Compatibility of the scorpio sign with other signs of the zodiac. Who is the best compatible scorpio zodiac sign?

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019

Text: Sasha Gluvein

The constellations under which we were born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will talk about representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

Do not take this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​who you need. In no case do we urge you to destroy an already established relationship, if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Woman - Scorpio

She can write a whole treatise on how a woman who wants to turn a man's head should look, move and speak. Anyone who falls under her spell soon ceases to notice other representatives of the weaker sex.

The energy of one woman - Scorpio is enough for a couple of women born under other zodiac constellations. As a rule, it works "for wear and tear." Whatever she does, she does it a little "too", as if exaggerating. You can even get a little tired of being next to such a person, but for sure it will never be boring with her.

A Scorpio woman takes love seriously, she puts all her passion into it. She will love her chosen one deeply and strongly, protecting him from everyone and everything. Marriage with her is equally likely to become a branch of heaven or hell on earth. It is unlikely that she will babysit someone who does not meet her sexual expectations or tries to deceive her. On the other hand, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, she easily finds mutual language with those men who suffer from some kind of sexual problems that have a psychological background. If impotence is just that, then next to Scorpio a man can “rise” like a phoenix from the ashes. Yes, she will support, encourage and help - but you should not consider this a noble gesture, a woman - Scorpio will behave this way solely for selfish reasons - in order to find sexual harmony.

She has a bright head and very well developed intuition. She will examine her friends and lovers for a very long time and intently almost under a microscope, arrange “exams” and “tests” for them before she allows them to become part of her life.

The Scorpio woman is quite capricious and loves everything to be as she intended. As a rule, if she does something, then she must be pursuing some secret goals. She is an incredibly goal-oriented person who plans all the steps to achieve the goal and will not back down until she achieves it. She cannot be knocked off course, but she is always ready to change her tactics to take into account changed circumstances.

If only on the personal front a woman - Scorpio is not all right, from a charming creature she turns into an evil fury, characterized by destructive behavior.

The enemies of this person will have a very hard time - she, like no one else, knows how to take revenge and does it very subtly. In addition, the Scorpio woman despises weakness in any form and especially despises those who bend under pressure from others.

Woman - Scorpio and sex

The night with her will be infinitely long, so the man needs to calculate his strength. A Scorpio woman is not averse to starting a love prelude by introducing her partner to the upcoming "sex program", she will whisper all her erotic fantasies into his ear with pleasure. Even talking “about it” can, if not bring her to orgasm, then excite her - for sure.

A Scorpio woman prefers to make love on huge water mattresses or round beds, where you can sit with maximum comfort. This person is distinguished by a penchant for all kinds of sexual experiments. No matter how great and varied the erotic experience of her partner is, she will always find something to surprise him with. The Scorpio woman is firmly convinced that sex is not a one-way road and will do everything so that the chosen one gets the same pleasure from what is happening as she herself. The most sensual women are women - Scorpions. In bed, they act on an instinctive level, no "Kama Sutra" or "Lessons of the healing Tao" will convince them that sex is a matter of technology. Scorpios would rather go to bed with a bad partner than a good book.

By and large, erotica for a woman - Scorpio - is much more than a standard set of body movements in bed, she is sure that there are no trifles in her.

The real fad for Scorpios is control over the onset of orgasm, a Scorpio woman will do everything to prolong sexual intercourse and the man does not "discharge" too quickly. Almost the entire range of the sex shop will be used - from vibrators to lubricants.

Many Scorpio women feel the need to have a weaker and more passive man next to them. They are ready to take on the role of leader not only in bed, but also in life.

Who suits a woman - Scorpio

A woman - Scorpio is already on a first date with a man - Taurus can make sure that she has found her soul mate. Surely they are expected by deep feelings, complete mutual understanding not even from a half-word, but from a half-sigh, and amazing harmony in the sexual sphere.

The Cancer man is also a worthy candidate for the Scorpio woman. An avalanche of feelings can cover these two headlong, and intimacy, permeated with tenderness and care for each other, will only confirm the correctness of the choice.

Most likely, already at the first meeting, a woman - Scorpio and a man - Virgo will feel that they can be good friends, but this is the very case when friendship can very quickly turn into love.

A woman - Scorpio and a man - Scorpio are waiting for either instantly flashed antipathy, or love at first sight. In the second case, the poisonous stings will be hidden - then there will be every chance that this relationship will be long and will bring many pleasant minutes to both.

The union of a woman - Scorpio and a man - Capricorn - that rare case when partners are equally interested in discussing not only family matters in all their diversity, but also any business issues.

The alliance of a woman - Scorpio and a man born under the sign of Pisces - is proof that telepathy still exists. A Scorpio woman will surely help her companion to understand herself, and he will give her a lesson in relaxation and wean her from the habit of controlling absolutely everything.

Not the best and not the worst combinations

Even the first date of a man - Aries and a woman - Scorpio can end in sex, because both signs have a huge sensual potential. However, outside the bedroom, everything does not look so rosy - her desire to control everyone and everything is too great, and his - to command. These relationships have a future if the lovers are reconciled exclusively in bed.

A Leo man cannot live without constant praise addressed to him, and a Scorpio woman has too little patience to endlessly “stroke” his male pride. If she manages to teach him to pay less attention to the outside of the relationship and more appreciate what is hidden "behind the facade", this couple has a chance.

Who does not suit a woman - Scorpio

A woman - Scorpio is unlikely to take a man - Gemini with his too sweet speeches seriously, because she is used to "seeing the root", like Kozma Prutkov. It is unlikely that she will be able to consider something worthy of her attention behind the verbal husk. In addition, Gemini is used to talking a lot, including about good sex. Woman - Scorpio will be almost the first to ask him to confirm his words in practice ...

A man - Sagittarius will "scare away" a woman - Scorpio with a complete lack of secrets. He is all - at a glance, does not hide any skeletons in the closet, nor family secrets nor their bad or good habits. This will surely disappoint the woman - Scorpio, who loves to delve into the depths of the male soul.

The desires that arise in a man - Aquarius are always the opposite of what a woman - Scorpio experiences, so this romance is unlikely to be long (if it starts at all).

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. He is distinguished by a colossal inner strength, which is not always visible at first sight. If you are dealing with Scropion, be prepared to meet either a sincere, devoted friend for life, or an implacable enemy, which will be very difficult to cope with.

By nature, they are passionate people, although their passion can be hidden under the guise of calmness and gentleness. Scorpios are in no hurry to show their feelings without being convinced of their authenticity. But if they realized in their inner world that they care about something or someone, it will be very difficult to change their attitude to the opposite.

The Scorpio man usually leads a spartan lifestyle. He is not wasted on trifles, it is difficult to change his habits that have developed over the years. Therefore, his woman should not be overly creative and constantly offer to change something.

Scorpio is distinguished by purposefulness, the ability to achieve in life everything that their soul lies to. Often this is not at all like industriousness: the huge internal energy of a Scorpio-man paves the way to the goal through everyday troubles, material and life problems without any visible actions on his part.

The ideal woman for Scorpio is one who will accept him for who he is. It is enough for a Scorpio to be sincerely liked once, so that he will fall in love for life. But be careful - he will require from you complete dedication, patience and reciprocity. If you are not ready to share your whole life with him to the smallest detail, you better immediately run away from him.

How to communicate with a Scorpio? First of all, you should stock up on a little patience and be prepared for surprises. He doesn't care too much about the impact his words have. Be ready to hear the truth if you are waiting for an answer to any question - and in the most harsh and unsightly form.

Ideal woman for Scorpio, this is his wife. He loves children very much. He will not tolerate omissions or betrayal: it will be in the order of things for him to snatch your phone from you and look at the call list or demand to introduce you to your new employee who shows signs of attention. However, this can only happen when things are already serious enough, and there are good reasons for concern. By nature, Scorpio is not at all jealous.

Fear the revenge of Scorpio. Capable of sincere friendship, honest and noble Scorpions are also capable of the most unexpected and terrible deeds in a fit of rage.

Most often, they carefully consider their revenge, but there are times when they are able to sting immediately, without preparation. But when you are his friend - a better friend than Scorpio, you are unlikely to be able to find. And remember - Scorpio expects the same from his friends and from his beloved.

Outwardly, a cold and closed Scorpio man is able to burn so badly that for many weeks a woman will be deprived of any desire to communicate with the opposite sex. But if a woman has the same ...

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign suits a woman for a scorpion - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The love horoscope of a Scorpio woman, or "Sex and a cupcake." Scorpio woman in love. Who suits a scorpio woman?

She is not a fan of harnessing for a long time, her sensuality wakes up suddenly, and already in the first minute of meeting this lady decides for herself whether she will have sex with this man, however, in order to allow herself love, she needs much more minutes, days, and sometimes years .

The Scorpio woman is a kind of "male" in the guise of a lady, for her good sex is much more important than long courtship and expensive gifts. No, no, she has nothing against the latter, but without high-quality intimacy, neither diamonds nor Shakespeare's sonnets can conquer her hearts and souls.

Scorpios begin their love story at a fairly early age. Youth, the time of simple desires, captures them in a whirlpool of events, a dozen of gentlemen always wind around the young Scorpio charmer, attracted by her cheerful and perky disposition, natural ability to seduce and fall in love with herself, and demon in the eyes.

From all this motley "rabble", the Scorpio lady herself chooses her husband, and she always does this with her mind, and not with her heart. It is among the husbands of Scorpios that the maximum number of fathers who are raising children that are not their own, and who do not know about it! The prudent Scorpio lady can calculate everything except her libido, and no one knows where it will lead, but the maternal instinct is developed in Scorpios beyond praise.

When the Scorpio lady is satisfied in bed, she begins to gently and passionately become attached to her partner with her soul. It is important for her not to be the best, but to become the only one. Scorpions, despite their tendency to cheat, are unusually jealous. They do not tolerate competition, and are ready to sting the unfortunate one who stumbled even by accident.

