How many steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Entertaining information about elevators

Reservoirs 21.09.2019

Eiffel Tower, which otherwise call the Tour de Eifel is one of the most easily recognizable structures of Paris and the most visited tourist object. The history of the structure, named after its Creator Alexander Gustava Eifel, is interesting for many reasons, including the fact that the originally facility was not considered as a permanent architectural component of the city. Now the "iron lady" is serenely located on the Sun River located on the south bank, and no one disputes her beauty. Parisians love their "elegant lady" and believe that Eiffel Tower is a business card of France, but it was not always.


In 1889, an international exhibition of technical progress achievements was held in Paris, dedicated to the Central Anniversary of the French Revolution. The place of demonstration was chosen by Marso field. Three years before the exhibition, the Committee on the Organization announced a competition for the best building, which could clearly display the subject of the exposure. There were 700 applications, and some were quite eccentric. Since the exhibition was conducted in commemoration of the century of the revolution, one of the proposed structures was a gigantic copy of the guillotine. Another project is a monumental structure with nozzles in the form of nose, which allow to shoot water jets and water the neighborhood of Paris in the event of drought. Perhaps the most eccentric was the proposal to create a 300-meter beacon made of granite with illumination at the top that would shine so brightly so that the Parisians could read the newspapers at night. Fortunately, all these projects were rejected, and from one hundred best offers The creation of Gustava Eiffel was unanimously called the winner of the competition.

How did the project appear?

Interestingly, the famous engineer and a bridge builder was not going to participate in the competition, and the initial project of the tower was created back in 1884 by the leading architect of his company Maurice Keshlen. When Eifela submitted sketches, he was interested in the engineering solution of the object. The project was finalized by the designer Emil Nugje and was filed for participation in the competition. Having considered various options, the Commission stopped at the work of the Eiffel design company. By that time, an outstanding engineer made final changes in the calculations and the design of the tower. Stressed and time-consuming construction process began. In gratitude for the work ordered to engrave with the names of 72 wonderful architects, engineers, scientists and patrons who participated in the creation of its iron masterpiece. Their names to this day decorate the tower from four sides.

First reviews

From 1887 to 1889, the height in the spire was built at that time 300.65 meters. The whole design weighing in seven thousand tone served as an entrance arch of the international exhibition in Paris and twenty years after the end of construction was subject to dismantling. In the opening of the tower, the prince of Wales took part in the opening, and later the king of England His Majesty, as a man of wide views and a fan of neo-simpressionism, was delighted with the construction. " Iron Dama"There was a stunning success among visitors to the exhibition: for six months it managed to admire two million people. However, not everyone was approved by the innovative design of iron from iron. The three-photon in the spire and the material from which it was made, caused the perturbation of many Parisians. The petition to the municipal authorities with indignation on the construction of a monstrous object, the crown of the city, signed three hundred distinguished citizens of France. Among them were: Gi de Maupassan, Charles Francois Gunova (founder of the genre of the French lyrical opera) and Duma Jr..

It consists of a tower of three levels equipped with viewing platforms. The first is at a distance of 57 meters above the Earth, the second - 115, and the third - 274 meters. To admire the beautiful view of Paris and its surroundings from a bird's eye view, it was necessary to overcome 1710 steps. After all, height Eiffel Tower The spiele accounted for about 300 meters, and the elevator at the average level appeared later. However, such difficulties did not stop those wishing to visit the miracle of engineering thought. The popularity of the tower forced the authorities of the city to abandon her dismantling. Since the end of the construction of Iron Lady, for 41 years, remained the highest manual construction of the world. Built in 1930, Chrysler-Building fell down until 1957. At this time an antenna was attached to the tower, and the design was again above the skyscraper. To date, the height of the Eiffel Tower in the spiele is 324 meters. Such changes in the parameters occurred after installation on its vertex in 2010 a new antenna. The creation of the Eiffel is second in height in France after the "Viaduct Mio" bridge, recognized as the highest bridge of the world.

Fact Sales

The Eiffel Tower more than once became the object of various scams, but he wondered in the most enterprising fraudster managed in 1925 twice to sell the structure. This man skillfully faked governmental documents on the demolition of the construction, as she who came into disrepair, and sell it on scrap metal. He, called the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Mail and Telegraph, sent invitations to participate in the tender to the Entrepreneurs engaged in scrap metal. The three-hundredth height of the Eiffel Tower in the spielet was a lacquer piece, so the opportunity to earn more money on it. The choice fell on Andre Poisson, who so wanted to get the tower that he even made a fraudster a bribe, in order to get rid of competitors. When the unlucky dealers realized that he was deceived, the journalist with a full suitcase had already managed to hide. Poisson was too confused to go to the police. Inspired by success, the fraudster tried to embody the same Asphar in a month. But when the deceived buyer revealed his plan and informed the police, Victor fled to the United States, where in the end he caught on other unlawful actions and appeared before the court.

An occupation

During World War II, fascist soldiers tried to consolidate a huge swastika at the top of the highest facility of France. But incorrectly calculated, what is the height of the Eiffel Tower, and did not take into account the strength of the winds of the wind on its top. Therefore, the symbol had to be replaced by powerful air flow to another, which was significantly smaller. Adolf Hitler tried to destroy the Eiffel Tower in 1944. The dictator ordered the Military Governor of Paris Dietrich von Holtizz to demolish the tower and other architectural masterpieces of the city, but the general refused.

Our days

As a true Frenchwoman, "Lady of Eifel" repeatedly changed its color. Now every seven years, the appearance of beauty is supported by 57 tons of brown paint, which repeats the natural shades of bronze as much as possible. Since 2003, the Iron Lady died in a sparkling outfit of twenty thousand light bulbs made to order. The firm that was engaged in this light decoration patented it, so removing the Eiffel Tower during a nightly light show without special permission.


Giant beauty constantly attracts the attention of tests, suicides or just eccentrics. So, for example, a woman tried to bring abuse with life, jumping from the Eiffel Tower, but landed on the car, standing below, and later married the owner of this car. In 2007, the American named Erica Laby was married to the Eiffel Tower and changed the surname from the leg on Eiffel. This curious case has become a subject of discussion in news and social networks.

Be that as it may, but the Eiffel Tower for many years is an undoubted symbol and decoration of the capital of France.

The famous world symbol of France, the most famous landmark of Paris, shot in hundreds of films, felt in verses, millions of times reproduced in souvenirs and postcards, the object of admiration and ridicule, imprinted in picturesque canvases and caricatures - all this Eiffel Tower. Having initially called many disputes and massive discontent, she became a favorite place of meetings Parisian and an integral part of Paris's appearance. Every year, the tower attended more than 6 million people, in popularity, it ranks first in the world among paid attractions. In total, during its existence, the Eiffel Tower visited over a quarter of a billion people.

History of the Eiffel Tower

"There is nothing more constant than the temporary" - this is a commodity expression with a complete base applies to the Eiffel Tower. In 1889, the World Industrial Exhibition was planned to be held in Paris, on which everything was assumed to submit recent achievements mankind in science and technology. The year of the exhibition was not chosen by chance - France was preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the take of Bastille.

According to the organizing committee, the symbol of the exhibition was to be a construction that personifies scientific and technological progress and demonstrating the achievements of the country. A competition was announced, to which 107 projects presented. Among them were very peculiar, for example, a huge model of guillotine, a sad attribute of the Great French Revolution. One of the requirements for the project was the ease of dismantling the future structures, because after the exhibition she intended to remove.

The winner of the competition was the French engineer and industrialist Gustav Eifel, which submitted a project of openwork design from a maquetty cast iron with a height of 300 meters. The full partners of the Eiffel were his staff Maurice Köshlen and Emil Nugier, who offered the idea of \u200b\u200bthe frame tower from the metal.

In the initial version, the future design had too "industrial" appearance, and the Paris public actively opposed the emergence of such a structure that destroyed, in her opinion, the aesthetic appearance of Paris. The artistic processing of the project was commissioned to architect Stephana to the Council, who proposed to arrange the lower supporting part of the Tower in the form of the Arch and arrange the entrance to the exhibition under them. The supports themselves were supposed to endure stone slabs, on some floors the glazed rooms and add a series of decorative elements.

