Selection of doors by color. What is the best way to choose a color scheme for room doors? With a common design style

Landscaping 03.03.2020

The modern market for building and finishing materials offers a large selection of goods. Everyone can easily find what he needs. This also applies to interior doors. But what criteria should be followed, how to choose the color of interior doors to make the interior interesting and harmonious?

The choice depends primarily on the design features of the interior. These can be compartment doors, sliding doors, doors with complex design features. The materials from which the doors themselves and their parts and accessories are made also vary. As a rule, in shops you can find doors from economy class, from doors covered with valuable wood veneer to luxury doors from solid wenge, beech, cherry, oak, pine and ash. And the range of colors is so widely represented that it will not complicate the choice even for the most demanding client.

What is the determining factor when choosing doors?

Previously, interior doors played only a functional role. They were a barrier to cold, noise, dust, odors, and also divided the space into common areas and recreation areas. Decor, color and material were not the first factors in determining the choice. And the market of finishing materials was in its infancy. Everyone used the same doors, stoves and fixtures that were provided by the construction company when the house was handed over. Now the situation has changed dramatically. The range of doors is large and varied. But with the expansion of the choice and with the increase in demand for designer interiors, questions of a different order arose. Now buyers are concerned not only with the price, but also with the appearance of the product, namely the color, material, manufacturing method and practicality. To choose the right color for an interior door, you should build on several factors. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

If you liked the interior door, even if it matches your color perfectly, do not rush to knock out the check. Rate the quality of the product. And only then decide to buy. The main criterion in this case is the material from which the door is made. It is he who, to a greater extent, will determine the beauty of the door, and its strength, and resistance to mechanical stress, and the service life, and good appearance after some time. But even if the door meets all the needs of the client, and the consultant helped to determine the quality of the product, then the choice of color becomes the most difficult. What to focus on, with what interior elements to associate the color of interior doors? Choose a door to match the color of the floor or furniture, the same doors for all rooms or for each separately?

You should not drive yourself into any too strict framework and be guided by sometimes far-fetched standards. There are no strict rules in choosing the color of interior doors. Be guided by your own taste and imagination. Ultimately, you will live in the apartment. And you should feel comfortable, you should be "at home." It is not very good if a door, which perfectly matches the interior, constantly annoys you with its outline or color.

In principle, there are no difficulties with choosing a color due to the large assortment of doors. And all the more there will be none, given a few little secrets.

The color of interior doors in the context of the interior of the house

When choosing the color of the doors, one should start from the general style of the house or apartment.... But often all rooms are made in different styles. In this case, the choice is made based on the appearance of the corridor, hall, hallway and living room. The doors will enhance the impression of the common areas and create a single harmonious space. It is unlikely that the owners will invite guests into the bedroom. This option is good in all respects. One has only to know what features this or that color complements the interior with?

  1. Natural neutral tones. Such doors will easily fit into any interior. Of course, for the classics, the most appropriate will be rich doors with decorative elements, gilding, stained glass inserts. And for ultra-modern rooms - doors of simple laconic outlines, practically devoid of ornate ornaments and intricate glass. But in this case we are talking about color. So, neutral tones look great with classics, and with ethno styles, and with a rustic style, and with exquisite French directions, and with an organic and light Japanese style.
  2. Doors of reddish-reddish shades will make the interior "homey", very cozy. Very light doors - airy, light and even frivolous. Dark doors add solidity and rigor. Painted doors are suitable for special design ideas. For example, if the interior is dominated by red, then red doors with some colored elements or glass inserts will look best in it. For classic interiors, elite doors are most suitable either in light colors or in dark saturated colors.
  3. Cold and warm shades. Cold tones go well with modern styles - minimalism (very dark strict doors are also suitable for this style), high-tech style, art deco, kitsch style (however, with this style, which is the focus of the most unimaginable colors and meaningless entertainment, there will be any colors and shades can be combined), loft style, eclecticism (although this style is not ultra-modern, but it can also fit both cold and warm tones).
  4. Warm colors are combined with a modern urban style, with many ethnic styles, with country, with a modernist style.
  5. For modern styles, a good choice would be doors of very dark colors, for example wenge, walnut, merbau, panga-panga, teak, ash-tropic, oak-exotic and others.

