A set of exercises with a roller for the press - we train effectively. Gymnastic video: the pros and cons of training with a simulator, basic exercises

Decor elements 17.10.2019
Decor elements

The gymnastic roller is an incredibly simple device, but at the same time very effective. It remarkably strengthens the abdominal muscles, and also helps to work out other parts of the muscles. It is also called differently, for example, a sports wheel. It is very convenient to use such a device, and exercises with a press roller are suitable for both women and men. They can also be the best option for those who have just started playing sports. Of course, before you start using this device, you need to study the basics of working with it, as well as the available contraindications.

The trainer looks very simple. It is called both a gymnastic roller, and a roller simulator, and a press wheel, and a roller. The device has no analogues, and the effectiveness of the press roller is very high, as evidenced by the reviews of those who used it. It is possible to distinguish such Benefits work with this simulator:

  • The roller remarkably strengthens the muscles of the press.
  • Training with the use of a roller simulator helps to create a strong muscular corset.
  • Up to 20 muscles are involved in the work.
  • The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are especially actively worked out.
  • Roller exercises help increase endurance.
  • Abs roller exercises for women and men improve posture.
  • Also, physical activity using a roller makes it possible to improve metabolism, burn excess fat and build muscle mass.

This is a good roller for the press, which muscles are involved in which we will now consider. Basically, such exercises are worked out upper part body. These are the arms, shoulders, chest, back, abdominals, lower abs, buttocks, and lower back. The biceps and quadriceps are also partially included in the work.

To make the exercises with the press roller for beginners as correct and useful as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • Drive the sports wheel smoothly and slowly.
  • During the entire movement, the abdominal muscles must constantly tighten.
  • Take a short pause while stretched.
  • If the exercise is performed on your knees, spread the rug.
  • Stop exercising if you have back pain.
  • The best option for classes is three sets of 12 times.
  • Do not exercise when you can no longer, otherwise there is a risk of provoking a back injury.
  • It is recommended to train the muscles of the pelvis.
  • Observe correct technique exercise and breathing technique.

There are contraindications to roller exercises. These are recent injuries and pains in the back and lower back, high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea.

Roller exercises for women

Women and men tend to have slightly different goals for physical activity. The former most often want to become slimmer and thinner, get rid of everything superfluous and tighten muscles. Men, on the other hand, want to gain relief and increase muscle mass. The exercises for the press with a roller proposed below are suitable for the fair sex.

  • You need to rest your knees on the floor, pick up a gymnastic roller. Keep your arms straight, while the roller will stand on the floor - this is the starting position. Now grab the handles of the simulator and slowly roll it forward. In this case, the body should be directed towards the hips down and touch them with the chest. Now we return to the starting position, also smoothly and slowly. Repeat about 15 times.
  • Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward, hold the sports wheel in your hands. This is the starting position. Now move the roller forward, transfer your body weight to it and straighten your legs. Make sure that your arms do not bend at the elbows, and your knees do not move.
  • Lie on your stomach. Extend your arms straight over your body. Keep the roller in them. This is the starting position. Now you need to put pressure on the roller, making a movement towards you. Make sure your back doesn't arch. The hips should be firmly pressed to the floor. Take a short break and return to the starting position.
  • This exercise will work out the oblique abdominal muscles. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and press firmly against each other. The roller will be placed on the right side. There you need to try to move it forward as much as possible. Do the same in the opposite direction. Repeat exercises 10 times for each side.

Roller technique for men

Exercises with a press roller for men can be as follows:

  • Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward and take the roller in them. The sports wheel should be level with the shoulders. Move the roller forward. Your body and hips should sink towards the floor, but not touch it. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise about fifteen times.
  • The exercise is done in the same way as the previous one, but at the same time, the starting position is standing, relying on the feet. You can also move the simulator on an inclined surface.
  • Take the roller by the handles like a simple vertical stick. Bend over and place the machine on the floor, at the same time, spread your legs very wide and roll the wheel to the sides. This exercise, in addition to the press, allows you to work out your arms and shoulders.

