How to make a table at home. Kitchen table: we make it ourselves from wood - quickly, simply, beautifully and reliably

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Natural wood - attractive, but not the most cheap material. Making a wooden table with your own hands is more profitable than picking up finished model(and in some cases easier than finding a table to match the rest of the setting). Due to the absence of manufacturing costs, you can afford not to save on the quality of raw materials.

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What kind of table can you make yourself?

Tables vary in design. Almost any model can be assembled independently with some skills in working with wood, the right tools and the availability of instructions.

The complexity of manufacturing is determined by the purpose, shape and size of the table. From the “technological” side, any table consists of two structural parts: the upper part (the tabletop itself) and the legs.

Table types

Before you make a table with your own hands, you should decide on a suitable model and its features. The type of table will determine the choice of materials (solid wood or chipboard), finishes, as well as a set of tools that will be required for work.

A table on a single support is usually made with a rounded top.


Models on two legs, connected by a jumper for greater stability, are considered the most convenient.

The easiest way is to make a "classic" table on four legs - reliable and "understandable". At the same time, the legs are given Special attention. In case of inconsistencies and errors during work upper part the table can be hidden under the tablecloth, but the legs of the table will instantly “give out” the hack.

Types of countertops

The shape of the countertop is selected depending on the style of the room where the piece of furniture is planned to be placed. A round wooden table is suitable for a spacious kitchen in a rustic or scandinavian style(the space should be large enough so that the furniture does not interfere with free movement). An oval table is a convenient option for a dining room. Small countertops of the same shape look great on or coffee tables.

Rectangular and wooden countertops are the easiest to make, besides this is a universal form suitable for any interior and a table of any functionality. In the same format, tables of complex designs are usually made, folding, portable or multifunctional. For example, if there is not enough space in the room, but it is planned to place at the table from time to time a large number of guests good decision there will be a compact, assembled book table, which, if necessary, can be quickly turned into a dining table (by lifting both “wings”) or a work table (by turning one side of the tabletop).

Tools for the job

The full list of tools depends on the table format, as well as on the material chosen for work. In most cases you will need:

  • or saw;
  • or a screwdriver (and various drills for them);
  • connecting elements (nails, screws and the like);
  • wood sanding machine and;
  • means for measuring and marking (pencil, ruler or tape measure);
  • protective equipment during work (gloves and goggles).

It is unacceptable to work “by eye” according to approximate calculations - the result will turn out to be far from the desired one. You will also need drawings with the dimensions of each element of the table.

Table top material: chipboard

The thickness of a sheet of such material is usually 16 or 18 mm. For a dining table with massive legs, chipboard can be thin - the design will look disproportionate. It's best to splice two sheets of topping together to give the countertop "thickness". Along the perimeter of the tabletop, they are treated with an edge. The material is sold in hardware stores, it is most often made of plastic, and on one side it is covered with an adhesive base.

The edge on the tabletop is fixed with an iron. The edge is ironed with strong pressure and slowly enough so that the glue has time to melt. You will have to control the degree of melting by looking under the edge of the countertop - the composition will protrude from under the edge and slightly change color. Chipboard table with such an edge at correct installation will last long enough.

Wooden table

Table top material: wood

Solid wood is the most expensive of the materials, but also the most durable. Choose for the table better wood hard rock. The best option in terms of "price-quality" there will be a beech or a tree similar to it. Finishing the edge of the tabletop is a curly rail or a baguette. Wood is usually chosen for massive tables, the thickness of the tabletop (and the array) should be about 4.5-5 cm.

It is worth considering the feature natural wood: over time, it dries out, reacting to changes in humidity and temperature. When assembling the table, it is worth attaching a plywood “gasket” from a 10mm sheet under the main tabletop (the dimensions of the sheet should be 10 cm smaller than the dimensions of the table). It is on plywood with this design that the legs of the furniture will be attached. The table is guaranteed not to fall apart "from old age" even if the wood of the countertop cracks and requires restoration.

Countertop material: boards

Boards are an intermediate material for countertops both in terms of price and aesthetics. Board table suitable for country house or country-style interiors, and it is easier to assemble than a solid wood model.

