in the representation of employees.

The representation of a disparate type of culture in a manufacturing enterprise is explained by the organization's orientation, rather, to the external environment, rather than maintaining an internal working atmosphere. " The main goal of the organization is to make a profit, increase profitability. But we, as acceptance with the old traditions, put on a par with these goals and the satisfaction of workers in work - material, moral, i.e. we do not treat personnel as a tool for making money "(the author of the interview is the general director of the plant). Further, he notes that the company plans to conduct active work with personnel, the result of which will be a clear understanding of the rules and regulations: “Corporate culture is a mass of rules, a set of activities aimed at team building. Today we are faced with one of the important tasks - the formation of corporate legislation for our organization. "

Creation by employees of a certain image of the studied organizations makes it possible to identify the common and the different in them. Thus, it can be noted that the employees of the trading company have a clearer idea of ​​their organization, in contrast to the employees of the plant. The prevalence of certain "qualities" of a company testifies to the prevalence of a certain type of corporate culture. This profile makes it possible to show the similarities and differences in the vision of the organization by its employees. It can be noted that in both organizations such traits as pragmatism, organization, and exactingness prevail. These qualities once again confirm the predominance of adhocratic, hierarchical culture in organizations.

One of the objectives of this study is to determine the relationship between corporate culture and effective work of personnel. The conducted research has confirmed the fact that the two variables are related. According to the president of a trading company, corporate culture and work efficiency - “these are the links of the same chain. The effectiveness of the work of the staff, first of all, begins with the selection of personnel, with the quality of personnel. Secondly, with the definition of tasks for the solution of which a person is accepted. After a person has passed the selection filter, got into the structure, got acquainted with job description, it gets into processing, polishing of the corporate culture, it becomes a link in one chain. If it works randomly, it disrupts the entire chain. We are swimmers. But we will be hopeless swimmers if we swim against the tide. We are in the same boat. If someone stops rowing, then the current will simply drag us out of the leading position, and we will be thrown back. "

In conclusion, it should be noted that the idea of ​​an organization as a cultural phenomenon makes it possible to understand how, through what symbols and meanings the joint activity of people is carried out in the organizational environment. With the help of cultural methods of managing people, it is possible to show “how you can shape organizational reality and influence it through language, norms, folklore, traditions, ceremonies, etc. Within the framework of a cultural approach, an understanding arises that effective organizational development is not only a change in structures, technologies and skills, but also a change in the values ​​underlying joint activities of people" . Back in the mid-80s, T. Peters and W. Waterman, authors of the famous bestseller “In Search of effective management"Noted:" We found, as an obvious fact, that the individual human being in production and in management still means something. Forming organizations that take into account the individual's weaknesses and strengths is a new school daily bread ". The results of the research presented in the article are another confirmation of the importance of corporate culture for the successful development of a company and the need to study this phenomenon.


  1. Makarchenko M.A. Research of the organizational culture of St. Petersburg enterprises // Vestnik SPU. Series 8. Management. 2004. No. 3.
  2. Romanov P.V. Power, management and control in organizations. Saratov: SSU, 2003.
  3. Cameron Kim S. Diagnostics and organizational culture change. SPb .: Peter, 2001.
  4. Danilova E., Tararukhina M. Russian industrial culture in the parameters of G. Hofstede // Monitoring of public opinion. 2003. No. 3.


  1. Makarchenko M.A. The study of organizational culture of St-Petersburg enterprises // SPU Journal. 8 th issue. Management. 2004. # 3.
  2. Romanov P.V. Power, management and control in companies. Saratov: SSU, 2003.
  3. Cameron Kim S. Diagnostics and changes in organizational culture. St.-Pb .: Piter, 2001.
  4. Danilova E., Tararukhina M. The Russian corporate culture in G. Hofstede "s dimensions // Public opinion monitoring. 2003. No. 3.

Corporate culture diagnostics at enterprises of Ekaterinburg

The article considers methods of corporate culture diagnostics. The advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative sociological methods applied for researching corporate culture are described. Examples of the results of the study of corporate culture in the companies of Ekaterinburg are also given.

Key words:

For a quarter of a century of existence of the concept of "corporate culture", many methods have been proposed for diagnosing this phenomenon.

