Design of a large room in the apartment. Modern hall design: basic rules for beautiful design (80 design photos)

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Beautiful interior of the hall 18 sq m photo in the apartment a budget option for all occasions.

Room design 18 sq m living room photo

What to look for when decorating a living room of 18 sq m?

  1. The living room with an area of ​​18 square meters cannot be called spacious. So planning it interior decoration try to make the most of all usable space. At the same time, you should create the impression that the room is spacious enough and in no case clutter up its space.
  2. In the color scheme of the living room, predominantly use light colors. Because they visually expand the space of the room. BUT dark colors it is better to use pointwise. In order to focus the attention of guests on a particular piece of furniture.
  3. Do not use lush and voluminous textiles, especially for curtains. Since fabrics with lush folds, voluminous decor visually “hide” the space. And the room seems smaller than its true size. It is better to use simpler curtains. Unless of course your style allows it.
  4. If the stylistic concept allows you, you can use glossy surfaces when decorating the walls and ceiling of the living room. Reflective surfaces visually expand the space of the room and make it brighter.
  5. If you need to divide the living room into functional areas, then you can use a special color scheme and spot lighting for such a division.

The hall is the main room in the apartment that performs different functions. It is designed to receive guests, relax and spend leisure time. It is very important that this room is cozy and comfortable. To do this, properly arrange the room. Design studios offer their clients photos of already decorated apartments, so that the customer can choose the one he likes. If it was decided to create an interior design on your own, you should take advantage of useful tips from the most experienced professionals.

The interior of the hall is 18 sq. m

When designing an interior small spaces it is very important not to overdo it with decor elements. In a small apartment, the interior should not be loaded with unnecessary details, and at the same time, everything should be functional. Most often, designers in the living room of 18 meters use light and warm shades of walls with bright furniture. Light colors of the walls have the ability to visually increase the space. In the room of small squares can be used different styles directions.

There are some of the most popular destinations:

  1. Minimalism style- one of the modern trends, whose main task is to preserve as much as possible more space for movement. Furniture in this style should be practical and functional.
  2. High tech- an ultra-modern direction, in which there are cold shades, an abundance of technological innovations, and decoration from the most modern materials.
  3. ethnic direction preserves and adheres to the idea of ​​one culture such as Japan, Africa, China.
  4. Kitsch- the direction is a mixture of several styles, bright colors, and the presence of expensive materials.
  5. Pop Art- style that pleases bright colors, unusual contrasts. In this direction, a lot of light and glossy surfaces are used.

Also, the living room can be arranged in classical style, which in turn has several subtypes and variants. The interior of the hall 18 m 2 can be in any style, the main thing is to be comfortable and cozy.

Decoration of a rectangular hall 18 sq. m: photo

AT panel house the guest room most often has a rectangular shape. The main task in developing the interior of such a room is to bring the shape closer to the square. The advantage of a square room is the symmetry of the space.

This is made possible through various methods:

  • Correct arrangement of furniture;
  • non-standard color solutions walls;
  • The correct location of the main and additional lighting.

Designers present their photos, which depict various ideas for rooms with rectangular shape with an area of ​​18 m2. All photos show calm shades of walls and bright furniture. A balanced color scheme helps to achieve complete harmony in the interior; it is the basis of the background on which you can place bright decor elements.

very big role rectangular room furniture plays. It must be practical and functional.

To furnish a small room should be only the necessary pieces of furniture. It could be compact sofa, corner wall with built-in TV, coffee table. fashion trend today is the predominance of natural motives. For this use a large number of beige, green and burgundy colors. The basic colors are gray and white. The idea of ​​the designer's work in the photo will help you carefully consider your own project.

Zoning of the hall 18 sq. m: photo

If the living room will serve as a room not only for receiving guests, but also as an office, dining room, recreation area, you should carefully consider zoning before starting repairs. Zoning helps to delimit and highlight certain zones by functionality.

To use this technique, you can use the following methods:

  • Borders can be created using drywall partitions, which can be mobile and stationary;
  • For highlighting, you can use pieces of furniture such as: racks, sofas, these racks;
  • Various curtains made from unusual materials, will help to visually separate any area of ​​​​the hall;
  • The color zoning of the area is very popular, they are used not only different colors, but also finishing materials that differ in texture;
  • You can select a recreation area with the help of a specially constructed podium, on which a beautiful and comfortable sofa will be located.

The layout of the hall with zones will become perfect room for family. The most inexpensive way to highlight zones is to paint the walls in saturated colors. For example, in a small room you can select working area with the help of a dark wall, it will look advantageous in combination with light shades of other walls.

