Basil in the country. Practical advice on how and when to plant basil seedlings

Plant encyclopedia 13.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Often, gardeners and gardeners have a question about how to plant basil. And it is not surprising, because this plant came to our area relatively recently. The birthplace of the basilica is the Middle East and Asia. But we also fell in love with him. After all, there is a reason. Although basil contains a small amount of vitamins, it is rich in macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and others).

How to properly plant basil in open ground and how to care for it, we will tell you in our article.

Overview of Sowing Basil

Plot.Basil grows poorly in shaded cold areas. It can be planted near a residential building that will protect it from the wind. But plant on such a side that the structure does not cast a shadow on the planting.

Do not plant basil in lowlands, where the temperature is lower than on a flat surface. But areas on a hill, on the contrary, warm up best.

Do not select wetlands and those where the level groundwater fits close to the surface.

Priming.Basil requires light soil - sandy and sandy loam. The soil should be loose and contain nutrients. On poor soil you won't get good harvest basilica.

In dense soil, basil will grow stunted and sore. It is difficult for him to develop in such conditions. If you do not have the opportunity to plant this crop in suitable soil, then pay attention to thorough soil preparation. Namely: the introduction of fertilizers (organic and mineral), digging and loosening the soil.

Crop rotation.Do not grow basil in the same area for more than one year. Otherwise, the risk increases that this crop will be affected by a disease characteristic of it (for example, fusarium). Basil takes the nutrients necessary for its growth from the soil, which means that when it is subsequently planted in this place, it will no longer have enough of them. Return this culture to its previous place only after 5-6 years.

Timing.You can grow basil in a reckless way, directly into the open ground. But remember that this culture is thermophilic, for this reason, in countries with cold springs, it is planted in unprotected soil no earlier than June.

If you want to get fragrant basil greens ahead of time, then grow it pre-seedlings. And plant the seedlings in the ground at the right time. This is how basil is usually grown.

On a note!

If you see that the time for sowing seeds or planting seedlings is suitable, but the weather outside is cold, windy, and the temperature is not high enough, it is better to postpone this event. Wait out the bad weather and only then sow the seeds and plant the basil seedlings in open ground.

In the southern regions, the dates may be earlier. However, remember that it is necessary to be guided not by the timing, but by the temperature set in the street. The reason is that the weather in different regions varies to a greater or lesser extent, it is impossible to derive dates suitable for all. Besides temperature regime and weather conditions can change from year to year.

Temperature.As stated, basil loves warmth. The higher the temperature, the faster its seeds will germinate. For seed germination, the best temperature regime is from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. For the growth and development of an adult plant, a temperature of + 16 ° C to + 20 ° C is required (exceeding it will lead to the fact that the basil will stretch, weaken, become stunted).

Soil preparation.Prepare the soil for growing this crop in advance in the fall. Since basil loves loose soil, dig up the beds to a depth of 25 cm.

For digging, close up organic fertilizers(compost, humus or others). Bring in at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 sq. M. Also for fast growth and good health for future seedlings, add mineral fertilizing: 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt. In the spring, you will only need to loosen the beds.

If you did not manage to prepare the soil in the fall, then do not be discouraged. Do all these procedures a month before planting the basil.

If the soil is not suitable for your area, then its preparation requires more attention and effort. A soil that is heavy in texture is the least suitable for basil. In this case, to make the earth light, well aerated and permeable to water, add sand for every square meter. If there is an excessive level of acidity on the site, then lime the soil, add lime to it for digging, in addition to organic and mineral fertilizers. Lime can be replaced with chalk or dolomite flour. The introduction of ash has a positive effect on heavy soil. However, please note that this treatment must be repeated every one to two years to maintain its properties.

Growing basil seedling and seedling methods

Sowing in the ground.If the climatic conditions allow you to grow basil in your vegetable garden from seeds, then make your life difficult by growing seedlings.

You can sow basil in grooves or planting holes. Their depth is 1-2 cm. Pre-spill the grooves (pits) with water and compact their bottom so that the seeds do not go below the required depth. Place the seeds in a solid strip or 5 cm apart. Fill the grooves with loose soil. Spill it over. The distance between the rows is 30 cm.

On a note!

When sowing seeds in the grooves, do not forget to thin out the seedlings. First, when the plants hatch and grow a little, leave 5-10 cm between the seedlings. Second, when the plants have 3-4 true leaves, leave 20 cm between the seedlings.

Instances that you have removed from the row can be transplanted to another growing bed.

If you are sowing basil in planting holes, then place them at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The distance between the rows is 30 cm. Place one seed at a time in the planting hole. Cover them with loose soil. Seal it. Spill with water.

When growing basil in a seedling way in open ground it is recommended to shed the soil with a growth stimulant (Epin or another). Such a preparation will accelerate seed germination and root formation in seedlings. This means that you will harvest the spicy grass earlier than when grown without a growth stimulant.

