Bathroom door: features and installation technology. Installing a bathroom door with or without a threshold How to install your own interior door to the toilet

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems

If you decide to install bathroom doors yourself, it is likely that you will have to face some difficulties. First, you need to take into account the fact that the bath and the bathroom are rooms with high humidity. Therefore, when installing doors in these rooms, you need to take into account some of the nuances. Qualified specialists note that the principles of installing a door to the bathroom are the same as when installing doors in other rooms. It is important to understand these principles in order to self-assembly doors was not difficult even for those who have very little experience.

So, initially you need to decide on the model of the door. Experts recommend choosing a door after the main renovation in the bathroom is completed, because. too bulky bathtub or shower stall may require an additional increase in the door slot. Of course, the design concept and the overall style of the bathroom and surrounding areas play a very important role when choosing a door. But do not forget about some features.

Before you start looking for a door, you need to clarify its dimensions. It will take a few minutes and save you from unnecessary doubts directly in the store. You will need to measure the door connector in width, length and depth. In addition to the door itself, you also need to choose a door frame. Usually it is sold separately, and is a plate that is cut to the required size. In total, three such canvases are required: two of them are cut along the height of the opening and one is cut into two identical parts equal to the width of the opening.

Read our article on how to correctly determine the dimensions of the door to the bathroom. It will help you avoid many mistakes.

It is very important to take into account the high percentage of humidity in this room and even with a good ventilation system, choose a model that will be resistant to moisture and steam, which will significantly extend the life of the door. Another criterion for choosing doors for the bathroom is that they have heat and sound insulation, which are especially important for bathrooms and bathrooms.

Materials for the manufacture of doors to the bathroom can be different.

If you are now choosing bathroom doors, read our article about what bathroom doors are. The information will help you make the right choice.


They are the leader in resistance to moisture and steam, tk. they are not afraid of either water or temperatures and will not deform. Glass is also known for its heat and sound insulating properties, besides this material is as environmentally friendly and safe as possible. Such doors are made of high-strength glass, so the probability of breaking or deforming such a door is very small.

Glass doors have become very popular not only due to their properties, but also due to their bright and unusual design. There is a wide variety of models of doors made of glass.

To decorate such doors, elements made of plastic, wood and metal are used, they are decorated with special paints, mosaics and films. In order to make the design of the bathroom more "light", spacious and unusual, glass doors fit very well. The disadvantage of such doors can only be considered high prices.

Glass doors for the bathroom are discussed in detail in our other article. We advise you to read this information before purchasing.


Another material that is ideal for rooms with high humidity is plastic. Such doors are also not subject to deformation. The advantage of these doors is good insulation heat and noise.

Plastic doors are very diverse in colors and shapes, they can imitate various materials. The advantages of PVC doors also include the availability and low price. Such doors, of course, are inferior in aesthetics to doors made of wood or glass, but they will ideal option for democratic housing.


The classics of doors for bathrooms and bathrooms are doors made of wood. But, unfortunately, such doors are very unstable to moisture and temperatures, as a result of which they can be deformed and destroyed. This does not mean at all that such doors cannot be used in these premises.

A prerequisite for this type of door is the impregnation of wood with a special antiseptic solution and varnishing. Wooden doors will certainly make your interior nobler. In terms of price range, these doors are also not cheap.

From chipboard and MDF

They are widely used due to their availability and cost. They are laminated on top. The variety of models makes it possible to solve almost any design problem. However, like wooden doors, veneered doors are not resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes.

You will have to choose the right model from all the variety, but do not forget that by allocating a small budget for the door to the bathroom and saving now, it is quite possible that you will have to change it after a while, which will entail new costs.

DIY installation

When installing doors, you need:

  • hacksaws and miter boxes;
  • drills and screwdriver;
  • cue balls РН2 or PZ2;
  • pen drill 16, 18, 20;
  • mallets;
  • chisels;
  • level;
  • pencil (construction or ordinary);
  • construction knife.

From the materials we need the following:

  • wood screws (black / yellow);
  • mounting foam;
  • carnations for glazing bead and cashing;
  • sanitary silicone;
  • substrates (plastic / wood).

