Wooden house in modern style. Art Nouveau houses: designers' advice on design and the best interior combinations (115 photos)

Landscaping and planning 14.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

In understanding modern man"modern style house" is associated with innovative bold ideas embodied in an architectural creation with broken lines, an asymmetric shape, flat roof, made using glass, metal, stone, concrete, and the facade of such a building is not saturated with excesses. This perception is erroneous and bears little resemblance to reality. stylistic features modern style.

Art Nouveau architecture (Art Nouveau architecture) is a style in architecture that originated in 1890-1910 in Europe and corresponded to the artistic trend of Art Nouveau. The features of this architecture are the choice in favor of natural lines, reminiscent of "natural" with the simultaneous rejection of broken lines and sharp corners, as well as a commitment to new technologies in the form of the use of glass and metal.

This style can be characterized by a special decorative effect, the use of plant motifs and the amazing harmony of the creations of man and nature. The highlight of the Art Nouveau style can be called the rejection of symmetry and any repetition. This is precisely the rethinking of long-known areas of architecture.

The architectural projects of modern houses are subordinated to the solution of the main task of creating a good comfortable environment inside the building. For this, the most good layout houses in the Art Nouveau style, which determines the entire spatial and volumetric solution and dictates the exterior of the building. This goes against the well-established design principles of the 18th and 19th centuries, which prioritized the external decoration of the building, smoothly moving on to its internal layout. This tactic of architectural planning of a residential building increases the free and asymmetric forms in the building.

The best author's projects of modern houses in the Art Nouveau style were created by Antonio Gaudi, who is rightfully the brightest representative of the architects of this trend. Art Nouveau houses (photos, drawings, videos, diagrams and draft designs can be viewed in this section) acquire an aura of fabulousness and futurism through the smoothness and roundness of architectural forms.

It is worth noting that, in fact, architectural modernism is the broadest concept, one of the currents of which are houses in the Art Nouveau style.

Architectural modernism (from French modernisme, moderne - modern, latest, from English modern - new, modern) - a direction of architecture that spread in the 20th century, has a turning point, following the idea of ​​a decisive renewal of structures and forms, together with the rejection of past stylistic developments . This refers to new trends in the architecture of Europe from the beginning of 1900 until the 80s.

Under common name architectural modernism refers to constructivism, rationalism of the 1920s that arose in the USSR, European functionalism of the 1920s and 1930s, the German Bauhaus, the trend of architectural art deco, as well as brutalism, high-tech, organic architecture, minimalism and international style. We can say that all these styles are branches of a tree called architectural modernism.

Modern projects of houses in the Art Nouveau style: features of the architectural style

Modern buildings in a modernist style, which are popular in 2018, are characterized by the following features:

  • application of the latest developments in designs and materials,
  • functionalism and rationality in the development of layout schemes for premises,
  • oblivion of the need for embellishment and historical reminiscences in the exterior,
  • internationality of images.

Z500's Art Nouveau home design plans for the most part conform to these claims. We took the liberty of leaving an incorrect name for this part of our catalog for the sake of convenience and accessibility of the search for those who want to buy projects of private cottages for turnkey implementation at an average market price.

Art Nouveau House Plans: Additions

If you want to choose a house project in modern style, but fully satisfying your conditions finished version not found, use the service for an additional cost. Thanks to this service, the layout of Art Nouveau house projects and other parts of it can be changed. Since typical solutions for this architectural direction are not able to express the entire bright personality, you can use the add-on that will allow you to develop original design modern style houses. And the addition "" will allow you to get the basis for the construction estimate.

We wish you to find your dream home among our proposed projects!

Modernism involves the application natural materials for home interior and exterior decoration. In the choice of colors, preference is given to calm and discreet shades. The direction combines manifestations of minimalism and practicality. The style brings its own characteristic features to the arrangement of the surrounding house territory and landscape. It will not be cheap to build and decorate a house in the Art Nouveau style, but such a building will stand out from others and will surprise you with its unusual forms.

