How to plant a lawn in the country. We sow a lawn on our own at their summer cottage

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

In this article, we will look at how and when to plant, which better grass buy and how to care.

Benefits of lawn grass

  1. Thin soft leaves that are pleasant to touch;
  2. The root system is superficial, so planting is very easy;
  3. Rolled grass can be easily transplanted.

Different kinds:

When is the best time to plant lawn grass?

Most right time for planting all the vegetation - this is spring, respectively, for the lawn this is also the ideal time of the year, early autumn. In general, it can be planted from April to November, while it is warm. You can feed, prepare the soil for planting a lawn as early as March.

The weed will manifest itself less and the soil is moist, just right for a lawn, the seeds take root quickly and have time to do this before winter.

How to prepare the soil before planting?

  1. Digging up the soil. Depth maximum 20 cm;
  2. Clear the soil from the roots of previous plants, stones, lumps;
  3. Feed the soil with fertilizers, possibly peat fertilizer;
  4. Saturate the soil with minerals such as phosphorus and potassium;
  5. Level the area and water it before sowing the seeds.

Planting a lawn with seeds from a bag

When the height reaches 6 cm, it is advisable to mow it to give it the same beautiful view. Drive the roller again for a denser lawn.

Seed Lawn Mixes

Planting turf

Lawn grass care

  1. cut;
  2. Watering;
  3. Weed.

Rules for different seasons:

  1. Winter:
    • Do not walk on the lawn if there is little snow;
    • Do not flood the site with water, do not arrange a skating rink;
  2. Spring:
    • Fertilize the soil and clean the grass;
    • Comb out with a special rake;
    • Spray with a solution for the treatment of fungus;
    • Trim with secateurs;
    • Feed with fertilizer;
  3. Summer:
    • Trim with secateurs;
    • Feed with fertilizer;
    • Water 1 time in 2 days;
  4. Autumn:
    • Align the edges in a circle;
    • Well fertilize the soil.

Lawn grass care in the first year:

  1. Walking in the first year is better not as much as in subsequent ones;
  2. Keep an eye on pets so that they do not spoil the green "carpet";
  3. Clean from weeds;
  4. Cut it right lawn grass;
  5. The very first time when cutting, you can not take more than one centimeter.

Mowing the lawn every 2 weeks

Lawn grass care in subsequent years:

  1. Cut 1 time in 2 weeks;
  2. Continue fertilizing once a month;
  3. Water 1 time in 3 days.

Growers' mistakes:

  1. No need to plant the lawn at the wrong time, for example: in late autumn;
  2. Water not very often and not very rarely in accordance with the norm. From lack of water, your glade will be pale, and from high humidity, the plant will simply die.

Caring for lawn grass involves weeding it from weeds. Let's consider step by step how best to do this:

  1. Before you sow, you need to weed the ground in advance, remove the roots of last year's plants;
  2. Already in the fall, treat the land with chemicals, thanks to which weeds will grow less. You can process not one, but several times;
  3. This option is also possible: loosen the earth and cover with a film for two months, then all the weeds will begin to die.

How to choose the type of lawn?

When choosing a lawn, you need to rely on the tasks that it must perform.

What exactly do you need? Flowerbed or playground, landscaping around the house or a clearing for a picnic.

  1. Weigh all the pros, cons, in what form the lawn is needed;
  2. Choose the right time of year for planting;
  3. It is true to cultivate the land before planting;
  4. Plant correctly;
  5. Well looked after.

If you do everything right: sow, follow the appropriate care, then the grass will be beautiful and shiny. You can have picnics, play with children, relax.

As many landscape designers advise, it is better to sow a lawn with grass in early autumn, but this does not mean that this procedure cannot be performed in spring. So, planting lawn grass in the spring should begin as early as possible. Already in March, you can prepare the site: dig it up, organize top dressing of the soil. Buy seeds in advance, and as soon as the earth warms up a little, and warm weather becomes regular, you can sow them. Why is planting lawn grass in the spring limited to certain dates? The fact is that before the onset of heat near the grass cover root system must be complete.

