Brief production and economic characteristics of the Ivanovo region. General characteristics of the Ivanovo region

Landscaping and layout 22.09.2019
Landscaping and layout
57.016667 , 41.516667

General map of the Ivanovo region

The region is located in the center of the European part of Russia. Most of lies between the Volga and Klyazma rivers. The area is 21 437 km² (one of the smallest regions in Russia, larger only than the Kaliningrad region). It borders on the Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. The length of the territory from north to south is 158 km, from west to east - 230 km.

Relief and geology

The surface of the Ivanovo region is a gently undulating, in places flat low-lying plain, the absolute height of which only in the extreme southeast of the region, where the slopes of the Moscow Upland approach its border, reaches 212 meters above sea level. The lowest point of the region, 75 meters above sea level, is located on the banks of the Klyazma River.

In the north of the region, a chain of terminal moraines of the Moscow glaciation stretches from west to east - the Rostov-Plesskaya ridge, the highest point of which reaches a height of 195 meters. In the Trans-Volga part, it passes into the Galich-Chukhloma ridge with a maximum elevation of 196 meters.

The interfluves, which were not flooded with thawed glacial waters, were formed by the Dnieper moraine deposits. In the hollows of the flow between the hills, lakes were formed, later many of them turned into swamps. Deep ravines have formed along the river banks as a result of water erosion. In the south of the region, in the Savinsky, Yuzhsky, Shuisky, Palekhsky districts, karst landforms are widespread in the form of craters, karst lakes and karst depressions.

Ivanovo region is located in the center of the East European Plain. From a tectonic point of view, it is a calm platform area located under the southern flank of the Moscow Basin. The depth of the crystalline basement varies from 1600 meters in the south to 3000 meters in the north of the region.

Of greatest interest are those geological objects that can be observed during hikes and excursions. In particular:

  • Jurassic and Triassic outcrops along the banks of the Volga
  • Legkovsky limestone quarry in the Yuzhsky district
  • Karst sinkholes and karst lakes in Savinsky, Yuzhsky, Shuisky, Palekhsky districts.
  • Peat quarries of Teikovsky, Komsomolsky, Savinsky, Yuzhsky and other districts.
  • Sand and gravel pits located along the edge of the terminal moraines of the Moscow glaciation
  • Dunes in the Yuzhsky district


Ivanovo region is poor in minerals. Fossils of sedimentary origin are widespread.

Revealed 2 deposits of glass sands of federal significance. Explored the Palekhskoye field (Palekhsky district) with industrial reserves of 3400 thousand tons. The Kudrevatinskoe (Lezhnevsky district) deposit has reserves of 1216 thousand tons of sand.


The region is located at the junction of two zones: European taiga and mixed forests. Forests cover 48% of the region's territory, and meadows cover about 10%. Especially forested are the Zavolzhsky, Yuzhsky and Teikovsky districts.

From 6 to 16 May 2010, a huge forest fire blazed in the Ivanovo region. About 10 thousand hectares of forest burned out.

In 1971, a peaceful underground nuclear explosion "Globus-1" was carried out on the territory of the Ivanovo region. During the explosion, an accidental release of radioactive substances to the surface occurred. At the moment, work is underway to rehabilitate the object.

Notes (edit)

The nature of the Ivanovo region is peculiar and unique in its own way, which is facilitated by the geographical location - the central part of European Russia. It is not without reason that these lands have been attracting tourists for many decades. The region is rich in its water resources - there are more than a hundred lakes here, with an amazing inimitable relief and flora and fauna. Dense mixed forests, fast flowing rivers and rich fresh air- all this contributes to the development of tourism infrastructure. Especially attractive is the turbulent Lukh rivulet - a tributary of the Klyazma - a favorite place for tourists - kayakers.

The flora of the Ivanovo region

The nature of these places is surprisingly diverse. The flora is represented by different orders of flora representatives. On the way in the forest you can see dense spruce forests growing side by side with birch groves, oak stands are replaced by pine forests. And also endless meadows in the floodplains of rivers. Wealth is especially impressive medicinal plants- there are more than 600 types of them. In swampy areas of the forest, cranberries grow in abundance. Closer to autumn, whole meadows of mushrooms are found throughout the forest.