The project was patented by the Eiffel and its two co-authors. Later, the Eifel bought the shares of Köhlen and Nugie and became the only copyright owner.

The estimated cost of the work was 6 million francs, but ultimately increased to 7.8 million. The state and the municipality could allocate only 1.5 million francs, and the Eifel assumed the obligation to find the missing funds, provided that he was leased to the tower for 20 years , Before dismantling. After signing the Agreement, the Eifel created a joint stock company with a capital of 5 million francs, half of which the engineer himself was made, half of the Paris Bank.

The publication of the final project and the terms of the contract caused a flurry of protests of the French intelligentsia. A petition was sent to the municipality, which was signed by more three hundred artists, architects, writers and musicians, including Maupassan, Charles Guno, Alexander Duma-Son. The tower was called "lamppost", "Iron Monster", "hated column", calling the authorities to prevent the appearance in Paris the facilities, which 20 years will urge his architectural appearance.

However, the mood has changed quite quickly. The same Maupassan later loved to dine in one of the restaurants of the tower. When he was pointed to the inconsistency of his behavior, he calmly answered that the Eiffel Tower was the only place in Paris, where she is not visible.

The whole design consisted of 18 thousand elements that were manufactured on machine-building factory The Eiffel itself in the town of Levallua-Perre, not far from Paris. The weight of each part did not exceed three tons, all the fastening holes and the details were carefully customized to make it easier to facilitate the assembly and avoid alterations. The first tier tiers were collected using tower cranes, then moved to the use of small cranes of the eiffel's own design, which moved along the rails intended for elevators. The elevators themselves were supposed to be driven by hydraulic pumps.

Thanks to the unprecedented accuracy of the drawings (the error was not more than 0.1 mm.) And the filigree fit of parts to each other already at the factory, the pace of work was very high. 300 workers took part in the construction. Work at the height was very risky, and the Eifel paid special attention to the safety technique, so that there was not a single fatal accident at the construction site.

Finally, in 2 years and 2 months after booking, the Eifel invited municipal officials to inspect the tower. The elevators have not worked yet, and the unfortunate employees had to rise on the stairs of 1710 steps.

Three-hundredth tower that became the most high constructions In the world, there was a deafening success. For the first six months, the exhibition on the tower, the rolled "iron lady" for an elegant graceful silhouette, visited about 2 million visitors. Revenues from the sale of tickets, release of postcards, etc. Already by the end of 1889, 75% of construction costs were covered.

By the time of the planned dismantling of the tower in 1910, it became clear that it was better to leave it in his place. It was actively used for radio and telegraph communications, in addition, the tower had to do with the general public and became recognized in the world of Paris. The lease agreement was extended for 70 years, but subsequently the Eiffel refused both the contract and from its copyright in favor of the state.

A number of technical breakthroughs in the field of communication are associated with the Eiffel Tower. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was carried out experiments with wireless telegraph, and in 1906 a permanent radio station was established. It was she who allowed in 1914 during the battle on the margin to produce a German transfer radio personch and organize a counteroffensive. In 1925, the first television signal was broadcast from the tower, and permanent television began 10 years later. Thanks to the installation of television antennas, the tower height has grown to 324 meters.

The case is widely known with the arrival of Hitler in the occupied Paris in 1940. The Führer was going to rise to the tower, but right before his arrival, workers engaged in the service of the elevators, brought them out. Hitler had to confine themselves to walk at the foot of the tower. Subsequently, specialists were sent from Germany, but they did not manage to establish the work of the elevators, and the German flag did not rise at the top of the Paris symbol. Again the elevators earned in 1944, a few hours after the liberation of the city.

The history of the Tower could end in the same 1944, when Hitler ordered her to blow it together with many other attractions, but Paris's commandant Dietrich von Holtitz ordered did not fulfill. There was no unpleasant consequences for him, since he immediately surrendered to the British.

Iron Lady of Paris

Today, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most popular seats of the French capital, both among tourists and among the Parisians themselves. According to statistics, the greatest number of tourists who first come to Paris, goes to the Eiffel Tower. As for the inhabitants of the city, then among young Parisians a tradition is distributed to explain in love or make a proposal of hands and hearts on the Eiffel Tower, as if urging the witnesses all Paris.

The Eiffel himself, by the way, never called his brainchild of the Eiffel Tower - he spoke "three hundred dollar".

The metal design weighs 7,300 tons and is highly durable and stability. Its deviation into a strong wind is 12 cm, at high temperatures - 18 cm. It is interesting that in the work on the structures of fastenings, the Eifel was guided not only by technical calculations, but also the works of the Paleontologist Hermann von Mayer, who studied the structure of man and animal joints, their ability to transfer Large load.

The lower floor form four convergent columns, connected by an arched arch at an altitude of about 57 m. On the platform supported by them also cost four columns carrying a square side of 35 m. It is located at an altitude of 116 m. The top of the tower is a powerful column on which There is a third place (276 m.). The topmost area (1.4 x 1.4 m) is located at an altitude of 300 m. It is possible to climb the tower on the elevator or the stairs in 1792 steps.

Between the third and fourth platforms installed television and radio equipment, antennas cellular communication, Lighthouse and meteorological station.

Initially, the tower was illuminated by gas lamps, which had 10 thousand. In 1900, electric lighting mounted on the tower. In 2003, the lighting system was upgraded, and in 2015 began to apply lED bulbs. Light bulbs (their 20 thousand) are easily replaced, which allows you to arrange multi-colored illumination if necessary.

The color of the tower itself has changed repeatedly. Now it has a bronze shade, specially patented precisely for the Eiffel Tower. It is painted every 7 years, spending 57 tons of paint every time. At the same time, inspection of all parts of the tower, which, if necessary, be replaced with new ones.

Souvenir shops are open to the tower of the tower in the columns of the first tier, and in the South Support - more and mail. Here B. separate room It is possible to inspect the hydraulic mechanisms that have once raised elevators.

On the first site there is a restaurant "58 Eiffel", a souvenir shop and a cinema center, which demonstrate films about the construction of the Eiffel Tower. It also begins the old screw staircase, according to which it was once possible to rise to the upper tiers and apartments of the Eiffel itself, located on the third platform. On the parapet, you can read the names of 72 famous scientists, engineers and industrialists of France. In winter, for fans of skates on the first floor, a small rink is poured.

The an apartment of Eiffel was his favorite place of time when he came to the capital. It is spacious enough, furnished in xIX style Century, there is even a piano. In it, the engineer has repeatedly accepted the came to take a look at the tower of honorable guests, including Edison. Paris's rich was offered a lot of money for apartments or at least for the right to spend the night in them, but he refused every time.

On the second platform there is a favorite restaurant Maupassana "Jules Verne", an observation deck and a constant souvenir shop. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the exposure that tells about the construction of the tower.

The rise on the third floor is carried out with the help of three elevators. Previously, the Observatory and Meteorological Laboratory were located here, now the third platform is a magnificent observation deck with a fantastic view of Paris. In the center of the site there is a bar for those who want to admire the view of the city with a glass of wine in hand.

Now it is impossible to imagine that once the Eiffel Tower was going to demolish. On the contrary, it is the most populated attraction of the world. You know more than 30 copies of the tower of different degrees of accuracy, how many of them, known only to local residents, in fact - no one will say.


All about the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower ([`Aɪfəl Taʊʊr] Eye-Fəl Towr; French: Tour Eiffel) - This is a lattice tower of wrought iron on a Marsfield in Paris, France. She is named after Gustava Eiffel engineer, whose company has developed and built a tower.

Designed in 1887-89 as an entry at the World Exhibition of 1889, the tower was initially criticized by some leading artists and intellectuals of France, but she soon became a cultural symbol of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. Eiffel Tower is the most visited monument in the world; 6.91 million people rose to her in 2015.

The height of the tower is 324 meters (1063 feet), approximately as an 81-storey building. She is the highest building in Paris. Its foundation is a square, the length of each side of which is 125 meters (410 feet). During construction, Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington monument, and became the highest manual structure in the world. She held this title for 41 years, until Chrysler-Building was completed in New York in 1930. After adding a broadcast antenna at the top of the tower in 1957, the Eiffel Tower became higher than Chrysler-bilding by 5.2 meters (17 feet). If you do not take into account the transmitters, the Eiffel Tower is the second highest construction in France after Viaduct Miyo.