Choosing seeds

In this article, we will not describe the options for lawns, but will immediately focus on the choice seed. Since we will plant the lawn not on the ground floor (not as a decorative element for compositions with flowers), but for its regular use Special attention should be given varieties of lawn grass. As practice shows, it is best to collect a grass mixture for a beautiful and lush lawn, that is, mix several types of grasses in one container for further sowing. There is a huge selection of varieties of lawn grass on sale, but for our climatic conditions the best will be: "Polevitsa", "Fescue", "Meatlik".

Polevitsa victorious

"Pobeditsa victorious" - a good option planting material for irrigated lawn. The bent bushes are low, grow to a height of no more than 10 cm. When mowing, it gives the lawn an ideal velvety surface. positive quality bents are "whiskers", due to which it grows in width. The disadvantage of this grass is the constant need for watering, if this is not done by mid-June, your beautiful lawn will turn into dried straw.

Meadow fescue

Meadow fescue grains are ready for planting a month after harvest. Germinates at optimum temperature 20 C°. Seed germination is affected by both sowing time and sowing depth. The best growth is recorded in the spring, although in the autumn this variety is suitable for planting. After 2-14 days, the first shoots can be observed on the sown area.

Bluegrass meadow

It is very popular as a creation of lawns because of its unpretentiousness, "Meadow grass meadow". Preferably planted in peat soil. Before the first mowing, it can grow up to 90 cm in height, but after this procedure it stops growing. In the first year of planting, it develops very slowly, it grows to the maximum in the 4th year after sowing.

Soil preparation

In order for the soil to fully comply with the standards for planting lawn grass, it must be processed according to certain rules:

  • dig up the soil;
  • free the area for sowing from foreign elements (root system, stones, plants);
  • make organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • sprinkle if necessary fertile layer earth.

Description of works

The soil is dug up with a shovel to a depth of 20-25 cm. If the soil is loamy, I dilute it with sand, sandy soils or low-quality black soil is mixed with peat. If the earthen cushion is infertile, or has been treated with herbicides, up to 30 cm of a new peat layer should be poured over it. On a quality plot of land, it is enough to apply organic and mineral fertilizers saturated with phosphorus and potassium.

Surplus fertilizer will be needed in the future to feed the lawn, so if this material remains after planting, do not be discouraged. The surface of the fertile land is leveled, and then compacted with a special heavy roller. As experts suggest, the compacting tool must have a weight of at least 100 kg. Sowing seeds can be started after watering the site. If you use bulk soil for arranging the lawn, take care of the construction of drainage. To do this, it is enough to scatter gravel with a thin layer (2-3 cm). This will allow moisture not to linger in the thick cover of the lawn, which means that the roots of the bushes will not rot. Such a lawn good care(timely watering, trimming, top dressing) will delight their owners for several years. Under a lawn of expensive grasses, the drainage procedure is performed in three stages:

  • build a sand layer;
  • fall asleep rubble;
  • cover the drainage with clay.

And only after that a fertile layer is poured.

Lawns located on a slope after sowing must be covered protective layer so that the sown seeds are not washed away by the downpour, or blown out strong winds. As coating is suitable ordinary straw, burlap, gauze. When the sowing reaches 6-10 cm, the covering material is removed.

Planting lawn grass occurs at a shallow depth. Sowing large seeds such as ryegrass or fescue is scattered over the surface, and then simply sprinkled with a small layer of earth. With this contact with the soil, the seeds germinate best.

Small-caliber seeds of the bent type are covered with a very small earthen layer. Before buying seeds, be sure to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future lawn, and, given its size, determine required amount grass seeds. According to statistics, at least 1.5 kg of planting material will be needed per 1 hectare.

If you have the opportunity, sow with a mechanical spreader, but in the absence of such a device, planting is done manually. Sow in this way: divide planting material into two equal parts. Plant one part of the seeds along the entire perimeter of the site, the second - across. With this method, grass sowing will be distributed in an even layer, which means that missed unsown places will be minimized. It is advisable to lightly tamp the planting material, sprinkle it with fertile soil up to 3 mm thick.

Before the appearance of the first sprouts, the sown area is regularly watered with a watering can; low-spray automatic watering can be installed. It is desirable to moisten the earth in the morning.