For work, most often choose boards made of spruce or pine. Oak, walnut or birch boards are less commonly used. Their thickness should be the same, the length can be adjusted during the manufacture of the table.

Assembling the base model of the table

First, a frame is prepared that will hold the remaining elements. Four boards of equal length are placed at the same distance. Perpendicular to them lay out the end parts. The base is fixed with screws (self-tapping screws, nails or analogues). To make the frame stiffer and stronger, the other two sides are also reinforced with boards.

The tabletop is made of boards of equal length and width, which are fixed on the base.


The legs (in the basic version - ordinary blocks of wood) are fixed to the same nails or screws.

The final finishing of the table is carried out after assembly. Boards need to be sanded with a special machine or several types of sandpaper, if desired, the table is covered with stain, varnish or paint.

DIY table

Complex designs: folding picnic table

The folding table differs from the basic model primarily in the design of the legs. This part is technically the most difficult, however, it can be done "at home".

For the legs, you will need to prepare wooden bars (you need to leave a small “allowance” along the length). Any type of material is suitable for the countertop. In the event that the table is planned to be moved, it is worth choosing light and durable - for example, lacquered plywood or wood.

The saw cuts are edged, the legs and jumpers are rounded or cut at a right angle and polished (with a machine or sandpaper).

Folding table

How to assemble a folding table?

The legs are fastened with a bolt (not longer than 3.5 cm). The table is assembled according to the following scheme:

  1. fasten the legs and supporting elements;
  2. on the countertop, the attachment points of the support are marked (self-tapping screws are used for fastening);
  3. all structural elements are numbered to simplify the final assembly;
  4. final grinding of all surfaces is carried out;
  5. parts are covered with a protective compound;
  6. the table is going "clean".

Making a folding table with your own hands is ultimately no more difficult than assembling a basic model, although this will require accuracy in calculations and exact adherence to the drawings.

How to make a wooden table with your own hands video:

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Of course, today everyone has the opportunity to buy any furniture in the store, including a table. But why not make it yourself, with your own hands?

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, you have the opportunity to make such a table that will ideally fit in size and appearance to the interior of your kitchen or other room.

In addition, do-it-yourself furniture is not only saving money, but also some kind of, but a reason for pride, since not every man knows how to make something these days.

What are the tables

If you decide from the boards with your own hands, then you need to figure out what types of tables are, and decide what exactly you need.

The simplest is an ordinary table with four legs, a table top and a frame. It will not be difficult to make it even for those who are not experienced in woodworking.

If you are experienced enough in this matter, you can make the dining table round or oval, decorate it with carvings, paintings, or burn patterns and patterns on the surface.

More difficult option is from planks. In fact, this is the same ordinary table, but rather thick and long crossbars are attached to its legs, on which seat boards are laid on top. So we get a table with benches on both sides. Such furniture is well suited for both the kitchen and for installation in the courtyard of a private house or cottage.

If there is free space in the room only in the corner - make corner table, which will fit perfectly into this unoccupied space. It may not be as convenient to dine behind it as at a classic table, but you can put a TV, microwave or kettle on it - there will be enough space there.

Another interesting option can become a window sill table.

In fact, this is the same window sill, but significantly expanded and adapted, for example, for a convenient workplace for a student.

The advantage of this solution is that the table will be well lit. most day.

There is also a minus: sitting at such a table in winter, you will have to rest your feet on a very warm, even hot radiator, which is not very convenient.

Materials and tools

Buying everything you need to make a table with your own hands is quite simple and will not be difficult or difficult. high costs. The main material for the dining table is wood, or rather:

  • Boards 25 to 50 mm thick, 100–150 mm wide, rather long.
    The thicker the material for the tabletop, frame and legs, the heavier, but at the same time more durable they will be.
    Choose boards from good tree, without any defects.
  • Bar. It is necessary for the manufacture of table legs, so choose thick enough and strong samples. The beam can be replaced with the same boards, if you arrange them with the letter "G", or use purchased aluminum table legs. You can also use balusters (curly carved wooden posts that support the railing on some stairs) as legs.
  • Chipboard or plywood sheets, which can be used as countertop materials. Choose samples that are thick and strong enough to withstand daily stress.

