Lunar calendar planting potatoes for year. Potato landing calendar

Gardening 16.06.2019

Experienced gardeners and gardeners carefully follow the development garden crops, annually celebrate the deadline for the onset of development phases. But the timing of the onset of certain fenophases depend on the weather.

Phases of the Moon in May 2016.

  • New Moon - 6. 05.
  • Full moon - 22. 05.
  • Growing moon - from 7 to 21. 05. 2016
  • Descending Moon - from 1 to 5 and from 23 to 30. 05. 2016

Moon Sowing Calendar for May 2016

Self favorable days For sowing seeds in May 2016

Attention! In the calendar are indicated favorable For landing days, but this does not mean that on other days of this month it is impossible to plant anything. Do not do seed crops only in forbidden days. Digger in the table is not a prohibition, but only the lack of favorable days.

culture sowing Days culture sowing Days
zucchini, pumpkins 12 parsley on greens 7, 8, 9, 12
peas, beans 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19 parsley root 3, 4, 23, 30, 31
strawberry 7, 8, 16, 17, 18 sunflower 12
cabbage 12 radish, radish 3, 4, 23 — 28, 30, 31
potatoes 3, 4, 27, 28 salad, Mangold 7, 8, 9, 12
onions on the feather 7, 8, 9, 18, 19 beet 3, 4, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31
onions on Rust 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 tomatoes 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19
carrot 3, 4, 23, 30, 31 dill, Kinza 7, 8, 9, 12
cucumbers 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 garlic 3, 4, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31
eggplant, Pepper 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17 flowers from seeds 7, 8, 9, 12
pepper Zhuguchi 24, 25, 26 flowers of tube 3, 4, 23, 30, 31

Lunar calendar for planting fruit trees in May 2016

Most favorable days for landing garden trees and shrubs in May 2016

culture culture favorable days
apple tree 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn, Irga 4, 27, 28
sweet cherry 3, 4, 27 honeysuckle 3, 4, 23, 27, 30
laundry (Oshness) 4, 23, 28 hawthorn 23, 27, 28, 31
rowan 23, 27, 28 pear, Iiva 3, 4, 23, 27, 28
currant, raspberry, gooseberry 23, 27, 28, 31 cherry, plum, apricot 3, 4, 30, 31

Unfavorable for sowing and landing days in May 2016

During the passage of the moon through different signs Zodiac, changes its influence on plant life on Earth. Taking into account these changes, recommendations are compiled that you can see in the following table.

Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners for May 2016

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended work
May 1, 2016 Sun. Decreasing moon in fish Favorable time for vaccination fruit trees, planting seedlings vegetable crops, bulbous colors, sowing radishes. You can feed and water the plants. Collect and dry medicinal herbs.
May 2, 2016 Mon. Decreasing moon in fish
May 3, 2016 W. Decreasing moon in a ram Very good time for vaccinations of fruit trees, struggle with weeds, landing almost all kinds fruit crops, as well as garlic, carrots, onions, radish, radishes, potatoes. It is appropriate to be watering and feeding by organic.
May 4, 2016 Wed Decreasing moon in a ram
May 5, 2016 Thu. Decreasing moon in the caller In lunome sowing calendar Forbidden for sowing and landing day
May 6, 2016 PT. New Moon in Taurus Forbidden day to work with plants.
May 7, 2016 Sat. Growing moon in twins On the lunar sowing calendar for May 2016, on this day it is forbidden to plant and transplant plants.
May 8, 2016 Sun. Growing moon in twins Twins are a blinker sign, so it's not worth it to plant anything at this time, the harvest will not please you. Take care of the gardening of the beds, the removal of sworn under the trees, sanitary trimming.
May 9, 2016 Mon. Growing moon in cancer The most fertile zodiac sign is cancer. Try to use these days to use the most effectively. Space the seedlings into the greenhouse and under the film. In the open soil seitseed seeds of annual colors of vegetable crops. You can enjoy a stallion and the organization of messengers. Excellent results Give feeding mineral fertilizers.
May 10, 2016 W. Growing moon in cancer
May 11, 2016 Wed Growing moon in cancer
May 12, 2016 Thu. Growing moon in lion Lion is a barren sign. Landing and crops are desirable to postpone for several days. We are treated against diseases and pests, we recommend weeding, loosening, removal of ripped, preparing beds.
May 13, 2016 PT. Growing moon in lion
May 14, 2016 Sat. Growing Moon in Virgo It is possible to plant in greenhouses and open soil seedlings of vegetables, but more favorable these days to work with flowers: sowing and landing seedlings of annual and perennial flowers, transplantation and division of perennials. Curly flowers will fit perfectly in a new place.
May 15, 2016 Sun. Growing Moon in Virgo
May 16, 2016 Mon. Growing Moon in Virgo
May 17, 2016 W. Growing moon in scales For planting vegetable crops, time is not quite suitable, continue to care for flowers, including homely. Good time for haircuts and lawn haircuts.
May 18, 2016 Wed Growing moon in scales
May 19, 2016 Thu. Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable time for landing almost all gardening crops. Patch, steaming and sanitary trimming is not recommended. Open wounds will be for a long time to heal and the infection can get through them.
May 20, 2016 PT. Growing Moon in Scorpio
May 21, 2016 Sat. Growing Moon in Sagittar Before the full moon it is not recommended to conduct crops and planting vegetable crops. It is better to work with the work with the flowers or processing of the Earth.
May 22, 2016 Sun. Full moon moon in Sagittar On the lunar sowing calendar 2016, May 22 is prohibited for sowing and landing day.
May 23, 2016 Mon. Descending moon in Sagittar On the first day after the full moon, it is not recommended to conduct crops and planting vegetable crops. It is better to work with the work with the flowers or processing of the Earth.
May 24, 2016 W. Descending moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a fertile zodiac sign. Sowing both vegetable and flower cultures, landing in the soil seedlings, planting potatoes. In the garden, get in vaccination, trimming. Water these days do not spare, there are many moisture plants.
May 25, 2016 Wed Descending moon in Capricorn
May 26, 2016 Thu. Decreasing moon in aquale Under an aquer, it is not necessary to engage in plantings and sowing, this is a preventive sign and yields will be modest. But there will be a fruitful struggle with weeds. On the descending Moon, the roots are very sensitive to damage. Take advantage of this and rub away the grass grass, but take care of the roots to crops.
May 27, 2016 PT. Decreasing moon in aquale
May 28, 2016 Sat. Decreasing moon in fish Very favorable time for landing roots, if potatoes have not yet planted - now best time do it. Well will be trapped and fruit plants. But with irrigation and feeding, be careful, moderation is now important.
29, May 2016 Sun. Last quarter of the moon in fish
May 30, 2016 Mon. Decreasing moon in fish
May 31, 2016 W. Decreasing moon in a ram Sowing and landing are not recommended. This day is suitable for weeding, thinning shoots, plant processing on diseases and pests.

Potato, probably, the most popular culture in the territory and Russia and its neighbor of Belarus. Now the potatoes are not grown not to make reserves for the winter, but simply because the cultivation of potatoes is already a tradition.

Well, who among us did not go to the grandmother "on potatoes"?! So it is always nice to collect a harvest and fry potatoes, assembled and grown independently? What do not say, and such potatoes have a special taste.

But that the potatoes grew up, and it was possible to collect a generous harvest, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing potatoes, time of sowing, as well as all nuances of care for this famous culture and those diseases that most often attack potatoes. And it is also important to take into account and favorable days for planting potatoes in May 2016. Always gives akin tips, which simply do not take advantage of the sin.