When the grass rises to a height of 6-10 cm, it is mowed. In order for the lawn to acquire the greatest density, it is repeatedly rolled with a roller. Thanks to this process, the grass will not form side shoots. Also, the ground must be moist when sprouts appear, otherwise the sprouts may die.

If you do not have the opportunity to build a sowing lawn, but you really want to have a picnic with the whole family on a beautiful lawn, you can buy a rolled lawn. Of course, such a device is not cheap, but it will please the eyes of its owners for a long time. The rolled lawn is unpretentious in leaving, it is enough to place it on the prepared surface. The positive property of such a lawn is that at any time it can be moved to another area.

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02.10.2017 7 246

When to plant lawn grass, spring or fall, to get a beautiful green carpet?

If you don’t know when to plant lawn grass, in spring or autumn, then you need to know the sowing dates, technology, also at what temperature the lawn sprouts and some more secrets, thanks to which you will get a beautiful green lawn without bald spots and tufts ...


sowing seeds of lawn grass - in the photo

When to plant lawn grass - timing

To grow a perfect lawn, you will need not only physical work when landing, but also the right time of year. If you don't want to waste your time and effort when seeding your lawn, let's find out when is the best time to start planting your lawn. It is important to remember that lawn grass needs time to sprout and take root.

When the ground warms up a little, you can start sowing the lawn. Planting the lawn is not possible after the onset of frost. So far, there is no generally accepted opinion about the timing of the start of sowing. Some argue that you need to plant the lawn at the same time as the rest of the seedlings in May. They say that the earth does not warm up enough in the spring, so the ideal time is summer. The rest agree that it is worth planting a lawn in the fall. Then them suburban area covered with a lush green carpet in early spring.

But, as practice shows, each planting season has its pros and cons, as well as the rules for care and processing. When to plant lawn grass in the country in the spring?

The lawn planting time in spring starts from mid-April and lasts until the end of May. This period of time was chosen for several reasons:

  • grown grass will have time to take root in the soil and get stronger
  • if you are unhappy with the results of sowing (the lawn grows in bunches, not an even layer), then it will be time to transplant it
  • due to the abundant soil moisture in the spring, the lawn will not require additional watering, and the seeds will sprout faster

The planting day is chosen when the snow has completely melted and the weather is calm and cloudy, this is necessary for manual sowing. The seeds do not go deep into the ground, so they can be blown away by the wind. After the first weeds sprout, you can start sowing. Do not forget to first cultivate the land from weeds. If you do not know, then you should familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties and nuances.

When to sow lawn grass in summer? In summer, the lawn is sown in late June - early July. Weed growth is on the decline, so it will be easier for young grass to take root. It is necessary to carry out constant watering.

When to plant lawn grass in the fall? A favorable autumn planting season is the beginning of September. The soil is still saturated with heat and moisture. Seeds will have time to sprout before the start of frost.

Is it possible to sow a lawn in October? Not desirable. Rarely, the lawn is sown when the ground is frozen, shortly before the appearance of a persistent snow cover. But, the probability is too small that the grass will sprout. Acceptable lawn planting time autumn-winter period- 40-45 days before the onset of frost.

Features of sowing lawn grass in spring and autumn

If you don’t know, it’s worth considering that markings are made before sowing lawn seeds in the spring and autumn. You can use pegs and pull the twine. Avoid strict lines rectangular shapes then the lawn will look natural. Then they cultivate the land from weeds, use it, or another means, plow and level it with a rake.

It is necessary to sow seeds moving from sown areas to unsown ones. Try using a seeder. Then you need to water the earth with a small amount of water. Be sure to do this with special fine spray nozzles. After sowing, keep the soil moist. Grass seeds are in the ground on the surface, so in rainy and humid weather it is not necessary to water the ground.

After sowing in the spring, after 1-2 weeks, the seeds begin to sprout. In autumn, the seed germination period may be delayed. Try not to let the earth dry out at any time. You can not walk on a young lawn. A month later, you can start mowing the lawn when it reaches 8-10 cm. They shorten the lawn to 1.5-3 cm. Such mowing helps to form a strong root system for lawn grass.

How to care for a young lawn after germination

After 6-7 mowings, the lawn is cut at a level of 5 cm from the ground. The plant ceases to shoot up, it begins to grow side shoots. The only negative is the constant haircut. It is necessary to tame the lawn to bush, not grow up. In addition, the right one will facilitate your work on the site.