White universal

Special mention should be made of the white doors. They are suitable for any style and interior, and will be unobtrusive and invisible, like white window frames. The advantage of white doors is obvious. They give the room lightness, spaciousness, and a positive attitude. For white doors, the most successful are country style, classicism, minimalism, hi-tech, Provence, loft, antique style, rococo, romanticism, Scandinavian style. White doors with an aged effect look impressive and very stylish. These doors are ideal for French style, classics, country and shabby chic.

Color combination of interior doors, skirting boards and platbands

This design technique is common mainly in the USA and Europe. But it is quite interesting, as it allows you to quickly and effectively solve the issue of choosing the color of interior doors without taking into account the tonality of the flooring and furniture.

There are two main uses for this solution.In the first case, doors are purchased in a neutral light color.- white, light gray, cream, beech, pine or bleached wood. Accordingly, wide floor skirting boards and door trims of the same color are selected. This approach allows you to create a harmonious holistic picture, and the doors look great in the interior.

The second option is the selection of contrasting colors of the door, platbands and skirting boards... The door can be light, and platbands and skirting boards - to match the furniture or flooring.

You can combine the color of the door with the color of the stairs or with furniture in the hallway, hallway or corridor. And in order to give the interior unity, they decorate the doors with platbands in a neutral tone, and the baseboards of the same color are laid in each room.

The color of the door can be combined with the color of the furniture, and the color of the skirting boards and platbands with wall panels, wallpaper or decorative coverings.

The combination of the color of interior doors and the color of the walls

This technique is ideal if all the walls in the house are the same color.... Then it is best to select doors to match the walls, not the floor and furniture. Moreover, they may differ. With this solution, the interior is especially harmonious. But even in this option, you can add small nuances. For example, choose doors to match the wall panels. To pick them up and platbands and skirting boards. And make the color of the walls close in tone to the panels.

Color combination of interior doors and flooring

This is one of the easiest ways to color your interior doors. Since the floor covering occupies a fairly large area and largely determines the color of the room, it is easiest to choose doors to match the floors.

But what to do if the rooms have completely different floor coverings? It is recommended that you find a common shade that will unite the flooring in your home. You can combine the space with skirting boards and trims. For example, common areas have dark laminate floors and blue tiles in the kitchen. In the kitchen, a painted door to match the tiles will be appropriate, and the platbands to it and the plinths near the walls should be matched to the laminate. You can do the opposite: match the doors to the tone of the laminate laid in common areas, and support the color of the flooring with appropriate skirting boards and platbands.

If all floor coverings, albeit different, are of a light shade, then it is best to install doors in neutral tones in the house. If the floor is dark, then pick up the doors in dark colors.

This method should also not cause any particular difficulties. It is recommended to focus on furniture when all rooms have different floor coverings.

If the furniture is wenge color, then the doors to match the furniture will look good. Also, the color of the doors in this case can be a tone or two lighter. But again, different rooms have different furniture. Then you should determine the general shade for all objects or install the doors of the tone prevailing in the furniture. That is, if there is more dark furniture in the house, then you can choose the appropriate doors. If light furniture predominates, then the doors can also be of a neutral light tone.

There is an original design technique that allows you to solve the problem of "different furniture"... In this case, the doors are made to order. On the one hand, they are veneered in a single color, which is suitable for the hallway or corridor, and on the other, to match the furniture of each particular room. This solution requires additional costs and is also non-standard. And not everyone decides to build an interior in this way. But, nevertheless, such a practice exists, and the interior, in the end, looks very dignified.

Window frames and interior doors

If it is rather difficult for you to decide on the choice of the color of the interior doors, then associate it with the window frames. This is a simple yet powerful solution. It is especially true when each room is individually decorated.

So, now you can safely go to the store and choose interior doors. These tips will help you navigate a wide selection of finishes, furniture and doors.

Doors allow you to retire, hide from the surrounding noise and bustle. In addition to functional properties, decorative ones also play an important role. The relationship between door color and room decoration is one of the key points. This article will discuss how to choose the color of interior doors.

During the repair, the question will certainly arise - what color should the interior doors be? In this case, it is enough to have a taste and turn on imagination. To make it easier for fantasy to work, we recommend that you adhere to our recommendations. Choose the color of the door leaf in such a way that the common areas (living room, hall, corridor, hallway) are perceived as a whole.

Perhaps the most suitable for all interior styles is the natural texture of wood. But keep in mind one caveat - the interior will look stricter when choosing dark wood species. The darker, the higher the "severity". What color of doors should you choose for a minimalistic style of interior decoration? Light, cool shades are the most proven option. Glossy enamel painted surfaces combine well with modern style. You can use different paints - white, red, black, metallic.

