Basic ab exercises for women. Exercises for all abdominal muscles

Landscaping and layout 11.10.2019
Landscaping and layout

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Women's beauty always requires sacrifice. In addition to the natural beauty of the face, women and girls want to have a slim, athletic figure. Overweight body fat are the main problems for the fair half. The most problematic places are the buttocks (effective for this area) and the abdomen. Today we will talk about which abdominal exercises for women at home are suitable for everyone, without exception.

But before proceeding with the most effective exercises for the press for women, let's discuss the theoretical part. I would like to prepare the female half.

Home exercises for the press for women

Losing belly fat is difficult. And getting a slim, fit figure is even more difficult. To do this, you need to take into account the following postulates of fitness and bodybuilding - nutrition, healthy image life, exercise, all this you will find on the site. Get hold of right size the waist is not easy. In addition to age, genetic structure, even nutrition and physical exercise you need to have the main thing - desire. Be ready to be disappointed more than once, but continue to go towards your goal. And already with the help of a set of exercises for a flat tummy at home, you will get the desired result at the output.

In front of the mirror, a sagging belly on the belt of tight-fitting denim trousers does not look attractive, agree? There is also the weakness of the muscle fibers in the described zone and the excess fat accumulated in the body.

For example, a girl has no more than a percentage of subcutaneous fat (read how to determine), but weak muscles. These are weak physical activities. Then it is enough to pay attention to the described exercises for the press for women. If you have an excess of body fat, you will need to include cardio loads in combination with a swing of the press.

I would like to draw your attention to one more nuance. Intense, daily swings of the press will not make progress in the end. The abs are made up of muscles. They require rest and. Consider the intensity of your workout increasing gradually. Therefore, if you are single-minded, persistent with a low fat content, it will take about three months. With excessive fat for five months, or even more, be prepared for difficulties, patience.

After the theoretical part, we proceed to the workshop best exercise for the press for women to obtain elastic abdominal muscles, a beautiful silhouette... The presented abdominal training program for girls includes fifteen different options pumping muscles. Choose a few for yourself and go directly to the execution.

Twisting on the floor surface . Classic execution lifting the body. We carry out the arms behind the head, lift off the floor, twist in the back and reduce the distance from the chest to the lower abdomen.

Raising the legs from the floor surface ... An effective exercise for the lower press for women. To balance your body on the floor, spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your legs, do not touch the ground when lowering.

Raising the body and legs at the same time to the sky ... When performing at the top points, try to touch the tips of the socks with your toes. Perfectly works the rectus abdominis muscle.

Separation of the priests from the floor ... Exercises from the TV series approaches for the press for women at home strengthens the lower part, the middle of the press. On the floor, arms along the body, raise the pelvis, the legs are directed towards the head. Only the abdominal muscles are at work.

Princess Frog ... The whole attractive area is swinging. The fifth point is on the floor, the legs are extended, the body is tilted slightly back. At one time we bring the bent legs and body closer together, by two we return to the original one.

We reach the heels of the legs with our hands while lying ... Abdominal exercises for women at home include the obliques. On the floor, the legs are bent at the knees. We stretch our hand to the heel of the foot, alternately.

Padishah Lying on your back, arms are located under the pelvis. Legs are straight at a low height. We bring our legs to the body and bend at the knees.

We continue

The best abs exercises for women

Rack Elbow Plank ... The arms are parallel to the shoulders at right angles. Legs together. The body forms a straight line. 30 seconds is the duration of the stance. The press is straining, pull in the buttocks.

Plank rack on straight arms ... We understood the same thing only we keep our hands straight.

Lateral elbow stand ... Hold in the position for 20 seconds, change your hand.

Exercises for the female press

Side plank with leg lift ... The position is the same as in the previous exercise, only we raise the leg. Seven reps per side.

Plank on straight arms with variable arms and legs ... Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time. Duration 30 seconds.

Pitching - plank ... Classic elbow placket. Slowly move the pelvis left and right for 20 seconds.

Bend your knees ... We save the position. Pull leg to shoulder alternately. Seven reps per leg.

Pendulum... Duration 25 seconds Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. We carry out lateral tilts of straight legs to the sides. It will be difficult for beginners at first, over time, with regular exercise for the press and sides, for women, girls, it will not be difficult to lower their legs to the floor.

Performing abdominal exercises for women at home is suitable not only for young girls, but also for women over 50 years old. Only here we reduce the number of repetitions. I will give below abdominal exercise videos for women... Best regards, Sergei.

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It is very important for a girl to have a tight tummy, because this is an indicator of slimness, a good figure. Of course, other parts of the body also matter, but in most cases it is flabby belly with sagging sides is a particular inconvenience. Instead of hiding this problem under loose clothing, you can tidy up your abs without taking too long. Of course, a lot depends on the initial state and constitution of the body, because there is a type of figure in which fat is located precisely in the abdomen and sides, and there is no waist at all, but, as a rule, it is still easier to pump up the abdominal muscles than, say, lead in order of the legs. And most importantly, for this you do not always need to visit a fitness room. All basic exercises are performed at home, without the use of simulators or any kind of equipment at all.

