One of the brightest and most beautiful types of ficus Benjamin is “De Gantel. Ficus home care breeding diseases and pests Self-propagation, or how to propagate ficus correctly

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Today, about 1000 species of ficus are known to science, but only a few varieties are adapted for home breeding. Separate varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home maintenance. This evergreen representative of the mulberry family appeals to many flower growers. It is easy to care for decorative leafy ficuses, you just need to observe certain conventions regarding a particular species. Due to the low requirements for care, along with external attractiveness, ficuses decorate the interior of a living space, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or cafe.

Rubbery Melanie

All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, the leaves have a dense structure, bright green color (some varieties may have spots, edging), and different shapes.

The plant can be designed as a potted tree, a falling ampelous form or a miniature bonsai. The natural habitat allows them to reach enormous sizes, to become full-fledged trees. Domesticated representatives of the ficus family have dimensions acceptable for the premises, they grow slowly.

Ficus - where does it grow and where is its homeland? He prefers tropical countries, the coasts of the Pacific, Indian Oceans, the Mediterranean, South Africa. It is also common in the Crimea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, and India. The tropical rainforests of Malaysia and the Philippines, where ficuses grow and bear fruit, are the birthplace of the plant.

Ficus - types, photos and names

We often grow representatives of the ficus family at home, moreover, they are one of the most beloved. Bushes of different varieties are not always similar, but they are united by almost the same growing methods and care requirements.

Variety of Benjamin - Lovely

One of the most popular varieties - Benjamin's ficus, has a universal size, resembles a small tree.

Starlight (Benjamin) Photos

This variety has several sub-cultivars that differ in the shape of the leaves. The egg-shaped Benjamin leaf has a slightly pointed tip. They can be a rich green hue, have white blotches, edging (variegated varieties). To give a beautiful shape to the crown, frequent pruning is recommended. The trunks lend themselves to weaving: gardeners often use this technique to achieve an unusual decorative effect. To do this, several seedlings are planted together or types of ficus Benjamin are used to create bonsai.

Photo of Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Ficus rubbery, also known as elastic (elastic) - the most common variety for pot growing. Buddhists revere it, consider it sacred. In its homeland (northeast India, south Indonesia), it can reach a height of 30 meters. This variety forms branches as it grows, and also forms aerial roots, especially in high humidity. Due to this structure of the root system, the elastic ficus is also called the "snake tree".

At home, it does not give color, the leaves are rather large, oval in shape with a sharp tip. The Melanie variety got its name due to the white milky juice that sometimes stands out on the surface of the leaf. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to produce rubber on an industrial scale.

Ficus elastic should not be over-moistened, especially with the onset of winter.

Rubbery (elastic) - Belize

Of the dwarf varieties, creeping ficus is very interesting. It has curly creeping shoots, roots with suckers that can cling to any surface.

Pygmy Creeping - Pumila Green Sunny

Grows well in sunlit places, loves moisture very much. Creeping ficus has small leathery oval leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this ground cover variety are prone to woodiness. In bright light (but not in direct sunlight), the variegated leaf pattern becomes even brighter, and if it is scarce, it can become just green.

Its other name is pumila ficus (ficus pumila), the most popular varieties for home breeding are: Sunny (with an uneven white border around the edges of the sheet),

Dwarf creeping - Pumilla Sanny

White Sunny (with a continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white spots on the sheet). Dwarf creeping feels equally comfortable in hanging pots (like an ampelous plant) and ordinary pots.

Pygmy creeping - Pumila White Sunny - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Dwarf ficus can be wrapped around special decorative poles, setting the desired direction for the shoots.

Ficus goblet-leaved (Ficus Cyathistipula). He also has one name - Tsiatistipula. This is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plants from the ficus family. One of the distinguishing features is strong branching and closely spaced leaves. Hence the admirable view - it always looks magnificent.

The goblet leaf is large, leathery, elongated: length up to 20 cm, width no more than 7-8 cm. The top of the leaf is rounded, and the tip is pointed. The leaf is dark green on the front and light green on the back. The reverse side of the sheet looks interesting and unusual: in the form of a mesh.

Photo of the reverse side of the Cyatispula leaf:

And another sign: brown scales. This is clearly visible in the photo above. Scales always appear at the ends of branches. They play the role of protecting young leaves from external factors. They fall off over time, but stay on the branches for a long time.

The name Ficus Lyre is obtained precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm in length (25 cm in width), have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. A fairly large tree grows out of it, which does not like neighborhood, preferring to stand apart from others. It does not apply to banyans (plants with aerial roots). It has an upright trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background. In their form, the leaves expanding towards the top resemble a violin.

Ficus lyre

Ficus with the female name Natasha belongs to Benjamin's sub-cultivars.

Natasha (Benjamin)

It is an evergreen perennial shrub that can grow up to 2 meters in room conditions. The bush has many thin shoots with densely growing small leaves, which are the smallest among other varieties of Benjamin. The leaves themselves have a leathery structure, an elliptical shape with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can vary from white-green to deep green.

Photo of ficus leaves Natasha and Cypress - for comparison

Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, frequent movements, prefers to grow in one permanent place. He likes irrigation (twice daily), regular shaking of the crown (for airing lush foliage).

Photo of Microcarp Retuza

The Microcarp variety looks very similar to one of the Benjamin varieties. It is distinguished by the accelerated growth of the root system, so it is often used to create bonsai. Microcarp leaves can be of different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On the shelves of our flower shops you can often see this variety grown in a special way, in which the roots resembling ginseng rhizomes become visible. The label that is attached to the pot says - Ficus microcarpa Ginseng (Ficus microcarpa ginseng).

To achieve this form of roots, it is necessary to do complex agrotechnical work using hormonal supplements and appropriate fertilizers. Under natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 25 meters, it is also called the "strangler" because of the tendency to wrap around the trunks of a number of growing trees, preventing their further growth and development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a raw material for the subsequent formation of a plant to get a bonsai style.

Photo Microcarp - bonsai style

Separately, it is worth mentioning the formation of bonsai - miniature trees that, with their appearance, repeat their large counterparts (roots and crown). The translation from Chinese "bonsai" is "grown in a tray." For harvesting, varieties of ordinary trees or bushes are used, but with the use of cunning technologies for pruning, pulling the stems with wire, and a special irrigation technique, amazing mini-gardens are created. Ficus is optimally suited for growing bonsai - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this area.

Ficus bonsai is created from varieties:

The Robusta variety belongs to rubber-bearing ficuses.

Rubbery (elastic) - Robusta - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk

Under natural conditions, it can grow up to 50-60 meters in height (but specimens of 30-40 meters are more common), it is the tallest representative of this family.

This is one of the most unpretentious species. Not very experienced flower growers, lovers of ficuses, are recommended to start their activities with him. Ficus Robusta has fleshy large leaves (approximately 30 cm long), which can be either solid (dark green) or with white or yellow patterns.

Photo of Robusta with leaves of different colors

It looks great in floor containers, likes frequent but moderate watering, and is not too picky about light.

Another representative of the Benjamin variety is Kinky.

Photo by Kinka (Benjamin) — photo by Yulia Semenyuk (Mirekina), Krasnoyarsk

This is a dwarf ficus with small narrow leaves of light green color and cream edging along the edges. Light-loving Kinki, who prefers diffused lighting, does not like hot air (do not place near radiators or heaters), as well as drafts. It is highly undesirable to move it from one place to another (it can drop foliage). He will feel comfortable with moderate regular watering, irrigation.

