Step-by-step repair. On the need for sound insulation

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

Almost always, new housing is acquired by a happy Novoseliy from the company of the developer without interior decoration and repair, but with Communications started to the apartment. Firstly, such housing in the new building will cost cheaper, and secondly, almost always the repair and arrangement of the apartment by the developer is carried out extremely carelessly, using cheap materials. Thirdly, there is a desire to fulfill some stages of the apartment repairs with their own hands or hands of good masters.

Where to start repairing an apartment in a new building

To begin, it is necessary to make an audit and inspection of the apartment, to establish problem areas of walls, ceilings and gender. Next, we act in the following order. We define that it requires repair and finishing in the first place. If the time and funds for full repair of the apartment is not enough, it is necessary to put in order first:

  • Entrance door and windows, ventilation of the apartment;
  • Perform a full and high-quality electrical wiring and wiring outlets around the apartment. This stage must be thought out as detailed as possible, make a circuit of connecting and circuit of laying wires into the wall;
  • Connect water and collect sewage in the bathroom and toilet, install the toilet, washbasin and shower cabin;
  • If the start time of repair of an apartment in a new building coincided with the heating season, be sure to check the degree of heating the aluminum registers using a remote thermometer.

Tip! Before starting repair, the list of claims for the presence of shortcomings or marriage must be submitted to the representative of the seller. Perhaps you will be able to receive compensation for repairs in the new building. Do not agree to alteration by the firm forces.

In the process of listed preparatory work You can calculate the repair sequence in the new building.

What affects the sequence of repair in the apartment in the new building

Much in the repair of housing in the new building depends on the availability of time and money resources. Having bought a "naked" apartment and issued required documents For the right to hold, you automatically start paying the rent and houses, for use outdoor territory, for export of household waste and construction trash. After connecting electricity and water, the new apartment in the new building began to bring you a loss in the form of costs for its content and finish. The longer the repairs of the apartment in the new building, the more expensive it will cost you.

There are two main approach to the finishing issue. new apartment In the new building:

  1. Planned repair and decoration of the apartment. In this case, the owners make up detailed map And the schedule for finishing works, in which all the main types of finishes and installation of devices are prescribed. Such a repair is usually performed from scratch and before its completion of one brigade of the masters. The term of delivery of the repaired object can stretch for several weeks or months. The disadvantages of this approach refers to a constantly growing price and the cost of work, sometimes exceeding costs on the estimate of more than twice. As a result, if there is not enough funds for the unforeseen circumstances, the repair can delay the indefinite period.
  2. Fast repairs from scratch. In this case, all of the above repair stages in the new building are performed by the hands of hired masters with direct control of the quality of work on your part. The apartment in the new building will be prepared for the further decoration of the rooms during the week. In addition to communications, they are finished and equipped the smallest room of the apartment with laying temporary linoleum and shook wallpaper. There are no amenities in this room, but it can be used as accommodation, - time and warehouse for building materials. All other works are performed as free tools and time arrivals.

The first option is well suited if there are small children or elderly people in the family who need to provide certain comfort and convenience. The second option is considered more economical and rapid, especially if after decorating the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and one room, housing for rent, with consistently bringing the remaining rooms of new buildings to the condition.

We carry out the repair of the apartment with your own hands and head

Among the most popular horror stories for new buildings, it is customary to be the stories about the shrinkage of the walls of the house and its foundation. In reality, a similar process for a multi-storey house must finally be completed by the time of delivery of the construction. This period on average is no more than 18 months. If after 1.5 years in the corners, ceiling overlap Or on the joints and in the masonry of the walls are formed cracks, the tile is falling down in the bathroom, the magnifies are deformed with the door distortion, - this means that the new building has certain problems with the stability of the foundation. With repair it is worth waiting until the chief is clarified - what happens with the new building.

Where to start repair in a new building

Before starting work, the first thing is to inspect the lock on the entrance door. Model and standard equipment equipment can be subject to a separate agreement. Specify in addition to the contract, which one model doors and the lock must be installed. If there was a need to take additional security measures, first of all change the castle in the delivery of a new building.

At the next stage, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the installation of the distribution electrical panel, connecting the electric meter. It will provide an opportunity to start using the power tool when repairing the apartment. To get rid of the need to use a large number of carrying and extension cords, plan the wiring scheme in the apartment. This should consider the following:

  • For the kitchen and bathroom, the wiring must be put in sealed hoses, sleeves;
  • A separate residential pave the wire into the bathroom for connecting a boiler or washing machine. The cable cross section should be calculated for current at least 25 A;
  • An additional wire must be paved to the installation site of the air conditioner;
  • In the bathroom, in the kitchen, it is necessary to carry out a wire that will be connected and used in the further entry grounds.

Tip! When laying wiring, use only copper cable without twists and adhesions.

In addition to electricity, to create more or less normal conditions It is necessary to connect the water meters hot and cold water and collect sewage in the bathroom and toilet. Starting work is necessary from the installation of the toilet and washbasin.

Considering that good plumbing It is expensive, at first you can install an inexpensive version of the toilet, assemble and connect plastic sewer pipes, Silphon and washbasin sink. During the repair of the apartment plumbing can be replaced at any time. Installation of expensive plumbing increases the risk of damage to it during repair, it must be installed at the final repair stage of new buildings.