When planting potatoes

It all depends on the region and weather conditions, which in it prevails. The fact is that if you put the potatoes too early, she simply freezes. Gardeners read that optimal optionThis is when the soil at a depth of 10 centimeters warms up to +6. But who likes to run around the garden and a thermometer and dig in the ground? Most often, the tip gives the air temperature. If the air temperature does not fall below 13 degrees, then you can sow potatoes.

For example, in the southern regions, the planting of potatoes can be started in mid-March, but in Moscow and Moscow region, for example, in mid-May.

If the landing time of potatoes falls on May on weather conditions, then it is time to pay attention to favorable days for planting potatoes in May 2016. These days will be the following dates: 1,25,29 and 30 May. The same favorable days for planting potatoes in 2016 will be in Belarus. For those regions that are going to plant potatoes in May. It is worth paying attention to these dates.

How to grow potatoes

Dates of planting and favorable days for planting potatoes In May 2016, this is only part of those factors on which the future crop depends on. Also important and right conditions For growing potatoes.

For example, a landing site must be chosen solar, the most outdoor, with good loose top layer Soil. By the way, since it was a question of the soil, then you need to mention that potatoes like light soils, for example, loamy or sandy, or chernozem. At the same time, the soil should be weakly acidic or with a neutral reaction.

For landing, heavy loams do not suit at all, since too little air enters such a soil, which is so needed for the growth of potato tubers. Plus, such a soil is very wet. And it can cause rot, which quickly spread and destroy all potatoes. How held.

The soil for planting potatoes should be prepared in the fall. Understand, clean from weeds, help with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Planting potato

When all the conditions are ready for potatoes, queens of fields, favorable days for planting potatoes in May 2016 are chosen, you can safely begin to the process itself. To grow high-quality potatoes, which will definitely not be amazed by any diseases, it is better to buy potato tubers in special stores for the garden and garden.

It was ate to use your material for landing, then it should be prepared since autumn. For seeds, those tubers who look the strongest and healthy are selected. Given that the diseases love to attack potatoes, it is necessary to check every tuber carefully. Selected tubers need to dry, holding them 14 days in place, where the scattered light.

Sign of what the tuber is ready - green flesh. Such tubers can not be touched and not sought up to spring, as rodents are not attacked on them. Seeds, before sending to storage to spring, it is necessary to sort the group in size and weight. And in the spring, in favorable May days for planting potatoes in 2016, each group is sisted separately. When spring comes, the tubers have been prepared since the autumn.

A month before landing, the tubers better germinate. How to do it? Put them on the floor to the room with good ventilation and turn over in 10 days.

The second month of spring, as is well known, is dedicated to very diverse and fascinating processes: trimming and processing trees, cleaning flower beds and lawns, special care Behind the seedlings and preparation of the place for its future landing. Moon calendar For the gardener for April 2016 - a real lifebuoy for all gardens. With it easy to determine better days For resetting, garters, bushes, prevention of diseases and pests, feeding and removing all shelters from thermal-loving plants.

But even the information from the sowing calendars is far from unambiguous. Great importance It has the stay of the moon in a particular constellation. After all, each sign of the zodiac is considered suitable and unfavorable for certain types of work in the garden and garden:

  1. Sagittarius - Soil processing, watering and fertilizer
  2. Capricorn - landing of grain and rootepodes, harvesting
  3. Aquarius - collection of vegetables, berries, fruits, ban on landing and transplantation
  4. Fish - plant landing, preservation workpiece for winter
  5. Aries - Care of the garden and garden, housekeeping zone
  6. Taurus - landing of shrubs, colors and vegetables from seedlings
  7. Gemini - Landing of legumes, harvesting
  8. Cancer - Locking of any cultures without restrictions
  9. Lion - It is forbidden to plant, you can produce any manipulations for the care of plants.
  10. Virgo - Cleaning the territory, care for inventors
  11. Scales - maximum landing of any cultures
  12. Scorpio - trimming, transplanting, garter, weeding, etc.