Sowing seedlings.Calculate the sowing time for seedlings of this culture based on weather conditions your region. Indeed, in order to plant the seedlings in the ground as soon as the weather is right, the basil must reach a certain age. The growing season of this culture, depending on the variety, lasts from 120 to 160 days. And seedlings are transplanted into the ground at the age of 30 to 50 days (one to two months), this also depends on the specific variety and the duration of its ripening.

Also take light and fertile soil for sowing seedlings. If desired, create a seedbed yourself. It is done like this: combine 4 parts of peat, 2 parts of rotted compost, 1 part of sand (rinse it first). Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

If you do not trust the place in which you purchased the soil, then disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate (use 5%, that is, dark). Sprinkle the soil with it shortly before sowing.

You can sow basil in one container ( wooden box or a long flowerpot) or in separate (cups, peat pots, cassettes, etc.).

Fill the selected container with the resulting substrate so that 3-4 cm remain to the edge. Moisten it slightly. Place basil seeds in containers. Cover them with soil. The seeds should be 1 cm deep. If you are sowing in separate containers, place one seed in each. If you are sowing in a box or a long flowerpot, then the planting material can be placed in a continuous groove or at intervals of 1-2 cm.When sowing in the grooves, remember that the seedlings will have to either be planted in separate containers, or thinned twice. The first time they thin out when the seedlings grow a little, the second time - when 2-3 true leaves appear on them.

After sowing the seeds, cover the container with glass or foil to help create a suitable microclimate to increase the germination rate. Place the basil in a warm place, the required temperature is + 25 ° C. Air the seedlings every day (fold back the foil or move the glass back for 20 minutes). If necessary, gently moisten the soil with a spray bottle so as not to wash out the seeds. After the first shoots hatch, remove the glass (film) completely and rearrange the seedlings in a bright place. If there is not enough light in the room, then turn on additional lighting for the basil - it needs a lot of light. If you have a south window, then place the seedlings there. Turn it periodically towards the sun different sides... Otherwise, the light will fall unevenly, some plants will not have enough of it and they will stretch out, but become weak. With uniform lighting, all seedlings will receive required amount light and grows strong.

When 3-4 true leaves appear on the basil seedlings, they can be planted in a garden bed in open ground. Temper them beforehand, otherwise, when transplanting, they will take a long time to get used to a new place. First, take the seedlings outside in a warm season for 1 hour, put them in shaded places. Increase the outdoor time of the basil by an hour each day until it remains there all day.

Planting seedlings.Basil, grown by seedlings, is planted in the ground at the age of 30-60 days (the specific date depends on the selected variety). By that time, 3-4 leaves will appear on the plants.

Plant seedlings in open ground according to this scheme. Keep the distance between plants at 20 cm. The distance between the beds is 30 cm.

Make planting holes first. Relate their depth to the size of the root of the basil seedlings. So that the plant can easily undergo a transplant, plant it together with an earthen clod, that is, by the method of transshipment of roots. In this case, the roots of the plants will not suffer at all, and the basil will not hurt. Moisten the earthen lump before transplanting seedlings.

Transplant basil seedlings outdoors in the evening. Cloudy weather will be an advantage. The fact is that plants, until they take root, do not tolerate direct sunlight well, and may suffer from burns.

Fill the planting holes with soil. Do this so that there are no air voids left in it: when filling a hole, periodically shake the plant. After the hole has been repaired, press down and compact the soil. Spill it with water.

Care.Water the basil in time. Do not allow the soil to dry out, but do not flood the plants either. After watering, loosen the soil so that the roots breathe and have access to nutrients and water. If a crust forms on the surface of the soil, then all substances and moisture will remain on it, take measures in time. Loosen the soil and regardless of watering.

Remove weeds. Carefully monitor the weeds during the germination period - they will displace immature seedlings. When the basil is mature, continue to remove the weeds. Their presence can negatively affect taste this culture.

If you are not sure about the weather conditions after sowing seeds or planting seedlings, protect the basil. Cover it with a covering material or greenhouse. The second option is more convenient to use.

Feed the basil periodically. This culture requires the presence of nutrients. Carry out the first feeding in the first month after transplanting. The second is done 30 days after the first.

If you want to get seeds from plantings for sowing next year, then leave 3-4 bushes specifically for this. On the rest of the plants, in order to get more spicy leaves from them, cut the flowers. In this case, the basil will branch out.

Greenhouses and hotbeds.Growing basil outdoors is not possible in all regions. For this reason, its cultivation is practiced in protected soil. For this purpose, I use greenhouses and hotbeds. The first option allows you to grow basil all year round... However, the maintenance of the greenhouse requires cash costs, which is why it is used only for growing for sale. The second option does not require investment. But the greenhouse will protect the plants only from a slight cold snap. The basil greenhouse is covered for harvesting 5-7 days earlier.

Out of habit, we rush to the supermarket for fresh herbs to decorate with spicy basil favorite dish... But it's easy to grow exquisite grass on your own in the beds. A little diligence, hard work and seasoning will delight you with a fragrant aroma and taste. When to plant a heat-loving plant, what are the features of planting and growing from seeds, we will find out in more detail.

