Outdoor children's swing for giving: types, materials, production. Do-it-yourself metal swing - how to make and equip iron structures for the street Make a do-it-yourself hanging swing

garden equipment 23.06.2020
garden equipment

Summer is always sunshine, fresh air, a variety of entertainment and recreation. This is especially true for our children, who with great pleasure spend almost every day in the summer on the street, on playgrounds, where swings are the most important attribute.

Few people know that making a swing for children at home is not so difficult as it seems to all of us. To do this, you need a desire and some tools that can be easily found in any private home.

It would seem that this is such an insignificant thing, but the swing brings a lot of happiness to the kids. Who doesn't want to please their child? Who doesn't want to surprise a kid? Today everyone will learn how to make a children's hanging swing for the home. So, let's start with an overview of possible models.

Do-it-yourself children's swing

As you understand, anyone who wants to can make a swing on their own. To do this, it is not necessary to be an expert, just study the material in detail, and then, following all the points, build a swing for your kids.

First, we will consider the most common type - the floor model in the form of the letter "P". Today we will discuss a variety of children's swings for the home (floor, hanging and others), learn how to install the structure on our own, what is necessary for this.

Floor swing with the letter "P"

This type of swing is considered the simplest, most convenient and common in Russia and many other countries. Such swings are suitable for cottages and houses where there is free space.

For manufacturing, we need several wooden or iron (which is much better) poles having a certain length and diameter. Important: you must select the height, width and all dimensions of the swing individually.

Dimensions depend on many criteria, for example, on the expected load on the structure. Do you need a swing for children at home? So why not build them yourself instead of spending crazy money? By the way, we will also talk about the cost, but a little later.

Pole installation

The pillars that will serve as a support must be buried to a sufficient depth - 80-120 centimeters. But there is an easier way to install: use two slightly curved pipes made of metal. Their ends must be buried in the ground so that the swing is stable. Then your child, riding on them, will be completely safe.


In the meantime, we return to the topic of fixing all the necessary metal parts / parts for our design. To fasten the components of the structure to each other, we will need either bolts with a huge diameter, or a welding machine.

On the crossbar of the swing with an ordinary rope or some kind of cables, you need to fix a wooden seat. To make the seat, we need to take some kind of wooden board, the thickness of which is approximately 3-6 centimeters, process it with a planer, and then paint it with our favorite paint color. Both a small child (from 5 years old) and an adult can ride on such a swing - it will withstand everyone!

Now you understand that making a children's swing for the house with your own hands is not so difficult as it seemed before.

Hanging swing for an apartment

Hanging swings for the home are more popular than ordinary outdoor ones, because it is much easier to make the first ones.

Now we will talk in detail about how to make a hanging swing for an apartment.

What do we need in order to install such a structure as a children's swing at home? To do this, you need: a good rope, several hooks that are screwed into the wall, as well as tools along with everything you need for a swing seat.

Important! This design is not suitable for all apartments. It will be possible to ride on it for a child weighing up to 20-30 kilograms, as the swing will be held on the doorway.

We screw two hooks into the doorway (top). Next you need to prepare the seat for the swing. For this we will use an ordinary tree. You can make the seat at your own discretion, since there are simply an incredible number of ways, and choosing the best one is extremely difficult.

We connect the ropes to the seat, after which we put the ends on hooks in the doorway. That's all. Children's swing for the house (suspended), made with their own hands, ready!

Hanging swing for home

If you think a little, you can understand that such a swing can hardly differ from the apartment swings. Only if the fact that they can be hung on the street. But in this case, you will have to use a different method of manufacturing the product, because for the street, hanging swings are made a little differently.

If there is a good tree in the yard of your house that can become the basis for a swing, feel free to use it. However, experts still recommend not to install such children's devices on trees, as this is unsafe. .

Of course, it is better to just buy special hooks and other elements in order to secure the swing as best as possible. In no case do not wrap a tree just with a rope from a swing! Your main task is to take care of the safety of your child - do not put children at risk!

Now let's talk about the cost of swings in stores.

Money spendings

Swings are one of the main and most favorite entertainment for children and their parents, and therefore are in great demand.

No one forbids buying a swing in specialized stores, but have you seen the prices for this product? Most likely not, so you can't even imagine the cost.

Did you know the fact that the simplest swings for children in specialty stores cost about 100-150 dollars? Single swings with metal posts cost over $300, while double swings made of wood cost over $600.

This is really crazy money, and there is simply no guarantee that the structure will not break in a week. Without a doubt, it is better to build on your own no less high-quality swings for children at home, spending only on some materials if they are not at hand.

You can make a swing at home without any difficulty even in an hour (if, of course, you try). Some people, however, can make swings for their children for weeks - they say, it's incredibly difficult. However, in reality, there is nothing complicated and incomprehensible in the installation of such a design.

You could read more about how to install a swing in an apartment, in a country house or in your own yard a little higher. It's easy and you'll be fine.

Wooden swing for children

While children can ride on ordinary swings only from the age of five, rocking chairs are popular not only among grandmothers, but also among small children.

Many do not even imagine that they can make beautiful and comfortable swings on their own that will last for many years.

For manufacturing, we need a wooden burs, a small sheet of plywood, the width of which exceeds 18 millimeters. Glue (waterproof), a variety of self-tapping screws, paint or ordinary varnish is also useful.

Now you are aware that a children's swing for the house, the price of which is rather big, is easiest to make on your own.

