Leg stretching exercises: a simple but very effective complex. Quick stretch at home

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

As you can see, all fitness gurus have a great stretch that allows them to perform the most incredible exercises and tricks, among which the most prominent representative twine is considered. If you want to master this ability and make your body flexible, then this article on how to learn how to stretch at home is just for you. So, what is stretching at home and how quickly can you master it by doing it regularly?

Stretching (or stretching) is a special set of exercises aimed at stretching muscle and ligamentous fibers. good stretch- this is a guarantee of elastic, elastic muscles and strong joints, as well as high mobility and beautiful posture.

Although stretching is very beneficial for human body, not everyone is in a hurry to fulfill it. Especially beginners, because some of them do not understand how important stretching the whole body is (including at home). There are those who believe that a flexible body is the prerogative of professional gymnasts and athletes. There are also those who suggest that stretching the muscles does not benefit training.

But both are wrong. First of all, stretching is the most affordable and easiest way to keep your body in good shape. In addition, during such exercises, the muscles relax and strengthen, and the effectiveness of the previous workout increases (since stretching is usually performed after the main load).

The most important benefit of stretching, which few beginners are aware of, is working on posture. During the performance of special exercises, each muscle involved in the back area develops and becomes stronger, thanks to which they are able to form a reliable corset that supports the spine and aligns posture.
But, before a beginner begins to perform the complex, he should familiarize himself with all the nuances that will reduce the risk of injury and increase the effectiveness of training.

What types and exercises are there?

In sports, there are two types of stretching, which, in turn, have their own varieties and differences:

  • Static - these are the main exercises to increase the elasticity and flexibility of muscles, which are recommended for all beginners to start with. During the execution of such a set of exercises, all movements are reproduced slowly and smoothly. Having taken the necessary position, you need to linger in it so that the muscle stretches and you feel the tension.
  • Dynamic - a complex that includes mainly high-intensity exercises. These can be transitions from one position to another (for example, from longitudinal to transverse twine), swings, etc. Such exercises require some skill, and therefore they are not recommended for beginners.

Static stretching exercises can be performed without prior training, while to perform a dynamic stretching complex, you must have a certain amount of training experience. However, before performing any of these complexes, it is recommended to do exercises that will warm up the muscle fibers and prepare them for the upcoming load. This is especially true for those who are interested in stretching at home from scratch. And for you, we offer the following video lesson, in which gymnastics is demonstrated by a child, which allows you to warm up the muscles of the whole body before training.

Performing such a warm-up complex every time before training, the athlete will protect himself by reducing the risk of injury and sprains. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to do stretching correctly at home, first be sure to clarify all the nuances of not only the training itself, but also the preparatory stage.

In order for a beginner to be able to learn how to stretch in just a few weeks without risk to health, he needs to start from the most simple exercises. And below we will give the most effective of them, which will allow you to stretch your muscles almost painlessly and efficiently.

Leg stretch

If you are interested in how to stretch at home, you must first prioritize correctly, paying attention to the fact that the legs and spine are the most mobile. Therefore, training must necessarily include exercises that promote the development of muscle fibers in these areas of the body.

So, stretching for the legs and spine may include the following exercises:

This exercise, perhaps, is one of the main ones aimed at stretching the muscle fibers of the legs. Although it seems simple at first glance, at first it is better to perform it in front of a mirror or with a partner. When performing it, it is very important to monitor your own feelings in order to control muscle tension and not overdo it.

The starting position is to stand up straight, placing your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than this distance. Taking one leg back, squat, bending it so that the knee almost touches the floor. In this position, you should feel the muscles in your legs tighten and stretch. It is advisable to do 10-15 repetitions for each leg on initial stage, and as you learn how to properly stretch, you can increase the load to 20 repetitions for each leg.

Lunges from a kneeling position

Starting position - kneeling on the floor. From i.p. Stretch one leg forward so that it straightens completely, and the heel rests on the floor. Bending over, lower the palms of your hands to the floor in front of you and place them on the sides of the “working” leg. Spring in this position, stretching the muscle of the outstretched leg, for 5-10 seconds. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Hip stretch while lying on your stomach

Stretching the legs while lying on the floor on the stomach is a simple but very effective leg stretch at home. Such an exercise with equal success can be performed by both a woman and a man who decide to lead healthy lifestyle life. To reproduce such an exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and, bending your right arm at the elbow, put it under your head. With the left hand, you need to pull the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. When doing such a stretch, you need to ensure that the pain is moderate, which would indicate high-quality stretching at home. The exercise should only take 3-5 minutes to complete.