There is an opinion that it is much more difficult for a woman to pump up the abs than for a man. In part, this is so, but if you pay attention to the features of female physiology, it becomes clear that the point here is not at all in the muscles themselves, but in the ability female body store fat, and in some clean women's problems related to pregnancy and cycle.

First of all, the path to perfect press obstructs the fatty layer that accumulates on the woman's belly and waist. This is facilitated by the female hormonal background. Nature has taken care to protect the reproductive organs, which, according to her idea, should almost always be involved either in the process of bearing children, or in preparation for this process. And as such a protection is fat, which seeks to close the belly with a dense layer, thereby protecting it from external influences. Therefore, it is not so difficult for girls to build muscle as to drive body fat so that the cubes are really embossed.

The abs consists of different muscle groups, each of which must be involved in training.

The second problem, which is relevant specifically for women, is the load on the internal muscles of the abdomen, which leads to their weakening. Most of all, they are injured during pregnancy: stretching and deformation occur. However, even without pregnancy, they are monthly subjected to pressure from the female organs, which swell during menstruation. As a result, the internal muscles of the abdomen gradually lose their tone.

And finally, the last problem of the female press is that the muscle tissue in the abdomen in girls has fewer nerve endings than in men. Otherwise, carry over pregnancy and critical days it would be much more difficult. Meanwhile, the speed of formation of the muscle corset depends, among other things, on the number of nerve endings. Therefore, a girl will need a little more time to pump the press than a man.

For a change, you can include exercises with equipment, for example, a roller for the press, in your workouts.

Do not think that in order to get the perfect embossed press you will have to put in incredible efforts. In fact, subject to regular exercise and the right approach to their compilation, everything is much easier than it seems at first glance. You just need to follow two basic rules that will help overcome physiology and get the desired result:

  • in addition to power loads, that is, directly exercises for pumping the muscles of the press, girls should include warm-up exercises in the workout that contribute to fat burning;
  • it is necessary to tighten the internal muscles, for example, with the help of special "vacuum" exercises to draw in the abdomen.
  • How long will it take

    To create the minimum relief, as a rule, it takes 3-4 weeks of regular training, provided that the classes are held every other day. And if the press was once pumped up, but over time the muscles lost their tone, it will take less time to recover. Therefore, the pumping process itself is not long at all. Another thing is that, most likely, although the cubes will begin to appear in a month, they will still be hidden under a layer of fat. But the time of its burning is already purely individual and depends on many factors. In particular, from food. As far as a girl can limit herself in a diet that promotes the accumulation of fat, so quickly she will see the result of her workouts. And since the love of food, as a rule, overpowers the desire to see cubes, the latter may not appear for months or even years. Those who still do not decide on a diet, most likely, will not have any cubes at all.

    The use of dumbbells speeds up the process of forming the press

    In the process of performing exercises designed for the press, you need to monitor your breathing. The lifting of the upper or lower body should occur on exhalation, and at the moment of returning to the initial relaxed position, inhalation is taken.

    Does the rate of appearance of cherished results depend on age and complexion?

    Another factor that affects the rate at which abs appear is the starting weight. Thin girls, of course, will have no difficulty in bringing the body to the ideal shape. Perhaps in a month they will already come to the planned result. But if there is already a decent layer of fat on the stomach, then the time required to get in shape will take much more, at least 3-4 months. When the weight exceeds 100 kg, and frank cellulite has already appeared on the stomach, then you need to tune in to long workouts combined with a diet, and in the near future (about a year) not wait even for a hint of any result.

    Having chosen a couple of exercises for the press (one for the lower, and the other for the upper press), you can perform them according to this scheme, and after 11 days, change exercises and start all over again

    Age also affects the effectiveness of training. The older a woman is, the more she has fat deposition in the area. lower press... And, accordingly, the more difficult and longer it takes to get rid of it. And one more problem that appears already from the age of 30 is the gradual loss of skin elasticity. As a result, even a well-pumped belly will be hidden inside, but not under the fatty layer, but under the sagging skin. Therefore, on the eve of the thirtieth anniversary, it is necessary to get into the habit of regularly using creams and body lotions, and in the process of creating an ideal relief, supplement training and diet with body wraps and massage. If the skin is very stretched, then it will return to normal for at least several months. And over the years, her ability to recover generally begins to fade.