Opening expansion

At the entrance to the bathroom there is a small threshold 5 cm high. It provides additional protection living rooms in the apartment in case of flooding. The specifics of installing a bathroom door is the presence of a small gap, approximately 5 cm, between the threshold and the door, which is necessary for additional ventilation of the bathroom.

With simple mathematical calculations, we conclude that the door connector remains 190 cm high, while the height of the classic door is 200 cm. Note that not every opening can be enlarged and not every door can be shortened.

Consider the first option when we decide to increase the height of the door connector.

If the design has plaster base, then it will be quite easy and fast to increase the opening:

Using a grinder or saw with large teeth, the height of the doorway can be increased within 10 minutes. It is necessary to protect the premises from dust, as there will be plenty of it.

In the case when the wall is made of asbestos-cement sheets, it is impossible to increase the opening, because. a steel strip passes just above the opening, removing which we weaken the entire structure as a whole, as a result of which cracks form. In this situation, only reducing the door itself will help.

shortening the door

If the door opening cannot be enlarged, then it is best to stop the choice of door on wooden doors, because. they can be filed without violating the functional properties of the structure. Naturally, this somewhat reduces our ability to create the intended style of the bathroom.

Collection and installation of the box

Before proceeding with the establishment door frame it is necessary to complete the work with the opening under the door. It is important here to create good waterproofing door panel to protect it from moisture. A waterproofing diffusion self-adhesive tape is very suitable for this, which is easily mounted along the entire inner surface of the opening, the surface of which must be clean and even.

Now we move on to the next step - assembling and installing the door frame. When the door frame is purchased assembled, it will take you a small amount of time to install the door. It will only be necessary to screw in the screws in the right places and install the door leaf. If the parts are purchased in disassembly, then you will first need to assemble the box, and only after that install the door and perform the final fit.

Stages of assembly and installation of the door frame:

  1. Shorten the long chute posts to 200.5 cm, based on the classic door height of 200 cm plus 0.5 cm for the gaps between the frame and the hinged leaf.
  2. Shorten the top and bottom of the shell by 60 cm, taking into account the thickness of the box profile multiplied by 2 and 0.5 cm for the gaps. If the bathroom door is larger than the standard one, then calculations must be made based on the width of the door.
  3. Next, cut the profile to the thickness of the loot in the widest place, making it cut across. Remove the excess part of the profile that serves as a vestibule for the door along the lower edges of the box.
  4. The door to the bathroom should open easily and close tightly, so it is important to carefully cut the canopies. At a distance of 20-25 cm from the edges, we designate a groove slot for awnings on the right or left side of the door, depending on where it will open. In addition to canopies, you can use hinges, then the installation of doors will become much easier, because. they don't need to be cut.
  5. For convenience, we assemble the component boxes on the floor, and then install the entire structure in place.

Usually the issue with the purchase and the toilet is resolved quickly enough. However, there are points that need to be clarified. Often they come down to the choice of material, colors, structure of the future floor. In addition, you need to match overall design premises, as well as high performance material. This is due to the fact that the shower room differs from the rest of the living area in high humidity, temperature changes and condensate.

Separately, it is worth noting such an indicator as the price. It should be acceptable to people regardless of their income level. By itself, the installation, replacement and operation of doors in the bathroom and toilet is not special difficulties, but self repair may cause certain problems. Interior floors during use receive various damages, including at the molecular level.

This causes some concerns and difficulties in their operation, and can also lead to a reduction in service life. However, there is no need to replace the doors in the shower room with new ones, since many defects can be corrected with your own hands. Actually the canvas itself is always a solid foundation, and minor flaws do not affect its functionality. Another thing is big defects.


One of the most common problems encountered when repairing shower doors is cracks. And not how many gaps between the canvas itself and the box, but how much between the walls door structure. These holes are visually not very attractive; over time, they lead to sagging of the door in the bathroom and toilet, i.e. after a certain period of time, the overlaps begin to close poorly.