Before ordering a house project in the Art Nouveau style, it is recommended to discuss with the architect all the details of the design. AT landscape design modern style, unlike classics and industrial construction, is becoming more and more popular every year. This is due to the fact that many people want to live in a house with an original facade and an unusual design, in the development of which everyone can take part.

Important! The term "modern" is used only in Russia, in other countries the style is called art nouveau, in Germany the modern style is Jugendstil. And also such variants of names as Liberty or Tiffany are known.

Usually, when creating modern buildings, there is a tendency to mix different styles and trends, which include:

  1. Neo-romanticism. Houses made according to such projects are distinguished by elements of Gothic or Romanesque buildings. On the facades of Art Nouveau houses, one can observe towers, lancet arches and windows with figured interlacing.
  2. Functionalism. It originated in Germany and is characterized by a certain minimalism. When decorating houses, it is used less decor and bends, as well as classical proportions are used, concrete and metal are used as materials.
  3. Constructivism. This trend was initiated by the construction eiffel tower. The style involves the use of modern materials (including concrete, glass, metal) and the preservation of smooth lines.

What is Russian, northern and Moscow modern

Russian Art Nouveau is distinguished by a free combination of ancient Russian architectural techniques with European features. Houses in this style are towers, which are decorated with loggias and terraces. In construction, both smooth and rough, unhewn beams and logs are used.

Often, natural wood is replaced with artificial material that imitates this type of raw material. This helps not only save money, but also eases the pressure on the foundation, which prolongs the life of the building.

The main facade is decorated with tiles and panels. Perform pitched roofs. Massive carved shutters and platbands are made on the windows, which are additionally decorated with sawn carvings. Much less often, modern Russian-style houses are built of brick.

It is interesting! The emergence of Russian Art Nouveau is often associated with silver age Russian poetry.

The main feature of the northern modern is the combination of different textured designs within the framework of one project. Another name for the style is St. Petersburg modern, which is distinguished by its inclination to European traditions. The houses of this direction are characterized by the preservation of classical motifs.

In St. Petersburg, many buildings have survived to this day, the facades of which are decorated with outbuildings of various heights, as well as large windows. Buildings stand out for their monumentality. Here you can meet massive doors, round bay windows, sharp roofs, the top floor is often faced with raw stone. In the projects of houses of modern direction, smooth curved lines are used.

Such buildings are characterized by a graphic decor and facade, which is decorated with ceramic, forged elements and sculpted sculptures. Houses, reminiscent of mountain cliffs and impregnable castles, are distinguished by the severity of shades.

Buildings in the style of Moscow Art Nouveau are clearly different from buildings that have features of the northern genre. In the cladding, materials of different textures are used, which create asymmetric shapes and wide bay windows. In the decoration of the facade of the house in the Art Nouveau style, floral motifs and regular geometric shapes predominate. Mosaic and stucco are used for decoration.

Windows and stairs are decorated with forged metal gratings resembling plant branches. The color scheme is dominated by pastel colors - from beige to cream and light brown.

Neomodern and economy modern - beautiful and unusual minimalism

Neomodern houses gained popularity among architects in the early 80s of the last century. At this time, complex and bizarre forms began to be avoided, and the number of details was also minimized. This trend combines simplicity and elegance, although some designers compare it to a boring style. office buildings and premises.

The main difference between neomodern and minimalism is a large selection of materials and shades to create a design. A creative approach is important here, which allows you to experiment with the design of the walls, using a variety of textured elements, colors and shades. You can complement the exterior with details borrowed from other styles. During construction, panel technology is often used.

Economy Modern is a direction popular among Europeans who do not like to spend a lot of money on the construction of chic castles and elaborate cottages. Projects of one-story houses in a modern style are characterized by internal spaciousness combined with external simplicity. It is characterized by simple and straight lines, with budgeting the emphasis is on details.

The facade is finished by plastering or cladding with artificial material. The roof is flat, shed, often with a large extension on one side, under which a veranda is made out. If the house is two-story, there is always an attic, and the layout itself is open or multi-level.

