How to improve stretching legs. As very quickly and easily, you can sit on the twine at home in a short time beginners: a set of exercises, instructions and training program for stretching legs to sit on a split from scratch with tips and video master classes

Gardening 11.10.2019

Each of us met in your life with the term "stretching". And everyone has about her performance. Many it is associated with body flexibility. This is not just so, because using flexibility we can do a lot of stretch exercises. Flexibility is just the physical quality of the human body, and stretching is a means by which we achieve flexibility.

A set of exercises for stretching gives our body a special advantage and helps to increase the overall health. With the lessons of the anatomy, everyone knows that the muscles with the skeleton are connected with the help of tendons, and the bones in the skeleton are connected by ligaments. All these three components: muscles, tendons and ligaments are elastic, they stretch and shrink, so the joints and the skeleton of a person move. But, with the help of stretching and other exercises, they can become more elastic and flexible. It helps make muscles less rigid, less wooden. The joints are becoming more mobile. In this article we will share the most useful product information. We learn about the types of stretch marks than they differ, what are the pros and cons, we'll figure it out how to stretch the stretch for beginners to not harm your body and health. We also describe the best and most effective exercises for every body muscle.

Starting to make a stretching of the body, each of us puts my own goals. Someone wants to easily sit on the twine, have a good posture, elastic muscles, someone wants to develop coordination. Girls, in most cases, make a stretching to get a flexible body with which you can easily master different systems of exercises in many areas.

What advantages has stretching

  • Reduces muscle tension.
  • Expands the range of jobs of joints.
  • Reduces the risk of injury.
  • Make muscles much stronger.
  • Helps improve coordination of movements.
  • Accelerates blood circulation in different parts of the body.
  • Improves the process of generating energy.
  • Makes muscles hardy.
  • Increases the effectiveness of daily activities.
  • Corrects posture.
  • Creates ease throughout the body.

If you are new and want to make a stretch, always try to stick to the rules below - and everything will turn out.

Before you start exercise for stretching the muscles, it does not matter what kind of legs, back, chest, hands, neck, be sure to warm up well. It is very important for your health, because if the body is not warmed, there is a big risk to harm yourself and get injuries "It can be stretching body parts and other damage." Since in the cold state muscles and ligaments do not reach, it is very easy to injure yourself.

No accurate instructions regarding the warm-up, no. You choose yourself, what you like most. It can be a run, classes on the exercise bike or with a rope. In other words, any exercise on aerobics will suit.

If you spend classes in the gym, work with iron, it is important to remember that stretching exercises should be done at the end of training, after power exercises, and not, as many consider, after them. Why? Because, stretching exercises make it possible to relax and remove the tension with all muscle hgrp. Therefore, if you make them at the beginning of the workout, you can reduce your strength results.

Any stretching exercise should be done smoothly and under control. After all, the most innocuous jerks or just movements can be injured even preheated muscles.

It is impossible to strain the muscles when performing exercises. In a relaxed form, they are better stretched.

When performing stretching exercises, it is necessary to monitor your back and spine. They should be even. It is impossible to slouch and curvatched - the flexibility and elasticity of all muscle groups decreases.

It is necessary to breathe calmly and smoothly. In the initial position, it is necessary to do inhale through the nose, when stretched - exhalation through the mouth. In no case, it is impossible, in no position and exercise, hold the breath.

Perform one exercise need no more than 60 seconds. In general, it depends on how much flexible your muscles. Stretching for beginners lasts 5-10 seconds. But, with each subsequent time, the duration of time is increasing to one minute. It is done gradually.

It is necessary to train regularly. If you do it when I wanted - no effect of exercises will be given. Trainer professionals recommend starting from three workouts per week and gradually approach classes every day. Increase the number of classes only under the control of specialists.

Never, and under any circumstances cannot be copied by someone else. Every person, like his body, is individual. It is necessary to stretch the way your body requires, and not someone. If you do what someone did, and your body is not under power - it is possible to get injuries.

There are cases when stretching is not done alone, but with a partner. Then you need to be extremely neat and report all sensations. It is much more interesting to do, but if you feel severity or pain in the muscles, immediately inform the partner, because it will not be able to feel it for you.

Many, during training, pull ligaments, making a big mistake. A bundle is the part of the joint that cannot be stretched. It is difficult to disrupt its structure, but you can. If this, still happens, you will have to undergo a long rehabilitation course, you will also have to forget about the training session, at least for a while. To avoid such injuries, it is necessary to stick to the most elementary precautions:

  • when pulling the hip biceps, bind your legs in the knees;
  • when we work out a stretching of the legs, turn the socks up, removing the side loads on the knees;
  • with caution, stretch the small muscles of the hands and shoulder belts;
  • when do the exercises on flexibility, do not allow painfulness to be strong.

Do not stretch over a painful way. It is not right. It is impossible to do it hurt and tolerate it, because you do not stretch the muscles, and get to the hospital and for a long time.

But it is important to remember that any stretch for beginners can not bring the body to pleasure, otherwise there will be no result.

It is necessary to make a stretching symmetrically on each side or part of the body. If you stretch 10 minutes one way, so much stretch and second. If you do less - you do not expect benefit from this.

Take a stretching exercises are best not less than 30-50 minutes. You can, of course, more, but less - no.