The beam must be sawn into a shaft, the length of which should be two meters, as well as several racks (height - 80-90 centimeters). Plywood will serve as a seat for the swing. Dimensions are considered individually, so before installing this and any other kind of swing, be sure to count everything on a piece of paper. Do not forget to sand all the elements before final installation.


Swings for children at home are an integral part of a child's life, because each of us was a kid who loved to ride on a swing every day, right?

Today we discussed the main aspects that you need to pay attention to when installing a swing in your house, apartment or summer cottage. In no case do not forget about the safety of the child, be sure to be next to him while riding on a swing. After all, we all know that some incredible thought can come into the head of a child at any moment. The kid can think, accidentally fall and hit hard. And then there will be many tears and screams. Keep your kids and yourself out of it.

Have a nice day and good mood!

To diversify the rest in the country, in the shade of garden trees there are comfortable swings where you can relax and recharge your batteries. We want to tell you how to make a garden swing with your own hands, because it is doubly pleasant when the use of the product of your own labor also brings joy.

Preparing to build a swing

Site selection

A swing is not just a bench or a stump with a seat, this type will be a stationary and relatively capital object, so you need to choose the appropriate place for it.

This means that we need to take into account all the nuances of this structure, namely:

  • Mobility. Part of the structure is a movable unit that performs damped oscillatory movements under the action of gravity, like a pendulum. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the maximum swing of this pendulum in each direction and take care that within these limits there are no obstacles: trees, stumps, shrubs or garden furniture;
  • Stationarity. To ensure the movement of one part of the structure, it is necessary to securely fasten its other part - the support frame. To do this, we will have to dig into the ground and concrete the racks to a depth of 60 - 70 cm;
  • Site quality. You have probably noticed constant puddles and dirt under the yard or homemade swings, as the ground under the seat is constantly wiped off with your feet during braking, and a depression forms there where water and dirt accumulate. Therefore, for comfortable use of the attraction, you should immediately rid yourself of this misunderstanding - make a concrete screed or lay tiles, rubber, at least make gravel filling.

For normal and long-term operation of the structure, it must be installed as evenly as possible, that is, with the seat hanging freely in the lower position, the chain or cable must be perpendicular to the upper crossbar.
To control this parameter, it is most convenient to use a plumb line.

It is also important to remember that it is very dangerous to be in the swing zone of the ride bench, as you can get a strong blow and seriously injure a part of the body. Therefore, this area should either be limited for access, or ensure that people or animals do not enter it during the operation of the swing.

Another aspect that is often overlooked is that the attraction will most likely be a permanent place for your children to play, so it is better to think in advance of a way to limit the zenith or the highest point to which the pendulum can swing. Otherwise, children, out of incomprehension, can swing it up to a full turn around the crossbar with chains winding around it and falling headfirst.

From all that has been said, the following summary can be drawn: the place for the place must be spacious, even, free from obstacles and be in a line of sight relative to the house for control and safety.

Choice of material and type of construction

Several factors will depend on the choice of type of construction and materials:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Durability;
  3. Price;
  4. Safety;
  5. Relevance in terms of design.

As a rule, two types of materials are used for self-manufacturing: wood and metal, as well as their combinations. Concrete work and site improvement work will not be considered for the time being.

Metal models, at first glance, are more reliable and durable, and ceteris paribus, it is so. However, the metal is also subject to corrosion, and if it is not properly processed, this advantage is easily lost.

On the other hand, properly selected and processed wood, with timely care, demonstrates quite acceptable reliability indicators comparable to metal.

If we consider these materials from the point of view of safety and artistic value, then wood will be the undisputed leader here (unless, of course, your garden is made in the style of a Gothic cemetery and is not replete with wrought iron bars and fences).

Also important is the fact that the processing of wooden parts is much easier and does not require tools such as a grinder, electric and gas welding, a metal drill, etc.

If we talk about the cost, then a really beautiful forged frame will cost much more than high-quality wood, and the use of banal pipes or corners will result in a “freak” that will spoil the beauty and atmosphere of a country estate.

From the point of view of expediency, we consider the most suitable wooden structure, reinforced with metal parts in some places.

Making a swing

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a work plan and a drawing. You can easily find drawings of a garden swing with your own hands on our website, you can also make them yourself.

  1. We take 4 three-meter beams 100x100 mm and make two L-shaped structures connected at an angle of 50 - 55 degrees using furniture bolts;

  1. We retreat from the lower end of the support 60 cm and divide the rest by three. At the level of the border of the first and second thirds, we mount the puffs from the edged board, two for each leg. Fasten with bolts.

  1. Now we connect the resulting frames with a crossbar 100x100 mm from an oak beam. We select the length of the crossbar so that the width of the frame is 50 cm more than the width of the seat.

  1. We dig in the legs of the structure to a depth of 70 cm, where 10 cm will be filled with crushed stone and sand. Next, we concrete the pits with a solution of cement, sand and gravel 1: 3: 5. We expose the structure along the plumb line so that the thread is perpendicular to the crossbar;

Part of the support beam, which will be immersed in concrete, is treated with bituminous mastic.


A good wooden swing in the country is a great place to relax and delight children of any age. We told you how to make them yourself, the nuances are in the video in this article.