Correcting the situation with your own hands is very simple, since it does not require serious skills or great experience All it takes is a little desire and patience. Repairing cracks on your own will not take a lot of time, and besides, it will also save money. For repairs, you need to purchase an ordinary drill, more dowels in reserve, mounting foam, after which you can start work.


In addition to cracks, sagging can be attributed to the main types of problems in the operation, repair and replacement of doors in the bathroom and toilet. They deliver a large number of inconvenience, as the interior ceiling regularly gets stuck in the opening or scratches the flooring. To make a proper repair, you need to do the following:

Drying out

Quite often, the doors to the bathroom and toilet are made of wood. This means that after a while she is under the influence high humidity, temperature changes, steam, condensate will begin to swell. If the impact of negative factors is not prevented in time, then soon the canvas will crack, after which it will dry out. This state of affairs may lead to the need to replace the door.

However, if the matter has not yet gone so far, then the product can be restored. Repair begins with the dismantling of the door, i.e. taking it off its hinges. All structural elements are carefully impregnated with special compounds with adhesive properties. The resulting cracks are masked, as well as the places of drying of the material are eliminated. After this stage, you need to clamp the canvas in special clamps until completely dry, and then install it back.

Need to know! Most effective way restore the dried product - use metal corners.


The most common variant of deformation of the door covering is cracks. They appear over a certain period of time on wood. The operation of the material in the bathroom and toilet carries positive as well as negative sides. Benefits include an attractive appearance, but the disadvantages of wood are its predisposition to absorb moisture.

For the shower, it is best to use elite species - beech or oak. They are characterized by the highest moisture resistance, however, they cost decent money. Although over time, these investments will pay off with interest, if you love wood so much. As for ordinary tree, cracked from negative impact, then here you should use high-quality glue, and a heavy press will not hurt.

A special press is not required, but it is best to apply some heavy object for pressure. It should press the door leaf well on top so that the adhesive grabs. Special glue fills all existing voids, defects or gaps. If the distance or depth is too large, then you can go for a certain trick - fill the recess with sawdust, and then cover it with ordinary varnish.

Door won't close

Repair of interior fabric in the bathroom and toilet implies comprehensive measures to eliminate various defects. In addition to cracks, swelling, deformation, drying out, sagging, there is another danger - not closing the canvas. Part of the reason for this may be or be similar to the swelling of the material. In this case, the tree has lost its protective layer so it needs to be restored.

High humidity, as well as other negative factors that affect the product on a daily basis, do not affect its condition in the best way. In order to get rid of this problem, a comprehensive approach to its solution is required. It is necessary to clean the entire surface of the door with sandpaper, and the excess, i.e. damp places to process with a planer. After that, it is necessary to dry the wooden canvas, and then cover it with a special varnish that protects against moisture.

In addition, when closing, the door may not go into place for another common reason - the gap between the box and the door. This may be due to both a factory defect if you did not bother to check the product in the store, or other factors caused by operation. In any case, the door becomes smaller than the box and something needs to be done about it! The way out of this situation is quite simple - to beat wooden lath . After that, it must be processed with a planer and coated with a protective varnish.

Repair of interior floors is not always the most reliable way out. You can spend a lot of time, effort and money, but not achieve the desired result. In principle, doors can last for many years even without repair, however, sooner or later the time comes to replace them. In addition, not every person knows how, and, most importantly, can competently care for the canvas. Therefore, sometimes the surest step is to dismantle and change wooden canvas or the whole box. Although this information is for another article.

Video instruction

And the toilet requires special care and responsibility. There are two main rules that should be considered before you begin to decide on the installation of a door in the bathroom. First, at the bottom, between the floor and the door to the bathroom, there must be a gap for sufficient ventilation. Secondly, in these premises it is necessary to equip the threshold, which would prevent the outflow of water in the event of a flood.

Doors in the bathroom should have a gap for ventilation of the room.

Door selection

First you need to decide on the choice of the door to the bathroom and toilet. To do this, measure the width and height of the door frame. Height of all interior doors standard - 2050 mm, and the width is as follows: 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm or 900 mm.