Numerous shrubs and small trees fit perfectly into the general landscape of nature, complementing it. These are raspberries, mountain ash, black and gray alder, hazel, bird cherry, irga, honeysuckle, wild rosemary, viburnum. About 10 species of willow grow in the forests of the Ivanovo region; oak, linden, three types of birches, aspen and poplar are found in large numbers. There are a lot of plants listed in the Red Book - these are lily of the valley, skirt, yart, raven eye, the whole bellflower family, carnations, white and yellow water lilies. The most common berries are lingonberries, blueberries, gonoble, blueberries, drupes, and strawberries are represented by three types ...

Fauna of the Ivanovo region

The Klyazmensky nature reserve, which has federal status, is one of the most significant nature conservation objects in the Ivanovo region. It stretches across the territory of Savinsky and Yuzhsky districts - with a total area of ​​21000 km. Here you can often find a fox, hare, squirrel, marten, mink, river otter.

Many animals have been settled, including wild boar, elk, beaver and muskrat. The world of birds is especially rich - more than 100 species. These are sparrows, jackdaws, crows, pigeons - sisari, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, tits, jays, owls. Nesting birds are represented by the common gray crane, cuckoo, swift, swallows, nightingales, ducks. Their flying birds are ducks, geese, swans.

Favorable environment promotes the development of the species of reptiles and amphibians. Here you can often see a lizard, frog, toad, snakes and various snakes. Water world inhabited by more than a dozen species of fish, which contributes to successful fishing. Protected butterfly species are ubiquitous throughout the region. These are Apollo and Swallowtail. A large number of bumblebees and bees, which favorably affects the pollination of plants and the expansion of their population. A total of 192 species of animals in this region are listed in the Red Book and are protected to the fullest extent of the law.

Climate in the Ivanovo region

Ivanovo region is located in the moderately continental climatic zone, which determined its climate features. The summers are relatively warm here, and winters are distinguished by their persistent moderate frosts and snow cover. The coldest month is considered to be January, and the hottest is July. The average monthly temperature in winter ranges from -11 to -12 degrees, and in summer - from + 17.5 to + 18 degrees. Annual precipitation is approaching 550-600 mm. The dominant wind direction is southwest. The thickness of the snow cover reaches 30-50 cm, while the freezing of the ground reaches 25-45 cm.

The Ivanovo region covers an area of ​​21.85 thousand square meters. km, is located in the center of the European part of Russia and borders on the Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The region is located within 56В ° N. and 39В ° E Coordinates of Ivanov 57В ° N 41В ° E The length of the territory from north to south is 158 km, and from west to east - 230 km.

The total population of the region is about 1.2 million people.

Administratively, the region includes 21 municipal districts. The regional center is the city of Ivanovo with a population of 406.5 thousand people, the number of residents in the regional centers varies widely: from 92.4 thousand people in the city of Kineshma to 2.0 thousand people in the village. Upper Landekh. The rural population is 207.3 thousand people, or 19.2% of the total.

The climate of the region is moderately continental. It is characterized by relatively warm summers and moderately frosty winters with a stable snow cover. The coldest month of the year is January with an average monthly temperature of -11.5º –12ºС, the warmest summer month - July with an average monthly temperature of + 17.5º – + 18ºС. There is about 550 - 800 mm of precipitation per year.

By the nature of the relief, the territory of the region is a plain with absolute elevations on average 100 - 130 m above sea level, evenly and shallowly dissected by river valleys, ravines and numerous wide hollows. The greatest contrast in the relief is observed between the elevated northwestern part, where the Galich-Plesskaya moraine ridge passes, and the southeastern - edge of the Balakhninskaya lowland. The extreme southeast of the region covers the northwestern part of the Balakhna lowland with elevations of 75-85 m, which is a flat sandy plain with large quantity shallow lakes, peat bogs and largely forested. In the southern regions of the region, there are karst phenomena presented in the form of craters, dips and depressions of karst lakes.