Diagnostics of corporate culture according to Shine

To assess the corporate culture of an organization, E. Shine proposed a method based on a consistent diagnosis of the group cultures of small groups that make up any organization4.

For each such group, the goals of the organization are formulated, and then a sequential discussion of the concept of culture corresponding to the solution of these goals is held; identifying artifacts and defining the values ​​of the organization. Then the artifacts and values ​​are compared for their mutual correspondence.

Then the specified procedure is carried out with the second and subsequent groups.

Based on the identified values ​​of the groups, the shared assumptions that exist within the organization are determined.

Thus, Shine offers the following sequence of group diagnostics of corporate culture:

  • define the "business problem";
  • discuss the concept of culture;
  • identify artifacts;
  • define the values ​​of your organization;
  • compare values ​​and artifacts;
  • repeat the process with another group;
  • define shared assumptions.

Comparison of the shared values ​​determined as a result of such a complex process and the stated goals of the organization makes it possible to identify their correspondence or inconsistency with each other.

In relation to M&A transactions, this means that we diagnose the corporate culture of the target company using the specified method for its compliance with the goals of the combined company (in the case of a merger) or the buying company (in the case of a takeover).

Diagnostics of corporate culture according to Cameron-Quinn

Cameron and Quinn proposed assessing corporate culture using what they call the Organizational Culture Assessment Tool (OCAI) 5. The purpose of this tool is to identify the existing culture of the organization and determine the culture that members of the organization want to build so that the organization corresponds to the predicted state of the external environment.

The OCAI method is based on a six-item questionnaire. As revised by Cameron-Quinn, these six points are phrased as follows:

  • the most important characteristics;
  • general leadership style in the organization;
  • management of employees;
  • the connecting entity of the organization;
  • strategic goals;
  • success criteria.

Each of the six points assumes four options for answers (D B, C, D); the assessment methodology assumes that the researcher distributes 100 points among the possible answers.

Further operations with the received answers are based on the use of a theoretical model called the “framework construction of competing goals”. This model assumes as key aspects of the classification the coordinates “internal control and integration - external positioning and differentiation” and “flexibility and individualism - control and stability”. In these coordinates, the types of corporate cultures proposed by Cameron and Quinn were called CLAN, ADHOCRACY, HIERARCHY and MARKET (Fig. 3).

Each quadrant in Fig. 3 is a set of defined values ​​and basic assumptions, i.e. those elements that characterize the corporate culture. Numerous experimental confirmations of the described model allowed Cameron and Quinn to conclude that the OCAI tool makes it possible to fairly reliably diagnose "the dominant orientation of the organization based on these core types of culture."

Practical value OCAI instrument in relation to M&A transactions is as follows.

If, as a result of diagnostics of the corporate cultures of the merging organizations, it turns out that they belong to the types located in the same quadrant of the “framework structure” (Fig. 3), then the chances of the merger's success are very high.

If the types of corporate cultures are located in the quadrants diagonally (for example, "clan" and "market" or "bureaucracy" and "adhocracy"), then the chances of success of the merger are close to zero.

The location of the types of diagnosed crops in the adjacent quadrants of the "frame structure" suggests the need for a particularly careful development of an integration plan for the merging companies.

The diagnostic methods described above allow you to get a very accurate assessment of the corporate culture of the target company. The disadvantages of both procedures described above is the considerable time (especially for E. Schein's method) of the analysis.

Nevertheless, these methods can be used in relation to M&A transactions, especially in cases where the target company is included in the operational management holding6, when the involvement of the corporate center in the activities of the acquired company is very large and the issue of compatibility of the corporate cultures of the two companies becomes very relevant.

Application of methods of system diagnostics

In some cases, the system diagnostics methods described in the previous article can be used to assess the corporate culture of the target company.

In this case, the use of the organization model (for the sake of clarity, we take the Weisbord's “six cells” model) in combination with the partially-focused interview method allows us to draw certain conclusions about the mutual correspondence of the corporate cultures of the target and the acquiring company.

Example 1. The company "Combine"

The diversified holding (polyethylene film production, commercial real estate management and anti-crisis consulting) decided to expand its production activities and acquired a controlling stake in a large plant for the production of artificial films and packaging in the Central Region. When planning the acquisition, the owner of the holding formulated the strategic goals of the merger as follows:

  • increase market share by taking over the target company;
  • to reduce fixed costs by combining the distribution systems of the holding and target companies and by selling non-core assets;
  • reduce variable costs due to economies of scale in the procurement of raw materials;
  • increase the market value of the combined company by achieving the first three goals.

