Stretching back and spine: exercises and rules. Simple exercises for stretching the spine at home - for your healthy back

The buildings 11.10.2019
The buildings

Exercises for stretching the spine must be carried out to those who have problems with this part of the body. The human spine provides the position of the body in space, responsible for movement, lifting weights, the correct location of the organs relative to each other.

With constant load on vertebral discs, many problems arise. It may be disorders of posture, back pain, severity and discomfort, headaches. To avoid these negative phenomena, you should give the spine rest.

What needs to stretch the spine

Exercises allow you to freeze the spin compression, give the spine to rest with various diseases, improve and maintain flexibility and ease for many years, which will prevent age-related changes and get rid of back pain, legs, hands and head.

Before proceeding with the stretching of the back, check if you have contraindications:

  • acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • heart disease and vessels, including hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute respiratory diseases and other processes accompanied by an increase in body temperature and deterioration of well-being.

In the absence of listed factors, you can proceed to exercises.

Remember: Sport classes imply a good mood and the necessary mood, without this it is impossible to get a beneficial effect. If the desire to deal with rejection, it is better to postpone the occupation.

Gymnastics for the spine at home

In the absence of opportunity to sign up for LFC or classes with an instructor, you can do the exercises yourself at home, even without having special knowledge and skills.

The stretching of the spine at home will make it possible to get rid of the negative consequences of a low-active lifestyle.

With an independent lesson, you should consider a few simple rules:

  • clothing is free, preferably made of natural fabrics;
  • before stretching, it is necessary to warm up the body: running on the spot, slopes, jumping;
  • movement to perform in breathing, at the time of stretching the spine goes slow, calm exhalation, when relaxing inhale;
  • all movements are soft;
  • after several exercises, give breathing to recover, at this time you can go in a circle;
  • classes must be permanent, at least 3 times a week, one-time occupation will not bring the result.

Important! Movements must be smooth, smooth. Breathing calm, deep. Pains must be completely absent.


Simple gymnastics for stretching the spine at home begins with a warm-up. After you felt warm throughout the body, you can start the main part:

  1. Slopes. We start with the simplest. The legs together and stretch to the floor, the goal is to put the palms on the floor completely, while the legs and the back should remain smooth and unpleasant feelings are completely absent. The field of how you have achieved easy execution of this exercise can complicate.
  2. Exercise "House": focus on the legs and hands placed on the width of the shoulders, and pull up the cock.
  3. "Nature". IP - standing on all fours, alone alone with the lower back to the floor and raise your head, then stretch the lower back, head down, the shoulders are rounded.
  4. Twisting. IP - lying on the floor, on the back, hands are placed on the sides. Alternately stretch the palm of one hand to another. Heels remain tight pressed to the floor. After mastering this exercise, it can be complicated. Hands and head turn in the first side, legs bent in the knees to another. Elbows and knees must touch the floor.

If the "kitty" exercise is made daily 50-70 times, problems with mobility and back pains will not arise even in old age.

These are just the most basic exercises, but their fulfillment will be enough to preserve the flexibility and feeling of ease for many years.

The whole complex takes 10-15 minutes, which can be allocated even in the most mad rhythm of life.

For diseases of the back and pain syndrome, homework is not effective and dangerous, you should contact specialized institutions involved in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Stretching the spine in specialized pools

Stretching the spine in water is widely used in restorative medicine. Here there is a combination of 2 factors: stretching and water action. In such basins, water is maintained at the temperature level of 36-38 degrees.

Heat in interaction with water reduces pain syndrome, due to the relaxing effect on the muscles. Musculatory relaxation occurs, muscle spasms disappear, squeezed nerves are released. Additionally, the water stretching of the spine has a beneficial effect on the psychological state. Patients after the expression procedure are in a peaceful relaxed state, completely forgetting about stress and daily problems.

According to the principle of stretching, the horizontal method and vertical are distinguished. The horizontal is used more often by simplicity and absence in the need for special equipment. Pretty simple handrail existing in any pool.