As with the materials and Do-it-yourself tools and fasteners are easy to get, they are in most homes. If something is missing, you can buy it at the nearest hardware store.

  • pencil, corner, roulette and ruler;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw on wood;
  • screwdriver with a set of nozzles and drills;
  • plane, if it is necessary to pre-treat the boards from irregularities and defects;
  • kit self-tapping screws, furniture bolts and nuts;
  • sandpaper or Sander;
  • varnish or stain, roller or tassel for processing the finished table.

Attention! When working with a jigsaw, always remember the safety rules and keep small children or pets away!

simple plank kitchen table

First we need to make a countertop.
There are several options here:

  • Cut out a piece of the desired size from a sheet of chipboard or plywood using a jigsaw;
  • Laying a few is enough wide boards and subsequently fix them on the frame;
  • Take a large number of relatively narrow boards, place them side up and glue them together with wood glue.
    The result is a fairly thick, heavy and durable countertop.

Stages of work

Step 1. Collecting from boards countertop.

Step 2 We make a frame from boards or their wooden bars. In size, it can be made equal to the tabletop or with a slight indentation, about 2–2.5 centimeters on each side of the table. Having fastened the parts of the frame with screws, connect the frame with the tabletop with them.

Step 3 After we With put together the frame and the tabletop, half the table is ready. It remains to make only his legs. If a timber is used for this, drill two holes in it for furniture bolts. Moreover, they can be made both on the one hand, one above the other, and on two different ones for more secure fastening to the frame.

Important! Carefully check the length of the table legs, they should not differ from each other. Otherwise, the table will stand unevenly and stagger. If you do not want it to spoil the floor material, fix rubber “shoes” at the bottom of the legs.

After that, make similar holes in the table frame and fasten the legs and frame with bolts and nuts. Also, the legs can be fixed from above, using screws, but over time, this fastening may weaken.

If you want to make table legs out of boards, fold two boards into an "L" shape on the outer or inner corner frames and secure them with the same furniture bolts or screws.

To prevent the legs from loosening, connect the folded boards together at the bottom and middle parts with screws or nails.

That's all, simple and reliable, do-it-yourself, ready!

Advice: Before proceeding, do simple drawing, preferably from several sides. Constantly check the dimensions of the parts. Some parts of the same size can be sawn out at the same time if you fix the boards or timber with clamps.

pallet table

wooden pallets are widely used in stores and warehouses as pallets for goods.

If you wish, you can get a few pieces for free and use them as a basis for making an original and unusual kitchen table.

If at least one side of the pallet surface is solid, then you no longer need to make a countertop, it is ready.

You just need to process it and, if desired, round the corners.

Note! Since initially the pallets are intended for warehouses, no one is engaged in their grinding and cleaning. Therefore, before making a table out of them, carefully sand them and remove all burrs. Irregularities and defects of the boards can be hidden with putty.

Stages of work

Step 1. Most of the pallets are open and there is plenty of space between the boards. distance, due to which to use the surface of the pallet as countertop not too convenient. There are two ways to solve this problem: either boards appropriate size and to fix with their screws between the boards of the pallet, or install a sheet on top plywood or chipboard.

Step 2 As for ordinary table, table legs from pallets can be made from timber or boards. The best thing fasten them with thick enough and strong pallet beam with nails, screws or furniture bolts.

To prevent the legs from loosening, connect them to each other with crossbars.

A great way to complement the interior of a house or cottage is to make an original and stylish item furniture. We talk about how to make a table with your own hands in this article. Such a piece of furniture will become a real decoration of the living room, kitchen or office. It can be assembled at home from specially ordered boards and beams or from leftover materials. To do this, the master will need drawings, tools and a little imagination. But the experience of making homemade furniture may be missing. We offer you a very simple project to assemble a strong and stable table. Even a beginner can make furniture according to this scheme.

Everything starts with an idea

How to make a table? You need to start with the selection finished project furniture for the living room or from drawing up your own scheme for the future product. You can not limit your imagination, but you should remember that the drawings in terms of complexity must correspond to your level of skill. In the absence of sufficient experience, it is better not to try to assemble a very complex structure yourself.

