Joints are visible on dark wallpaper. Defects when working with wallpaper and how to fix it

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Many people decide to do repairs themselves, because it is much cheaper, albeit longer. Problems with wallpapering usually do not arise if you already have such experience. If it is not there and the wallpaper is pasted on the walls with violations of technology, then all the flaws become visible. The joints look especially ugly. So, if the wallpaper broke up at the junction, how to fix the situation? Strictly speaking, the fact that ugly joints, or “seams”, as they are commonly called, may appear, you need to think about even at the stage of buying a finishing material. We will talk about all these nuances in this article.

Important! The first thing to decide is the type of wallpaper. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the rules for their gluing have their own characteristics, non-compliance with which leads to strong disappointment with the work done. Read more about the rules of wallpapering in our flocks:

Why do seams appear?

This problem, in most cases, is typical for low-quality inexpensive materials. But sometimes they appear even when using expensive non-woven finishes.

Important! If you have no experience with sticking, you can use this trick. If you buy material in a longitudinal stripe or in a cage, the joints are easy to hide, even if they are.

It is much more difficult with vinyl, glossy, textured, thin or plain panels. The seam is usually noticeable.

In order to make the joints of the panels invisible, a special sealant is used. But this measure is relevant if the wallpaper needs to be painted. Alternatively, you can paint the sealant itself to match the color of the main canvas.

Important! The reason that the joints become noticeable is improper storage and transportation of rolls. When purchasing material, carefully inspect the ends. If the ends are damaged or crumpled, then the seams immediately appear. If you have removed the packaging from the rolls, store them in a standing position.

It happens that the end part of the trellis of a dark shade is not painted. To avoid ugly stripes, paint these places with a pencil that matches the color.

However, splices are a common problem with low-cost paper products. This is due to the fact that the paper panel impregnated with glue is stretched, and when moisture evaporates, it shrinks in size. That is why, when gluing paper tapestries, it is important to mount them immediately after smearing with glue, without waiting for the panels to swell. If this is neglected, the risk of deformations and ruptures is very high.

Wall preparation

To avoid deformation of the wallpaper and achieve their perfect joining, you need to seriously approach the preliminary preparation of the walls. Puttying, sanding, priming - necessary points. If you do not apply a primer, under the wallpaper there will be a large number of dust, which simply absorbs some of the glue. Naturally, the material will stick to the wall much worse.

Important! It is advisable to prime the walls about a day before gluing, so that the primer has time to dry completely. The main thing here is to choose the right material, the material of our site will help you with this:

Proper application of glue

Mistakes made when applying wallpaper paste is another joint problem. Moreover, there is a risk both with insufficient and with excessive application of glue to the canvas. It takes a long time for the thick adhesive base to dry. The paper on top is already dry, but the glue under the panel is still wet. All this will sooner or later lead to deformation.

Important! If you decide to wallpaper your house, then the question of finding high-quality glue is paramount, just like the rules for its use, learn more about these subtleties from our blogs:

After the adhesive is applied to the canvas, fold it and roll it with a rubber roller. It contributes uniform distribution surface composition. After the wallpaper is mounted, roll the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams with a rubber roller. This action contributes to a better fixation of the canvas.

Important! If the material is glossy or silk-screened, it is almost impossible to hide the joints. The same applies to vinyl wallpaper. Therefore, when buying, focus on wide canvases, and try to hide the joints with interior items.

Visible joints on the wallpaper - what to do?

There are several options for the divergence of the panels in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams:

  • The joints diverge so that a wall is visible between them.
  • The glue protrudes and stains the wallpaper at the joints.
  • The edges of the panels are raised and wrapped.
  • Unevenly painted joints.

Each of these problems is corrected in its own way. All methods differ in terms of cost and complexity. Before correcting flaws and thinking about what to do if seams are visible on the wallpaper, analyze what is their cause.

Important! Fix the edges of the canvas with special glue, which allows you to securely hold the edges of the canvases on the wall. When pasting wallpaper, do not forget to pass the roller in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints.

How to remove the seams on the wallpaper after gluing? What to do if ugly joints have already formed?

  • An effective but costly method -.
  • There is another - relatively economical, but laborious, using grout for ceramic tiles. Add color to the grout to match the color of the walls, and apply to the joints.
  • You can paint over them with pencils, markers or felt-tip pens.

What to do if the wallpaper is separated at the joints?