At seedlings

All April, it is possible to sow in warm greenhouses seeds of vegetable crops on seedlings in order to fall into open soil later. It may be tomatoes, early varieties White and cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Louch-Chernushka Sweet varieties.

This requirement

If you decide to grow radish, you will have to take into account his "weaknesses".

The main one - he is underdeveloped root system. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly monitor the moisture content of the soil, especially when the formation of rooteploods. Radish should be water in two or three days, and in dry hot weather - every day, from the calculation of 5-8 liters of water on square meter.

We bring lime

If the soil on the area is acidic, and on it it is necessary to plant cultures, which such acidity does not like it, you can make gaured lime - Not more than a quarter from the required quantity. It is necessary to do it two weeks before sowing or landing.

The rest of the lime will need to be made in the fall.


At the very beginning of the growing season, it is desirable to feed the urea (5-6 g per square meter) sorrel and bowbatun. Rhubarb, along with this fertilizer, close in the soil and humus. They also mulch the bed around the plants.

Having rushing does not hurry

In the first half of April, as soon as the soil warms, it is possible to sow carrots, parsley, annexer, parsnik, a turnip, an early bunch of bundles, as well as summer radish, peas, beans, sunflowers. It's time for green: dill, cilantro, various salads, sheet mustard.

If the beds are ready, you can close the seeds of the Beijing cabbage, radish.

We protect the gooseberry

Spring processing does not hurt the gooseberry bushes, especially amazed muced dew. Immediately after flowering, they should be sprayed with a solution. food Soda (50 g soda and 50 g economic Soap On the water bucket) or infusion of a cowber (part of the manure, three parts of the water, to withstand three days, then dilute three parts of water and strain).

And then this processing must be repeated two or three times with an interval per week and a half.

Will be early

Say cucumbers in a film tank, find a place there and for a couple of bushes of long chinese cucumbers. They are not addicted and fruit from spring to the most autumn - manage only to tear the Zelentsa in time.

Will mischief

You should not plant carrots near the apple tree, and melons next door to cucumbers - all the fruits will be impatient. Melon is better to grow next to the radishes, and carrots are interspersed with a bow or garlic. You can notice to it when crops and oat root.

Cruciferous fleece

These insects damage young leaflets of radish, lettuce, spinach, swables, cabbage. To protect the plants from cruciferous flew, it follows, firstly, ride the beds from weed herb - The pest is multiplied with it and feeds. And secondly, it is necessary to sprinkle the young leaflets ash or a mixture of ash and chopped tobacco (1: 1). Such processing is carried out twice.

Hiding in time

Vegetables growing in open soil, better water in the afternoon to avoid excessive moisture loss during evaporation.

In the film and glaler greenhouses, watering should be carried out in the morning and avoid watering in the evening, so as not to create excessive moisture and formation of water drops at night on plants, which is especially dangerous for crops at low night temperatures.

Sowing calendar for every day of the month of April in 2016

Unfavorable landing days: 2, 3, 4 (up to 8:49), 7, 14 (from 16:55), 15, 16, 22, 29 (from 11:50), 30.

April 1. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Potatoes, Batat, Carrot, Parsley Root, Horseradish, Topinambur, Swabs and other roots, Flowers

April 2. Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn / Aquarius (4:42) - Care of seedlings, garden and garden

April, 4. Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign of Aquarius / Fish (8:49) - Rewal, onions on the feather, dill, sorrel, spinach and other green

April 6.. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac fish / Aries (3:53) - Sowing radish, carrots, chinese radish and other root cornestods

April 7. - Annunciation. Thursday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Aries, new moon - Caring for the garden and garden

April 8 and 9. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Aries / Taurus (from 9:11 8) - tomatoes, pepper, all kinds of cabbage, eggplants, landing of flowers seedlings, rhubarb

10 and 11 April. Sunday and Monday. The moon in the zodiac sign Taurus / Gemini (from 9:00 pm 10 numbers) - sowing and landing legumes and decorative curly plants, flowers. Sowing Cress Salad and Spinach for Green