For laying plastic water supply with a perforator, watched channels in the walls of the bathroom, toilet, a kitchen with a depth of 2.5-3cm. Next you need to unwind water pipes And connect the conclusions to the drain tank and washbasin. Last but I will install and connect the water meters on the cold and hot water To home water pipes.

Black operations

Before proceeding with the work, you will need to perform a large amount of cleaning of concrete residues, mortar. The main part will have to black clean the walls, floor, ceiling, their sticking, alignment and trimming of seams. Such work gives a large amount of dirt and dust, so it will be necessary to organize good ventilation and wet cleaning inside the new building.

A separate item needs to highlight the preparation of floors in each of the rooms under the final finish. During the repair in the apartment it will be necessary to close all the cracks, holes in the seams between the plates, in the floor, in the interior common of new buildings. The most difficult floor is the alignment of the floor with a screed of a cement mortar and reinforcing grid. This procedure should be performed at the end of the preparation of walls and the ceiling to finishing.

Similar works will be performed in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Finishing work

After a draft cleaning, it will be necessary to prepare the walls in the kitchen and toilet under the laying of tiles on the walls and the floor. Facing tile can be laid with their own hands, but it's troublesome and requires large number time. Therefore, laying the tile is better to assign masters specializing in this kind of finish. While work on laying tiles, you can repair with your own hands in one of the rooms of the apartment. The most optimal option will be put on the walls decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper. If at the time of starting the repair in the apartment new buildings, windows in the windows were in a satisfactory condition, then it is possible to start the room to apply plaster on the walls of the room immediately.

Upon completion of the laying of tiles on the floor and walls in the kitchen, in the bathroom and the toilet, you need to put inexpensive linoleum in the corridor connecting these three rooms and the room in which the repair is made using decorative plaster. This will reduce the amount of dust raised and simplifies cleaning an apartment.

The most responsible stages of repair of new buildings

Before finishing walls in the apartment must be aligned, and in case of detection of a defect to repair interior doors. If you have to stick in your future plans, the normally closed doors are simply necessary for high-quality work on the shook wallpaper. After the decoration of the walls is completed, go to the laying of linoleum, laminate or carpet on the floor of the apartment. The most practical is the most practical laminate for residential rooms, for the corridor an office version of linoleum with increased abrasion resistance. A similar type of work does not require special qualifications and is easily performed with their own hands during the repair of the apartment of the new building.


The final stage of repair is considered to connect the lamps and the installation of furniture in the apartment. Approximately 70% of the volume of work during repair in the new building is quite accessible to do it yourself. And only when performing special species Finishes - installation of parquet, installation of stretch ceilings, installation of double-glazed windows or entrance doors in a new building, you will need specialist services.

When repairing the apartment, it is necessary to follow the sequence of stages. Violation of this rule leads to numerous returns to the already made part. As a result, temporary and financial costs increase significantly.

With proper work planning, it is achieved:

  • Significant economy of finance.
  • Optimization of repair time.
  • Achieving the high reliability of the results and aestheticness of the appearance of the premises.

With bad planning, there are invariably unforeseen work. It is necessary to make a detailed list of works, ranging from laying a warm floor if the apartment is in a new building, and ending with the placement of furniture.


A typical start-up error is the purchase of all the desired materials. It is better not to start with this. Basically simple manifold Cause of repair in economical mode. You need to choose materials with an optimal ratio price quality. Naturally, you can first buy consumables To perform one stage. It is easier to use the services of professionals, otherwise the compilation of the estimates will be very tiring. Next you need to decide on the interior of the rooms, including the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Initial work in capital repairs

Regardless of the implementation of the repair (professionals or do it yourself), it always includes the required stages in any selection of the interior direction.

Preparatory work consist in removing old materials (wallpapers, tiles, linoleum, etc.) if the apartment had an finishing finish, the closure of any surfaces that should be kept in pure form. It is cleaned by everything that can interfere with repair. If humidity is present, the room is drying, for example, the old bathroom.

Development of a plan before repairing an apartment

Mandatory work on roughing, examples of materials

Septures in economical mode are usually created from foam blocks or drywall, as well as bricks. This use sound insulation materials: the plaster of a special composition. Gypsum Carton is usually installed using metal carcasov, in addition to them inserted mineral wool, muffled sound.

Next, wall alignment is carried out with the help of plaster and the formation of a cement screed. Watching can be carried out using standard compositions, such as sand and cement or plaster mixtures. Important elements when plastering are beacons installed under the square. Due to such devices, an even angle is reached, approximate to 90 °.

Electrician and plumbing

If the housing is old with wiring passing inside the walls, then removing the wires are completely optional. It is enough to de-energize and insulate. The new network is paving a little elsewhere. The final wiring of the power grid and plumbing is carried out after plastering the walls and the fill of the sexual screed. As a result, no inaccuracies are achieved when installing electricity sources and plumbing equipmentFor which the convenient output of pipes is important.

Finishing works, more about drywall

The finishing work phase has its own procedure, while it is necessary to comply with specific norms so that the finish is durable, and not "floated" in the first days of the apartment's operation after repair. Before starting finish work, you must once again recall your preferences, acquire materials if they are not yet purchased.