Exercises for beginners

Exercises with a press roller may seem difficult to many. The fact is that many of them are designed for people who already have a certain level of training. Good preparation will be hyperextension and simple twists. You can also pay attention to exercises with a roller simulator designed for beginners:

  • incomplete repetitions. It is suggested that from a kneeling position you should only roll the wheel forward. When you're done, lie on your stomach and simply return to the starting position. Repeat the manipulations until you feel that you are ready to do the same in other directions.
  • To strengthen the muscles, you can lower only half. In the full version, you need to almost touch the floor with your chest. To begin with, it is enough to go down to the middle of this distance and come back.

Abs roller exercises for beginners should be done regularly, and soon you will be able to lower and straighten up completely. Keep your back straight during the exercise. It is permissible to slightly round it, but it is not worth bending the lower back, otherwise the load on it may be too great.

How to train with a roller: useful tips

On the question of how to use the press roller, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If the exercises seem too difficult for you, first prepare yourself for their implementation. You can do them not at full strength or tone your muscles with lifts and twists.
  • Start exercising with warm-ups. It will help warm up the muscles and prepare them for stress. As a warm-up, running, jumping, bending can serve.
  • At first, let the load be minimal so that you do not damage the muscles. Over time, it must be constantly increased. But you should not overexert yourself so as not to provoke an injury.
  • Exercises must be performed correctly, otherwise they can be not only ineffective, but also unsafe. The first workouts can be done at the mirror so that you can control the technique and correct all the mistakes at once.
  • It is important to breathe properly so that the muscles are saturated with oxygen.
  • The optimal duration of a workout is 20-40 minutes, but it is better to use other devices and exercises as well.
  • To minimize the risk of injury during the first workouts, you can ask someone to insure you. Have a helper lightly support your torso and help you return to the starting position.

How to choose the right press roller

Among other things, it is important to choose the right roller for the press, which you already know how to use. The roller looks extremely simple - these are two handles with a wheel that rotates, moving along the support. When choosing a simulator, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For newcomers Roller would be the best option. With return mechanism . It makes it as easy as possible to return to the starting position, thereby minimizing the risk of injury.
  • Pay attention to the number of wheels. The more of them, the easier it is to keep the balance. A single roller significantly increases the load on the muscles.
  • If you want the simulator to also fully work out the muscles of the legs, choose a model with pedals and straps for them. It is very important to check the strength of the fasteners.
  • Wheel diameter matters. The smaller it is, the more effort will have to be applied to mix.
  • Rollers, in which the center of gravity is shifted, increase the load and increase the complexity of the exercises, so they are better for people who already have a certain level of physical fitness.
  • The wheel, equipped with elastic cables for tension, makes it possible to increase the load, since you will need to make a lot of effort to stretch.
  • Pay attention to the weight of the simulator. The bigger it is, the harder it will be.
  • All fasteners must be as reliable as possible.
  • The roller handles must not slip.
  • The wheel itself should not be too slippery or hard.
  • It is better to choose products from trusted manufacturers, and buy them in specialized stores or departments. Many people like the sportmaster press roller, but other manufacturers also offer worthy products.

Roller skating can be difficult at first. But it's only a matter of time. By exercising regularly, you will significantly improve your physical fitness, and you will be able to improve your physical shape.

Video workout with a roller for the press

In order to make the body more toned and athletic, they use quite a large number of various trainers and equipment. Below you can find more information about who the gymnastic roller is suitable for, how to do the exercises correctly and what kind of device it is.

What does it represent?

The gymnastic roller is considered a power simulator. No additional training or tools are required to use it. And, what is most pleasant about it, is the possibility of using it at home.

Many people buy this simulator also because of its low cost. Outwardly, this is one or more wheels with handles on the sides.

In modern sports stores there is a large selection of different variations of this projectile. There are simulators with a reverse mechanism, with and without rubber pads, with a trimmer cable. And this is not the whole list of varieties of the video. How to choose the most suitable option?

You need to start by deciding on the number of wheels on the gymnastic roller. In a classic projectile, it is one, but you can find models where there are at least four wheels. What is the difference?

The more wheels the roller has, the more stable it is, which means it is easier to use. On one wheel, in addition to muscle tone, you also need to control the vestibular apparatus, so, according to reviews, a gymnastic roller should be selected depending on what results are needed. For beginners, it is recommended to take a projectile with large quantity wheels.

The second aspect worth paying attention to is the presence of a rubber edging. Those who purchase a simulator for home are advised to buy the projectile that has a rubber frame. Why?