It is interesting! To create an atmosphere of comfort in rooms decorated in the style of economy modern, they turn to such techniques as organizing a wooden floor, zoning with panels, using warm shades of furniture and fabrics.

Art Nouveau style in architecture: characteristic features

Main distinguishing feature modernist houses - a successful combination of practicality and minimalism. When erecting buildings, any details are taken into account - from the arrangement of the facade to the design of the interior and landscape. Vacation home in the Art Nouveau style stands out with unusual design ideas and non-standard forms. The main principles of construction are:

  • a combination of elements of several styles and directions;
  • creating an exquisite design without unnecessary, inappropriate details;
  • the use of non-traditional building materials in the design of the facade and interior;
  • geometrically correct planes.

This style avoids unnecessary details. In appearance, the interior should be strict and restrained; it is not recommended to use catchy colors or contrasting designs. Characteristic features of modern design:

  1. No restrictions on the choice of materials for construction. When building cottages in a modern style, it is permissible to use the latest metal and glass materials, and it is also possible to combine a facade made of reinforced concrete, blocks and wood.
  2. Free choice of shapes. Buildings in the Art Nouveau style are distinguished by natural, natural outlines, beautiful floral ornaments are used. All parts of the facade, from the wall to the terrace, are characterized by smooth silhouettes.
  3. Unusual decor. Fragments of eclecticism combined with other styles, such as Scandinavian or Oriental, create unique designs. Often inside houses you can see forged metal parts, tiling, decorating arches and portals with floral ornaments.
  4. Big windows. Panoramic or stained glass window openings fill the space of the house with air and sunlight. Windows framed with floral arches will make any interior extraordinary.
  5. Practical layout. In private houses, there should always be a place for a garage, a large terrace or balcony. Often found in modern and high-tech house designs are elements such as a flat roof or an unusual facade.
  6. Combination of details. Cottages in Art Nouveau style should be in harmony with the entire local area. Around the building, you can create a Japanese landscape, plant a pine forest or a birch grove.

Details require special care. All structural elements of a cottage decorated in the Art Nouveau style: stairs, doors, windows - must necessarily differ in artistic processing. When creating the interior and exterior of a house in a modern style, luxurious details are sure to be brought in, which can be part or basis of the design. In the photo of Art Nouveau houses, you can often see unusual balconies and bay windows, arched door and window openings. A necessary condition for the interior is high ceilings of various curvature and shape.

Important! The main thing in the Art Nouveau style is to create such prerequisites so that all elements are in harmony with each other!

Characteristic features of country and private houses of modern style

The first modernist buildings reflected a certain historical era with their architecture. Currently, the style has been divided into several fundamentally different directions, radically different from each other. It is almost impossible to find a building in its purest form in the Art Nouveau style. Often a mixture of high-tech and minimalism genres is called modern, sometimes even a loft.

When designing a house in a modern style, it is allowed to combine various methods of construction and decoration, the main thing is to observe aesthetics and functionality. The modern building is being built using completely new and non-standard forms, which do not correspond to classical architecture. Common features characteristic of Art Nouveau houses:

  1. High ceilings and significant glazing in the central part of the facade, which make the interior visually larger.
  2. Roof. Preference is given to flat roofs, as they do not hide the area of ​​the attic space. If the construction is done complex shape, use flexible tiles or seam roofing made of zinc-titanium.
  3. Porch, veranda. The entrance in the form of an arch with a wrought-iron fence, as well as the original veranda, finished with clinker tiles and friezes with floral ornaments, will surely attract the attention of guests.
  4. Terrace. Adds usable floor space to the home. In summer you can organize dinner table, a place for receiving guests or a recreation area for children and adults.

