Laying herbs in rolls. Technology laying and rules for growing rolled lawn

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

Get a smooth emerald lawn literally in a matter of days rolled lawn. Ready lawn Grow on the fields for two years. For sowing is chosen optimal for our climatic conditions The composition of herbs is a narrow grade of a meadow mint (approximately 30%) and a hairdryer of red (about 70%). Used high-quality seeds of the last selection, winter-hard-resistant, disease-resistant and drought. The resulting dernina looks like a dense "pillow" - a thick emerald greens on top and a dense thickness of the root layer (at least 1.5 cm) from the bottom. Cut, rolled up the lawn roll is fully ready for laying - it remains only to spread it on the site and pour.

The thickness of the fertile layer of soil for the coating of the lawn is at least 15-20 cm. After laying the finished lawn, it should be counted with the surface of the tracks, so the level of the fertile layer initially must be 2 cm below.

Preparation of the site

To begin with, it is necessary to prepare a plot to the upcoming laying: Clear from weeds, old grass, stones and construction garbage. Then fill all the depressions and deepening with a fertile soil layer. So that the water is not stood on the surface of the lawn, the site is given a small bias from the center to the edges for the surface water and drainage. The soil is absorbed to a depth of 5-10 cm or milling. If necessary, the fertile layer of soil is added. It is aligned with robbles and roll.

Features of laying

Store and store the rolls of the finished lawn in the shade, spraying them with water in dry hot weather. Start stacking rolled lawn Immediately after its delivery - folding it with rectilinear rows along pedestrian or driving tracks. If it fails to use the entire lawn in one day, then the remaining unused rolls are rolled and moisturized. Immediately after laying the lawn watered. Be sure to check the degree of moisturizing the lawn, lifting the corner of the stacked roll (in 10-12 places throughout the site). Water must impregnate the lawn to the surface of the soil.

Correct care

Watering a new laid lawn is made every day during the first 7 days, and then on next week - 1-2 days, depending on the season and on the amount of precipitation. Make sure that irrigation captures the entire plot with a new lawn. Best time For watering - early morning and late evening, when the sun is least actively. The first misement of the new lawn is carried out 1-2 weeks after it laying. The recommended height of the mowing is 4-6 cm. When fastening the lawn, it is undesirable to shortening the grass of the grass by more than 30% of its length. A month after the creation of a new lawn, it is necessary to make a complex fertilizer of the type of azophosques in the amount of 20 g / m2 or urea in the amount of 1 0 g / m2.


5) Spilled lawn with water with the root-forming drug on a thickness of at least 10 cm. By lifting the turin in several places, it was convinced that the water was impregnated with the lawn to the surface of the soil. Watering the freshly founded azon produces every day during the first week, then - in a day or two (depending on the weather)

To lay the rolled lawn is easy, the technology is worked out to the smallest detail, but there are special nuances in it, you must know that ...

Today we will tell about such interesting materiallike a rolled lawn. This is very popular to date, the coverage of the land is not only in country areas. We will tell you how to lay a rolled lawn, about some of the nuances of the process. And also denote the positive and negative sides of this unique material. We will figure out in this topic, you can easily control the masters who were entrusted to lay a rolled lawn in their dacha. So to speak, be with them "on the same wave."

What is a rolled lawn

In essence, it is a grass that is planted on a special basis. As a latter, used burlap, cardboard or polyethylene grid. The base is placed on a flat surface, it may be a dirty court or shelving equipment. Poured on her layer derdy landmixed with peat and sand. The main task is to bring the acidity of the mixture to neutral, as in nature. The thickness of the fastened layer is 3-5 cm.

After preparation, sowing grass seeds. As soon as the plants are raised to a height of 10 cm, they will be coated. So do two or three times to strengthen the root system. After 2 months, the observed material is ready.

Manufacturers most often offer herbal mats with a length of 2 m, with a width of 0.4 m and a thickness of 2-2.5 cm.

Technology laying

Technology laying a rolled lawn is divided into two main stages: preparation and laying of lawn.