  1. Improves grip on the floor, which reduces the risk of injury from falls.
  2. Reduces noise level.

The third thing you should pay attention to when choosing a projectile is the presence of a return mechanism. It is useful for beginners, but at the same time, the load on the muscles will be noticeably reduced. Moreover, if you decide that you need a return mechanism, analyze which one is more suitable for you - mechanical or electronic.

And the last thing the rollers can differ in is the center of gravity. There are models where it is displaced. This is not marriage. Such a simulator is not suitable for beginners, as it requires a certain physical preparation and skill.

Which muscles are targeted by the video

Of course, it is not enough just to know that there is such a wonderful simulator as a gymnastic roller. What muscles work when using it - that's the main question.

It all depends on what exercises you choose for yourself. What matters is how you do them. If you do everything right, you can achieve good results.

First of all, the wheel has a huge impact on the upper body - it's arms and shoulders. There is a huge impact on pectoral muscles and back.

More importantly, the middle part is involved just as much. Because of the tactics of working with this projectile, there is an enormous load not only on the lower back. The buttocks, hamstrings and quadriceps are actively pumped - these are the very “ears”. What can you say about the press?

For the sake of it, for the most part, they take the simulator. The lower press is most involved. However, the entire abdominal muscle is under the active influence of the simulator.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the gymnastic roller helps to make a beautiful and high-quality relief of the whole body. Exercises that are aimed at working with this simulator help get rid of flabbiness. They have an active influence on problem areas. And although it should not be considered that working with the wheel is easy, the result is worth it. Numerous reviews are proof of this. Let's consider some of them.

User Reviews

Gymnastics video has long been indispensable assistant for those who seek to acquire perfect figure. Surprisingly, reviews about its use vary.

So, there are those who argue that the type of projectile does not matter. It is worth noting that such judgments are erroneous, because the more “gadgets” a simulator has, the easier it is to work on it. But there is another side of the coin - this is a reduced load on the body.

In general, if we talk about reviews, then there is one similar thought in them. The roller, unlike the same hula hoop, really works. The load is noticeable already at the first application, and the result is quickly tightened after the krepatura, which appears almost immediately.

How to start classes

Exercises with a gymnastic roller for beginners cannot immediately take place on high level. Moreover, classes should begin in the same way as any other physical activity. How? With a warm-up that will engage and warm up all the muscles and joints.

The first exercises are usually started by kneeling. For convenience, many rest their heels on the wall. It is worth remembering that exercises with a gymnastic roller do not go in jerks. This means that all your movements are smooth and progressive. For the first workout, it is enough to perform 10-15 extensions in several approaches. Each movement should increase the range of motion.

As soon as you feel that the training is easy and stress-free, you need to move on to the next level. Some people start by giving up on the heel support. Such a seemingly small maneuver already makes the workout heavier and makes it more effective.

Some will object: but all professional athletes do exercises with a gymnastic roller in a prone position similar to that needed for push-ups. Why are recommendations given above to do exercises from the knees? There is a good reason for this.

Why from knees

When the exercise is performed correctly, the person should come to a position completely parallel to the floor. To do this, you need the back muscles to be as strong as possible. Those who are just starting to practice with this projectile should be aware that their physical form is not good enough for the professional use of a gymnastic roller.

Starting to work out with this simulator from your knees, you not only provide yourself with more comfortable classes sports. This can serve as a guarantee that you will not get seriously injured.


Buying a gymnastic roller for the press is, of course, great idea. However, like any sport, this way to improve the figure and posture has a number of contraindications.

First of all, any exercise with a roller is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Of the diseases that serve as a contraindication, it is worth noting:

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Fragility of bones and joints.

In other cases, you even need to buy a video.

Plank with roller

Many have already seen more than once how the classic plank is performed from the photo. The gymnastic roller complicates this task. How?

It is necessary not only to fix the body parallel to the floor for 30 seconds. It is important that the hands rest on the roller, thereby maintaining balance. The time is gradually increased to two minutes. By doing such a bar, you can see the result much faster.

Classic variant

This exercise will sound much easier than it will be performed. From a kneeling position, you need to roll the roller forward and return it to its original position. In this case, the wheel must be in front.

No one says that during the first exercise you need to achieve a result when the body becomes perfectly even and parallel to the floor. As mentioned earlier, you need to achieve this result very smoothly, without injuring your body. Therefore, you can do several approaches of two or three rollouts, gradually increasing the amplitude. Over time, the performance will become perfect, and the number of repetitions can increase to 10.