How to build a beautiful Art Nouveau house using modern materials

When designing an architectural project, it is allowed to use any building materials. If you look at photos of houses in a modern style, you can see that each building looks different. It is difficult to find 2 identical facades: usually each designer brings unusual details. The most popular building materials used in construction include:

  • stone. If the budget is unlimited, you can take as a basis a natural stone, but more often such material is used only for decorative decoration of the facade of modern style. Shell rock is considered to be a universal and practical tool, which has a different density and structure;
  • brick. Costs significantly less natural material. With its help, you can implement structurally complex ideas;

  • concrete. Bright representative Art Nouveau Antonio Gaudí, who designed unusual architectural buildings in Catalonia, used this building material to create his projects. Block and monolithic structures are used, and sometimes concrete fragments are not closed, but left as decoration;
  • block materials. To reduce the cost of construction, Art Nouveau facades are made of expanded clay concrete, gas and foam blocks, which are then decorated with plaster;
  • wood. Using natural wood, you can create an unusual and beautiful facade of the house. For this purpose, a bar is often used.

Related article:

Fundamentals of project and design. Materials used for the design of the facade. Advantages and disadvantages of one-story loft-style houses.

To distinguish the house from other buildings, they build large balconies or terraces that delimit the inside and outside of the house. With the help of a tree, they mainly create frame houses in modern style.

Important! The main task of the designer is to keep the space in the room!

How to decorate a house in modern style: interior features

Making a modern house design in the Art Nouveau style is much easier if large rooms are available that can be redesigned in different ways, and high ceilings. In a confined space, it will not be so easy to beat all the details. Modern modern is first and foremost an art, here you should not be afraid to experiment and bring in your own unusual elements. Characteristic features of the design of a modern style of a private house or apartment:

  • conspicuous structure wooden elements. Floors, ceilings, openings for windows and doors are made of wood. Wooden floor lamps and lamps with glass inserts will harmoniously complement a similar interior;
  • soft and smooth lines in design. The lack of symmetry is welcome. Lines can smoothly continue each other, creating unusual shapes;
  • emphasis on natural elements. Much attention in the design is paid to floral details and prints, as well as animal ornaments;
  • the presence of glass elements. You can decorate the walls and ceiling with stained-glass windows, decorate windows with mosaics, purchase massive glass partitions or lamps. In large rooms, floral patterns look beautiful;
  • metal is optional. Metal elements are used only at will and are not a necessary condition for style;

  • big windows. It is appropriate to complement modern private houses with arched windows of considerable size, which will not restrain the penetration of street light. The glass itself can be beautifully decorated with mosaics and floral ornaments;
  • wallpaper. paper wallpaper should be avoided, but if they are necessary to create unusual design, then there are no restrictions. Preference is usually given to liquid or bamboo wallpaper;
  • doors. You can often find massive doors made of solid wood or structures consisting of two halves, on the sides of which there are small windows in the medieval style.

Besides, Special attention should be given color design. Calm tones are welcome, which emphasize smooth lines and visually make the room larger and brighter. Suitable cream, cream, light brown, milky colors. Bright colors can focus on some details, in this case, you can use yellow, red, burgundy and other tones.

The main details of interior design in modern style: photo

It is interesting! A feature of Art Nouveau is a large space that can be practically zoned using partitions, various styles floor design, separated by smooth lines.

For characteristic floral motifs of decorative elements

The interior of the Art Nouveau house, in which there is more than one floor, will decorate beautiful staircase, made in the form of a tree with spreading branches. You can use floral motifs in the design of restrictive handrails and support pillars. It is recommended to visually expand and illuminate the space with a variety of chandeliers in a modern style. Other interior details of beautiful private houses:

  1. Curtains. Preference is given to massive fabrics of natural origin, which are attached using a wide cornice. Curtains should not focus on themselves.
  2. Lighting. These can be decorative floor lamps that resemble plants in shape, or Spotlights. Any material is acceptable: porcelain, metal, glass, wood.
  3. Pictures and details. The interior design uses the latest techniques, and the walls are often decorated with non-standard decorations that correspond to the style of modern art.

As for furniture, you can use a combination of wooden and glass decorative elements. The living area is decorated with a soft, fabric-covered dark wood sofa and armchairs, combined with general atmosphere interior. Save space will help, which should match the color of the walls. The main thing when choosing furniture is its versatility and compactness.