The river network belongs to the basin of the Volga River and its right tributary, the Klyazma River. In the north of the region, forests of the southern taiga type, in the south - mixed. Swamps are widespread in the northwestern and southern parts area.

The surface of the region was formed mainly under the influence of glaciers and is a low-lying, slightly hilly plain, raised above sea level by 100 - 150 meters and more. Only in the northern and northwestern parts of the region there is a slight elevation of the relief. The highest point of the region - 196 meters above sea level - is located in the Zavolzhsky region.

The southern part of the region is low-lying, dissected by the valleys of the Teza, Klyazma, Vyazma, Lukh rivers and their tributaries. The flat sandy plain contains many small lakes, peat bogs of glacial and karst origin.

The region is located at the junction of two zones: European taiga and mixed forests. Forests occupy 50.9% of the region's territory, meadows - 10%.

IvanovskayaV oblast is located in the central part of the Russian platform, within the Moscow syneclise. On its territory, two structural levels are distinguished: the crystalline basement and the sedimentary cover. The basement surface within the region plunges in the northern and northeastern directions from 2200 to 3000 m.

The geological structure of the sedimentary cover - at the maximum depth of technogenic impact within the region - is represented by deposits of the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Neogene (locally) and Quaternary systems.

The Ivanovo region is not rich in a variety of minerals. Nevertheless, more than 600 deposits of nonmetallic minerals have been explored on its territory - mainly sand and gravel and peat. In addition, 74 freshwater deposits have been explored in the region. groundwater and 12 deposits of mineral groundwater.

The soils of the Ivanovo region were formed mainly from sands and clays. The type of soil is sod-podzolic with a small amount of humus. Such soils are not very suitable for cultivation. cultivated plants... Mainly such grain crops as rye, barley, oats, from vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cabbage are grown in the fields of the region.

There are about 1,700 rivers and streams and more than 150 lakes in the region. The most large river is the Volga with the Gorky reservoir located in its water area.

The river network belongs to the basin of the Volga and Klyazma rivers. In the north of the region, forests of the southern taiga type, in the south - mixed. Swamps are widespread in the northwestern and southern parts of the region.

Profitable geographical position the region contributes to the development of internal and external economic and cultural ties. Important motorways, railways and waterways pass through it, connecting the eastern regions of the country.

Due to the low level of production, the region has a fairly high environmental rating, which is very important in modern conditions... It is one of the most ecologically favorable regions of Russia and has the richest recreational opportunities, which include water, forest resources, landscapes and healing springs.

Region - component Of the Golden Ring of Russia, many monuments of history and culture are concentrated on its territory. The most significant of them are the small old town of Ples on the Volga and the village of Palekh - the birthplace of the world famous Russian lacquer miniature.

The Ivanovo region covers an area of ​​21.85 thousand square meters. km, is located in the center of the European part of Russia and borders on Vladimirskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Kostromskaya and Nizhny Novgorod regions... The region is located within 56 ° N. and 39 ° E. Coordinates of Ivanov 57 ° N 41 ° East The length of the territory from north to south is 158 km, and from west to east - 230 km.

The total population of the region is about 1.2 million people.

Administratively, the region includes 21 municipal districts. The regional center is the city of Ivanovo with a population of 406.5 thousand people, the number of residents in the regional centers varies widely: from 92.4 thousand people in the city of Kineshma to 2.0 thousand people in the village. Upper Landekh. The rural population is 207.3 thousand people, or 19.2% of the total.

The climate of the region is moderately continental. It is characterized by relatively warm summers and moderately frosty winters with a stable snow cover. The coldest month of the year is January with an average monthly temperature of -11.5є… -12єС, the warmest summer month is July with an average monthly temperature of + 17.5є… + 18єС. The amount of precipitation is about 550 - 800 mm per year.