How to do leg stretching at home using several effective exercises as an example, the instructor will tell you in the following entertaining video from YouTube.

Stretching for the spine

As a rule, after a warm-up and stretching for the legs at home, you can do it. Having warmed up your muscles enough, you can begin to stretch the fibers that represent the muscular atlas of the back. And the first lesson, which is suitable for beginners, may include the following exercises:

  • Back arch or "cat". This exercise is performed in a standing position on all fours, with an emphasis on the palms on the floor at approximately shoulder level. In this position, the back is first arched with a simultaneous tilting of the head up and a 10-second pause at the top point. After that, you need to smoothly return to the starting position, from which you will then need to arch your back, as shown in the photo below, and also make a 10-second pause.
  • Turns of the lumbar spine in the supine position. This is a good stretch for the spine, which is often used in rehabilitation programs, as well as as part of a complex to increase the flexibility of the whole body. I.p. - lying on your back with arms extended along the body. Tightly pressing the shoulder blades and the entire upper shoulder girdle to the floor, you need to throw one leg over the other and stretch the knee of this leg as far as possible, turning only the lumbar region. Upon reaching the maximum possible point, you need to linger for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return to the i.p. Repeat the same for the other side. Performing such exercises, after a month you will be able to notice the absence of lower back pain and improved well-being.
  • Stretching the spine in a chair. To perform it, you will need a chair, sitting on which you will need to press your buttocks tightly against the seat, and put your feet completely on the floor. From this position, turn to the side at the maximum possible angle and, holding the back of the chair with your hands, make a short pause, avoiding severe pain. Then return to the starting position and repeat the stretch for the other side in the same way.
  • Stretching the spine with a deflection in the lower back. To carry out stretching, the girl should lie on the floor on her stomach, and then raise upper part body, leaning on the palms, as shown in the photo, to get a deflection in the back. Such an exercise, despite its simplicity, is very effective, but it must be performed with the utmost care to avoid back injury and sprains.


These are just a few examples of exercises that will help you improve your flexibility and achieve incredible workout results. Being interested in how to stretch at home, you should not forget about the main components of the success of classes: desire, regularity, a gradual increase in load and smoothness of the movements made. How good will your physical work, the effectiveness of training will directly depend. Under this condition, it will take you only a week to see the first shifts towards the desired goal.

It just so happened that all people leading, or just starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, pay very little attention to stretching exercises. Perhaps some people think that only professional athletes (gymnasts and acrobats) need flexible muscles, someone blames their laziness and lack of time, but someone has not heard about this type of exercise at all.

And, regardless of the reason, all these people are losing a lot. After all, stretching exercises, even for beginners, this is a wonderful, and most importantly, affordable way for everyone to always stay in good shape. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you played sports or not, stretching is for everyone. By training flexibility, you increase muscle elasticity, improve joint mobility. In addition, proper stretching can improve blood circulation in the body, help you relax and just improve your mood and well-being.

As you can see, the benefits of stretching great amount. Perhaps you are now waiting for us to talk about the cons. Of course, there are cons: you can damage your joints, get a sprain, and just hurt yourself. But all this can be avoided if you properly approach the training. First, you need to understand what types of stretching (stretch marks) exist.

In total there are 2 types of stretching: static and dynamic. They are subdivided into several more types, but we will not talk about them. So, static stretch- This is one of the main types of stretching exercises, beginners are recommended use it exactly. With static stretching, you should not make any sudden movements. Taking one position, you should be in it for several minutes, feeling how your muscles are stretched.

With dynamic stretch(which is not recommended for beginners to use), the trainee must perform all kinds of swings, rolls from longitudinal to transverse twine, and vice versa.

Next, we will look at the most effective exercises for stretching, suitable for beginners. All of them are static and do not require special training. It is very important that you warm up before starting your workout: do 2 sets of 25 sit-ups, jump rope, or if you have an exercise bike lying around, work out for a few minutes on it, and then start training.

Leg stretching exercises

We hope you are warmed up and ready to start. leg stretching at home.