In the natural environment, a characteristic feature of the Bengal ficus is the banyan - a special form of the structure of the root system, in which one plant from the side looks like a forest of many trees growing nearby.

Bengali - Banyan Tree

Bengal ficus has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves, at home it grows up to 2 meters in a few years. He loves good lighting, sunlight, although it needs to be shaded to avoid burns on the leaves.

Photo by Andre (view of Bengalsky)

Light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower. If natural lighting is scarce, then the installation of an additional source of artificial light becomes relevant. Not too active watering is recommended.

Variety Melanie belongs to the family of rubber-bearing ficuses, once it was also used to produce rubber, but now it is a full-fledged ornamental plant.

Photo by Melanie (rubber-bearing)

Melanie's ficuses are neat bushes with a voluminous crown; they look equally harmonious in offices and home interiors. This variety is unpretentious in care, loves frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering, it starts to hurt from too bright lighting. It has glossy leaves of a leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk, a crown that lends itself well to shaping. Allergy sufferers should take a closer look at this variety before the establishment, as its milky juice is toxic and can cause allergies.

Ficus Moklame is a tall bush with a neat compact crown.

Photo of Microcarp Moklaim (Moklame) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg

The shoots of this plant are directed upwards, the oval leaves of a rich green color have a very dense structure - they slightly resemble plastic ones. This flower loves diffused lighting. With a lack of light, Moklamé leaves turn pale, and with sufficient light, they acquire a rich shade. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in summer).

Ficuses in the house - signs

Ficuses are living plants, like all creatures, they carry an energy charge. Whether it is positive or negative is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums you can read the fears of the owners, discussions about whether ficuses should be kept at home.

If we consider the signs, then it is worth highlighting a few of the main, most often mentioned:

  • If you are experiencing a sudden impulse to purchase this plant, then it is likely that replenishment in the family will soon await you. However, in order for this sign to start “working”, the ficus must be presented to you by a positive, pleasant person for you.
  • If a girl or woman wants to get married, then she should grow a ficus from a small petiole with her own hands. Only she should take care of the plant, direct communication with the flower is also recommended, that is, the layering of favorable energy on it.
  • If you place a flower pot in the kitchen, then the financial situation of the family will improve, and incomes will grow. If you sleep badly or are under stress, then put it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere in a favorable way, optimizes energy in general.

According to biological studies, it has been proven that the presence of ficus purifies the air of the room, saturates it with oxygen (releasing phytoncides). This plant is able to absorb a variety of compounds harmful to humans (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, and others). Special enzymes that contain plant leaves can transform individual poisonous elements into sugar and amino acids.

There is information about the use of ficus folk medicine in Eastern countries: with its help, skin, oncological, and intestinal diseases are cured. However, you should not try little-known methods of treatment, but it is better to consult a competent doctor.

A plant can only be harmful if a person is allergic to it. Certain types of ficuses, the same rubber-bearing ones, secrete juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people with asthma. This juice cannot be tasted, and its contact with the skin is also undesirable.

Be doubly careful if you have small children, curious pets - contact with this plant may not be the best for their health.

As we can see, the positive qualities of ficus are much greater than the possible prohibitions on keeping it at home.

This is a beautiful evergreen plant, the care of which will not require you to spend a lot of time or some tricky conditions of detention. Any member of this family can decorate your home with their decorative effect. We hope that the varieties of ficus described here with photos and names will help you make the right choice and settle a new green friend in your home.

Below are varieties of ficuses - photos and names of varieties:

Anastasia (Benjamin) Lovely (Benjamin) Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Daniel (variety of Benjamin) Baroque (variety Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Starlight (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin)
Baft (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Regidan (variety of Benjamin)
Safari (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo by De Gantel (Benjamin) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamin) Photo of Ali (a variety of Binnendik) - photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol
Amstel Gold (a kind of Binnendik) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo Opposite - one of the varieties of figs
Dwarf - Pumila White Sunny - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Variation of Benjamin - Midnight Lady Photo Esther (Neon) - a variety of Benjamin
Deltoid ficus - photo
The deltoid ficus has a triangular leaf, tapering towards the stalk
Deltoid (variegated) ficus with a triangular leaf

The article focuses on one of the most common ficuses these days, which can be found in any flower shop, and also provides answers to questions asked by novice florists, including about.

Description of ficus Ficus De Gantel

Ficus De Gantel surprises with its white small leaves and dense crown. The only plant from the Benjamins that has white leaves and occasionally you can see green glimpses from the center of the leaf along the vein.

Ficus De Dumbbell home care lighting and temperature, watering and air humidity

Since De Gantel is variegated, he, like everyone else, loves bright light, but do not forget to cover him from direct sunlight.

Ficus is thermophilic, so it prefers temperatures of +16 - +25C throughout the year. Regular watering (twice a week). Humidity is high, especially in winter, so spray more often.

Transplantation, feeding and propagation of ficus De Dumbbell

Transplantation is carried out in early March or late February. Every year, increase the pot in diameter by 5 cm. Start feeding in the spring and finish in the fall once every two weeks.

Fans of indoor flora are increasingly starting their journey with the cultivation of ficuses. The popularity of the plant is caused by unpretentiousness, the ability to purify the air, and a pleasant appearance. In the wild, there are more than 1 thousand representatives of the genus Ficus, much less is used for indoor floriculture, but the range is still too wide. How to choose a green pet that will become an unpretentious companion for many years? Ficus varieties with photos and names, described in the materials of the article, will help facilitate the task of choosing the right specimen. You will also learn about the intricacies of care, reproduction, transplantation, treatment of a green pet and the signs associated with the appearance of an exotic on the windowsill.

Ficuses: varieties, description, photo, origin

The genus Ficus is included in the large Mulberry family, it has from 850 to 2 thousand species. Representatives of the genus are evergreen or deciduous plants with a habit of trees, vines or shrubs. Most ficuses are epiphytes, that is, species that use other representatives of the flora as a physical support. Over time, many adventitious roots form in the epiphyte, forming a continuous grove - a banyan tree. In such thickets, other inhabitants of the rainforest have no chance of survival.

Know! Strangler ficuses are able to braid their support over time and cause its death.

Exotics are distributed mainly in the tropical regions of Africa, on the islands of the Mediterranean, the Pacific and Indian Ocean. A well-known representative of the genus - figs grows in Central Asia, the Crimea, and the Caucasus.

The main advantage of exotics is leaves. Their shape, size, color depend on the species, variety. The plates are arranged in the next order, have fleshy stipules that envelop the kidney. Milky juice is present in all parts of plants, used for medicinal purposes. There are rubber plants in the genus, which are a valuable raw material for the production of rubber.

In nature, exotic blooms in ears or brushes with nondescript flowers located inside a receptacle similar to a ball. After the buds wither, the fruiting body grows, forming a fig fruit with nut seeds. At home, fruiting is extremely rare.

The fruits of the sycamore and fig tree have been used as food since ancient times. They are rich in protein, trace elements, sugars, have a pleasant taste. Medicine also uses the gifts of nature, producing medicines based on leaves, fruits and milky juice.

It is interesting! The fig tree is revered by many Eastern religions as sacred. Islamists, Buddhists and Hindus reverently eat the fruit of the fig.

The exotic root system is growing rapidly. This property has long been noted in India, where the indigenous people came up with the idea of ​​building strong living bridges, directing the roots along bamboo poles. Such a bridge is able to live for a very long time and withstand a weight of more than 3.5 tons. Large foliage is suitable for the manufacture of coarse fabrics, roofing, awnings.