The main thing is to stick to them constantly.

Almost everything can do the muscles stretching, since there are almost no special contraindications to such classes. But still, different exercises for stretching parts of the body Specialists are not recommended in such cases:

  • If there is severe spinal injuries.
  • With inflammation of hip joints.
  • If the loin hurts.
  • When there are ears of legs.
  • With a crack in the bones, especially pelvic.
  • When you have increased blood pressure.
  • There is no prohibition, to engage in women who wear a baby, but it is necessary to be particularly careful, since physiological changes occur in the body. During this period, it is important to listen to your state.
  • As mentioned earlier, in no case, it is impossible to make a stretch for not preheated - the cold body.

Many people know that there are several types of stretching stretching. We will deal with each of them.

One of the most common and recommended, even doctors, there is a statistical stretch. To make it, take a certain pose and hold for 30-60 seconds. Being in the selected position, all attention must be paid to the sensations that arise in the muscles. They should be similar to a gentle pull, but, in no case are not pain. All load should fall on the muscles. Tendons and joints should receive a minimum load. To make such a stretching with your weight, lean forward.

Active stretch .Tot, who do, applies their own efforts to perform exercises. It refers to the technique in which all muscles are stretched separately, are stretched separately. Use it in order to warm up the muscles before training and after it. With it, it decreases the burden on the joints, the mobility increases, the muscles are stretched and becoming less rigid. For this technique it is recommended to use clothes ropes, belts, rope skaks, long belts, elastic bandages. With the help of a rope, you can independently pull your own body. With an active stretch, you hold the posture by taking the right position, due to your forces.

Passive stretch. It is characterized by such stretching from statistical, only by the fact that it is not used with her own effort, but a partner help. With such a stretch, it is possible to obtain the amplitude much more, but it has such a kind of subtleties. In case you cannot reach - do not get any effect, and if you disagree, you will have to cope with the injury. For this reason, it is very important to be 100% confident in your partner and his knowledge, as well as report when performing exercises, about your feelings to avoid injuries.

Dynamic stretch. Such a stretch is performed, in contrast to other species, in motion.

You must make controlled movements with legs and hands that are able to spring you in accordance with the capabilities of your muscles. Movements can be both fast and slow. One of the simplest examples is a step forward, backwards. It can also be a stretch for beginners to twine at home, rolled. It is possible to increase the amplitude of movements by increasing the speed of doing one or other exercises.

Ballistic stretch. First of all, I want to notice that this kind of stretching is prohibited to do for recovery. It represents non-controlled movements. The basis of ballistic stretching will be jumping, shakers, as well as other sharp power movements that contribute to stretching certain muscle groups. It is worth paying attention to the fact that any of the exercises on the ballistic stretching is made with the maximum amplitude and sharply. Because of this, we get traumatic muscle tensions and fabrics. Using this species, you can get overload muscles, so it is useful only for professional athletes and dancers.

Isometric type of stretching. With such a stretching, stress and relaxation alternate. As an example, you can consider twine. It is necessary to sit on the twine, be sure to choose the correct position, then fall to the sensations of a light pain and strain the muscles of the legs, it is like to rise up using only the power of the legs, to hold 20 seconds, then relax muscles and sit below. Make a few approaches.

Propriceutive neuropsychotics. According to experts, this is the best way to increase the amplitude of movements. But, it is necessary to do it strictly under the supervision of a good coach. Combined in such a form passive stretching and isometric cuts of muscles.

Having considered in detail each of the types of stretch marks, it can be concluded that the most traumatic is ballistic stretch, since it uses different machines and spring movements with large amplitudes. In this case, it is necessary that the muscles and joints are properly prepared, otherwise there is an opportunity to receive not a stretching, but breaking bundles, muscle injury, knocking down joints. Therefore, you need to start with statistical stretch, and then go to other types, everything will depend on the degree of flexibility of your body. It is also important to remember that "stretching for beginners at home" is made extremely careful.

As mentioned above, any stretch exercises should be done only after a good muscle warming. Experts recommend starting training for stretching with stretching of the neck muscles, then gradually move on shoulders, back, hands, chest and press.

Stretching the legs is late when the whole body is heated.

Exercises for stretching the muscles of the neck

  • You can perform such an exercise standing and sitting. The first option is more convenient. We make the slopes of the head, helping their hands: I pull out a free hand along the body, we make movements with the other hand - carefully pull your head to the shoulder down. In this case, the legs should be on the width of the shoulders. Next, you need to keep such a position as much as possible and go to the other side. Repeat several times per face.
  • We become smooth. Place your palms on the back of the head and press the head. At this time, chin by pull to the chest. We remain in this position and feel like the neck rear.

Stretch your shoulders, neck, chest

  • We make a stretch in the standing position. Feet put at the level of the shoulders width. Right hand raise up and pull it above your head near the ear. Left hand capture the elbow right and pull your hand to the ear. At this point, we feel the tension in the shoulders. If such sensations arose, and hold at the maximum time. Then we do everything else on the second hand.
  • Become as in the previous exercise. Hands behind the back, elbows should make an angle of 90 degrees. Capturing one hand another, as close as possible to the elbow, start pulling to the opposite shoulder. We delay at the highest possible time and proceed to the other hand.

Stretch your back

For exercises, you will need any support "Pillar, Six".