As the disturbed functions restores the simple stretching, a complex of special exercises is gradually added, taking into account the features and needs of each patient. Classes are trained individually or in small groups from 3 to 5 people.

Passive backstage

If it is necessary to stretch the spine in rehabilitation, the device for stretching the spine is used, it can be of various shapes and the level of complexity. Used both in hospitals and at home. In general, these devices are an inclined surface on which the patient is fixed and the vertebral is gradually pulled out under the weight of its own body. Used in the treatment of various diseases of the vertebral column.

In the absence of the opportunity to purchase such a simulator you can use a conventional bed for stretching the spine. A hard shield or a special mattress should be installed on the bed. After that, the headboard is raised by 30-40 degrees, the hands are in prepared in advance their hands are inhabited, and the person calmly rests 3-4 hours. The vertebrae is gradually drawn, as well as on the device.

No matter what kind of stretching, you do not elected, with the help of gymnastics in the absence of serious diseases and injuries or special methods of extracting used in rehabilitation, the main thing after the procedure is to reinforce the state. This requires procedures together with therapeutic gym, massage or myostimulation. With a comprehensive approach, the result is guaranteed.

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Therapeutic stretch of the spine at home () is relevant for any modern resident of the metropolis. Incorrect meals, bad ecology, sitting, an inactive lifestyle, constant stress - all this leads to the appearance of discomfort and.

Our spine is strongly vulnerable, as it includes several separately located vertebrae that take over the entire load. Even with a violation of the work of one vertebra, we immediately feel pain.

Back in ancient times, with any problems with the spine, folk fireproofs tried to stretch it to get rid of pain and discomfort. Pulling helps to increase the interdiscable space, which leads to a decrease in pressure force on the nerve and significantly reduces discomfort and pain.

The current doctors quite skeptically respond about the backs, they believe that the benefits of such a healing effect is less than harm to once again not to contact osteopath or masseuse, there are special exercises intended for the spine stretching at home.

Why do you need to stretch the spine?

Hood (traction) is a whole complex of methods in orthopedics used for a long spine stretching, which ultimately reduces pain.

As a result of extrusion, the following positive changes occur:

  • the distance between the vertebral bodies is increasing;
  • reduced pressure on discs, which is especially important at;
  • spine muscles strengthened;
  • the curved back is straightened and the posture is improved;
  • improves blood flow in vessels.

Indications and Contraindications to the application of the technique

Positive influence traction has in the following situations:

  • , or any;
  • muscular spa spasms;
  • displacements (dislocation and);
  • in the period of remission or protrusion ();
  • pain in breast, cervical, lumbar or sacral departments.

The spine extract is strictly contraindicated by patients who:

  • exacerbations of articular diseases, pain in hernias or protrushes;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypertension;
  • menstruation;
  • age up to 16 years and after 70;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity and body weight above 100 kg;
  • cNS diseases;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases.

The stretching of the spine at home can be done in preventive purposes, but in the absence of sharp pain.

Before starting pulling procedures, you must be visited by a doctor. Only a competent specialist will select the exercise system suitable for a particular patient. Only so you can avoid any doubt about the safety of selected drawing methods.

It can be stretched with a multitude of methods, but only some of them can be applied at home.

Simulators and devices

Tools for drawing there are many. These are inversion boots, Flexyback and Bestec AIR NOBIUS simulator devices, an inversion table.

Below will be considered the simulators that are available at home.

The horizontal bar is simple, useful, effectively

This is the most affordable tool that allows you to stretch the spine at home.

The crossbar can be installed in the backyard or in one of the rooms at home. It is enough to 1-2 approaches to the horizontal bar per day. The following exercises are effective:

This special collector with a cross-plane is attached from above. The upper part of the simulator is attached to the hook, which is fixed in the wall. The patient makes gymnastics, having grabbed this crossbar. The training program is a doctor depending on the diagnosis of the patient.

This technique is very studyable, so the first days of the patient should do exercises only under the control of physicians.

In order to safely stretch the spine at home, you need to use a less dangerous method in terms of injuries - this is a simple sloping board. It can be done independently and attach to the Swedish wall at a low angle. You need to start the exercise on the board under a small slope, gradually increasing it.