White is perhaps the most versatile option. The white door leaf is suitable for most interiors. With the help of such doors, you can visually enlarge the room, achieve weightlessness and lightness. Neutral white does not come into confrontation with furniture, floors, walls.

Most often, the floor covering is painted with the same paint throughout the apartment. And it is precisely for the floor covering that the color of the door leaf is selected. What color to paint the interior doors if the floor in different rooms is different? In this case, the "arithmetic mean" - the general shade - should be identified on the floor covering. This "golden mean" can be used in painting the door leaf.

To make it look more harmonious, the selected shade can also be fixed in decorative items, furniture upholstery. You can do the opposite - paint the doors in a shade inherent in your furniture.

If the furniture is dark, it is better to paint the canvas four to five shades lighter. Use glass inserts to keep the room from looking too gloomy and dark. If the color scheme of furniture differs significantly in each room, then you can go for another trick - paint each side with the paint that best suits the particular room.

If the doors were previously painted and varnished, then before applying new layers of paint, you must first sand the doors. After that, it will be correct to start painting. It should be painted very carefully so that there are no smudges and streaks. It is best to use a spray gun or, as it is also called, paint blast. Thanks to this tool, the layer of material will lie flat, without smudges. After applying the paint and drying it, you can start varnishing with the same tool (after washing off paint residues).

The choice of the desired shade can be made based on the color of the walls. For example, if the walls are beige, then doors of a cream or other light shade will look attractive against their background. The color of furniture, walls and interior doors can be chosen and absolutely the same, except that the floors can be made more contrasting. The whole interior merges - it should be diluted with the help of the correct arrangement of various lamps, photo frames, bright pillows.

Platbands and plinths will very well emphasize the style and color of the door space. Thanks to these elements of the interior, integrity is achieved. To achieve this result, skirting boards and trims can be painted in all rooms to match the door. We recommend painting the canvas in neutral colors (gray, cream, white), the color of oak, bleached wood is well suited - the plinth and platband will complete the overall picture.

Experienced designers can arrange furniture, walls and doors in different colors. In such cases, all the same platbands and baseboards help to tie everything together. What color will they be in this case? We recommend painting them in a neutral shade such as white.

The question of choosing the color of interior doors most often arises at the final stage of the renovation, when the main decoration has already been completed. And despite the variety of models, materials and shades, it is not always easy to dwell on something specific. We will tell you what principles can be followed when choosing the color of doors and what combinations are offered by professional designers.

Why choose the color of interior doors?

There are several basic options for combining the shade of the doors with the rest of the interior:

  • selected based on the shade of the floor. This is a universal option, in which it is easiest to create a common image in the interior. It is also considered the most popular because in many apartments and houses the floor in all rooms often either has the same color or is made in the same color scheme. Therefore, it is easiest to match the color of the doors to the flooring. Of course, in the kitchen and bathroom, floor tiles can be very different from parquet or laminate in the rest of the house, but this is also solvable - we will describe the options for "combining" different colors of finishes below.

  • The color of the interior doors is matched to the wall decoration. This technique works great in an interior where all rooms are made in the same color scheme (for example, from light beige to yellow). However, if you are inclined to change, and like to update the wallpaper or paint the walls every few years, this option is not very suitable. The next time you are looking for a redecoration, you will need to consider the color of the doors, and this will limit your choice of interior decoration.

  • The shade of the door is selected taking into account the color of the furniture. This technique works great if your entire apartment is decorated in the same style and the furniture in all rooms is close in color or is in the same range. At the same time, it is not necessary that the doors match the basic tone of the furniture - it is enough for their shade to resonate with its individual elements.

  • Doors of the same color with windows are a very rational and practical option, especially for private houses. With this option, you can update the interior as many times as you like, but there will always be elements that "support" each other. White windows are most often installed in apartments, therefore doors of this universal color also perfectly fit into any setting.

In addition to these basic options, there is another interesting solution, very often used by European and American designers: the same color of doors, platbands and floor plinths throughout the apartment. By choosing this option, you can create a coherent image not only in one of the rooms, but throughout the house at once. This technique works great when you need to tie together different styles and interiors in different rooms.

