Pansies: landing and care. Viola flower: Annual description and perennial varieties Care and pest protection

Gardening 17.06.2019

From these charming bright colors, it is difficult to take a look. The mludee of petals causes admiration for the creations of nature. Viola (violet tricolor) in Russia wearing names: gold, three-color, moth, semi-stern or pansies. The article is devoted to the nuances of growing this beautiful culture in open soil, within the framework of the article we will deal with the varieties and consider the landing and the correct plant care.

Plant Description: varieties and varieties

Pansies - perennial plants, but the cultivation is usually carried out by agrotechnology of a two-year culture. Abundant bloom in the open ground falls on the spring and the first half of summer. Touching flowers reveal their petals towards the first sunshine, barely melts the snow.

This variety of violets will be a decent decoration of any flower beds.

Single flowers with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm rise from leafy sinuses. Sometimes the flowers of Viol publish gentle, barely catchy fragrance. Leafs in the plant is gentle, light green, oval, with a rolled or a served edge.

Cultural varieties are amazing the magnificence of a variety of paints. The breeders are derived a huge number of multi-colored viol, including: the whole range of lilac shades, yellow, white, blue. Not uncommon now pansies of red-brown tones. Viola Viols have contrasting stripes, eyes, crossing.

Vittrok Viol classification: varieties and zeeries.

Pansies Anyutina is customary to divide the height of the bush:

  • low;
  • mid-graded;
  • tall.

The second sign of the Viola varieties division - the largest flower:

  • species with large flowers;
  • small-bedroom grades;
  • with gigantic colors.

Variety of shades of Viola

In addition, pansies vulnerate the edge of the petals vary:

  • smooth petals;
  • wavy edge of petals.

The color of the petals distinguish between the following types of Viol:

  • varieties with monotonous (monochrome) color;
  • two-color varieties;
  • a series of flower varieties with contrasting stains and stripes.

Pansies pansies make up more than 15 groups of decorative-garden varieties, which differ significantly in terms of flowering, coloring and size of the flower, shape, winter hardiness. Breeders brought many giant varieties with a wavy edge, including semi-grade and terry varieties. They can grow perfectly in the open soil.

The charming colors of the Sortoeries "Russian Size" are exceeded in diameter 10 cm. New selection - ampelnaya pansies of the eyes of the Sortoeria "Waterfall". These plants are designed for suspended baskets, they are characterized by abundant, lush, long blossoms.

Monophonic pansies

The landscape design is popular with monophonic pansies, the landing of which allows you to distinguish between contrast colored spots the territory of the garden.

Currently, one-photon specimens of VIOLAS bright, clean paintings are displayed:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • orange;
  • red.

Plant landing

High decorativeness of pansies in the open ground really depends on the landing site. Although the plant is sufficiently shadowed, in a thick shadow it degenerates: the flowers are minced, losing saturation, the plant stems are pulled out, flexible. The duration of flowering of such plants is significantly reduced.

Landing Viol in Open Soil

The second condition of the luxurious flowering of pansies is soil. Viola does not tolerate dry, stony, sandy soil. This flower is well developing in fertile soil, with a large supply of nutrients and moisture. Care for the viola is minimal.

How to plant pansies: landing and care

Pansies - landing and care is not labor: you can plant plants directly by seeds into the soil. For this, the ground looser, seeds close shallow. Watering seeds carefully spend from a glacule with a small pitch, so as not to wash the seeds from the soil. Shoots in the open ground appear on 7-10 days.

To accelerate flowering, it is necessary to take care of the use of a seaside method in advance when seeding is produced in a greenhouse or a greenhouse in advance. This agricultural reception allows you to get rich-wearing bushes much earlier than when sowing seeds. The cultivation of seedlings begins in February. Drawers with sown viola are kept over the week in a dark place. With the advent of shoots, the boxes are transferred to the lightest place. Care for seedlings is timely watering and hardening. In the ground, the seedlings of pansies are planted in the middle of May. Blossom can begin in a month.

An example of decorating a country area by Anyutiniye

Important! Watering seedlings need to be carried out regularly, not allowing to dry out or overvoltling an earthen coma.

Viola - unpretentious plant. Caring for it is not difficult. The plant requires regular irrigation, but it reacts poorly to the stagnation of water in the garden.

Important! To extend the flowering of the bush of the Viola and preserving the decorativeness of the plant, the blurred flowers are required to remove regularly. The tailing stimulates the development of side shoots, which increases the number of decorative colors.

Fertilizer and subordinate

When preparing a bed for the landing of the Viola, it is important to provide for fertilizers to increase the flowering period. Granulated double superphosphate is perfect for this purpose. The fertilizer is close in the ground, where it is slowly dissolved during the summer season and nourishes the plants with phosphorus responsible for the beauty of flowers.

Pansies, like any other plants, need mineral feeding

During the growing season and flowering of pansies, a comprehensive fertilizer is required for garden flowers. The frequency of supplying nutrients is made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Excellent results are achieved by introducing extractive feeding when fertilizer is sprayed in foliage.

Important! Pansies are not tolerated.

Reproduction of the plant

In addition to sowing seeds, pansies are easily drawn. The reproduction of a viola with shine in the open soil is not difficult. At about the beginning of summer, green cuttings with 2-3 interstices are cut from the plant bushes. Fresh cuttings are planted into the prepared bed. When landing, Viola should pour and spray water.

Cuttings Viola

Important! The use of growth stimulants (epin, corneser, heteroacexin) increase the percentage of survival.

The reproduction of culture with green stalling, allows less than a month to get a tempered, a full-fledged bush, ready for flowering.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, gentle pansies do not bypass diseases and pests. Diseases have a lot of pansies:

Puffy dew Amazes all the plant. The affected flower parts die out, new buds are not formed.
Treatment: Water-soap emulsion is sprayed on the plant.

Gray Gnil causes defeat (dropping) of all parts of the plant. Treatment: Spraying with 0.5% copper chloroksi solution up to 4 times after 1 week.

Regularly inspect the plants for the appearance of diseases and pests

Spotted - premature dying of the leaves; Slow flowering. Treatment: the same measures of the struggle that in gray rot.

Blackleg - The development of rotes on the root cervix and the roots of the flower. It develops with excess water, dense soil and water wet. Prevention: Using clean planting material, properly organized watering. The culture of culture on the converged garden leads to the death of plants.

Pests of pansy eyes - TLL and web tick. The affected plants are faded, cease to bloom, as a result - digest. With pronounced infection, it is necessary to process the flower garden with the appropriate drugs from pests.

Pansies: Combination with other plants

Vittrtoka violet is perfectly combined with shorter perennials or two-year-olds:

  • Daisy;
  • Astramy;
  • Filiac Horned;
  • Iberis;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Lobelia.