  • You can putty the joints with wallpaper crumbs from the top of the trellises mixed with glue.
  • A good option is to use special panels or moldings. You not only forget about the problem of joints, but also improve appearance interior. The design looks original with borders or edgings.
  • The most radical way is an attempt to re-paste the wallpaper at the junction of the panels. Gently wet the joints with warm water. Then carefully coat them with glue, stretch and reconnect. If the error is small, then it can be eliminated quite easily.

Important! It is impossible not to mention another problem: dried glue on the surface of the wallpaper. It is transparent, but sunlight noticeable enough. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply the composition to the canvas strictly in accordance with the instructions. Dried glue cannot be removed, but during the gluing process, you can remove it with a clean soft cloth.

If the tapestries peel off and twist at the joints, it looks very ugly. The most common reason is poor-quality finishing material. To avoid this, roll the joints with a roller when gluing.

Features of installing vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers look very beautiful on the wall, they are easy to maintain and durable. However, the installation of thick panels in the corners often causes problems. Proper preparation walls, especially the perfect alignment of the corners, is already half the solution to the problem. When decorating corners with vinyl wallpaper, use the following installation technology:

  1. Glue the canvases on both sides with an overlap of 3 cm.
  2. Next, cut this place. It turns out 2 canvases connected end-to-end.

Important! The only drawback of this method is that if the wallpaper is with a pattern, it is far from always possible to perfectly reduce the pattern.

What to do if joints are visible on the wallpaper, how to remove them?

Visible joints on the wallpaper can be different reasons. Violation of wall pasting technology always leads to such consequences. Therefore, before starting work, you need to study all the nuances of this lesson. If the joints on the wallpaper are still noticeable, then this defect can be corrected in several ways, depending on the type of trouble that has occurred.

Joint defects are of the following types:

  • stripes of wallpaper have parted, a gap is visible between them;
  • the adhesive composition got on the front side of the canvas at the seam;
  • the edges of the glued strips twisted and lifted along with the plaster;
  • one edge of the canvas at the junction differs in color from the other;
  • The edges of the rolls are uneven or unevenly colored.

Correction of imperfections on glued walls can be carried out different methods differing in labor intensity and costs. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Fix broken wallpaper

Some types of wallpaper, after applying an adhesive to them, increase in size. For example, paper roll materials after contact with glue can add up to 6 mm in width. In the process of work, this will not cause difficulties, such a change often goes unnoticed. But as the wallpaper dries, their size will return to its original size, which will lead to the formation of a gap at the junction of the strips of glued material.

Paper, textile, vinyl and some types of non-woven wallpaper tend to swell when in contact with glue. Keep this in mind when working with canvas.

What to do so that the gaps at the junction are not visible? It is enough to follow some rules in the process of gluing.

  1. Do not over-wet the material. Apply glue, wait for the required degree of moisture and start gluing the canvas before it swells.
  2. Avoid excess glue. Roll materials usually shrink when dried when there is a lot of adhesive under them - this does not allow them to grab onto the wall surface.
  3. Fix the edges of the canvases with special glue for joints, prying them with a spatula and fixing with a rubber roller.

There are several ways to get rid of the distance between wallpaper stripes. The main and most time-consuming of them is the painting of the entire surface. Ceramic tile grout will help to avoid this. Add a color of the desired color to it, achieve the desired shade and apply a small amount to the joints. You can use a regular marker or pencil. For these purposes, a mixture of the top layer of wallpaper and glue is also suitable. Grate sandpaper the front side of the unnecessary trimming of the wallpaper, add special or ordinary PVA glue and putty the seams with this mixture.

In order not to re-paste the wallpaper throughout the room, you can install moldings and special panels. Such decor of the room will not only hide defects, but will also become a fashionable touch in the interior of the room. A simpler option would be to stick decorative paper borders, ribbons, cords, edging or a regular patch from the same wallpaper with a correctly selected pattern on the seam.

You can re-glue the wallpaper at the junction. To do this, soak the edges of the canvases with warm or hot water using a sprayer. Wait until they are sufficiently moistened and swollen. Apply a sufficient amount of glue on them, pull them towards each other and press firmly against the wall to fix them, smooth them out with a rubber roller.

Removing glue on the front side of the wallpaper

A common problem when carrying out repairs without the help of specialists is glue that has come through at the junction of the wallpaper. It would seem that the adhesive composition will not be noticeable due to transparency. However, its traces will glisten under the light, may change color roll materials or completely spoil them, and the seams in this case will be visible to the naked eye.

To avoid such troubles, before applying the adhesive, read the instructions for its use. Often, if the adhesive solution dries quickly and is difficult to remove, manufacturers indicate these features on the package.

