How to lay the turf on your own. Laying a roll lawn with your own hands: subtleties and recommendations

Site arrangement 25.06.2019
Site arrangement

There is a great opportunity in short time and effortlessly landscaping the desired site and making it the best vacation spot. You just need to buy a lawn in rolls that you can lay yourself.

Roll lawn - sod that is transported in the form of bulky and heavy rolls. It is very convenient and practical, and also does not require much effort when growing.

Main feature roll lawn it is believed that it does not take too long to leave. The bright and juicy color of the sod will always delight the owners.

When buying a roll lawn, you will be offered the help of specialists who, in a short time, will be able to draw up a project, replace the soil and properly lay the sod. Also, without any problems, you can independently lay the lawn and easily take care of it in the future.

Create an artificial pond in the country with your own hands. Find out how to do this.

Useful functions lawn:

  • protection of the soil layer, which helps to protect the earth from overheating and drought;
  • creating a suitable microclimate;
  • decorative effect;
  • styling can be carried out from spring to autumn;
  • air cleaning;
  • an opportunity to recuperate, as greens soothe nervous system and reduces eye strain.

Pay attention to the quality of the turf when buying a roll lawn

Good turf is distinguished by the following features:

  • a large number of white roots;
  • bright and uniform color;
  • the same thickness;
  • no hints of illness.

The main types of roll lawns:

  1. Versatile lawn.
  2. Parterre lawn.
  3. Sports lawn.
  4. Lawn for special purposes.

Preparatory work

Having decided to buy a roll lawn, you do not need to delay laying it, since this grassy surface does not tolerate long-term storage. It is very important that the site is pre-prepared and well cleaned.

A few weeks before laying, you need to fertilize the area under the lawn.

How to prepare a site:

  • The entire area must be cleared of stones, stumps, debris, which in no case should be buried in the ground.
  • It is necessary to remove rhizome and weed plants from the territory. For example, it can be nettles, dandelions, wheatgrass and many others. Areas with a special concentration of such weeds must be treated with special means.
  • Before you start laying out the rolls of the lawn, you need to carefully dig up all the soil with a shovel. All earth clods must be well crushed.

Prepare the soil before laying the roll lawn: clear stones and debris, remove weeds and other plants, level the soil

All work is carried out in dry weather so that the soil is not sticky. The height of the ground should be 2-3 cm lower than the level of the tracks.

Laying technology

Before you buy a lawn, you need to clearly understand what kind of coverage you want to get and what you want to do.

The process of laying the lawn can take place from early spring to October. Work should be carried out in dry but not hot weather. It is advisable that the purchased grassy rolls were immediately laid out; do not put them off for long-term storage.

Before laying, the turf must be kept in a dark place, since at high temperatures and in the sun the grass can turn yellow and disappear. The rolls are very heavy, so they are stacked by several people at once.

Further, the finished lawn must be laid out in checkerboard on a well-prepared ground surface. Its laying takes place from a place strictly in a straight line. All visible seams are covered with fertile soil.

Remember to lay out the rolls so that their edges meet clearly. The sides must not be allowed to overlap or free space between them. The correct and uniform shape can be given by carefully cutting off all unnecessary and uneven edges with a knife.

After finishing laying the lawn, it is necessary to roll it in with a special roller, which will help to eliminate air pockets and ensure that the turf is in contact with the soil.

Lay the lawn and roll it

Three days after the lawn rolls have been laid, they should be rolled again to ensure that the soil is connected to the turf and to remove any air build-up that may have developed during the irrigation process.

Learn to plant and care for the chick c.

- step by step instructions for the device.

Lawn care

Already from the second year, the grass must be regularly mowed and the cut parts must be carefully removed. The lawn is considered ideal if the grass reaches 4-5 cm. When mowing for the very first time, only the tips should be cut.

The roll lawn requires frequent watering in order to thoroughly saturate the turf soil and the very soil on which the roll was laid. However, excessive irrigation and stagnation of water in the lawn should be avoided. It is also impossible to allow it to dry out.

Lawn care consists in its regular mowing and watering

For the first week, watering should be done every day. From the next week - in a day or two, depending on which season and weather... The most appropriate time for irrigation is morning or late evening.

Remember to feed your lawn before watering. It is better if it is a special fertilizer.

By giving preference to a rolling lawn, you can make your exterior comfortable and cozy. Remember to adhere to the rules for laying out the lawn so that the turf can take root well and decorate your area for many years.