Pansies on the flower bed in combination with forget-me-not

With joint landings flower cultures Suitable plants should be selected so that next to the growing copies do not oppress each other.

An excellent combination on the flowerbe is achieved when landing alone by the pansy eyes, the varieties of the same color are selected, or a multi-colored mixture. Such flower beds look elegant and decorative.

Pansies in Landscape Design

The use of pansies in landscape design was greatly distributed and very justified:

  • young cultures bloom in the same year (when cropping through seedlings);
  • the wide palette of the paintings make it possible to choose a suitable variety to any solution to the design of the flower;
  • the flowering of the culture begins early enough, in the cold spring period, when little blooming cultures.

Example of landscape design using monochrome pansies

Perfectly look the curtains Viol on the Emerald Green Lawn. Flowers lay out carpet ornaments, sit down the paths, plant in suspended caspo. Landing does not cause trouble and difficulties, and the care of the viola is quite simple, so it is often used for the design of territories in landscape design.

Rules for disembarking Viol in the ground: video

Pansies: Photo

Childhood memories - Babushkin Flower Garden, in which he loved to play and the brightest flowers, pansies, landing and leaving for me were always trusted, because they are under the child. After, of course, many new varieties appeared, but always the saddles, the grandmother's favorite, with yellow-brown leaves.

Viola, or as they also call these violets, pansies, she is three-color, always decorate with multi-colored stains, many landlords. Easy to care, but beautiful and not picky, it is one of the many permanent pets of my garden.

  • 1 Flowers Pansies - Description and varieties
  • 2 Pansies - landing and care at home
    • 2.1 Landing in Open Soil
      • 2.1.1 Choosing a place
      • 2.1.2 Soil preparation
      • 2.1.3 Preparation of seeds
      • 2.1.4 Sowing seeds
    • 2.2 Growing pansies
    • 2.3 Pansies - Care
      • 2.3.1 Undercott
      • 2.3.2 Diseases and pests
    • 2.4 Reproduction of Anyutin Eye
      • 2.4.1 Pansies - Photo

Pansy flowers - Description and varieties

Many are surprised by learning that pansies are perennial, we simply grow them as a culture-two-year-old. Cheerful eyes begin to appear in spring and bloom somewhere until the middle of the summer.

Compact bushes with juicy-green oblongs-oval gear leaves in spring are decorated with flowers, a diameter of 5 to 10 cm, depending on the variety.

In size are divided into:

  • Shorty
  • Middle
  • Tall

In the structure of the flower there are:

  • Simple
  • Semi-grade
  • Terry

Flowers with wavy edges look very beautiful. Such varieties began to withdraw relatively recently, they are distinguished by a variety of colors, with eyes, specks or strips.

Often landscape designers Preferred one-color viola. There are already adequate variety of colors.

  • White
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Purple

They go as an addition to other colors or in the Klumba national team. Also different colors can be distinguished by space in the garden. I always sit pansies in large vases and alternating monophonic with multi-colored. I also really liked ampel varieties that can be swallowed under the roof on the terrace and they dry by a large colorful hat.

Many love to plant pansies on their balconies, they like a bright beacon, attract views. In northern latitudes in open ground, it is advisable to plant winter-hardy varieties.

Different varieties and in terms of ripening are derived, that is, you can choose the plants so that they will bloom some of others. And thanks to breeders, we have the opportunity to grow violets with different colors, from completely tiny to gigantic.

Pansies - landing and care at home

Viola can be raised in two ways:

Flashless, with sowing immediately in a dirty, a method that allows you to extend flowering

I use both of these methods, then bloom is much longer. The main thing is to pick up in the timing of flowering and palette of paints.


In the open soil, sowing is held spring, in April-May, and summer, in July. Spring seed seed when the weather becomes favorable. In the Siberian climate, alas so much to grow Viola is not recommended. Such flowers will bloom in the same year, but they most likely not enough forces. Summer landing It is better in the sense that the plants have time for winter to grow, they will begin to bloom only the next year, thereby retaining the strength for a prosperous wintering.

For sowing in open ground, it is better to choose small-bedroom varieties, as plants with large, terry flowers are more delicate and sensitive to cooling, although pansies are quite cold-resistant.

Choosing a place

For your Viola, I choose a light half. In the shade, they quickly mince and stop blossoming, and in a bright sun, and even with our hot and dry summer, they are hot, then they stand sluggish, and the tips of the leaves begin to yellow.

Still pansies don't like too wet soil, no dampness is not tolerated, so they are better not to sit down in lowlands.

It is not suitable for these flowers sandy, clay or heavy soil. On fertile, loose and moisture, they will bloom longer and require smaller care.

Preparation of soil

For Anyutin Eye Grocery, it is better to prepare in advance, add humus and sand, if the soil you have heavy. Do not bring fresh manure, Viola does not like him, only last year's compost or good humus.

I put it in front of the landing on square meter Litter jar of wood ash, it and food gives and protects against fungal diseases.

Preparation of seeds

For good germination, I soak seeds per day in a solution of epina. After I wash and dry. For resistance to disease, you can soak them for twenty minutes in the burgundy solution of manganese.

It is possible to feed the seeds in the solution of ash, you need to dissolve the tablespoon in a liter of warm water and hold the seeds for two hours in it.

Sowing seeds

Before sowing a garden, the Grocery loans and make a groove on a half auntimeter, we close the seeds in them, do not tightly tamper. Immediately sowing should be pouring not cold water From watering can with a spray. Shoots usually appear in a week or two.

Growing pansy chicks

To get gorgeous flowers already this year from early spring allows only a seaside way. To do this, we will need special shallow boxes for seedlings, soil, homemade or from the store and seeds. Saw on the seedlings of Pansies needed back in February.

As a soil, you can use the surge of garden land, humid and sand. If no slowing down, you can replace peat, but then add sheet land From the forest. Soil necessarily stead or shed in any fungicide, it is possible to use a solution of manganese solution for these purposes.

We prepare seeds as well as for open soil. Close up shallow, you can simply trust the earth and pour from the sprayer. Then the mailboxes with a seadade we clean in warm and dark place. It is better to cover it with glass or film, so that the moisture is quickly evaporated.

Three days, we start to look around so as not to miss shoots. Then immediately we bring seedlings to light. Now you need to ensure that the soil is always wet and need extra highlighting, because in February the lights are missing plants.

Viola picking is carried out, when two or three real leaves appear. For it, large cups are not required, you can use boxes from under dairy products, just rinse them well.

Ten days before the transplanting of flowers in the open ground, we begin to order them, gradually endure on the fresh air in the warm time of the day. So the plants will faster faster and they will be much better.

Pansies - Care

Some of the most unpretentious summer colors - pansies, landing and care for them are delivering a pleasure. If you planted them in the right place and in the desired soil, well, at the right time, of course, then you will not make much effort most Spring and summer admire bright and lush blossom.

