Unpretentious and beautiful miscanthus in the garden. The use of miscanthus in landscape design

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants


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The name miscanthus comes from the Latin - Miscanthus. In another way, this plant is called a fan. Without a fan, it is impossible to imagine garden compositions. The fan is able to decorate any monotonous lawn and flower bed. Grows on any type of soil. Absolutely unpretentious, except that it is aggressive in its growth and can clog neighboring plants. This problem is quite simple to solve: you need to put up fences with iron. Trimming the bush will not spoil the view, on the contrary, it will make it quite attractive. Circumcision is relevant in the phase of full maturity of the fan.

The plant is common in the subtropics and tropics, mainly in Australia, Asia and Africa. The fan belongs to the family of cereals and the genus of herbaceous perennials. The genus contains more than 40 plant species. Miscanthus is a very famous ornamental plant. It is actively used by specialists in landscape design. Caring for a fan does not require special training. Can be grown outdoors.

Cereals are able to grow in length up to 200 cm and above. The fan has creeping rhizomes that can grow up to 6 meters deep and hard leaves that barely reach 2 cm wide. Inflorescences can reach up to 30 cm. Spikelets up to 1 cm in length. Spikelets of miscanthus are silky and long.

The plant grows quite quickly in favorable weather. Flowering begins in July, maximum in September. In autumn, the plant turns burgundy. The fan can grow up to 30 years. Another advantage of breeding miscanthus is the fact that it is a fairly healthy plant. The fan has no diseases, and pests bypass it.

When burned, the fan has high calorific value. In China and other countries, boiler houses are actively operating on such fuel. Also, the fan is able to purify the air and the ground, reducing radiation pollution. Worst of all, miscanthus will grow on sands and clays.

Miscanthus is most often divided into three groups:

  1. Tall;
  2. Medium height;
  3. Undersized.

Miscanthus - planting and care in the open field

When breeding a plant such as a fan, you should first familiarize yourself with its features. So, the gardener, you need to remember that miscanthus is quite thermophilic and loving high humidity, plant. Therefore, it is best to take him to a place where there is most of all light and near a reservoir.

As already mentioned, planting a fan in open ground is allowed. Caring for it is quite simple.. Initially, you need to purchase adult seedlings. Their vegetation period is quite long, and plant growth begins at all when the air temperature warms up to 25 degrees Celsius. After planting, the plant should be watered abundantly.

Miscanthus will also like fertile soils. And in spring, the soil under the miscanthus is best fertilized. For a positive impact, one feeding per year will be enough, since an overabundance is harmful. Miscanthus does not like dry soil, so it needs to be watered frequently. It is not necessary to cover the plant for the winter, except perhaps only very heat-loving species. It is best to mulch the soil.

Caring for a fan is quite simple, no special skills and abilities are required. All you need is desire. Should be considered that roots can grow not only into the ground, but also above the soil. In winter, leaves and shoots will fall off, and pruning will be required in spring. Cut the plant in March almost to ground level.

Miscanthus stems are not inferior to needles or straw. Therefore, you can mulch the soil with dried and chopped fan stalks.

Watering the Vernik is best done with a hose, the more often watered, the better. In the first few years, weeds must be controlled. But after the plant gets stronger, weeds will not break through a thick fan.

It is best to limit the growth of the fan after planting, as it can grow throughout the garden. You can limit the scope of the fan with iron or slate. The limiters must be buried in the ground to a depth of about 20 cm and at least 10 cm should remain on the surface. Only under this condition will the fan allow other plants to grow calmly and its roots will not be able to penetrate through the iron.

Next to the miscanthus, it is more rational to plant a hosta, which, with moist soil, will grow well and reach up to 60 cm in length. This is to mask falling out of the lower leaves of the fan. Since by the end of summer it is able to lose its leaves.

There are very tender varieties of this plant that need to be covered for the winter, as unexpected frosts can kill the plant. It is recommended to cover with a film, while it is necessary to ensure the passage of air from the sides. Before covering, the soil under the miscanthus should be mulched. Having done such activities, miscanthus will continue to please its owner for the next year.