How to make creative do-it-yourself swing: this will be discussed in this article on the site "" and drawings and photos will help you with this. Comfortable conditions for relaxing in the garden of a private house or in a summer cottage can be achieved in different ways. Along with and , not the last place is occupied by garden swing: photos of interesting solutions can be easily found on the net, and using the instructions, you can easily cope with the manufacture do-it-yourself swing. Even adults can use these swings. The main thing is to accurately calculate the weight and build a reliable structure.

Swing, located on a personal plot, will become a source of good mood for both children and adults

Do-it-yourself swing: photos of interesting ideas

Traditional materials for manufacturing do-it-yourself street swing are metal and wood. In order to improve reliability and external characteristics, these materials can be combined, as well as partially decorate the metal structure with decorative forging.

Bright cocoon swing hanging from a tree branch

Useful advice! For the manufacture of the seat, any improvised materials that may remain on the site after building a house or carrying out repairs can be used.

For construction, you can use:

  • bars;
  • plastic;
  • strong rope;
  • metal pipes;
  • old armchairs or chairs from which the legs must first be removed.

Comfort swing great for sleeping outdoors or reading

Car owners can use old car tires. They will go well with flower beds made of similar material.

Garden swing classification

There are many original and comfortable swing capable of any suburban area.

They can be roughly divided into three broad categories:

  • mobile - products have a lightweight portable design, due to which swing you can move around the site to any convenient place, for example, to a house, to, to a gazebo or under a canopy during rain;

Mobile swing option with metal base

  • family - products with a massive and weighty design. In their design, they resemble without legs with a large and high back. Due to the large dimensions, the whole family can fit on the seat. To exploit such swing was safe, they are securely fixed on the U-shaped frame. Strong cables or thick chains are used as clamps. If you organize a roof or an awning over the swing, they can be used even in the rain;

  • children's - a special category of products, usually in the form of boats or hanging chairs. Special requirements are put forward for structures in relation to the frame, which must comply with all safety standards. Very young children can use swing only in the presence of adults and with the use of special belts. With their help, the baby is fixed on the seat and therefore will not be able to fall out.

With metal frame, painted in bright colors

Varieties and photos of swings in the country with their own hands

Swing can be classified according to other criteria. There are the following swing types by design type:

  • hammock - hung on a metal crossbar. A tree with a thick and straight lower branch can serve as a substitute for the crossbar. During the use of such a design, a person gets the impression that he is hovering above the ground. Similar swing are in great demand among those who are fond of reading books;

Hammock swing– a great option for relaxation and admiring nature

Note! Hammock products, subject to the manufacturing technology, are able to withstand a weight load of up to 200 kg.

  • single - products with various types of structures that do not need to install additional crossbars. These swing They are characterized by a quick mounting system, and they can be installed anywhere. A variety of materials are used for the manufacture;

Beautiful hanging swing in the garden private house

  • hanging - swing are a seat suspended on several ropes or chains. Ropes are attached to the sides. Thanks to the use of various materials that make the product durable, comfortable and light, the hanging type swing can have a different shape and size;

Cozy fabric hanging swing, created do it yourself

  • sun loungers - products can accommodate a family consisting of two adults and one child. Swing have a special design that involves fixing at a single attachment point, which allows them to be installed in the room. The material for the manufacture is a special alloy of metals. Despite the apparent airiness, these products are very durable.

Large family swing with metal frame

Before you get down to business, you should prepare the necessary materials, as well as tools.

Make sure you have:

  • file or sandpaper (for working with a metal surface);
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes;
  • containers for mixing the solution;

metal swing distinguished by elegance and apparent lightness of design

  • ingredients for the preparation of the solution (crushed stone, water, cement, sand);
  • fasteners (nuts, bolts);
  • metal pipes;
  • wrenches and shovels;
  • grinders and a set of discs for metal.

Modern design metal swing for garden

Making a swing with your own hands: drawings and photos

The first thing to do is prepare the pipes. The cutting of the material is carried out as follows:

  • side stand - 2 pieces, length - 2 m;
  • base element - 2 pcs. on each side, the length is up to you;
  • crossbar - 1 piece, length - 1.5-2 m.

Mounting dimensions metal swing and wood

Useful advice! After cutting metal pipes, burrs may form on them. Use a file or sandpaper to remove them.

The elements intended for the base must be fixed by welding at an angle of 45°. Next, a crossbar is welded to the uprights at an angle of 90 °.

To install the structure, two trenches should be dug. The width of these recesses must correspond to the tripod resulting from the assembly, and the depth must be at least 0.8 m. The width of the crossbar must fit between the trenches.

Hanging swing unusual shape with a metal frame

The supporting parts of the swing will be installed in the recesses. Previously, a pillow of sand should be formed at the bottom. The layer thickness is 0.1-0.2 m. After that, the embankment is carefully compacted. The base of the structure is installed on top, the recesses are poured with concrete mortar.

To prepare the mixture, mix sand, cement and crushed stone in the following proportions: 2:1:1 (respectively). Add liquid to the resulting mixture and mix the solution. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass. Make sure it's not too liquid.