    How to pump up the lower press at home

    For girls who want to have a beautiful relief tummy, Special attention it is necessary to pay precisely to the lower press. Very often you can observe such a picture when there is something at the top that vaguely resembles cubes, while the lower abdomen remains unpumped, and even there is a fat fold. This is the result of the wrong approach to shaping beautiful muscles when only the most primitive exercises are performed, which, as a rule, pump only the upper part of the press.

    Exercises for pumping

    It is imperative to do exercises for the lower press, exercising every 2 to 3 days.

    "Bicycle" (1 way)

    To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor and firmly press your shoulder blades, lower back and palms to it. The legs are bent at the knees and raised at an angle of 90 °. After the initial position is taken, you can begin to reproduce the movements of the legs, as during cycling. Move the movements at the expense of the abdominal muscles for 1 - 10 minutes. The duration depends on physical fitness and it can be increased over time.

    During the exercise "bicycle" it is important not to lift the lower back off the floor

    "Bicycle" (2 way)

    It is performed lying on the floor, while the hands are behind the head. The legs are bent at the knees and raised, the body is also torn off the floor. Alternately, the left and right elbows need to touch the opposite knee. In this case, the free leg is straightened and extended parallel to the floor. This exercise involves not only the bottom, but also top part press. It is performed as long as there is the strength to do it.

    Movements during the exercise "bike" should be performed at the fastest pace

    Raising the legs

    Starting position - lying on your back, the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor. It is necessary to simultaneously raise both straightened legs until they take a position perpendicular to the body. You need to make 20 - 30 lifts.

    Leg raises are one of the most effective exercises for providing high load on the rectus abdominis muscle

    When performing exercises that involve raising the legs while the upper body is on the floor, care must be taken that the lower back does not in any case come off the floor and do not form a deflection. Improper exercise can lead to spinal injury.

    Boat pose

    This exercise does not require many repetitions. It is static, and when performing it, it is enough to take the desired position and hold the body in it for as long as possible. From a prone position, the body and legs are raised at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the floor. The arms are extended forward. The position is held for at least a minute. Then you can rest a little and do the second approach.

    Boat pose can be performed with legs straight or slightly bent at the knees

    Reverse crunches

    One of the hardest but most effective exercises. From a supine position, legs slightly bent at the knees rise up until the knees are at chest level. After that, the pelvis must be torn off the floor and try to lift it up. In this position, linger for 2 - 3 seconds. Lower your legs. Requires at least 20 reps.

    When doing reverse crunches, it is important that the upper body does not come off the floor.

    Video: lower press workout

    Effective upper exercises

    The upper press is much easier to pump over than the lower press and usually does not create any problems. Exercises for the upper press are done in combination with exercises for the lower press. This allows you to achieve results faster.

    In order not to injure the spine, during the exercise, it is necessary to avoid deflections in the lower back.

    Exercises for a perfect tummy

    The frequency of training is once every 2-3 days.

    Raising the torso

    The simplest and most common exercise for the upper press. You need to lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, and place your arms behind your head or cross over your chest. Next, you should raise and lower the body. On the rise, the body should be at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the floor. The exercise is performed 30 times. After a few minutes of rest, you need to do a second approach. An important point: the main stress should not fall on the neck area (this mistake is often found in beginners). The exercise is performed exclusively by the abdominal muscles.

    When lifting the torso, you need to ensure that the neck is straight and the chin does not stretch to the chest

    Female version of the torso lift

    This exercise is specifically for women. It is very effective and requires little effort. You need to stretch out on the floor. Legs are straight, arms are up. From this position, you need to make small lifts of the upper body so that at the top point it is at an angle of 20 ° with respect to the floor. After that, return to the starting position. The abdomen should be pulled in as much as possible at all times. The number of repetitions is at least 40. At first, you can do less, but later you must definitely reach this figure.

    The peculiarity of this exercise is that due to the elongated position and the additionally retracted abdomen, it pumps the internal muscles of the press well. This is very important for girls.

    Before performing women's lifts, you need to stretch out and suck in your stomach as much as possible.


    Everyone's favorite static exercise, which trains many muscle groups, and first of all, the rectus abdominis muscle. It is necessary to take an emphasis on the forearms of the hands, bent at the elbows, and the tips of the toes so that the body forms a straight line. The longer you can stay in this position, the better. The time spent in the bar should be gradually increased.

    In order for the plank to be performed at the expense of the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to avoid deflections in the spine during its execution.

    Half-lifts ("spring")

    The peculiarity of this exercise is that the movements have a small amplitude, due to which the load on the spine is reduced. You need to sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, and slightly raise your body. The arms are extended forward. This posture in itself contributes to the training of the abdominal muscles, and for greater effect you need to very quickly raise the body even higher (quite a bit), immediately returning to previous position... A slight wiggle is obtained, during which the upper press is in strong tension. Swinging is performed for 1 - 5 minutes, depending on the level of physical fitness.