Most important requirement This plant has to water, you need to constantly keep the soil around it slightly moistened, not to dry out and not to water so that it snapped.


After transplanting seedlings in the ground, the plant should take care and start an active growth. Therefore, at first I do not make any fertilizers. Then every two weeks you need to feed the complex fertilizer for flowering plants. Before the start of bloom, you need to make fertilizers containing phosphorus, they will extend flowering, make it especially bright.

So that pansies bloomed longer, you need to immediately remove the swords, faded inflorescences.

Diseases and pests

Unpretentious flowers, but with not proper care It can be very easy to get sick, however, the disease can be avoided by simply observing agrotechnic.

Black leg - not only seedlings, but also adult plants, during thickening, when weeds are not removed on time. When there is a constant stagnation of water. Sick plants need to be removed, stop watering at first, the soil truth the wood ash.

Gray rot is caused too incorrect leaving. As other signs appeared, we begin to sprinkle the plants with a solution of copper chloroksi for a month, in a week. The same measures help and from drone spot, which can cause the death of the plant.

Among the pests, a web tick and a word are especially frequent on colors. It is easy to get rid of them by treating a fungicide, impose plants ash or spray with soapy. Here it is also important to take measures on time, otherwise you can not wait for flowering at all.

The reproduction of pansies

The methods of reproduction of these violets are only two:

  • Seeds
  • Cherenkovania

If everything is clear with the seeds, I will tell about stallion, as this method allows you to get good enough, strong bushes very quickly.

Cut the cuttings only with strong bushes. This is done in early June, there should be no less than two intercosals on every cutlets. To quickly root, they can hold them a couple of hours in the corneum solution, then planted into the prepared ground, to pour well and take away direct sun ray. Delivered cuttings very well and quickly go into growth.

Pansies - Photo

published on According to the maternials

Each person has its own preferences. Someone soul big inflorescences in high stems, someone loves the plants less and more tender. In most cases, the violet remains an indisputable choice, this flower has long become popular. Most often it is given in a vazone as indoor plantBut sometimes the svin itself becomes an element of a beautiful bouquet.

Many lovers of garden matters grow exclusively pansies in their sites as an annual plant. At the same time, there are perennial species of these bright colors that can become a garden decoration for many years.

Perennial violets (Viola) are predominantly May flowers, but can even please. Often violets "come" into the garden from the nearby forest, motioned in flower beds, crevices of stones or trees. Such a natural self-sacker hand does not rise, and charming creatures remain in the garden forever, acquiring the name of the violet (or viola) of the garden.

Look at the photo, as the garden violet long looks like, its leaves are located on the stem in the next order or are assembled into the root rosette:

Flowers, as a rule, blue, white, bright red and yellow colors.

In different countries, this flower is wearing different namesbecause it has a wide geographical distribution, in Russia it is often called pansy eyes.

Varieties and types of garden violets (pansies): photo, titles and descriptions of perennial colors

Violets that can be grown in the garden, a great set. Conditionally divide them into two groups: in some horizontal sprawling rhizome, others have all shoots from one root neck.

Among the existing colors, such varieties of garden violets can be distinguished:

Svet B. different sides Collective rabid violets sushy (V. odorata) in the spring abundantly bloom purple flowers. This violet record holder in reproduction rate.

Violet nursing (V. sororia) behaves more modest: the curtain disks only 5-10 cm per year. How diverse and large flowers are diverse!

Even more slowly grow stoporan violet (V. pedatifida). This is a delicate gentle look with leaves similar to small fan. Flowers are lilac, ordinary for violets.

There are Filati Flowers Sadovaya, suitable for rocaria, see the photo - this is a charming plant with a small bright yellow flowerflowers, caucasian violet (V. Caucasica), as well as previous species, has a creeping rhizome.

Violet Labrador (V. Labradorica) In terms of conquest, territories can even compete with fragrant. Her seeds are literally shot from boxes. Samos are very resistant.

As the ephemeroid behaves from Trans-Urals violet monofilad (V. Uniflora). In the spring it is a bush with large, original shape Leaves and numerous sunny yellow flowers. From the middle of summer, the plant goes on peace.

Violet horned (V. CORNUTA). It looks tender, it winter with green leaves and even saves some buds. Flowers violet from snow to snow, although, of course, the first wave in May is the most turbulent.

Samumov gives an interesting variative color of flowers. But for some reason the cultural varieties do not win. Probably, they have a hybrid origin.

After reading the description of some varieties and types of garden violets, learn about the rules of their cultivation.

How to plant anti-peaks in an outdoor ground

The easiest way to multiply Viol division and stalling. To do this, it is enough to cut off the sheet with the stem and put it into the water until the root appears. It should be noted that even if the plant reproduction is not planned, then at least once every three years it should be extracted from the soil and divided. Otherwise, due to excessive tight growing, the flowers become small and may lose signs of the species.

At the species with a horizontally creeping rhizome can be divided into a bush. This is done as follows: It is necessary to moisten the soil well, remove the plant and divided, disassembled it on full bushes. Next, each plant separately into the vases or in open ground. Make it in the spring, before flowering, or in September.

Other species can be separated from the base of the bush twig and root them right in the right place. Under the banks of cuttings, the violet with a horned garden siny rooted in two or three weeks.

If it is decided to breed plants through seeds, then you need to know what landing should be and proper care for garden violet. Seeds should be of good quality, and the soil is properly prepared. It is important to know that sand sad Not particularly favorable for a long-term garden flower violet. Such an earth must be improved by organic fertilizer, but do not underway, as it is aggressive for soil and can burn the gentle roots of the plant.

For a violence and care, a timely and moderate irrigation remains timely and moderate watering during landing and care. It should be noted that overflows poorly affect this plant, as too cold water. This does not mean that it should be warm, but the room temperature of water during watering is simply necessary.

With excessive dry weather, watering should be adequate. With a lack of moisture, the flowers are minced, the color fades, and the plant ceases to bloom. To extend the flowering period, you need to easily remove rods with flashing petals.

Violas are sometimes affected by pests, such as scoop, and so on, therefore, it is necessary to take certain measures to protect the plant.

To properly handle the chest of violets of garden perennial, not traumating them when landing and leaving, you can see photos with a sequence of actions:

Street perennial violets in garden compositions

This type of viola can be attributed to any of the above mentioned, since all violets without particular whims grow in the open soil. The root system is located in such a way that they quickly germinate in loose soil. A similar flower can become a good addition or even a highlight of any composition. Street violet decorate balconies, flower beds, designer slides. A variety of variants of flower beds with the participation of violet street can be viewed in the photo:

Violets are very plastic and unpretentious under growth. They can be grown in the sun, and in shaded places. This allows you to create cleaner from violets under the crowns of trees among other spring plants. Under the garden, violet street long-term is widely used for the design of borders, alpine slides and flower. They can land them with a luxurious carpet between the trees and near the artificial reservoirs.

