How to decorate an old door with your own hands. How to decorate your front door

landscaping 03.03.2020

Interior doors, regardless of their features, are designed to simultaneously perform two of the most important functions. Firstly, they serve as delimiting elements located between adjacent rooms of a house or apartment. Well, and secondly, it is a full-fledged element of the interior, which plays an important role in shaping the overall surroundings.

In many ways general form rooms depends on the external condition of the interior doors. When there is a desire to refresh the existing environment of the premises, it is not at all necessary to start a global or redecorating. A noticeable result can be obtained by decorating the door.

Many methods are used to improve the appearance of interior doors. Some of these methods require significant labor and time costs. However, there are options that are simple and fairly easy.

Consider the most popular, relatively inexpensive and simple do-it-yourself interior door decorating techniques.

Watch a video with a selection of interior door decor photos

Using paint to decorate doors

Ordinary door, previously painted in White color does not look very presentable. To change the situation and make the door as appropriate as possible for the overall interior, you can perform it decorative coloring.

Paintwork material should be selected for work only corresponding to the tone of furniture, curtains or wallpaper. An ornament or pattern should be selected in advance.

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In principle, it is not necessary to use a brush, especially when there are no special skills of the artist, a very good result is obtained when applying paint with a sponge or roller through a stencil matrix. Today, you can pick up and purchase the desired stencil in special departments of construction hypermarkets. You need to choose the ornament that will harmoniously match general style rooms.

The technology of decorating with paints is simple, it is carried out in layers in several stages. First, apply one paint ( base layer) and let it dry completely. Then, using a stencil, paint of a different color is applied. When applying paints, there will be no mixing of colors, since the base layer will be dry. Thus, each layer will retain its color, and the borders, thanks to the stencil, will be clear.

Application for decorating frosted glass doors

Any room will become more cozy and comfortable if the transparent glass inserted in the door is replaced with frosted glass or a special matting film is glued.

Advice! An excellent result (haze) is obtained by applying a mixture of melted chalk and liquid glass to transparent glass. Care must be taken not to form smudges!

Decoration work in this way should be carried out on the door removed from the hinges and laid on the floor. The working solution must be carefully prepared and mixed until homogeneous. Immediately after the preparation of the matting mass, it should be applied to glass previously cleaned of grease and dust. For a high-quality result, it is necessary to perform at least 2 layers of matting mixture.

Interior door decor with wooden mosaic - simple and effective

Another variety decorative ornament doors is a wooden mosaic, fixed (usually with wood glue) on their surface. When choosing this option, you should not try to create a very intricate pattern or any composition from geometric shapes. For complex decoration with wooden mosaics, considerable experience with small wooden elements is required.

Read also: How to update an old wooden floor?

Take into account! A modest design will look great if made from quality structural veneer that has been crafted from two or more tree species!

The decorating technique is phased and consists of the following sequence of actions:

- the door must be removed from the side hinges, and then laid flat on the table;

- with the help of tracing paper, the pattern is transferred to the door leaf;

- cut with a jointer or jigsaw wooden elements mosaics;

- prepared parts are lubricated one by one adhesive composition and superimposed on the door surface strictly according to the previously applied sketch drawing;

- after completing the entire layout, the mosaic should be pressed down with some kind of load for better adhesion of the parts to the door;

- the final stage is the processing of the mosaic with fine-grained sandpaper after the adhesive has dried.

Interior door decoration with wallpaper

The cheapest and fastest way to decorate a door is to wallpaper the surface. Technically, the method is similar to wallpapering the walls.

The canvas is taken beautiful wallpapers, impregnated with special glue and attached to a pre-cleaned door surface. After that, with the help of a soft cloth, the wallpaper is smoothed from the center to the edges of the door.

You can also decorate the door in the decoupage style, for which you will need beautiful, exclusive pictures from wallpaper or napkins. A single image is formed from the pictures, which is transferred to door leaf.

When funds do not allow to start a large-scale repair, and the soul asks for changes, do-it-yourself door decoration can be an elegant solution. Craquelure, patchwork, decoupage doors can be more than just beautiful words: an experiment in decorating doors, multiplied by a creative impulse and a moderate risk of an unexpected result, can give them a second life. And perhaps this second life will be better than the first.