Push the hand with a hand and lean back, straightening your legs. Feeling how spine muscles stretch. Discover in this position. Further make, too, with the help of another hand.

Stretching hands and wrists

  • Tyant triceps. The position, as in the previous exercises - legs on the width of the shoulders. We raise and throw one hand behind your back, bend in the elbow. We carry the second hand to elbow the first "behind the head" and carefully pull, as deeper. Discover in this position, and then we do the same thing on the second hand.
  • Pull biceps. Become on your knees, put your hands in front of you so that your fingers point to their knees. The thighs should be almost near the stop. Begging your back and slowly deviate back, while the elbows should not move. Delay. Then 15-20 seconds rest and repeat again.

We stretch your chest muscles

  • Stretch your breast muscles about the rack. You can do near the wall or other support. We approach the wall, bend the elbow at right angles, we lean forward with the whole body and aside by hand until you feel the tension of the muscles of the chest. Draw and continue to do on the other side.
  • Become. Take your hands in the castle behind the back and dragging them. Then raise your hands to the ceiling and keep. It is important to know: hands with all this should be straight.

Stretch the press

  • We lie down on the stomach, hands on the floor, like under push-ups. Raise your head and chest up, while I wipe your back. When the press begins to stretch, delay. We rest for a few seconds and repeat again.
  • Legs on the width of the shoulders. One hand on the belt, leaning into the same side and stretch up the second hand. Then we repeat on the other side.

Stretch legs

  • Exercise is done sitting on the floor. Legs spread wide. Tilt the torso forward, as low as possible. Further spring up-down.
  • Sit down on the floor, the legs are divorced to the sides. We lean to one leg, keeping it below the knee. Spring. Returning to its original position. We repeat on the second leg.
  • Sit down on the floor. Feet shift and stretch forward. We lean away, trying to get to the ankle. Spring. Ideally, it is necessary to get your head to the knees.

Stretching on twine for beginners at home

Spread the foot to the sides until you feel the tension in the inside of the thighs. After that we lean forward, elbows, at the same time, on the floor. Discover for the maximum amount of time. Every day it is desirable to put your feet on each other and linger for a longer time.

Stretch the back surface of the muscles of the legs

Become directly. One leg ahead. Bend it in the knee and lower down. The back should be smooth. Feel the burning in the legs. They delay in this position, but the knee must be in a right angle position. We relax the housing in order for the body weight to strengthen the pressure on the feet. The hands can be connected to the lock. Then make on the second leg.

Stretch the groin and the inner of the thighs

How is this stretching for beginners at home? The video will help you figure out. It is necessary to sit down, pressing the feet to each other and taking their palms. Elbows need to be laid in her knees. Tilting the body forward, press the elbows to your feet. Spin, during the exercise should be smooth. Do not forget that during inclons you need to exhale.

When you feel a strong tension, delay for a while. It is necessary to repeat several times.

Stretch the back surface of the hip

Exercise is done sitting, straightening the legs in front of them. Hands stretch to socks. As soon as the burning sensation on the back of the thigh is delayed. Repeat several times.

Pull the quadriceps

Become directly, bend the knee and press to the buttocks. It is very important to follow the knees.

We strain the jagged muscles and tune the pelvis forward and up - the sensations will increase.

Discover in this position. Then we do, too, with the other foot.

Pull hips and buttocks

It is necessary to lie on the back, bend legs in the knees, relax the top of the body. Then raise the right foot on the left knee. Hands climb the left knee and pull on yourself. Then change your feet and repeat.

Pull the shin, as well as caviar

Lands rest in the wall. We assign one leg back, while the heel from the floor does not take off and delay one minute. If the heel is not pressed to the floor - stretching does not occur. Then make on another leg.

Stretching the body is good. Each of her kind brings its favor, and can also harm if you do not know how the stretching is done correctly for beginners at home.

Video can always come to your aid. It is impossible to overdo it, since it is possible to get very strong injuries that remove you from the expected result. Therefore, you need to pull with the mind!

Stretching exercises are undeservedly ignored by newly minted athletes who pay the maximum and time to workouts aimed at developing muscle strength or body weight. And in vain, since flexible muscles and elastic ligaments are needed not only to acrobat: knowing how to make a stretching at home, you can constantly maintain a high vitality.

Is it useful to do stretching?

Experienced athletes know: Preheated, well-stretched muscles and ligaments significantly reduce the likelihood of injuries at competitions, and after classes - help to cope with the problem of muscle support. Training legs and hands, performing stretching exercises, do not in vain recommend people of all ages - and babies, and older people.

Thanks to the simplest equipment complex at home, you can achieve stunning results:

  1. strengthen muscle tissue and make it more dense;
  2. improve blood circulation in the limbs;
  3. expand the amplitude of movements;
  4. give a gait ease and elegance;
  5. prevent injuries, not only sports.

Making stretching at home

The main stretching exercises are good because they can do at least every day, without taking any specialty. All you need is a bit of free time and the desire to spend it with health benefits.

Information for beginners: Stretching house will be as efficient as possible if you break up well before starting the classes - jump with a rope, make 40-50 squats, work out for a few minutes on the exercise bike, treadmill or orbitrek.

If there are no simulators at home - it is not trouble, they can be replaced by running in place.