Take a look at the photos of colors growing at the pond street violet, the variety of shades forms a delightful carpet and complements the landscape design of the place to relax.

At violet Labrador Purple leaves and lilac flowers. It can be attached next to plants having silver or yellow leaves.

It turns out a pleasant eye contrast. As you can position the latch garden in the flower bed, so that it will play all the colors, see photo:

The violet horned, one more kind, actively used in landscape design. It has small blooms, in connection with this landed by groups.

Another one of her feature is the lowestness of the bushes, so in the flower arrangements it is planted in the foreground. Miniature dimensions made this type of balconies and a veranda, convenient to use in portable flower beds and vases.

The successful neighborhood in garden compositions will be:

  • coniferous shrubs;
  • host;
  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • fern.

Higher plants will create the Viola such a need for a hot day.

Fragrant garden violets: varieties of perennial flowers

If you look at the history of the appearance of a viola in Europe, the first mentions begin with a long-term churches of garden siny. It was she who first decorated monastic gardens, and a mountain variety of plants soon appeared behind her. Violet fragrant garden planted as a long-term culture and is often used in folk medicine As a remedy for a strong stagnant cough.

In almost every garden, even a novice amateur flower, you can see how the petals blooms and fascinates the tenderness of the violet pansies. This flower is one of the types of violet pallows. As for varieties in a variety, there are two most famous types of this flower:

  • viola TRIKOLOGER (the so-called initial);
  • hybrid Wittrok (this is a hybrid of a tricolor species and other wilderness: Macedonian, morning, subalpine).

It is the second type (hybrid) so popular in gardening due to the variety of colors, there is even an extraordinary black hybrid. The disadvantage of all hybrids in general and this in particular is weak resistance to various diseases.

Pay attention to the photo, the flowers of the picker's violets at the bottom of the bright yellow color, and in the top - purple.

The plant has very beautiful flowering. Recently, the selection has brought different hybrids of this flower, so it can be found in very bright colors and amazing combinations. For example, each petal can be different color, or on one of them there are different types of points, divorces, stripes. It looks really beautiful. Look at the photo, how do different varieties of the pansies flower look:

As for the species of Wittrtok, it does not have a single classification. There are several of them and each takes into account their approach:

Difference of varieties in size, form, color:

  • the height of the bush (low, medium, tall);
  • the amount of inflorescence (finely blooming and large blooming);
  • with a wavy edge (smooth, slightly wavy, strongly wavy);
  • over the color (monochrome, striped, marble, four-wheel, discharge).

Species depending on the pore of disembodies, flowering method, color:

  • winter varieties (which bloom very early);
  • large-flowered (flower diameter up to 10 cm);
  • strongly wavy and newest varieties (Sortirers "Swiss giants").

Look at the photo on the pansies of all known varieties and their names:

Such a flower can charm anyone. No wonder because of a long time, this plant endowed magical properties. There is belief that pansies used as a means for love spell. The beauty of these colors admire not only the Slavic peoples, they are popular in different countries. The British with the help of Pansies are recognized in their feelings to girls, sending a flower to the chosen and telling their name. Residents

France and Poland use a flower as a farewell and parting symbol.

All types of pansies are perennial varieties of plants, but most often they are bred as two-year, their inflorescence is similar to violet. This flower snoxides, height is growing at 15-20 cm, the leaves are revealed and the stems with color appear in their sinuses, which in diameter reaches 7 cm.

Take a look at the photo as the violet long looks after 3 weeks after landing, if conditions and care are chosen correctly:

Right landing of fragrant pansies in open ground

Such a variety of violets when landing in open soil and high-quality care can please be twice a year. It is very convenient for the design of flower beds or designer flower beds. They bloom in early spring And late autumn, depending on when they were planted. To get the flowering of early spring, it is necessary to sow seeds in the summer, that is, for six months. If the seeds fall into the ground in May or the very beginning of summer, then the flowering of the plant will be delighted in the fall.

Pansies are perfectly joining the outdoor soil, it is well tolerated wintering. Of course, if they were subjected to abundant moisturizing, and frosts were not prevented in winter, it was possible to freeze. Also, the spring floods can also affect, and with favorable climatic conditions This plant is not particularly whimsical.

For getting good blossom You need to know how to put the pansies in the open soil correctly. It should be borne in mind that the land for sowing should be cleaned from weeds and is well explosion. Consequently, it will be necessary to do the bed and place the seeds in the holes, avoiding sowing lunches. When landing the colors of pansies in an open ground, the first shoots to get out from under the ground should have been in a week, or after two, then the seedlings can be switched. The distance between the bushes should be approximately 20 cm. The soil near the bush must be water and explode from time to time to root system I breathe freely.

With rational moisture and timely processing from the pests of Pansies in the spring of next year, they quickly go into growth and delight with abundant blossoms. Already ready-made flowering plants can be used to design a different kind of flower beds and compositions. Florists often adorn violets of such a kind of wedding bouquets or boutonnieres. Anjunction of pansies in the prepared open ground can even carry out a novice amateur gardener, as this flower does not have any special requirements for the care and perfectly coming up everywhere. It is important to remember that if the flower garden is placed in a sunny place, the flowers will be bright and large, if in the shade - a little smaller and pale.

Pansies are not dependent on the variety, both in special oranges and in garden conditions In the courtyard of a private house or in the country.

Care when breeding perennial violets

Many violets are not easy to grow through seedlings. At first glance, it is strange, because Most species have quite aggressive in most species. Explanation Simple: The violet sprouts only fresh seeds. After storage, they require stratification.

The quantity and quality of flowering can be adjusted by choosing the time of sowing and features lighting and warm up. It is also important to remember that frequent water from entering the leaves can provoke rotting, so watering is better to make a bottom using the pallet, or soak the soil under the growing flower.

Violet garden perennial does not require spraying when landing and leaving for her, but wet air For her, as for most plants, needed. To meet this need, it is enough to put a small capacity with water. If the plant is on the street, then it should be more often spraying the nearby territory or adjacent plants to provide the necessary level of moisture on hot days (approximately 50%).

It must be remembered that violets, though not whimsical plants, but the drafts are afraid. This is especially true of flowers that are indoors. Yes, and street specimens are also better to have a cozy place.

An important place in breeding Viol is fertilizer. Now there are many different solutions that can be added when watering, or to handle roots when planting plants into the soil. To choose good fertilizer For violet, emphasizes attention is necessary on the flagrant plant. Processing the plant is needed, adhering to instructions and dosages that are indicated by the manufacturer.

How not to make a mistake when buying violets

When the colors for breeding in the household conditions, the choice fell on the violet, then you need to know how not to be mistaken when buying.