But ficuses are most widely used as green pets. There are few varieties of indoor flowers, and the number of varieties can confuse even an experienced grower. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main inhabitants of the window sill belonging to the genus Ficus. The most common types are:

  1. Benjamin.
  2. Rubbery (elastic).
  3. Karika (room fig).
  4. Bengal.
  5. Deltoid (variegated).
  6. Lyre-shaped (lyrata).
  7. Dull (retuza).
  8. Sacred.
  9. Dwarf (pimula, creeping).
  10. Triangular (triangularis).
  11. Binendiyka.
  12. Rubiginosa (rusty leaf).
  13. Ivy.
  14. Parcel.

Not all representatives capable of settling on the windowsill are listed here. Rare varieties and the intricacies of caring for them will be discussed in the corresponding section of the article.

The biological name of Benjamin's species is brilliant. At home in Australia and South Asia, the plant forms large trees, the crown of which consists of graceful thin twigs. The height of such a giant often reaches 20-30 m. The upright trunk is covered with gray bark with brown strokes. The crown is wide, sprawling drooping shape.

It is interesting! If the tree grows in a tropical forest, then the aerial roots, which serve to absorb moisture, gradually descend to the level of the soil. Rooting, they form continuous thickets resembling a living arbor.

In room conditions, the growth rate of this species is slowed down, in 10 years its height reaches a little more than a meter. Centenarians form shrubs 2-3 m tall.

ficus benjamin

Variety of Benjamin refers to small-leaved crops. The length of the glossy leathery plate rarely exceeds 10 cm. The shape of the leaf is oblong-oval, gradually flows into a pointed apex. The leaves grow in the next order, have a solid edge and mild venation. The length of the petiole is 1.5-2 cm. The color of the plate and the dimensions depend on the variety. In nature, exotic blooms, forming syconia fruits (figs), located in pairs. The size of the berries is 2 cm, they are inedible for humans, but birds enjoy the gift of nature with pleasure. At home, even under favorable conditions, flowering occurs only in exceptional cases.

The advantages of the Benjamin species include the ability to form not only a beautiful crown of a bizarre shape, but also create an amazing interlacing of trunks. Flowers planted close to each other weave graceful trunks, this sight looks very attractive. You can meet exotic in various institutions, offices, at home, and at home, the variety is planted in gardens and in the local area.

Know! With proper care, Benjamin's ficus will produce an exquisite bonsai. The Viandi variety is ideal for these purposes, prone to arbitrary curvature of the shoots.

There are several exotic varieties that differ in the color of the foliage. At the Carly cultivar, the plates are covered with white specks, beautifully curved. Buckley forms tight curls of green. Varieties of the Monique line are also variegated, have a wavy edge.

Hybrid Natasha is a slow-growing variety with a compact crown consisting of bright green foliage. In Kinka, the edges of the pointed leaves are edged with a ragged border of white, light green or cream. Hybrid De Gantel stands out among other varieties of white foliage with tiny areas of green tint, demanding care. Also of interest to flower growers are the hybrids of Lovely, Starlight, Nitida, Midnight Lady, Anastasia, Barok, Daniel.

Another well-known window resident is Elastica - rubbery ficus who came to us from India and Indonesia. Gigantic sizes are characteristic of wild representatives. The trees have a height of more than 30 m, and the thickness of the trunk reaches 2 m. Due to the abundance of aerial roots, which eventually take root and woody, the tree becomes impenetrable thickets. Buddhists rank the tree as sacred. Scientists use rubber for industrial purposes.

Indoor copies are much more modest. At home, the shrub reaches a height of 2 m, is characterized by rapid growth, thickened crown. A popular species is easily recognizable by large elongated leathery leaves with a clear central vein. The length of the plate reaches 20-35 cm, and the color varies from variety.

Interesting fact! In the Soviet Union, the cultivation of overseas elastica on the window was considered a sign of the unacceptable bourgeois lifestyle at that time.

Robusta is recognized as the best variety for growing in an apartment. A large representative of the flora has a rich green crown, consisting of beautiful large leathery leaves. Robusta shoots practically do not branch. The black prince has foliage so dark in color that it appears almost black.

Doechery is characterized by the presence of pink specks on the foliage and a grown reddish central vein. The popular variety Melanie has a low growth of 40-60 cm, but its dark foliage shines brightly, pointed at the end. Young leaves and shoots are painted in an intense red-brown hue. Teaneck forms olive specks along the edge.

Variegated cultivars are decorated with spots of various colors and sizes, there are hybrids with white or cream edging along the edge of the plates. Interestingly, this color is typical for young leaves; in older specimens, the color fades over time or disappears altogether.

Karika, or indoor figs differ from their wild relatives in habit. If a tree-like form is inherent in a freely growing specimen in Asia, then homemade figs are shrubs up to 2 m tall. The spreading crown consists of large palmate or lobed leaves with white or yellowish veins.

The trunk is covered with gray bark. After flowering, which, with proper care at home, becomes quite likely, juicy figs with small seeds are tied. Yellow-green fruits have been used since ancient times for eating, treating coughs, constipation, and exhaustion.

It is interesting! Figs belong to ancient cultures. Cultivation of fruit trees began in the XIII century BC, fruits and foliage are repeatedly mentioned in the Book of Genesis, the Bible.

The culture is cultivated in Asia, receiving unprecedented harvests of juicy sweet fruits. At the same time, care for it is simple, and the requirements for soil quality are minimal. There is an increase in the sweetness of fruits in areas of high moisture. During the dormant period, the shrub sheds foliage.

Bengal the species grows in India and Bangladesh, forming an interesting life form - the banyan tree. Garlands of powerful aerial roots, reaching the soil, take root, become like tree trunks. Non-viable roots remain hanging, forming dense dry vines. The banyan is able to occupy an area of ​​several hectares, and the crown volume exceeds 600 m. The fruits of the tree are eaten by birds and small mammals.

Thanks to the formation of the banyan, the pet is ideal for growing bonsai. Intricately twisted roots are covered with velvety foliage on top. In the shrub form, growth reaches 2 m, and ovate leaves with a leathery surface grow up to 20 cm in length. The light green surface is covered with a network of white veins. The most popular variety is Audrey.

Malaysia and Indonesia - motherland deltoid (variegated) ficus. There it grows up to 4 m, but at home growth barely reaches a meter height. The foliage is rounded, has the shape of a triangle, which is attached to the petiole by one of the corners.

Know! The name deltoid comes from the shape of the leaf blade, resembling the Greek letter delta. The name variegated is given for the arrangement of leaves of different sizes on the shoots.

The surface of the leaf is a bright green color with tiny white dots. Length 5-8 cm, width up to 6-7 cm. The twigs writhe gracefully, the bark is gray with a brownish tint. Even at home, a young specimen produces spherical, yellowish-green, inedible fruits 1 cm in diameter. It has many variegated varieties, among which Golden Leaves is the most original.

Lirata- a large representative of the genus, therefore, it is found only in large rooms. The leaves have a beautiful shape in the form of a violin, reach half a meter. The surface of the plate is hard with pronounced venation, bright green, has a wax coating. In nature, it reaches a height of 12 m, the apartment version has smaller dimensions - 2.5-3 m. It is not surprising that such a large exotic does not tolerate proximity to other representatives of the flora.

Dull (retuza) grows in the Asian tropics in the form of a banyan tree. The trunk is covered with yellow-gray bark. The life cycle of a plant begins as an epiphyte, but eventually becomes independent.

Grown as a bonsai with medium sized foliage. Oval plate 8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, pointed at the end. The surface is fleshy, dark green, leathery.