Compatibility in love

Therefore, the most stable and long-term relationship of Scorpio with representatives of the elements of the Earth. The wise Taurus is a monogamous and hard worker, with his heroic antics and broad gestures, and even more so with his magnificent paternal qualities, he will become a reliable support for Scorpio. Relations in this tandem are stable, because Taurus knows how to “not notice” and forgive, and Scorpio feels quite comfortable next to the Calf, being confident in his loyalty.

With Virgo, Scorpio is related by the desire to “make good”, both of them are big fans of the family hearth, and only the Virgo man can direct the colossal energy of Scorpio in the right direction. However, in order to feel all the advantages of being together, both Taurus and Virgo must be strong in bed, this is usually the main snag, due to which Scorpios do not reach happiness one step, running away to look for it with the best sexual partners, but the worst husbands.

The situation is slightly different in relation to Capricorn. This horned type has the passion and health to satisfy a Scorpio, but he is also a great psychological manipulator who can set the heat on an emotional level. This union will be a bright pioneer fire until both partners get tired of throwing firewood.

From the cohort of signs of the element of Fire, only the inspired and aggressive Aries can try their luck with a Scorpio woman. This couple is a union of two powers that be, in which both must yield in order to win. Scorpio is attracted to him by the pedestal on which her admirer erected, while Aries believes that it is She who is his ideal woman.

But it is undesirable to start any love relationship with Leo or Sagittarius Scorpio. Leo will be forever dissatisfied with the excessive brightness and publicity of Scorpio, while Sagittarius will suffer in the literal sense of the word after the first attempt to look in the wrong direction.

The relationship between the Scorpio woman and Pisces men is quite harmonious. It can be said that on a spiritual and physical level it is the best combination throughout the zodiac. Only the inertia of Pisces can spoil this union, which with each subsequent manifestation will infuriate Scorpio more and more. The same problem often arises between a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man. This cephalopod, Scorpio, cannot forgive her role as the second after her mother.

With air signs, a Scorpio lady is more likely to have strong friendship than passionate love. Let these friends occasionally wake up in the same bed, but there is nothing to originate from love as such. The twins, although to match Scorpio in intimate pleasures, do not give the last confidence in the future, and change their mind too often, which Scorpion cannot stand.

Libra is too selfish to give everything to Scorpio, and half of the "narcissus" does not suit her. Aquarians, on the other hand, do not withstand total control and jealousy, they collect their coins and retreat from sin away.

Scorpio + Scorpio despite it would seem perfect combination passion and mutual understanding rarely form a stable couple. There is too much poison here that even the best sex cannot neutralize.

What kind of man suits a Scorpio woman?

To bring a man to madness, to become the most desirable, beloved and delightful for him - this is what a Scorpio woman is for the boyfriends who met on her way. She knows how to seduce, knows how to forgive, feels people well and can always consider their weaknesses. But what to do with them - forgive or use for pressure - depends on how their owner treats it. After all, such a strong woman will not tolerate disrespectful attitude, let alone humiliation.

In her opinion, compatibility is possible only with a partner of equal strength. Want to make an enemy for life? Then make a willful offense against the Scorpio. And be sure - she will never forgive you for this.

general characteristics

Character traits

The mysterious seductress woman Scorpio attracts men to her, and they very easily fall under her spell. This charmer knows everything about seduction and can write entire volumes that will be devoted to sexual attractiveness and arousing desire in the opposite sex. A gentleman who has fallen into her network will forget about the existence of other women for a long time. And why are they needed if this charming creature is nearby.

The great and irrepressible energy that this zodiac sign is endowed with would be enough for several women born under other constellations. And this makes Scorpio work literally "for wear and tear." Any action performed by this strong nature can be characterized by the word "too" from the outside. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that next to such a lady a peaceful and calm existence awaits you. It is possible that over time you may even get tired of her hectic activities. And she will definitely never make you bored.

Personal qualities

This woman is an excellent example of the compatibility of a bright head and a highly developed intuition. Before allowing anyone into her life, she will definitely consider a person almost “under a microscope”. Therefore, it is very difficult to become a truly close and dear soul for her. Friends, however, as well as lovers, she chooses quite thoughtfully.

Waywardness and purposefulness are manifested in this sign from a young age. The Scorpio girl always strives to ensure that everything is the way she wants it. Almost any action performed by this special one implies the pursuit of a goal. Her energy, multiplied by her determination, allows her to achieve results that are unattainable for others. At the same time, she always calculates the moves several steps ahead, and little can knock her off the intended course. But if conditions change, then she will be able to adapt to them and continue the path to her cherished goal.

God forbid, it would occur to you to offend Scorpio. The love of revenge that the Zodiac gave this woman, the ability to plan and achieve her goals, make her a very terrible enemy. The evil fury, which this seductress will turn into, will show you all the charms of destructive behavior and in the end, bending over the defeated enemy, will indicate where and in what you were wrong.

Therefore, it is better to keep a Scorpio as a friend. By the way, they make wonderful friends. They know how to keep secrets, show honesty in relationships and provide support in difficult times.

Love and Scorpio

The proud Scorpio woman is a real volcano of passions, which, however, she can keep under control. But it is precisely this passion and overflowing with desires that beckon the surrounding men into her spread nets.

She knows how to be charming and attractive, coquetry and flirting are complemented by her femininity and graceful manners. She is often given the title of "fatal woman", who can destroy the one who dared to love her.

A man who has known such a fatal passion will always remember this novel. And even a painful break will not allow to erase from memory those unforgettable sensations that he experienced next to such a companion.

Often, representatives of the Scorpio sign, which is part of the Zodiac, opt for weaker partners. She shows condescension towards them, trying to help with her patronage. If desired, she is able to become a support for them, allowing them to reach heights. But such a union will be uncomfortable for her, since she can truly fall in love only with a brave and courageous hero with the same steel character as hers.

In her life, a Scorpio woman takes love very seriously. In it, she is able to put her whole soul and passion. She will love her man very strongly and deeply, trying to protect him from all the evils of this world. Such a woman can create a real heaven on Earth or open a branch of hell. But with those who managed to deceive her or did not live up to expectations in the intimate sphere, she will break off relations.

Although physical compatibility is important to her, she can still try to help those who have failed due to erection problems. She is able not only to excite such partners, but also to cure such unpleasant situations in the future. But she will do all this only for selfish reasons, because harmony in her sexual life is very important for her.

Marriage for Scorpio

A Scorpio woman also chooses her future spouse very carefully. He must possess a mass of virtues, the sum of which must outweigh those of his rivals. Among them the most valuable are:

There should be a man next to her, near whom she can finally feel like a weak woman. And it is also important for her to know that she is the only one.

It is quite difficult to deceive her with dishonest intentions, because she sees people "through" and easily recognizes a lie, thanks to the features that the Zodiac has awarded her. Attempts to have fun with her without serious intentions, she sees immediately and immediately cuts off.

Of course, a brave hero can try to take this fortress, but he must understand that when the deception is revealed and the cards are laid out on the table, Scorpio will not forgive the trick. And her revenge will be truly inventive.

In the house of the mistress of Scorpio, there is always order. At the same time, it will be tastefully furnished, and guests will always be greeted with comfort and coziness.

Mother Scorpio loves her children very much and shows this by the desire to develop in them resistance to life's adversities. She thinks in advance about the future that awaits her children, tries to bring up in them the compatibility of talent and hard work. She also applies her ability to understand people to children, becoming a good adviser for them.

She will give the same support to her husband. All the available energy that the Zodiac gave her, she will invest in the development of her husband. It is very important for her that he takes a worthy place in life, has Good work and succeeded. She is ready to endure many hardships and restrictions, just to achieve her goal.

Sex and Scorpio

Ready for an endless night of crazy love? This is how you will feel the time spent in bed with a Scorpio. Her bubbling energy and passion, which the Zodiac has awarded her, guarantee an unforgettable experience.

And she will begin, perhaps, with an intimate whisper in her ear, where she will describe in detail the entire planned program for today. Such conversations will allow her to already begin to be excited, and you will know what to prepare for. If a man has the same temperament and love for sex, then partners will have very high compatibility in bed.

A Scorpio woman will prefer to make love on a huge bed or a water mattress. There should be enough space for various experiments and interesting poses. And even if you have significant sexual experience, this woman will surprise you.

Such a partner will definitely want not only to enjoy herself, but also to deliver it to her lover. The zodiac gave them a strong sensitivity, and therefore you will not be able to forget sex with this woman.

A strong and energetic Scorpio lover in bed will prefer compatibility with a softer and weaker partner. So she will be able to assert her leadership not only in sex, but also in life.

Suitable men

Meeting a man along the way Taurus, the seductress Scorpio will realize that she has found her true love. Such compatibility of characters and temperaments is just perfect.

A man will also be a worthy candidate for permanent companions Crayfish. An unstoppable avalanche of feelings will be able to cover these lovers with their heads, and their intimacy will be filled with tenderness and passion.

Mandatory attraction experienced by a Scorpio woman to a man Virgo. And although initially it will be friendship, later it can develop into deep love.

Two scorpio quite capable of hiding their poisonous stings and indulging in love for each other. Such relationships will be long and will give many pleasant moments to both.

FROM Capricorn the wife of Scorpio will have the opportunity to discuss not only family matters, but also business. Here she will be able to show her talent as an adviser and friend.

Union between Scorpio and sign Pisces, included in the Zodiac, will allow both to improve themselves. She will help him understand himself, and he will teach her to relax.

Unsuitable men

The first meeting between the seductress Scorpio and a man Aries can easily end up in bed. They both have sensuality and will be able to please each other. But outside the bedroom, their compatibility is questionable. And if the lovers do not learn to put up in bed, they will break.

The male a lion will wait for constant praise in her direction, but the Scorpio woman will not be able to devote much time to this.

Simple and open man Sagittarius will be boring for a Scorpio. After all, she wants to delve into the male soul, but she will not find anything secret and mysterious there.

