Exercises for pectoral muscles for women at home. Exercises for the development and tightening of the pectoral muscles for girls and women

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

The breast of a woman consists of mammary glands and adipose tissue. Muscles support the chest, but do not affect its size or shape.

Therefore, with the help exercise you can not increase the breast or make it more elastic. Training can only increase muscle tone and make the muscle frame stronger.

Regular workouts and exercises for pectoral muscles help correct posture and fight stoop, namely even posture can make the chest visually larger.

Chest workout program at home

The most effective exercises are:

  • Push ups
  • Barbell presses
  • Bench presses with gatels

Such exercises help to align your posture, strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms.

Many girls ignore pectoral muscle training, mistakenly believing that they don’t need it or being afraid to look “pumped”. Do not be afraid that the muscles will become voluminous and convex in order to pump up muscle mass in this area, you need to perform special training in combination with sports nutrition.

So, we present the most effective chest exercises for girls at home. To complete them, you only need dumbbells and a fitball (you can do without it).

Hand strength exercise

The simplest, but very effective exercise for the chest was known even in yoga, as well as in bodyflex breathing exercises.

  1. In a standing position, join your palms in front of your chest.
  2. With all your strength, press your palms against each other and hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Then relax your hands.
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Push-ups on the pectoral muscles

They can be performed:

  • Classic push-ups from the floor. They can be performed as usual, with support on the arms and legs. If such an exercise is difficult to perform, the legs can be bent at the knees and focus on them. If it's hard, you can do push-ups on your knees.
  • Push-ups from the bench happens as follows: Feet should lie on a support, a sofa can be used at home. You need to push up 8 times and do 3 sets.

Press with dumbbells on the pectoral muscles

  1. The most basic bench press looks like this: in a prone or standing position, spread your arms in front of your chest to the sides.
  2. The second version of the bench press is to take your hands with dumbbells back. Hands must be closed.

Each exercise should be started with 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

Exercise "Skier" with dumbbells

  1. In a standing position, bend your arms with dumbbells at your elbows and perform movements as if you were pushing ski poles- back and forth.
  2. Movements should be performed smoothly and slowly.

Run 10 times for 3 sets.

These are the main exercises that help strengthen the chest muscles. They need to be performed regularly, starting training with two times a week.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition combined with training gives much faster and more noticeable results. To burn fat faster, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. You can not eat an hour before a workout and an hour after it. Any workout speeds up the metabolism. And after exercise, the body actively consumes the accumulated energy. It is worth remembering that the process of active fat burning continues for 2-3 hours after the end of the workout.
  2. Eat protein. This also applies to protein shakes and staples. Protein helps maintain muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. To get a good result, you will have to give up fast carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are very important for our body, but for strength training and weight loss, they must be correct. Fats will have to be eliminated, and sweets and cookies will be replaced with cereals and vegetables.
  3. Drink more water. 2 liters per day is the minimum that a person should consume per day. And we are talking about plain water without gas, coffee and tea are not included here.

These simple exercises that you can perform even at home, and proper nutrition will bring quick and desirable results.

To look in the mirror at your bust not with frustrated feelings, but with pleasure and pride, you need to take care of it at any age.

Contrasting showers, cosmetics and special treatments, proper nutrition must certainly be combined with physical activity. But what? Do not rush to make a hundred requests on the Internet - just read this article to the end, in which we will cover the seven the best exercises for the chest using dumbbells, which are suitable for women and girls at any age.

The peak of maximum stretching and tension of the pectoral muscles during the exercise occurs when the hands are at the bottom point at the beginning of the next lift.

Fulfill 3-4 sets of 10-12 pushups with a break between sets of 2 minutes.

2. Incline bench press (positive angle)

The pectoralis major (inner and upper parts), pectoralis minor, deltoid and coracoid humeri, anterior dentate ribs, and biceps are worked out.

The execution technique, breathing, the number of sets and repetitions, the break between sets - everything is like in the dumbbell press on a horizontal bench.

Peculiarity! A typical board incline in gyms is 45 degrees. But with such an inclination, the load on the chest muscles weakens due to its redistribution to the shoulder muscles. In other words, the higher the angle of inclination, the less chest muscles are included in the work. For a deep study of the pectoral muscles, the angle of the board should be 20-30 °.

3. Head down (at a negative angle)

The purpose of the exercise is the pectoral muscles, deltoid and coracoid shoulders, dentate ribs, trapezius scapulae and triceps.