The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants in the first and second levels. The highest platform is located at an altitude of 276 meters (906 feet) above the ground surface - the highest observation deck in the European Union Available to the public. To climb the stairs or on the elevator at the first and second levels, you can purchase tickets. The rise from the ground level to the first level is more than 300 steps, the same height from the first level of the second. Despite the fact that there is a staircase to the top level, as a rule, only an elevator is available.

History of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an Eiffel Tower

The design of the Eiffel Tower was designed by Maurice Kokhlin and Emil Nugier, two senior engineers working on "Compagnie Des établissements Eiffel", after discussion about the suitable central element of the 1889 World Exhibition, to celebrate the century from the day of the French revolution. Eiffel openly admitted that inspiration for the development of the tower he learned from the building "Latting Observatory" in New York in 1853. In May 1884, working at home, Kochlyn made an outline of his idea described by him as "a large pylon consisting of four lattice The beams that stand apart from the base and are assembled together in the upper part, interconnected by metal farms through equal intervals. Eiffel initially showed little enthusiasm, but he approved further study, and two engineers were then asked Stephen Coestost, head of the company's architectural department, contribute to the design. Course added decorative arches To the base of the tower, the glass pavilion at the first level and other decorations.

The new version received support for Eiffel: he bought a patent for the design, which Kokhlin, Nugier and Course received, after which the project was exhibited at the exhibition of decorative and applied art in the fall of 1884 called the company. March 30, 1885, Eifel presented his plans to the Company of construction engineers; After discussing technical problems, and focusing on the practical value of the tower, he finished his speech, saying that the tower will become a symbol

not only the art of modern engineering, but also the symbol of the agent of industry and the science, in which we live, and the path for which was prepared by the large scientific movement of the eighteenth century and the revolution of 1789, in the memory of which will be built this monument, as an expression of the appreciation of France.

Minor progress was achieved until 1886, when the president of France was re-elected Jul Grevi, and Edward Lockhouse was appointed Minister of Commerce. The budget for the exhibition, and May 1, the locker announced a change in the conditions of the open competition, the focus of which was the central part of the exhibition, which made the predetermined selection of the Eiffel design, since the data should have included a study of 300 m (980 feet) of the tetrahed metal tower on Marse field. On May 12, a commission was created to study the Eiffel scheme and his rivals, which in a month decided that all the proposals, except for the offer of the Eiffel, were either impractical, or they lacked the details.

Who was against the construction of the Eiffel Tower?

The proposed tower was the subject of disputes, which attracted the criticism of those who did not believe that it was feasible and those who objected to their artistic considerations. These objections were an expression of long-standing discussion in France on relationships between architecture and engineering. These thoughts began to be born in the heads of people, when work began at the Mars Field: "Trio Committee" (one participant for each meter of the tower height) was formed under the guidance of the famous architect Charles Garnier, as well as some of the most important art figures, such as Adolf Bugro , Gi de Maupassan, Charles Guno and Massne. The petition called "Artists against Eiffel Tower" was sent to the Minister of Works and the Commissioner for the exhibition, Charles Alfana, and was published by "Le Temps" on February 14, 1887:

"We, - writers, artists, sculptors, architects and passionate admirers of the untouched beauty of Paris, test by all forces, with all our disturbances against the infringement of French taste, against the construction of ... this useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower ... so that our discontent was Agmented, imagine for a moment the ridiculous tower, which dominates Paris, as a giant black chimney, and gives it a barbaric mass of Notre Dame, Saint-Jacques Tour, Louvre, Dome of the House of Disabled, Triumphal Arch. All our humiliated monuments will disappear in that terrible Sing. And for twenty years ... We will see how the stain of the ink of the hated shadow is stretched from the hated column of the speaking sheet metal. "

Gustave Eifel responded to these critical comments, comparing his tower with Egyptian pyramids: "My tower will become the highest structure ever erected by a person. Why can't she be grandee and for some reason, what is delightful in Egypt becomes disgusting and funny in Paris? ". These critical comments were also considered by Eduard Lock in a letter of support written by Alfanda, where he and Ironia says: "Judging by the majestic zybi rhythms, the beauty of the metaphor, elegance of a thin and accurate style, one can say that this protest is the result of cooperation of the most famous writers and Poets of our time, "and he explained that the protest does not matter, since the project was declared several months before, and the construction of the tower was already carried out in full swing.

Indeed, Garnier was a member of the Tower Commission, which considered various proposals, and had no objection. The Eifel was as displeased that journalists are premature to judge the effect of the tower solely on the basis of the drawings that the Tower on the Marsfield will be far enough from the monuments mentioned in the protest and there is no threat that the tower will suppress them and put an aesthetic argument In favor of the Tower: "Does the laws of the forces of nature do not comply with the secret laws of harmony?".

Some of the protesters changed their opinion when the tower was built; Others remained not satisfied. Gi de Maupassan, allegedly, dined in the restaurant tower every day, because it was the only place in Paris, where the tower was not visible.

By 1918, Eiffel Tower became a symbol of Paris and France after Guillaume Apolliner wrote a nationalist poem in the form of the Tower (Caligram) to express his feelings about the war against Germany. Today, the tower according to widespread opinion is considered a wonderful part of structural art, and often appears in movies and literature.

How was the Eiffel Tower built?

Work on the foundation began on January 28, 1887. The eastern and southern foot of the tower were simple, each beam stands on a concrete plate 2 m wide (6.6 feet). Western and North foots, being closer to the Sena River, were more complex: two piles installed using caissons were needed for each plate. compressed air 15 m long (49 feet) and 6 m (20 feet) in diameter, leading to a depth of 22 m (72 feet) to support concrete slabs with a thickness of 6 m (20 feet). Each of these plates is supported by a limestone block with an inclined vertex to take on the supporting block of the iron construction.

Each leg of the Eiffel Tower was tied to the masonry with a pair of bolts 10 cm (4 inches) in diameter and 7.5 m (25 feet) in length. The foundation was completed on June 30, after which the construction of a metal structure began. Visible work On the spot was supplemented with a huge number of demanding preparatory work, which took place behind the scenes: the design bureau produced 1700 common drawings and 3629 detailed drawings, 18038 different necessary parts. The problem of composing components was complicated by uneasy angles developed by the designer, and the degree of necessary accuracy: the position of the rivet holes was indicated with an accuracy of 0.1 mm (0.0039 inches) and the angles were developed to one second of the arc. Ready components (some of them have already been applied together into nodes) arrived on horseback carts from the plant in the suburbs of Paris Levalua-Pere. At first they were bolted with bolts, which were replaced with rivets as the construction of the tower is promoted. Neither the drilling nor milling was carried out in place: if some part did not fit, it went back to the plant to change. A total of 18038 parts were connected together using 2.5 million rivets.

At first, the legs were built console, but about halfway to the first level, construction was suspended to create a duty from wood materials. This renewal caused concerns about the structural integrity of the tower, as well as the appearance of sensational headlines in the boulevard press: "The Suicide of the Eiffel!" And "Gustave Eifel went crazy: he was concluded in a psychiatric hospital." At this stage, a small "creeping" crane was installed, designed to move up the tower in each leg. They used guides for elevators that were to be installed in four legs. The critical stage of the foot connection at the first level was completed by the end of March 1888. Despite the fact that hardware were prepared with great attention to the details, then small adjustments were made to align legs; Hydraulic jacks that can have an effort of 800 tons were adapted to beams at the base of each foot, and the legs were deliberately built slightly at a sharp corner than necessary, with the support of sandboxes on the platform. Although 300 employees participated in construction, only one person died. Eiffel has developed strict security measures, the use of moving ladders, handrails and screens.

Elevators in the Eiffel Tower

Equipment of the tower with high-quality and safe passenger elevators was a major issue of the Government Commission Carrying out the exposure. Although some visitors could rise to the first level, and even the second, the chief of the lift was definitely the elevators were to serve.

The construction of elevators for lifting to the first level was relatively simple: the legs were wide enough at the bottom and fairly straight to keep the straight track. The contract was concluded with the French company "ROUX", COMBALUZIER & LEPAPE "for two elevators, which were installed in eastern and western legs." Roux, Combaluzier & Lepape "used a couple of endless chains with hard, hinge links to which the car was attached. Weight Some chain links balanced the weight of the machine. The car was raised from the bottom up, and not lowered from above: to prevent the loss of the chain stability, it was enclosed in the pipe. At the bottom of the run, the chains passed around the sprockets with a dimieter of 3.9 m (12 feet 10 inches ). Smaller asterisks upstairs controlled the chains.