    During the execution of the half-lifts, you should not make amplitude movements, only small swaying is enough

    Video: upper press workout

    Do girls need side press

    Cubes, the appearance of which many girls dream of, are formed from the rectus abdominis muscles. The oblique muscles form the lateral press. You can pump it up by performing various twists, when the work occurs precisely due to the lateral region. But girls are not recommended to get involved in such exercises. The stress on the muscles contributes to their development, and the developed lateral muscles, in turn, expand the waist area. As a result, you can lose your feminine body contours.

    At the same time, working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen helps to burn fat deposited on the sides and create clearer waist contours, so you should not completely ignore the exercises designed for the lateral abdomen. Optimal in in this case will be minimizing them or replacing strength exercises lighter, warming up. For example, it can be exercises with a hoop or bends to the side from a standing position.

    Girls should not get carried away with exercises designed for the oblique muscles of the abdomen, otherwise the body may lose its feminine shape.

    The results of doing abdominal exercises at home: before and after photos

    after a month of training, you can see the first results (the girl in the photo was engaged in the Jillian Michaels program) you can build abs without even going to the gym Exercises to draw in the abdomen for the internal muscles in a couple of weeks can reduce the volume in the abdominal area

    In the process of losing weight through a diet, it becomes obvious to women that dietary restrictions alone are not enough: in order for the body to be beautiful, you will have to resort to certain physical activity. Women are especially concerned about the abdomen, which can "sag" even at optimal weight.

    Are there special exercises for the lower abdomen with which you can create beautiful relief in women?

    After all, not only men think about making their abs strong and elastic. But women have two tasks at once: not just to create a relief, but also to make or maintain a thin waist. We will tell you about the best way achieving these goals.

    During training, the question naturally arises for women - how to do this without increasing the waist? Intense abdominal exercises can lead to an unexpected and very unpleasant result that a man would not have noticed. Girls do not need such a surprise, they are not ready for such sacrifices, even for the sake of dry muscle mass without a drop of fat. To avoid this situation, follow our recommendations. Make it fast and enjoyable without overexerting yourself and combining different ways.

    • The best time to exercise is on an empty stomach, before breakfast. At this time, the waist has a minimum volume, which can be easily checked by taking measurements during the day, in different time, before and after eating food. In addition, during the night's sleep, the remains of the calories consumed the day before are expended and the body has no choice but to spend fat cells on your physical activity, which makes the process of losing weight more intense. In exercises on an empty stomach, the maximum effect is laid in acquiring a beautiful flat stomach and the minimum risk of increasing the waist circumference in women.
    • After completing the exercises, have breakfast, but do not assume that by physical activity you "deserve" a couple of cakes, chocolate or fatty foods left over from yesterday. Give preference simple porridge, which contain light carbohydrates, or proteins: cottage cheese, eggs, lean chicken.
    • Regular exercise is the key to achieving quick results for weight loss. But regularity does not mean daily stress. If you do intense exercises for the lower press every day and for an hour or more, you will get a voluminous belly, and for women, the knowledge that the belly does not contain fat, but muscles, is a weak consolation. It looks all the same unattractive.
    • Sufficient frequency of training - three times a week for 10-20 minutes - this will be enough to achieve the best result. It is recommended to do each exercise in several approaches 15-25 times in each of them.
    • When performing exercises for the abdominal muscles, do not neglect other activities: jumping rope, dancing, stretching will be an excellent assistant in the fight against excess fat and preparation for the load.

    Modern fitness trainers increasingly argue that exercises for the lower abdomen or upper abdomen are nothing more than a myth. The muscles in the abdomen are vertical and connected to each other by tendons. It is impossible to make sure that during training only one muscle is strained separately; through their interconnection, training of the lower or upper press necessarily affects other muscles.
    There are dozens of abdominal exercises that can be recommended to achieve your stated goal. We have selected the most effective ones for losing weight, moreover, they are simple enough to perform at home. All exercises are performed on the floor; they cannot be done on a sofa or bed. In the second case, you not only fail to complete the task, but also get serious problems in the lower back. For workouts, you can use a dedicated fitness or yoga mat.

    There are dozens of abdominal exercises that can be recommended to achieve your stated goal. We have selected the most effective ones for losing weight, moreover, they are simple enough to perform at home. All exercises are performed on the floor; they cannot be done on a sofa or bed. In the second case, you not only fail to complete the task, but also get serious problems in the lower back. For workouts, you can use a dedicated fitness or yoga mat.

    Classic crunches

    Classic crunches are effective abdominal exercises that are performed from a starting position lying on your back with your knees bent.

    • Legs can be thrown on the sofa so that a right or sharp angle is formed between the thighs and calves.
    • Hands are on the back of the head, but they cannot be locked.
    • The upper part of the body, with an attempt to tear the shoulder blades off the floor and with the tension of the press, rises on exhalation.
    • In the maximum possible twisting position, you should linger for a couple of seconds and then slowly, inhaling, lower yourself to the floor, keeping your head raised. Thanks to this, the press during training, being constantly in tension, will receive maximum load, and the result will be achieved faster.