At the time of acquisition, the Kombinat had significant debts to the Bank; a significant part of the shares was dispersed among the employees of the Combine (privatized in the second form). The pluses of the deal for the acquirer include relatively new equipment; the disadvantages are the presence of numerous subsidiaries operating on the premises and equipment of the Combine, a significant social network and non-production assets. Considering the high social significance of the Combine (the enterprise is a city-forming one), the buyer secured the consent of the regional administration to take over the target company, as well as the Bank's consent to roll over the loan. After the acquisition of the Kombinat, the Holding took over operational management finance, sales and procurement services. To implement the strategic goals, the financial and commercial directors were replaced, the sales policy is completely determined by the "parent" company. In the near future, the management of the Holding intends to replace all top managers of the enterprise, and in the longer term - to transfer to the strategic management of the subsidiary. The first year of operation after the completion of the takeover deal revealed the problem of inconsistency between the corporate cultures of the parent (Holding) and subsidiary (Combine) companies.

By the degree of interference in the internal affairs of subsidiaries, the holding is an operational holding with a sufficiently developed structure and skills. financial management... In a holding company, the system for making a significant number of decisions relies directly on the owner, while the company lacks the skills to manage large-scale production. According to the Cameron-Quinn classification, the corporate culture of a holding company belongs to the class of clan cultures. Combine within long period time developed in the same way as the majority of Russian privatized enterprises: top managers accumulated a controlling stake in their hands; arose a large number of Subsidiaries, with the help of which both profit from core activities and financial flows from non-core activities were withdrawn from the Combine. According to Cameron-Quinn's classification, the Combine's corporate culture belongs to the hierarchical class.

As follows from the above, the location of the types of diagnosed crops in adjacent quadrants (in this case CLAN and HIERARCHY) allows us to draw a conclusion about the need for a particularly careful development of a plan for integrating the Combine into the structure of the Holding. Neglecting such a plan, given the shortage of qualified top managers who have the skills to integrate the acquired enterprise into the structure of the buying company, can lead to very negative consequences.

Example 2. Commercial Bank

Two large local commercial structures decided to acquire a regional bank, which had previously been a subsidiary of a large "Moscow" bank for several years. The corporate culture of the new owners can be characterized as a kind of combination of CLAN and ADHOCRACY (Fig. 3). Diagnostics of the management system and corporate culture of the Bank a year after the takeover made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. Shareholders and top managers of the Bank have not determined a general approach to its development - whether it should be a tool for solving business problems of companies owned by shareholders (a "corporate bank"), or be an independent player operating in the competitive market of banking services and increasing its capitalization ("open bank"). Therefore, when making operational decisions, the Bank's managers proceed from their own understanding of its strategy.

2. Change of ownership and the associated arrival of new people in the management team in any company inevitably creates a division into "old" and "new".

3. Lack of communication management leads to the fact that employees do not get the impression that they work in a single organization and that the success of the entire organization depends on their daily work.

4. The labor market in the region is experiencing a significant shortage of bank employees, so it is practiced to entice employees from one bank to another. The inability to keep employees from moving to another organization turns the Bank into a forge of personnel for the industry in the local labor market.

5. The discrepancy between the leadership in the Bank and the level of personnel development is also a serious problem, which was investigated from the point of view of the Hersey-Blanchard situational theory (Fig. 4). Under the previous leadership, which was characterized by a tough authoritarian style (S1), the Bank selected personnel who corresponded to this style (R1), and the combination of these two styles was effective. With the arrival of new shareholders and a change in the management of the Bank, the leadership style in the Bank has changed to the S2 style, which is characterized by significantly less authoritarianism and direct control. The staff remained virtually the same (R1). This led, as interviews with the Bank's managers confirmed, to a decrease in the level of executive discipline: you can fail to do something or do it at the wrong time, and no sanctions will follow for this.

6. The corporate culture of the Bank is the BUREAU.

One of the recommendations that can be given to new owners is not to try to integrate the Bank into the structure of existing FIGs, but to develop the Bank as an independent business unit connected with these FIGs only by common owners.