A set of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs

Step your right foot forward and your left back. Rest your left knee on the floor (look at the illustration). Rest your hands either on the knee or on the floor. Now slowly lean forward. When you feel a stretch in your thigh muscles, hold this position for 30 seconds. Now inhale and as you exhale try to lean even lower, freeze in this position for another 30 seconds. Now slowly return to the starting position and switch legs. Now straighten your right leg, resting fully on the knee of your left leg. Rest your hands on the floor. Now slowly tilt your torso down while keeping your back straight. Having descended as far as possible down, linger in this position for 30-40 seconds, and with an exhalation try to descend even lower. Feel the muscles stretch rear surface hips, and knee ligaments. Now return, slowly, to the starting position and switch legs.

Lie on the floor with your back, lift your right leg up, grab it with your hand in a place just above the knee. Now relax, take a very deep breath and, exhaling, slowly pull your leg towards you with your hands. At the peak point, hold again for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Do the same with the second leg. During the exercise, make sure that your leg is straight at all times, do not bend into knee joint. Also try to keep your muscles relaxed all the time, excessive muscle tension can lead to injury. Sit on the floor, press your feet together, rest your elbows on your knees (see picture). Slowly press your elbows into your legs and tilt your torso forward. At the same time, make sure that your back is straight all the time. As in the previous exercises, bend over while exhaling, and, having reached the peak of the tension, linger in this position for 30 to 40 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these inclinations a few more times. This exercise perfectly stretches the ligaments of the groin and the inner thigh muscles.

Spinal Stretching Exercises

Now let's look at what exercises for stretching the back are.

The well-known “dog pose”, or “cat pose”, everyone calls this exercise differently. Get on all fours, arch your back and look up. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, then return to position (B) shown in the figure below. To do this, stoop with all your might, directing thoracic region up. Hold this position for 15 seconds as well. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Now lie on your back on the floor, firmly press the shoulder belt to the floor. Now cross your right leg over your left (see photo). Thus, you will rotate the torso in the lumbar region, while trying to take your shoulders off the floor as little as possible. Lie in this position for 30 seconds, and then do the same on the right side.

Get up off the floor and sit on a chair. Stretch your arms forward and stretch your spine behind your arms as hard as you can without tilting your torso forward. Head and also pull forward. This is the final exercise in our complex, do it for 60 - 90 seconds. Try to breathe as slowly as possible and feel your spine stretch.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say a little about the frequency of training. Do these exercises as often as possible, ideally daily. Spend 15 to 20 minutes stretching and your body will thank you so much. If you have any questions regarding the article or exercises for stretching the legs or spine, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Health ecology. Fitness and sports: People who exercise regularly know very well how important it is to properly stretch the muscles...

Movement is life, and sport is a daily victory over oneself. People who regularly play sports are well aware of the importance of proper muscle stretching.

Be sure to stretch before training. Well-stretched muscles are less prone to injury, recover faster after intense training.

After you have finished your workout, warmed up muscles would also be nice to stretch a little. At this time, they are more pliable, and you almost do not experience discomfort when stretching.

Modern people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Our work is such that we sit for a long time in stuffy rooms in front of the monitor screen, maintaining motionless tension in the back for 8-10 hours a day. If this is about you Get in the habit of regularly stretching your muscles. If you often feel back pain from sitting at your desk all day long - help your back and neck relieve this tension - warm up and stretch.

Consider just a set of exercises for stretching muscles or stretching - for the average city dweller working in the office.

Stretching all muscle groups

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching for all muscle groups twice a week. 1 minute for each group. And this applies not only to athletes. The flexibility of muscles and ligaments is important for all categories of people. Proper stretching of the muscles helps to maintain excellent mobility for many years, and muscle stretching exercises are so simple that a person of any age can perform them.

For example, regular stretching can help keep your hamstrings and hamstrings flexible even into old age, when they are at their most vulnerable.

The main benefits of muscle stretching include:

  • increased flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, joint mobility, range of motion, sense of body control;
  • increasing circulation, by sending oxygen and blood to the muscles;
  • extension muscle mass and strength by stretching the fasciae (connective tissue covering muscle, tendon, nerve, and bone).
  • reduction of injuries (acceleration of their healing) and muscle pain,
  • removal of muscle and joint tension (clamps), liberation of muscles;
  • blood flow contributes to the washing out of decay products and the mood of the muscle for new approach;
  • makes performing strenuous activities easier by training the muscles.