  1. Lying on a bench inclined 30-40 degrees below the horizontal, the legs are wound behind special rollers, the lower back is in a natural deflection, the arms with dumbbells are raised up, the hands grab the dumbbells with their fingers away from themselves.
  2. Deep breath - lower the dumbbells to the lowest point on the sides of the chest, bending your elbows - they look to the sides. Exhale - on a new lift, at maximum load, the lift amplitude should be wide, at the top point the dumbbells should form the letter “L” and slightly touch each other.

Do not stop breathing for a long time and take full deep exhalations so as not to increase intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure. To prevent excess blood flow to the head, stand upright between sets.

The number of repetitions - 6-8, sets - 3.

4. Hammer press

The load is focused on the abdominal fibers of the pectoralis major muscle, which are located under the mammary gland.

  1. Lying on a bench, press your arms bent at the elbows to the body on the sides, fingers with dumbbells pointing towards each other(neutral, or hammer grip) - starting position.
  2. As you exhale, straighten your arms up in front of you so that the dumbbells are at eye level, while inhaling - back.

Repeat 7-9 times for 4 sets.

The exercise can be performed not only on a horizontal bench, but also set at different angles. The higher the angle, the less the load on the chest and the more on the shoulders.

5. Wiring on a horizontal bench

  1. Lying with your back on a bench (horizontal or with a rise of 30-40 degrees), arms with dumbbells are slightly bent at the elbows and raised up, brushes with dumbbells are directed towards each other.
  2. While inhaling, slowly spread your arms to the sides - at the bottom point you You should feel a stretch in your chest muscles. but not pain. Hold your hands for a few moments at the bottom point, as you exhale, start a new rise.

Do 4 sets of 12 reps.

6. Incline Bench Rise

The pectoralis major, deltoid, biceps and triceps of the arms, wrist flexors work.

Execution technique and number of executions - as in wiring on a horizontal bench.

A feature of the implementation is the redistribution of the load depending on the angle of the bench. The higher it rises, the lower the emphasis of the load shifts along the pectoral muscle. Optimal Angle is between 30 and 45 degrees.

7. Pullover (lying down with one dumbbell)

The muscles of the entire upper body are loaded - the large pectoral and broadest backs, the shoulders, costal muscles and arms (especially the triceps) work. This exercise for the pectoral muscles helps to expand the diaphragm and chest as a whole. It is performed on a horizontal (along or across) or inclined bench, lying on a fitball ball.

  1. Lie on your back, rest your feet on the floor, with two hands slightly bent at the elbows, grab the dumbbell bar so that it passes between the two thumbs brushes, the pancake, as it were, lay on the palms, and the neck and lower pancake hung down. Raise your hands in front of you at head level - eyes look at the dumbbell.
  2. While inhaling, slowly move your hands with a dumbbell back, behind your head. The pelvis does not rise after the hands up, the angle of the bend of the elbows does not increase, the stretching of the muscles is felt. At the bottom point - a second pause, and on exhalation - again the hands go up from behind the head.

The approach includes 8-12 repetitions, they must be done 3-4. The weight of the dumbbell can vary from 3-4 kg to 10 kg, depending on your level of training.

So you learned how to tighten your chest with weights. In addition to dumbbells, bodybars, barbells, special cuffs can be used as weights. Auxiliary equipment will also help to train the pectoral muscle - balls (regular and fitball, rubber bands, etc.). The power complex must necessarily include presses, breeding and abduction of hands, or lightweight and.

Its implementation will give the maximum effect and will not cause discomfort to the body, if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. The regularity and alternation of exercises of the complex. Beginners can start classes twice a week - the body needs time to recover. Divide the exercises of the complex equally and distribute them into these two classes. When you get stronger, start exercising 3 times, divide the complex into three, but add one approach to each exercise.
  2. Working out different areas. Do not focus only on exercises for the chest, because this is only part of a beautiful and strong body. Make your training program complex - do not forget about the press, arms and shoulders, back, legs and buttocks.
  3. Warm-up and cooldown. The effectiveness of the training will be much higher, and the risk of injury will be lower, if you do not forget about the golden rule of any activity - a 5-10-minute warm-up to warm up the muscles before training and short complex stretching after.
  4. Time for a workout. It should be comfortable for you. But the evening is considered optimal - after the usual daily load, the susceptibility of muscles to injuries decreases.
  5. Comfortable clothes and shoes. Any power training- the load is not only on the muscles, but also on the ligaments, bones, joints, skin. Proper and comfortable clothing will help to avoid discomfort. Take care of a sports bra top - it will provide support for the breast and will not allow its ligamentous apparatus to stretch from active vibrations.