Drawing device garden swing: 1 - screws for fastening the back and seat slats; 2 - slats; 3 - corners of the rocking seat frame; 4 - swing truss base rod; 5 - rivets; 6 - connecting strip of seat stiffness and seat suspension; 7 - side bars of the swing farm; 8 - connection of the ends of the supporting frame of the awning; 9 - cord for hanging the rocking chair; 10 - carbine; 11 - ring; 12 - kerchief-strut; 13 - the upper bar of the swing farm; 14 - connecting bolts with washers and nuts; 15 - liner fixing bolt; 16 - insert with a hole and an internal thread for a connecting bolt; 17 - wide spacer; 18 - support frame for awning; 19 - washer; 20 - a bolt connecting the upper rod with the side ones; 21 - crossbar - 2 pcs. (steel strip with bolts)

It takes about a week for the concrete to harden. Up to this point, it is not recommended to attach a seat to the crossbar, which can be held by cables or metal beams. After making sure that the mortar has hardened, attach the hooks by welding and install the seat on the cables. If metal beams are used, weld the seat to them. When the structure is completely ready and installed, it can be covered with paint to give the swing a beautiful appearance and protect the metal from corrosion.

Metal swing for the garden with awning and soft pillows

How to make a swing in the garden with your own hands from wood

This technology is considered, which are able to simultaneously accommodate several babies at once. The dimensions of the swing can be changed at your discretion.

Useful advice! Use wood of the following species as a material: birch, pine, spruce.

Children's outdoor swing built from wood

Preparatory stage: tools and materials

The list of materials needed to create a wood structure includes:

  • board - 15 pieces, length - 2.5 m, section - 2.5x10 cm;
  • board - 1 pc., length - 2 m, section - 5x15 cm;
  • carbine - 6 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws - 250 pcs., size - 3.5x52 mm;
  • welded chain, the length of which is selected taking into account the height of the swing, the thickness of the links is 0.5 cm;
  • galvanized screws - 2 pcs. size 1.2x10 cm + 2 pcs. size 1.2x8 cm.

Do-it-yourself drawing-children's swing: 1 - lateral outer part of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (90x35x375); 2 - lateral inner part of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (70x35x375); 3 - cross member of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (90x35x375); 4 - vertical part of the armrest - 2 pcs. (45x35x275); 5 - vertical part of the back - 2 pcs. (90x35x650); 6 - horizontal part of the armrest - 4 pcs. (45x35x530); 7 - the upper part of the armrest - 2 pcs. (145x20x585); 8 - upper chain holder - 2 pcs. (45x35x300); 9 - lower chain holder - 2 pcs. (70x35x150); 10 - front and rear parts of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (90x35x1300); 11 - backrest cross member - 1 pc. (90x35x1400); 12 - seat board - 1 pc. (90x20x1170); 13 - seat board - 3 pcs. (90x20x1230); 14 - back board - 12 pcs. (90x20x850)

The market assortment offers self-tapping screws of various colors. The shade of the fasteners can be effectively played up in swing design, so you should pay attention to the color of the screws. By choosing fasteners to match the wood, you can hide the junction of structural parts. Self-tapping screws in contrasting colors will achieve an interesting effect.

Hanging wooden swing, painted white

Don't forget to prepare the tool:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • square to measure the size of the corners;
  • circular saw for cutting wood;
  • drill and a set of drills for it;
  • planer and hacksaw;
  • hammer.

Scheme-drawing wooden swing devices with dimensions

Technology for creating a children's swing: how to make a design with your own hands

If you take on DIY swing making You can make your work easier in one simple way - make a plan and try to stick to it. It is recommended to prepare a project in advance, draw up blueprints and outline on them all the dimensional parameters, fastener locations, analyze the future product for reliability.

If you are not experienced in drafting drawings, use ready-made projects. , which you can find on the Internet, will help you decide on the choice of a suitable design. Do not forget, there is a big difference between a swing designed for adults and children's products.

Suspension swing option from used car tires

On pre-prepared parts (each 1.5 m long), a cut should be made strictly at a right angle. Boards having a thickness of 2 cm are designed for seating. For the manufacture of the back, it is better to use boards with a thickness of 1.2-1.3 cm. For the seat, 32 planks will be required, 15 of which should have a length of 0.45 m, the remaining 17 - 0.5 m.

Useful advice! To prevent cracking of the wood during the installation of self-tapping screws, drill small holes in the structural elements to be fastened.

Mounting swing dimensions with metal frame

Working with the back and seat of the swing

If you want to make a more comfortable and convenient design of the seat back, it should be shaped. To achieve the desired result, use a board with a large thickness (section - 5x15 cm). You need to make 6 parts. Use a marker or pencil to mark the blanks accordingly.

After that, you need to determine the angle at which the back will be fixed. Fixing the slats is carried out with the same step. Make sure the planks are level. To do this, first fix on the sides, and then in the middle.

Baby swing suspended from the frame on chains

Increase operating comfort swing allow the installation of armrests. It is recommended to use a bar for these purposes. The width does not really matter and is selected according to your own wishes. On the one hand, the armrests are screwed to the frame part of the back, on the other hand, they are attached to the seat.

The next step is to attach the welded chain to the frame. The optimal place is the lower zone of the armrest, that is, where it connects to the seat. Take a special connector, which has a ring on one side and a thread on the other. It is attached to the crossbar and the frame part of the seat. Subsequently, a chain will pass through these rings.

Drawing of a chair with a back and sides for a swing(cm): 1 - horizontal sidewall element - 4 pcs. (5x5x70); 2 - connecting rod - 3 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, length 80 cm); 3 - reinforcing square - 4 pcs. (2.5x10x10); 4, 11 - vertical elements of the sidewall - 4 pcs. (5x5x37.5); 5 - back frame element - 2 pcs. (5x5x37.5); 6 - back and seat lattice element - 13 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, length 58 cm); 7 - seat frame element - 2 pcs. (5x5x67.5); 8 - suspension cord guide - 2 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, length 10 cm); 9 - pin - 4 pcs. (d = 1 cm, length 7 cm); 10 - seat latch (d = 2.5 cm, length 68 cm)

For fixing swing it is better to use an A-shaped rack. As supporting elements you need to take strong logs. Anyone who knows how to handle a welding machine can take on the manufacture of a metal frame.