Simple stretching exercises

Exercise "Camel Cat"

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Lean forward, placing your hands just above your knees.
  • Round your back so that your chest is as if concave and your shoulders are strongly leaning forward.
  • Then do the reverse movement: arch your back, chest forward, shoulders back.
  • Repeat several times.

Neck stretching exercise

It can be performed both standing and sitting (which is important for office workers).

  • straighten your back and neck;
  • slightly tilt your head to your right shoulder, feel how the muscles are stretched.
  • With your right hand, slightly pull your head even lower, as if overcoming muscle resistance. Hold the maximum slope for 30-40 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Static stretch

Those who regularly attend fitness know what it is. Static stretching is done until you feel discomfort in the stretched muscles. At this time, you still need to fix in this position for 30 seconds, and then relax.

We stretch the following muscle groups:

  • Big and small chest muscle: turns of the torso, hanging on a support or supports, stretching on a Swedish wall or horizontal bar.

  • Back muscles: we hang on the horizontal bar, we carry out the abduction of the body to the side with a hold on the support, stretching the back in the pose of a cat.

  • Muscles of the neck and shoulders: perform head tilts to the sides, horizontal adduction, lock behind the back.

  • Muscles of the arms: vertical stretch up, hanging on the bar with a reverse grip, bringing the hand behind the head.

  • Muscles of the hands: extension and flexion of the fingers in the “lock” position, flexion of the wrist with the help of the other hand.

  • Quadriceps: standing knee flexion, hip flexion with knee support; and hamstrings: hip extension with knee extended.

  • The muscles of the lower leg: traction of the arms to the legs while sitting, stretching with emphasis on the heel.

Stretching at home plays a very important role in preventing muscle imbalance and related problems with correct posture. avoid injury and add efficiency to regular workouts. However, it must be borne in mind that too active muscle stretching exercises can cause injury. These exercises must be approached with all caution. It is better to perform the complex with a moderate number of repetitions and every other day. At the same time, to obtain tangible results, you need to train regularly, without missing classes.

How to stretch your legs at home, experts will best tell you. But you can, based on the relevant literature, develop a set of exercises yourself.

At the very beginning of classes, you need to warm up well. Light jogging and walking at a fast pace (about 10 minutes) not only train but also “warm up” the body. Blood begins to circulate more intensively through the vessels, while warming up the body and limbs. Without this preliminary preparation, it will be difficult to perform exercises with the required amplitude. Best time, in which stretching is carried out at home, - evening. It is at this time of day that the body perceives such a load more calmly and the muscles become more pliable.

Stretching at home is effective when a certain number of conditions are met:

The ability to exercise control over the amount of load on the muscles during each stretch;

Appeal special attention on the position of the head, lower back, shoulders and legs during exercise;

Load regulation in accordance with the general state of health, since the human body feels differently every day.

It must be remembered that correct at home requires a large number time and attention to your well-being. Here you should definitely listen to your feelings.

So, here are some exercises that allow you to achieve the flexibility of your body.

Seated groin stretch. It is necessary to sit on the floor, bring the feet together so that the soles of the feet look at each other, and clasp the connected soles with the palms. Gently lean forward, starting from the hips, until you feel a slight stretch in the groin. When tilting, you need to slightly tighten the abdominal muscles and exhale. Remain in a light stretch position for up to 45 seconds, while breathing slowly, rhythmically. You need to try so that the slope comes from the hips, without straining the lower back by bending the neck and shoulders. The lower back must be kept straight and looking forward. The longer a person can stay in the stretch position, the more effective the session will be. However, it must be remembered that there should not be any feeling of discomfort.

Stretching the left side of the lower back and back of the thigh. Sit on the floor, right leg in a straightened position, left foot should touch the inner surface of the right thigh. In this case, the knee of the right outstretched leg should be in a relaxed state. While exhaling, begin to slowly lean towards the foot of the outstretched leg from hip joint until you feel a slight stretch. The chin should be kept slightly extended forward, shoulders and arms relaxed. Hold this position for about 45 seconds, while breathing slowly and rhythmically. Do the same exercise on the other leg.

When performing this exercise, you need to ensure that the quadriceps muscle of the right thigh is relaxed, and you do not need to bend very low to the knee. However, it is necessary to control the vertical position of the foot of the outstretched leg, and the muscles of the ankle and toes must be in a relaxed state.