Do not allow excess adhesive to build up. In this case, it will not appear on the seam when smoothing the wallpaper. If such a nuisance did happen, then there is only one way out - try to wipe off the resulting glue stains with a damp, clean rag. Do not make great efforts at the same time, so as not to spoil the glued wallpaper.

Eliminate the twisted edges of the wallpaper at the junction

If the plastering technology is violated, the edges of the wallpaper at the junction can move away and twist along with the plaster. This can also happen when using low-quality finishing materials. Therefore, saving when buying materials is not recommended.

This defect is most common when using textile roll materials. In this case, not only the wallpaper fabric narrows during drying, but also the upper decorative layer of textiles.

What to do if the wallpaper at the seam parted? Only additional gluing of the edges of the canvas with a special glue for joints and a rubber roller will help to eliminate this.

Correcting the uneven color and cut of the wallpaper

Some wallpaper rolls do not match in color on the two edges. When looking at one unwound canvas, color differences will not be visible. However, when gluing materials, a sharp color transition at the junction will be striking. Reverse pasting of walls with two rolls will help to take into account this feature. That is, gluing the second segment of the canvas "upside down" in relation to the first.

In order not to resort to "correctional work", read the instructions on the wallpaper roll before starting installation. Usually, the manufacturer leaves special designations on them that indicate a specific pasting technique.

The uneven cut and color of the roll will help to hide the painting of the seam. You can do it like by special means, and with a regular felt-tip pen or pencil. It is important to choose suitable color, which will be as close as possible to the color of the pasted wallpaper. Decorative elements for wallpaper will also help to hide joints with uneven cuts: piping, borders, ribbons, etc.

Remember, each type of roll material reacts differently to different processing. If the paper wallpaper after applying the glue is sure to swell, then the non-woven wallpaper can withstand this test. Before you get down to work, familiarize yourself with the features of the selected type of wallpaper and the technology for gluing them. First of all, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the package. The choice of high-quality building materials and the observance of certain rules during work will help to avoid difficulties in correcting the resulting shortcomings.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper on the walls?

How to glue wallpaper on OSB board?

Many faced the problem when, when pasting walls, the joints are perfect, and after drying, gaps appear between the sheets, which worsen the appearance of the coating. In fact, there are a number of reasons why the coating diverges, and in order to avoid unnecessary work, it is better to do everything right away in accordance with the technology. But if, nevertheless, the joints have diverged, then the problem can be solved in several ways, we will also consider them in this review.

Causes of diverging joints

In fact, there are a number of factors due to which cracks form on the surface, or even the sheets leave at the junctions. Only right technology guarantees that the wall-paper joint in joint will not disperse and will not exfoliate from the basis. Consider the main causes of marriage in the workplace.

Peeling off the edge of the wallpaper at the attachment point together with putty

Very often you can find a situation where the material peels off along the joint, while the material of the base finish is separated along with it.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • The use of low-quality finishing materials, their adhesion to the base is quite low, therefore, during work wallpaper glue soaks the material, and it separates from the wall. In this case, it is quite difficult to carry out repairs, because in order to achieve a good result, you need.
  • Even if good materials were used, but the surface was not dust-free and primed with a reinforcing compound, the adhesive can cause the base to become soggy and deform. Even if the surface seems very durable, do not forget about the primer - its price is low, but you will insure yourself against unpleasant surprises and time-consuming repairs.
  • Another common reason is the use of poor-quality or inappropriate type of wallpaper glue.. Therefore, it is also not worth saving on this aspect, it is better to purchase more reliable option, even if its cost is higher.

Poor edge handling

Another common option, although avoiding such problems is quite simple:

  • First, when spreading sheets, you should Special attention pay attention to the edges, they should be smeared very carefully, without gaps, but you should not apply too much composition, otherwise it will climb out of the seam.
  • Secondly, in order to press the edges, it is best to use a special one, with their help you will not only fix the seam well, but also ensure an excellent fit of the joints.

Coating color is too dark

This problem is caused by the following factors:

  • Big difference in color - very dark colors on a white base, it is not always possible to dock perfectly exactly, which is why white stripes are visible.
  • The uneven structure and large thickness also prevent the joints from being tight and invisible.

The simplest solution to make the seams as small as possible is to paint the stripes on the wall at the joints with dark paint to match the color of the wallpaper.
When pasting, the wall at the seams will be of the same tone, and the cracks will not be visible.

