Chicken liver cake: original recipes. Liver cake

Landscaping and planning 19.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Cakes are an integral part of the festive feast, however, in our understanding, these are sweet desserts that are served at the end of the meal for tea. But this is nothing more than a stereotype, and today we will prove it to you by preparing chicken liver liver cake - an excellent hearty dish that everyone will definitely like.

If you have never tried such an appetizer before, then it's time to surprise yourself, especially since it's easy to make.

This cake truly looks festive, and all thanks to the multi-tiered layers and beautiful design. However, the appearance is only half the success of this dish, its main advantage awaits you inside. Chicken liver cake will turn out soft, tender, juicy and so tasty that it will be simply impossible to resist the next piece.

But only if you do everything right, because details are important when cooking, so do not deviate from the described steps of the recipe.

Delicious chicken liver cake with eggs


  • 3 raw + 3 boiled (for decoration) + -
  • 2 pcs. for liver pancakes and 1 boiled root vegetable for decoration + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 0.6 kg + -
  • – 250-300 g + -
  • - 3 teeth + -
  • 0.5 tsp - for liver test and another 0.5 tsp. - for roasting onions and carrots + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • (stemless greens) for garnish + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -

Step-by-step recipe for chicken liver cake decorated with egg and carrots

Chicken liver preparation and liver dough kneading

  • First of all, I thoroughly wash the offal, then we clean it of everything unnecessary: ​​the gallbladder (we remove everything to the last so that the dish does not taste bitter later) and films.
  • We add the number of raw eggs indicated in the list to the clean washed liver, we also throw in a few tablespoons of sour cream, flour and turn whole foods into a homogeneous mass with a blender.
  • After whipping, pour ½ tsp into a bowl. regular salt. Be sure to mix everything.

We bake liver pancakes for a homemade snack cake

  • Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. sunflower (or olive) oil and heat it up.

There is no need to add more oil to the pan. If pancakes stick, then it is only possible to grease the bottom with oil before every third or fourth pancake.

  • Pour the liver dough onto the hot bottom of the pan with a ladle. You need to collect as much test mass in the ladle as it takes to ensure that the dough spreads evenly over the entire surface of the bottom, but at the same time the pancake itself came out no more than 3 mm thick. The diameter of the pancake should be approximately 20 cm.
  • Next, bake pancakes as usual on a medium flame. 1-2 minutes - and the pancake can be turned over to the other side. On the reverse side, you need to bake the product for 1 minute or until a confident blush - as you wish.

Be careful! Flip when the pancake has already set well (but not burnt) and is no longer pink.

It is also necessary to turn over carefully, making sure that the liver pancake does not stick to the pan in any place, otherwise it may simply tear.

Cooking a delicious vegetable filling for a liver cake

  • Grind the onion with a knife, rub the carrot on a grater. Grind both ingredients approximately the same size - medium.
  • Fry the onion and carrot slices for 7-10 minutes over moderate heat. At the end of frying, pepper the vegetables (1/5 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp).
  • The resulting vegetable filling must be evenly distributed so that the same portions go to each layer. To do this, count the number of pancakes received. If you have 10 of them, then divide the total portion between 9 pancakes, since the frying is not laid out on the last layer.
  • We clean the garlic, then squeeze it directly into the mayonnaise.

We form a delicious liver cake from liver pancakes, fillings and dressings

  • Put the first baked pancake on a large wide dish. Lubricate it on top with garlic-mayonnaise mixture (1 tbsp).
  • Sprinkle with onions and carrots.
  • We cover everything with the second pancake. And in this order we lay the components until the last pancake. We do not cover the topmost pancake with anything - we will have another decoration for it.

We decorate a chicken liver cake with eggs and a “rose” of carrots

  • We clean hard-boiled eggs (3 pcs.), Then we separate the proteins from the yolks and rub each part separately on a grater.
  • Lubricate the pancake laid last along with the sides of the cake with mayonnaise mixed with garlic, then sprinkle everything with an egg. Sprinkle the top of the cake with grated egg yolk, and the sides of the snack treat with grated protein.
  • We make a “rose” from boiled carrots (in principle, you can also use raw ones), and then put it in the center of the finished cake. Next to the "flower" we put a few sprigs of parsley and leave the dish in a cool place for a while, since this appetizer is not hot, but cold.