One way to get original door with your own hands - just paint it.

Choose a paint to taste, a fixing varnish, arm yourself with a spatula, brushes or - and you can update the door. The sequence of actions is simple:

  • remove the door leaf from the hinges and lay it horizontally;
  • remove old paint with a spatula;
  • sand sandpaper;
  • putty bumps and cracks;
  • clean and degrease;
  • color;
  • apply fixing varnish.

Important! It would seem that everything ingenious is simple. But if you skip or unfinish at least one of the stages, only simplicity, no genius, will remain from the idea.

The nuances that matter, the observance of which will give an excellent result:

  1. The best choice is acrylic paints.
  2. To avoid streaks, you need to paint by laying the door leaf horizontally.
  3. As tools for painting, it is better to choose a roller or spray gun if the process takes place in an open space.
  4. Paint should be applied in two or three layers, each of which should dry well.
  5. Fixing the final layer of paint with varnish - required condition for quality work.

Interesting. If you cover the painted door with a special varnish that imitates cracked old surface, you get the decoration of the door in the style of craquelure.

Painting with selection of moldings

If the door leaf is decorated with moldings, they can be painted in a contrasting color. Such decoration using basic color combinations will give the door a fresh look. If there are no moldings, they can be made with your own hands from special strips.

Art painting

A hand-painted door will definitely take the first position in terms of originality. If you have at least minimal artistic inclinations, a sense of harmony and style, the door has every chance of becoming exquisite. Landscape, ornate ornament, the plot of a famous painting - you choose.

screen painting

If the makings of an artist are lame or completely absent, and you really want to have your own “door to art”, you can resort to the help of ready-made stencils. They are sold in assortment in specialized stores and are easy to use.

First, the door leaf is painted in the background color and dried completely. After the stencil is firmly fixed on the surface, and the pattern is painted over with a roller. Decorating the front door in this way will undoubtedly make it clear that an esthete and an original live behind it.


An express option for the impatient is wallpapering the door leaf. There may be “design experts” who will assure that the wallpaper on the doors is a grandmother's version that has become obsolete. Do not listen to anyone: you do not encroach on someone else's door, but you will deal with your own without advisers. And if you are an adherent of any of the directions, you have every right to glue wallpaper on the door in absolute accordance with the style.

In order to glue quality old door wallpaper, you need to clean it, level the surface, sandpaper and degrease. Using PVA glue, stick the wallpaper, pressing it tightly and driving away air bubbles.

Wall mural

Wall murals designed for doors are an even faster option than pasting with ordinary wallpaper. No measurements and cuts, just the choice of the desired theme and size. The result is a complete transformation of the door.

The gluing procedure is the same as with ordinary wallpaper.

After a while, having parted with a certain amount of money, the bored wallpaper can be changed to a new plot.


One of the ways to decorate a door is to glue patches of fabric using the patchwork technique. Such decoration of the door surface implies the following points:

  • you need to choose a fabric taking into account shrinkage and stretching;
  • glue should not leave traces on the fabric;
  • the edges of the fabric must be processed;
  • fabric trim is not suitable for the bathroom door, as well as the entrance and kitchen;
  • in the area of door handles do not stick light branded fabric.

With the help of a furniture stapler, glazing beads and PVA glue, you can decorate with a fabric both the entire canvas and its separate part in the form of an image composed of patches.


Decorating the door leaf with your own hands using decoupage allows you to achieve the effect of painting or even inlay. This popular technique today is good because it is suitable even for people who do not know how to draw at all. Postcards, napkins, magazine clippings can be used. The best option there will be a purchase of special decoupage cards or ordinary three-layer paper napkins with a suitable pattern.

In addition to napkins or drawings on a different basis, for work you will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes, sponge, roller for applying paint and glue;
  • acrylic paint and protective varnish.

Decoupage of the door is performed as follows:

  • The surface is sanded, primed with acrylic paint or PVA glue and dried.
  • The pattern depicted on the napkin is carefully cut out along the contour. Two extra layers of paper without an image are removed, leaving only one thin layer.
  • The cut out pattern is carefully applied to the door surface, a layer of glue is applied to it with a brush.
  • The decoration is fixed with wood varnish.

stained glass

The door can acquire individual features if it is decorated with stained-glass windows. You can simply buy these glass inserts, or you can make your own, which is much more interesting.