The union of Aquarius and those born under the sign of Scorpio cannot arise in principle because of the opposite desires.

Who suits Scorpio from the signs of the zodiac?

The most powerful and controversial sign of the zodiac is undoubtedly Scorpio. He is passionate and mysterious, often closed in on himself and always remains in his opinion. And therefore, before deciding to link fate with a representative of this sign, it would be useful to ask who suits Scorpio in friendship, love and life together.

The stars look from above and determine who will connect their fate with whom, so much so that later they will not repent bitterly. After all, a person cannot be recognized immediately, with him you need, as they say, to eat a pound of salt. So, let's talk about who suits Scorpio so much that a strong alliance can be formed.

The most preferred partner for him in all respects can be Capricorn, an equally strong and solid sign, which in perseverance in achieving goals is in no way inferior to him. Scorpio respects strength, he can even voluntarily give up the palm to a representative of this constellation, and such a union will be almost perfect.

Relationships with Pisces born under the “stinging” sign are not bad. In this tandem, Scorpio has every chance to feel like a patron, and Pisces can feel great under his protection.

Virgo is another sign that suits Scorpio. Their marriage is long and harmonious, but Scorpions are annoyed by the excessive practicality of the Virgin, and they are often dissatisfied with the excessive independence of their life partner.

Cancer and Libra can also have a successful alliance with this sign, however, they will have to make room a little and endure the partner's indomitable temper.

And now about those who are the least suitable for Scorpios. Take at least a purely peaceful sign - Aquarius. For all his complaisance, he has a fairly independent character and considers himself entitled to make decisions on his own. It is clear that the owner Scorpio will not like this, and nothing promises this couple a long and happy relationship.

With Sagittarius, in principle, an alliance is possible, but his love of freedom will also jar Scorpio. If both find the strength to make big compromises, then you can try to be together. Otherwise, it's better not to try.

Scorpio with Scorpio - an explosive mixture! There is a powerful physical and spiritual attraction between them, but, alas, they are not destined to get along in the same bank. Passion, jealousy, noisy quarrels - and the inevitable gap awaits such a couple.

Proud, independent Leo and no less proud and independent Scorpio - they also feel a strong attraction, but, again, it will be a very difficult relationship, replete with quarrels and partings.

Taurus and Aries are signs with which it is very difficult for Scorpio to find a common language. A strong character and a heightened sense of ownership in both representatives of the zodiac disgust the water sign. Even in ordinary friendly relations, tension remains between them, and these two cannot be attributed to those who suit Scorpio.

Astrological analysis is always interesting, and there is something to think about when reading forecasts and data about yourself and your relationships with people. But why is it that what is read often does not coincide with real life? Yes, because an ignorant person cannot deeply understand the heavenly symbols. After all, belonging to a zodiac sign is determined not just by the day and month of birth. We must not forget that both the hour of birth and the year have their own characteristics. For example, among those who fit Scorpio according to the horoscope, Virgo is listed, the stars predict a strong and harmonious marriage for them. But if one of them was born in the year of the Tiger, and the other in the year of the Sheep, what kind of harmony can we talk about? Astrology is a great and ancient science, and no one can fully comprehend it. Even the most enlightened astrologers.

Who suits Scorpio

Scorpios are passionate natures who are used to getting their way, while making many enemies. This zodiac sign has a strong internal energy that none of the other representatives of the zodiac signs can boast of. Scorpios are emotional and sensitive people who need constant love. Love for them is a source of life, and therefore they are attracted to sensual and passionate halves that can give them unearthly feelings.

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility

Compatibility zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility: what zodiac sign is Scorpio in love and intimate life; what zodiac sign suits Scorpio; solution of problems

What is the zodiac sign of Scorpio in love and intimate life

In love, Scorpio is dangerous - he inflicts heart wounds, not wanting it at all. In the family, he usually becomes either a domestic tyrant, or, adapting, loses his "I" and suffers because of this.

The paradoxical character of Scorpio manifests itself in many ways. Appreciating independence, outwardly Scorpio gives the partner freedom, but secretly suffers from suspicion, jealousy, even decides to spy on or check other people's letters. The chosen one will not be forgiven, demanding complete trust from him.

Being a stronger personality in a couple, he feels very happy at first, but soon becomes disappointed, accuses the partner of lack of will, and himself for the wrong choice. Scorpio will experience the true happiness of love only with those who are able to both yield and stand their ground.

Scorpio often arranges personal happiness, ignoring the opinion of society, despising traditions, general norms, believing that no one has the right to judge him. He can combine an unhappy marriage with a stormy romance on the side.

Scorpio is magically attractive, greedy for love, too liberated sexually. But if he thinks that abstinence will be useful for his career, he is able to completely abandon erotic pleasures. Receiving offers to arrange life with the help of an intimate relationship, he refuses with indignation, although he later regrets it (secretly).

The strongest natural charm of Scorpio is honed, it is difficult to resist him. He charms everyone in a row, not bothering to choose the best partners. His reputation suffers from this. Therefore, many try to stay away from Scorpio. Whoever can appreciate the beauty of the soul of Scorpio, understand him, will find that Scorpio is a good friend, a devoted, loving spouse.

And a short romance with this sign, Scorpio's partners remember as the brightest event of life: Scorpio leaves an indelible impression with ingenuity, erotic unpredictability.

The strongest virtues of Scorpio is a highly developed intuition, sexuality, sensuality, understanding of their goals. However, these qualities cannot guarantee happiness, since Scorpio is also endowed with pettiness, possessive instinct, jealousy, inner insecurity, which makes it difficult to share their desires and fears with a partner.

Scorpio needs to control his " dark side»: uninhibited and cheerful Scorpio is irresistible. unfriendly and gloomy - just awful! Using their strengths, working on their shortcomings, Scorpio will be able to achieve happiness.

What zodiac sign is perfect for Scorpio

Scorpios can't stand being alone. Loving, in which they are successful all their lives. Tireless innovators with freedom of opinion and free will.

Independence is the main value of their life. All this is the result of the influences of Mars, Pluto, Uranus. However, Scorpios can betray the work they have begun, in case of failure they are hysterical, touchy, weak-willed, capricious.

These Qualities are the result of the lack of energy of the Moon, Venus, Chiron. You can get rid of strongly interfering shortcomings by connecting life with Taurus, which these planets lead through life. earthy Taurus sign- the ideal cosmic narrowed for the Water Scorpio.


The capabilities of Scorpios can be envied - many signs are promising for them:

representatives of his Water element Crayfish, Pisces, Scorpio himself;

in fact, without risk, a super-promising alliance with the Fiery- Sagittarius, lion and Aries(the most promising of these).

What zodiac sign suits Scorpio poorly

Only the signs of Air - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra - do not suit Scorpios: it is difficult for Water to extract anything from Air.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the true compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, and more. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility: problem solving

Fearing the fervor, unpredictability of mood inherent in Scorpios, many stay away from them. Scorpios should follow the reaction of others to their behavior. This will help you understand what needs to be adjusted in order to avoid unnecessary problems, disappointments, and casual relationships.

Scorpios are extremely attractive to the opposite sex. But they often associate with those who should be avoided. Scorpios should learn to be selective in order to achieve the harmony of love. By not wasting time on dubious people, Scorpio will get more chances to meet "his" person.

The actions of Scorpio from the outside often seem illogical: for example, having started a relationship with someone about whom he has a low opinion, seeing all his shortcomings, it will be hard to experience a break with him. The reason is the subconscious desire to surpass the chosen one, to lead in a pair. Scorpio should think about equality: respect for a partner who shares all the difficulties, all the joys of life is a significant factor in finding happiness.

In fact, all Scorpios are quite sensual, sexy and attractive. But Scorpio is looking for, in addition to physical, emotional, spiritual intimacy. Only the chosen one does not have the opportunity to find out - all Scorpios are secretive.

Scorpio needs to find a balance of their sexual and spiritual needs. Then his personality will become more harmonious, and therefore more potentially happy.

It is very important to be honest with your lover, openness in discussing exciting issues. Hiding your anxieties and problems behind jokes, outward carelessness, or, on the contrary, behind nit-picking that provoke scandals, is not worth it. Scorpio is often driven by the desire to achieve what he wants, to manipulate a partner. But this tactic is both tedious and does not give as good a result as a correctly stated request.

However, if Scorpio has not decided for any reason to have a frank conversation, the changes that have occurred to him, related to the balancing of needs, will also affect the partner. Personal harmony is also useful for Scorpio, who has not yet found his soul mate: he will be able to attract those who are tuned specifically to a serious relationship.

Scorpios are unusual owners and jealous, although some of this is not recognized. In the most neglected cases, the one who is associated with Scorpio becomes a slave to total control and digging into the details. Scorpio is afraid of losing the chosen one, but instead of creating conditions from which the beloved himself does not want to leave, Scorpio limits his freedom. Past sad experience also affects. Scorpio cannot relax, forget how he was disappointed, deceived. His inner anxiety increases voltage leads to conflicts quarrels.

For mutual comfort, Scorpio must respect the right of the chosen one to personal space. Control also has the disadvantage that if the partner belongs to Scorpio without limit, he will soon get bored.

It is also necessary to approach the search for a trustworthy partner from the very beginning, this is not an easy task. If Scorpio knew before that a person is a liar, with pernicious inclinations, is it worth expecting fidelity, hoping for seriousness relations?

No mutual understanding

The peculiarity of Scorpios is secrecy. They rarely openly express feelings, even with themselves they are not completely honest. Scorpios, especially young ones who do not have enough experience, should remember that there are few among those around who are endowed with unmistakable strong intuition. It is extremely difficult for a partner to find out about the suffering of Scorpio, his problems, because Scorpio will not even give a hint of what his chosen one should do.

Scorpio needs to admit to himself and his partner his weaknesses, addictions. Don't be shy to ask for help. And to wait for the beloved to guess and offer it, and to be offended if this does not happen, is destructive.