    Do not forget that even if you are constantly doing abdominal exercises, see good relief after training, you can only if you eat right, resort to drying your muscles. But we must not forget about the danger that excessive zeal is fraught with: when a critical minimum of adipose tissue in the body is reached, a number of diseases can be obtained. Fat is an irreplaceable participant in all metabolic processes, you should correctly determine its optimal percentage and try not to fall below the recommended level.

    Classic crunches- an excellent option for pumping the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen. But you need to make sure that the body is not lifted with the help of the hands, but with the maximum concentration on the abdominal muscles. If during training you feel that you have begun to help yourself with other parts of the body - keep your hands pressed to your temples or clenching them into fists at your ears. You will notice how the press will be forced to do all the work in the exercise itself, which is exactly what you need.


    Very effective exercise, which at the same time practically does not resemble a "bicycle", without which she could not do without a program for losing weight and pumping up muscles in Soviet times... Now such a "bicycle" is not considered effective for either men or women. No, for weight loss, thin waist and a flat and elastic abdomen, you need to perform completely different movements.

    • To perform twisting-bike, you need to lie on the floor, putting your hands behind your head and raising your legs so that they are bent at the knees, forming a right angle.
    • Calves go in a plane parallel to the floor, thighs - perpendicular.
    • First, the left leg is straightened, and the right, without straightening, is pulled up by the knee to the opposite elbow.
    • This movement is performed as you exhale.

    The exercise is performed with a change of legs. You will find that these movements are very similar to those of normal cycling. Hence the name of the exercise. When doing it, you need to constantly keep the press tense. If you want to add dynamic to this static load, you can do this by bending the torso in the lower back while performing movements.
    Exercise "Plank" is very effective for the muscles of the lower abdomen, it contains almost every correct program for losing weight and improving the figure for women. This is a static exercise: if done regularly, the relief will improve, and the waist will not increase in volume. It is especially effective if the goal is to lose weight, and not just to strengthen muscles.

    Exercise "Plank" is very effective for the muscles of the lower abdomen, it contains almost every correct program for losing weight and improving the figure for women. This is a static exercise: if done regularly, the relief will improve, and the waist will not increase in volume. It is especially effective if the goal is to lose weight, and not just to strengthen muscles.

    • You need to get on all fours: dropping down on your elbows in front: the socks of the feet and forearms become the support.
    • The body should be straightened, try not to protrude pelvis or bent legs.
    • As you exhale, you need to draw in your stomach to the maximum and hold out in this position for as long as possible.

    At first it can be 40 seconds, then the time spent in this position can be increased to 60 seconds or more.

    Reverse crunches

    Another simple ab exercise that you can do at home at any time.

    • We lay down with our heads on the sofa and take hold of its edges or legs for an emphasis.
    • The legs are raised perpendicular to the floor, a right angle is formed between them and the body.
    • The press on exhalation should be strongly strained, and the pelvis should be gradually lifted up.
    • In the upper position, you need to hold out for a few seconds, and then lower the pelvis.

    You can not "throw" the basin on the floor, you must leave minimum distance between it and the floor surface at 21-2 cm throughout the entire duration of the exercise.

    There are many types of exercises that allow you not only to lose weight, but also to bring your body into perfect condition, but some of them have highest level popularity. One of these exercises can be called abdominal crunches for girls and women. Almost everyone who decides to take care of their health and do exercises starts doing crunches almost from the first workouts.

    What effect does the twisting muscle corset have on the abs for girls?

    Before describing in detail the methodology for performing this exercise on the press for girls, it is necessary to consider the theoretical part of the question.

    Then the mechanism of action will become clear faster and there will be more chances of correct execution at the very beginning of the path to harmony and a chiseled figure. When performing a crunch, or abdominal crunch as the professionals call it, the main working muscle is the rectus abdominis muscle.

    The rectus muscle is responsible for the state of the well-known 6 cubes on the press, which most people strive for when they decide to start classes in order to get rid of visible defects figures in this place.

    In addition, crunch training allows you to significantly strengthen the rest of the muscle corset located on the abdomen, the core muscles are separately involved (they become much stronger).

    It is impossible to overestimate the importance of training and the correct condition of the muscles on the abdomen, since they are one of the most important stabilizers of the human body and play an important role in maintaining correct posture.

    What muscles are involved?

    The rectus muscle, located on the abdomen, allows for convergence, or as it is also called, bringing the upper body to the lower, precisely in the process of twisting. Also, they actively participate in this process:

    1. Large pectoral, called pectoral.
    2. Internal and external oblique muscles.
    3. Transverse muscles located on the abdominal press.

