Perfect abs in 30 days for girls. Download abs at home in a month: the best tips and exercises

Garden equipment 10.10.2019
Garden equipment

Forming a relief press at home is your goal for the near future? Then, before turning reality into dreams, you need to study the nuances of this process in order for the training to bring results. It would seem that there is nothing easier than pumping up your stomach, because even people far from sports have heard about classical exercises for this part of the body. But this opinion is wrong, and adhering to it, you will be looking for your cubes for a long time. A special complex can help in this matter.

Is it possible for such short term to make the body of Apollo at home? You can, but provided that you do not have a large number excess weight... If this problem is present, then first you need to throw off excess kilograms, reduce body fat, and only then dream of relief. For people with a normal physique, this task is within their power.

We bring to your attention a program for 30 days. She will help pump up cubes with simple exercises... If you stick to her recommendations and plan as much as possible, then by the end of the month you will see impressive results. Take a photo at the beginning of your journey and at the end to objectively evaluate your cubes.

Table of pumping the press for men for 1 month:


I - body lift

II - twisting

III - lifting the legs

IV - plank

Day, no. Plan, number of repetitions Day, no. Plan Day, no. Plan
1 I - 15

IV - 10 sec.

2 I - 20

IV - 12 sec

3 I - 25

IV - 15 sec.

4 relaxation 5 I –30

IV –20 sec.

6 I - 35

IV - 25 sec

7 I –40

IV –30 sec.

8 relaxation 9 I –45

IV –35 sec.

10 I - 50

IV –30 sec.

11 I - 55

IV - 42 sec.

12 relaxation
13 I - 60 14 I - 65

IV - 55 sec.

15 I - 70

IV - 60 sec.

16 relaxation 17 I - 75

IV - 65 sec.

18 I - 80

IV - 70 sec.

19 I - 85

IV - 70 sec

20 relaxation 21 I - 90

IV - 80 sec.

22 I –95

IV - 115 sec.

23 I - 100

IV - 90 sec.

24 relaxation
25 I - 105

IV - 95 sec.

26 I - 110

IV - 100 sec.

27 I - 115

IV - 110 sec.

28 relaxation 29 I - 120

IV - 115 sec.

30 I - 125

IV - 120 sec.

All exercises must be performed clearly. At the beginning of your workouts, prefer a slow pace to get a good feel for each muscle. In the future, if physical fitness allows you, then exercise with medium intensity.

Technique for completing tasks

So, you have made the decision to pump up your abs and form cubes at home using the set of exercises presented by us, then in the next few weeks and days, you will need to observe the diet and rest.

  • Now you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. On the night sleep should take 6-8 hours.
  • Review your diet. Increase the amount of protein foods and vegetables. You can not eat fried, fatty and smoked meats. By the way, sweets should also be cut to a minimum or completely eliminated.

Before starting the exercises, be sure to warm up: light jogging, jumping rope, etc. Just 5-10 minutes will help prepare the muscles for the load.

To pump up the relief, you must follow the technique. We recommend that you study it according to the instructions with the photo:

  1. Raising the body.

Lie with your back on the floor, arms bent and located at the back of the head, crossed at chest level or at the temples. If you chose the first option, then try not to put pressure on your head, as there is a risk of damage cervical vertebrae... For men, the second option is more suitable, and the third is mainly recommended for girls. Now we slowly raise the body with the force of the abdominal muscles until the formation right angle and we descend at the same pace, but the shoulder blades and head do not touch the floor, so as not to unload the muscles and pump them up.

When lifting the body, it is important to round the back so that the vertebrae at the lumbar level do not experience excessive pressure.

Beginners at home are allowed to bend their knees and straighten their arms.

# 2 Twisting

To perform the exercise, you must take a supine position with bent legs. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows spread apart. We tear off our shoulders, straining the press and without lifting our back from the floor. Hold at the top for a few seconds to build the main muscle.

No. 3 Leg raises

The starting position is the same. The arms are extended along the body. Raise the straight lower limbs to form a right angle with the body and slowly lower it back, lingering 10 cm from the floor. The feet should not touch the surface during the entire time of the task.