There are two types of stretching: the foot training complex may consist of dynamic or static exercises. Dynamic stretching is performed after a certain preparation cycle, it is considered more attendant and not recommended for beginners. It includes complex techniques - Mahi, rolls from longitudinal twine into transverse and other types of loads that are able to damage the health of an unprepared person. Therefore, in primary stretching complexes of the house include only static exercises that do not imply sharp movements.

The main principle of static stretching legs of the house is smoothness and slowness of movements. Taking any position, you need to stay in it within a few minutes until the muscles do not fully stretch. Then fashionably slowly change the position - make a break or go to a new exercise. Before you begin to make a stretch for legs, prepare a convenient place for classes - a spacious flat surface. If you are engaged on the floor, use a karem or a yoga rug.

It is time to find out how to train a stretch of foot of the house newcomers.

Only static exercises are included in the selection of the initial level, when performing it is difficult to obtain injuries of joints or damage to tendons.

These simple exercises aimed at strengthening the main working muscles of the lower limbs will teach you the Azam stretching legs at home and prepare muscles, ligaments and joints to more serious load.

The complex refers to the category of wellness and is recommended to people of any sex and age.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Stretching trains the whole body. This is a set of exercises for the elasticity of muscles and joints. Gives the body of flexibility and vigor, improves the mood. Suitable for those people who have never been involved in sports, professional athletes are needed. How to make a stretching at home? All this is prepared by fitness and bodybuilding bodybuilding.

Main features

This is a type of training, thanks to which our body gains a lot of positive effects. Mobility is improved, blood circulation is normalized, pain in joints is removed, muscle tissues are restored, flexibility increases at times. Removes pain in muscle tissues after a workout, reduces the risk of injury to. Helps give the body a beautiful form.

During training produces, which contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat, strengthening bone tissues.

Types of stretching

It is classified in five types:

  • static (fixation of the maximum tension)
  • dynamic (movements pulsating)
  • passive (shears with the coach)
  • ballistic (sharp jerks)
  • active (muscular movements)

The safest is static and passive. Great for beginners. The risk of stretching or injuries is minimal. Affordable opportunity to keep yourself in shape.

What to do at home

Do not hurry, perform the movement smoothly. Hurry for nothing. Observing the rules - get the result.

Gradually increase the load, increase the number of exercises. Avoid pain, sharp movements, if you do not want to start all over again. Before starting, make a workout. Squakes or jumps on the rope will help warm up.

By performing a set of exercises, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Breathing is even. Do not delay the air, let's oxygen muscles
  2. Concentrate on movements, follow correctly
  3. Avoid pain
  4. Keep your back Rivne
  5. Do only after the warm-up
  6. Relax, do not hold muscles in tension
  7. Do not save time
  8. Be regular

After the first workout, you will not immediately sit on the twine. The air gymnasts are also far away. The result comes gradually. Be prepared to work.

Those who had ears of feet, bone cracks or injured the spine from stretching should be refused or perform it for prevention in the floor.

Exercises for the bottom of the body. Legs

Right foot forward. Sat, bending it at an angle of 90 degrees. Stop firmly stands on the floor. Left kick back. Relying hands on the knee of a bent leg, slowly supply the body forward to a light feeling of discomfort in the muscles. Spin smooth. Fix the position of 20 seconds. We return to the starting position. We repeat, trying to make a tilt deeper. We fix again. With exhalation climb. The same complex is done for the left. ()

I pull the knee ligaments and the rear surface of the hip. Get on one knee. Hip perpendicular to the floor. Watch the buttocks to be on the same level with the knee. The second lower limb is pulling forward. With exhale, stretch your hands to the fingers of the elongated leg to the light voltage in bundles. Delay in this position for 30 seconds. We repeat the complex twice for both legs, feeding to fall below in the second approach.

Lying on the back, raise one smooth leg up. We take it with both hands for the calf muscle. Slowly pull up to yourself. Muscles are relaxed. In this case, the knee joint is not bend. In this position we are with half a minute. We change the leg.

Stretching for Yagoditsa

Sit down Spin smooth. Legs stretched forward. Bend the left in the knee. Go away, trying to pull your hands as long as possible. Feel how the rear surface of the hip and the jagged muscle stretches. () Stay in such a position for fifteen seconds. Repeat.

Make a set of right leg.

Pull the muscular part of the back

Standing on all fours rounded back, pull the spine up. Fix 20 seconds, slowly get down. Again, delay in this position, we are waiting for a third minute. We repeat the movement three times.

Hands in front of them. Crunching brushes, forming a lock. We try to pull forward as much as possible. Spin smooth. We gradually raise your hands up, not blurring them. We repeat a minute. In fixed points, delay for 15 seconds. Read more about the back training session.

We are working on muscle fibers. Triceps

Perform movement from the standing position. The legs are a bit bent in the knees, the pelvis is slightly advanced. Raise the right hand up, bend. Palm lie on the collarbone. We take the elbow with the second hand, slowly pull the left. Feeling light discomfort, fix the position of 20 seconds, change your hand.

Standing, the knees are bent, the pelvis is a little ahead. We drag hands to the sides, forming an angle of 180 degrees. The back of the palm is trying to strictly stretch forward. Feeling the voltage, keep 20 seconds. We repeat three times.

