Compatibility of trees and bushes. Compatibility and incompatibility of plants in the garden: fruit trees and shrubs, grapes, strawberries, garden crops

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

It is necessary to take into account compatibility when planting fruit and ornamental trees. Good wishes can turn into a disaster if the neighborhood is disturbed.

Apple and cherry trees grow in every summer cottage, but is it possible to plant a cherry next to an apple tree? Will this affect its productivity, and if so, how? With what other crops can it be planted in order to save space on the site and collect berries and fruits?

Benefits of a Good Neighborhood

The compatibility of trees and bushes directly affects not only the amount of the future harvest, but also the development of the garden.

The neighborhood of some contributes to better growth, protects against diseases and pests, while the proximity of others has the opposite effect - growth is stunted, trees begin to hurt and may die.

General landing rules:

  1. Apple trees get along with almost all fruit trees, but remoteness must be observed.
  2. It is better not to plant walnuts where other crops are planned to be grown. Its leaves are poisonous and simply poison the soil and everything around.
  3. Not a single fruit crop gets along with spruce either.
  4. Do not plant oaks, birches, lindens or poplars in the garden. A large root system requires a lot nutrients, and the spreading crown shades.

Cherry is not the friendliest plant. More details on what crops and why this tree can or cannot be planted will be written further.

Bad neighbors for cherries

Plants next to which you should not plant cherries:

  • nightshade: eggplant, tomatoes, tobacco;
  • tobacco;
  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • gooseberry;
  • Apple tree.

Apple tree is a bad neighbor for cherries


Peppers, tomatoes and other nightshades are the focus of Verticillium wilt. This disease affects the wood and core of the tree, causing it to die.

Raspberry, gooseberry

Raspberries and gooseberries have shallow root systems. Bushes take nutrients from upper layers soil, thereby inhibiting the development of the tree.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn has a developed and strong root system. It oppresses neighboring plants, preventing their roots from forming.

apple tree compatibility

The apple tree is a seed crop. It has a strong root and a large crown. For smaller cherries, such a neighborhood is detrimental. When forming a garden, the optimal remoteness of these crops is taken into account. A medium-sized apple tree can be planted 8-10 m from cherries, and a larger one - 12-14 m. The size of the crown corresponds to the size of the root system - this serves as a hint when choosing a landing site.

The apple tree is excellent where it used to be The Cherry Orchard, and poorly in place of pome. This is the only exception to the rule of planting these 2 crops together. The best neighbor of the apple tree is the cedar.

Good neighbors for cherries

Cherry is a crop with a developed surface root system. Belongs to the stone fruit family. The best neighbors for cherries are:

  • cherries, cherries;
  • plums and cherry plums;
  • elder;
  • honeysuckle;
  • grape.

Grapes are a good neighbor for cherries

Sweet cherry

Cherries and cherry trees are pollinators for each other. When planting them, take into account the size of an adult tree. Crowns should not overlap each other.

The optimal distance between trees is 7–8 m, but not more than 15 m. If the trees are stunted, then the distance can be reduced to 6 meters.

plum tree

Plum and cherry are not only stone fruits, but also protect each other from diseases. These cultures good compatibility, they can be planted quite close, the only condition is that the crowns should not touch.

Plum belongs to the trees next to which cherries can be planted, but it does not tolerate the neighborhood of cherries and may die next to it. If it is planned to plant cherries, plums and cherries in a row on the site, then the distance between them should be at least 5 m.


Elder grows well near the cherry orchard or directly under the trees. It is a protector against aphids.


Honeysuckle is a low shrub that grows in partial shade. It can be planted at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the trunk circle.

Grapes are a friendly plant. He gets along well not only with cherries, but also with pears, apples, plums.

Trees not compatible with cherries

There are plants for which cherry trees are not suitable. Joint landing adversely affects the yield of such crops:

  • pears;
  • blackcurrant;
  • peach
  • apricot
  • red rowan.

In no case should you plant a red mountain ash next to a cherry


Pear does not grow well with cherries. This is due to the peculiarities of the root systems and the size of the crowns. On the one hand, the lack of nutrients has a bad effect on productivity, and on the other hand, the sprawling crown creates a shadow.