Loop Glisson

This simulator is used to stretch the cervical spine. This retainer consists of a pair of fabric mounts - for chin and for a nape. The patient is sitting on the chair and fixes the retainer. The loop is attached to the stationary block, and the ship is suspended to her end.

More modern variation - rubber, not requiring the use of block system. The same usual retainer is used, but the cord itself is more elastic.

The video shows the stretching of the spine with the help of a loop of glisson, independently spent at home:

Medicinal exercises

Exercises for pulling will differ depending on the spine department to which you need.

Stretching of the lumbar department

Exercises that will be effective for therapeutic traction of the lumbar department:

Studying of the thoracic department

Exercises for stretching of the thoracic spine for self-fulfillment of the house:

  1. Sit on the chair and firmly press it with a pelvis. Look right in front of yourself and lean the right and left side in turn. When performing the exercise of the hands, we raise on the sides parallel to the floor and control so that they move also exactly. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Connect the brushes of the hands into the castle on the back of the head and sit on a flat surface. Then make turns to the body to the left and right, lingering at each turn of seconds for 15. During turns, it is necessary to try to rotate the most strongly, feeling the stretching of all muscles.

Gymnastics for cervical vertebrae

It is impossible to pull the cervical vertebra directly. Mass holding the base of the cervical spine is performed using the movements of the shoulder belt. Put your hands on the shoulders and rotate circles. It will warm up the muscles and gets off the neck.

After heating the shoulder belt, start gently to perform head slopes into the right and left side. There should be no sounds caused by muscles. If the symbols are still heard, crunch, then you need to continue to warm up the muscles.

The stretch of the cervical spine is also carried out using the glisson loops and the inclined board.

For the cervical spine, the stretching is unsafe - at home only massage!

In order for the hood of the spine, performed at home, has benefited, and not harm, the following rules must be followed:

  • all exercises do slowly and smoothly, no sharp movements, jumps, jerks;
  • be sure to make the preliminary heating of the muscles;
  • make a little bit, but on a daily basis, you can always highlight at least 5 minutes to the minimum complex for the relaxation of the back and to maintain the muscles in good shape;
  • if you missed one lesson, do not try to catch up with the next day, pay the pace and reduce the number of repetitions;
  • with discomfort and pain in any area of \u200b\u200bthe back, immediately stop the workout and do not perform any exercises in the next week.

What is the situation in practice?

Pulling the spine - effective lesson or dangerous fun? Review of this will help reviews of people who experience the traction method of therapy in practice.

I have suffered from. It was painfully walking, leading an active lifestyle. I have an office office, after an 8-hour seating at the computer I drank from, but a trip to the doctor was completely delayed.

Somehow after the labor day I got up because of the table and almost fell, because I just felt half! Very frightened at that moment and immediately ran to a specialist.

The doctor advised me stretching. I expected to hurt, unpleasant, but sensations during the procedure were absolutely neutral.

Literally through 4 procedures, I felt the relief of pain, and after a full tracting course I completely forgot about my hernia. Now at home I regularly do exercises on the horizontal bar, I start every morning with the "Cat" posture.

Alexander Nikolaev, 56 years old, patient

I have . Well, and as a result - frequent headaches, numbness of hands up to elbow, dizziness. A neurologist gave me a referral to a manual therapist.

We have already passed 2 courses on the hood with the help of the loops of Glisson, if not mistaken. Initially pulled out by a load of 3 kg, reached 6. We are lying, we rest 10 minutes. No discomfort or pain. Plus at home I do a neck massage - the doctor taught me doing exercises correctly.

Noticed that dizziness and headaches happening less often. There are also faster numbers in hand.

Catherine, 48 years old, Voronezh

The ancient wise men rightly argued that the spine keeps the vital energy and human strength. It is in it that is a spinal cord responsible for the functioning of the entire body.