The installation of elevators leading to the second level was a more difficult task, as it was impossible to spend the direct path. No French company wanted to take this job. The European branch "Otis Brothers & Company" made a proposal, but this proposal was rejected: the fair rules excluded the use of any foreign materials in the construction of the tower. The deadline for submission of applications was extended, but the French companies did not hurry to move forward, and ultimately the contract was concluded with "OTIS" in July 1887. "Otis" were confident that in the end the contract would be provided to them, and have already begun to create Project.

The elevator was divided into two compartments superimposed on each other, each of which should contain 25 passengers, with an elevator operator that occupies an external platform at the first level. The driving force was provided with an inclined hydraulic rod of 12.67 m (41 feet 7 inches) in length and 96.5 cm (38.0 inches) in diameter, which was installed in the foot of the tower with a course of 10.83 m (35 feet 6 inches): To do this, you need a wagon with six pulleys. Five fixed pulleys were installed above the legs, creating a device similar to a block and tackle, but acting in the reverse order, multiplying the piston stroke, not force. Hydraulic pressure in the control cylinder was produced by a large open reservoir at the second level. Exhausting from the cylinder, the water was pumped back into the tank with two pumps in the engine room at the base of the southern leg. This tank also provided the first level lifts.

Original elevators for travel between the second and third levels were supplied by Leon Edux. At the second level, a pair of 81 meter (266 feet) of the hydraulic cylinders, which passed almost halfway to the third level were installed. One elevator machine was installed on the top of these cylinders: cables passed from its top to the pulleys at the third level and back down to the second machine. Each lift passed only half the distance between the second and third levels and passengers was required to change the elevators halfway using a short ladder. Each 10-ton car could carry 65 passengers.

Official opening of the Eiffel Tower

The main structural work was completed at the end of March 1889. On March 31, Eifel celebrated the completion of the construction of the tower, leading the group of government officials, accompanied by representatives of the press, at the top of the tower. Since the elevators have not yet been put into operation, the rise was performed on foot, and took an hour, since Eifel often stopped to explain various functions. Most of the members of the group decided to stop at lower levels, but some of them, including structural engineer Emil Nugye, the head of construction Jean companion, Chairman of the City Council and reporters from "Le Figaro" and "Le Monde Illustre", raised to the top of the tower . At 14:35, the Eifel raised a large tricolor under the 25-cannger salute accompaniment at the first level.

But, there was still a lot of work, in particular, above the elevators and equipment, and the tower was not open to the public for nine days after the opening of the exposition on May 6; Even then, the elevators were not completed. The towers won instant success among the public, and almost 30,000 visitors took 1710 steps to climb to the top before the lifts were commissioned (May 26). The cost of 2 franc ticket for the first level, 3 - for the second and 5 - for the upper part, half of the Sundays. By the end of the exhibition, the number of visitors numbered 1,896,987 people.

After the occurrence of darkness, the tower was covered with hundreds of gas lamps, and the lighthouse sent three rays of red, white and blue light. Two spotlights installed on a circular rail were used to illuminate various exposure buildings. The daily opening and closing of the exposure was accompanied by raskats of the cannons at the top of the tower.

The second level was held by the office of the French newspaper "Le Figar". There was a printing machine for printing special souvenir editions from "Le Figaro De La Tour". Also selling pastries.

At the top there was a post office where visitors could send letters and postcards in memory of visiting the tower. There was also the opportunity to record your impressions of the tower on the paper sheets specifically set for visitors on the walls. Gustave Eifel described some of the reviews like "Vraiment Curieuse" ("True curious").

The tower attended such famous personalities as Prince Wales, Sara Bernar, "Buffalo Bill" Cody (his "Wild West Show" attracted attention to the exposure) and Thomas Edison. Eiffel invited Edison to his apartments at the top of the Tower, where Edison presented him with one of his gramophones, a new invention and one of the numerous exhibition raisins. Edison signed a guest book with this post:

"For M. Eifel - engineer, brave builder so a giant and original instance modern technology From one who has the greatest respect and admiration for all engineers, including the great engineer Bona Dew, Thomas Edison. "

After some debates on the exact location of the tower, on January 8, 1887 a contract was signed. He was signed by Eiffel rather from his own person, and not as a representative of his company. It was provided with 1.5 million francs for construction costs: less than a quarter of about 6.5 million francs. The Eiffel had to get all the income from the commercial exploitation of the Tower during the exhibition and over the next 20 years. Later, he created a separate company to control the tower, putting half the necessary capital from his own pocket.

Why didn't they demolished the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel had permission that the tower was standing for 20 years. She had to be dismantled in 1909, when she became the property of the city of Paris. The city planned to demolish the tower (part of the rules of the competition for the design of the tower was that it should be easily dismantled), but since the tower turned out to be valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to leave it after the expiration of the permission time.

Eiffel enjoyed his apartment at the top of the tower to carry out meteorological observations, and also used the tower for experiments on the effects of air resistance to falling bodies.

Reconstruction of the Eiffel Tower

The World Exhibition of 1900, the elevators delivering passengers to the second level, in Eastern and Western legs were replaced by the elevators of the French firm "FiveS-Lille". They had a compensating mechanism to maintain the floor level, since the angle of lifting changed at the first level. The lifts were controlled by a similar hydraulic mechanism as the elevators "OTIS", although they were located at the base of the tower. The hydraulic pressure was provided with hermetic batteries located near this mechanism. At the same time, the lift to the first level in the northern leg was dismantled and replaced by a staircase. The location of the first and second levels was changed. It was organized by space available to visitors at the second level. The original elevator in the southern leg was removed thirteen years later.

October 19, 1901, Alberto Santos-Dramon, flying on his Derizhable NO.6, won a prize of 100,000 francs, which he was offered Henri Deutshe de la Meerte, as the first person who made a flight from Saint-Clock to the Eiffel Tower and back less than half an hour.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many innovations occurred on the Eiffel Tower. In 1910, the father of Theodore Wulfa measured the level of radiation in the upper and lower part of the tower. At the top, he discovered, as he expected, that today is known as cosmic rays. Only two years later, on February 4, 1912, Austrian tailor Franz Rayhel died after jumping from the first level of the tower (57 meters high) to demonstrate its parachute design. In 1914, at the beginning of the First World War, the radio transmitter, located in the tower drove into German radio communications, seriously difficult to promote them in Paris and contributed to the victory of the Allian in the first battle on Marne. From 1925 to 1934, the light signs "Citroën" decorated three sides of the tower, which made it the highest advertising venue in the world at the time. In April 1935, the tower was used for experimental television transmission with a low resolution, using a short-wave transmitter 200 watt power. November 17, an improved 180 line transmitter was installed.

Interesting facts from the history of the Eiffel Tower

Sale of Eiffel Tower

In two separate, but interconnected cases in 1925, the fraudster Victor Lustig "sold" tower on scrap metal. A year later, in February 1926, pilot Leon Cole died, trying to fly under the tower. His aircraft confused in an antenna owned by a wireless station. On May 2, 1929, the Bustava Eiffel Antoine Burdela was opened at the base of the northern foot. In 1930, the tower lost the title of the highest structure in the world, when Chrysler-Building was completed in New York. In 1938, decorative arcade around the first level was removed.

After the German occupation of Paris in 1940, the lifting cables were cut off by the French. The tower was closed for the public during the occupation and elevators were not restored until 1946. In 1940, German soldiers had to climb the tower to raise the swastika, but the flag was so great that he was filmed only a few hours later, after which he was replaced by a smaller one. When visiting Paris, Hitler decided not to ride on the tower. In August 1944, when allies were approaching Paris, Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Holtitz, the Military Governor of Paris, to demolish the tower together with the rest of the city. Background Holytz dismissed the order. June 25, before the Germans were expelled from Paris, the Nazi flag was replaced by a tricolor with two men from the French Naval Museum, who hardly beat three led by Lucien Sarnighet, who lowered the Tricolor on June 13, 1940, when Paris fell Before the Germans.