Violation of work technology

This problem is very common, so that it does not arise, it is worth remembering the following factors:

  • The instructions that are written on the wallpaper label are mandatory to study, it is important to choose the type of glue that is recommended by the manufacturer, this guarantees excellent result. The desire to save money can even lead to material damage.
  • Most often, paper and textile wallpapers come off at the joints due to the fact that they were kept smeared with glue for too long and they got too wet. After drying, such coatings shrink - and as a result, cracks are obtained, which are quite difficult to eliminate.
  • Too liquid consistency, which leads to soaking of the material and its uneven drying afterwards.
  • If a wallpaper joint is made in the corner, then it is better to move it 10-15 centimeters, so you can combine the sheets much better.

Paper wallpapers belong to the most budgetary segment, but it is they who are subject to the most significant deformations, since the base in them shrinks when dried, like the rest of the material.


But sometimes it happens that the work has already been done and the joints of the wallpaper have parted - what to do in such a situation?

Let's look at a few of the most simple options Troubleshooting:

  • If the gap is large, then the easiest way is to cut thin strips from the same ones. This is one of the most time-consuming, but also one of the most effective options for fixing the problem. But again, if the clearance is small, then this method will not work.
  • If the wallpaper is white, then you can use putty, and if colored - sealants in the color of the coating. This will hide the flaws, but upon closer examination, the seams will be visible due to the uneven structure of the materials.

  • joint different wallpapers the easiest way to arrange any decorative element: border, cord, special sticker for joints.
  • If the edges have peeled off, but the putty has not come off, then the area is smeared with PVA glue, after which it is pressed with a rag and dried with a hairdryer, so the repair takes place in a matter of minutes. If the putty has also come off, then it is necessary to finish and prime the wall section before gluing.

  • If joints are visible on non-woven wallpaper, then the easiest way is to seal them with putty and paint the surface, so you can get rid of the cracks once and for all.


As you can see, the problem is much easier to prevent than to fix. And if you have to correct the poor-quality result of others, then this should be done carefully so as not to damage the surface even more - in this case, only re-gluing will help. The video in this article will help you better understand some of the features of this type of work.

Wallpapering requires accuracy and good endurance if you have to deal with such wall repairs for the first time. To make the wallpaper on the wall even and smooth, and even so that the joints of the edges are invisible, is only possible for an experienced worker. Often, it is the seams and joints between the panels that cause fear and refusal to use vending vinyl wallpapers in favor of non-woven ones.

Why joints are formed between wallpaper panels

The reasons for the appearance of thin vertical lines that highlight the panels of the rolls on the plane of the wall can be several different unforeseen circumstances:

  • A frank marriage in the edge zone of the cloth, in which a tiny zone of 0.5-1 mm remained unpainted or erased from the paint by the roller of the upholstery machine. Sometimes a similar defect appears in vinyl wallpaper, and is almost always present on inexpensive paper textures;
  • If you make an incorrect convergence of joints and seams due to a violation of the parallelism of the position of the upper edge of the panel;
  • Incorrectly distributed glue on the wallpaper and the wall, which led to swelling of the joint, layering of the edge of one panel on another, or exposure of the base of the wall on which the wallpaper is glued.

Important ! In the latter case, when squeezing out "bubbles" of air and excess glue from under the pasted strip of wallpaper, the edges can "overlap" onto the adjacent canvas, forming a double-thickness seam, as in the photo.

Most often, the cause of such a defect is the loss of elasticity and rigidity of the cellulose base of the wallpaper waterlogged with glue. Usually, the ability to elongate different textured wallpaper made of paper or vinyl is tested on separate test pieces. The length of a thin strip cut off from the edge of the roll is measured with a ruler before applying the adhesive, after moistening and after complete drying. Accordingly, we can conclude about the quality of the material used.

How to eliminate joints, decorate or make them invisible

As in any other situation, trouble is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences of the problem. Therefore, do-it-yourself wallpaper lovers try to stick, adhering to a few simple and affordable rules:

Advice ! When gluing, it is important to make an exact alignment of the pattern, and if it is not possible to simultaneously align the edge and reduce the pattern of the wallpaper, it is better to do it with a slight overlap of the seams than to lose the integrity of the composition.

How to hide the resulting overlap of the edge of the wallpaper with your own hands

With the normal quality of glue and wallpaper, as a rule, there is no particular problem in the resulting joint. In this case, it is necessary to clean up excess glue from under the joint in a timely manner, so that later it would be easier to hide the seam between the panels. Do not allow the glue to dry at such a junction. It will be very difficult to hide traces of glue and from the edge of the adjacent panel that has stuck on top, it will be necessary to do a thorough and lengthy cleaning of the wallpaper from the remnants of the adhesive mass.