On our site you can find contacts construction companiesthat offer a service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Preparatory stage

First of all, the plot itself is prepared, which is decided to lay rolled grass. To do this, remove the garbage, stones, pull weeds. Then prepare a drainage system. Do it like this:

    Remove upper layer Soil to a depth of 20 cm.

    Fall asleep The pebbles layer, which is aligned by the horizon.

    Following Sand layer. It is aligned and tamped.

    Fall asleep Selected soil.

    Spend Petain of the soil with a metal rink.

If the ground is sandy, then drainage system need not. It will only be necessary to clear the territory and align.

And the last process on preparatory Stage - Marking. If the landscaped area is large enough, it is recommended to break it on the strips. That is, along the edges of the site, pegs with a pitch equal to the width of the rolled lawn. The same is done with opposite side. After that, the pegs are connected to the twine.

Please note that the grass must be not higher than the Garden Road. And if it takes into account that its height does not exceed 5 cm, then, pushing out this indicator, the platform is aligned.

The main stage

In principle, nothing complicated in it. We must smoothly decompose the rolls of each other, without leaving visible gaps. It is important to lay the right roll. That is, parallel to the edge of the site, on which the material is rolled.

Since the rolls themselves have a certain length, then often each of them does not close the length or width. Therefore, rolls are placed in a checker order. This is when the edge of one of them lies nearby, but until the middle of the canvas. When the entire platform is covered with grass, ground, mixed with sand sprinkle between the laid strips. Thus protect the edges of the laid rul.

And a few more features of the laying of a rolled lawn:

    Gap Between herbal materials should not exceed 1 cm.

    Stack Rolls vanosest prohibited.

    It is impossible put the cut from rolls long less than 1 m. The edges of the material are the most vulnerable areas that are badly coming.

    Laying lawn in rolls is better to spend in dry non-silent weather.

    In hot time grass water Abundant and several times a day.

    In the installation process, the layout is carried out on one side of the gardening territory to another. Step For decomposed rolls is prohibited.

    If a The reason appeared to step on the laid lawn, then it is better to put a wide flat object under my feet. For example, a sheet of plywood, at worst - the board. Thus, the point load will decrease, which can damage the grass.

After 15-20 days, the first deficiency is carried out. Experts recommend keeping the height of grass not more than 5 cm. Although it is just a recommendation.

How to care for lawn

So, the installation of a rolled lawn was carried out, the site of the political, which is next. The main task falls on the owner country plot. And it consists in noting the laid material. Therefore, the grass should be water all the time.

By the way, to understand whether the herbal layer is dry or not, you need the edge of the extreme layer periodically raise. If the reservoir itself is wet, then this is normal. If dry - you have to increase the volume or frequency of watering. The recommended water dose for watering is 10-15 liters per 1 m 2 laid plane. Please note that this must be followed in the first two weeks after laying. After that, frequency can be thrown in.

How to choose correctly

Today, manufacturers who offer rolled lawns, great amount. Therefore, there is difficult to choose a high-quality product that does not know the subtlety of the device. Therefore, several tips.

So, what should be the lawn in rolls:

    With good root system, where in large quantities Whole roots should be highlighted.

    The thickness of the turf layer along the entire length, the strip must be the same within 2-4 cm.

    The soil It must be not very clay and not very sandy. It should not be present stones.

    Color grass Must be juicy and the same all over the plane.

    Must not be pests both in the soil layer and in herbal.

    Full no propelinwho speak of low quality of the proposed material.

    Grass should be smeshen.

A few words about the last position. It is necessary to designate that some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to hide some lack of vegetation cover. The quality layer of the SCOS should be small to be clearly visible to the quality of grass. Optimal option The heights of the grass - 3 cm. And the back should be uniform over the entire area.

Purchase the material that was removed from the turf on the day of sale. If you are offered an old stood goods, it will be the smell of the label of grass, as well as the coverings will be with yellow.

Pros and cons

Let's start with positive characteristics.

    No need ready Soil, sow grass and care for a young greens.

    Ready green coating easy transfer low frosts, drought and has immunity to various diseases.

    Does not give opportunities to grow weeds.

    Simplicity Care.

    Long exploitation.

And the characteristics are negative.