It is interesting! Sacred ficus trees have long been worshiped by Buddhists, because according to legend, meditation under such a tree turned Prince Gautama into a Buddha. At home, it is called the Bodhi tree.

The natural look forms fast-growing trees of gigantic sizes. Average Height Bodhi reaches 30 m. Before the banyan tree, the tree does not grow, but actively uses fleshy air feed for additional nutrition. Heart-shaped foliage 20 cm long has a process of the same length at the end. The leaves are smooth, green with pronounced veins. The appendage serves to remove excess moisture; in the rainy season, the tree begins to “cry”. Small rounded red berries are inedible for humans, but birds peck at the delicacy with pleasure.

It is impossible to grow Bodhi in an apartment because of the size, so true Buddhists acquire specimens for cultivation in greenhouses.

pimula- the eastern guest comes from China, Vietnam, Japan. Differs from tall brothers life form. The dwarf variety is represented by creepers or ground covers with woody thin shoots. Graceful thin branches densely strewn with small ovate leaves with a wavy edge. The plant clings to air roots, climbs various surfaces.

The leaf cover of lignified twigs is somewhat larger, reaches a length of 10 cm. Breeders gave flower growers a lot of variegated varieties with bordered or speckled leaves, for example, the Sunny variety series. In nature, after flowering, orange syconia are formed.

Know! Although the fruits are inedible for humans, they are widely used in the folk medicine of the East. Indoor specimens do not bear fruit, they belong to ampelous plants.

Unpretentious view of Binendijk came to us from the island of Java. There, the tree grows up to 20 m. At home, its height does not exceed two meters. The trunk is covered with brown bark, silvery in adult specimens. The second name of this plant is willow.

It is easy to guess that it happened because of the characteristic elongated plate up to 40 cm long. The shiny foliage gracefully hangs from the crown, making the tree look like a miniature palm tree. The leaves are curved, the edges are wavy, the venation is pronounced. Siconia are small, burgundy.

Varieties of Ali, Amstel King, Amstel Queen with a bright glossy crown and variegated Amstel Gold with uneven yellow spots are popular with flower growers.

Triangularis it is not difficult to distinguish from the deltoid relative. The leaves of this meter-long shrub have more angular edges, and the point of attachment to the petiole is sharper than that of the deltoid. Leathery dark green leaves 5-6 cm long are covered with a network of grayish veins. From afar, the color of the crown casts blue due to a thin wax coating.

Triangularis is characterized by a rapid pace of development - shoots lengthen by 10-15 cm per year. The fruiting of an African guest at home is a fairly common phenomenon. Among variegated cultivars, "Coconut cream" is especially beautiful with a yellow surface, on which green spots are scattered.

rusty variety outwardly similar to elastica, but differs from it in small leaves and slower development.

Important! Rusty-leaved exotic will appeal to a beginner grower. The plant is inherent resistance to external conditions, endurance.

The Australian exotic at home looks like a sprawling tree. In room conditions, the height reaches 80-100 cm. The elongated oval leaves 10-12 cm long are covered with reddish hairs below.

Shoots of a brown-red hue grow by 15-20 cm per year. Aerial roots grow at the bottom of the trunk, absorbing moisture from the environment. The crown of the bush is spherical, strongly thickened.

Ficus ivy- an ampelous representative with tiny thin leaves (10 mm) sitting on short petioles. The surface of the plate is wrinkled, convex. It looks like it is covered in small bubbles. A rather capricious exotic, originally from the northern part of India, requires high humidity.

Parcel- a tree or shrub about 1 meter tall. The dense crown is formed by large oblong leaves 20 cm long and half as wide. The edges of the sheet are rough due to the presence of hairs, slightly wavy. The parcel is characterized by marble coloring with a mosaic white-green pattern.

Among the listed representatives of the genus Ficus, you will definitely choose a suitable sample for home cultivation.

Features of caring for various representatives of ficuses

Despite the unpretentiousness of exotics, they still need the attention of the owner for proper development. A few simple operations will help keep your green pet beautiful, healthy and tidy.

Important! Regarding tropical inhabitants living outside their homeland, flower growers adhere to the rule - to create an atmosphere for the flower as close as possible to the natural environment.

Indoor flower care includes the following points:

  • creation of optimal temperature;
  • correct irrigation regime, water procedures;
  • choice of a permanent place of growth;
  • fertilizer application;
  • pruning.

In addition to the components described, the culture from time to time requires transplantation and pest control. They will be discussed separately.

Since different varieties grow in different conditions, their care must be organized specifically. Consider the main points of caring for each species described, we will separately dwell on the nuances of agricultural technology for variegated varieties.


An exotic guest loves good lighting, but direct sunlight often causes crown burns. The acquired flower must be subjected to acclimatization and temporarily protected from the burning sun. For placement, you should choose a place where the lighting will be sufficient, but the midday heat will not burn the leaves. Rotate the pot from time to time to even out the light.

With its love of fresh air, the flower does not tolerate a draft. The optimal temperature background is 17-27⁰C. In winter it is not lower than 15⁰C, and in summer it is above 25⁰C. Hypothermia is dangerous for the root system, so the container is not placed on a cold floor. The flower reacts sharply to climate change - it sheds its leaf cover partially or completely. You probably won't like bare branches, so take Benjamin's "place of residence" seriously. He does not like unnecessary movements, so you need to place the pot so that after moving it as little as possible.

Attention! Ficus should not be placed near heating appliances. The minimum distance to the battery is 2 m.

Moisten the soil as it dries out. Too frequent or rare watering will certainly deprive you of the opportunity to admire the lush greenery. If the soil is dry at a depth of 2 cm, it's time to water your pet. Do not let the soil become waterlogged, it leads to the development of root rot. It is difficult to fight the disease, so it is better not to provoke its development. Watering is carried out only with water at room temperature, previously settled. Too cold water causes the leaves to fall off. Water the pot thoroughly, remove excess liquid from the pan.

Dry air is not good for a tropical guest. The situation will be corrected by double daily spraying of the crown. It is especially important to maintain a humid atmosphere in winter, when the air is mercilessly dried up by heating devices. Hygiene procedures come down to rubbing the crown from dust, but experienced flower growers prefer to bathe their pet in the shower once a month.

Without mineral supplements, it is difficult for a plant to grow new shoots, forming a lush green mass. Nitrogen is especially important for young growth, which contributes to active growth. After the winter rest period (in March), the first thing to do is apply nitrogen fertilizer. Carry out subsequent top dressing with mineral complexes, specialized fertilizers. Multiplicity - twice a month, duration - until the end of summer.

Remember! It is unacceptable to use top dressing during the dormant period. Instead of lush vegetation, you will get elongated thin branches with a small leafy cover.

ficus benjamina attracts with the possibility of creating a luxurious crown of any shape. Annual pruning helps to rejuvenate the bush. Consider the basic pruning rules:

  1. They form a crown after waking up from hibernation, during the period of active growth - from March to June. Use secateurs for cutting. Pre-treat the tool with alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. According to the idea, cut off the extra branches, not exceeding a quarter of the volume of the hardwood mass. Wipe thick sections from milky juice and sprinkle with crushed coal.
  3. To get a wicker trunk, plant 3 individuals in one pot, weave the trunks together. As the boles grow, the thickness of the stems will increase, a beautiful pigtail will form.
  4. Do not rush to throw away cut branches, they will be useful for reproduction.

Such simple care will be needed for the Benjamin variety and most representatives of the genus Ficus.