All these ways of "reanimating" doors are simple, inexpensive and interesting.

Doors are the guardians of our house, reliable and unsophisticated. Decorating the doors with your own hands, decorating them to your taste means elevating these guards from ordinary conscripts to the rank of keepers of peace and comfort. And remember: all attempts to listen to the inner creative instinct and give free rein to fantasy are always rewarded. At least - a surprise, as a maximum - a non-trivial appearance of your home.

Even the most reliable and high-quality doors burn out, scratch and overwrite over time. The varnish cracks and becomes cloudy, the paint is chipped, the wood is dry. But even this can be used to create your own unique and inimitable style. It is enough to approach the issue creatively - and you do not have to get rid of old doors and waste time going to hardware stores. And we are ready to offer some ideas!

1. Painting

The easiest way to freshen up a door with minimal design changes is to repaint it in a new color. Choose a solid color fill if you prefer minimalism, or highlight individual parts if you like more complex artistic solutions.

In small classic rooms look good light doors, but in laconic monochrome minimalism it can be turned into an independent accent. To do this, choose rich reds, yellows, greens and blues.

Acrylic paint works best: it's easy to work with, eco-friendly, odorless, indoor-friendly, and harmless to health. This is especially important when it comes to the doors to the bedroom or children's room.

Before painting, prepare the base, because the paint lays down in a thin layer and does not hide defects. Sand and prime the surface, repair strong chips and cracks with special sealants. Paint is recommended to be applied in even stripes from top to bottom or from left to right.

If the door is textured, first paint over the inserts, then the central strips, and only then the sides. And to keep a fresh coating for a long time - cover the paint with a layer of glossy or matte varnish.

Another simple staining technique is to splatter paint over the surface in random spots. This finish immediately creates a creative atmosphere in the room artistic workshop. Hard brushes, toothbrushes and even toothpicks are suitable for spraying.

2. Wallpapering

In order not to paint the door leaf by hand, it is enough to paste over it with wallpaper to match your interior. In the living room and bedroom, ordinary paper ones are enough, but for wet rooms, pay attention to liquid wallpaper.

Before gluing, be sure to get rid of the old coating, otherwise the adhesion will be much worse. To remove old paint, warm it up with a building hair dryer and use a spatula. After that, seal all defects with putty on wood and treat the surface with fine sandpaper.

When choosing wallpapers, the main thing is that they match the wall decoration: you can even combine several collections or use photo wallpapers. To avoid bubbles, spread the adhesive evenly over the entire base and avoid missing areas. Carefully level the wallpaper with a roller and avoid drafts until it dries.

3. Fabric decor

Pasting with a cloth resembles wallpaper, only looks more interesting due to the texture. If you still have unnecessary, but beautiful trimmings, you can make a real patchwork quilt on the door. It will interestingly fit into ethnic styles, boho, country or Provence.

You can fix the fabric with glue or with the help of special furniture staples - like upholstery on a sofa. The advantage of mechanical fasteners is that they are easy to remove to replace a boring coating. For decoration, use lace, beads, tassels, fringe, braid and any other decorative trifles to your taste.

4. Leather upholstery

Leather upholstery - an alternative to fabric trim for classic noble interiors, like English style. Such a door always looks expensive and luxurious in the living room or office. Moreover, it does not have to be genuine leather: now there are enough more affordable, functional and environmentally friendly substitutes.

For fastening, use glue and special rivets that evenly fix the canvas and form elegant patterns. For decor, pay attention to embossing, painting, fine carving, finishing with metal fittings and belts. Such a door will also fit well into industrial styles, such as loft or grunge.

5. Craquelure

The craquelure effect is familiar to everyone, even if you don’t know the name of this phenomenon yet. This is the same aged crack grid that is often used in vintage and industrial interiors. It is created using a special paint or varnish, which provokes cracking, but unlike natural wear and tear, such a coating is strong and durable.