That's all. Here we have such a simple and at the same time chic cake. For an everyday menu, of course, it is too time-consuming, but for a holiday it is just right. You can't imagine a better appetizer.

How to cook a hearty cake from liver cakes with mushrooms

At home, not everyone will dare to bake such a cake even for the holiday, but if you have already decided to pamper your loved ones with such a masterpiece, then you should take the appropriate recipe so that the game is worth the candle.

The recipe, which will be discussed now, will be very popular with those who love mushrooms, chicken offal and generally prefer unusual and unused snacks. Ours is just that - original, bright and with a twist.


For baking cakes

  • Chicken liver - 600 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Fatty sour cream (20%) - 100 g;
  • Flour - 50-60 g.

stuffing products

  • Mushrooms (champignons or those that you like) - 300-400 g;
  • Mayonnaise - for smearing the layers of the cake;
  • Green onion - a couple of young feathers;
  • Freshly ground pepper, salt - according to taste preferences;
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Dill - 2-3 branches;
  • Vegetable and butter - for frying;
  • Garlic cloves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Bulbs - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking a tender liver cake with mushroom filling and cheese step by step

We bake delicious pancakes (cakes) from chicken liver

  1. Wash high-quality and fresh offal in running water, clean it from the bile ducts (there should be no remnants of the gallbladder), films, after which we cut it coarsely.
  2. We scroll the pieces of the liver in a meat grinder or beat with a blender.
  3. Add sour cream with egg and stir the mass with a whisk.
  4. Pour spices (salt and pepper), flour and mix everything again.
  5. We heat the pan by adding vegetable oil to it, after which we pour the liver dough and bake the pancake according to the scheme described in the first recipe.

We make the filling for the future birthday cake

  1. Be sure to wash the mushrooms. You can even pre-let them soak a little so that all the dirt hidden in hard-to-reach places emerges.
  2. We clean the onion from the husk, then divide the onions into a quarter of the ringlet.
  3. In a clean frying pan, in 2 types of oil (butter and vegetable), fry the onion slices, flavored with salt. We cook for 20-25 minutes, but always on low heat, otherwise the onion will simply burn, and we just need to bring it to softness.
  4. Pour the finished onion frying into a dry bowl and leave it alone for a while.
  5. Now we are going to fry the mushrooms. To do this, put chopped mushrooms directly into the oil (1 tbsp) in the pan where the onion was languishing. Salt them to taste and keep on low heat until liquid begins to stand out from the mushrooms.
  6. Next, the flame should be increased (but not much) and continue cooking until the liquid has completely evaporated. Shortly before the end of cooking the mushrooms, pour a little oil into the pan where the onion blushed, and continue cooking, lightly browning the mushrooms as well. But do not overdo it, otherwise the mushrooms can dry out and burn.
  7. We set aside a few fried mushroom plates, and mix the rest with a ruddy onion, pepper and salt.
  8. Grate hard cheese.
  9. Grind the peeled garlic with a garlic press.
  10. We chop the washed and dried dill by hand.
  11. We combine cheese crumbs with herbs and garlic.

Assembling a festive cake-snack from chicken liver with champignons

  1. We spread the first cake on a plate, grease it with mayonnaise, and then distribute a little mushroom filling.
  2. We cover the mushrooms with a second liver cake, also flavor it with a portion of mayonnaise, but instead of mushrooms we spread part of the mixture of cheese, dill and garlic. Drizzle lightly with mayonnaise sauce. Thus, we alternate all the layers.

Evenly distribute the amount of filling on each layer in advance so that everything is even and enough for each cake.

  1. We coat the sides of the cake well with mayonnaise, and then sprinkle them with grated cheese.
  2. Lubricate the very last (upper) pancake with mayonnaise and decorate with the previously set aside fried plates of mushrooms and green onion feathers.
  3. We tighten the appetizer with cling film (but if you are very afraid of damaging the appearance, then you can do it without film) and put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours (even overnight).