    High price. Rolled lawn with stacking is on average 400-700 rubles per 1 m 2. The price plug depends on the landscaped area. The more the last indicator, the price is lower.

    A large number of low-quality products on the modern market. You can purchase a material that simply does not fit or serves one season.

    Life time An order of magnitude lower than the sowing lawn.

Video Description

And at the end, watch the video, how to properly lay a rolled lawn:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we disassembled the topic in which the big emphasis was made on the technology of laying the lawn from the roll sowing material. This process is actually simple, but it has many pitfalls, non-knowledge of which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the final result. Therefore, invite specialists and watch them all right.

"Rolled lawn is our salvation from spending time and extra effort!" - Probably it would be so worth advertising rolled lawns. But before rejoice in the fact of acquiring such a miracle, it should be better to deal with the advantages and disadvantages of the lawn. Many gardeners lovers most often do not know about the difficulties in planting a rolled lawn. In this article, we will look at the advantages and outline the main problems and disadvantages that you may encounter. We will tell about the rules of care for rolled lawns and why the lawn should be placed in the fall.

Laying the lawn with their own hands the matter is not simple, so many believe that it is better to immediately contact the experts. Is it so? And what is required in order to put a high-quality and durable lawn with your own hands? And most importantly, where to start lovers?

The idea itself is not sowing the lawn, and I have already finished it ready from America. There is a common stereotype that some Americans do not even imagine that the lawn can be grown. The spread of rolled lawns is associated with time savings. For many, the rolled lawn is a real salvation. Reliability and problem areas, as well as a tendency to frequent weather changes, helped popularizing a rolled lawn and from us. Laying the rolled lawn is simple, comfortable and stylish.

How to choose a rolled lawn?

Rolled it began to call him because of his external view. Transporting lawn more successfully passes in the rolled up grass inside. Each roll weighs approximately 30 kg, about 2 meters long. Cutting, transportation and processing is made in dry weather to prevent mechanical damage. Transport, most often, such a lawn on special pallets, and it helps to avoid deformation.

When you choose a roll for your lawn, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Roll color. Color should be necessarily homogeneous and light green shade, also look so that there are no stains orange color or deposits.
  • The state of the turf. According to experts, the best moment for cutting the lawn is after two years. Then a living and healthy root system. Please note that there are no blue shades, because it may indicate that the lawn is already "enjoyed".
  • Lack of pests. You should check it before buying. But at the same time pay attention to the remaining parameters, because if the pests were traveled quite recently, then chemical damage on the grass may remain.
  • Lawn length. Manufacturers who adhere to all norms know that the lawn must be regularly tonsured, and therefore, when buying, you should look at the length of the grass.

Choose a rolled lawn - the task is not simple. To do this for all the rules, you can seek help from specialists, or just to see several learning videos on our website.

Benefits of a rolled lawn

Among the advantages of using a rolled lawn, experts identify the following:

  • Possibility to use on problem areas. This is especially true of the slopes where the likelihood of "slipping" of the soil is great. Rolled lawn does not allow it.
  • Soil strengthening. You put the lawn already on the prepared soil, and thanks to the wide root system, the grass helps strengthen the land.
  • Minimum amount of weeds. Rolled lawn will save from the appearance of unwanted vegetation guaranteed during the first two years.
  • Saving time. Rolled lawn do not need to grown, constantly fertilize the soil and follow the weather so that the seeds are sprouted.
  • The ability to actively use. If there was a favorable weather when laying, then in 2-3 weeks you can actively use such a lawn.

Roll lawn technology

Before the direct laying of the rolled lawn, the soil should be carefully prepared. First of all, to feel it using the addition of peat, then add fertilizers and move to uniformity. After that, it is necessary to take the land and make a flat surface, if necessary, you can create a drainage system.