Making elastic press muscles

Lie on the floor stomach down. Bend legs in the knees. Hand clamp ankle. Necessarily the same name. Your body must resemble a boat. I pull socks to the head. Finding the maximum position, climb for twenty seconds. Return to the original position and repeat the movement.

Fix the result

To achieve flexibility, the systematic training is important. Do not saccuite. Do not less than thirty minutes a day. After the first weeks of training, increase the fixation time for 5 seconds per week. Ideal in every position you need a minute. After two or three months, go to the next step of stretching.

Add dynamic elements. Your joints, bundles and muscle tissues will be ready for new loads, but do not get carried away. Everything has its time.

Now you know how to make a stretch at home. Continue to work on yourself, creating your perfect body.

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After the training set of exercises is made, the body needs stretching. For beginner athletes, it is necessary that the body remains flexible. Otherwise, you can turn into a kind of robot.

Flexibility must be maintained

Over time, the muscles lose their elasticity. Functioning of the body can not be complete due to immobility. And as a result - weak bones and muscles. The whole trouble is that every day people move less and less. And it is with the help of stretching that you can save your health.

In order to purchase flexibility, some exercises must be performed. To date, there is a huge number of literature in which it is described how stretching at home can be performed. It should be brought as an example some basic types of exercises that will need to do regularly. However, it is first worth highlighting the highlights that will help in performing stretching.

The main factors about which you need to know

  1. Exercises must be made after the end of the main training process.
  2. It should be done with all the muscles and joints, and not only with those that have accounted for the main load. Special attention is required to pay the lower back, back, chest, shoulders.
  3. Stretching at home for each individual muscle should last about 15 seconds. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the time by fixing the results.
  4. Do not make sharp movements. Stretching must be performed smoothly, otherwise you can get injured muscles, ligaments and joints.
  5. Stretching at home will be the most qualitatively performed in the case when the voltage was felt, and not pain. Do not immediately try to achieve great success. All should be done gradually.
  6. Breathing is impossible to delay. Inji / exhalations must be done calmly, full of breasts. Inhale it is necessary through the nose, but exhaled - through the mouth.
  7. Thoughts should be the same smooth as movements.

Exercises on the top muscle group

So, we will proceed to discuss the exercises. Stretching at home the upper muscle group can be made as follows:

  1. You need to put on your knees next to the chair, crossed your hands. To the edge of the chair must be reinforced with elbows. Having inhaled, you need to bend in the spine. At the same time, we must try to lower the chest to the floor. If discomfort in the shoulder area appears, it is worth trying to change the position of the hands. For example, clasp elbows or forearm.
  2. Stretching muscles top back, shoulders. The initial posture is sitting or standing. Hand should be left aside. It is impossible to bend it. With the help of a fist, the other hand needs to be pushed the elbow. Having exhaled, try slowly pressing your hand to the breast muscles. To enhance the effect you need to turn your head towards the shoulder, which is exposed to stretching.
  3. It is necessary to get up before the support that will be located at the belt level. For example, before the windowsill. Foots need to be combined. Legs and backs should be straight. It is necessary to lean, take straight hands for the selected support and try to get used to the spine as much as possible.
  4. Stretching hands hands. It is necessary to get up near the doorway and tightly take a hand for a jamb at the shoulder level. Exhausing, start turning the limb. It is impossible to squeeze the brush. You must try to turn biceps up. It is necessary to rotate around the hand without affecting the muscles of the shoulders.
  5. In order to stretch the triceps, a short towel will be required. Sitting on the floor or standing, you need to lay a hand behind your back. It will be necessary to bend in the elbow. Other hand, in which the towel will be, you need to start your head. Catch the edge of the towels with the bottom hand, do the exhale and start pulling his book, while trying to lower the brush of the upper arm as low as possible. The same exercise must be repeated, changing hands.
  6. Good stretching at home muscles of the neck is made as follows. It is necessary to straighten your shoulders. The head should be located straight, you need to look in front of yourself. You need to start lowering the head of the lobby, then in the opposite direction. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the shoulders do not move.

We train the bottom of the body

Let's start stretching the muscles of the bottom of the body.

  1. You need to get up near the wall or door. They will perform as a support. It will be necessary to bend, for example, the right leg and take on it with an appropriate hand in the wave of foot. Having exhaled, try to attract the foot as close as possible to the buttocks. The knee at the same time should not move back.
  2. How to do stretching hips? We must sit across the bench, put one of the legs on it. The foot from the second leg at the same time should firmly rest in the floor. Hands should be laid down. Having exhaled, try to lower the body, touching the breast of the knee. The body should be straight. Determine themselves, in what condition there will be a stretched leg - in straight or slightly bent.
  3. In order to stretch the hips and buttocks, you need to sit on the floor. The back is required to rest in the wall. Legs must be straightened. Bending one leg, make her foot behind the thigh of another limb. Hand must be maintained one leg in the knee area, and the other - in the ankle area. Gently need to try to attract a bent finiteness to the chest.
  4. To stretch the lower back, you will need to sit on the chair and place your legs. Having exhaled, lower the housing as close as possible to the knees.
  5. Training stretching leg muscles. Sit to the floor. The back at the same time should be directed to the wall. The legs must be bent in such a way that the feet are connected one on the other. With the help of hands, they must be attracted as close to the body. Having exhaled, try to tilt the housing as much as possible to the floor. Note that it should be absolutely straight.
  6. It is necessary to get socks on any sufficiently high support. Make exhale and start gradually omitting the heels to the floor - as low as possible.