Jul 30, 2015 Elena Tymoshchuk

Today, natural rolled lawn is the most fast way provide high-quality soil coverage on personal plot... A properly selected green roll lawn does not require special skills for its installation and subsequent cultivation. You can read about how to lay a rolled lawn yourself on this page, where practical advice for the selection and cultivation of the coating. It is important to know a few subtleties for preparing the base and selecting the type of soil. Before laying the roll lawn correctly, you need to know a little about the agricultural technology of those grasses that are sown on natural turf. Equally important is the knowledge of how to care for a rolled lawn in order to ensure its many years of use. And about this the same as about the description of the growing process and the result obtained can be found in the proposed material.

Pros and Benefits of Roll Lawn

The main advantages of a roll lawn are that it is grown in the fields for two years. And, accordingly, he gets to the consumer already in finished form... For sowing, the optimal composition of grasses for our climate, winter-hardy, disease-resistant and drought-resistant, is selected. The resulting sod looks like a dense "pillow" - dense greenery on top and a dense thickness of the root layer below. The cut, rolled lawn is completely ready for laying - all that remains is to spread it on the site and water it.

The advantages of a roll lawn lie in the following factors:

  • They can quickly cover unsightly soil after construction is completed.
  • The rolled lawn is resistant to trampling, disease, drought, frost-resistant. This is a high-quality coating - it is grown using advanced developments, both in the field of herbal selection and care.

See what a roll lawn looks like in the photo, which shows examples of its use in personal plots:

Roll lawn device, rules and technology of laying

A typical arrangement of a rolled lawn according to the technology is an open root system and a surface layer of grass stand. If you follow all the rules for laying a roll lawn, then the plants are not damaged and quickly grow after the completion of production operations.

The rolls can be placed at the end of construction at the very end of the season on almost any type of soil. The only "but": solid shade is not suitable for further rooting and development of the lawn. Therefore, it is better to choose well-lit or slightly shaded places for it. The technology for laying a roll lawn is quite simple and includes preparation of the base, spreading and watering.

When it comes to which lawn is better - sowing or rolled lawn, for some, the decisive factor is the price (the sowing lawn is cheaper), while for others - speed (with a roll lawn, you can get an emerald lawn in a matter of days).

When buying a roll lawn, check for freshness. Sod must be cut on the day of purchase. If the rolls are hot inside, with a smell of decay, most likely they are already expired and may not take root.

Estimate the quality of the rolls brought to you: usually growing errors are visible immediately. Roll and unfold the future acquisition several times - high-quality sods do not break or crumble. Too young or cut in very wet weather, the sod does not hold its shape, creeping in the hands.

Preparing the ground and foundation for a rolling lawn

Before the rolls are delivered to the site, it is necessary to prepare it for the upcoming installation. To start preparing a site for a roll lawn, you need to clear it of weeds, old grass, stones and construction debris. Then, on the base under the roll lawn, fill all the depressions and depressions with a fertile layer of soil so that the entire area is completely leveled. To prevent water from stagnating on the surface of the lawn, the site is given a slight slope from the center to the edges for surface water runoff and drainage.

The earth under the roll lawn is dug to a depth of 5-10 cm. If necessary, it is poured fertile layer soil. It is leveled with a rake and carefully rolled so that the surface is dense and does not fall underfoot.

How to lay the turf on your own

Before placing the roll lawn, you need to prepare the area, and ensure proper storage conditions for the rolls. The cut sod will quickly rot at storage temperatures above 15 ° C. Therefore, the rolls of the finished lawn are stored in the shade under a canopy, sprinkling them with water in dry hot weather. They begin to lay the lawn immediately after delivery - by laying out the rolls in rows along the paths.

If the area is large and in a day they did not manage to lay the rolled lawn on their own, then the unused rolls are rolled out and moistened, and the next day they do not hesitate with laying. Immediately after laying, the lawn is watered. The degree of moisture is checked by lifting the corner of the laid roll (in 10-12 places throughout the site). The water should saturate the lawn to the very surface of the soil.