Any gardener, who decided to breed a fan in his house, he will ask himself the question: what kind of flowers or plants are best planted in the neighborhood. It can be:

  1. Sunflower;
  2. Meadowsweet;
  3. Hibiscus;
  4. Dahlias.

Fan propagation

An adult fan is propagated by dividing the rhizome. This procedure must be carried out very carefully in the spring. When planting the fan, the air temperature must be more than 20 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plant will take root very slowly.

Before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole so that the rhizome is covered with a 5 cm layer of soil. In this case, the soil should not be heavily compacted. Somewhere by mid-July, the plant takes root and begins to grow.

It is possible to grow miscanthus and seed way. But this method is not as popular as dividing the bush. This is due to the fact that at seed cultivation, the plant becomes decorative only three years after planting. At the same time, seeds must be bought at the store, because in our climate the fan does not produce seeds.

Since the seed propagation method takes a lot of time, reproduction by dividing the rhizome is most popular among gardeners.

The fan is allowed to be fed. Compost is suitable as top dressing or liquid chicken manure. But it is necessary to feed the fan one year after its planting. Closer to the autumn period, it is recommended to feed with potassium-phosphorus supplements.

As already mentioned, the fan is an ornamental plant that gardeners use in various purposes. It could be:

  1. Shore decoration;
  2. Landing shading;
  3. For framing flower beds;
  4. Creation of landscape compositions.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews and comments about the cultivation and flowering of the fan. You can also get some knowledge there. and the secrets of other gardeners.

Miscanthus sinensis

This species grows in China, Russia, Japan. It is one of the most popular and famous. Every country has its own name. In length, Chinese miscanthus can grow up to 300 cm. The leaves of this plant are quite long, reaching 100 cm. Chinese miscanthus begins to bloom in about September or a month later. The color of flowering before winter is pink-silver. AT winter period the flowers turn pink-brown.

The name is clear that the natural habitat for Chinese Miscanthus is China. Therefore, it can be understood that this plant is not frost-resistant. Gardeners who decide to breed this type of fan should take into account that dry shelter and mulching for this species will be a mandatory procedure every year.

Miscanthus sinensis was bred in 1875. It includes over one hundred various kinds plants that differ in flowering and bush forms. Also among them you can find the most adapted to our climate. These include:

It is among these types of Chinese fan that it is more rational to choose for planting in Russia.

Miscanthus sugarflower

It grows mainly in China, Japan and Korea. Prefers wet meadows and rocky slopes. The plant can reach up to 200 cm in length. And the leaves are linear in shape up to 60 cm. Inflorescences 25 cm. Their color can be white or pink.. The sugar-flowered fan is a fairly thermophilic plant and its shoots begin to grow in May.

Already in July, the plant begins to bloom and retains its decorative effect until October. The stems of the plant are bare. Able to winter without shelter, but mulching is a mandatory procedure.

In Russia, the sugar-flowered fan grows mainly in the Primorsky Territory, which is why it has the appropriate name - Amur silver grass. And the most popular species of this plant is Robustus. This type found in the wild on the banks of lakes and rivers.

Miscanthus giant

This species was obtained by crossing sugarflower and Chinese fan. It has been familiar to gardeners for a very long time and is perhaps the most complex hybrid. In length, it can grow up to 300 cm, less often up to 400 cm. It has the so-called weeping foliage. The stems reach up to 25 cm. The flowering color of the giant miscanthus is pinkish-silver.

Blooms in late summer . And in a cold summer, it may not bloom at all. This view should not be used in landscaping as independent plant. It is better to focus on this plant in the background, since July lower leaves are starting to die. The color of the leaves is usually dark.

Miscanthus zebrina is a rather unique and graceful species of fan.

In height, this plant reaches 200 cm. The shape of the bush is quite wide. The leaves are hard and have a yellow stripe. Hence the name, similar to the name of a striped animal - a zebra.

Zebrinius begins to bloom at the end of summer. Inflorescences have a lilac hue. The plant is quite hardy and easily tolerates drought and snowfalls.

It is necessary to plant in the spring, in a warm and humid area. Initially, it should be a long and painful struggle with weeds. But this is not for long. When the plant gets stronger, the weeds will not bother. For many years, this plant is able to live in only one area. Afraid of transplants.