How to furnish a hall 18 meters: photo

Furniture is the most important thing in the living room. It is necessary to arrange the furniture in the hall so that there is more space for movement. Furniture should be chosen taking into account the size and general appearance of the room. Furniture should be compact and practical.

If you plan to receive a large number of guests, it is best to purchase a corner sofa.

A large sofa should be placed away from the entrance. On the contrary, the sofa can be installed furniture wall or wardrobe. The wall must also be compact. Today, the furniture market offers many great options that fit into a room with a small area. To save space, a home theater or music center is placed in the wall.

Before buying, you should carefully consider the direct purpose of each shelf and lockers. Do not overload the space of the room too much with the number of pieces of furniture. It is also worth considering that for rooms with small area furniture should be made of lightweight materials. The design studios are real photo with correct location furniture. When choosing furniture, you can use them as a hint.

Sofa in the hall 18 sq. m

The sofa in the living room is a must-have piece of furniture. You can buy a standard sofa, or you can experiment and choose an unusual shape. Minimalist shapes or transparent designs will help emphasize original interior rooms.

by the most best solution for a room with 18 m 2 there will be a soft corner.

It consists of a sofa bed and an armchair. Folding furniture, thanks to its mechanisms, easily turns into sleeping place in case guests want to stay. To purchase the suitable sofa It's not enough to hear positive feedback.

The sofa in the living room must be selected according to the following parameters:

  • Strong lining;
  • Not easily soiled color;
  • Sturdy frame if the sofa will be used as a bed;
  • The size should be combined with the parameters of the room;
  • The style should be combined with the overall picture of the interior;
  • All details of the sofa must be durable and of high quality;
  • It should be comfortable to sit on.

Exist various styles sofas, it's classic, minimalist, modern models. Based on all the above criteria, you can choose the appropriate model that is ideal for a small living room. Sofas are also distinguished by the type of folding mechanism. To choose the most suitable for yourself, you should determine the main function of the sofa.

Fashionable design of the hall 18 sq. m. in the apartment (video)

A small living room can be transformed beyond recognition. To do this, it is enough to use fantasy, useful tips experienced designers, and use quality materials. Applying different styles and directions in the living room will become very comfortable for the owners and their guests to spend time. Using clever tricks with lighting and decoration, a small room will visually look spacious and bright.

How to decorate a small room in an apartment? The interior of the hall of 18 sq m depends on the stylistic and color preferences of the owner, the configuration of the room and how it is supposed to be used.

Proposed circumstances

18 sq.m is not the most spacious room of all possible, but enough to create interesting interior. Can be placed upholstered furniture, bookshelves, armchairs, if necessary - a desktop.

The ideal form of the hall - square, with two windows and one door. Almost any interior solutions are appropriate. You can not really think about where to put the sofa so that it does not interfere with free movement around the room. The issue with the location of the TV is easily solved.

It does not matter what configuration the hall of the apartment is: square, elongated rectangular, L-shaped or with several doors. Experienced designers know that there are simply no drawbacks to the layout of the premises.

Any feature of the location of the room can be turned into a plus by coming up with a very interesting and unusual design. In "uncomfortable" living rooms you can find such original ideas design that the owners of the rooms correct form will be jealous.

Undeniable advantages

A two by one and a half meter niche can be turned into a cozy reading nook. An armchair, a table, plus a beautiful floor lamp - the relaxation area is ready. You can place an ottoman in a large niche or put flowers - if it is next to the window: you get a small winter garden.

A more familiar design solution for various niches of different depths is built-in wardrobes or open shelves. The latter can be an excellent bright accent in the room. Books with colored bindings, vases, decor items standing on them will turn the technological ideas of the builders into a part of a harmonious interior.

Doors, doors...

Sometimes several doors open at once into the hall of an apartment of 18 sq.m - two, three and even four. It seems that almost the entire room consists of inter-door gaps. Also a plus in the piggy bank of an interesting design!

Between the doors, for example, a narrow fireplace will fit perfectly. You can hang a TV. Or arrange hanging shelves. Put a stylish whatnot - so it will definitely be in the spotlight. Or decorate this place with a beautiful print. There are many ideas: the main thing is to look at the situation from a new angle.

colored highlights

What color scheme prefer in the design of the hall with an area of ​​18 sq.m? It can be anything: light, dark, contrasting or plain, saturated with different shades.