For pears, mountain ash and other pears are the best neighbors. This culture is capricious and immediately reacts to a lack nutrients in the soil.

Black currant

Blackcurrant is unpretentious, but next to cherries it will be bad.

These cultures love different nutrition and require the use of different agricultural techniques. The lack of light and sun on currant berries also has a negative effect. Bushes receive less lighting due to the large crown. Shade-loving varieties are an exception, but they need to be provided with proper agricultural care.


Peaches are becoming popular in garden plots. This plant is whimsical in choosing neighbors. With pome crops, the distance is at least 4–6 m.

A peach cannot grow side by side with a cherry. It is best to plant it on the opposite summer cottage. With joint growth, the trunk and branches from the side of the cherry are exposed. Later, gum treatment is added to this. The other side of the tree will try to make up for the damage and begin to warp.


Apricot trees prefer to grow alone. For good yields, a distance of 5-6 m from other crops is observed. With cherries near this tree various care, so close proximity to them is contraindicated.

The red rowan next to the cherry is sick because it lacks nutrition. This is manifested by the bare branches and frequent diseases of the tree.


Proper landing planning horticultural crops on the site will provide not only beauty, but also increase productivity. Various crops coexist with cherries, you need to correctly calculate the distance of planting.

Competent bookmark personal plot- a guarantee of an excellent harvest of berries and fruit crops. Every summer resident should know that when planting shrubs and trees, the compatibility of fruit trees is very important so that each plant has enough nutrients for growth and fruiting.

Regardless of the size of the site, first of all you need to prepare the soil, since then it will be more difficult to fix something.

Soil Requirements

What should be the land when laying a garden? Perfect option- fertile black soil. It is undesirable to plant trees and shrubs in sprayed soil, and wetlands, as well as dense clay and rocky, will not work either.

It is highly undesirable to try to set up a garden in wetlands, hollows and closed pits. You can try, you just need to fertilize the soil well and make a fertile mixture.

Fruit plants will not please you with a harvest in areas with high watering, when groundwater passes almost on the surface. Plants will not be able to exist and develop in such difficult conditions, the roots will be constantly in the water and will gradually rot from a lack of nutrients and oxygen. If you are new to this business and do not yet know what kind of soil you got, as an experiment, you can plant a few fruit shrubs and watch the plant. If you see that the branches of the plant began to dry out with well-moistened soil, this indicates that the plant lacks nutrients, and the groundwater is too high. Of course, you can do otherwise and immediately invite specialists to assess the fertility of the soil and do everything in advance so that after planting there is no additional hassle with fertilizer and the introduction of a fertile mixture.

Does the level really matter? ground water while planting seedlings? Of course, each plant has its own norms and rules, so if you want to plant a pear or an apple tree on the site, then it is very important to check the level of groundwater, it should not reach 2 m from the surface of the earth. Plum and cherry are more picky in this regard, since the optimal water level should be no closer than 15 m, but for such fruit bushes as raspberries, currants and gooseberries, it is possible that the groundwater level is almost on the surface, but not closer, than 1 m.

What you need to consider in order to properly place all fruit trees and shrubs on the site:

  1. The level of occurrence of groundwater.
  2. Shading.
  3. Plant compatibility.
  4. Compliance with crop rotation.

When the year turned out to be dry, this has an extremely negative effect on productivity, but when the soil always remains wet, this is also bad, the plants suffer from excess moisture. It is very important to determine the level of groundwater and take appropriate measures, if there is an excess of liquid, try to remove moisture. In the lowland, you can dig a ditch or plant those crops that need more moisture.

Basic rule for boarding fruit trees- all stone fruit crops should be planted higher, preferably on elevated terrain. This is the only way to expect a good harvest.

Compatibility of trees and shrubs in the garden

Even in the old textbooks for beginner gardeners there is very little information regarding the influence of plants on each other ( fruit bushes and fruit trees). Experienced gardeners gain all the baggage of knowledge empirically, and then willingly share it with beginners. It turns out that it is not enough just to buy a plot of land and buy different seedlings, and then get down to work together with the whole family. No, it turns out that when planting some trees in the garden, it is important to consider their compatibility. Perhaps the neighborhood will inhibit plants growing nearby, or vice versa, promote active growth. For example, seemingly harmless apple trees cannot stand the close proximity of such stone fruits as plum and cherry. Therefore, if you want to plant these trees on your site, you must maintain a certain distance.