No. 4 Plank

To perform the exercise, stand in a push-up position, but your arms are bent at the elbows, and your body weight is transferred to the forearms. Straighten your legs, feet together, and your body is tense and in a straight line. It is important that the lower back does not round or sag. Tighten the abdominal muscles as much as possible, pull in the stomach. Elbows strictly under the shoulders.

If you take this pose incorrectly, you will not get the desired result and the cubes will remain only in your dreams.

For men with good physical fitness, you can offer several complicated variations of this exercise in order to quickly pump up the abs at home:

  • A plank with a raised hand - an emphasis on only one forearm, the other limb is extended forward.
  • On one leg - lift your leg up and hold for a few seconds, and then change sides.

The complex presented in the table is suitable for both men and girls. You can do it at home without special devices and simulators. The program allows you to pump up cubes and make the press embossed in a short period of time. What is the secret of its effectiveness? The fact is that the system assumes daily laborious work with a gradual increase in the load. Despite the fact that the number of exercises is meager, they are aimed at working out the entire muscles of the abdomen, which is very important in training for the formation of the torso.

By lifting the body, the upper section and abdominal muscles. Curls cause excess fat to burn, reducing the layer of space and tightening the abdominal wall. Leg raises are considered one of the most effective types of lower abs. In turn, the bar makes the entire muscular system of the trunk work, forms beautiful body and helps in losing weight.

This complex is widely represented in the photo of popular programs and is often part of the strength training of famous fitness gurus. It is used to pump up the stomach, lose weight and reduce the volume of the body.

Almost everyone, even the thinnest, has belly fat. This is because the tummy is one of the most common fat depots in the body, fat is deposited there in the first place. Therefore, you need to fight for the perfect abs.

Is it realistic to make your tummy flat at home? Absolutely real and do not be afraid that only a professional trainer will make you sweet. First of all, it is your decision and efforts.

Two main steps towards a flat and sexy tummy:

  1. Diet.
  2. Training program.

This article will be useful to all girls and women who want to get rid of flabby belly and purchase an elastic press.

We will look at several workout programs: for a flat tummy at home, for building blocks at home, and for exercising in the gym. And also important questions, the answers to which are better to know before starting training. Articles are provided with photos, videos, tables.

What time to train

When exercising at home, many recommend doing the exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use the energy of fat. A sure step to getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the supply of glycogen (these are "canned" carbohydrates, the energy supply of our body) is practically zero, therefore power training not recommended. It is good to do yoga, stretching, simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises observing the correct breathing technique: effort on exhalation, muscle relaxation on inhalation. The most effective training will not give the desired result without correct technique breathing.

How many times a week to train?

Train regularly without being fanatic. The best way- 3 times every 7 days for 15-25 minutes, work out the exercises for 10-20 repetitions, in 2-3 sets each. It is important not to take long breaks.

How long does it take to pump up the abs?

It all depends on the build of the body and the conscientiousness of the worker, earlier than a month later, a miracle will not happen. Perfect abs in a week, nothing more than a myth!

If the build is average - 1-2 months of hard training + proper nutrition and a flat tummy like magic.

If a person has a body constitution that is prone to overweight: strength training + cardio loads (jogging in the morning, walking) + correct diet + drying the body.

How to pump up cubes and is it worth it?

It is worth it or not depends on your preferences: some people like cubes, some just have a tight tummy. By following a diet and performing effective complex exercises collected in this article, you will pump up the abs and make your tummy flat. If you want cubes, you can engage in this program with an increase in the load (increase in the weight of the equipment, the number of approaches, etc.), after 1.5-2 months of training, the cubes will appear. If you want to speed up the result, here is an express diagram of a workout for cubes for 30 days in the photo.

Here's a second variation on the 30-day abdominal exercise program:

How to eat?

Eat protein or carbohydrates after exercise. The protein team includes: boiled chicken, eggs, cottage cheese; carbohydrates - porridge. You should not eat heavy food in the morning: this will reduce all physical efforts to zero. Your diet should be 1/3 - sources of protein and 2/3 - sources of carbohydrates, vegetable fats. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Do not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day - it is good for the body and skin.