We lay the rolled lawn ourselves:

  • Soil preparation. First, dig deep (20-25 cm) under the styling. After removing construction debris, all stones and driftwood, breaking or removing lumps of clay, improve the soil with a peat sand mixture. Then you can treat with chemicals ("Tornado" or "Roundup").
  • Level the soil surface according to the level pre-tensioned through the control points. Fill on a flat surface with a layer of sifted black soil 3 cm thick. Roll the ground with a roller so that you can walk on it without falling through. There should be no voids in the soil that can lead to its subsidence. Water the soil a day before laying the rolls: insufficient soil moisture will lead to the fact that its top layer will take all the moisture from the laid sod.
  • Lay the turf layers "in a straight line", joining them as tightly as possible. Next row stack in a checkerboard pattern, offsetting the seams relative to the previous row. Do not leave large gaps between the layers - weeds will germinate in them.
  • Cut off the protruding ends with a shovel or knife. The stacked rolls are tapped with a mallet or any homemade rammer.
  • After laying the turf, fill the small spaces between the joints with mulch. Use coarse sand or a mixture of sand and soil for this purpose.
  • Roll up the lawn manual rammer... Good grip on the soil will help it take root quickly after laying. Roll up the bales carefully, not using too large and heavy rollers.
  • Water the lawn after laying. Watering cannot be postponed in any way, moreover, if the area of ​​the lawn is large, then it is necessary from time to time to stop laying and water the already laid layers with water with a root-forming agent to a depth of at least 10 cm. It is also necessary to water the lawn abundantly (to a depth of 15-20 cm), until it completely takes root. The laid lawn is watered every day during the first week, and then after 1-2 days (depending on the weather).
  • Let the grass rest. For the first two to three weeks, do not walk on it, so as not to interfere with rooting. If you carry out all the care measures, then the lawn is ready for use a month after laying.

Maintenance of rolled lawn after laying and during cultivation (watering)

Watering the rolled lawn is done every day for the first 7 days, and then in 1-2 days, depending on the season and the amount of precipitation. The best time to water is early morning and late evening. The first mowing when growing a roll lawn is carried out 1-2 weeks after laying it. The recommended cutting height is 4-6 cm. When mowing a lawn, it is undesirable to shorten the overgrown grass by more than 30% of its length. A month after laying, a complex fertilizer such as azofoska is applied in an amount of 20 g / m2 or urea in an amount of 10 g / m2.

Carrying out the care of the rolled lawn after laying, it is worth paying attention to the places where the grass stand may "fall out". It is advisable to sow seeds of the corresponding plants in these places.

On a note! After laying the lawn, its surface should be leveled with the surface of the paths, so the level of the fertile layer should initially be 2 cm lower (with a fertile layer thickness of 15-20 cm).

After two weeks, do the first mowing of the grass 3-5 cm across the direction of the finished lawn. Water your lawn regularly: in the first week after laying, every day (morning or evening). You can control the access of water to the soil under the lawn by lifting the edge of the roll: the soil under it must be moist. When caring for a rolled lawn, water every other day from the second week, then 2 times a week. Three weeks after laying, fertilize the lawn with a complex (1 b% nitrogen, 4% phosphorus, 12% potassium) fertilizer at the rate of 2-3 kg per 100 m2. Re-introduction - after 6-8 weeks. Remember that nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the summer, phosphorus fertilizers - in the fall. Take your time with verticulation - sweeping the lawn. To carry out it, wait for the complete rooting of the sod - about two months.

Lawn decoration in the country with flowers (with photo)

Both perennials and annual seedlings can be used to decorate the lawn with flowers. The following are ideas for decorating lawns in the country using plant elements.

"Blooming Corner".

Islets of early spring flowers will enliven the green surface of the lawn.

  • Small-bulbous plants are good for planting in special plastic baskets, which can be purchased at any garden center. These baskets are very convenient: they are easy to get out of the ground, moreover, you will never mix up different kinds and varieties.
  • Put a layer of damp earth on the bottom of the basket and compact it well. Pour sand on top, plant bulbs or corms in it. Cover the bulbs (corms) with earth and compact.
  • Select an area of ​​lawn with well-formed sod for planting. Cut the turf around the circumference of the basket to a depth of 10-12 cm. Carefully, taking care not to damage the surrounding lawn, remove the layer of the cut soil. Place the finished basket in the hole, and cover with a layer of cut turf. Now you can leave it alone for several years.
  • "Increased hairiness." An original haircut will help to move away from the usual look of the lawn. Lush strands will make it truly unique. Your guests will love it! To trim patterns or designs on your lawn, you need a trimmer.
  • "Gravel prints". Is the lawn just a backdrop for a whimsical arrangement of small pebbles? Yes, but a very good background! Create an original flower bed right in the middle of the lawn, raising its level a little. Having outlined the outlines of the flower bed, set decorative border a height of about 20 cm. Pour an additional layer of soil inside the curb. Now the fun begins. Lay out the future drawing using flexible border tape. Then sow the lawn mixture over it and add gravel. The flower bed can be renewed annually by changing the pattern and adding stones of different shades.
  • "Frame for the lawn". Bulk strips of pebbles or rubble will help to decorate the edges of the lawn. In one of the corners, you can set up a rocky garden of boulders and stunted plants. Be sure to use curb tape around the perimeter of your lawn to separate the stones from the grass.