Tree and Shrub Compatibility Chart

It is very important to consider the compatibility of trees with other plants, since each fruit tree or shrub releases its own "secret", such secretions can negatively affect the development of neighboring plants. This applies not only to ground action, but also underground, because each plant has its own root system. Each crop develops differently and it may happen that one plant will remain in the shade and be deprived of nutrition and sunlight, and the other will grow. It turns out that the so-called "powerful representatives" of fruit trees (these are some varieties of pears, apple trees and plums) will suppress the growth of fruit shrubs and stone fruits. If you choose the right plants and plant them in a certain order, you can get not only a good harvest, but also protection from pests (the plants will independently protect each other from pests).

Pay attention to the compatibility table of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden:

The undesirable neighborhood of plants is highlighted in red, the favorable neighborhood is highlighted in green. We draw conclusions: so, if you plant, for example Walnut next to any fruit shrubs and trees, it will inhibit the growth of these plants. It is known that this tree is not friendly with any fruit trees. Despite this, the walnut repels insects. You can plant this tree on your site, only away from shrubs and fruit trees.

There are gardeners who dream of growing hazel on their plot, so as not to look for this tree in the forest, but to harvest on their plot. Here, too, you need to be careful, since hazel also acts depressingly on neighboring plants.

Check out the list of plants that do not get along with apple and pear:

  • lilac;
  • jasmine;
  • fir;
  • viburnum;
  • horse chestnut.

What can be planted near a pear and an apple tree:

  • sweet cherry;
  • cherry;
  • raspberries.

And, of course, an apple tree. This tree feels good next door to its fellows, even if the apple tree variety is different. When planting young apple seedlings, the following should be taken into account: do not try to plant a seedling in the place where the old apple tree grew. It is better to retreat at least a few meters from this place and plant a seedling, then the young apple tree will delight you with lush flowering.

Planting tree compatibility:

  1. Cherry gets along well with apple trees, grapes, and cherries. You can plant several cherry seedlings side by side. Plants will not interfere with each other. By the way, next to the cherries there should not be a blackcurrant bush.
  2. We choose a place for planting plums - away from the pear and next to the blackcurrant.
  3. Cherry should also be planted away from pears, apples, plums and cherry plums, as this tree with a powerful root system clogs other plants. In the neighborhood of cherries, it is undesirable to have such shrubs as raspberries, gooseberries and currants (red and white).
  4. If you want to plant blackberries or raspberries right under a peach or apricot to save space on your yard, these shrubs will delight you with a rich harvest.
  5. Raspberries and red currants do not get along with each other.
  6. Mulberry also does not tolerate neighborhood with other trees and shrubs, it can only be “friends” with its fellows, so next to the mulberry, you can plant another mulberry seedling, only of a different variety, so as not to be repeated.
  7. Sea buckthorn is a prickly plant that does not get along with other trees and shrubs. The neighborhood with a walnut is also undesirable.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the option of planning a personal plot. Dimensions 24x40 m:

Along the perimeter of the site (borders on 3 sides), you can plant fruit bushes: rose hips, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn or plant ornamental trees. In the upper right corner, select a place for growing horticultural crops, and to separate the border between the vegetable garden and the orchard, plant a row of apple trees. Next to the recreation area on the right side of the site, fruit trees will feel great: cherry and plum, and in the shade of these trees you can put a bench to rest in the midday heat. Strawberries, strawberries, roses and other flowers can be planted with opposite side plot so that these plants do not interfere with others.

By the way, roses do not tolerate neighborhood with other plants, so try to allocate a separate place for the queen of the flower.

Fruit trees and shrubs do not really like the close proximity to birch, this tree should be planted away from buildings, orchard and garden crops. A powerful root system draws maximum nutrients from the ground and takes all the moisture. For the same reason, it is undesirable to plant nearby conifers trees and maples. If there is enough space on your site, then you can take a chance and plant a few firs and birches. By the way, under the wide crown of maples, you can plant a fern or periwinkle.