When you start laying the layers with your own hands, you should adhere to several basic rules:

  • Stacking your own hands best start in early spring or in the fall (the soil is not freezing and not too dried).
  • Stay styling from the place where rolls were folded.
  • Do not allow bending, turning the roll, as well as its stretching over the surface.
  • Place the rolled lawns only in a checker order. (If you put it yourself, then look at the videos on the Internet).
  • Professionals advise to lay the layers to the maximum with overhearst in several centimeters. This will provide you with the absence of ruptures between rolls.
  • Lay only on smooth soil. It is impossible to form holes or bugs.
  • Finish a number of only a whole web or a half.
  • Print a row with the board, but try to control the process with your hands.

After laying, you need to continue the growing of the lawn and trace the process as a lawn will take off. Try to abundantly water the lawn within 2 weeks and in no way allow soil drying.

Pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to allow for a month pressure on the lawn. There must be no movement on it, otherwise you may encounter the formation of the pits.

What problems may arise?

Let's consider the most common problems with which the novice gardener may face:

  • Lawn does not take root. Orange spots may form or see the grass. This suggests that you insufficient the soil, or watering it unevenly. Watch the video about the rules of irrigation.
  • Lawn radiates. It tells you that somewhere not enough light, this can observe when laying the lawn in the fall. If you can not eliminate the cause (real estate items), consult with experts about best option Installation of the source of artificial light for a rolled lawn.
  • Lawn begins to rot. The solution to this problem is the timely cleaning of excess herbs, you should also pay attention to more intense care for it (more often to mow).

If you still could not fully understand the subtleties of laying a rolled lawn with your own hands, then we suggest watching you a video that will help clarify some ambiguities:

Is it possible to create a green lawn faster? Sure! The laying of the rolled lawn is made with their own hands quite quickly, and the result of your works will be visible in a month.

Rolled lawn. What is it?

Many landscaped companies are engaged in the manufacture of similar herbal coatings. The process is quite simple:

  • for two years, the field is grown on the field;
  • after this period, the rod with a layer fertile soil and plant roots are cut off with special equipment;
  • from the widespread strips, workers gently twist rolls.


Dignity A lot of herbal coating has a lot:

  • wide range of styling from spring and late autumn;
  • high speed of work on the arrangement of lawn;
  • to cope with the laying of soil and herbal rolls will independently be able to any owner;
  • reasonable coverage cost.

Important! The price of a rolled lawn is quite democratic, but the cost of laying is much higher. If you decide to equip a "green carpet" from rolls with your own hands, get ready to carefully comply with the technology and not hurry. Hurry will reduce "No" all your efforts.

How to choose?

Pay attention to the quality of the coating:

  • look for rolls with smooth edges;
  • the grass shade should be the same for all bands;
  • check for availability weed herbs. Their presence is unacceptable.
  • check that herbal carpet is dense and homogeneous.

Characteristic of the standard rolled lawn:

  • roll weight - from 15 to 25 kg;
  • length - 2 m;
  • width - 0.4 m;
  • grass height - about 5 cm;
  • running thickness - from 2 to 2.5 cm.

After buying, bring the layers to the site and immediately start their laying. In the coarse state, the lawn can quickly spoil. Conclusion - before traveling to the landscaped company for the preparation of the site for the lawn must be completed.

What if it is impossible to put the films on the same day? In no case do not leave them out.

Gently straighten the green canvas, spread out on a flat section and water with water. Try to quickly lay a rolled lawn.

Technology laying do it yourself

How to lay a rolled lawn? Before starting work, rate your opportunities, prepare for painstaking work. Select enough time to arrange lawn. The result will cost the spent effort.

First stage:

  1. Calculate the right amount Rolls. The formula is simple: the area under the lawn in (sq. M. m) multiply to the coefficient of 1.67.
  2. Prepare the area: Clean the plot from garbage, remove weeds, roots of plants. Process the soil with herbicides. Spray the soil well. At low soil fertility on little plot It is advisable to remove the top layer of the soil and fall asleep a new thickness of up to 15 cm.
  3. Create a horizontal surface. This operation will avoid water drain from the rolled lawn. Note that the prepared platform should be lower than the level of the site by 2.5 cm (the thickness of the Durna).
  4. Be sure to turn the soil. Suit homemade skating rink. Follow the difference between the compacted soil and garden tracks (up to 2.5 cm).