By the nature of the relief, the territory of the region is a plain with absolute elevations on average 100 - 130 m above sea level, evenly and shallowly dissected by river valleys, ravines and numerous wide hollows. The greatest contrast in the relief is observed between the elevated northwestern part, where the Galich-Plesskaya moraine ridge passes, and the southeastern part, the outskirts of the Balakhninskaya lowland. The extreme southeast of the region covers the northwestern part of the Balakhna lowland with elevations of 75-85 m, which is a flat sandy plain with a large number of small lakes, peat bogs and largely covered with forest. In the southern regions of the region, there are karst phenomena presented in the form of craters, dips and depressions of karst lakes.

The river network belongs to the basin of the Volga River and its right tributary, the Klyazma River. In the north of the region, forests of the southern taiga type, in the south - mixed. Swamps are widespread in the northwestern and southern parts of the region. The surface of the region was formed mainly under the influence of glaciers and is a low-lying, slightly hilly plain, raised above sea level by 100 - 150 meters or more. Only in the northern and northwestern parts of the region there is a slight elevation of the relief. The highest point of the region - 196 meters above sea level - is located in the Zavolzhsky region.

The southern part of the region is low-lying, dissected by the valleys of the Teza, Klyazma, Vyazma, Lukh rivers and their tributaries. The flat sandy plain contains many small lakes, peat bogs of glacial and karst origin.

The region is located at the junction of two zones: European taiga and mixed forests. Forests occupy 50.9% of the region's territory, meadows - 10%.

The Ivanovo region is located in the central part of the Russian platform, within the Moscow syneclise. On its territory, two structural levels are distinguished: the crystalline basement and the sedimentary cover. The basement surface within the region plunges in the northern and northeastern directions from 2200 to 3000 m.

The geological structure of the sedimentary cover - at the maximum depth of technogenic impact within the region - is represented by deposits of the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Neogene (locally) and Quaternary systems.

The Ivanovo region is not rich in a variety of minerals. Nevertheless, more than 600 deposits of nonmetallic minerals have been explored on its territory - mainly sand and gravel and peat. In addition, 74 deposits of fresh groundwater and 12 deposits of mineral groundwater have been explored in the region.

The soils of the Ivanovo region were formed mainly from sands and clays. The type of soil is sod-podzolic with a small amount of humus. Such soils are not very suitable for growing cultivated plants. In the fields of the region, mainly crops are grown such as rye, barley, oats, from vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cabbage.

There are about 1,700 rivers and streams and more than 150 lakes in the region. The largest river is the Volga with the Gorky reservoir located in its water area. The river network belongs to the basin of the Volga and Klyazma rivers. In the north of the region, forests of the southern taiga type, in the south - mixed. Swamps are widespread in the northwestern and southern parts of the region.

The favorable geographical position of the region contributes to the development of internal and external economic and cultural ties. Important motorways, railways and waterways pass through it, connecting the eastern regions of the country.

Due to the low level of production, the region has a fairly high environmental rating, which is very important in modern conditions. It is one of the most ecologically favorable regions of Russia and has the richest recreational opportunities, which include water, forest resources, landscapes and healing springs.

The region is an integral part of the Golden Ring of Russia; many monuments of history and culture are concentrated on its territory. The most significant of them are the small old town of Ples on the Volga and the village of Palekh, the birthplace of the world famous Russian lacquer miniature.


The Ivanovo region is located in the center of the European part of Russia.

Part of the Central Federal District. The area of ​​the Ivanovo region

is 21.4 thousand sq. km, population -1066.5 thousand people. (2010). V

the region includes 21 administrative districts, 17 cities, 31

settlement. The population of the regional center Ivanovo is 403.1

thousand people The largest cities in the Ivanovo region are Kineshma

(91.7 thousand people), Shuya (58.1 thousand people). Urban population is

80.7%, rural 19.3%.