It is important to participate responsible to the health of the spine - to respond to any pain, follow the changes in posture, do gymnastics. The key to success is not to be lazy and perform exercises for stretching on a regular basis. But before starting classes on the drawing of the spine, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the doctor who will advise simulators and will signal the training scheme.

Those who seek to know how to stretch the spine, you should know that there are certain rules for performing exercises. In accordance with them, it is necessary to start such charging early in the morning, performing all manipulations slowly and smoothly. It is strictly forbidden to do sharp movements and avoid achieving a painful threshold.

Breathing, while the spine is stretched, should be even and deep. If inhale or exhale is difficult or interrupted, then it is necessary to weaken the tension. Developing a set of exercises, it is important to pay special attention to their diversity:

  • First exerciseFrom which you can start such a charging like stretching the spine, perform sitting on the floor and putting straight legs on the width of the shoulders. The patient needs to smoothly make the slopes, trying to reach the fingertips of the fingers to the floor in front of them. An important condition is the lack of tension in the back and slow pace. The patient should not have pain when performing stretching.
  • Second exercise - nothing else like stretching the spine in the pose of a cat. The patient becomes knees and rests on the floor with his palms. The task is that the patient is required to smoothly exacerbate the back of the arc, like an angry cat, linger in this position for a few seconds and slowly straighten the spine. Repeats should be at least 5-6, the total duration is 3-5 minutes. These movements will help stretch the spine in breast, cervical and lumbar departments. At the first signs of discomfort, the movements must be stopped.
  • Third exercise - twist. The patient falls on his back, spreading his hands wide, and bends his legs in his knees, overlooking the floor of the full feet. The exercise begins with the fact that the patient needs to straighten one leg and throwing it through the second to try to reach the floor to the floor. All movements are performed only slowly, not allowing the appearance of pain or discomfort.

  • For the stretching of the lumbar department, the patient is to sit on the edge of the chair, putting the legs so that the knees are closed. The essence of the exercise is that the corps turns are made in one, then in the other direction, and the patient tries to be trying to sharpen during the turn. You need to move very slowly, breathing is even, calm. When first discomfort or light pain, the exercise should be stopped. It is enough to make 5-6 turns and you can completely relax muscles.
  • The patient sits on the floor, stretching in front of him straight closed legs. At the feet, the towel is thrown and, grabbing his ends, slowly leans, bending to the knees (without bending them). Repeat movements not more than 5 times.

After every two exercises, it is necessary to completely relax the back muscles. To do this, you can lie on the back or freely omit relaxed hands and make some deep breaths.

The stretching of the spine is performed not only lying on the floor or sitting on the chair, useful and exercises at the wall and on the jury:

  • The legs need to be placed on the width of the shoulders, the feet unfold out. Palms rest in the knees and try to slowly sit down so that the knee bend angle amounted to 900. Now it's a little tightening to pull the pelvis ahead and upstairs, staying in this position at least 20-30 seconds. Return to the original position slowly. Repeat exercise 10-12 times.
  • To relax, make a few steps in place, raising your hands on the breath and lowering them in exhale. Exhausted air it follows to completely free the lungs.
  • Stretch the spine at the wall, at home, easier, but such an exercise helps to quickly get rid of pain syndrome. You need to become, pressing the heel and blades to the wall. Hands raise up, without tearing off the wall of the wall, spreading to the sides. Having completed the rise, make a tilt to the side, trying to pull without reaching the pain.

Stretching of the back treats and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Performing gymnastics for stretching the spine can be returned with elasticity and mobility. Exercises for stretching the spine are suitable for those who lead a low-effective lifestyle.

The stretching of the spine muscles performs therapeutic and preventive function.

Regular exercise performs the muscle tension, improve blood circulation and exchange processes in the vertebrae and joints, will develop coordination, fix the defects of the spine, eliminate pain. Due to the muscular stretching, posture is restored. Gymnastics for stretching helps to relax, due to a favorable effect on the human nervous system. Regular classes are eliminated from the pain in osteochondrosis.

With the age of muscles, cartilage and tendons lose elasticity. The first signs of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system appear. Stretching back and spine will help it .