The modern political process in the UR: federal and regional components. - Buchkin

    Prerequisites for the formation of corporate culture at the enterprise.

The individuality of the enterprise, its difference from other enterprises, is determined corporate culture ... The corporate culture is based on the philosophy of the enterprise, which is chosen independently when it is created. It defines the ideas, views, core values ​​that must be supported by its employees. Values ​​can be completely different depending on what lies at the heart of the enterprise: its own interests or the interests of individual employees. The development of corporate culture is necessary for the positioning of an enterprise in the market and for the development of its brand.

The main function corporate culture is to regulate relationships between people using principles of behavior, rules and norms. Culture gives the enterprise a sense of stability, and its employees - a sense of emotional involvement in the activities of the enterprise.

The importance of corporate culture is growing in the face of fierce competition, in which the sale of products becomes more problematic than their production. The main reasons that force modern enterprises to change their corporate culture are the growth of competition in product markets and the expansion of enterprises' activities (the emergence of new divisions, branches, etc.).

Thus, corporate culture is not the last place in enterprise management. The main task of its formation is to support the changes that occur within the boundaries of the enterprise.

    Analysis of factors of influence on the formation of corporate culture.

For the successful formation of corporate culture at the enterprise, it is important to consider the following:

    The issues of the formation of corporate culture are initiated by the top management of the enterprise, and managers of the upper and middle levels of management become its real guides;

    Before introducing any changes to economic activity enterprises, and even more so before the formation of a new corporate culture, it is important to prepare or invite highly qualified specialists capable of dealing with this issue;

    Before the process of introducing a new corporate culture, it is important to provide employees with necessary information, formulate problems, firmly determine the direction of undesirable development of the enterprise. At each stage of change, it is imperative to carry out control and adjustment.

Factors that contribute to development

    increased contact with the external environment and openness to new ideas;

    analysis of customer needs;

    research and analysis of the actions and achievements of competitors;

    attraction of external consultants;

    training of employees and managers outside the enterprise;

    a rapidly changing, well-structured, but unreliable market;

    pressure regarding policy implementation from outside founders of the enterprise;

    selection of personnel on an objective basis.

Factors that inhibit development effective corporate culture:

    concentration on external procedures and rules of the enterprise;

    incomprehensible criteria for assessing the success of the enterprise and its individual employees;

    dominant position of the company in the market;

    low job diversity, strong conformity and grouping of work groups;

    low professional mobility of management personnel, long work experience at one enterprise;

    intuitive selection of personnel based on subjective assessment criteria.

Thus, the main problems that force modern enterprises to form a corporate culture are reduced to increased competition, an increase in the variety of operations, the expansion of the enterprise, the introduction of new technologies, etc.

    Assessment of the corporate culture of the enterprise.

The prospective business leader understands the importance of direct research and control of the business environment, including the culture of the business.

For the analysis of corporate culture, it is important to establish the level of its effectiveness in a certain period in order to be able to describe the state to which it should strive. You can assess the effectiveness of corporate culture by defining all aspects of the company's activities in the market, namely:

    consumer complaints;

    complaints from employees of the enterprise;

    other complaints (for example, violation of obligations by management structures);

    erroneous management decisions;

    the efficiency of the enterprise;

    boundary (critical) value of the level of income of the enterprise;

    capital turnover;

    violations of production and trade rules;

    malfunctions, etc.

The collection of these facts can provide personnel management ( personnel management), as well as the marketing department of the enterprise.

The research can be carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey or personal interviewing of employees of the enterprise.

To ensure objectivity, the study is divided into two sections:

    corporate culture through the eyes of an employee;

    corporate culture from the point of view of the enterprise.

Both sections contain identical questions for analysis, after analysis the sections are compared and compared. If there is significant disagreement, then the likelihood of the existence of a subculture is high.

Such an analysis makes it possible to evaluate a specific type of activity or entrepreneurial activity generally. During the analysis, it is very important that the conclusions from previous studies do not influence the estimates obtained. The constant collection of data makes it possible to track the effectiveness of the corporate culture and put its effective principles into practice.

    Determination of differences between national cultures in enterprise management.