Miscanthus sinensis

Miscanthus kmthai(Miscanthus sinensis) is a perennial grass of the Poaceae family. It forms a dense powerful bush 1.5-2.5 m high. The leaves, rustling in the wind, are very beautiful: graceful, curved down in an arc, in the center with a white vein. By autumn, the leaves turn yellow-brown and burgundy tones. At the end of August - September, strong stems directed upwards with large, fan-shaped inflorescences appear. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are panicles pink or red-brown, and when the seeds ripen, they become silver-white or raspberry-purple.

Miscanthus Zebrinus

Chinese miscanthus has many varieties that winter well in the Moscow region. They have different sizes and the shape of the bush, and the color of the inflorescences varies from white, pink to burgundy. The leaves of varieties can be both thin, curved, and vertical, strong. There are varieties with green, yellow, pinkish, brownish leaves, as well as with longitudinal or transverse stripes of white, yellow or cream.

Miscanthus chinensis is a warm growing plant that begins to sprout at a temperature of +25°C. In the Moscow region, this is somewhere between the middle of May and the end of May. If you do not see any movement in the place where the miscanthus grows in early spring, do not worry, do not pick the soil, but just wait until the plant wakes up.

location, soil

The landing site for miscanthus should be warm, sunny, protected from cold northern winds, then flowering will be plentiful and long. The climate for growing miscanthus is best warm and humid.

When can I plant miscanthus chinensis in the suburbs?


If you are targeting moon calendar, then look at the work calendar, entry: "".

Best time for planting - it's spring. Although, if the plant is bought in a pot, then it can be planted from April to September. Before planting, the container with miscanthus is soaked in a solution of any growth stimulant (epin, humate, etc.) for 20-30 minutes.

For planting, it is better to buy adult curtains, they take root easier. Small plants may not have time to get stronger in our climate, build up a good green mass and then die in winter.

Recommended soil composition: garden soil upper layer 15-20 cm, peat, compost or humus, sand in the ratio 1:1:2:2. 30 g of any complex fertilizer is added to this mixture and mixed well. The plant is planted, watered, and the soil around is required (sphagnum moss, chopped cut branches or stems of plants, bark).


Miscanthus do not like drought, do not tolerate drying out of the soil, so they need to be watered regularly. They are fed very moderately, because with an excess of nitrogen, foliage grows very strongly, which lodges. In the spring in May, it is better to use any nutrient infusions to feed miscanthus, they are easier and faster to digest.

Some miscanthus are quite aggressive, they can conquer nearby territories, then you have to limit the growth of roots. You can use plastic tape suitable color, which is buried, leaving 4-5 cm above the soil level so that the roots do not step over its edge. The shoots are pruned in early spring, as in autumn and winter the curtains are very decorative and are left for the winter.

In the center, the bush dies off over time, so they need to be divided and rejuvenated periodically.

For the winter, if miscanthus grows on open space, its roots should be sprinkled with peat, cut perennials or spruce branches. It is imperative to leave miscanthus shoots for the winter, this will delay the snow.


Miscanthus are propagated by seeds and division of the bush.

seeds. Seeds can be sown before winter or in spring after preliminary preparation. It is best to sow in small containers 7-9 cm high, several pieces, and then transplant into the garden immediately from the pot using the transshipment method. When propagated by seeds, varietal characteristics are not preserved.

By dividing the bush. You can divide the bush in the spring or at the end of August (it is impossible later, they may not take root). Plants do not like to be divided, then they get sick and take a long time to recover.

Use in landscape design

Miscanthus sinensis has wide application, as its spectacular textured bush retains its decorative effect all season. It can be planted in rocky gardens, on the beach, in mixborders, in a single planting on a lawn, or used for container arrangements.

Cut inflorescences look good in dried flower arrangements.


Variegated varieties of Chinese miscanthus are very beautiful:

« Zebrinus» (transverse cream stripes on the leaves)

« Strictus» (transverse white stripes on the leaves, and the inflorescences are reddish)

« Hinjo» (transverse yellow stripes on leaves)

"M orning light» (on narrow thin leaves, white stripes along the edge).