The variety of varieties is so great that it can cater to the needs of culinary experts. different countries... It is difficult to imagine French and Italian cuisine without green basil, Caucasian dishes are decorated with purple leaves, Thai cuisine will be complemented by lemon flavor.

Basil varieties vary in taste, aroma, shape, leaf color and size. It can be purple or green, oval or elongated, large or small leaves.

The following types are widespread:

Fragrant (ordinary, camphor)- the most popular species, it adapts well to a different climate, undemanding to care for. Tall, branched bushes with a straight stem up to 70 cm high. It has a slightly tart, delicate clove aroma. Representatives of the variety: Magic of the East, Ararat, Fragrant handsome, Genovese Gigante.

Cinnamon (Mexican)- got the name due to the pronounced aroma of cinnamon, but the taste is burning. It grows 60 cm high, the leaves are shiny, dark green, small. Differs in burgundy stem and lilac inflorescences. Appreciate varieties Wonderful, Cinnamon, Gentle early.

Purple is the most common species in our regions. The leaves are large, with a bright purple color. Fragrant greens, tart, with a mild taste. Height 50 cm. Traditionally, they are complemented by Asian and Caucasian cuisine. The varieties are known: Mavritansky, Purple, Zastolny, Moskvoretsky.

Lemon - a low-growing type of basil up to 35 cm high. Branched, dense bushes with delicate leaves. Able to yield 250 grams of leaves from one bush per season. Characterized by a mild piquant aroma and lemon flavor. The most beloved varieties are Iskra, Lemon, Moscow Bogatyr, Novinka.

Green - bushes up to 45 cm high, bright green leaves with a slight tart taste. Some varieties are characterized by the edge of the stem and leaves. Popular varieties are Tonus, Explosion, Green cornflower, Favorite, Fantasy.

Sowing dates for spicy herbs

Basil is a thermophilic plant. You can grow a spice in the beds by sowing in open ground or seedlings. The best option- sow seeds in special containers in late March or early April. The growing period for seedlings will take about two months.

Young seedlings will be ready for planting in the last decade of May. If the soil is not warmed up enough, temperature drops are observed, then postpone planting to the beginning of June. The timing of when you can plant basil in the ground depends on the weather conditions in the region.

If you are in no hurry to harvest an early harvest, then sow the basil directly into the open ground. Since the plant does not tolerate cold well, you should not do this early. The best time When to plant basil when grown from seed - late May or early June.

During this period, stable warm weather will be established and there is no need to be afraid of the death of the crop, because the night frosts are behind and the soil has warmed up to 15 ° C. The harvest will appear on your table only in August.

What soil to sow seeds

Basil is a demanding and capricious culture. To get a spicy seasoning, you have to work hard and provide a well-tended soil.

For the location of the beds for planting, choose a sunny area, without drafts. Greens love fertile land that drains well. Beds are perfect after legumes, tomatoes and potatoes. It is not recommended to plant a spicy crop in the same place for the next year. This contributes to the development of fungal disease.

Basil takes root best on sandy loam soil, with good air permeability. Avoid heavy clayey soil with excess moisture, as it will be difficult to get a good harvest. The plant will be weak, painful and die quickly.

You need to start preparing the soil in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil, fertilize, remove weeds. Apply organic fertilizers - humus, peat at the rate of 2 kg / sq.m. In the spring, two weeks before planting, nitrogen-containing fertilizers, ammophos, potassium salt are applied in a proportion of 10-20 g / m2.

How to plant basil

Select right place and good soil is not enough for the plant to feel comfortable in an open bed. Before planting spicy herbs, you need to take care of your future "neighbors". The desire to profitably place vegetables and greens in a summer cottage leads to a violation of the rules for the compatibility of different cultures.

As a "neighbor", basil is perfect for onions, cabbage, cucumbers and peppers. The aroma will protect vegetables from pests - aphids, whiteflies. A spice planted next to tomatoes will protect against the development of a disease - mold, powdery mildew... Basil and beans, corn, zucchini go well with each other. Avoid dill and marjoram nearby.

With the onset of warmth, you can start planting seeds in the ground. Do not forget to disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Since basil grains contain essential oils, germination can be difficult.

The planting procedure is as follows:

  1. Level loose, fertilized soil.
  2. Make holes 2 cm deep so that the seedlings can grow through the soil.
  3. Arrange the rows parallel, at a distance of 30 cm. For better ventilation green mass of the bush.
  4. Moisten the prepared trenches a little.
  5. Seeds should be planted at intervals of 3 cm. For better germination, sow seeds in pairs.
  6. Carefully level the surface without compacting the soil.

When planting is complete, cover the bed with a covering material to provide the seedlings with a greenhouse effect. The first sprouts of the basil will appear from the ground 10 days after planting.

If pre-treatment was carried out with a stimulating drug, then the seedlings will delight already on the fifth day.

As soon as the bed is covered with green shoots, remove the film.