Basic principles for choosing the color of interior doors

After you decide what exactly you want to match the color of the doors with, you will need to choose the right combination of shades. To create a beautiful and stylish interior without the help of designers, follow one of the proven rules:

  1. One color: if possible (for example, when choosing doors to match the shade of the floor or windows throughout the house), you can purchase doors of the same shade.
  2. One range: if there is no basic tone, choose doors in the same color range. Also, do not forget that warm shades should be combined with warm ones, and cold shades with cold ones.

  1. Overall shade: If the furniture, flooring and wall finishes in all rooms are different, find a “cohesive” shade that will resonate with the elements in each room. If there is no such shade somewhere, you can easily add it with the help of accessories and decor - for example, hang photographs or paintings on the walls within the desired color, choose vases or flower pots to match, etc.
  2. Contrasts and perfect combinations: If you're not afraid to experiment, you can choose doors that will contrast with the floor and walls, but at the same time form a successful "pair". Just as two colors are often chosen for furniture, such combinations can be used here. In this case, platbands or plinths can become the connecting link of the style, and the door itself will be a contrasting accent.

Also, when choosing a color, do not forget that the lighter the doors, the visually more spacious the room will be, and dark colors, on the contrary, will sharply limit it. Therefore, for small apartments, white and light beige models are more suitable than black and wenge.

Interior door color and interior style

There are no strict rules about which door shades are suitable for different design styles. The model itself and the finish of the door are much more important here. But it is also impossible not to take into account the style of the interior. Agree, red or green doors in a classic interior will look out of place, even if these colors are present in the decoration. Therefore, it is better to use the proven options:

  • For interiors in luxurious styles - classic and neoclassical, baroque, rococo, provence and others, very light or, on the contrary, noble dark shades are most often used. White, light oak, ivory, wenge, dark walnut, even black and dark gray: these colors perfectly highlight such styles. Models with gold or silver patina, rich finishes and antique-styled fittings look perfect.

  • In interiors in country style, shabby chic, eco, chalets, as well as in certain ethnic areas, preference should be given to natural wood colors: from the lightest to the darkest. "Warm" shades from light walnut to reddish-red are perfect here. These colors allow you to make the interior more homey and cozy.

  • In modern styles - modern, minimalism, hi-tech, loft - “pure” cold colors prevail: white, black, all shades of gray, as well as deep versions of rich dark colors (anthracite, navi, burgundy, etc.). Most often, models are chosen with a smooth surface, without a pronounced texture and decorative elements.

  • In interiors in daring styles (pop art, kitsch, fusion), as well as in some ethno-designs (Mediterranean, Moroccan, Mexican, etc.), there is a place for doors in bright colors - blue, green, red, purple and others.

Should all interior doors be the same color?

It is not always possible to finish the whole apartment at once: when you live in an apartment all the time, the rooms are usually updated gradually, and the break between repairs can be from several months to a couple of years. In such cases, many people think about whether it is necessary to purchase identical doors. In fact, do not be afraid that the apartment will look tasteless if not all doors in it are the same. The only rule that is best observed is to select the same models for those parts of the apartment where the doors are located next to each other.

For example, in typical city apartments, the doors to the toilet, bathroom and rooms are located in one "corner" of the corridor. It is clear that in this case it is better to buy interior doors not only of one color, but also from the same collection. If this is not possible, choose models in one color and from one material, with the most similar design. At the same time, the rest of the doors may differ if they are not located in the same field of view.

In private houses, the same principle applies - adjacent doors in one closed space should be of the same or similar models, but at the same time, the style and design may differ on different floors and in different parts of the house.

If you are not sure of the choice and doubt how harmoniously this or that color will fit into the interior, you can always check it - just take a photo of the room, and in any graphic editor "substitute" the selected options. This way you can see which one works best. And don't forget that you can always ask us for advice.

The main purpose of the interior door is to delimit and protect personal space. But, in addition to practical functions, the door also has an auxiliary function - decorative.

With the increase in the range of doors, the requirements for the appearance and color of doors began to play a leading role in the choice.

In order to radically change the appearance of the room, it is enough to change the door. That is why its appearance is of particular importance - finishing details, colors and decor.

Choosing the color of the door often causes difficulties and worries everyone who decided to design their home on their own.

When choosing the color of interior doors, there is no need to adhere to any boundaries: there are no strict rules governing the use of a particular shade. It is not at all necessary to follow the standards, the main thing is imagination and a sense of style.

