How to lubricate the hinges of interior doors from creaking. How to lubricate door hinges without removing the door: creaks in the room, what to do with the interior, plastic grease at home

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

It doesn’t matter if the door is expensive or cheap, but sooner or later, when performing direct duties, it begins to make terribly unpleasant sounds: buzzing, creaking, rattle. During the day it is hardly noticeable, but at night it becomes a real test, forcing you not to enter the room once again.

The question of how to lubricate the door hinges so that it does not creak at home is relevant for everyone who has already encountered this problem or is not yet aware of its existence.

Causes of the squeak

Before choosing a method to effectively get rid of the unpleasant annoying and frightening sounds made by the door, you need to find the source of the problem. The reason may be:

  1. Insufficient fit of the fasteners to the jamb, which happens due to violation of the installation rules or the use of unsuitable low-quality elements.
  2. The cladding touches the hinges, which, when moving, rub against the material, deforming it.
  3. Lack of balls in canopies.
  4. Lack or complete abrasion of grease in the hinges.

Sometimes dust gets clogged into the joints of moving parts and small debris gets into it. All this absorbs the lubricant and acts as an abrasive that grinds the metal. The only way out will be a complete analysis of the elements, cleaning and lubrication.

Ways to eliminate the squeak

Solutions to the problem:

  1. If the reason lies in improperly selected fittings, the only way out will be to dismantle the canvas and purchase good parts of the required configuration and dimensions.
  2. Loosened fasteners are enough to tighten with a screwdriver of the desired type. The main thing is not to pinch too much, otherwise the sash will move poorly, which will have a detrimental effect on the duration of the door's operation.
  3. Facing that is not installed correctly. It must be removed and adjusted to the dimensions of the canvas.
  4. Some models of loops cause the presence of balls that can be lost or not included at all. To solve the problem, you will have to remove the loops and put the missing elements inside.
  5. The absence or a critically small amount of an anti-friction agent is the easiest to solve.

If the question arose of how to lubricate the door so that it does not creak, you should know: there are a lot of substances that will help solve this problem.


A special liquid is used by motorists who do not disdain to sort out the mechanisms of the machine on their own, perfect for household needs.


Viscous and oily, it is a popular household material for lubricating moving door hardware.


Waterproof, effective and frost-resistant means is suitable both for interroom, and for street shutters. He is not afraid of even a fierce winter.


Substance of thickened structure with antioxidant effect. Refers to universal kinematic lubricants and can be used to eliminate defects in canopies.

Sewing machine oil

Surely there is every housewife who is engaged in sewing. The lubricant for these mechanisms is almost universal.

car oil

New machine or "working out" remaining after replacement in the engine. It is convenient to apply, and there are almost no streaks on the door.

Folk ways

If there is no special tool, and you need to eliminate the problem urgently, you can use something from what is available in the house:

  • petroleum jelly - present in every second first aid kit, but in the case of creaking loops it will help for a while;
  • wax - often used as an independent lubricant;
  • paraffin - is used more often for the prevention of creaking than for “treatment”;
  • pencil lead is one of the most reliable tools at hand because it contains oils and wax.

Important: thick lubricants are preferable to liquid ones, as they last longer, do not spread or leave marks.

Those who solve household problems with the help of improvised means are interested in whether it is possible to lubricate the hinges with vegetable oil. It seems to be a very common practice. But doing so is not recommended. For a few days, the nasty sound will really disappear, but then the sunflower oil will thicken, become hard and dark. You will have to completely change the hardware.

Features of lubrication of various types of doors

Having decided how to lubricate the door hinges, it remains to do it correctly. The method of performing work is influenced by many factors: material, location, design.

Iron door

Usually begins to “sing”, sagging due to the heavy canvas and corrosion. Iron doors, as a rule, are street entrance doors, mostly they are all-welded non-separable structures. They will have to be processed on the spot without removing. You just need to pick up a strong stop to lift the sash.

First you need to clean the fittings from dirt and rust deposits, and lubricate in those places where the metal rubs - between moving elements.

The leaked residues must be wiped off, and then the door is opened and closed several times to distribute the substance along the internal hinges.


Mostly indoor, but there are balconies. In the latter case, the sash is first processed from the street, and then from the side of the room.

The open door needs to be lifted slightly with the stop. Apply a small amount of oil and close the canvas.