A fragrant plant requires patient care and attention to the slightest changes during the growing season. No special knowledge is needed, only painstaking work is needed.

Basil has a special relationship with watering. On waterlogged, swampy soil, the plant dies. But even without enough water, basil plantings will not develop. The soil will definitely need additional drainage or hydrogel to avoid root rot with excess moisture. Once the ground is dry, water to avoid crusting. For watering basil plantings, use only warm, settled water. Gardeners for these purposes start plastic containers in which water is infused.

Ensure the air permeability of the soil by frequent loosening. During the season, spend 8-10 loosening the earth. It is also recommended to use planting mulching for these purposes. Sawdust, grass are suitable as mulch. Form a layer of mulch within 5-7 cm. Mulching the beds with basil will help get rid of annoying weeds.

Conduct fertilizing with organics and microelements. Nitrogen will help to get a good amount of greenery - apply ammonium nitrate in a proportion of 15 g / m2. Apply the first top dressing before flowering. As a second top dressing, superphosphate is used - 15g / sq.m. Apply fertilizer no more than once a month.

To form dense basil bushes, remove the first pair of leaves and, a little later, the buds. This will allow the plant to direct its forces towards the formation of green mass, to increase large quantity branches. Harvesting begins from the moment the inflorescences appear. Tear off the leaves carefully so as not to harm the bush.

Great labor and careful maintenance of the beds will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of aromatic basil.

The birthplace of the basilica is considered South asia where it has been used as a herb for over 5000 years. Over such a long period of time, it was possible to obtain many types of crops, and learn how to grow it in open and closed ground for sale and for personal consumption. Growing basil and proper care it will be described later in the article.

Not all basil varieties can be grown in temperate climatic zones, some can only grow in the tropics. Below is a description of the most common and easy-to-grow basil varieties.

  • "Anisic"- a hybrid bred by Russian breeders. Recommended for growing in areas similar in climate to southern Russia... The most favorable temperature for growing is + 2 ... + 30 degrees Celsius. The main distinguishing feature is small leaves and bright, red inflorescences. Basil has a specific taste with notes of anise and apple. During the cooking process, it can completely change its aroma. 4 kg of greens are harvested from a square meter.
  • "Minimum"high-yielding variety- 5 kg / sq. M. Grows up to 16 cm in height and is only used in cooking. This basil is grown on balconies, window sills, greenhouses and outdoors.
  • "Moulin rouge" grows up to 70 cm in height. It is grown not only as a spice, but also as ornamental plant... Smells very good, has delicate taste with a taste of apricot and anise. It goes well with rice and beef. Up to 3 kg of plants are collected from a square meter.
  • "Thai Queen" has a pungent taste and rich smell. The inflorescences are large, like a lilac. Used for cooking and as an ornamental plant. Productivity - 3 kg / m. sq.

How to grow basil seeds outdoors?

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The easiest way to cultivate basil seeds is outdoors. The method is not troublesome and effective. For this, the highest quality seed (large, whole) is selected, soaked for 9 hours in some growth stimulator (ash solution, potassium permanganate), and then dried.

After these procedures, you need to choose a sunny area with warm earth, dig a trench 2-4 cm deep there and sow basil seeds there in single file. It is not worth thickening too much, but it is not recommended to make large distances between the seeds. They will germinate in 5-10 days.

Landing time falls in the spring, when the temperature at night will no longer drop below +5 degrees Celsius. If it's cool outside, you can simply cover the crops with foil or white agrofibre.

How to grow seedlings correctly?

Growing basil seedlings is a more troublesome method, but it allows you to harvest much earlier. It is usually used only when greens are on sale.

The seeds are soaked in any growth stimulant for 9 hours. Meanwhile, the ground is being prepared. In a simple land, you need to add 15% peat and 30% sand. Such a mixture will be loose and fertile at the same time.

Now you can sow basil seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. In no more than 1 week, or even 5-6 days, you can see the first shoots. If the land for planting was fertile (containing peat or humus), then you should not use top dressing. You just need to water the culture in time so that the earth does not dry out. It is worth planting such basil in open ground after 40-45 days.

Can basil be grown in a greenhouse?

If desired, if the family loves this crop or if it is for sale, you can grow basil in a greenhouse all year round, including winter.

A large, convenient box is treated with a solution of 3% copper sulfate. Further, fertile land is harvested: 25% of simple soil and humus, 40% of sand and 10% of crushed stone. After pouring it into the box, the mixture is leveled, furrows are made up to 2 cm deep. Leave up to 6 cm between rows free space... This is where seeds are sown, watered and covered with foil.

Basil shoots will appear in 10-15 days. If, before sowing, the seeds were soaked in growth stimulants, then the seedlings are expected much earlier. Watering is carried out plentiful, but only the first 4 weeks, then reduced so that all kinds of fungal diseases do not develop.

What is the specificity of care?

Basil cultivation cannot do without good care... What exactly does the culture need and how is the care carried out?