Fire on the Eiffel Tower

On January 3, 1956, a fire began on a television transmitter, which led to damage to the upper part of the tower. For repair, it took a year, and in 1957, the radioantenna was attached to the top, which was there earlier. In 1964, the Minister for Culture Affairs Andre Malo officially recognized the Eiffel Tower with a historical monument. A year later, an additional lifting system was installed in the northern column.

According to an interview, in 1967, Montreal Mayor Jean-Dropua entered into a secret agreement with Charlef de Galle, that the tower should be dismantled and temporarily transferred to Montreal to serve as a guide and tourist attraction during Expo-67. The plan was allegedly imposed veto operating a tower of the tower that the French government could refuse permission to restore the tower in its original place.

Replacing elevators on the Eiffel Tower

In 1982, the original elevators between the second and third levels were replaced after 97 years of service. They were closed to the public from November to March, because the water in the hydraulic drive had a trend to freeze. New machines work in pairs, one baits the other, and makes a trip at one stage, reducing the time on the way from eight minutes to less than two minutes. At the same time, two new fire stairs were installed, to replace the original screw staircases. In 1983, the southern column was equipped with an electrically driven elevator "OTIS" for servicing the restaurant "Jules Verne". The "FiveS-Lille" elevators installed in 1899, which climbed the Eastern and Western column were completely renovated in 1986. Cars were replaced, and in order to fully automate them, was installed computer system. The driving force was moved from the hydraulic water supply system to the new hydraulics on electric drive oil, and the original aqueous hydraulics was stored exclusively as a counterweight system. Three years later, a service elevator was added to the southern post to move small cargo and attendants.

On March 31, 1984, Robert Moriarty flew on the Bichkraft Bonanz plane under the tower. In 1987, Hey Jay Hakkette made one of his first bungee jumps from the top of the Eiffel Tower using a special cord that he helped to develop. Hakkette was detained by the police. On October 27, 1991, Tierry Delo, along with the Mountain Guide of Erve Calway, held a series of acrobatic figures simultaneously with Bunji jumping on the second floor of the tower. Delo used the electric winch between the figures in front of the Marse field to return to the second floor. He stopped after the sixth jump when the firefighters arrived.

Lights and night lighting of the Eiffel Tower

December 31, 1999 to celebrate the "countdown until 2000", blinking lights and powerful spotlights were installed on the tower. Armored fireworks around the tower. This event was devoted to the exhibition on the cafeterium on the first floor. Spotlights on the top of the tower made it a lighthouse in the night sky of Paris, and 20,000 blinking light bulbs betrayed a brilliant appearance for five minutes every hour.

On December 31, 2000, the lights sparkled in blue for several nights to build a new millennium. The glitter lighting continued within 18 months until July 2001. Sparkling lights were included again on June 21, 2003, and this spectacle was planned to last 10 years, after which the bulbs needed to replace.

Attendance of the Eiffel Tower

On November 28, 2002, the tower visited the 200,000,000,000 guest. In 2003, the tower worked at maximum power and about 7 million people visited it. In 2004, a seasonal rink was placed at the first level of the Eiffel Tower. During the reconstruction of 2014, a glass floor was installed at the first level.

Characteristics of the Eiffel Tower

What metal made the Eiffel Tower?

The weight of the wrought iron of the Eiffel Tower is 7300 tons, and with the addition of elevators, shops and antennas general weight It is about 10100 tons. As a demonstration of the design economy, if we melt 7300 tons of metal in the structure, it will fill the square base, 125 meters (410 feet) on each side, to a depth of only 6.25 cm (2.46 inches), assuming that the metal density will be 7.8 tons per cubic meter. In addition, the cubic box surrounding the tower (324 m x 125 m x 125 m) will contain 6,200 tons of air, weighing almost as much as the iron itself. Depending on the ambient temperature, the upper part of the tower can shift from the Sun to 18 cm (7 inches) due to the thermal expansion of the metal on the side facing the Sun.

Stability of the design of the Eiffel Tower

When the tower was built, many were shocked by her bold shape. The Eiffel was accused of trying to create something artistic, not paying attention to the design principles. However, Eifel and his team - experienced bridge builders - understood the importance of wind forces, and knew that if they were going to build the highest building in the world, they should be sure that it would be able to withstand these forces. In an interview for the newspaper "LE TEMPS", published on February 14, 1887, Eifel said:

Is it true that the same conditions that give force also correspond to the hidden rules of harmony? ... consequently, what phenomenon should I have to give the focus on the design of the tower? This is the wind resistance. Well then! I believe that the bend of the four external edges of the monument, which in mathematical calculations should have been ... will give a great impression of power and beauty, as it will open the eyes of the observer the courage of the design as a whole.

It often used graphic methods to determine the strength of the tower and empirical data for taking into account the influence of wind instead of mathematical formulas. Careful study of the tower shows mainly an exponential form. Over each detail of the tower, careful work was carried out to ensure the maximum resistance of the strength of the wind. In the upper half, it was even assumed the absence of gaps in the lattice. In subsequent years, at the end of the project, the engineers nominated various mathematical hypotheses in an attempt to explain his success. The latest, developed in 2004 after the letters sent by the Eiffel to the French Society of Builders Engineers in 1885 were translated into English, described as a non-linear integral equation based on countering wind pressure to any point of the tower tension between the elements Constructions at this point.

Does the Eiffel Tower swinging?

Eiffel Tower swings to 9 cm (3.5 inches) in the wind.

What inside the Eiffel Tower?

When the Eiffel Tower was built, at the first level there were three restaurants - one French, one Russian and one Flemish, as well as the "Anglo-American bar". After the exposition was closed, the Flemish restaurant was transformed into a theater for 250 seats. A closing width of 2.6 meters (8 feet of 6 inches) ran outside the first level. At the top, there were laboratories for various experiments, as well as small apartments that served Gustowu Eiffel to entertain guests. Currently, the apartment is open to the public, complete with decorations of that period, as well as, realistic eifel mannequins and some of its visible guests.

In May 2016, an apartment was created at the first level to accommodate four winners of the competition during the UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament in Paris. The apartment has a kitchen, two bedrooms, a living room and view of the sights of Paris, including the Seine, Sacre Cour and the Triumphal Arch.

Passenger elevators in the Eiffel Tower

The location of the elevators was changed several times during the history of the tower. Considering the elasticity of cables and the time required for aligning cars with landing placesEach trip there and back, with normal service, takes an average of 8 minutes and 50 seconds, conducting an average of 1 minute and 15 seconds at each level. The average time on the way between levels is 1 minute. The original hydraulic mechanism is issued for everyone to review in a small museum based on eastern and western feet. Since the mechanism requires frequent lubricant and maintenance, public access is often limited. Visitors can see the rope mechanism of the northern tower when the elevator comes out.

Inscriptions on the Eiffel Tower

Gustave Eifel engraved on the tower the names of 72 French scientists, engineers and mathematicians as a sign of recognition of their contribution to the construction of the tower. Eiffel chose this "challenge of science" due to its concern about the protest of artists. At the beginning of the 20th century, engravings were painted, but in 1986-87 they were restored by the company "Société Nouvelle D" Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel "operating on the tower.

Aesthetic appearance of the Eiffel Tower

The tower is painted with three shades: lighter in the upper part, it gradually becomes darker to the bottom and perfectly complements the Paris sky. Initially, it was reddish brown; This color has changed in 1968 by bronze, known as the "Eiffel Tower Brown".

The only non-structural elements are four decorative lattice arches added in the sketch of the Suppet, which served in order to make the tower more substantial and create a more impressive entry into the exposure.

Where to see Eiffel Tower

One of the great cliches of Hollywood is that the view from the Paris window always includes a tower. In fact, since the limitations of zoning allow the height of most buildings in Paris to seven floors, only a small amount of high-rise buildings has good review On the tower.

Service of the Eiffel Tower

Tower maintenance includes the use of 60 tons of paint every seven years to prevent corrosion. The tower was completely repainted, at least 19 times, since it was built. Lead paint was used until 2001, when this practice was stopped, taking care of the environment.

Eiffel Tower and Tourism

Where is the Eiffel Tower?