If it was decided to buy ready-made violets in a vase, then you can use such tips:

  1. The plant should be with dense leaves, without spots.
  2. Ends of leaves should not be dry.
  3. Loss should be present.
  4. The violet must be in the flowering period.
  5. The smell of rotten or delights from the soil should not be.

Picking needed violet Under the interior, it is also necessary to take into account some features:

  1. Combination of color.
  2. Vase size and socket itself.
  3. Lighting of the intended place ( pale flower It will become still paler if it will stand where there is little light).
  4. If the walls of the room of a dark shade, then the flower should be lighter and brighter
  5. The color and style of the vase also need to be considered.

Pallets Perennial can be selected in the photo below:

Viola any variety can successfully join a variety of interiors. Equally harmoniously, these flowers look both on the street and indoors. The main thing will be determined where the most suitable place to accommodate them.

Create a multicolored velvet carpet in its paradist corner will help pansies, which are known under the elegant name of Viola or under academic - Vitrochka violet. Traditional color gamut of this culture is purple and yellow. Over time, breeders brought about 200 varieties with stunning shades. So the garden violet has become a buoyan flowering and beautiful garden decoration.

The family of violet has many features in landing, caring, as well as growing. To enjoy such beauty both in spring and autumn, you need to know some nuances. You should also choose to choose a variety for landing.

Flower characteristic

Shades of petals are so rich that even in the photo Pansies eyes look unmatched. You can see this charm in early spring when warming up. Some varieties are glad throughout the summer, because it easily tolerate sultry weather. Others feel great in the velvet season, because they are withstanding even frosts. Among other things, varieties are derived, which are resistant to low temperatures. All this variety is classified as follows.

Frost resistance

These plants can be dissolved even at the end of February. Low temperature in the morning or light frost will not spoil tender flowers. Gardeners are carefully selecting winter-hard-resistant specimens on their summer cottage. These varieties are mainly attributed:

For all winter-resistant varieties, the compact extension size is characterized (the flower diameter reaches 6 cm). Some varieties of such a viola are thrown abundant blossoms. It is they who please the owners with their charm for a long time.

Flower size and shape

They are small caliber: 3-5 cm (Snow Maiden, Blue Boy and Red Hat). Buds bloom out of small sinuses. Anyutin's flowers are single, but in the complex they constitute a chic look. Especially luxuriously look such grained giants:

The flower table of such titans reaches 10-12 cm in length, and the flower diameter is more than 7 cm. They can be monophonic, as well as with exquisite spots or patterns. Among large varieties are the most popular:

The length of the branched stem is 10 cm, and the diameter of the colors does not exceed 5 cm. True tricolor violet petals have both smooth edges and wavy (serrated).
Corrugated petals of Flamenco varieties, Chalon Super and Rococo have an exotic look, as well as unusual flowing color (stroked coloring in the center).

Color spectrum

Pallet palette Vitrokka's violet is striking with its diversity. A tricolor specimens in dark shades of blue, purple and red are unusually looking at the flower. Snow-white with a greenish chipper Viola will become a breathtaking garden. At the same time, blue, lilac, yellow and burgundy (with fancy spots) exhibits will make notes of romance in country plot.
A varieties with contrasting stripes, border and unmatched eyes look in a special way near the house. Such a colorful description of the pansies is infinite, because it is difficult to consider all 250 varieties.

Height bush

The low-spirited crops reach 15 cm in height, and the giants are up to 30 cm. In the diameter, the Viola bush can grow from 6 to 12 cm. Since this plant perfectly transfers shaded areas, it can be safely grilled in the garden between trees.

The flowering period can be artificially extended. To do this, it is necessary to constantly remove fading flowers, not letting them turn into the seed boxes.

Flowering period

As already noted, pansies are able to delight their stunning blossoms in the season desired for the owners. So it can:

  • march or April;
  • summer months (withstand heat and drought);
  • autumn period (calmly carry snowfall and decrease in temperature).

Therefore, garden violet can be transplanted in pots (plastic boxes) and decorate them balconies, facades of houses, loggias, as well as windows. To do this, periodically loosen the earth and water the plants.

It is important to ensure that the soil is not wet for a long time, because the roots can start rotting.

Secrets landing

First of all, you need to choose a variety and suitable place for it on the plot. Many hostesses prefer large-caliber varieties. Single-flowered copies look amazingly on flower beds surrounded by other colors. However, as experience shows, it is Violi with small petals of the most enduring.
Such cultures survive in the rainy season, and with sharp temperature differences. Therefore B. nordic regions It is better to plant small-ceiling varieties, because in southern latitudes, inflorescences are minced. The same applies to gigantic varieties, if they grow in a hot and dry climate for a long time.

Spring culture is better in the open area. Heat access and direct rays should be at least 5-7 hours per day. Water flower beds costs once a week. Depending on the weather, you can and twice.

Place landing

It is important to take into account that pansies are perennial and annual plants. This means that they are bred both for one year and two. The growth period is largely depends on the work, which is ready to invest the gardener into these garden exhibits, and processing technologies. It was noted that if you put the land with fertilizers, at least once a week, then the stem grows faster, and the inflorescence becomes more magnificent.
The following parameters will be favorable for landing and care of pansies:

  1. Type of soil. Dry soil mixed with sand or stones is not suitable for a viola. Earth must be a fertilized to saturate young roots nutrient substances. It should contain enough moisture.
  2. Degree of shaders. It is important to find here golden middle. The thick shadow will lead to the degeneration of the plant, and the scorching sun - to its destruction.
  3. Good care. Cares about regular watering of sprouts. Around the root (at a distance of 2-3 cm) it is worth making a mulch from leaves or dried grass. Periodically, you need to tear spoiled stems or petals.

When the amateur gardener decided on the place and chose a suitable variety, then you can proceed to the process of sowing. There are several ways to this procedure.

Landing time

The first option is an independent cultivation of pansies from seeds. When to plant depends on what period the gardener wants a raspberry flower culture. These varieties germinate perfectly at a temperature of 16-18 ° C. So, if seeds in the container in winter (at the end of January), then after 2-3 months, seedlings can be replaced in the soil. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the date of the last frosts.
You can see what time they were last year, and from the number to count 3 months. This will be the date of diving in the open land, only the next year.

Those who plan to see this charm in their garden in the fall, you need to spend sowing during July. Then by September, when the heat will fall, the sprouts will be ready for transplantation to the ground.

Perennial cultures can be immediately soiled in the open ground in the middle of the summer. However, the Sun is capable of falling down gentle sprouts, so they should be covered with greens, but that there is no greenhouse. Until the end of August, seedlings must grow to successfully survive the winter. For this, they must be watering every 7 days and fertilize the soil, alternating mineral and organic feeding. At the end of the summer, the sprouts are transplanted to another place. It is important not to give them blooming, because it will delete the plant before wintering.
As a result, in the spring, you can make an adorable photo of the colors of pansies and enjoy their gentle fragrance.