April 12 and 13. Tuesday and Wednesday. The moon in the sign of the Zodiac Twins / Cancer (from 11:09 pm 12 numbers) - landing of seedlings of colored and broccoli cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, sunflower, sowing of green, beans, corn, Bakhchyev. Vaccinations, feeding trees and shrubs

14th of April. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer / Lion (16:55) - from 16:55 - Care

April 15 and 16. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac lion - care for the garden and garden

April 17 and 18. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Lion / Virgo (from 2:24 pm 17) - dill, sorrel, salad Cochan and other green, trees and shrubs seedlings, flowers

April 19.. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo / Libra (14:23) - up to 14:23 - Green, Saplings of trees and shrubs, flowers

20 April. Wednesday. The moon in the sign of the zodiac scales - onions on the greens, landing of seedlings of colored and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, patissons

The 21st of April. Thursday. The moon in the sign of the zodiac scales - onions on the greens, landing of seedlings of colored and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, patissons

April 22.. Friday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Scales / Scorpio (3:18), full moon - Caring for the garden and garden

23 and 24 April - Palm Sunday. Saturday and Sunday. The moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio / Sagittarius (from 15:48 24 numbers) - landing of seedlings of broccoli cabbage and color, eggplants, sweet peppers, patissons, zucchini, sunflower, sowing green, beans, beans, corn, alfalfa. Landing the seedlings of raspberries, currant, rosehip, rooting the mustache strawberries

April 25th and 26. Monday and Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius - Radish, Bow, Cabbage Color and Red, Landing rooted mustache strawberries

April 27.. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius / Capricorn (2:55) - Potatoes, Batat, Carrot, Parsley Root, Svetokl, Horseradish, Topinambur and other roots, Flowers

April 28.. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Potatoes, Batat, Carrot, Parsley Root, Svetla, Horseradish, Topinambur and other roots, decorative plants

April 29.. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn / Aquarius (11:50) - from 11:50 - Care for seedlings and garden

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik for April 2016 for Belarus and Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, with the beginning of April, the time of mass seeds of seedlings for open soil And greenhouses. At this time, green plants in the greenhouses begin to clean up to free the room for seedlings intended for beds in the garden. Also in the middle of spring, you can proceed to sowing radish, carrots, peas and beans. If the soil began to fit in a sufficient way, it is necessary to start planting germinated potatoes. Prevention of diseases and pest appearance is made until the advent of the kidneys on the bushes and trees.

Accurate work schedule for Dachnikov of Ukraine and Belarus for April 2016 is compiled in the lunar calendar:

  • 01.04 - 02.04 - Sowing radish, parsley and salad in the greenhouse
  • 03.04 - 04.04 - soil looser, watering plants
  • 05.04 - 06.04 - Sowing cabbage, fertilizer
  • 07.04 - grinding and preparation of compost
  • 08.04 - 09.04 - planting of seedlings of cucumbers, sowing of rarely tomatoes
  • 10.04 - Redevelopment of landings
  • 11.04 - 12.04 - Cleaning of the site from weeds, picking seedlings
  • 04/13 - 14.04 - Care of seedle, making fertilizers, watering
  • 04/15 - 16.04 - Preparation of seedlings for landing in the ground
  • 04/17 - 18.04 - Soil looser, preparation of the seedling places
  • 19.04 - 20.04 - colors, latch, asparagus
  • 21.04 - Sowing second-ripe cabbage varieties
  • 22.04 - An unfavorable day for manipulations with plants
  • 23.04 - 24.04 - Watering seedlings and indoor plants
  • 04/25 - 26.04 - Preparation of a plot for planting potatoes
  • 04/27 - 28.04 - Luke sowing, spinach, parsley, beginning of potato landing
  • 04/29 - 30.04 - Sunrise breaking, weed removal

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