Online divination for the next week. Sign Tarot "Seven Days

Garden technique 28.06.2020
Garden technique

Tarot cards are a great way to find out the past, present, and the future of Qleant. There is a huge number of layouts that help to find answers to all your questions.

The most common of them, of course, relate to the future of the questioning. Different design techniques are responsible for different intervals. The alignment can be done on the day, for the week, for the month, for the coming year. The choice depends only on the desire of the Quantum. A week is one of the most popular techniques.

Methods of fortune telling

Depending on the situation, it is recommended to practice various divination techniques. In addition, the period is taken into account, the human life of a person about which is asked questions to Tarot's cards. The schedule for a week can be brief or complete. For a quick response, you can use a shorter fortune telling of 3-4 cards, for the detailed alignment, you should select a detailed alignment. Below will be the three most popular techniques that help learn the near future for a week.

(4 cards)

It is necessary to decompose the four senior arcana in the form of a cross. On the left and right will be positions 1 and 2, and on top and bottom of position 3 and 4, respectively. The first card tells about the problem itself, sometimes these are obvious things, but most often it reveals the entire groundwater problem. The second and third cards describe the situation and tell what its development will be within 7 days. It is very important to expect the importance of arcanes not only separately, but also in combination with neighboring cards. For clarification, you can use the younger arcans.

CARTS Tarot alignment for a week usually describes the events of the nearest future (2 and 3 positions). 4 Card in this scenario reports how the result will be.

Cross from Arkanov can be interpreted by day of the week: the first card is Monday and Tuesday, the second - Wednesday and Thursday, the third - Friday and Saturday, the fourth - Sunday.

"Celtic Cross" (full alignment)

This technique uses 10 cards. In addition to the fact that the alignment clearly describes the problem, development prospects and the result, the first 4 cards are talking about the personality of the quantum. An important nuance in Tarot cards: the alignment for a week can show not only future events, but also what they preceded, that is, the past. In the forties of the "Celtic Cross" the first card describes the consciousness of a person, the second - soul, the third - contradiction in the soul, the fourth - the subconscious. These are important cards in the center. Further, the cards are laid out with a position 5 and 6. They describe events in the past and the future. These 6 cards and form a cross. Next to the right are 7,8,9 and 10 cards. They refer to their relationship, to others, hopes and fears, as well as perspectives and results. Accordingly, it is 10 position that will end the alignment and point out. We should not forget that cards with central positions have important! Tarot Scenario Scheme is presented below.

Singing "Seven Days"

The alignment is very different from the previous two. If the "Celtic Cross" is considered a certain problem and its development over the week, then the alignment of "7 days" simply describes events for the next week.

This is the easiest for the week we do this: the querman pulls out 7 cards from a deck. Arcanes are laid out in a horizontal line. It is very important, on what day of the week you are guessing, because The first card will mean the next day of the week. So, if you make a schedule on Saturday, then the first card in a row will mean the events of the resurrection, next - Monday, and so on Saturday the next week.

It is very important when pulling each subsequent card to call the day of the week out loud. If the value of one of the cards is too generalized, and determine what happens on this day is difficult, it is allowed to pull one or two additional cards.

The fortune telling a week is the easiest and fastest way to learn about what will happen in the next seven days. As we think, of all the fortunes we offer, it is the most light, most immediate and most pleasant.

Modern man, living in the current world, increasingly notices one not very pleasant pattern: the time has flowed much more quickly than before. If once the days stretched like candy-pulling, today the weekly "coin" has become a week, not a day or hour. It is her who is accepted to count a lot, it is accepted to measure a lot.

Fortune telling for a week online is your chance to look into the future, of course, not so distant, but still .. you just think about the week, - the next seven days, you will play, as if on notes - easy and simple. Of course, our fortune telling is traditionally free. Of course, it is the most accurate. And by itself - we suggest you choose Oracle yourself, from the existing manifold. Which of the predictive systems will be a whitger good and light in your life?

Kiev Troinch or an incredible number of solitaires? Tarot Osho or Taro Wait? Lenorman maps or sivil prediction? Mirror of the world or Tibetan fortune telling MO? Archangels or Astromeridian? And maybe fortune telling twins? Or are the runes? You have to solve one single question, but, however, quite complicated, - from what oracle start to guess for a week.

Fortune telling syvilles

Savil's appearance - under this name was the world not one clairvoyant and fortune teller, since the time of antiquity and to the present day it is connected with a multitude of mystical secrets and ways to learn about the future. One of them in front of you - ask Silly cards answers to all your questions.