The nearest metro station is Bir-Hakeim, and the nearest Rer station is "Champ De Mars-Tour Eiffel". The tower itself is located at the intersection of the embankment Branly and Pont D "Iéna.

The popularity of the Eiffel Tower in tourists

More than 250 million people visited the tower, since she was completed in 1889. In 2015, there were 6.91 million visitors. The tower is the most visited monument in the world. On average, 25,000 people rose to the tower every day, which can lead to long queues. To avoid queue, tickets can be purchased on the Internet.

Restaurants Eiffel Tower

The tower has two restaurants: "Le 58 Tour Eiffel" at the first level, and "Le Jules Verne", a gourmet restaurant with a separate elevator, at the second level. This restaurant has one star in "Red Gid Mischlen." Its author is the star chef Michelin Alain Ducass, who owes his name to the famous fiction writer Julu will return.

Copies of the Eiffel Tower in the cities of the world

As one of the most significant attractions in the world, Eiffel Tower has become an inspiration for creating many copies and similar towers. Early example Blackpool tower in England. The mayor of Blackpool, Sir John Bikerstaff, was so impressed, seeing the Eiffel Tower at the exhibition of 1889, that he ordered the construction of a similar tower in his city. It was opened in 1894 and towering at 158.1 meters (518 feet). The creators of the Tokyo Tower in Japan, built for communication in 1958, were also inspired by the Eiffel Tower.

There are various large-scale tower models in the United States, including a half-scale model of the Paris Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, one in Texas, built in 1993, and two 1: 3 large-scale models in Kings Island, Ohio, and Kings Dominionion (Virginia), in amusement parks, which opened in 1972 and 1975, respectively. Two 1: 3 large-scale models can be found in China, one in Durango (Mexico), it was donated by the local French community, and a few more throughout Europe.

In 2011, in the TV show "Pricing the Priceless" on "National Geographic Channel" suggested that it is necessary to build a full-size copy of the tower about $ 480 million.

Functions of the Eiffel Tower

The tower was used to provide a radio transmission from the beginning of the 20th century. Until the 1950s, the sets of air wires took place from the tops of the tower to the anchors on Avenue de Suffren and the Marsfield. They were connected to long-wavelength transmitters in small bunkers. In 1909, under the southern pillar was built a permanent underground radio center, which exists today. On November 20, 1913, the Paris Observatory, used the Eiffel Tower as an antenna for sharing wireless signals with the US Naval Observatory, which used antenna in Arlington, Virginia. The purpose of the gear was to measure the difference in the longitude between Paris and Washington, Columbia District. Today, with the help of the Eiffel Tower, radio and television signals are transmitted.

FM radio

Television antenna on the Eiffel Tower

The television antenna was first installed on the tower in 1957, increasing its height of 18.7 m (61.4 feet). The works carried out in 2000 added another 5.3 m (17.4 feet), which gave the current height of 324 m (1063 feet). Analog television signals from the Eiffel Tower were discontinued on March 8, 2011.

Why do not you shoot the Eiffel Tower at night?

The tower and its image has long been free. However, in June 1990, the French court ruled that special lighting of the display at the tower in 1989, which marked the 100th anniversary of the tower was the "original visual development", which is protected by copyright. Court of Cassation, France France of the last instance, left a decision in March 1992. "The Société d" Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel "is currently considering any lighting of the tower as a separate work of art that falls under copyright. As a result, SNTE claims to illegally publish modern photos of the illuminated tower at night for commercial use without Permissions in France and some other countries.

The introduction of copyright was controversial. The director of the documentation was then called "Société Nouvelle D" Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel "(SNTE), commented on this in 2005:" It is really just a way to manage the commercial use of the image, so that it is not used in the ways we do not approve. "SNTE ( The company manager of the Eiffel Tower) earned more than € 1 million from copyright fees in 2002. However, it can also be used to limit the publication of tourist photos of the tower at night, as well as to prevent the non-commercial and semi-commercial publishing of images of the illuminated tower.

The French doctrine and jurisprudence allows you to take pictures, a lit work, protected by copyright if its presence is random or auxiliary for the subject presented, which is similar to the rule "de minimis" ("The law does not care about the trifles"). Therefore, SeTe may not be able to demand copyright in Paris's photos, which may include the illuminated tower.

Eiffel Tower in Popular Culture

Eiffel Tower is depicted in films, video games and television shows as a global reference point.

In the ceremony of obligations in 2007, American Erik Eifel, "married" for the Eiffel Tower; Her relations with the tower were the subject of broad global advertising.

Despite the fact that at the end in 1889 it was the highest construction in the world, the Eiffel Tower lost its reputation as the highest lattice tower and the highest facilities in France. The height together with the new antenna is 324 meters (as of 2010)

For 100 years the undisputed symbol of Paris, and, perhaps, the whole of France is the Eiffel Tower. Being in Paris, anyone seeks to see this "triumph of technical thought of the XIX century."

In the horizontal projection, the Eiffel Tower is based on a square of 1.6 hectares. Together with the antenna, its height is 320.75 meters, and it weighs 8,600 tons. As experts assure, in the process of its construction, 2.5 million rivets were used, in order for a smooth bend. 12,000 parts for the tower were manufactured at the most accurate drawings. In addition, the highest tower in the world has been mounted 250 workers in amazing short term.

The location of the Eiffel Tower

The main attraction of Paris is located on a Mars Field - a former military fence, which subsequently transformed into a beautiful park. Currently, the park, the planning of which was changed by the architect forming in 1908-1928, divided into broad alleys decorated with flower beds and small reservoirs.

The Eiffel Tower is located next to the Central Embankment of the Seine, near the Mon De-Jena bridge. A tower is visible from many points of Paris. Now it is considered to decorate the city. Although it is necessary to admit that a specially decorated tower during construction. The Eiffel first had an idea to place decorative statues at the corners of each platform, but then he refused this venture, leaving only openwork arches, as they fit into a strict image image.

The acceleration of the technical progress of the XIX century led to revolutionary changes in architecture. In various projects of grand altitude structures arise. At this time, radical transformations in architecture occurred: Glass and steel became new building materialThe most relevant task to make any building is light, dynamic, modern. Figuratively speaking, the engineer finally replaced the architect.

The Government of the Third Republic decided to hit the imagination of contemporaries, building the construction of which the world had not yet seen. The exhibition was to demonstrate the achievements of technical progress. In 1886, the competition for the best architectural project for the World Exhibition of 1889, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great French Revolution, is announced in Paris. The Eiffel Tower plan was designed by Maurice Koshlin in 1884. Gustava Eifel (he is still known to build a frame for the famous) interested this project, and he decided to translate him into life. The plan of the future tower was significantly complemented and adopted by the Commission in June 1886. True, an unrealistic short term was allocated to the construction of the structure - only 2 years, and the tower was to be ascended by 1000 feet (304.8 meters). But Eiffel did not stop it. By this time, he was a rather strong professional in his area. They were erected a large number of railway bridges, and his feature of his style was that it was able to find extraordinary engineering solutions to complex technical problems. In November 1886, funds were allocated to the construction of this miracle of modernity.

On January 28, 1887, construction began on the left bank of the village. A year and a half was spent on the foundation laying, and on the installation of the tower went out only a little more than eight months.

During the foundation laying, it was carried out up to 5 meters below the level of the hay, the blocks of 10-meter thickness were laid, for the unconditional guarantee of stability could not be neglected. In each of the four foundations for tower legs, hydraulic presss were mounted with a carrying capacity of up to 800 tons. 16 Supports on which the tower holds (four in each of the four "legs"), were equipped with hydraulic lifting devices, in order to provide a completely accurate horizontal level of the first platform.

Immediately during the construction of elevators were installed. The four elevators inside the legs of the tower rose to the second platform, the fifth goes from the second to the third platform. Initially, the elevators were hydraulic, but at the beginning of the 20th century they were electrified. Only once, during 1940, the tower was completely closed, as all elevators were refused. Because of the fact that the Germans at this time entered the Germans, no one was doing to the repair of the tower. Elevators were repaired only after 4 years.

On March 31, 1889, the solemn discovery of the Eiffel Tower took place. Under the patriotic sounds of "Mosselease" Gustav Eiffel climbed at 1792 steps and hoisted the flag. Eiffel Tower was erected on the desired dates, for 26 months. Moreover, the accuracy of its design just amazed, everything was measured to the smallest detail. Until 1931 (date of construction of the Empire State Building Skyscraper) The tower was even considered the highest construction on our planet.