Another feature coniferous trees, which must be taken into account: spruces are able to acidify the soil, so you can plant ferns, callas or begonias next to conifers. These plants love acidic soils. But stone fruits and pome trees, on the contrary, do not tolerate acidic soils.

If you want each plant in your plant to receive maximum nutrients, you must take into account the rules for the compatibility of fruit trees in the garden, and also do not forget about the composition of the soil. If crops such as strawberries, apple trees, gooseberries and cherries feel good in moderately acidic soil, then other crops will need a different soil composition. To get closer to the ideal and “make” the soil moderately acidic, you can bring some soil from the coniferous forest or buy peat.

Neutral soils are ideal for growing horticultural crops and most garden plants as well as flowers. If you love roses, peonies, chrysanthemums and carnations, you can stock up on seeds. Slightly acidic soils are suitable for growing lilies, but slightly alkaline soils will be ideal for garden crops such as cabbage, carrots and onions.

It is necessary to free the site from fallen leaves in a timely manner, since the secretions of some plants negatively affect the development of neighboring crops. So, coniferous trees and chestnuts interfere with other trees with their secretions. The list can be supplemented: these are oak, elder, willow and poplar.

When choosing plants that can be planted on the site, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with flowers and the adaptability of each plant to different types soils. So, roses and begonias will need stable watering, but irises, cornflowers and carnations can do without moisture for a long time.

Tree planting rules:

The quality and quantity of the crop in the garden directly depends on the location of the trees, so many points are taken into account before planting them. Especially in case small area, because in a limited area you want to plant more crops without compromising their growth and development. The survival rate of planted young stands directly depends on the conditions of the area and the compatibility of trees and shrubs.

Importance of selection

Little is known about the influence of plants on each other, but all the information has been collected through many years of observation. As it turned out, in nature, some trees in close proximity can contribute to mutual growth and improve the quality of the crop. At the same time, other representatives - on the contrary, to oppress the development of neighbors. For example, apple trees do not tolerate nearby cherries or plums; when planting them, it is important to maintain a certain distance.

Mutual influence is based on the action of both the ground and underground parts of the plant. From the roots, leaves and inflorescences of fruit trees come their secretions, which can suppress or promote the development of a neighbor. Experts have noticed that one-year-old plants even affect the next year through the soil. In addition, differences in the growth of individual representatives can create unfavourable conditions, to give an unwanted shadow - this is where the problems begin.

And on summer cottages the importance of the point of compatibility of fruit trees increases, because the proper distance between them is not always maintained. Often there is a plexus of the crown different trees, then the influence on each other increases. This is expressed in the suppression of a neighbor, a powerful representative even visually emphasizes his superiority. And when correct selection specimens, they independently provide protection against pests, nutrients are taken from different layers of the soil.

Compatibility table

For convenience, experts have developed a special tree compatibility table, it is easier to plan the site. There are several options in which there are different cultures, because summer residents try to plant the available territory as much as possible. Therefore, you can see in advance suitable combinations plants and achieve good harvest afterwards.

One notable example is the cherry tree, which negatively affects many other trees and shrubs. It clogs an apple tree, plum, cherry plum and pear, with their close proximity, these specimens not only bear fruit poorly, but also die over time. Also bad neighbors of cherries are: gooseberries, white and red currants, raspberries. At the same time, such combinations as apple-pear, plum-apricot and cherry-dogwood, on the contrary, support and stimulate the development of each other. And if you plant raspberries or blackberries under an apricot or peach, you always get a rich harvest.

As for the gooseberry, it generally does not get along well with stone and pome breeds. Also experienced gardeners it is known that the walnut is too toxic for any neighbor, so it is always placed away from fruit crops. Trees are known to be badly affected and garden plants, for example, potatoes by root secretions inhibit the growth of apple trees. The same result is expected from the root system of cucumber, tomato, alfalfa and wheatgrass. A strong effect of rose bushes on fruit trees has been noticed, therefore, as a rule, they are tried to be placed on the side or near the fence.