Elastica does not require too intense lighting. Western or eastern windows are ideal for her. From elevated air temperature, the leaves quickly fade, the flower is kept at a temperature of 19-22⁰C, reducing the background for the dormant period to 15⁰C. From cold air, brown spots appear on the leaves, significantly spoiling the decorative effect.

To prevent the roots of the bush from freezing, place the pot on a sheet of foam. Top dressing is carried out in the same way as with Benjamin, but it is better to alternate mineral complexes with organic matter (mullein infusion). Make sure that the fertilizer does not get on the crown, as a chemical burn may occur.

Advice! Elastica can do without hibernation if the temperature background is maintained year-round at a mark just above 20⁰C.

In irrigation, it is important to maintain a balance, avoiding drying out of the substrate and stagnation of moisture. When the earth ball is thoroughly dry, water the pot abundantly. It is convenient to do this by immersion, and then wait for the liquid to drain completely. Water procedures have a positive effect on the health of the green ward. Daily wipe or spray the surface of the leaves with warm water, water the tropical guest from the shower, after covering the ground with polyethylene. To bring gloss, buff the leaf with non-alcoholic beer.

The elastic grows quickly, so you need to restrain its growth by trimming the crown. The released juice is wiped with a clean swab, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal.


What does a beginner grower need to know about homemade figs? In order for the shrub to bear fruit, you need to take care of proper care and as close as possible to natural growing conditions.

The shrub loves good lighting, but is afraid of direct rays. Figs are thermophilic, the optimal background in the warm season is 25⁰C. Abundant regular irrigation with warm water and bathing will give the carica a healthy look, but you do not need to be zealous with watering. Top dressing and pruning are carried out in the same way as for relatives.

The second nuance of growing indoor figs is the need to organize a winter dormant period. To create an artificial winter with the onset of autumn, switch the flower to a moderate watering regime, lower the temperature to 10⁰C, and do not feed the tree.

Know! Dropping leaf cover during hibernation is a normal occurrence for carica.


It is recommended to grow a banyan in spacious rooms, because it is able to quickly occupy an area of ​​​​up to 3 cubic meters. Penumbra or diffused artificial lighting is optimal for a banyan tree. Maintain the temperature background at the level of 22-26⁰C, protect from drafts. The lower limit for a heat-loving Asian is 17⁰C. There is no rest period.

It is watered regularly, plentifully, when the earth dries out by 2-3 cm. It is not recommended to spray to optimize the humidity of the environment, it is enough to regularly wipe the crown from dust. Banyan is prone to strong growth, so top dressing is carried out once a month. Use half the concentration of a special fertilizer. Thanks to pruning, a Bengal is made into a bonsai or shaped according to one's own taste.


The island inhabitant of Malaysia needs bright diffused light and high humidity for development. Daily spraying will help replenish moisture deficiency. The Malaysian is watered moderately twice a week, in winter it is irrigated every 7-10 days. The flower is kept at a temperature of 18-22⁰C, periodically airing the room, preventing the formation of a draft.

Fertilize every 2 weeks, alternating mineral top dressing and organic matter. A haircut will help to beautifully decorate the crown or create a bonsai.

On a note! The deltoid variety is resistant to temperature fluctuations, but may lose its cover due to frequent movement.


Luxurious lirata needs a spacious room. If you have a small apartment and there is no way to isolate the lyrata from the "neighbors", it is better to refrain from buying a flower.

The best place to grow is a well-lit office space.
Observe the following growing conditions:

  • put the pot in a well-lit place, but protect from midday rays;
  • ventilate the abode of the lyrata more often, do not allow through blowing;
  • irrigate the substrate 2-3 times a week in summer and weekly in winter;
  • in summer, take the pot out to fresh air or a balcony;
  • spraying only at low humidity, wipe the bush from dust;
  • a sharp change in temperature is bad for the health of the lirata, keep the background 22-26⁰C;
  • Once every 3-4 weeks, feed your pet with a half portion of an all-purpose fertilizer.


Retuza is most commonly grown as an indoor bonsai. Caring for it is simple, the main thing is to prevent the ingress of liquid on the root-trunks sticking out of the ground when watering.

Moderate diffused lighting, a stable balance of moisture in the soil, periodic spraying, crown formation, monthly application of complex top dressing are the basis for caring for the retuza.

Remember! While the purchased specimen is acclimatizing to new growing conditions, the fall of a certain number of leaves is considered a normal reaction. This period lasts from 2 weeks to a month.


Growing the sacred Bodhi tree requires a spacious room. The greenhouse will become the optimal abode for him.
The Indian visitor prefers diffused light, easily tolerates penumbra, but with complete shading, it signals a lack of light by shedding part of the cover. A heat-loving individual creates a background of 22-25⁰C. If you want to create a dormant period (which Bodhi can do without), lower the temperature to 16-17⁰C. Protect the sissy from temperature changes and drafts. Watering is carried out as the top layer of the substrate dries.

Bodhi is undemanding to high humidity, but too dry air can be softened with a humidifier or a container can be placed next to an artificial reservoir. For normal development, the flower needs potassium and nitrogen. Make up for their lack by alternating mineral and organic top dressing every 2 weeks.

Bodhi can be given any shape. Trimming and interlacing of trunks are carried out in the same way as with Benjamin.

Dwarf and ivy

Pimula is a unique plant. Among relatives, the possibility of transferring small frosts stands out, but the background of 20-23⁰C is optimal for it. With a lack of light, the bush will release bare branches. Place the pot in a west or east window, covering from the midday light with tulle. You can use artificial lighting.

The complete drying of the earthy coma will destroy the pimula, therefore, irrigation is started after 2-3 cm of the earth has dried. Moisten the foliage with a spray bottle daily. Feed the pimula once every 2-3 weeks with a complete mineral complex. Ivy ficus does not like drafts and a sharp drop in temperature; otherwise, caring for it is similar to that described.

Know! By trimming, you can create a neat spherical arrangement in a flower pot, but graceful twigs look most beautiful hanging down. The ivy-leaved variety can be allowed to curl along the support.


Triangularis is kept at 20-22⁰C, watering abundantly every 4-5 days. Exot shade-tolerant, direct rays cause burns on the surface of triangular leaves. To increase the humidity, use a spray bottle or purchase a floor humidifier.

Feed triangularis monthly. Formation is carried out based on their own preferences. An important point - you can not remove hanging air roots. Gently tie them to the trunk to direct them to rooting.


It is very easy to grow a beautiful palm tree. Benendijka needs very moderate watering and light shading. If you put the pot on the north window, the growth of the culture will slow down, but this will not affect the decorative effect. Background 20-25⁰C, shaping to reduce size, daily spraying and shower every 20-30 days will give the flower a healthy look.

Rusty, Parcel

Rubiginose and parcel are cared for in the same way as elastica.

How to care for variegated cultivars

Variegation is a special type of mutation of a part of the cells of a leaf plate. Chimeras do not contain chlorophyll, which is why they lose their typical green color and become spotty. When buying a variegated variety, you need to remember that it is more demanding to care for. In particular, variegated individuals need more intense lighting. This is due to the lack of chlorophyll in the tissues, which is involved in photosynthesis, supplying the flora with nutrition.

Variegated hybrids need intensive nitrogen fertilization. Such individuals are more thermophilic, do not tolerate drafts.

Important! Chimeras have a tendency to degenerate. If the usual shoots that appear are not cut off in a timely manner, then the entire bush will soon be reborn.