Training should be regular

No simulator for stretching, as you can see, do not need. If you regularly fulfill all the exercises above, you can save flexibility and even improve it. Therefore, neglect the knowledge gained is not necessary.

Twine - addiction of many people

Recently, the question of how to sit on the twine is very relevant. It is necessary to know that for this, the muscles of the legs and backs must have good flexibility. However, it is not necessary to get upset if you have a little worse. There are special exercises by performing which, you can achieve the desired results. So, stretching on the twine - what should I do?

Basic exercises for flexibility development

  1. It is necessary to lie on the floor. Perpendicular to the floor should be placed legs bent in the knees. They need to begin to breed in different directions, without bending at the same time. Gradually, the amplitude will need to increase.
  2. We must take a lotus pose sitting. It is necessary to stop the feet to each other. It is necessary to start smoothly try to press the knees to the floor. At the same time, the thighs should also smoothly move away.
  3. Third exercise should be sitting. Singing on the left heel, you need to straighten the second leg aside. Sock should be pulled to yourself. Doing exhale, start lowering the body. It is necessary to lean to the thigh as stronger as possible. At the time of the exercise, palm should be located on the feet or on the legs. A minute later, the same movement should be done, changing the legs.

A similar stretching on the twine will allow fully prepare all the necessary muscles. Only then follows to the most important exercise - the twine.

An important exercise that needs to be performed

It is necessary to perform another important exercise to be good stretching. For beginners, it should be one of the main. Putting the legs in different directions, you need to try as low as possible. Many newcomers learn to make a split incorrectly. No need to exercise through force, overcoming pain. The result will not succeed in this way.

In the event that the muscles of the legs are trained and strong, then perform the twine will be very difficult. Nature ordered so that a person is not able to harm himself. At the time of peak voltage, the muscles will interfere with tensions. Follow the body is not so easy. However, this can be done. All the essence is in a relaxed breathing. Performing exercises, it is necessary to think only about what delivers you joy. Breathing should be calm.

What should I remember?

Before starting to do exercises, two repeat should be made. At the same time, you need to squat only to the maximum possible point. In a similar position, you can even walk slightly. It should be climbing without the help of foreign people. After two attempts are made, you can begin to perform the twine itself. In order for the return to be the highest, you need to perform five goals. Two - before training, after that - two with a maximum voltage. The last approach is not done for all power.

Small workouts need to be performed regularly, every day. It does not take much time. You need to do all the exercises that were described above. Approximately once every three days try to make twine to the critical point. The training process is better to leave for the evening. There is one advantage: when performing exercises you can watch TV.


In this review, we led the main types of exercises with which you can improve the flexibility of your body, physical health. If training will be regular, then after a short period of time you can please yourself with an excellent stretching, sowing on the twine. It should only be understood that the exercise should be approached with full responsibility. Otherwise, nothing good of your attempts will work.

Stretching is now a very popular sport. Yes, this is exactly the sport, because there is a lot of effort and, accordingly, energy is spent on its execution. Plus, the exercises for stretching and body flexibility for beginners will help preserve the health of the body as a whole. If you search, you can find a lot of ads for setting groups on stretching lessons for beginners. And our article was specially prepared to help you in working out and stretching muscles at home.

If you are a beginner athlete and looking for exercises for stretching on the twine at home, then you are here. Below in gradually we will analyze all the necessary information for beginners.


If you ask the girl, for what she needs stretching, then she will immediately answer: "I want to sit on the twine as my girlfriend." Stretching need a person to acquire greater body flexibility.

And if you perform a complex of simple exercises for stretching the entire body every day, then very soon you will feel tangible changes in your body. Very beneficial effect during the correct stretching for all muscle groups is on the musculoskeletal system, good mobility is produced, blood circulation is improved, muscle cramps are prevented.

In general, some advantages. But it is necessary to be extremely neat so as not to overdo and not harm yourself. So let's wonder how to stretch to stretch to protect yourself from injuries.


There are five main types of stretching. All of them perform a single function, but there are some nuances that you should pay attention to.

  1. Active.This option is designed for self-conducting. You can watch the video at the end of the article from which you learn how to make a stretching home for beginners, and do exercises yourself.
  2. Passive.All exercises perform a partner. To this option, you need to take very seriously, because only you can feel the bust and in time to inform the companion.
  3. Static.Static exercises are considered the most effective type of stretching, which is particularly recommended by doctors. During the execution, the body is fixed in the desired pose, allowing to stretch all muscle groups. Locking time - from 15 to 30 seconds, maximum - 1 minute, depending on the initial data of a particular person.
  4. Dynamic.Everything happens in motion. A simple example is tolets left, right, back, forward. The muscle stretching occurs due to an increase in the intensity and the speed of performing movements.
  5. Ballistic.Perhaps the most rigid and dangerous type of muscle stretching. Performance occurs by fast spring movements and sharp jerks. During the muscle training and joints, there are tremendous and rather risky loads. Most often, this option is used by real professionals, extremals, fans of tin and hardcore, which is everywhere and just enough.