    At its core, performing abdominal crunches is a movement of the chest towards the pelvis. At this moment in mandatory, to achieve the desired result, the spine must be rounded.

    The process does not involve hips, so the entire lower body, starting with the middle back, is imperatively stationary. This technique of crunches of this kind allows you to provide an isolated load directly on the muscle corset of the abdomen.

    Description of the muscles involved in the training process

    In order to understand what the result (in addition to the appearance of the cherished cubes) can be expected, and also to consider the issue of twisting from a physiological point of view, it is necessary to consider in detail the abdominal muscles involved and listed above in the process.

    The rectus abdominis muscle is distinguished by its length and slenderness. It is located starting from the middle of the chest and ending with the pubic region in both men and women. It is a misconception that it is divided into several sections, by which many mean the lower and upper cubes, the rectus muscle is whole and indivisible.

    It begins to work only at the moment when the person tilts forward and the chest rushes to the pelvic region. In terms of her role in abdominal crunches, she takes a leading position because she tenses the most.

    The external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen are responsible for the thickness of the waist, without work in these areas, even in the presence of a genetic predisposition, see wasp waist it is almost impossible for female representatives. A twist is usually added to the twisting movement to reinforce it.

    Simple ab exercises

    The most simple exercise for a separate workout, bends to the left and to the right, performed in a standing position, with the pelvis fixed in place. That with individual turns, that when added to twisting, when the internal oblique muscle is activated, the external oblique muscle located on the other side of the waist is automatically included in the work.

    The next muscle group, which is also involved in performing abdominal exercises for girls, as well as men, is the transverse abdominal muscles. This group muscle consists of numerous fibers, as it were, scattered throughout the lower part of this area.

    To feel their work, it is enough to take the deepest possible inhalation and, accordingly, exhale. The transverse muscles allow, t to carry out an artificial exhalation if necessary, and are also responsible for keeping the area of ​​the body in question in a flat state when a person performs any twisting exercises.

    Pros of exercise

    Twisting exercises can bring the following positive results:

    1. A significant increase in the strength of all muscle groups located on the abdominal press.
    2. A concomitant improvement in the condition of the entire muscle corset in this area, which is also sometimes called the cortex.
    3. With prolonged and correct performance, the level of rigidity and stability increases while engaging in other types of exercises.
    4. Over time, the posture of people noticeably improves, even with big problems in this direction.
    5. Crunching exercises have enough a large number of execution options, thanks to which everyone can choose the most comfortable one for him personally.
    6. To train in this way, there is no need to necessarily visit the gym and spend large sums of money on it. Crunches on the press are also suitable for home workouts, without the involvement of additional specialized sports equipment.

    After describing the benefits of performing this exercise, it becomes clear why it is mandatory to include it in any type of training, even for beginners. Since its implementation on the press for women and men allows you to solve several problematic issues at once, and not only remove extra pounds in the abdomen.

    How to do it correctly? Execution technique

    However, in order to achieve the results described above, it is not enough to know the structure of the twisting work, it is also necessary to ensure the correct execution of the exercise. Otherwise, not so good or even zero result is possible.

    Despite its prevalence and seeming simplicity, many make mistakes when doing it. Therefore, knowing the basic rules for performing abdominal crunches will not be superfluous information at all.

    • The first step is to assume a recumbent position on a firm, non-bending surface. Only the upper part of the body and pelvis retains the vertical position, the legs should take the shape of a house, for this purpose the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
    • It is also possible to place them on a special bench. Hands are wound behind the head, while it is not advisable to grip them into the lock, and the elbows are spread apart as much as possible. A prerequisite is, rigid fixation of the area of ​​the spine on the surface.
    • After accepting the position described above, a deep breath is taken, on exhalation, the upper back is brought to the pelvis as far as possible. It is imperative to ensure that the back is rounded, and not simply lifted from the floor and lifted to the knees.
    • After reaching the highest point, it is necessary to maintain the accepted position for an average of 1 or 2 seconds. On exhalation, a return to the original position is carried out. It must be produced slowly without sudden jerks.
    • Depending on the level of training, the number of performances fluctuates, since it is quite difficult for beginners to master many approaches at once, then trainers recommend starting with 20, gradually increasing this number. In the process of muscle training, in order to achieve a more visual result, in the future it is possible to use weights in the form of a pancake.