Important: grease stains are very noticeable on white plastic, which is not visible immediately, but some time after the procedure. Preferably, before “treating” the door, make a test in an inconspicuous place and observe the reaction of the material to the substance.


It is installed mainly in apartments and between rooms. The procedure is carried out according to the generally accepted scheme, but is simplified by the fact that some models are easily disassembled, providing access to fittings. Otherwise, grease is introduced into the gaps on the hinges.

Important: It is better to protect natural wood from contact with chemicals, as deformation may occur or a stain will remain.


Despite the apparent airiness, such a door is very heavy, therefore special hinges are used in the design - with rubber seals. During installation work, this place is treated with glue to increase reliability and extend the service life.

This feature does not exclude rattle and creak, does not interfere with lubrication, but it is better to know about it when planning to carry out processing.

Important: oil does not wash off glass, therefore it is recommended to use WD-40.

Accordion door

Easy to understand, but requires a thorough approach:

  • cleaning the groove and wheels from what stuck during the operation of the door;
  • lubrication of all moving parts.

But the latter is performed exclusively with a special silicone tool. Only rubbish will not stick to him.

Sliding door

Most often, it makes noise not due to poor lubrication, but due to debris that accumulates in all possible places. Some hardened deposits can be cleaned with a wire brush, and other rubbish with a vacuum cleaner.

Important: To make the wheels move more easily, silicone grease is applied after cleaning.

How to apply the composition

Accessories are different, depending on its type and a specific approach is needed. Start from what exactly managed to creak. The video will guide you through the process.

For detachable hinges or canopies

They usually consist of two parts, because the canvas can be removed without unscrewing them completely. In case of abundant rust damage, it is recommended to apply a rag soaked in machine oil for several hours - the oxide can be easily cleaned. After applying the lubricant, the sash is hung immediately in place.

On one-piece hinges or hinges

It can be dismantled only by removing all fasteners - screws. Due to the significant number of elements, they quickly begin to make noise, especially with frequent use. Despite the difficulty in maintenance, they are very popular because they are universal, due to which they are suitable for both left and right doors. They need regular lubrication.

On guides

Before processing, mandatory cleaning is required with the separation of all parts of the fittings in stages. Only with the complete absence of debris can special silicone be applied.

To avoid creaking and other noises that the door can make, it is enough to regularly carry out preventive measures, getting rid of debris and lubricating problem areas.

Almost every man in the street faced a situation when the door begins to creak strongly. The creak is annoying, breaking the peace. It is worth noting that not only massive door structures can make this unpleasant sound, but also cabinet doors can creak a lot. How to lubricate the door so that it does not creak?
It is not difficult to correct this situation - it is enough to lubricate the hinges, but in order for the creak not to return, you need to deal with its cause and eliminate it forever.

Lubrication of doors with various means

It's no secret that can be the cause of squeaky doors:

  • hinges are not installed according to the instructions;
  • weak tightening of fittings;
  • skew of the entire door structure - occurs because the door is too heavy and the hinges cannot withstand the increased load;
  • the canvas is in contact with the pigtail or casing of the box.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the creaking of the door structure, and it is not always possible to eliminate this trouble only by lubricating the hinges.

The best lubricants to eliminate squeaking hinges

If the reason for the creakiness of the door structure is the lack of lubricant in the hinges, then this trouble can be eliminated by using high-quality lubricants available on the market in a large assortment.
Let's present a list of the most popular and sought-after compositions:

How to properly lubricate hinges

Lubrication of door hinges is not difficult, even for a beginner. But we will present a few tips that will certainly help in the performance of this work.

The most effective and easiest to use is WD-40 spray. This lubricant is packaged in a tube with a special nozzle, which is very easy to use;

It is worth noting! The process of processing hinges with a lubricant is the same for all types of doors. The difference is only in what type of hinges is installed on a particular structure.

The algorithm for performing work is as follows:

If after this procedure the loop creaks, then it is worth repeating the procedure and adding a lubricant.

Watch the video: three ways to lubricate door hinges.

Metal doors

Hidden hinges are often used on metal doors. To carry out high-quality lubrication, the door must be removed from the hinges in order to release the internal mechanism. The door can be easily removed using a lever, which can be a simple ax.
Then you need to inspect the rods, if they have contamination, it should be removed. Apply grease to the rods, while you also need to put lubricant in the sockets.
Install the blade in place, wipe off excess grease. It is necessary to open and close several times so that the lubricant is well distributed over the hinge.