After the draft decoration, the room is kept for some time to make moisture from the walls. For example, when installing plasterboard, as an option finish finishIt is necessary to withstand the time (1-2 weeks) after plastering the walls with a mixture of sand and cement. Plasterboard is becoming increasingly popular because it is inexpensive, it is easy to install and allows you to achieve completely even walls.

If you violate the regulations for the work, the probability of the appearance of cracks on drywall increases significantly. When installing the sheets of material, a carefully fixed profile is required. Additionally, a glass cholester and a special putty, masking joints are used to obtain a smooth surface.


Put exactly I. reliably tile Without special skills difficult. It is better to entrust this stage of finishing by a specialist, having previously consulted about the purchase of materials. It is necessary to resolve the question whether many inserts and decor are planned on the walls. Plumbing is installed only after fully carried out finishing work until the joints are wiping between the tiles.

It is desirable that the plumber installed that person who worked with tiles. Tile cracking when mounting plumbing - a frequent phenomenon. Usually the master replaces it.

Wall decoration tiles (photo)

Learn more about works with walls and floors

Unlike where standard method The surface finishes is a tile, the walls are often painted with walls and glue wallpaper. First, the level of alignment of surfaces and angles is performed. The finishing stages for alignment of the walls include: applying deep penetration primer, overlaying the painting mesh (2 h 2 mm), the first and second layer of putty. The smaller the surface will be, the better the wallpaper or paint (water-emulsion or acrylic) will be lying.

Finish repair does not cause difficulties when smooth walls. Clamping wallpaper in a three-bedroom apartment when two people usually takes 2-3 days. Specific deadlines depend on the complexity of texture and wallpaper pattern.

The sexual coating, according to most professionals, should fit at the end of the repair, regardless of the material (laminate, linoleum, parquet, carpet).

Briefly about the stages of repair and importance of knowledge of the process

Regardless of the selection of the artist's repair or decision make it independently the stages of work need to know. An aware owner of the apartment better controls the process and follows the master, clearly aware of the temporary and financial costs. From the artist who does not like the owner's subsidism, you need to urgently refuse. A specialist must discuss all the steps with the customer in the course of repairs. Consensus helps to achieve a better result. You should not be afraid to "torture" masters questions. He is a specialist and is obliged to enter the client's course.

Brief repair plan:

Definition with dimensions. Room area, height and width of walls, sizes of openings, assessment of irregularities of the room (floor drop and ceiling), marks of future or current switches and sockets. You can designate the appropriate floor level and ceiling.

  • Dismantling of all unnecessary, from what you want to get rid of or replace. In the new building, this stage of repair is relevant only with the demolition of partitions.
  • Replacing heating radiators (if necessary). It is impossible to leave this stage for later, it will be more expensive.
  • Cleaning garbage after dismantling or at the entrance to the new building. Usually the apartment with draft finish is not removed, contaminated with sand and dust.
  • Purchase essential materials For all repairs or the next stage, depending on finance.
  • Electrician Laying a new network or upgrades (improvement, repair) old.
  • Pouring a concrete screed indoor. All this should dry, you need to wait time and do other rooms.
  • Plastering walls of rooms with bathrooms, their leveling before the start of the finish finish.
  • Finish finish of the walls of the bathroom and toilet (painting, laying of tiles).
  • Installation of plumbing and pipeline.
  • Checking the smooth walls in residential rooms And working on their alignment.
  • Installation of slopes and window sills.
  • If the screeds in the rooms are not mounted, then you need to proceed to them.
  • Door installation. Before installation, it is necessary to estimate their compliance with the size of the opening.
  • Planning work with the ceiling, selection of finishes (whitewashes, tension, suspended). If the ceiling is planned or bleached, then work is performed at the last stage of the draft finish.
  • Sticking wallpaper. Depending on the material in this process there are nuances. For example, the vinyl canvas smell. There are soft wallpapers, push to which immediate leaves dents.
  • Floor finish, installation of plinths.
  • Recommendations for some stages of apartment repair
  • How to make the installation of plumbing with the least effort? It is better to use metal plastic pipeswhich are mounted without special tools.
  • Paul in rooms. With dry tie less problems Due to the speed of installation than with cement. Coatings can be different. The most expensive and warm is a traffic jam.
  • Select the type of ceiling. Rarely, when a smooth location of the ceiling is obtained during construction. Do with alignment or choose stretch ceiling. The last option is of course easier and faster.
  • Wallpaper. It is better to choose meter in the width of the canvas. Sticking half-level takes much more time.
  • Internal wiring in the strokes is well replaced by the wirewater disguise under the plasterboard ceiling.
  • Careful consumption control of plaster. For example, for concrete walls of a layer with a thickness of 2.5 cm is quite enough.
  • Dismantling and garbage removal Many are capable of conducting independently, so you can not spend money on these services.
  • If the repair was carried out by the masters, then it is better to invite an independent expert than after the revealed flaws of them to eliminate them.
  • Read more about New Building

    The new house will definitely subjected to the shrinkage process, so the use of expensive material is money for the wind. Inevitably the appearance of cracks on the walls and sublishes in the complexes of heating and water supply. It is better to leave your choice on the domestic product.

    It begins with the definition of the size (height oscillations, ceiling, the slope of partitions). Requires the use of a water or modern laser level. Preliminary measurements make it possible to determine the technologies of finishing and elimination of drops.