Miscanthus (Miscanthus) - perennial herbaceous plant from the Cereal family. For many gardeners, this decorative and relatively unpretentious culture also very well known under the name fan.

Botanical description of Miscanthus

The height of the plant can reach two meters, but most often it varies between 80-150 cm. In the conditions of backyard floriculture, as a rule, large sizes are formed, but rather loose turfs with creeping rhizomes and erect stems. All foliage is leathery and scaly, linear or lanceolate-linear in shape, very rigid. Regardless of the variety, the plant forms fan-shaped panicles of medium length.

Types and varieties of fan

Opinions on the number of species and varieties belonging to the genus Miscanthus on this moment divided, but, as practice shows, about ten forms have taken root and become quite popular in our country.

AT vivo grows on wet soils, and is popularly called Amur silver grass. The height of the above-ground part of the plant varies from one and a half to three meters. The stem part is bare, with linear drooping leaves of pale green color. Flowering begins in July.

The flowers are white, pink and silver, collected in relatively large paniculate inflorescences. The species is thermophilic, but some varieties have sufficient cold resistance. The most popular variety "Robustus" belongs to the largest, and under natural conditions grows on damp soils, where it forms dense thickets.

Miscanthus giant

Cereal very thermophilic and low winter-hardy plant. The height most often varies between 2-3m. The aerial part is represented by slender vertical thickets, densely leafy with belt-like, arcuate foliage. A leaf plate of bright green color, acquiring in autumn period golden hue. In early autumn, large paniculate inflorescences of pinkish-silver color are formed.

Chinese reeds form thickets of slender plants with a height of the aerial part in the range of 2.5-3 m. Under natural conditions, it grows in regions in a warm and humid climate. The foliage is rigid, linear type, with a well-defined thick rib in the central part. It blooms with single-flowered spikelets collected in loose paniculate inflorescences with a shortened axis. The most popular varieties of this species are winter-hardy "Blondo", variegated "Miscanthus Zebrina" and "Hinyo", rosaceous "Flamingo", with reddish leaves Nippon, with red flowers "Strictus" and "Malepartus", as well as "Miscanthus Gracilimus" and "Miscanthus Cascade".

Miscanthus zebrinus strictus

The variety belongs to tall ornamental perennials. The average height of the above-ground part, as a rule, is 2.5 m. This variety very highly valued by domestic flower growers for attractive leaves. A feature of the foliage is the presence of clearly visible stripes of pink coloration on the general green background of the leaf plate.

Chinese hair grass or Chinese reed has an upright habit. A powerful decorative perennial with a strongly growing aerial part, has erect and leafy stems in the lower part, as well as light, silvery inflorescences. The average height is not more than one and a half meters. The foliage is linear, rigid, rough, with a thick rib in the central part.

Miscanthus Cascade

This is one of the most beautiful varieties, characterized by hanging highly decorative pinkish inflorescences . Flowering falls on the period from the last decade of July to the end of August. The variety belongs to the category of winter-hardy plants, growing well, but not forming shoots. In the middle of the sheet is a characteristic white stripe. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed two meters.

Growing Miscanthus outdoors

Grow your own miscanthus on your own personal plot"from scratch" is quite difficult, so preference should be given to the vegetative method, represented by the bush division of the decorative perennial plant. A very long and well-developed rhizome of the culture needs a reliable and correctly installed limiter. The root system of the culture does not lie too deep, so a quarter-meter-wide plastic tape is dug in.

How to plant miscanthus (video)

Technology and planting dates

Landing area should be well lit, open sunbeams. The soil must be moist. The optimal location is along the reservoirs, in a place protected from winds and drafts. Before landing, it is required to dig the site one and a half to two bayonets of a shovel and loosening the soil, which should be neutral or slightly acidic. If necessary, dolomite flour is added during the digging process. It is advisable to start planting in the period from mid-March to the end of April. The dimensions of the landing pit should be a couple of times the volume of the root system. The distance between planted plants should be approximately 80-100 cm.

Features of proper care

Miscanthus care requires regular and abundant watering, especially in very hot or dry weather, but top dressing is not required in the first year after planting. Around young plants, weeds should be periodically removed, followed by surface loosening of the soil. Starting from the second year after planting two or three feedings per season should be carried out.