  • During growth, you need to feed it several times, but not with anything, but only with the safest substances. Since basil leaves are used for food, it cannot be used for its rapid growth. chemicals- only organic, folk methods: ash, compost, humus, herbal infusions (nettle) and the like.
  • The culture is very fond of water. Before shoots, during their emergence and on the following days of growth, she needs abundant watering, this is the only way to get maximum amount harvest. Moderate watering is necessary when growing in a greenhouse, pot or box, otherwise fungus will appear.
  • Harvest in about 3-4 weeks, as the seedlings appeared. At this time, the plant can already begin to bloom - the most fragrant period. All 20 cm stems are cut for cooking use. And so that the plant does not wither after harvest, and starts growing again, it just needs to be well fertilized.

The name of this plant comes from the Greek word basileus, which means "king" or "king". In ancient times, this spice was served only at the table of royalty and was used for religious rituals. It is a very healthy spice, both in cooking (where it is best combined with tomatoes) and in home cosmetology.

Basil is a native of India, but grows well in our climate and in the beds in the open field, and in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in containers on the balcony, and in flower pots on a sunny windowsill. If you manage to provide it with enough warmth and sun, morning watering, as well as constant soil moisture, the plant will thank you with fragrant leaves, in which the content of essential oils even when grown in indoor conditions not to mention open ground will be no less than those grown in Greece or India. Basil shoots are most fragrant at the very beginning of flowering.

The aroma of basil repels mosquitoes (which is an undoubted advantage of its indoor keeping). Also, the smell of this plant is not to the liking of aphids, so it is often planted as a companion crop in greenhouses.

This is annual herbaceous plant, depending on the variety, reaches a height of 30 to 80 cm. Basil is quite bushy - up to 15 lateral branches of the first order. The flowering phase begins in July and lasts until September. The flowers of this plant are most often white or pink, collected in a cluster inflorescence. Basil seeds remain viable for up to five years, like most spicy-aromatic plants, they are very small. Therefore, basil seedlings are sown in an ordinary method.


Basil is most often used in cooking. The entire aerial part of the basil has a spicy aroma, and the smell of different varieties of this spice is very different: it can be notes of allspice and tea, clove-mint aroma, smack bay leaves, lemon and anise.

Sweet basil- the most widespread species of this kind of plants in the cultivation culture. Its leaves have a tart clove flavor, and the plant reaches a height of 80 cm.

The best varieties: Magiccal Michael (basil bush form), Mammoth- the plant has large leaves, the taste of which is sharp and spicy, Genovese gigante- in Italy it is considered best grade for culinary purposes.

Summer residents also grow the following types of basil:

Cinnamon basil, or Mexican, - has a cinnamon flavor, grows up to 50 cm in height, looks very decorative thanks to its bright purple flowers.

Small-leaved basil- a plant with small and narrow leaves and a sweet taste. Unlike other varieties, there is no astringency in its taste.

Aniseed basil, or thai, - this plant is distinguished by silvery very attractive leaves and a strong aniseed scent. This spice is an indispensable ingredient in Thai cuisine.

Bush basil - a plant with small leaves and bushy growth. The variety is deservedly popular Spicy globe.

Purple basil - very often planted in home gardens in aromatic gardens, as it has unusual red-purple leaves. Popular in Caucasian cuisine - in the Caucasus countries it is called regan. The most famous varieties are Red Rubin, Purple Ruffles(with wavy leaves and sweet taste), Purpurascens, Osmin Purple.

In recent years, a hybrid of Lemon Basil is popular among summer residents, the leaves of which have a strong lemon flavor and taste. This basil is especially tasty in fish dishes. Well-proven varieties - Mrs. Burns, Lesbos.


V folk medicine basil is used to gargle, drink the infusion of this plant for headaches. Decoctions and tinctures of basil are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh basil leaves contain vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, carotene, essential oils and phytoncides. Basil juice masks have a pronounced antioxidant and rejuvenating effect. For medicinal purposes, basil is used as an antifebrile, diuretic and disinfectant... Leaves can be used to flavor baths.


A pinch of basil leaves will add a unique flavor to any dish. There are many recipes for basil salads. This spice is irreplaceable in marinades, as well as in the preparation of sauces, especially tomato ones.

Both fresh and dried basil greens are eaten. And if dried herbs are definitely a seasoning, then fresh herbs can become a full-fledged ingredient in fresh vegetable salads, giving the dish a unique piquancy.

Basil is added not only to salads, but also to meat, fish, vegetable soups... On the basis of this plant, a lot of effective diets have been developed. Powdered basil leaves mixed with rosemary leaves are used as pepper, they can replace salt in salt-free diets. Basil is used in sausages and cheeses, for pickling and pickling cucumbers, canning squash, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes. Salted porcini mushrooms, laid with basil sprigs, are very tasty. And the most valuable basil variety for canning is called Minimum.


Basil is thermophilic, so it is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground when the threat of frost has passed.

This plant grows well in full sun as it needs a large number Sveta. If the basil is illuminated, it can be grown on a windowsill all year round.