See what the design of a lawn with flowers can be in the photo, where a wide variety of compositions are presented:

Making the edge of the lawn in front of the house with your own hands

Making the edge of the lawn is a very demanding business. The neighborhood of a lawn and adjacent flower beds, beds and garden paths can turn into a real problem if not separated from each other. A clear border not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also saves energy. Otherwise, the lawn grass will quickly spread throughout the garden, and you will have to systematically spend time weeding it.

The easiest and most economical way to decorate lawns with your own hands is to dig a groove between them and the flower beds with a depth of 5 to 10 cm, depending on the density of the root system and the type of soil. The recess is usually given a Y-shape. The wall adjacent to the lawn is made vertical, and the edge bordering the flower garden is inclined. A groove can be dug with an ordinary garden shovel, but it will be difficult to achieve an even edge, so it is better to use a special sickle-shaped hoe for this purpose. The main disadvantage such a design of the edge of the lawn in front of the house - the groove walls will have to be manually updated once a month. Therefore, for large areas of the lawn, it would be wise to purchase a disc trimmer attachment or an attachment for trimming the edges of plantings on a cultivator.

On a note! Trimming the lawn with a hand hoe is easiest when the ground is damp. Giving a level edge to dry soil will be difficult. You should not take on this work in winter, when the ground is frozen.

A patch is required to repair a damaged lawn edge. With a sharp shovel, a rectangular piece of turf is cut out of the lawn (near the edge). Carefully trimmed from below, it is separated from the soil and moved forward to the edge of the lawn. Having laid the "patch" flush with the edge of the lawn, cut off the unnecessary so as to get an even cut. The deepening in the lawn, from which the "patch" was taken out, is covered with soil to the top and sown lawn grass... With regular watering, the grass will fill the empty space, and after a couple of weeks, it will level with the rest of the lawn.

Lawn maintenance makes a permanent barrier easier. It is made from a wide variety of materials - concrete, stone, brick. The height of the barrier plays an important role. At a height of 15-20 cm, the mower will not be able to process the edge of the lawn, and trimming along the curb will have to be done manually. It is better if the top of the barrier is level or slightly below the soil level, in extreme cases it is slightly raised above the surface of the lawn. The most convenient to use is a wide flat border made of paving slabs or bricks laid along the border of the lawn. A lawn mower wheel can drive over it without hindrance. Even ground cover plants will not penetrate such a barrier.

A solid border between the lawn and the flower garden will be created by a border in the form of a metal tape 10-30 cm wide. Thin flexible borders made of galvanized steel or aluminum are barely noticeable and are perfect for decorating curved lines. Installing a metal curb is straightforward in most cases. No excavation work is required - the curb is simply driven into the soft soil with a plastic hammer. It is better to use a metal hammer so as not to damage the galvanized coating. A narrow groove is dug in solid ground, a curb is placed in it and fixed with special pegs.

A clear line of the lawn edge can be obtained with a plastic or rubber stopper. Such curbs are cheaper than metal ones, in addition they do not rust. Plastic restraints are produced in the form of perforated tapes with a width of 13-20 cm in rolls of 5-10 m. You will have to tinker with the installation. Regardless of the quality of the soil, you will need to dig a groove. The curb is installed close to the vertical edge of the recess and secured with special pegs. To avoid cracks, tapes are overlapped. The hardest part is to sink the curb to such a depth that it does not interfere with the mower's operation.

Watch how to lay a rolled lawn in the video, where all the technology is presented in great detail:

The dream of the owner of the cottage or country house- well-groomed area with minimal cost time, effort and money. One of the options for bringing this order is an even, emerald-colored lawn. However, plant and it's troublesome to grow it.