Nuances landing

Garden Viols, although not very picky flowers, still require a special relationship. During seeds, it is necessary to comply with a number of simple rules:

  • break and slightly moisten the soil;
  • mix seeds with sand so as not to sow too thick;
  • it is not recommended to deeply roast the seeds into the ground;
  • it is necessary to water them with a glacule with a small pitch, so as not to wash off the water seed;
  • store tray throughout the first week in a dark place;
  • the container is then important to put in a more illuminated room;
  • periodically, the box with seedlings, which are already 25 days, are carried out on fresh air (at temperatures from + 6 ° C) to handle sprouts.

Replanting seedlings to open soil, it is important to hold the special system. Pricing culture is needed in early May. And literally after 3-4 weeks the inflorescences will appear. Transplanting tubers is advised to spend in the evening when cool and there is no sun. It should be planted at a distance of 25 cm, because they are able to grow. If the weather forecasters promise freezing, the beds need to be stolen by straw.

Strong wind can harm the plant. Therefore, it is important to make a protective fence for flower beds with VIOLA.

Pest care and protection

Pansies will bloom the buyne with proper care and favorable conditions. Winter without snow - a destructive factor for plants. Therefore, the beds are advised to cover mulch and special tarpaulos. Among other things, it is important to monitor the following:

  1. The soil should always be soft and wet. Therefore, the soil must constantly loose. Moisturize the land only after it completely dries.
  2. Fertilize. It is impossible to do the fresh manure. It is better to use humus in proportion of 5 kg per square. m or compost.
  3. The place must be well ventilated.
  4. Make a piece slut to protect from direct rays.
  5. Savages with defects need to repent immediately.
  6. Dried leaves clean.

These simple rules Protect the magnificent blossom of the viola. Nevertheless, the danger for it is pests. These may be such manifestations:

This plant is not really whitewash. Therefore, pests and diseases almost in rare cases interfere with vegetation, as well as magnificent flowing of culture. As a result, it is always possible to enjoy the beauty of Anyutin Galka.

How to grow pansies - video

do you want, if you give the pansies of the beloved eyes, he will never be able to tear away from you? There are no accurate data on the truthfulness of the magical action of this plant, so you will have to independently experience it. What kind of plant is worth choosing - annesthea or perennial?

It is good that there are such varieties of plants that give us freedom of choice. Pansies are no exception. The plant has frost-resistant properties, perfectly coming up, practically, on any basis, also does not need careful care or special cultivation techniques. To answer the question why pansies should be grown as a perennial plant, such arguments were chosen: it transfers the winter, it means that it will not require hassle with transfers every year, in one place the plant will start the roots, it will also be stronger and healthier if it is not disturbing permanent movements.

There are also minuses of many years of cultivation and they are due to the weather characteristic of a particular region. The protection of the flower in winter, for the most part, is happening with the help of snow, and the low-speed season is able to destroy the pansies. Snow melting in the spring also puts a flower into a risk group, but if it competently secure it, you can not be afraid of these natural phenomena.

Annolene pansies are entirely on our provision and totally controlled. We can prevent freezing, and the oversaturation of moisture, secure from the cold winter without snow, and other not perfect weather conditions, Therefore, gardeners often stop in this embodiment. Annual or perennial pansies do not fall on the technique of landing and care, so you can first land the plant, but in the course of its development to navigate how you want to grow it. In any case, annual pansies can be rejected into open ground after the end of winter. You can choose a new planting placeIf the former you seemed not too fertile, which is undoubtedly a plus in favor of annual pansies.

An annual planting method is also used if you have conceived to multiply the pansies, but do not want them to grow in the territory where you plan them. For example, you need to put the terrace or you breed them for sale. You can wait until the plant is flashing and safely remove it from the soil substrate, shifting into a secluded place or transfer to home, greenhouse conditions, where pansies will be healed new life. Greenhouse growing Also used in the regions where in winter the temperature of the soil and air is very low, and all vegetation dies. If in the winter we can insulate the plant with hay or sawdust, then in the case of such an example, we will only lose our pansies, so the option with many years of blossoming disappears immediately.

The last reasonable argument in favor of the multi-year growing of the flower to balance the information: Every year, with the help of trimming, you can achieve more lush flowering Pansies and the rapid development of stirre, so if you want to get beautiful gardenwho gently meets you with a look every morning, think about this option.

Good afternoon dear friends!

I want to tell you about my miniature colors - pansies. It seems that they are correctly called wild violet tricolor - a sample of a garden viola. But we are more accustomed, and I really like to call these flowers - pansies perennial.

These perennial flowers in the country or in the garden look perfectly both in the mini-beds and in the vases.

Perennial Flowers Pansies

If the garden viola is grown mainly as an annual or twentieth bowl and has large flowers in size from 4 to 10 cm in the diameter of the most diverse color, then miniature pansies are a perennial plant. And they multiply and grow everywhere as weeds simply, only time to gour out, digging out, replant.

There were such flowers for me 5 years ago. I was brought to just a few small bushes. I planted them on a flowerbed near the house, and the next year decided to transplant to another place, and then postponed in the third - in the mini-flower of the tire.

But perennial pansies flowers perfectly multiply by self-sowed, so that in the spring they bloom from me everywhere - and in the old places, and where it was not planted at all.

Pansy's pansies Perennial Description

Flowers U. pansies Such tiny are only about 2 cm in diameter. The color of them is usually only one: the upper petals are lilac or purple, the middle is white, and the bottom is yellow. In total, these colors have five petals.

Just a combination of a juicy lilac color with yellow is very harmonious and nice for the eyes, therefore pansies and attract attention to themselves.

Pansies perennial are growing up to 20 cm in height.

They start their bloom they are early in spring, back in April - May and bloom all June.

Easily carry freezing, it is a frost-resistant plant.

If it were not for our hot summer, you may have bloomed longer. But when drought, bloom becomes scarce, the flowers are even more smaller and then the plant ceases to bloom at all.

Pansies Perennial landing and care

Seying pansies perennial needed in June-July for landing rows. 2-3 weeks after seedlings are pyric. And in August sit down at a permanent place.

Pansies are very well transferring transplants, even in a blooming condition. So you can transplant them in the spring, and in summer.

They are undemanding to illumination, they are suitable for soup or loamy soils, moderately wet and well-fertilous. But the fresh manure does not need to do, they don't like his pansies.

If there are no such miniature colors on your cottage or in the garden. I advise you to plant. Such cute perennial pansies always cause lunizing and joy, create a mood.

Pansies (violet, Viola) are an unpretentious flower, a family of violet, grow and bloom can many years.

Gardeners love pansies for unpretentious care, early and constant bloom, simple and elegant garden decoration, balcony, sidewalks, tracks, flower, etc.