In spring and the first half of summer, regular nitrogen fertilizers are applied in accordance with the recommendation of the fertilizer manufacturer. Starting from the second half of summer, only potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied which help the plant to prepare well for the upcoming winter. In early spring or late autumn, you need to perform corrective pruning of the above-ground part.

Some, especially heat-loving varieties for the winter period need to be covered by constructing a kind of polyethylene hut over the plant and wooden shields. Cold-resistant varieties and species can be provided in late autumn with standard mulching of the root system. sawdust or straw.

Options for using ornamental grass in garden decor

The tallest and most lush varieties and species are recommended to be planted as a so-called backstage blocking landscape defects or as a background for other, shorter ones. ornamental plants. Varieties medium strength growth look very impressive against the background lawn grass , as well as in combination with decorative deciduous and flowering perennials.

The use of ornamental herbs in landscape decoration is very popular not only in our country, but also among foreign amateur flower growers. It goes well with such decorative perennials as peonies, Siberian irises and hosts. For all ornamental perennial herbs that wake up quite late, including miscanthus, a simple technique is used to stimulate early awakening - spilling curtains with warm water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, after which ammonia fertilizers are fertilized. Otherwise, plants very often do not have enough time for full growth, development and abundant flowering.

Varieties of miscanthus (video)

Ornamental grasses, as a rule, do not require special attention or too much care, and are also practically not affected by plant pests or diseases. At proper fit and proper care, such a highly decorative and rather undemanding plant as miscanthus can reward the grower with almost constant beauty.

Miscanthus is an ornamental grass in your garden.

Miscanthus is a tall perennial herbaceous plant with thin oblong lily type leaves growing from the base (root zone). During the flowering period, a tall stem appears with a drooping fluffy panicle various shades white or Pink colour. These peculiar spikelets retain their decorative properties for a long time and can be used for ekiban. The color of foliage and "flowers" depends on the plant variety. Miscanthus is often called Chinese reed, in honor of the most common species in our latitudes - Miscantus sinensis (Chinese miscanthus).

Plant height varies from 1 to 2 meters. The plant easily adapts to habitat conditions, but prefers well-lit sunny areas. During site improvement work, it is advisable to provide a drainage layer if the soil on the site has low moisture conductivity. This herbaceous "shrub" easily tolerates even heavy rains without losing its appearance and tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees Celsius.

To date, more than 4 types are used in the landscape design of gardens, differing in appearance and characteristics. Rigid leaves can range in color from light green to dark, purple, have stripes or specks of yellow, white, pinkish and other shades. The width of the sheets is from 5 to 25 millimeters.

Most varieties have a branched fibrous root system located close to the soil surface.

Types of Miscanthus and their features.

Miscantus Purple Fall - purple waterfall or you can also find the translation of the name of the purple autumn variety. This variety has one distinguishing feature from which it got its name. With the approach of cold weather, it changes the color of the leaves from green to purple. In combination with snow-pink spikelets consisting of fluffy thread-scales, the bush acquires bright view against the background of gray earth.

High frost resistance allows bushes to winter without shelter. In addition, dried leaves and spikelets can be cut off at the beginning of spring, and in the cold period they will become a bright spot on the site. Purple miscanthus goes well with hostas, various ferns, geyhera. As a rule, in such cases, ornamental grass acts as a central high element. Flowering begins in mid-summer.

Miscanthus can also serve as an addition to coniferous composition, highlighting the vibrant greenery on winter snowy days.

Miscantus Giganteus - has powerful leaves 20-25 millimeters wide, dark green with a light white stripe in the middle. Despite the fact that the plant resembles a fountain, thanks to the falling foliage, its height at favorable conditions can reach 3 meters. The flowering period begins by the end of July at the beginning of August. When the spikelets first appear, they have a light pink hue, but over time they become a pronounced silver color. This variety is somewhat more demanding than its cousins, and if the summer is too cold it may not produce inflorescences.

The landscape designer recommends using the plant for decorating ponds, as well as in group plantings. For single flower beds. Giant miscanthus is not suitable, since from the second half of summer the lower leaves can darken and dry out, exposing the stem. A lower plant is needed as a "background" to hide this nuance. It also needs timely pruning.