Serious study of any part of the body requires not only aerobic, but also power loads. When choosing the type of weights, many prefer dumbbells. It is not surprising, because dumbbells have a number of advantages:

  • Convenience and availability. They can be purchased, and without serious financial costs, in any store or supermarket department that sells sports equipment. They do not require special storage conditions, and they take up a minimum of space.
  • Long service life and easy to use. Once bought, you can use them for the rest of your life.
  • Multifunctionality. Movements with dumbbells are included in many power complexes. They are universal for working out any muscle groups, while simulators are usually for 2-3.

Elastic, toned breasts are the pride of women and the admiration of men. But a chic neckline is not only an aesthetic pleasure. It's also a subconscious signal opposite sex about the fact that in front of a man is a successful future mother, capable of fully raising offspring.

There is something to fight for. And help in achieving the goal, in addition to a balanced diet and cosmetic care for the skin of the chest, thoughtful and most effective exercises for breast lift at home. But first - briefly about how the female breast is arranged.

The zone of the female decollete can be conditionally divided into two components: the mammary gland, which does not have muscle fibers, and the muscular corset that supports it. Between themselves - to provide nutrition to the gland, supply it with oxygen and remove oxidation products - they are connected by connective tissue with a network of blood vessels.

So, the mammary gland has no muscles. What does it consist of? These two seemingly simple hemispheres, unlike muscles, have a very complex device. And it is aimed at the fulfillment by a woman of her main physiological mission - motherhood and feeding a child.

Milk glands

The mammary glands are a paired multicomponent hemispherical structure adjacent to chest between the 3rd and 6-7th ribs, with small, surrounded by an areola and centrally located protrusions - nipples. In the nipple, which, together with the areola, has a dark pigmentation different from the skin of the rest of the bust, the endings of the milk ducts and many nerve fibers are located. By the way, the nerve fibers of the intercostal, cervical and shoulder sections pass through the chest, and it can whine with osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine.

The internal filling of the mammary gland is several glandular lobes, subdivided into lobules filled with alveolar vesicles and interconnected by milk ducts. This structure looks like a bunch of grapes and is called the glandular department responsible for the secretion of milk. It is fed to the top of the nipple by the milk ducts expanding in this place.

The mammary glands are permeated with lymphatic channels and blood vessels, in the corresponding position of their supports the ligamentous apparatus - Cooper's ligaments.

The glandular section is surrounded by loose tissues - connective and fatty. This contributes to the mobility of the mammary gland relative to its base and largely determines its outer shape. There are even special classifications of types and forms of the female bust, as well as their relationship with the character of the owner. But one thing is certain: There are no two absolutely identical busts in nature. And yet, the formula for the ideal female bust exists, and it is characterized by such geometric parameters:

  • the upper part of the mammary gland, mentally divided in half by a horizontal line running along the nipples, should make up 45% of 100% of the breast volume, and the lower part - everything else (55%);
  • nipples relative to the same line should look up at an angle of 25 ° to 45 °.

Of course, the ideal tightened chest is as rare as the notorious parameters 90-60-90. But in a sense, every breast is perfect in its own way.

Muscular corset

The pectoral muscles are divided into two groups:

  • located directly on the chest - internal, external and diaphragm;
  • muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

The most massive is the fan-shaped convex pectoralis major muscle. Under it is a flat pectoralis minor muscle, which has 4 teeth and is attached to the scapula.

The functions of the chest muscles include:

  • support upper limbs and, together with the muscles of the back, participation in turning, tilting and lifting the body;
  • participation in the process of breathing with the help of the diaphragm.

What can affect how breasts look?