    Any demolitions or construction of partitions, the materials of which are a hard blast or foam block, less often brick, require harmonization in BTI, otherwise a fine is inevitable demanding: return the apartment to the original state at its own expense.
    Next stage:

    • replacement of windows;
    • window sills;
    • heating systems (radiators).

    If necessary, at this stage, taps are installed. The installation of plastic windows should be carried out with the shrinkage. Experts, realizing this, leave special gaps, resulting in the window not deformed.

    Alignment of walls to plastering using lighthouses. Better to carry out the process, after installing the strengthening grid. In the rooms where the laying of the tile is planned to create ideal straight corners (90є). In the case of smooth joints of the underlooking material will be the same size.

    Next, the time of the first stages of the installation of plumbing systems, electricians, ventilation are occurring. At this stage, laying pipes of sewage and water supply, cable broach, installation of peatheads. It is impossible to carry out such work without the prior plan. It is better to use plastic pipes that are not deformed during shrinkage. Next are the standard stages:

    • floor screed (dry or wet);
    • cutting works.

    Finally decided to update the interior of your dwelling? Then the knowledge will be created which stages of the apartment repairs are expected and how to observe their odds. So many, at first glance, imperceptible nuances may occur.

    If you predetermine the priority of actions in advance, the result will only delight.

    • It is a chance to significantly save the budget, since it is not necessary to redo anything and buy the tricks, while overpaying.
    • The duration of the work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a more rapid end of the case.
    • Repair will be really high quality.
    • The first mistake of the owner who decided to start construction work is a rapid purchase of building materials. Often because of the rush, he purchases a lot of superfluous, and what is really necessary, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even the products are better to go with a thoughtful list.
      Read what to start repair.
      It all starts with estimates. At the same time, it is advisable to invite to consult a specialist, even if in the future only scheduled independent work.

      Before starting repair, it is necessary to develop a project and make a estimate
      Having a precisely compiled plan and a competent list of all necessary, you can start.

      Order of work

      We pay attention again: to avoid errors, alterations and downtime during the repair process, must adhere to ready Plan.

      Step-by-step repair stages

      Dismantling of the old interior

      It starts with total preparation. Such works include:

      • removal of old wallpaper;
      • dismantling plaster;
      • the destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
      • removal of floors;
      • dismantling surfaces intended for replacement.

      Skip the dismantling stage, moving immediately to the next step.

      Dismantling interior

      Installation of communications

      First of all, work on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all operations that can destroy new covers: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. Also, it is also possible to include pipe wiring.
      Read more about this in our articles:

      All old wiring electricians are removed and installed new. Instructions for the safety of the placement of sockets will help arrange the electrical elements correctly and use the wires with a sufficient cross section. For example, it is necessary to take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding on the point to which the washing machine will be connected.

      Creating partitions

      At this stage, you can change the entire planning of the apartment, introducing a novelty and additional comfort to the interior.

      With the help of partitions (especially if extra walls are removed) you can create an office, nursery, divide the bathroom.
      More often for such purposes, bricks or foam blocks are used, less often - plasterboard. Covering new wall Soundproofing plaster, you can achieve a greater coziness. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the square of the premises, sometimes it is better to leave one large roomthan to do five small ones. In addition, the creation of extra partitions can lead to a violation of the natural ventilation of the apartment. So when erecting additional walls, it is necessary to consult with professionals.
      Articles of our website on the topic:


      To carry out plaster works, it is recommended to use the finished cement-sand mix (CPS) or gypsum plasterthat will save from possible errors In independent mixing of the proportions of sand and cement. If there are no sufficient experience in such work, it is better to hire specialists. First, this is saving time, secondly, you will not have to redo unsuccessful work.
      Read more:


      Pouring concrete, equal to the floor. The quality of these work will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Surely more than once came across the problem of equalizing the table, chest, chair and, more significantly, washing machine. A good screed will help to avoid such difficulties in the future.
      Read more:.

      Installation of plasterboard

      There should be no less than a week between the screed and installation of plasterboard so that the room can dry.
      We establish the iron section base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then.
      More detailed articles on this topic.

    Make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands - the dream of many premises owners. Although this is not a "public" place in a house or apartment, children do not play here, guests are not going to visit or the whole family, repairing in the bedroom should pay quite a lot of attention.

    At the same time, many want the interior to meet all the ideas of their owners, they invest their most uncomfortable dreams. How to make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands will tell this article.

    The bedroom is a room where every person spends enough time. The room can be multifunctional or adapted only for sleep, which requires relevant technical and design techniques.

    This leads to the fact that before repairing the bedroom, you should thoroughly consider all its stages, given the varieties of such a room as it will be used how the renovated room will look like.

    According to their cumulative features of the bedroom, such categories can be distinguished:

    • Sophisticated or parental. Here you need to create the desired psychological attitude for both spouses (see).
    • Children's (cm. ) . This room, where children not only sleep, but also play, make lessons what requires a special approach to its design.
    • Bedroom bachelor(cm. ). Its features are that it is usually a small room that can easily be transformed from the recreation area to the office or a bedroom for two.
    • In one-room apartment. Such a type of bedroom is characterized by its multifunctionality. She is a married, and a room for children and a dining room. Example of registration one-bedroom apartment Shown in the photo.