When designing a modern kitchen country house all items should be freely placed in space - there is no place for unnecessary details. More often, furniture is installed along the walls (letter "G" or "P"), but between kitchen facade and the table should have enough free space. An important element of the kitchen is the bar counter, which attracts attention. It is either a continuation of the table, or placed separately. If few people live in the house, then the rack can serve as a dining table.

Art Nouveau cottage projects are more often chosen by the young, progressive generation, which is not afraid to experiment and come up with something new and unusual. The design of the facade decor is the main thing that should be emphasized. Here you need to show imagination, think over interesting and unique forms, properly organize lighting. Inner space should be as free as possible from unnecessary details. Only a house that uses unusual and new elements in its construction can be called a modern style house.

Modern like architectural style originated in Europe. At home, it did not receive final formalization and developed individually in each state, including Russia, absorbing elements of a particular national culture. In Russia, it has become an independent, special trend that has left its mark on both architecture and painting and sculpture.

Initially, Art Nouveau was conceived as a style for wealthy private estates, mansions and villas. However, along with the simplification of the techniques used in early modernism, it was increasingly used in the construction of public buildings and tenement houses. But a century ago, and today, Russian modern is a sign of luxury and prosperity. In the past century, over the orders of wealthy people who gravitated towards effective solutions in architecture, famous masters worked.

Today, more and more often, our architects, developing the design of the facade of country cottages, turn to the theme of Art Nouveau. The reason is quite understandable: the creative ambitions of the author of the project can be fully implemented in accordance with characteristic features style in private housing construction. Every Art Nouveau house is a work of art.

"Pseudo-Russian style"

This direction is characterized by a free variation of ancient Russian architectural techniques, closely intertwined with the European features of Art Nouveau. Among the Russian architects who worked in the Russian or, as he was later called, “pseudo-Russian” style, Ivan Ropet stands out like no one else who studied medieval Russian architecture. At the end of the 19th century, Savva Mamontov invited him to his estate. Here Ropet is building a bathhouse-teremok - a one-story building with a mezzanine, a carved porch, a hipped roof, covered with red lead and painted "checkered".

The massive chest roof is surprisingly easy to combine with tiny windows and a low door hidden behind a steep porch. The log cabin is emphatically massive.

During his practical activities, the architect created many outstanding structures. Most often, these were samples of "terems" with Russian decorative patterns, lancet windows and wooden turrets, carved architraves - an interpretation of Russian national motifs. Some estates of the hand of Ropet today are abandoned, many have already been completely destroyed or burned down.

The Sazonov estate in Ostashevo (Chukhlomsky district of the Kostroma region), built by Ropet, is one of those that can still be saved. An elegant wooden building with a multi-tiered roof, generously decorated with carved elements, with rounded outlines of Art Nouveau.

To adopt the techniques of the "Ropetov" style today is especially recommended during construction wooden house- decorating it with galleries, loggias, terraces, using processed smooth or rough unhewn beams and logs for the facade. natural wood allowed to be replaced by artificial materials imitating wood. This will not only facilitate the design, but also extend its life. The central facade can be decorated with tiles or panels, roof slopes, shutters and platbands - with patterned sawn carvings (“towels”, “valances”, and so on).

"Teremok" from Flenovo, the authorship belongs to the famous "storyteller" Malyutin. The main decoration is a window with rich wooden carvings based on epics.

"Russian tower" can be created using brickwork. The building can be one or several floors, with triangular pediments and crenellations along the facade, with helmet-shaped turrets, like in churches. Perfectly combined various materials, patterned fragments organically fit into the style - majolica inserts, large panels with floral ornaments.

Ornament on the background brick wall- a bright and original element.
Tiled patterned frieze.

northern modern

chief hallmark Russian "northern" modernity was a combination of different textures within the same context. In addition, the St. Petersburg modern has always gravitated more towards the European direction than, say, Moscow.