Prophecy of gem

Everyone knows that the best friends of girls are diamonds! And the rubies, topazy and other minerals from the huge collection of Koi us generously awarded nature. This is a small one, but the fun divination will help not only to evaluate the beauty of the stones, but also to arrange a fun break for reading meaningful predictions on the nearest and not very future.

On coffee grounds

Mmm ... who does not like this beautiful drink!? And necessarily in the company of the most reliable and complete predictions! With the latter, alas and ah, either to the fortuneteller, or (good innovation!) - On the site Mogra. So, we take into the hands a cup of warming fragrant drink, we formulate the request and slowly read the prediction received!

Oracle fate

Comfortable and simple solitaire for despusting. According to the tradition of solitaire's card, they are stacked by shirts up, after which the asking independently turns alternately five cards. The oracle of the destination is suitable for receiving answers to a clearly formulated issue and for the general situational forecast for the near future.

Solitaire Swedenborg

Svetenborg Solitaire is a significant creation of another Western European mysticism, alchemist, thinker, founder of science on minerals and the father of science on the physiology of the brain. The versatile hobbies of an extraordinary person found their reflection as much as in 36 cards of the uncomplicated solitaire for gadas.

Stones Maya.

Maja's predictions are the forgotten traditions of the Mesoamerician civilizations destroyed by conquistadors. In essence, it is 32 runes carved from the Seiba tree. Each such rune is one of the universe fragments, in which the Mayan tribe Indians have once dwell.

Scandinavian runes

Are there any more ancient and proven divination in the light of the generation than Scandinavian runes? There are few, even less fortunes that combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian divination on one man is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and runes will certainly answer you.


Free planetary fortune telling "Astromeridian" is created specifically for those who have lost in this raising world and are looking for tips. This fortune telling is not only exclusively (you will not find it on any other site), but also truly universally.


Do you know that every item or living creature in the universe has his own double - Woodger? That is how the northern shamans say. A twin who knows and can tell about everything in the world, if only to ask him correctly.

Tibetan fortune telling (MO)

If you are not a supporter of Buddhism, but in the depths of the soul would like to learn more about this mysterious Eastern religion - it's time to throw the cubes and get the prediction of the Tibetan book of MO - almost the most ancient fortune telling in the world.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire, which will give the most accurate forecast about the coming change in the personal front. Do you know what to expect from the closest weekend, the upcoming vacation or series of chosen? It's time to decompose the solitaire cards!

Mirror of the world

Mirror of the world - fortune telling is not easy. Many old legends tell us stories about those crosses that risked to look into the otherworldly. The alignment submitted on the site Mogra, does not entail any risky events, but it is very truthful and accurately will help draw up a prediction for the future, and will also give a prompt in the resolution of a number of monetary or love situation.

Tarot Osho

Universal deck of cards, bright, colorful. Maps Osho Zen can not only be used traditionally - to guess them for the past, present and future, but also to meditate them and even heal them. Day after day, working with this deck, you are unnoticed for yourself to go to a new round of development.

Taro Waita

Tarot Wait is an excellent tool for information about the coming as such, no matter if you are guessing for a day, week, month and even a year. Wait cards will give an accurate forecast for future events, and in all aspects of the life of the asking.

Russian Solitaire

Russian Solitaire absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience and knowledge of the natural course of things and the development of events. In fact, this is a knowledge system by touching which you can get a great advice hardly for all occasions. Warned, it means armed: this is the meaning that has long been invested in fortune telling.

Solitaire Reamenier

Solitaire Madame Rememier - Esoteric fun from France early 19th century. It was then, who came to power Napoleon Bonaparte launched a flywheel change in the life of not only military people, but also peasants, officials and even aristocracy. The French found a way out of the chronic uncertainty who reigned in the society - divination and once again fortune telling. On the maps, bones, coffee grounds and of course solitairees. Among which the most popular Solitaire Madame Remight.

The setting tarot for a week can be used to predict events and situations for the future week - this alignment from the discharge of fortune-up to the most nearby future. In a different way, the alignment is called "seven days". The alignment is helping to prepare for difficulties.

He is able to exclude or minimize unpredictable situations in the future. The schedule for a week determines the atmosphere of the coming week, and also warns of possible events. Also, this alignment helps in time layout.

The classic alignment for the week consists of 7 cards. The alignment is better to spend on Sunday or Monday - it sets the rhythm of the whole week, plus cones more reliable information. But if you have made the align on any other day, for example, Thursday, there is nothing terrible in this, you simply interpret Thursday's card, then Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the current week, and then the rest of the Maps Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday they will mean Not a situation in the past, and the forecast for the next week.