There are several factors:

  1. Body fat balance. Usually the mammary glands of fuller women are more impressive than thin ones. If a lady begins to lose weight intensively, as a rule, her breasts also decrease. we have discussed in a separate article.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation. During this important period, due to hormonal changes in the body, it undergoes a significant transformation and becomes fuller. But it is quite possible to correct the situation in this case.
  3. Age. Until the age of 20, the bust steadily increases and forms. After adulthood, estrogen no longer affects its shape and size. Here, pregnancy and childbirth, weight gain, etc., are already beginning to play a noticeable role. It is worth mentioning the “Balzac age”, when natural sagging processes begin due to a decrease in collagen production, stretching and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, etc.
  4. Genetics. It is enough to look at the women of this or that family in order to assume with a high probability what shape and size the breasts of a girl born here will develop. Unfortunately, genetics is one of.
  5. Smoking. Cigarettes contain compounds that destroy elastin. The overall tone of the skin, including the bust, falls, and the mammary gland begins to sag.
  6. plastic surgery. With their help, you can significantly change the shape of the breast. But women should think about a lot before deciding on this extreme measure. The most gentle, but at the same time effective method surgical intervention.

7 main pull-up movements

As we found out, the mammary gland is attached with its base to the pectoralis major muscle. Is it possible to give it its former elasticity and what exercises can achieve this? The growth of the pectoral muscles, an increase in their endurance will improve the shape of the breast, enhance its nutrition, blood supply and lymphatic drainage, and become an obstacle to sagging and prolapse. We note right away that in addition to the workouts below, there are more.

What is important when working out the muscles of the chest:

  • It is necessary to work out all the muscles to the maximum. The load must be multidirectional, because. the muscle fibers of the pectoral muscles lie at different angles.
  • Important correct technique performing exercises to strengthen sagging muscles, without undue injury. Definitely a warm-up and a cool-down.
  • Excellent exercises for are push-ups, pull-ups, various repulsions in strikes (tennis, basketball, volleyball), planks. But the most tangible results come from loads with progressive resistance. Among them - .

1. Knee push-ups

The muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle, back, abs, and triceps are involved. This is a basic multi-joint free weight exercise. Unlike standard push-ups in full height and other varieties, since it removes part of the load from the legs, and, accordingly, is easier to perform.

  1. From a prone position, focus on the palms and knees bent at an angle of 90 ° and legs crossed at the top. Straightened arms (palms are under the shoulders and look forward with fingers) and bent legs - shoulder width apart, the whole body forms an even inclined diagonal. This is the starting position.
  2. Inhale and begin to lower your torso down by bending your elbows until your chest touches the floor.
  3. Push off at the bottom and as you exhale, rise to the starting position.

Push up 10-12 times, do 3 sets with a break of half a minute.

Don't Make Technological Mistakes:

  • When moving down, do not spread your elbows away from the body - this can overload the shoulder and lead to injury;
  • Watch the pelvis - it should neither sag nor lift up, but be straight line due to the inclusion in the work of the gluteal muscles;
  • Stretch your wrists to avoid overloading them with unnatural positions and strong pressure;
  • Lower yourself down using the strength of your arms, slowly, and not as if you were knocked down.

Attention! Use this lightweight version of push-ups only for the first time, until your muscles get stronger, do not get hung up on it, move on to the usual classic push-ups as soon as possible.

2. Classic push-ups

Classic push-ups are perfect for tightening the pectoral muscles in girls. The muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, abs, triceps are also involved, and also, unlike the previous version of the exercise, the legs.

Technique - as in push-ups from the knees, but in the starting position, the emphasis is on the toes.

Push-ups 10-12 times, do 3 sets with a break of half a minute. Gradually bring the number of repetitions to 20 and reduce the break between sets to 10-15 seconds.

3. Squeezing the palms

The pectoral and shoulder muscles are included in the work, the inclusion of triceps is a mistake. Good for beginners with weakened muscles and as a final isometric exercise for strength training.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your back is straight, bend your arms at the elbows in front of you at chest level, put your palms together and place them vertically (prayer pose).
  2. Inhale, hold your breath for 10 seconds and, while filling your chest with air, perform frequent maximum contractions of the pectoral muscles by resting your palms against each other.

Repeat 5-8 times for 10 seconds with a break of 10-15 seconds. Gradually work up to 20 seconds.

This is interesting! The exercise can be diversified by closing the arms above the head or shifting the closed hands alternately to the left and right chest.

4. "Emphasis on the wall"

The muscles of the chest and shoulders are included in the work, tensing and stretching. The exercise is performed anywhere where there are doorways. It's good.

  1. Take the starting position, resting your arms slightly bent at the elbows on the sides of the doorway or wall, and begin to press them with your hands in the forward direction - about 1-3 minutes.
  2. Bend forward slightly and keep pushing down for another 1-3 minutes.