This dish must be served chilled, so nothing needs to be reheated before serving.

When preparing this exquisite dish, it is better not to experiment, since this dish may react badly to ill-conceived innovations. It is better to follow exactly the steps of the selected recipe, then you will 100% cook chicken liver liver cake tasty and beautiful.

Bon Appetit!

Cooking method:

1. Recipe: How to make chicken liver cake. First you need to cook vegetables. Onions must be cut into half rings, grated carrots, the grater should be with a large cell. Put onions and carrots in a pan, preheating and pouring oil. We fry, the vegetables should soften and pick up a golden color.

2. Grind the garlic, add it to the mayonnaise and mix.

3. Identify the presence of bile in the chicken liver, if it is present, remove it. You just need to remove it carefully so as not to break the bag and not spill the dark green liquid, otherwise the liver may be spoiled. Next, we wash the liver and put the pieces in a cup, interrupt until smooth with a blender.

4. Salt the finished mixture, add 2 eggs and flour, do not forget to pepper. Here we spread two tablespoons of sour cream. Mix thoroughly.

5. Next, heat the pan, pour in the oil and fry the liver pancakes. There will be about 6 pieces. Fry each liver pancake for 1 minute on both sides.

6. Put the finished liver pancake on a plate, evenly grease with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic on top, then lay out the fried vegetables in the same order. The cycle is repeated with the rest of the pancakes. Lubricate the top pancake only with mayonnaise.

7. Our liver cake is almost ready. Let's decorate it. You can come up with your own design. In our case, one boiled egg was used, which was grated on a fine grater. First we rub the protein, then the yolk, decorate with parsley and dill on top.

We hope that the question no longer arises: how to cook a liver cake from chicken liver. And the recipe gave enough information to understand how to cook it properly. However, do not rush to leave, consider another recipe.

Chicken liver cake with garlic, mushrooms and mayonnaise - how to cook?

And it's not hard to cook. The process is similar to the previous recipe, although there are some peculiarities that we will definitely consider.

You will need:

  • 600 gr chicken liver;
  • Salt;
  • Processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Milk 120 ml;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Mushrooms - 350 gr champignons;
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • Flour - 100 gr;
  • Pepper;
  • Mayonnaise.

1. Take 600 grams of chicken liver and pass through an electric meat grinder, the grate should be fine.

Pour 120 ml of milk into the prepared mixture, break 2 eggs, pepper and salt to taste. Mix well.

2. Next, pour 100 g of flour, mix. Add vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l, and then baking powder 0.5 tsp. Stir, let stand 20 minutes.

3. It's time to fry pancakes, heat the pan. It is not necessary to pour a lot of oil, it is enough to lubricate the surface. Pour in the batter and spread evenly over the pan. Adjust the thickness to your liking. However, thick pancakes are useless. Fry pancakes on both sides. Make as many pancakes as the mixture allows.

4. While the pancakes are cooling, let's take care of the filling. It is necessary to prepare a frying pan with heated oil, chop 3 onions and lay them out for frying. We fry until the primary readiness, then pour the chopped mushrooms - 350 gr, in our case, champignons. Simmer over high heat until all the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Add salt and stir a little. Do as you please. Cook for a couple more minutes and remove from the stove. Lay out on a plate.

5. Next, take processed cheese, add chopped garlic, a little pepper and gradually put mayonnaise. Mix until smooth. Get the mass as in the photo.

6. How to form a liver cake? We take a dish and grease it a little with a mixture of mayonnaise and cheese so that the liver pancake does not fidget. We put it in a dish and grease the sauce on top, then spread the mushrooms on the surface and cover with the next one. The cycle is repeated with the rest of the pancakes.

The final pancake is generously greased with sauce. Now you can decorate the liver cake. How, decide for yourself, but you need to prepare the products for decoration before cooking.

In our case, we used tomatoes and olives. Slice the tomatoes and slice the olives. Put chopped tomatoes in the center, and olives in a circle.

Now you know how to make chicken liver liver cake in two versions.