Here, Art Nouveau buildings almost everywhere have a classic look. As a rule, houses were built in St. Petersburg with several outbuildings of different heights and configurations, with windows differing in shape and size. The buildings looked monumental, had massive doors and portals, rounded bay windows and acute-angled roofs, and were finished with raw stone. At the same time, smooth curved lines, plastic and graphic decor and facade characteristic of Art Nouveau can be traced everywhere. In decoration - motifs of northern nature, animal world, heroes of mythological stories. In the general appearance of the houses, you can find forged, ceramic and sculptural elements.

monotone gray tones, a massive facade, seamlessly connected into a single monolith, decor in the form of bird figurines, windows of various sizes and an original relief plaster"under the coat". True northern modern.

Often the appearance of the house echoes other styles - Gothic, Romanesque. There is practically no multicolor, a minimum of decorative extravagances is used - mainly bas-reliefs of the Scandinavian type. The sharpness of stylization of motifs of medieval and folk architecture clearly emerges in northern modernism. Graphics and restraint coexist with original techniques, as, for example, in the mansion of the ballerina Kshesinskaya built by A. Gauguin - a convex capsule-shaped window winter garden, uniting the space of the mansion with the outside world.

The Kshesinskaya mansion on Kronverksky Prospekt is a large building with a unique winter garden window.
S.N. Chaev's mansion is an example of St. Petersburg Art Nouveau with a combination of brick, granite, plaster and majolica tiles in the decoration of the facade. The corner entrance is decorated with narrow diagonal windows and antique-themed bas-reliefs.
The rear facade of the Chaev mansion. The rotunda of the winter garden echoes the Kshesinskaya mansion and allows us to talk about the influence of A. Gauguin on the work of the creator - architect V. Apyshkov.

Along with the Northern Art Nouveau in St. Petersburg, classical European Art Nouveau was also used in private construction. It contains notes of fachwerk and "castle" types of structures.

Dacha Gauswald on Kamenny Island in St. Petersburg is considered the first building in Russia, erected in the Art Nouveau style. Most of the building is made of wood, the facade is plastered and finished wooden beams fachwerk style. The attached turret is made of stone. The emphasized asymmetry of the silhouette, the broken line of portals and roofs, wooden terraces decorated with stone pillars, the base is made of rubble slabs.

Moscow style

It can be called romantic, and the main architect, of course, is Shekhtel with his extraordinary approach to building planning. Best Sample early Russian Art Nouveau in Moscow - the Ryabushinsky mansion on Malaya Nikitskaya. There is a free asymmetry in the layout: each of the facades is arranged in a special way, in general forming a composition in the form of ledges. The cornice is strongly brought forward, bay windows, balconies protrude unevenly beyond the walls. Repeats around the perimeter floral ornament, ceramic tiles are used in the decoration, colored stained-glass windows are used in the windows. The street fence and balcony frames create a unified style.

Airy, light and spacious house creating a romantic mood. The ceramic tiles on the facade are crowned with a majolica belt with images of irises, gentle tones are chosen, the rooms are clearly visible through the unequal windows.
One of the best works Lev Kekushev. Mindovsky's house on Povarskaya has not changed much since its construction.
Ding's mansion in Sokolniki. An abundant ribbon pattern of stucco, the windows are decorated with mosaic panels, and there was a place for carved wooden panels on the gable.

Russian modern today

Art Nouveau is called a "fleeting" trend, it arose rather unexpectedly, was not taken seriously for some time, and the time of its "reign" rather quickly expired. He came to Russia from Europe with a serious delay, and the period of his existence can be limited to literally fifteen years. It was hardly integrated into any single format and contained many borrowed elements. Modern Russian Art Nouveau can increasingly be seen in suburban construction, which means that the Art Nouveau of the last century has left a significant imprint on our history. Indeed, the scope, breadth, organicity and smoothness of Art Nouveau are suitable for the revival of the construction of private mansions.

An example of elegant Russian wooden Art Nouveau of the 21st century. The plastic ornament of wooden elements, carefully and tastefully selected colors and textures, handmade products are spectacular and unusual.
Modern architecture in modern style. Roundness and malleability of forms, forged parts, stucco molding, glazing large area. Bricks were used in the construction stone slabs for plinth, smooth and textured plaster. Above the doors and windows of non-traditional shape with wooden frames - a panel with a natural landscape. Natural, warm colors.