Three approaches will be enough.

5. Incline Dumbbell Press

An extremely effective exercise for lifting the pectoral muscles for women and girls. The work includes the large and small muscles of the bust, deltas and coracoid shoulders, muscles of the ribs, shoulder blades and biceps of the hands.

  1. Lie on a bench with an incline of 20°-30°, put your feet on the floor at your sides, raise your forearms with dumbbells up 90°. The position of the elbows apart just below chest level dumbbells - higher.
  2. Inhale, and as you exhale, squeeze the dumbbells up on straight arms, after a second delay at the top point, the arms return down.

Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 presses, with a break of about 2 minutes.

6. Wiring dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

The pectoralis major muscle works, the muscles of the shoulders and ribs are included. This move is effective.

  1. Lie with your back on a bench, raise your arms with dumbbells slightly bent at the elbows up to eye level, hands look at each other.
  2. Inhale - spreading the arms to the sides, a slight delay at the bottom point, while exhaling - a new rise.

Do 4 sets of 12 dilutions.

7. Pullover exercise

Large pectoral and

It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man. In combination with push-ups, you can make your chest workout VERY effective even at home.

Breeding dumbbells lying.

This is the MOST effective chest exercise ever. No exercise with a barbell or in the simulator will replace it. At home, you can do it lying on a small chair, as I do in the picture. In general, it is quite convenient. In the hall, of course, on a special bench.

In this movement, only the chest muscles are included in the robot, unlike other exercises in which the triceps are also included in the work. This does not mean that other exercises do not need to be performed. Still as needed, and it is the combination of exercises that gives the maximum result. I described in more detail how to combine exercises in my.

Dumbbell bench press.

This is another very effective chest exercise with dumbbells. Unlike breeding, here not only the pectoral muscles are included in the work, but also the triceps. At home, the dumbbell bench press is performed in the same way, lying on a chair, unless of course you have a special bench.

ATTENTION! You can also perform the above exercises on the floor, but it is not advisable, because in this case you will significantly reduce the range of motion and will not be able to work out the pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Depending on the angle of inclination, we can work harder on the upper or lower pectoral muscles. When the head is higher than the pelvis, the upper chest muscles are more involved in the work. When the head is lower than the pelvis, the lower chest muscles. You can perform "tilted" and dumbbell bench press and breeding, but this is only on a special bench.

Breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench for the top of the pectoral muscles.

For the bottom of the pectoral muscles.

Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench for the top of the pectoral muscles.

For the bottom of the pectoral muscles.

The most "running" of them, which are almost always included in the program, are breeding dumbbells on a horizontal bench and dumbbell bench presses on a horizontal and inclined bench (head up).

Another chest exercise with dumbbells is the PULLOVER.

Many consider it an exercise for the latissimus dorsi, and they are right, because the technique can be adjusted in such a way that you will work out the latissimus muscles well. But, in this exercise, you can perfectly stretch the chest. The main thing is to feel the target muscle.

All exercises are performed, on average, in 3 sets, for 10 repetitions. Rest between sets and exercises - 2-3 minutes.

The size and shape of the female breast are due to genetic factors, that is, a daughter with high proportion probability will inherit the parameters of his mother. It will not be possible to significantly increase the bust through exercises, however, it is quite possible to tighten and give it an attractive appearance.

How to do chest exercises for women

If you want to pump up the pectoral muscles, you need to tune in to regular serious loads. Rules for effective workouts at home or gym:

  • You need to train to strengthen the muscular corset of the chest regularly, optimally - 3 workouts per week.
  • Be sure to fully rest between workouts: for the development of muscles, she needs time to recover.
  • It is worth observing the diet, providing the body building material- proteins, carbohydrates, fats.
  • When striving to pump up pectoral muscles, weight loss should be forgotten: with a lack of calories, efforts will be in vain.
  • When compiling a training program, you should not focus on one particular muscle group. The complex should include basic exercises to work out all the muscle fibers of the chest. We also need isolated ones - those that activate a specific muscle.
  • To achieve a noticeable result, it is important to constantly increase the load and intensity of training.