Effective exercise for legs, abs and buttocks

It is customary to understand that the gymnastic roller is rolled in front of you with your hands. But there are also exercises that show that you can use the projectile in a different way.

So, there is an exercise in which you need to stand on outstretched arms, and place your legs on the handles of the simulator. Now gently pull your legs up to your arms, keeping your balance on the wheel. The exercise is difficult, but effective.

Some more interesting options

Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your back and take the roller. Now, as in classic version, roll out the wheel and return it to its original position. This exercise will tighten the muscles of the arms without increasing the shoulders.

The classic exercise can be modernized. For example, if you roll the roller not straight, but at an angle of 45 degrees, you can really work out the lateral muscles of the press.

There are quite a few simulators that are compact in size, but capable of making work on the body much more efficient. One of them is the ab roller, which is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also allows you to work with other muscle groups. Exercises with a simulator can be performed not only by trained athletes, but also by beginners taking their first steps in the world of sports.

The simulator can be found in almost any sports store or purchased online. The names can be different: press roller, press wheel, sports wheel, gymnastic wheel, gymnastic roller. In fact, these are the names of the same simulator.

The press wheel fully justifies its name. In fact, this is a wheel, on both sides of which handles are fixed. The simulator can have either one or two wheels or provide for the possibility of installing / removing an additional wheel. The diameter can be different, but usually ranges from 15-20 cm (the smaller the diameter, the more difficult it is to practice). The simplest models have ordinary plastic handles, while the more advanced ones have rubberized ones, which is much more convenient and safer when practicing.

Upgraded models can be equipped with foot pedals, which allow you to expand the list of exercises and work more actively on the lower body. You can also purchase a wheel trainer with handles, which will have a built-in trimmer with tensioners (expanders).

What to look for when choosing

When purchasing a gymnastic roller, it is important to correctly assess your capabilities and needs, as well as analyze the product offerings on the market. This is necessary in order to buy a simulator specifically for your level, and also not to succumb to the tricks of consultants in stores, for whom it is sometimes much more important not to help the client find the right option, but to sell him a more expensive model.

Return Trainer - best option for beginners. It allows you to facilitate training and minimize the risk of injury. But unlike a simple wheel that does not have such a function, it does not give such a high load.

Working with a press wheel with two rollers is much easier than with one. Such a simulator keeps balance better, although it facilitates the load.

A roller with a shifted center of gravity is more suitable for those who already have experience with a simple wheel and are ready for more complex loads. For beginners, this model is not recommended.

When choosing, pay attention to the weight of the wheel. Light weight models are easier to deal with, heavier ones are more difficult.

A wheel with pedals is usually chosen by those who are engaged professionally. Such a simulator allows you to significantly diversify the set of exercises with it and get the best result. Even more options for performing exercises are provided by a simulator, additionally equipped with a trimmer with tensioners. It allows you to increase the load through the use of cable tension.

What muscles are strengthened when working with a simulator

Exercises with a press roller are aimed at working out mainly the upper part of the body, namely the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back and chest. But when they are performed, a significant load also falls on the muscles. lower press and lower back, buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings are additionally involved.

Performing exercises with the wheel in the “plank” position, almost no part of the body remains unloaded. Big choice options, the use of the simulator also allows you to work on hidden muscles, while achieving the best result.

How to pump the press and other muscles with a wheel

There are quite a few exercises in which the gymnastic wheel is used. The principle of operation is always almost the same, but the starting position changes.

On my knees

Holding with straightened arms on the handles of the roller, rest it on the floor and place it strictly under the shoulders. Slowly begin to roll the wheel forward to the distance of outstretched arms, just as slowly return to the starting position. This is the simplest option, but quite effective for working out the press. To work on the oblique muscles of the press, a similar exercise is performed, but the roller does not roll forward, but slightly away from the body.

Down on one knee

In this case, the second leg is laid aside. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. It is also possible to roll the roller both forward and to the side.

Emphasis half standing

Kneel with one foot, the other rests against a wall or other reliable surface. Holding the roller in your hands, roll it back and forth as much as possible, keeping the center of gravity on it.

Emphasis standing

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms straightened, roller rest on the floor. Roll it forward as much as physical fitness allows, then go back.

sitting on my knees

Roll forward to a prone position, without lifting your knees from the floor, pull yourself back.