Let's remember!
1. Train in the morning, on an empty stomach, or after work, but not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.
2. Conscientious sports work 3 times in 7 days will be enough.
3. Eat right. Remember to eat before exercise: about 1.5-2 hours.
4. Observe the conditions, and an elastic press will appear in 1-2 months.

Abs workout program at home for a week (table)

Day of week Exercises Approaches Reruns Inventory
Warm up 20 minutes
Letter V 3 10 Mat
Back deflection 2-3 10 Mat
Lying Leg Raise 3 10-15 Mat
3-4 8-12 Dumbbells 1.5-3 kg. (bottles of 1.5-3 liters.)
W Relaxation
Wed Exercises for the press and arms
Warm up 20 minutes
A bike 3-4 10-15 Mat
3 12-15 Chair, bench
3 20-25 Dumbbells kg. (bottles 3 l.)
Harmonic 2 10-15 Mat
Reduction of hands 3 10-15 Fitball (bench), dumbbells (bottles)
Th Relaxation
Fri Exercises for the abs and legs
Warm up 20 minutes
3-4 10-15 Mat
3-4 15-20 Mat, ball
Scissors 2-3 25-30 Mat
Rise on toes 100*2 Dumbbells (bottles)
Sat Relaxation
Sun Relaxation

Exercising weekly for 1 to 2 months will give you a perfectly flat tummy!

Now let's look at each exercise and learn the technique.

Exercises for the press and back

Letter V

Exercise "Letter V"

1. Lying on your back, extend your arms straight over your head.

2. Raise straight legs and straight arms, forming the letter V.

3 sets, 10 reps.

While doing this exercise, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Back deflection

1. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward.

2. Raise upper part housing.

3. Fix in this position for 5 seconds, pull the spine.

2-3 sets, 10 reps.

Raise the body as high as possible. Two execution techniques: the position of the arms, as in the picture, or the arms along the body.

Exercises for the abs and buttocks

Lying Leg Raise

  1. Lie on your back, straighten, turn your palms down.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor and lock in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Lower your legs slowly.

3 sets, 10-15 reps.

Advice. To make it easier, place your hands under your buttocks, your knees can be slightly bent.

One of the most effective butt exercises. In fitness clubs, it is performed with dumbbells or a barbell; at home, sports equipment can be replaced with water bottles.

  1. Keep the body straight, gaze in front of you, pull in the buttocks and stomach.
  2. Take a step while squatting. The lower leg of the bent leg is parallel to the floor, the knee forms an angle of 90 ° relative to the floor and does not "look out" in front of the foot.
  3. Take a wide step and squat deep, stop at the lowest point for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Get up, pushing slightly with your supporting leg (lean on the heel).

3-4 sets, 8-12 reps (per leg), weight 1-3 kg.

Advice. Sit down while inhaling, get up while exhaling. Take your time, do the exercises slowly, honing your technique. You can perform all repetitions on each leg in turn, you can alternately.

If the exercise is difficult, try doing it without weight first.

Exercises for the press and arms

A bike

  1. Lie on the mat with your hands behind your head.
  2. The legs are raised and bent at the knees.
  3. Lift your upper torso (head, neck, shoulders).
  4. At the same time, straighten your right leg, twisting the body, turn to the left.
  5. Then, straighten your left leg while pivoting to the right.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps. When both legs have performed the same movement (right - turn left, left - turn right), this is one repetition.

Advice. Do the "bike" on the floor, not on the couch! Relax your neck muscles, do not pull it with your hands: just lightly touch your head with your hands. Legs work, buttocks are relatively fixed. Practice the correct technique while exercising slowly.

To develop the correct technique, we advise you to watch the video:

Push-ups from the bench (press + triceps)

  1. Put your palms on a bench (chair, sofa), fingers are collected, look in front of you.
  2. Tighten the abdominal muscles, this will relieve the extra load from the back, the body is straight.
  3. Bend over, bending your elbows and touch your chest to the bench.
  4. Straighten your elbows.