There are a few rules to be aware of when creating an interior:

  • if you want space the best option there will be light colors; white, light beige, light gray visually expand the space; when there are many such shades in a room, it seems larger and lighter; even curtains should be chosen as light as possible or completely transparent - this will make the composition even easier;
  • dark tones visually compress the room - your room will seem smaller; however, if you use dark colors deliberately and harmoniously combine them with light colors, it will turn out beautiful interior on 18 sq.m - moderately solid, but not "heavy";
  • lots of bright colors different colors"works" to reduce space; but if you like it when the room has a lot of color and an abundance of various trinkets dear to the heart, this option is also appropriate; you just have to carefully consider the choice of details and objects, so as not to overdo it - do not turn the interior into a cacophony of colors, which is annoying.

We combine shades

Modern apartments often have a hall where, on the main light background, there are bright accents. This design looks harmonious: it does not tire with its monotony, but it does not confuse the color “rainbow” either.

Nice look different combinations colors: white or beige with light green, with blue, with pink, with light orange. More contrasting combinations - red with white, beige with bright green, white with black, white with dark wenge are also appropriate.

On 18 sq.m there can be several color "spots" of different shades. It is only important that they are combined not only with the main background, but also with each other. Then the interior of the apartment will look harmonious, and it will be pleasant to be there.

look up

The ceiling of the main room of the house can be anything, for example, simple smooth white color. If you want to play with shapes, you can order a multi-level stretch ceiling. Lights can be built into it. And if you make the ceiling mirrored (from a glossy film), then the room will seem much higher. Such a design solution for 18 sq.m should be used carefully. If the room is narrow, then mirror film can turn it into a high "gorge".

The ceiling configuration of several levels should also be optimal - suitable for the height of the room. Where it is small, the issue of choosing a form is especially relevant. It is important not to make the ceiling visually even lower than it is.

Let there be light

Lighting in a room of 18 square meters plays a big role. Fixtures can become "separators" of different zones. And also create a visual feeling of a large space, if placed at different levels.

furniture issue

The design of the living room on eighteen "squares" does not imply a lot of furniture. It is enough to choose a few of the most functional items.

It is not customary today to clutter up the space with a lot of chests of drawers, chairs, large cabinets and walls.

Usually in the living room they put one sofa, a maximum of two armchairs and a coffee table. A couple more hanging narrow shelves. It's enough. good decision considered soft corner. This is both a sofa and armchairs at the same time, and space is saved significantly. simple shapes in a minimalist style will help to leave more free space. Transparent glass structures, such as a coffee table or shelves, will add space.

When the common room of the apartment is combined with the kitchen, glass tables in these areas will become unifying elements. And they will add freedom, “air”. In this case, it is possible to divide the space with the help of a stylish compact bar counter, which will delimit the living room and kitchen. But you can do without it. Another option is to raise the floor in the kitchen area, hang a bright lamp there.

window design

Heavy curtains with ornate lambrequins in standard apartment are rarely appropriate. They usually look like something foreign.

Light curtains made of translucent fabrics fit harmoniously into the interior.

If it is necessary to create an impenetrable prying eyes curtain, it is worth using dense, smooth, monophonic materials - they will help to visually enlarge the space and will not catch the eye, obscuring other details.

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To date, the construction of reinforced concrete slabs is cheap and popular. However, there are a number of disadvantages in the acquisition of such housing, which must be dealt with in order to create comfort in the apartment.

Affordable repairs in the hall in a panel house: photos and examples

As you know, multi-storey buildings built from sandwich panels have both their pluses and minuses. The advantage is that such houses are built very quickly, and you can move into new housing a year after the start of its construction.

However, upon arrival, you need to come to terms with some features:

  1. Bad soundproofing. In a multi-storey panel house, neighbors' conversations and walking will be heard through the wall.
  2. Concrete-reinforced walls cannot be drilled with a conventional drill; all drilling work will have to be done with a hammer drill.
  3. In regions where frosts reach -40˚С, with winds, such houses will be cold.

Thus, when purchasing an apartment in a panel house, it is necessary to solve a number of problems in order to improve and comfort the room.

It is better to buy an apartment in a panel house without any interior decoration so as not to do repeated work (tear off wallpaper and putty, apply a new coating).

Before finishing, before each preliminary operation, a primer is applied. At the repair stage, the most problematic way is finishing the ceiling. In this case, there are 3 finishes: painted ceiling, stretch ceiling, foam ceiling tiles.

Modern living room design in a panel house with your own hands

Repair in a panel house apartment is necessary, both for aesthetic perception and for the elimination of all construction defects.

The painted ceiling is the most environmentally friendly, however, it does not soundproof well. Ceiling tiles are the most flammable. Stretch ceiling good soundproofing, but is the most expensive.