Bright children's swing with original design

Do-it-yourself construction of a supporting part for a swing

Many craftsmen who swing making for summer cottages, A-shaped racks are preferred, as they provide a high level of reliability, are durable and can withstand heavy loads. At this stage, you will need the same set of tools as when working with the seat. Of course, if we are talking about a rack made of wood. Otherwise, you will need a welding machine.

A-shaped support legs are reliable, durable and can withstand heavy loads

The first thing you have to do is make racks. They must be the same and have the same size. Subsequently, you can install them at the distance that you need. This figure depends on the width of the seat. To connect the supports, use the crossbar.

Important! Perform accurate calculations of the angle at which vertically positioned rack elements will be connected. The upper part of the pillars needs a secure fastening. Otherwise, they may be led.

Reliable fastening of the upper part of the pillars will ensure a high level of strength of the entire structure

To mount the crossbar, mark 1/3 of the support posts. It is at this level that the installation will take place. Self-tapping screws and corners made of metal can be used as fixing elements. Make sure the crossbar is set at the same height. Usually swings have one crossbar, but if you want to increase the strength of the structure, you can install two.

To mount the base, dig holes in the ground. The maximum depth is 0.8 m. The structure is installed on a cushion of crushed stone with a thickness of about 0.2 m. After the racks have been placed inside, they are poured with concrete mortar.

Baby swing hanging type with wooden frame

Given that wood is highly susceptible to decay, the underside of the posts should be treated with an antiseptic and insulated before concrete is applied to the base. For these purposes, it is worth stocking up with waterproofing material. Roofing material will do.

Since in the future the structure will be operated by children, it is necessary to secure it. Sharp corners should be rounded off, irregularities and burrs are eliminated by grinding.

Process construction of a children's swing wooden

DIY swing photo and features of their manufacture

Even if you are not at all friends with a planer and a welding machine, this does not mean at all that a swing in a summer cottage will remain a luxury for you. There are many simple designs that you can handle. Moreover, most of them do not require the purchase of any expensive materials. You can always arm yourself with improvised means.

Simple children's swing for the garden hanging on ropes from a tree branch

Swing from improvised materials: pallets

Pallets are a very popular type of material from which home and garden furniture is made. Due to their versatility, they can also be used for swing organization in the countryside. To do this, you should have at hand one pallet, a rope and a tree where the structure will be suspended.

Useful advice! As a substitute for a tree, you can install strong support poles.

Pallets are an excellent material for creating original garden furniture.

Even a product created on the basis of a single pallet can have several modifications. The one-piece element can be fixed in a suspended state at four corners using ropes. This is enough for the swing to perform its function. To create coziness, it is enough to put a small mattress on top of the pallet and cover it with a blanket or sheet. A few pillows on top will be a kind of solution to the problem of the lack of a back.

Cozy children's swing from a pallet with a soft mattress and pillows

Constructions of this type can be used not only for reading books in the open air, but also for elementary rest from the midday heat in the shade. They can even be used for sleeping.

For creating a swing with a full back with your own hands two pallets are required. As in the case of wooden structures made of planks and timber, here you should also sand the surface to get rid of burrs. The product must be thoroughly cleaned and painted with a dye intended for wood and outdoor conditions. It is enough to use a moisture-resistant varnish that will not spoil the beauty of the tree.

Suspended swing for giving made from pallets

Other types of do-it-yourself swings

The simplest version of a swing is a board-shaped seat suspended with ropes. To prevent the rope from fraying quickly, two more parts can be nailed to the sides of the board. After that, 4 holes are made through which the ropes are threaded. For fixation, strong and tight knots are tied at the ends. The structure itself can be mounted both on a tree and on a U-shaped support base.

Beautiful hanging swing will become a decoration of the backyard

Swing, suspended on ropes, can be made in another way. Instead of holes, grooves are formed in the board: a pair in the end part and a pair along the edges in the corner zone. The seat (board) can be shaped like a semicircle or left straight. Due to the tension force, the rope will not jump out of the grooves, despite the fact that they are open.

Safe baby swing from textiles and wood you can create with your own hands

Useful advice! If you have an unusable skateboard or snow board, it can be used instead of a seat, giving the swing an original look.

For making swings with your own hands on the site you can use a large number of different materials up to car tires. It is enough to hang the tire on a tree branch with a rope. If you care about nature, you should not use a chain - it injures the bark too much.

Hanging swing from a wicker chair adorned with colorful ribbons

Some craftsmen give intricate carved shapes to tire swings. To obtain an original design, it is enough to acquire a sharp cutting tool and ready-made schemes. Tire cutting can be done with a construction knife. Pre-mark the cut surface on its surface using chalk or a dark marker. The finished product can be painted in a bright color or covered with drawings.

Swing from two logs small size, interconnected with a rope, very popular among summer residents. The main thing is that the wood is cleaned, leveled and tightly bound.