Stretching the quadriceps in a sitting position. You need to sit on the floor, bend your right leg into a position so that the heel touches the outside of the right thigh. In this case, the left leg is bent at the knee, and the left foot touches inside thighs of the right leg. The foot of the right leg must be pulled back, and bent in the same direction. If you feel unpleasant pressure on the ankle in this position, you can move the leg a little to the side. Slowly lean straight back to a slight stretch. To maintain balance, you can rest your hands on the floor. Hold this position for up to 45 seconds and then do the same exercise with the other leg. You can not lean too far, as this allows the knee to come off the floor and then the main load is on the knee, and not on the thigh.

When performed regularly and correctly, the whole set of exercises, stretching at home will strengthen the muscles and ligaments, make them more dense and elastic.

Here, especially for you, a set of exercises for stretching the legs is described in detail, presented the best program trainings and recommendations of professional trainers.

Leg stretching exercises: the benefits and harms of the complex

Leg stretching exercises are very important not only to keep your legs in great shape, but also to maintain good health the whole organism. Today, leg stretching exercises have gained immense popularity. What is the reason for their spread? Let's consider in more detail.

1. Availability

Doing some sports exercises requires certain skills. Thus, they become available only for professional athletes. Leg stretching exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone. They can be performed by both trained athletes and amateurs. The main conditions in this business are desire and endurance.

2. Benefit

Leg stretching exercises are incredibly beneficial for health. It is simply necessary to fulfill them. Leg stretching exercises perfectly train flexibility, thereby increasing skin elasticity. They also work well on the joints, increasing their tone, making them mobile and healthy. Stretching also prevents aging, relieves tension from the body after exhausting strength training.

3. Relaxation

Leg stretching exercises, in addition to their direct function, also play the role of relaxation. General state the body improves, the mood rises. This happens due to the stimulation of blood circulation. Leg stretching exercises greatly improve blood circulation.

Note! Leg stretching exercises, like any other, must be performed exactly according to the rules. If you make mistakes when performing, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of your body.

Among negative consequences from incorrect stretching of the legs, the following are present:


Joint damage;


General harm body.

However, if you follow all the instructions for the correct implementation of exercises for stretching the legs, the health of the body will only grow. Let us consider in more detail which stretching of the legs is correct.

Proper stretching of the legs: what is it like?

Leg stretching exercises can be divided into two types:



Let's take a closer look at each type.

1. Static stretch. This type of exercise for stretching the legs of the trainer is offered for beginners to the sport. It smoothly works out the muscles of the legs without causing any damage or injury. We will consider static stretching in our article.

2. Dynamic stretch. These leg stretches are only suitable for advanced athletes, as they require well-stretched muscles. This group stretching exercises make up various rolls in the twine, tilts and so on.

Leg stretching exercises: what you need to know before starting a workout

Leg stretching exercises should be approached with great responsibility. That is why you need to warm up first.

Warm-up exercises are as follows:


Jumping rope;

Riding an exercise bike.

Squats. This exercise must be done in two sets. The number of times for each approach is 25-30. It is important not to tear off the heels from the floor when performing.

Rope jumping. This warm-up exercise should be performed 50 times. The number of approaches is two.

Riding an exercise bike. If the simulator is not available, then an ordinary bicycle will replace it. You just need to ride it for about 10-15 minutes.

Stretching the legs: the right static exercises

Static leg stretching is a set of specific effective exercises. Let's consider them in more detail.

Note! During training, room temperature is very important. To perform static exercises, it should fluctuate between 17-18 degrees.

Exercise One. Stretching is performed lying on your back. Raise your straight legs up so that they are in a position perpendicular to the floor surface. Place your hands along the body with palms down. They act as a support. Spread your legs in different sides to the limit. They cannot be bent at the knee. In this position, you need to linger for 30-35 seconds. Repeat the exercise three times.

Exercise two.

Sit on the floor as follows: feet rest against each other, knees bent apart, back straight. Your task is to press your hands on your knees so that they touch the floor surface, imitating the wings of a butterfly. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments.

Exercises three. Squat down on the floor. Stretch your right leg out to the side, heel down and toe up. grab right hand by the toe on the outstretched leg and bend the body. If you can’t grab your fingertips, then just reach for them as much as possible, bending your body to the right side. Your task is to touch the thigh with the body in the process of tilting. After doing this, switch legs. In total, you need to do 30 tilts on each leg with a break of one minute.

Exercise Four.