It is recommended to perform each exercise with a press roller 10 times, doing 3 sets. First initial stage training, the number of repetitions and approaches can be reduced. This is especially true for those who are not physically active. It is best to do it every other day, because the muscles need time to recover.

It is extremely important every time before you start using the gymnastic roller, warm up the body with simple exercises. It can be running, squatting, tilting, etc.

The advantages of the roller over other simulators

Despite its simplicity, small dimensions and low cost, a sports roller has many advantages and can seriously compete with more complex and expensive simulators. Its advantages include:

  • High efficiency in the direction of strengthening the muscles of the press, as well as the general "drying" of the body and reducing the amount of body fat;
  • Acting on both the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, the roller helps to change its shape, making the press taut and attractive;
  • Increase endurance, improve posture;
  • Does not take up much space, easy to assemble and operate;
  • You can choose a simulator for a different degree of preparedness and weight of the athlete, as well as the type of exercise.

Features of the exercise

When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, you must adhere to certain recommendations that will help you get the most noticeable result from classes:

  • For those who are just starting classes with a roller, it is better not to immediately get into the plank position, but to perform exercises with an emphasis on the knees;
  • The wheel should be driven as smoothly as possible, without jerking;
  • During the movement of the wheel, the abdominal muscles must be in constant tension;
  • In the final position, you need to make a short pause.
  • Performing the exercise while kneeling, it is necessary to put a special gymnastic rug under them to minimize the load on the joints.

There are a number of contraindications for wheel training. Traditionally, they include:

  • Spinal injuries and joint diseases;
  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Bad feeling;
  • Pregnancy.

In case of pain in the back and spine, it is recommended to stop exercising and consult with specialists.

Perhaps, each of us at least once in his life held a gymnastic roller in his hands, which is a wheel with two handles: on the left and on the right. This projectile does not take up much space, its price is quite democratic, and therefore quite often it is found at home among the most different people. True, not every owner of the simulator regularly uses it. Meanwhile, such a simple device allows almost all muscles to work, although the main load falls on abdominal Press.

The gymnastic roller is an excellent projectile for home strength training. It will suit more "advanced" fitness enthusiasts than beginners, as it allows you to perform a complex compound exercise that develops the upper body and abs.

Strength training or aerobics?

Contrary to popular belief among non-professionals, strength training in burning fat is a much more effective measure than the cardio exercises favored by weight loss. After all, aerobics works only during classes, and strength exercises have a prolonged action, lasting several hours, or even days, after you have completed the lesson. The point is that the more a person has muscle mass, the faster the metabolism in his body. Even during rest and sleep, an accelerated metabolism destroys unnecessary

Experts call the gymnastic roller the most effective home equipment for drawing the relief of the abdomen. The flexors and extensors are under tremendous stress. At the top, the arms and shoulders work, but even more - the pectoral and spinal muscles. Below, the buttocks, femoral biceps and quadriceps are actively improved (one of the most problematic areas). The only thing that the gymnastic video is not perfect in: the exercises with it are too difficult for beginners. Therefore, coaches advise starting with simplified forms, and as physical fitness improves, move on to full-fledged loads.

Pros and cons

Most people who use the gymnastic roller praise it. The main advantage of the projectile is that the load from it is complex and affects a very large number of muscles. They also note its practicality: the size is small, the device is simple and strong, nothing but the floor is required to work with it. Working with such a simulator is a pleasure.

For objectivity, it is worth noting a couple of minuses. The first is injury risk. Problems are most likely with the lumbar region. To avoid them - follow the correct technique. The second is the lack of efficiency in the opinion of some users. To believe them or not is a personal matter, however, the facts remain facts: with proper and regular training, there is still an effect, and a considerable one.


So, how to use a gymnastic roller correctly? Below are the options for exercises with this projectile.

  1. On your knees, hold the roller with outstretched arms on the floor in the area chest. Start slowly rolling the projectile away from you until you touch your knees with your chest, then just as smoothly roll it towards you, returning to the starting position.
  2. Variation of exercise 1. In the farthest position of the roller, linger for 2-4 seconds, and only then do the movement back.
  3. Sitting on the floor with a straight back and bent knees, place the roller under your feet and roll it away from you, bending your upper body in the direction of movement. When the slope reaches its maximum, you can move back. Do not try to do this exercise perfectly the first time - it requires a certain skill that comes with time.