    Any of these species may have a simple configuration in terms of or to be with Alcove, have:

    • Bed niche.
    • Balcony or loggia (see ).

    What types of repair

    The degree of increase in complexity characterizes the type of repair of bedrooms.

    He might be:

    • Cosmetic or simple. In this case, the repair is reduced to cleaning the room, it is possible to replace the window or the balcony block, the wallpaper plywood. Before his holding, the main thing is to choose the right wallpaper and new furniture. With this repair:
    1. a new solid flexible floor covering on the existing, without performing the repair of the floor;
    2. changes change (see);
    3. lambinos suspension;
    4. installed, if necessary, screen.
    • Decorative. This is a more complex room repair. This includes in addition to the above events:
    1. device of a new ceiling;
    2. new wall decoration;
    3. floors are played;
    4. may be insulation of a balcony or loggia;

    It is enough sophisticated work, but still quite fulfilled yourself. The decorative repair also includes the installation of light partitions from puzzle blocks or drywall, plywood or lumber.

    • Capital. It is in addition to full cleaning of the room, its drying includes:
    1. overhaul of walls, gender, ceiling and device of their insulation;
    2. repair of the floor at which the screed is changing and its sealing, insulation and vaporizolation are made.
    • Renovation. The concept of "renovation" is a style, creating an unusual appearance of a bedroom, which will express the individuality of its owners. Such a repair can be any kind, even cosmetic, but it requires or a good artistic taste of the owner of the premises, possession of them special techniques Work, or recommendations of an experienced designer. The price of the Eurore repair, in any case, will be quite large.
    • Repair with redevelopment. In this case, most often performed:
    1. balcony combined with bedroom;
    2. severe capital partitions are arranged, giving a large concentrated load, which acts on overlap;
    3. device in a bedroom Panoramic or French window.

    At the same time, the repair requires the development of a project, a special permission to work, accompanied by complex documentary designs, professional technical supervision for carrying out all operations, their acceptance confirmation of the act of putting commissioning. The execution of such works is possible with the experience of a builder who can do technical calculations and knowing the bottom. Repair with redevelopment on its own forces is made only in exceptional cases.

    Tip: In any bedroom, there must be a corner for the Bouire device, which will be placed: chest of drawers or wardrobe, tremor, ottoman. In a bachelor's bedroom, the functions of the Boudoire and the table for work perfectly combines a secret meter with a mirror arranged in his niche.

    Room with constructive features

    When it comes to bedrooms, it is quite common to another problem: the room has a configuration of the foam, that is, it is narrow and long. Let's see how professional designers come out of this situation.

    Such a room must be defined, and you see the bottom of the bottom, which is done with the help of a suspended ceiling with backlight and curtains.


    • Caissional plasterboard ceiling is made only in that part of the room, where the bed is standing, and it is under the window. Therefore, the heating battery was closed with a decorative lattice, the shutters of a roll type were hung on the window. The curtains were not located above the window, as is usually done, but before the bed, thus creating a kind of boudoir.
    • A similar idea may be interested in the owners of "Khrushchevok", where there are rooms like this configuration. By the way, partial zoning can be performed by the arrangement of a figure drywall. Most often, it is an element of the ceiling and wall zoning design.
    • A one or another version of the separation of the room on the zone is selected taking into account the location of windows in it. An example with the Boudo is good when the window is located in the far end of the room, as it is more often and happens.
      On the example below, it is located on the side wall, close to the entrance.
    • The bed is in the unlucky daylight of the part of the room, and if it is closed with curtains, the sleeping area will be practically in the dark. Therefore, another version of zoning is chosen here.
    • A short curly septum separates the zones only visually, not lighting up light. Due to insufficient daylight, for finishing this bedroom, white, and muffled pink color are taken as the basis.
    • And also in multi-storey houses There are long balconies with two outputs, one of which is in the bedroom, or it can be a loggia. Anyway, it is not entirely convenient, and a desire to remove this door appears, especially since the rooms with a balcony often there is an unimportant lighting.
    • What can you come up with this situation? The door leading to the balcony can, of course, remove, but only if it is well to isolate and spent heating there. Now there are all the possibilities to do this - however, they will require certain costs.
    • It is necessary to close the gaps, for all the rules, insulate the parapet and the balcony ceiling. Ceramzit concrete screed Lift the floor above, and the flooring system installed under the floor covering, even relieve you from the need to arrange the traditional heating on the balcony.

    How to make repairs in the bedroom

    Instructions for repairing the room includes:

    • Designed design project.

    It reflects what should be the type of bedroom after the completion of the repair. A sketch is applied on paper or reproduced using a special computer program, if available.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the size of the room, to properly perform the zoning space of the room. Typically, the bedroom is isolated from all other apartments, but here you can organize a dressing room or place to work.

    • Compiled estimates for repairs.

    After determining the design of the room, a list of materials necessary for performing work is drawn up, and costs for repairs are formed. At the same time, the main condition is to properly maintain the ratio of good quality and reasonable price for repairing the premises.

    • Prepared workplace.

    Before starting repair, the bedroom should be taken out of it all the furniture, shoot chandeliers, sockets and switches. If you do not plan to change windows and doors, they need to be protected with a special scratch and dust film.