Swing Creation Drawing in the form of a horse from an old tire

Beautiful designs and methods of fastening them

There are several options for mounting systems that can be used for swings. These options are the most common:

  • carabiners - in this case, the beam is wrapped around an element that has a circular cross section (used for rounded beams) or rectangular (square shape of a carabiner for beams);
  • anchors - in fact, they are the same carabiners with a through type of fastening.

Reliability and safety of the structure are the main properties of a good children's swing

Swing with four attachment points(2 on the seat and 2 on the back) can be hung in two ways. In the first case, you bring chains or ropes into a common ring, which is a connecting carabiner. After that, one of the ropes or chains is attached to the crossbar with the main carabiner. As a result, you get two fixation points on the crossbar.

Another option involves the installation of a fastening system, which is based on the use of 4 carabiners that fix each of the ropes or chains leading from the structure.

Device options seats for swings, as well as the method of attaching anchors to the crossbar

Swing in the form of benches can be mounted on hooks that are mounted in the side walls of the supporting pillars.

Materials for creating a beautiful swing for children in the country with their own hands

If you do not want to be limited to the use of improvised materials, but want to create an original and beautiful design, you can use interesting types of wood and metals.

Useful advice! Enhance the product by adding a comfortable back or front bar to its design. Thanks to this limiter, you can increase the level of operational safety of the swing.

For outdoor hanging swing it is better to choose boards from deciduous trees

To create a beautiful swing you will need:

  • durable metal carabiners;
  • boards from deciduous trees;
  • chain for hanging;
  • self-tapping screws with various dimensional parameters;
  • screws equipped with rings, which are also used for hanging home children's swings installed in the room.

Comfortable children's swing hammock type of thick colored fabric

The set of tools for work is limited to:

  • drill and a set of drills;
  • saw and hacksaw;
  • jigsaw and planer;
  • hammer;
  • devices for measuring and marking (square, tape measure, chalk, pencil / marker).

Ordinary old tires can be turned into an original swing for children

For swing mounting you need to select a shady place, for example, a plot under a tree or under the roof of a canopy, terrace. You can even equip the structure itself with a roof or a canopy, otherwise you will have to cover the product with a tarpaulin or film in bad weather.

The initial stage of product manufacturing

Any sustainable swing design begins with the digging of support pillars to a depth of 0.8 m. The remaining space in the recess is filled with concrete mortar. Then the crossbar is connected to the uprights.

Wooden swing device: 1 - upper bundle (length 115 cm, width and thickness of the board 10x5 cm); 2 - a visor board that covers the heads of the bolts and protects the screed from the weather (length 145 cm, width and thickness 22.5x5 cm); 3 - two posts (height 275 cm, width and thickness 22.5x5 cm), the distance between the posts is 105 cm, the ends of the posts are concreted into the ground to a depth of 60 cm; 4 - galvanized chain attached from above and below to eyebolts on turnbuckles; 5 - seat (length 60 cm, width and thickness 15x5 cm)

Further actions depend on what type of material is used to manufacture the product. If swing are created on the basis of metal pipes, the connection of all elements is carried out only using a welding machine. Wooden supports will require pre-treatment with an antiseptic and nuts with bolts as fasteners.

The seat is made up of two frames. One of them will be the back, the second - the seat. Install and secure pieces of plywood or wood on them. After that, it will be necessary to fix the frames at an angle of strictly 120 °.

Process construction of a children's complex with swings wooden

In order to attach a rope or chain to the seat, brackets or special hooks are mounted. This will allow you to hang the structure to the crossbar.

Note! The swing is suspended in such a way that the legs of the person sitting on it can touch the ground.

The design of the structure can be improved by decorating it or installing some unusual object as a seat.

Baby swing hanging from a tree on a rope

Do-it-yourself installation of the mounting mechanism on a swing

Hanging the swing seat to the crossbar is carried out due to staples or special hooks. If the structure is held by cables, you will also need to purchase clamps that will act as clamps. Other materials may also be used, such as chains or ropes.

It is recommended to take a chain with large links. This will increase the service life of the product due to the fact that the metal from which they are made is not afraid of the negative effects of weather conditions and temperature changes. Moreover, the chain is often used to decorate the landscape. It will complement the design of the yard on a suburban area.

Installation of fasteners for hanging swings

The mounting area of ​​the suspension requires careful reinforcement. For decorative purposes, pillows, a mattress, or an awning can be placed on a wooden seat. These elements will not only be able to decorate the product, but also increase the comfort of use, make it pleasant to relax.

Since the design is made for children, it is better to equip the swing seat with a comfortable back. As for the suspension, it is less important in this case.

Scheme-drawing hanging swing devices from a car tire on a metal frame: 1 - racks; 2 - tire; 3 - welded calibrated chain; 4 - M12 bolt with an eye; 5 - section of channel No. 14, the length of which is 200 mm; 6 - steel plate 140x200 mm; 7 - M12 bolt

How to make a DIY swing safe

The area where children rest and have fun should be safe. By following simple rules, this can be easily achieved:

  • use the safest and most reliable nodes;
  • nylon rope is less damaging to the tree than others;
  • the best option for wood is oak;

Children's swing made of wood, created by own hands, in the form of a mouse and a beetle

  • having figured out how to make a swing in the country, before fixing them on a tree, carefully inspect the branch on which they will be hung. Make sure there are no cracks, excessive dryness, signs of illness;
  • if a chain is used to hang the swing, it is recommended to place it inside the plastic tubes. Otherwise, the child's fingers may fall into the links;
  • the branch with the swing should be checked for reliability, since during the use of the structure, the wood is gradually frayed and destroyed. You need to do this every week;

Before use swing children, be sure to check the design for strength

  • before allowing children to use the product, check it for durability. For this fit the largest member of the family. If the swing can withstand its weight, then they can be put into operation;
  • use only reliable variants of carabiners.