3 sets, 12-15 reps.

If it is difficult to perform the exercises, get down on your knees and get to work in this position, it will be easier.

You will need dumbbells, if not available, water bottles are great.

  1. Take the load and bend your elbows.
  2. Put your feet on the width of the pelvis, bend slightly at the knees.
  3. The body is tilted forward, bend the lower back.
  4. From this position, we unbend our arms, the shoulder joint does not move, only the elbow joint moves.
  5. The back and abs are tense.

3 sets, 20-25 reps, dumbbell weight 1kg (or 0.5-1.5L water bottle).

Exercises for the press and chest


  1. Lie on your back with your legs raised and in a right angle, arms behind your head, shoulders raised.
  2. Straighten your legs, straining your abdominal muscles.
  3. The neck is relaxed, we do not hold our head with our hands, we hold the upper part of the body with the press.

2 sets, 10-15 reps.

Reduction of hands

  1. Lie on a bench (, chairs).
  2. Take inventory, palms facing each other.
  3. Spread your arms wide, bring them together without bending your elbows.

4 sets, 12-15 reps, weight 1-3 kg (1-2 L bottle).

At home, you can take water bottles instead of dumbbells, if there is no fitball, make up chairs or take a bench.

Exercises for the abs and legs

  1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms straight, relax the muscles.
  2. Raise your shoulders, stretch your arms and socks.
  3. Raise your legs and stretch your muscles forward.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps.

  1. Take a ball of any diameter to form a right angle.
  2. Lie on your back, bring your hands behind your head, feet on the ball.
  3. Squeeze the ball under your knees, and rise up, lifting off the floor, tense your muscles as much as possible.
  4. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps.

Advice. If there is no ball at home, the exercise is performed in the same way, only with straight legs.


  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs 30 cm from the floor.
  2. Perform crossing leg swings.

2-3 sets, 25-30 reps.

This exercise tightens the oblique and lower abdominals.

Rise on toes

  1. Stand with your feet on a firm stand 8 cm high ( wooden bar), the back is straight.
  2. We take a dumbbell in one hand, with the other hold on to the support.
  3. Rise on your toes, linger for 1-2 seconds and lower yourself.

Do: 100 reps (per leg).

Let's sum up the home abs workout. Let's divide the abdominal exercises discussed above into two groups so that you can work purposefully:

Exercises for the upper press

  • A bike.
  • Raising the legs while lying.
  • Letter V.
  • Back deflection.

Exercises for the lower press

  • Scissors.
  • Harmonic.

We advise you to watch the video - "Effective exercises for the press at home"

Effective ab exercises in the gym

You can use the comprehensive abs program shown in the table below. For a beginner who loads himself with weights, we advise you to swing the press in the gym 2 times a week, diluting with an enhanced cardio workout.

Gym ab workout program

Day Exercises Approaches Reruns
Mon 3-4 15-20
3-4 15-20
Skipping rope 4-6 minutes
W Relaxation
Wed Run 15 minutes
Skipping rope 7 minutes
Th Relaxation
Fri 2-3 10-15
2-3 15-18
3-4 15-18
Skipping rope 4-6 minutes
Sat Relaxation
Sun Relaxation

  1. Place your elbows on the rungs and press your back against the cushion of the simulator.
  2. Raise your legs, trying to touch the abdomen with your thigh, the shoulders are motionless.
  3. Lower your legs.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps

Do not touch the floor with your feet until all repetitions are completed.

  1. The incline of the bench is 30-40 °, put your hands behind your head.
  2. Raise your head first, then your shoulders.
  3. Do the lift by straining your abs.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps.

  1. Choose a suitable weight (not too heavy 6-10 kg).
  2. Take the rope, kneel down.
  3. Arch your back, arms bent.
  4. Lower yourself almost parallel to the floor, touching your chest with your chin.
  5. Do the exercise by straining the abdominal muscles, no need to work with your hands .

2-3 sets, 10-15 reps.