Description of the plants of Pansies

Types and varieties of pansies (violets)

There are many types and varieties of pansies / violets, as well as derived hybrids:

  • terry;
  • semi-level;
  • multi-flower;
  • semi-armchair;
  • potted;
  • for flower;
  • ampelnaya et al.

Perennial or annual?

Pansies are perennial plants, but they are bred as annual and twilight plants.

This is due to the fact that the blooming and growing plant of pansies by age for more than 3 years begins to grow old, its flowers are minced and the variety degenerates.

Growing on the site

It is possible to plant a violet immediately into the soil, on the site, but so that the violets bloomed a lot and for a long time, it is better to plant a sediment. Places for landing must be chosen by such signs:

  • solar place;
  • well ventilated;
  • loose fertilized soil;
  • without overheating.

The violet sow several times:

  • in June, in July, they sow the bloom to be early in spring, it squeezes white, the soil is constantly pumped and frozen, after seedlings, dive. And the future spring pansies quickly begin to grow and blossom. An early spring bed can be closed with a film, then bloom will begin earlier;
  • in February - in March, so that bloom began in the summer, the seeds sneeze into the box, the sprouted seedlings are pricing, and when it becomes growing - planted into the ground for a permanent place;
  • in April - in May for flowering in autumn, they are also grown.

Many love to decorate their balconies with flowers, so Pansies are an excellent option. You need to take containers or boxes, fill the fertilized land and sow seeds of violets. Care, feeding and watering special efforts do not require. If the balcony is C. sunny side, then blooming the violet will be abundant, but not long if with the shadow, then the opposite.


  • The land for pansies should always be wet, otherwise the flower will quickly fire.
  • For more long-term flowering, already tied seeds are removed, especially if the flowers are planted in pots, kashpo, drawers, etc.
  • You can land seedlings at once, as the last frosts will end, while on the terrace or balcony can already be in March - April, but in the soil (beds, flower beds) in April - May.
  • It is necessary to plant flowers on a sunny, but cool place, and shading from direct sunlight.
  • It is necessary to plant the flowers at a distance of each other at least 20 cm, since the pansies are cross-peeped, then they stop blossoming.

The reproduction of pansies

Pickup pansies in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings (vegetative way);
  • dividing bushes.

Growing from seeds

The seeds of the pansies are collected after the first autumn frosts, as soon as the seed box became yellow, and before the box, drying up in the sun, will crack and easily fly away, and the seeds will look.

In order for the blooming pansies to get in the spring, then sow seeds need to be the end of February. For landing, seeds will need:

  • box (container) for landing;
  • soil, better;
  • scoop or blade;
  • gauze fabric.

Stages of landing:

  • spread and moisten with water gauze (fabric) and leave for 20-24 hours;
  • temperature above 10, but below 20 degrees;
  • wet the seeds in warm water and leave for the night;
  • in the box pour the soil and make a furrow about 2 cm;
  • evenly pour seeds on furrows and fall asleep with damp soil;
  • after 1-2 weeks, shoots will appear;
  • harden and ventilate flowers before disembarking;
  • prepare ridges - ridour and focus;
  • peer seedlings;
  • it is possible to plant when several leaves appear;
  • planting flowers at an interval up to 20 cm., Otherwise, roots and flowers will rot;
  • after disembarking the earth, to strip and pour;
  • water in a day with sunny weather;
  • alone from weeds transmitting diseases;
  • feature at least once a month.

Reproduction of cuttings

A vegetative way or cuttings flower can be multiplied throughout the summer, getting enough material for planting. The cuttings are shoots with two - three nodes. The drawing preserves the original properties of the flower, retains the purity of the plant varieties.

  • The hauling is carried out by May - June, planting into the finished ground to the depth of one node (up to 1 cm), close to each other to concern the leaves;
  • Lached cuttings are diagnosed and constantly sprayed with water;
  • After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into the ground (on the flower beds, beds, along the tracks, etc.);
  • The plants transplant transfer positively, almost all cuttings are rooted. Taken in August of the cuttings, bloom only for future spring;
  • For the winter they should be covered with leaves, and in winter snow.

Division bush

The division is used to reproduce perennial colors:

  • The division of the bush is carried out in early spring;
  • The division is subject to old plants, grew and the bilateral more, age 3-4 years old, as they are already growing and blooming every year worse, degenerate at all;
  • Therefore, old plants are digging, divided into several parts and plant in the wells, after which the flowers grow up, become full bushes and retain grade.

Independent self-reprovement

In addition, the flowers of pansies can multiply by themselves: when ripen seed boxesThey are revealed and seeds are scattered on the ground. A year later, you can wait for new colors in different places. After the flowers are swinging, you need to cut their bushes by 5 cm from the ground and about 15-20 days bloom will begin again, and the next year it will be even more abundant.

How to transplant

Pansies are transplanted, even if they bloom. The plant easily withstands the transplant at any time of its growth and in various places: in the boxes, on the balcony, on the ridge, on the terrace, in Kashpo, etc. You need to transplant with an earthen room, so the flower is faster and blooms faster.

Pansy eye

The main thing in caring for pansies (violet) is a timely watering, weeding, cleaning dried flowers, the fight against diseases and pests, as well as feeding.

This plant loves moisture, but so that there is no stagnation of water in the form of a puddle. Therefore the best way Watering is a spraying that also contributes to the appearance of bright and large flowers on bushes, as well as a moderate watering under the root.

There are no equal on the variety and saturation of the color range of this culture. Pansies, Behind them, the cultivation of seedlings are basic, not always simple for novice flower stages, stages of work. Despite the fragile appearance, touching title, pansies (VIOLAS) will not attach to the discharge of sadness and modests. They are suitable for growing throughout Russia. Viols are planting in the garden and parisades, they decorate the parks and urban streets. All this makes them a real hit of spring flower.

Their appearance is distinguished by exquisite scope, especially early in spring, when they decorate the garden with juicy strokes. Another name of these colors is Viol.

The richness of the color scheme, winter hardiness, compactness - this is what makes this culture so attractive. No wonder for several centuries, gardeners are grown by this domestic subspecies of a tricolor violet.

Photo of spring flower beds

Pansy's pansies perfectly get along with tulips and daffodils, look great in themselves in containers, suspended vases, baskets. Winter-hard-resistant hybrid varieties that carry hot, cold weather. So Viola can be planted in spring, summer, autumn. But what is especially nice, this culture is extremely unpretentious.

White Perfection - Weiss Grade, Photo

Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, flowers every year becomes more diverse. Do not believe? Take a look at the nearest seed store or order the directory via the Internet. Along with classic purple, white, yellow you will find there New Viol varieties of different tones - pink, orange, pastel shades. Most of them are still decorated with characteristic stains that give "Anguks" unique charmBut there are one-color, so to speak with "clean persons".