Are the platform prepared? Start the next stage:

  1. Spread the ringer as brick masonry. Chess order It will reduce the length of the joints and strengthen the layers. Disclosure rolls online. Well press the subsequent reservoir to the previous one.
  2. Taming the layers. Each roll is neatly confused for maximum contact of the rod and the main soil on the site. A manual roller will come in handy again.
  3. Cut the protruding edges with a bayonet shovel or knife. After alignment, cut the edges of the rolls tightly.
  4. Lawn formed? Treat seams: Push them with a mixture of fertile soil and sashed sand.
  5. Well, spin the rolled lawn. Moisturize the land every 5-7 days. Watch that the playgrounds did not stand at the site.

Laying the lawn with their own hands is completed. The roots of the grass will gradually rotate into the prepared ground, and the rolled lawn will be one with your site. The coating is well rooted in a month and a half.

Important! After 2 weeks, be sure to squeeze grass. Observe caution, mow only across the reservoirs of the rear.

Video about laying a rolled lawn.


Most landscape companies offer services for the arrangement of a rolled lawn. The estimated cost of work is 70 rubles square meters. m.

At first glance, the price is acceptable. But, if you consider the size of the lawn, then the numbers will be more impressive: 10 square meters. M - already 700 rubles.

In addition to laying, experts will perform:

  • repair of damaged parts of the lawn - 120 rubles / square meters. m;
  • care for your lawn - 80 rubles / square meters. m.

You are not sure about your abilities or you do not have the desire to deal with the arrangement of the "Green Carpet" in your site? Take advantage of gardeners from the landscaped company.

The hosts, who decided to keep the rolled lawn on their own, will save a decent amount. When compliance with technology the result will certainly be excellent.

  1. №1. Types of rolled lawn
  2. №4. Sizes of rolled lawn
  3. №5. What herbs are used?

Look at how you have changed country sites Over the past 30-40 years! Many dacms decided to refuse vegetable Grokes And turn the cottage to the place of rest. So on the sites appeared beautiful flower beds and gorgeous lawns. Neat green lawn - perfect place For picnics, tanning and children's games. Moreover, this is also the decoration of the site. To grow a chic lawn, you will need at least one year. If the time does not tolerate, or admire the thick grain of grass immediately, then you can smear and use the grass already grown for you. Let's try to deal with the device of a rolled lawn, decide on its advantages, minuses and features. Looking in advance, we note that it is very simple to organize on my site very simple. So that you are convinced of this, we will tell you in detail how to lay a rolled lawn with your own hands.

№1. Types of rolled lawn

Rolled lawn makes it possible in the shortest possible time to organize the perfect herbal coating Almost anywhere, in which his main advantage is. He found a use in different areas, so today it is customary to allocate such main types of rolled lawn:

№2. Advantages and disadvantages of a rolled lawn

What makes the rolled lawn so popular among dacnis? The answer to this question lies in the listing the main advantages of the coating:

You can also talk about the unpretentiousness of the rolled lawn, about the possibility of using it on uneven surfaces and in shady places where the usual lawn is not a sprout. The only minus is a high price, but many quite rightly believe that it pays off guaranteed results, chic coating, minimal temporary investments and easy to maintain.

Number 3. How do rolled lawn grow?

If short, the rolled lawn is an ordinary sowing, only for you he sows him specializing in this enterprise, three years cares for him, watering, fertilizes and cuts off, and then along with the turder cuts into small fragments. They are sold to the buyer who spreads the finished lawn at home in the country: the roots of herbs germinate into the ground, and it turns out a full-fledged coating. Here is such a non-sutric transplantation!

Now information for those who crave for details. Rolled lawn grows in a special nursery big Square using special technique. From the moment of sowing to sale passes 1.5-3 years, it is better to take a 3-year-old lawn, because the root system has already formed well, and the herbal cover itself is quite dense.

Depending on the growing technology Rolled lawn can be two types:

  1. the preparation of the soil in order to disperse it and break the lumps. To do this, use a cultivator or plow, then large particles of the earth are broken;
  2. the soil treatment with herbicides in order to destroy all weeds on the plot where the lawn will be grown;
  3. if the lawn is growing on the grid, then it is laid out at this stage, given the size of the future coating and the characteristics of the irrigation system;
  4. seeds prepared by a mixture;
  5. proper fertilizer and watering for several years;
  6. regular haircut, thanks to which the cover becomes dense, and the roots are wooney well;
  7. cutting the finished lawn, turning into roll and transportation.