When making repairs in the hall, it is necessary to perform the work in stages:

  1. Perform sealing of interior and connecting seams. Such an operation is performed to prevent the penetration of cold and dampness, noise and smell.
  2. Align and insulate the walls.
  3. Perform finishing.

If you choose wallpaper as a wall decoration, then you can divide them into several groups.

Wallpapers are:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Textile;
  • Non-woven;
  • Glass fiber;
  • Cork.

The choice of wallpaper is individual, but there are " golden mean» in terms of quality and sound insulation - this is non-woven wallpaper.

To select a floor covering, it is necessary to isolate the room as much as possible, for this the floors are leveled.

There are also different kinds floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet, carpet. The cheapest and most practical coating is linoleum.

Unique design of the hall in a panel house on your own

Since it is often necessary to solve the main problem of sound insulation in a room, it is necessary to fill the space to the maximum. However, don't overwhelm it. To do this, in the middle you can place overall furniture - a sofa, which is overlaid with various colorful pillows, adding new colors to the interior.

When performing interior decoration, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the finishing material.

It is also necessary to gradually carry out finishing work:

  • We clean the walls and ceiling from dirt;
  • We prime;
  • We carry out plastering work;
  • We prime;
  • Apply finishing, it could be paint material, or wallpaper coating.

Also, a carpet with a dense and long pile is suitable for the floor, thick curtains for the windows. Decoration is carried out using elements in the form of various models, figurines and souvenirs located on cabinets or a coffee table.

In such a living room, the creation of a home library is suitable, the shelving of which can be placed on one of the walls.

Modern design of the apartment hall in a panel house (video)

In conclusion, it should be noted that there are popular styles interior design suitable for a hall in a panel house: avant-garde, art deco, eco-style, shabby chic, fusion, pop art, contemporary. All of the listed design styles are not focused on minimalism; each of the styles has both overall elements (sofa, armchairs, paintings) and accents in the form of various decorative additions. The choice of interior style is based on the habits and personal preferences of the tenant of the apartment.

Hall - an important room in any home . It is of great functional importance. Here they meet friends, relatives, spend time with family, rest and relax. Arrangement options hall interior designers offer a lot. But they are not always possible to implement.

Designing a small space is always a challenge for a designer.

Room area - an important, and sometimes the determining factor in this matter. small room design requires a special approach. Important to do room multifunctional, interior – appropriate.

It is necessary that the interior turned out not just beautiful, but ergonomic, comfortable in absolutely everything.

Hall - the only place in the house where you can not only sit, but also lie down, do what you love, spend time with friends. This must be taken into account when designing rooms. Her and interior should be as functional as possible. This will help furniture, which is being transformed.

Folding sofa harmoniously "fit" into big picture.

He takes small plot area, if necessary, easily turns into a comfortable bed. In addition, such furniture will help organize the storage system. It has a spacious drawer where you can store clothes and more. The transforming table is quite compact and easy to use.

If guests come, then it easily unfolds and everyone can sit comfortably behind it.

Small room interior should be spacious so that every inhabitant is comfortable in it. Visually it can be increased through the use of light materials in the decoration of ceilings and walls . It is important to ensure the presence of light, it must be in abundance. When in indoors there are few windows and natural light is not enough, then floor lamps, a chandelier and so on are installed. Textiles should also be chosen in light colors.

It will harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the interior of a small room.

Style: which one is best?

Even in small hall must adhere to one style in interior design . It must not only take into account premises , but also like the owners. Therefore, the first and main criteria in the definition of the best option design interior - personal preferences.

In any small room walls are best painted in light, light shades like beige or light gray.

Great for little one hall classic. It is at all times the most sought after direction. For lovers of modern motifs, styles such as fusion, modern, hi-tech, minimalism are appropriate. The last one of the most suitable in this case, since it is based on the use of light colors walls, furniture , which visually expands space.

Thanks to this technique, the room will appear larger, and beautiful modern furniture will come to the fore.

Room decoration carried out with a minimum number of elements. Eventually interior it turns out free, an atmosphere of lightness reigns. Things and objects are hidden in lockers, wall which emphasizes the "emptiness" interior.

For the interior of a small living room, a low sofa is best suited.

Make the interior of a small room fusion style will help bright. This direction is based on the use of saturated colors. Bright wallpapers go well with objects furniture calm shades. complement interior decorative elements: vases, paintings, lamps.

Their number is moderate, otherwise the room will visually become smaller than it actually is.

To combine the two directions described above, modern will help - a calm tone wallpaper, bright decor elements, sufficient lighting. Chandeliers of unusual shapes look good, their creative options. Furniture practical and comfortable to sit on. Recently, more and more often when arranging small rooms use original ottomans instead of chairs. They have a place where you can put anything you want.