When choosing a partner, Scorpio should take into account not only his sexual, sensual attractiveness, but also the ability to to emotional contact. After all, the soul of Scorpio is not simple, not everyone can comprehend it. It is necessary to show more seriousness, intelligibility, not to allow uncomfortable relationships to lead into a swamp of self-deception and unjustified hopes.

More than other signs, Scorpio tends to keep in memory what should have been forgotten. Echoes of unhappy relationships disturb for a long time, not allowing the soul to open up to new attachments.

Scorpio needs to learn to forgive themselves for past mistakes. And also not to remember the misdeeds committed by others. A spiritual wound will heal faster if you do not remember the pain caused by different people, do not pour the salt of past grievances.

The significance of one's own actions should not be exaggerated, assuming that a different course of action could change the course of events. Usually there are several reasons for the gap, acting in a complex way. It is necessary to learn to objectively assess what is happening.

It is rarely possible to correct the past; it is not worth dragging the burden of sorrows into the future. Scorpio, using his natural gifts - wisdom and foresight, needs to learn how to start relationships from a blank sheet, taking their development as seriously as possible.

Scorpios do not like disapproving reactions to their actions, decisions. But there are those desperate who are trying to argue with them, to instruct.

It is difficult to answer unambiguously how to respond to these comments. Much depends on the emerging romance. You need to understand the aspirations of the partner - only for your own convenience or for a relationship where both will be happy.

Perhaps reproaches, criticism of Scorpio's chosen one is a defensive reaction to Scorpio's attempts to manipulate, control his actions. Scorpio needs to learn how to retreat on time, take into account the opinion of a partner, even if it does not meet expectations.

On the other hand, Scorpio, striving to be a leader in relationships, does not tolerate weak partners. And he falls into a rather unpleasant psychological trap. Therefore, it is possible: criticism from the chosen one, other ways of expressing dissatisfaction - there is a desire to assume a dominant role, also a kind of manipulation.

Scorpio's emotions are excessively strong and cannot be stable and long. He has a relentless desire for new experiences. However, in order to get them, it is not necessary to break with a partner, to rush in search of the ideal. Simple enough sometimes to relax, take a break.

It is also important to learn how to use your extraordinary strengths constructively: to give relationships a form that will suit you, not to follow a destructive path. You should not blame yourself and your partner for the loss of the former sharpness of emotions, you need to direct your energy towards finding an original solution.

Wanting a serious relationship, one must come to terms with the fact that the emotionality of the novel will not always be the same. Time will show that sometimes, losing in brightness, you can win in the depth of relationships. We need to protect them, keep love, sympathy for each other. This is the main value and harmony.

It's only General characteristics Scorpions, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual


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More detailed compatibility
Scorpio sign with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Scorpio in a love relationship

The truth-loving and impartial Scorpio despises flattery and deceit, but he himself is the most mysterious and incomprehensible mind of the Zodiac sign around him. Which makes finding compatibility with it a very difficult task for a potential partner.

Among the representatives of this zodiac constellation, there are extreme manifestations: from altruism to uniform egoism, from narrow-minded people living only with emotions, and to geniuses with a highly developed intellect and analytical thinking, from insensitive and cynical psychopaths to subtle dramatic actors. Moreover, all this can be combined in different proportions in one person, making the life of his partner very unpredictable. But, one way or another, in any manifestation, Scorpio will be in his role to the end. Absolutely uncompromising sign.

The behavior of a person born under the signs of the element of Water rarely lends itself to logic, and sometimes is inexplicable, so one should not lose vigilance next to him. Independent and not subject to public opinion, Scorpio can be cruel and unceremonious in communicating with loved ones, able to “sting” with the sharpness of deliberate and offensive statements not only enemies, but also friends.
Hiding natural sensitivity behind cynicism, heterosexual representatives of the Scorpio sign equally need understanding and care. The possessive instinct and pathological jealousy makes them intolerant of the partner's past relationships and hobbies. They are categorical and resolute, they do not tolerate objections and open criticism in their address. Scorpio in a relationship with a partner is an invariably faithful, devoted friend and comrade, and in the fight against ill-wishers - a dangerous and insidious enemy.

Clue: pay, first of all, attention to compatibility with Scorpios in emotions and intuitions in

A man born under the sign of Scorpio purposefully strives for excellence in all areas of his hectic activity. Excellent intuition and a large supply of vital energy allows you to recognize and realize the desires of a companion who, next to him, feels protected and desired.

An attractive and energetic Scorpio woman is picky in her choice of men, who often find it difficult to resist her. Judgment, intersecting with cunning, allows her not to exist, but to live and enjoy what is happening. These by nature dual people rarely open up in communication, but, having become close to a person, they will be sincere to the end.

Scorpio flaws checklist

  • Always wary, sometimes groundlessly suspicious of everything
  • They are vindictive and recklessly vindictive, they know no limits in the fight against the enemy.
  • Unable to support someone else's position, defining their opinion as the only true one
  • Fanatically jealous owners who do not accept rivalry
  • Unwilling to make commitments and act out of a sense of duty
  • Behind the apparent prudence, they cunningly hide a long-made cold calculation.
  • Selectively communicate with purposeful people and arrogantly relate to the rest

The natural compatibility of Scorpio within its element of Water: with Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer

The susceptibility of Scorpio and other representatives of the signs of the elements of Water - Cancer and Pisces, in such unions exalts the emotional component over everyday life. For partners romance relationships more important than the decision management issues household. Understanding each other on a subconscious level, representatives of the signs of the water element can diversify the sensual and physical spheres, which strengthens their unions and prevents them from getting bogged down in the routine of everyday problems.

By listening to the opinions and sharing the interests of each other, partners will be able to form a lasting and indestructible union. Most importantly, next to the same water partner, Scorpio does not need any masks that hide the secrets of his soul. This is one of the most honest relationships among all couples.

The most successful couples of the elements of Water:

  • Scorpio man and Pisces woman
  • Scorpio woman and Cancer man

Favorable compatibility of Scorpio with the signs of the elements of the Earth: with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

The relationship of the hyperactive and instantly winding up Scorpio with the "lying earth stones" Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - representatives of the signs of the friendly elements of the Earth, promises to be dynamic and filled with contradictory events. Especially for the second. The ability of Scorpio to foresee the approach of danger and developed intuition, together with the sober logic of earth signs, will allow partners to clearly distribute the roles and responsibilities of each in this union.

However, the earth sign, which has decided to link its fate with Scorpio, will be forced to remain vigilant every minute and compromise to resolve conflict situations. In alliances with earthly partners, Scorpio will appreciate stability and the manifestation of sincere feelings. Suspicion forces him to provoke conflicts in order to expose his partner and defend his place under the sun.

The most successful pairs of elements of Water and Earth:

  • Scorpio man and Capricorn woman
  • Scorpio woman and Virgo man
  • In a pair of Scorpio-Taurus, gender does not play a role

Unfavorable compatibility of Scorpio with the signs of the elements of Fire and Air: with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius

In such unions, the incredulous Scorpio finds himself in an absolutely unacceptable position for him. His consistently wary and sometimes defensive behavior infuriates the impulsive and open in communication representatives of the elements of Fire and Air. A hurricane of conflicts and experiences will mentally exhaust both partners. The desire to limit freedom will cause an internal protest in the satellite and unwillingness to obey the jealous and domineering Scorpio.
Alliances with fire signs will be frankly exhausting for Scorpio. Yes, he sometimes likes to tickle the nerves of himself and his partner with thrills, but nothing more than as a fleeting bright romance. The constant atmosphere of confrontation and self-defense will exhaust the Scorpio.

The most controversial is the union of Scorpio with Leo, when the first can only defend or surrender to please the partner. With a lack of education and moral values, relationships will inevitably be filled with violent scandals, humiliations and, to the delight of both partners, will quickly come to a logical conclusion.

With the signs of Air for Scorpio, everything will be too superficial. Their sphere is cold intellect. The realm of Scorpio is known to have raging emotions. Of course, they are not enemies to each other and can find common ground. For example, in business. But in love and family, both of them are looking for a completely different compatibility. The experiences of Scorpio will seem groundless to air signs, spiritual impulses will not find support, and insults will be completely ignored. For the representatives of the Air, Scorpio is an emotionally complex sign c.

Scorpio Compatibility with 12 Zodiac Signs

Scorpio is the "boa constrictor" for the posterior sign Aries. The most difficult couple with very controversial compatibility. The common patron planet Mars helps Scorpio and Aries find common ground and unite in a critical situation. Where there is one goal that requires full mobilization. But in ordinary life this relationship becomes a confrontation - quick and bitter or eternal and hidden. Still, the elements of signs - Fire and Water - are in confrontation, which sets the tone for this pair.

Unions of signs-opposites, i.e. located opposite each other on the zodiac circle - this is always a test. The reward for which can be complete spiritual unity. But too young partners, who do not yet have sufficient experience and life wisdom, will almost certainly make mistakes in these relationships. Therefore, compatibility with Taurus for Scorpio is ambiguous, even though their elements - Earth and Water - combine favorably.

Scorpio, like no other, is able to see something special in Gemini. Still, because Gemini is a “boa constrictor” sign for Scorpio. And Scorpio is an obedient and devoted "rabbit" for Gemini. And this compatibility, when it comes to love, is fatal. To a lesser extent for the Gemini, who get out of this relationship without loss, and to a greater extent for the dependent on the will of his "boa constrictor" Scorpio, who will be left with a broken heart.

Mutual understanding on an intuitive level is a solid foundation for any union between the signs of the elements of Water. Their compatibility is even of a mystical nature, where each partner sees a kindred spirit in the other. In this case, for the “child” of Scorpio, the sign of Cancer, which is earlier on the zodiac circle, appears as a “parent” or a wise “parent”. Therefore, it is recommended that Cancer in this pair be older, or more experienced and preferably stronger in character, in order to be able to take full responsibility for the relationship and for the “child” with its difficult character.