It will be more effective to lay ready-made herbal rolls, the purchase of which in the right places will give a guarantee of a thick and reliable coating. Let's talk abouthow to lay a roll lawn with your own handsmaybe you will be able to cope on your own without the involvement of professionals.

What is a roll lawn

Rolled lawn is a material that consists of a layer of sod and grass, germinated to a certain height and density (about 10,000 stems per 1m²). Such a coating is produced and sold ready-made in the form of rolls, if you look at its cut, you can clearly see three layers: The bottom (or soil), its thickness is not more than 1.5 cm. In fact, there is little soil in this layer, it almost entirely consists of roots.

It is generally accepted that the smaller the soil layer, the better coverage(its rooting is faster and easier). The middle layer consists of burlap, mesh or felt no more than 0.5 - 1 cm thick. There are manufacturers who produce high quality turf and do not use such substrates. Upper layer represented by grass sprouted to a height of 4 to 7 cm.

Several types of grass are used for rolled lawn: fast-growing perennial ryegrass, meadow bluegrass, several types of drought-resistant fescue.


Grass cover in rolls helps out when there is no time to sow on your own and to grow lawn, and observe the emerald green beauty in the country all the same it would be desirable. Besides, ready product has a number of other advantages:

  1. The lawn is resistant to frost, drought, trampling, damping and high humidity... Children can walk and play on it.
  2. Simple installation, for which you only need to prepare a perfectly flat area.
  3. Such coverage can be to lay though in early spring, at least later in the fall.
  4. Fast survival rate.
  5. Possible laying a roll lawn with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.
  6. Easy care.
  7. The lawn grows without weeds , they rarely appear on such a coating.
  8. It is a uniform surface of high quality, resistant to tearing.
  9. It is possible to restore the coating if some area is damaged (the damaged piece is replaced with a new one).


Before you go to bed rolling lawn, it is necessary to clearly define what kind of functional workload it will have. Perhaps it will be decorative - only for the delight of the eyes. Or maybe there will be a playground or sports games.


Sports lawns are laid on tennis courts or football fields. For their creation, cereal plants are used that are able to withstand serious loads and quickly recover after that. Most the herbs make up bluegrass and ryegrass. In order for a sports turf to serve as long as possible, it must have a strong and elastic turf, this will protect the canvas from tears.


The purpose of decorative lawns is to please the eye with their appearance... They are of the highest quality and thickest, they are not intended to be walked on a lot, but they also require more thorough care. For decorative rolled lawns, cereal plants with thin stems, velvety greens and delicate leaves are used: perennial or pasture ryegrass, forest bluegrass, red or sheep fescue, and bent grass.


Special rolled lawns on summer cottages and out-of-town adjoining territories do not use, they have a special purpose. These products are used to strengthen slopes and slopes along highways. Grasses are picked up with a strong root system and sown tightly, due to which the effect of reinforcing the slopes is achieved.

Rules for choosing a quality lawn

The appearance of the laid lawn will directly depend on the quality of the original roll material... Let's talk about how right pick the grass in rolls.

The material must be sold immediately after being cut. The roll should be unrolled and carefully inspected for insects, weeds, or signs of disease. The grass cover should be uniform, fresh and thick. Any bald spots and the presence of a debate smell indicate poor quality material, this is not worth buying.

The height of the grass ranges from 30 to 50 mm, the thickness of the sod is from 20 to 40 mm. It is important that these indicators are the same over the entire area of ​​the roll.

Correct calculation

The required amount of rolled lawn directly depends on the shape of the site. Knowing its size, it is enough to recall the school regulations and calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid, circle, rectangle, oval, square or triangle.

Several square meters will be needed in reserve. The calculated area is increased by 5% if its shape is simple (rectangular or square) and by 10% for more complex shapes. When purchasing rolls, ask the seller about their dimensions (length and width) and calculate the required amount.

Preparatory work on the site

DIY roll lawn laying technologybegins with a thorough preparation of the site. The area is completely cleared of stumps, weeds and debris. Especially carefully it is necessary to deal with such weeds, which have a branched and long root system: wheatgrass, dandelion, plantain, whitewash, nettle, coltsfoot. If there are a lot of them, it is worth using herbicidal preparations such as Roundup.

A perennial weed is too viable, so it is necessary to eliminate its entire root system. If it later grows through the turf layer of the roll lawn, it will be almost impossible to remove the weed.