To increase the effectiveness of classes, take a deep breath before tilting, and exhaling during lifts.

A firm press and a beautiful athletic body is the dream of all men and women, which can be realized without leaving home. To do this, it is enough to purchase such a sports equipment as a roller.

Performing daily exercises with a roller, you can achieve an incredible result, while not spending a lot of money. What does this projectile look like and how to use it?

Exercises with a roller help guys and girls not only pump up the press, but also strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, arms and legs.

There are several varieties of this sports equipment, each of them helps to achieve a certain result.

Comparison table of types of rollers:

Appearance roller model Peculiarities
Wheel with plastic or rubber grips on the sides.

with double wheel The model is more stable when performing exercises, allows you to better keep your balance.

With return mechanism Designed for beginners, as it helps to facilitate physical exertion when working with a projectile.

Off center Designed for advanced users, increases the level of stress on the muscles.

with pedals Required to perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Tensioner trimmer It comes in two versions: with a double wheel or a trimmer wheel in each hand. With this projectile, you can perform complex exercises with increased load due to cable tension.

Depending on the physical form and the level of desired loads, one or another type of roller is selected.

What muscles work during roller exercises?

Main muscles involved

When using the roller, the abdominal muscles swing most of all, they become toned and elastic, excess fat is removed. Further, the muscles of the back, lower back, chest, gluteal muscles, and biceps of the thighs lend themselves to the load.

Strong back muscles are not everything. During training, the legs and arms swing. In general, the whole body looks athletic and toned. Training with a roller helps to remove extra pounds and fat from a man.

There are many exercises with a roller that are aimed at training various muscle groups.

Important! With such a back disease as osteochondrosis, it is worth abandoning training with a roller.

A set of exercises

There are such types of exercises:

  • Roller skating forward on your knees. This is an exercise for the press. Kneeling, holding the handles of the roller, slowly roll it forward at arm's length, and then return to the starting position. Recommended for men with a beer tummy, relatively easy to perform, but effective;
  • Skating the roller to the side while kneeling. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the press, performed similarly to the first option, only the roller rolls to the side;

    Roller skating forward kneeling

  • I'm on one knee. Exercise gives an increase in the load on the legs and arms. We put one leg on the knee, take the second to the side, roll the roller forward;
  • Standing on one knee with rollbacks to the side. We make a ledge forward, while the leg is bent at the knee, we put the other leg on the knee from behind. We make kickbacks to the side to the maximum length;

    Roller skating forward on one knee

  • Half-standing point-blank. We kneel, take the second leg back and rest against the wall. Holding on to the roller, roll it back and forth, while the knee should not touch the floor. The center of gravity moves to the roller;
  • From a standing position. Having taken the emphasis while standing, the rollback is done to the maximum length. In this exercise, you can use different modifications of the rollers;
  • From a standing position with rollbacks to the side. The emphasis is similar to the previous exercise, rollbacks are done alternately to the side, with one hand rolled back to the side, the other is bent at the elbow holding the roller. This exercise uses two rollers with double wheels;

Training should last at least 15 minutes, all exercises are performed alternately at least 10 times.

Beginner Tips:

  1. When choosing a roller, be guided by the level of your sports training, a roller with a return mechanism is suitable for beginners, for professionals - with a displaced center. To increase the variety of exercises, choose a roller with pedals.
  2. Do not immediately give heavy loads, as it may appear strong pain in the muscles. It is necessary to increase the intensity of the loads gradually.
  3. To start the exercise, you need to perform 10 times in 3 sets. This allows the muscles to get used to the loads. Beginners are advised to do exercises on their knees to the floor.
  4. Schedule exercises with a roller, diluting it with squats, pull-ups to enhance the effect.
  5. When performing the first two exercises presented, the back must be kept in a hill.

Regular exercises with a roller will help men and girls not only find a toned body, but also improve their body. Indeed, when muscles are strengthened, the work of internal organs improves, posture becomes straight, which helps to avoid back problems and curvature of the spine, especially when lifting weights. Just 15 minutes of training a day for three months will give a tangible result.

Video demonstration of exercises with a roller

The video shows different variants exercises with a video, voice acting on English language, but this does not interfere with the understanding of the process.

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