Ivanovo region is located in the central part

East European Plain, between the Volga and Klyazma rivers Region

occupies a gentle undulating plain with a uniform network of small rivers and

ravines. In the northwest there is a ridge of moraine heights

(heights up to 196 m) - the watershed of the Volga and Klyazma, in the southeast and

the east (left bank of the Klyazma) is the Balakhinskaya lowland and

Lukhskoe woodland, on the left bank of the Volga - Unzhinskaya lowland, on

west - the northern part of the Vladimir Opolye.

The surface of the region is a low-lying, slightly hilly plain, elevated above sea level by 130-150 meters. Small elevations are found in the south-west where the remains of the Moscow Uplands manifest themselves, and in the north there is a section of the Galich Upland, here on high areas the cities of Furmanov, Privolzhsk and Ples are located. The highest point of the region - 196 meters above sea level - is located on a ridge in the Zavolzhsky region.

The central and southeastern parts of the region are low-lying, on the bank of the Klyazma there is the lowest elevation of 75 meters. On the flat sandy plain, you can see many small lakes and peat bogs. A whole cluster of sinkholes is found in the Savinsky region. In the region there are also moraine outcrops, the ridge in the vicinity of Shuya is widely known, with the forest area "Osinovaya Gora" located on it.


The climate of the region is moderately continental. It is characterized by relatively warm summers and moderately frosty winters with a stable snow cover. The coldest month of the year is traditionally January, with an average monthly temperature of −11.5 ° C to −12 ° C, and the warmest summer month is July with an average monthly temperature of +17.5 ° C to +18 ° C. The amount of precipitation is about 550-600 mm per year. The prevailing wind direction is southwest. Freezing up on rivers begins in late November, on the Gorky reservoir in mid-December. The maximum height of snow cover in winter falls on the first ten days of February and is about 30-50 cm. The soil freezes to a depth of 25 to 45 cm. Oscillations water regime rivers on economic activity do not have a noticeable effect.


There are about 1,700 rivers and streams and more than 150 lakes on the territory of the region. The largest river is the Volga, with the Gorky reservoir located on it and the tributaries Shacha, Mera, Yelnat, Kineshemka. The main part of the runoff belongs to the Klyazma basin, among them: Nerl (with the Ukhtoma tributary), Uvod (with the Ukhtokhma and Vyazma tributaries), Teza (with the Parsha and Lyulekh tributaries) and Lukh (with the Landekh tributary). The main part of the lakes is located in the center and in the south of the region: Podozerskoe, Yuritsinskoe, Gusevskoe, Serkovskoe in the Komsomolsky district, the oxbow lakes Orekhovoe, Dolgoe and Sorokino in the Klyazminsky reserve, lakes Shadrino, Lamskoe, Svyatoe, Ponikhar, Zabor'e and the deepest in the region Kleshchinskoe (35 meters) are located in the Yuzhsky district. A significant part of small lakes is swamped, many lakes have formed on worked-out peatlands. The largest and most easily accessible lake Rubskoe (mirror area - 2.97 km²) is located in the Teikovsky district along the Kostroma-Vladimir road. In addition to Gorky, there are several reservoirs on the territory of the region, among them Uvodsky (supplemented by the Volga-Uvod canal) and Morkushskoye. The area of ​​land under surface water bodies, including swamps, amounted to 115.7 thousand hectares (5.4%). Of these, under rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, ponds - 65.0 thousand hectares, under swamps - 50.7 thousand hectares.

The high purity of the lakes, especially in the Yuzhsky region, creates wonderful conditions for recreational, ecological,

sports tourism and health-improving recreation

Vegetation, soil

The region is located at the junction of two zones: European taiga and mixed forests. Forests cover 48% of the region's territory, and meadows cover about 10%. The soils are soddy-podzolic, swampy in places, alluvial in river valleys.

The basis of the forest fund is made up of pine, spruce and birch (about 90%). Natural landscapes are picturesque and varied:

pine forests and dense spruce forests, oak and birch groves, flooded

meadows and marshes, fields and copses, sand dunes and beaches, steep

river banks and ravines. An abundance of mushrooms, wild berries, cranberries and blueberries on

swamps, enough good development in the region of truck farming and

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