Basil needs high soil permeability. The soil should be light and structural, with a pH close to neutral. Heavy soils are unsuitable for basil, especially with a high groundwater table.

Basil is not grown in the same area for several years in a row, since in this case the plants are affected by fusarium (the main symptom of this fungal disease is brown spots on the leaves). Re-planting basil in the same area is possible only after 10 years.

Basil loves watering in the morning, and they should be regular. To feed the basil, nitrogen fertilizers are used, which stimulate the growth of green mass of plants.


Basil grows well next to tomatoes, asparagus, different types of cabbage, hot and sweet peppers. This plant repels and even causes the death of many insect pests. Its insecticidal properties are used to protect against aphids, spider mites, both indoor and greenhouse plants. Place pots of basil among the affected plants, or plant basil in plots. Dry herbs are also used.


Basil in middle lane grow seedling method... Seed sowing "directly to the garden" in our latitudes is suitable only for obtaining spicy young greens. To grow mature plants and reap a decent harvest, it is best to use the seedling method.

Basil seedlings are sown at the end of March. Seeds are sown into seedling boxes, sprinkled a little on top and moistened (the depth of seeding is 0.5-1 cm with a distance between rows of 5 cm). When sowing seeds, as well as hatching basil seedlings, it is unacceptable to water cold water... It is better to cover the boxes with a covering material to provide the necessary humidity and place in a warm place. For germination, a temperature of + 20-28 ° C is needed. Basil will begin to germinate in a week.

Seedlings dive into pots with planting in a permanent place in the ground. You can do without picking.

Basil soil mixture is most often prepared according to the following scheme: 1 part of humus and 2 parts of peat. The substrate is watered with a solution of mineral fertilizers (1 teaspoon of urea, the same amount of superphosphate, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water).

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked. But you can do without this procedure, the main thing is that the soil is kept moist until germination. But it is not necessary to allow waterlogging of the soil, otherwise the basil may be affected by a black leg. If this happens, watering with a solution of copper sulfate will help - 0.5 tsp. for 1 liter of water.

You can plant seedlings in the ground when the plants reach five centimeters in height. Basil seedlings are planted on the bed in rows, the distance between which should be about 40 cm, 30 cm between the plants. By the time the basil was planted on private plot stable warm weather should be established in open ground - this usually happens at the end of May. It is best to choose a not very hot, cloudy day for planting seedlings in the ground. If the day is hot and sunny, it is better to plant seedlings in a permanent place after the heat has subsided, in the afternoon. After planting in the garden, the seedlings must be watered.

Basil is also propagated by cuttings. Moreover, even a basil bush bought in the store in the fresh vegetables department is suitable for this. Cuttings from the top of the stem, as well as from its middle, are placed in a jar of water. The roots of the stalk should be put up after 5 days, and after 14 days the plant can be planted in the ground.


Caring for basil is not difficult, and consists in loosening the soil, weeding, regular watering, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, and fighting pests - slugs and snails.

Caring for the basil plantation, it is necessary to hilling bushes and watering - at least 6-10 times during the growing season. With regular watering, the leaves will be juicy and the green mass will be larger. It is advisable to cover the plants with a film, especially at first, because optimal temperature for the growth and development of basil is above + 20 ° C.

If basil is grown for culinary rather than decorative purposes, then when buds appear, they must be cut off immediately. In the midst of flowering, the leaves lose their aroma.


Basil is fed twice during the growing season. The first feeding is carried out 10-12 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. The next feeding is done another 15-20 days after the previous one. Most often, basil is fed with the following solution: 2 tbsp. l. nitrophosphate for 10 liters of water. This composition will require about five liters per square meter.


The basil leaves are harvested many times. From basil, you can constantly cut off with a sharp, clean knife, and not break off, the tops of shoots with several leaves. Ta-

This procedure will stimulate the subsequent growth of greenery and preserve the youth of the plant for a long time. You can cut twigs 10-12 cm long.

If basil is harvested for the purpose of harvesting for the winter, that is, you want to cut off a lot of green mass at once, then the entire stem is cut off, except for four lower leaves... If, after the first cut, the plants are fed with mineral multicomponent fertilizers, weeded and loosened the aisles, you can get a crop of green mass again. On average, about a kilogram of fresh basil is removed from a square meter, which is about 200 g of dry spice.

Mass cutting is usually carried out by summer residents at the beginning of the flowering of the basil. It was noticed that it is at this stage that the leaves and young shoots are the most fragrant and contain the most essential oil and vitamins. In order not to lose essential oils, which, in fact, are the main thing, for the sake of which gingerbread plants are grown, the cleaning of the basil must be carried out in a short time. Harvesting time is at the beginning of flowering, when the leaves are most fragrant and the green mass of plants is the most abundant. Basil should be harvested in dry weather, and the plants should be cut at the foliage level. We use the green mass immediately - for canning or for drying.

Basil greens are dried naturally, in the shade and with active ventilation.