Door material plays an important role:

  • glass;
  • plastic with a moisture-proof film;
  • wood coated with varnish or paint;
  • chipboard and MDF laminated on top.

Glass is resistant to deformation, moisture and high temperature, it is environmentally friendly pure material, which does not let sound through and retains heat.

Glass is the most suitable material for the bathroom door. This material is resistant to deformation, water and high temperature. In addition, glass is an environmentally friendly material, does not transmit sound and retains heat well in the room.

Glass for doors can be frosted, tinted, embossed, mirrored, decorated with plastic or metal inserts. Glass doors gained great popularity due not only to its excellent characteristics, but also to its fashionable design.

PVC doors are not exposed to chemical attack, fire, deformation under the influence of high temperatures, and are also well resistant to high humidity. Plastic retains heat well and has excellent sound insulation. PVC doors are quite diverse in shape and color scheme. Special surface coatings imitate various materials: wood, marble, glass. In terms of its merits, plastic is slightly inferior to glass, and low price makes them accessible to a wide range of consumers.

Wooden doors are the most expensive and reliable option. But this classic design absorbs water very easily, which is not suitable for a bathroom.

Chipboard and MDF doors are the most popular option for modern renovation. These structures withstand high humidity well, do not deform and have a low cost. But for the bathroom, it is still better to choose plastic or glass doors.

If the door to the bathroom is located close to the doors of the kitchen or another room, then it is better to install sliding doors. Such a design will be convenient to use and interesting.

To install doors, you need tools and materials such as:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • miter box;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • mounting knife;
  • pen drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • mounting foam;
  • colored and transparent silicone;
  • wooden and plastic substrates;
  • carnations for cash.

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The door installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Box assembly.
  2. Installing the box in the doorway.
  3. Fixation door leaf.
  4. Foaming the box.
  5. Insertion of handles and locks.
  6. Platband installation

First you need to assemble the entire structure on a horizontal surface in order to avoid further distortions and irregularities.

The assembly process includes the following steps:

  1. Lay out the components of the door frame on the floor.
  2. Make the required dimensions of the box in terms of the width and height of the opening.
  3. Make a marking under the canopies and fix them. To do this, you need to cut grooves on the box and the door with a chisel.
  4. Assemble the box by fastening all the parts with self-tapping screws.
  5. Install the box in the doorway. Plastic wedges are used to fix the box in the opening.
  6. Check the evenness of the structure using a plumb or level and make adjustments.

When the box is correctly assembled and installed, the main task is completed!

Now you can hang a door on it. Wedges are inserted into the gap between the door and the box so that the box is well wedged from the inside. Now you need to securely fix the box in doorway. To do this, use mounting foam, the cylinder of which is equipped with a gun. This solution will evenly fill all the voids between the surfaces.

Before use, the mounting foam must be put in a warm place for 24 hours, but the mixture should not reach a temperature above 30 ° C. It is advisable to moisten the mating surfaces with water so that the foam grabs well. Adhesive composition Shake thoroughly in a bottle and apply to the joints. Glue mix should be blown in a thin layer, as it increases in size when solidified. The treated opening should be left to dry for a day.

The next day, you can safely open the doors and start inserting handles and latches. The process should be done like this:

After installing the door, the handle and lock are installed.

  1. Mark the place of the future mechanism.
  2. Make a hole by installing a drill bit on a drill right size: usually 16 or 18.
  3. To install the lock on the end of the door leaf, use a chisel to make a groove.
  4. Drill a hole for the handle on the front side.
  5. Insert the handle mechanism with a latch into the holes formed and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Platbands are installed with self-tapping screws around the perimeter of the door frame. All joints are treated with silicone. In the end finished structure can be varnished or painted.

Renovating a bathroom requires some skill and skill. After its completion, it is necessary to carry out finishing touch- installation of a doorway. How to install a bathroom door? In order to carry out these works will require a little responsibility and scrupulousness. First you need to leave a gap for ventilation of the room between flooring and a shower door. Then mount a threshold to prevent water from flowing out, for example, during a flood.