    • The old coatings are dismantled.

    It is removed:

    1. old wallpaper;
    2. traces of blissing;
    3. paint;
    4. old tile;
    5. spoiled flooring.

    Dismantling is a long enough procedure that requires certain skills and attention. It is necessary to remove the plinth and thresholds.

    • The room is re-posted, and its structural elements are replaced.

    Repair can begin with redevelopment of a room involving a demolition or device of partitions. In addition, when repairing the bedroom you can do:

    1. replacement of radiators;
    2. installation of air conditioners;
    3. carry out electrical work;
    4. replace windows and doors.

    Tip: Bedroom, more than another room, should be separated ecologically pure MaterialsSafe for human health.

    How to separate the ceiling in the bedroom

    The ceiling takes a significant place when room design.

    He might be:

    • Spacure.

    This is a rather laborious process that requires skill and experience.

    • From drywall.

    Such a device can be performed independently. The advantages of plasterboard designs are:

    1. aligning surface drops;
    2. concealing all communications;
    3. suitable for the device of any lighting;
    4. are the ideal option To create multi-level structures of any complexity.
    • Stretched.

    The features of such devices can be:

    1. they hide all the flaws of the ceiling surface;
    2. protect the room from an unforeseen fall into the moisture room from the ceiling;
    3. wide selection of textures and colors.

    Stretch ceilings can be arranged in multi-level versions, where they will introduce a note of uniqueness and uniqueness to the bedroom.

    Much attention must be paid color gamma Ceiling. It depends on the dimensions of the repaired premises and from the style used. Reduce visually space dark colors, and increase - bright.

    Tip: The bedroom does not recommend installing glossy and multi-colored ceilings that distract attention and not contributing to relaxation. All shades are chosen so that they are calm and unobtrusive, and for inclusion in the interior of a saturated color, it is better to fulfill a small color accent in the middle.

    Window repair and doors

    The doors are chosen in such a way that they are combined with the design of the entire premises. Window - important element interior. Their form and dimensions dictate the design of the room.

    In addition, they prevent the penetration of cold to the bedroom, have thermal insulation properties. Soundproofing of the window depends on the thickness of the glass, the distance between the glasses, the density of the joints.

    Depending on the type of window opening, they can be:

    • Combined.
    • Swing vertical.
    • Swing horizontal.

    There are a variety of windows:

    • Standard plastic.
    • Original wooden with an attractive design.

    Tip: When designing a plan, you need to consider the windows to be directed to the south or east. Then in a sufficient amount in the room will come sunlightThat improves the work of the human body, stimulates the activities of the CNS and controls the metabolism.

    How to separate the walls in the bedroom

    Wall decorations - the main operation during the repair of the room. First of all, they are leveling.

    To do this, you can use one of the options:

    • Alignment of walls of plasterboard. This is a simple and cost-effective option. Plasterboard can be hidden rather large differences on the surface of the walls and create a perfectly smooth surface. The disadvantage of the material is to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the unusual hollowness of the walls of the room.
    • Plastering. This is a more difficult, long-term time and costly procedure. In addition, it cannot be used for premises where large surface drops. The advantage of this method - saving useful Square Bedrooms.

    For finishing walls of walls in the bedroom, wallpaper or decorative plaster is most often used. When choosing wallpaper:

    Tip: Most optimal option For decoration of walls - paper wallpapers with environmental cleanliness and acceptable cost. The only lack of them is a low life.

    • Those who are creatively approaching the organization of the interior can be bought by phlizelin wallpaper under painting. Such materials are well passed air, eco-friendly, they can be repainted, if desired, change the color and style of the room.
    • Textile wallpapers are quite original in the bedroom:
    1. have long term operation;
    2. big abundance of colors and structures;
    3. provide excellent sound insulation indoors.

    It allows you to create an original artwork in the bedroom, and its owner can be sure that his room design will be the only and unique.

    Color shades for the bedroom are best to take:

    • Blue.
    • Light green.
    • Pearl-gray.
    • Light pink.

    How to repair Pol

    The floor in the bedroom should not be cold. If possible, it is better to arrange the installation of the "warm floor" system.

    As an outdoor coating, you can use:

    • Laminate. it affordable Material, It is easily fit. The coating does not require much care, but when installing under it, the soundproofing substrate should be paved.
    • Parquet. The material is quite expensive, very capricious and requires special care.
    • Linoleum. It has high wear resistance and unpretentious in operation.
    • Cork floor. The coating is pleasant to the touch, warm, comfortable and environmentally friendly. Does not tolerate aggressive means when cleaning.
    • Bulk floor. Original I. modern view Finishes. With it, you can get a very smooth surface to which 3D image can be applied.

    Tip: If the bedroom is small, a visually more volumetric room will make a laminate or laminated on the parquet diagonal.

    Installation of furniture in the bedroom

    The repair of the bedroom selection of textiles ends:

    1. curtain
    2. gardin;
    3. bedspread;
    4. cape;
    5. pillows decorative.

    Podium for the bedroom

    The easiest option of the podium is a frame of wooden barLocked with glued plywood or wood-polymeric plates OSB. As a facial finishing, the podium body can be separated by carpet, piece parquet, laminate, cork coating.