Despite the initial conflict of the elements of the signs - Water and Fire - there are positive aspects in their union. Everything related to business, cooperation, common business, work in a large team - here the compatibility of Scorpio and Leo can manifest itself very effectively. What can not be said about love, and even more so a family, where everything is far from being as favorable as we would like. Nevertheless, the pair of "Patron and Advisor" is more business than family.

Despite the “senior” role of Virgo, which she plays for her “younger brother” Scorpio sign, the main tones of these relationships will still be emotionality and sensuality, and not earthly rationality and practicality. Compatibility of signs is favorable and promising. There are a lot of areas for implementing this compatibility. Therefore, partners will not be bored with each other if they have big goals in this life.

A fairly common pair, as it refers to the popular type of compatibility of neighboring signs " Best friend and the best enemy. But not the most successful in terms of love compatibility for Scorpio, because he is “the best friend” here, which means that more of him is helping Libra in knowledge, life experience and just friendly support. The problem is that next to the "best enemy" Scorpio directs all the spiritual potential for the development of a partner, while he himself stops in development. Those. he gives here more than he takes.

It is believed that of all the same signs, only the signs of the elements of Water can relatively favorably get along with each other. Well, if your couple is two Water Scorpios, then you'll have to check it out. In the classical approach, the compatibility of partners of the same sign is not considered favorable and durable. In particular, because of the duplication of negative qualities and predictability that gets boring sooner or later. But can Scorpios be predictable?

Quite a frequent union for young representatives of signs and practically not found among mature people. If we talk about mature and experienced Scorpios, then, having burned themselves once about a fiery partner, they will already intuitively feel the danger coming from the rest of the representatives of Fire. And Sagittarius, experienced in relationships, who changed many partners in their youth, know how hard it is for them to bear the burden of relationships with the signs of Water. But before the young lovers Scorpio and Sagittarius, the prospect of a truly exciting romance opens up.

Despite the completely different and at the same time difficult characters of both partners, their compatibility is determined by a favorable combination of the elements of Water and Earth. Until the moment of the meeting, Scorpio and Capricorn could hardly imagine that they would ever be together. And this only adds intrigue to their relationship - they always have something to talk about and argue about, they constantly discover something new in each other. This happens due to the fact that, due to different elements, signs have different dominant spheres, different types of thinking and vision of the world.

Scorpio and Aquarius find their successful compatibility in a business and intellectual direction. They can be both excellent allies on the way to one good goal, and accomplices who carry out insidious plans. But with an unchanged brain center in the person of the air "patron" - Aquarius and his faithful right hand"Advisor" - Scorpio. Often life pushes Scorpio and Aquarius precisely in such situations, where Aquarius, with its will and capabilities, influences the fate of Scorpio.

The compatibility of these two signs of the water element is considered favorable. Scorpio and Pisces seem to be on the same wavelength. It is possible that even one of the best among all pairs of the horoscope. The type of relationship between the sign of Scorpio and Pisces in front is called "Parent and Child" or "Teacher and Student", where Scorpio is assigned the role of "parent" and "teacher" for Pisces. To some extent, these relationships are a test specifically for Scorpio for strength of character, wisdom, experience and willingness to take responsibility.

Popular In-contri calculations:

Reviews and stories about Scorpio couples |

Good day! I already wrote to you, apparently a long message came out, and you did not answer. The question worries me: why did the man with whom we have good compatibility, as many as 4 maximums and everything is in order according to Pythagoras, preferred another to me? With whom they have continuous dissonance, besides, she is married. According to our compatibility, he should be drawn to me in the same way as I am drawn to him, and because of him I can’t look at others at all. We have common views and ideals, and his friends respect me, I am also not deprived of attention. I feel that the interest is mutual. As for age, I have been engaged in self-development for a long time, so it should suit him kind of. 07/10/1989, he 11/5/1977, she 11/25/1977. Help me to understand(((

Ksenia, your first letter dated November 26 last year was found, and then separately you sent the dates of birth of all the participants. Well, quite a powerful review in terms of content. I regret that he was ignored. But, alas, it is simply physically impossible to read and process everything. And long stories like yours are not bad at all. In them, on the contrary, there is more information for reflection than in 10 short reviews. One problem with long stories is that the answers to them are sometimes written for 2-3 days.

Judging by the fact that even after so much time you do not give up and try to get an answer, this situation and your partner do not let you go and the answer is extremely important. In this case, we will not guess with the timing, but in the near future we will try to understand it deeper.

Olga, I confess, in some ways I envy people who, with such a positive and the number of smileys, can remember not the most pleasant moments of life)) Thank you for your feedback!

Good afternoon ... I am writing for the third time ((

I really need your advice and help. How can I build a relationship with my husband, if we have only 2 compatibility in the lower chakras, the rest is all dissonance .. And I already got married, but I stumbled upon your site, now doubts gnaw, I don’t know what to do.

The second marriage, the child is 10 years old, got used to her husband for 1.5 years, I can’t say that they are direct friends, but there is a certain warmth in the relationship, so I’m very afraid to disperse. But as I understand it, if there is no compatibility in the higher chakras, then the union is not long-term, but I so wanted to babysit my grandchildren with this man, and live a long happy life together, but it turns out that we have nowhere to move .. ( (Or can this be corrected somehow? What should I pay attention to as a woman?.

And another question, we are 5-5 in character, this is very bad, and how to decipher it in the family? I am 16-01-1983, he is 01-11-1978. I'm asking for advice and help! I am in great confusion.

Julia, let's try to sort out your anxiety. And build a causal relationship.

First, let's admit to ourselves that neither this site nor another can be a reason for divorce. And the fact that, with the seeming well-being of family relationships, led you to this kind of calculation - this is the reason. Already the result was your hit on the site and confirmation of some internal contradictions. I don’t know where you immediately get such a panicky desire to disperse, because objective reasons to this no. Let's take a closer look.

Overall Compatibility: 44% - below average
Physical level: 77% - a man is interested in you as a girl. Moreover, given his nature of Scorpio, I think that this compatibility should manifest itself very well.
Emotional level: 86% - an excellent continuation in the form of the main "female" compatibility
Intellectual level: 31% - well, not the best interlocutors and business companions. It's OK.
Heart level: 10% is not a disaster. Emotions are almost at their peak.
Creative level: 91% - you inspire your husband to accomplish, literally ignite new ideas in him. Next to you, he will "trample" everything. And he should appreciate it.
The intuitive level of 12% and the Highest 1% - it is too early to talk about their manifestation (1.5 years from your words).

Summarizing the analysis of biorhythms / chakras, I will say that in my subjective opinion, relationships are in this scenario, when there are two or three anchor compatibility and everything else in the background is the most interesting. They rarely end successfully with partners with little experience, but usually last long and positively in people who have learned to feel strong intimacy in certain areas with a partner. And who is old enough to understand how different people can be, but if there is at least something really strong between them, then this should certainly be appreciated.

Ideally, a couple with this alignment looks like people who are constantly rejoicing in closeness with each other, having a benevolent and positive emotional atmosphere in their couple, inspiring and embodying. And the rest that is not developed, as it were, does not exist. Strengths are enough to ignore weaknesses.

And, if about the shortcomings, then the dissonance in the higher chakras suggests that at a certain stage of the maturity of the relationship, the partners are likely to make a seemingly balanced and objective decision that their roads go to different goals. And they will part for a long time. However, they have a good chance of meeting again and starting from scratch, without completely forgetting a strong relationship in the past. And not finding a similar connection in other people.

According to the horoscope, I think it’s clear to everyone that the earthly Capricorn and the water Scorpio are an excellent combination. By the way, the water element adds points to the sphere of emotional compatibility.

Pythagoras: characters 5-5, family 3 (you) - 5 (husband), temperaments 2 (you) - 1 (husband). Once again I will warn you about the bad statistics of trips to the left from the side of individual temperaments. Among them, this is the most common case. Especially with the character 5 and under the sign of Scorpio, I think you should pay special attention. As for the characters, then, in principle, there can be many sparks in everyday clashes, given the hard horns of Capricorn and the theatrical nature of Scorpio. However, this can be avoided if you give realization to your strong characters outside: at work, with friends, anywhere. Only in the family last. Please, a couple of Gorbachevs from the examples. Brilliantly realized each of themselves in the political arena.

In general, Julia, the balance of your relationship from the side of calculation greatly outweighs in a positive direction. Maybe try to look at things less subjectively and still see the value of the current relationship. Good luck!

Hello. I'm extremely glad to be on this site. And it’s unrealistically surprised - a bunch of sites on this subject, but here it’s so accurate, understandable and interesting, it fascinates directly)

I always paid attention to horoscopes, etc., but now it has become more interesting. After all, it can really help in life. I have a funny story, actually.

Right now, divorced from his ex-wife (I - 10/29/1987, she - 06/18/1975). When I checked compatibility on your site and read the type of relationship “boa constrictor - rabbit”, I just fell off my chair))) word for word as I had .. “rabbit” lasted six years)) but I don’t want to talk about that. Right now, there is only one girl in my head (07/06/1989). The trick is that he started dating her while still married, but soon “sort of” broke up with her. The reason is probably mostly emotional. Few talked heart to heart, but there were splashes sometimes. Or rather, my “stamp in the passport” greatly oppressed her, they say, “busy”. I felt that she could open up, but did not do it to the full extent, as I wanted it. Right now she is apathetic towards me. The feeling that someone was carried away. I want to return it, and I'm working on it. Your site gives strength and hope. I am pleased with my intuitive biorhythm with her, although this may not be the main thing)

Can you give any comments/add. calculations/personal view of my story?)

And by the way, can you add names to calculate compatibility? Or does it not matter, do you think?

Antonio, you are one of the lucky few who wrote a review while a new comment was being written for the site. Of course, the reviews that appear right in front of your eyes, it is impossible not to notice.