The project of a table for the house can be drawn with a pencil on paper. First you need to draw a design of the desired shape, and only then indicate its dimensions. Most often, a do-it-yourself table for the living room is made square or round, but for a kitchen or study (and any small space) a compact corner or adjustable table is suitable.

The dimensions of the table with your own hands can be absolutely any, when choosing the dimensions of the product, it is recommended to take into account, first of all, the dimensions of the room in which it will stand. Then, using the drawings, you can calculate the amount of material that will need to be bought. It is recommended to purchase materials with a small margin (just in case).

If you are a beginner who is assembling furniture at home for the first time, then it is better for you to give preference to soft wood (for example, pine).

Such materials are very malleable and do not split during assembly. If you are making furniture for the living room and aesthetics are important to you, then choose poplar. If a homemade table will be used outdoors, it is recommended to choose treated wood or mahogany.

Durability will also differ forged table with wooden countertop. A piece of wood, decorated with forged elements, will add charm to your yard.

To assemble a simple table at home, you will need:

    • edged or tongue-and-groove boards, bars with a square section (for legs) and with a rectangular section (for the frame);

  • white or yellow wood glue;
  • screws (preferably 4x60 self-tapping screws);
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • clamp set;
  • sandpaper or grinder.

Making the tabletop right

We begin the work with a description of the process of manufacturing countertops. There are several ways in which you can solve this problem. What determines the choice of one method or another? First of all, from the skill of the furniture maker and the intended appearance of the table for the living room or country house. So, here are the main ways to make a homemade countertop:

  1. Board production. This material is characterized by relatively low cost, excellent appearance and environmental friendliness. If you are a novice master, then you can make a table with your own hands from grooved boards (that is, blanks with ridges and grooves.

An experienced craftsman can assemble their living room furniture edged boards. To do this, he will need dowels or a soil carrier of small length. These will be used to connect the boards to each other.

  1. Made from a single piece of wood. In this case, you generally don’t have to puzzle over how to make a table with your own hands with a fairly strong and beautiful table top. The best option is to purchase hardwood plywood. However, such a product will be quite expensive.
  2. Assembling a product from leftover materials. This is a very cheap way to make furniture for the home, but quite difficult to perform. It will be necessary to select pieces of wood that will be in harmony with each other and will not create problems during installation and further use of the product. Putting the leftovers together is also not easy. In this case, you will have to use screws and a large amount of glue or create an underframe (stiffening ribs).

In the first case, the boards are layered on top of each other, connected with screws and glue. Since all boards different sizes, on the finished product, it will be necessary to cut off the protruding elements and carry out a thorough grinding. The result is an original and comfortable table.

The second method involves fastening the remnants of materials in any convenient way (using glue, screws), followed by strengthening the structure by installing an underframe or stiffeners. Such a table with your own hands will be distinguished by stability and durability.

If the table will be located in the courtyard near the house or in a stylized living room, then you can order a forged frame with legs for it. This will add a special color and originality to the product.

When the countertop is ready, it can be left overnight so that it dries properly. The manufacturing technology of this part of the table is approximately the same, regardless of the chosen shape of the product. The main differences between the projects in this case lie in the shape that must be given to the edges of the boards or a solid sheet of wood.

If you are making an original corner table, then the edges of the boards will have to be made at an angle. It is very important to correctly calculate the degree of each cut so that the edges of the product are even.

However, if as a result, bumps nevertheless formed, then the edges of the table will need to be properly sanded. You can also first fasten the boards, and then draw a triangle on the workpiece and cut out the finished product.

If you do round table into the living room or a product with rounded edges, it is recommended to fasten the boards of the future product, after which draw lines for future cuts on the workpiece with a pencil or chalk.

The finished tabletop for such a project will look like this:

The frame as the basis for a reliable table

The next step is to make a table frame for the living room. The frame is a wooden square (for a square or rectangular table) or a polygon (for a round product), which is fastened to the table top and provides fixation of the legs.