For those who decide to diversify the festive table with delicious cold dishes, “dilute” the vinaigrette or the legendary (perhaps boring ...) Olivier with other original dishes. Here's a recipe for a great cookie dough. which can be easily prepared at home, quickly and tasty.

It is beneficial to focus on this type of snack for several reasons. First, it's easy to prepare. Secondly, this appetizer is economical, as the recipe will include the simplest ingredients. And, thirdly, this food will allow you to feed your family and friends with really very tasty, appetizing, exquisitely decorated food.

In what recipe can you still find such a set of positive reasons why you should start cooking this dish? Well, maybe. I can also advise a simple and mouth-watering recipe - this is "". Worthy too!

And now I present:

Classic recipe: chicken liver cake with carrots and onions

The process of making a cake from the liver does not take much time. Purchase the products listed below and feel free to proceed with the action.


  • 70 ml of fresh milk;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 600 g of quality chicken liver;
  • 100 g of sifted flour;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • two not very large bulbs;
  • thick sour cream (mayonnaise) - to taste;
  • three, four carrots;
  • favorite greens - cake decoration;
  • 50 g fresh sunflower oil.


1. Peel and wash vegetables. Grind the carrots on a grater, chop the onion into small pieces, fry the food until it is ready.

2. Crush the slices with a special press, combine with fresh sour cream, a pinch of salt, seasonings, selected to taste.

3. Cleanse the liver from all films, remove the bile ducts (depending on which liver ...), twist with a home processor, then pour in the milk, add three eggs.

4. Thoroughly combine (mix ...) the products, then place flour and a little salt on them. Using a spatula, obtain a homogeneous mass.

5. Heat the pan, pour in a ladle of liver dough, fry for five minutes over low heat. Shake the product on a flat plate, put it back into the pan with the unfried side. With this technique, tender pancakes will be able to maintain their whole qualities. There should be up to six of them at the exit.

6. Put a slightly cooled pancake on a dish, put a layer of sour cream or mayonnaise on top, then carrots and onions. Cover the structure with the next liver product, repeat the procedure with the rest of the food components.

Finish the assembly by smearing the top pancake with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped egg and herbs. Send for four hours in the refrigerator to combine the taste of the ingredients.

Here is a cake that can decorate your table. Its design is completely up to your imagination.

Here you can immediately indicate that the preparation of the liver cakes or pancakes themselves, from different types of liver (chicken, beef, pork, veal, goose ...), do not differ much. The main thing is to properly process this liver itself. In beef, for example, there is a film with which it is covered, it must be removed. And it is better to soak such a liver for an hour or two in milk. in order to remove the characteristic bitterness.

How to remove the film from beef liver (video)

Beef liver cake with mushrooms at home


  • beef liver - seven hundred grams
  • carrots - large, two, three
  • onions - medium two, three
  • champignon mushrooms - three hundred grams
  • sour cream - two hundred grams
  • mayonnaise - three hundred grams
  • flour - four, five tbsp. spoons
  • hard cheese - one hundred grams, for decoration
  • sunflower oil, butter - for frying
  • herbs, spices, salt, pepper.

Let's start with the liver. So, like we have beef, you can soak it in milk in advance for an hour. We remove the film and veins.

Let's prepare the rest of the products: chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, peel the mushrooms, wash and cut into small squares, chop some of the mushrooms to decorate the cake. Grated cheese on a fine grater, separated the eggs. Everything seems to be ready!

We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil and add butter (it will be tastier, believe me ...). We spread the carrots and fry a little, stew. Throw in the mushrooms, fry, stirring. Mushrooms should release excess moisture and turn golden with carrots. Fry until cooked, put on a plate, let cool.

Here you can ask - “Where is the onion here, when to fry it”? But this recipe for making liver cakes for a cake will be a little different from the classics. Etc.

Through a meat grinder, or with the help of a grinder, we prepare the dough itself. We throw pieces of the liver and pieces of onion into any of the devices and grind. Add eggs and sour cream and beat this mixture well.

Gradually pour the sifted flour into the resulting mass and mix, achieving a homogeneous mass, as for making simple pancakes. Salt, pepper.

Now you can fry pancakes for the cake. Pour a little oil into the pan, spread it.