When the territory is completely cleared, the site is dug up, and all earth clods are thoroughly crushed. 1-2 weeks before the rolls are laid, the soil must be fed to make it more fertile and normalize the acidity level. The fertilizer package will promote rapid growth. If laying is done in spring or summer, nitrogen-containing preparations are added.

When arranging the coating in autumn period the soil is fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. The final stage is tamping. For this purpose, use a special garden roller or a large cylindrical container filled with water. The height of the soil in the area selected for the lawn should be 2-3 cm lower.

When can you not do without a drainage system?

A rolled lawn, like any other, is very sensitive to excess moisture. If the area is swampy or the regional climate is characterized by frequent rains, it is imperative do under a layer of earth a drainage pad. The easiest option is to stack rolls on the sand , this drainage allows you to drain excess moisture from the soil layer in which the roots are located. A sand cushion of 5-6 cm will suffice. It's another matter if the soil clay on the site.

The drainage efficiency must be increased, which means that the drainage cushion must be thicker. On the site, they remove 30-40 cm of land and temporarily take it out. Then it is necessary put two layers of drainage - gravel (10 cm) and sandy (10 cm). After that, a layer of fertile soil mixed with fertilizer for lawn plants is poured and tamped.

Lawn preparation

When preparation of land on the sitefinished, you can buy a roll lawn. But after purchasing it, you cannot delay laying, since the grass in rolls does not tolerate long-term storage. Work must be done in not hot dry weather.

If the purchased rolls did not work out immediately (for example, it was raining), then put them away for storage in a dark, cool place. In no case do not keep in the sun, from the high temperature the lawn will turn yellow and disappear.

The material of the rolled lawn itself is in no way preparatory activities does not need other than proper storage. Rolls should be rolled up. Try to move them from one place to another as little as possible, otherwise the roots may be damaged and the soil crumbled.

Lawn laying technology

If there is time, thenlay the rolled lawn yourself quite within the power, step-by-step instructionthe complexity does not differ:

  1. The roll is rolled in a straight line from one edge of the section to the other.
  2. The rolls must be laid end-to-end, no gaps and overlays are allowed.
  3. The parts of the lawn that protrude beyond the site are trimmed with a bayonet shovel or sharp knife. Sections are mulched so that moisture does not erode from under the laid coating.
  4. Each row is tamped after laying.
  5. The seams are filled with a special mixture of loam, peat and sand, due to which a closer coalescence of the rolls will be ensured.
  6. The last stage is abundant watering with a spray hose.

Care after styling

Care after laying consists in abundant watering, for the first week this is done every day. Starting from the second week, you can water in 1-2 days, depending on the weather conditions.

The most the best time- morning or late evening. Starting next year, grass trimming will be added to the care measures, and all trimmed parts must be carefully removed. As you can see, the phased laying a rolled lawn is not particularly difficult, as well as further care behind him.

The main thing is to strictly adhere to the tips and recommendations, then the sod will take root perfectly, and the lawn will decorate your site for many years.

Roll lawn and its laying is the topic of this article. So, how to properly lay a roll lawn?

What is a roll lawn

Roll lawn is a ready-made natural grass cover, grown in a nursery, then cut from the field along with the turf and cut into rolls of the same size (this is done with a special harvester). In most cases, for ease of transportation and work, the sod is cut into pieces about 40 cm wide and no more than 2 meters long. The weight of such a roll does not exceed 15-20 kg.

It is impossible to grow a roll lawn with your own hands, but you can in a nursery or a specialized store ready-made freshly cut rolls of turf with grass. After that, you can either hire a professional company that performs turnkey roll lawn laying, or lay them yourself on your site. The roots of the grass will grow into the soil and the grass will settle firmly in its new location. If you decide to lay the roll lawn with your own hands, then in order for the sod to grow without problems, the rolls must be laid correctly.

Work planning

Self styling rolls is not difficult, but when planning it, consider the following.

It is best to equip your lawn in spring or early autumn. V summer heat very abundant watering will be required. All work is best planned for dry weather with moderate temperatures.

The lawn should be laid as soon as it is delivered to the site. It is advisable that no more than 2 days pass from the moment of its cutting to laying. Therefore all preparatory work must be completed before delivery. If, for some reason, the turf was not laid immediately, it should not be left coiled in rolls. They need to be rolled out and watered well.