After that, the squeak will stop.

Even patient people with strong nerves sooner or later begin to be annoyed by the unpleasant sound that a creaking door makes. To properly solve this problem, first you need to figure out why the door hinges start to creak in general.

Causes of creaking at door hinges

The most common causes of creaking hinges are the following:

  1. Incorrect fastening of the hinges when installing the door.

If this is the reason, the creak appears immediately after the door is installed and its operation begins. In the case of hinges on an iron entrance or street door that were welded before installation, you are unlikely to be able to do something on your own, so you should contact specialists for reinstalling the hinges - for example, those who installed this door for you.

As for interior doors, in order to prevent the possible occurrence of creaking in the future and save yourself the trouble of removing and lubricating the door, you can install a new door in compliance with one nuance. To do this, half-hinges with an axis (pin) can be attached to the door leaf, and half-hinges with a cup-like hole can be attached to the door frame, while usually everything is done exactly the opposite, which leads to a rapid leakage of oil when lubricating the door.

  1. The hinges and the door trim touch each other.

In this case, in order to remove the creak, you will have to be careful and adjust the dimensions of the lining to specific hinges.

There is only one way out: you have to remove the doors, the hinges from them, which are then completed with the missing balls, after which the hinges are reattached to the door leaf, and it, in turn, returns to its rightful place.

That is, it is not so difficult to eliminate the cause of the door creaking, the main thing is to correctly diagnose it.

How to grease a creaking door

In order to lubricate the door hinges, you can use both folk and special means. As folk remedies are usually used:

  • vegetable oil;
  • pencil lead;
  • warm melted paraffin or wax.

Although these tools are very affordable, they should be used only in extreme cases, and then with caution, since each of these tools has certain disadvantages. So, warm wax and vegetable oil have a short-term effect, and therefore they are best used in emergency cases. In addition, the vegetable oil used as hinge grease gets dirty quickly. This also applies to various edible fats, butter or petroleum jelly - they all quickly become dirty, contribute to corrosion on the metal, and they get rid of creaking only exactly until the moment they dry.

Therefore, if you have already used one of these home remedies to get rid of the creaking hinges of a plastic or wooden door, it is still highly advisable to purchase a specialized lubricant as soon as possible. Just before lubricating the hinges, you need to remove the previously used vegetable or any other “homemade” oil from them.

Special products for greasing a creaking door

How to lubricate the hinges of a plastic, wooden or glass door

For high-quality lubrication of the hinges, it is advisable to remove the door, for which it rises slightly with the help of any improvised lever, for example, a crowbar or an ax, which is placed under the door end. Then all the elements on the box and on the door leaf are carefully lubricated with a special tool to eliminate creaking. After that, the door is again hung on the hinges, and opened and closed several times so that the lubricant is evenly distributed. At the end, the remaining lubricant must be wiped off with a dry cloth.

Sometimes, to lubricate the hinges, it is enough just to lift the door with a lever without removing it from the hinges.

If it is not possible to remove the door, or if the hinges in this case are one-piece, the lubricant is simply applied between the hinge hinges - spray lubricants are best suited for this.

If the hinges are rusty, then the best thing to do is to replace them with new ones, as over time they will deteriorate even more.

How to grease a door lock

Care for the door is not only in the timely lubrication of the hinges in order to prevent squeaking, this equally applies to the door lock. If you lubricate it regularly, you are unlikely to encounter a stuck or jammed lock that is difficult or impossible to open. That is why you should not forget about regular lubrication of locks.

But still, how to lubricate the lock for its optimal operation? In principle, grease for locks and door hinges is often the same means. So, for lubrication of sulvadic locks, dry lubricant from crushed graphite is usually used, which is poured into the disassembled lock or directly into the keyhole.

For lubricating cylinder locks, machine oil, universal silicone grease, or the previously mentioned WD40 liquid for the care of various mechanisms are well suited.

To lubricate the lock, the door well must first be treated with a cleaning agent: pour the agent inside and turn the key several times. After cleaning, a little lubricant is poured into the well - it is more convenient to do this from a spray bottle equipped with a thin plastic tube.

It will be useful for every owner to know how and with what to lubricate the doors. When an unpleasant piercing creak emanating during the movement of the door leaf breaks the comfortable silence in the dwelling, negative emotions are felt and unpleasant sensations arise. Irritation grows if it is not possible to quickly fix it, making the operation of the door mechanism silent.