But, I will not hide it, attracted attention in your story, of course, the dates of your birth and ex-wife: 1987 and 1975. To put it mildly, not very traditional in public understanding. I recall the almost sensational transfer on YouTube with Malakhov about an unequal marriage. Let's leave behind the scenes the age at which you got married, and pay attention only to the fact that today you are two weeks away from 27, and your ex-wife ... 39 years old. Cool. Most readers' eyes, like mine, are probably rounded. I wonder what they will remain if we calculate the compatibility according to your dates:
- General 55% and compatibility in emotions (74%), intellect (65%), heart (70%) and creativity (82%)
- characters 3-3, families 4-2, temperaments 6-5

Many actually could envy this alignment. If not for "Boa and Rabbit" in the horoscope. Although I am sure that it was the specifics of the relationship between the “Boa and the Rabbit” that brought its spark to the stormy beginning of this relationship, which entailed a very controversial marriage from any point of view. Be that as it may, the beginning was dizzying. Well, the end, however, as in most novels of such a pair of characters. But there will be something to remember. Although I had to go through a lot. But do not despair, Antonio, and do not rush into a quick decision about a new companion.

Still, if we talk about the prospects for your relationship specifically with the girl on 07/06/1989, then rather no than yes. I see that you yourself noticed the lack of emotions. And not in vain. The signs of the water element are the most emotional. And their union, in this case, is logical that it should have a basis of common emotions. What, as you see in the calculation and in practice, is not observed. For all readers, I note that there, apart from the physical and intuitive maximum, against the background of a seemingly favorable pair of water signs of Scorpio and Cancer, nothing else is observed.

Yes, you, as a man, are driven by maximum physical compatibility, perhaps there is also a maximum of intuitive. But the real depth of the relationship, believe me, is felt after some time of communication with a new partner. And doubts, emotional coldness, apathy, and literally an abyss in temperaments - 1 for the girl and 5 for you (with a maximum of physical compatibility with her!). All this does not add positive points to the forecast. I would especially like to note that temperaments 1 feel a little uncomfortable under the pressure of temperaments 4-5 (by analogy with characters). And more than once it was discussed that the higher the temperament, the higher the fidelity of the partner, especially when paired with a close temperament. But the lower the temperament, the higher the tendency to go to the left. So here too, Antonio, your presentiment may not fail you. In connection with all of the above, I propose to take a more sober look at the prospects in this pair and not build any special illusions. It’s just that if your plans fail, it will be easier for you to accept and analyze everything.

Names really do not play a role in the calculation of compatibility. This is more about SMS predictions and other miracle services))

I sincerely wish you success, Antonio, in your search for a harmonious couple!

Thanks to the creators of the site,

Zodiac signs: Taurus-Scorpio, opposites attract. Fits perfectly. As a woman here already gave a review about the highest charm, I also had such a moment. Somehow I looked into his eyes and understood why we had not met before, why now, but before we would not have recognized each other in the crowd.

Square of Pythagoras: the characters in the example 111 and 11111. Of course, I had partners before and after. My question is, why is compatibility not divided into a man and a woman? After all, it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer one than vice versa. Based on your site, I made a conclusion for myself (I checked the former by date of birth), I have a character " golden mean". From 1 and 11 it is better to run. Family: I have 6 (many). But a man must also be at least 4, otherwise he must also run. All those who are less did not work with them. Temperament: most big number in my experience 4 (I have 1). But, it doesn't matter to me. As the author well described, a man can hold back, and a woman can always "just a little more."

Olga, thanks for your story. Let her not be easy. I'm sorry about your departed partner ... But such a thing is fate. With your permission, I will leave a few comments.

The first thing of interest in your pair is an overall compatibility of 43% and two strong levels of compatibility of more than 80%, almost maximums. The first is physical and the second is intellectual. There is a more "masculine" craving in this regard. And, perhaps, personally, your warehouse, Olga, is just focused more on male levels. This is absolutely normal, just like many men who are sensitive on an emotional, heart and intuitive level. Let them not be the majority, but quite a few.

What is the peculiarity of this type of compatibility, when, in general, the percentage does not seem to be high, but there is one or two maximums: the partners strongly feel this, live it, and, like no other couple, they usually value what connects them. Many people ask: what is the best way to feel or develop compatibility at one level or another? The best answer will be given to you by exactly the pair that is kept at the expense of the party you are interested in.

As for the highest levels of compatibility, then, Olga, sorry - 2.5 months of relationship is not quite the time to talk about them. People have been going down this path for years. And most of the time they don't. You have, according to the calculation, a “half” of the intersection along the higher chakra. It is unlikely that this could be the main motive of your relationship.

However, not only intelligence, but also emotions in your pair were far from a secondary side. After all, the very meeting of signs that are opposite each other in the zodiac circle is very exciting for both partners. So different and both missed each other so much before this meeting. Sometimes they themselves wonder how they even ended up together. An interesting couple. By the way, they say that two opposite signs seem to have some kind of supernatural feeling of each other at a distance. Perhaps this is what you had in mind when talking about sensory. But, you know, the danger of this peculiar gift is that it is he who often becomes the cause of a break in such a pair. After all, each partner quickly guesses about betrayals and other bad intentions visiting his companion.

Regarding the fact that it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to follow a woman with a softer one, I think that you are right. Only for the majority. But, again, one cannot ignore those women whose developed will and character helped them become bosses, directors, business owners and leaders in other areas. Paradoxically, they make up the most harmonious families with husbands who are weaker in character and do not seek to lead such a woman after themselves.

There is one more suggestion! Or a question. I have absolutely no relationship with scorpio women. Starting from school and now, with colleagues. As I wrote in a previous review - the date of birth is 03/27/87. Aries, am I crazy or is there really some kind of stellar beginning under this? And here it is a proposal or a question - is it possible to check the compatibility of not only partners, but also just girlfriends, bosses, colleagues, that is, of different sexes.

Nastya, for some reason it turned out that all negative things according to the horoscope, whether it be incompatibility or antagonism of certain qualities in some pairs of signs, “work” in life much better than positive ones. Maybe because negative factors are much more noticeable for us? So it turned out that the statistics of the “Boa and Rabbit” pair (Scorpio and Aries in your case) once again found a clear confirmation. Therefore, after all, you are not crazy, but simply, like many, after analyzing the accumulated life experience, you understand this pattern.

With one of my acquaintances, an absolute skeptic regarding horoscopes and other esotericism, there were several cases of an unsuccessful outcome for him with business partners or customers who were "Boas" for his sign. Naturally, this remark was made for him. At present, he, as before, is skeptical about horoscopes ... but he avoids his "Boas". By the way, he also has good compatibility with his wife, only the compatibility calculation, of course, does not recognize.

Regarding your question-suggestion: of course, this calculation is not limited to date pairs of a man and a woman. Only a few wordings, as already mentioned, are specially tailored for a pink female date and a blue male date. Therefore, do not look at them and boldly analyze everyone in a row. So much better understanding of the calculation comes.

And I do not give up)) This time I will check my 7 in luck))
First of all, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! I wish to spend it with the closest, but also to allocate a couple of minutes for my devoted fans;)
I am writing for the 2nd time and I hope that one of the 2 questions will still appeal to you))
So that we both remain satisfied, and you are not so tired, they will be interconnected)) So, tell me, please, how to understand neutral (as you deigned to put it, if my memory serves me in one of the comments) incompatibilities (from 40 to 50%) What effect do they have on relationships? Is a favorable outcome possible with their presence, or can one even say dominance in the calculation?
Z.Y. just in case, let me remind you of the dates)) (she is 02/11/1997, he is 11/13/1994)

Olga, no kidding: reviews and stories for publication in the last six months are randomly selected. Simply due to the fact that it is physically impossible to read everything and, as the autumn experience showed, it is impossible to programmatically implement the safe publication of reviews without moderation (that is, you wrote - and immediately appeared on the site). And after all, it turns out that you are lucky: you accidentally clicked on your letter and now the answer to it is being printed. So Pythagoras, it turns out, was somewhat right.

So, about neutral compatibility levels, which can conditionally include the entire percentage "middle" of compatibility - from 40% to 60%. How to treat them and what role do they play? I think that it should be treated well, if only because such a level is at least not a dissonance. But to consider such a percentage as a more or less significant point of contact between people is not exactly worth it. And the role of neutral levels in a relationship is akin to supporting roles in a movie. It seems to be a supporting character and not a villain against whom the positive protagonist fights, but not the hero's main assistant either. Nevertheless, he creates some kind of general background at the right time, “the meal is served,” he will say.

And now, very smoothly, Olga, you approached the issue of considering two dates in such a way that it’s even somehow embarrassing to refuse :)) Well, you yourself saw everything: 47% of everything in chakras / biorhythms and only one strong compatibility in emotions 76 %. According to the horoscope, a couple of signs, although not opposing elements, but not particularly friendly either - Aquarius, the representative of Air, and Scorpio, the elements of Water. According to Pythagoras, there are no too big differences. Although the Scorpio guy has a rare character - 111111. If we take into account the difficult natural warehouse of Scorpio, then in total with such a character, probably, a difficult personality is obtained. And now, Olga, you understand that in your pair there are more just characters of the second plan. In the form of a set of neutral levels in the chakras, conditionally incompatible, but still rather also a neutral pair of signs, and close numbers according to the horoscope, only all with a slight preponderance towards the female side. And who to play leading role? Who should take care of everything? In addition to emotions, there is nothing to cling to. And they still work, I think. There is sympathy from the side of the girl, of course, according to her “native” chakra, and the Scorpio guy, as a representative of the water element, is not at all alien to the emotional. Therefore, I repeat, the question in these relations is not whether secondary characters dominate (who cannot dominate in principle), but who is pulling everything out now and due to what will the partners develop further?