Miscantus sinensis Anderss or Miscantus purpurascens Anderss is the most unpretentious variety ornamental grass - miscanthus chinensis. This bush has a loose structure of narrow upright leaves. This variety needs mulching and basal shelter for the winter. The height of the bushes reaches 2 - 2.5 meters with sufficient lighting.

Miscantus sacchariflonis (Maxim.) Benth or Miscantus Imperata sacchariflora Maxim is an excellent choice for decorating ponds and creating flower beds on sandy or too wet soils. Even at the stage of planning, designing and creating reservoirs, professionals recommend providing a place for accompanying plants, such as ornamental cereals.

This type of miscanthus tolerates winter well, but due to the low level of snow in last years landscape designers recommend root mulching, this will protect the plant from freezing. Flowering begins in July, decorative silver-pink panicles remain attractive until the end of October.

Miscantus Gracillimus this variety has green foliage that turns golden in autumn. The color of the inflorescences is copper-red bright - it retains its decorative effect until late autumn. Prophylactic mulching is necessary for the winter period.

Miscantus Hinjo one of the best varieties with variegated foliage, a clearly defined longitudinal stripe is visible on a green background yellow color. The grass goes well with less variegated ornamental foliage plants.

Miscantus Kleine Fontane and Miscantus Malepartus belong to undersized varieties. A distinctive feature of these cereals is brown-red panicles. Flowers are more red in autumn than in autumn. summer period. In severe frosty winters, preventive mulching is necessary.

Miscantus Morning Light - this variety is perfect not only for open ground but also for growing in containers. Bright leaves with white longitudinal stripes will be a great decor for any of the areas of the site. In winter, a flowerpot with a plant can be placed on covered terrace, thereby decorating a boring winter.

Miscantus Nippon and Rotsilber, these cultivars take on reddish orange to bright scarlet hues in autumn. In summer, pink-red inflorescences stand out against a green background. These types of ornamental grasses will look great in combination with evergreens.

Miscantus Strictus and Zebrinus - these cultivars have green foliage with transverse stripes of white and cream, respectively. Like other varieties with variegated leaves, they need additional care in winter. Therefore, at the end of autumn, landscape designer Anna recommends mulching and root cover with dry foliage or needles.

Features of care and reproduction.

Since miscanthus has a superficial, rapidly growing root system, it is desirable to provide a limit for its growth. For this, rubber garden tapes about 15 wide are suitable. They must be dug around the perimeter at the stage of designing and creating a flower garden. Make sure that the fence is closed and does not have holes. The recommended height of the above-ground part of the mini-fence is about 50-55 millimeters.

In some varieties, part of the leaves periodically die off, so carry out periodic inspection and pruning of the bushes. Plant renewal is carried out in early spring. Foliage and inflorescences are cut with a sharp pruner about a centimeter above the ground, after they have decorated the winter landscape of the garden plot. As soon as the temperature of the soil and air warms up sufficiently, the plant from the roots will give new shoots.

Choosing a landing site and neighbors for miscanthus should be based on the varietal characteristics and characteristics of the subspecies (described above).

Reproduction and sowing.

The plant propagates by seeds and division of adult specimens.

Planting of ornamental grass with seeds is carried out in early March in flowerpots. Preliminary preparation planting material not required. After the seedlings get stronger, and the soil warms up, the bushes are transshipped. bloom and full decorative effect achieved only for 3-4 years. The disadvantage of this method is the loss of varietal characteristics.

To preserve the decorative look, the division method is used. mother bush. For this miscanthus desired type in early spring or late autumn, carefully removed from the ground, separated with a sharp knife. Then sprinkle the slices with ashes or process by special means and each part falls into place. This breeding method allows you to get flowering and the expected effect in the first, maximum second year of using the grass.

If you decide to improve the garden with cereals for the first time, we recommend that you purchase seedlings in nurseries or greenhouses. To reduce costs and get a beautiful landscape, we recommend that you trust the landscaping work to professionals. Workshop landscape design Gardens by Vinogradova is at your service.

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