Correct location

Due to the possibility of maintaining the interaction for the next year, you need to carefully choose the placement of crops when planting. After all, a certain amount of secretions from the root system remains in the soil, diseases persist. A lack of nutrients in the soil can also affect, so you need to competently approach the issue of the location and compatibility of planting trees. In the case of fruit species, to ensure the best pollination, it is recommended to plant several varieties of the same tree species nearby at once. The distance should be no more than 25 m, then the bees and bumblebees will carry pollen from one representative to another.

There is such a thing as cultural turnover - this is the alternation of planting different cultures. Experts recommend not to place a new apple tree seedling in place of an uprooted specimen. best location for fruit trees or berries, soil is considered after wild pear, maple, mountain ash, cereals and legumes. And after uprooted willows, alders or sedges, you should not immediately plant other crops, because they take a lot of useful substances from the soil.

Of the general indicators for the placement of fruit trees, you should pay attention to:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • degree of shading.

At high humidity often causing damage to plants. Therefore, if the depth of groundwater exceeds the permissible level, then care must be taken to remove moisture. The lowland requires the arrangement of a drainage ditch or planting with moisture-loving crops. And stone fruits are recommended to be located on elevations. These are the basic principles for the correct placement of fruit trees, adhering to which the gardener will receive a worthy reward in the form of healthy plants with a good harvest.

In addition, we offer a video about the tricks of the location of fruit crops on the site:

Not so long ago, I learned that before planting a tree or shrub in the garden, you need to study the information about the compatibility of this crop with others, whether they can be planted side by side. It turns out that the compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs must be observed. Without knowing some of the features of the coexistence of plants, you can inadvertently harm your garden. If the mistake of planting nearby unfriendly vegetables can be corrected next spring, then it will be much more difficult to do this with fruit trees or berry bushes.

What are the reasons for the incompatibility of the growth of trees and shrubs nearby? First, some plants have roots that are located at the same depth. In this case, they will interfere with each other. Secondly, there are plants that release certain substances into the soil that inhibit the development of others. There are other reasons as well.

Tip one: before planting a seedling, check the information on the compatibility of plants as garden neighbors.

On a note

  • You can’t plant bird cherry in the garden - glass cases will flock to it from all over the area, which will then move to other fruit and berry plants.
  • Hawthorn lures apple tree pests to the site.
  • Buckthorn is a hotbed of goblet rust.
  • Not a single plant tolerates the neighborhood of fennel and hyssop, so they should be planted in the farthest corner of the garden.
  • Some vegetable plants do not get along well if they grow together. By planting them side by side, you can lose a significant part of the crop.

Apple tree compatibility - what can be planted next to them

These fruit trees are able to get along with almost any kind of horticultural crops. An apple tree does not require a lot of space, and there is still enough space under the crowns of the trees to arrange the beds. In order to have fewer voids on the site, you can set up a flower garden on the trunk circles, as well as plant useful herbs. For example, dill and calendula will feel very good next to an apple tree. In addition to the beneficial natural properties of these plants, they do an excellent job with an important task - they repel pests.

On the other side of the garden, where the sun warms the earth well enough, under the apple tree you can grow tomatoes, the smell of the foliage of which will scare away the codling moth butterflies. Such a neighborhood is not only useful, but saves space.

An interesting and mutually beneficial neighborhood can be obtained by landing in apple orchard one or two coniferous or deciduous trees. Fruit trees in such a neighborhood develop rapidly and bear fruit abundantly.

But the mountain ash next to the apple tree should not be planted. This culture, as scientists found out at the beginning of the 20th century, has no place in orchard. Because of this neighborhood, the crop becomes wormy. The reason is rowan moth caterpillars that damage apples.

Currant compatibility - the best neighbors in the garden

Near currant bushes, both black and red, you can safely plant onions. It is better to do this before winter, as it will protect in the spring berry bushes from the kidney mite, a dangerous pest.

For blackcurrant, honeysuckle will be an excellent neighbor.

As for the closest relative - red currant, then you need to be more careful. red and black currant don't get along well with each other. An example is the snapshot at the beginning of the article. I was not able to take a photo so that it could be seen that blackcurrants are growing behind the neighbor's fence. But I assure you, before that, my red currants were literally strewn with berries. But the dacha neighbor planted a black one along the fence on his side - as a result, his harvest is meager and mine too. We both did not know about the incompatibility of these plants ...