Selection of doors

Initially, you should decide on the theme of the door, its design and structure based on the overall interior of the room. In addition, it is necessary to measure the height and width of the openings in advance, so that when you arrive at a specialized store, you can accurately select the door to the bathroom. Taking into account all the above parameters, you need to choose a product from the following materials.


It is an environmentally friendly material that is excellent in quality. This material is resistant to many negative factors e.g. temperature fluctuations or high humidity. In addition, the glass does not deform over time, does not transmit noise and retains heat well. It may be different in structure, color, as well as texture or other outward signs. Glass doors can be installed with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Caring for such material is very simple, since glass is not afraid of any chemicals for cleaning with the exception of compositions with abrasive additives. Today, the modern market offers a wide variety of toilet glasses to choose from, for example:

  • matte;
  • embossed;
  • tinted;
  • mirror or simple;
  • framed with plastic or metal inserts.

In any case, it will be fashionable and stylish door with high performance.

Laminated MDF and chipboard

Products made from MDF and chipboard are currently one of the most popular options on our market. These representatives perfectly withstand high humidity, do not deform under loads, and also have an affordable price. It is often recommended to install them in the same panel house or other not particularly dimensional structures, for example, compartment doors. This option will allow you to functionally use the surrounding space.


Correctly installing PVC doors with your own hands is not difficult. This material resistant to cleaning agents, resistant to thermal effects, not prone to deformation, in addition, it is not afraid of constant contact with moisture. Plastic doors reliably retain heat and have high noise insulation properties. Modern market offers a wide range various doors from PVC.

They can have different colors, shades, take any shape and size. In addition, if necessary, you can choose special coatings that imitate any materials, such as wood, glass, granite and others.

It should be noted that in terms of quality, PVC products are only slightly inferior to their direct competitor - glass. However, they have a significant advantage - this is the price.


Wooden doors are the most common option, however, not for the bathroom and toilet. They are easy to install with your own hands, but only now their purpose will be completely different. Such material, even when processed with special protective films or means, will not be durable. Wood is afraid of constant exposure to high humidity, so its use for a shower room is hardly suitable.


Naturally, you will need auxiliary tools to install doors with your own hands. Usually there are tools in every house, but taking into account the fact that installation is carried out doorways, then slightly different types of devices are required than when driving a regular nail or trimming a threshold in a room.

To properly and correctly install the door you will need:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. self-tapping screws;
  3. nails for cash;
  4. miter box;
  5. hacksaw;
  6. perforator;
  7. chisel;
  8. hacksaw;
  9. mounting knife;
  10. building level;
  11. pen drill;
  12. mounting foam;
  13. substrates made of wood or plastic;
  14. silicone transparent or colored.


In order to carry out the installation of doorways, it is necessary to initially distribute the installation stages. In addition, you first need to assemble the entire future structure on a horizontal plane in order to avoid bumps and distortions. The first task is to assemble the box itself, i.e. actually the foundation of the future door. After that, the door frame is fixed in the opening between the rooms. The next important step will be fixing or fixing the entire structure with the wall and flooring.

When the doorway is fully fixed and has a stable position, then the job is practically done, small but important touches remain. First you need to take the mounting foam and fill the remaining gaps with it.

This will not only fasten the materials, but also improve the soundproofing properties. bathroom. Then remain decorative works in the form of an inset door handles as well as castles. The final touch will be the installation of platbands. Installation diagram:

  1. Lay out all the components on the floor.
  2. measure out required dimensions for the door frame in all parameters.
  3. Carry out markings for awnings.
  4. Fixing canopies with a chisel, cutting grooves on the box and door.
  5. Installation of a doorway in a single structure.
  6. Fastening the door frame with self-tapping screws.
  7. The combination of the doorway with the box.
  8. Fixing the structure with plastic pegs.
  9. Inspection of the resulting structure for irregularities and inconsistencies.

Video instruction

At the final stage of repair in the bathroom, the question arises of installing doors. This process has some differences from installing a door in any other room.

V this case Moisture-resistant materials must be used, the closure must be hermetically sealed, and at the same time ensure air recirculation.