Pour a ladle of liver dough, spread over the pan and fry. You can not turn the cake over, cover the pan with a lid and it will bake normally, without turning over.

So, using all the dough, you get 7 - 9 cakes, put them on a plate.

Let's start assembling the cake itself. Separately, one pancake, coat with mayonnaise, spread the carrot-mushroom filling, distribute evenly over the cake. Cover with another pancake and repeat the same with its coating. And so on until the end of the cakes.

Spread the top layer and the end of the liver cake for the last time with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Decorate the top of the cake with specially chopped mushrooms and herbs. Cool and serve the beauty and yummy on the table.

Along with a portion of the cake itself, we receive a portion of praise and compliments from relatives and friends. Everything worked out!

Another easy recipe.

Delicious liver cake - cooking at home from pork liver (video)

How to decorate and serve a liver cake on the table

You can decorate a cake in a variety of ways. Divide the base into six or twelve parts (along the radii). Spread each piece, fill empty spaces with mushrooms, other favorite vegetables or fresh herbs. Place roses cut from three boiled eggs and tomatoes on the upper part, add some red caviar and other products that can best express the main symbol of your favorite holiday. Including fantasy, you can create beauty, practically “out of nothing”. Dare!

Since liver cake is considered a cold appetizer, it is supposed to be served chilled. But it should already initially stand on the table, decorating it and causing appetite. Cook, get the praise of your family and friends. Yes, and just eat tasty and satisfying.

Good luck and all the best!

This is one of my favorite holiday appetizers. We will cook a spectacular and such a delicious liver cake with feeling, really, with arrangement. The New Year is just around the corner and, therefore, we will train, and at the same time, make a list of the most delicious dishes for the future New Year's table.

Be patient to make this treat. Grind chicken liver in a blender or meat grinder, knead the dough with milk and eggs. And then bake pancakes out of it. The stuffing uses onions fried with carrots or mushrooms. You can grate cheese with garlic for the filling. it all depends on your taste and imagination. Then assemble the structure from ready-made pancakes, alternating them with layers of filling. And in the end, like a real cake, you will need to decorate it with greens and flowers from eggs or tomatoes.

Today I invite everyone to cook this festive dish with me. By the way, a beef or pork liver cake is made in the same way. I would be very grateful if you write in the comments what you did.

In this article:

Cooking liver cake from chicken liver

To make the cake more spectacular, I will make it two-tiered. To do this, I will bake different pancakes - large and small. If you are too lazy to bother, then just make it high, one-story.

What you need:


I prepare all the ingredients. Hard boil eggs. I also boil three carrots. I wash the liver and put it in a colander to drain excess water.

Reminder: hard-boiled eggs are boiled for 10 minutes. after boiling.

2. While the water is draining, I clean the vegetables and a couple of eggs. I rub two carrots, and leave one to decorate the cake. Separate the yolk and white separately. I also rub them on a fine grater. I will decorate the cake with these eggs.

3. Everything is prepared and laid out on plates. I cut the onion into smaller pieces and fry in a pan. I mix it with carrots. Don't forget to salt and pepper. Let the stuffing wait in the wings for now.

4. I proceed directly to the manufacture of pancakes. I grind the chicken liver in a blender, add two raw eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Once again I turn on the blender and interrupt everything. I add flour and pour in three tablespoons of oil. I mix until smooth.

I grease the pan with oil and start baking pancakes. Of course, the thinner they are, the better. I fry first on one side for one minute, then turn over and fry on the other side, also for about a minute.

I stack pancakes on a flat plate. When I have used up a little more than half of the dough, I cover the pancakes with a suitable saucer. And I cut the edges so that they are even.

Now I'm starting to bake smaller pancakes. They take all the rest of the dough. They turned out to be quite uneven. If you have a smaller pan, of course you should use it. But I only have one pancake pan.

When all the pancakes are ready, cover them with a saucer and cut off the edges. Now I have two blanks for the cake that are approximately the same height. I add my own to the onion and carrot filling. And I start to collect the cake. First, I put one large pancake on the dish and coat it with the filling.

