Homemade liver sausage - no chemicals! Recipes for homemade liver sausage with lard, buckwheat, semolina, vegetables. Homemade liver sausage: be patient, take the time, and she will thank you with the most delicate taste

Landscaping and planning 17.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

I came across a recipe for making liver sausage at home on the Internet. I read it for a long time, re-read it and decided to cook it. The result was excellent! I share with you the recipe and the result.

V original recipe homemade liver sausage, beef liver was used, but I took pork, and it turned out delicious too. Fat for sausage should be taken the most common, without cuts in meat and soft skins.

I didn't use sour cream, but you can add it if you like.

Wash the liver and clean from the film, veins. Put half of the fat in the freezer so that it freezes well, cut off the skin from the rest of the fat. Twist the liver and part of the fat in a meat grinder into minced meat.

Whisk in the eggs and mix.

Add starch, flour, salt and mix again. I mixed it with my hand, it turned out to be more convenient. Be careful with salt: if the fat is salty, do not oversalt the entire sausage.

Take the bacon out of the freezer and cut into small cubes.

Add chopped bacon to the liver dough, squeeze the garlic through a press and mix again.

Now the most difficult moment. You need to take cling film or food bags. Put the liver mixture in a film and roll up the sausage. It's not easy and you'll need an assistant.

This volume will make three small sausages. You don't have to put everything in one package. Make the film in several layers so that it does not tear during cooking. Do not tighten the sausage tightly - it will increase in size during cooking.

Pour cold water into a large saucepan (so that the sausage lays evenly in it) and put on fire. The liver sausage will cook for 2 hours. When the water boils, remove the lid from the pot.

After the set time, carefully remove the sausage and release it from the package.

Delicious homemade liver sausage is ready. The consistency is dense, easy to cut and eats very quickly.

Bon Appetit!

Good day to all!!!

My husband and I love liver. It’s a pity that I can’t feed my children with liver dishes, I hope someday they will love it too. Today I cooked liver sausage. It is prepared very quickly and simply, but it turns out delicious and, importantly, healthy sausage from simple products. I use beef liver, but you can take any to your taste.

I defrost the liver and cut it into small pieces so that it is more convenient to grind it.

I grind it in a blender, you can use a meat grinder. I also need a small piece of fresh bacon, I cut it into small pieces and add it to the cup to the liver, beat in raw egg. Salt and add spices to taste

I also chop the peeled onion and garlic in a blender and add to the liver mixture

I add semolina

I mix everything well and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. ready mix put into plastic bags and tie

The mass is quite liquid, it's okay. To shape the sausage, I wrap the packages in cling film

I transfer the packages to the pan and pour cold water I put it on the stove. After boiling, I cook for about an hour. I take out the finished sausage from the water and cool it.

When the sausage has cooled down, I release it from the bag and the film, this is how the sausage turned out

I wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator, after 2-3 hours you can eat. The sausage is very tasty, with fresh vegetables for breakfast what you need and a wonderful snack during the day

Bon Appetit!!!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1h 30m

Today I prepared homemade liver sausage for myself, I make it without intestines and stomach, so to speak, urban. It is prepared very quickly and simply. And how delicious and tender it turns out is simply beyond words. It's very helpful and healthy product, especially for children who do not like to eat the liver in its pure form. Be sure to save the liver sausage recipe at home, you will not regret it.


  • Liver 700 g (pork or beef.);
  • Salo unsalted 700 g.
  • Garlic 5-6 cloves.;
  • Flour 1.5 cups.;
  • Starch 0.5 cups.;
  • Eggs 5 pcs. (large).;
  • Salt 2 tsp;
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons;
  • Black ground pepper 0.5 tsp;

Liver sausage recipe at home. Step by step recipe

  1. Divide the lard into two parts, cut one part into a small cube, and chop the second part together with the liver and garlic in a meat grinder.

  2. In a deep bowl, mix all products. Mix well.
  3. Add eggs, salt, ground black pepper, sour cream, starch, flour, and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Now divide the minced meat into two equal parts and transfer to bags. Tie tightly.

  5. You can leave the sausage in this form if you make it for yourself, if you want, give the sausage the usual oblong shape. Put in another bag.
  6. We take a large saucepan and put the sausage there, fill it with cold water, and bring to a boil.
  7. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, and cook from the moment of boiling for 2 hours.
  8. Immediately after the end of cooking, the sausage, still hot, is carefully released from the package and transferred to the foil, let it cool.

  9. It is best to store it in foil in the refrigerator.

The recipe for liver sausage at home is ready. What a delicious and fragrant it turned out, and the smell is simply magnificent. Be sure to cook such a sausage and you will not regret it.

If you have never tried to cook liver sausage at home, this recipe is for you. Without unnecessary additives, dyes and other harmful E, you will get a natural product, the quality of which you can be sure of. If cooking is not just flour at the stove, but your favorite pastime, it will be nice to double treat your family with another yummy.