In addition, varieties with flowers, looking up, on a short stem. Such viols are much more noticeable on the flowerbed than looking down. It is important that they better endure bad weather.

What a variety of pansies choose

Seeders and sellers seeds share them into two categories:

  • varieties with large flowers - large-flowered;
  • varieties with small flowers - multi-flowered.

At the very large flowers Reach diameter of 10 cm, in small - about 6 cm, and the rest - somewhere between.

Board themselves, departure is minimal - Samiew, photo

Choosing the variety of pansies, do not think as if more flower, all the better. As experience shows, the most endless, strong plants have just small flowers. In addition, small multi-flowered varieties are better adapted to rainy weather, temperature drops. Although their flowers are small, but there are a lot of them. So the overall effect is obtained brighter than from the same number of bushes with large flowers.

As the experience shows, where the climate is colder, fine-ceiling varieties won. But small-bedweed Viols became leaders also in the south. Justice for the sake of, it should be recognized - in the south of the large-flowered there is one interesting feature: The hotter the weather, the smaller the "Anyutka" becomes. Thus, putting in the spring of small beds, by the end of the season you will get very small flowers. That is why large-flowered viols traditionally predominate on city clubs, for example, they look great in hanging baskets or containers.

When to plant pansies

So, the hardest behind: the variety is selected. You can go along the least resistance line, and at the same time save a lot of time - to buy seedlings, bring home, put in the country or plot.

However, if you prefer to germinate the seeds themselves, then know: so that the pickezs have been placed in the garden in this spring, they will have to take it in winter. Two and a half, and even for three months it will be needed that the separated seed will be seedlings, which can be transplanted into the ground.

Since the violas are well tolerated cold, they are transplanted in two or three weeks before the last spring frosts. Recine the day season when the last frosts happened, count it from this number three months ago - and take about the case.

Orange dynamite, photo

The most common mistake of amateurs gardeners - they begin to germinate the seeds too late. Remember that these flowers love coolness, because they have never been tropical plants.

The perfect temperature for germinating seeds is relatively low: 18 ° C. Do not germinate them where you dried or stored the bulbs of gladioles. Gladiolus are often infected with triples, and these pests love to be fenced with seedlings ange!

Sevings are produced in January to the greenhouse or in April (in the Kuban) in the open soil, the seeds are slightly pouring the earth. Germinate for 7-14 days. Shoots are diagnosed from direct sunlight. Best temperature For plant growth + 16-18 ° C Day and + 10-15 ° C at night. It is necessary to monitor constant soil humidity. The landing of the winter seedlings at a permanent place is produced in the spring, and summer - autumn.

How to plant pansies to seedlings

Sewing seeds into a wet soil for seedlings, pour them with a thin layer of vermiculite or sand. In the light of the Seeds "Anutok" do not germinate.

Until the shoots appear (as a rule, it happens at about a week), moisturize the soil, but not too much. If possible, water through the pallet. To hold moisture, you can cover the box with a film, just do not forget to ensure ventilation, otherwise there is simply boiling plants under such a shelter.

As soon as the seeds are sprouting, put the box where the seedlings did not grow too long, skinny. For this purpose, a cool greenhouse is perfectly suitable or a protected bed: there is a lot of light and a suitable temperature of 13-16 ° C.

If you exhibit the seeds of the house under the lamp daylight, Choose a place so much. Put the box next to the light source, but not closer to 5 cm. After a month, transfer the seedlings into the pots. As soon as the air temperature reaches + 5 ° C, take a walk in the afternoon to the street.

When plants turn on 10-11 weeks, proceed to hardening, which will help them easier to adapt after landing in the ground. For this purpose, the protected bed is suitable. If strong frosts are expected, cover the seedlings with a thin layer of straw or by observing material.

Pansies - Plant Care

Thanks to winter hardiness and endurance grow modern varieties Viol does not represent much work. Open place And soil with good drainage - here, perhaps, all that they need. If you live in the south, put them in a lace shadow - it will help plants easier to survive heat. Regardless of the climate, the soil must have a good drainage. If the earth is dense and raw, pansies will get sick root rot. To avoid this attack, to start to put them on high Groke.

What to feed? Of course, compost. They do not need any other fertilizer. If you do not have compost, use any other organic fertilizer with a relatively high content of phosphorus and potassium and low nitrogen.

Mix of grades on the lawn, photo

If you want to extend the flowering period as much as possible, remove faded regularly. Since their roots are rather finely, with the onset of heat, mulch their straw or trimming of grass - this will also extend the flowering period. If in August they still bloom, do not forget to cut the boxes with seeds, and flowering will continue all autumn.

  • Want to extend the spring? Then leave a viola to winter. We assure you, it's not a joke! Site seedlings closer to the end of summer - they will bloom all autumn, during winter thaws, even next spring!
  • This culture can boast of rarity healthy heredity: her ancestors - field violet. Triracal and forest yellow. In essence, modern garden pansies belong to perennial plants And, if they hide them for the winter, live for several years, although most often we appeal with them as annual and with the onset of heat ruthlessly twitch from the earth with the root.
  • If you plan them from August 15 to September 10, then Vittter's violets will perfectly fit, they will decorate your garden not only in the fall, but also next in spring. After overlooking, they will bloom in early spring, will bloom all March, April, and especially magnificent in May.
  • Small-flowered varieties are especially well transferred to wintering. Classic forks of classic colors (golden, purple, white and yellow with spots) winter is better than new-fashioned orange, red, pink and pastel.
  • If you decide to plant a viola in the fall, leave them to winter in the garden, find a place protected from the wind, provide them well drained soil, for example, a high bed along a wall or any other shelter. Wind, earth with bad drainage will destroy the wintering plants. Survey them in the ground at least a month before the onset of frosts, to start the winter the roots managed to adapt.
  • We recommend to plant pansies in the morning with the bulbs of tulips or daffodils - in the spring you have a garden will have an exquisite carpet.
  • The best shelter for Anutok is a snow cover. If the winter is given a cold, but low-speed, cover the plants of mulch, for example, a coniferous savor. For this purpose, fallen leaves are not worthwhile - they absorb too much moisture, they will doubt, damage plants.
  • If you live in the northern edges, you want to plant these flowers in the fall, even leave them for wintering, find out in advance whether you need Viol seedlings in the nursery. If so does not turn out to be, exhaust the seeds of suitable varieties themselves. It is necessary to germinate them in the middle of summer. Prepare a cool place (cellar), take up for work.
  • You can wait for autumn, sow seeds in a cold greenhouse or a protected bed, and early spring transplant seedlings to open ground. In the fall, you will not wait bloom, but with early spring Viol will decorate your garden.
  • As a rule, there are no problems with pests. True, sometimes, when you stand, the heat, the red ties appear. It is necessary to treat plants by any insecticidal soap solution.

Video about leaving, landing and reproducing pansies.

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