For mowing a freshly planted lawn, use a trimmer. It is contraindicated to use a mower with a cochineal storage. A fan rake is used to collect grass clippings. The grass is harvested after it dries. It is recommended not to walk on the lawn for the first time. A person tramples the soil and destroys the root system of the grass that has not yet grown strong. It is important that the first-year lawn does not dry out and bloom.

It also includes top dressing, a new lawn must be fed, so in the first year the plants can pull out all the useful things from the soil. nutrients. For the first time, the lawn is fertilized when the grass begins to sprout. In the spring, the lawn is fertilized no later than 1-2 days after mowing, and closer to the end of August, fertilizer is carried out once every 2-3 weeks. In autumn, the soil is fed every 1-1.5 months.

Top dressing should be chosen according to the type of soil. Clay soils fertilize every 1-2 weeks. From sandy soils useful material washed out faster, so top dressing is carried out more often. It is worth looking at the state of the lawn grass, if it is sluggish and dries quickly, then it is worth increasing the frequency of feeding and watering in the absence of rain.

A cloudy day is best for fertilizing the soil. Lawn grass must be dry. There is a liquid and dry method of feeding. With the liquid method, the fertilizer is dissolved in water and watered from a watering can. With the dry method, the fertilizer is evenly scattered over the lawn, after fertilizing the soil, be sure to pour the lawn with running water.

Now you know, dear readers, when to plant lawn grass to get a beautiful green meadow on own site with a little time and effort!

Almost any owner country house dreams of a green lawn on his personal plot. The arrangement of such a lawn can be done with your own hands or seek help from experienced landscape designers. For self-sowing a lawn, you first need to decide on its type, purchase high-quality seed, choose a suitable place and study recommendations for planting and care.

Varieties of lawns

The following types of lawns are considered the most common and frequently encountered in landscaping areas:


Such a lawn mainly consists of broad-leaved perennial grasses, a small admixture of oats and bent grass. This species does not have design features looks completely normal. But on the other hand, you can move freely on such a lawn without fear that the grass will crumple. Also, this variety is great for arranging playgrounds, picky in care, does not require large financial costs. An ordinary lawn can grow without care without losing its appearance a sufficiently long period of time. Due to this advantage, it is widely used for the improvement of municipal territories. The main care for such a lawn is regular and timely mowing, which in warm and humid weather should be done at least once every ten days.


Suitable for outdoor activities. Planting and caring for such a lawn practically does not differ from the usual type, however, thanks to a special grass mixture, it is able to withstand much greater loads and is less prone to trampling.


Since this type does not require any maintenance, it is widely used in the arrangement of city squares and parks. Park lawns tolerate heat and drought very well. In addition, they feel great both in well-lit areas and in the shade.


It is characterized by grass mixtures with hard stems that do not tolerate various kinds of loads, but unlike the previous types, they need to be cut no more than once every thirty days. This type of lawn is a design one, so it is often used to improve flower beds or flower beds.


It is characterized by a kind of lawn, the territory of which is sown with a variety of cereal herbs, wild-growing small flowers. Currently, this type has become often used for arranging personal plots. Its main advantage is that it does not require regular mowing and cutting.

It is considered the most popular type of lawn in many countries of the world. All this is due to the fact that it does not need to be grown, as it is sold with sprouted turf. It remains only to correctly distribute the rolls of grass in the selected area, which will not require much effort and time. Also rolled lawn has an optimal ratio of supplied quality and price. The territory equipped with such a lawn does not require special care. In addition, there will never be weeds on the decorated site.

Among landscape designers this species is considered the most elite, rarely found on the territory of our country. This happens for two reasons, one of which is the high cost of the lawn, and the second is the high cost of maintenance. Such a meadow usually consists of grass perennial varieties, which has a dense and low herbage, bright green color.

Each individual type of lawn contains a variety of grass varieties, which, in the case of adverse conditions can replace each other. If for some reason one type of grass did not sprout or died, it is replaced by another, more resistant type. However, in this case, the lawn will be less attractive.