The overlap removal procedure is carried out after about 10 hours, when the material has dried thoroughly and has already acquired the necessary rigidity, and the glue has not yet dried completely. According to the resulting joint, using a plumb line and a long metal ruler, preferably a meter long, you need to make a thin vertical line of the joint.

We apply a steel ruler according to the marking, and simply cut the seam construction knife with a thin blade. The resulting barely noticeable light cut will be tinted with the appropriate dye after the final drying of the wallpaper.

Edge processing will help prevent and hide joints

During wallpapering, the edges of the panels may unexpectedly "rise" due to different properties glue or poor edge adhesion. If you do not pay attention to the problem immediately, it is much more difficult to hide the joints formed after drying. Therefore, in addition to the main rolling of the pasted panel with a wide roller, it is imperative to make rolling with a narrow, 3-4 cm wide, roller with a rubber base. If the walls are even without defects, we additionally pass the joints with a wallpaper spatula made of plastic or hard rubber. With it, uneven joints can even be slightly trimmed.

If, after such a procedure, the seams and joints do not adhere to the wall, then the glue is very weak. It is urgent to make a correction of the glue, raise the edges of the wallpaper for additional gluing of the wall surface, otherwise the wallpaper will fall off the wall. In this case, non-woven wallpaper with a pre-applied adhesive base has certain advantages over vinyl.

In addition, before starting work, you should pay attention to the different quality of the edge, you may have to cut off a thin colorless strip along the entire length of the unwound roll so that a light dividing line does not appear on the glued panel.

Hide the joint problem with paint

From practice it is known that people tend to trust manufacturers of expensive textured wallpaper, and often the appearance of light or even white stripes at the joints of the wallpaper comes as a complete surprise to them.

Such joints can also be hidden relatively in a simple way. In this case, the easier it is to hide the joint, the fewer color patterns on the wallpaper. Just paint the joint special paint. There are no problems in order to hide the defect, there are difficulties with the right choice color and shade of dye. In this case, you have to trust the numerical designations of the toner more than your eyes, since the paint in the bottle is in a concentrated form and will look much darker than the color base of the wallpaper.

Before applying paint to the joint, be sure to check its quality and match the colors with the wallpaper colors on a small piece of wallpaper. We apply the dye to the surface, and after soaking, carefully wipe it with a clean and damp cloth. Check for color matching color scheme wallpaper is needed only in daylight, in artificial light it is very difficult to do it right.

As a rule, the toner is sold and used already in ready-made and does not require any additional manipulations. To hide the joint and make it match the color of the base, it is enough to carefully apply color with a clean brush to artwork to the surface of the seam. The paint is applied with short strokes in the direction transverse to the joint line. We grout the joint along a vertical line. After every 30-40 cm of tinted wallpaper joint, we carefully erase the paint napkin.

The more paints and colors on the wallpaper, the more difficult it is to hide the defect, and more attention has to be paid to making the transition from one color of the picture to another. The work comes down to drawing a seam of wallpaper in succession with several specific colors. Sometimes masters try to hide the line using a thin spatula blade instead of a brush, but this method requires a certain skill, otherwise you can skip individual light areas on the seam. In addition, inaccurate work with the dye can lead to unnoticed spots in the drawing and make all the work in vain.

In preparation for the repair, each person draws a beautiful picture in his imagination: New furniture, smooth ceilings, perfect floor, beautiful wallpaper. But the wallpaper will look beautiful only if it is glued perfectly, without visually noticeable joints and irregularities. This is what will be discussed next.


  • canvases diverged from each other;
  • glue gets on the front side of the canvas;
  • the edges of the sheets, when narrowed, are slightly twisted along with the putty;
  • one edge of the canvas is darker than the other;
  • sheets have not stained, cut obliquely edges.

The joints on the wallpaper have parted

When wet, all wallpaper on paper basis, whether they are just paper or textile on a paper backing, tend to change their size, swell. By the way, some types of non-woven fabric are also subject to this effect, albeit to a lesser extent. For example, if you take a paper sheet 52 cm wide and wet it, then its width will change by 2–6 mm.