    Some nuances of correct execution

    Like any other exercise, twisting has several nuances that allow not only to ensure its correct implementation, but also in more short time achieve the desired result. Among them, the following points can be distinguished:

    1. You should not lock your hands together at the back of your head, as mentioned earlier, as this can lead to tension in the cervical muscles and some help to the trunk, which will significantly reduce efficiency.
    2. In order not just to bend and straighten the back, one can imagine that in the process of execution, two points approach each other, one of which is located on top and the other below the abdomen.
    3. It is not advisable to hold your breath or make great efforts to inhale and exhale.
    4. The first approach can be limited to performing 3-4 twists.
    5. Abrupt movements should be avoided, as this can lead to the appearance of microtrauma in the muscle tissue. Especially if the training is on its own initial stage and before that they were not carried out at all, or there was a long break.
    6. After the first approach, provided it is performed correctly, a burning sensation in the muscles should appear.
    7. The chin should not touch the chest.
    8. Even in the last most difficult approach, it is necessary to maintain a smooth descent down, and not just throw yourself on the floor, wanting to rest as soon as possible.
    9. You cannot help the body when using the leg muscles.
    10. When choosing an execution option when the legs are placed on any surface, or simply held in weight, it must be remembered that the flexor muscles located on the thigh are also necessarily involved in such a process. And accordingly, the load on the abdominal muscle corset is slightly reduced. This, in turn, can postpone obtaining the desired result.

    We recommend that you also read about such an exercise as - Russian twist. It will help you to strengthen your abs and pump it even more efficiently. OK it's all over Now! Thank you all for your attention and see you soon in new issues.

    To organize a workout and choose a set of abdominal exercises for women, you need to take into account many factors: from hormonal to anatomical.

    How to lose weight with abdominal exercises?

    Very long and ineffective. Any exercises for the press are power loads, their task is to increase the strength and endurance of the target muscle group. Calorie consumption in such loads is too low for weight loss.

    Fitness trainers never tire of telling women that "abs are done in the kitchen"; healthy eating habits will cope with excess weight much faster than lifting the torso from a prone position. A woman's body is designed in such a way as to easily store fat deposits, therefore on the way to a flat tummy without proper healthy eating not enough. No matter how pumped up the abdominal muscles, even a thin layer of subcutaneous fat will completely hide them.

    Women will be helped in this difficult matter of cardio load - trainings for a rapid heartbeat, which involve several muscle groups in the work at once. Today, fitness trainers in their video blogs often offer special cardio workouts instead of warm-ups, this allows the body to prepare for a workout and use up additional calories.

    Can women pump abdominal muscles?

    Women need to train the abs! You should not unconditionally trust women's forums, which are full of horror stories about a missing waist, muscle tears and prolapsed organs. Common sense should suggest that a woman's body is not a bag of groceries so that something "falls out" from it, but a missing waist and damage to muscle fibers are the result of thoughtless and inadequately intensive training.

    Abs is very important, it belongs to the muscles of the core - it helps maintain balance, stabilizes the spine. With any effort, any load, the abdominal muscles tense and fix the spine. The abs must be both flexible so that bends and turns are possible, and rigid to protect the abdominal organs and support the spine.

    If a woman is planning motherhood, then strong abdominal muscles will facilitate the course of pregnancy - the load on the spine will be less, childbirth will be easier, and body recovery after childbirth will be faster.

    Features of "volumetric" training for women

    If the goal of training is relief cubes on the stomach, then they speak of "volumetric" training; its task is to increase the amount of muscle mass. The rectus abdominis muscle in women has a small volume, and even a well-trained abs will not be covered with a pattern of cubes if you do not add mass to it.

    Men, when working on volume, use large weights (heavy sports equipment) with a low number of repetitions (8-12). For women, this doesn't work. Due to the peculiarities of muscle fibers and hormonal background, girls need a large number of repetitions (up to 80-100) to add muscle mass.

    Another feature of "volumetric" training is a long break between ab workouts - about three days. This is how long it takes for the muscles to recover and gain mass. If a woman trains to increase abdominal strength without increasing volume, then plan 3-4 sessions per week.

    Will the waist be lost if you pump the abs?

    If the oblique muscles of the abdomen become too "bulky", then the waist may become wider, but this rule does not apply to everyone. There are women in whom the structure of the abdominal muscles is such that no "pumping" will ruin a narrow waist. But even if the body constitution is inclined to a wide waist, then the solution to the problem is not to use "volumetric" training in exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles, that is, not to do an exorbitant number of repetitions.

    Abdominal muscles and the menstrual cycle

    Such a delicate feature of a woman's body should definitely be taken into account when organizing training.

    • The greatest working capacity falls on the period between menstruation and ovulation, the body responds well to power loads.
    • 2-3 days of ovulation, the woman's performance is the lowest in the cycle, the load for this period should be small.
    • After ovulation and until menstruation itself, physical capabilities are average, good results are brought by exercise, execution at a high speed.
    • Actually, menstruation is the most controversial period of the cycle. If these days turn into torture with pain and a vile mood, then any training should be excluded. If the woman's well-being allows, then cardio loads are allowed, and press workouts during this period have limitations: it is absolutely impossible to swing the lower press and you can not perform exercises in which the pelvis and / or legs rise above the abdomen.