Calculation of the number of rolls. Green lawn construction should start with the calculation the required amount turf. To do this, you need to decide on the area of ​​the future green lawn. The calculation formula itself is quite simple. We calculate the floor area in sq. m., then we divide it by the area of ​​one roll. The resulting number is rounded up.

Stages of work

The entire laying technology is quite simple and consists of the following stages.

Site preparation

Laying a lawn is impossible without high-quality site preparation. It should be carried out very carefully; none of its stages should be neglected. The quality of the future green lawn directly depends on it.

Now we will tell you how to lay the roll lawn.

Stacking rolls

Follow-up care

Roll lawn device is effective method creating a quick grassy lawn creation. But laying a rolled lawn is only half the battle, now it needs to be brought to the state of an actively growing green lawn. To do this, you need to carry out daily abundant watering. For irrigation, it is best to use a sprinkler, it will evenly and accurately water the grass without causing any harm to it.

You can gently lift the edge of the turf to make sure that the rooting process is going well. If white roots are visible there, then everything is fine. The grass has enough moisture and it successfully takes root in a new place.

After two weeks from the moment of laying, watering can be reduced to 2 times a week. Also now is the time when it is best to do the first mowing. Grass should be cut across or diagonally from the direction of installation.

After it, fertilizing with complex fertilizer is mandatory. A second haircut is carried out in a month. The direction of bevelling this time should be at an angle to the previous one.

The last time they mowed in the fall before the onset of a stable cold snap. In the spring of the next year, immediately after the snow melts, small punctures are made in places where water accumulates on the sod. And after the onset of stable warming, a haircut is carried out. Also, in the spring, the lawn must be fed appropriately.


We talked about how to lay a roll lawn. The device of a rolled lawn, as well as caring for it, does not require any special knowledge or skills, but, nevertheless, it must be performed correctly if you want to avoid problems with turf growth and strive to enjoy a beautiful lawn a lot more. seasons.

Our life is becoming more dynamic and eventful, and modern technologies allow you to quickly achieve the desired results and simplify a number of everyday situations. If earlier the owners land plots could not even dream that the lawn in front of the house would be transformed in an instant and from an unkempt gray patch of land it would turn into a green lawn, but today it is a common reality and a rolled lawn from the manufacturer helps in this.

What is lawn rolls?

A miracle was made possible thanks to the use of the technology of laying roll lawn, a natural covering consisting of grass grasses that formed a strong sod on a cut soil substrate. This unusual living surface got its name due to the shape in which the lawn is rolled onto the area where it will grow further.

Specially grown turf before shipment to the customer:

  • cut in the form of rectangular plates or long strips;
  • rolls up into tight rolls;
  • sent for further packing.

If the lawn is created according to the usual technology, with the help of a seeder and a package of seeds, then it takes many months to prepare the site, sowing, waiting for seedlings and further care for them. In some cases, a natural lawn acquires density and saturation only a year after creation, and sometimes requires restoration if the grass is spoiled by frost, rain or heat.

Advantages of a roll lawn over a conventional lawn

Since the root system is completely preserved in the plant, and the layer of earth in which the roots are located is not disturbed, the rolled lawn, in the photo, easily transfers transportation. If necessary, fragments of such a covering can be trimmed, for example, in order to accurately edge a flower bed or garden path... In this case, the grass does not suffer and, with proper care, acclimatizes within 2-3 weeks. This is the main advantage of the roll turf over the traditional one.

To completely transform the landscape, to make the site green and well-groomed with the help of a roll lawn, it will take many times less time than with conventional sowing of a grass mixture.

The best time to purchase and subsequently lay a roll lawn is spring, when the snow cover has completely disappeared on the site, and the ground and air have warmed up to stable positive temperatures.

When thinking about purchasing a man-made lawn, it is worth remembering that there are many varieties of such coatings. And the price of a lawn in rolls, its durability and properties directly depend on the composition of the grass mixture used to create it.

The basis of most common species is meadow bluegrass - an unpretentious perennial grass that does great in the conditions of the Russian central zone. Sometimes fescue, ryegrass or other herbs are mixed with bluegrass seeds to give the cover softness, decorativeness or other qualities.

To obtain a lawn bed, only high-quality plant seeds are used that are adapted to life in a particular area. But not less than them for the success of cultivation, it is important to adhere to technology and competent selection of soil.