Fundamental rules

Before performing any exercises, whether it is working with dumbbells or, as in this case, stretching, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Heated body. The most important stage before starting any workout. The load on the "cold" muscles is extremely harmful, because instead of use you can get a serious injury, to the rehabilitation of which will take a lot of time. For you can choose any aerobic training, whether it is an exercise bike, rope or running. By the way, if you train in the gym with the "iron", then the warm-up should be carried out before the main exercises, and the stretching is at the end, precisely because after a strong tension of the muscles need relaxation and tension.
  2. Relax And type patience. This rule is important, first of all, for beginners. Stretching should be performed slowly, smoothly, smoothly breathing. No jerks and sharp movements that are so like to abuse novice athletes here should not be present.
  3. The back should be smoothMuscles are relaxed.
  4. Paying special attention proper breathing: In the breath - starting position, in exhalation (mouth) - stretching.
  5. For those who are just starting stretching, you can start from 5-10 seconds for each exercise. Next to improve the result must be increase durationSince without this progress will be very slow, or it will not be at all.
  6. One of the basic rules - to study. Especially if you start from scratch. Throw everything, not having time to start - the case is simple, but to take a habit of constantly engaged - this is a real job. After all, your progress is not needed, except for you.
  7. Another extremely important point - do not pull to painful sensations. This is rooted incorrectly. So you are only injured by the muscles and forever, at least very long, you will take the whole desire to do on. Stretch slowly, but with perseverance, progressing the amplitude of stretching every occupation. You yourself will feel your limit.

Do not allow mistakes

Often, newcomers begin to stretch everything in a row and how it fell, thinking that I quickly worrying the main parts of the body quickly, soon the desired result will achieve. But this is far from that. In most cases, with a small awareness and without the control of the coach or experienced partner, the "green" athletes pull the bundles, and not the muscles. With proper training, the bundles are almost impossible to stretch, as these are strong and hard shells of the joints, but due to the incorrect approach, trauma of joints and muscles occurs.

Do not allow major errors:

  1. You can not reach if you have health problems. Namely: the injuries of the spine, inflammation of hip joints, pressure problems, with serious bruises and with any bone skeleton injuries, especially the pelvis.
  2. Stretching the muscles need equally on each side, so that you would not pull, be it legs, hips, calf muscles. If you pulled the left foot for 5 minutes, then the right pull the same. Make it wrong, your body, at least, will hurt much.
  3. It is impossible to make a stretching, pre-goodly not a heating of the muscle (this has already been mentioned above).
  4. If you go to the gym, do not even think to stretch to workout. Stretching helps to relax muscles, and if you do it all on the contrary, you will not be able to put on the complete one.
  5. Take a measure. Too little - it is less than three times a week, too much - every day five times a day. Optimally - every day, only once.
  6. If you hope that in a week you will have a handsome twine, you can not even start. This is a slow, calm, measured process that requires a lot of patience and zeal.

Psychological setting

Probably, each second lady wondered: "Do not you try to sit on the twine?" Yes, everything seems to be simple, rummaged on the Internet, found video tutorials, and forth. But not everything is so smooth as I would like. It turns out to make some large-scale action, more beautiful than half you need to first psychologically tune in.

Follow these rules:

  1. Take the habit of stretching every day, as they say - you get used to good enough.
  2. Start with a small but constant. It is necessary to give the opportunity to get used to the body and brain to change.
  3. If suddenly they missed one or two times, did not matter, just continue on.
  4. Well, imagine yourself the end result.


Oddly enough, but there are many misconceptions about the stretching. They say a lot, a lot of recommendations are written, and it seems you trust the Internet as encyclopedia, but there are myths here.

Let some of them:

  1. They say children quickly stretch and very quickly sit on the twine, and this is true. But also say that if you are already an adult, do not even think. But this is not true, everyone can stretch, but in the measure of their capabilities.
  2. There is information that in order to stretch, we need special starting parameters of the body. Myth. If you are just starting, you will definitely work out. Just start performing the simplest exercises for beginners.
  3. Stretching exercises provoke a very strong pain. This is not the case, if everyone is right and without fanatism, then you will only feel a pleasant stretching of the muscles.
  4. Stretching does not contribute to weight loss. If you think about it, then performing this or that action, the enyn amount of energy is spent, respectively, calories are spent. And if the classes are given due time, then some unnecessary kilograms will also turn out.


Preheat the muscles in front of any training, and in this case before stretching, not only correctly, but also very important. We have already talked about that if you do not pre-settle, you can get injuries. And you will be much more difficult to draw both physically and emotionally.

We offer a special pre-trial, which cannot be passed:

  1. All parts of the body are being worked out from top to bottom. We start with smooth turns of the head to the left - right, up - down, lying left - right.
  2. Next shoulders. Circular movements shoulder forward - back, alternate maugh hands up - down.
  3. We smear the dorsal and thoracic muscle groups. Hands pull in front of them, we are divorced to the sides and maximum behind the back, rounding the chest. And, on the contrary, we bring hands ahead in front of yourself, rounding my back.
  4. Next, the warm-up for the torso. During the exercise, the pelvis remains still, turns left to the left - right, tilting forward - back.
  5. To prepare the spine we lean down as far as possible, climb, rounded back.
  6. To smash the muscles of the legs and hip joints, we perform alternate maugh legs ahead - back, to the sides, alternately changing the legs.
  7. To warm up the ankle joints, perform circular rotations of the legs, the foot knead up - down, left - right. Exercises with squats will help to work the knee joints.