There are five types of stretch marks:

  • Active - suitable for an experienced athlete, assumes independent classes;
  • Passive - for beginners, the stretching of the spine is carried out under the guidance of the instructor;
  • Dynamic and ballistic - recommended professional athletes, movements are performed with a wide range before the appearance of lung painful sensations;
  • Static - holding a certain posture for a long time, requires maximum endurance.

It is possible to stretch the spine to exercise on special simulators or with gymnastics. Each lesson should not last longer than 5 - 10 minutes. The complex consists of exercises, which can be independently, without an instructor.

Static gymnastics

For occupations at home, a static set of exercises for stretching the spine is suitable. The program consists of smooth movements with short fixation of postures.

How to prepare for stretching your back:

  • Be sure to warm up before occupation;
  • Engage all muscles and joints;
  • Stretch each group of muscles from 15 seconds to 1 minute;
  • Do not jerk, stretch the body smoothly;
  • Breathe calmly;
  • Train regularly.

Exercises for stretching back muscles at home:

  • Make spine spine on the horizontal bar. Hang on the crossbar, as far as the strength is enough, if possible, tighten.
  • Straighten, put your hands on the shoulders. Try head up.
  • Sit on a flat surface, pull your legs in front of you. Make alternate slopes.
  • Lie on the back. Bending a little legs in the knees, graze the top with your hands. Slightly strain the abdominal muscles, climb. Hold 2-3 seconds.
  • Sit on the floor. Bend your legs, graze your knees with your hands, fix the position of about 15 seconds.
  • Stand right, relax. Strain the cervical muscles. Make tilts head.
  • Stand up connecting your legs together. Clamp legs with hands in caviar area and tilted forward.
  • Source position is the same. Stand motionless. Strain abdominal muscles for 5-10 seconds.
  • Sit on the chair (suitable home), lower your hands down. Turn the head left to the right, leaning to the shoulder. Maximize the amplitude of movements.

Follow the few approaches of this complex of LFC with an interval of no more than 10 minutes. Exercises for muscle stretching are recommended to start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the amount.

Asana yoga

If you know the practice of yoga, you can safely use the six most useful Asans for the spine, aimed at stretching the muscles. They are recommended for scoliosis, hernia, osteochondrosis and other diseases, with a prophylactic goal, during pregnancy.

At the beginning of the gymnastics for a stretching should be made a small workout, after tilting, maju hands, sipping.

We offer exercises for stretching the spine at home:

  1. Cat: Stand on all fours so that the center of gravity occurred on his knees and palm. Begging your back, breathe deeply, lift your head and pull the top of the body. Exhausted, lower your head, draw your stomach, round. Slowly perform 10 times. Make a hungry stomach.
  2. Cat with rotation increases the load. Source position, as in the previous exercise. Feel a flat back line and start rotating around an imaginary horizontal axis. Make the spine move. Round the back - do the exhale, get started - inhale. Repeat 6 times.
  3. Stretching step will use foot muscles. Standing on all fours, sit down on the bent right leg, pull the right hand forward. Then make the left hand and pull back the left foot.
  4. A closed plow: Lie on your back, putting hands behind the top. Raise smoothly elongated legs before the formation of a straight angle, pull the fingers of the stop to yourself, and the heels are from ourselves. Then slowly lower the legs behind the head, take the fingers of the legs in the palm of your hand. Major stretch. Breathing should be calm. Hold the position 1 minute, then gradually increase the time. Be careful: Do not lower the legs lower than the body flexibility allows.
  5. Roots on the back: sitting on a flat surface, tighten the legs to the body, pressing the feet to each other. Grasp the ankle with my hands, pick up your chin. Heat, neck and back are arc. Make rolling back. Return to the starting position. Perform 10-20 times. Breathe arbitrarily. Perform rolls on the smooth floor.
  6. Cobra: lying face down, connect the feet. Chin bounce into the rug, press to the floor. Do not break the bottom of the belly, lift the top of the body as high as possible. As far as possible, check the head back, lift your eyes up. Breath through the nose. Return slowly at home. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • We recommend reading:

How to stretch your back in osteochondrosis

Remove pain in osteochondrosis and other diseases of the locomotor system helps traction, or stretching. Perform both in a medical institution and at home. Doctors contradictory refer to this procedure. As a result of the traction, vertebrates are expanding, as a result of which the pain disappears. Conversely, the increased muscle size leads to the formation of cracks.