To properly dry the plants, they must be spread out in a thin layer, avoiding "steaming" - otherwise the basil will lose its taste, aroma and color. Signs of a properly dried basil: the plant retains its natural color (depending on the variety, light or dark green, purple, violet). Properly dried stems should be brittle, easy to break, and leaves and flowers should be easy to pulverize.

Drying basil in the microwave is unacceptable. When dried naturally (without exposure to direct sun rays!) the temperature should not exceed +35 degrees, otherwise the essential oils will evaporate.

Store dry ground mass in dark place, in a tightly closed container, preferably not transparent. So the aroma will last longer - up to 3 years.

You can keep the basil leaves fresh for a long period. The old Neapolitan way is to put fresh leaves in clay pots, sprinkle them with salt and pour over with extra virgin olive oil (can be replaced with any vegetable oil).


You will learn all about how to plant basil outdoors with seeds or seedlings and what you need to do to make it feel great in your beds.

Basil is one of the brightest spicy crops, so rich in the variety of species, colors, aromas, sizes and shapes of leaves. No wonder its botanical name is translated as "fragrance, worthy of kings". if you have country cottage area, be sure to find a place for this spice.


Basil - annual plant family of labiates. The roots are thin, branched. The stem is tetrahedral, branched, 30-60 cm high. The leaves are petiolar, with a serrated edge, pointed at the top, oblong-ovoid.

Basil has many varieties. A plant with a very pleasant smell, each variety and species is different.

Fresh and dry leaves are used as a seasoning for various meat, fish, vegetable dishes. It is used for salting cucumbers, for flavoring vinegar, cocktails, for flavoring canned tomato.

Everything about useful properties basil and its medicinal and culinary uses are found.

Types and varieties of basil

There are many varieties of basil and all with different aroma and taste properties. The names themselves speak of this - "Lemon Aroma", "Clove", "Anisovy", "Caramel" and others. Varieties differ in height, size, shape and color of leaves, but primarily in aroma.

Here are descriptions of some of them, each good in its own way:

Basil variety


"Fragrant handsome"

Height 30-40 cm

The leaves are olive green with purple veins. Inflorescences spike-shaped pink

Aroma with light notes of cinnamon and clover.


Height 30-40 cm

Leaves are medium in size, dark green with a silvery shade, smooth, with a smooth leaf edge

Strong aroma, with a specific smell of fruit caramel


Height 40-50 cm

Leaves are large, red-purple

Strong allspice aroma

"Vanilla aroma"

Mid-season (45-55 days)

Height 35-40 cm

The leaves are dark purple with jagged edges. The flowers are light purple, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences

Intense spicy aroma with vanilla flavor


Mid-season (70-75 days) variety

Height 40-60 cm

Leaves are bluish-green with jagged edges, purple flowers

Peppery aroma with hints of anise

"Fragrant green"

Medium early variety (35-45 days)

Height 40-50 cm

The leaves are large, green, slightly bubbly

Spicy aroma with tart taste


Early ripe variety (25-35 days)

30-40 cm high

The leaves are green, large, wrinkled, with a jagged edge. White-green flowers

Strong spicy aroma, with clove-anise flavor

"Wonderful day"

Mid-season (45-65 days) variety

40-50 cm high

The leaves are small, smooth, olive green and purple at the edge of the leaf. Purple flowers

Spicy aniseed aroma and taste

"Beautiful fairy tale"

Mid-season variety (70-75 days)

50-60 cm high.

Leaves are medium in size, dark purple, slightly bubbly. Flowers pinkish-lilac

Fresh peppery clove scent

And this is just a small list. Not so long ago, gardeners knew only two forms of basil - green and purple, but now the choice is simply huge.

Growing basil from seeds

This spice plant is very fond of warm, sunny climates, but it can be successfully grown in colder conditions.

Seed preparation

Basil seeds take a long time to germinate (over 20 days) due to the essential oil content. To increase germination, they are placed in a cloth pre-moistened with warm water and germinated at a temperature of + 30 + 35C. When sprouts appear in a few days, the seeds are slightly dried "until crumbly" and sown.

Planting basil seedlings

The plant is thermophilic and even small frosts will have a destructive effect, so if you do not live in warm regions and the summer is short, it is better to grow basil with seedlings:

  1. Small boxes are filled with soil for seedlings.
  2. The seeds, since they are very small, can be scattered over the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a layer of earth about 1 cm.
  3. Sprinkle earth from a spray bottle
  4. Cover the box with transparent cling film and put in a warm place (about 22-25 C)

Under these conditions, the seeds will germinate in 5-7 days.

The film is removed and until the plants get stronger, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle as it dries.

When the plants reach a height of 5-8 cm, you can carefully plant them in individual containers or simply thin out after 2-3 cm and switch to regular watering.

Do not water the basil with cold water and allow the soil to be waterlogged, as in this case the seedlings may die from the "black leg" - a disease when the stem in the root area turns black and becomes soft.