Exercises for pectoral muscles for girls with a ball

  1. Throwing the ball. In addition to the chest, this exercise involves the muscles of the legs and shoulders. Grab a medicine ball with both hands, bring it over your head, bend it slightly knee joints, crouched. Throw the ball to the floor diagonally towards you, putting maximum effort into the throw. Repeat the action twenty times in each approach, which should be at least 2-3.
  2. Push-ups with the ball. Assume the starting position of a regular push-up, place one hand on the basketball / stuffed ball. Slowly push your hands off the floor and the ball, repeating the action at least 10 times. Change hands and do the same. You need to do 2-3 sets of this exercise for the pectoral muscles for girls.
  3. Pullover. The proposed exercise helps to make the shape of the girl's breasts beautiful, toned. Lying on the floor or on an incline bench with your back, put a stuffed ball behind your head, while it is worth squeezing it hard with your hands. After the arm, straighten so that the ball is above your head. Repeat 20 times in each approach (their optimal number is 3).

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women with dumbbells

Apply the available types of weights, and do:

  1. Classic bench press. This exercise helps to quickly tighten muscle fibers, increasing their elasticity. Lie on your back, bend your lower back slightly, spread your arms with dumbbells in different sides regarding the chest. Bend your elbows, getting a right angle, start to press up. Inhale as you lower the weights to the starting position. It is necessary to slightly pull the body towards the hands. Repeat the movement 15-20 times in each of 2-3 sets.
  2. Breeding dumbbells to the sides. You need to perform at least 10-12 repetitions in each approach, which should be done 3-4. Breeding is aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles of girls. Lie on the bench/floor with your back. Bring the dumbbells over your chest, turning your elbows to the sides. Inhaling, spread the weights as far from the body as possible, while the dumbbells should be deployed parallel to each other. Exhaling, bring them together at the top.
  3. Lifting dumbbells with straight arms. This exercise must be included in the complex to strengthen the pectoral muscle fibers. Place your feet hip-width apart, arms freely along the body, holding dumbbells. Alternately begin to lift them forward, stopping at shoulder level. To reduce stress on your joints, bend your elbows slightly. Perform 15 swings with each hand, while there should be 3 approaches.

Chest exercises for girls with a shock absorber

Athletic rubber band is suitable for training almost all muscles, including pectorals. The expander is convenient in that you can use it not only in the gym or at home, but even on sports ground or rest. Most effective complex classes that help pump up breasts for girls include:

  1. We press forward. Fasten the elastic to the leg of the sofa or other furniture, pick up the free loops. Turn your back to the place where the expander is attached, move the body forward a little, focusing on one leg (bring it out in front of the body too). Bend your arms at the elbows, pull your fists to your shoulders. Straighten your arms in front of you as you exhale, then return to the starting position. Do 10 forward presses for each of 3 sets.
  2. Thrust. This exercise helps to pump the inner part of the pectoral muscles. It is necessary to fix the expander at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor, move to such a distance from the attachment point that the rubber right hand stretched. Set your legs wide, move your shoulders forward and start pulling the simulator towards you, then return to the starting position. After doing 10 repetitions, change hands. There should be at least two repetitions.
  3. Lightweight version of push-ups. The rubber simulator is fixed on a high crossbar, they stand at point-blank range, threading their hands into the expander loops, and keep their back straight. Since the elastic bands support your body, these push-ups are considered lightweight. Do at least 10 repetitions, being careful not to arch your back. It is better to put your hands wide, spreading your elbows in different directions.

Chest workout for girls with push-ups

Exercises for the growth of pectoral muscles for girls are different different levels complexity, so people with any training can choose the right complex. It is impossible to achieve an increase in breast size with their help, since the volume of the mammary glands is laid genetically. However, push-ups are basic movements that allow you to tighten muscle fibers. The most effective chest exercises for girls:

  1. Bench push-ups. You can train at home, on the sports ground and where there are benches or parapets of a suitable height. Rest your hands on the handrails of a chair or bench, as you exhale, lower yourself down, spreading your elbows to the sides. Strive to touch the surface against which you rest with your chest. Return to the starting position, repeat push-ups 15-20 times in each of the approaches (there should be 2-3 of them).
  2. Push-ups from the knees. Unprepared girls can perform the exercise, focusing not on the toes, but on the knees. You need to repeat such push-ups at least twenty times, making 3 sets.
  3. Classic push ups. In addition to the pectoral muscles, they involve some parts of the muscular corset of the spine. Place your arms wide, forearms should be at the same level, elbows outward. Perform 30-40 push-ups in 2-3 sets.

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