This alignment can be used only once a week. If you need items, it is worth using another layout. Summing up occurs on the last day of the action. In order not to miss anything, it is advised to record the result of the defold. Day of the week and dropping a map or card to him, plus the interpretation of cards. If you forget something or misunderstand you can always return to the result of the result and refresh memory, or add interpretation.

The alignment is performed according to the following scheme:

1 - Monday,

2 - Tuesday,

3 - Wednesday

4 - Thursday,

5 - Friday,

6 - Saturday,

7 - Sunday.

Maps can be laid out, both in a horizontal line from the left to the right and in the form of a staircase on Monday, maps 1, by Sunday, maps 7. The most important thing is not a sequence of pulling cards from the deck.

Each card can describe how the events of a particular day for the weeks, as well as, every card can be regarded as advice on a specific day of the week.

Update information

If for a week, it is necessary to obtain more complete information to be obtained, then additional three cards can be pulled out to each map in the scenario. These maps will mean morning, day and evening, and describe events and situations that can occur in the time interval allotted for them.

Additional cards should be pulled out from the remaining deck from the first divination. If you need a complete deck for additional cards to each day, you can record the result of the first scenario for seven days and the same deck to make a split to explain each day. Also, it is also possible for each day to use a full deck, before this, writing out the result of divination of previous days.

Thus, the alignment may look like this:

Conditional intervals in the bottom:

From 05:00 to 11:00 - Morning,

From 11:00 to 17:00 - day,

From 17:00 to 22:00 - evening.

Temporary intervals can be corrected at their discretion and adjust to specific plans.

An example of a scenario on Monday:

In order to obtain a generalizing information on the scenario for a week, you can pull out the eighth final card, if initially aligned was made from seven cards. After pulling out additional information cards, you can also pull out the final card to summarize the data obtained.

The schedule is useful to use in cases where you plan any significant or important things. And also in order to coordinate their actions and have time to do the Maximum, the most rational and useful to use the time provided to you.

Analysis of the dropped cards can be carried out as in an independent key, or with reference to your plans.

When interpreting cards in the scenario, pay attention to the following:

  • the older arcanes who have fallen can foreshadow you in life or situations, you may also be able to get an important life experience or learn a lesson who will prevent fate.
  • maps of any stripes with the image of the king (man), Queen (Woman), Knight (can characterize the mood) or a group (desire) - symbolize your surroundings and people with whom you contact. These people are also related to your life and can influence your actions and behavior or business.
  • maps from two to dozens of any suit, characterize the spheres of your life, in which area events or changes will occur.
  • Aces may indicate any endeavors or completions. They can also help you find funds or forces for your affairs and plans.

At the end, the alignment should be analyzed and calculated the number of cards of each suit and senior arcanes - it is necessary to track the downstream trend.

The schedule for a week helps to reveal the internal potential and use hidden resources, which, with a normal look at the situation, you are not visible or not available.

Preparing for the scenario for the week

Before the collapse, it is necessary to calm down and bring your thoughts in order that the consciousness does not jump from one event to another. It is recommended to clean consciousness with a short meditation. It will help to relax and tune in on the need for fortune telling. After not in a rush, shove the deck, set the formulated question about the week and post the cards in the desired order. After recording the dropped cards and their interpretation occurs. Interpretations are preferably recorded too.

How to correctly formulate a question to the scenario for a week, example:

  • what awaits me on the coming week?
  • what will be the upcoming week?
  • what should be prepared for next week?

To clarify the temporary gap, which one is the upcoming or future week, you can set specific dates. For example, first set the gap by writing from what date, the week begins and how ends, to further write in the line days of the week and opposite Monday and other days on paper to write the appropriate date. For clarifications, write the date and time interval.

After the week passed, you can sum up, and compare what events were, and what you managed to avoid. You can also make a fortune telling on one map, thereby summarize the week and analyze the past week as a whole.

Very often, a person has a desire to predict the events of the week and understand what to be prepared, and what to expect. To help this can fortune telling tarot for a week, which has the name "Seven Days". This simple alignment will be able to describe what may happen in the next week and give advice, as you follow to be incurred to minimize possible negative consequences.

The essence of the slander

Carefully shifting the deck of cards, you need to pull seven cards on one map and lay them out in one row in front of yourself. After that, focusing on the desire to learn about the events of the coming week, you need to start interpretation of the scenario. The fortune telling tarot for a week can be carried out both with the help of a full deck, as well as using only senior arcanes. The second option is more suitable for newbies.

The fortune telling tarot for a week is a simple process, but at the same time it is very important when the scenario is cut to listen to its inner voice. The following are abbreviated interpretation of senior arcanes, which will greatly facilitate the understanding of the division "seven days".