Of course, the project was ambitious, but at one time he met a mass of sarcasm and censures. The Eiffel Tower called the "monster in nuts." Many believed that she would not have a short time and would soon collapse. In the distant XIX century, the tower terribly did not like the Parisians, indignantly, Hugo and Nazill. Great cultural figures wrote long angry letters with a requirement to immediately remove this "grommet" from Paris's streets.

Maupassan regularly dined in the restaurant at the very top of the tower. To the question why he does it, if the tower does not like it terribly, Maupassan answered: "This is the only place in all huge Paris, from where it is not visible." Vidnid artists indisted: "In the name of a genuine taste, in the name of art, in the name of the history of France, which is now under threat, we are writers, artists, sculptors, architects, passionate fans so far the impeccable beauty of Paris, with a deep perturbation protest against the construction In the very heart of our capital of the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower. "

Even some members of the Commission who gave good to the construction of the tower, said that this construction would not have a little more than 20 years old, after this period she had to demolish it, otherwise the tower would simply collapse into the city. It is worth noting that today, despite the fact that the Eiffel Tower has long been recognized as a symbol of France, some with disregard relate to this achievement of modern construction.

Many times in history discussed the issue of the demolition of the tower for various reasons (including that some ministers believed that these are extra money investments). A serious threat to the tower existed in 1903, when even money was allocated for dismantling. Saved the tower only the appearance of radio. She began the support of the antennas for, then television and radar service.

Now, of course, there is no doubt about the need for the Eiffel Tower. The tower is unique, where the study of daily oscillations of electricity, the degree of contamination and the level of radiation of the atmosphere is carried out. From here broadcasts its programs Paris. It has a transmitter that provides the connection between the police and firefighters. The highest platform has a diameter of 1.7 meters. It has a lighthouse. The light of its searchlights is visible at a distance of 70 kilometers.

Eiffel Tower Nowadays

The base of the Eiffel Tower is a square with parties at 123 meters. Its lower tier, having a truncated pyramid, consists of four powerful supports, the lattice designs of which, connecting with each other, form huge arches.

The tower has three floors. The first is at an altitude of 57 m, the second is 115 m and the third to 276 m. In addition, it is noticeable because of its considerable growth, the tower stands out by even intense illumination. In 1986, the external night lighting of the tower was replaced by the lighting system from the inside, so after the occurrence of darkness it looks just magnificent.

The Eiffel Tower is very stable: strong rejects it with a vertex of only 10 - 12 centimeters. In the heat from uneven heating by sunlight, she can deviate 18 centimeters. 1910, flooded pylons of the tower, did not hurt it.

Initially, the tower was a symbol of revolution. She had to show technical achievements of France over the past 10 years. The tower has never been just decoration. So, immediately after the opening of the Eiffel Tower, there was a restaurant that had an unprecedented success. 10 years later, another restaurant was still open. On the second, at an altitude of 116 meters, the newspaper "Figaro" equipped its editors. In the times of the Empire and during the revolution, numerous and crowded festivities were held on the Eiffel Tower. There are viewing platforms on the tower that enjoy tremendous popularity among tourists. A particularly clear look can cover the distance by a radius of up to 70 km. And in 2004, a icy rink opened here. It was mounted at the 57-meter height of the first floor of the tower for one and a half weeks. Square in 200 square meters You can simultaneously ride 80 guests of the tower.

Every year, Eiffel Tower visits more than 6 million people. Contemporary elevators are delivered to viewing sites with pylon tubes, restaurants, souvenir shops and the Museum "Tour Eiffel". To see this miracle with their own eyes, many people of the planet are still dreaming.

general information

Having conceived initially as a temporary building, Eiffel Tower became a symbol of France and an admiration. However, the history of the creation and construction of an impressive structure was dramatic. Many Parisian tower caused only negative emotions, - the townspeople believed that such a high design would not fit into the appearance of their beloved capital or in general collapses. But over time, the French rated the Eiffel Tower and fell in love with her. Today, thousands of people are photographed against the background of the famous sights, all lovers are striving for it to spend unforgettable moments. Each girl who was appointed a date on the Eiffel Tower, hopes that it is there, taking the entire Paris in witnesses, a loved one will make her a proposal of hands and hearts.

History of the Eiffel Tower

1886 year. Three years later, the World Industrial Exhibition Expo will begin work in Paris. The exhibition organizers announced a contest for a temporary architectural structure, which would have served the entrance to the exhibition and personified the technical revolution of its time, the beginning of the grand transformations in human life. The estimated building was supposed to meet the following requirements - to generate income and be easily dismantled. In the Creative Competition, which started in May 1886, more than 100 contestants took part. Some plans were pretty bizarre - for example, a huge guillotine, resembling a revolution, or a tower, completely built from stone. Among the participants in the competition was the engineer and designer Gustave Eifel, who proposed a 300-meter metal structure for that time for that time. He very much did the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tower, he learned from the drawings of the employees of his company Maurice Köhlen and Emil Nugye.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower, 1887-1889

Making a structure was offered from a forging cast iron, the most progressive and economical building material at the most progressive and economical building material. The Eiffel project entered the fourth of the winners. Thanks to some changes made by the engineer in the decorative design of the tower, the organizers of the competition preferred its "Iron Lady".

The development of the artistic appearance of the Eiffel Tower was engaged in Stefan Soviet. To give the cast iron design, the architect suggested adding arches between the first floor supports. They symbolized the entrance to the exhibition and did the construction elegant. In addition, the co-consultation conceived on various floors of the structure to position the spacious glazed halls, and the top of the tower is a little rounded.

7.8 million francs were required for the construction of the tower, but the state allocated Eiffel only a half million. The engineer agreed to make a missing amount from own fundsBut in return I demanded to give him a rental tower for 25 years. In early 1887, the French authorities, Paris, and Eifel, entered into an appropriate agreement and construction began.

Old photos of the Eiffel Tower

All 18,000 parts of the design were manufactured at the Husty's own plant in the place of Levalla, close to the French capital. Thanks to carefully verified drawings, the installation of the tower was moved very quickly. The mass of individual structural elements did not exceed 3 tons, which greatly facilitated its assembly. At first, high lifting cranes were used to raise parts. Then, when the tower became above them, the Eifel applied specially designed small mobile cranes, moving along elevator rails. Two years later, two months and five days the efforts of three hundred workers were completed.

From 1925 to 1934, Eiffel Tower was a giant advertising carrier

Eiffel Tower instantly attracted thousands of curious - only for the first six months of the exposition's work to admire more than two million people came to a new attraction. The emergence of a new huge silhouette against the background of Paris caused fierce disputes in French society. Many representatives of the creative intelligentsia were categorically against the appearance of a tower equal to the height of the 80-storey house, they feared that the iron construction would destroy the city style and suppress his architecture. The critics of the creation of the Eiffel called the tower "the highest lamppost", the "grill in the form of a bell tower", the "iron monster" and other unflattering, and sometimes offensive epitats.

But, despite the protests and dissatisfaction with a certain part of French citizens, the Eiffel Tower almost completely paid off for the first year of work, and further exploitation of the design brought its creator solid dividends.

Hitler on the background of the Eiffel Tower

By the end of the lease term, it became clear that the dismantling of the tower would be avoided - by that time it was actively used for telephone and telegraph communications, as well as to place radio stations. Gustave was able to convince the government and the country's general general that in the event of the war Eiffel Tower will be indispensable as a radio signal transmitter. In early 1910, the rental of the tower of its creator was extended for 70 years. During German occupation in 1940, French patriots broke all the lifting mechanisms to cut off the Hitler's path to the top of the tower. Due to the non-working elevators, the aggressors could not install their flag on the Iron French franget. The Germans even caused their specialists from Germany to repair elevators, but they could not establish their work.

Gustave Eifel

With the development of Television, Eiffel Tower becomes in demand as a place to accommodate antennas, which are currently numbered several dozen.

The designer, at first, who used his structure to extract benefits, subsequently transferred the right to him to him, and today the tower is the property of the French people.