Making a frame for a regular table is not difficult even for a beginner. To do this, turn the countertop upside down, measure the canvas, count a few centimeters deep and make marks. Then you can draw a rectangle or square from the marks.

After that, you need to cut four pieces of wood of such dimensions that correspond to the drawings on the tabletop. For the manufacture of the frame, it is recommended to take a rectangular beam. The frame of the boards may not be strong enough. Then the frame must be attached to the countertop with glue or self-tapping screws. The second option provides a higher reliability of the structure, however, in this case, the heads of the self-tapping screws will be visible on the surface of the countertop.

We make strong and reliable legs

At the next stage of implementation unusual project you need to make table legs. First, you can cut off one leg of the desired height (it is recommended to use a square bar for the production of legs), and then, using it as a sample, cut off the remaining 3. If you are making a corner table, then there will be not 4 legs, but 3. After the cutting process is completed, you should clamp all the legs together and cut them so that they are the same length.

At the next stage of work, the legs must be sanded with a grinder or sandpaper. But the top and bottom of the products should not be sanded, as you can spoil the correct cut angle. Then you need to attach the legs. To do this, the table can be turned upside down.

The first leg should be placed in one of the corners of the frame so that the top cut touches the countertop, and the two sides of the leg adjoin the frame. Then the contact lines of the parts must be liberally lubricated with glue and connected using fixing screws that are screwed through the table frame. It is advisable to make holes for the screws in advance so that the screws do not split the tree during the screwing process.

It is best to avoid using nails and a hammer when making a standard or corner table, as nails can split wood, and using a hammer requires special skill from the manufacturer. In addition, screws hold wood better than nails and can be removed from the product if necessary.

Be sure to make sure that the legs are attached to the table under right angle. One advantage of screws is that they are easily adjustable. If necessary, their position can be easily changed. Then the same operations should be carried out with the rest of the legs. It is also possible to screw the legs through the tabletop, however in this case there is a risk of splitting the top of the legs. Yes, and the aesthetics of the table for the living room will suffer from this.

When the glue is completely dry, it is necessary to check the product for stability by strongly loosening it. However, if you made a corner table, then you can skip this step. It will be in contact with two walls of the living room or study, and this will give it extra strength. Then it remains only to sand the surface finished product and coat it with wood varnish or special paint. This is the end of the job. Now you can complement the interior of your apartment or garden with a wonderful product.

We bring to your attention 10 ideas on how to make a stylish coffee table do it yourself from unusual materials. We will use old doors, windows, tires, wooden pallets and other items that are not usually considered as starting material for a coffee table.

1. DIY coffee table from pallets

Let's start with a direction that has been quite popular lately - to make furniture for summer cottages and at home from wooden pallets. By itself, the pallet is almost a finished coffee table. The pallet can be painted or left in its natural form, installed on wheels or small legs, the tabletop can be made of glass or plywood - there are many options for how to do it.

2. DIY coffee table from a radiator

Who would have thought that from the old cast iron battery you can make a coffee table with your own hands! The radiator can be put on large reliable wheels for mobility, and the countertop can be made of tempered glass or chipboard. Read details on how to make a table out of a battery.

3. DIY coffee table from the window and books

If you have changed ordinary windows to metal-plastic ones at home, then you can make an interesting coffee table out of one old window. The legs can be made from wooden blocks, or you can use old books that you still wanted to take to waste paper. For more information on how to do this, read the link.

4. Coffee table do it yourself from the door

Well, if you have replaced the input or interior doors, then old door use as material for a new table. The door is sawn into three parts - a countertop and legs. The dimensions of the pieces depend on the size of the door and the selected height of the table. The legs are attached to the tabletop with metal corners. For added stability, you can add a bottom shelf made of boards.

5. Tire coffee table

Even fashion designers use old car tires to create puffs and tables. This may just inspire you to make your own coffee table out of a tire. Close the hole in the middle with a circle of plywood of a suitable diameter. At the same time, it can be provided that such a lid opens, and things can be stored in the table. Or braid the entire table with a bundled rope, as shown.

6. Coffee table made of chipboard and logs

It seems as if this coffee table is completely made of birch logs, but it is not. In fact, the plywood box is covered with logs on the sides, and on top with birch bonfires. Read more on how to do it at the link.