These features make installing bathroom doors a more responsible procedure.

Article content:

What do you need to know before installation?

Before work on installing doors to the bathroom, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the microclimate of this room when choosing the material from which the door is made. High humidity capable of deforming the product natural wood, and then the question of premature replacement will arise.

In the presence of a closed shower and large area rooms natural materials allowed, but with a waterproof coating.

Installation is carried out after the completion of the alignment of the walls and other wet work, so that the box does not lead from dampness. The subfloor must also be completed, when you can find out the thickness of the finishing one in order to make the installation, taking into account the height of the threshold. If the doors themselves are changing, then these steps can be skipped.

When choosing a door and a frame, even if they are marked and sold as a set, you need to make sure that the dimensions are accurate. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer may make inaccuracies in manufacturing, which will create great difficulties during installation. The beam of the box must be even and not have black knots, and its thickness is the same as the door leaf.

Preparatory work

Installation of doors to the bathroom begins with the dismantling of the old block which is carried out as follows:

  • Rip off trims;
  • Clean the old door tightly;
  • The box is sawn in two places;
  • Vertical segments old box dismantled with a crowbar and a chisel;
  • Dismantle the top of the box.

When the opening is freed from the old structure, it is cleaned of the remnants of the old mounting material and the flaws are plastered, if any, were made during dismantling. After this stage, and also, if the door is placed in a new opening, it is necessary to prepare it. For this:

  • A waterproofing of the opening is arranged to prevent the influence of moisture on the material of the door frame;
  • Dust is removed throughout the opening and a primer is applied;
  • If the boxes are made of wood, a diffusion tape is glued around its entire perimeter, which has a sticky base. It also glues the perimeter of the opening.

Do-it-yourself door installation

When installing the door, you will need the following materials and fixtures:

  • Screwdriver and hand electric drill;
  • Building level, mallet, chisels;
  • Construction knife and pencil;
  • Miter box, hacksaw, cue ball, hammer;
  • Feather drills;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood;
  • Small nails for cashing and glazing beads;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Substrates made of wood or plastic;
  • Locks and hinges.

First, the door frame is assembled and installed. If it has already been purchased ready-made, it remains only to insert it, if not, then after assembly and installation, you need to perform its final adjustment.

For this:

  • The whole structure is assembled on the floor, after which it is installed in the opening;
  • Long posts cut to 200.5 cm. standard height opening. If the dimensions are non-standard, then the dimensions are calculated based on these dimensions;
  • Similarly, the top of the loot is shortened to 60 cm with a standard width;
  • Sheds are inserted at a distance of 25 cm from the edge;
  • The box is assembled, holes for fasteners are pre-made.

The loot can be mounted without a threshold, which makes the passage more convenient. The next step is to prepare the door leaf:

  • Loops are hung on it similarly to the same operation on the loot;
  • The latch is fastened, which is mounted at a height of 85-90 cm from the floor;
  • Drill with a diameter of 20 mm. a hole is made for the handle;
  • With a chisel, a place for the lining is selected from the end, having previously marked it, attaching a latch to the right place. Self-tapping screws are used for its fastening;
  • For the installation of handles, a protruding square is used, which is threaded into the hole, and handles are attached to it.

Installation of doors begins with the installation of the box. Work is performed in the following order:

  • The box is inserted into the opening and fixed with special wedges;
  • Plumb and level check the correct installation, and make the necessary adjustments;
  • The box is fixed with anchors or with dowels, which must be screwed flush. Regarding the attachment points on the doorway, marks are placed, the box is removed, and holes for attachment are made according to the marks;
  • The box is put in place, fastened, and the door is hung on the screwed hinges;
  • The gap near the box in the opening is foamed to seal the seams. Filling occurs by a third of the volume, as the foam expands, the operation is carried out from the bottom up. Upon completion of the work, the structure is not touched for up to a day, until the foam hardens.

How to avoid mistakes?

When installing doors, there is typical mistakes, which are performed by inexperienced craftsmen most often. During work, you need to pay attention to the following features in this type of work.

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