Reproduction of ficuses

Tropical perennials reproduce both by seed and vegetatively. You will learn how best to sow and organize the care of layering in this section of the article.

seed propagation

It is used extremely rarely due to the long period of seedling development. Seeds are sown in 1.5 cm increments to a depth of 0.5 cm in a soil mixture consisting of sand, perlite and peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 or a mixture of peat with crushed sphagnum moss. The greenhouse is covered with a film and maintained constant moisture, background 25⁰C, diffused lighting. With the appearance of 2 leaves in seedlings, they swoop down in separate containers. Seedlings are cared for as adults of a certain species.

Any ficus can be grown in this way, but it is better to use the seed method to get bonsai. It is well propagated by Bodhi seeds, because the cuttings take root in it very hard. Figs grow easily from seed.

Reproduction by apical cuttings

Cuttings are the most popular method of exotic propagation. Suitable for all varieties of the genus Ficus. Only the time required for the rooting of the cutting is different.

Use the following instructions to propagate your pet from cuttings:

  • for cuttings, use apical cuttings 10-20 cm long;
  • there must be at least three internodes on the branch;
  • make the cut obliquely with a knife, because the scissors injure the tissues and rooting will take more time;
  • remove the lower pair of leaves, wipe off the secreted juice, place the shoot for 8-12 hours in a heteroauxin solution;
  • put the cutting in a container with settled water, after adding a tablet of activated charcoal;
  • when rooting in the ground, use a mixture of sand and peat or peat and perlite;
  • deepen the branch by 2-5 cm, cover with a film or jar on top, pre-treat the cut with root powder;
  • keep the substrate moist and the lighting moderate;
  • roll large leaves into a tube and secure so that moisture does not evaporate too quickly through the pores.

Advice! Material for propagation is harvested during the period of active growth. You can use the branches left after shaping.

Although cuttings take longer to root in the substrate, this method is preferable. In a container of water, often the lower part of the stem rots.

leaf reproduction

Is it possible to get a full-fledged plant from a leaf? You can, if you cut it along with the heel - part of the trunk. Otherwise, after the development of the root system, the leaf will remain sitting in a pot without turning into an adult.
The shoots are rooted in a substrate of peat and sand according to the same rules as cuttings. This method is used for elastica (rubber tree).

Reproduction by layering

Layers are divided into 2 types - air and stem. Air layers propagate elastica, triangularis, Benjamin. Ampelous and creeping species propagate by stem layering - pimula, ivy.

To get an air layer, select a mature shoot, make two circular cuts in 1-3 cm increments, 2-5 mm deep. Remove the bark between the incisions, sprinkle the wound surface with Kornevin. Wrap wet sphagnum on top with a layer of 5 cm. Fasten a plastic film over the sphagnum. Under such a cocoon, maintain a moist environment by watering the moss with a syringe. Roots will appear from the wound surface. Make a cut 1-2 cm below the moss and plant layers in a pot.

It is very easy to get a new individual of a pimula. It self-roots at the points of contact of the nodes with the substrate. Pin the shoot from the mother liquor into a separate pot (without cutting). After the roots appear, separate the mother liquor and layering.

Reproduction by part of the rhizome

For individuals that are characterized by the development of banyan trees, a rare method of reproduction is used - rooting a root cutting. Separate a viable fleshy root and plant it in a separate container to a depth of 2-3 cm. Cover the container with a film and keep the substrate moist.

Important! Periodically ventilate the greenhouse so that the layer does not rot.

After 2-3 months, greenery will appear on the layering. After rooting, gradually harden the seedling, briefly removing the shelter.

Transplantation of ficus and its varieties

The primary transplant of a tropical guest is started after a period of adaptation. Let the new tenant acclimatize for 2-3 weeks, and then you can transfer it to a new pot.

As the tropical visitor grows, it will need to be transplanted to expand its feeding area. Too large a pot will slow down the development of seedlings, as they will use all their strength to develop the root system. Pots are selected in size so that the new container has a diameter 2 cm larger than the previous one. Young individuals develop intensively and up to the age of five they need an annual transplant by transshipment.

Mature specimens are transplanted less frequently, once every 2-4 years. You can replace the transplant process by changing the top of the soil in a pot. To do this, remove 3-4 cm of soil and replace it with fresh, well-fertilized. Be careful when removing the earth, do not damage the roots.

Remember! Each variety requires a certain type of substrate, but you can buy ready-made potting mix for ficuses.

The substrate for exotic should be nutritious, loose, permeable, the acidity level is closer to neutral.
Benendijka feels good in a 2: 1 mixture of soddy and leafy soil, to which absorbents are added - crushed bark, vermiculite, charcoal.

Triangularis and Banyan need a mixture of peat, sand, turf and leafy soil. Pimula and Benjamina love peat, sand, leafy soil and turf, mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2:1. Bodhi requires more frequent transshipment - 2 times a year. A mixture of turf and leafy soil with sand and peat is suitable for him. This substrate is suitable for lyrata.

Primary retuza transplantation is performed only after 3 years. It is planted in pots, removing excess roots. For the substrate, mix sand, humus, granular clay. The deltoid needs a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, to which a half portion of sand and a small amount of charcoal are added. For figs, it is enough to mix peat and sand to get a high-quality substrate. Elastica loves soil based on perhum, peat, sod, coniferous and leafy soil.

All ficuses are divided by growth into undersized and tall. The transplantation of such plants has insignificant differences associated with the dimensions of the pet. Small individuals are easier to remove from old containers with a garden scoop, and large ones are removed by tapping the walls of a pre-watered container.

Attention! At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is necessarily laid out from a mixture of expanded clay and charcoal.

Pour a layer of soil over the drainage so that after transshipment the bush is at the same height. Place the root system in a new container, add the required amount of earth, water. To restrain the violent growth of young growth, experienced flower growers recommend slightly thinning the roots.

Nature has endowed the inhabitant of the tropics with good immunity, so diseases and pests rarely appear on the bushes. More often you can see a withering flower with improper care. To begin with, conduct a thorough external examination, exclude violation of agrotechnical rules.

A tropical perennial signals the owner about a disease, an attack by pests, a violation of agricultural technology, a change in crown color or other changes in appearance:

  1. The loss of turgor of leaf plates indicates a lack of moisture. Urgently water the green ward by immersion.
  2. Yellowing on the underside of the leaf indicates an excess of moisture in the soil. Stop watering, change the mode to moderate.
  3. Deformation and pallor of the leaves indicates a lack of nutrition. Feed your pet organic. The same symptoms appear with a long absence of a transplant.
  4. The fall and the appearance of brown spots on the foliage occurs with a lack of heat. Stabilize the temperature background, move the pot to another place.
  5. Fleecy white spots on the underside of the plate indicate the appearance of a mealybug. The pest is removed with a damp sponge or insecticide.
  6. A tiny yellow speck, folding the edge of the leaf, the presence of thin threads of cobwebs - a colony of spider mites settled on the plant. This means that there is not enough humidity in the room. Install a humidifier and treat with Aktara acaricide. You can apply the folk method - treatment with infusion of garlic, dandelion. Wash off pests from glossy leaves with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
  7. If brown spots appeared on the underside of the plate and on young shoots, the bush was attacked by a scale insect. Insects are washed off with soapy water, treated with Actellik three times.
  8. The appearance of aphids on the bushes does not go unnoticed. Swarming insects can be seen with the naked eye. The colony secretes a sugary liquid in which soot fungus spores develop. Aphids are easily washed off even with plain water. Give the bush an unscheduled shower or spray it with insecticides.

Remember! A healthy individual of the disease and the attack of pests are not terrible.