Therapeutic effect of the procedure increases the use of modern exercises for the spine at home. They perform horizontal stretching of the spine, which significantly reduces the injury to stretched tissue.

Stretching the spine at home is allowed with back pain. Initially, it is recommended to take a relaxing bath, then start up the exercises for the back.

Here are approximate traction exercises for stretching back and spine:

  1. Stand up to the wall, press the shoulders, buttocks and heels to make the shoulders, buttocks. Make a slow breath, hold your breath. Pull the head up. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale and relax the body. The number of repetitions is 3-4.
  2. Press the wall, breathe through the nose. Holding the breath, move your hand brushes to the chest, then lift one. Take a look at the outdoor side of the brush, at the same time pulling the second hand along the body. Keep the brush with your fingers horizontally. Exhale, return to the starting position. Relax and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  3. Lie on your back, pull your hands behind your head. Press your chin to chest, connect your legs. Pull the heel one's foot forward, and the other sock is back. Feel the body horizontal surface, relax. Repeat the procedure for both legs. Then slightly strain the spine and arched. Repeat - 2-3 times.
  4. Take the position for stretching on the back. Put the palms under the neck, connect the legs. Socks pull to yourself until you feel the tension in the back. Make rapid movements of the feet to the sides, the heels remain motionless.


There is contraindications in which the stretching of the back muscles should not be done:

  • It is impossible to stretch with diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • With extreme caution, make an extraction of osteochondrosis;
  • In a row of contraindications - cardiovascular diseases, in a special list - thrombosis;
  • Listen to yourself, consult your doctor if pregnant;
  • Do not perform with a cold and viral infections during the heat;
  • Do not overvolt during exercise.

Failure to comply with these rules will lead to serious complications.

Your feedback on the article

Spine is a support of the entire body. Stretching the spine at home helps to support his health, prevent the development of diseases, improve well-being and strengthen the body as a whole.

Spine is a complex system. Main parts:

  • Vertebrae.
  • Intervertebral discs - cartilage, serving shock absorbers.
  • Muscle, thanks to which the bending of the back of the back is possible.

Discs are wearing over time, lose their elasticity. The back muscles are constantly working. Due to the low-lifting lifestyle, the suspension of the muscle tension is growing.

Why do you need stretching?

For normal operation and maintaining the back of a healthy muscle must relax. But often even at night an uncomfortable pillow, the wrong posture does not give back muscles to relax. A man wakes up with pain in his neck, back.

Tired muscles cannot effectively cope with their functions. Therefore, it is important to take care of them. One of the easiest and most effective ways to relax the muscles of the back is stretching the spine.

Stretching is a type of exercise available to everyone. Anyone, regardless of the set and age, can perform a stretch. These are exercises with low intensity, the correct execution of which is unlikely to be able to significantly increase pressure or cause excessive fatigue.

When can not stretch the spine?

There are cases when the stretching of the spine at home is contraindicated, at least without consulting a doctor. Contraindications to stretch marks are:

  • Diseases of the spine, joints (arthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis).
  • Heart diseases, hypertension, diseases of vessels.
  • Thrombosis.

Limit classes in the period:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Menses.
  • Colds, viral diseases.
  • Weakness.

Stretching the spine refers to therapeutic physical education, so it is very important to comply with its main rule: do not overvolt. Exercises need not through force, but only in accordance with its capabilities.

In addition, you need to perform a number of other rules:

Over time, the execution of the exercise will be easier to pass, they will be performed everything is easier, pain in the back and neck will disappear, and well-being will improve.

Basic exercises

To help the muscles of the back and the spine, you can do yoga, and you can perform simple exercises, many of whom are familiar with childhood:

These simple exercises performed every day will soon bring relief and help the spine stay healthy.

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