Interpretations may be such:

  • Jester He foreshadows the successful start of a new case, against the background of optimism, positive attitude and spiritual ease. In an inverted position, an unexpected turn, not always for the better. It is important not to make spelling conclusions and not to make rapid decisions.
  • Mag Indicates that on this day you need to try to reveal your natural potential completely. You should not ignore the new features provided by fate.
  • Priestess Warns about danger, so you need to show high caution. Events that will require an intuitive approach may occur. The day is the most suitable time to explore unidentified.
  • Empress Little position foreshadows a very good day for creative people, but when this card falls in an inverted position, you should prepare for troubles.
  • Emperor In the literal position indicates that it will have to fight for the truth, and in an inverted position may be foresown that you will have to obey your hard person. You need to try to determine what you can't manage.
  • Priest The emphasis on the fact that you need to look at the existing problem from all sides to properly determine with the way it is permit.
  • Lovers foreshadow the beginning of a romantic connection.
  • Watch It indicates that this day will continue purposeful movement towards the target if a person will do what he tells him the heart. In the inverted position, this card foreshadows that at the same time will have to face malice and hatred.
  • Justice Indicates that this day will have to take a very important, but very difficult solution. The day is superbly suitable for evaluating your own financial opportunities.

  • Hermit Indicates that it is necessary to evaluate the events around you, in the inverted position, this card indicates that the incorrect solution can be taken.
  • Wheel of Fate Symbolizes the correctness of the selected path, and can also foreshadow new adventures.
  • Force The emphasis on the fact that the day is optimal to demonstrate your own skill.
  • Hanged Stresses the desire of change, a very good day for spiritual growth.
  • Death Symbolizes the life changes that can concern any sphere of human vital activity.
  • Moderation Indicates that on this day you need to build plans.
  • Devil Impress good luck in the business area if you can fully liberate. But in an inverted position, it warns that it should not be abused by its authority.
  • Tower Warns about possible conflict situations and dramatic life changes. In the inverted position, the card indicates stagnation in cases.
  • Star Forecasts success in any endeavors. But in an inverted position can focus on the fact that this may prevent your own laziness and insecurity. It is important that day not to dream, but to do real affairs.
  • Moon Predicts failures against which depression and nervous disorder may arise. On this day, the likelihood that a person will threaten or blackmailing. Care should be caution so as not to make a stupid error.
  • The sun foreshadows a successful day saturated with positive emotions. The likelihood of imprisonment of profitable transactions in the material plan is great, but at the same time avoid exceeding the authority. But in an inverted form, this card warns about apathy and a bad mood.
  • Court Indicates that it may be necessary to return to old affairs. The card in an inverted position focuses on the fact that a person can be given opportunities that cannot be missed.
  • Peace It gives hope that all the work started will end with success, and the undertaking will contribute to the recruitment of the career ladder.

Tarot must be treated carefully and seriously. A person who is trying to penetrate the essence of divination should discard all doubts and different thoughts that do not concern fortune telling. No wonder the Tarot cards open not to everyone who wishes, but only to those who came to them seriously and for a long time.

There is an erroneous opinion that any person can work with Taro maps. It is enough to learn the interpretation of the cards and learn how to make layouts. It does not match the truth. Each deck card has such a number of values \u200b\u200bthat an experienced specialist may be confused in their interpretation, and where are the newcomer. But try to learn to communicate with maps everyone can, and the result depends on your health and hot desire to learn.

How to make a division "seven days"

Let's analyze Tarot's alignment with you for the next week. To do this, it is necessary to stretch from the deck seven cards that will characterize what these days of the week will be. And the eighth, which, as a final card, will like the events of the next week. This is the only alignment, which simultaneously wears the general and individual nature of fortune telling. Consider every day of the week separately. If questions arise, you need to pull three more cards for every day that requires additional information. These cards specify the events of the morning, day and evening of a certain day.

There is a sufficient number of tarot layouts to analyze events that have already happened to you. Perhaps you have to search for the mistakes that you have already committed from which you need to warn in the future. Depending on what day the divination "seven days" is produced, from that day and begin the alignment. For example, if the fortune telling is made on Tuesday, the alignment should be started with the second card. And so on until you decide the cards for all week. The schedule for the week is able to characterize, in one word, what awaits you. Will it be favorable events, or you should be ready for surprises. And then, of course, it is necessary to disassemble what day or other events should be happening.

There are also other layouts for - for example. But we want to recall that it is impossible to contact Tarot for idle curiosity. Cards of this do not like and can punish you. It can be both a complete distortion of information and a more serious warning. In the defolds of Tarot, the events of the future are intertwined with the past, and the interpretation is made taking into account all the periods of life of the gadget.

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