With a lack of light and heat, the seedlings can stretch out, in this case, you need to additionally illuminate with lamps and think over heating.

Basil seedlings care - video

How to properly plant basil in open ground with seedlings

In the spring, it is important not to be mistaken with the timing of when to plant basil outdoors. It must be planted when the danger of frost has passed (approximately at the end of May - the first half of June, depending on the region).

Seedlings are planted in wet soil, preferably on a cloudy day. If the weather is hot and dry, then the work is carried out after the heat recession, in the late afternoon.

At what distance to plant basil seedlings:

  • Between plants - 25 cm, between rows - 30-40 cm.
  • V checkerboard, observing the feeding area of ​​one plant 30 × 30 cm.
  1. For disembarkation, grooves or holes are made on the garden bed (planting scheme of your choice)
  2. 0.5-1 l of room temperature water is poured into each well (groove)
  3. They immerse the plant there along with the clod of earth in which it grew
  4. Sprinkle basil with dry soil to such a depth that the root and part of the stem are in the ground, and the central bud with leaves remains outside.
  5. Condensate the soil around the plant.

Until the seedlings are fully engrafted, it will take 2-3 times to water 0.5-0.7 liters for each plant. After rooting, watering is temporarily stopped, and the rows are loosened, destroying weed seedlings and crust.

When it gets cold, the planted plants must be covered with plastic wrap, stretching it over arcs.

How to plant basil seeds outdoors

In southern and more or less warm regions, it can be grown by sowing seeds in the ground. Better to use sprouted. The time when to plant basil with seeds is chosen so that the seedlings that appear in 10-14 days do not fall under frost - this is April-early May in the southern regions, and about the second half-end of May in other regions.

At what distance to plant

  • Basil is sown in rows 40-50 cm wide. The planting depth is 1.5-2 cm.
  • The sealed grooves seal
  • When the second pair of true leaves appears, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 15-20 cm between them (about 5-6 plants per running meter row).

Where to plant basil: location and soil

Basil is planted in areas protected from cold winds and well-lit by the sun, since it develops worse in the shade, and there is less essential oil in the leaves, its quality decreases.

In areas with dry and dry summers, it can be placed in light partial shade.

Basil grows well in humus-rich soil. Grows poorly on heavy, poor soils. Does not tolerate a sharp drop in temperature. At -15C, development is sharply inhibited, and at -1C it dies.

Demanding on soil: more high yields get on fertile black soil. It also succeeds on loose loamy and sandy loam soils, if they are well filled with humus, but it grows poorly on heavy, acidic and damp soils.

The most comfortable temperature for growth and development is 20-25 ° C. Growing this spice should not be allowed to dry out or waterlogged soil.

Fertile, light, unshaded areas are allotted for basil!

What to plant basil with in the garden: grow it next to tomatoes, asparagus, various cabbages, sweet and hot peppers.

Outdoor Basil Care

Care consists in watering, loosening the soil, getting rid of weeds and, as necessary, feeding. In order for the basil to grow thicker, you need to pinch the top shoot and regularly remove all flower buds.


Without timely watering, there will be no result: basil is picky about moisture, especially during seed germination and in the period before flowering

Top dressing

On poor soils, if the plants develop poorly, during the summer they are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers: the first time in the phase of 5-6 true leaves, the second - 20-25 days after the first.

Nitrogen fertilizers significantly increase the yield of green mass, while phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increase the content of essential oil in the leaves.

Basil diseases and pests

The rich taste of basil is loved not only by people, but also by garden pests.

Basil needs to be protected from slugs and snails. Aphids sometimes appear on young plants, a field bug inflicts minor damage.

For protection spicy plants pesticides must not be used against pests!

To scare away insects and slugs, plants are powdered with wood ash.

Struggling with aphids and bedbugs, they prepare such a decoction: 300 g of wood ash are boiled in water for 15-20 minutes, then they are allowed to cool and settle and diluted in 10 liters. water, mix and spray the plants.

May be affected by fusarium - leaf spot. To prevent this, always follow all conditions of care and do not grow basil in the same place for several years in a row.

Harvesting basil

Basil for greens begins to collect from young plants, when their shoots grow to a height of 10-12 cm. Mass cutting is carried out before flowering, when the leaves and young shoots are especially fragrant.

Like many other spices, it is better not to uproot basil from the ground, but to break off, or cut off the tops of shoots with several leaves.

In this way, further growth of the greenery will continue, and you can harvest the crop throughout the season. If you need a lot of basil for harvesting for the winter, then cut off the entire stem, leaving 4 leaves on the bottom so that new leaves grow from the axils.

For the whole season, cutting can be carried out 3-5 times, getting 1-1.5 kg of greens from 1 sq. m.

As soon as buds begin to appear on the plant, immediately cut them off if growing basil to collect leaves, as they become coarser during flowering.

Do not miss the opportunity to get a fragrant harvest of this famous spice in your garden, now you know all the nuances of how and when to plant basil seeds in two ways: in open ground and seedlings.

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