Cutting herbs with the basis occurs on the eve of transportation. Ideally, cutting up to laying should pass no more than a day, otherwise the roots of the grass dried out, which will lead to the death of the lawn. If it is not possible to quickly transport and put the coating, then it is placed in refrigerated Camerawhere it can live no more than 4 days.

№4. Sizes of rolled lawn

As a rule, herbal coating together with the base cut fragments with a length of 2 m and width of 40 cmBut these parameters from different manufacturers may differ slightly. The width rarely exceeds the value of 48 cm. With such sizes, the lawn is easy to cut, turn into rolls and transport. The thickness of the lawn must be 2-4 cm, refers to the turne. The height of the edge, as a rule, reaches 6-7 cm.

Specials lawns There may be completely different parameters. For example, a sports lawn is sold in rolls 1 m wide and up to 15 m long.

What concerns weight of a rolled lawnThe exact figure is difficult to call here, it depends on the humidity of the soil. On average, 1 m2 coverage weighs 17-25 kg. It turns out that a wagon with a loading capacity of 20 T can be able to transport about 700 m2 and more rolled coat.

№5. What herbs are used?

It is not necessary to be an agronomist or gardener with experience in order to understand that the main operational qualities of the lawn depend on which herbs are present in its composition. Manufacturers pick up the mixture to ensure the coating of certain qualities, i.e. For each type of lawn, the composition of herbs will be different. If we talk about the most popular universal lawnThe mixture often consists of such cultures:

  • matlik meadow - This is a culture with grass of emerald color. Lawn, which is 100% consists of such herbs, belongs to the premium segment, but requires careful care, especially in the first three years, but in the end it turns out a magnificent coating. Part universal coating only part of this culture is included;
  • oatman Krasnaya It is distinguished by increased resistance to pulling, will not dry, does not yellow, it moves well with a haircut. This is persistent I. unpretentious culture, the root system of which is developing quite intensively, due to which the slow rising of the crust is compensated;
  • riped Pasture Multi-Year Gives a thick herbal cover in the first year. Culture lives only three years, therefore gradually inferior to other herbs, but the purpose of its use in our case is to ensure a dense cover for the time, while other cultures are only gaining strength.

The composition of herbs may differ, but most of the manufacturers take as the basis of the oatmeal and mint. If the mixture contains other herbs, do not forget to find information about them to understand what is in the end waiting for you.

№6. How to understand that in front of you a high-quality rolled lawn?

Each manufacturer almost fuses that he has the highest quality lawn and almost immortal. Is it really, each of us can check in person, and to do it, you just need to be attentive enough, and pay attention to the following aspects:

  • circuit quality. The thickness of the base throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn should be the same, the roots must be reliably woven and form a holistic pillow. Necessarily the presence of young roots of white;
  • the soil Without stones, not excessively clay and not sandy;
  • weeds, propellashies and yellowed stains are not allowed;
  • tresting should be of the same size, the density is 100 and more shoots by 10 cm2. To quickly evaluate this indicator, you can attach a cigarette package to the lawn and calculate the number of shoots - there must be at least 50;
  • lack of pests and diseases;
  • it is better to take a newly furred lawn, since necolastic weeds can be hidden under long bladies;
  • experienced dacities advise carefully to take herbal coating near the edge and pull it, quite slightly, without applying excessive efforts. Grass should not break out. If this happens, then it has weak roots, and good lawn It will be impossible to get.

Does not prevent take a look at documentation, the presence of which speaks about the conscientiousness and severity of the seller, allows you to make sure the regularity of the lawn checks on quality. Special attention When meeting documents, pay for the growing grass, in order to make sure your future lawn grew up with a favorable environmental situation.

№7. How many rolls need to buy?