Reasons for the appearance of a creak

From the appearance of a door creak, no one is immune. Fittings need not only proper installation, but also periodic adjustment, lubrication. If the door began to make a sound during movement, you should first find the cause of this phenomenon. And there may be several:

    The lubricant should be checked and the options for its absence should be excluded, namely: drying, thickening, spreading. In its absence or insufficient quantity, the fittings, rubbing, first stop working correctly, and then completely fail.

    A creak may appear due to corrosion. Rust slowly but surely eats the metal door leaf, making it difficult to move. Having noticed it, you need to lubricate the front door with a special anti-corrosion agent.

    It is worth looking at the details, analyzing the degree of their deterioration.

    Often debris, dust gets into the hinges and, having become very dirty, the structure begins to creak. Before lubricating the hinges of interior doors, all dirt should be removed.

If the creak appeared as a result of a lack of lubrication or the cause turned out to be garbage, for many the question becomes relevant, how to lubricate the door so that it does not creak.

Lubrication options

It doesn’t matter, or, loops, mechanisms periodically require attention and care. To do this, it is useful to have a special jar with a tool on the farm that will help you find the answer to the question, how to lubricate the door and fittings. It could be Solidol, Ciatim. If it is necessary to lubricate the entrance door structure or gate, universal means are suitable: Litol (frost-resistant, water-resistant) or WD 40 (universal agent that fights rust and corrosion).

Lubrication alternatives

If there is no special tool on the farm, then in search of an answer, how to lubricate the door hinges, you can find an alternative. Motorists will always find old, once drained engine oil. It is great for lubricating hinges and locks.

Usually those who sew or do needlework with a sewing machine also have a full oiler in their bins. It is convenient to apply such oil, it is perfect for door hinges.

In cases where there is nothing to lubricate the hinges, you can use ordinary vegetable oil. True, such a lubricant will not last long.

How to oil fittings

There are a few rules about how to lubricate door hardware with oil.

    It is convenient to work with a special oiler. It can be replaced by a medical syringe.

    The disassembled fittings are lubricated with a brush or a cotton swab wound on a long skewer or tweezers.

    After greasing with a napkin, it is necessary to remove excess oil.

When choosing how to lubricate the door leaf, its fittings, it is best to use high-quality thick products. It is important to do this regularly for prevention purposes.

You can endure a creaking door for a long time, but sooner or later you will get so tired of this high-frequency sound that you will want to get rid of it once and for all. But how to lubricate the door hinges so that they do not creak as long as possible?

There are quite a few options for lubricating door hinges. The best is to use engine oil. Moreover, if you do not have a car, it is not at all necessary to purchase a whole canister.

In hardware stores, you can find household motor oil for sale, which is sold in small plastic tubes. It is designed for sewing machines, locks and other mechanisms, respectively, and does an excellent job of lubricating door hinges.

The price of a tube of such oil is 30-50 rubles. As practice shows, it is enough for domestic use.

But what to do if there was no such oil at hand, and you no longer have the strength to endure the creaking of doors?

You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  • WD. If you have this tool, you can safely process the loops with it, and the squeak will disappear for a long time. If you don’t have it, then we recommend buying it, since you can use it not only for lubricating mechanisms, but, as they say, “for all occasions”. In particular, WD40 allows you to remove rust from threaded connections and then easily unwind them, clean surfaces from glue, paint, etc .;

  • graphite lubricant. This is perhaps one of the best solutions for lubricating hinges, as it allows you to get rid of squeaks for many years;

  • Silicone Grease. It is also a long lasting lubricant that is a good alternative to graphite grease. Especially it can be recommended for external doors, as it is not afraid of frost as, in fact, high temperatures;

  • Solidol / Litol. These lubricants also do an excellent job of eliminating squeaks. However, due to their density, working with them is not very convenient. But on the other hand, if you disassemble the hinges and qualitatively coat the axles with grease, you will forget about squeaks for many years.

You can, of course, lubricate the hinges with grease and superficially, i.e. without disassembling the loops, but such a measure will help for a short time, since the composition will not penetrate deeply;

  • graphite pencil. This tool can be used if there are no lubricants at hand at all. Graphite has excellent sliding properties, so it eliminates squeaks well, especially if the pencil is soft.