    • Experienced specialists are managed, with the help of the podium, organize the space of the most close bedroom so that everything is necessary in it: from the table, to the lounge cabinet. In general, it is believed that the podium needs to be done: either in a small one or in a fairly spacious room - the main thing is that the ceiling height allows it.
    • In the interiors decorated in japanese styleAlmost you will not see traditional beds - just a soft mattress installed on a low podium. IN great room It can also be in the center of the room. Then it makes sense to decorate its surface of expensive wood, make backlight.
    • If you, starting the repair of the bedroom, decided to make the podium, in this part of the room will need to dismantle the flooring. Next, you have to align the base and set it cork substratewhich is usually placed under laminate. This layer will not only serve as a shock absorber, but also provide normal sound insulation.
    • The size of the frame for the frame must be seamlessly taking into account the alleged loads - if it is only a bed, the sections of 30 * 30 mm will be quite enough. In principle, for this purpose you can use and aluminum profile, especially if the podium will sneak GVL. The distance between the vertical racks should be no more than 40 cm.
    • In those places where the podium is adjacent to the walls, the frame elements can be rigidly fixed on their surface. The horizontal and vertical belts are installed at right angles, if it are bars, they should be additionally fixed with metal corners.
    • If the podium is used to use the phaneer horizontal surface, then in order to not feel the deflection under load, you need to take a material with a maximum thickness (21 cm). Application plate OSB. Allows you to reduce thickness up to 15 cm - they are much stronger than plywood due to the polymer filler. Hypus fiber sheets (GVL) may have a thickness of 12 mm, but the step between lags, and it should be less than: 30 cm.

    To build such a design, no special knowledge is required - every second man will perfectly cope with this task. To cover visible vertical surfaces, facade facade drawer, You can take a chipboard with a laminated coating, or use details of unnecessary cabinet furniture.

    Loggia as part of the bedroom

    What the most urgently urges any room is pipes and heating radiators, hide which is not always possible. And if there is also an exit to the loggia, the whole wall is practically not involved in the design.


    • You can, of course, hang gorgeous curtains, but if they are constantly torn, leaving for a balcony and back, they appearance Quite soon will be deplorable. You have to move the porter so that it does not interfere with the freely walk.
    • For this reason, the owners of such premises often prefer to combine the room with a loggia. Why exactly from the loggia, and not with a balcony? The answer is simple: the balcony is a remote design, and make it the same warm as the room is quite difficult.
    • Loggia in principle is part of indoor roomAnd her floor and ceiling serve not balcony plates, but overlap slabs. Therefore, in winter in the location of the loggia, much warmer than on a glazed balcony - and this is very important, especially for the bedroom.

    Before removing the window and door, you need to get rid of the battery under the window and decide main question: How to heat the room will be carried out.

    And the choice is:

    • If the parapet makes low or do without it without it, setting the glass wall, the bedroom will have excellent natural light, and you will please the panorama of the city, which opened the look. It will only need to raise the flooring level of the loggia to the floor of the room, make a common floor covering and finishing, harmonizing with a common interior - and get a large bedroom with a separate area assigned to relax or study.
    • Don't forget that interior decoration The walls and the ceiling on the loggia should be performed in a skeletal way. This will provide an opportunity to make waterproofing surfaces and lay the insulation layer under the trim. By the way, removing the window and the door leading to the loggia, the simplest, which is located under the window, can be left - it will play the role of the zoning partition.
    • The opening can be issued with a contrasting platband, mounted along the wall, and on the ceiling beams of the same color, and you will get a design, about as in the picture from above. And also, over the simplest, you can install a decorative septum of wood or drywall.
    • If you can prefer to leave the simpleness, then the battery can not be removed, but to close it with a decorative lattice. As an option, on the basis of the simplest, you can make the table, the benefit that its height is perfect for this suitable.

    All the details of the repair of the bedroom well shows the video in this article on the topic: "We make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands."

    Often, the interior update in the apartment is stretched for many years, becomes boring, highly returned, difficult and nervous cause. But this difficult occupation can be turned into a simple and even exciting process. Make the repair of the room with their own hands in fact it is not so difficult if you follow the order and the intended sequence of work. It is important to pay in advance and spend thorough preparation. So how to make repairs in the room with your own hands so that for years not to get bogged in it?

    Planning work order

    All stages of repair in the apartment need to be planned in advance and clearly stick to the intended sequence. So you can not only save money, but also reduce work, as well as achieve a better result. It is necessary not only to decide on the rooms with your own hands, but also make a design project, calculate the approximate cost.

    Design project can, of course, develop independently, but it is better to order it with a professional. Still, the detailing of the interior is the case complex and creative, requiring relevant experience.

    To calculate the final cost, it is not necessary to go to the construction hypermarket or market. All prices on a specific city can be found in the World Wide Web. There are also contacts of firms that are engaged in both the repair "turnkey" and individual stages. construction work, for example, plaster, installation plastic glass windows or stretch ceilings.

    If you choose a comprehensive repair, i.e., work "turnkey", you can get a discount, as this in the construction sphere is already considered to be a wholesale order. But the repair of the room with their own hands is a way to save on the remuneration of builders.

    In general, the repair is step by step.