    How to quickly pump up a girl's abs?

    No way. It will take at least a month of regular training to achieve visible results. With overweight, the abs will not be visible until the total amount of fat in the woman's body drops to 10-15%.

    There are no wonderful exercises that will draw cubes on the press in a week. And unnecessarily intense training will bring not only injuries, but also loss of strength, insomnia and decreased immunity.

    The best abs exercises for girls are those that match the physical capabilities. A properly selected workout leaves a feeling of pleasant fatigue, muscle pain is allowed, which disappears after a couple of hours.

    A set of exercises for beginners

    Beginners shouldn't chase the difficulty or speed of the workout, it is better to start with simple, time-tested exercises. Perform the first three exercises in two sets of 15-20 times, the bar - two sets of one minute each. There should be no more than two minutes break between sets. Do not forget about warm-up and stretching before training, this will make the session effective and reduce injuries.

    • Twisting. You will need to lie on your back on a hard surface, bend your legs at the knees. It is better to put your hands on the back of the head, if it is too difficult, it is allowed to cross over the chest. It is necessary to tighten on the exhale chest to the pelvis, rounding the back, and try to stay in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Do not confuse this exercise with the "torso lifts" - the lower back during twisting should not come off the floor. This technique effectively works the rectus abdominis muscle.

    • Scissors. Starting position: lying on your back on a firm surface, stretch your arms along the body, hide your palms under the buttocks. It is necessary to raise your legs above the floor by 10-20 cm and cross your legs. At the same time, the lower back should remain relaxed. With this training, you can work out the rectus muscle and the external oblique muscles of the abdomen.

    • Raises the legs. Starting position: lying on your back on a firm surface, arms extended along the body. The legs are raised above the floor over 10-20 cm. It is required to slowly raise the legs, and then just as slowly return to the starting position. The feet do not touch the floor. This is an effective lower press exercise for girls and women, and can be complicated by tying small dumbbells to your feet.

    • Plank, this exercise for the press allows girls to increase their stamina, it is allowed to perform during menstruation. Starting position: support lying on the elbows, you need to straighten the body and tighten the abdominal muscles. It is required to freeze in this position for one minute.

    It is very important to do the exercises correctly, in this case the press will work, and not other muscle groups. The video will help a girl figure out how to learn how to pump the press from scratch, as an example, the technique of performing twists is understood.

    If the workout stops being difficult, 30 reps in each exercise are done effortlessly - it's time to use a more complex workout set.

    A set of exercises for women with training experience

    Do not be afraid to work with weights, exercises for the press with dumbbells are very effective, they are available both in the gym and at home; for women and girls, working with additional weight helps to complicate classes and does not threaten with an increase in muscle mass. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for the press bring excellent results, they are suitable for women who want to work out their abdominal muscles as much as possible, but cannot go to the gym.

    This complex offers 6 exercises, they must be performed in three sets of 16-20 times, except for the last one, it must be done 10 times in both directions. The break between sets is 30 seconds, between exercises - no more than two minutes.

    • Sitting on an incline bench raises. Fix the feet behind the rollers, the legs are bent at the knees. On exhalation, tilt your back back to a position parallel to the floor, return to the starting position. Such loads allow you to work out the rectus abdominis muscle.

    • Hanging leg raises. For this exercise, you need to hang on your hands on the bar. As you exhale, raise your legs to the crossbar, as if folding in half. If the load is too difficult, you can raise your legs to a position parallel to the floor. It is more difficult for women to work out the lower abs than for men, and this exercise is one of the most effective for the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

    • Press with a gymnastic roller. Starting position: kneeling, palms holding the handles gymnastic roller... You need to lean on the roller in front of you and slowly roll it forward, tilting the body. Then return to starting position. There are several options for exercises with a roller for the press, for women bending forward and to the sides from a sitting position are most effective.

    • Fold. Starting position: lying on your back, legs straightened, arms out to the sides. As you exhale, you need to raise your left leg and pull yourself up to it right hand... On inhalation, return to the starting position. On the next exhale, pull the left arm and right leg to each other, and on the exhale, return. On the third exhale, pull both elbows and both knees towards each other. Return to starting position. This is an effective load on all abdominal muscles.

    • Dumbbell Bends. Stand up straight, take a small dumbbell in your hands, place your legs shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, bend to the right, trying to reach down with your right hand. On inhalation, return to the starting position. On the next exhale, bend to the left. The difficulty of this exercise is correct technique- the abdominal muscles should be tense and felt during the training.

    • Dumbbell plank. You will need to take the position of the plank on the right side - emphasis on the bent right elbow, left hand lifted up and holding a dumbbell, body and legs are straightened. As you exhale, pull your left elbow and left knee towards each other, while inhaling, return to the starting position. After 10 repetitions, change position to left side bar, and do 10 reps with right elbow and knee.

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