Having no experience and not knowing the features of a particular material, craftsmen cannot always adequately assess the future result of gluing. In the process of work, the joints can look perfect, and only after drying, the paper can be deformed, trying to take on the original size - to reduce the width. This leads to the divergence of the joints on paper wallpaper. There are a number of rules that should be followed in order to avoid such problems:

1. Do not allow excessive soaking of the material

It is necessary to understand when the wallpaper has received a sufficient amount of moisture and start gluing them without waiting for the moisture to soak them through.

Paper is made from wood pulp, not synthetic fibers, so it can swell unevenly if it gets too wet. This will become noticeable only after gluing and complete drying, when the seam will either converge or diverge, as if the edge of the wallpaper has a wavy shape.

2. Be sure to apply enough, not too much adhesive

It is important that in the process of work exactly the amount of glue that is necessary for the quick “adhesion” of the material to the surface is used. When fixation occurs, the material can no longer be deformed. Otherwise, when using more glue, the material will first change shape, narrow and only then stick to the surface.

3. It is important to fix the edges of the wallpaper

This will require:

  • tip of a spatula
  • special roller
  • glue for joints or borders

The latter refers to extreme measures and is used in rare cases.

4. Painting the walls at the joints with dark paint

If, before sticking wallpaper in dark tones, workers are going to paint over a vertical dark strip, in places where there will be seams, this means that they are not confident in their abilities and allow the joints on the wallpaper to diverge. Due to the dark base, this defect in the work will not be evident. However, this is a reason to doubt the professionalism of the chosen team. Remember skillful experienced master never use this technique.

Glue on the front side of the canvas

If glue gets on the front side of the canvas, the color of the material may change, the paint or top coat may peel off. When rubbing the seam with a rag, the paint (top coat) is erased even more. Many manufacturers warn in advance that glue on the front side of the wallpaper is not allowed.

How to avoid it?

First of all, there should be no excess glue that can go beyond the edges of the canvases.

If a vinyl wallpapers“Forgive” a small amount of it that has fallen on the seam, and then only if you immediately remove it with a damp cloth, without rubbing too hard, then this technique will not work for paper and non-woven coatings. The risk is about 50% to 50%. You can wash the seam, but in some cases it will only get worse. Not to mention textile wallpapers that do not allow even a drop of glue to get in. If this happened, and you tried to wash it with water, divorces are inevitable.

Curling the edges together with putty

This problem can arise only in situations where the technological cycle of wall plastering has been violated, or Construction Materials Low quality. Most often, the edges are twisted at textile wallpaper on a paper basis due to the narrowing of not only the substrate, but also the fabric itself.

Different color of wallpaper edges

It happens that you can see the joints on the wallpaper, not because of the poor-quality gluing, but because one edge of the roll is darker than the other. When joining two canvases, a sharp color transition is visible. At the same time, the eye cannot catch the difference in colors when looking at one canvas. This effect is due to the peculiarities of the technological cycle of wallpaper production and is not considered a marriage. When gluing the entire volume, tone transitions are not noticeable.


If the wallpaper is plain without a pattern, the manufacturer often recommends the so-called “reverse” gluing, i.e. each cut canvas will dock with the next different edges. Simply put, one canvas is glued, the next is flipped 180 degrees and the opposite edge is joined to the first, and so on. On the packages of such parties there is a special sign “↓”. In this situation, such an effect is associated with the peculiarities of the technological cycle of wallpaper production and is not considered a marriage. When gluing the entire volume, tone transitions are not noticeable.

If there is no such icon, in order to avoid difficulties in the future, when buying, try to combine two rolls with different ends and check if there is a clear transition in tone. Unfortunately, it is difficult to catch the difference in shades before gluing. It becomes visible if you glue a couple of paintings, let them dry and look from the side.

In any case, according to the instructions, at the beginning of work, the master should not open more than one roll, and if a marriage is detected, when different shades are visible, but there is no “↓” sign, he must immediately stop work and make a claim to the seller. You can read more about this in the article "Paper wallpaper gluing".

Unpainted bevelled edges

AT this case we can recommend, before gluing pick up desired colors pencils or felt-tip pens and finish the edges by hand. This tip can help intermediate craftsmen in this species repair. Qualified specialists will be able to close the edges so that this will not be visible.

Do not forget that each material has its own specifics. On some surfaces, the joints are completely invisible, while on others, for example, on expensive silk fabrics, the joints clearly stand out, which is considered not just the norm, but an exceptional handwriting of the naturalness and exclusivity of the material. It is very difficult for an uninitiated person to understand the intricacies. If you have doubts about the quality of the wallpaper material or the gluing work itself, our specialists will be happy to assist you, advise, and, if necessary, issue an expert opinion. You can read more about this on the page.

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