Eiffel could not imagine that his creation would be a tourist magnet along with other "miracles of the world." The engineer called her just "300-meter tower", not assuming that she would glorify and perpetuate his name. Today, the openwork metal construction, towering over the French capital, is recognized as the most photographed and visited attraction of the world.

Replica Eiffel Tower can be found in more than 30 cities: Tokyo, Berlin, Las Vegas, Prague, Hangzhou, London, Sydney, Alma-Ata, Moscow and others.


The base of the Eiffel Tower is a pyramid formed by four supports. At an altitude of about 60 meters, the supports are connected by the arch, on which the square floor is located with the sides of 65 meters. The following four supports raise from this bottom platform, forming the next arch at an altitude of 116 meters. Here is the site of the second floor, the square is twice the first. Supports, shot by winding from the second platform, gradually connecting, form a giant column with a height of 190 meters. On this colossal rod, at an altitude of 276 meters from the ground, there is a third floor - a square platform with sides of 16.5 meters. On the third platform there is a lighthouse, crowned with a dome, over which, on three hundred dollar height is a small one-meter meter. The height of the Eiffel Tower today is 324 meters thanks to the television antenna installed on it. In addition to television and radio equipment, the construction of cellular tower placed on the construction, as well as a unique meteorological station, which records the contamination of the atmosphere and the radiation background.

At the foot of the Eiffel Tower

The foot of the Eiffel Tower has tickets for the sale of tickets and an informational rack with free booklets and brochures. In each design, the design is located on a souvenir shop, and in the southern column - also the post office. Also at the ground level there is a diner. Here is the entrance to the room where the hydraulic lifting mechanisms can be seen. But access here is open only to organized excursion groups.

On the first floor of visitors, there is a restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel, another souvenir shop and center of Cineiffel, where films about the construction of the Eiffel Tower are shown. Little visitors will be glad to meet with Hus - Talisman Tower and the hero of the guide book. In addition, at the first level there is a fragment of the old spiral staircase leading to the following floors, as well as the Cabinet of the Eiffel itself.

Visitors who came to the tower from the Northern Side meets the gilded bust of its creator with an uncomplicated inscription: "Eiffel. 1832-1923. "

Second level - observation deck. On this floor there is a restaurant "Jules Verne" and another souvenir shop. Lot interesting details The construction of the tower can be led from the information stands located at this level. In winter, a small rink is flooded on the second floor.

The main goal of the overwhelming number of visitors is the third level. Elevators are raised to it, through the windows of which you can admire Paris. On the upper floor, you wanted to mark our clutches on the champagne tower in Champange Bar. A glass of pink or white sparkling drink costs 10-15 €. At the site of the third floor there may be at the same time 800 people. Earlier on the top platform were the observatory and the Cabinet of the Eiffel itself.

You can climb the vertex of the design on the elevator or on the stairs consisting of 1792 steps. The Eiffel Tower serves 3 elevators, but they never function at the same time due to security reasons and in connection with the constant maintenance of the design.

During its existence, the tower was also yellow, and red-brown. Today, the bronze color of the structure is officially patented and is called "Brown-Eiffel". Redecorating The Eiffel Tower is carried out every 7 years, this process takes a year and a half. Before applying fresh paints, the old layer is removed using a high pressure steam. Then the whole design is carefully examined, the unfit items are replaced with new ones. After that, the tower is covered with two layers of paint, which requires this procedure 57 tons. But the color of the tower is not uniform everywhere, it is painted in different tones of the bronze - from the dark from the base of the design to the lighter at the very top. This method of painting is used to ensure that the structure looks harmonious against the sky. What is interesting, even in our days, paint is applied with brushes.

In the 80s of the last century, the reconstruction of the tower was carried out - part of the details were replaced with more durable and light.

The Eiffel designed his brainchild in such a way that he was not afraid of storms - during the strongest wind, the tower deviates from its axis a maximum of 12 centimeters. Much more susceptible iron construction to the Sun - iron elements from heating are so expanded that the upper part of the tower sometimes deviates the sideways up to 20 centimeters.

Visitors first saw the tower illuminated in 1889, on the day of the opening of the World Industrial Exhibition. The design was highlighted by 10,000 gas lamps, two large spotlights and the lighthouse, whose blue, white and red rays symbolized the national colors of the country. In 1900, the tower was equipped with electric light bulbs. In 1925, the owner of the company Citroen posted ambitious advertising on the designs - with the help of 125,000 light bulbs, images of the tower, zodiac constellations and products of the famous French automotive concern appeared on it. This light view continued for 9 years.

In the XX century, the lighting of the Eiffel Tower was upgraded several times. In 2008, when France was the chairman of the EU, the design was illuminated in a blue, personified the flag of Europe. Nowadays, the lighting of the tower is golden. It turns on for 10 minutes, at the beginning of each hour, in the dark time.

In 2015, the tower light bulbs were replaced by LED to save energy and financial costs. In addition, the designs placed the heat panels, two windmills and the rainwater collection system.

Views from the Eiffel Tower

  • Eiffel Tower is the emblem of Paris and the altitude antenna.
  • At the same time, 10,000 people can be on the tower.
  • The project was the architect Stefan Soviet, but built a tower engineer Gustave Eifel (1823-1923), a better known public. Other works of Eiffel: Ponte de Don Maria Pia, Viaduct de Garabi, Iron frame for the New York Statue of Freedom.
  • From the moment of the appearance of the tower, it was visited by about 250 million people.
  • The mass of the metal part of the design is 7,300 tons, and the entire tower is 10,100 tons.
  • In 1925, the passing of Viktor Lustigu managed to sell iron construction on scrap metal, and he was able to turn this trick twice!
  • In good weather, from the top of the Paris Tower and its surroundings, you can view up to 70 kilometers within a radius. It is believed that optimal time to visit the Eiffel Tower, providing the best visibility - an hour before sunset.
  • The tower belongs to the sad record - about 400 people committed suicide, rushing down from its top platform. In 2009, the terrace was protected by protective barriers and now this place is very popular with romantic couples kissing in front of the entire Paris.
Marso Field Paris Statue of Freedom and Eiffel Tower

Tower address: Champ de Mars (Marso Field). Metro Station: Bir Hakeim (6 line), Trocadero (9 line).

Bus numbers running to Tower: 42, 69, 72, 82 and 87.

Mode of operation. From June 15 to September 1 - Opening at 09.00. The elevator until the 2nd floor stops working at midnight; put up to the 3rd floor (vertices) is carried out until 23.00; The staircase until the 2nd floor closes at 00.00; The entire tower is available until 00.45.

From September 2 to June 14, Eiffel Tower takes visitors from 09.30. The elevator until the 2nd floor runs until 23.00; At the top of the elevator raises guests until 22.30; The staircase until the 2nd floor is open to 18.00; The entire tower is open to 23.45.

During the spring and Easter holidays, access to the tower is open until midnight.

Sometimes it is temporarily suspended at the top of the tower - due to hazardous weather conditions or too much visitors located on it.

Prices for entrance tickets. Until September 1: Elevator to the 2nd floor - 9 € (for adults), 7 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 4.5 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old). Elevator to the top - 15.50 € (for adults), 13.50 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 11 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old). The staircase until the 2nd floor is 5 € (for adults), 4 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 3.50 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old).

After September 1: Elevator to the 2nd floor - 11 € (for adults), 8.50 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 4 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old). Elevator to the top - 17 € (for adults), 14.50 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 10 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old). Staircase until the 2nd floor - 7 € (for adults), 5 € (for visitors from 12 to 24 years old), 3 € (for children from 4 to 11 years old).

Visitors with disabilities can rise to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower with the elevator.

In order to quickly get on the first and second platform of the tower, it is better to use the stairs from the south side, since the elevators almost always have large queues.

If you want to get to the top of the "iron lady" without a queue, then you should buy electronic tickets in advance on the official website of the tower - The ticket must be printed by paying it with a credit card. To the tower you need to come up 10-15 minutes before the time specified in the ticket, bypassing the queue. For more than half an hour, the sights are not missing for an inspection, tickets in this case are annulled. You need to worry about the preliminary purchase of tickets as soon as possible, since their sale on a particular day begins for 3 months at 08.30 in Paris, and wishing to get to the tower without a queue very much.

The restaurant "Jules Verne" needs a table for several months, the average check for lunch at an altitude of 175 meters - 300 €.

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