My friends have recently separated. I looked at their calculation, it turned out that his interest was higher than hers. But in life, it was he who tried to leave her, but she did not let go. Also, in the calculation, he has a temperament of 5, she has 4, but she says that she did not have enough sex with him. He 07/18/1985 she 10/25/1985


Roman, to complete the picture of the compatibility of the pair you proposed, I had to look into the Pythagorean squares of each partner. Therefore, to general calculation more key points of contact have been added - the number 3 (cognition, creativity), 5 (logic, intuition), 9 (memory, mind):

Date of Birth 11.02.1993 24.07.1991
Physical 64%
Emotional 3%
Intellectual 97%
Cordial 22%
Creative 36%
Intuitive 82%
Higher 80%
Zodiac signs Scorpio - Water Cancer - Water
Square of Pythagoras
Character 3 4
family 5 4
Temperament 4 5
*Knowledge 3 33
*Logics 55 5
*Intelligence 99 99

The added qualities make it clear that both partners have very developed intellectual sides of the personality, so their attraction to the maximum along the 3rd intellectual chakra is quite natural. In this sense, the dry phrase from the script about the fact that “the interest of a man is higher” due to compatibility in intelligence, but a mismatch in emotions, probably, should not be taken so literally. Obviously, in these respects, intelligence was a value for both parties.

And the attachment of the Scorpio girl-"Child" to her "Parent"-Cancer looks quite logical. Here, as in most cases of such types of relationships, the partner with the dominant role according to the horoscope also has superiority in character - everything converges. He leaves, and she, like a child who has lost sight of her parent, seeks after him.

Actually, on this lying on the surface and understandable aspects of the calculation end. Why a strong "parent" made attempts to leave his "child", alas, is not written here. And, Roman, understand correctly: here we do not guess and do not participate in the “Battle of Psychics” in order to solve such riddles. First of all, the purpose of the calculation and discussions is to assess the potential of the relationship of partners according to the qualities given from birth. Secondly, we try to find the strongest sides with which we will subsequently compensate, if possible, for the problematic ones. Therefore, nevertheless, except for the departed Cancer guy, you cannot find out the exact answer.

However, I will venture to make a few guesses based on the calculation and what you have stated:

- emotional dissonance. As already mentioned, work is a purely masculine sphere, where “male” levels are manifested, and relationships, family, home are a female sphere, where “female” energy dominates. And with her, the couple has tangible problems. It is not for nothing that the Author's recommendation says that relationships are built in the most favorable way if there is emotional compatibility (2nd chakra) in the base. There is dissonance here. In the next “feminine” level - in the heart - there is no compatibility either. There is only in intuition, but it already belongs to the highest levels that need to be revealed.

- Cancer man, although an intellectual, still remains Cancer. And these, together with Pisces, are the two most emotional signs in the horoscope. Therefore, it cannot be said here that emotional dissonance was not sensitive for Cancer.

- Cancer man had a high temperament and family. And such people, as a rule, are very picky in constant relationships and rarely let in partners who do not correspond to them. It seems that Cancer did not initially consider a relationship with a Scorpio girl as long-term. Perhaps they met at work or somewhere else where there was an opportunity to connect on an intellectual level. But the girl, as usually happens, was already married in her thoughts, and the guy did not plan to go so far at all.

- you are talking about the fact that the girl was “not enough” all the time. However, intimate compatibility is still built mainly on the 2nd chakra. Let me remind you that "Svadhisthana is emotions, joy, sexual energy." Therefore, it was rather meant here that no matter how much there were connections between the partners in quantitative terms, it was not possible to achieve satisfaction precisely in the energy essence of the 2nd chakra due to dissonance.

I like your site very much. I am pleased to recommend it for calculating the compatibility of cordial, friendly, business relations to their relatives and friends. I also completely agree with you that very often couples are formed according to the type of relationship “Best friend and best enemy”.
In my life, this type of relationship has formed twice in a row. Only one relationship [Libra - Virgo] ended, suddenly another began [Libra - Scorpio]. Moreover, the initiative did not come from me, both in the first and in the second case. In the first relationship, I had a feeling of security, warmth, but there was no passion. In the second relationship there is: passion, warmth, mutual understanding in many matters. On the one hand, I value my relationship with this person very much, on the other hand, something does not suit me.
I would like to receive your comments on this matter. The first pair: me - 09/24/1971, he - 09/09/1977, the second: me - 09/24/1971, he - 11/13/1977 Thank you for your help!

In-contri: Alina, it is interesting, of course, how in the case of the first partner (Virgo sign) it turned out that the initiative came from him. You are older, and your character is 4 against his 1. Perhaps strong physical and creative compatibility (80% and 89%) ignited a spark in a man so much that he overcame the indecision of his character by 1 point. It is also important to note that for partners of your age, the three highest compatibility play a decisive role. And in the first case, you just did have good compatibility for them: for the creative chakra, intuitive (90%) and half of the higher ones intersected. Where there were problems, it was in everything else: almost three dissonances in emotions, intellect and heart, a weak character of a man, a weak temperament (2) in him. It was better for you to remain good friends, having realized two very strong higher levels of compatibility revealed already at your age. But for some reason you decided to try your luck in a closer relationship. Only now, your sign of Libra, dreaming of a prince and high relationships, apparently got bored with the calm family, stability and sincerity of the Virgo. After all, passion, especially with Libra, is not about the signs of the Earth at all.

And now you have found your "passion". She turned out to be a Scorpio. The chakras are also interesting here, but in their own way: two "female" compatible levels provide the same emotional warmth - this is the second chakra (emotions - 74%) and the fourth (heart - 69%). Moreover, what is interesting: in the first pair, due to heart dissonance, the problem of the type of relationship between the signs “Best friend and best enemy” only worsened. And here, because of the "friendly" cardiac compatibility, this problem is somewhat smoothed out. It’s also not bad when paired with Scorpio that his character is stronger than yours - 5, and his temperament more than overlaps yours - also a maximum of 5 points. And, most importantly, there is the prospect of meeting your “fate” - the highest compatibility at the maximum (96%). Thanks to her, you and your partner are in some ways ideals for each other, and your life paths, if you, of course, walk side by side, will eventually converge at one point. In general, when we talk about relationships between people of mature age (30+), then the answer to the most popular question “Is there a chance?” is the highest compatibility. If it is high, then the chance is high. Even if, according to the horoscope, a couple of signs are not the best.

So, Alina, you have a very strong point of intersection with your current partner. And, if you are thinking about how to realize this advantage, then you should take note of a few things that are likely to cause problems in your couple. All of them are related to the behavior of Scorpio paired with you:
- first: for him, you are the “Best Enemy”. In addition to intellectual incompatibility (speak different languages). This is distrust, and misunderstanding from the first word, and, if jealousy (a typical trait of Scorpio's character), then to hell.
- second: passion on his part, which now seems like passion to you because of your romantic nature of the air sign, then it will seem like a simulated theater. In general, it should be noted that Scorpio is one of the best dramatic actors among all signs. And sometimes he even succeeds in his roles. But a year or two will pass - and you will read all this in the second round. It might get boring.
- the third and last: what does not suit you now - a kind of mote in the eye - after some time risks turning into a log. And thanks in large part to Scorpio. Because, being by nature good psychologists, they notice such things in their partner. Well, then the fatal tendency of Scorpio to analyze relationships and “work” on them helps to inflate a terrible scandal from the smallest problem. And in scandals, it will be very difficult for you all because of the same intellectual incompatibility.

And yet I would like to believe in your couple and wish you good luck!

Good day everyone! My name is Natalia. I'm looking at all the reviews, as I'm waiting for the master to answer me too (I left a review a couple of weeks ago). Thanks. But after reading the MUSI review ... I want to tell you that I recently met a very nice family. Self-sufficient, successful... And, as it may seem (highlighted In-contri), happy (and since I myself have been suffering from numerology for a long time, I am interested in the person himself and his correspondence to the horoscope, sign, date, etc.). After a while, I found out their dates of birth: 10/30/1969 - a man, 06/07/1971 - a woman (they already have successful children, 11 years old girl and 13 years old boy). But here, due to this compatibility in terms of chakras, they are incompatible for the most part. I think that the blood type and even the presence of religiosity play a role here (an Orthodox man with 3 blood groups and a Catholic woman with 1 group (hunter-colonizer). They have been married for 15 years (she did not change her last name to her husband's last name). Belarusian man "There is no spiritual support from her parents anymore. Her parents live and prosper. Maybe the woman is too smart, cunning, strong?!

In-contri: Natalia, thanks for the interesting problem. Let's try to find a solution. In general, in this regard, I remember how, at the dawn of the site’s appearance, I most of all liked questions in the spirit of “yes, your site doesn’t think correctly at all, here I have such and such [hereinafter two dates] live and nothing, but you have everything poorly". And then you start looking and after all, people have normal compatibility, everything corresponds to the minimum (minimum, I emphasize!) Recommendations, you publish the answer, you are glad that you convinced them. However, some readers seem to accept compatibility only in this form, when everything converges 100% - and the chakras, and the horoscope, and Pythagoras. But this, of course, does not happen. Or maybe it just hasn't come across yet.

So, Natalia, your case is extremely special. Possibly even one of the most special ones to come along. And, if not for your tips, then, honestly, I would have reached a dead end. Because there are no more clues on the surface, except for the Gemini-Scorpio pair, which is the “Boa and the Rabbit”. And yet, I think I got one logical solution. But first, let's answer the question, what is compatibility between partners?

The author of the calculation says that this is when there are no inconsistencies in the horoscope, when there are common emotions and at least one of the three highest levels in a pair, while Pythagoras does not show dissonances. Somewhere I had to read that when all three lower biorhythms are compatible, this is the best option. And someone claims that the more percent in the higher chakras, the stronger and longer the connection. Maybe everyone is right in their own way. In general, everyone agrees on one thing: true compatibility is when there is a strong connection between partners in something. Not necessarily all at once. At least in something.