The only thing is that the squeaks will disappear for a short time, since the graphite gets enough sleep quickly enough. However, such a measure is enough to temporarily solve the problem until you get a more reliable tool;

  • Butter or lard. Use these tools only as a last resort, to temporarily eliminate squeaks, if you have nothing else at hand.

Advice! In no case do not use vegetable oils, especially sunflower, to process hinges and other metal mechanisms. It allows you to temporarily get rid of squeaks. At the same time, the treated surface begins to rust very quickly, as a result of which the problem is greatly aggravated, for example, locks lubricated with sunflower oil stop working altogether.

Lubrication technology

We figured out the means, now let's look at how to lubricate door hinges with their help.

You can perform this operation in two ways:

  1. Superficially, without disassembling the loops;
  2. Capital, i.e. disassembled.

Lubricate without disassembling

Most often, there is a need to quickly lubricate the hinges without disassembling them.

In this case, the technology depends on the type of tool that you will use:

Illustrations Actions

If you want to lubricate with household oil, it is best to do this with a syringe or a special oiler.

Tubes of oil for this purpose usually have a thin nozzle. Working with it is not as convenient as with a syringe, but it is also possible.

When using oil, follow these steps:
  • Thoroughly coat all the cracks, trying to inject the oil inside so that it flows all the way to the rod;
  • Operate the door to let the liquid flow;

Repeat the procedure to achieve the greatest effect.

To lubricate the loop with WD40, you need to put on the sprayer a special tube nozzle, which is included in the kit. Next, you just need to press the spray button, and inject the product into all the slots of the movable hinge element, as shown in the photo.

Note! WD40 contains a toxic organic solvent - white spirit. Therefore, after lubricating the door, it is advisable to ventilate the room.

There are two ways to lubricate the canopy with graphite:
  • Pulverize the pencil tip to a powder and rub it into the crevices with your finger.

Note! In the same way, awnings are lubricated with grease.

  • If there is no gap, or it is too small, slightly lift the door with a lever (axe, crowbar, crowbar) and insert a piece of a pencil rod into the gap formed. Then the door must be lowered and the hinge rotated with it. As a result, the rod will be crushed, and the powder will lubricate all rubbing areas.

Note! The second method is not suitable for all types of canopies. In such cases, disassembly of the loops is indispensable.

Another option is to use a hammer and nail to knock the axle out of the grease application loop.

Please note that all these methods only temporarily get rid of squeaks. Those. six months / a year will pass, and the problem of creaking doors will have to return. In some cases, if the squeak is caused by debris in the hinge, surface lubrication may not help much at all.

Therefore, if you want to lubricate the canopies once and for all, you need to disassemble them.

Advice! When lubricating the hinges, immediately lubricate the lock as well, as its moving mechanisms also need periodic maintenance.

Lubricate the disassembled hinges

The instruction for capital lubrication looks like this:

Illustrations Actions

As a rule, canopies consist of two cards (plates), which are connected by an axis. To disassemble them, you need to unscrew the latch, which is located at the lower end of the axle, and then pull the axle out with pliers.

If the axle does not come out, do not try to knock it out with a hammer, as in this case you risk damaging the hinge and the door leaf. It is better to treat it with WD40 and wait a while until the agent corrodes the rust.

Advice! In order not to remove the door, do not disassemble two hinges at once. First lubricate one and assemble, and then the other.

Clean the axle of dust and dirt. This is very important, as we have already said, the cause of the creak is often debris that has fallen into the moving mechanism.

Then do the following:

  • Lubricate the axle thoroughly with graphite lubricant, silicone or, for example, grease.
  • Do the same work with the loops themselves.

Assemble the loop by inserting the rod and rotate the cards around the axis, closing and opening the door. This will squeeze out excess grease.

Wipe the surface of the canopy with a rag and remove excess grease.

The cause of the squeak may be a bent rod. Therefore, after removing it, carefully inspect it and, if necessary, align it with a hammer.

I must say that some models of canopies do not have a removable axis. To disassemble them, you need to raise the door or first remove the canopy by unscrewing the screws from the door leaf or frame. Otherwise, the process of their processing with a lubricant is carried out according to the principle described above.

Also found generally non-separable. Accordingly, they can only be lubricated superficially.


Now you know how to lubricate door hinges, and you can use both improvised means and special compounds for this. Finally, we recommend watching the video in this article to visually familiarize yourself with this procedure.

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