We use any liver, I had chicken. You can also mold sausage different ways, today I'll show you how to make liver sausage at home in a bag and in cling film.

The taste is delicate, but at the same time very satisfying, in the morning for breakfast, use it for a sandwich. When my family tried the sausage, they said that the liver is very good, and the taste is much superior to the purchased one.

How to make homemade liver sausage


  • Liver - 500 gr
  • Salo fresh - 500 gr
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Flour - 1 tbsp + 1/3 tbsp (glass 250 ml)
  • Starch - 1/3 tbsp (glass 250 ml)
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp (can be replaced with sour cream)
  • Salt, pepper to taste


You can expand the list of spices and add your favorites, in addition to pepper, I sometimes add either nutmeg or a little coriander. Everything here is to your taste, add what you like or leave such a minimal composition.

Rinse the liver well, if you use beef, clean from the film. Put in a food processor or use a meat grinder.

Salo divided into two equal parts. Add one part to the liver in a combine, cut the other into small cubes. It is necessary to cut off the skin, we do not need it. To cut the fat better, place it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

We make minced meat from lard and liver.

Add the second part of the fat to the minced meat.

Further eggs, flour, starch, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and chopped garlic. We mix everything well. Taste and add salt or pepper if needed, or you might want to add more garlic to make the homemade liverwurst more flavorful.

How to mold liver sausage

Since we are making homemade liver sausage without intestines, we will use ordinary plastic bags or cling film for this purpose. I'll show you how to make two different ways.

First option. In the package: Divide the mass into two or three parts and put each in a bag. We try to squeeze out all the air, only leave a little on top so that the distance from the minced liver to the top of the bag is about 1-2 cm, we tie the bag. We place the sausage in 2 more bags, do not forget to tie each one. And in this form we boil.

Second option. In cling film: here we will mold in the same way as we did, only we will make the liver sausage larger.

We spread the film on cutting board, spread the mixture with a spoon, stepping back from the edge of 8-10 cm. Make sure not to transfer the minced liver to the film, it is quite liquid and can “run away”. Approximately 5-6 tbsp.

Cover with foil and wrap like candy from two edges.

Do not twist too tightly and expel all the air, some air should remain, and the sausage itself will not be wrapped so tightly. You need about 5-6 layers, no more is required, this is quite enough. We tie the edges with a thread.

I got 5 sausages. I sent two to the freezer, and boiled three immediately.

How and how much to cook homemade liver sausage

You will need a large saucepan. This is necessary so that the sausage does not deform during cooking and remains even. Pour water, about half the pot or even a little more. We put on the stove, as it boils, lower the sausage. Salt the water, otherwise it will take the salt from the sausage and it will eventually be undersalted.

I cooked for an hour on medium heat. My sausage was about 5-6 cm in diameter. Then I took it out and cooled it a little. I took off the film and tried it, it seemed to me that it was damp and its color was a little pink inside, so I boiled it for another 30 minutes. What I want to say is that nothing has changed, it was completely cooked in an hour. The pinkish tint completely disappeared when it cooled down and stood for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. If you want to play it safe, cook for 1 hour and 15-20 minutes, this will be enough.

We cook the sausage in the bag according to the same principle, only if you divide it into two parts - cook for 2 hours, for three - 1.5 hours.

Increase the cooking time of frozen sausage by 15 minutes.

There is nothing difficult to prepare, the products are the simplest, but homemade liver sausage turns out to be incredibly tasty, try it yourself. You know the composition of such sausages, and you should not worry about this. There are no thickeners or fragrances! There is a recipe on the site, I recommend it, they are prepared even easier and very tasty.

Bon Appetit!

With uv. Margarita.

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liver sausage home cooked, it turns out tasty, natural and safe. You can cook it from any liver, I took chicken. To prepare the sausage, I used a collagen casing (available from online stores), but if you don’t have one, cook in ordinary plastic bags, putting 2-3 bags into each other. When cooking sausage in a casing, the water temperature should not exceed 82-85 degrees, so I cooked in a slow cooker in the "Multi-cook" mode. If you cook sausage in bags, you can do it at a low boil. Homemade liver sausage turns out to be very tasty, tender, it is great to serve it for breakfast or offer it for a snack. Be sure to try!


To make liver sausage at home, you will need:

liver (I cooked with chicken liver) - 500 g;

fresh pork fat - 300 g;

raw egg - 2 pcs.;

garlic - 2-3 cloves;

sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;

semolina - 4 tbsp. l.;

potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;

salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process

Place the shell with minced meat in cold water poured into the multicooker bowl (water should completely cover the shell). Set the "Multipovar" mode to 83 degrees, cooking time - 2.5 hours. If you cook sausage in bags, then you need to fill them with minced meat, carefully tie them on both sides, place the bags in a pot of cold water, after boiling water, reduce the heat. You can cook homemade liver sausage for 2 hours at the weakest boil.

Bon Appetit!

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