From fungal diseases, root and gray rot, anthracnose, botrytis (spotting) are dangerous. If you find plaque, mold or rounded yellow-brown spots, treat with fungicides - Fitosporin, Topaz, HOM preparation or Bordeaux liquid. With root rot, transplant the bush into a new pot, after removing the damaged tissue. Disinfect the root system by immersing for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Ficus in the house - signs

Scientists have officially recognized representatives of the genus Ficus as useful plants. Their ability to purify the air from harmful substances - compounds of phenol, benzene, trichlorethylene is noted. Absorbing chemicals, the perennial processes them into harmless glycosides (sugars), which it uses for nutrition. But a pet can be harmful to health. Milky juice is a strong allergen, and its compounds released into the air cause an exacerbation in asthmatics and allergy sufferers. It is important to exclude the contact of animals and children with this representative of the flora.

In addition to scientific evidence, there are a number of superstitions associated with the tropical guest. For example, it is believed that for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, you should be presented with layering. It is desirable that the person be close and bring you only positive emotions. It is better if it is a family in which a baby has recently appeared.

Various sources consider the exotic flora to be a muzhegon, but most indicate that a girl who has grown a luxurious ficus with her own hands will soon marry. Ayurveda speaks of the accumulation of favorable energy in a family that has acquired a green pet from the tropics.

Know! Exot destroys pathogenic microorganisms, releasing phytoncides into the environment.

Since the cultivation of bonsai in the East is traditionally considered a symbol of prosperity, the owner of the tree needs to carefully monitor its health. Falling leaves promise need, and a lush bush, put up on the kitchen windowsill, will increase the well-being of the house. Great luck, lack of anxiety, positive energy and family harmony will bring a green pet to its owner.

Rare types of ficuses - description, subtleties of cultivation

Having started several described plants, you will probably want to replenish your collection with an unusual look. We recommend paying attention to the following varieties - Krishna, reed, boxwood, microcarp, palmera. Let's open the veil of secrecy by taking a brief digression into the description and subtleties of the cultivation of these crops.


The Indians gave an unusual name to a tropical plant because of the special shape of the leaves in the form of a funnel. According to legend, Krishna himself drank water from such a glass! The edges of the leaf blade, bent down, grew together, and an interesting living glass was obtained, 20 cm long and 15-20 cm wide. The trunk up to 1.5 m tall is covered with silvery bark, at home the trunk length reaches 10 m. As it grows older, the bark darkens a little, air roots appear.

Subject to high humidity, the Krishna tree is not afraid of direct sunlight, it languishes in the shade.

Important! Exot does not tolerate changes in the external environment, so it is not necessary to move the pot endlessly or often transship.

It is enough to plant a bush in a spacious container with a margin of space, water, spray, bathe abundantly and often. Use ready-made soil for planting, add some coal. The tree propagates by air layering, the cuttings take root much worse.


The African rainforest visitor has glossy leathery foliage up to 5 cm long. It grows best next to a vertical support. The African is easy to care for: water regularly, keep the humidity high, keep the temperature 22-26⁰C, protect from direct sunlight, shape in the spring and feed regularly. Easily rooted cuttings.


The name is given for the small dark green leaves, similar to the cover of boxwood. Homeland - Africa. The tree is covered with dark brown bark and forms many syconia. Used to create bonsai. Likes high humidity, but excessive watering is detrimental. Tolerates light shade, photophilous. For planting, they use the same soil as for a banyan tree, and they take care of it in the same way. Propagated by cuttings.


The Asian guest at home has gigantic dimensions - it grows up to 25 m. In room conditions, growth rarely exceeds 1.5 m. The dense wide crown consists of pointed oval foliage. The surface is glossy, leathery, rich green, length 8-10 cm, petioles are short.

Know! The main advantage of a microcarp is not a crown at all, but luxurious bizarre roots sticking out of the ground. Outwardly, they resemble the rhizome of a mandrake.

Such a root system is formed artificially, so the price of tiny seedlings is prohibitive. It is not surprising that bizarre miniature compositions are obtained from them.

You need to take care of them like a type of banyan (Bengal), but in winter additional illumination will be required. Propagated by all methods described in the article. Of the varieties, Panda, Moklame, Ginseng (ginseng) are widely used.


The second name is bottle tree or anaba. It grows in Mexico, has a very unusual appearance. The lower part of the trunk is transformed into a special thickening - caudex, which serves to store moisture. Individuals growing in desert areas reach a height of 4 m, where there is enough moisture, their growth is limited to nine meters. Heart-shaped leaf blades of a light green hue are covered with a pronounced network of veins, 15 cm long, up to 12 cm wide. It grows small at home, used to create bonsai.

The Mexican guest is unpretentious, they look after him like a banyan tree. And reproduction has an interesting feature. Seeds are not easy to obtain, and the only way to grow a caudex bottle tree is through sowing seeds.

Remember! Anaba cuttings take root well, but will grow in the form of a bush.


Whatever varieties of ficuses you like, the description with photos and names described in the article will help you choose the right green pet for yourself. A detailed instruction on the basics of cultivation and care will certainly give the tropical guest health and a luxurious crown.

Ficus Benjamin is distinguished by grace, decorativeness, great variety and ease of care - this explains its popularity among flower growers. Of all its varieties, the most original is the white ficus De Gantel, which, due to its exotic colors, always looks favorably against the background of other indoor plants.

As a rule, all representatives of this family have the shape of a bush, but are easily formed into a standard tree. They have profusely growing drooping branches with dark gray bark, on which brown horizontal strokes are often found. In their natural environment in their homeland, they can grow up to 25 meters tall, but in our houses they hardly grow up to one and a half meters in 10 years, do not bloom, but with proper care remain invariably attractive.

The main decoration of ficuses are their numerous leaves - glossy-shiny, oval, of varying degrees of elongation, with a sharp or smoothed tip, even or even wavy edges, green or green-white in color of varying intensity.

Among all the Benjamins, De Gantelle stands out sharply: its almost completely white leaves are elliptical in shape, green spots are rarely found on their shiny leathery surface, like a sparse brushstroke of paint. Ficus Twilight (or ficus Twilight, as it is also called) has a lot of white on the leaves - it is as colorful as Eldorado, but much more compact, with smaller leaves, the color of which is greatly influenced by light. And only De Gantel surprises with almost completely white leaves: breeders specifically sought this decorative effect.

Features of care for the variety

This variety does not have great care features; it needs to create conditions similar to those for other ficuses. The first few years will be the most problematic, but if the plant takes root, then caring for it will not be difficult.

Since it comes from Southeast Asia, the level of humidity, temperature, light intensity and daylight hours are of great importance. In order for the ficus to feel good, he needs to determine a place on the windowsill from the southeast or southwest side. From the south window, it is better to set it aside by 1 meter to prevent direct sunlight from falling on its delicate leaves. The most comfortable temperature during the warm season is in the range from +18 to +25 degrees, in winter it is desirable to lower it to +16–18 degrees.

The plant does not like drafts, sudden changes in air temperature, changes in the angle of incidence of light - these factors can cause leaf fall. It must be rotated relative to the sun evenly and very slowly. For the summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or garden, you just have to organize a light shade for the hottest time of the day.

Watering should be uniform, clean settled water is usually watered 2-3 times a week when the top layer of the earth dries out. It is not necessary to allow the entire earthen coma to dry out, as well as to remain the roots in the water - all this can lead to dropping leaves, this is how the plant reacts to stress. De Dumbbell likes warm showers or frequent sprays with soft, clean water at room temperature (so that the water is no colder than the air). Such spraying is done in the summer every day or every other day.