So, what are the main techniques for Russian Art Nouveau buildings today?

  • Bold connection in one design different materials selected by color. Log houses, brick mansions, stone buildings; often a mixture of types.
  • The presence of elements characteristic of Russian architecture - patterned carved architraves, shutters, turrets on the roof. The building may resemble a Russian tower, a fabulous house.
  • Balconies, porch - decorated with forged patterns. The windows are large, full-glazed walls and stained-glass windows are possible. The facades are decorated with stucco and stone bas-reliefs, there are many loggias, galleries, stairs, terraces. Door and window openings are complex oval.
  • Above the entrance and along the perimeter of the walls there are mosaic tiled belts, patterned friezes and majolica panels.
  • The general style is fluidity, softness, curvilinear outlines, the absence of strict symmetries, and, of course, harmony with the landscape surrounding the house.

Look in our database of facades.

Ecology of life. Chic, inspiring and simply beautiful modern houses are the pride of homfy architects and the whole community! We are always happy to share with you projects that have not only changed the life of one family for the better, but will also serve as an excellent example of a successful cottage or villa for all of us.

Chic, inspiring and simply beautiful modern homes are the pride of homfy architects and the whole community! We are always happy to share with you projects that have not only changed the life of one family for the better, but will also serve as an excellent example of a successful cottage or villa for all of us.

In this photo selection, you are waiting for projects in the Art Nouveau style - modern, functional and stylish. Basically, they have panoramic windows in almost all areas, terraces and other convenient places to relax on the site. Please note that in planning, almost all of them adhere to the same concept - closed private facades from the street side and open ones overlooking the garden - from the back side.

International hit on homify - summer house from the Kharkiv architect Alexander Zhidkov - especially attractive with a hearth recessed into the terrace. Here, surrounded by the forest and its aromas, you can spend an amazing weekend or give children an unforgettable summer!

Another house project that blew our minds is this charming Art Nouveau villa with a pool that seems very cozy place for life. House of traditional appearance with tiled roofs, double high doors into the garden and with a general Mediterranean feel, it definitely deserves your attention.

Latin American Art Nouveau looks especially geometric and stylish, we learned about this from the article “Brazilian Style House Projects” and we will make sure by looking at this Mexican project. Just imagine - this cottage has only one window overlooking the street, but it does not seem like an impregnable castle, but rather a futuristic design project.

Another project that made us completely reconsider the idea of ​​a country lifestyle and think about building a villa somewhere on an island in the ocean and with good internet– this amazing house, incredibly spectacularly located on a hillside

Another house that gives us a special inspiration for the exquisite snow-white Art Nouveau is built in Portugal and is sure to be a great place to live. The simple lines, open floor plan and abundance of light make it a project to learn more about.

This amazing house with an incredible shape pool, a second pool on the second level, a waterfall that connects them into one whole, and a fantastic layout that includes a patio with a palm tree, was created in Colombia and is being prepared for sale. Standing right on the shore and having its own pier, it looks like perfect place for relax.

Many people dream of such a house - chic, spacious, stylish and modern, with a beautiful patio and swimming pool, panoramic windows and several terraces. He is not just an image, but a real goal, which can become a guiding star for you as you climb to the top. This project was implemented in Switzerland near Zurich by architects from the firm MEIER ARCHITEKTEN.

A stylish project with natural wood finishes with imitation of precious species is especially authentic in a forest full of its own charm. "Square Mandarin" is a large modern house designed for people who value comfort and open space. The total area is 404 square meters.

Modern is a trend in architecture that was born more than 100 years ago. After the graceful and sometimes grotesque medieval ideas, people began to lean towards natural forms, modern materials and maximum practicality of the premises. Art Nouveau houses can be found on city and country streets. The ideas of this direction are very relevant today. Per long term life, the course of modernity has acquired many varieties. It is worth paying attention to them before drawing up a project and starting construction.