We should not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. Make the sides of the swing curly to keep the kids interested. Sidewalls can be made in the form of dinosaurs or cars, ships.

We go to the country to rest and work. We dream of lying in a hammock, drinking tea in the fresh air, but this is not enough for a child. Its energy requires intelligent use, and it is in our power to create the right conditions for this. Simple and practical way - buy or build swing with your own hands. So let's talk about what swings are, from what and how to build them.

Children's outdoor swing: types

When choosing a children's swing for outdoor summer cottages, parents are required to check them for absolute safety for the child. Consider what manufacturers offer us for our treasures.

First of all, the swing is divided according to the material of manufacture. They can be wood, metal or plastic.

Children's wooden swing for giving environmentally friendly, durable, easy to assemble and beautiful appearance. Impregnation of wood with a special composition increases the service life of products.

metal swings are among the most reliable and durable models. They can be forged, collapsible, welded. They weigh a lot, but this is justified by their strength and stability of the installation.

Plastic designed for the little ones. Light and bright, they are great for babies under the age of 5, but they are afraid of winter frosts and fade in the sun.

Swings are also distinguished by the type of construction: suspended and frame.

Frame, of course, it is preferable for children, because they are highly stable, they can be freely moved to different parts of the site, they are durable and safe enough to use.

Suspended Models are simple, do not require special skills to assemble. To equip them, you need a carrier beam, a strong rope and a board for the seat. It is desirable that she had a back.

Swing chairs Designed for kids up to 3 years old. They are usually low, with a soft back and a seat in the form of a deck chair.

All these models can be purchased in stores, but if you decide not to spend money and build a children's swing for a summer residence with your own hands, we will help you.


Of the materials for structures with supports, there are two options: metal and wood. Unfortunately, a children's metal swing for a summer residence will require special skills from you. If you are not a blacksmith or a welder, building a metal frame will be problematic. Yes, and pipes for supports will also have to be looked for.

The best solution that any parent can do is to build a wooden swing.

Building a wooden swing

The simplest design is a children's hanging swing for giving without a frame. It's great if you have a large tree with a low thick bough on or near the site. They threw two ropes over it, built a seat from improvised means - and the swing is ready. As a seat, you can use tires traditionally loved by summer residents, a high chair, an abandoned skateboard, a piece of board, an old ice rink. In general, everything that, in your opinion, is suitable for a comfortable ride for a child.

For the construction of a frame swing, we first determine the place. It should be close to home, but away from The beautiful and durable design of the swing chair will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults U-shaped children's outdoor swings with green spaces at the vertical posts will provide shade and aesthetic design for this simple design

We got the letter "P".

Advice! For kids, it is better to attach seatbnot two ropes, but four. To do this, take two lengths for each rope, fold in half, and thread the ends into the seat.

If this option bothers you, you can build a more stable structure by taking four pillars for the frame and placing them in the form of a block letter "L". The sequence of work is almost the same, only you will need to dig four holes, cut off the tops of the pillars at an angle, connect them with metal parts. Between the pillars, below, at a height of about 50 cm, stiffeners should be nailed on both sides of the swing. This design creates opportunities for creating a real children's summer cottage. By increasing the distance between the posts, you can nail a long bar and add a rope or climbing ladder to the swing.

Children's hanging swing for the street in terms of design does not differ in variety: several frame options, suspension on a chain or rope, plus a seat.

So the masters make up for lost time, inventing the most unusual swing seats, most of which can be made with your own hands from improvised means (lumber residues after building a swing: boards, slats, beams, logs).

Do-it-yourself baby seat for a swing - a set of ideas

In this article, we will look at how to make a swing seat so that it is comfortable, beautiful, inexpensive and reliable.

1. The choice of material for the seat device

What can you make a seat on a swing-balancer?

  • from solid materials - plywood, board, timber, log, plastic;
  • from soft materials - foam rubber, felt laid in a case;
  • in general, leave it without a seat, because it is quite convenient to accommodate yourself on the balance beam made of wood (yoke).

What to make a seat for an outdoor hanging swing?

Made of plastic

The plastic swing seat is the most affordable. A plastic seat is purchased ready-made and installed on a swing. The disadvantage is fragility and low strength. If several children sit on the seat (and they manage to fit two, three, four), then the plastic will not stand up and break. In addition, any plastic deteriorates under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures. They rarely buy it for the street, because. under these conditions, his life span is very short;


The metal seat is suitable for metal swings that are installed in public playgrounds. However, a swing with a metal seat does not attract children at all when it is hot (the seat is very hot) or cold (in winter). Therefore, for a home swing, this option is not acceptable;

Made of rubber

The rubber seat is suitable for intensive use. Sitting on it is not very comfortable, and riding while standing is simply dangerous, so only a few parents give preference to it;

From fabric

A cover with a filler (pillow, mattress) cannot act as a seat on its own, but they are placed on top of the main structure so that the child, especially the baby, is comfortable. The soft seat ensures that the baby does not hurt himself while on the swing. However, the fabric is afraid of water, therefore, it must not be forgotten to bring it into the house;