7. A log or stump coffee table

A unique coffee table with your own hands can be made from a cut of a log or stump. The cut of the log needs to be cleaned and sanded, you can also varnish the surface of the log or even paint it. A sanded stump or log can be placed directly on the floor or wheels can be attached. Alternatively, install a narrow section of the log on a round stool.

8. Coffee table from the basket

A wicker square basket can become the base of a coffee table with ample storage space. Make a chipboard lid for the basket, you can door hinges. If you attach door hinges is not possible, then on the lid - table top fill two strips or a woven (leather) handle on the side, with which it will be easy to open the storage space. Attach small furniture wheels to the basket.

9. DIY coffee table from drawers

Wooden boxes from fruits, vegetables or other items are a versatile material for creating furniture with your own hands. One drawer is already a nightstand or stool, two are small, and four are a large coffee table.

10. DIY coffee tables from coils

Large spools from industrial cable are a rare but perfect blank for coffee tables. However, if you are lucky enough to find a cable reel, then just clean it and put it on the floor. A round coffee table with your own hands is ready! Of course, if you wish, you can paint or somehow decorate the coil. See link for options.

A do-it-yourself kitchen table is both an opportunity to save money and a way to provide the kitchen with unique furniture that fits perfectly into the available space. However, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions and shape of the future structure.

How to make a wooden dining table

A table made of solid wood is beautiful, natural and, as a rule, expensive. But buying such a table is not necessary, because you can make it yourself with no less quality and for much less money.

So, to make a dining table with your own hands, you will need:

  1. 4 things. baluster legs for the table, 73 cm high and not too thin;
  2. For countertops: 4 dry edged wooden planks 1 m long (for a table 60 cm wide);

  1. For the frame: 2 boards 80 cm long and 2 boards 40 cm long.

Prepare tools: planer, grinder or grinder, jigsaw for cutting boards, circular saw, drill (with drill bit 8 mm), screwdriver, sandpaper, self-tapping screws (30 mm), wood glue, dowels, clamps (preferably). And, of course, a pencil, tape measure, gloves and goggles will come in handy.

For finishing the table will need varnish, stain or paint along with a primer. Let's make the table first. To do this, you need to accurately fit all 4 boards to the same length - 100 cm. If your boards were not sawn at the sawmill, then they also need to be trimmed in width and thickness. Then they need to be carefully polished with a planer. The better you sand the wood, the smoother the countertop will be. Work the edges well so that the boards fit as tightly as possible to each other.

We will connect the boards not with screws and nails, but with glue and dowels (chops). To do this, we make the same marks on the edges of all boards in increments of 10-15 cm and drill holes for the dowels with an 8 mm drill. Then we sand the edges and apply wood glue to them and into the holes made. Now we drive the chopsticks processed with the same glue into the holes and connect all 4 bars in turn. We remove excess glue on the surface with sandpaper and grind it, as well as all edges with a planer. At this stage, you can go over the countertop with a metal sponge to give the wood texture.

So, the tabletop is ready. Now you need to fasten the legs and make a base for it.

To do this, you need to evenly fasten the balusters with short transverse boards with glue and screws. The glue dries for at least 12 hours.

We fasten the legs to the long crossbars and drill holes in them in order to install the countertop later.

After the glue in the frame dries, you can proceed to install the countertop on it (frame).

If you want to make the table longer and wider, then you need to strengthen the table with two additional cross bars, as shown in the photo.

So, the table is almost ready, it remains only to treat it with varnish or stain or paint it, having previously primed it.

What color to paint the table? Start from personal preferences and the color of the rest of the furniture. Below is the most versatile option - the table top and legs are stained.

You can see the main mistakes of staining a tree with your own hands in this video.

If you like gloss, then the surface of the table can be stained, and varnished on top (example in the photo below), or simply varnished.

You can paint the legs White color, and cover the countertop with stain to get a design like in the next photo.