I stack all the big pancakes like this. Which are smaller, I put on another saucer and also coat with stuffing. Now I sprinkle most of the cake with grated yolk. And a little protein.

Finally, I carefully place the small part on top of the large one. On the sides I glue parsley leaves. The liver cake is ready. And on top I also made a rose from a carrot.

Very elegant and festive cake turned out. Now it will stand in the refrigerator for three or four hours. And when soaked with mayonnaise, you can help yourself.

How to make a carrot rose

Here is a video instruction for making carrot flowers from the Kruton Baton channel

This chicken liver cake always turns out delicious and beautiful. It would be nice to add fried mushrooms to the filling, they will bring a new, interesting taste. Do as your fantasy tells you. And I thank everyone who cooked with me today and wish everyone a good appetite!

Hello dear readers. For a long time I wanted to share with you my secrets in making a liver cake, and to bring to your attention a photo recipe. But now, the time has come. Yesterday I bought all the necessary products and decided to please my family, and you, with a step-by-step recipe. The first time I tried a liver cake for my friend's birthday, 10 years ago, since then this dish has been one of our family's favorites. It was a huge and delicious chicken liver cake with a layer of stewed vegetables (onions and carrots). Plus the original presentation and decoration. He stood in the center of the festive table. And the taste of the cake is quite tender and soft. I have been preparing a cake for a long time and I am very satisfied, the recipe is good, everything is in moderation. We do not have a single holiday, anniversary, birthday, without this wonderful table decoration, and all guests appreciate it.

There are so many holidays ahead, everyone goes to visit each other. You always want to surprise, please and treat your guests with interesting and delicious dishes.

Preparing a cake is easy, it turns out beautiful, original, festive. Simple and affordable ingredients are used. It turns out tender, tasty, soaked. A worthy addition to any holiday table. It will become a worthy decoration. Lovers of by-products will like it the most. Children also eat it with great pleasure, because here the liver is served in an unusual way.

This recipe can be viewed in 1.48 minutes in the photo video at the end of the article.

Delicious chicken liver cake - ingredients

Pancake Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of chicken liver
  • 0.5 cup flour (glass 250 gr.)
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons sour cream (I have homemade)
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil

Filling and decorating ingredients:

  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil (for frying vegetables)
  • boiled eggs to decorate the liver cake
  • greenery for decoration

The chicken liver cake turns out delicious, tender, unusual, and how beautiful it looks on the festive table. It's just a masterpiece.

Cooking does not take much time, despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, but this is only at first glance.

Chicken liver cake - recipe with photo - step by step

It is a step-by-step recipe that will help you quickly and easily prepare a cake, because not all housewives know how to make a liver cake. Therefore, detailed instructions will come in handy.

1. First you need to prepare the liver. It must be filled with water for an hour or two. And if you use beef liver, then pour its milk for a couple of hours to get rid of bitterness.

I soaked the liver in water for an hour. Dried on a paper towel. As for the films, they can be removed, but you can do without it. Be sure to check if there is a gallbladder in the liver, otherwise everything can simply be thrown out if even one liver turns out to be with gallbladder.

2. Now you need to grind the liver. You can use a meat grinder or blender. Since we recently got ourselves a new blender, it's just a sin not to use it. I grind the liver with a blender.

3. We have a chicken liver cake, and we will do everything step by step, what follows and what follows. Third - add flour, sour cream, 2 eggs, salt and black pepper to the crushed mass.

My sour cream is rustic, if you use store-bought sour cream, then take 20%, due to sour cream, the cake turns out to be tender and tasty. For this amount of liver, I added 1 teaspoon of salt, a little black pepper and flour.

I took exactly half a glass of flour (a glass of 250 grams), or you can take three full tablespoons with a slide. This recipe turns out to be just perfect, everything in moderation, nothing needs to be adjusted, added or removed, there is simply no need.

Also, I would like to add that many housewives twist the onion into this mass or cut it into a cube, you should not do this, since the onion will not have time to cook and will be felt in them, the cake will no longer be as tender as you want.

Also, I do not add soda to the dough, I get thin pancakes.

4. We continue to beat the mass with a blender. At first the liver was reddish, but when we added additional ingredients, the mass became much lighter.