Craquelure can be one- or two-step: depending on the number of layers. Contrasting shades look good, but with each new layer, wait for the previous one to dry completely. You can apply such a coating not only on wooden, but also on any other doors.

6. Stickers and stencils

If you are bored with plain doors, feel free to paint the canvas by hand. Can't draw? It doesn’t matter, because the simplest and most concise floral or geometric motifs that do not require high artistic skills are in fashion.

To make the drawing even and neat, use stencils that can be printed in advance. They allow you to accurately imagine exactly how the ornament will be located, and not to miss even in small things.

Bright and fashionable decorating tool - vinyl stickers and stickers. For discreet interiors, simple black silhouettes or laconic patterns are suitable, and for kitsch pop art, bright and colorful stickers, posters, and comic book clippings are suitable.

7. Decoupage

Decoupage is a simple and affordable technology for finishing old doors, facades and furniture. The technique practically does not require special skills, materials and tools. Sometimes ordinary paper napkins and glue are enough, because in essence this is a complicated application.

Decoupage requires a perfectly smooth sanded and degreased surface. After that, you can paint the door with acrylic paint for contrast, but be sure to dry it. To glue the drawings, a PVA solution with water is used, and to fix the result, a transparent furniture varnish is used.

8. Aging

It's not a mistake: to inhale new life through old doors, age them even more. To do this, there are many techniques: from mechanical processing to special paints and coatings.

The roughest and brightest aging for a loft or country is brushing doors made of oak, ash or conifers. The surface is treated with a hard metal brush, which destroys all soft fibers. The relief of the tree appears even more clearly and expressively, but this is not suitable for all varieties.

Elegant scuffs for Provence or Shabby Chic are created using a paraffin layer. First, the canvas is painted with bright colored paint, after which it is thickly rubbed with wax or paraffin. A contrasting light or pastel coating is applied on top, which is then polished with sandpaper. Paraffin in separate places is removed and reveals the bottom layer of paint.

The second way to elegantly age is the dry-brush technique, which designers borrowed from artists. It is extremely simple: pick up a little paint on a dense and flat dry synthetic brush and swipe over the base. The hairs will not leave continuous strokes and lines, forming an intermittent scratched layer.

9. Mosaic

Mosaics for decorating interiors are good for their uniqueness and aesthetics with ease of execution. Instead of buying a ready-made drawing, you can lay out a fancy abstraction yourself. And there will definitely not be a second door like this anywhere else.

To create a mosaic, glass, ceramics, small tiles, acrylic, pebbles and shells, and any other little things are used. The main thing is to draw a sketch in advance and think over the location of all the details, because even chaotic ornaments will be neat and harmonious only if you think them over in advance.

10. Mirror

Mirror inserts in the door - one of the most functional ways decoration. This is a good choice for small spaces, because reflective surfaces visually add volume to the room. At the same time, such a door can replace a separate wall mirror or a mirrored wardrobe.

Ready-made decorative mirrors are difficult to use to decorate a door, so reflective acrylic panels come in handy in this case. Their advantages are ease of processing and variety. colors. If you still have fragments of old mirrors, you can use them too - make a mosaic out of them.

11. Stained glass

Stained glass is a classic decoration of windows and doors since ancient times. This technique was used in temples, palaces and rich houses - only the subtlety of execution differed. Now there are three main options: order an individual stained-glass window according to your sketch, purchase a ready-made insert or paint the glass yourself.

To apply the picture, translucent acrylic paints on glass are used. You will also need to create an outline - the illusion of metal inserts connecting the elements. But do not paint directly on the door, because the glass must lie horizontally, otherwise the paint will drain from the surface.

12. Molding

To make the most simple and budget door luxurious and elegant enough for classic interiors, use molding. These are ready-made elements that imitate stucco, bas-reliefs and other decorative inserts.

The simplest molding is made of polyurethane or foam, so it can simply be glued or planted on liquid nails. And to make a beautiful aged door, be sure to paint it over the top and use contrasting colors or gold for details.

DIY old door decor - photo

It's not yet complete list options that you can implement yourself. Do not be afraid of experiments and imagination, because the old door has nothing to lose anyway. And we offer you even more photo ideas for inspiration!