Effective stretching exercises

How to start training for a stretching, the question on the one hand is simple, but on the other - quite complicated. It is impossible to stretch everything, it should be started with small and, preferably effective.

We offer a basic set of exercises for stretching and spine at home.


The spine is a very important part of the body, so the exercises should be selected for each person separately, according to the age and state of the health of the body as a whole. For prevention, you can perform two main exercises at home. They will help reduce the load on the spine with the wrong lifestyle, that is, with sedentary work, wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially for girls and women who are accustomed to wear high-heeled shoes, as well as in the absence of regular physical exertion.

Basic exercises:

  1. It is enough to have a crossbar or horizontal bar. Hang at the crossbar is preferably at least a minute, gradually raising to three. If there is no horizon, then you can replace with another element: lying on the back at the same time pulling your hands behind your head and legs down. Such an exercise is less efficient, but also useful.
  2. In the second exercise, attention is paid to the cervical vertebrae. To do this, it is quite good to pull the neck left - right, up - down, the next to the left - right, as if pressed against the shoulder. At each point, delay the position for a few seconds. You should not hurry, everything should be safely, smoothly breathing, the body is relaxed, the hands are omitted down.

Below are a complex of exercises, for which the spine will tell you thanks to:

  1. Crawling on the buttocks. Source - sitting on the floor. Foot straightened, spin smooth, fold and raise your hands. Next, begin to alternately move the buttocks, making a kind of steps, eight steps with the same side. In the same way to return back. Repeat 3-5 times. Try to work only with buttocks without using the legs in general.
  2. . This exercise is very effective for vertebrae and intervertebral disks, which will allow them to insert them into place. Source - sitting on the floor. Press your knees to your chest, clamping hands, chin press to the knees. Start swaying back and forth. Try to perform an exercise at least 10-15 times.
  3. Progib. This element trains the lumbar spine. To perform ligebon on the stomach, put the hands on the floor at the level of the shoulders and raise the housing to the maximum, flexing the spine. This exercise will perfectly complement the previous one.


This is perhaps the most worked part of the body. How to stretch out correctly, consider below.

There are three main exercises that use both newcomers and athletes.

By the way, stretching feet for men is no less important than for women, so men also need to include these exercises in their workouts.

Here is an effective foot range:

  1. Stretching the back of the thigh requires a little time, but sweat will have to go. Source position - stand smoothly, legs together, hands on the seam. For better execution, close your eyes, relax. Imagine your spine, and slowly, following the spine, as the stairs, omit the housing down, hackering the back of the hip with your hands. Knees do not bend, try to burn to your maximum, secure the peak point for a few seconds and slowly rise.
  2. This exercise is very recognizable and is widely used by all athletes. Sit on the floor, the legs are spread wide, the back is straight, look straight. We begin to slowly go down, the hands try to reach forward as far as possible. I fix the maximum point and the spring is about 30 times, you can more, then return to the original one. The same can be done by folding the legs together, or trying to reach each leg separately.
  3. Side lunges. Stand straight, make a side sludge 45 ° to the side, the housing is directed toward the bent knee, thoughts, go down, feel a pleasant stretching. Do the same with the second foot.

These are the best exercises for stretching your leg muscles that will allow you to quickly and effectively stretch out.

Complex for beginners

You read a lot, asked, learned and finally - ready for classes. But now the main question remains: where to start training. Below is a simple set of exercises stretching for beginners, which will suit every day.

How to make a stretch and gymnastics at home:

  1. Sit on the floor, legs together, put the back straight, thoughts up in the floor behind your back, start pulling your feet to yourself, in such a way working out legs and back.
  2. Sitting on the floor, we try to reach your hands to the stop's socks, the back at the same time, do not bend the knees.
  3. We continue from the previous source position. Now I lower the case and try to touch the legs to the legs, while we relax and we can roundate. Hold your hands behind your feet, fix the position.
  4. Lying on the back, raise your legs up, keep them straight and together. I stretch your hands to the fingers of the legs, without taking the back from the floor, the blades should remain on the floor, the legs do not bend in the knees. Quite not easy, but executable.
  5. The initial position is sitting, bend one leg so that the stop rests on the straight feet. Hands on both sides of the straight leg. Hold your head straight and start to descend to a straight foot, I'll last lower my head.
  6. Previous initial position. Hold your back and head straight and lower the housing between the legs, the hands are bent and rest on the elbows to the floor.
  7. Called "doll". Sit on the floor, legs on the sides, hands on the sides. Socks Stop pull to the body. Taz pushing forward, trying to pull the inside of the muscles of the thighs.
  8. The well-known "butterfly". Sitting on the floor, bend legs in the knees of footsteps to each other, wrap the feet with your hands, thigh pull down, you can help your hands, pressing on your knees.

These exercises with pictures will help you begin to stretch. Also, this set of exercises is perfectly suitable as a stretching after training for girls.


Often, novice athletes ask questions: how to improve stretching, how to stretch the muscles, how to train stretch. The video below shows excellent exercises that will help make the body flexible, and the muscles are elastic.

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