Six months have passed since I published this article. In winter, it was not yet clear what we would see in the spring in the garden. Now I can already say that practically both of us with a neighbor in the country lost their currants. After spring, not a single (!) Blackcurrant bush “woke up” in him, and out of three red currants I had one left.

The same applies to raspberries. Its root system is very freedom-loving, it requires new territories. Currant from such a free neighbor begins to wither, the yield drops.

Gooseberry compatibility

For this culture, a useful neighborhood next to red currants is just right - the compatibility of these shrubs is good.

But with black, on the contrary, gooseberries are not friends. They have a common external enemy pest - gooseberry moth.

And for the same reason, it is better to plant raspberries away from gooseberries.

Raspberry Compatibility

delicious berry culture- raspberry - does not like anyone's immediate neighborhood at all. The shrub grows strongly and begins to oppress other cultures, taking all the moisture for itself. So the question of the compatibility of raspberries with other trees and shrubs should not bother you.

Undersized vegetation (such as vegetables) will wither in thick raspberries.

Compatibility of grapes - what is more comfortable for him

This culture is loved, carefully cared for, monitored for development, for the quality of fruiting. Good neighbors for grapes will be planting radishes and oilseed radishes.

Parsley has a beneficial effect on the vine - the benefits of such compatibility are obvious. It heals grapes affected by phylloxera.

Unfavorable neighbors for grapes will be cucumbers and cabbage. At the same time, vegetables will suffer, since the climbing vine can oppress undersized plants.

Sea buckthorn compatibility

This is one of the most useful plants.

In the neighborhood with sea buckthorn (under its prickly crown), you can plant various medicinal plants such as oregano or chamomile. In addition, it is very convenient - everything for delicious fragrant tea is nearby. It remains only to collect leaves, flowers, berries and brew.

Raspberries, black currants and strawberries (garden strawberries) should not be planted next to sea buckthorn. Root systems of these plants in the soil are approximately at the same level, they will take moisture and nutrition from each other.

Tomatoes, potatoes should not be planted next to sea buckthorn - she does not like nightshade crops.

Strawberry (garden strawberry) compatibility - how to increase mutual benefit

Another one of my favorites berry plants strawberries in the garden. This culture is capable of capturing large territories, for which whole strawberry plantations are created. The plant behaves quite selfishly on the site, however, it grows well next to some cultivated plants. For example, next to marigolds, lettuce, bush beans, garlic, onions, chives, spinach. Such a neighborhood brings mutual benefits, in addition, it saves the landing area, therefore, with these crops, you can correctly plan the site.

Strawberry plantings are successfully combined with sage, borage, parsley, which will scare away slugs.

Refuse to plant potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers next to strawberries - they have a common pest - a nematode.

Also, do not plant strawberries next to raspberries. The harm from such a neighborhood is also associated with a common pest - the strawberry weevil.

By the way

Between the trees in the garden it is useful to sow spicy plants: anise, basil, coriander, lemon balm, parsley, thyme, tarragon. Their odorous substances repel many pests and curb the spread of diseases.

When we were planning our garden, we decided to plant juniper bushes - my husband really likes this plant. As usual - first we do, then we read and think. Sometimes we make mistakes. Mistakes need to be corrected and learned from. Well, isn't that beautiful. And what a breathtaking smell is around!

in garden - pros and cons,or What I don'tknew about junipers

(Juniperus) - the old-timers of the earth's flora, they appeared about 50 million years ago. They belong to the cypress family. Types of junipers are very diverse. Among them there are giants up to 30 m tall and bizarre elfins, rising barely 10-15 cm from the ground. Junipers are planted in the alleys, grown on Alpine rollercoaster and in rockeries.

It goes well with conifers, heather and bulbous.

Serves as a decoration of the garden at any time of the year.

Junipers are highly shade tolerant and drought tolerant. Too flooded places are not the most favorable for him. It is quite resistant to frost and even at a temperature of -40ºС this representative of the flora is able to survive.

He, like many others coniferous plants, has medicinal properties, enriches the air with oxygen and other useful substances.