The interior door occupies an important place in the interior of the room. It serves not only as an obstacle to noise, delimits space and allows privacy, but also is a noticeable piece of decor.

start decorating interior door You may be moved by several reasons:

  1. Firstly, despite the huge selection of ready-made (and very attractive) doors, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right model. Sometimes all the doors seem the same - "I have already seen this one at the neighbors", "and this one looks like the door to our office." You don’t want to repeat and acquire something unoriginal and become commonplace, because your interior is unique, so the door must match.
  2. Secondly, even an old door with scratches, peeling paint and indelible stains is not known why you often don’t want to change it! After all, any replacement of a door is also a replacement of the box itself, which is associated with dust, plaster, sealing the gaps formed, the need to change the wallpaper (at least around new door) - in general, with local, and sometimes major repairs.

That is why sometimes it is much easier for the owner to update already installed door“on the spot”, that is, without changing the whole box, right here in the room. Of course, in some cases, you still have to remove the door from the hinges, but this is much easier and faster than starting a full-fledged repair. Whatever the reasons that prompted you to start decorating an interior door, we’ll say right away that often this does not require almost anything, except for the materials left over from the last repair.

So, we offer you 14 interior door decorating ideas that you might want to bring to life by decorating your interior.

Idea first. We paint, we just paint

The easiest way, without frills and unnecessary work, is to put the door in order. To do this, you will first need to remove the door from the hinges, then walk along it with a spatula, removing the old paint, level the surface with sandpaper, close the cracks and scratches with putty, remove greasy spots, seal the glass with masking tape so as not to stain, and you can pick up a roller or brush! It is better to choose acrylic paint - it dries faster, and paint the door in a horizontal position - so the paint will not drain and lie more evenly. However, if it is convenient for you to do all of the above on a vertical standing door- you can not remove it from the hinges. Just do not forget to put something on the floor during painting so as not to stain the linoleum or laminate.

White, simply painted door. Updating it or repainting it in a different color will not be a big deal, although the moldings and carvings need special, gentle handling during sanding and stripping. old paint

The second idea. We paint in several colors

The option is more complicated, although it is also associated with staining. In this case, we do not just paint the door in one color, but create a simple or complex geometric pattern of stripes, squares, rhombuses, and so on. The door must first be prepared, as in the first case - that is, it must be cleaned of old paint and the surface leveled. However, in this case, we will need much more masking tape - it is with its help that you will delimit the zones between stripes or rectangles. In addition, in order not to buy several cans of paint of different colors, you can purchase white paint(one liter per door is enough), as well as several dyes with which you can experiment with shades.

Gold and white, blue and pale pink, bright stripes on a neutral background, rhombuses and sinuous lines - a variety of patterns and color combinations can appear on the canvas of your door.

When choosing a geometric pattern, remember that a wide strip along the entire door leaf is more suitable for country style, and for classics it is better to choose other options, for example, paint the top of the door in a lighter shade and separate the parts with a horizontal strip

Idea three. Highlight moldings

Also painting the door, which in general is not too different from the first option. However, in this case, we will focus on the moldings by painting them in a contrasting color. White and black is great combination, but already hackneyed, so think about what colors will look best next to each other. Designers have long recognized white and green, blue and yellow, red and dark blue as excellent options. Such a door will look great both in a bohemian boudoir and in a strict classic living room.

The white door with highlighted black moldings is a true classic. By the way, if your door does not have such decorations, it is easy to make them yourself - special thin wooden planks are sold that are simply nailed onto the canvas

An unexpectedly bright, pink door that looks especially aristocratic and attractive thanks to the frames highlighted in white

Idea four. We paint according to the finished stencil

A very convenient and easy way to turn your door into a work of art, even if you do not have the talent of an artist. Ready-made stencils can be purchased at both construction and specialized stores, or ordered on one of the sites, and the choice of drawings and patterns is very large. Then we simply apply the stencil to the already prepared door and apply the paint. Easy, fast and as a result - very beautiful!

Applying a drawing on a ready-made stencil is as easy as shelling pears, and the choice will allow you to choose an original inscription, an exotic pattern, and an unusual picture

Such a deliberately simple pattern can easily be created without stencils. It was the uneven lines and simplicity that became its main highlight.