If you know the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory you need to decorate the lawn, and the area of \u200b\u200beach individual roll, then calculate how many rolls will need, is a task for a second-class student. From the manufacturer, you need to find out the area of \u200b\u200bone roll of the selected lawn, or take the length parameters and widths, and then multiply them.

The next stage is to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot given under the lawn. If this territory has the form of a correct square or rectangle, then the task is simplified as much as possible. It is necessary to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthis site and divide it into the area of \u200b\u200bone unit of the rolled lawn.

Example. We are sold lawn in rolls with a length of 2 m and a width of 40 cm. The area of \u200b\u200bone sample 2 * 0.4 \u003d 0.8 m2. We need to put the lawn to the area with parameters 6 * 5 m, i.e. Area 30 m2. To cover this area, you will need 30 / 0.8 \u003d 37.5 rolls, round up to 38. In this case The stock includes 5%. It turns out that you need to order 40 rolls.

If the form of the plot is complex, There are lines curves, bends and other details, it is better to draw her plan on paper and make a lawsuit layout scheme. You will have to literally spread each of the rolls to visually see how much they need them. You can go and otherwise. Of school Course. Geometry we remember how to look for the area of \u200b\u200ba complex figure. It is necessary to break it on simple figures and find the area of \u200b\u200beach of them. And they do, and then act on the already familiar scheme, only in this case, 10% of the result obtained are added to the reserve, since if there are bends and tracks, the material consumption will be higher.

№8. When can I put a rolled lawn?

Manufacturers say that the rolled lawn can be laid at any time of the year, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn. In principle, it is, but laying in autumn period It has a lot of features, and if there is an opportunity, it is better to abandon such a venture.

Optimal time - SpringWhen the soil is no longer frozen and is not suspension of excessive moisture. At this time of the year, the grass is actively growing, so in the summer you will get a luxurious thick green lawn, like from the picture.

In autumn A lawn can be stacked under the condition that the fall in the region is usually warm, long and soft. The grass will grow and gain strength until the moment when the air temperature drops to + 50c. Up to this point, the shoots of grass can already grow enough, so they will protect the roots of grass from winter Morozov. In the spring, one complexity can be waved you: young shoots will be difficult to break through the layer of last year's grass, therefore, as a result, the lawn may turn out to be uneven.

Difficulties may occur when laying a lawn in summer period . In general, it is better not to do, as the transplant is already a big stress for grass, and when the temperatures are high, rolling robes increased. If you do not wait, then you have to water the lawn very often, up to two times a day, so that the turne makes it well with the soil, since the roots still cannot receive enough moisture from the soil.

№9. Soil preparation for the laying of a rolled lawn

Now proceed to the most interesting. When everything is counted and chosen, all the pros and cons of weighted, the moment of laying a rolled lawn occurs. All begins proper training Soils on the plot. As you already guessed, just spread the rolled lawn on the territory will not work - the likelihood that it takes place in this case is low. If you consider the fact that brought lawn must be put on the same dayThe preparation of the territory must be started in advance.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

№10. How to lay a rolled lawn with your own hands?

All work will not work independently:

What to do if the lawn is delivered, and put it on the same dayor it turns out, but not all? To try to extend the life of the grass, bring the rolls, moisturize them and protect against the sun, and the next day, be sure to stack.

№11. Lawn care after it laying

The main secret of the good suitability of the roll coating is high-quality moisturizing. When the laying work is over, plenty of lawn at the rate of 1 water bucket for each 1 m2 of the surface. If one of the rolls lift a little over the edge, it will be possible to see the grinding turf and moistened soil on the plot. In this case, watering is done correctly.

In the next 2 weeks, the lawn must be watered every day, trying to prevent the soil drying. Ideally carry out automatic watering sprinklers. It is better during the first month not to walk on the lawn, and for movement you can use the boards that it is worth removing immediately after the transition is over. During this period, the blows of the turf with the soil occurs.

Further care looks like:

Green lawn perfectly fit into any landscape design, perfectly combined with flower beds, flower beds, shrubs and even beds. The easiest I. fast way Independed own plot - It is used by a rolled lawn. Already in a month you can run on it, sunbathe and arrange cozy family picnics.

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