From a hoop, rope and elastic

From the hoop you can make a swing-nest (web). For manufacturing, a hoop 120 cm in diameter is used and twisted with a rope using macrame technology. The round web seat looks very stylish. Usually this material is used to make hanging garden swings;

From a car tire

Old tires can be tied up as a ready-made element or they can be formed into different shapes. It should be noted that the strength of the figured seat of the tire is much lower than the whole;

from wood

The simplest and most convenient material for arranging a seat, since on the one hand it is accessible and easy to process. On the other hand, it provides unlimited scope for imagination. After all, a carved seat for a children's swing made of wood can become a work of art;

From plywood, OBS, chipboard

A more budget-friendly option for wood-based seating materials. Their common drawback is that they are multi-layered. As a binder, formaldehyde is used, which is a dangerous carcinogen, and they also swell from moisture, so they are not suitable for outdoor swings.

2. The choice of suspension material for the swing

Suspension is what keeps the seat on the swing frame. For the device of suspensions, the following materials are used:

For flexible hangers:

  • chain. You need to choose a chain with solid links, not bent ones. Otherwise, the links may unwind (bend) and the seat will break;
  • rope (cord). It is better to use a climbing rope, as the most durable;
  • metal cable;
  • belts of sufficient strength.

For rigid hangers:

  • tree;
  • metal.

3. Calculation of the number of swing hangers

The mounting method depends on how many suspensions will be used:

  • one hanger. Such hanging swings require a well-developed vestibular apparatus in order to maintain balance and swing;
  • two hangers. The most convenient option for the child, because. Suspensions located on both sides of the seat are comfortable to hold and swing.
  • three hangers. It requires the ability to maintain balance when riding on such a swing. Used for arranging a round seat.
  • four hangers. Good for attaching a wide garden swing seat, or when installing a swing seat with backrest.

How to make a swing seat with your own hands

wooden seat

The easiest way to make a swing seat is to saw off a piece of board and sand it down. The size can be taken with a margin or taking into account the parameters of the child.


Two well-polished logs are tied together. This is a convenient way to make the seat quickly and at the same time secure it to the suspension.

Board seat

Wooden planks of a certain size (of the same length and width) are cut, longitudinal holes are drilled through which the rope is passed.

Swing seat from an old chair

A chair with a back without legs is used, suspended on ropes. If the design allows, the chair can be suspended by drilling holes in the seat, if not, two crossbars must be added from below. Attach a chair to them and hang them.

Unusual wooden swing seat

Such a purely functional product as a seat can be a place for the realization of the creative imagination of parents. A carved or original seat-an airplane, or a ship - all this will only please the kids. For those who doubt, users are advised to cut out a test seat template from cardboard, and then transfer the drawings to wood (or make a stencil from cardboard elements).

Tire swing seat

The old tire can be hung in its original (whole) form or cut out of it the figure of an animal (horse, swan). The tire cutting diagram is shown below. This is an easy and affordable way to make a swing seat from a tire on chains for a summer residence.

Round seat made of mesh and hoop (swing-nest)

The first way is to weave a web of rope using the macrame technique. In order to make a swing in the form of a round wicker nest (net), you need to prepare a strong hoop (or two different diameters, 120 and 60 cm, if the back is planned), foam rubber (so that the rim is soft) and a coil of rope. The do-it-yourself technique for making a "nest" swing is shown in the diagram.

The second way is to use fabric instead of cobwebs.

Scheme of a hanging swing "nest" from a hoop and fabricHanging swing "nest"Master class on making a hanging swing "nest"How to make a nest swing

Pallet swing seat

A seat made of a wooden pallet can become a full-fledged sleeping place, provided that the suspensions are correctly attached.

metal seat

Metal seats for summer cottages are usually not made. First, they are hot in summer and cold in winter. Secondly, manufacturing is labor intensive. Thirdly, exploitation is more dangerous. Therefore, most often they make a metal frame swing and a wooden seat.

Baby seat for toddlers

A seat for children under 3 years old must be made with a back. As a rule, the backs of the swing seats are made of fabric or boards. Fabric seats are designed for the little ones, but a swing with a wooden seat is designed for those who are confidently “in the saddle”. And if you install the board in the foreground of the swing, you can combine the seat and the table for feeding.

Advice. To prevent the child from slipping out of the swing, it is necessary to provide a stop bar in front. In addition, for the convenience of the child, the handles (armrests) should be rigid.

How to fix (hang) the seat of a children's swing

  • cut corners in a wooden seat from opposite sides and “put” the seat on a rope suspension. In this case, the seat is not attached to anything and is suspended under the weight of the child. You can make a double wash down, this will avoid tipping the seat;
  • drill four holes in the prepared wooden seat and thread the ropes through them. So that the rope enters one hole and exits the other. To avoid cracking the seat to the edge from the drilling site, you can strengthen the knot with an additional bar or wooden lining (then it needs to be drilled out). This method of fastening is also suitable for sitting with a back. Suspensions can be brought from above and tightened from below into a knot;
  • attach two eyes to the prepared seat and insert suspensions into them. The method is universal, it allows you to mount both wooden and any other seat. The only possible way to fix the seat on the chains as a suspension. Well proven when attaching tires;
  • drill a hole in the seat and tie a knot at the bottom.


As you can see, there are many options for making seats for children's swings, from the simplest to the original. But, when working, you need to remember that the appearance of the structure is a task of secondary importance, the safety and comfort of the child when riding is in the foreground.

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