Despite the fact that representatives of different nations have biological similarities, most of their traits are unique. One of these features is culture. A specific culture is formed in different social groups. Numerous studies indicate that there are differences in the attitude of different national cultures to certain values ​​and attitudes. For example, the French are more sensitive to human relations, but give preference to a domineering style of management. They are less disciplined than the Germans, who are supporters of organizational discipline. Americans prioritize long-term professional careers, personal development and the quality of family relationships, starting from an "individualist culture" in which the "I" prevails over the group "we". Japanese managers put the interests of the company above all else. They start from a collectivist culture.

If the enterprise employs employees of different cultural backgrounds, then the manager's task is to take into account and regulate national stereotypes of behavior, to establish relationships between different national groups of workers within the boundaries of one enterprise, while it should be borne in mind that workers of the same cultural and ethnic group will rather find a common language than representatives of different cultures.

Here are some of the fundamental features of national cultures that can affect the formation of interpersonal relations within the enterprise, and, as a result, the efficiency of the enterprise management as a whole:

Characteristics of national stereotypes.

American national stereotype: pragmatism, target orientation; rational use of time; individualism; sociability; openness; separation of business and personal relationships; patriotism, etc.

English national stereotype: business excitement in achieving results; rejection of abstract projects; demonstration of business qualities; self-esteem; respect for traditions and conservatism; composure in decision-making, etc.

French national stereotype: intellectualism, love of art, harmony and beauty; cowardice and indecision in the practical implementation of plans; adherence to conflicts when solving problems, unwillingness to compromise; freedom from conventions; humorous attitude towards the most difficult situations; quick wits, etc.

national stereotype of the Middle and Far East: community of religious foundations of culture; orientation not on the result, but on the idea itself; rational use of time; the desire to avoid conflicts and criticism; workmanship; respectful attitude to otherworldly power; hard work; addiction to rituals; the desire to mix business and family relationships and etc.

Japanese national stereotype: combining hard work with an inner striving for beauty and perfection; quick adaptation to innovations; collectivism; politeness, delicacy, orderliness, pride and fear of “losing personality”, emotionality, quick response to criticism; sensitivity to verbal and non-verbal communication with a partner and a slow reaction to the content of what was said, etc.

Chinese national stereotype: obedience, patience; humanity, intelligence, loyalty; creating the image of a "noble man"; lack of a strong enough desire for truth, honesty, contractual obligations

Questions for the exam in the discipline "Economic Diagnostics"

    Concept, essence of economic diagnostics.

    Types of economic diagnostics.

    Diagnostic research methods.

    Diagnostic system.

    Economic Diagnostic Toolkit

    The system of indicators for assessing the competitive environment of the enterprise.

    Assessment of the competitive environment of the industry.

    Analysis of the industry's attractiveness and determination of its prospects.

    Features of the formation of the strategic position of the enterprise in a competitive environment.

    The use of SWOT analysis in diagnosing the opposition of competing enterprises in the market under study.

    Features of PIMS analysis for studying the competitive strategy of an enterprise in the market.

    Enterprise competitiveness: essence and methodological problems of the study.

    Factors influencing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

    Algorithm for analytical assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise in the market.

    Comparative analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises (rating score).

    The concept of the competitiveness of the company's products.

    Diagnostics of indicators of product competitiveness. Factors influencing the competitiveness of the company's products.

    Methodological foundations for assessing the competitiveness of products.

    Basic concepts of diagnostics of the market value of property.

    Features of the assessment of integral property complexes.

    Management diagnostics: essence, diagnostic examination algorithm.

    Diagnostics of the management structure.

    Diagnostics of anti-crisis management of the enterprise.

    Essence, content and constituent elements of the enterprise's potential.

    Methods and forms of enterprise potential diagnostics.

    Diagnostics of the enterprise potential based on rating analysis.

    The concept of financial diagnostics of an enterprise, the need for its implementation.

    Purpose, task and methodological basis of financial diagnostics.

    Diagnostics financial condition enterprises.

    Bankruptcy diagnostics.

    The concept of economic security, its types and characteristics of the constituent elements.

    Diagnostics of the level of economic security.

    The role of business intelligence in ensuring the effective operation of an enterprise in the market.

    Prerequisites for the formation of corporate culture at the enterprise.

    Analysis of factors of influence on the formation of corporate culture.

    Assessment of the corporate culture of the enterprise.

    Determination of differences between national cultures in enterprise management.

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