Also, due to the herbal mixture, the lawn will always have a uniform green coverage. The composition of such a mixture usually includes the following types of herbs:

All these herbaceous plants provide excellent appearance and durability of a lawn.

Selecting a landing site

Before planting grass, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right site, which must meet the following requirements:

  1. First of all, it must be with a flat surface.
  2. Well lit or in partial shade. If the place is heavily shaded, the plant may simply not sprout.
  3. Do not plant grass in areas with very wet soil and in places with groundwater close to the surface.

Most gardeners manage to sow with a lawn not only perfectly flat planes, but also inclined ones. AT this case the inclined area must first be covered with a small layer fertile soil, which will not be subject to destruction and slipping. If the area is characterized by frequent landslides, a metal mesh should be placed under the fertile soil.

For inclined planes, it is best to select grass seeds designed specifically for planting on slopes with sandy or clay soil.

Seating preparation

After you have chosen a suitable place for planting a lawn, you need to mark it. To do this, you must first draw on paper a diagram of the location of the green cover on the site.

When compiling detailed plan the following points must be taken into account:

Experts recommend not planting grass in areas that are too shaded (under trees, for example), as it will still look unsightly. It is best to decorate such areas with small stones or clean sand.

Soil preparation

To grow a quality lawn, you need to prepare the soil for planting. To do this, do the following:

  • by uprooting, free the site from unnecessary shrubs and trees;
  • remove existing debris in the form of leaves, twigs and stones from the landing area;
  • clear the area of ​​weeds, preferably together with the root system.

Weeds can be easily eliminated by the following methods:

  • constantly pull out throughout the warm season weed grass hands;
  • a year before planting the lawn, plant the area with crops such as rye or wheat;
  • apply chemicals and herbicides, which can be easily bought at any gardening store.

If the land is too poor, then it must be fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers or just bring fertile soil from somewhere else.

The final stage of soil preparation is its perfect leveling, which can be done with a conventional rake.

To plant lawn grass seeds, you need to consider the following recommendations from experts:

Under the film is formed Greenhouse effect, which will destroy the remaining weed grass, warm the soil.

The choice of season for sowing, planting and care

Sowing lawn grass can be done in any warm season, from early spring to late autumn. The main landing requirements are:

  • well-drained soil;
  • frost exclusion;
  • enough moisture.

The most suitable season, which has the above factors, is the beginning of summer. Planted grass in time will quickly sprout, take root and get stronger before the first frost.

Do not forget that planting the lawn too early or too late requires more painstaking care in the future.

Sowing seeds is carried out in pre-prepared land in the following way:

  1. The day before planting, the soil is well moistened.
  2. Sowing material in the same amount is placed on the planting area.
  3. Carefully harrow the sown area.

Lawn care consists of regular watering, weed removal, timely mowing, which is done individually for each type of lawn.

In contact with

Proper planting of seeds will provide your lawn with an attractive appearance.

Household territories, plots within the city near administrative buildings, schools, hospitals, parks, squares - part of them landscape design lawns are a must. A grass carpet is arranged to decorate the territory. In addition, lawn grass helps protect the site from overgrowing with weeds.

Let's talk about how and when to sow lawn grass, consider two options: sowing in the spring and laying in the fall. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons, therefore, based on the information below, you can easily make a choice in favor of one or another period for arranging a lawn.

Lawn arrangement in the spring: what you need to know

If you decide to sow the lawn in the spring, then you need to start by determining its shape and location. The most advantageous lawn looks in the form of a rectangle with clearly defined corners. The disadvantage of this form is the need for careful care to maintain it. Therefore, if you do not intend to spend time on regular lawn care, you can choose more simple options shapes with slightly blurred borders.

It is best to sow the lawn in well-lit areas with good drainage. When everything is clear with the choice of location, you can begin preparing the land for sowing plants. It is best to prepare the land in the fall. In this case, by the time the grass is laid, it will be possible to additionally remove the weeds that have formed with the onset of spring. As for the preparation of the land, the procedure consists in treating it with herbicides, digging and fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Seeds should be sown around the second decade of April. As a rule, at this time the weather does not indulge in rain, so the site will need to be moistened before sowing. The surface of the earth is lightly loosened with a rake. Seeds prepared for sowing are divided into four parts, after which they are laid in the prepared soil. To prevent weathering or erosion of seeds, the soil is rammed with a roller after sowing. If everything was done correctly, then the first shoots will appear after a few weeks.