  1. Start with a light resistance weight (8-10 kg).
  2. Grasp the handles, place your feet under the rollers.
  3. Raise your legs and twist your upper body, the action takes place at the same time.
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds.

2-3 sets, 15-18 reps.

  1. Lie on a bench, grab the cushion of the simulator with your hands (over the edge).
  2. Bend your legs slightly.
  3. Raise your legs while working your abdominal muscles.
  4. At the top, lift your butt off the bench.

3-4 sets, 15-18 reps.

A great selection of complex gym exercises in this video:

These training programs will help you get a beautiful tummy very quickly. Do not forget to measure your results, take pictures and weigh yourself. The real fruits of labor: a slender figure, thin waist and a toned press is the best reward.

We wish you fruitful and enjoyable training!

A toned belly and cubes are not only the dream of most men, but also women. It is always nice to see oneself not with a flabby oval abdomen, but a strong object of pride, with which one is not ashamed to appear on the beach or in any similar place. But in order to achieve such a result, you need to know exactly how to pump up the abs in 1 week for men, otherwise the efforts can be wasted.

Preparatory stage before pumping

Everything is quite simple here, tk. you need to be prepared mentally and physically. It is worth considering right away that such a practice is possible only with the body that is prepared, because it will be impossible to reduce the waist from 150 cm to 80 in a week.

At the very beginning, you need to switch to a diet that excludes the intake of fats as much as possible, but proteins and fiber should be present in the maximum amount. If the lifestyle is sedentary, then the calorie content of food should remain low.

The menu for 1 week will differ little from day to day, so the system is the same:

  1. Breakfast. This part of the day includes 30% of calories per day, but you will have to eat porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), drink a cup of tea (coffee) or something from dairy products and no more than 1 slice of bread that does not contain yeast.
  2. Lunch. The second breakfast is very conditional, so it includes a cup of green tea and light salad from vegetables. You cannot replace salad with fast food (it is better to forget about it altogether if you want to have a decent appearance).
  3. Dinner. The bulk of the food (50%) occurs at this moment, so first the soup (any, but not fatty) with yeast-free bread, then porridge to taste with a piece of white meat (chicken) or fish, after which you can wash it all down with green tea or kefir.
  4. Afternoon snack. Banana, apple, or anything of a vegetable origin to your liking.
  5. Dinner. For dinner there is a light meal (20%), because the night is ahead, and the stomach must rest at night with the rest of the body. Buckwheat or rice porrige with a piece of meat and green salad are perfect.

You can pay attention that lunch and afternoon tea are not taken into account when calculating meals, because their task is to naturally support the body in a constantly working state. All meals are free of salt, sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, GMO products, alcohol (even non-alcoholic), carbonated drinks, juices (freshly squeezed), etc. synthetics. The main source of liquid is water. At first, the diet will seem very bland, but over time, few people want to return to their usual way of life.

Sports component

Now you need to consider in detail the set of exercises in order to know for sure how to pump up the press:

  1. Classic straight press. The legs are bent at the knees and are under the fixing surface (partner, sofa, wall bars, table), the back is straight, hands under the head. Flexion and extension are performed completely (from floor to knees). 3 sets of 40 reps.
  2. Press with a scroll. The position of the body is similar to the earlier one, but during the bench press, the body turns in both directions so that the elbows almost touch the knees, and already at the very end the forehead is brought to the desired point. The reverse move is smooth without any swing. 3 sets of 30 reps.
  3. Legs behind the head. The body is perfectly flat on the floor, hands are along the body, palms down, the neck is relaxed. The task is to throw your legs back behind your head, while only the waist is bent, and all other parts of the body remain perfectly flat. 3 sets of 50 reps.
  4. Squats. Feet shoulder width apart, arms straight, heels do not come off. During squats, knees are slightly apart to the sides for convenience. This exercise not only emphasizes the abdominal muscles, but also most of the muscles. musculoskeletal system... 2 sets of 50 reps.
  5. Embryo. The exercise is complex, although it looks quite simple in appearance. Initially, a perfectly level position is taken, arms crossed over the chest. During the exercise, you need to bend the body in the lower back, while the upper and lower halves rise by 25-30 cm. The exercise is done slowly, which is why the muscles quickly make themselves felt. 3 sets of 30 reps.
  6. Hand push-ups. Exercise is contraindicated for people with problems. of cardio-vascular system or pressure, because there is an overload, and the effect is not so serious as to risk it. 3 sets of 10 reps.