Colors of doors in the interior of the apartment

When choosing interior doors, you need to rely on the dominant style of the house or apartment.

In dwellings where the rooms are decorated in different ways, when choosing the color of the door, we recommend relying on the style of the living room (hall), you can also focus on the design of the corridor or hallway.

Doors of a natural, natural color are appropriate in all styles.

Warm shades always bring coziness to the room and therefore will be especially appropriate in ethnic interiors.

Dark wood (for example, in the color "wenge") will look great in a strict setting.

When choosing a door for a classic interior, it is better to focus on either light or very dark colors.

In country interiors (country) they put antique doors in natural colors. They fit perfectly into the overall look of the room and make it more individual.

In interiors with a spirit of minimalism, doors in cold shades and dark interior doors without finishing (for example, in wenge color) are appropriate.

A neutral shade is appropriate in all interiors.

In modern interiors, interior doors made of dark wood, as well as painted ones: red, black, blue, and so on, will look especially appropriate.

White is the most versatile color

White doors fit into any space. The advantages of this color lie in the feeling of lightness and freedom it creates. At the same time, you do not need to worry about whether the white doors are in harmony with the floor, windows or furniture - they never conflict with other interior details.

Wenge is a very dark accent in very light rooms

The designation "wenge" is now used by manufacturers to name various dark shades, including dark chocolate, maroon, black coffee, dark brown, up to black.

Such doors look very beneficial in interiors decorated in various light, up to milky white, shades: the stronger the dark / light contrast, the more advantageous.

Belwooddoors produces interior doors in wenge and wenge-paduk colors with and without glass. Their design and appearance are presented in our online catalog:

  • Wenge interior doors (blank canvas covered with fine line veneer): Maximum "Model 01", "Landa", "Mirella", "Malta", "Classic", "Classic Lux" (also wenge-paduk), "Modern Lux" ...
  • Wenge interior doors with glass (fine line veneer): Maximum Model 07, Landa, Mirella, Malta, Classic Lux (also wenge-paduk), Classic Style, Modern Lux.

If you are thinking about buying and installing doors with this coating, then consider the following points:

  • They should not be installed in rooms with an elongated layout (narrow) and with poor lighting;
  • Wenge-coated doors require special attention; be prepared for the fact that they will have to be washed often: dust, water droplets and even minor damage are clearly visible on such surfaces.

Combination of floor and door color

Most designers use this method: they choose the color for the doors that best matches the shade of the flooring. This method helps out when the floor is the same in all rooms.

If the floor coverings in the rooms are different, then the shade that is present in each room is determined and the door of the same color is selected.

In cases where the floor is lined with carpet, bright tiles or linoleum, the shade of the door can be chosen the same color as the floor in the hallway or corridor, but a couple of tones lighter. In this case, the chosen tone of the door should be supported by the same shade of furniture - then there will be no cacophony in the interior.

Painting furniture and doors

Often the shade of the doors is matched to the tone of the furniture that prevails in the house.

If the interior is dominated by dark furniture, then you can choose doors of the same shade, but a couple of tones lighter.

If the furniture in different rooms differs in style and color, then you can put doors in which the sides are painted in the color you want. These are non-standard doors and they are more expensive, but they look great in such a house.

Color combination for walls and doors

When choosing the color of the doors, first of all they look at how they combine with the color of the walls.

White doors are perfect for a home with walls painted in various shades of white.

In European countries, doors of a neutral shade are very popular - white, gray, cream; their color is supported by platbands and skirting boards, building an integral line of interior decoration. At the same time, it is not necessary for the doors to be in harmony with either the furniture, or the floor, or the walls.

  • If you have dark floors, then glossy or lacquered white / light doors will look good with them, without protruding and acute-angled details, almost merging with the walls;
  • the color of the door can - but does not have to - match the color of the furniture;
  • the color of the interior doors may not match the color of the floor covering;
  • the color of the door can be any, even very exotic, provided that it is present in other elements of the interior, for example, window frames, skirting boards or platbands;
  • the color of interior doors and window frames may be the same;
  • glass doors and doors with glass inserts are especially good in rooms without natural light or with small windows, with weak artificial light.

Interior doors are a very useful invention. If not for them, the room would have remained open to everything and everyone. It would be impossible to keep warm, protect yourself from drafts, noise from the next room. And no personal life, because you could not be alone, not only with your loved one, but even with yourself.