Fifth idea. Art painting

Unlike all the door decoration options already listed, this option is not for everyone. To create a real masterpiece on an ordinary door, you will need the talent of an artist and certain skills in working with brushes, since a roller is no longer enough here. Imagine that your door is a blank white canvas, on which, thanks to your skill, a beautiful landscape, a cheerful picture or an exquisite pattern will appear. Fine hand painting always looks expensive and stylish, and you can achieve this effect by spending money only on buying paints.

Ready-made interior doors with artistic painting are offered by many European companies. Of course, they are not cheap, so you can try to create something similar with your own hands. Are you afraid it won't work? You can always just paint over a bad drawing!

Idea six. Children's creativity

Does your kid love to draw? Give him such an opportunity - let him decorate the door to the nursery. Yes, such a naive, bright pattern will be out of place in a strict living room, but as a decoration for a children's room it is a great option. Just agree with the young artist that the second half of the door is already your field for the realization of fantasies!

Usually children's paints wash off very easily, so your budding artist can repaint the door every day. But you will have to pre-prepare the canvas by putting the door in order

Idea seven. Unusual texture with paint

If it seems to you that just applying paint is boring, and you are afraid to take on hand-painting, you can try to achieve an unusual texture, for example, the effect wooden surface or an antique door with very simple tools. So, with the help of a sponge you can get a spotted surface, steel wool will help to achieve the effect of an old door, a hard brush will create an expressive surface of denim. Special ready-made paints are also sold that perfectly imitate jeans, wood, canvas, velvet or slate board.

On such a door, painted under a slate board, it is convenient to leave messages to household members.

Idea eight. Wall mural

If all the previous ideas concerned only work with paints and brushes, then this method is suitable for those who do not want to mess with paint. Wallpaper will instantly transform appearance your interior door, turning it into a striking design element. Of course, it is best to purchase wallpapers designed specifically for doors - in this case, your drawing will definitely look complete. Ready-made photo wallpapers usually have a standard size of 86x220 centimeters, so they are only suitable for standard doors, and without moldings and glass inserts. However, now many online stores offer custom-made door murals, so you can choose the option that is ideal for your door, with any pattern. You can cut to size doors and ordinary wall murals, but in this case, the picture may look unfinished.

How do you like such an unusual option - a door that turned into a telephone booth with the help of photo wallpapers?

Before sticking photo wallpapers, the door must be cleaned of stains, and the surface should be leveled, sanded and degreased with a solvent. You can use ordinary wallpaper glue, but PVA is much more reliable. The disadvantages of this option for decorating the door include the fact that a bright image will immediately catch your eye, so it can quickly get bored. In addition, the murals on the door, due to frequent touches, will lose their original attractiveness. However, no one will stop you from changing the wallpaper on the door to something more original in a couple of months.

Particularly popular are photo wallpapers with picturesque landscapes.

Wall murals on the door will help to make a small room visually larger due to the increased panoramic perspective. And sticking them is very easy, for this you do not even need to remove the door from the hinges.

Idea nine. Ordinary wallpapers

Previously, this decor option was very popular, but now many designers consider it bad manners. This does not prevent ordinary wallpaper, "migrated" to the door, to remain a popular way to decorate the interior. As an option, you can buy cork wallpaper and varnish it on top for reliability. Their unusual texture will make the door more original.

Door preparation is exactly the same as in the case of using photo wallpapers. The main advantage is cheapness, since you can use wallpaper left over from the previous repair, and ease of decoration. Main disadvantage- fast wear - at the joints, the wallpaper can peel off and tear.

Wallpaper pasted not on the entire door, but on parts highlighted by moldings, look more spectacular

The door, pasted over with the same wallpaper as the walls, will literally merge with the interior. On the reverse side, the door, of course, is pasted over with other wallpaper so as not to stand out against the background of the wall of another room.

Idea ten. Fabric instead of wallpaper

This option will look especially cute and homely. Looks decorated with fabric the door is original, the choice of fabrics today is surprisingly wide, but this method also has its drawbacks.