By the summer, a full-fledged lawn will turn green on the site, which will need to be looked after throughout the season: mow, feed, water. The first mowing is carried out after the height of the grass reaches 15-18 cm, in dry weather. With each new mowing, the mower blades can be lowered lower and lower, gradually achieving the desired height of the lawn.

Autumn lawn: what are the benefits?

An alternative to sowing lawn grass in the spring months can be autumn sowing. Experts assure that it is even better to sow grass in autumn, since the soil and air are warm enough, and the air is humid, not dry and hot. In addition, weeds do not grow as intensively in autumn as in spring, which means that you will have to spend less time fighting them.

In autumn, the root system of the lawn is quickly formed, a high-quality thick turf is formed even before the first frosts appear. You can sow seeds both at the end of August and in September, the main thing is to do this before the first frost. By the time they appear, the lawn should be a dense green canvas with a height of at least 10 cm. The exception is dwarf lawns created from varieties of low-growing, slow-growing grasses.

What else is convenient autumn planting lawn? For summer residents who did not have time to prepare the soil for spring, this option is convenient because without haste, during the summer, you can prepare the soil for sowing: remove weeds, dig, mix the soil with fertilizers, roll, moisten. By the time the seeds are sown in the fall, the land, which has been preparing for several months, will be fully adapted for laying the lawn.

How to sow an autumn lawn?

Landing the lawn should be carried out based on climatic conditions.

As a rule, grass mixtures for sowing lawns include different varieties of grasses. However, most of of them have the same requirements for climate conditions. Therefore, when planning the time of sowing, you can follow the general rule for all types of herbs: you need to sow seeds no later than 40 days before frost. That is how much they will need in order to rise, get stronger and grow.

Land owners in middle lane Russia, it is best to finish laying the lawn before September 10th. Otherwise, the plants may not be able to cope with the first frost due to an insufficiently strong root system.

The algorithm for sowing lawn grass in the autumn is described below. Follow him and you will definitely succeed.

You need to start with soil preparation, as mentioned above when it came to planting a lawn in the spring. You can start preparing the soil in the summer. To do this, the area allocated for the lawn is thoroughly cleaned, weeds are removed (manually or using special preparations), arrange a drainage layer, fertilize, and then roll it with a garden roller. Fertilizers in the fall are best used with a high nitrogen content, it will be responsible for the intensive growth of plants in the initial stages.

It is best to sow the seeds along and across the site on a quiet, windless and dry day. It is better to scatter the seeds with a fan, making sure that they all evenly fall on the soil. After sowing, lawn seeds should be sprinkled with a rake a few centimeters, then covered with a layer of peat, rolled with a roller. This is necessary so that they are not blown away by the wind, washed out during watering, or taken away by birds. The finished lawn after laying the seeds is thoroughly moistened.

Keep in mind that rains are a constant phenomenon in autumn, so you will not need to water a new lawn often, only in dry weather.

When is the best time to plant a lawn?

There are no special restrictions regarding the choice of season for sowing lawn grass. The optimal period is considered to be from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. In some cases, sowing is carried out immediately after the snow melts, according to thin ice on the ground. What is the best time to lay your lawn?

It all depends on the following factors:

  • what is the climate in your area;
  • How prepared is the soil?
  • what plants do you plan to use for laying the lawn;
  • how regularly you can water your lawn.

If you decide to plant a lawn in the spring, then do not delay this matter, waiting for the heat. Young shoots will not stand the test of the sun. This is especially important for those who live in the southern regions of the country, where summer begins earlier.

The grass will grow best if the seeds are planted in the spring, when the soil is moist enough and the sun warms, but does not bake. Plants at this time grow more intensively, especially if you use correct top dressing. Minus spring planting- abundant growth of weeds along with the development of the lawn, which will need to be regularly weeded. In autumn there is no such problem, but the intensity of grass growth is not so high.

By weighing all the pros and cons, analyzing the factors mentioned above, you can make right choice period for sowing the lawn on the site.

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