Today is a wonderful, sunny day, the whole kitchen is flooded with sunlight, and we still have it on the south side, so, in advance, I apologize for the photo.

5. Now we should fry the liver pancakes for the liver cake. I put a pan on the fire and heat it up. I add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

6. I collect half a ladle of liver dough, which we got and pour it into the pan. My frying pan is 21 cm in diameter.

You see, the liver pancakes come out the hole. Next, carefully flip over. And so fry all the pancakes on both sides. Literally for a minute (two). Make sure that the pancakes do not burn, so regulate the fire.

The pan can be greased with oil before you bake each pancake. If you have a non-stick pan, then you don't have to.

So we fry until our "dough" is finished. So, I can say with confidence, pouring half a ladle of dough into a frying pan with a diameter of 21 cm. I got 12 pancakes from the liver for a liver cake.

You can have more or less, depending on which pan you get and how much "dough" you pour into it.

Here is my stack. True, we tried the first pancake, because I had it torn. But then everything went like clockwork. Maybe the pan wasn't hot enough.

7. Stuffing for liver cake. I really like to smear the layers with mayonnaise and spread the fried onions and carrots on top.

But you can shift the layers with fried mushrooms, sprinkle with grated cheese, grated egg, green onions, dill, and whatever your heart desires.

If you like bigger fillings, then take 2-3 carrots and a couple of large onions. I limited myself to one onion and one carrot.

8. I rub the carrots on a fine grater, and I try to finely chop the onion. Naturally, beforehand, I cleaned and washed the vegetables.

9. First, fry the onion in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, and then add the carrots. Rather, do not fry, but stew vegetables until cooked. Let them cool down.

Roast vegetables strongly or not, it's up to you, as you like, do it.

10. Let's prepare the mayonnaise. You can use or store. Take any fat content. If you like 30% mayonnaise, take it. I only had 67% in my fridge.

Salt, pepper, dill, garlic, parsley can be added to mayonnaise to taste. I limited myself to ground black pepper and a pinch of salt.

11. The pancakes have already cooled down, now let's start assembling the chicken liver liver cake. Although to be honest, pancakes do not always end up in the cake. It happens that you leave them to cool, and they evaporate. They have a very interesting and delicate taste. And as for me, it is even easier than ordinary ones.

We put a small amount of mayonnaise on each pancake and distribute it with a spoon. I use a minimum of mayonnaise, since the cake from the liver turns out to be quite fatty anyway.

I put a teaspoon of roast on top. I distribute it in a thin layer over the entire surface of the pancakes.

So we smear each pancake and spread the frying on each. You can distribute the frying into 11 parts, so that it’s exactly enough.

And if it happened that there were not enough onions and carrots, then you have to fry more, it's not a big problem.

Here we have a liver cake.

After assembly, the cake must be insisted, at least half an hour, but it can be longer so that it has time to soak properly.

12. Decorating a cake is a responsible task. It can be moved to lettuce leaves, moved to a beautiful dish or plate.

You can decorate with herbs, eggs, hard cheese, mushrooms, olives, fresh vegetables, fried carrots and onions, or leave everything as it is.

I garnished with grated egg yolk and frozen cranberries.

The cake was soaked for three hours. And then I cut it into pieces. I also took a photo, since I have a chicken liver cake with a step-by-step recipe. Of course, you want to know how the cake looks inside.

He is not fat, I will say right away, just in moderation. If you like, then generously grease each cake with mayonnaise, and generously distribute the frying, then the cake will be more fat and soaked. I immediately noted this, since many do not like this dish precisely because it is fatty. Fried onions and carrots with vegetable oil, and each pancake is smeared with mayonnaise.

We love just that.

I also almost forgot to note that the dish has a sweetish taste, choose sweet carrots for frying.

And if you do not want to fry pancakes from the liver, then you can just in a pan. True, in time it will not be much faster.

Write, below, in the comments, how do you cook a liver cake, what kind of liver do you use? Share your notes on the preparation of this dish. I will be very interested to know your opinion. And maybe I'll make adjustments to our recipe. Always want to try new flavors.

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