How to make a kitchen table from chipboard

DIY kitchen table from laminated chipboard is a practical and budget solution. Such countertops are covered with decorative plastic, which is resistant to abrasion. AT standard version the dimensions of the tabletop canvas are 3000x600x36 (26) mm, but today it will not be difficult to purchase chipboard sheet, sawn to the desired dimensions or arrange in a furniture workshop to sell a suitable trim.

You will also need:

  • Connecting and end strips;
  • end edges;
  • Ties.

Even if you get a countertop of the right size, you will need to additionally process the ends - this will make the result more attractive, as well as ensure that the base is protected from moisture. For these purposes, you can use a special furniture edging based on polyvinyl chloride or glue edging tape. The edging option is considered more practical for a dining table and suitable for home craftsmen.

For the kitchen table, you will also need appropriate supports - you can buy the legs separately or give preference to the finished base. It all depends on which option your drawings provide. The most common option is round legs L = 60 mm and height 71 cm. They can be collapsible, with height adjustment, and also differ in design - matte, painted, shiny.

In our case, these will be shiny chrome-plated legs-rods with a diameter of 60 mm, as well as a tabletop made of white Chipboard thickness 36 mm and a white plastic mortise T-shaped edging with girths is matched to it.

So, how to make a dining table with a chipboard top:

  1. The marking is applied to the material according to the drawing. Rounding corners must have a radius of 60 mm or more.

  1. The tabletop is shaped with a jigsaw.

A saw with reversible teeth should be used, otherwise the plastic coating may be chipped. First, the corner of the chipboard is cut with a jigsaw with a margin of 2 mm, and then it is finally rounded off with a grinder.

  1. A groove for furniture edging is milled.

  1. The edging is stuffed. Before this, the ends of the product must be covered silicone sealant. The sealant is laid both in the edging and on the top side of the countertop. A rubber mallet is used to stuff the piping. Then the excess sealant is removed.

  1. The legs are attached. To do this, markings are made with a pencil on the back of the tabletop. In most cases, the legs are placed 100 mm from the edge.

To fasten the holders, self-tapping screws with a countersunk head about 20 mm long are used. After that, the legs are put on the holders and fixed with a hex key - that's it, your new table ready.

How to correctly determine the dimensions

According to the principles described above, tables can be made larger or smaller in length and width. How to choose the best size for your family?

If we are talking about a standard kitchen with dimensions from 6 to 8 squares, then the drawings will show a typical design with a height of 750 mm and a perimeter of 800 * 500 ... 1200 * 600 mm.

A do-it-yourself dining table should be calculated for a certain number of people. Usually it corresponds to the number of residents - 3-9, but a couple of free places are still added for guests. For big companies would be a good solution.

Calculations are carried out as follows: the number of persons is multiplied by 60 (“working” perimeter per person). As for the width of the countertop, here we follow the recommendations of experts - its optimal values ​​​​are from 800 to 1100 mm. Narrow tables are difficult to serve, and wide tables are uncomfortable for those sitting.

If you decide to make the kitchen table oval (round) with your own hands, then you will have to calculate the circumference - diameter * 3.14.

Form Selection Rules

The shape of the kitchen table plays a significant role in the perception of space. Universal design - a rectangle or square with right angles. It is balanced and can be installed close to the wall or in the center of the room, saving space.

Oval models are also quite comfortable and beautiful, but they do not differ in large capacity - the most dimensional product will accommodate no more than 8 people. In addition, they require large areas- more than 8 sq. meters, because you can’t put them against the wall.

It can also be called a universal and traditional option, suitable for both very and large kitchens. But it has less capacity than a rectangular table.

The best option is a rectangular table with rounded corners. How to make such a table from chipboard with your own hands, we have already described above.

Furniture care rules

After the dining table is made, you will need to take care of a long operational period products.

So, furniture made of wood, polished and lacquered, needs careful care, as it can be easily scratched. In addition, traces of contact with hot are possible here. A universal polishing composition is selected as a basic wood care.

If we are talking about a countertop made of MDF or chipboard with a plastic coating, then caring for it is not difficult and consists in regular washing with detergents.

Do not forget that kitchen furniture you need to move away from heating appliances and from walls bordering the street. Direct sunlight will also be harmful to wooden furniture.

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