Young plants are transplanted annually, increasing the pot by a few centimeters.

The best time for this is the end of February or the beginning of March. Adults need regular replacement of the top layer of the earth, and a complete replacement of the soil can be done after a few years. The soil should be fertile, fairly light, neutral or slightly acidic. Compiling on your own, you can take equal parts of leaf and sod land, add sand, wood ash, humus or compost.

It is very important to build a good drainage layer: for this, a layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot with holes, then it is covered with coarse clean sand, only then the prepared soil is laid. Before use, it is advisable to thermally treat the soil to eliminate the possibility of infection by pests or.

Even annual transplants will not provide the ficus with the right amount of nutrients in a small pot, so it needs to be fed regularly. It is usually advised to use liquid mineral and organic fertilizers in turn, combining them with watering every two weeks.

An evergreen perennial plant does not require complete rest for the winter, but it needs to organize at least relative peace. To do this, they begin to reduce watering in the fall, spraying is done much less frequently, and top dressing is completely stopped in order to resume intensive care by the end of February. In winter, you need to monitor the duration of daylight hours, most often you have to illuminate the plants. Another very important point - the pot with the plant must be moved away from the heating battery by two meters.

Ficus is easily propagated by apical cuttings and seeds. For cuttings, you can take twigs with 2-4 pairs of leaves in the spring after forming pruning, root them in water or soil, covering with polyethylene.

Scale insects or spider mites can encroach on ficus. A soapy-ash solution will help get rid of them, and proper care can completely avoid them.

Video "Ficus transplant"

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant ficus.

Like a white cloud, slightly touched by greenish reflections, a head of foliage hovers on one of the varieties. White ficus or Ficus de Gantel is called one of the brightest representatives of the Mulberry family. In the wild, ficus can reach 25 meters, but in an apartment it can grow as tall as a good basketball player.

Thanks to the color of its foliage and the friendly nature of the ficus De Gantel, it is a welcome guest both in apartments and in the spacious corridors of office space. Flower growers are happy to show it to guests as the flagship of their collection. But many beginners are able to have such a handsome man in their home.

Although his name is white ficus, but sometimes this species allows from 50 to 80% green on its leaves. Ficus De Gantel appeared thanks to the painstaking work of breeders and now not only pleases lovers of potted crops, but also positions itself well in front of interior designers.

Often, ficus with such an unusual color is made the main focus in the room. Moreover, sometimes the techniques of his landing are unusual. If we say, plant Benjamin's ficus and De Gantel's ficus in one pot, in a combination of 1: 2, and when they grow up, braid the trunks with a pigtail. Then over time a tree of unusual shape and color will appear. At the same time, in the room where such an unusual white flower lives, it seems like there is more light.

And also this ornamental shrub gets along well with other representatives of the flora when compiling long-lived flower arrangements.

Only when compiling such mixes should their features be taken into account in such a way that everyone has the same habitat. Otherwise, the collapse of the entire compositional series cannot be avoided. But if you choose the right neighboring plants, then it will be a wonderful picture.

You can buy Ficus De Gantel in a flower shop or in a network space, but the main thing is that the plant is strong and adapted to the climate of the region of its further residence. Otherwise, it will inevitably suffer for a long time, and then wither away. And to avoid such problems, you should follow a few rules when buying and in the future.

You can buy a flower if:

  • foliage is strong and clean (no residue of pest activity)
  • the tree trunk is not damaged
  • roots do not stick out of the ground
  • good quality potting soil

If you follow several terms for caring for this plant, then it will be possible to live in peace and harmony with it:

  1. Light. The bright feathering of the ficus immediately suggests that this specimen requires constant publication. Moreover, it is not worth putting it somewhere in the backyards, but in the very first solar rows. While avoiding direct sunlight. Ficus is a tender plant and does not need extra brown burns on the leaves.
  2. Water. The main thing here is to know the measure. Watering should be done as the topsoil dries up. Water must be separated and at room temperature. Good drainage will ensure the outflow of excess moisture so that the roots do not rot. And you should also take into account the favorite fun of ficuses, namely water procedures. Sluggish spraying from a spray bottle is not for them; the bush requires careful attention to this procedure. If possible, the water should be warm, and the leaves, branches and even the trunk should be moistened. Well, if the surface of the soil is covered with expanded clay or sphagnum, then it should also be sprayed. And if such a light rain is required several times a day, in the conditions of ficus life, together with central heating batteries. Then once a week, the pet should be introduced into the shower. Well, if this is already a tall handsome man, then you can wrap the crown with polyethylene and arrange a bath for him right on the spot. In winter, such procedures should be carried out with caution.
  3. Temperature. Ficuses are true southerners. Warm air is an indispensable condition for their living. But, of course, not in conditions where the bottom of the pot stands almost on the heating system, but pours onto the crown, a stream of icy air from an open window. The temperature regime assumes that the heating of the soil and the plant is uniform, because, otherwise, the plant can be brought to death. The optimum temperature for ficus in summer is from 18 C to 23 C, in winter it is not lower than 16 C.
  4. The soil. Either a ready-made mixture is purchased, or the soil mixture is prepared according to a recipe, where humus, leafy soil and peat are mixed in equal parts.
  5. Top dressing. It is better to feed the plant in early March. While it gradually wakes up after a long winter hibernation, it is worth starting to fortify it. But little by little! and should be alternated. In March add nitrogen and urea. Closer to May bone and fish meal. And in the summer, you can add some organic matter from someone's farm yard. Chalk and ash in small doses will not let the soil turn sour.

But any history of plant nutrition is, first of all, systematic and comprehensive care. If you follow the correct diet of top dressing and distribute it organically in the spring-summer season, then by autumn the plant will accumulate a good supply of necessary substances. What is important for the plant to survive the winter well.

Spring March drops, can serve as a call to the fact that ficuses are ready to release their offspring into free swimming. The method is quite simple to propagate ficus De Dumbbell in your home. The main thing to remember is that the handle must have a leaf, an undamaged eye and a lower knot. After neat cuts are made, it is better to lower the cuttings into the Fitosporin-M systemic preparation. This will prevent unpleasant moments that may arise in the process of growing the plant. Then, on a light windowsill, you need to place a container with water and place the cuttings there, and then cover with a film. After 1-2 weeks, the first root growth will appear.

When forming the first dwelling in the life of a plant, you should not immediately build a "mansion" for it, where it will easily get lost. The pot should be slightly smaller than the extreme points of the crown of the plant. The earthen mixture should be well steamed and soaked with the above fertilizers, after a couple of days, when its microclimate has matured in the soil, ficus De Gantel can be populated.

Planting such a plant is not troublesome, but this does not mean that the "baby" can be left unattended.

It should be kept under the film for some time, constantly ventilated and carried out water procedures. When transplanting an adult plant, you need to consider the size of the old pot. Each subsequent should be 4-5 cm more. But adults and tall plants that simply cannot be transplanted are well tolerated when only the top layer of soil is changed. But then they are more demanding on top dressing.

If the ficus suddenly began to lose foliage, then this could be either a drought, or a draft, or a lack of light. But there are worse diseases than deviations from the rules for caring for ficus de dumbbell.

What can harm the plant:

Ficus De Gantel is decorative and unpretentious, so you should pay attention to it, even if a person does not consider himself an ardent flower grower. By the way, such recommendations apply not only to this type of ficus. Benjamin's ficus always looks harmonious next to the white ficus, and the care for both varieties is almost identical.

More information can be found in the video:

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