Between each approach in the interval of 1 exercise, a break of exactly 1 minute is made, between exercises - 1.5 minutes. Do not overload the body, because this will not be beneficial, and may even negate the effect.

Additional aspects

If you need to achieve just a flat stomach, then the exercise should be performed rhythmically and quickly, because it will strengthen muscles and burn fat, but will not develop appearance... But for men, appearance is usually important, so each press is done slowly, through force, and you also need to take the starting position slowly. In this case, the load will be very serious.

In addition to the diet described above, you need to include cottage cheese with nuts and raisins in the diet after each workout, and it is washed down with milk. This combination of calcium and protein will strengthen your muscles and give them food to grow. If you suddenly run out of cottage cheese, then 1 time it can be replaced with chicken (up to 250-300 g), but it is better to provide for such moments in advance.

Not only men, but also women pump the press in this way (diet and exercise ratio differ).

It is possible to pump up the press in 1 week only if the muscles are not covered with a layer of fat, since it is impossible to remove it so quickly. The essence of the lesson is to bring the muscles into a respectable working form, but to maintain them in this state, 3-4 workouts per week will be required in the future and the maintenance of high-quality nutrition. Special difficulties in this no one, tk. it is inexpensive and available anywhere in the world.


The men's press does not need so much to look decent after 1 week, but this does not negate the need to take care of themselves for the rest of the time.

Everyone can afford high-quality food and regular workouts for 30-60 minutes a day, even if they are tired at work or want to sleep longer.

Few people like this buildup of the press, as a result, do not like it, so you should not postpone it until "Monday", "tomorrow" or "when I'm not so tired."

When I see the attempts of visitors gyms in training the press, tears welling up in my eyes. Honestly. Because they strain whatever they want - their ego, hips, arms, neck, deep psoas - but not the abs. And it's good if they only strain, and not injure.

At the same time, there are dozens of exercises to choose from for training the press at all sorts of angles, with the help of various auxiliary means, blocks, dumbbells, simulators - in such an abundance it is easy to get lost and, it would seem, it is difficult to form a working scheme for the development of abdominal muscles. Some especially stubborn comrades even set aside a separate day for training the coveted cubes and saus them for an hour in a row. It happens that several times a week. But often to no avail. Why is that? Let's figure it out.

Abs training and exercise are two different things.

First, let's define in terms and realities.

Only with the help of exercises alone, you will not see your abs, at least get seasick with it. For the cubes to appear, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of body fat to at least 10-12%:

Exercise shapes the rectus abdominis volume and shape. Again, only partially. The number of cubes - 4.6 or even 8 - is pure genetics. Their arrangement is symmetrical or asymmetrical, the shape - squares, rectangles, etc. - all this is also genetically set parameters not amenable to adjustment.

Moreover, even for a flat stomach, the abs are not responsible. It is quite possible to have a noticeable and protruding belly with cubes of hypertrophied rectus abdominis muscle that stand out on it. To keep the stomach flat, you need to train the transverse abdominal muscle, and this is a completely different story, which I have already told:

There is about how to see your abs, so we will not dwell on this moment. I will only note that it is impossible to achieve hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles during the period of fat burning - completely opposite processes.

In this article, we will talk specifically about training the press in order to make it impressive, deep and voluminous, without spending a lot of time on it.

The Most Effective Abs Workouts

There are only two of them in several variations:

  • twisting(on any flat surface, on a fitball, on an inclined bench, on a Roman chair without fixing the legs);
  • reverse crunches(on a flat surface, lying on your back, on a Roman chair, in uneven bars or hanging).