This allows you to properly organize the storage system.

Ethnic style: application features

Ethnic style in small hall will look interesting. It involves the use of various objects for decoration. interior. Figurines, handmade carpets, animal figures, fresh flowers are well suited. They should be in moderation, as an excessive amount will make room cluttered. If an unusual furniture , then decorative elements there should be several.

This will make the interior comfortable, fill it with a cozy atmosphere.

This direction is mainly chosen by travel lovers. They have been to different countries, and they have accumulated a large number of souvenirs. Ethnic style must be used wisely in interior of a small room.

Design of a small living room in ethnic style.

Room color scheme

Color design plays an important role in interior. It depends on him general form premises . For small-sized it is better to use light wallpaper. They are able to visually push the boundaries hall.

Well suited colors are nude, blue, as well as fruity: peach, lemon.

The type of wallpaper can be different:

  • Textured;
  • Smooth.

Interesting compositions from shreds of wallpaper. They form a panel and make room design interesting. Can be combined wallpaper in any way. You can dilute them with others finishing materials. It is appropriate to use wood panels and facade plaster.

The original solution is vertically arranged strips that have different colors.

Wallpaper with the image is suitable for dining zones . They single her out. Modern designers prefer to use 3D wallpaper. They are great at emphasizing room style.

Such wallpapers create the effect of infinity in a small room.

What furniture to choose?

Small area - not the most convenient option housing. The owners face many problems during its arrangement. The main one is related to the choice of m fuck . It has special requirements. Only functional items should be installed in the hall. And they must be necessary.

It is better to exclude unnecessary details from the interior. Otherwise, it will be overloaded.

If there are several zones in the hall, then they should be harmoniously combined. This will create a balance between different areas, interior it turns out comfortable, filled with home comfort. AT zone rest, mainly, there is a sofa, and in the dining room - a table and chairs.

They must be designed in accordance with general style rooms.

As for the material furniture , then for a small hall suitable natural colors, natural. The use of plastic items is inappropriate. Organically, they "fit" only in the kitchen area, which in this case is located in another room.

Opt for some kind of accent color that will liven up the neutral color scheme of the entire room.

Top of the room

Ceiling is at the top, but, despite this, plays an important role in general and room interior . Therefore, its design should not be neglected. If everything is arranged correctly, then he visually make the room higher. In small rooms you need to choose the color of the floor one tone lighter than the walls . It is inappropriate to use complex multi-level structures. They take precious centimeters, and the ceiling falls down, which does not affect the overall picture in the best way.

For this case, an even non-color version is suitable.

If the owners of the tension ceiling to your liking, that is, secrets that will help to equip it in a small hall. Glossy materials must be used. They have a mirror effect, which allows you to visually raise the line of their border. And this is a great opportunity to make the original lighting in the room. around the perimeter ceiling spotlights are installed.There is another additional effect worth noting. It is to improve sound insulation rooms. Suitable for ceiling make bright edges. They visually increase the height premises, because they attract attention.

Glossy ceiling and diffused light are perfectly combined. They visually expand the area of ​​the hall, make it stylish.

Curtains in the interior

In almost any hall there is a window, and sometimes several. It should be framed in accordance with the direction in which it is made room. For a small room transparent tulle is perfect.

It is better not to use curtains made of dense fabric. They make the interior heavier.

For the hall-bedroom A combination of blinds and curtains is perfect. She will protect room from sun rays especially if they are overly disturbing. For rooms , in which dark shades predominate, curtains of bright colors are well suited.

The most suitable for the design of a small living room are colors such as blue, purple and yellow.

Irregular shape: arrangement features

small hall often has irregular shape. Competent arrangement will allow to hide its shortcomings. In this case, a closet, built-in items are appropriate. furniture and partitions. They will give the room comfort, make it functional. When natural light small, then other sources are used, floor lamps and lamps are additionally installed.

They will not only decorate the room, but also make it more spacious.

A rectangular shape is characterized by the presence of sides adjacent in size, which differ from the others. In this case, a differential type finish is appropriate. Walls painted or pasted over with materials light color, and the ends of the room must be made bright. As a result, the room is stretched proportionally.

The atmosphere in the small hall is harmonious.

Furnishing the hall , the first thing to consider is the size rooms. If the area is small, then the choice style, color design must be approached responsibly. the main objective is to increase visual space.

Such an interior will be light, in which every inhabitant is comfortable, the atmosphere is cozy.

VIDEO: Design ideas for the hall 14, 16, 18 and 20 sq.m.

50 stylish design ideas for a small room:

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