    1. Dismantling work.
    2. Replacing glass windows.
    3. Plaster.
    4. Communication.
    5. Paul preparation.
    6. Finishing.

    Performing dismantling work

    The second stage of work is dismantling. Here you need to take into account what a result I need to get the result. Redecorating - The easiest, fast and economical option. In this case, you just need to refresh the surface (for example, throw the wallpaper and put the laminate instead of the old linoleum) and change the plumbing in some cases.

    Capital and renovation is much more difficult. This room repair does with their own hands requires a complete change in space, starting with a comprehensive dismantling. What should be done:

    • remove old wallpaper;
    • dismantle the plinth and floor covering;
    • remove plumbing;
    • disassemble old wiring.

    After these works, it is necessary to remove the room and take the construction trash. As a result, the room should remain in the literal sense of "naked".

    Replacing glass windows

    The next step is the replacement of glass windows. You can exclude this stage, if you are carried out with your hands repair of the bathroom (step by step listing necessary work It was given above). As a rule, in apartment houses Rarely come home with windows. In other cases, you can order the replacement of double-glazed windows from the masters or do it yourself.

    First you need to order a new window. To do this, it is necessary to determine its dimensions. Special attention Thickness should be given - this parameter of the new glass package should be the same as the old one. Otherwise, new posts will have to do. If double pack non-standard form (rhombus, triangle), the template must also be attached to the measurements.

    When a new window is ready, you can start work. First you need to dismantle the old glass. Next, a new window is installed on plastic plates. Latest - strokes, first mounted short, then long.

    When replacing double glazing windows with wooden Ramami You need to additionally handle Silicone docking sites. The most difficult to replace in facade systemsSince glazing is fixed outside. In this case, it is better to use the help of professionals.


    Plastering with more or less smooth walls can be performed independently. First, you need to schedule the installation sites of the beacon profiles, secondly, to brand the walls, thirdly, install the beacons, fourthly, twist the walls and make the slope. It is not necessary to plasterboard for plasterboard, plastering are carried out only on concrete walls.

    If the bathroom is repaired with their own hands, plastering the walls only if they are not very smooth in the places where the lattice strips are fixed. In other cases, it is possible to restrict ourselves to the removal of an old coating and immediately begin to mount the panels on the labels of the crate or liquid nails.

    If the bathroom is planned to use ceramic tiles Or painting the walls, then it is necessary to stucify. Cement-based plaster is used: for concrete - cement-lime or polymer cement, for brick walls You can also take a sandy-lime mixture.

    Replacing communications and plumbing

    This follows one of the most responsible room repair stages with your own hands - installing electrical wiring, installation or replacement of the batteries, laying of phone cables, Internet, television or alarm, installation or replacement of switches and sockets.

    First you need to make an electrical wiring plan, determine the power required for all household appliances and lighting. If an electric tank is installed for heating water, electric stove or an electric copper, it is desirable to connect them to a separate wire. Marking must be transferred to positive walls, and only then start the shocking holes for outlets and grooves for wires.

    Before starting work, it is important to perform pipe wiring and other related work.

    Floor preparation

    It is necessary to make a screed, alignment, arrange a warm floor. The latter will be very by the way when repairing a combined bathroom with your own hands. In the room with a warm floor there is no dampness, and, therefore, the fungus does not develop, there will always be warm. Do not rush to lay a tile or other flooring. The next step is scheduled finishing workBut it is better to install the floor covering when the walls and ceiling are already fully prepared.

    Finishing work

    The most responsible stage is finishing. This is the final stage of any repair. Options for finishing today there is a huge set.

    You can arrange a stretch ceiling, make the effect of "starry sky" or the so-called soiled ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to attract specialists. The ceiling can be repaired by the old manner: to whitewash, go to wallpaper, decorate with a special tile. These types of work can be performed independently. However, they are not relevant for the bathroom. The ceiling in this room is better to perform from PVC (tension or panel) or from ceramics.

    Finishing materials for walls are much more. It all depends on the budget and personal preferences of the owner. You can make the bathroom repair do it yourself plastic panels (most a budget option), but you can use the classic option: a cafeter. Another common type of finishing material - paint. In the room you can stick wallpaper, make decorative plaster or cover the surface of the walls with artificial stone.

    Most Popular floor coverings - This is a laminate, linoleum, carpet, parquet, decorative tile. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. So, parquet - natural coatingwhich is considered more durable, but requires special care. Linoleum is cheaper than other materials, but it does not always look quite well, it is pushing, swelling or fades over time.

    To this stage step-by-step repair Rooms with your own hands can be attributed to the installation of doors. True, in this case it is better to trust professionals. The performance of the door will depend on the quality of work.

    Repair cost

    The cost of repair depends on the set of variables: everything will be performed independently or with the involvement of professionals, at what stages hired workers will help, what quality construction Materials Will be used, what a member of an apartment or room, which will be the design and so on. The cost of repairing "turnkey" of one room (excluding building materials) in Moscow is 5-15 thousand rubles. Expenses, of course, a lot, plus to everything you need to buy furniture, household appliances, plumbing and so on.

    It would be nice to calculate the cost of work and materials separately, then the most cost steps will be known. Next, you can determine what work it is better to entrust professionals, and which you can do it yourself. After that, the final picture with the cost and consistency of repair will be clear.

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