Moreover, any of them makes the entire press work completely, and not separately. bottom cubes and upper. Anatomically, it is a single muscle, the tuberous appearance of which is formed by tendon constrictions. The difference between the exercises is only in the accent - in the first case, there is more tension in the upper part of the rectus muscle, in the second - in the lower one.

The name of the exercises reveals their essence - you must CURL! Imagine curling up as you run, with your back rounded. The range of motion is short, keep your arms in front of you in the case of crunches. In no case behind the head, since people in this position instinctively begin to pull themselves by the head, trying to facilitate movement, which is fraught with injuries in cervical spine spine.

When performing reverse curls from a hang, the legs are bent at the knees and raised so that the angle between the thigh and abdomen is 90 °. Next, raise your bent legs up to your chest, again, twisting.

What happens if, in twisting, you raise your torso straight with a bent lower back or rise too high? You are not straining your abs, but hamstrings, partially quads and iliopsoas muscle... The last moment is especially dangerous, as the spine is too heavily loaded, which can lead to injuries (protrusion and even hernia), not to mention muscle pain and "clogged" back (worth a "stake").

Raising your legs exactly in reverse twists, you, similarly, strain the hips and iliopsoas muscle, overloading the spine and too weakly acting directly on the press.

Vividly and visually errors in movements during press training are shown in this video:

As for the technique of performing the exercise, I recommend paying attention to the video Yaroslava Brin(9:30 - crunches, reverse crunches on the bench - 18:15):

Do I need to specifically pump the oblique abdominal muscles?

There is no need. They get enough workload while doing such basic exercises like squats with a barbell on the shoulders, in deadlifts and deadlifts, army press and other movements when it is necessary to stabilize the body under the influence of weights. Under the same conditions, the press and back extensors are very noticeably loaded.

The only condition is to try not to use a weightlifting belt on light to medium weights when you are still able to pull in and control your stomach. The belt is put on only when it becomes problematic to control the belly, and it simply falls out. In my case, these are squats over 120-125 kg and deadlifts over 140 kg.

Don't forget about your lower back

For the health of the spine, the harmonious development of the muscular corset and its balance, it is necessary, in addition to the press, to train the extensor muscles of the back. This is done using exercises such as hyperextension, « Superman" or " boat», « Good morning "Partly dead and deadlift."

All these exercises are well demonstrated Steve Cook in the video below (starting from the 13th minute, before that there are a lot of abdominal exercises for those who don't have enough crunches):

Girls, what not to do if you don't want to ruin your waist

Do not swing the external obliques with weighted lateral bends (dumbbells, kettlebells, or a block) or do the lateral bends in the hyperextension bench. Especially when using sports pharmacology. Otherwise it will be like this:

How and how often do I work my abs

My own abdominal practice is pretty straightforward and takes 15 to 30 minutes a week. I usually do 3-4 sets of twists for 20-25 reps and a couple of sets of reverse twists in the hang after the main workout two or three times a week.

In addition, as mentioned above, I use the weightlifting belt only on large weights in basic movements. Before that, I make my core muscles work to the maximum.

As for the weight of the weights, then in ordinary twisting on an inclined bench I reach up to 30 kg - I hold a dumbbell at my chest in front of me. Naturally, the first approach is without weight, the second is 10-16 kg, the third and fourth I take the weight for 20 kg. That is, as in any other exercise, I increase the load gradually.

That's all - no separate workouts for the press and dozens of all kinds of exercises.

Very often they ask the question of how to pump up a beautiful and embossed press in 30 days, not only in the gym, but also at home, and is it possible. The answer is certainly possible.

During our 30 days of abs workouts, just 15 minutes a day, you will achieve excellent results.
Let's go directly directly to the topic of how to pump up the press in 30 days at home. There are three points associated with a beautiful embossed press:

  1. Exercise, cardio training, strength training.
  2. Vacuum
  3. Calorie deficiency and proper diet
Today we will consider a set of exercises for the press at home. We advise you to complete it within a month. Spending 15 minutes on it in the morning.