The shrub has a number of useful properties. The area around it is famous for its cleanliness, as juniper phytoncides are capable of killing many microbes around. This property of juniper has been known since ancient times: it was used to exorcise evil spirits. In some cultures, it was considered a symbol eternal life believed that he could fight death.

Indians North America used juniper to treat wounds and diseases of the skin, bones and joints, placing patients in juniper thickets, where the air was saturated with healing volatile substances.

AT ancient Russia It was believed that juniper protects against snake bites.
And in Ukraine, Cossacks who had drunk excessively were put to sleep on juniper bushes, and in the morning the Cossack got up with a clear and clean head.

It is for these properties, for its beauty, for its amazing smell, that I chose it for my garden.
But, as it turned out, juniper plantings also carry danger. Not for humans (I don't eat it, though many parts of the juniper are poisonous). Juniper is dangerous for the garden, namely for apple, pear, and quince trees. I found out about this when yellow-orange spots appeared on the pear. As it turned out, these are not just spots, but rust - a dangerous fungal disease for pome crops.

I would not have known further that junipers are an intermediate link in the spread of rust if my pear had not gotten sick, and if I had not asked the experts of this site about the origin of the spots on the pear in search of the truth.
Here's what I found out:

Why is juniper dangerous?

In the spring, many observed unusual growths on juniper bushes. orange color, and this is nothing more than a manifestation of a widespread disease - rust, which is caused by basidial fungi of the genus Gymnosporangium.

Here it is the source of a dangerous disease

When such orange branches appeared for the first time, I did not even think about the disease that threatens the surrounding trees. I thought that the juniper was flooded (he does not like excess watering), or that some pest damaged its roots. But it turned out, everything is much more banal.

To protect your plantings from this disease, prevention must be carried out in the fall.

An intermediate host plant for apple rust is common juniper, and for pear rust - M. Cossack and other species.

On one diseased plant, tens of billions of spores can ripen at the same time, so the spread of rust occurs at a high speed. In addition, spores of rust fungi are transported through the air over vast distances - without losing viability, they can roam not only from one garden plot to another, but even from mainland to mainland, overcoming up to 10,000 km. Hence the sudden outbreaks of rust diseases in areas where they are completely unprepared for them.

The development of rust is favored by windy, cool, rainy weather in the spring, when apple and pear trees become infected.

Control measures are as complex as the rust cycle. It is necessary to constantly carry out a whole range of protective measures aimed at reducing the stock of infection and the complete eradication of the disease:

  1. Protection of apple and pear trees from infection from juniper by planting protective strips from tall trees with a dense crown, especially from the direction of prevailing winds. Juniper should not be allowed to be planted in protective lanes garden.
  2. Branches affected by rust in the spring must be cut and burned immediately.
  3. In autumn, collect and burn all the fallen leaves of pears, apple trees, quince, as well as growths with obvious signs of rust damage. After leaf fall, plentifully treat the trees with a solution of urea (700 g per 10 liters of water).
  4. To improve the health of the pear and apple tree, before bud break, severely affected shoots and skeletal branches are cut off, respectively, 5-10 cm below the lesion; on diseased shoots, the wounds are cleaned to healthy wood and disinfected with a 5% solution of copper sulfate, and then covered with garden pitch. In order for wounds to heal better and faster, they are treated with heteroauxin (0.5 g per 10 l of water) before smearing with garden pitch.
  5. For the treatment of fruit trees with rust, a series of fungicide sprays is carried out. The first treatment should be carried out before the basidiospores hit the leaves - before flowering. The second immediately after flowering, during the period of mass dispersion of spores. After 12-14 days, the third treatment is carried out.
It should be noted that when carrying out chemical treatments against scab, there is no need for additional spraying against rust.

It is very difficult to deal with rust, therefore, even at the stage of planting planning, it is necessary to provide for possible consequences from the neighborhood of pome crops with junipers, since these plants are not recommended to be placed next to each other.

Now I know about it (and I am aware, it means I am armed), I will fight. I would like to keep juniper bushes, and, of course, apple trees with pears.

So think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to plant junipers in your garden. Although, judging by the data, rust spores are able to travel long distances, and there is no guarantee that they will not be carried by the wind from a neighbor or neighbor's neighbor.

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