Let's look for her. First: strong attraction (on initial stage at least) signs that form the combination "Boa constrictor and rabbit" with each other. Moreover, this attraction of an incompatible couple is even stronger than the attraction of the signs of one element. It is not for nothing that most of the cases of betrayal, analyzed in the reviews, occurred with one of the partners, passionate about their “Rabbit” or “Boa”. And in this pair, the Scorpio man acts as the "Rabbit", and the Gemini woman as the "Boa". So your assumption here is justified. "Boa" is no doubt too smart, cunning and strong for "Rabbit". No wonder one is the hunter and the other is the prey. We also know that attraction in a pair of "Rabbit and Boa" is fatal in nature. But for some reason, evil fate did not separate this couple before and keeps them together now? I believe that your mention of religiosity here is very appropriate.

It led me to the idea to also look at the spiritual diagonals along the squares of Pythagoras. By the way, yesterday I read the contact group and one of the subscribers asked me to add just a comparison of the “spirituality” of the partners. I also thought about it and answered that it should work in too special cases. It turns out, just in such as the pair in question. And what do we see: a woman of spirituality has a maximum of 5 points, and a man has as much as 8. 8 is already pure fanaticism, in places, one might say, a phase shift. Now I don’t even doubt the true religiosity of this couple, and for me personally everything is becoming clearer. “The boa constrictor and the rabbit”, having once been nearby, perhaps even then, on the positive spiritual ground and the negative ground of the attraction of their signs, entered into a marriage. Of course, forever and ever. Otherwise, such people cannot be. Therefore, finding themselves in a world without alternatives, they live a purely spiritual life, their own values. A man, I believe, as a "Rabbit", feeling after so many years the energy of this union, perceives it as his spiritual struggle. And successfully, apparently, he is fighting. It is easier for a woman in this regard. She is "Boa" and her usual scenario is to simply get tired of the boredom and predictability of life with "Rabbit". But, having also high spirituality and seeing her husband's fanaticism, she probably also joined only this time in the family spiritual mission.

No wonder, Natalia, I singled out the phrase “as it may seem, happy” in your story. I don't think we should jump to conclusions here. In fact, we can only guess what happens in reality in this pair. On the one hand, I would like to wish them good luck and further following the common spiritual path, but on the other hand ... I remember more than one review where adult women wrote how happy they were to be freed from the shackles of the “Boa and Rabbit” union years later. In general, the most interesting situation. Thank you, Natalia

Zs: regarding your review, I confess that I have not seen it yet. But, if it is written just as interestingly and the volume is not one and a half lines, then the probability of an answer, as I have said more than once, is very high.

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The element of the zodiac sign Scorpio is Water, without which biological life is unthinkable. (October 24 - November 22) two rulers - Mars and Pluto. Forming an aspect, these planets give the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio such power that it is difficult to imagine. Men and women of this sign do not consider obstacles, they sometimes do not even notice them. Even with a fragile physique, these people radiate strength. This sign knows how to manage people and puts that knowledge into practice to get what they want. In addition to leadership inclinations, the aspect between Mars and Pluto indicates the magical abilities of a person. He needs to watch his words, you can’t send curses left and right. These wishes may come true, and may also turn out to be evil against the Scorpio itself.

This sign is the most powerful of all the signs of the zodiac. Its representatives are born leaders. Their life is rich and full of drama. The male Scorpio already in childhood is well developed physically and smart. Woman Scorpio also has a high intelligence. This sign is mysterious. For many people, he is a closed book, which can be read only if he himself allows it. You can live with him for many years, but never know him to the end. Surrounding he feels intuitively, he solves them, and at the same time remains unrecognized. Its nature is contradictory. This man is a mystery.

Scorpio woman - horoscope compatibility with other signs

Aries Man Compatibility

Difficult horoscope compatibility. The Scorpio woman will be able to suppress this stubborn, proud Aries man. And since he is not in a subordinate position, he will suffer. As for the intimate side of marital relations, the best lovers are hard to imagine.

Scorpio Woman Compatibility with Taurus Man

Not the best compatibility according to the horoscope of these signs complicates their relationship. Relationships between a Scorpio girl and a Taurus man fluctuate from sharp outbursts of passion to almost complete cooling, and vice versa.

Gemini Man Compatibility

The union is difficult and does not bring true success to any of the partners. The Scorpio woman is extremely suspicious, and the Gemini man will have to use his art of diplomacy to remain innocent. This marriage is capable of holding on to intimate relationships for many years.

Compatibility Scorpio woman with a Cancer man

Love connection between Cancer man and girl Scorpio is wonderful, but the pampered guy Cancer gets tired of this relationship. He doesn't have the stamina that his partner has. Plus, he's afraid of her. Relations between them are often strained, and the atmosphere in the house is tense.

Leo Man Compatibility

As an intimate relationship, this union is attractive to both partners. However horoscope compatibility not the best. Marriage is difficult, the relationship between a Leo man and a Scorpio girl is accompanied by quarrels and periodic reminders of old grievances.

Scorpio woman compatibility with Virgo man

Good union and good marriage. Astrological sign compatibility beautiful. The marriage is stable, nothing threatens him.

Scorpio Compatibility with Libra Man

This alliance is not easy. Moreover, it is difficult, with frequent and protracted conflicts, with deep divisions and internal contradictions. The partners may want to resolve this situation of a protracted war, but they simply cannot do this. They can live for years in this state of conflict and confrontation, until one fine moment the life of a Libra man or a Scorpio girl changes, crossing out this difficult union.

Compatibility with Scorpio Man

An amazing union that is sealed with betrayals. And the more partners a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman have on the side, the stronger their family union. They need to live in constant tension, and they skillfully create such situations.

Compatibility of a woman according to the horoscope Scorpio with a man Sagittarius

This marriage will not give anything good and will not bring good fruits. And the thing is that the Sagittarius man and the Scorpio girl cannot find common ground. This is also evidenced by the horoscope of compatibility of these signs.

Compatibility of the female horoscope Scorpio with the male Capricorn

A difficult marriage between a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman is marked by the seal of unbearable coexistence. Both one and the other partner skillfully hide their feelings, while both are jealous and suspicious. With external respectability, this marriage in the spiritual aspect takes more from partners than it gives them.

Scorpio woman compatibility with Aquarius man

Gloomy alliance, unfavorable love compatibility. Life under one roof, constant clashes of interests can bring spouses to fierce hatred.

Pisces Man Compatibility

This is a wonderful, lasting marriage, and astrological compatibility horoscope confirms this. The male Pisces and Scorpio woman know how to keep love, and they succeed for many years.

Scorpio man marriage compatibility

Aries woman compatibility

The Aries girl cannot get rid of the close attention of her chosen one. The love of a Scorpio man is a network. He destroys her inner world. Unfavorable compatibility horoscope.

Compatibility with a Taurus woman

The marriage between these partners is difficult, but despite this, the Scorpio man and the earthly Taurus woman experience a strong physical attraction. The Scorpio man likes the mercantile interests of his chosen one. He appreciates in her homeliness and a sense of responsibility for the family.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman

Troubled love union, dramatic marriage. The beginning of a close relationship is pleasant for both partners, but the Scorpio man will soon show himself to be true. For a Gemini girl, this will be an unpleasant discovery. Their house is unsatisfactory, there is no order, as if global chaos has already begun, the Gemini woman feels uncomfortable under the same roof with Scorpio, she does not need such a partner. With his powerful energy of Scorpio, a man is able to suppress his partner.

Cancer woman compatibility

In this marriage, intimate compatibility is ideal. But in other respects the forces are unequal. Cancer girl is afraid of her partner. This is not the best compatibility of signs, but the marriage of a Scorpio man and a Cancer girl, sealed with fear, can last for many years.

Compatibility with Leo Woman

A union of partners of equal strength. beautiful sign compatibility in the intimate area. This is the basis of the relationship between the Scorpio man and the Leo woman. This marriage can last for a long time. The Scorpio man seems to hypnotize his companion, forcing her to stay close. But if she wants to leave, nothing will stop her.

Virgo Woman Compatibility

A good union, good horoscope compatibility. The Virgo woman will show herself to be a wonderful hostess and a tender mother. She also looks at her husband like a child, which the Scorpio man really likes. In general, the marriage is prosperous and lasting.

Libra Woman Compatibility

The Scorpio guy quickly and for a long time becomes attached to the girl of the Zodiac sign Libra. But intimately, they do not suit each other, in the end this marriage becomes a burden for them.

Compatibility with a Scorpio woman

This union can be both ideal and a nightmare for both spouses. If a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman are of different types, they will be able to understand each other and build a wonderful relationship. Otherwise, it's unlikely.

Compatibility of Scorpio man with a woman of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

In this marriage, partners complement each other. She is a living, fiery nature, she is an Amazon, and the whole world lies at her feet. It is gloomy, it accumulates a powerful negative energy and restrain her impulses. But young woman Sagittarius will not allow themselves to be attacked. And man Scorpio can only influence it from a distance.

Scorpio man compatibility with Capricorn woman

The best partner compatibility, at least for a Scorpio guy. Adults can enter into such a marriage, and only with a stable psyche, and it is not held together by fear or erotic attraction, this marriage is based on respect and compromise. In mature years the male Scorpio is no longer as dangerous as in his youth, and the Capricorn woman will be comfortable and safe next to him.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Aquarius Woman

An ordinary marriage union, which occurs often, despite the fact that it is difficult and unsuccessful. And it makes it very clear compatibility horoscope partners. Conflict situations between the Scorpio man and the Aquarius woman arise, as it were, on their own. Partners themselves sometimes do not understand how everything happened. A stormy quarrel is followed by an equally stormy reconciliation. But it cannot go on for too long. In the end, the Aquarius girl breaks this connection.

Pisces Woman Compatibility

For a Scorpio man, his beloved Pisces girl is just a gift of fate. Beautiful compatibility horoscope, beautiful couple, marriage is good in every way. Their intimate compatibility is almost perfect, and mutual attraction lasts forever. But the girl of the Pisces zodiac sign should be very careful with him and understand who she is dealing with. His powerful gloomy energy suppresses her, slowly but surely, acting like a vampire, the man according to the horoscope Scorpio sucks out her vitality. However, this is a good union. Partners take care of each other and do everything that is necessary for this.

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