To complete this set, you will need a rug and a stopwatch. We will be doing five exercises in a circle. One circle will last five minutes, there will be three such circles. Accordingly, you will spend only 15 minutes a day in order to properly work out your abdominal muscles and achieve beautiful cubes by summer.

A set of exercises - how to build abs in 30 days at home

1. Exercises: "straight crunches"
Standard abdominal exercises. It involves the rectus abdominis muscle. We do the exercises for one minute. We work at the pace of our respiratory cycle, do not rush where. On exhalation, we lift as much as possible by contracting the abdominal muscles, on inhalation, lower yourself and relax your back.
The starting position is lying on your back. We put our feet on the width of the pelvis, press the lower back to the floor. Hands on the back of the head, elbows pointing to the sides. The chin is pressed to the chest, looking forward. As we exhale, we raise our shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor, press the lower back to the floor as much as possible and straining the rectus abdominis muscle. On inhalation, we descend to the bottom, relax the abdominal muscle and control the position of the lumbar spine. The back should be pressed to the floor at all times.

Very often they ask a question about the lower and upper press. There is no such thing. We only have one rectus abdominis muscle. Which is attached to the lower ribs. And oblique abdominal muscles.
Any abdominal muscle contracts on an all-or-nothing basis. That is, if you work with the "upper press" then naturally the "lower abdomen" is used in the same way.

There are different variations, respectively, different levers work and different level load on the abdominal muscles. We'll cover both top and bottom press.

2. Exercises: "reverse crunches"
The second exercise in our circle is aimed at the so-called lower press. The starting position is lying on your back. The elbows are directed to the side, the hands are at the back of the head, the lower back is pressed to the floor. On exhalation, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, the legs are directed to the ceiling, we raise the pelvis by strongly straining the abdominal muscle. On inhalation, smoothly lower the lower back to the floor and lower the legs to the diagonal at 45 degrees.

It is very important to control the muscles of the back, lumbar spine. Your back should be firmly pressed to the floor so that the entire load is exclusively on the abdominal muscles. And you in no way injured your lower back. We turn to the third exercise in the complex of how to pump up the press in 30 days at home and in the gym.

3. Exercises: "oblique twisting"
We have already worked out the rectus abdominis muscle, now move on to the oblique. The initial position is lying on the back, hands on the back of the head, elbows to the side, legs bent at the knee joints up to 90 degrees. On inhalation, we perform diagonal twisting, directing the elbow joint to the opposite knee joint, on the exhale we perform the change. We monitor the position of the lower back and the respiratory cycle.

4. Exercises "plank"

In our opinion, the most functional exercise. Because it uses the muscles of the press, muscles of the back, buttocks, arms, but the main thing when performing the bar is to pay attention to the technique of performing the exercise.

We go down to an emphasis position while standing on the elbows, put our feet at the width of the pelvis, carefully monitor the lumbar region. You should have a straight back from the tailbone to the crown of your head. One straight line. The abdominal muscles are in good shape, we breathe with our chest, the abs are in good shape all the time, look forward. We hold the position for one minute and then proceed to the last exercise of our complex.

5. Exercises "side plank"
We will do 30 seconds on each side. Nothing complicated, we just turn to one side. We carry out emphasis on the elbow joint on the edge of the foot.

There are several variations. The simplest variation is when we perform exercises leaning on the elbow joint and on the knee. A slightly more difficult variation is when we rest on the elbow joint and put the feet on top of each other, respectively, stand on the edge of the foot.

In this exercise, it is very important to monitor the position of the lumbar spine. Your pelvis should not sag. There should be one straight, straight line from the shoulder to the heels. The abdominal muscles should be in good shape all the time. We breathe in the same way.

So the first round of the set of exercises on how to pump up the press in 30 days has come to an end. After five exercises, we rest for one minute, gather strength, tune in to the second round. And we repeat two more such circles, in total there will be three. If you are a beginner, you can do exercises not for a minute, but for 40 seconds, each time increasing the exercise time.
Within a month you will get a good result. If you also connect a daily vacuum to this. As well as proper nutrition, then in a month you will receive excellent result in the question of how to pump up the press in 30 days.

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