Interior doors keep warmth, eliminate noise and drafts.

It seems that with the existing breadth of assortment, it is easier to choose a door leaf to your liking. But the question arises: what color to choose interior doors? It is important to understand what criteria you need to focus on when choosing so that the door fits perfectly into the interior.

There are no strict rules for selecting a door leaf. However, it is worth heeding some advice from professional builders and designers. They will help you choose interior doors and not regret your decision in the future.

If all interior doors open into one room, it is desirable that they be of the same color and texture.

  1. You need to pay attention to the layout of the premises. If the doors open into a dark corridor or a room where little light enters from the windows, it is advisable to give preference to light shades. The same goes for narrow and small spaces. A light door leaf will not only add light to the room, but also visually increase the space. If it is decided to have a dark shade, it should have glass inserts that will provide access to light.
  2. It is important that the door leaf matches the interior of the room. If the room is decorated in an ultra-modern style, it is unlikely that a classic lacquered wooden door in a reddish hue will suit it. Conversely, if the design of the room speaks of home comfort, a black door frame, even with glass inserts, will not look organic.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the psychological component of a particular color. If you are a melancholic, you should not choose interior doors in dark shades, they will suppress you, seem like a tightly closed gate to the world. Avoid overly bright door panels if your family members are emotionally disturbing people. It is especially important to consider this aspect when choosing a door frame for a child's room.

It is also worth paying attention to such a nuance: if all interior doors go into one room, it is desirable that they be the same. Alternatively, you can order veneered canvases, in which one side facing the common room will be the same for everyone, and the shade of the other will depend on the interior of each room. This is an interesting solution, but quite expensive.

What should the color of the door be combined with?

To understand the one leading to the room, you need to decide what it will be combined with. There are several options. The color scheme can be selected based on the shade:

  • floor covering;
  • walls (panels, wallpaper, painting);
  • furniture.

The color of the interior door should match the color of the furniture and the flooring of the room.

At first glance, it seems reasonable to choose the color of the interior door, focusing on the laid flooring. The floor is changed much less often than the wallpaper is re-glued. But in modern apartments, the same type of flooring in all rooms is rare. What to do if there is carpet in the nursery, laminate in the living room, and tiles in the kitchen? In this case, you will have to install universal light doors that will fit into any interior. If in all rooms there is a wooden floor covering or its imitation, you can find a shade common to all floors and choose the door frame of this very color.

If the walls in all rooms are of almost the same shade, you can choose interior doors for it. One rule should be taken into account: if the walls are of a saturated color, the door leaf should be several shades lighter and vice versa. Some people prefer that the door frame is exactly the same color as the walls in order to give the impression of a monolithic surface. But remember that sometimes this confined space can be uncomfortable.

The interior sliding door looks very impressive and at the same time significantly saves space, which is very important for small-sized premises.

In an effort to decide what color to choose the door frame, you should think about the advisability of choosing depending on the furniture installed in the room. If this is a living room in which there are antiques, such an interior is unlikely to be changed often. But the furniture in the bedroom and especially in the nursery can be replaced after 3-5 years. Of course, if you prefer furniture of only light or only dark colors, there will be no problems. In other cases, you should still choose universal options for door products.

An interesting design solution is to match the doors with the color of the window frames. Another option is to support the shade of the door leaf with platbands or skirting boards of the same color. This will create a complete color space.

Features of color shades

Interior doors in natural wood color create a cozy home interior.

White doors are a versatile option. They do not attract attention to themselves, do not cause negative feelings. The style of the room decoration can change as much as necessary, and the white door leaf will always be in harmony with it.

Interior doors in a natural wood color should be chosen to create a cozy home interior. Canvases of warm colors with a reddish tint will look especially good. Unlike beautiful but cold light shades, they add warmth to the room. These doors are good for the bedroom and nursery. But in the living room, especially if its design is strict, you can put a dark wood door frame.

The modern style of any room is favorably emphasized by doors painted with glossy enamel.

The color can be any - from black and cherry to beige and white. The highlight of high-tech rooms or those with a non-standard design will be door panels of bright unconventional colors - scarlet, light green, purple, etc.

When choosing, you need to consider not only what color the door is. It is worth paying attention to its configuration, texture, finish. An important criterion is the material from which the door frame is made. Naturally, you will have to pay a decent amount for a high-quality and original product, but it's worth it. After all, correctly selected interior doors can transform the interior of any room.

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