Sit on the floor in a reverse lotus position, as if trying to sit in a transverse split with bent knees. Stretch your thigh muscles, but don't tense them. Your task is this: hold out for two minutes in this position.

Exercise five. Take a deep lunge as follows: right foot in front and left behind. The left leg should rest with the knee on the floor, creating support. You also need to rest your hands - either on your right knee or on the floor. Your task is as follows: bend forward until you feel a stretch in your thigh muscles. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then change your leg.

Exercise six.

Get on your knees. Stretch your straightened right leg forward and place it on the heel. Rest your hands on the floor. Bend your body forward as much as possible. The back should be straight. Hold for 35 seconds and switch legs. This exercise pulls the knee ligaments and thigh ligaments well.

Exercise seven. Lie down on your back. Raise your left leg, bend at the knee and place it on the floor without lifting your foot from the floor surface. Raise your right leg up without bending your knee. Grab it with your hand and tilt it towards you to the limit. At the limit, hold your leg for 30 seconds. Do the exercise in three sets with each leg.

Exercise eight. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Now spread your legs in different directions to the limit. You can't bend your knees. Hands serve as a support in front. Slowly tilt your torso forward, feeling the stretch. Hold for a minute in this position. Perform the exercise in three sets with a minute of rest.

Exercise nine.

Position yourself on the floor. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms forward. Bend your torso forward and touch the floor with your palms. Hold for 15-20 seconds in this position. Perform tilts in three sets.

Exercise ten. Stand straight. Put your feet together. Perform downward torso, stretching your arms forward and touching the floor with your fingertips. Perform 10-15 such slopes, while not bending your knees.

Exercise Eleven.

Standing straight, close your legs together. Bend your torso down and clasp your knees with your hands. Try to bend to the limit and touch your knees with your forehead. Legs should be straight. You need to stand in this position for 20 seconds. Perform such slopes in three approaches.

Exercise twelve. Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs in front of you. Close them together. Stretch your hands forward. Do a few forward bends, touching the tips of your toes with your hands. The legs cannot be bent. The average number of slopes is 10 times. After that, bend forward to the maximum limit and grasp the tips of your toes with your hands. Hold on for 30 seconds in this position. Repeat the exercise from the beginning. The break is one minute.

There are many training programs and techniques for performing exercises for stretching the legs. We present to you the best of them. Numerous reviews indicate that the stretching program described below is not just harmless to the ligaments. It helps to quickly and effectively stretch the ligaments of the legs.

Note! Main principle this training program is a complication. Performing exercises, each time you need to increase the load more and more. This will provide excellent results.

So, the program we have chosen implies the obligatory performance of two workouts per day.

1. First workout. It should be done in the morning. This workout focuses on the main load. Stretch the ligaments in it to the maximum limit, with the maximum number approaches.

2. Second workout. It must be in the evening. This workout takes about 10 minutes. It shouldn't be too hard on it. But its implementation is mandatory.

Note! To help yourself, you can freely use dumbbells and other weighting agents in the set of exercises described above for stretching your legs. By increasing your workload, they will become the best helpers on the way to achieving your goal.

Now let's present some useful advice on self-conducting home workouts for stretching the legs.

Workout at home: how to properly stretch the ligaments of the legs with the help of a set of exercises

Based on the advice of experts, we bring to your attention some useful recommendations for training. By following these tips exactly, you can easily protect yourself and your ligaments from various injuries and damage that are so common when doing leg stretching exercises incorrectly.

1. Warm up. As mentioned above, warming up before starting a workout is required. He will develop the ligaments well, heat them up, saturate the blood with oxygen.

2. Smoothness. Never make sudden movements. You need to stretch smoothly and slowly so as not to break the muscle ligaments. If the training was correct, then by the end of it you should perform all the exercises of the complex much easier than at the beginning.

3. Time. Ideally, each element of the exercises should take no more than 1-2 minutes. Depending on the shutter speed, this time may vary up or down.

4. Voltage. In no case do not allow it in your workouts. When stretching, the body should be relaxed. If the muscles are tense, they will not stretch.

5. Posture and legs. Always keep your back straight. Posture must be perfect with the correct execution of exercises for stretching the legs. The legs should also be mostly straight, except for special exercises where knee flexion is indicated (for example, lunges and so on). However, unlike posture, the slightest bending of the legs is allowed in all exercises. This is done to avoid injury.

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