So that the efforts invested by the manufacturer are not wasted, and the coating quickly takes root after the transfer, certain rules must be adhered to when laying a roll lawn.

How to install a roll lawn?

Work begins with the obligatory preparation of the site, which is better done in advance, since the rolled lawn does not like long storage and cannot wait until:

  • the site will be cleared of old grass cover, roots, stones and other large inclusions;
  • the territory will be leveled;
  • if necessary, humus, sand or black soil are added to the soil, depending on its type.

The coating in convenient rolls will not cause trouble even for an ordinary summer resident, it is unpretentious and easy to use. Therefore, you can transform it yourself, without the involvement of third-party specialists. With some skill and careful preparation, laying a roll lawn with your own hands on an area of ​​50 square meters will take only a couple of hours, but the effect of the work will remain for many years.

When ordering a rolled lawn from the manufacturer, it is important to indicate a little large area than the calculations showed. Living material in dry weather has the ability to shrink, and any unforeseen circumstances cannot be ruled out.

The maximum shelf life of rolls does not exceed a day, therefore, immediately after arriving at the site, the material for laying is unloaded and laid out on a flat surface, in a place protected from the sun so that the grass in rolls does not deform.

When laying, the sides of the panels should close tightly together, leaving no gaps. When laying on the ground, one roll should go a couple of centimeters onto the other. When the grass layer is well crushed, the edges are joined end-to-end and tamped. In large areas, special rollers are used for such work. The gaps that appear during the laying of the rolled lawn or a little later are immediately filled with sand. Soon, when the vegetation gets used to the new conditions, the narrow ones will be tightened with fresh shoots.

If you need to cut the grass cover along with the sod, it is convenient to use a sharp garden knife, and such work must be carried out with gloves and in compliance with safety measures.

After the completion of all work, according to the technology of laying the rolled lawn, the coating is abundantly watered with the help of sprinklers. In the next two weeks, that is, for the entire period of acclimatization, the root system of the grass must not be allowed to dry out. With constant humidity, plants recover faster and start growing.

Features of the care of the rolled lawn

According to reviews of summer residents who have already appreciated its advantages, such a turf is not only easier to create, but also saves energy when leaving.

Professional selection of seeds and their germination in specialized conditions provide excellent winter hardiness of the lawn, its evenness and stable density. The formed root system of the grass does not allow weeds to break through. This is facilitated by preparing the soil before laying the roll lawn.

And yet, care for the roll lawn is necessary. Mandatory measures to maintain the health and decorativeness of the grass cover include:

  • top dressing;
  • cleaning and combing the lawn;
  • soil aeration works;
  • mowing.

The first thing everyone needs green plant, it is moisture. For a rolled lawn, use irrigation systems with sprinklers, so as not to damage the surface root system grass and don't blur the layer fertile soil... The grass cover and the soil under it are soaked to a depth of at least 15 cm; otherwise, the color of the vegetation and its wilting cannot be avoided.

Top dressing of a rolling lawn is carried out in the same way as for traditional grass coverings. In the spring and summer time plants receive complex fertilizers based on potassium, phosphorus and, it is useful to include trace elements in the mixture. Closer to autumn, already in preparation for winter, the lawn is fertilized again, but with a different composition with a low nitrogen content.

Raking the lawn, regularly cleaning leaves and other debris from it is a necessary preventive measure:

  • to improve the growth of herbal rosettes;
  • protection of the rolled lawn from the resettlement of weeds, infection of the site by insect pests and pathogens of plant diseases.

That is, piercing the grass cover and upper standing soil helps to oxygenate the soil under the densely woven roots. A simple yet highly effective measure that quickly improves absorption by plants. nutrients and maintain a high quality substrate at all times.

Mowing the grass as part of the maintenance of the rolled lawn is carried out from May to August. If the lawn cover only takes root on the site, it can only be pruned after a week after laying, and you should not try to make a low cut. This will damage the future quality of the lawn.

Regular mowing is carried out as needed. Most often, the frequency is 7-10 days. For the treatment of the site, dry, but not hot weather is chosen, and after mowing the lawn is watered.

Before wintering, pruning of grass is possible until mid-October, while there is no stable frost, from which damaged leaf plates and shoots may suffer. Optimal height the grass cover at the time of the arrival of winter is 4–6 cm, in this case the plants will be reliably covered with snow and healthy will begin the new growing season.

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