If you choose a single piece of fabric to decorate the door, you should take care of the original pattern.

First, when choosing a fabric, you should make sure that the glue does not leave stains on it. Secondly, the edges of the fabric should be pre-treated, otherwise the protruding threads will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Thirdly, doors decorated with fabric are not suitable for every style of interior design. Those who are fond of patchwork, that is, the creation of canvases from different pieces of fabric, can turn their door into a real application of bright shreds. By the way, if there is a place for a glass insert on the door, you can hang a small curtain here, fixing it on a fishing line and small carnations.

Very nice door, decorated using patchwork technology. The trouble is that to classic style such bright patches of interior have nothing to do with it, this is an option, rather, for a “rustic” and colorful country

Idea eleven. Posters, cards, paper

Option for creative people and great idea for a teenager's room. The door can be decorated with a poster and an image of your favorite artist or group, sheets from an old geographical atlas, or sheet music. Sticking such paper sheets and posters is as easy as regular wallpaper.

ancient geographic map would be appropriate even on the interior door of an ordinary living room, but it is better to “settle” posters in a teenager’s room

Idea twelve. All kinds of stickers

This simple and not too expensive way of decorating a door is becoming more and more popular today. Vinyl stickers can be purchased in online stores, the cost of a size model standard door starts from 2.5 thousand rubles, they are glued very easily, and will last longer than ordinary photo wallpapers.

Stickers with such funny and at the same time useful inscriptions will not only decorate the doors, but also cheer up the guests.

If you do not want to hide the entire door behind the stickers, it is quite possible to purchase small images - a butterfly, a bright flower, and so on. They cost less, and the appearance of the door will be completely transformed. “Informative” stickers are also popular, for example, on the door of an office, bathroom or bathroom, which will tell guests what is hidden behind this door.

The elegant lady on this sticker will immediately inform the guests of the house that the bathroom is hidden behind this door.

Often, stickers can look like ordinary photo wallpapers, and sometimes they can look like hand-painted on a white door or a child's drawing.

Idea thirteen. Decoupage

The technology of scrupulously cutting out the images you like from paper and further composing applications from these pieces allows you to transform not only the box or the cover of the photo album, but also regular door. Everything that a novice master of the ancient art of decoupage needs: paper drawings, napkins with a pattern you like, postcards and the like - everything from which you can cut a picture, a brush, PVA glue, scissors, glitter, acrylic varnish, contour and acrylic paint.

In the process of decoupage, you can use literally anything - from scraps of old newspapers to greeting cards.

In a brief description, the process looks like this: on the surface of the door we apply a layer of white acrylic paint, wait for it to dry, then another layer - and again wait until completely dry. Then we apply a layer of paint of the selected shade, and then we attach the cut-out paper drawings with PVA glue. At the same time, we try to glue the piece as evenly as possible, without wrinkles and expel all air bubbles. With the help of glitter and contour, we can draw dots, stripes and other small parts. Then we cover the finished picture with a layer of varnish. That's all. The rest is your imagination and beautifully selected drawings.

The decoupage technique allows you to create amazingly beautiful paintings, and the lacquer coating will extend the life of the decor.

Idea fourteen. Mosaic

A door decorated with bright mosaics will be an excellent option for a bathroom; you can also decorate a metal door in this way. front door. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use pieces of ceramics for these purposes - in this case, the door may turn out to be too heavy. Mosaic can be created from pieces of wood or veneer, as well as purchased ready-made, made of glass.

In this case, a bright glass mosaic occupies most of the door, making it very unusual and cheerful.

The mosaic is fixed with special glue (Moment or liquid nails are suitable) on a prepared and cleaned surface. It is worthwhile to think over all the details of the pattern in advance by drawing the layout of the pieces with a pencil. By the way, you can decorate with a mosaic not only the door itself, but also the box, highlighting the slopes using the selected pattern.

Creating a mosaic pattern is a huge scope for creativity. And if some part still falls - you can always attach it back

An old door can become a real art object, all it takes is a little imagination and effort. To get started, you can use one of the most simple ideas, and then, having got a taste, try yourself in the art of decoupage or painting. In any case, your door will definitely be one of a kind!

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