Fundamentals of modern style. Modern ideas for developing drawings

Modern was the result of the rapid progress of mankind at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This resulted in the following:

  1. The number of inhabitants increased in the cities. For them, it was necessary to learn quickly and beautifully to build housing of different classes.
  2. The professionalism and technical equipment of construction teams have grown.
  3. New materials have been added to traditional stone and wood: reinforced concrete structures, glass, steel profile and ordinary concrete. They expanded the possibilities and brought a different level of plasticity to the construction.

Against the backdrop of the old styles that dominated architecture, society needed a new aesthetic. Today, modernity in key principles does not differ from itself a hundred years ago. These are buildings with harmonious architecture, the maximum possible use of natural materials and plant motifs in decorating the facade and interior spaces. Furnishings inside an Art Nouveau house must comply with the key principles: space, functionality and convenience.

Attention! There is no template in construction according to the canons of this direction. The main difference between architectural modernity is the non-observance of symmetry and any repetition of forms.

A variety of house designs in the Art Nouveau style. timber construction

Such dwellings are quite in demand in the construction services market. They attract people with modern appearance and practicality in use. Almost any detail of Art Nouveau can be thought out at the design stage and successfully implemented using asymmetry. Today, architects apply the latest technological and design developments. The decor of the facade is now not held in high esteem. The frills that can be seen on buildings 50-80 years old have been replaced by deliberate conciseness and simplicity in design, maximum slope to the natural component.

Another sign modern home in Art Nouveau style - the presence of panoramic glazing of the facade. This technique will allow you to admire the surroundings, save on lighting costs and make your home attractive from the outside. The interior space is decorated with elegant lines and maximum functionality. Art Nouveau uses glass, steel, marble, wood. At the same time, the interior should be comfortable and spacious, without heaps of appliances and furniture, otherwise it will not be in harmony with appearance cottage.

Attention! Internal layout such an interior does not imply impractically large and too small rooms. This applies to residential and technical premises.

A striking example of the ecological direction of modernity is a house made of glued laminated timber. This is a strong structure of elements 240x260 mm or even thicker. Such housing will be cozy in itself. As a rule, it is made 2-story, placing the living room, dining room and other rooms below, and the upper level is reserved exclusively for bedrooms.

Modern house project

How to choose the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling

There are many options on the market for house projects in the spirit of modernity: paid and free. Of course it's best to order exclusive blueprint housing. Only after personally examining the area for development, specialists will draw up the right plan, taking into account the features of the relief and landscape, climate, your needs and wishes. The designer relies on the estimated dimensions of the building, the design of the foundation, ceilings and walls.

Houses with an area of ​​170 sq. m and 70 sq. m differ from each other not only in size. When choosing dimensions, consider the following aspects:

  • a large house is more difficult to heat in the cold;
  • a spacious cottage will require more finishing materials;
  • a large house is more difficult to clean;
  • in a small building it is often inconvenient to receive and accommodate guests, it can be cramped for you personally;
  • it is inconvenient for elderly people to live in 2-storey cottages because of the stairs.

Advice. Of course, for a large family, a house that is too small is not suitable. Before choosing a project in the Art Nouveau spirit, you better calculate the need for squares specifically for your family, based on the comfort and dimensions of your current home.

Modern house with basement and terrace

As in most other houses, a building built according to the canons of Art Nouveau may or may not have a basement, attic, terrace and other useful premises. The terrace extension looks fresh, natural and therefore aesthetically pleasing. At its core, this is a flooring or platform adjacent to the house (as in the photo). It can be completely open or glazed. But in any version of Art Nouveau, the terrace, as a rule, is not heated. Therefore, it remains only a summer playground.

The basement is also a popular element. In terms of its arrangement, it is rather the basement level of the house. The owners transfer part of the technical premises into it. Although you can take it and the original recreation area

Art Nouveau architecture, more than others, opens up opportunities for creativity. The designer is practically devoid of dogmas and rigid frameworks, so he can design a truly original and comfortable home.

Modern house in Art Nouveau style: video

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